Document 1566918
Where do the gods take their guests for an Dinner? Dlonysos II. Where after dancing and dining on our award winning cuisine your guests will smash their plates ! It'S a Greek trad ition. It means theY're happy. Cocktails and dinner, 5:00 p.m . till closing. Shows : 9:30 , 11 :30 p.m., 1:30 a.m. 208 west 70th Street (212) 496-6400 A plate 's throw from Lincoln Center. &D@~~®D D Treat yourself like a Greek god. -SIZE * Nov. I - Mar. 31 Apr. I-June 14 Aug. 16-0ct. 31 Olympic has turned Greece into an Olympic-size bargain. Save up to 11 % on our Love-A-Fare round trip from New York to Athens and Thessaloniki. There is no lower fare available on a scheduled airline. Same fare from Boston to Athens via New York. OLYMPIC·SIZE SPECIALS $549 ROUNDTRIP From time to time special fares are available. Ask for details when you call. The $50 Greece. Fly round trip from Athens to any point in Greece for $50. Fly to New York for less. Olympic has special low connecting fares from I. major U.s. cities. ,- June IS-Aug. 15 OLYMPIC·SIZE BONUS GREECE 50% OFF The dollar is now worth SO% more in Greece than just two years ago. So you and your money go much farther. Only Olympic has nonstop 747 wide bodies every day of the year, which means you enjoy "Pick-A-Day" convenience. Pick any day for departure, any day for return. Fly through J.F.K. Corning horne, speed through the private facifities we share with American Airlines at J.F.K. Connections on American are just steps away, and United is right next door. Olympic Airways, the national airline of Greece. We speak your language. For reservations and information, call your travel agent or Olympic toll-free 800-223-1226. In New York 212-838-3600. OZV.-.. .,C AI."'AVS -SIZE AIRLINE OF MA-I·m: 1983 3 TrlOtOu<; !..IE ri:o:; 6.90var£<; lCai. tpWTElVOtaTE<; «~£UtC Aaj}Et£ tpw<; tIC tOU Ctv£ontpou <proto.;'" To OEAEl rtOAV 6AO~ 6 KOOj..lOC; va Y£)1l011 tiTrO <pw<; 6 oupavo.:; Kat ri r i; · Na aKnvopoA'"'10otJV ttlv ciY01tll, Ti] OUYXWPllOl, TTl oo~a Kai TtlV E{PtlVTl, nov elval 6 'iowe; 6 avaoTT1j..ltvo~ XPlOtOo:;. ' Avoi~Tf: tf:<; KapOtE<; 00.0:;, YUI viip9'l j..IEOa H~£\(;: ,.E1jir.po\, nac;a Krio/(; G,'ai.i.r.ra l K(Ji l..aipu XpIOfOr; dviar'1 on KUt ~A61J; tOKVI.r.t'J011" (Ah;'ui.uwiplol' rou ndal.u) 'Ai5£i.cpoi Kui tEKVU tv XPlOTql 'A vaotavn npootpti.r" MCJ.~L, ~i: Tip.! Ktio\ Korel TOV avacrtaOl)lO TO~TO\' opepo ea "(£)1i011 Kal it KapOla oa.; KCll it 1l0PlPti OU~ cino ciotEpta. 'Arro civaOtUoq111 c11a/J,iuo 11 KOt xapa. rlari Ku,nolOv op9po oav tOY 0l1)l£P1VO iipZlm: j.1EOU ano ti]v hq.ln'lo6va £vo;; iiO£ lOlJ tutpOlJ it O£ut£p'l l>TlI..IlOlJpyiu - to "tJn£p<PlJt~ .. 8uiJj.1u. Ti Kt' o.v to ciPVT19'lKUV il to u pvOGvWl at apvTjoi8P110KOl K1 au·tot TraG ~Ol, V O·!KU/.ta j.1£ ri]v 0.1[I0tio il TTl Z/~ tapi] rrian 0' a/.Tj TOlJ~ ti]v ~U)rl. MUptl)pOtJ)1(;VO TO ' < '!1tCP4'lJt~ 8aoj.1a» (ln o tlf E:KCH0j.1)10plU TooV i:0PWCHWV, cino TOV nui.)lo Kat tOY t6vo tou i:opwCJ)lOl) )lU; Kui.ct 0' evu OU(O )lo<; "tJncptpl}£.<; Oal)~lCl " ltoi) dvUt, nOIJ npEm.:l va dvUt, t1 OtKrl )lCl<; t~ o\'ciCJwm ano tt<; ouvCzct; ntwo£l:; )1a<;, npotoG wi. "(ivolJV it n:i.1Ki] ntWOl )la:; CJtov ITV(l))lCJ.t llCO KUl i]81KO ecivuto. 'AvupiOll'ltol WJTOi , ITOI) avaotr'JvovWl rno\' ITU)lq>WTO aUTOV opepo ano Konow to.tpo, nat) Ki.£lVtl )1EOU tOI) V£KPO aV£lpa, V( KPei. uio9iU.J.uw , VEKp(JlJ.1E\'f:~ OVU)l vi] <J f. l;. V£KP )1i:Vf. ~ u.K6)l1l OlN£t0rl0£U: Kai '{Il ' Zi:;· MnTrC!)':; C'i)lU(H£ Kt ' E)ldc:; .....:... not) KpC'("[U)l£ U:VU)1)lCVCC; ti:c; i .U)ln6:b£,:; )la~, on' W'; toG-;;' An' U t.,TO(J~, noG ~ l1 toijv va Ka\lfotN t6 <JKOtUOI Kat )lU ~l) wu tOV10lO to tlavaTo )l{;d Oti] <pi.o"(u t<l)v i.u)lnu8u)v tOUO:; Kat va (j)(I)VU,;Ol)V: <otplktvr. l 11:cu:i to KUKO, ~9civ£1 nr.1Ct t1 hOPTltQ Kai tl Piu Kat to €.YKAll)la Kat 6 80:vaTo~». MEa ' OtOV op8po mUTO lo"toplKa oav XPlonovoi TtAllOlOCOO).l£ tOY niq)Q "tou X P10TOi), ytO va o.noKu)..loOUj.1£ «TOV AiSo £K Tfje; 9upa<; mu ).lVll).ldou». lUI va ouv3tat.£XSOU)l£ )lE to A£UKOVtu).lCVO aYY£Ao Kai V aKOUOOU)l£ an' TO: Xr.O.11 totJ to «aUK e:onv WO£». nw~ 6 0£oc:; ({VOl «0£0<; ~WVt WV 0Xl t£8v£wrrov». nOlO:; «to:tpo:; KOt VEKPWcrt<;» okv exolJv Ka)l)lla 8Em Oti] ~w~ tWV motWv. n we; « Tll XptcrtO~ tK V£KPWV, AVOW; Oavatou Ta O£O)lo». nw<; «VCKPO~ ouo£iC; tv t<iJ )1vi))l on ». n &.:; 6" A311<; bUKp6:v9f) , ytuti KutllPyi)Sl1. n oo<; bn KpavO.." ytati i:vcnal1.Of). nw~ bUKpav911 , Ylat i l:vr.Kpw9..,. n&c:; CmKpo.vOTj. ytaTi Ku8'lpc9f). • E)l'{lUXW j.1EVOl ~l' aurt; ti] pEpaiwOl, avaOap POI..IEVOl alt' au Ttl tTl OtG.K~PlJ~l, lie; mon:uoOUJ.l£ OTTlV ~Wrl, ttiv attpl..l0vll, nou dvalo XplOTOC;. Ki a~ Trpoona8oou)l£ auti] TTlV 11:iott va nlv KavOu)lr. avaotaot).lo Piwj.1u. npOOwntKO. LlJV£tOlltO. Xapoul..I£vo. ElJttJX10)lf:vO. .. AC; tJo/woouJ.u: TE<; ),OJ.l11:08E<; )lac; Kt' ayanl1)l£vo. aC; KaA£OOU)l£ OAOU~ ntOTOUC; Kai J.ltl an, 6 Xpla,,'>, nim1 OCt "1 an y ~~. 0iip9T] Kai «roov Oupwv ICEKA£tOI..lEVWV .. 6.1C0I..I'1. rUI va OUVO)lI/.nOTl l..Ia~U oa~. "01tW~ J.l0.llOE ~lf: TOVe; 800 )1((011TEO:;: tOV AOUKa Kat tOv Kt.€o1tO oav Tttlyatvav ati]v . E)l)luoue;. ' AKOl)Ot€ tOY ).oyo JTOUnE OTOU~ )la911rtc; Tou )lETa ti]V aVciOTaOl: «Kai i80u tyw )1£9' UJ.lWV d~i no:oar; t6:<; Ti~Epar;, EWr; ni<; ouvr£hiar; tiOv alwvwv .. (MaT9. 28, 30). LaV tE<; aX"five<; rou ii/.LOU ea. Y£)liOll 6 AOYO<; aUTO<; TO on:ln 00.<;, OtWXVovTar; ~laKp ua. TOV <popo, to crKOt081 , TOV 80vaTo. 'Av((oToo£WC; tlJ.lEpa , aO£A<pOt Kat tEKva <PWtOjlop<pa. "A~ AaJ.lrtpuv90U)1E ano to liVE01t£PO ~&.:; Kl' Ci.:; dV01~OU)1E to. XEpla d (va aVaOTOO1)lO cr<ptXTaYKO:t.laOjla tr9pot Kat <piAol. Kt' €.t01 )l' tiO£).<pW)lEV£<; 'IIUxto:; Kat KapOt£<; iiI'; '{Iu).f,OU).lC)lt oupovoq>9aot"1l <pwvij "tov U)lVOV autov tii<; tiv£onEPTle; I..IEpar;. tflo:; Kal vOUpylO<; XPlcrnavlKflr; ~wi1e;, TO "XP10tOC; aVEOtll'" ATHENS ACROPOLIS PHOTO STUDIO W EDDI NGS COMMERCIAL 35·04 BROADWAY CORNER OF 35TH ST. ASTORIA. N. Y. TEL. 728-0806 Athens International News Agency <%>!lTOrPA<%>IH rIA E<%>HMEPIt.EI: KAI nEPIO~IKA TQPA TO AEGEAN PRODUCTIONS TIpoe; , ~IAeETEI 1tcOAllO'l1 , Kat EVOtKtaO'l1 ~ KINHMA TO rp A <I> IKEl: T AINIES BINTEO KAI ~ IIO~Ol:<I>AIPIKOYl: ArnNEl: rIA TO l:IIITI l:Al: rl(11tEpl(J06rEpE~ 1tAl1pO(j)opiE~ leai learaAOYO rl1AE(j)wY1l0arE ii ypaljlarE oro. Aegean Productions 29-11 Ditmars Blvd., Astoria, N.Y. 11105 Tl1A. (212) 721-7990 4 .• NEA YOPKH- rUl Ah ii~aO"tt ~6VOl! . AYUJtrrtE Malcptil, ).I.E apKETo EVOlacpEpOV TO 0';(6- K. ~t<i~aaa. Alo (Ja~ O"TijV EKOOOT] TOU ~T]v6C; MaprioD TOU ltEPLOOIKOU cras. aXEtlKU J.lE to ((Mrlvu~a TOU ITpw9unoupyou" ·rii<; 'EAArioo<; Kat ~E AlHtll napaniPllaa nffi.; oar; thw.p£Uyet y€yovoc; on to 7tEPlOOIKO «' E}.)... llVlKOe; K6aJ.loc;", ano TtlV npwtTl Kl' ot..UC; £KOOO'11 TOU tOV MaXo TOO 1979, rax911K£ aVollCTCt eYavtiov "["fie; J.l£lucpun:uoEwc; t&v KOJ.lJ.lCt"ttKWV na9&v Kat tt'ic; KOJ.lJ.lanKO1tOlt10£0lC; lfje; OJ.loy€:v€tac;. •AcpOPJ.ltl rIa TllV napumlvw ll'n:£v8uI-LIOTI, IJOU £0000£ TO crrUlEtav EKdvo TOU oxoAiou ow; 01"0 onolo avacpi:pEtE on "Of SEOEle; J.laC; m."r(Ec; (8rfAa8i] Evavtiov flic; KOJ..lJ.lanK01tOtT]OEroC; Tiic; 0J.l0yEvElac;) riC; onoi£c; otilv 'A)lep IKiJ nou AY]0llovoGv 01"l ~p8av eo& oav O:V1"lJrpoownol 'Iii':; 'E),AT]VIKfj.:; nOAlt£la<; Kat 0XI oav KOj.1J.uoaptOl. ~uv£xior£ Tt1V wpaio O'a.:; uyoova . <I>lAIK6)'tata, 8~~. ITauA6ytavv~<; Chicago, Ill. to a1toqmyav QucY'cuXffic; va Ul[O(Jtllpi~ou v ta aAAu 0J.l0YEVELaKCt EVtu1t<l ... .». TIlO"tEUW Ott aOlKdn: TO JrEPlOOIKO )la~ 1tOU oi geoEl~ -cou dvUl aPKna oaqlElO:;, Kat )lelAlOta ot Ka1tOta nEpiJttWOTl do:; ou~T) tTlOa)lE Kat nPOOuHtlKa. 'EnO)lEVW~ Kat QV OUVE~T) va )lrl Ota~elOa-CE nl 0XOAlel )la~ o-co ~Tln1)la au-co, 6anpErrE -COUAaXlO-COV va Ev6U)lT)9TjtE rrpOOW7nKrl Ouvo)ltAia )la.:;, rrpoKE-I)leVQU va d01"E 8iKalO':; ow,;.:; xapaK1"TlPIO)lOU':; OU':;. nUJT£uoV'!a<; 01"l 90. £rravopSwoH£ -cov Y£VIKO oa.:; xapaK-CT)pIO)lO aVaql0pIKCt J.ti: tei «(aAAa O)lOYEVE-taKO EV1"U1ta», tOV onoio Kat QnOOlOOU)lE ot O:1tAfj napO:AE1\VTJ, OWt£AOD)lE, <ltlAlKcl, navo<; Xp. KOKKIVO<; 'EKOO-CTl<; - ~tEuSuvnl<; Llfj.J.dWGt] «Niae; 'YopKt]e;»; ElVa1, npayj.J.aTl, nap6.k.lljl~; Kai ('1roVI1c. uVYYVWJ1'1v. ME; r~v dJKalpia, drx0j.J.auu va aV<lfOouv oi ({Jwver;, nob vnoarlfpf(ovv r~v dvdYKt] vUj.J.dv'1 iT 'OJ.J.oyiv£ta I-WKPVa dnD TO. nOA,lT1Ka naB'1 rf;r;, y£virupar;,. To' Ap)(IEltt(fKOlttKO I:1l/lPOUAto Kupu: 8.u:u9uV'tci, Mt: nOAll f:VOla<ptpOV olci~uoa trlV owKTlPu~ll tOU •APXIE1tlOK01ttKOU EU)l~ou Aiou )lE ro 6noio Kutaoncci~ouV't(u Ot JrOAI1"lKE':; btE)l~cioEt.:; Oto: OIlOYEVEWKO: npo:y~atu YEVIKW':; Kai ot eKetVa nOll UqlOpOUV trlV 'EKKAlloia )lao:; OtrlV 'A)leptKrl . . H E)lq>aOTJ nOll COWOE to TrEPlOOll(O (m.:; orrlv OlaKrlPU~ll aut~ olKatOAoYEiTal ano tOY wpaio uyoova nOll OUVEX.U;Et£ yto. tOY unm;:AElollO trov EAATlVIKroV KO)l)lcitwv aTrO tilv OJ..tOYEVE\UKtl ~Wrl. To ..wO Xl » tOD •APX1£TrtcrKonll(Qu I:ull~ouAiou KaAo 80: elVat va Allql9fl oo~apo. un O\VlV uno rtlV EAAllVlK~ Ku~epvlloll Y1(l vo: nEplOpioll Wpto)li:va nno ta opyavci tll':; MA·[·m: 1983 Oi n/l[~ yta tOV K. AaVt~ouv1] , AyanY]tE K. MaKpla, eEp)lU O'uyx.apY]trlPW OtiJv .<Nea 'YopKTl» YIO: to E~WqlUAAO rOD Maptiou, Oi tlj..t£':; Yla tOY K. nEpIKAfj AavtsoUvll ~PiiKUV npoa8£tTl ~1tl~£~alwoY] oti.:; O'£Aio£<; tOD CYKU POU n£plOoIKoG oa<;_ Tou o.~l~aV allTt:~ Ot tt~f:':; ytat i tpyaorT]KE nOAll Kat YUl nOAAO: XPovla Kal Yla tiJv • OJ.1oyf:V£tU Ka1 ytll n)v • EAAcioa Kai T~V Kurrpo Ka1 YlO DAu to. E8VIKci )la.:; 9f:)lala. 'AvnnpoOUI1t£U£l tOU~ rrpuHo1t6pou~ nov ri)lY]oav Kai. tt)louv to £AATlVIKO ovo)la otilv . A)lEPIKrl, 0'£ uvti8£O'Tl )If: WpIOIJeVOU~ veou~ )lEtaVaOtEO:; rrov v-cponlci~ouv tr,v 'EAAaoa Kat tOV' EAAllVl0).10. OXt J.10VO Oo.v o:vapX1Koi, UAAa KUl oav ATlOtE~. • H I:mppripEU"~ t~<; apn~<; Kai t ii<; O'1(Ay]pfl~ ~pyaoia~, Elval Ku9fjKOV tOD TunoD. ME: £KttJ1T]all navo~ r£wpyiou New York, N .Y. B6.(fn~ Kai •O/loY£vna KUPIE otw9uvta, Euoow)lY] 1i 'O).1oyEv£la ~EO'lKoo9Y]K£ Kai naAl YIo. yO: anOKatUOTa8fj 1i ioopponla 7-10 otilv OtpanwTIKr, ~Oti8EW troy HTIA npo.:; 'EAAaoa Kai ToupKia. rta va enlt£lJx8ii ulno, )lao:; AevE ola~ qlOpot "EAA'lv£~ f:nioY])lOl rrou EPXOvtat tow, Ot O)loy£vEi.:; 8a rrptnEI va bI:lKOtVW~ vt;aouv j.1E tov.:; ~OUAWtto; Kat y£pou<JlaatE':; nov EKAoytKWV m:,plql£p£tWV rou.:;. eo fl9EAa vo. PWtt;ow tOu~NEAATlVEo; E1tlmillou,:; ti Sa EAeyav uv 1i cq.1£pIKaVIKrl KuPEPVll0Y] ~lltOUOE anD ).1a<; tov.:; 'EAA'lVOGIlEplKavou.:; va KelVOUJ.1E «AO)lJru» unEp tfj~ , AJ.1epIKii<; .• H . A).1£plK~ EVOWqlepetat va Kpatt;oy] 'Ii.:; ~ao£l':; 1"11<; atiJv' EAAelOa Kat )lei.:; 1tlOt£UOJ.1£ ott aUl{) Sa elval KaAO Kat Yla ri.:; OUO XroPE';. ea ).10:0; eJrbpt1t£ ~ CAATlVIKr, KU~EPVTJOll va KclVOl)j.1£ "AO).1)'l'U" otilv ' A8ijva yui tr,v OtatijpY]OTJ O'ttlV' EAAelOa lroV ~{tcr£wv tfj<; odnEPllC; natpioa<; ~a<;; ME f;Kti)lllOT] Eleni Morgan New York, N.Y. t~V napi;).U<JTl <I>iAtCllE K. MOKpIa, ~lcipaoa 1tPOO£KllKO OTr,\' «Nta 'YopKT]» to oT])looi£lJ).1a lOU rrpooTlv npot6pOlJ TfjC; 'Olloarrovoia.; 'EAA TJV1KroV rW).1ardw\· Nto.e; 'YO PKTl:; qli/.ou A. MavEof] 8H1 Ta.; Bcio£ l~ Kat Tilv' AVtLOtaOT]. rrot.. 8h dxa\' Ka).1)liav 8eoT] at~v napEAaall! . H Kaw yyeA ia lOU K. McivtO T] Ola Til\' 1tOAtll K01toiT]OT] Tfje; napU,cio£w~ ' 9a EiX£ KaAllT(:pa 01tOTE),t0J.1Uta tov i)nEorT] Kai orro tOU tl)lEpy]oiOIJ Tunoll. ~ta).lapTUpIEC; rYIvav Kat aAh;. Onw.; Ot i01K£':; Ilou rrpoTclcrElo; Ta<; erroias (.>TtEOttl ~ pl~e e K. L)liS Kai no),),ot 0.1..1,01. • EnpotEIVa 01tWs oti.:; <luv£O ptaOEI:; rii.; '011 0 o1tovoiQ(; rrpOOKaA£ttal e 'Et·~·l1\'oajJ£pl KaVtKo,:; T 0no<;. NO: npocrKat,OUnat Eu~ 1;WVOI YIO: tilv napv..aoT] ani tw\, ~OLJ A.£lJrwv. 'Erricr11~ dna oi pOUAELJtai Ila; Ul.ptvouv'ixvf] 1tO;',L tlKOU XPW).HHt0J.10U trot.. £1tlI.pi:pouv TOV 8tXuo).1o\' )..las Kat T~V OtOpy6.vWat 1tOAITlKWV opyavooOEW\,. rr~\' £:1tO)If.VT] ouvEOpioOll OtaV ((va1(Ot\'oo911K£ Otl '011 OO1tOVOla £K6./,£O£ a\,tltrpOOoo1tOll; TOU KOlvOPOU~.iou Kai aXI Eu~ti)\,otJ ,;. orall6.rlloa tpanf.~l tlKil tnno.yr, notl ElXa OooOEl YIO: lr,V f:rrlata crUjJOPOjJiJ roi\ 1983 rou LU).;\.O-(01) ~1tapTlUt&\', npo ~).1£pwV Eypa\Va d.; f:1.p11Il£p ioa OTtw,,; i:ydpll <rHtJV~ Yia til\' O:;U.ay~ tii; 11Il EPO).111V1U<; lii<; [lapeAcicrE<tJ;, ou)n Ta U:l,£l'taia Xpo vw \'£OAaia po.; t..:ai 01..01 oi 1tUpEf,auvovt£<; taAatrrWpO\J"rCll £:\'£1\:0. TOi:' Kalpou . 'H flapEl.aat; rrpE1tf.l \'a yi\'Eral lOV Mcito rrOD 6 KatPO; d\'at ~£or6t£po; Kai )..lE: Ttl\' OU)..lJ..lf.tOxtl Et\~W\'W\' . rpaqlw a1tO n:dpa. (0"; 1tPW11\' Ta~!ia; rii; 'O).1ocrrrovoia.; t..:ai Tallia; TPI{0\' TIap£ f,ci~ o£w\, . 6.tOtt £Y(l:J ~).10l!\, £I<.:El\'o; 6 onoio.:: dna d;; ro\, o:d~l\,'l0ro LJr. r1<.:01\1a t\'ro..; TOU ypaqldou tOll rrOll to\, £1ttoHtp9Tjt..:ap£ l..l£l..T] Ti;.;' OpOO1to\'oia.;. orrw..; ~T]!lio'l Orrl) t~\' TOT£ 1\:llP£pVT]OT] Tn; 'EAAU60..; TIl" anootof,tl f.0~ci)\'(t)\'. "AAAOt£ f:1tEl<.:pl\'a T~\, orr6cpacrt1 rii.; '01l00rro\,0Ia; 01tW; owpartlOT] TIl\' ?i\ll~) Yelv{tHJtl tii..; [lapEt,um:w; t..:ai o. AAOTEi:4l(Ova~a rrlO Oll\'aTO: orrw.; ovaEh:wpT]9i; arrllqlOat;; Yia OtclAllOT) rfj; 'O~tOO1w \'iSia.;. 'y noot'lpix8y]l<.:a ~lt rrdo).1Q aJft) Tl)\, cid~l\''l otOv 8.y]Il . TOl.paAo\', TO\' ·OAll~lTtIO\'il<.:'l\' Kai IlEyaA.o\' narpHOtT]\'. Autc. Jf£pi nap£Aootw;. Mi: tt..:ri~lT]ml. . HAio; NlI<.:OAl)JflW),o..; n n n Long Island. N.Y. napaTwva anD ril\' nf.lpnui KI'iPIE 8.1£ll811\'Tci. . 0 v£oatloraOd.; "l\I\'iS£oPll'; 'EAA 11"O~ all£pIl<.:a\'llo::ii..; <I>tAia..; Bopeil)\l ' EAAOiSt)';". trrpanlUTorroi T]O£ pi: 4 70 i:t..:iSpn~t(:i.;. «,>iAtH''; T01\ Lt1\'c)tOIJtW, O£l<.:ut;Pf.PT] i:l<.:iSpO~lIi ri.; Nta' Yt)Pl<.:l1 - O\·la01YI<.:HtJ\·. napi:artlaO\' t:i.; ltl\' Af.1Wllpyia\, TIl..; M'lTpo1tl)Af.(t)..; t: i.; ii" tXl1poO'TaaTllo£ b . A~)XH:1tioI<.:OTtl)'; . A,u:~ pi Kii; K. ' I ci.K(j)~O~ Koi n:o:prpwAouAl1crovIll: iou:uttpov cruj'KiVllCHV - T~V n:a p tAo~ crtV ci; Ttl\" 5'lv A€w<popov ala T~V' EAvtK~V . En:tn:lO tli~ 25'1<; Mu pT iou. 0£('l pEitUl Iw i ElVal T} J..lqa)~tJrtpo OJ..lU01KTt ~IHUKiV'lcrl~ . E)J, ~vwv n:po,:; ro::; H .n A. Kui J..lU/.IOW 01(1 KuOapa tOVtKO OKono. Ortl:)::; ~10 ti napotJaiu tooV J.l£ra~ lJ '(6)\! 6J..lo'(£vci)\" ~ tio£i.1.pooV J.lue; Kat ti n:poorco:8€IU 6t(:Ll "' P~O£Cj.; Kai nr.pOLt£pW atJal.pi~£(j); tii; notp ona poo6rotJ !pl).iOC; 'C&V 000 q>ii.{J)v Kui OVJ..lJ.l clX())V I.OWV. Kui 'Co ).lqa/.o Ul)'CO ·rr.YOV(J(, wnOl~O'l owv de; l~V nutpioa aOKd 'CtlV t.c.olJoiu ti r.pvOponpcimvl1 J..lap ~lcr nKtl tpu~ tria ti onoia C'l.C l Ka)J.l£pj'~O£1 Kai avu~ n'Ca .£l tva evt ovo aVnUJ..l£P1KaVIOJ.lO!! Kat ' (\'6) Au cnpcn£ va E~ap9r, iI aiJOopJ.l'1~ 10: rllV l;:'l: teCH.')\' noi.i,wv Kat Ka).Wv . E/.- BE GREEK TONIGHT BASK I ..... THE Sr.:SSHISE t) A .~· D WAR .\.fTHOFA.\' A uTH£STI C GR£f.·K Savor [he smells SPEC I AL and laSles oj a BEL L Y DANCER "uI'sine born in SIGHTLY [he islands oj RES T A lR A NT Greece WLth our latest exten$Lon we can cater \0 450 peopk Live International Floor Show f'f.ATCRI.'U; L' RfEA GOt R.4fET F()UnS )70 RO UTE 46 SOUT H HA CKE"S AC K Reservatiom (20 1) 440-\771 Open Daily al 5 • Closed TUf'.Hiar ano ), nvwv narp lWt&v tT)V B6pElo 'EA/.a00, £u pt9T) J.lia cql1uu:pic; Kat Ot 6pyavw~i:VOI tpu9pon:p<i(JlVOI KEKp<ilat lOU n A10K Kal ui)v K.K.E. 3Ul va a n:oooKI~l(ioouv '[~v tOVIK~V auni anooro).~ Kat va. ~Ul~ anoowoouv n:po8i:ow; Kat n:p<i~EI<; t~ffi npaYJ.lOnKac;. MaC; antoU)oav tOV n~I'1nK6 xapaK't'l~ plOJ.lO tWV 6.KpoOe~l(j)v Kai ltlV np68£Olv va «(Ja).l1to1CipoU~H» tae; £KO'lAWO£L<; Kat 'Cilv rraptAaotV bri lfl'E8vlK"fj EnELtllfl tfic; 25T]<; MapTlO\J 182 1! . OGo£noT£ b.pav"Ca~6 J..l E8a Ott 8a un:tlrXOV tooov tpavanOIlEVO t Kat av8fJ.~ J·llVE<;! ... . AAj,a nepov ili~ ro~ iiwu OI01tl Olwm:wc; 1tu(piac; J.ta~. t~C1tAaYl1J.lf.V oUl t..,v i:iyvOlO twv 'E)'.J..';vwv ~ OIlOY£:vrov aVo.q>0PII(U p.£ <TtV bnKpoToi'HJQV tKpu9J.loV Kal opa~lOnKtiv KOtaatClOlv t il ~ xwpa<;1l0C; ano tiJv KOJ.lIlOVvlo'COJ.1ap~lOTlK"'V OtUKul3t pvT]mv tOu nA10K ! .. Kai Olt::.pwtw)lc8o.; 6i:.v (mapx€! tl OEV yi ~ vnal tV' PWO H; tooV oJloyevwv J.lOC; ano lilv 'EKKAl1oia, tn npocopEia Kai tOue; a)J.. olJ~ c.popciC; tii<; 0J.l.0Yf.Vf:{ac;; Kat 6' D.),Tjvoq>wvo<; Tunoe; ri KaJ.lV£I; .. Anavrr. e; l:~l1yop<ioe'lcrav fj u1t£lciYTJoQV d ~ tOY (pV8ponpclcrt vo OaTaVa. 6 6noio~ brtK0911a£ OO/.lw,; Ka1 OTJ)lO YWY IKoo~ €Ie; 'COy 'CpaX'lAO raG' EAA'lV IKOi) Aaou Kai EXElOWI,GOCt ra nclvw EaWtEplKoo,; Kai Kalf:Ot'1o£ TtlV Xwpa J.lo.; ava~\()n:toTO .. ouJ.1J.laxo» Kai baipo; Ti arrCYlV£ ~ YV{!lOTtl <pIAon:cnpia roov ojJo'(£vwv J.lo<; d<; Hn A; ME £~Ul P£llKtl t1).lTt 6j.lOycvd~ ANTONHl: HA0Hl: fl.IKTJy6po.; ~ 6 TJ)lOolOy paq:.0.; rCVlKO<; rpa~l)larEi)<; rr,<; EEHEn fl.1£uOvvrtl~ rii~ EI.pTJ J.lEp i8o:; .. nElpalKo<; Koo)lo~» n"pulcG, TU 15-4-1983 ATHENS CENTER HOTEL -"I ! Tel. (212) 947-3180 l:THN KAPt.IA THl: A0HNAl:. • K£vtPU(Dl; KAI~OnOJ.lDl; • 136 0<01.U)tl0, AOlltpO, tllAtq>w\lO. pOOU.')(pwvo. j3Q)(ivto . • 'EOTlOtOPI0 ftOAvt£A.£ioC;, Mmip, poUql YKapvt£v, 1I:OA.VUA.t{c; al90oo£c; \moOoxilc; Kat (Ol(uTlKO YKap<i~. IS Maptiou - 31 'OKt",~piou Hr'fA YOPKH NEW YORK. Greek-American Monthly Review MAY 1983 VOL. XXXV No. 413 All correspondence should be addressed to H NEA YOPKH P.O. BOX 675 GRAND CENTRAL STATION NEW YORK. N.Y. 10163 Edilor and PubJj.rner PETER S. MAKRIAS Founder and Social Edilor SPYROS MINOTOS Associale EdilorJ Prof. E. BOURODEMOS Ph .D. JACQUES A. CASE Cottlribwing £dilOrJ: Prof. M. VYRON RAlliS ADRIANNE PALIOS RIGAS KAPPATOS BOB NICOLAIDES DIMITRIS IOANNIDES GIANN IS KOUNADIS ELIAS GRIVOGIANNIS N I COS SPANIAS STAVROS GRAMMATIKOPOULOS C HRYSTALENNILOUKAIDOU ACHILLES SAKELLARIDES Art Director CH RISTINE NERRIE Representative in Greece GIANNIS L. KOUNADIS Solonos 116 - Tel. 3606307 NEA YQPKH (New York) the Greek~ American monthl y review IS published by lhe HELLENIC HERITAGE LTD .. 