
Document, Slideshow

Abiotic Factors Content Practice  A LESSON 1
Documents 15 сентября 2016
Dove dormire - Touring Club Italiano
Documents 06 июля 2016
«Decapitato un altro ostaggio»
Documents 06 июля 2016
Partire per… la Germania
Documents 06 июля 2016
Elenco medici al 18_02_2014.xlsx
Documents 06 июля 2016
Documents 15 сентября 2016
22nd Nordic AcAdemy of mANAgemeNt coNfereNce
Documents 15 сентября 2016
a scuola con gli scacchi
Documents 06 июля 2016
VISTO il dPR 28.12.1970
Documents 06 июля 2016
Thomas Woznicki “Golf Records” Alibi and “Falsified Documents”
education 15 мая 2017

Thomas Woznicki “Golf Records” Alibi and “Falsified Documents”

The first two pages appear to contain selected portions of a “grievance arbitration” document associated with Thomas Woznicki and the New Richmond, Wisconsin school district. The text on the second page appears to suggest that Mr. Woznicki may have used “golf records” as his alibi, even though he was apparently the “President” of the organization that produced the records. It is unclear whether Thomas Woznicki’s position as President of the Hammond Golf Club could have potentially allowed him to fabricate or falsify the “golf records” that may have functioned as his alibi. The Boscobel School Board Minutes document on the third page mentions Thomas Woznicki and appears to reference “falsified documents” and “misrepresented” funds. The remaining pages appear to contain a series of emails, several of which were sent by Thomas Woznicki, pertaining to the documents in question.

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