
O'titv EAAn()a ~e1(a1tev'tauyouo'to NEW YORK Greek-American Monthly Review

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O'titv EAAn()a ~e1(a1tev'tauyouo'to NEW YORK Greek-American Monthly Review
NEW YORK Greek-American Monthly Review
APIl:TEPA: To 1tEpi<p'lJ!o BuCavnvo J!ovaCtr1jPI ~iio; rrav~a­
vaaaao;, mov Mua~pa.
KATO: To J!ovaa~1jpl ~iio; Xpuao1tT]Yiio;, a~"v l:1<pvo.
O'titv EAAn()a
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«IlaVtaO'tlKE<; EUKalpiE<;
trov IPl1J.ultrov
O'tt)v eEAAUOa
Ta rpa<pEia 'EIl"Optxrov xa! Kt1111atlxrov 'EmXEtP~('Erov .KTHMA TEMfiOPIKH •• fiavE"t""~lllov 59,
•A8i)vat, aa, "poa<pEpovv atillEpa ttlv Svvatot~ta va to,,08miaEtE a ro a taxa! a I you p a ta xptillaTli
aa, attlv •EA).QSa. EIStxa attlv "Epl"troa~ "ou axt"tEa8E va t"tatptljlEtE attlv "atpISa. tXt", trov
"pawatlxrov EUXatptrov an, ayopl:, trov axtv!\trov (StallEplallata - OlxO"ESa - xataattillata X.A.".)
ll"OPO~IlE va an, "potEivOVIlE, !1l: "Atip~ Staa<paAta~, ttlv ayopa UylroV xai tntxEpSibv ·EmxttptiaErov.
Katrottpro an, "POtE!vovllE 6ptalltvE, <il;t6AOYE, nEpt"tmaEt,:
Ml: a"EptOPtaT~ 8ta attl MAaoaa . . Ey."utata trov •A8~­
v&v. nroAOUvtUt ~ha lJE.piollat"a 1(OAU'T£AOUC; KQtQOKtut;r;
trov 7650 t.lJ.. - 5550 't.Il. Kal 132 T.IJ. Of lov Kai 30v opo<po.
TIapaSoOl<'; t£Aor; 198 1. KTlOJ.l.EVQ btl j..I£)'QAOU oh:ol'[tBoll
- navtax68Ev tAEu8Epa - Parking. a,,08ijxE, X.A.". Ttlll:,
AOYlKE<;. IUC"tOUVTQt El)l(oAi£C;.
'Eyyu<; "tou nE lpalOO~, btl iOlOKTt;"tOU O{K01tE:OOU 1.900 qJ..
I..IE auyxpova K"tlOJ.1a"ta Kal tYKUlaOlcioEl<; Kat OUVQ"tO't'llQ
t:1tEKlO:OEffi<;_ napaywYl1<; 2.400 1tayoKoAcOV(r)V itJ.1EPllOlw<;.
n £AO:lE<; I..IOV11..101 (BlOJ.1llXaviEe;. nAoia K.A.1t.). ' E1ttOlle;
Ei01tpa~£ l e; 0.11:0 J.1io6ooOlV 5 lEpaolloov 'f'UKtlKWV 0aAciJ.1wv
1.500 K.~. O'uv"tllPT]OEOOC; <PPOUtrov Kal61tffiplKWV. nffiM:il"al
it enlxEiPllOl<;; ~£tQ trov QKlVT]twV at tl~ti llovaoll(t;C;
:EtO XEvtpO trov •A911VcOV, tplWV OtOJ,lEptOJ.J(iTwv nov 102
t.ll. (eva Ilva opoq,OV) Kat ouo KataOTf)JlcltroV. troy 65 Kai
95 t .ll. KnOfl£V'1 em YOOVIQKOU ohcolttBou, v£65JlTlTOC;
(1981). MovaStxi), . APXltEKtoVtxi) , (!J.puiva sa"ESa avppollEva aAoVl1lViov - Eyxprolla EiS~ uytEtvi), X.A.".).
firoAEitat 6A6xA~P~ al: <pavtaatlx,; till';.
I:ll)V napaAia naA. cI>a).T]pou - KaAaJ.1O:Kl. c5uva~tK6150-200 X),lVWV. "OAa ta S"'llana IlE 8ta
8aAaoaa. AIR-CONDITION. ~ta8ttEt BAR-RESTAURANT 300 O:l6llwv. KTloJ.1i:vo tni {o16KllltOu oiKo1tEOOU
1.400 t.ll. Aou/; XataaKEU~" KtpS~ Stao<pa),taIlE"".
~iplla YVWOlti. TtJ.1rl £\)Katpia<;.
I:TON !lP!lnO
AEInI:E!lN 187 t.I1-
1:'[0 YVOOOtO tOUPIO'tUCO SEPETPOt J.10VO 55 XA.Jl. a1to lilv
•A8tiva, ""'AEitat Xtijlla 24 atpEllllatWV, Stall".pt, t,,!
SUo Sp61lrov, Ill: 6""'po<popa StvSpa, Xat<in~Ao yta IlEpaxAij !Stmt~ ~ tll1tOptXt\ tXIlE<<iAl.Eoo~. - AIlEao ElaoOllJ..lQ. MovaolKr; to1t09E1:llOl~ .• Y1tEPEUKulpia.
Mat~ovE1: - I:OU1tEP Aou~ Ka'taaK£Ut;c;. tpia i)1tvoowJ.1ana Living Room, Tpa7rEl;apia, Kovl;iva, 2 Aovtpa, 2 We.
. AVE~<iPt~t~ 8tpllaVOt, - T~AE<P"'VO - TI;c\xt - Eltat,
Parking Kat 1tOAAQ aAMx. 'Ic5aVlKT) 1tEpi1tlWOl<; yui J.1£paxA~. EUKatpia.
THA. 3213-213 & 3213-310
AYrOYI:TOI: 1981
Eup6tatEC; OiKOVOJ.llKEC; apJ.lObl0tT)tEC;
(JtOV •A Vt11tPOEbpO K. E. •A~i;pro<p
'0 npw8unoupyo, tii, 'El. ..a50, K, r,
avW.". tov n'pa"J.ltvo J.liiva O'tov
U7tOupyo 'E8v'Kij, 'AIlUV~, K. EMyy."o
'A~tpW'l'-To"it"a tliv 'Avn7tpo.5p(a tfj,
Ku~.pv1i"'w" •
' !l, ' Avn7tpo.5po" 6 K. 'A~tpw'l' <7tOftUUEl TOV ohcovoJ,ll1c6 fOJita 'tii~ lCujlep~nKij, opa"t~p,o~t~ Ka( 8a 7tpo.5p.u~
tfj, O!KOVOJ.l'Kfj, 'E7tnpo7tfj" nov a7totEAEita1. ano lOUe; U1toupyou~ l:UvtOV10.,.,OU,
Oh::oVOI.lUCOOV, re{J)pyia~,
BtoJl'llaviac; Kat 'Ev£pye:iac;, . E",nopiou,
•0 Ie • Alltproq> OlOfllPd Kai
rdo ' E9vucii; •AflUVllC;. tvro bronteUE1, Ola
1tAa.icna troy apJ.loOtOtircrov TOU as oilCOVOfluca 9tJ.luta
Ka! rr.p,~ci"­
Ka! 'EJ.l7tOP'Kij,
'Y7t~P''''!ilv, Xwpot!#a,
"OVtO" t.~J.loO'iwv "Epywv
Tel. (212) 947-3180
NEW YORK, Greek-American
Month!y Review
IlE TtlV .:1la)luvtiva AUKlapO<>1tOUAOU Kat
flf.l OUO KopeC; .
•ApXUO:cl oft068ao£ 'IaTpucTt )"6y(O £m9uJliac; TOU 1tat€pa tou (Til"ClV f.uiA.tata.
'VOL. XXXIV No.393
"UJ.l'l'O\t~tt'" tJ'j, ' AJ.la .. ia, <l>HJ.l'YK). r pliyopa 61lro, 1i'l'~0" tliv 'latp'Kli Kai 7tJ'jy.
oTrlv 'EAfiETia, onou on06000'£ NOJ.1l1ca,
All correspondence
should be addressed to
P.O. BOX 675
NEW YORK, N.Y. 10163
"iou. · Y7toupyo<; 'E6v'Kij,' Allu~, a7tO tOY
'106 ...0 tOU 19740\, "lill.pa.
Katel tliv o'Kt!ltOpia O'uv'''~'1'9~ SUo
'l'Opt,. Tliv 7tp6Jt~ (1967) KaTao'Kcia9~K£
of. r.puAaKloll 6 JlTJvrov YlCI napcivo)lTJ ouyJCf;vtproOTJ OTD onin TOU. Tr) OellTEpT]
Kpa"j~K' O'tO EAT-EI:A W, 7to"mKo,
E:Jl7tveuo'tn<; tou KIVt;JlaTO~ TOU NaUtlKOU
"EX" a"Xo"~9ij Ill: tliv Kt~votpo'l'ia "ta
na'tpoyovIKQ Ktt;jla'ta, 0,1..1..0: Kai jl£ TnV
7toAltlKil {otopia, t."v KOIVWvlO1..oYla Kai
Tilv Aoyot£xvia.
"'EX£l ypci\jlel7to1..1..o ~l~1..ia, jlEpnco: a7tD Ta
6noia Jl£'tar.ppaOSTJKav at ouiq)Qpe<;
'Y1..ooooe<;. Tit1..01 th~1..i(J)v 'tou: c<Cl)rono: Kai
tOtk.:OUpl», ~/'O'tav o{ 'Atpdoe<;». «'EnlOtpoq:nl otiC; MUKfjVEO:;» (Sea'tplKo EPYO 7tOll
EXEl 7talXTd O'tilv 'EAAaoa Kai to £~rote­
p'KO). •To 1t"~9uO'Il,aK6 7tp6~"~lla tij,
'EAAaOoO:;», ..·H 7tOAITtKtl 1tAEUpO: tOU KOUto'o~ ..aX'Kou ~~tlillatO,» K.Ii.
THA,: 36,19,238 - 36.21.562
I:ti, 19 'Iouviou M~Kav ". 26 <~Eta­
OTtKa KtvTpa O'TtlV TIoAltela Tfic; Ntao:;
•YOPKTlC;, ot 7t01..lTElaK£<; t~ETaoEIC; (Regents) _O'tT) NeOE1..1..TlvlKtl y1..&oO'o.. !:ti.;;
<~£t(iO'", autl:, J.lEti;"xov 'l'i;w, 760 Ila9~tl:, Kai lla9~tpl£, tli, 6yM~, ~ Il.yaAUttpa.;; Ta~eroo:; • HJlEPTlO'irov Kat' AnoyEUJ.1aTlv&v 0X01..ElWV tOU !uO'tTlllo.To~
TIaloeia.;; Til.;; • IEpao:; •APXIE7tlOKOnt;.;; Kat
•AJlEplKaVIKWV rUllvaaiwv.
01 <7t\tUXOVtE, K.poi~ouv 3 Credits a7to
TO 1t01..lt£laKO 'Ynoupy£to TIaloeia.;;. ta
61toia Kai Sa dvayvwplo90uv
'ta rujl vciO'la OTtl 61toia r.pOl touv.
Titv Eu9uV11 Yla Tio:; E:~naOEIC; aUT£:';; dXE,
jl£ TnV E),Kptall T&V nOAltElaK&v EKnQlOeu't'lK&V dpx&v, to rpa<pEio TIaloEiac; Tiio:;
, APX1E7tlOKont;.;;.
'0 K. ' A~tpro'l' Y'vv1i9~K' ata TpiKa"a
tile; geoaaAiac; TO 1910, dVQl7tQVtpeJlEVOC;
nOAltl1ct<; 'Enl(J"tfjJlE~ Kai OiK'OVOJlIKa.
Elval OlOO:KtWP toi) TIaVE1t'lOtllJliou 'tfj~
A",~ci~, "ti, <7t'O'tflll" autt,.
Nol'<ipX~, K,pKupa, 7tpiv tliV KatOxli,
7tapalt11~K' Kai .. iyo apyotEpa O'uv."~­
'l'9~ a7tO tOil, 'Ita"ou"
MEta<p&peTlKt crtTjv 'lraAia, onou r.pUA.a.Kiotl1K£ Kai KX£lO'tl1KE of: oTpat6n£00
ou'YKevtpOOm;w~ bri 18 J.1llV£<;. 6.panEtEUOE
Kal EKaVt QVTioTo.ol1 J.iE:oa Ot."v '!taXia.
, A7to "1 opa~ tOU autli 6 7tp6J~v 'ha"o~
nproeunoupyo<; 'Avtpeon £)l1tVeUoST]KE to
o'li~llci tou 'E.. rKptKO».
"' ApXlO'£ tTjv nOAttlKn o'to.oloopo)lia tOU
to 1946 Ill: to K6J.llla tillv <I>'.....£u8i;pwv
atav <~ ....Yn ~ou"'utli, 'Iroawivrov.