30 West 36t h S treet (10th OOOr), N. York , N.Y. 10018 . Second Class poslage paid at N. York, NY. TIJ.lai SwJ.latiwv: Mo\IQd. I\lO. 1.630oPQlJ.ttC;. L\lKA.1VO 2.348 opaXJ.ltC;. Tp{KAt\IQ 2.892 oPI. IUj.l1l:£pt1.0J.lj3Q ...tlUI KOvtlVtvtaA J.lftptK!pOO"t. 6.leJ P£<£pPtOl0 V~ (botoe~t£ O't'T!v N. 'YoPKll (212) 483-«>42 <. 'A pot"'1 ~ yp(h.att: SophocJeous and Athenas 26. Athens, Greece. Tel. 524-8511-7 Telex 4488 ALCY GR 6 ·Et Tloia LU",OPOJ.l1i : $25 .00 YUI 'AJ.I£P1KTt lCUi Kavaoo . . AtPOM PllCTt o.rr:oatOA" Yla EUpWftll L{ai 6AO to ... L{6o~o $50.00. Tpa1'1:£<6) ... , 'Eft1ltIP'iOtw\I Kai ·Opyavl0J.l6) ... SIOO.OO. .NEA YOPKH .. 8eJ.1.ara rou M,!vi)(; ,H l.fJfj¢o~ TWV 'Arroc5i]jJwv I H' {u),oypatpia avril roD 1863 oe/xv!1 ~EA),f}VEC; TOO lIova/yOU va tpflrpi(ouv oro '£AAf]VIKO npo(evEio lIovo;vou, TO 1862, OTTWC; yp6</JEI np6o¢oro TEUXOC; rrye; Greek. Gazette, aTt}v anoia KoroXWpr,e"KE. YIC} va UnOOTI]p1x8tj IJ 6v6YKf} aUJ.1J.1ETO - xfJc; TWV 'ATTOOt1j.JWV oTiC; 'E),),f]VIKE{ EKAoYE{ - mou::tJojJE OT! 6AoKAflPO! rrpaYJJo nou EJ.1fiC; 86 fXr} oAi8pIG OTTOTEAiojJoro, V/(1 rov 'E),),f]VI0J.10 · Onwc; e{r}VEi i} ouv66€.A¢oC; roD !lava/vou, oTiC; EKAoYf{ EKEiVEt;. nou t7TOV 0/ rrpWTE{ OTiC; orroie{ J.1uioxov 07160'71.101, lVIvav rlJv EKAoyl} GVTfTTpoocimwv 'E),),f]VIKWV napou(fWv rrye; £iJptim'1{. orl)v T1PWTf] .E8voauviAEUOf] JJHD rr)v EK8pOVIOf] TOO ·08wva. 'Evw Of wplOpEVe{ ayyAlKE{ "OAEIe; i(eAiYf1oav imotpr'J(/J101 xwpiC; avrina)"o, oro lIovoivo Of]J.lEIW8flKE fVTOV0SnpO€K),oY1K0S- o'VWVOS- "oil ololp€o€ P08UTGTO T!}V 'E),),flVlKI} KOIV6TflTG OTI}V "AVVAio KO; pI£(i),I£fIJI£ TO'll 'E),Aflv/OjiO. v'a 'wv To iOlo mOTeUOf,Je 0" 80 OUf,JPfJ Koi oiJf,J€PO iiv TeAIKo XOPflVfl8;; TO OlKolwf,JO flJl}tpou OTOiI~ 'AnooiJf,JOu~. Oi KoArtes- "OU 80 oT,,80uv OTO 'E),),fJVIKO npo{EvEia - av OTO Ti.Ao~ fm),evouv 00'11 TOrtOI lII"tfJOtfJOp1oS- - eo yivouv TO KouTla T;;~ navowpoS". 0"0 TO 6"oio 00 Pyii r) olOipw'l Koi TO 6AA'IAorp6ywl10 TWV cmoor)I1Wv 0' 6Aa TO o'll1<io Tii~ rii~, Mf n60" npoXElp6TfJTO {€Klv"o€ TI}V un6eeo" aUTI} r') KuPipv"OfJ Tfj~ Nia~ LJ"f,JOKpOT;O~ KO; tJf noo" rr,v ouvexl(el r') MA'I'OI: 1983 KuPi.pv"OfJ rou tpoivaal KO; ono ivo npoo¢oTO P(· nopro( rou K. r. TO/lnOKonou),ou OTr,V fVKUPfJ «Koef]IJ€p1Vrr"· 'Evli; TO p€nOpTO( Gvo¢epaol OTi~ oUOKoAIES" n ou aVTI/lETW' n/(€I r) Mi.o T;;~ IIIrJ¢OU TWV 'AnoorJlJw v, 6fv KaVEI A6vo Yl(7 TO nw~ aVTlfJETWrri(EI r'J KuPipvf}O'l Tr,V m~pinrwof] fKEivwv nov 0nOKr"oav Kai Trw unf]KOOTf]ra TrjS" XWPOS" nou fYKOTOOTOer}KOV. '£n€16t) KOv€iS" Of V /JIAf}OE GKOIJf] Yl(1 TO T€paOTIO aUTO KOl-'1-10Tl TaU 'EAA"VIOjiOU, imTpenETOI va uno),oyi(f] KOVEh; OTi 01 . TUXEpoi eo dvOl /Jova oi npoowplvai l-'aaVaOTEe; Trje; r epl-1Gviae; KO! 6)'Awv Xwpwv. "A~ i.AniowIJE, ).omov, OT! 0 EAAfJv101-'6~ Tile; 'AIJ€PIKij~ 80 i.{a.pEeil ano TO npOVOlJlO nov eo ooBi} OTOUe; npo OWpIVOUe; j.Jorav60TEr; KGi OTI Of'll eo j.JETatpEpBouv (OW TO nOAITIKG "08" . ..1 ,0 Tl KOVEh; dfV 0IKOIOU701, aAAo Ka; of-v EivOI Of Beo", va O/OKO",,, Tr'}V dlGo/Koola fVTa{EWr; TWV OJ.JOYEV(UV - Kai pO),IOTO fKEivwv nail YEVVIOUVTOI fOW - OTl)v OJ.JEPIKGVlKI) KDI vwvio Koi aTr}v nOAITIKI} (wr) Tij r; OEUTep"r; naTpioar;. KaAuTEpa YIO Tr'}V npwT" naTpioo l(Oi (Kcivour; nov iy/vav ij npOKEITOI va nO),lToypotfJ"Bouv TToAiTer; TWV .HV(Vj.JfV(VV noAITE/WV, Elval va OloT"p"eij 6 oeopor; 6 Ko80po EBvIKOe;. 'EKEivoe; nou Of V oXETi(ETOI j.Jf- TO K6IJPOTO KO; TO nO),/TIKO peuj.Jora TI}e; YEVeTElpaS". eo fnavoM:ipwPE OT! 000 mo ypr)yopa 6AoKAr}plvf1l} i} fvra{fJ TWV j.JETGVOOTWV OTr'}V OJ.JEPII<GVIKf) Ko/vlvvia, TOOO mo cinoTe),€Oj.JOTlKt) 8il EivOI i} €mppor'] nou 86 j.JTTOPOUV va OOK/}- 7 OOUV OT"V OWJiOPC:PWOfJ T;j~ aJiEplKovlKq~ noAITIKry~ OTl}v 'Ava ToAIKI} M EOOYEIO - ic:p' OOOV PiPato r, lmppol) OUT" OE-V 86 aVTloTpaTEuaol KO; TO OJiEPIKOVlKa oUjJ(/JiPOVTO . 'APXEf, dVOJ Ko8apa a Ji EpI K a v JK i!)" npoYJiO "au Tau!)' onoKAEiEI va OIEKOIKODv YIG TO JiiAfJ TOU~ TO olKaiwJia va To pmopTo( Tq~ «KafJ"/1epfVq~» KGVEI A6yo W; Via «' 0/10- £Tval AOlnov l/JavEpo OTi XPEl{i(uOI "oAu "EPIOOOTEpf] 00papOTfJf OTI}V aVTlJiETWmOl] ToD 8i.J1aTO~ OTI)V ·A8"va. rut va KaraAuPfJ OJiW~ KoAuTEpa 6 oVOYVWOTI]~ TO 8ijJO, a~ npooi(fJ 600 avaq;lpovTOf OTO pEnopTO( Ti]!)' «Ka8fJJiEplvqf»: onovoiEf» OJiOYEVWV TWV HnA Ka; 6AAwv xwpwv, nou OJEKOJKOUV TO OIKoiWJiO tplJl/Jou, oAAa OE-V OKOUOTfJKE low TinoTE axulKo. Oi low 'OJioOnOVOiEf, avayvwP'OJiiVE~ tim) T;~ nOA JTEIOKE-~ ",,,¢i(ouv 0 ... . f've~ xJiJpe~. 'H EM~v'K~ KU~€pV~a~ eo Em~EivE' aTI<; W~OTOS TWV . EAAr')vwv ~ETOVOOTWV OTO On6l1JEIS TI1S, Via TOV Tpono Tils aU~I-IEToxilS TWV I-IETOVOOTWV oTiS enOI-lEVES hAoYES Kaf KOTO Tis 6la~ouAeuoelS nou 80 yivouv ~e TOUS EKnpoownous Tils YEas XploT lavo- KOTO Tonous npO~EVEio . . An6 TI'lV oAA'l 6~~OKPOTlK~<; KU~Epv~aEw<; T~<; IIUT. rep- l-IovioS. AUTo oVoCPEpouv EVKUPES nA'lPOcpOpiES, oi 6noiES npo09houv OTI ~EYO AE<; 6uOKOAIE<; ~pIO"EI ~ ~Ee06Eua~ T~<; "U~Epv~aEW<; V,a T~V OU~ ~ET OX~ TWV ' EAAflvwv nou ~ouv aT6 E~WTEPIK6 , aTiS enoI-IEVES aOUAEUTIKES EKAoyES. To naVlo alT'll-lo TWV . OjJoanov61wv TWV ~ETova OTWV, nou ~ojjv oe 61acpopes XWPES Tils Eupuln'lS Kof Tils ' AI-IEPIKils ~TOV naVTOTE r) OUjJ~ETOXrl Via TrlV OOKtlO'l TOO ieKAOYIKOU TOUS 6IKOIW~OTOS, 01 6UOKOAiES, nou OVTI~ETwnl~E' TWPO ~ KUpEpv~a~ TOO nAlOK, Eival 6KPI!3WS oj "161ES I-IE i::KEivES nou OVTI~ETW",~E OT~ pue~,o~ TOO npo~A~~OTO<; ~ npo~vou~EV~ KU~Epv~a~ T~<; .N. 1I~~0- KPOTioS». ~ ETor T6 aXETIK6 npooXE610 v6jJOU, 6v Kof eivOi ETOI~O (TO EIXE 6'lIJOorEU- aE' ~ «KAE>HMEPINH. nplv ana ~vo, nEplnou, Xpovo) 6EV ~nopEi va npowe~eEi, ~,a Kof e~oKoAou800v va Uq>iOTOVTOI of 6,0CPOPES oVTIPPr10eIS TWV KU~EPVrlOEWV ~evwv xwpwv n6vw OT6 OUOT'lI-lO nou npenEI va 6KOAou8'l8ei Via va lIJ'lcpioouv 01 · EM~vE<;. T 6 OXETIKO npooXE610 v6vou , npoE~AETTE Tl'lv cioK'lOIl TOO EKAoVIKOO 61KO IWI-I OTOS TWV . EAAr')vwv n ou ~piOKOVTOI OT6 e~w TEPIK6 OTC KOTa T6nous npo~EVEio Koi npEo~eie<; . lu~<I>wvo ~t nA~po<l>opIE<;, unapXOUV ~OOIKES 6UOKOAiES on6 Tr'lv nAeupa T~<; . O~oanov6Io<; T~<; IIUT. r Ep~ovlo<;, ~ 6noio via A6vous «6'l~oofas T6~EWS» bev emTpEnel Tflv OOK"OI1 TOO eKAoVIKOO 61Kal- nAEupa, o~w<;, ~E ~aa~ TO "papo 5 T~<; lUVe~K~<; T~<; B'EVV~<;, oaov a<l>opo TI<; npo~EviKES 0XEOEIS, r) npooToaia TWV OU~ cpep6VTwv TOO KPOTOUS, nou aVTmpOOWneuouv TO npO~EVEio - Kof TWV Un'lKOWV TOO KpaTOUe; OUTOO - oVrlKEI d aUTO. LUV- Xpovw<; T6 -,6'0 apepo E"'<I>OPTI~E' TO npo~EVEio I-IE TI'lV E:KTEAEOIl oAwv TWV K080- P'~O~EVWV 6p~06'OT~TWV nou ~ETO~,~a ~E' TO "paro<; .• ETOI TO "paTO<; nou <1>,1.0 - ~EVEj TI'lV npEO~Efo . nopEXEI K09E 6IE\,JKO - Auva~ aT~v npo~Ev'K~ apX~ V,a T~V EKTEAea'l TWV Ko9'lK6vTWV T'lS. .H apv~o~ T~<; loo,oAlaTi"~<; VOU~EV~<; - npo~ KU~EPV~OEW<; T~<; Bovv~<; V,a Mo TO "paT~ nou ~oOv • EAA~VE<; 6n6 MAO KPOr~ T~<; E0pwn~<; - EivOI : -' H ~ETa~oa~ aT~v CPKETE<; XWPE<; T~<; Eupwn~<; (lou~6io, BEAVIO, Nop~'lyfa , K.O.) EXOUV 8EonfoEI OUT~ T~ Ma~ . . E6w eO npEnE' va a~~EI w9Ei OTI unapxouv EK 610~hpou 6VTf9ETEe; Imo'l'E'<; ~ETO~U EM~v'K~<; KU~Epv~aEw<; Kof Ev6S I-IEVaAou I-IEPOUS TWV . Ol-loanovbu:iJv TWV eAA'lvIKWV KO IVOTI'lTWV, oj onoiES 0nOaT'lpi~ouv OTl, npEnEI va 608o0v 6IEUKoAuvOEIS aToue; EAA'lVES, YIO va ,.mopoOv . EAAa60 V,a va 'I'~<I>i~ouv aT~v 'EM660 . ElXE Kof ~io Ei61KO Via Trl 6UT. rEPl-lovio. 'Ana Tr'\V 6AAtl nAEup6 unilpxov of EvoAAoKTIKES AUUEIS nou 6pla~EvEe; 6n' oUTES o n oTEAoOv Koi npoTooEIS TWV ' 01-l0anov61wv TWV I-IETOVOOTWV OTa 61ocpopo KpaT'l. 01 AuoelS OUTES - 6pI0IJEVes ana Tis 6noiES eq>op~o~OVTO ' - ' H "lbpuOtl hAoYIKWV TlJtl~OTWV OTO KOTO TOnOUe; eAAtlVIKO npO~EVEia. Elval r) Auo'l nou unooT'lpf~EI r) eAA'lVIKr) KU~EpV'lO'l. - Onwe; OXETIKO O'lI-lEIWVETOI, H - WS onOTEAEOI-IO TO 0XETIKO npooXE610 VO~ou, va nOVWOEI, YIOTI r) EAA'lVIKrl KUj3EPV'lO'l nfaTEUE OTI, EnpEnE va Au8Ei TO np6~A'l~0 I-IE EVa VEVIKOTEPO nAaioro vo~ou, nou 80 K096pl<e ~E Eva OUVKEKPI I-IEVO Tpano lVllcpocpopias (TrlV OOK'lOIl TOU exAoVIKOU 6IKOIWI-IOTOS, I-IEOW TWV npo~EvEiwv) KI OXI ~E 6uo TOUTOXPOVES AUOEIS, ~Io oTie; XWpEe; nou Epy6~ovTal, Ka9we; Koi TO E~o6a, EivOi noAA6. T~ V eiOK'lU'l TOO eKAoYIKOO TaUS 6IKOIW~OTOS· ./\UO'l nou XOPOKT'lpi~ETOI 6UOKOA'l ono TI'lV nAeup6 Tils Ku~epVr)OEWS VIOTi unoOT'lPi<ETOI ('HI, 60ES blEUKOAuVOEIS Kof va yfvouv 01 unoXPEwoEIS TWV ~ETOVOOTWV - ' H «emoToAIKr'l lVilcpos", Auo'l, nou bEv unooT'lpr~ETOI 6n6 Tflv eAA'lvIKrl nAeupa, oAA6 Kai OUTE on6 TrtV nAEUpo TWV EAA'lVIKWV KOlvOTflTwv. "Onwc; unOOT'lpl~ETOI naVTW<;, K' av 6KO~~ TO np6~A~~o Au8ei IJE «6mArl » VO ~08ETIKr'l pu91-110ll npaV~o nou anoKAeiEI r) EAA'lvIKrl Kuj3Epv'lOIl ~EXPI OI'l~EPO - oj 6UOKOAIES e~oKoAou90uv va unaPXouv, VIOTf r) OUI-IjJETOXr'l TWV npO~E vEiwv OTrlV oA'l EKAOYIKr'l blo6lKoala, JJE Tflv 6'llJlouPVfo eq>opEuTIKWV emrponwv 0 ' a UTO, npOUn08ErEI IJIO VEO VO~IKrl KaAulV'l . naVTWe;, Kof OE hnpoownous rwv EAA'lvIKWV . Ol-loonov6IWV, nou emoKEq>9'lKov TEAEUToia TOUS apIJ6blouS Kuj3epv'lTIKOUS nap6:yoVTes OTrtV . EAA060, 6IaTunw8'lKE, OUIJ4>wvo I-IE nA'lPocpopies. r) anOllJll OTl , of nPOTaOelS TOUS 90 Atlcp900v un ' OlV'l OTiS TEA.IKES AUOEIS, 6AAo KI OTI TO 8EI-IO 80 E~ETOOeEi navw OTiS ~161ES j360EIS (npoTaoEIS Tils eAAr'lVIKilS nAEupos) Kof ~E Trl veo KU~EPV'lOIl T~<; IIuT. rEp~ovlo<; . MIA TPArDiJlA tKAeKTO~ 'EAA"voo/1epIKOvo, ofJ/1aolOvp6¢0~ KO; KoM~ Nicholas Gage, KaTfnA,,!E TOU<; avoyvwoTE!), TWV New York Times (3 'A"pIAlou) KO; f6¢v100e oAou~ TOU~ ¢iAou~ TOU Jif Tr)V npoowmKI} oUYKAoVIOTIKI} Oi/(OYfVf/OKI] TOU Tpayw oio, 6"w~ Tliv OI"VJje"KE oro "eplOOIKo Tq, 'YKUP"~ t¢"/1eploa~, O ¢iAo<; Til!)' anoia!), OlfTfAfOf OTO rropeA80v OUVTOKTfJf KO; apyOTepa UVTo"oKplTlI~ oTllv 'AfJJjvo. To oUYKAoVlOTIKwTEpo OTOIXEiO, OTl}v rrOvfllfvfJ, ouvap nOOTIKI) iOTopia noil 61fJYfiTOI J.lE TO AOYOTEXVIKO ToAaVTO TaU a K. Gage, Elvol OTi a "poo!)" 6 JifTPIJJiEVO!), Koi ¢JIAt,ouxo!), aUTO!)' "VEUJiaTIKO!)' 6v8pwno!)" wn)doTfJKE JiE iva mOTah anol/JaolOJiEVOf va OKOTWO" EKE/VOV noil 61iTOfE Tl}v (KTiAEOfJ Tij~ "oAu- OVO""/lfV,,, TaU /1"TfPO~ 'EMv,,~, TO 1948, OT!)V OIOPKEIO TOi) 8 EJi¢JuAIOU noAiJiou. 'H OTUXfJ JJfJTipa POOOViOTI]KE KO; f/(TEAEOTI]Kf anD TOUf KOJiJiOUVloTft; aVTUPTE!)' nou E1xav KOTaAupEI TO XWPIO .1\16, aTl)v HnElpo, KO; Elxav JifTOTpilpEI TO un6YEIO roD omTioD TfJ~ Of l/JUAOKI) Ka; Of xwpo (/JPIKTWV pooavJoTfJpiwv. W To ... lVKA,,/10 Tq~ 'EMv", rKoT(aVIGVV" , "OU Jjrav T6re 41 Xpovwv, r,TOV 6T1 ¢,Uy60ElPf TOV aKTOXPOVO TOTE YIO T,,!), NiKO Kai ipEi{ anD Ti~ TtaoEplf KOPE!)' TfJf Via va ano,(/Juyouv TO nOlOO - /1U(W/10 "OU lfJETe OE t¢OP/1oVII 0 . . . ..tJ"/10KPOTlKO~ LTPOT6,». To "01010 OWfJ"KOV KO; qpfJov MJiJ, oTllv ¢/Mfev" oUTII xwpo, nou OfX8fJKE TOTE XIAf(JOE{ OUJiJ.lopITonAfJKTOuf, tmwf roiJ~ OiXETOI O"jJEPO anD DOE!), XWPE~ nAI]TTEI t, JiaoTiYo roD KOJiJiouVIoJioD. Ko; TO OUOTUXIOJ.lfVO fKEiVO dyopi nou eOOJiE OTO E(w(/JuAAo roD nEpI06IKOD, OIEnpEIpE low, OIJJilOUPYIJOE oiKo- .NEA YOPKH .. ye-VEla Kai arroKr"oE rrGloui. xwph; OIJWe; vo fEXVG rr)v novEjJe-v" EKEiV" Ka; paoavlo/JEv" rlno roue; KO/JjJouvlorEr; pava jJE ra rrpf}ojJe-va rinD T,.,V «¢aAayya» rr6010 . .. Me-XPI rrou 6 NiKOr; rKGif}T( EYKGTEAEIIpE Tr,V oouAEla TOU Koi XPf}oljJofToi"OE Tr,V EioIKOTf}Ta TOU - Tr)V GVOKpmKi} Of}jJoOIoypo¢iG - YJ(i va EVTOniofJ TOUr; EKTEAEOTEe; Ti]r; pavar; rou. 'H 61f')yf}OfJ TWV AErrropEpElwV TOD EVTomapoD TWV oijJoaTaytiJV EKTEAEOTWV TfJe; dVG/ [e-arraojJo KGi KAajJa, rrovoe; pGeUr;, ayam7 KGi jJiaoe;, Grr6yvwa" KG; EUeUVf}. eUjJi(EI aoruvojJlKO puelOT6PfJjJG. vOpwr; 6 avayvtiJoTf}e; DEV fEXVG OUTE OTlYjJ'" OTI npoKEITal Yla rrpaY/JaTIKf) iaropia, TEKjJf]PIWjJe-Vf] jJE DIf]Y']OEIe; aUTonTwv jJapTupwv, auyxwpwvwv KaTaooTwv, f/Jpoupwv, «61KaaTWV» Ka; EKTEAEOTWV Tijr; 'EAEVf}r; rKGT(oyuivvf} Kai 6AAwv ouyxwPlOvwv TfJr; nou ciJ(5fJylJefJKav OTO EKUAEOTIKO an6anaojJG Yla napo/Jolo «EYKAqpaTa». TEAIKa, 0 ouyypatpiar; fjploKETal jJnpooTo OTDV «oIKaoTIJ» nou oAo TO oTO/XEia oEixvouv OTi E'xE OWTa[EI Tr,V EKTe-AEO" Ti]r; 'E)'e-v"e;: (/>e-PVEI TO xe-plaTO mOToAI, €TOljJOe; va EKOIKfJeij Tr]V jJava TOU, aA),a OEV Tpapa Tr]V OKovo6AfJ . .H oUYKAoVIOTIKr] aUTi) iOTOpia nou piXVEI ¢wr; orr]v rpojJEpr'} EKElvfJ Enoxr, TOO pioour; KO; TWV nO),ITIKWV rra8wv, Elval TO eipa fjlfjAlou roD K. Gage PE TlrAo «'EAEv,,», nou KUKAotpoPEi aUTO TOV fJi]va, ano TOV EKOOTIKO 01KO Random House KGi npoE[o</JAoDjJE OTI err yiVfJ ouvTopa best seller. TO KABHKON OIlDN MAX riA TO rHPOKOMEIO NA rrpaYjJaTiKa urrEpOVepwrro €pyo EXOUV aVaAOfjEI 0 10wlTEpa ayanfJTOr; OT,.,V KOIvwvia ri]r; Ne-ar; 'Y6pKfJe; np6Eopor; roD rfJPoKopciou roD 'Aylou Mlxal]A, K. NiKor; naTEpae; KGi 01 ouvEpyorEr; rou oro iJIOIKf}TIKO 2ujJfjouA/o TOD 'lopupaTOe;. IT6XOt; ri]<; wpala<; rrpoorr6eEW<; nou EYKaIVIOOTf}KE PE Tr'}V XopoEonEpioa nou 068f}KE TOY rrEpaopEVO jJi]va oro fEVOOOXEio Pierre Kai ouvEXi(ETGI OT;<; 25 Malou jJE YEUfJa Koi ErrloElffJ yuvalKEiar; po6a<; oro fEVOOOXEio Plaza, fivGt t'J aUYKEvrpwOfJ TPIWV EKarojJ. ooAA, v,a rlJv aViYEpaf} EVO<; viou, ouyXpovou rl1PoKojJciou, YIG TOut; t'JAIKIWfJEVou<; OjJOYEVEi<;, Tour; arropou<;, nou XPEla(ovTal npooraola Kai 8aAnwpr'} Ka; TOUr; oAAou<; nou jJivouv orlJv (wlJ JJOVOI, xwpi<; oUYYEvEir; KG; f/JiAour; Ka; Elval f/JUOIKO va eiAouv va nEpaoouv TO rEAEuTaio XPOVIO Tij<; (wi]<; TOUe; OE Eva E vo orEiAouv Ti}v Elo</Jopa rou~ En' ovojJOTl: Saint Michael's Home for the Aged 3 Lehman Terrace, Yonkers, New York, 10705. EnlXKEnTEX AnO THN EIIIIALlA ,THN oT!}A" TWV EmoroAwv O"POOIEUOPE EmoroAi} OIKI1- £ yopou TOO nElpGlWr;, OXETIKa PE Tl7v npoo</JaTf} ErrioKEljIf] oTi~ HnA 470 EKOPOPEWV roD vEoouora8Evro<; «IUVOEOPOU 'EAAf}voajJEpIKavIKfj<; C/JI),fO~ BOPEiou 'EAAooo<;.» KO; EK¢pO(OpE TI'}V xopa jJa<; V,a Ti}V Onop[fl TETOlou ouvoEojJou. EArri(ojJE va iopuOoDv nopopTljjJoro o· o),ry Tllv '£),),600. .LIEV pii<; npoKoAEOE, opw<;, xapa TO nEpIEXOjJEVO rij<; EmoroAij<;, 'H olaKufjipvf}af} Ti]<; xtiJpar; anD TO nA .ID.K xapoKr"pl(erol «KOpjJouvlarojJop{IOTIKI]» KGi «Epu8ponpaalvfl pap{lorIKr, ¢Grpio». To nA.IO.K ElvGI Koppa 200laAloTIKO KaloX1 «KOppouvlorojJap{IOTlKO», napa TO YEyovor; OT! OT;r; TO{EIr; TOU nEplAojJfjavEI oTOIxEia Tijr; OKpOr; aplOTEpar; KO; aVOPXIKOUr; nou oUOKoAEUOUV TO KUfjEPVI1TIKO ~.pyo jJE Tit; nopEpfjaoE/~ rou~, OTljV EAA60a Ka; OTO EfwTEpIKO. "000 ypi}yopo arroAAa[EI TO nAIOK anD Ta arolxEia aUTa Tfjr; apvrjoEwr;, TOOO mo ypl]yopa 8a nerUXf} 6 npw8unoupyo~ OT,.,V o),oKAl]pwo" roD EPYOU Tfj<; Aaonp6pAf}Tf}<; KUfjEpVqOEW<; TOU Ka; 8a TT£TUXfl va yivl1 6 iif/o<; t]yiTf}t; rwv 6uv6pEWV TOO iJf}jJoKpaTIKoil KEvrpou, EKEiVOU roD dnoiou EIXE t'JYf}eEi 6 rEWpYIO~ nanavopEou KO; TO onoio avranOKplvETal Groue; no80u<; pEy6Af}~ jJEpf6a<; roD 'EAAflVIKoD /100U . mo r" aUTO KO; OEV OExopaOTE rou~ XOpOKrf]pJOpou~ ToD EmoroAoypa</Jou par; Evavriov roD nA~OK, onw<; OEV ouptpWVOU/JE /JE TOV CrVOI1TO KO! aVTlOf}jJOKPOTIKO ioxupJOpo rorT/Ki]<; E¢fJPEpfOa<;, OTi 01 «aKpooE{IOi» EKOpOjJEir;, ETxov TTpOeEOf} VO, .. pnouKOT6pouv Tr'}V E8v/K!} po<; nope-Aaol1 OTr'}V 5" IIEwtpopo. HErrpEnE of "EAAflVEr; aOEA¢oi. nou iJA80v EOW, Yla va yvwpioouv Tr]V xwpo par;, va TUXOUV rouAaXlorov rwv iOlwv TlPWV HOTEL GRANDE BRETAGNE </")"K6, f),)'ryV'KO nEp,p6),),ov. To rf}pOKOfJEio TOO "Ayiou MlxalJA npootpEpE aflpavTIKE<; unI1PEoIE<;. "EOWOE aTEYf) KO; ayanf} OE noAAE<; EKorovTaoEr; rjAIKIWpivour;, KupiE<; Ka; Kupiou<;, aAAa noAu Afyo npoOe-Xef}KE TO EmTEAoupEVO EKEi EPYO anD Gropa KO; opyavwoEI<; nou eo pnopoDoov va Eixov fjo1181]0EJ. norE opw<; oEV dVG/ apyo. Elval Kalpo<; va EKOf}Aw80uv TO </JIAavepwna aloel]paTa oAwv TWV OjJOYEVWV, Via va a"OKrI]Of} t'J 'OfJOYEVEIG Eva iopupa nou OXI p6vo ea aVTovaKMi TO oloerj- /loro 6v6nry~ KG; oE[3oo/loD npo~ TOU~ im6/loxou~ Try~ (wry~, 0),),6 KGi TO no),mOT/KO Koi OiKOVOjJIKO ErrinEOo Ti]<; 'OpOYEVEIGr;. ea i]TOV KoAd, of (/JlA6nrwXE<; 'OpYOVWOEI<; TWV KOIVOTrjTWV a' oAf] TiW xwpa va opyovwoouv OTl'Jv nEploxl] TOU~ Pt{J EiOIKr') EKol]Awof} t'J KaeEpf(i, anoKAEIOTIKiI unEp roD rf}pOKOjJEioU. 'AAAil Ka; 01 'OpoanovoIEr; KO; OAE<; aVE{GJpiTW<; ol6pyavwoEI<; por;, va owoouv TO «nopwv» PE pia cfo¢opil (ma Ta rOjJEio TOUr;. unEp ToD rf}pOKopEioU. EiPOOTE pifjGlOIOTl rj AHEPA nou npwTooTOTEi oE avoAoYE<; nEpmTwoE/~. ea otiJofl KO! n6AI TO napaOElyjJa. To r"poKopEio aVIJKEI a' dAoKAflPfJ rlJv 'OjJoYEVEJa, yi aUTO Ka! tmpoAAerol rj aUjJjJETOxl} 6Awv orr'}v Eni"ovf} npoon68EJa. 'H 0lEu8uvof} roD rflPoKopeiou Toxuopdpf}OE noAAE<; XIA,oOEr; EmaroAE~ /JE 0XET/Kr'} EKKAflOf} Ka; ¢OKEAAo €maTpo¢i7~ nou OIEUKoAuVEI rlJv anooroAr'} pliir; Emroyijr "0001 OEV rl'}v l.YPoljlov aKOpf}, a<; rlJv YPOIpOUV, Ko! 0001 OEV iAofjav EmoroArj, jJnopoDv MA·I·m: 1983 ATHENS, GREECE - Tel. 3230.251 Telex . 