
14 Verbi modali 2: tempi passati (54–59, 62)

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14 Verbi modali 2: tempi passati (54–59, 62)
Verbi modali 2: tempi passati
(54–59, 62)
I principali usi dei verbi modali al passato sono:
Verbi modali
Abilità e
could /couldn’t
was/were able to
I could walk when I was one.
He was able to escape.
could /couldn’t
We couldn’t wear jeans at
my old school.
had to/didn’t have to
We had to wear a tie at
my old school.
needed to/didn’t need to
needn’t have
I didn’t need to go to hospital.
You needn’t have bought a
Certezza e
must have
can’t have
could have
might have
Consigli e
should have
You should have said ‘hello’.
must have been John.
can’t have been Mark.
could have been Pete.
might have been Tom.
14.1 Photocopiable The Complete English Grammar © Oxford University Press
1Correggi le frasi scrivendo la forma al passato dei verbi modali.
At my old school, we can’t wear jeans.
At my old school, we couldn’t wear jeans.
1 We don’t have to go to school yesterday.
to school yesterday.
2 I have to leave school early yesterday. I have to go to the dentist.
school early yesterday. I
to the dentist.
3 Only a few people passed the exam. It must be very difficult.
Only a few people passed the exam. It
very difficult.
4 I’ve lost my bag. I think I might leave it on the bus.
I’ve lost my bag. I think I
it on the bus.
5 You really should visit the Coliseum when you were in Rome.
You really
the Coliseum when you were in Rome.
2Completa i dialoghi con could o couldn’t e i verbi del riquadro.
A: When did you learn to swim? B: I could swim when I was five.
A: Did you get that new mobile phone you wanted?
B: No, I couldn’t afford it.
1 A: Did you get some money?
B: No, I
a cash machine.
2 A: How was the concert?
B: It was OK, but we were at the back and we
3 A: When did you first learn French?
B: Well, I
to ten when I was about five.
4 A: Did you go to the match last night?
B: No. I
a ticket, so I watched it on TV.
14.2 Photocopiable The Complete English Grammar © Oxford University Press
3Completa le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi, utilizzando il
verbo modale tra parentesi.
Peter’s new TV is amazing. I think it cost thousands of pounds. It (must) must have cost thousands of pounds.
1 I wasn’t allowed to play computer games until I was twelve.
I (couldn’t)
computer games until I was twelve.
2 The shoes fitted perfectly. It wasn’t necessary to change them.
I (need)
3It was obligatory to study at least one language when I was
at school.
We (had)
at least one language when I was at school.
4I’ve checked the car twice. It’s not possible that you left your
bag in it.
You (can’t)
your bag in it.
5You didn’t get my email? Perhaps I sent it to the wrong address.
I (might)
it to the wrong address.
6 Y
ou did five exams last week! I expect you were glad when they
were finished. You (must)
when they were finished.
14.3 Photocopiable The Complete English Grammar © Oxford University Press
4Scegli l’alternativa corretta.
Today, you could / can’t smoke in public buildings, but
before 2008 you mustn’t / could.
1Today, all tobacco advertising is banned in the UK. Before 2005,
tobacco companies must / could advertise in magazines and
before 1965 they can /could also advertise on TV.
2You must / could wear a seat belt in a car – it’s the law.
Before 1982, you couldn’t / didn’t have to wear one.
3Today, all women over the age of 18 can / must vote in the UK.
However, before 1918 women in the UK couldn’t / mustn’t vote,
and until 1928 only women over 30 could / had to vote.
14.4 Photocopiable The Complete English Grammar © Oxford University Press
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