'E7tav£~''''y~ ~ou),£UtT), at!, <K"OY<,
toli 1950 Kai toli 1951 7tci"'1l< to K61l11a tillv
<I>' ...... u9tprov.
rrpo"'X6Jp~". ""1v EPE to 1956 Kai
<~.",y~ ~ou"£ptli, O'ti, "'''oy/;, toli EtoU,
<K.ivou Ka9oi, Kai to 1958, 1961, 1963 Kai
BOUAEUt"'<; Kai naAl JlEta TTj olKTatOp{a
to !974 Kai to 1977 Ill: tli .Nta t.~1l0Kpa­
tia),. 'Ynoupyo<; ' Er.poOtaoJloU TO 19491950. 'Y7touPYo, 'E9vllCij, O!KovoJ.lia, to
1950-1951. 'Y 'l'U7toupyo, 'E~rotEP'KilIv
1956--1963. 'Y7toupyo, r.ropy(a, O'tT)v KU~tpv~,,~ Kav.no7t06 .. ou to !967 KU~tp~O'~ 7tOV Katlipy~O'av o! GUvtaYl'atapx., Ill: to 7tpa~'K61t~lla tij, 21 ~'-' A7tp'-
(Jrr,v NWeAA'lV1Kr, YAa)(J(Ja
'Epyacria~ Kat I:UYKOtvroVll.Uv.
IlOAlT:ezaKi;~ e~era(Je/~
Editor and Publisher
Founder ond Sodal Editor
Associate Edilors
Comributing Edilors:
Arl Direclor
Representative in Greece:
Solonos 116 - Tel. 3606307
NEA YOPKH (New York.) (he Greek·
American monthly review is published
30 West 36th Street (10th floor). N. York..
N,Y. 10018,
Second Class postage paid at N. York. NY .
'EYTJoia IuvSpoJItl: 525.00 yu;' . A,-EPU:1'!
Kat KawM .. AEpoft"Op"n'l cirt0010A1'! yui
EupcU'"1 Kat 6AO tOY K60~ $50.00. Tpa·
lI£l;&v, 'E'UXElp1'(OEWV Kai 'OpyaV1C1~w\'
$100.00 ,
Mia nporaa1'f roo
ur,}1£pa. 8a brpe1fe va elxe nelaCl 0).00, rou<; oJ1oyev£laKou<; ~ytre,
~ f!J.).eIlI'~ J11ii.<; "evrpIK~<; 'Emrpon~<; bev po~8a Ka8o).00 ar;,v
E MIA tKremJ1ivrr. papu(J/iJ1avr~ }1£J.ir~ rwv axiaewv r~,
rllV ·EllMa. r~v ToupKia Kai rilv K6npo. b yvw-
~'AJ1epIK~' J1e
7tpaYJ~aronof1Ju1J HOV t8vlKWV O1'OXWV rii~ ·OfjoyevEiac;.
. . . arbr; arr,v •OpoyeVf.la 'EAA"voap.epIKGVOr; Dr. James G. Kellis,
)l/a ro~ aywver; rov (mAp rq~ Kvnpov Ka; rqr; 'ElAdODI;, bivel 10,afrepYf e)1rpaa'l "riTv dvay"" tJ"lllovpyiac; evix; KEvrplKoiJ,
auvrOVlur/KDU dpydvov rou 'EJJ."VJ(ljlOiJ rfjr; 'AJU;pIKijr;. yui tiTv KaA6rep11 TCPopoA;, rwv fh:.po.:rwv nov p.iiI; tvouupipouv.
To nepw';'Ko aUto, TrOD Kat' hravtiJ.rJ'I'IV aaxohiBr,K£ J,d titv
dvdYK17 tvar; terOlou 6p,.avov auprpwvei dnalum JJE titv np6ra011
roo K. KtJ.ht. Kai Yla va rilv IfI£pOW: aTilv npoaox;, r~ 'APXIe1fIaKD1Ciic;. titr; AHEPA Kal twV c:tU.wv 'Ell!tvOajl.£pJKGlIIKWV 'OpyavWO'l:WV. 'OPOG1tOVO'WV Kal 'OpyaVlUjlWV, p.trafPE.poJic t&lJ to
axer/Ko dn:ocrnaapa Mil tiTv p.cllr" 'fOV dyan"rov fPf).ov K. K fJ.h,.
nov bev eivOJ bovaro. booruXW<;. va b~J1oa/ev8~ b)'OK).~P~ M yw roo
'H a~}1£plV;' dnpat,la Ka; dKlv~ala elval. l'iXPI<; tvo, a~l'eloo.
d,rrortku,ua rii' VJ..ei'l'cox; onolOvo,prore CTVVTOV1UpoD Ka; ytV1Kfj,
...AAAO, uP'/pavT1Kof; rrapaywv rii' ofjoyeveiaKiic; d<5pavefw; Elval Ii
TCpO(]1t6./}cla tlaxiGT(J)v KOp,uovviuriiJv ur~v Nea •YOPKI1, nov 0'1)GTI1IJ(ulKa fxjl£TaJkvovrai 1t'OAltlKa oAe~ ric; narplmrlKE:.f; Kat rroAlrlUtlK~ EK<511AmUEU;. Til. KOfjPOVV1UflKa uvv8tjllara rrov hc,KpaToDv OTiC; tKOrtMOUW; anrec;, dnOllaKp6vovv T1)V ,uaCa reDv opoyevwv
dn:b ric; uV'}'KeVTpw{JE1C;, OTiC; Imoil< Karcivrl1u£ va tllrpaviCmVTal ni
MIa npou(J)1t'a. ,ul Til. YVl.OOTa (Jvv8tjllard rove;. 1t'OV elva, elva Kai ,ul
TOV dyibva {mtp riir; K6rr.pov Kai m ix; topraujlolx; peycUwv MJv,KWV
eoprwv, urolx; inroio~ 0; opyavwr£c; alu8civovral dvarplXlaUTlKa
jl.OVOl, d.7ro,uOVWpiVOI d:n:o TOIx; 1t'paYlla!lKa 01JJiOKpaT:lKOrx; OJ,lD-
J1eyi800<; r~<;.
'H .Nia 'YOpK~» Ka.W 0).00<; rou<; tvblQl{!epoJ1i voo<; va blapdaouv 1'£ npoaoxil rilv npom~ roo K. Kill~. 'H Mia ain;, bev elval.
via. "EYlvav uro napc)"8ov roplupivCf; d,nonclpef; xwpiC;.
yevei~ .
awXW<;. tmroxla. 'H neipa OJ1W<; nov dnEKrq~ dna ro 1974 J1i XPI
The Greek-American community, as one
0/ the components of American society, has
a responsibility to participate actively in
politics and government affairs. Because of
our ancestry, interest and knowledge of
conditions in Greece and Cyprus, we should
bring our interest and knowledge to bear in
influencing our fellow citizens and
governmenl officials.
Historically. U.S. foreign policy failed
whenever this policy lacked public support.
The League of Nations, the Viet Nam
adventure and many other instances corroborate this contention. Hence it behooves
the Greek-American community to
enlighten our fellow citizens and government officials on the realities of the Cyprus
and Greek situations.
Present. U.S. policy toward Greece. Turkey and Cyprus is wrong because it is narrow
and based on short-range considerations.
In the long run, this policy would be detrimental to the interests of Greece. Turkey.
Cyprus. the U.S. and NATO. Consequently.
the Greek-American community owes the
obligation to the U.S. and our ancestral
countries of Greece and Cyprus to help
redirect U.S. policy.
From 1974-76 the Greek-American community displayed much effectiveness,
through Congress in influencing U. S. policy.
Though there is some criticism. in the U.s..
on the imposition of the arms embargo on
Turkey we should not be apologetic.
1/ certain senior U. S. diplomatic and military officials supported the embargo. ar
tMy sIrDuId ""'" Jina It WAr 1M Mw oJIM
IIurd, the Greek. Turkish and Cypriot problems would be resolved by now. Instead.
some of these officials encouraged the Turks
A. Kf))c1'f
'AKoAo08ei ro Kell'''O roo K. Li.
to resist. thus prolonging the dispute which
is harming U.S. interests.
Also, the unavailability of spares in the
Turkish Airforce. Navy and Army, which
was the result o/the embargo. forestalled the
invasion of the Greek islands adjacent to
Asia Minor. The threat to these islands, at
one point, was real and raised concerns
within certain circles in the Department 0/
Defense. Department of State. CIA and
NA TO. If the invasion was undertaken.
Greece and Turkey would be involved in a
war detrimental to their interests and the
interests of NA TO and the U.S.
Unfortunately after 1976. some Greek-
American leaders caused division ,
confusion. indifference and ineffectiveness
within the Greek-American community.
These leaders appeared to be more
interested on personal publicity, self-projection and imagery instead oj the political
organizational work required to influence
The Greek-American community should
emulate the example of other ethnic groups
and proceed on a soiid organizational basis
to try to influence the American political
process on matters of interest to the
community. We should be realistic to the
national coordinating organization should
be the policy and directional body.
Lobbying. research and publicity being the
main functions of this organization should
be done partly in Washington and partly
through the grass roots, i.e. , Church
Parishes. A H EPA and topical organization
For example. the Church Parishes,
AHEPA and topical organization chapters
should contact their U.S. Representatives
and U. S. Senators on issues researched and
agreed upon by the national coordinating
commitlee. There are 450 Church Parishes
which if properly organized and directed
may reach every member of Congress.
A distingUished U.S. Senator remarked:
"When I begin tofeelthe heat. I begin to see
the light. " This is not an isolated attitude
within Congress. In the final analysis,
members of Congress are representatives of
the people and are responsive to the reasonable will of the people.
0/ representatives from the
The concept 0/ separation of Church and
State in our society prompts some GreekAmericans to suggest that the Church
should not be involved in lobbying. The
Church could and should PDrticipate in lobbying on political. social and other issues, by
observing ctrlain limitations of the law.
Protestant. Catholic and Jewish Groups
maintain very active and effective lobbying
organizations in Washington.
There is also another reservation on the
Church. the AHEPA. the American
Hellenic Institute and all the key topical
involvement of the Church. particularly
on the issues of Cyprus and Greece, that is
organizations. i.e., Macedonians. £pirotes.
LAconians. Messinians. Arcadians, Cretans,
Dodecanesians. Chians. Cypriots, etc. The
the effects on the Ecumenical Patriarchate.
fact that high officials and members of
Congress respect a well-organized and
uniJU!d group.
should be established in
Frankly. this is a misapprehension.
If the
Greek-American community. including the
Church. is well organized with an effective
coordinating committee. the Patriarchate
will benefit. I have dealt with Turks, as an
official of the U.s. government, and concluded. along with many other Americans,
that the Turkish government respects
power. If the Greek-American community
displayed effective political power, the
Turks will be more respectful toward the
Ecumenical Patriarchate, otherwise the
Patriarchate will continue to be persecuted.
The urgency to proceed with an effective
Greek-American National Coordinating
Committee should be considered seriously
and implemented. Time is elapsing and the
longer we allow issues, such as Cyprus, the
Aegean, the Patriarchate and Greece~ conditions of reentry to NATO /0 continue, the
probability of success is lessened.
Strategic short-term considerations, as
viewed by the majority of the career
planning officers in our government, will
weigh against Greece and Cyprus. In
addition some international bankers and
defense industries, with interests in Turkey,
are applying subtle pressures to continue to
tip the balance in favor of Turkey.
Irrespective of the mistakes made by the
U.S. government, still the U.S. is the best
hope for the equitable resolution of the
Cyprus and Greek issues. Turkey is heavily
dependent on the U.S.• politically, militarily
and economically. Hence, the U.s. is the
most likely power to influence Turkey to
help settle the Cyprus and Aegean issues.
Consequently, it is realistic for the GreekAmerican community, Greece and Cyprus
to focus on the United S,ates government both the Executive Department and
rldoD<; Kai r/<; tK1tO/11te<;
.'EU~VIKi7 MUlfJla».
AI ~ bl'eTelvil "VYKevrpw"~ 61a"oprvplat; lew WtO <ov OHE,
/1e rilv e6Kalpia ri/, tP66~, rn«elov d1to ri7v pdppap~ el<1poy! rrov ToupKwv <1ri7v K""po Kal ro dvrellvlKo 1tpae,K6n'lJla tii' xo6vt~ niw 'Aihtvibv, U1]f.lEiwae dnotvx[a XelPOTep'l Ka}
T~t; ncpvOIvii,1 KaJ.vTepa
Jlit elxe y[vel . ..