219615 - Cables: HOTBRITAN WORLD FAMOUS HOTEL CENTRALLY LOCATED ON THE MAIN SQUARE OF THE CITY WITH MAGNIFICENT VIEW OF THE ACROPOLIS 450 bedrooms equip~d with every modern comfort . Fully air-conditioned. International bar, superb cui sing, luxurious restaurant. Convention rooms with full congress facilities . World wide representatIon 770 uxington Avenue, New York 10021 For reservations and information call 800-223-6800 New York State and Canada (212) 838-3100 Collect 9 aTTOanaOJ.1G, TO 6noio plAa J16VQ, 8lTOjJE un' 6qllV ToD npw8u· TTOUPYOU K. nanavopEou, KG; nEpmOlfjOEwv nov nEplj.JEvOUV 0; 6/JOYEv!F~ €KOPOp!F~ rwv OIG¢OPWV opyavwoEwv orav EmoKinrovTOI TI}v EAA6oo, Koi EK¢p6(0j.J E /J€ TljV dJKolplo rr}v Euxi], va /J(j(; Ep80uv roD xpovou nEplooorEpol "EAAf]VE~ !KOPO/JEi~, /(oew~ IJ 'Aj.JEPIKi} oEv EivOI povo i} mo wpo;o xwpo orav /(oo/Jo, dVGl orjpEpa Ka; i) (/JBf}VOTEpr] , 01 Kecpa)'AoviTEr; olaKf]pUOaOuv iKEivo nou O/GKf]ptJOOEI TO TEA-EUTa;O XPOVIO TO rreplOOIKO aUT6, ~ ETOI OK£mHaJ I) jJEy6Af] nAEIOIPf]</Jla Tile; 'OpoYEVEiar; I} oTToia jJfVEI ftVf] KG] jJaKPUa ana Tie; npoarr68EIEe; nO),./TIKOnolljoEwC; Tr,V ;ola wpa "OU jJar; on 0; ET1IaKfIjJE/~ ouri~, {,pOOTE {li{3oIDI 80 {30f]8rjaouv OTO va yvwpiaouv nEplooonpol "EAAf}VE~ ri}v 'APEPIKr} KO; 80 aup· /36Aouv OTr')V apof} rwv npoKaTaArjljJEWV nov EXOUV, ouoruxw~, Of]Ar;Tf}pIOOEI, Of]POVTlKO rip/epa 'EAArjvwv , TlMH ITO ZEyrOI KAnEIIIIAPH EN r,rav ouvoro va ¢UYf] TO (EDyo~ KonEAA6pf] ana Tr]V po~ XWP;~ 1) 'O/JoyivEla vo EK¢p60f] TO a;o8ljpora TlpfK EKTIJ1r'JOEW~ KG; 6yonr;~ npa~ TaV rEVIKO npO(EVO Tij~ 'EA Adoor; Ka; rr']v ou(uyo TaU. r, ' OUTO, XGlpOpaOTE OIOTl Tf)V npwro{JouAia 6viAo/3E rj nOVf]nElpWTfKr] 'Opoonovo;a P€ fva TlfJf]TlKO oEinvo nov OPYOVWVEI yaj Ti~ 17 Maiou OTO (EvoooXEio "n)'6(a», EivGI TOOOI 01 ¢;),Ol roD oUjJTTa8loTarou (EUYOU~ OTI}V KOfVWV;O TI}\ NEar; 'YOPKf}~, nov EijJoOTE /3i{3G1010Tl nO),AO; DEv Bo /3poDv BEOf} OTI}V !KOr'jAwOfl. Elval nEplooonpo ana 6(10~ TI}t; T1fJ1r; OUT1\ 0 ' HnElpwrf]~ omAwjJOTf}r;, 0 6TTO;0r; ETT; E(acr;a jJo X8f}OE KOVTO par; ori}v EKriAEOf] OXI jJovo rwv inlnovwv, KG8apo npo[EvIKWV Ka8f}KOVTWV TaU, '0 K, KanEAA6pf}C; t7Tav iK roD 6¢ovou\, 0 ayvworo\ nop6yovTac; imruxlor;. 6 oT08EPO~ Ka; auvETTr}r; OUjJTTapaOrarf]t; KoBE KOIVWVIKilc; npoana8EIGC; Kai KoBE Ko),AITEXVIKOU Ka; nVEUjJaTiKOU GKonoD nov imi{3),ETTE ori} v npo{3oAr} Tilr; EAA66oC; Koi orr,v 6vooo roD fTOAmoTlKOU imnioou Tr,C; 'OjJOYEVEioC;, 'AAAa nipa imo TiC; OpaOTf]pIOrf/rEt; ouric;. 6 K, KonEAAapf}~ Epy6orr,KE YI(J POPCPWT!KOU~, EKnaIDEUTlKOUC; Ka! (/Jf),ov8pwnflWUr; oKonoUr;. KO; n),f}O;aOE ric; OjJoYEvElaK€C; opyavwoEIr; 600 KOVE;r; npOK6roxor; TOU, Ev8apPuvovTar; Ka8E naTpIWTlKr, npwrofjouMa Koi oPOOTflPIOTf}TO Ka;, YEVIKa, TO EKaJ.1E f'pyo rou 6Ao aura TO XPOVIG, va alo8av8r, t] 'OjJOylvEIO rr,v napouola Tr,e; npWTf]r; narpioae; or,,; apiTpf]TEe; OjJOYEVEIO· Kfr; EKOf}AwOEI~, arro Tit; orroiEC; i),0Xlonr; imouolEe; of}pElwOE . L1 noAf) iiPXOVTOI jJf/vujJara 6jJoq;ux;a<; ono TI'Iv 'AOt)vo, rpo</>ouv 0; Kf</>aAAoViTf<; Tii<; NEa<; 'Y6PKf/<;: «ME J..IEyoA'l Aun" Koi niKpa 6Ia~6aaJ.lE OT"V «' AA.Aay~» TO ap8po aXETIKo !-IE TO Ta~i61 TOO /3ouAeuTfi KecJ>o)J..ov,oe;; Koi '1 86Kr]S K, MavTEAIl orl<; H.n.A. Aia8av8r'jKO IJE Aunr). niKpa Koi 6nOYO~TEUO'l, 6,6T1 IJia E¢ltllJEpi6a onwt; ~ «' AAAaYrl», nou 1-16~ ETal Via n) 6rHJOKpOTiO, ri)v 6Ar'jgelo KO! TO 6fKOIO TOG noAITfl, aVe~r'jVflTO KO! ano eVTeAwS o~oOlJ,Jes nArlPoq>oples 6flJ,Jooieuoe TO EV Myw ap9po. TO anoio 6~AwVEI OTI TO C.,I, TOG IuAMyou JJOS «AINOI» eXEI nopooup6ei ono «OKPOXOUVTIKO» oTolxeio Koi 6ev SEAfloe va eASEl oe enacp~ J,JE TOV K. MavTEAfl KOTel T~V eni· OKe4Jrl TOU e6w. KUPIE LlIEU9uVTO: To J,JEAfl TOO .1.I. 6AAa Koi 6A6KArJprJ ri 6AoJ,JEAelo TOO IuAA6vou «AINOI» elvOI 'AIJEpIKaVoi noAITes !JAM 9Ep~o i aTnv ljJUXn -EM~vES ~E aPP~KTOUS 6Ea~ous ~E Tn M~TEpa' EMMa Kai aTEva 6E~EVOI ~E Tn YEVETElpa 6~op",~ KEcpaAAovl6. nOVTOTf oeaOVTOI Koi ~OfleOOV J,Je Koge 6UVoToTpono T~V KoSe <popo EKAeVJ,Jevfl EAArJVIK~ KU~Epvflofl xwpis va 61E· nOVTOI ri va napaaupovTOI ano KOJ,JJ,JOTIKa n66fl. 610TI bEv ErvOi «be~loi» ii «aPloTepoi» 6AAa EI\I\ H NEI Koi OOV TErOIOUS nepiJ.,Jevav va TOUS bei 6 f3ouAeuT~S T, MOVTEAflS. . AVTiSero oJ,JwS Koi ove~r'iYFlTo 6ev eYlve KaJ,Jio npoon6Seio ono TOV BouAeuTe) va EAgel OE Enocp~ J,JE TOV np6e6po ~ KonOIOv aAAo TOO Ll.I, TOO "A INOY» TflAecpWVIKo, yponTo ii Koi (VIOTf OXI) npOOWniKO aK6jJo; nOpOOKFlVIOKO oe. aKotJOTflKE, CIT! 90. Ylv6TOV KonOiO OUYKEVTPW0'1 Kai OVOPWT IOUVTOI TO J,JEA'1 TOO IuAA6you J,Jas jJe mKpr, anopia VloTI ayvor'jS'1KOV ono TOV oVTlnp6owno TiiS eA· A'1VIKiis KU~EPVflO'1S Kai i6,a /Tepa Tr;S ayanflJ,JEVflS TOUS Kecf>aAAovloS», KATI noy EIIEInE: IATYPA iJlAMAPTYPIA KAI nAPAnONO KEC/JA/i/iON/TON K. K6rrou~ IA nEplnTWOf] EVOEIKTlKr] ylil TO nov oOf}yd rj iT1lXElpoujJivf} rrOAfT/KOrroil7of} rr,r; 'OjJOYEvEior;, TTpoPdA).EI ono TO KOTW· Tipw imoonoopa EfTloroAr,r; TOU ..[uA),oyou KEf!Jo),),oVlrwv N. 'Y6pK,,<; 0 .A,VO<;>, npo<; "'Iv f</>"jJfP;OO « AAAoylj» Tii<; 'leOKf/<;, n ou Koraxwplj8f}KE oav «'OYYEAiO» GTOV 0POYEVEIOKO Tuno. T6 ,----------------, II I OYSTER BAY CRYSTAL PALACE 31-01 BROADWAY, ASTORIA, U. 11106 Tel. 545-8402 mi 545-2990 A v£w;. TroA.ITI(JI-Livu; aiBou(Jv; YUl O'A.£, ri, KOIVWVIKi, (Ja, lKO'lA.w(JW; , iOlwrtKC, . I IL--~:~; 10 Kai (JUA.A.OYIKi, TOM KO; nnA ~:=~_ XaT(f]iwavvou Elvol Eva TTpaypOTIKO rroAuauv· Pf~, oav r,80TTOIOC;. OKf)v08lTflC; KG; napaywyc)(; paolocpwv/KoD M II /\EUTEPf]~ tpuxoywYEi TI}V O 8ErO TaAivTO. nou €OW Kai jJ€PIKU XPOVIO 'OjJOyivEIO Tijt; Niae; ' Y6pKf]e; J.1f Kai rrpooTTa8EI€C; OK).f) · J rrpoypajJjJOTOe;. oKoprri(oVTae; {J(p(}OVO YfAIO Of pia KOJvwvio nov TO XPEI(j(aOI iOlGiTEpa. 'A(/JOPJJt] Yla Tie; nOpaTf]ptwEIe;aUTfe;, JJii~ oiVEI Ij TEA€UTOio (}EOTPIKt] rrpoa(/Jopa roD K. XaT(fjiwavvou, IJ nO),ITIKOOOTUPIKt] im8Ewpf]afl «KouvlO rrou oii~ KOUVOYE KI' GKOpO oii{ KOUVOEI» nou nopouoJ(iOTf}KE cmo TOV 81aoo TOU OTl}v 'AOTOPIO, TOV nEpaojJivo JJfJva. np6KElTOI YIC1 Tt}V TTPWTfj im8EWPfJOf/ nou ypa(/JTflKE Ka; OVi{3f]KE ano OPOYEVr,. To yE).,G nou oK6pmoE rj wpaia nGPo· oraof} oEv im{3E{3GJWVOUV p6vo Tl}v IKGVOrf}TG roD OKfJv08ETf} Koi rou npwTOywvloTij va npoKGAij yi)./O OTO EUPUTEPO KO/VO. 'YnEv(}uploav Ka; rrooo ELmp6ooEKTf] ElVGJ rj oarupG TWV oj.Jo· YEvElaKwv npaYjJc1Twv, rrpoot.imwv KG; KGTGaraOEWV. '0 K, Xa· r(f}iw6vvou aOXO)'r'J(}flKE jJ€ Tt}V nO)./TIKt] KOTaOTaOf] OTr,V 'E)'· ).000 KO; Tt]V iOlaiTEpf} naTpioa rou Kunpo KG; jJf Tr,V ·0J.lOyEVEIG 'AjJEPIKije;. Ll€v 6(/Jf]OE TirrOTE . . , 68,KTO, OA).O {3aG/KOe; OT6XO{ TOU ryTav 6 'E)'Af]voapEpIKoVIKO~ Tuno~ KGi t] Tf]).EopaOf/, oi o'7jJo· OIOYPCUPOI Koi oi paolorpwvlKOi napoywyoi. nov roV{ rrEpliypatpE J.1f Tr,V EuXipEIO Tijr; YEVIKOTf]Tar; IW; xwp;e; ava(/Jopo Of ov6para - PE jJla povo i[olpeof} - oav aypOJ.lJ.lOTOUe; 1)J.llpG8Eie;. Gvi· owur; frOU 80,ouv va rrapaaTljoouv roue; iVf]J.lEPWpivoue;. Gvl· KaVOUr; OUxva va OJGTUnWOOuv oro xapTi PIa op8t] npOTaOf] ij va Tt]V npoo(/Jipouv piow TWV t,).EK.TPOVIKWV J.1EOWV fVflJ.1EpWOEwe; Ka; ljJuxaywylar; rou Ko/vou, J.1€ OUOKO)./Ef; OTt]V XplJofl Tije;." "NEA YOPKH .. 'E),),fJVIKr,e; Koi. TTAr~PfJ avvOIa Tr,e; 'AVV),IKr,e;. ~Oao a8wa K( av ElVa! !j atiTupo, JiVEI Tr,V EVTfJTTWOfJ tJl(iC; KOKr,C; oJ08ioEWC; EKElvou TTOU Tr'/V KtiVEI. o),Aa OTt EKEiVOI T10U aOKoDv I<PITfl<i}, €iVGf UTTOXPEWJ.lEVOI va yivwvTOI I<oi 01 iDlOI OiI<TEC; TWV tiVTlOpaOEWV TOO KOIvoD. YIf!I va aT1OKToDv KO),UTEPfJ ouvola8fJof} EKEIVOU T10U aVTmpoowT1EUOUV. Ka; Vl(i va aOKoDv TO ETTGVVE), TOUe; J.l€' T1EPIOo6Tt=PIJ UTTEU(}uv6TfJTa I<oi TTEpioKEfIIfJ· ~OTav avoivouv TO OT6J.lO TOUe; J.lTTPOOTa oE paolot:/>WVII<O J..1IKp6t:/>wvo r'j oTie; J..1fJXOVfe; TIJ),EopaoEWe;. Ii mavouv Tr'/V TTivvo VIa va e.vfJJ..1EpWOOUV TO KOIv6, va TO TT),IJPOt:/>Opljoouv J..1f Tr,V fiof}OI] Kol va TO TTpo{J),'lJ.laTioouv J..1E TOV oroXGGJ..10 I<oi TO ax6AIO Kal TO KUPIO 6pOpo. 'H oaTupa ToD K. XOT(fJiWaVvou E1XE Ka; Tie; aTUXEie; Tf]e; OT/vjJEC; Ka; Tie; aTOmic; Tf]e;, aA),a, VEVIKO, r}Tav XPf}0IJ..16TaTf}. 6XI J..16vo v'a TO 6¢80vo ViAIO TTOU eOK6pmoE, dA),a KG; Via TOV KGU Tf}PIO0J..10 KOToOTaOEWV TTOU OTTO Xp6V10 OIEKOIKODv eT1Jor'jJ.lOVOf]. LlEV imXElpoDJ..1E KPITIKt" d)'Aa Ot:/>EI),OJ..1E va e{apWJ..1E Tr,V T1pOOTTa8EIO TOO K. XOT(fJiwavvou Koi TOO ",6haaou ri)"ou» T10U iOPUOE J.lf Tr,V {JOIj(}EIG TOO VloD TOU ~ AVTU KO; a),),wv ¢JlA6TIJ..1WV viwv Ka),AITEXVWV. '£{aipEOfJ AOJ..1TTPr'} GTTOTE),Ei IJ rrpwravwviOTPIO Molpl] Bop{JoTaKou, iTTOYVEAJ..10Tiae; tj(}OTTOIOe; TTOU {EXWpIOE aTTo rr'}v TTPWTf} OTIVJ..1Ij· '0 TTpwTavwvlorr'} e; KO; Of/J.lIoupyoe; TOO 8J(JOOU arreOTTOOE iv(}ouolWOfJ XEIPOKpoTtJJ.l0Ta evw Ij K. 'EAivf} LKapAa EOWOE TToAti t:/>PEOKOOO OTr'}V TTapOOraof]. IUVXap'ITtjPlo ri(l(ouv aE OAOU,. LJIONYXOX - KAI AnOIlIl[)N £ NA vio, i;),Af}VIK;;C; iOIOKTl]oiae; vUKrEplvo KivTPO Cm6KTfJOE ro MovxaTTov, TOV «Ll16vuoo 1/». NEva KEVTPO TTOU {Exwpi(EI 0T10 oAo TO dAAo, Via Tf}V T10),urEAEIG KG; Tt}V 6VEOf], rt}v Ka(}ap'OTfJTa, Tl;v nEpmoif}of} KG; Tr,V f{aiolG Kou(iVG rou. XPElaarfJKE TToAu XPrJJ.lO, at:/>(}ovo VOOOTO Koi J..1aKpa m:ipo. V/(1 Tr7V OPVOVWOfJ r;;e; emXEIPtJOEWe; OUTfje;, TpEie; {JaO/KG 6v(}pwnOl l6woav KO; Oivouv rov KaAuTEpo iaur6 roue; Yl(l Tr'}V Emrux;a ro'; «!J J{jvuoou 1/» KO; E/vOJ EKfi Ko8E fjpo6u yu} va TTEpmolf}fiouv J.lIG TTpaVJ..10TlKO eKAEKTr, TTEAaTEio, nou ¢EUVEI Tic; KoAuTEP E~ EVTUT1WOf/e;. np6Koral VIG TOV emruXIJjJEvo ET1IXE1PIJJ..10Tia K. r,wPVo 'ApJ.lao6po, Tr)V vvwarl}. Kupiw~ ono TOV TTPWro «!J,O· VUOO» rEwPVia I6j.Jnaof} Kai rov YEVIKO OIEU(}UVTi] K. M,x TouAouJ..1f}, 6v(}pwno j.Jf puaAo oPvaVWTlKO Ka; na(}o~ oTi~ JtET1TOJ.lEPEIEc;. nETuxav, J..1a(i J.lE rou~ dA)'ou~ OUVEPVOTEC; rou~, va i(loopponljoouv Tr'}V LlIOVUOIOKr, l{opof} J..1f TO 'AnoJtJtwvc/O J..1ETpO. To KoAAITEXVIKO T1pOVPGJ.lI-lG TOO «/J/OVUOOU 1/» KaJtunrcl cUptJraro nEoio T1POTlJ.ll}ocwv, J.lcOOVEIOKWV KG; olEfivwv. nO/K;),O KO; TTAoUOIO. J..1E ~EAAIJVEC; KO; dAAouC; TpavouOlore~ ,wi TpGVOUo;orpIE~, cTVOI {EKotJpaoro, Euxoploro KO; nOAmOJ..1Evo. To (}auJ..1oolO OIOKOOJ..1fJJ..1EVO Kivrpo, J..1f eva i{OIPETIKO aUOTf]J..10 i{aEploJ..1oD, jJlO TToAu KaAr) 6PxIJorpo Ka; TO J..1Ey6¢wva TTOU oi:v (EKOU<!JOivouv, ro T1po8uJ..1ororo rrpoowmKO, EUXO' piOTWC; UTTOXPEWVEI aUTEe; Tie; orfjAc) va ooxoAI}80Dv YIO TTpwrf] <popa J.lE eva VUKTEPIVD Kivrpo, Kai OEV rTc(Jlopi(ovrat J.10VO 0' ouro. LUVIOTOUV oroue; GVaVVWOTE~ rt'j~ nfpIOXt'j~ nou oi:v 1'0 vvwploav GKOJ..1f}, va TO K0J..10UV. Ka; va r6 npoo(}ioouv oro npO· VPOJ..1J..1G rou~ 0; 0J..10VEVf'-~ rwv 6AAwv nOAI7EIWV, orav imoKc ' t:/>(}ouv TIJV Nia 'YOPKf}. 'EmXElplJoE/~ aav TOV .../J/ovuao 1/» TlJ..100V 1'0 e)'Af}vIKO ovoJ..1a Ka; ETTlfjEfjOlWVOUV TO imXElpflJ..1GTIKO OalJ..16VIO rwv Guro6flJ..1/· OUPVflTWV 0J..10VEVWV. We give you more than just a place to hang your hat! You can check into any hotel and perhaps not see it until it's time to go to bed! At a Chandris Hotel, it's just the opposite . you might never want to leave itl beaches, you will experie nce the warmth of Greek hospitality and superior Chandris service. You'll also enjoy everything from a lively Greek taverna atmosphere, shopping and all sorts of sports, to making a business meeting a hit in our spacious conference rooms. Aher all, as the largest privately owned hotel chain in Greece, Chandris has more to offer than 3,000 modern accommodations available in Athens, Corfu, Crete and Chi as. Additional services are booked according to specific requests. From our fine restaurants, friendly bars and comfortable lounges to our fun-filled pools and sun-drenched, white BOOk today! See your travel agent Ask lor ou r brochures. Call or write GREECE 666 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10019, (212) 586-8370, Outside NY State (SOO) 223-0848 MA·(·m:: (983 " 'EVtUrrW01QKtl iltav it btltuxia Kai tOU tlp€t€lVOU y€u~atO~ Kat E:rrlOd~€roC; ~ooac;; :rrou ropyavrooe OtO ~€voooX€io Plaza 1i <!J,A6ntwxo, . Ao.).cpot~, TOU Ka9.op'KOU t~C;; •Ayia~ TPlCiooC; nou nprotayrov\ot€i 7CCIVtOt€ 0' OA€<; tiC; oopai€C; KOlvrovIKee;; Kai IptAavGpro1tlKec; nprotOpOUAl€e;; . •EKatOVtao€~ KupiEC;; curo OAa ta OllJ..l.e:ia t~, N.· Y6pK~, Kai tOU Nwu Teepa.v dXav ti]v EUKatpia va rr€paoouv ~U;PIKEC;; €UXaplOtEe;; rope<; , va tel nouv IlEta~U lOUC;; Kai va XElpOKpOt~oOUV ra wpaia ~ovTEAa tOU Christian Rupert Kai. rou 01KOU rOuvapIKwv taw aoEl..tpwv KpioTU. Kara ttiv ouipKEta rou yeullaroc;;. 1i npoeopoc;; riie;; <l>lA01frroxou K. Van Latsey :rrapEooooe OtOV :rrpoeopoc;; tOO rllPoKo~Eiou . EIpOnAlOtti K. N. natEpa, bntayti 25,000 OOAA. YUl. ttiv avolKOo6~ T)crll tOO VEOU Ktlpiou. TIpoeopoe;; ti1~ 'EntTporriic;; tOU YEu~atOC; lirav n rro:vToTE np6Gullll Kai uKoupacrtT) K. Pierre Papageorge. 'AvaJiV"aTlKr, (flwroypa(flia rou EVl1povAiov rij~ cf>,AonTwxov TOU KaBcopIKOU. L1laKpivovral 0 'ApXl£1[iaKOnO~ K. 'ldKwpoc;, 0 'EniaKOnOt; M elo", f/JiJ.o8wC; 0 llpoeopor; TOU r"pOKO/iefov K. N. lla ripac;. 6 flpocopor; rou Ka()eoplKou K, M . EWTijpXOC;, 0 icp. npoi'anifJ.evo~ K. P. EU(flavonov)"oc;. ra fJ.tAlJ rou EVJ1fJoVA. iov fJ.c r~I' flpoeopo K. Van Latsey Ka; rr,v K. N. Ka77:eA.A.dp'l. (Athens International - D. Kessoglides) &uiAE~l1 KU1tpiOU E1tUJt11J10VU (JtllV N. 'YOPKll ... H Ktmpoc; oro ni:paolla TWV o.1OOvoov», iltav to SElla olaAE~E(j}C; no\> EO<OOE tOV nepao~Evo Iliiva oro Kunplo.Ko I;1tin, 6 Ot£uOUVtti~ •ApXalOAoyiac;; tri~ Ktmpou K. Baoo~ KapaYlooPY1lC;;. ttiv 6noin :rrapaKOAouOT)oav noA).O\ 6~oy£v£i~. T1jv oui),.~~ "pyavw". 6 YeO, npo.opo, tOU American Cyprus Congress KaGT)YllTi]<; K. •AvopEae;; BaolAdou, 6 6noioc;; anT)U8UVE XQlPEtlo~6 Kat 1rapOUOiaoE tOV ,)taKE- 'An.? dpuHcpd, ll:aO"I'nOl, 0 'E1rial<.:ono..; Mr.).v" . ;. Ii "':. A.·um:i.i.(iI'IJ ,...lIi II !:rp'lIal'/(!.mlro ,;. Kp,~tvO 6~,).~t1j. Err,l' Ocurr.p" ar./pd.,i /.... flarwrn upriolJ, b flpvl:c5po.; roD n"IO/l.·oJI/:/lm /:rponi.f(1oi . ; I...: . S. na~I; T~, 6~,).(a, npo~y1j8~KE o.~(",a~ at1jv pu,; }.:eli 'I ",'. LltsC'v. 61roia 1tpompEpGllKClv KU1tptaKO, Kpama. (Alhens IntC'rnatilln~ll - D. Kessl'glidl'S) IZ .NEA YOPKH. '0 I:i:paa/-uwraroe; /1£ rr,v Jlpoeopo rije; <1>lA.OnrWxou K. Latsey. rt;V K. r. AlpavoD Kai r"v K. Ka!" nanayewpyiou. (Athens International - D . Kessoglides) FINE CUSTOM CATERERS IF ELEGANCE IS YOUR STYLE, WE MEET YOUR STANDARDS 'H K. Julia Berke fle riTv K. Angclique Latsey Kai rr,v K. NiK" LroiP'l. (Athens International - D. Kessoglides) • Our Victorian Grand Ballroom is our city's Largest and Most Elegant • Choose your style and date from Twelve Ballrooms • Banquets, Weddings, Fashion Shows, Masquerade Balls, Fund Raisers, International Shows, Viennese Nights, Meetings, Concerts , Community Theater • Uniquely (Elegant Accommodations for groups of any size... from 50 to 2000 people • The "Oak Room", our Gourmet Restaurant, opening in February, with its Medieval Decor • Discover our Continental Cuisine • Private Valet Parking .. We are in 'he heart of Brooklyn" 263 PROSPECT AVENUE BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11215 Telephone: (212) 788-0777 Mc.plKa ana ra wpalorara /1ovr/;A.a. (Athens Intern ational - D. Kessoglides) MA' ('Ol: 1983 \3 tou lpyaLVE oav aYKOj.1aXllto. -ea tOU~ O'KOtWOEIC;; CtKOUO''tl1KE nO:Al ANeOAOrIA EAAHNIKOY LJIHrHMATOJ: Ko~~tv~ , ~pax"" f' 0 na1ta-ruivvapo~ WEOK\H.jI£ 'to KEcpaAl 6 VEO~ KotQKOKKlVTlO'E' Eva KArovl paotAtl(O nou tout Xe 000a£t Xl£:<; to ppaou J.uCt Kon-tl..Aa KpEIlOINrav aKOIlQ a1to to aUtl TOU. ~EpXOIJal. KQ1t£tQVIO , dnE Kal t;t1COA- Alloe anD 'tov TOllO. -Kat(i Ota6AOU! foil (j)rova~av ot ou6 tOU aoepcpoi Kal 'tov Eq)'waav. •0 KQ1tUQVIOC; ~oyw(Je tOV l..oXayo' «Ti va tOU KQIlW, ti va tou Kaj..lW acpou OEV cpopatm 9dVQt'o». to nOAATlKapt-a tOU nov nEplll£vav YPOlij..lT) IlE ta tOU<p€:KIQ 0TlKWIlEva: -=EtOlIlOl' POOtTlO'£ Kal Ot;KW(J£ to Xi:Pl va 3000'£1 TO npooTaYllo. LtPC):(PTlK£ Ota . 0 nQnQ-ruivvapor; clKOUJ.l1tlO'IlEVOC; ot6v toilD YOUPAWV£ ta llano' ta 0009\1(ci tou mdCm)V''t(lv' £vHoge IlEon O''ttl CPOUl'tQ tou 1'0 XtPl tOU •A6patou va 'tpEJ..Itl. (.Tt tpEIlEtt;; <bopciOQ\ K1 tou; .. tou ' 11:£ myel: «cpOpaOQl yui J,ltva;» KoupaylO , XP1Ole ,..lOU ", Ir,KWO'E /) K'aJtftaVlO~ va OWO'EI to 1tp6- ti ",O)v1\ <oii ytpovta. - Nai, 00'01 ajJ1tocSciv ttl AEUtEpta, Scivo.tO~ ! O'Tay~a' ~a. 6A.QJ.1E~la~ :rtETa.Xtl1KE 6 1tQ1tQr1CivvQPo~ 1l0UYKp{~OVtae; Kai. ~(rywaE o.pya, papui TOV Ka1tEtavlO' 00: vfi XE yiVEt ~a<pvou £Ko.tO Xpovwv ' to KOPj.1l tOU ~tav !-.lOAUPt" a:rtavw atOUl; Wj.1ot><; tOU EVlro9E ~apo<; a~aotaXTO. 'EKa~€ OUD ~~~ata, 6~1tp6~ a:rto t OV Ka:rtftQVlO. tpia' ata.9'1KE NIKOY KAZANTZAKH (Me TrlV EUKOIpio TOU - ETou<,; KQ~OVT~6K'l, YIIJ TO 100 Xp6vlo 6no TOV 9avoTo TOU). L\€V 1i~EPE vO: ta :rtEt, 6 Ao.lJ.1o; tOU dXE <PPQ~Et, 1tviyouvtav. TfJ..oC;. J.1€ o.ywva ta XEiA" lOU ~EKOA).110av: -ea tOUe; OKOtroaEIC;;; EKo.llE Kl EtpEIlE O'1JY KOPj.10C;. . 0 KQ1tEtaVlOe; O'tpci<PTlKE Kai tOV dOE' TO 1tPOOW1tO 'tOU 1ta1tci £lXE yiVEl Ka'taO'1tpo, 'to 0'1'01.10. tOU ElXE O'tpapwO'Et, iI ava1tv0tl ~ AIl1tOOQV ttl AEUtEPla 00'01 oev a<pr,vouv tOV aAAo va' XE l ttl YVWj.1Tl "(OU! dVtlIllA110E 0;. TIou ' vat 6 Aoyoe; nou 1l0U cSroKEe;; Auttl Val it AEUtEpU] 1tOU <pepvEte;! -Mtlv dVaKCt'tEUEO'at otiC;; 80uAElee; tOU KOaj.10U houtou, YEpo! EKaj.1E 6 KanEtdvlO~ o.yavaXtlOj.1EVOe;. ---!O K60j.10<; hou'toc; 1(1 6 aAAoc; Elval Eva' KEpO{~El~, Xt:lVEle; Kai 'tov clAAO. ' AvaKo.tEUOUJ.1al o'tiC; OOUA-EIEe; OOU, yta'ti' val Kai 8U'E<; ~OU 8oUAElE:<;, Ka1tEtcivlO' C11tAroVC!) ta j.1npa'tO'Cl j.10U dn:civro (mo touc;; XPIO'tlavou<; noo' lElC; KOAAl1IlEVOUC; O''tov toiXO Kat 000 AtW: 6tv Sa 'toue; O'KOtWO'El(;! 6e Sd 0'£ aCPtlO'{J), t.yro, 6 nQno.-fulwapoc;, va tOue;; O'KOtWOEIC;! ~AvallepIO'E:, YE:PO, to Ko.).o nou oou 9EAro! .. Av acpT)O'oUj.1E 'tropo. AEUtf:pO 'tOV Ka9ha, 'la9tiK0j.1E· cS€ 90.' j.1QO'tE nUl Aa6e;, ea' ~ao," OKUAOA6i. M1\ ~la~E<JUl, eo: peel 1(1 1i AEU'TEPUl ll£ ttl OElPa. t"c;;' oEV lp'lE'tal notE npWtl1 i:PXE'tat tEAEU'taia. - Tupavvla 'to AOl7tOV; <pwva~E 6 y£povtac; tlvci~ovtac; O'tOV oupo.vo to. 'lEpla 'lOU, tupavvia, pia Kai 1(VOUTO! WEtO'l lp- , 'EKAeKTijC; nOlOT'lTOC;, naVTOC; e'iJOVC; yovvaplKa l:E TIMEl: EPrOl:TAl:IOY OiKOVOI..UltE rrEpIOOOTEPU (:>TUV \jIWVi~ETE HI youvuPIKa OU!; arr' EueEiu~ arr <'> TIl v rrTlYT1. THt\E<I>nNH~TE rIA APPOINTMENT Ai:v lPErovOJ1E E~ tpa yui dblKf:C; napayyd.iEC; MAKOS 333 7th AVENUE NEW YORK, N.Y. 10001 (212) S64--0662 - (111) 731>-8331 14 & ZIAS FUR CO. 30 DUNCAN STREET TORONTO. CANADA MSV 20 (410) 977-37SS-S7-82 A THANASIOU DlAKOll 18 KASTORIA. GREECE (41)7) 28 207 .NEA YOPKH. XE<al t\ AEUttpU;'; ·OXI. OXI. OEV to O£XOl>l1ad en a~Kro9cil . 9ci 1tI;'pro a~apva ta xroplci Kai So. cprovci~ro: TupawOl K1 ta£ic;, anJ..lot let taEic;. 6XtPOl tou Aaou KUtapaJ..l£vol! -:E6ina! 0Q at ICOATjOW Kai ClEva OtOV Toixo ! -TIavta TljJouv KOAATJIl£VOC; CJl'OV toilO , ano tt\v ciipa nOll Eloa tt\v naH~Kapl110U' d).;ri9£lu, JteplJ,Ji;voo ttl mpaipa' KQAOOC; va Twpa KataAa~a(vro. oEv !)p9a va o~l1lOupyrjaro. !)p9a va YKpEliiaro. ~va opiaEl! KOcrJ,lO' Kaj.t£tf tTl ltapaYY€AUl nou oo:e; <OroKE 6 0EO,' n<iro Kl tyro va xcll1w t1\ OIKrj 110U: llpoop o l10 " • 0 AOUKciC;, ltOU 6)..11 tflV wpa niHit 1Ca.90uvtav a1tllvro OE I(ap~ouva aVQ)ljJEva,litv J..IJt6peo£ JrlCr. va Kpatllee:t- 1tE'tO:XTTl1(E an6.vw. Iipna~E to ytpo ana to Aall1D, - Mti q><Ov6.~El" na1t6.' 9appEi, 9ci aE~a OTOUJ..IE to J..IUUpO 000 CPOUOl"UVl; eo. aou otphvro to ).,apurYl. tQupaJ,17tCi! -Mil J.l£ cpoPEpi~£l(; tJlEVa, KOKKIVoOKOUCP" . D.1tOtcp:811K£ 6 rEpavmc;' 6 9<iva. tOe; £IvaI J.lJtQJ.11tOUAac; J.lovaxa 1U1 roue; D.JtlOlOU<; ' tyw OjJ.W<; 1tlon;UW ota 9£0, Kui Sa- rov ~'''H Bv(avflvr, 'EKK).IJUlGarIKr, 'APX'fCKrDVlKr,» f}rav ro BtJw JUUC; t5r.vr[;PIJC; F-KBEaeWC; yvwarov 'E).h]voajJ.£p'Kavoo dPX'fEKfova K. Steven 'po Papadatos, nov [Ylve fOV nepauJdvoMva en~v YKa).).epi Belanthi, eno MnpovKAuV. Iro urlYj.iu;nmo drro iYKaiVla t51aKpivoV!al, arro apIGrCpa, 0 K. Ted Moudis, Gvvepya:rIJe; roOK. flarruoarov, oaM. repfJaVOC; Iravporrou).m;, " K. Mrrt:rrv llarrat5o:rov, 0 K. llanaJdroc; &XOfJCVOr; aVUj.ivIJGTlKO t1WltlKO t5frrA.wj.iu roD KupepvtjrIJ KOvOJlo, arra rov i7ClOeWPIJt~ Mf..IOVortjrwv tiic; llohrdac; K. John Nikas, /) navll:p. M'rrpo1l01fr"e;; Kai 0 aM. Alex Karlou tsos, t51wOvvrt,c; roD rp"JlatOC; .dIJfJouiwv EX£Gf..(JJV rije; 'ApX1f..1lIUKoniie;· ra vato 8bpopaJlot. "Exw 1C10AClC; O"lCcl'V£l tOY talpa )lOU, va tov )l1tpOOla o'ou, Kl exoo lapa~£l navoo o'tT)v 'tac:ponupa: e a v a 't E 01; aE q>Opal1al! -ed OE mconoO'oo, tpaYOYEVT), O'(i'ma! ~PUX1i9~KE to npWtOnaHrjKapo, n£Tal'tl1Kav n£· .YT£-E~l1 aVTapT£O;, KUKAwO'QV 'to y£pOVfa, ~EKp£~aO'Qv anD ,[,~uO; w~ouo; tO~ TO. tOtxp£Kla. - Nd J,l£ O'KO't&O't£, J,lE Y£la Kai ~£: xapa oao;, na)J"l1KaplQ J,lOU· tOucpEKla £1£'tE J,la9Ec;;. Kai 9appti'tE nooo; tXETE Kai to 5h(lO. l:KO'tOOO'tE J,lE. ed O'KOtooOElE 'tOY 'tEuu'r aio AEU'tEpO civepoono, J,lci 'ttl AEUtEpta 3tv 'tTJ OKO'tooVETE· KaAaJ.11 &ci riVEt to Aap6yyt )lou, <J)Aoytpa 9ci .yiVEt Kai Sa PapaEl tOv"YJ.1VO tilo; AtUU:Pldo;. J.1£oa O'nlv ~pru.lo· Kat olyamya OAa 'ta KQAa~la 9a ylvouv AapuYYla va tpayou50uv J,laCi J,loul ErnE, npox.oop£O'£ O''tov toixo Kai attl9~KE OlnAa ato Aoxayo, ano -<I>Euya t OY tolxo. ytpo. oupAlaaE 6 KanEttlVIO,. 111\ )lIM,' ~ouAroat to 111\ aou to pOUAWaOUI1E, - 'Eoil> Elva! ~ 9t"~ 110U' liE yEAnaE,. YEAaaa to XroP10. t o npooroKQ' liE ti 110U- 'tpa Sa napoumaotw 'toopa J,lnpooTd o'tovo; dvOpoonouo;; BuiCouJ,lal va napouotao-too J,lnpOOTCt OTO e£o Kai va tOU n& TOV novo J,lou· Kat va Ka'tayytiA.CJJ otva Kai TOUo; O'UVTPO<pOUo; oou, AaonAaVE! 'EoEic;, J,lOOpt, aa nAaOEtE 'tov KatvOuPYlO KOOJ,lO; J,l£ 'tflv 'V EUTta, J,l£ 'tfl oKAaflta )l£ "(flv dTtJ,lia; va. - l lana-rl6.vvapE. OE 9tAro 01; XE1Potovrjaro T\proa Kat va 110U ~oupKOAaKltl lipna~£ tt, al1aaKaAE, Kat tOY ~EKoH~aE O£tC;. oupAlao£ 6 Kan£tQVIOC;, TOV ano ana TOV tOiXo. ~Av liE aq>rjaEl, ~rovtavo. 9a q>rov6.~ro. at YAUTooVEIC; ano !lEva, tKaJ,lE 6 ytpoVTnc;; MA'I'Ql: 1983 '0 1tivaxa, auro" tlt).Of/JOpovjJ.£vo, .. Pythian Maidens", "rav iva, drra roUe; tKrtBtvrac; roo Kurrploxijc; Karaywyijc; (wypdrpov Harry Koursanos 1l0V cYlve rav 1u.paGj.itvo j.iiiva ar;,v YKa).A..f..pJ Haber - Theoorou, 29 West 57 Street. aro Mavxdrrav. 'H YKaMtpi t5,tu8vvcral dno rr,v rplA..OrEXVO K. Mapfa geoJwpov, ,; <:moia Jlt, ~exvwvrac; tr,v Karaywytj tt]C; Kal Ge GVVtVVOIJU1! JlE rov (wypdrpo, eTXav npoGrpepOd t5laOtaovv noao(Jro erri rrov nwMaewv JlJUC; "fJEpac; YlCi npoGrpvyonallJa riic; K vrrpou, ra va 15 Kai tn ony~"; nou ~tAOum: £n€oav Ot npwn:e; a:FieEe; tOU iiAlOU anavw TOU Kai Ta. YEVla toU pai51aav. '0 nana-rHlvvapo.; EVtWOE miAt OT"; qlOUXta toU to XEpt tOU 'AopaTou va TpE).l€ t' 9u~OJaE, ,,'ETOUTT] T"; OUOKOATl wpa, cp<i>va~E ).ltaa tOU, ttOUTT] Ttl OUO'1eOAT) wpa ot Kupiel.jfE Tpa~..lO~; 'Eo& XpElci~E1"a1 aVTpEIYIO: arlKW Q1t<IVW, ~oTlSa va TOUe; owaou~E! =exva.c; 1tW~ otv €loa I ).lovcixu XptOtOe; OtuupOJ).lEVOC;, €lOCH Kat XPIOTOC; <ivaotlll-d;voc;! ~€V EXEl 6 K60'J.1o~ avciYKT] ma drro XptO''TOv,; O'TuupwJ.1houe;, EXEl aVOYKT], ).lOSE to ano ).lEVa, ano XptO'TOU~ nOAE).lapxou.;· q>TOVOUV to. KAOJ.1(l'Ta, TO. miSll. o f O'Taupw~oi' O~KW, O'ou AEW, crUPE I.pwvTi, va KatEpOuv 'to. tay~ata trov aYYEAwv, qliPE OlKalOOUVll! 'ApKEta. J.1a.~ El.plUO'av, J.1il~ i:o£lpav, ~fiC; i:paAav aYK061n, crn;q:Juvl, J.1a~ crtaupwcrav, ~pSE ~ O€lpa tOU uvaO'tll).lE:YOU Xptcrtou! TTi ~EUtEpa TIapouoin Tn stJ.1E £0&, £0&, arravw O'tTi Yil~. npiv va 11:£Savou!l€, Ot)KW amivw!» Kl aKOUOtT]KE J.lla q>wvyt Aunllt£Prl, ~aSta, OTT] pi~a tOU OftAaXVOIJ tOIJ: «~tv ).lJtop& . TO. XEpta tOU nana-rlaVVapOIJ i:nEaav napaAuJ.1Eva: «,1tv ~.l.1topEiC;; ei:~ J.1cl otv J.1nopEi~; ElocH KaA6~, i5iKaloe;, ayunfie; tou~ avepwJtou~, etc; va <ptpTle; TT] OIKatOOUVTl Kai tn Ae:uu;pui Kat titv <iycinll OtOV K00J.10, Kai oEv ).lnopeie;;», BoupKOJoav ta. ).lana tOu nana-rHivvapou. ,,' AAiJ.1ovo», J.lOUPJ.lOUPlOE, «r, AEUt£P1cl OEY elvat navroi5uvCt).lll. i5tv elVCtl a Savanl! €IvaI Kt GUtit SuyatEpa toU uvSPcl)1'COU Kl EXEt aVUYKT] ano tOV livflpwno ... ». Ohepa ).le:yUAl1, aUJ.1ftOVEOl1, tpucp€pcii5a, rrAl1J.1J.UJpIOaV to anAuxvo tOO' nori tou, nOTE 'tOU OEY dyanT}OE to XPIOtO 07tW'; rytv <opa houtT]. "TIUto{ j.lOu ... », ).loup).lOtJpIO€ Kl €KAElO'€ tit ).lcltta. n.'>pIOE 6 Kan£tavlO~ Kat tOY Koita~€' ElOE ta. KAa).lam tOU KUpT} 'tou vO: tPEXOUV OTa. J.layouAa tOU Kl dnavw 0'1"0. YEvla' TO , ~EPe. 6 KanEtOVlOe;, otv EKAalYE UUtO~ ano <poPo, Mv 1VT}I.pOUOE autOe; tOuc; av8pwnouc;, OXtpOue; Ka.t q>iAOUe;, ).laupOUe; Kai 1(OKK1VOUe;, Koha'E, Koha'E ta oaKpua 'tou YEpOVta va tpixouv, Kl <i~ucpva xroPlC; va ~EPEl nOUeE <pUOT}~E 6 ~€o'tOC; uu'toe; aVEIlOe; tile; OU).lrraVlac;, ~ KapDta 'tou nov€o€ tOUe; owoEKa avflpwnou~ n:ou OtCKOuvmv O'I:ov Toixo Kal ntpiJ.1EVav· ano €.va tou 'A6yo, drro ~va KivIwa tOU XEPWU toU, Kp£).lOuv'tav ti ~OJrl 'toue;. Ti va KclVtt; nOloc; l'jtav 6 8po!-lOC; 6mo ouv'tO).lOe; Yla tit ViKT}; Na OKOTWVElC;, va OKOTWVEle;, va Ilitv EXEl 'to Iliooe; ~OI.pAll).lO; yta. v· UVOi~El Kl autOe; Tie; aYKaAEC; oav 'tOY KUpT} 'tOU Kat va. VIKrl0El to j.lioo~ ).lE ti]v ciyunT}; ... "EKCtJ.1E va Otpaq>et O'toue; ).I.€AA08ava'toue;: «Kpatffi to A6yo j.lOU) va tOU~ net, q:JEPV(() tTi AtUt£pta, EiO'tE AEUtEpOl! avriKpOOE 'ta J.lana 'tou AOUlCfi va lCapcprovouvtal anavw 'tOU, Ciypta, OAO 1tEPYE:AlO' Evae; 8al).lOVa~ llVaXtT}KE Jleoa TOU, OICOtEIVOe;, J.laAAlap6<;, OAO al).l.aTa· 0rlKWOE /) Ka1tETaV ~p<lKOe; to XtPl TOU: -Dup! oupAlaoe Kl r, <pwvi] otv l'jTav 81K1a 'tou. BpovtT}~av Ta 'touq>€K:ta Kal to. OWO€Ka KOPllla lCuAioTT'tKav otic; 7tAUKE'; tt)C; E:KKAT]Olae;' to o&).lCt 'tou Aoxayou onapta.plO't ",'v to IJIUpt, aVttatoi~a~, ouo-tp,i<; <popo<; Kl l'jpflE Kat KUAiO'tT}KE o'ta rr6i51a 'tii~ Aoxay{va~' KL autt1 t6' 01tpOJ~€ nEpa ).1.£ to nooapt. "EOUPE <pwvi] 6 1ta1ta-rlaWapOe;, !lui O'TIYJ.ltl to J.1uaA6 tOU OaA€IV€' o'tpa<pTlKE va od Kata 1tOU n:e:q>tEt 1') £KKAll01<l' J.1a to ).lua.1.6 'tau crtPl<pOyUPI~e.· Kat J.1a~i. tOU Otptq>OYUPl'E Kui to XroPLO Kal to ~ouvo t pt yupa Kt ~ , EUdoa ... KAZANTZAKHJ: NIKOAAOJ:: NeoiAA"VW; e1tlKOC; JrOl1Jr"r;, bpullut/KOC; avyypa<peac;, Ilv(haropIOYPWpOr; Kai Aoyoypa<por;. Tevv"OfjKe aro 'HpaKJ..elO Kplfr1Jr; 1883, Te).e!wae TVJwaalO 'HpaKJ..e!ov Kai ri,V NOJiIKiJ Lxo).iJ rou llavE1t1ar1Jlliov 'AO"vwv, TiI. ra~iola ~aav lleydJ..o ndOor; rou, "£ypa'l" I'EydAO aplOl'o P,pAiWV, I"PIKa ano anoia ~aav: « Ti eMa ar" Povaia», ~/Iarra via», « 'Iarrwvia - Kiva», ~,Bior; Kai lloJ..lTeia roD ·AJ..e~r] ZOPIl7to.», «' 0 Karrerav M1xdJ.."r;», ,, '0 Xplaror; <avaaravpwveral», «'0 tPrwxov)1J~ rou 8eau», ~,' 0 reJ..evraioc; rrelpaaIlOr;'», «·Or5vaaew». Meri<ppaae '/).uiJa rou 'OJilfPOV. rbv (/>dovar rou rKalTE K.d. fliOavc rb /957. ro ro ra ra r"v , tU1tOypUq>1Kll , , EpyUO'lU , O'tll V 'A1!O rd l,Kaivw rou viol..! W<IOlWTlKOU ypa<pcioll "n"yaaoc;,» nov aVOl<t: arilV 'Aaropra b yvwrnoc;, Krli iowiu:pa riyumrrar; aro 0lloycvr.raKo ra~t/hWTlKO KOlVO K. Ta.Kr]r; Baaaor;, yvwaroc;, Kai (lir; paOIO(:K<p{J)vfjrr,c;, aAA.a Kai yuj: riJv nAOIJdla I:OV1Kr, Kat narplWTlK" opaar] rOil ara nAaiala rr)iv JpaarfjplOnir{J)v rolV 'Hrr:I:IP(!}TlKiiJV O'/J.U6ywv. 'Ano apu7tt:pa, b K. r. Z"d1IJOr;, b flavoa. 'AplIJ.if1vJpir'lr;, K. ~AVOIIlOc;" it:par, rr:polaraj.u:voc;, r;;~ KOIv6rfjro~ 'Ayiov JrJJir]rpioll - 'Ay , AIKo.n;pivr]r; 'Aaropiru;, b (moior;, rtAcac roy iI.Yl(wJiO, 0 K. r. Bapvapar;, olcuOvvriJ~ lKo6acw~ dmr'lpi(!}v rije; ,,'O)./JIlTC.WKr;r;", b K. LKO/J).!Ofjr;" 0 dlWOl..!Vr"~ rije; 'O).vIlJrraKr;~ K, flr.rpdrOt;. 'E1!iflKOnOe; Z,,).{J)v K. KaAi..lorOe;. ;; oie; LavTIJ Barrao/), 0 K. Baaaoe;, b K. Baa. EiYKac;, /l-6).t~ (}WKpJV{)J1I:vor;, b K. N. MnaKOTC.OIJ}.Ot; Kai ;, oie; K. navrr.Aioou, r5u:uO'-JVrpta pct;r.pPt<1l0VC; rfi~ 'Oi./)/l-rrUl.Kijc;, 'H (jW)()/Jva'l rou vi:OIJ. uJpruowrou ypa<pdou, r.lval29-09 Ditmars Blvd., Astoria, N. y, 11/05. Kai ro rfj)l;<pwvo 204-850(). n 16 r f\fJ1 YOPKH Tel, (212) 947-3180 .NEA YOPKH» I I I 'Ei;,alpErIK;' "faV Kai ~ xopo[.cmepioa rOD Hellenic American Chamber of Commerce nov OOOqK[' roy ncpaujlivo jlijva aro c;cvoooxeio Pierre Jit UVjlJicroxit no.uwv yvwaTwv ,uc).wv rijc; 'E)J.1']voa,ucpIKavIKijr; KOlvwviac;. To '£m,ue).qnlPIO ri,uque roy npc/;qv Xvpcpvr,rq t;;C; Niar; 'YOpKqC; XIOU Ko.pev b anoioc; t5,oxpiveral aro pijpa. ji£ r;,v uU{vyo rou Eooyydia, roy npoedPo rije; 'Emrpo1tijr; roD &invov. dV'[llfpoet5po rii' Israel Discount Bank of N. York K. ruivvq Mavo Ka; TOV npoet5po rwv I:ralplwv rou aVYKponiJ1aroc; AarlTl1 arr,v 'ApepIKr, afO_ Baa. rKpiYKOpU. nov elva, Kai 1lpoet5poc; rou 'Ellljic.).qrqp{ou. (Athens International - D. Kessoglides) duo dKOjll1 CTTIY~lowna ano TO Jeinvo rou 'EmjlcJ.qTl1piou. 'Ap, t5,aKpivovrGl jlErat,iJ aAAwv. b dIKaari}t; Kaj " K. MUAWVa.. 0 n:VlKO<; npO~l'.VOc; r~t; 'EA}.aJoc; Kai" K. N. Kand)'dp1']. b npc/;1']V KvPCpVr,T1']e; Kai" K., b K. Kaj if K. Mdvou. a al&. Kaj" K. rKpey- MA-I'01: 1983 KOpU K.d. Er~v &~"j rpwroyparpia, ~ K. KdpcU, ".pd>~v Kupcpv1r~, Kai a MIOKrr,rq, rou dlovvaoe; 11 K. ruiJpyor; 'ApjlaJ6poc;. 'R e~qxi. VIO" roD jlnaA}irov roD Kcvrpou ori}v XopoccmcpfOa ~rav npot1fpopa roD K. 'ApjlaJopou_ (Athens International - D. Kessoglides) 17 TA SAKOYITA IIPOAETEIA THE AfJHNAE I:ta BiAAla, to ypa<plKO XroPl0 tOO K19Eprova EIXa m:pao£\ 1tpiv KciJ..l1tocra XP6VIQ ICQA.QIcaipl anD lOJ,lOPCPO al)T() X(t)PIO, alAn O'tci8'1KQ J.lOVO "(ICl tva KOcpt, OlD va ~c voooxclo .B£p6pl-, Yla<i ~la~6).1ouva (p8aom o"ro 'Ypaq:mco €nioTJ~ A1llQvciKl tou IT6pTO rEp).1av6. "E<UXE va d).1al 61..0).16vax0<; ni MEyaA1] BOo).1aoa yta<i otv to 'Ev'tV1!WGW; wii K. EilYPO Y MINfJTO Y VOUV Kat oApavituca, 5nooc; OUJlPaiV£l Kat ~£ i aA)"a aA~avoxwpla 0<0 MEViol Kai a<a M£aoY£la (Kop",n[, MapKonouAo, l:nam, Xal~an, KaAu~ta <.A.n.), nou CP1]).1[~ovml oTaq>uAtWv. "EIOO tVOlacptpoU<J£C; f:llnEtplE<; Kat lapttOOJlEva aV£KOoTa Ta. lOOPla. ano at Ka).1).11a lin1] au<a, noil 60. aa<; OI1]y1]a& lloU dvtan6Kp tall· Elval Eva lOOPlO npoocSeuTlKctrtUTO TO. BiA)..ta, Jl£ Mop€pootuCO Kai EKnOAltlO'tlKO •.11ropouaa va naro OTT! Za.~a>v9o J..lE (pEPPt>-J..l1tOOt Kai IlOA-OVOn npooml9rtaa va t~aaq>aAia", 6Ea1] 0<0 a£ponA<ivo OT<i61]KE Yla TO. 8aUjlclmU Kpaoul tOu<; Kai Tic; ytOPTE<; OTa IIar'lT11Pla. 'noD tpatlouv ac%vato! wEnpf:1tE va 1rSPtJ..lEVW OtO waiting list. wHJ,louva KUPIOA.£IC"tlKO clnEl..moIlEVOt; J-lTJ ~tPOVtaC; noil va n£paaro to TIaoxu, orav 8uJ..lri9rpm ot tyyovOUA.£C; Ilou, nou nOAAt<; ~tVE<;, aKO).1a Kai ~EV"'V OlnA"').1a- l:unoyo, ).1E npo£opo <iJv K. t.1j).11]<pa TOW, noo OUjljlUEXOUV OtO natlllla trov KrovO'Ta nov f:KoiOEl Kat J.lul nOAll EVOtaq>E- nmc; IJ.tvavE KaSE ICClh.QICQ{pt, orav lCAElouaav ta oxoAEia, BiAAAta, yupl~av Ev90ucrtaOJ,lEVec; anD tic; 'Ypa<pIKOt'1tE<;; TOU XWPlOU, rrta HAPPY EASTER "Elat , Kai'tOl M;v 'YvIDpl~a KQvtva, btfiya Jel tyol a<a BiUla. ElvQl Eva nClACl16tato alflavoxwpt, noo TcntaAtel XPOVIQ lltav£ J..l£yaA'11tOAltda J.1£ 5000 Ka'toiKo~, U.ATlV1KO YUJ.1vc:lmo Kat Elp'lVoOIK£iO, yl au'to Kat t9£oop£i'to Aqpot; BIMlwv. l:1j).1£pa ).1tvouvc ).1ov<ixa ISOO, Yla<[ 01 ciAAOI Ka<E~1]KaV a<1jv ' Aa1jva, 1Clc:lo'tllKUV J.1E KaAt~ oouA£le~, 1tAOU'tlOaV, aUa o£v A1]a).1oV1]aav <0 X"'PIO TOU<;, Kti~oVTU~ ropala Onitla, nOll napa8£pi~ouv to KaAOIcaipl O{KOYE:V£laKW<;. 000 Kat nOAAoi aAA,Ol 'A8Tlvaiol. "'Etm nOll " KiVllO'Tl £Ivai ~ool1p6tatTJ Kat lapOuJ.1£Vll to KaAoKaipl. OA,A.el Kat to M£yaA.o~6J.1acSo. KTIO'j..Ii:VO ojlqn9£a'tpucel Ot"V Kopuqn1 tvo<; Mq>ou, aTOo<; nponoo£<; TOil Kla£pWva, at fl\jlo<; SOO ~E<pa, ).1£ KAi).1a ~ovaol<a bYl£lVO Kat jl£ v£po 8aUjlaToupy6 Kat aq>8ovo ano EUGENE PANAGOPOULOS Mr. and Mrs. And Family WILLIAM G. CHIRGOTIS <i<; n1]y£<; <~<; \jI1]A~<; 6poaElpd<; nOll Kaea.pi~£l ta v£q>PQ, npoKaMOvTa~ aq>90va oupa, 1t£ptO'0'6TE:pa ano ta O'UVll810'jl£V(l OlOUPll'tlKcl, npoo£AKUEI ioieo<; r;A1K1OOjl£VOUC; nclolovra<; ano t"V KapcSt<1 tOUC;~ nOll crt AiYE<; jlOVO jltpt~ ~avaCoovtQ VEUOUV ~ Yl aUTO Kai Elval <pava'tlKoi napa- Summit, New Jersey 6£PIOTE<;. 'YnciPlouv cSu6-tpia Ala, ~EVoaOl£ia Otel BlA- ano <a 6nola ~£X",pi~El <0 Verori (AE~1] aAllavinK'l) TOU KaTanATlK'tlKOU of: {OtE<; Kat cSpaotllPultTlta K. r. XapoaAouna. '0 'EU1]Vla~o<; <~<; N. ' YOPK1]<; 6a 6U).1a<al 6£nKa <ov c1A1]a).10V1]TO np6£opo <ii<; Hellenic Bank EuclYY£A,O XapOaAouna, no\) 5tav QnOOup911KE, tYKaTaOTci9fJK£ OT"V •A61jva. N0).11aa on 6 10lOK<1j<1]<; <OU E£- voooIEi.ou Verori "Tav oUYYSvf)e; tou. 'AA.Aci 511. 'EnpOKEltO 'Ylel tlnA,l1 ouvrovuJJia. Mia J.1Epa 0).1"'<; nEpaa£ an£K£l6 ~tlaa<o<; nOll ayami911KE TOoO ano tt\v 61loYEvEla, Kl' £tal yvoopi0911lCav! Ot KatOuCOl TOU lOOP10U ,.I.lAdv£ n£piq>l1- tpan£~itfJe; ).1a <000 aA~avinKa, 500 Kai kU1]VIK<l, telnalOl(X TOUe; OJ.lOOC;~ lapll aTel 0louia, jllAdvE 1l6vD tAAfJV1Ka Kahot KaTaAapa{. 18 · 0 K. Kat" K. <Dai8. ~ AAE~aKl1 Eiixovra1 (J' iJAove; rove; rpfAOVe; rove; Kai iJAove; rove; vavuAAo,uevOVe; KAAO rrA~XA A /pro Maritime Agencies, Inc. 595 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. .NEA YOPKH- pouaa ~t)vtala tqHl).lEpioa, Ta. BI)J.dJrtKa Nta 1-1£ apXtalJVtaKHI naAl I-1UlKUpia, rTjv Nitaa na)'wvll. "00'0 Ylll tau,;; KaToh.:ou,;; tOU xWPtOU, aaxoAouvtal crtiJv rrtllVOtpOq>la Kai Ktt)votpo<pia. :EtTj OlaOpO).lt; ~).brEl';; rroAAa. Kat ).lEy<lAa KOrr<lOla 1tpO~ata Kat KaTaiKla, )'1' atrra Kat to XooPU) ~yci~El nEpic.pllj.Ja ytaoupna, nou KEivU nou 1tOUAlOUVTCll atTjv ' A8TJva OEV ).l1tOPOUV va. alJYKpl8ouv. nEpi<Pll).la EnlaTl';; Elval Kal to: tlJPl<l to\J~, i8lW~ TJ q>ha Kat of j.Ju~ii8p£~. "0).0. Ttl I-laya~ul tOU XWPlOU, KPE01tWAEia Kat OlV01CpE01tWAEia, exouv avap"tt)I-lEVa aUtE:~ ti~ I-lEPE':; nAil80o:; ac.paYI-lEVa Ku"taiKla Kai apvu:i, rrOl! nouAlWVtal 00'0 ax€oov Kat crTt;v 'A8liva, 1-lE: tTl Owc.popO: on dvat <PP£OKoa<paYI-lEva. "Otav ~avarr€paal1O:; at: AiYll ropa, oA.a aUTO £XOUV K16Aa~ rrouA1l8d! "Etal of KpcorrwAEO:; crUVEXW~ a<po~ouvE vEa! ea :Et 6AE~ do:; \lfTloTaplE:~ Kato: I-ltiKO~ tOU KUP10U OPOI-'OU (0000:; :EaK€AAapiou) nOD £VffiVE1 tt;v 1tAaTEia TOU xwpwu, 1tOD ~pi aKOVtal to. l-'1taKO AlKa, roo:; to ~EvoooXEio BEPOP1, \lfEVOUV auvtxwo:; o.rro 8- 10 KataiKta Kal apvHi lCa8£ c.pop(i, rrou Kt autO: ao:v arro KarrOta j.Jay€la t~a<pavi.~ovral at: AiYTl ropa. a<poG to K09£ tparrt~l rrapaYYEAvEl 'tOu/.. :(1atO J.nac - w~ £va apvl! TO: auyu, c.pptaKCtata Kat rroAl! IltyuAa, to: mo noAAa. 8iKpoICa Kat to \If Will, XaPTl aro t~aiO'lo VEPO, VOOtl).lOta"to. ).lTl EXOVtao:; lCa) axta'll IJE Kdvo to o<pouyyapotlote; tne; 'A8Jiva~. ME ClAAa )..oyta dV(lL to. BlAAla to ZU)ptO til.:; E1taYYE).iao:;. £'xovrao:; arr oAa, ri uIJro Kal o\Jotatvw crtoi) ~ OJ.JO)'EVEio:; rroupzovtm at"v ' A8Jiva vo: to bnaKE<p8ouv, ).lE ni ~r:~atotTlta moe; SO: I-lElVOUV f;VOOIJO'laOJlEVOl, toao nEpmaOTtpO 1tOU arrtZ£l ([1[0 r"v' A8nva ).l10: wpa Kai thapto, to ElOttTJplO Jl.t to: AEwc.popda nOll <pEG'(OllY KriSE Aiyo Kal Al'yciKl ano 'to 0110'f.lo, atotXl~tl I-l0VO 60 bPX. 'Arro to. BlAAta 80. 1tEpaaUE unoXPEwtU,o. nTl-falVOvtae;, onoo<; dna, OtO TIoptO rf.:PJlavo . "000 )'10. tTl VEOA.ala tii<; oj.Jo-(f.:vda:;, ).lnopoGv va OlaaKEOaaouv XOPEUOVto.