M6vo Uy" tKarovr~ t'f.ro/1a - 0XI oAm "/1oyevei<; - 1tPO<1ijA(Jav. 'H /ltrdhl /1ti{a rrov 'EA~voa"epIKavWv d1tooola<1e. ,1tv
<1VYKlvlie"Ke Wto </<; b~/16<11t<; tKKAq<1W; rij, ' O/1o""ovbla<; 'E).).17vOOf1£P'KavlKruv EWjiate[wv N. 'YoP""c;, Tiic; ~/E1CJTp()1Cil' (Jvp.'1{};fTe TtIV K6npo» Ka; rou 'ApXJ£1ClaKonov K. ']oxdJpov. Ero KI!VO
breDa v 01 tKKA.ljatU;. "'OXI Olori c5Ev tvolatpipOVTaI nUnv 01 OJlayevei<; Yla ro KV1tplaKO Ka; ro bp"-!1a rrov KV1tplwv d6eAl'roV /1at;,
dUd b,6<1 01 1tarp'WrtKe<; tKb~MJ(fet<; b~A~<~pla'ovral d1ro r~v
yvwo-rij, npOEA.eVGew<; nOAJtIKfJ avvo"Jla'ro),oyfa.
-EA..!et\llaV d1ro <i7v <1vYKtvrp(O(1~ OAOI dveealpi<w<; 01 W~­
VIK~<; Karaywy~, pov).ev<e<; Ka; yepooola<1re, - /ltpllCol bey tICAIie'luav KaV dna mix; opyavw'Ctt;, Yla A.oyo~ nob yvwpi(ovv hceivol.
'A.ua Kai lCavel<; 'A./ltPIKaVO, rnl<1~/10, bev 1tpo<1ij..!Oe -1tAi7V 'v6<; . ..
OfJJlOTIKOO GVJlPOVA.OV Kai evOt; dVTmpoaciJ1Cov roD KvpepvtjTov
'Anovalaaav oJuJ.~ Ka; 01 "yeTE, ttOv 'OpyavciJauiJv Jlac;. dxoJU1
Kal ro <1Tcltx~ tKe/vwv 1toiJ elxav <1V/1/1eTOxi7 <1<i7v dpyavw"'! rij,
tKb~MJ<1ewr;. -EUe'\llav Kai 01 xlAuiber; rrov 'EA;.qvwv 1'01~rrov,
nov lTciU1]t; tlval dtrOYO'lTI!Vji£VOI leW dnOOoK1Jld{ovv ric; no).ltIK;;,
ipooea:x; npwropovA[et; WPIUpiV{J)V rp01T1fTtKWV opyavci>uEWV. Xvp[o:x;, 0JlCJX;, nEplualrrepo alaB"Tr, ~mv" dnovuia T W v 0 e K 0 w v
x,;. I a b w v K v 1t P I w v r~r; Nia<; ' YapK~r;, Nia<; 'Iep<1t~r; Ka;
tLUwv YElrovIKwv llOA.ltEUJ;V. nov 1CPOrpa~ &v BlJ..Jtaav Kal aMoi
va tV10XVaOVV p.£ n}v napovafa tODt; Jlla troyKE.VtpClXJ11 pl dVTJl.'atoiKa
Kai If.Ua dvrtbvrtK<I (fvvlhi/1ara . ..
To Oq;a O/1W<; aMo elva! /lCY1f.).o Kai 1tOA& <1opopa. Kal lid
vEl8wf.lE UTO TEUXOt; Jl~ TOU IrnteJlPp[ov. ITO Jler~v, aVVl(1TOVjiE
(froil<; dvayvro<1<er; /1a<; Kai <1<0il<; ilpyavw«<; r~r; 6Iab"Mwew<;
6,a{Jaaovv u' cWTO TO revxot;, lva nalau) prnoprd{ Yla TO tvolaI'ipov r~r; 'O/1oyeveia<; V1t'P <~r; K""pov ...
<1<; t1taVtlA~/1/1tve<; dvaI'OP<<; <1r~v
EVYXaipoJlE TOV rpf).o Kafhry1]rr, AUlKOVpa, Ka8wc; Ka; rovolKacnr,
K. Fp. AaydICo, 6laKeKpl~Vo <1ri).exo<; r~r; AHEPA, 1tOV /1< ri7v
avvepyauia a)A.wv 0JlOYEVWV Tije; nEplOx~e;. ¢,ea'lKci8tJKav yld vd
aTa~aT1'uovv tr,v xpljt11J rov emOirov Yla rov XapaxrT/plaJlo Tije;
uVJlJloplac; UTr,V anoia dV~Kav oj oo).of/Jov"Oevrtc;.
To <em1KwjJ.a reOv aJloYEvwV Iiit; tfJ,).a&).rpei~ inr0YpaJiJli(el TitV
elXJ.lu8'1uia rwv 'E)J.'1VOaJlEpIKaVwv, a' 5).1] rilv 'AJlEPIKIj, Yla rr,v
KaJ.1j roVt; rpljJltJ Kai TO Ko.).o ovoJla nov dnEKI1Jaav 01 iO,ol Kai 01
npwT01CopOl, npoyovof TOlX; JlErawiOTtt;. noV 8oo/aaav, npaYJlaflKa. niv ,wlj rotJc; r ia va po"Oljuovv ric; oiKoyivelie; rotJc; aTr,v
'E,udba Kai va 011Jl'Ovpyljaovv vtEe; yevct, 'AJiCplKavWv 11'OA.IIWV
11'OV npwTaywVUTtoVV Ka; olaTCprnovv (J' OA.O~ rove; TOJleic; rwv
enayytJ.JiarJKwv lmoouEwv.
'AnD Kaviva o~wC; auvoA.o Kai KflIl~,a JlelOVOr'lra &v e.lVQI Jvvaro
vd ).,Ei",ouv Td KafMpJlaTo. Ko.;
K01VWV1Kd d11'ofipdaJlara. llo.).alotepa. Td llh]V1Kd cnwvuJla t5h dvatplpovTav at (JOOXEtl(JJlO JlC
JlafPie,. JlE. VapKCOTlKa Ii !JE. dA.ue; fmoKo(JJlirIKee; opa(Jt'lP,OT'Irce;.
'Alld Ta re.uvraia 10-15 XPOVIa !Jat; KovPaJ.lj8'1KaV dno Ir,V 'EA.Ad.Oa OUiJpOPOI imOKOUJlitEC; Kai 11'aAldVOpW11'Ol 11'OV KdOe rouo
qJepoyral ura d.peplKavlKd "daa tV'lf.lEpci>aeOJf; Yld va JlOJ; Vtpo-
TIl: dyyAIKe<; (feA/be<; aMov rov <tuxov<; dvab~/1O(fItVo/lt d1to
ri7v lyKVP~ tl'~/ltpl6a "The Bulletin", r~<; <l>IAabcll'elat;,
IIpOpo rov JlaKeKpl~VoV 1rpvravew<; rij<; NO/1IK~<; EXOAi/<;
TOP llaVE11.1GT'IJliov Temple )C, Peter J . Liacouras. npdJ'Iv fmo",,,...
I'lov yepov<1la(fr~ ileV<1VApavla<;, 0 o1toio<; Olyet /1< ro If.pOpo rov a6ro
eva aopaporato YUl Tliv 'OJloyevEla 8t;w.. TovIo npoeKvV'E td tl,
TCpOUfPO,TEC; oO).iXpovie, OVO tlA.'r"IKijc; Karaycoy~, dTO~WV roo fmoKoajJ.ov, UT;'V tfJlMu5tl.rpela.
'0 K. A,Movpar;, bev 1teplwpl<1T~Ke /16vo (fro If.pOpo a6r6. -Eypa\lle rnl<1rOMr; <1' oAer; r/r; T01tIKe<; tl'~/ltpl&r; lCai <oil<; r~).e(1nT1Koix; Kal paOIOf/JCOVIKOix; ara8Jl0&;, nov XP1Jt1JJlollo/'1aav IOV
xapaxr'lpla~o "Greek Mafia" Yld vd ntplypd",ovv r;,v KaTaywYJ1
TWV oo).of/JOV'IOevTcov Ka} olall,alJ'wp1jihtKe Yld TOlx; TepdonOVt;
Telex . 21961S· Cables: HOTBRITAN
"SO bc:drooml eqUIpped With ~v~ry mod~rn comfon . Fully aar-<ondltlon~d .
International bar. superb C UI Sln~. lUXUriOUS rC'staurant . (-o nvC'nllo n rooms
Wllh full congrns facl h tt~s .
World wld~ repreuntallon
770 LULnjlon Avenue. N~w York 1001 1
For rnuva1l0ns and mformallon call S(X)-l1}-6800
New York Statr and Canada (212) 8'8-)110 Collec1
mci{ovv ...
llapa raVra. nprnel va eiJ1aare imeprjrpavOl, dlon 0 dpl()J1()(; rwv
dnoppaaJ1(irwv Ka; KIJqJrjvwv nov imovof1£60uv arxn'1parlKa n}v
KO/vwv/a I'at;, dnoru..i 1'10. dmiJ'Uvr~ jJ£1O'I''1'Pia Kai t~alpu1~ nov
empe.pmruvtl TOV Kavava rou eVTlpOU, rou aKMJpa epya{opevou Kai
qJIJ..OTlPOV, navrorc., VOIKOKVP'1 opoyevif. nov yvwp/Cu va lKtlp{j rJr;
e6Kalpiec; nov rou TCapixe., ;, evAoy'1P£Vlf ami] xrupa Kal XPOO<>eVcI
fmepljrpavor; Yld ritv iA.h,V1Kit Karayt»yrj rou leal triv vt.a llarp/da
rou ...
ta ..
«dyavdxrtJf11'J» rou AaoU rij, llepaiac; rili
tYKhfflata» roB EaX'l
Ka; eK£ivol nov 7rfarEljlav
it «'Enavaotau'1» nov l(}f,tJe. Uno rov
l)..eYX6 rou ro qJavarlup£vo MOUUOUAJ1aV1KO iepareio, ()d If{JEpve Titv
e6ruxfa. ritv A'1pOKpa:r:fa Ka; rr,v 'El£u8epfa arov ..tao rou '[pav ...
M lXPI rr,v 20;' '100110u. J1eaa ut eva xep{1fov J1ilva, dxav rOI>fpeK1UTei dn:o eKTeAEuHKa d1foanaujlara, aAla 100 aTolla. imoH()tpcvOl orraOoi rou lKAeyevrm; ano
75% roD ipaVlKoD l aou
npoiopou rije; xwpaC; MnaVl l:dvrp. CVW X I A. I a 0 CC; 1foA.irec;, 0;
neplauorcpOl rillv onoiwv elval pi;'" dplarep;;r; J101XJ0UApa VlKite;
opyawiJue~, lxouv KAelurei aric; tpvJ..aKee;. Ir;,v xrupa hclKparei
aVyX~ Kai npaYl'a!lKO Xao" I'era r"v nArjp~ axeoov teoMOpev~
r;;r; hcavauraTlKijr; ~YEaiae; dno riJv dvar!v«e'l rou dpX'1yeiov LOU
Kvpepvwvror; P.OIXJOUApaVllcov KOjJ.paroc;, Ovpa r~r; /J1loiar; timv Kai
aijJ.oaray;'r; dljPIO<; M1lexearf. TrOD [arElAe XIAuiJEr; 'Jpavovr;
tJro l;KuA.e.arlKo a.noo1raaJ1a Kaj ade; rpulaKir;.
'Ev tW paal;,v. 0 7rOAt;jJ.Or; pe ro '[paK uuvexf(erar, 0 urepovjJ.EVOC; Ta navra AaOe; rov '[pav dpxiCel va KaraAapafv'l noao KaAo..
Tepa ~rav ~ rov Eax~ Kal;, xwpa nA~pwve/ nOAv dKp,Pa r"v l'ey6).~
aJ.lllprfa r~r; alxf-lOlwalru; rrov 52 aUp1tOAltmV J1ru;, nov VUtEpa dno
Dua &nitJr'luav tJra xepla rwv dvapXIKwv dJ.1Jrwv r~r; TexepclV'1e;
7CpoaapjJ.6Covral ar;,v ()aA1tWP;' rite; KOIVWVlK;;r; Kai oIKoyevelox;;c;
fmovpybr; 'Eewre.pIKillv Ie. K. M'1rtJortiK'1" ae tJvvtvrwc;rj
rov 1tpOr; rob<; nOArTlKOix; tJvvrdKrec; rillv dB'1vaj'KWV eqJIJpepforuv, rov xepaaJ1eVO J1~va, erne, pera<v a.Uruv,
;, AUTlKit E6pmTC'1 dV17tJUXei y,a ric; e<eU<e.c; urr,v ToupKia. of KOPPOVVIUtlKer; xwper; dTCoqJvyav va dnOOOKIJ1aaOUV ritv rovpKIKr,
arpat!wt!Kr, oIKrarop(a.