~ JlE: naSo.:; Kai ICUto: KOPOV onlY KUlVOGpytu VtlaICOtEK, aVtiKpU aKpl~roo:; urro to ~£voooXdo BEpOp,. a- at ••• I:tO ~EVoooJ(do B,pop' "Evu ~E"(ciAO n:pooov toG ~Evobox£iou toi) 1(, Xupou)~oGn:u elvat nOD aUYKEVtpWVf.:l rrc1v'tu 'tTlv "tAlt" troy 'ASl1vwv, arpa'tTl-fOl)e; <i.noatparou~, aAAcl Kai. tv tvtpyeia . t.rnatnJlOVE<;, t1tlXE1PTl~atiE':; Kal. ihpBovTl vEo/_ulu . Oi tl~t<; nu~q>ST1VEt;! ntpi<pTlj.JTl dvul I(Ul ti o.n£puvtTl 'tpa1tE~apla 'tOU. nou Z{J)Pc1C1 ~:i:I<; 200 (ho~u, on:ou npiv toG <pu'tTltoG O'tp6lVOVtUl JlaVIU}OW~, nai~ovra~ KUIJV-KO:V OAOt oi nr.AUtEe;!' Ynapxouv0I-l{J)<; Kal OUO «h:oj.Ju u180lJaE<;, ~t aVUnaUtlKWtUtEt; nOAu6poVEt;, n:ou Ti~1topde; VO: OExent; tOllt; <piWlIt; (JQU, Ku6~c; olio:; dnu, crrt;)'a Oto. BiAAla MA '/'01: 1983 Euxovral KaAO IId(JXa KaJ...b lldaxa a' DAOUe; roue; rpiAOUe; roue;, Mw Kai arr,v 'EAAdt5a euxovral o 'ApXl1r.AOiapXoe; Kai ~ Ka TAKH Tl:EBL\OY JOSEPH KISH Maryland Shipbuilding & Drydock Company and Jacksonville Shipyards, Inc. New York, N.Y. PERRAKIS MARINE SUPPLY CORP. Ship Chandlers Cabin. Deck and Engine Supplies Full Line of Dry and Fresh Provisions 271 40th STREET. BROOKLYN. NY. 112.12 Phone: (212) 4QQ - 1700 Telex 412XI~ Cable Address: "PERMARSUP". NY. CONTINENTAL FOOD PRODUCTS 31-45 Downing Street Flushing, New York 11354 Tel. 358-7894 /9 HAPPY EASTER OAO}lOVaxoc;. xwpi<; va YVW Pl ~c!) KClV£VCl Kai mip ' E:Altioa d8a }lepumUC; ROV yvffi ploa. 01tWC; tOV nCl ACIIO Iwi e..: J.£KtO !pll.O n:pwllv apXTlYO tne; •Aowvo}liac; KcIi tlOpa tv tl).111 K. EuayyeAo Kapa),lTt£too, ).1£ tll VwpaiQ Kai elryeV1KTt o u~\)y6 TOU Knit'l , QttO 011}lO- to. Southern Star Shipping Co., Inc. New York, N.Y. Hellenic Ship Supply, Inc. Bonded Warehouse Custom House License No. 37 CAPT AIN ALEX KORAKIS, Manager 210 NORTH 13th STREET, TAMPA, FL. 33602 Tel. (813) 229-1507 •0 NEUpoA6yo~ - 'l'uxia,po~ MIXAHA EUXOVfal Kai ti Ka LI~EPH a' o).ov~ fOV~ rpi)'ov~ fOV~ KAAH ANAETAEH ]0 CENTRAL PARK SOUTH, N.Y.C. 30-5236 STREET, ASTORIA, N.Y. Teleohone: 545-8900 CORPORATION Steamship Agencie& Phone (617) 426-3143 BUNKERING • BROKERAGE • INTERNATIONAL FORWARDING Cable: Paralia Telex: 940656 .80 Broad Street, Boston, MA 02110 at: Boston - Portsmouth - Providence - Ponl.nd - (USA) 20 q:nAtOtf:pa Kal o i Suo )..IH·11 nic; ci:9rl'.IQtl(f}c; KOlvwvia c;. Lfll..1C1WrEOv OTt (; K. KapoJlllLraoc; OU:tf:}.EOE 1tp6EO P O~ TOU Rotary Club nilv . A911vWV Kai twpa Elvat avtlnpoc8poe; tite; CKAEKlr;; Kat lJe IJqOf,'l 8po.oll (j)l/.av8pwnlKn; £ta 1pia ; TIpootaoiae; Kai •AnoKawonim;w; . Avo. rr1lPwv nai8wv. tlie; ano iae; npodipo:; dvat 1) EuyevIKICr. Kat opaOtt;pla cpiAll 1( . "AAKll0tle; A. KwoouVll , YHI tTl 8po.Oll tne; anoiae;, onwe; leaL tne; Ewtpia;. o.KO!--W 8h EXW ypo.",£l to napa Kai vlptnOlJat "'(1' auto. To loto onoytulJa oto ~EvoooXdo b.p9aOE EVa aAAo EKAeKto swyoPt 6 K. Kai 1) K. ' H Alo ZWtou. anD t1lv napalJu9to./if. ta tpla Xap1TW).I£Va naloui tw\'o tOV 'AH~ l1. 14 x povwv, natoi oopapo aU.a Kat €:yKOP010 , tTl xapnw/itvl1 Mapa. 13 Xpo\,CtlV Kat to OtEpvOY£Vt tOV I:n UpaKTl (IJOA\(; 9 Xpovwv). Eva natoi KaranATlKtlKO. ).If. £\''W\'11 npoownll(Otllta, nOtKiAa f.V8 1acptpo\'w Ka i npwtOpOU/.lee;, aAAa Kat ouvato911)lanKO Kai tPU(j>EpO. ~Etuxt v· aVtpaiVDUl.lE !--ta~i OtO aOaVOEP Kal. onwe; Tp:av <l'uoo0.:6. aU.o. Kat vO)lisovtae; nwe; yvoopt~O)laOTE. TTl\' XatpEtll0a Kai ).IOU avwnt8woE )If. l::va XalJoYEAO to XatpttLO)lO IJDU. ~ ETcrt TO J}p6:ou, TtOU tOUe; doa Oto tpant~l 6), 11 tTl\' oiKoytvl:lo.. nAlloio.oa Kat Eux,,9rpea OTO\' K. ZWTO to KaAwo~A9an:. Me KOAEOQ\' 6.~.d:owe; vO: Ka9tlow TOU'; Kai (tO I YVWptOO OAOKAl1P'l T~\, £u). OYll).1£\,ll aut~ oiKoyi:vEta. nOV).1e EVTUnooo iaoE 000 Kat 6 K. ZrotOC; .• Ano lOUe; tponou.; OAW\,. OKO).lll Ka\ Trov natBtwv. vO)Jloa Otl £:npoH1To Yla OiKOyi:vEIO 8tnAw)JO: tOU Kat ~ acp\· tOOSll Ka aKouovta<; nwc; OK. ZWtOC; ~to\' C1tltf:i.tKO,; a ~ lW).lOnKOc; ).If: t~a t pCtLK~ natplCotlKll Bpaun OTTlV Kunpo. Ncwtatoc; <lKO).lll. ).If. paStUl Kai 01.1 tntnOAa1ll ).l OP<l'WOll Ka\ t~alpCnKa tUXciP10tOC;. ~ETOI to aAAO Ttpwi E1ttcn.:b.pfh]Ka to f.KKAl100.K1 tOU ~ All I:nup iowva. aP10tCpa KaSw.:; Kattpaivou).lc OtO nopro rEp).lQ\'O. ~Hrav nOAu TtaAat o. ).1f: AaLKE'; 6.ytOtotxo· ypmpltC;. ).lDUP IO').li:vEC; curo TO. ...:cpta Kat tTl\' \rypocria - ~ ).lta dxc ~).lcpo).1'1via £to.: 1832 (npo 160 XPOV(tlv) - nAat OtW).lE\,C';).it KAaulKo YCWj.1EtP1KCt OX~j.1ara .. H nopm fjtav QV01KTt;. un ;;pxav ).lEPtJca Kcpcixla aAAa 0Xl Kat KoutL yta va PlX\'OU\' oi Xpl anavo! tOV6POAO tOUC;. l:tOV Toixo ).1o\'o.xo KtlO).li:vO Ko:n thoLO. 1I:pOOtattOO).ltVO O).1W<; ano ilia na).1no.Aolo OtOEPi:.· via KAElOWV10:. nov of: cruvbUOO).lO ).If: TO tOWtEPIKO tiiC; EKKA110iOC; ).l00 9U).lIOE. OE\' ~EPW nii>~. tYKataAEI).lEVO ).lCcrQHU\,IKO ,.lOsi ~"'KK'~O\' Ko9apwtato to 1I:POOllAlO. dAAQ 0.11:0 Hi Kal nEpo. antpaVtO AtPOOI !--IE 9a).l\'ou,; otpiilj.1a aYPlOAOtfAOUOa. nov ytopm- ano .NEA YOrKH. ana ~ClV tOV KoOUOn:prlllEvO to. XIOVICl £PXO~O ti1~ dVOl~ 11<;. KaeE tOOO ~lo. <popt(J}~£vll dno civ8ou<; ciypIo~uyoaAla , nOll tva oJ.liivo<; ~EAi(Jma POlXPOOOE ClnAllota to J.lEAl tOU<; , xoopi~ vo. EVOXAOUV'[at KCl80A.oU to '[(vay~Cl nOll Kava~E Y1(i va K6l.j1oUI.U: ano tva-ouo KACloaKla .• Htav Tl <I>oovT) Tii~ rlir;, not> J.lE t6011 oUvaj.Hl 1tEpiYPO'V'E 6 Kata~A~KTlK6<; Bayy t A~ <; . A~tpw<p-To"i",a<;. KaAO IIaoxa (Jrr,v tdExrr, ndareia flae; Kai (J' OAOKAYIPYI rr,v •O!1 oyiVE'-la ••• •AKOJ.lO 1[\0 UltEPOXO 1tClVOpClJ.lCl a.nOAClUOCl otil OUlOPOIlTt KutE~Clivovrur; otO TIoptO rEpJ.lClVO .• H citJ.lOCnpOlpCl fitav StuUYEotatl") Kal 6 dV01~U:hlKO~ llAior; ei0XOJPOUOE ota <pUAAWJ.lCltu trov o€:vrPOJv, EVW tli nouAaKla 1tatxvlot(ipl~UV 1ttt<1lV'tClr; anD KAaoi or: KAaoi. TIpaYJ.lClttKa xapa 0EOU! . . OAll tilv KOlAaOa , we; tiJ 86:)..aooa wpyia~£ ~ <p",,~ a"uYKp6.t~t~. E1Xa ntpaoEl ano t OY OPOIlO K6.~nooE ~ <pO pEr; to KClAOKaipl, no\) elxav met KaEi TO. x6pta ano tOV nOJ.l<payo fjA.lO Kai iJ OlaOpOJliJ oEv ~ou dXE: KavEl EVtUnooOT). To AlJ.lClVaKl DJ.100r; J.lE ti e; 'V'ap6 papKEt; Kat tli J.llKpa KOtn:paKlCl KavaVE t o AIJ.1ClVo'Kl ypaiplKWtCltO. Ta nEPlOoOtEpa t OTlaTOptu EXOUV avrh:pu , navOJ OtiJv aKtTt J.lEYQ.AEC; ptpavlEr;, EVW twpa to AIIlO:Vl iJtav aOElO Kat liypta KUJ.lota O€:PVClVE lTtV tiKpoOoAOOOul. • H ciyanllJl€:VT) j.lou olKoy€:vnCl ZWWU 80.J.lEVE ala BiAAICl to nprol vropir; JlEtCt tiJv . Av<iatClOl") OlTtV nEpi<PllJ.1l") EKKAl")mCt ti'jr; MEtaJlOp<PwoEW<; tOU lwti'jpor;, navOJ oE oxtOlCl <PllJ.ltOj.lEvOU r£PJlClVOU apxltEKtOVa, Kl' ETOt XOJpiooJlt j.ltta lr,V j.lUYElpitou. ::'m.1EpWVOVtac; l O naoxa , eloa 1[00e; E1XaJlE tEAEiw~ anOKAClOeEi 0'[0 ~ EvOOOXEio. "Evac; ayplOC; ~ O plCr. r; EOEPVE to XWPU) Kal OUVE:XOOC; EnE<pt'E XLOVOVEpO. ' Htav 0.06VUtO KavEi ~ va ~ q.1Utiol")! ::'avaKAEloa tiJv n:opta Kai j.lniiKo' otO ~EvoooXdo. · Evwpi. ~ tiJv Tpltll DA.Ol ala ~EvoooXdo t cpWYClV, y u pi ~OvtCl ~ otiJv . A8ijva , o.<pou "A£ioavE Yia tr,v TIPWtOj.lUYla. , noo DJlW~ dval no l,.o 060KOAO, 8uotuX&~ va. nQ.ll). l:TIYPOl: MINQTOl: Coach House 110 WAVERLY PL., NEW YORK. N.Y. Tel. (212) 777-0303 For Deck, Engine and Provisions GULF MARINE And INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY, Inc . 401 St. Joseph Street, New Orleans. La. 70130 Tel. [504] 525-6252 STEVE KOUTSOURADIS, Manager ~ <EPIR:OTIKI LIN< 551 FIFTH AVE., New York, N.Y. 10007 Telephone (212) 599-1750 MIs Argonaul, MIs Apollo, MIs Jason, MIs Orpheus MKIIIDI' OE nAP' APE/f! nArf! MAHAAIAl: 12 - 'l'APPQN 17 T~L: 36~9086 - 522-0260 JUPITER.NEP'TUNE.Mts OCEANUS. M/ V WORLD RENAISSANCE. ATLAS. HERMES JOHN S. LA TSIS (U.S.A.) In~. 5 West 54th Street New York, N.Y. 10019 21 MA-I'Ol: 1983 LtO O'uv8nuu «8tUcptPEt» 8i VEt EJlCPUO'll 11 etutpiu Apollo '0 rrpOEOpo, t~, halpia, Apollo K . EuK6vto<;. QVOKoivwO"£ 01' 1 10 vto Pl1tioll~ OlOl.pTJI,ltOtlKO rrpoypcq.llJO ),1(1 to q)l)AAO Apo llo ~aoi~etal nclvw 01'6 o(lve1'H..1Q «010I.p&P£ t ". «tuac.ptpcl, f)lihru( i!1Ic I[lIm"lrJUn T":'.: 'l~.:.. ..-.. .. • .-rE9..-x=........ - . -L * h' II ~;tLlll tl:; -" L'I'III I' t ti5 -' J~ !' 1i uk"" rov nepaaJdvo /liiva. (l£ a180vaa tOU &TJI.-lapxeiou. 0 bd rcOv OIKOVOJiIKWV roD ihjpou Ntac; 'YOpK"~ K. Xapplaov rKO)"V!lV, dv"yyelAe rov cropla/lo rou yvwatou atov ' EAA'1vI(l/lo tiir; 'A#epIKii~ t"..l.i:napoualaatfj d'l#ljrp1J Kaaravd, aa\.! p01JOO tou Yla ri~ aA"VOa/leplKav/Kt~ vrroOtaelC;. Merac,v r&v rrpoaelOollrwlI atirv rderiJ Ka! atirv &~{war, nov dKOAoVOr,OE, ~rav ~ olKaar{va K. XaPl~ T(wpr(. 6 rrpw1Jv -rrp6c1jpor; rfir; AHEPA K. K. KO(p({Jlvdr;. 0 IJIOKtljt'1r; rou K<V<POV f110NYI:OI: 1I. b K. Ka; K. N I:Kappaq. 0 K. Ka; K. N T(JepJou, b aM. ·AA£~. KapAouraOr;, 0 aM. I. IlOVAOe;. 0 K. TO/l Mmipraoe;, 0 JatpOr; Ka; i! K. r. Mavou. 0 larpor; Ka! i! K. n. Tplavratpv)J.ou. 0 K. Awrcp'1t; nerpo-rrouUa~ K.a. Itirv flJwroyparpia 0 K. rKO).V!lV tmciJwv aroll K. Kaaravd roy tido roo JlOpla/lOU TOU. PANEPIROllC FEDERA110N OF AMERICA & CANADA AnOXAIPETIHHPIO l'.ElnNO np6<; T~iJV TOO . E~6TOTOU r eVIKOO npoE;evou Tii<; • EMa&!<; Koi Tii<; Kupio<; NIKoAciou Kan&AAapl1. . H rtaVl1ne:IPWTIKli . OlJoonovoo . AiJe;ptKiie; Koi Kovaoo ovoyytAAEI aniv . O\lavtve:KIOn, ISIOPVQVWve:1 TO OnOXOillE:naniplO lSe;invo nD6<: nlJrw TOO . EvniJ6TOTOU r e:VIKOO npol;tvouTiie; . EMOooe; Koi Tiie; Kupiae; NIKOMou Kone:M6PI1, Ti)v TPiTTt 17 Ma'iou aTO ~e:vOOoXe:io Plaza 5th Avenue & 59th Street, New York. . . 0 KuPLOC; KOi 1'] Kupia KancMaPl1 aTO &QOTI]IJO Tiie; nOAue:ToO<; napalJoviie; TOUe; ani Nto . YOpKT], on6onooav niv KOi niv tKTiiJllOl] 6A6KAr]PI1e; Tiie; napalKiae; 1JOe;, yo niv ocpooiWOl'] TOUe; aTO K09ijKOV 6Mo nOAu nE:1liCJ96re:pa YKlTi OyK6Nooav IJt npurroqx:tvr'] ~QTOOO niv . OiJOytve:n KOI Tl]e; OUlJnapa0T68r]KOv IJt OOCACPIK6 tvlSncptpov at OAe:e; Tl]e; Tie; ISpaOTl]pI6T1]re:e;, . Ene:Kit'] 6 . EvnIJ6TOTOc; r e:VIKCx; np61;e:Voc; e:lvOi Eva on6 TO tt<Ae:KTO natl50 Tiie; KiKlire:PI1e; naTpiOOe; 1JOe; . Hn&ipou, Ii .Opy6vWOl'] 1JOe; 8e;wpe:i iooiTe:PI1 nlJli va Mlkl niv npwT0(3ouAia yo ni ISIOPYOVWOI] TOO We; avw anOXOIp&TIOTl']ptOU 15e:invou. IJt TI] 1kl3al0Tl]TO on tKcpp6<:e:1 TO oioetilJOTO 6A6KAr]PI1e; Tiie; . O\loytve:K1e; np6<; T6 niJWiJE:vo ~uyapi. rto ni OU~Toxti oae; it Yto nhl]pocpopiee;. ooe; napaKaAaUiJE: va tnIKOIVWvr']OCre: lJt'niv rtaVl1ne:1PWTIKli . OlJoonovlSia 0T6 napaKoTw Tl]Atcpwvo: (212) 53~7818 ·np&C; rparpciou (212) 74lH1027 BpQ&a avam] 22 rrpay~an . o:no tei iiAAO Kai Qll"tO 9tAOfl£ va Kara)..opouv Kat va 9uj.louvtO t oi VO l KOKUP£<; Kai o f (anchop£:; KciOc <popa 1(OU Xp£l6.~OVtal c.pu)J,.. o '(Hl '((1 c.poY'ltO:. OPEKtlKcl Kat to. yi.UKiOJ...LQW nOL' eo. ouv va c.p·t1(4~OUV". elm: 6 K. Kch-'LO-; . '0 8T1~toUPr6o:; roG yvwO'tOu l.pu)J.ou. 1tp6a9£O"f;; .(,'OTOV tovi ~O fl(; on I.pUAAO flO C; «O Lal.ptPEl», M;v clVotpcpO)..laarc 110\'0 OTTlv td.£Kttl ltOlOrrrrci roo. QA).O: Kal aro: YVrlOla UAIKO: nou xpllO"1 ~OnOIOD~E YIO: r~\' KaraaKwrl tOO, 6),AO: QvalPEp6~aarE Kai otiC; [olorllrtc; rou! To I.pu).),o ~ac; l)i;\'6pu~ J.latl ~CTa L. 8tv KoAAa. otv I.;UViSEl. l)i;\' AaO"1tli)vct )..IO).It; pyEi ro Kouri. 'ArrEvavriac;. ro I.pUAAO Apollo OOUAEUETaI nOAv ci.iKoAa. onwc; yvwpi~ou\' oi VOL KOKupt.; nov to Xpll0t~Orro lo Dv. "Ow\' I.jITh'EWl I.pOllOKWVCI Kal yivErm POOOKOKK1\·O. Kai KoBE mloovt. nEp ltxel neptoootepa I.pUAAa. To orrouoalOtEpo. to q>UAAO J-la.; olar llpEitOl rraVtOTe qlpE01CO. ~ \'OlKOKUpa J-lnopd \'a t o Kpatrlocl )' U1 }.ttlVEt; oro l.jIuyEio». «AUTOl dVQl oi pOO"lKoi ),0Y01». OUVEX lO"C 6 K. Kovto.;, nOl) tovi~oJ-lc on ro <pUI.Ao ~a c; "SlaqltpEI'" Kat IJ-nopd va ro OIOJttOtrooouv tUKOAo oj 'EDl. ll\,iSt.; V01KOKuptC;. otav to aUY1<o:pivo\)v ~la ).10\'0 <popa ).It to npolov a AA(I)\' hotptll)\' napa yroyiie; q:lUAAOU. •Ano t~V a\IYKp1C'l11, 60. KataAOpouv YlOri to qll)AAO APOLLO dval Aiyo aXPlpwtEPO ano oD.a ..:ai 86. 6uj..I118ouv auro rrOl) ntCHCllC I 6 m:p lO0t1tCpOe; KOOj..lOC;. on to ei,,-p lp<im:po £i\'al or~v npaYJ.1QtlKOrllTa q>Orl',ottpo . To c.puAAo Apollo ~pim':Erat ot 0).,0 tei tAA ll \'IKCt no\'ronwAEia ).;ai oro OOU1tCPJ-l OPKEtC; 0"' 6AOKA llP'l r~v . Aj..IcptKI1 ..:ai ro\' Ka\'a8a. 'H hOlpia Apollo dVOL ~ npll>tll orrlv·Aj..ICptKrl Kal at OAO to\' ..:6C'1~iO. nOli ptOJ-lllxavonoillat: to qll<).. Ao ..:ai !l) f.)';U~IE yvWOtO at l:..:aroJ-lJ-ltlpla av9pti)noll'; nOll Olm: ro elXav aKolloEI rrpi\'. ' H tl u:iilocrll tOU otiC; . Hvwj.l£\'c,; nOAttt:lt:.;. l\.avaMi. . AyyAia. Al\orpaAia. Mtoll' A\'arnA l) .' E>..Arioa ..:ai Kl\npo . dVOl a1tort).co~lo ~ IUK pn XPOVHO\' ItpOana9CHO\' J't"Oll OTtWtXthlIro:O\· or. OAts ti.; qlciaEI~ tii..; d\'anr\\~c (I)~. OTtl\' c<;atpEtn.:rl 1tOt0t11ta !Oll c.pM.. AlW. «' H nOlotqra tOfl ipllAAl)\l ~Ia~ ci\'lly\,(I)~ to ano .NEA YOPKH· piOtTlKE o.rro to KataVoArot1 KO KOIVO» , tOVlO£ 6 K. Kovto~ «Kai EUXO ptcrtOUJ..IE lowit£po ti.; VOlKOKupt; YH1 ttlv avo:nT\J~Tl t~~ balpio~ J..Ia.;" . • H KOWVO:/,WOTl nOAA01tAflcrtO:Ot TlKE tei n:),Eu taio. XPOVtfl. Kal YUl va lKaVOTC011)0£1 tilV cruv£X0~ o.u~av6J..1e:vTl ~T)tTlOTl, 1l bwpia APO LL O J..I£:taq>£P911KE ano to Dumont , oto Fair Lawn l OU New Jersey, a t Tto),':} J..I£YO,lutEPE; Koi J..I0Vt£pve:.; £YKa-' lOO1'Qan;. Ltl; vb:~ a\')t€:;, t(hOKtTltE; EYKO,1'O,01'o.OEl;. yi ve:lal nopa Kat "r) napO,ywyi) trov Cii.i.wv EK/,e: K1WV npoi:ovtWV T~; Apollo, OTto), 'ri wpomna, onavaKornna, 6 ~rw Ki.alla.;, to Kawiq>l, to oopayAi, Ot KOUpUJ..I1tl£{)e:~ . ttl tpOlviKW , la naoxa;', lVa. taouptK:w Kat (j).. la yAlJKiOJ..lota K01 6PEKlt 1(0.. "Ta £:1:01 ~0' a~ta npol'ovTa E~aO(pa/.lCEl ~ ttu lpia J..Iac; oli; VOll(OKupt; TtOl> otv E;(O\)" tOV Xpovo va XPllcrtIJ,OnOlT)OOUV ot '{Ol£:; to £K/.£K:U) tpUAAO J..Ia;l', /...Eye: t 6 K. n K6vTO,. ME 'tTl\' £:tJKOlpio OtJttl. 6 rrpoe:8po; til; APOLLO tOV10£: Ott Yla ti; OlJ,oYEvuaKE; 6 p"/uvwm:l; Kai tiC; KotvOt1FE<; rrou 6p"/uvWVOlJV , £K{)POIJ,£<;, XOPO\J; KUt o.i.i.£<; bd'TlAWOe:l;, npoo<p£pOVtat £1OIKE; tKTttWOE 1;. ~ ta<pTj "" iSE"CE "Cie; bnXEIPrlOE1e; Kai "C<1 npoi:6vw oae; m:fJv NEA YOPKH «'A VOl{,UJrIK'1 'Mia» elVaI /) TirAoe; taU nil'aKa aUTou, roi) yvwcrtaU t;wypdf/JOV M el'f.).aov Karaf/JV)'IWT'1, nob tt,r.rtO'1 Jia(i td via TOU aouAc/d, rov ncpaa/1i.vo /1i;va, ar;,v 5'1 llaYKOa/1la "EKOCa'1 TiXl''1e;, arb Coliseu m. Ir"v fxOca'1 aurrj, nov rcpoaEiAKooc ro~ f/J1).orexvoVC; dn' 0).'1 rr,v 'A/1CPIKtT, lA.afJav /1i pOr; ndvw anD 300 (wypdrpol dno 0).0 rbv KOcr/10 Ka(Jc/)~ Kai of J1.cyaAvrcpCr; dpcpIKaVlKl:C; Ka; t,ivcr; YKaAkpi. '0 Karaf/JvYlwr'1r; ~rav 0 /10val5IKoe; "EAh7vae; (wypdrpoc; nov Uapc /1ipor; crrr,v eKO['a'1. ASTIR HOTELS THE QUALITY HOTELS OF GREECE HEAD OFFICE ASTIR HOTE~ CO. I~. Il P,&:o:ll.1o\I1 11. Alh1fls 124, GREECE Tel. 32..wt;1.e h,..: 21S7~7 ASCO GR. MA-I-Ol; 1983 OUA REPRESENTATIVE IN U.S.A: ROBERT F. WARNER INC. 711 TH IRD AVENUE NEW VORK N Y 10011 PHONE (212)687 .5750, T.,• • : 68221 C.bI.., WARNERREo NEW VOR K CA~L TOLL fREE 800 223M2S OUR REPRESENTATIYE IN CANADA' TRAYE ~I NE IN C 80 BIoo •• 1. W Torc)nl 0 0<11.,10 MSS 2Yl 1l1li_ 1416) 96H333 hie. ' 06~39D9 23 I 'EKJoaclC; - rpaj.1j.1ara - TtxvcC; A R are Poem ofDeep, Inner Truths What do you know aboUi your inner world? I don '( mean your emotional inner world, not even your overall physical inner world, important as they are. Rather, the world a/your cells and deeper sli/l. The poem that follows, Voyage To The Most Beautiful City, as its aUlhor calls it, delves very deep into the inner world, the often inscrutable world. of the human and other living cells. I trust you remember your high school biology. You '1/ need it to read.this most original poem by Agnes Vlavianos-Arvanitis. Agnes Vlavianos-Arvanitis is a distinguished scientist. a kno",!n biologist whose recent two books of poetry received wide acc/aim in Athens. Recently, Dr. Vlavianos-Arvanitis received her PhD. in biology. Her doctoral thesis dealt innovatively with the "effects of hormones and cAMP on Serotonergic Receptors." She speaks several languages fluently, is an American as well and visits this country quite often with her husband Arhanasios Arvanitis, a key executive of the Scalistiri Group of companies in Greece. Jacques A. Case TU~EiOl O"tt]v 1tIO ropuiu 1toAm:iu EeKivtTua yui ' va ra~efJl JU1KPUVO Kai ppiOr,Ka urav KVrrapOIJ nTv no),reia f/JOpr,OT/Ka pr,v VOlwa(O an[;)1CIuia K" avri yr' aUro, eaJl1lWO"Ka ano xapa Ti KoapOr;; aniarturor;; oovAevel pipa Kai vvxra pi roaer;; IlT/Xa vir;; Ileaa ae rerma Upllol'ia nov oev !Ill' /lpiaKelr;; ovre ark; x,J..lOaroAlaJdl'er;; f.KKAquler; Tui vd nepdu{j) f1£U' rr,v nv;'" XPWiGTT/Ke i).eYXor;; rpplKrOr;; rppoupoi, Al1liola npwn:.lver;; {moooxeir;;, iJla Ucyxovv av arr,v ciaooo eo. Jl1leie; Kai J10),,; nepauw; arrov ouz)exrci.w rr,v rroAneia 0' aVTlKpOOelr;; x1)ui&r;; IDlXavle; n' tpyd(ovrm ~ KdOe pui xwpla dA..l.d J,li rpono llaYIKO DAce; npompepovv orr,v npoan.aOela nov ulJvrovi(u rov KOUJlO aliro. 'AKOJ1a Kai rd 1110 dm7J,laVra 1})txrpoVla ~epouv non; rir;; pl:J1ppaver;; va J,apovv lvcpyela ano (aXapo avrAovv J1eaa ara Illroxovopla Kl' lrm, oAa rd }lep" }l7tOpOVV vd KIV1JOOVV 'AKOj1a Kl' av 11 KwolKar;; dl'Gl Kpuppivor;; J,l[;(1' rou Ttup;;va rr,v apvaao rr,v aKorclvr, Iluaruai. n[;pvoiJvc ntiJ.I aoqxi npoe; KvrOn)aalla pe lluartTPlwJtT r51aopollr, ro ra tPepvouv [va KWOIKG KpUrpa o.vrlYpalllleVo ae ypaj1J1ara nov ;.eve j1VaTlKa nv (fOaVOUV ara KaVaAm roiJ ivoon)aaj1aTlKofJ JIKrvov. OP0j10 npoc; njv KarolKia KI' aKo)ouOofJv nov vrvveral ara KOKKlva XPwj1ara Kai llaywTlKd rr,v Aeve pl/loawJ1ara. ro ra Tpr,yopa roiJ KwJ'Ka ric; Ilnep&llever;; U¢elC; pi rd¢1J auvapJ,lo).oyovv Kai J,li ra j1VaTlKa rro6 OJ ~eprr)e~ouv (fTldxvouv rir;; npwrel~ee; Yla rr,v (wr, '£pyarec; nT/yalvoepxovral oi bppover;; peaa arov rrup;;va, KurronAaapa. YKO)YKI Kai navTOV aa va ("rouv an' 5Aa r' alAa J,lep" JlOvdXa a' aOrtr;; va neIf)apxovv. ro ro Md MfiJ {mapxel UpJ,lovia Kai KaOe j1Wrr,plO pa06 ~ ({Jva1J arOAlaj1CVT/ pe llaY1Ko arerpavl nAtKel XGpovJ1cva evav faro nov ~epCl J,aeKarO#J,lUpza GKOTWtX; KdOe Kai vd auvOtrel rou Kurrapou rov mo pciWOIKO aKonO. Amra Agnes Vlavianos-Arvanitis 24 .NEA YOPKH. 'H' AKabTJJ.lia 'tlJ.lii 'tT]v AHEPA Kat 'tOV K. IIavaY01tOUAO ME: n;v £uKOlpia til e; 'E9VtKfj <; 'Eoptfj<; Tii, 25~, hi.