'H 1faparrjp'1u'1 rou "Ell'1va imovpyov elvar op()orarlJ. 'A)'J..d
()d p1CopoixTe va 1fpou()iC11J 6 K. M'1ttJorax'1r;,
'1010 dXe uupper
Kai pi, tr,v tAh,vrKit xovvra. llpWr'11fov rr,vdvayvwplue t}tav;, Pruu/a
Ka; arr,v uuv£xe1a of imooovJ.ec; xillpec; rov llapaneniuparOf;. ue
dvrlOeatT Pl ric; 'Hvrupivee; ITOAIUiEC; leal fir; OTfPoKparrKEx; XWpEr;
rite; AUTl1citr; E6pciJn1Jr;, nov KaOOOtep'1uav ouo pnopoixTav dvaywiJPU71J rrov uuvrayparapxiiJv. 'H Moaxa ixaue rr,v qJwv1j r1Je; orav
oleC; 01 0'1J10KparIKee; xiiJpee; (,,-roixTav MOKaraarau'1 rilr; A1JPo-
at! to
80. p1topoixTc pt ritv eVKalp/a amr, va imevOvpiatT Kaveie; ae GtJov<;
olapaprvpovral Yla ritv avvexr(opiv1J d.trePIKavIKr, porj()ela npor;
rr,v TOUPKia. Orl;' xwpa avrit dvalTCpWr'l tJrov KaraAoyo ba:.fvwv 1fOV
oixovrm pruUIKr, POliOcia. llafpvovv, OIJAcu5tj, of TOUPKOI dno rr,v
Pwala, r"v jJeyaUHep~ olKovol'lK" p010"a ano
K a 0 e a A A ~ X W P a. 'AKova~Ke, 0Ww;, nore ar"v 'EMMa
K"I'l'la olal'aprvpla Kara !ii, EoP"!lKii, 'Ewaew,;
ro", 'wii""
•• •
KafJdx; ~aVaUK£1[rOpaarc. T;'V rpayax5(a rovr;. piic; elvar <U5vvaro
J1i1 avayvwpiuwjl£ -rr,v auvea'l, rr,v dVCKTlKor1Jra Kal rr,v dlli-
THN Mia, napa1favw dVOlp£poJ,Ji.v1J (Juvtvreu<;1j rov. 6 K. M'I-
~ raorOx~, npoip~
at I'la
~J'UV!lK" MAwar"
~ axenKd ~ ro NATO Kal rl, djJ£p'Kav'Kt, Pda"" Bil'a 1" ro
onoio dqOA'1()ljKape aro revx0C; /.lac; TOU '/ou1iov.
'0 -EM~vat; imovpyo, rovlae O!l 01 pda", rwv HnA ar"v
yevi relpa, Otv elvall'OVO xprjall", Yld r"v t~vn~pir~~ rwv aKonwv
rov NATO,
tnla~" yI a r" vOla r rjp ~ a~ r ii, I aop-
pon/ar; buva,uewv uro Afyaio.
'H orjAwa~ aur" rov K. M~raorOx~ tmpepalwvel rilv d.trjO"a nov
tnlKaAealJrjKajJe Kal tl'ei, aro /IpOpo I'~ Yld rk djJeplKavIKe, PdU£lC;. OTI oev A~V1C"perouv povo rr,v 'APEPIKIj, aJ.Mi: Kal 'WflKo. UVJ,l'IIipovra rii, 'EMaoo" aQ>oiJ " anoxwp~mi r~, d"o r"v EVl'l'axla
rmv Uev(}tpwv Evpo.malwv
atjpalve Kai olaKonr, rijc; dp.epIKaVlKii, po~Oel~ , , ,
-Onw, imevBvjJlae 0 'E~voal"pIKaVOC; K. .1. Ki~C; aro np6-
u({Xlro /ipBpo rov, nov b'lJ10Ule68"KE urr,v "A(J,fva Kai 1fpoK6J.eUE
IOrairepo tVOl(llP",OV aTa dwrara KVPePV~!lKa KAII'OxIa, ;, 'EA~
i.!ape ra re.!evraia 30 XPovla dno r"v 'AI"PIK" porjO"a V'l'o", 5,8
ola"" OOU, Kal ilia 3.5 ola",. OoAA. ~aw Ol£o.WV opyavlal'wv
XP'1parooorov/Jevruv xpwrapXIKa dJro rr,v 'Apepl1clj. To npouexte;
er"" ea Aap~ arpa!lW!lK" porjB"a 180 <KarOI'I'.
rtrola porjO"a liv MoaVplJi; dno ro NATO; 0/ 'AI"-
plKavoi rnaf/lav
va'e!vaJ rouo . ..
ar"v 'EMMa Aura,
«'ApepJKavdK,a,. OUO (}ec.oPOVVTru
ea elval xprjall'O va ro lxovv im' /f'l'~ oAOl 01
1loA.JrIKol ttapdyovrer; TOU r61rov Kal, qJlXIIKti, xepIUUo'C£pO, GaOl
xmpa dvtjKel urov AuriKO Koupo Ka; n;v ()i).ovv
piACY; rijr; EvpwnaiKijr; OIKOVOJ.lIKijr; KOIvor1Jror;!
on ;,
XAIAN, KVP'OAeK'CIKa, rr,v laAul TOUl; oaol pi, dvafuxuvr1J
KaxevrptXela npoanaOoiJ<1av va OIKaloAoyrjaovv rilv a/Xl'a·
J..(J)(1fa riiJv 52 'AJ.lEplKavtiJv oJUipwv an}v Texeptiv11 pk r17v
AVrOYI:Tm: 1981
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Location: The Holiday Inn is situated near the center, a few
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Accommodation: 200 rooms each with privatt. ~~th , shower
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Facilities: Restaurant. American Bar, Coffee Shop. Disco·
theque, Bowling, Meeting and Banqueting facilities up to
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For reservations contact: any Holiday Inn reservation office,
any Holiday Inn front desk, or your travel agent.
50 Michalacopoulou Str., Athens, Greece
Telephone 748322-748320 TELEX21·8870
pavrl1 VTCOPOVit Toil llpotOpov Kapu.p a1t'tv~vfl aO'rwv TroV pavlaxwv
tYKh!/1aTlWV noi> t~aKo}.ouOoiJv
Kupepvoov TO 'Jpdv . ..
·Ouo Yla TO 1CO"'7PO tpchrq/1a YIOTi 0 d/1<PIlCaVlKO<; AaiJ<; lOw;e
TeTOIO tvblarpepov yrd Ta aIXpal(f)Tlu(JevTu TeKva rou, tvro OEv tVJ,<lfJ!tp8qKe Kal y,a TOil<; dyvoou!1ivou.; Tii' Kmrpou, 1Cpoop/(CTal poUT
tres petits enfants. Kal KaKWt; TO XPl1(Jlli01l0i'l(Jt TOV TCtpat1jitVO
!Diva tl «"EmrpoTCi[ 9UP'l8i;Tt ritv K6Tcpo» UTO J'IPo(Jievj1li
Tq, uroil<; N.Y. Times, !d T~V e6Kalpia Tii, pdppapqc; e/upo).iic;
(Jritv Krmpo. . .
iCAeiuw!1£ Tic; uq!1£IWUEl, aDTeC; /1£ lJua f:ypa",e UT~V UT~h!
TOV a yVWOTO~ 'Apf.plKaVOr; K()).OVPVl(JT Jack Anderson, btlKalo6pevor; 1t'lYe~ (Jro 'Ipdv;
'u· &..,awcnlVl1 ea t~u1tTJpttdto liv blKac;chov, To bovdov tOO X0t1fYOP1JnlpI.O 8d ntPI.£l.AiJillaVE Titv KOtOn:u:01) trov av8p<l)nivuw OlXOWlJ1atrov,
jkl:G'OVIG'nlPICl, b,tdtG'ElC; J1t cr\)von:nKlj SWOIXOG'(U XIA.lairov
!tOI."'K';;V dv..!tIiI.OlV, "ata&""~'1 <ilc; tPpai1ril~
8p1lG'KEvtlXroV JlEIOVOn'jto>v, uKoxiVtJ01) yui ttlv nOpclvoJ11J olxJ10A.wG'la tdw •ApEPIKOVroV 6f't\pQ)v KOl npOKA.1J01) nov «vnOf'EPlKOVlKOOV tOp4lXrov (no ytlt:OVUCO nOKIO'tUV. "EvoC; f'UG't:lX~
"arlil..oyoc; dva.tpt., "ara "1.'1po<pOp~, tei o\vOpara 6.000·8.000
'(pavrov KOV llOUV #:Ktd..Ean:i cino i:n:ovuO'to'ClKci anOG'1t'oapotu
TOV XOJlEiv(..,
,'0 X0l'dv' Elva. tyKA"""tla~,
To 1tapa1Cavw dJrocnraClpa d.qJlepWveTaI CltOtx; fJavJlanrer; tWV
Cl'fJ.lepIVWV alpopopwv (Jrpaye(f)v Kal panaviOTrov rou IpaVlKOV Aaoilo(Jwv dn"e,uelvav pf.ta n;~ dvarivae'l UTOV dtpa rou dpX'lYeiov tO~ ...
hcavaM.pw/1e: ·EuTI aiKqI; 1JIp8a)./10, . ..
AN va J1.iIlrpBavav 0InoA1TIKAc; apaCl'Cl1Pujr'lTec; trov •E..u."vwv
EOCllal'Clni>v Kal KOJ1/.l0VVl(J'CWV (J'Coix; K6A1t0~ t~c; . OJJ.oyevef~ "oJ. Mia/tepa rnitv 'Al1tOPIa. nov bCavelA'IJlP£V~
lxouv KaTadIKaCl£1 0; Clri;kc; tou neplOalKou aUTou, lxop.e twpa Koi.
tOlx; C< 'EfJvrKorppOVt~» lOU E,Kdyou. "Epxovral pl pld dvoqtl1 Kal
VPPU1tlKit dvaKoiv{J)Cll1 Yla roY llpof.Jpo rqc; ·E)'A'I\lI"q~ tJ'IJio"pariae; K. K. Kapap.av)jj,
&h(Jouv Kal aVTO} TO ..-;1tapWv» TOO<; ...
'H dva'/oiv(f)01f lOU «Ivvoeapou 'EOvIKOfPPOV(J)V EJKayov», 1m0
~v /10P'P1 /11iU; .dvoIICTii' hc,UTO}.qC;- npo<; TOV K. Kapa/1avAq, nep,eXEr CleJP~ VPPIOTIKciJV XapaKt'1P'(JpiiJV, olau7:pbpel titv rr.po(Jrpar'l
nOAlTIK~ IUTOpia <ii, 'EJ.J.Jroo> Kal deV dJp~v" T~V nap",,'Kpr, ~rpl­
pOAfa Otl 1t'poepXeTal dno voaTa..1.yotx; tii~ ClTpaTlWTlqC; OIKTaropio> riic; 2Jq, 'AnplAioo, noi> T6aa ae/Va hceuwpwue ur~v 'E}'Uaa
Kal r~v Kmrpo.
To pavo BenKo, Od tAtyO,Ja. (J'COlXeiO Tiie; tTCIO'TOAiiC; dvar orr
(0'£ dvri(JeG'I p£ ruPl(JpiVOvt; KOJJ.JlOVVUJT~ "al KOJl.pouviurpltf; tiie;
"Aaroprac; rro!J Kp6povrar niuCl) dn:o rolx; tff..lOV<; aUJlPopwv 'EmrpoTCwv Kal rrpOtlpoUV Tr,V dvwvvJ.lfa) VrrOy{Xifp£TaI dno rov llpoeJpo
Kai roy revII,b rpafljlQria Tfj~ 'E1t'lTpont;r; aVri;r;,
Toil<; muuvo/1£ !d Tr,V dlaniurW<Tq a6T1j, dMd Oewpov!1£ mroxptw<»i /10>
lCaTadIKOOW/1' TO A,P';';'oyp6!pq/1a Tii' 'Emrponiic;
noi> Oewpei Ta /1tAq rqc; «ayvoil<; "EAh/va" TOil<; 'EOvllCarppovo>"
1tOV «1tOAePt1C1ap,E TOV K0J1J10UVlClPOV, nov 01 J,KO( paC; t(JrpaYf/Clav
imo nDv KOPPOVV1Cl'CWV .. ,»,
uq/1e/wuQ)!1£, hciuqc;,
~ P}.aKdJdqC; hcIUTOA~
npoc; TOV llpoeapo riic; 'EAh/vIlCii' Jq/1olCpaTia" elval anortAeu/1a
Kai ClVjl7lTWJ«l Tiie; npocrna6£Jac; 1t0).IT1K01tOI,,(JEW<; tiic; ·Opore· vdac;
'A/1epIlCqc; ano ra dplUT'pa KO/1/1am <ii, 'EJ.J.Jroo,.