~TlOE MapTiou ~ , AKao~~ia ' Ae~vOiv J..I t ppapdu citO}lQ Kat 6pyavwOE1<; nov ouvtpOAQV otiC; Tt'OAttlK€:C; Kal bC1tOA'TlOTlKE<; t~EAi~€t, Tii, , Enaoa<; . . Ann tov • E)J.llvOa~J.[:plKcr.Vll(6 1(00110 1"1J..I t ppapEIa Kat apyupu j..I£tclAAtCl J..I~el1KaV ti opycivwO'l tile; AHEPA Kat 6 K. Euyt VlOC; 'tile; rropOlKiac; Jlac; tile; Neae;' YOPKll<;, ElblKa yui TtlV TIavay6nou),oc;, yvwOtO j,lEAOC; rrotptoottKli, €K1tOAlnOttKTi Kat buotl1l>paoll tou KUTa Ta XPOVIQ tfic; £nayycA}lQttKt;c; TOU ~roii<; }leTa 'to t£AO<; nov 1l0V1Kt; crn:ooo&v tou Kat tile; rroAqllKfje; UTtTlPEoiae; to\) roc; &~lWJ..lattKo<; TOU NaUTlKOU KOra tOV B' na YK6o~llo TIOA.EJlO. l:tt;v rq.l.'ltlKtl <:Jtlvd>piaoll tfie; , AKaSllJ..1iac; nop£otTlOQV cAn to: bWKEKpIJ..lEVa j..IVI. T) , OU,.ln€pIAQJ..I!3avoIlEvou Kat TOU ltPWllV npo£opou tii ~ 6T1J.lOKpalia~ K. Tochoou. lOU 1tpWllV TIpw9ultoupyou K. KavEIJ.. 01tOUAOU KaeW~ Kat a)\)..E~ YVWOlt~ 1tpOOWJtlK6l111E~ lii~ a91lVa;:Kii~ KOlvwvia~. Tr,v EicnlYllOll Yia lr,V PpciPeuOT1 EKavav 6 npOJllV [l1toupyo~ no- AtllO~OU Kai 'EmOlllJ.lWV K. K. Tpu1tcivll~ Kai 6 KaOllYlltr, ~ DOA-IllKOD 6tKaiou K. M,xa~Aio~ , - N,apo,. '0 flpoeJpoc; r;,c; 'AKaOl1J.l.iac; K. llaAavtwc; aV)!xaipa rov K. flavayonouAo Ka; rou i:.moiOtl ro ppapeVrlKO oinA.wJ.l.a Kat .tu:raAAIO. ESTAURAN 'El;,atPUlKT) H,ATJVlKT) Kou~i va a£ tlJ1£~ dauvaywvlatl:~ 117 East 15th Street New York City Tel, (212) 254-0960 MA,),m: 1983 Meta r~v tljJl1rlKi! ouveopiaotf 0 K. llavayonovJ.oc; jJ£. naJ.alOV<; <JUI.fTCOAcjJlatac; rov. 'Ano dploupa. b 'APXtfyoC; tOU TevlKou 'EmTdefou 'EvonA.wv L1UVdJ.l.EWV Naoopxoc; NteY1avvl1C; Kai 0; NaooPxol E.A. l. Touj1nac;. b 0PUAIKOC; Kuptpv"rl1C; rou dvrI'WpmA.A1KOU «'Aopiac;» K. E. MoupiKl1r:; npwtfv 'ApX"YoC; roil NaUrlKOV Ka; 0 ~Ynapxoc; rot) "'Aopia» Kart} roy ropmA.AlaJ.l.O rou TO 1943, ara L1wJcKciw1<la. 2S Atlantic Bank offers you worldwide banking service through worldwide connections. Atlantic Bank is uniquely qualified to assist you with all your international banking business. In addition to correspondent relationships with other banks in many countries all over the world, we have affiliated offices in such overseas business and financial centers as Athens, London, Paris, Frankfurt and Johannesburg. Add to this the advantage of our moderate size which enables us to take a personal interest in your foreign banking problems -whether it's foreign exchange, credit or investment data , letters of credit, or information on exports and imports. For every foreign banking service, talk to the people at Atlantic. Member Fede, , 1 Oepo'5" Kill b K. r. TOlKAfOnr;;, npou5poc; rig KOIvonrroc;. (Athens [nternational - D. Kessoglides) In'$u,ance Corpor ol iion ~ ta<plll..Li~En; 'ri~ bnXEtprjOEt~ Kat TcOV KUP1WV rfir; cPl).01lTWXOV rijr; KOIvorqrar; tOU TIJliov EmupoiJ TOU Whitestone, aro Terrace on the Park. lldvw, ~ np6c.t5poc; rijc; cP,A.OnrWxov K. 'AvO;' TP1avrafPuAAou, oV(vY0C; roo yvwaroii YlGrpov n. Tplavrarpv).)..ov, evw drrevOuvel Xazptrl0/10. Karw: 'A no apl(JTcpa, b npoeopoc; riTe; llavlJ71UpWTlKijC; Kai ibpur;,c; rije; KOlv6nrrac; K. 'HAlac; Mrrir(wc;, iT K. TplGVra<pUA.).ou, 6 iep. rrpoiarapEvoc; rije; KOIvonrr:Q(; aM. K. Xapirwv MaXG1punt"c;, b afO. l. EKGvc5d)"OC;, ~ K. Xpuniva EaKeroc;, rrpoeJpoc; riie; 'Emrp07rijc; TOU yevllaToc;, 'Ano to 50, cuj(JlO ycvj1a ,a npoi:ov-ra oa~ onjv NEA YOPKH ~tr~~1ft) 22 .. 81 3151 STREET. ASTORIA, NY 11105 T'lA. (212) 932-7011 GIFT SHOP MnOMnONIEPEE .. BAfTTlITIKA .. liAMnA.1EE E/AH AQPQN· MEKOI .. 8 TRACK TAPES - CASSElTES .NEA YOPKH. GREECE IN AMERICA The Plight of the Patriarchate The fol/owing is the text of an appeal of the Order of Sf. Andrew the Apostle, which was printed in 1,000.000 copies and is being distributed by the 550 Greek Orthodox parishes in USA and by the members of the Order to increase awareness of the tragic situation of the Patriarchate. Its title is "The Plight of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople" and gives a general idea of a problem ofgreat concern to all Greek-Americans. The Order of St. Andrew theApostle is an A merican religious and charitable organization. incorporated in the State of New York. The members of the Order are Greek Orthodox laymen vitally concerned in religious freedom and human rights. Christ ianity endured centuries of per secution and bloodshed in the pagan Ro man Empire until the Roman Emperor, Constantine the Great, proclaimed Chnst lanlty to be a tolerated religion in 313 A.D. In the early years of Christianity the Church was administered by Bishops in the major cities. namely Rome, Constantinople. Alexandria. Antioch and Jeru salem Each Bishop handled the administrative matters in his own provin ces. while matters of theology and dogma were decided by Ecumenical (universal) Councils of Bishops, convened by the Byzantine Emperors MISUNDERSTANDING AND SEPARATION The Chu rch functioned in this manner until 1054. when an ecclesiastical disagreement developed between the Pope of Rome and the Patriarch of Constantinople. The end result was the separation of Christiandome into Western (Roman Catholic) and Eastern (Orthodox) Churches. In the West, the Pope of Rome was considered the unchallenged spiritual and administrative head of the Church . In the East. the Patriarchs (Bishops) of Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem continued join tly to decide major theological issues, with the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople being regarded as the honorary spiritual head of the Eastern Church. TURKISH DOMINATION After Constantinople fell into the hands of the Turks in 1453, the Sultans issued proclamations that the Christians would enjoy religious freedom. Later, these were set aside, as evidenced by the Turkish conversion of the best churches to Muslim mosques, the confiscation of MA Y 1983 properties, the heavy taxation imposed upon the conquered, the abduction of Christian boys for service in the Turkish armies. and the interference in church affairs, including the election of Bishops and especially the election of the Patriarch. In the 17th century alone, seven Patriarchs were killed. As recently as 1922. Metropolitan Chrysostom of Smyrna, was martyred during the massacre of Greeks, Armenians and other minorities in Asia Minor (today Turkey). Following the massacres, the Turks became determined to oust the Patriarch and all the Greeks who survived the holocaust. THE TREATY OF LAUSANNE In 1923 the Treaty of Lausanne was Signed by Turkey, Greece and the Western powers, so that the non-Muslim minorities in Turkey would have the same treatment and security under Turkish law as was enjoyed by Muslims. The Treaty further provided that the nonmuslim minorities should have equal rights to establish and also to manage and control religious and social institutions, schools and other establishments. The years since 1923 have been marked by periods of extreme suppression and intolerable conditions, although at times a certain degree of tolerance has seemed to exist. The present conditions under the Patriarch exercises his duties and responsibilities are exceedingly difficult: The Turks have suspended Patriarchal periodicals. The Theological school has been closed. The Turks have limited the Electoral power of the Holy Synod. Church properties have been confiscated . ANTHONY G. B. BORDEN National Commander of the Order of Sf. Andrews Repairs and even painting of the Patriarchate have been prohibited. The function of the Patriarchate has been made extremely problematical and the life of the Greek Christian unbearable. Turkish officials recently visited the Patriarchate. In this holy place, which corresponds to the Vatican, all sacred items were registered and declared the national property of Turkey. The purpose of this pamphlet is to inform the American public of the discriminatory and inhuman conditions that the Ecumenical Patriarchate of the Orthodox Church is still undergoing in Turkey, a country that is currently supported with billions of dollars of United States foreign aid. As citizens of the United States, a country that has been and is champion of human rights and religious freedom, we want you to be well informed and wish to solicit your support. If enough voices are raised throughout the free world, Turkey may hopefully reappraise its attitude toward the Ecu menical Patriarchate and improvement in the present conditions may be brought about. We appeal to all world governments friendly to Turkey as well as tothe leaders 27 Greeks overseas, like Odysseus, return to their motherland By Lee Stokes Special to The Chris/ian Science Monitor, 4-14-83 ATHENS - Since ancient times, Greeks have embarked from the shores of their homeland to seek better fortunes abroad. Homer was one of the first to describe the global wanderings of the ancient Greeks who, like the protagonist in the Odyssey, founded new cities in the Mediterranean. Now, for the first time in their modern history, Greeks are coming home in larger numbers than they are leaving. Some, like Odysseus, always intended to return home for sentimental reasons. Others are motivated by the practical reasons that made them leave in the first place. But more than anything else, it is improved conditions in Greece, and rising unemployment in their host countries, that has resulted in Greece's falling emigration. Vasilios Massios, a retired New York restaurant owner, returned here after working in the United States for 20 years. "I enjoyed living in my adopted country, worked hard, and saved up enough money to come back home," he said. "' I love America, but I always intended to spend my retirement here because I am Greek. It's easy to understand why. You never love your stepmother as much as your real mother." Of the 13.5 million Greeks in the world, 4.5 million live outside Greece, according to the Foreign Ministry. Morethan 3 million of them are in the US, 500,000 in Australia , and 300,000 in West Germany. Another 60,000 fled to Eastern Europe after the defeat of the Communists in the Greek civil war in the late 1940s, but about half of them have returned. Recently, more have been encouraged to return by Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou. Of the 800,000 Greeks seen strictly as migrant workers in the West. more than one-quarter have returned in the past five years. of the world 's great religions, including the great leade rs of Islam, to raise their voices so that Turkey may allow the Patriarchate to function without the present harrassment and interference. In the words of the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1923: "The continuity of the Patriarchate in Constantinople (Istanbul) is pro foundly important to the whole Christian Church." For copies of the Pamphlet write to: The reserve migration trend started in 1974. In that year. for the first time since 1850, when statistics were first compiled, more Greeks returned home than emigrated: 24,476 returned, 24,448 left. By 1976, the most recent year statistics were gathered, the gap had widened to 32.067 returning and 20,374 leaving. Though figures for last year are not yet avai lable, Pericles Economides of the Foreign Ministry's Department of Expatriates estimated that the rate of returnees to emigrants is now "at least 5 to I ." He ecpects this trend to grow even more in the next few years . "This comes as a result not only of increasing opportunities and material prosperity here, but because the economic crisis is sweeping those countries that once prospered and absorbed our workers ... The unemployment rate in Greece IS between 4.5 and 5 percent, lower than that of most of its Western host countries. Gross national product grew at 0.7 percent in 1982, and inflation is ru nning at around 18 percent. A survey last year in an influential West German newspaper showed that 84 percent of Greek migrant workers here wanted to return home. a mood expected to be encouraged by the new conservative Bonn government. A drop in migration has been noted in all major host countries. In the peak year of 1965, when a total of 118,000 Greeks emigrated, 12.000 went to the U.S. But thc number going to the U.S. dropped to fewer than 2,000 in 1982. A similar trend was seen in the number of Greeks being accepted for settlement. Only 612 Greeks were granted permission to immigrate to Australia last year. compared to 1,900 in 1981 and over 4,000 in 1975. In Canada, 3,500 immigrant visas were issued to Greeks in 1975; last year. 971 were issued . The number of Greeks in West Germany has dropped from nearly I million in the early 1970s to just under 300,000 today. Many of the host countries. particularly West Germany and Belgium. want to facilitate repatriat io n. says Theodore Katsanevas , president of the Greek Labor Employment Organization. Athens is tryi ng to revita lize a West German-inspired project whereby migrants would use their savings and be given loans. financed primarily by Bonn. to start a business on their return to Greece. The Labor Employment Organization has recently set up a program to train unskilled returning workers. and help both skilled and unskilled ones find jobs. Despite the relative ly soft landing for returning Greeks. there is often a certain disilusionment when they compare their renewed Greek Experiences with the standards thaI prevailed in their host countries. "We are. of course. vcry happy to be back." says former New York restaurant owner Massios. " but we are not ex.actly like Odysseus. for he had a kingdom waiting for him upon his return. As soo n as 1came back. seven yea rs ago. I made an appl ication for a telephone line. It has only recently been insta lled . II DR KIMON A. LEGAKIS LL.B. I.LI\1. LLD Athens UniversifY Lak' School. MOSler of WlA.·. Harvard LillA.· School, DOClOr of LalA.·. Greece LA W OFFICES : ATTO R ." "£Y A r LA. W L£G.'H CO .' ·SCL 14 Nikitaras Street Athens 142, Greece Phone : 3633.340, 3620.830 T.~ .\ r 209 Ganh Road Scarsdale, N .Y. (914) 72547 17 With emphasis on: St'll/t'menIS of Inheriunces. Taxes. Dispult'd Proper/It'S. Ci .... il. InIUna·liona/, Family and Busint'ss LA .... · in Gtl'~Ct' The Order of St. Andrew, the Apostle 8 East 79th Street, New York, N.Y. 10021 28 MA \' \98.1 nArKYnPIOI IYNaEIMOIAMEPIKHI \o\1Io,\, !'W~ • ./~ 8 XP6vla ccnaYKunplOt;» Ic:iI3I3aTO 14 Mciiou 1983 Crystal Palace ASTORIA nANIKOI ANAPEAI XPIITO<J)OPOY NIKOI KPHTIKOI T6vTOutTO: Bciaoc; . HpaKAtouC; Euay6pac; KapaYlwPYIlC; XAPII AJ\E=IOY no npwTTl cpopa IJt neVTOlJeAri 6pXilO'Tpa ouvooeuouv: IJnou<;ouKI Xpiaroc; NlKoA6nouAoc; Kle6pa l:TtAlOC; Kapu&1c; IJnooo nwpyoC; ZlKOYICIVVTlC; VTpcllJ<; I\&UTtpllC; T~Q.laC; . EniOl1<; 6 nANIKOl: XAPAJ\AMnOYl: Kof 6 TEYKPOl::EN()<I)QNTOl:on6T6 xopeUTlK6 0UYKpOTTlIJO «l:OYnA» al nJ..lTl80Ov nOAt<l j.ltArl TOO 610lKl)TIKOO oulJl3ouAiou eo. ICUKAoqIoPl'lCJE:1 ei61K6 AeUKWI.IClIJt anoK614K1TO £(prU.lepi6wv KOi neplOOIKWv 101£ ioToPIKQ TOO .. naYKUnpIOU;' MAY 1983 29 Dionysus" offers International Show Shlomo Haviv Elen; VauJgari Shlomo Haviv, the Israeli singer whose dynamic vo ice and international repertoire have captivated audiences everywhere, began a two month engagement at Dionysos II, the elegant west side Supper Club at 208 West 70th Street. on Thu rsday. April 28. 1983. The versatile singer will co· headline in the 90 minute show presented three times nightly, with Elena Voulgari and Costa Coronakis , both stars of the Greek song. Also in the review is included the darling of Athens, thrush Franchesca 8eJleni, and appearing with her is Athenian sensation, Dimitri Tambossis, in a repertoire of songs that do justice to his coarse voice. Also participating in the show, the fabulous J oe Cavalieri Dance group. wins accolades with its high precision and colorful costumes. Vol uptuous Kari zma enchants with her mid-east dances. executed to the sounds of the Dio nysus Band . Joe Cavalieri Dance Group 30 Dionysus II is o pen seven nights a week from 5:00 p.m. for dinner, late supper, and cocktails until the wee hours. S hows, nightly except Mondays, start at 9:00 p.m. , 11:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. Mondays, the sounds of the Del Roys alternate with the sounds of the Frank Valenti Spanish Band. All major cards are accepted at Dionysus II , and Valet Parking is always available. " NEW YORK" -SPECIAL OFFER- WERFARES ON HOMERIC'S 747 'SI EI-CHA IS' to For The Summer TO P l USTAX575 ROUNDTRIP • You Fly BOEING-747 JUMBO JET - NON-STOP • Departures every THURSDAY and SUNDAY Returns every FRIDAY and MONDAY • Children 2-12 years old pay only $499 round trip. Infants travel Free. • Limited number of seats • CALL NOW N." York: Brooklyn: 595 Flflh Ave Tel. 212 753-1100 79'()4 5th Avenue MAY 1983 T.,. 212 833-6800 AlTOPIA 31-1901TMARS Blvd T.I: (2121721-6400 SI;lOford, CT: 906 E. Main St. 2031359-2917 Hicksville 86 No Broadway 5161487-1108 Athens, Greece: 59 Panepistimiou SI. T.'. 321-4777 31 Papandreou Wins Aid by Backing Down on Promises By J onat han C. Randall (Washington Post, April /4, /983) ATHENS-Less than 18 months after sweeping to power on pledges to rid Greece of American military bases and quit the European Community, Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou is poised to collect billions of dollars to do neither. The Socialist leader's odd-man-out tactics in NATO and the community, and the high price that he has demanded to renege on campaign promises have led to frustration among other western governments and within Greece's still fragmented conservative opposition. Many of his most demanding left-wing supporters are angry at the backtracking on international issues, despite Papandreou's success in push ing through some promised domestic social reforms. But with amodest economic upswing expected, and an opposition lacking in organization and spark, Papandreou now seems assured of winning the next elections. An assessment of the first year and a half of rule by Greece's first Socialist government begins when it comes to personal style with a sense of deja vu. The fiery campaign orator who promised a "contact with the people" appears to have emerged as a traditional Greek political patriarch , keeping power tightly centralized in his own hands. A bend toward autocratic rule, typified by fancy beach resort weekends, lUxury limousines and a penchant for favoring his family with political plums, have brought a level of disilusionment. "He confuses socialism with classic 19th century politics,'" said Stathis Panagoulis, who resigned from his job as undersecretary in the Interior Ministry and was expelled from the Socialist pany for complaining about such abuses. At the same time, however, Papandreou has managed to begin anchoring this never easy-ta-rule country firmly in the 20th century. In foreign policy, he has succeeded in putting Greece back on the map in Greek eves after a generation of following the American lead. In return for a Greek commitment to stay in the lO-nation community, the Eurocrats in Brussels have completed a package worth just under S3 billion over the next four years. Devised in answer to concessions demanded by Papandreou a year ago as his price for not demanding a referendum to remove Greece from the Common Market, that largesse constitutes an extraordinary effort by the Brussels commission, particularly because Greece's creaking bureaucracy has so far proved unable to absorb more than one-third of proffered Common Market aid. The offer features a special financial and economic package, deemed "a sort of 32 Marshall Plan." according to one community official, plus an indefinite delay in applying Common Market rules on tax reform and other basic legislation. As for the American bases, considered vital for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's exposed southeastern flank, a general mood of optimism surrounds the discussions on their future despite cautionary warnings from those close to the negotiations that serious obstacles remain. Recent American willingness to raise the U.S. contribution from $280 million to $500 million in the 1983-1984 fiscal year to help modernize Greece's armed forces-if agreement is reached-has notably improved the chances for success, according to politicians and diplomats here. Such is Papandreou's reputation for qui- xotic behavior, however, that no one is taking the prime minister for granted when it comes to either set of negotiations. In the critical issue of Greek relations with arch-rival Turkey, Papandreou recently signaled willingness to resume a dialogue within two months at the level of foreign ministers. Such is his record on that score, however, that Turkish diplomats here expressed private doubts about any substa ntial improvement in relations. In domestic policy, the prime minister's reforms, although well overdue, have required little expense. " He 's been offering little presents," remarked Helen Vlachos, publisher of the right-wing daily Kathimerini, "like a husband promising a fur coat or jewelry and showing up with perfume, and not Fren ch at ME TO PETERS TOURS rIA ENA ErrYHMENO TAEIi\I l:THN EAAAAA Xropi<; TUAUutroPlE<; Kui Tpt)(a~uta Tu~t8£\jf£T£ 11£ Tel KUVOVtKel 8pOIl0A.6yW Tfjt; ' OAU Il1t:tUKfjt; 11£ JUMBO-747 xwpi<; GTU9Ilov. Fto. r;,v Kpar'la'l Otatwv Kai KaOt TrA'Ipotpopia 'ATro raOiirt ara atKG aa,: PETERS TOURS, INC, 600 EIGHTH AVE., NEW YO'., N. Y. 10018 Tol., 39"')200 QUEENS OFFICE: 29- 14 DITMARS BLVD., ASTORIA, N.Y. I I lOS TEL.: 932·3366 "NEW YORK'" that. .. serious plotting was afoot, in contrast with Changes range from instituting civil 1967 when the colonels barely bothered to marriage and divorce, decriminalizing adul- disguise their intentions before they seized tery. overhauling the antiquated university power. system and granting of a general amnesty Equally upsetting to many Greeks has that allows tens of thousands of Greeks who been Papandreou's a uthoritarian attitude fought on the losing communist side in the toward state-run television, which in his civil war of the late 1940s to return home. opposition days ignored his person and On paper, at least, the prime minister now party. stands on the threshold of a modicum of I n recent weeks he has demonstrated his economic and financial prosperity calcu- own penchant for interfering with television. lated to allow ex pensive structural changes Television simply did not mention a delayed by a sluggish and vulnerable eco- disturbing incident in which a drowned ship nomy. If the world begins to emerge as fore- worker's leftist friends dumped his body cast from the current recession , improved inside the Merchant Marine Ministry to foreign exchange income from tourism, protest alleged lack of safety precautions shipping and remittances of foreign-based by shipowners. workers can stimulate the thin and luckAnd when a prominent righ-wing luster eco nomy. newspaper publisher. George Athanasiades, Such a reco ve ry would bolster Papan- was killed recently, Papandreou personally dreou 's political position. His party already controls 175 of Parliament's 300 seats and has every reaso n to feel firmly in control unti l elections, which could be delayed as late as October, 1985. After granting an average 27.5 percent wage increase last year, concentrated among lower paid workers, the government clamped on a salary freeze in January while letting prices rise as a way of damping down the economy. Inflation has been reduced from 25 percent to 20 percent annually, the balance of payments deficit is down from $2.5 billion to $2 billion and unemployment has stayed steady at approximately 8 percent nationwide. But for all the talk of streamlining the newer impressive civil serv ice, the Socialist government has followed its conservative predecesso rs in turning out earlier political appointees and naming its own people in la rge numbers. M o re worrying to some observers is the government's apparent se nse of insecurity, underlined by the government's ordering of a police, Army and party alert on Feb. 27 when it apparently felt threatened by a possible Army uprising involving monarchists. Neither Papandreou nor his ministers has explained the alert. In a country where the latest military government ruled from 1967 to 1974- the seventh such regime in a century- such a sta nce pro ved deeply unnerving to many Greeks of all political leanings. intervened to fire a television news editor who broadcast a statement by New Democracy leader Evangelos Averoff suggesting the crime was politically motivated. The prime minister said that the editor should have waited for a balancing government statement, and later in the evening the television news carried the government version and only referred to Averofrs. Een without such incidents, New Democracy is divided and scarcely in good health. George Rallis, the former prime minister who relinquished party leadership after New Democracy's 1981 election defeat, has just published what promises to be a best seller entitled "Hours of Responsibility." In it, he condemns A verofrs tactics of allying the party with the extreme right, which, Rallis says, alienated centrist voters and contributed to the Socialists' election victory. Even highly placed Socialist party officials and well-disposed diplomats-as well as the conservative New Democracy opposition-questioned Papandreou's handling of it. The late winter and early spring traditionally have been periods of political tensions - partly because senior Army officers come up for advancement or forced retirement then, and the prime minister by all accounts acted on serious information. But there now seems lillIe to suggest that any MAY 1983 33 We know now that we need you, barbarians; we need each other! Like the residents of Byzantium in Constantine Cavafy's haunting poem, we classicists sit "Waiting for the Barbarians," displaying our trinkets of disappeared from our schools. civilized life before you because we hope, The case for classical Greek can be ex- "things like that dazzle the barbarians." tended in many ways. For one, we can point Should you not arrive to take them up? out the fructifying influence a knowledge of "What will we do without barbarians?" The the classical languages has had on almost value of jewels depends on their being every seminal thinker in the West, from esteemed, cared for and thus passed on. Shakespeare to Nietzsche to Freud. Even Marx wrote his doctoral thesis on Democritus and Epicurus, and years later sent a charming letter to Engels saying that after Robert M. CosIa. who holds a master:,; hours of intense research in the British degree in classics from Oxford Uni\,ersilY, Museum, "as relaxation in the evenings I teaches English at Hillcrest High School in have been reading Appian on the Roman Jamaica, N. Y. He will leach a course in civil wars, in the original Greek." cla.uical Greek next fall. Civilization and literacy are very frag ile creations. Twice in Western history they have all but disappeared. It is Chilling to reflect that until World War I almost every university in the West required a rigorous knowledge of both classical languages for admission. Now, only Oxford University holds out, albeit with a much weakened requirement, along with a few of the ancient Archbishop Iakovos has accepted an inuniversities on the Continent. vitation from the Children's Heart Fund to It is, in this context, sobering to recaJllhe serve as International Chairman of its "Inrapidity with which a knowledge of Greek vestment in Children" program. was lost in the West in the century between "It is with a deep sense of honor that I the deaths of St Augustine and Boethius, the cultural consequences of that loss and the accept appointment as International Chairdifficulty with which a knowledge of the man of the 'Investment in Children' prolanguage was only partly ever regained. All gram," His Eminence said. "Over the years, I have closely followed this should give us pause before we let it pass lighly through our hands a second time. and admired the loving miraele of hope and Ninety-five percent of classical literature has life extended by the Children's Heart Fund been lost forever; only one complete poem of to many of the world's hopeless children. Sappho's survives from the 12 books we ". am proud to join my friends Dr. Joseph know she wrote - she whom the Greeks. Kiser and the Reverend Billy Graham in themselves considered, along with Pindar. bringing this message of the heart to all those their greatest lyric poet. who dare to care ... In a somewhat playful vein. I sometimes A three-year campaign to raise $3 million remind my "Greekless" students that. for program, capital and endowment needs, etymologically speaking, they are all mere the "Investment in Children" program has barbarians, sinee the word literally means reached two-thirds of its goal. according to one who cannot speak classical Greek. But, Merna Tontant, Executive Director of the in truth, we humanists have learned wisdom. Children's Heart Fund. Why Classical Greek? By Robert M. Costa The N. Y. Times. March 12. 1983 Although much has been written of late on the virtues of studying Latin, the case for learning classical Greek, if made at all, is mentioned only in passing. It happens that Hillcrest High School, in Jamaica, N.Y., in September will become the only New York City public school, and one of a handful of schools in A.mcrica, to offer a course in classical Greek (along with Latin, which was reintroduced last year.) This is a watershed in education in America. It has long been common knowledge that, according to the most frequently cited estimates, about 65 percent of English VOV3bulary is derived from Latin and about 20 percent from Greek. In a 1980 article in the Journal of Medical Education, Roy F. Butler reported that statistics derived from a computer count of the 49,500 entries in Dorland's standard "Illustrated Medical Dictionary" show that 58.5 percent are derived from classical Greek, 21. 77 percent from Latin and 13.23 percent from combinations of the two languages, for a total of 93.5 percent. By comparison, only 2.91 percent are based on English, 1.13 percent on French and the minuscule remainder on all other languages_ Mr. Butler reported that the trend of deriving scientific words from Greek and Latin is not dead_ Of the 5,900 new entries in the latest edition of the dictionary, 93.74 percent are still derived from Greek and Latin. Obviously, it is more interesting to learn words from a language you have studied rather than mechanichally to memorize words divorced from their linguistic and cultural contexts. In fact, if our country is indeed concerned about the quality of its scientific education, we could use some of the national treasure now being shoveled into the Pentagon's insatiable maw to hire new, properly trained teachers of the classical languages, who have all but Children's Heart Fund names Archbishop Iakovos to International post To Aegean Travel oii~ npooq,fp .. TI! nlo q,fh\\lO fiolnlPla II' 01\ YMmAKH "aJ CHARTERS YIC! 'E).},ooa KaJ Ki>npo yto TO 1983. ~ AGFAN LTRAVEL ASTORIA 29-11 Ditmars Blvd T~A.:932-3232 34 KARDAMYLIA TOURS 29-11 Ditmars Blvd T~A . :721-7990 HOUSTON 92-31 Stella link T~A.:(713)665-4151 OI\YMmAKH Ei61Kh; ¢l6'lvr<; Tl}Jt:.:; YIC) Kunpo Ima t\o\,l6i\,lou GREECE Ima one way ~fOW 4-6 Fllelllnon Str. Piraeus T ~A.:452-6139 $343 $549 Round TrIp CHARTERS Ima $299 one way Ima $499 Round TrIp "NEW YORK- First National Greek Orthodox Young Adult League Conference The first national Greek Orthodox Young "The four Christian characteristics of the Adult League Conference will convene in GOYAL movement: Worship, CommuDallas over the Fourth of July weekend at nion, Service and Witness, will not only serve as an example for the young adults but the inspiration of Archbishop lakovos. Open to the faithful aged 18 and older, the for all the faithful of our Archdiocese of conference is not limited to GOYAL North and South America," His Eminence chapters. To encourage attendance at this added. historic event, costs have been kept to a An environment of religious and social minimum. Registration is a nominal $85 and fellowship that will be meaningful to paraccomodations at the brand new Lincoln ticipants has been planned, according to Radisson Hotel, site of the conference, are as General Chairman John Russon of the host little as $16 per person per night. Dallas GOYAL chapter and the Holy "This extraordinary conference will Trinity Parish. afford the opportunity for Greek Orthodox Arrival on Friday, July I, will ensure that fellowship, cultural and educational ex- everyone can derive the maximum benefit change and spiritual edification," the Arch- from the Saturday program, which begins bishop has said. _ ~ith the Divine Liturgy and is followed by To the keynote address of Archbishop lakovos. Father Theodore Stylianopoulos. Professor of New Testament Studies at Hellenic College / Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, will deliver the main speech of the day on the Holy Bible and Liturgy and answer questions. Clergymen will then lead workshops on the Bible and Worship; the Bible and Ethics; the Bible and the Trinity; Eschatology; History; Campus; and the Person of Jesus. The choice of workshops can be made at the time of registration. After Vespers and a five-minute sermoneue, there will be a Greek Glend i with a full-course buffet on the hotel patio. Fireworks will light the evening sky as a rpa<pEto 'Av'tt1tPOO(()1tEiac; 'tfjc; E0NIKHL TPAIIEZAL THL EAAA~OL Ei5xc:WZ (Jnjv 'OJ1oyivc:za XapOVJ1C:VO lla(Jxa J1C: ayanYJ KaZ OJ1ovoza , " , f' , E0NIKH TPATIEZA THl: EAAAAOl: rtu -cie; auvuAAUyte; aUe;, crLllV 'E8VtKll Tpum;~u 'EAAUOOe; NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE, S.A. New York Representative Office 71 West 35th Street, New York, New York 10001 Suite No. 905, Telephone: 212-947-7735 MAY 1983 35 band of young Greek-Americans plays musIc. The highlight of Sunday's agenda will be an Archieratical Divine Liturgy celebrated by Archbishop Iakovos and co-celebrated by other Hierarchs, assisted by numerous Priests. Following a buffet-style lunch on the hotel patio, a panel discussion will ensue on the theme "The Greek Orthodox Christian in Society: at Work, at Home and in Recreation." A Grand Banquet Sunday evening will feature speeches by the Archbishop, a prominent lay person, the general GOYAL chairman and the Prcsident of the Holy Trinity Parish CounciL Band music will play after the speeches. Monday, which is Independence Day, begins with a prayer service, Reports from various workshops follow and the National GOY AL Committee will submit its findings from a Sunday meeting with the Archbishop, who will formally close the conference with his fmal comments and a prayer. That afternoon, a pool party and barbeque with music and dancing will leave everyone in a good mood as they disperse for