'EYKai~ 0; (JTli..tec; ruitt~ rOVl(Jav 'roVe KIVOtiVO~ dno titv TCDlltlK" Opat1T'IP10nrra tOii; ciPfClpt.V{J)\i n:OAlTlKWV 1tOAITlKWV KOp/1aTWV dAAd. aUUTuxWc;, no).i> ).Iyq uq/1auia MaOq uTi, npoEl<lonOI~UEl' /1ac;. '0 K. K~avAq" cO<; npwBunoupyo" tK""e lCaAa
va ~ hclTpt",q UTr,V «Nta Jq/10KpaTia. va alCoAou8tjuq TO napa·
&rypa 'fOD llAEOK KaJ tWVOvO KOPPOVVUITIKtiJv Koppdrwv. Ka8dx;
Ka} mplCljdvwv 7rapayovTwv Kevrpdxuv Kopp6:r:wv. 'AUd O€V eYlve.
OV(JTVXWC;. rheon: Yld
CltapanjCll1 TO KaKO. to ImoTo (JvvexfCeral,
TWpa Kal dno r~v tixpa Je~/(i. ..
9d nptnEl
Otl)V «Nta 'Y6PlCTl"
TIE dYY}.'Kec; /1ac; u£}.i&, 8d ppoov oi dvayvwUTec; dVTa1Ca·
tWV N.V. Times d1to titv 'Afhjva OTitv (mola, KaTa
~ KP'(J,!
~ rporro (JVVOTCt"IKO, KaTamm(J'fIKO Ka, aVTIK£Ip.fVIKO, riVtral
AOyo> yld T~V dAPavo·y/OoYKou}.aPIK~ alQfPopa UXeT/Ka !d ~v dApaVEK" J,alovorrrra TOU KoClopo Kaj ritv ClVVttit anorptUT1] Tite; Uhf-
VllCiic; KupepVlju£w> va dno<pryq olad~oTe dva/1/~q, rpopov!1ivq
Ka; (JoplerlKit dvdpII;l1 urn BaJ.Kavla.
'H dvranoKpl(Jl1 dwupipeTal Clf: Jl.ld dJ.pavlKit «dvaKoivw(Jl1», tl
anoia elval ClU,V npaypaTlKOr'lta eva paKpOClKeA.ec; KVPIO dpOpo rij~
dApavlKii, trpq/1'piao> "Zeri i Populli'" TO onoio Karqyop£i Kai
TOV 'E).}.qVlU/10 TqC; 'A!1£pIKiiC; Yla T~V dla""opd ",eOOCiJv nAqporpOplWV Yla ritv "ElA.ItvlKq pezov6r"ta riic; Bopefov 'Hrrefpov. 1tpo(J(Jerovrat; OLl ro BOptlO"m:lpWtlKO elval «VEKPO» C"r'lj4a.
To apBpo aMo 1tpoKdAe(JE eVTover; olapaprupier; napayovrwv
TOO dyCiJvo, mrep riic; Bopeiov 'Hneipoo ur~v ·EAAOOa. Mer~i>
rwv OIap.ap-rUP'l0PVtwV tJrav Kaj a YVWOTO~ 'EAhtvOaJleplKaviK;
dywvlur~C; K. McvtAao, ntA,o>. llpaeapoc; Tii' llavq1CElpwTlKi;,
'OpoCl1lovo'a~ HOA Kai Kavru5ii TrOD ClvvtPI1
ppi(narOl tKcivec; fir;
tlJlepec; CltitV 'E..u.d&z Kai dvarpepovTlu 01 o"Aw(Je,,; TOV (JTitV dvtanOKpl(J'I reov N.Y. Times.
·Onw, dlOptiua/1£ UTOV dOqvaflCo Tmro, ,; mroupyoc; 'E~Q)T<"
PIKWV K. K. M'IrClotdx"c;, cl1te Clta JdA'I Tftr; KeVtplKijC; 'Emrpo1tite; rou BopelOtprelp(f)UKOU 'Aywvo. Trob tOV t1Cf,(JKerpBl1. Jlerd ritv
aq/1ouiwuq TOU napanavw If.pOpoo rq, dApavIKiic; trpq/1epido" IJTl
ir lCopepvquq d£V Oewpei UKam/10 va npopii U£ tvtpyelO Yla aq/1oCllf.vpara tOU T6nov. nov cSJ:v tKrppd(OUV rir; MGill'e,,; U;C; dJ.pavIKqc:
Kupepv1j(J£wC; Kal of b1tor£~ &v lxouv Vnoplrf8tf htlat/P~ UTitV
tAh!VlK~ KOptpvquq.
Iuprpwva pi; dvaxolv(f)07J rijr; KevTplKij<; 'E1tlfP01t;;~. a K. M'ItClotdK'1~ ot/A,(J)(1e OTl ~ KVPtpV'1C1'f &ev (Jewpei ra d'lPOClle6paTa
nepi popelOrpcelpwrrKoil Cl1r"parOr;, 0)(; rrpoepxopeva a1t'o
dA.paVlK~ KOptpvquq, dA}.a dna",uc; aq/10ulOyparplKOO 6pyavou <iic;
'AAPavf~ Ka; rou d1pawKou npaKtopeiov elJtiClewv, KaJ ~ tK
tOVTOV &v dxafreital amivr,,(Jl1.
EipaClre ptpalol aLl ra ClreM.x" r;;<; 'E1t'lfp01tijr; TOU Bopelorpcf.lPWflKOU ayWvo~, &v (}d 1Cpbw va iKaV01C0l,,8'1KaV a1Co titv
a~Awuq roo K. MqTuortixq. 'H trpq/1epioa "Zeri i Populli'" elval
ro htf07Jpo opyavo rijr; K!)Pepv"(Jew~ Ka; rov dJ.pavIKoil KOJJJJOVVIULlKOU Kopparo<; 1tOV KvpepviJ. TitV xwpa Jli; ~ytr'l rov a/poarayij
TVpaVVO 'E/1Pep XorCa. 'H trpq/1£piaa tKrppd{U TI, dna'll"C; rq,
KuPepv~u£w>. To lCei!1£VO TOO If.pOpou dlevU!1£ ir dAPavlK~ npeupeia
UT~V 'AO~va lCal ~ /10VI/1q dvrmpouomeia Tiic; 'A}.pavia, UTOV OHE.
'AnoreAooue, ).omov, tniuq/1q Otuq. Kal KanOla anavrquq Tii'
'EAh/VlKi;, Kupepv~uew> ljrav dnapaiTqTq . ..
Me T~V <6Kalpia. dl;il;El
t~ap8ii ~ naTp'WTlKr, dpduq <ii,
llavtptelpWTlKqC; 'O/1o""ovaiac; 'A!1£plKi;, Kal KavaOO, noi> ICpaTd
avappevl1 tt,v JdOa rou Bopelo7ptElpWTlKOil KaJ fO tpepvel UTI]V
1CPO(JOXit Tijr; d.!JeplKaVJKijc; KOIV;;~ rvwJl.l1<;. Clvvexi(ovua ritv naTPIQ)TlK~ nO}.lTIK~ noi> xdp~e " 1CpchqV llpo.aprk
Kal avivaoTo, dyQ)Vlur~c;, tarpor; BM. <MJTOC;.
tt; . .
31-01 BROADWAY, ASTORIA, L.l. 11106
Tel. 545·8402 Kat 545·2990
·Av~Te(;. 7tOAmaJJi,vu; ai(Jova~e; )lui ifA£(; -rie;
KOlvwvlKee; aae; tKJI1A.Waw:;. IJ,WHKEC;
Kai avAAo)lIKec;.
1:TO topToA6ylO Tile; 'Op90Bo~~e; 'EICKA~a(ae; ~ae;, Btv bltapXEl iawe; ltpOaOlltO
ltU) n~~~tvo alto TO ltpOaOlltO Tile; navayiae; ~ae;. '0 Aa6e; ~ae; tXEl ~a9U to 9p~01C£UtUCO auvalae'1~Q Kai J.lE nlV t:vt0V11
Kai A£lttT! tOlOO'UYKpaaia tOU tP£<pE\
(rtop·tT'I "tOU dEKum:v"tuuyouo"tou o"ti)v • EAAUOU)
AUTO aE~aa~o aTtlv tWOla Tile; ~~Tp6t''ltO~.
T~v altOaTOA~ tile; ~~ttpae; , 9EWPEi
~0l01t010 ~a9u aia9~~a, ~EXOlplaT~ au~­
ltci9Ela ltpOe; T~V navayui ~ae;. 'H l1~tP1IC~
t~e; BOKl~aaia Kat to. YAUICci T~e; aia9~­
J..I.ata, ~ytvav aUJl.POAO Kal iota QyQ7t'1() Kai
Kal imoO£l'YJ'Q uno-
J,loYlic;, tYKap-rEP'lOn<; Kai
1tOVOU .•
H £6-
ltpOe; t~V navayui, Tile; alttBwaE tva
aoopO KooJ.nrmca t1ti9ElU. nov OEV 6fJldAOvtat a' EtOCA'1olaOt'lKO V£(l)tEPl0J,16 .• H
Bt~~ ~ae; ltpOe; t~v ElEC~~tOpa tXEl tie;
pi~EC; tll<; Ewe; tn aJtwTOta IPlonoVlKa
aUVavtOJlE 0'£
alto tov 70v alrova t~v
1tOl'1TlKO Kat 1..£1-
toupyuc6 't'1C; opyaoJlo, CTtOV nQoiyvmoto
aKci91atO UI1VO ltpOe; t~v ElECTOKOV tile;
II6A'1C;, nOA,l.OUXOV Kai \mEPJlQloV.
npo~iVOVtEe; atov 60v airova, ltA~PO ­
CPopOl)~E9a Y1(1 tOV Bla~~o atpa~yo
Napail, 6n autOe; oXll1ovcixa to ElEiov ~
Altte; Kat anEe; Eoot~ElEe; t~iawvE, t~u­
~vrovtae; ta cpaVEPOll1tva, ana at cllpa
ltoUjJ.OU t";v ~hata'YTt
t";v JIap8tva Kal
9EOt6KO avt~VE OAocpcivEpa Kai Btv tltlXE1POOOE va apxia~ tx9poltpa~ia, liv Btv
tAcil1~avE a71 tK£i~v It,,,,,ta to aUv6~~a­
IIpoxropruvtac; atov Sov aioova tiKOUJlE tOV
tv 'EcptaOl K,;plnOV tov 'AAE~avBpta
va ltpoacpwvij Tijv napStvo <be; t~ile;:
'xaipEle; alto ~~ae; , Mapia 9EOtOICE, TO KE1I1~A10 OA~e; Tile; O!KOU~~e;, 1\ aa~Ea~
AaI1MOO , tiie; ltDp9tvae; 0 OTtepaVOe;, to
aKillttpo tile; 'Op90Bo~iae; , 0 aKataAuTOC;
vaoe;, BU1 Tile; oltoiae; 1\ Tplo.e; 6Yla~Etal,
rtaupoc; TtJ,llOC; 6V0J.UICUQl Kal npooKuvdtal a' &~ Tijv o!ICOUl1t~ •.
ME nOAAQ KOO],tlltuCa 6vot-tata o~ Bultp6yovoi l1ae; 1t£plt~aAaV t~V
navayiav. IT10 tKcppaatlKO 611"'e; £Ival1\
' OB~Y~Tpla, Ylati ElB1KO ~pyo t ile; ITavaYlae; Elval va Ka90B~Yil Kai ltDpa1tEl1lt~
tie; av6pWltlVEe; ",uxte; ato XplOTO.
To AaiKO 611"'e; ltVEill1a BEv apKta~KE
ato. 6v6~ata ltOU tile; ~BOlaav 01 ~AwBoi
Kai 01 auyypacpEle;, aAAD ~ltAaaE Kai B1Kci
TOU 6voJ,lQtlJ. TT!v li1tEK:aA.eoQv
TIle; t1rAUK04'plAoOOa",. fCraAUKtOtpocpoooa ... Kat
Ta 9aOJluta TTlC; <t' Avn<pmv,;'tpla», .li;lOV tOTi .. , .. Mupopo)"iCTtQaT)
I(A1[. Xp£LCi~ovt«l OEAlOE<; O)'OK/..1)pEe; ytcl 6ACl tei yvwota tniaEtCl am) TOUe;
6~vouc; ltOU aKoii~ OT~V ' E""A~aia l1ae; YUl
ttlv El£Ot6KO. " Ae; ~lAljaou~E tOOl Ylo. Tijv
.. KoillllO'l'J t";C; 0t:Ot6KOU», nOll Y10pta~ou~ atie; IS AUr0,;atou lta~yuplKa. a'
6A~ t~V . EAAaOO.
«Koi~~a~ altoICaAta6~KE Ylati 1\ navayu1 Btv lttSaVE 6ltwe; OAOl 01 KOl voi
9v~toi, aU' tKOll1lj~ a' ~va tcicpo aTij
rE9a~l1avii tplyupla~v~ altO toUe; 'A"atlO'aQ»
AyrOYI:T01: 1981
MId dKoJU/ rpwroypa",ia roflltepi'l"7!lo" !lOVaaT~PIOij r~, navrdvaaaac; (150"al.). atoV MtJ<npii.