home. "This is an historic conference because it brings to the forefront the importance of young people in the mainstream of our Holy Orthodox Church," said Father Nicholas Katinas, Pastor of Holy Trin it y. "One of the highlights of this conference will be the role of young people in the Church and how they can take the gift that God has given us, expand on it; develop it and pass it on to future generations," Fr. Katinas added. Father Angelo Gavalas, Director of the Archd iocesan National Youth Office, said: "Young Adults should know there are other young peop le of the same age living in other parts of the country who are practicing the Greek Orthodox Faith. They should get to know each other so they can become close friends in a creative fellowship that would strengthen the Church. "This conference will help GOY At to get established in many more Parishes, region and Dioceses. It will recognize the contributions of young people under the spiritual aegis of the Archbishop." For further information contact the Young Adult League at Holy Trinity Church, 4005 Swiss Avenue, Dallas, Tex~s 75204 or telephone (214) 823-3509. rpa\jlEtE Eva 1111"-0 (Ja~ (Juvopo~'lnl Declaration oj the Greek National Assembly JANUARY 15, 1822 In honor of the anniversary of Greek Independence Dayan March 25. Marina Angel. Professor of Law at Temple University, has reissued the translation of the Greek Declaration of Independence prepared by Epaminondas Spil iotopoulos, Co-Di rector of the Seventh Annual Temple Law School - Athens University Summer Sessions Abroad. Spiliotopoulos is a distingu ished Greek attorney and author, and a member of the Faculty of Law of Athens University, who was in residence at Temple Law School one year ago. He presented his translation of the historical Declaration of Independence during a speech before the American Hel len ic League in Philadelphia on Independence Day, 1982. The text of the Declaration follows: As descendants of the wise and humanistic nation of Greeks. as contemporaries of the enlightened and well-governed peoples of Europe, as observers of the benefits enjoyed by these contempo raries living as they do under the continuous protection of their laws, it was impossible for us to suffer longer. without becoming apathetic and stupid, the cruel calamity ofthe Ottoman State. A State which for nearly four centuries has brought puniShment down on OUf heads. A State in which law results not from reason but from the mere willful imposition of power. A State which has governed and ordered us arbitrarily and without our consent. After long enslavement we were at last obliged to take up arms to vindicate ourselves and our country from this abomination. We can no longer live with a tyranny whose basic principle is injustice, a tyranny so heinous that is incomparable in its oppression. Our war against the Turks, far from being founded on rebellious or riotous ideas. or seeking the purposeful advantage of only part of the Greek nation. is a national war, a holy war. Its only cause is the recovery of our rights of personal liberty, property and dignity. Rights enjoyed today by all the neighboring and well-governed peoples of Europe. Rights which the unprecedented tyranny of the Turks tried by violence to take from us, and to suppress in our hearts. Are we lacking in reason compared to other nations that it is just to deprive us of these rights? Or. are we of a lower and vile nature so as to be considered unworthy of such rights? So vile as to be condemned to an everlasting slavery, to crawl like beasts. to be exploited under the unreasonable will of ferocious tyrants who came like bandits from a far away land. and without any convention, to subdue us? These rights, that nature has deeply sown in the hearts of men, that laws, conforming to nature. have consecrated, these rights cannot be effaced by a tyranny that lasts not only three centuries. but even a thousand or ten thousand centuries. If violence and power can for a time overwhelm these rights, might can restore them again. anew and incffacable in themselves. exactly as they existed for centuries before. We have never ceased defending these rights with our arms, inside Greece, as the times and circumstances allowed. Driven by these principles of natural rights, desiring equality with other European people, our Christian Brothers, we started the war against the Turks. Unifying local uprisings. we have unanimously begun our campeign. resolved either to obtain our aim and be governed by just laws or to perish. For it is unworthy of us. the descendants of the glorious nation of the Greeks. to live under a slavery which is suitable only for animals and not for reasonable human beings. Ten months have already passed since we began this phase of our national war. The supreme God has helped us in this extraordinary achievement. although we were not adequately prepared. Our arms have been victorious in many places. In others, we ha\'e encountered and still encounter significant resistance. We have confronted adverse circumstances and we have been until now busy removing them. Therefore. it should not-seem strange that we have postponed until now the political constitution of our country. Until now we have not had time to declare our independence and to be Ot1]" «NEA YOPKH .. 36 "NEW YORK" presented as a nation to all well-governed peoples and the whole world. Before we were assured of our physical existence, it was impossible to think about political existence, Let these words be a sufficient justification to others for our delay, and an excuse to ourselves for this irregularity. Now that the removal of adversity has begun, we have decided, or rather we have been obliged, to organize a Political Constitution of Greece. As a first step, local constitutions have been promulgated, as for instance, that of Eastern and Western Continental Greece, the Peloponnese, the Islands etc. However, since these local Constitutions were aimed at establishing the particular regulations according to which each of the Provinces could be organized and governed, it became absolutely necessary to create a Provisional Genera l Constitution covering all subjects and all domestic and foreign relations of Greece. To draft and to produce this Constitution, the Provinces and Islands sent plenipotentiary representatives. These representatives, after adequate contemplation and examination of public affairs, have organized a Provisional Government. This is the government according to which in the future, Greece is to be governed. This government is founded simply upon justice and the law of reason and upon the fact that the common opinion of Greeks has been expressed through the National Assemb ly. All the residents of Greece must recognize it and consider it as the only legal and national Government. They must abide by it accordingly. The Government is constituted of two branches: the executive and the legislative. The judiciary, appointed by both branches, is completely independent of them. The National Assembly declares these events and proceedings to all Greeks. There is only one addition. The work of the Assembly is finished. The Assembly is, of today. dissolved. The task and the duty of the Greek people is to be respectful and obedient to the statutes and to the ministers who execute them. Greeks! You said a while ago that you did not want slavery. Now the tyrant is day by day disappearing from your midst. But, only concord and strict obedience to the Government can consolidate your independence. Grant the mighty God's arm, in accordance with H is wisdom, to raise the governed and the governors, to raise the whole of Greece, so that each will recognize his true and mutual interests, so that the governors through their foresight and the governed by their obedience consol idate the deeply wished for happiness of our common country. God grant! God grand! Made in Epidaurus, on January 15, 1822 First Year of Independence ArpOKTHMA I:THN AN~PO Al"POKTHMAhtoO'[wc, thow ui)\' 8 1)2 O'tpc .....uitW\·. O't';\' ypa.IKWtot" UPIOX'; l:apl~"c, - A\'opou. nwi.eltol 0'[ t~olpcttKli tt.,.,.. I1cpl[X Cl u:poono off'n . KOtOAJ.. llAO "fui tOVPIOflKtl ci~WnOl'lO'tl. 'Et,OlPCtlKO nA.E;ovtKtiUl.ofQ .,10 tnIXtlPllO''l. ii "fUl t~oXU(" KOtOlKIO. Oi tvoloq)tpO... noi nopoKOAOU\'tOl va tllhq)wvqoollv O'U)V K. rUJn'1 l(opKIiO.. ko. 'qk. Illl) 49'1-1700. IIAAAALlION GIFT SHOP 42-21 BROADWAY . ASTORIA THII.: 626-8036 Silver Anniversary Luncheon - Fashion Show Internationally renowned dashion designer, Mr. George Stavropoulos, will present his collection, in collaboration with Martha, Inc. of Park Avenue, at the Ladies Luncheon for the benefit of St. Michael's Home for the Aged. Honorary Chairman, Mrs. Evangeline Gouletas-Carey, former First Lady of New York, and Mrs. Nancy Stavropoulos, Luncheon Chairman will host this event. The Silver Anniversary Luncheon Fashion Show will take place Wednesday, May 25th, 1983 at the Hotel Plaza. 59th St.. N.Y.C. at noon. Donation $50.00, For information call (212) 549-9067. New Board of FILIKO The Hellenic Cultural Circle "TO FIUKO" conducted its Bi-Annual Elections at its General Assembly Meeting on April 17th, 1983 and elected Demetrios Kotsilimbas M,D. as President for a two year term. Also elected to two year terms were: Eleni Dellaporta Austlid. Vice President; Peppy Volikas, Greek Secretary, Maria Makedon, English Secretary and Costas Darilis, Treasurer. Elected also at the same meeting for a two year term on the Society's Board of Directors were: Demetrios Contos, Nicholas Pituras , D.D.S., Yiannis Simonides, Michael Volikas and Theodore Yanos M.D. mlAHEH ~ ANTAAAArH MAMEPIEMATON E,o MAPOVEI 'Alltjvcllv Kat (J'~ yvwGnl tOllplGtlK1l A.OlltpOnOA.I AOY· TPAKI. tl'" KAINOYPriA hO\~<> napaoota. oaaf.u:piO'Jloto nOlllt£AOU~ KQtQOKEUll<; JI£ fYlpolJla ~1JO"u.a papJlap« K.A..n. to. onoio 7( pi: £\)..<; n1'lproJlii<; ~ to dvtaAlaGGoo pi:. dKiVllta O't"V •A.,.tpuni· HEAIOE BOriATZAKHE KE<PAAAHNIAE 7 - XOAAPrOE ATHENS. GREECE THA.: 65.2\.678 Owners: JERRY. SOULA MALASPINAS 'EAiin; va (Jii~ i:~U1tllPEttl(Jou,u,: HAil IAMOY - HA.pTl2.TIKA - OAOI: 0 KABHMEPINOI: TynOL 1II;"/'{()JlKA - KA2.E71:L - N TI'AK - .1IEKOI- HIBMA - EYXETIIPlEI: KAPTEI: 'P1AM -I;"{AII AA-J-KIIE TEXNflE - MErAAIl nOIKIMA dQPQN MAY \983 ~laljlT]lli~£-r£ -ric; emX£lprjcrElC; Kai -ra npolov"CU crac; crn'1v NEA YOPKH 37 AHEPA Conference Hears Diverse Views on Mediterranean Over 150 people from the AHEPA, the _ academic community, the diplomatic community, the State Department, and Congress attended AHEPA's recent conference, American Foreign Policy in the Eastern Mediterranean Region , held in Washington, D.C., on March 26. Participants came from over 20 states, including California. Conference participants first heard Richard Haass, the State Department's Deputy for Policy to the Assistant Secretary for Europe. Haass said that the United States was against the use of force' in settling conflicts in the region, and that it was important to '~preserve the present balance" in the region. Concerning Cyprus. he said that the U.S. considered solving the problems there a "foreign pOlicy priority," and that the intercommunal talks are the best way to solve the problem. He concluded by saying that the status quo on Cyprus benefits no one. The morning panel, "U.S. Policy in the Eastern Mediterranean: An Overview," heard the views of three important policy analysts. Stephen Larrabee, Co-director of the Soviet and East European Research Program at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and a staff member of the National Security Council from 1978 to 198 1; Edward N. Luttwak, a Senior Fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies; and, Theodore Couloumbis, a professor of International Relations at American University. Larrabee said that in executing Greece's foreign policy, Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou had found that the "contraints were great" and that his policy "has not differed in substance that much from his predecessors." Larrabee stressed that the issue of providing Greece with guarantees was "not irresolvable ... Calling the Turkish military arsenal a "moving museum collection," Edward Luttwak said that even with an increased level of aid to Turkey the "Greeks (will) still be better off." He contrasted Greek and Turkish policy towards the Soviet Union by saying the "Turks do favors for the Russians very quietly," while Greece does not do favors for the Soviets, but appears to favor them "very loudly." Professor Theodore Couloumbis' presentation concluded the morning session. He said that American policy in the area should not viewitself as either Greek or Turkishoriented; and he stressed that the two countries are interdependent. Concerning U.S. foreign assistance and the military buildup in the area, Couloumbis argued that MAY 1983 "if balance maintains peace," then creating an imbalance "would encourage war.·' Couloumbis also argued for U.S. to seeka joint Greek-Tu rkish non-aggression pact, and a U.S. -NATO declaration proscribing the use of force to settle conflicts. During the conference luncheon, the participants heard Senator Ernest Hollings of South Carolina. In addition to outlining his general foreign and domestic views, he called on the Administration to strongly support Greece, saying that "U.S. foreign policy must see who its real friends are." In response to a question, the Senator, a member of the AHEPA for over 20 years, said he would officiall y announce his campaign for the presidency on April 18. In the first afternoon session, Christopher Hitchens, the Washington corrspondent of The Nation, briefed the audience on the current situation on Cyprus. He said that neither the U niled States nor Great Britain, a guarantor power of Cyprus, had actively sought a solution to the problem. The program was concluded with a panel on "NATO and the Aegean Sea Dispute." The first panelist, Joseph J. Wolf, is a Director of the Atlantic Council of the United States and rapporteur of the working group on the credibility of the NATO deterent. He stressed that the Soviet threat in the area should be the prime consideration of Greece a nd Turkey, and stressed the Aegean conflict is very complicated. Dr. Couloumbis concluded that the main consideration should be to maintain a balance in the a rea so that Greece and Turkey 'can have peace" and "find time to settle their di sputes peacefully." Happy Easter From the Friends of The Greek Ship At East and Gulf Coasts of the United States A lpha Marine, Inc. PROVISIONS - CABIN - DECK II; ENGINE SUPPLIES SEVEN DAYS A WEEK. 24 HOURS A DAY CAPTAIN STELIOS TATSIS 323 GREENWICH STREET, NEW YORK, N_Y. 10013 Telephones: (212) 925-11180,81,82,83 After Office Houn Call: (212) 22~8772 - (914) 337~236 Cable Addr...: STALTON NEW YORK TELEX: 233716 ALPH UR BANQUET CENTER FOR ALL OCCASIONS A ccomodations from 1010 1.200 12 ROOMS TO CHOOSE FROM ~ ~anam~ Inn u.s. ROUTES fo r reservations CALL (201) 636-2700 BANQUET MANAGER MOTOR LODGE & RESTA URANT I & 9 WOODBRIDGE, N.J. 07095 alw9uvtt'l<; nETPOI: I:IaEPHI: 38 a loucH 01efeoance in Jlffendafe. • • Ar·. . . . . A presllglOus single family community of 30 custom built homes nestled within 36 magnificently wooded acres. The charm and character of Aris Estate exquisite country setting was retained through imaginative planning, creative architecture. and sen~ sitive regard for the environment. The result is a residential area of rare beauty within nature - not at the expense of it. Offered are 4 bedroom homes of traditional elegance, quality construction designed for maximum energy conservation and space utilization. We invite you to come visit our handsomely decorated model home, see our beautifully wooded homesites and choose from several different homestyles. Please call 201-944-2333 for further information. Our sales agent will be very happy to answer any questions and provide all of the necessary details. Allendale, situated in the northwest section of Bergen County, offers a multitude of municipal services and facilities and is known for it's excellent school system - Aris Estate enjoys a country-like setting and yet it is very conveniently located to all the major shopping malls, medical facilities , public transportation and place of worship. DIRECTIONS: From N.Y . G. Washington Bridge to Route 4 - head West to Rt. 17 North to Allendale Exit and go West on Allendale Avenue to first traffic light. Turn right onto Franklin Turnpike, proceed to next traffic light and turn right onto East Crescent, go one block to Wilton Drive. Aris Estate is at the end of Wilton Drive. Models open every day II to 5 except T uesday. Call for private appointments. SEVERAL MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM .14 LOTS LEFT another project by: BIMAR INTERNATIONAL Phone (201) 934-9 I 74 Apollo Fillo IT DOES'N CRUMBLE, IT DOESN'T STICK, IT DOESN'T TURN SOUR It stays Fresh for months in the refrigerator. Easy to work with. More fillo in every pound. Low in calories. Sold in all Supermarkets from Coast-to-Coast, along with our other fine products: Spanakopita, Tyropita, Baklava, Kataifi, Kourabiedes, Foinikia and other pastries. SPECIAL PRICES FOR COMMUNITY FESTIVALS AND OTHER FUNCTIONS For Free recipe booklet, send stamped, self-addressed envelope to: APOLLO STRUDEL LEAVES BOX 153 FAIR LAWN. N.J. 07410 TEL. (201) 797-0888