O"t6AOUC; tOU XP10tOU, at 6notol Ka't£<pSaaav altO to. lttpata tile; rile; (tnoe; altO tOV
apyoltop~~tvo Elwl1a) Kal Katlt t~v tacpljv
t~e; '",aAav Boy~atlKd aal1ata. 'Apy6tEpa, OTav ava~~tlj9~KE 1\ «VEKplj., ~pt­
~KE KEVOe; 0 tcicpoe; t~e; altO to Ii~~ltto
a&l1a ~e; Kai 110vaXa tit tEA£utala ~e; tltiYEla aJtcipyava ~pt~Kav tKEi.
'Qpla~tva 11~I1£ia ttxv~e; o"ou YlOpTa~£tal '" JlV11Jlll aUTou TOU y£yov6'toC; xpovoAoyoilvtal alto tOV t!.' I1.X. alrow.
'H ltaAalOt&p~ tKKA~aia 1\ acplEpw~~
a' auTij t~ M~~~ tile; KOl~~aEWC; £ivaI 1\
ltEpicp~l1~ ' EKatOvta1tUAla~ Tile; napau
(ii KataltAla~) , Autlj, 6ltOle; 6vacptpEl 1\
ltapaBo~, Ktia~KE altO Tijv 6yia 'EU~,
6tav ltEpvrovtae; Kaltota cpopO altO to v~ai,
tJtlOTptcpOvtae; altO toUe; 6yioue; T6"oue;,
6ltou £Ixav ~pEi tOV 1:taupo tOU XplatOU,
Myw SaAaaaotapaxile;, Blt~E1VE oAiyo
aTijv ITapo. Ka! cp90vovtae; OT~V KwvOTClVtlVOUnOAT). cruvtOtllO'E (J't'ov 116 t l1<;
Mtyav KwvOTaVtivo va tvBlacp£p9ij va
Kt(a~ Kl' tKd tKKA~aia, tcp' oaov £IXEv
Hii\ OlOV oupaVQ to aUfJpOAO TOU I:taupou
Kat TO PllTO .. ' Ev toutq> viKa .. , nap6~ou:c;
tKKA~aiEe; ~Ylvav Kal anEe; apyoT£pa,
KupiOle; OT~V Bu~aV;l~ ltEeiooo Ka~
j.l.ovaottlpta, 61t(J)~ OtO Ayl.O OpoC;. 0d
SUOICOMu90uJ.IE va. a1tapl91.1l100Uj.U: 'tQ MovaOtflplQ Kal tic; {otopl.d:.<; dKOV£<; J.l.E 'tT)v
Koil1~a~ tile; ElEOT6KOU. BpiaKoWE Koi~~a~ aTijv MaKroovia (l;ou~Aa), NaultaKtia (ITpouaao), Ata~o (AYlciaao),
'A ttl~ at ltOAAte; tolt09EaiEe; (AiYlVa Kal
l:aAal1lva, ~VEPWl1t~) K,A,lt.
' H M£yaA6xap~ tile; l'~vou - KaitOl
dval EiJaYY&AlaI1Oc; - ltapOUala~El Kci9£
xp6vo ~aA~ Ki~~ . Touto tltEKpO~aE altO ta It,,,,,ta XpOvla Tile; EuptaEWC;
Tile; £IKowe; ~t Tijv aCP1~~ tOU iJ1toBoUAoU
'EAA~Vla~oii Ntae; ' (wviae; Kai Kp~~e;.
TEA£utaia, ~£yaA~ £Ival 1\ Ki~~ Tile; 'ElCatOVtQ1t\ll..lQ~<; napou, j.l.oA.ovOn 9£(1)pEiTal B~avtlVO Ktia~a. Kal1\' Ayuiaa<x;
~t to OXEtlKO la~atlKO ayiaallD aurICEVtpWVEl ltOAU K60l1o attlv MUtlAlj~ tOV
lSAuyouato, Ylo. tOV lta~yuplal10 tile;
ITavaYliie; tile; rAuKocplAoooae;, ato X"'P10
'0 Ap. I:uKEAAupiOl1e;
atitv 0EaauAoviKll
Tl~t')tU,:&C; rrpoO'KAt')9ei.:; into l"iiC; TIa~­
~aKt8ovu'1lC; • EVWOEC.l)(; •AJ,1tpl1ciiC; Kai
Kavaocr, 9a JlETaPii O"t'f1V etO'OClAOvhcT) va
rrapaorfj (no 'E9vl1c6 :I:UVEOpl.O trov Ma<Eoovrov t~, aHOOU1[ij" 6 olanpen~, Ma<Eoolv t.p. ' AXIHev, N. l:aKeHapio1]"
rrpoollv avwrClToc; a~lroJlatoDxoc; tOU :I:taillt
NTll1tO:PTJlEVT Kai TEroC; aVTlftp6a(!)no.:; laW
• HV{()Jl. nOA.1TElWV Tf;c; •AJlEP1Ki;c; ateI:uvt8plO troY 'HvooJlf:vrov 'E9vrov Yla Ta' Av9pw1tlva 6.llCalWJlClta O"fT!V rEVEUl1.
Ail~l1al1 tile; tOUptanKtle;
K1VtlaEroe; at11v 'EAAaOU
AU~1]a1] 4,6% aT]l1eiroae 6 ap16110, tciiv
TOUPIO''tOOV nOD br.L<J'IC£<pfhl'(Qv ltlV' EAA.aOa
alD npooTo 1rEVTaJll1vO TOU 1981, O£
a()'YKplO"T) JlE: 'to <ivtiatOlXO XPOV1ICO OU1.at1]l1a tOU 1980.
IUYKEKplJlE:Va O'tO ,~h6:O'tllJlCl aUTO
f'l'8aaav at~v xwpa 1.456.845 ~EVOI TOU-
pi atE.:; Evavn 1.392.630 ato rrpwTo 1t&VtclI11]VO tOU 1980.
npffitot aE a<p{~€lC; ~tav of Bpttavoi
(222.971) Kai a<oAou600v o{ t.UTlKoyepl1avoi (170.040), 01 rlOuY<Oa).Q~OI
(121.550), 01 'AI1£pIKavoi
ti, HIlA
(105.696), 01 rUHOI (76.934), 01 l:061]ooi
(68.028),01 'ltaAoi (49.229), 01 'OAAavooi
(44.165), 01 AUatpaAoi (39,249), 01 'EA~£toi (36.009), 01 KunplOl (35,207), 01 AuatplaKoi (33.265) <.Ii.
'E~ /iAAOU 11' Kpoua~IEp£, tmaKE'I'81]KaV
'TT1V 'E)'J..
136.814 ToupioTf:t;, £vavtl
'0 naWep, M"rp01Colfr'lt; Neat; 'IE-pae"c; K. IO.ac; arov IIarplapX1K(JV vailv roo 'Ay. Fewpylo!).
aTo tPaWiPl, ono!) of TrpOaKeKAt1pevOi tilt; 'EKKJ...t}afac; lJ.aC; ari,v 'ApepIKIj. rr,v [mola dvtlTCpoadmeve b K. Ellac;, arbv eopraaJlo TrOV eYlvf. tKeI Yla rr,v 1600it hcttf.lo riie; D' 0IKO!)pf.V1Kijr;
E!)vooov, (J!)pn:poaf.Vxlj0'lKav jii; v]v A.B.ll. rovOIK: llatpuipXlJv A"p;;rplOv Kai dVT11AAru;av
danaaJ1,ov dydn"c; . .1f.~ld, bEep. M'ltP01tOAiry/t; Mr.AltlViit; K. '/waKeijJ. Kai dpunepd, 0 'ApXIypal1l1arElX; riie; '/epli.c; L'!)VDOO!) Tl. lP. Kam;ravloy/c;,
31st STREET,
TTl)", (212) 932-7011
134.216 'TOUPlO"tWV 1tEPUot ClavooopLO~ -
Ilttpo Kai tij, Bp£'I'0Kpotouaa, at~v
, AYluaao .
•AltO, atanall"" avaq>£pOVTQ1, on dval
cl(j)lEPOOilEVQ crt" J..Q'tpeia Til~ navQyia<;; 120
.6.Ev Sci
v' aVQ'PtpOUJ.lE
Kat TO fl'lA.10pit"UCQ J.lOva0nlPl
n;<;; nava-
Yla, t~, Aal1n1]oova,. Elval eva I1IKPO t~ro­
"A.1101, XTlO'lJtvo Illcrti 1tEpi1tOD cOpa
TOAt<a t~, Aal1mvou" XOlPlOOOUKI t~,
n£plox~, BOAOU, anEVavtl at~ 6UAaaaa
tou Alya(ou, nov n£pl~pEX£l 0A1] tKtiV1]
lilv nAEupa. n' Qll"rO TO IlOVQOti)Pl dvacptP£l ~ 1lapaooa1], Ott atit 1796, aYPte~Va
T'lA. (112) 178-1058
ta VEPa. TOU 1tEAa)'o'X; Q7t£i/..'10QV va cruv-
tphvouv lva TOUPKU::O lCapci:p\, J.I.£aa a'tT)v
KotaOXOtE1V11 VUXto..
M, datT] tOtt npoa£uxTj61]KaV 01 ToupKOl atOV 'AHdX aAAit 5t.,.. £(aaKou-
ano 'tOY 0e:o tOU
to J.1ovacSu.:6 XP10't1.QVOnouJ..o nou PPi:911KE
as" Kav .• AlCoua9t)KE ojJ<O<;
ato <ap<i~l .• AatpolV' 11' ilIa, ilIa ouvat~
Aal1lV1], ataI1Ut1]a£ 6 ~Opla, Kai to Kap<i~l
Kata'l'£p£ Ka( ~£l1aKpuv£ anD tit ~paXla, ylit
va tPO~"~T] a(youpo at~V aVOlXt~ 6U).0.000.. Atvt:. QICOJ.1Q, 1tffi<; 6 TOUPKOC; "o.1t£TaVlOe; lpp\~£ ,.nit Kavovul Kat b.:d 1tOU
en£a£ to ~A~11Q 1lp6ata~£ Kl' £YIV£ 110vaat~pl, nov to £xttaav 6 a~110, Z1]JtaVIWt1], Ka( 6 YAUnt1], MiAIO,.
l:t~V 'EUalla <'> K6a~0, 6£Olp£! navtott
t~V IlavaYla, Hlrllla tciiv an£Anla~vrov,
noA£~OU~Vrov ~,,8£la, tAEU6£pWtpla tv
Kwo6vOl<;;. J.16V111tpoo'tQO'ia trov 1tlor(Ov.
t.";ua.,.,,.i ' ' 15\OKt~tQl
............ n•
1:TOV Ka8EOp'KO vao T~<;' Ayia<; Tpu;ao<;
EYlvav O'ti~ 20 'Iouvlol) Ol ya~ot tou yvooenou Kai ciYa1tTl'tOll O'TTtV • OJ..IO'YEYf:lQ K.
Xpi)cnou XptOTOOOU).iol1, cSu:u8UVTOU TaU
'En~V'KOii fp"'I'EloU TUltou N. 'Y6pK~<;,
Ill' TllV o\pa,6TUT~ aioa Judy Robbins.
Tov appa~wva ETtAE"E 0 ' Elti"KOltO<;
MEA6~<; K. <1>,1.68£0<; Kai TOV yUJ.lO 6 ' ApXl£lti"KOltO<; K. 'IuKw~o<; , ~o~80uJ.1Evo<;
anD tOY h:pat. npotoTaJlEVQ toO Kageopt.
Koii, apx'J.l. K. Xpu". Z6J~v.
T6 ~uOt'" ptO napaKoAou9'qaav nOAAoi
'PiA-Ol troy 060 oh:oyeVEtrov. O)..OKAllPo to
npoaoonu;:6 tOU rpacpEiou Tunau, KaOro'.;
Kat "uvaOEA<jIOl TOii K. XP"'TOOOUAio~ alto
nAMe; lil1tAO>j..«X'tlKE<; Kal 1tpO~EVtlCtC; avnltpo"coltEiE<;. Kouj.1ltapo<; tlTav 6 ' A811vaio<;
tlt'X£lp~J.laTia<; K. Kw",a<; N'KOAUK'1<; Kat
KOUj.1ltapa 1\ iJll'i<jlwvo<; Susan Rada, <jIlI'11
Kal (JuvaoEAcpoc; tlie; vlxpll<; .
. Ano 1tA.wpnc; ya",t!pou, TO j.1UOtt\pto ]tnpaKoAou8~"av 1\ j.1~Ttpa TOU K. XapiKA£la
Xp,,,,ooouAio~, 1\ aOEA<jI~ TOU K. ' Ava"TUala Sheridan Kai. 6 cl.V11'V\oo:; TOU MIX. TantTaAa<;. napoii"a 1jTUV Kat 1\ J.l~T£pa T~<;
v6<j>~<; K. Helen Robbins Kai 6 aOEA<jI6<; ~<;
•0 'ApXllmil1laJ1<oe; K. 'I<iKwfioe; tvro elV,oyei' roix; veovull'fJOIX;, (1tOV Ka8eoplKo vao
tiie; Ntae; •YOp"'Ie;.
M£Ta~u TroV linwv ltOU ltpo"~A8av "TOV
Kageoptlc6 Kat OnlV oE~iroall nou Ch':OA068~"E "Tt) Harvard Club, tlTav 6 ltP£"~u<;
Kai 1\ K. N. KaTUlt6o~ , Mov,J.lo<; aVTlltp6"COlto<; T~<; , EAAaoo<; "TOV OHE j.1£ T1\V 8vyatEpa TOUe;. 6 K. Kal K. N, KamJ.J..aPll. reV'KO<; npO~EVO<; T~<; 'HAaoo<;, 6 K. Kai K.
X. Xp,,,,o<jl6pou, fEV'KO<; np6~EVO<; Ki>ltpOU, 0 K. 'EJ.lJ.l. fKiKa<;, 'AValtA11PcoT1\<;
JlOVl)lOC; avtlnpoaronoc; tfi<; . EAMlOOC; CtOV
OHE, 6 K. Kal K. TaYK01rOUAOU, 6 K. Kat K.
XapaAaJ.lltoltouAOU, ultaAA11Ao<; , Avnltpo"wlt£la<; 'EU.aoo<; "TOV OHE, 6 npO~E­
VlKO<; J\'J.lEvapX'l<; Kai ~ K. f . MapaYKoii,
6 K. Kat K. KoutooUJ.l1riva, QVWt£por;
ltpO~EVIKO<; Ultan~AO<;, 1j .1i<; M . .1EAa~iv,a, npOl"TaJ.l£~ E).).~V'KOii Tj.1~J.laTo<;
X£lPOtElviac;. 6 K.• AXlA. na1tapoevo~.
, AK6Aou80<; Tultou, fpQ<jIEio Tultou 000OlYKtWV IJ,£ tflv J.l.YTJOtll TOU, cSicSa Anita
Schloegel, 6 K. Duboulet, np6~EVO<; T~<;
'EA~£Tia<; , 6 K. Kat K. Stig Bergling, 1:UJ.l~OU1.0<; TUltoU l:ou110IK~<; , Avnltpo""",£la<;,
o K. Heinz Schneppen, .1,w8uvT1\<; fpa<jleiou Tultou T~<; .1UT. fEPJ.lavia<;, 1j .1i<; Tamar
"Eva (1uYlllOtrmo WtO
mpa/oraTt/ t5e1;£w(1'11toiJ dKo),o68tt(1e tOV rallO, (1tO 110),1)te)'te; Harvard Club, (1tO Mavxatrav.
Tchenkeli Vatchnadre, crteA£xOr; rpacptiou
T(mou OHE, 6 1(. Per Janvid, avwtE:por; ()-
K. Kal. K. ' Ope0TTt BapPltOlWTTl , 6 K. Kal K.
TOii OHE, 6 6ltoio<; flta'~E TO apJ.lOVlO "T1\V EKKA~"ia, 0 tt'OOT~<; T~<; «N.
' YopKllr;» Kat aVta1tOKplttlr; tijr; «'EMU8EpOTUlt(n<;- Kai 1\ K. n. MaKp,a, 6 K. 1:.
Ei>"Ta8,ao~<;, aVTaltOKplT1\<; TOO «BljJ.latOr;», 6 K. Xp . NlKOAo1tOUA.OC;, aVta1tOKplT1\<; TOO «I'l~o"lta,,~., ~ K. <Pav., nETUAA(Oou, £KOOtl<; T~<; «npCOl~<;" 0 K. A.
.1"'~Qtap~<; , h:06T~<; Toii «'E8v'KOii KljpUKor;:... 6 K. Jacques Case, 6 Ic' Kal 1(. Ernie
Anastos, ABC-TV, ~ K. Barbara Crosset
Kai <>«uyo<; K. David Wigg, TroV N.Y.
Times, 6 K. Kal K. Larry Shannon, TrovN.Y.
Times, 6 t<jlOltA''''T]<; K. 'HA. 1:mvli<;, ~ EmAYfOYl:TOE 1981
.1i<; nEW
NUClTU;0'l, " laTpo<; Kal ~ K. Xapo~a, 6
{aTp0<; Ka{ 1\ K. Kouivou, 6 laTPO<; Kat 1\ K.
KapaA~, 6 tn'X£lP'lJ.laria<; K. David Owsley, 0 aVTl1tp6E~PO<; T1\<; Atlantic Bank Kai
1j IC. 9EOO. Kaj.1ltoup~, 0 TpaltE~iT~<; K. <l>EpEvnvo<;, " QEpovaun11Y0<; Kal ~ K. Caiger,
6 K. Kai K. nlT"'p<il~, ~ K. naVTa~Oltoi>­
AOu, T~<; , ApXl£m"Konij<;, ~ cruYYPO<jlEU,
K. Dallas-MJ.l11<;, 0 K. MJ.l11<;, 1j KQ~y~­
Tp,a K. 1:ICOUP~ltU , 6 K. 1:ICOUpj.1~<;, ~ K.
AlKHrOffil: nAP' APEIO nArn
MAHAAIAI: 12, 'f'APPnN 17
Ann Graves, KaA.A.ltEXVlC;, TJ Aie; K. rlavvaK01tOUA.OU, 6 K. Kai K. At')J,l.. naVQYlrotO-
ltOUAOU, 1j .11<; Eileen 0' Grady K.Ii.
(ljpx· ava
AUTli i1 ouvaroTllra civranoKplOllC; OTic;
6.V6YKEC; TOO npoypal1l1QTlOJ..lOO
. An6 T6v KQT08tlTl
hiywv XIAI6.c'5WV
opax~wv ~txPt TiC; ~cy6I.cC; t~nopIKi:c;
cmXEtprioEI<; Koi TO ~lojJT1xavIK6 ouyKpoTli~ara nou ouvcpy6~ovral ~a~i TIlC; .
oUYXPOVf]C; t",xClpn~aTlKiic;
OpoOTnpIOTnrac;. t~nycl Til ouva~IKi1
aV6nTU~Tl TWV epyaou:';)v 111<; .
Kai q>UOLKO, niv iKQV01TJTQ TTl!; va
eivOi nevTo aVToywvlOTIKtl Koi va
61EUPUVEI cit5tOKOna TJ;V napouaia TTlC;
Tonou 1..10<; .
Taxirrm:a Kai avvcncza.
NEA YOPKH, 'IouVt~ - '0 xapaKt~­
P10110, <oii TUltoo oav ' ~lol1~xavia<; tcp~­
}ltp(8wv.>. npoo8\opiCEl 0Xl IlOVO TOV
lCa9apa KtpOOOIC01CU.6 xapaK'trlpa tOW
Kai TO
y.yovo, on o! tCP~I1£P(S£<;, ltOO SwSpaJlati~ouv Eva ftOAO npaKuKo pOA.O o't'TtV
~a9~I1£plvt\ ~oo1i <Oiv 'AI1,pl~avOiv, UltOltA.oily 01tOuOrllOtaTO 1tapo:yovtO Kat IClVllnlPtQ 8UVQJlTJ ot'TJV ICQ1tltQAlO'tUCit opyaVCOOTJ tile; QJlEPIICQVIK'lC; oh:ovoJ,lia<;.
Tau<oxpova, 611ro<;, /) Ka~l1,plvO<; TV1t~ cl7tOOEl1CVUETQt alCoiJ.ltlTO<; cPPOupo<; 'trov
atOj.ll1crov 81lCalro~t(l)V Kat t)"EuBEPUOV
1[OU Elva\ {utoA.uta (JUVO£OtJ.ltw:<; J.l£
ttlv {jltap~t] <ou,
npiv aft' 0).0, 1tpt1tE\
UI1£plKavlKt<; t!P~I1£pio£, 6tv UltOKPU1ttOUV
h:8otu(oov £mX£lPtl0trov,
aD. a
1[01'£ tov KEPOOOIC01tUCO .xapalCtt;pa 'roue;.
'E6&, 116vo l1ul tCP~I1£piSa tKSiS«al UltO
K6J.lJ.la Kai oEv 1tEPIA.aJltkiVEtQl mov ICQtO:).0,,(0 twv ICQVOVllCroV tacSOO£wv. Ot . AP.EplKavol tKM«<; SEV ~oiiv I1E ttl cplAooo~ia
va ... ooooouv <1iv 'AI1.P1Kt') fj <t')v av9pro1totTlta. Elvat E~CJ) "lui va Kavouv AE<pTO: Kai
Sty dvat ~hatf9EIJ.ltvOt va 3EXtouv Ott 1\
h:30o'l1 KavEvo~ EvtU1tOU, 1tATtV tKEivwv
1tOU l:K3iSouv of KUfk:pvt10Et~ Kat ta KOJ.lJ.lata, ouv3tovtat JJ.t tfJ owtT)pia troy Mrov
ii tii~ lVuli1~ npoocptA.&v tou<; npoooo1tWV ...
. AnotEui, 5J.l~. J.1ta (SlQitEpa tv3tmp&poooa oUYKupia to 6n 1'1 KEpoOO'KOntKfJ
l1avia - TO uyoovuiili.<; KU~y~TO n'j<; oroKAocpopia<;, ltOU tKd~ 116vo cptPV<l n'j Slacplj1110~ - Ka910<a <t\ ~lol1m:avia auti) <ov
KUptOOtEpO Kat Q1tOtEAEOJ.lQttKOOtEpO l:yyo~<t') <Oiv tA£U9£P10iv Kal <ii<; oovtayllUnKij<; <a~'1<; Kat TOV Ull<i}.IKTO Kpltt')
h:dvwv nou KUPEpVOUV, cino tTiv "tonlKTJ
al)toOloiKlloll ~lPI tfJv 6J.loOnOVOtaKTJ
KU~tp~O~ .
Tt\v 'iSla Oipa ltOO o! UIl<P1KaVtKt, tcp~­
JJ.£piot~ QnOt£Aoov avan60:n:aoto tJ.l1;).1Q
tOO OiKOVOJ.lUW1tOAltl.mo Ka"t£OtT)).1£vOU,
y{vOvtal 6 1tlO l::n:lIdvouvoc; avt{naAOC; Kai
tx9p6<; <00. AUTO SEV o~l1a(v£1 on /) Tulto<;
l:nlOtooK£l tTiv KataOtpocpTJ tOU KQt£OT11Iliivoo, fj <t')v avtl~aTaO<aOlj <ou lit <iAAo
OUo<~l1a Sla~~tp~o~, Kat O!KOVOJ.lIK~<;
6pyavroo~<;. 'EvSlacptp«al yul ti)v Sla~­
p~"lj <00, I1E ti)v UltOK<lAU'I'11 <Oiv cp90poltOlOiv OT01Xdoov <ij, Slacp90pii<; d 61-<<; t!,
~911!6£<; n'j, ~~p~nJdj, ypacp'IOKpa<la, Kal TOV oov.xill1-<no <Oiv altocpQo.wv, tIDY :n:pci~t(r)v "ai tmv Ktvt'jO£WV,
1tpoaw1'n"mv "ai b1tllPl:OlQICWV, b;;:£ivmv
1(OU truP£pvouv.
Auo lapa"TT)ptotUct~ 7tEp\1t"tooaEl~ tOU
p6lo1J autou tou aJ.I.EptKQv\KOU TU7tou
acpopaov <a, I1E l1ap~lonKa !cPl<~pw. So6
AYrOYI:TOI: 1981
KatE~OlfJV <'>pyava tOU Ka1tlTaA.IOTlKoO
KanOtl1J.ltvou, tOU~ "N.Y. Times" Kai ti}v
"Washington Post". °H 1tpootfl. nou OUIVo.
aVafPEp£tat Kat (nov £AA11VtKO Tuno ao.v Ti
t!P~I1£p(Sa ltOU ult~XEi ouxv<i t!<; Ult6\j1£I<;
TOU AtUKOU O1KOU Kat tOu l:tairrr
N T~ltap<I1'vt, "tav tKd v~ ltOO S~1100(£U0£
<t')v It'P(CP~I1~ Ult6PP~T~ -EK9£0~ Toii IT.vtayoovou "(to. tOY 1tOA£J.lO Kat to i<:rtOP1KO
<ii, UIl<P1KavlKijC; tl1ltAoKij<; OTO Bl£tVa!"
nou oUvtapal;£ tote ttiv •AJ.ltptKfJ Kat tOY
K60I10 ... Kal " S£u«p~, UltoKaAU\jI' <0
O'Kav3alo tOU rouoonp'YKai11t, nou
66ljy~o. <ov Ni~ov OE ltapa(~o~ Kal Tt')
lwpa OtO XdAoC; tou YKPEJ.10U. ~ HtaVKat of
S06 It£Pllt<OO''''<;, o! KaMT<p£<; <lip.<; n'j<;
UA~91Vij<; S~l1oo10ypacpia<;, ltOO Sl~aloo9~Kav, ~S~. UltO <t')v Ujl£plKavlKt') 61KalOO'uV11 Kal tTiv {O'topia.
Elval a<t1-<IOO<O<; /) ~a<aAoy~ <Oiv It£Pl1ttooOEWV 1tOO of ayrovt~ Kai ta pt1toptd~
<0;; TVltou ~,o~'lta~oov ti) Slacp90pa oti)v
~~&P~O~ Kal <t')v UnQT~ oti)v KOlvrovia,
O'1'TJv t01tlKi} aUt03lo{KllO'T) Kai ti~ OUV3lKaA.lO'tUct:C; 6pyaVcllO'tlC;, OtTJV 'AcrtuvoJ.lia
Kat O'tO 3tKaO'tlKO O'roJ.l.a, ti~ ouvwJ.looi&~
0<1, ~lol1~xavi.<;, <a Xp~l1ano<t]pla KAlt.
U lvav dA.A.o KataA.oyo 9d nptntl va
ltpoo,,90;;v o! QltOKaAU\jI"<; Yla ti)v ltapaVOI1~ ~ UvtlKavovlKt\ Spao<'1pI6<~<a KUpepVTJtucc1>v b1tT)PEO'"lWV nov unEp!mivouv
<1<; upl1oo16~«<; !Cal <i<; Sl~aloooo(,<; <OU<;,
6ltro<; <0 FBI, " CIA ~.<i.
-OM aUta, Ta T600 apVTJtuc:a otOlx£ia
Yla Tt\V 'AI1£P1Krj, ltOO <t')v t~&9.oav av<ltav6p9ro<a ot 61.0 <ov K6ol10 Kal <pocpooo'touv aK6J.lll tov dVt1aJ.lEptlCavlO'~6, "tav
lut01CaA.UlV£lC; TOU d~£plKaVl1COU. Kat 0Xl
<o~ Tultoo Ka1tOl~ 6n~<; xoopa<;. 'OiSIO<;
au<o<; TVKO<; l\mv ltoil ~ljpu~. TOV lt61-<110
Otav aKil PU1CtO n6uJ,.lo TOU BtEtva... Kui
a"(c:oviO'1'1)K£ "(ta ta 1tOAlTuc:a 3lKatWJ.lata
<Oiv l1auPOOv, ti)v Ka<altoAtI1~Ol1 <ij,
fPtcOl£la; Kai tTjv dva1CoOcplOT1 trovanopc:ov,
lit ltPOYP<il1l1a<a Kal l1E<pa KOlVOOVlJdj<;
Uvt(A~\jI~<; Kal 1t<pi9aA\jI~<; <Oiv OIKOVo111d u09.v&ot.prov Ta~.oov.
..ti) vI~ to;; PijyKIJV;
r.VtKa, 000 ICI liv cpalv£Tal ltapaSo~o
o<ov Eupro1tU!o uvayvOOo~. o! UI1,plKaVl«<; tCP~ll<p(&<; ultoo~pi~oov, on)v
ooV<PI1ttlKi) lt1-<lo\jl~cpia <0"" t!<; uPX"
tOO 1tpooOEUtl1COU C»lAE4u9£plO~OU , 07tcoc;
tKCPP<iO~"11E <a K01VOOV1KO ltpoypal1l1a<a
Tii)V ITpotSpoov Ktw.vtu ~al T~6voov. ' Alto«).o()oav Ta ltPoypal1l1a<a t ..!va ilIa
It,,",<11 ult6lt<lpa altocpoolO<lJdj<; Uvtlll<<oomo.ro<; Tij<; KOlVOOVtJdj<; uOlda<; Kal
tJtOUAOOO£ro<; <Oiv KA~YOiv ltOO S~1110!,Pr~O'
1\ 1CQ1tltaA.lOtt1Cil 6pyo.v(J}O'11 Til~ O(KOVOJ.lia;. TO. npoYpQ:I-'JlaTa aUta, 1tOA)..a XP£(J)K01fT)J.lEVO Kat ~t1[&paO'Jltva. npoona9ti va
~£q>opt(l)SEi 6 P£1tOU".t7tA.\K:avo~ O"UvtllPTlnoJ.lOc;. "(la va iO'OO'K&A.lO'£1 t6v 1tpoUnoA.OY10'J.lO Kat va KatanoA.£J.lilO'£l 'tov
ltA~9ooplol10 .
. 0 !p11-<1-<u9£P10110, 1t£pvd TOOpa oo~apt]
Kpio'l1. Ka9tO<; to a~plKaVtKO KOlVO 6311y£ital at 3t~lOTtPt<;. 1tEPlOOotEpo ouvtllP11tU'E~ Kai 1tapaoOO"laKt~ Si:O£IC; Kai
At?a&l~ trov OiKOVOJltK01tOAlTlKWV 1tpof}A.llJ.l.at(l)v.
6EV ltptlt<l va ~.xvoiil1£ on /) ul1'plKaVIK6C; Tun<x; T)TaV 6 npooq)tA.tO't£pO~
ot61~ troy btlKpiO'EWV tOU l:nupou
~ AYKVlOU 000 ,,"tav' AvTt1tp6£Spoc;- JJiXPl
ltOO <ljv ltAt]proo. lit Tt]V ultoKaAu\jl~ <00
i3l0U TOU Tu1tou, tou YVWO'1'OU O'Kav3aAou,
1tOO tOV U1tOXP&WOE at 1tapai tTlo11 ...
napaKOA.oUSoovta~ to A.atKO peuJ.la - t6
'iSIO ltOU dx. CP&P" otljv t~ouola T6v T~"'v
Ktw£vtll Kai dVQl O'TlJlEpa tTOlJ,10 va sa",tl
nOAlTlKa t6v tpho dO£AfPO tou - 6 QJ,.ltplKavuc6~ Tu1to~ ouvtpaAE OTTjV ViK11 tOU
PftYKav Kai t6v ~~oO't'paKlO'J.lO TOU <%)11.,£)..eugeptoJ.loO tft~ 3EKUEtiac; 'tou 60
nOAltlKO npOOKTlVlO.
6tv <IvaI yvooo<o ltoo., UKP1~0i<; t!p~­
l1.piS.<; UltOo<t]pl~av <6v PijYKav.
:EUI1CPOOva lit ilIa ocpurI1011E<P~0~ <00 t~o­
J,1uoluiou 1ttPlO01KOU Editor and Publisher,
nou KaAU1tt£t n1 opaO'T11PlOT11ta Kai '[a
ltpo~Aljl1aTa <Oiv Ka9~I1£plVOiv
tcp~ l1.piSoov, 443 tcp~ 11£ piS£<;. lit
~uKAo!pop(a 17.561.333 cpunoov Ultoo<t]pl~av <0 Piiy~av. tvOi 6 Kap«p <lX£
UltOOltaO£1 <rjv ()1tOOti)Pl~~ 126 tCP~I1£­
piSoov 11& KOKAocpopia 7.782.780.• AAA.,
40 tCP~I1£pIS.<;, lit 6!4.740 !puna, dxav
U1tOO'tllpi~El tOV aVE~apT11tO .. Avttpoov,
tv6l 439 tCP~ll<p(S,<; otv Ua~v 9to~. :E<o
tpOl<~IlU<oA6ylO dxav ultavttjo" 1.050
alt6 t!<; I. 787 Ka~l1,plvE<; tCP~I1.piS.<;.
. AAAcl, otiiv npaYJ.lu'tIK6T11ta. elval Aly6«p£<; o! It.Pllt<OO'''', ltOU rj 9to~ <Oiv
tCP~I1£P(Soov o<i<; ltPO,SP1KE, tuoyt<; 0011ltOp£u<~Kav lit <6 Aat~6 o'io~l1a. - Av Ka(
<a «1-<u<a!a 25 It.p(ltOU XP6Vta /) upI9110<;
twv \jfTJq>cxpopwv 1tOU dval ypaJ.1JlEVOl O'TOUC;;
tKAOYIKOUC; KataA6yooc; oav 6naooi tori
6~110KpaT1KOii KOl1l1a<~ ,,<av 2-3 !poP&,
~yQAUt£p<><; ano tOUC; ypaJlJ.lEVoU~ oav P£7tOUJl1tAlKavoUs" (lSO'Ot 'VllfPO<pOP01 StAOUV
I1ltOpoiiv va S~AOOOOUV uv.~ap<~<OI), t\
ltA'IO\jI~!p{a <Oiv tCP~l1<p(Soov UltOOTt]PI~'
P.ltOol1ltA1KavoU<; UltO\jl~CP(ou<; ITpotSpou<;.
'0 Up"",.pc}, T",,~
:ETOV upl9110 <Oiv 1.787 Ka~l1£plv6lv
tS~I1'P{Soov, Stv It'P1AoI1~V<Tal l\ 110WSIKt] K0I1110UVtOn~ tCPIlI1£ploo ltOU tKS{SEtal a<rjv 'AIl<P1Kt], 11& <i<AO .Nmi~Au
rOuOOpAvt>, ltOU I1&XPI TO !968 dx£ oav
thAO 4jNta(11Au rOuc:OpK&plO.
'H KUKAocpop{a <~<;, ltOU Stv ~£lttpao£
ltOTt <I, 60.000 cpuna, 6ltOAoy!~«al "lj_
l1.pa ot 30-40.000. KUKAO!pop,! tA£u9£pa
,,' 61.11 <ljv 'AIl<Pl~ Kal <IvaI l1(a ult6 t!<;
&o6-tpEle; tq>~~Ep(&Ee; nou <Xoov KOKAOq>opia a' OAEe; tie; ).IEyaAEe; nOAEle; t~C;
lropa~. EIVQl opyavo 'tou KOIlJlOUVIOtlKOU
K6JlJlato~, t6 61toio, mic; TEAEUtate<;
tKAOytC; aoYKEvtproaE 150.000 'V~q>00C; at
25 anD tiC; 50 nOAltElEe; at(C; 6ne1EC; ElXE
U1t0\41l1fP10 yui lilv npoecSpia. 1:£ avti9£CJT)
~t tiC; anEC; tq>~~Ep(&EC;. Elval oAlyoatAl&~, ).It tAaXlatEC; &la'l'~~iaElC;.
• Ymipxoov 2-3 ana t~&olla&lala KOIIjlOUVIOTIICQ 1tEpIOcSUca (1 JlaOlK6. I 'fpotaKICJto(6). JlE fto)..u JlIKPE<; KUKwq>opie<;.
. Ana t&ill aaxoAoU~E9a ~ovo 11< tOV
KOlVOU Elval ~ T~AEopaa~. noaoato 64%
trov Epoo't1l9tvtwv Ehmv on auv";8~
~a8aivouv fa nEploOOtEpa vEa a1to t";v oiKlaK~ o90~. tvill 40% <Xoov ~ova&lKti
ltm~ t~V T~AEopaa~. noaoato 5t% 9EropEl tljv t~AEopaa~ nlo a~lOmat~ n~ylj.
hill ~ovo 22% tillv tprot~9tvtrov .XOOV t~V
i&la yvw~~ YU1 tie; t'l'~~EpiBEC;.
•H T~AEopaa~ altOOElKvUEtal npwt~C;
ta~Eroe; t~~EprotlKO Kai nA~paq>oPlaKO
~tao napan~Aa ~t tie; EKnm&EUtlKEC;
Ka( 1I0pq>OltlKEe; t~, &ovatO~tEC;. at
ofly~te; Koo~otatOplKWV YEYOVOtWv. omj)~
aovE~~ ~t t~V ~OlVtaV~ ~Eta&O~ t~,
-Iaroc; nEplaaOtEpO ano Ka9E an~ xwpa.
o! tq>~~Ep!&EC; atlc; HnA aaKouv noM
1tEptOPIOJl£VTt bnppoi) o'tiC; n:poeoplKEr;
tKAOytC;. •AAAa to i&lO &tv !axuEl atic;
tOnlKte; tKAoyte;. Yla to. &~lIapXlaKa, &lKaatlKa Kai lina a~lWllata. M,a tq>~~Epi&a
~UtopEi TQutOX.pova va imoO'Tll pi~El PEnoo~nAlKavo lmo'Vlj'l'lo npOE&pO. &~1I0-
npwt% npoaE~~vwaEro, av9pwnOlv.
nolloi. 8Ea'tEe; EtUXE va Souv «~wvfavti»
Ot";v 686VTJ t";v Sol..ocpovia tOU KeWEVTU
Kat t";v an6JtE1pa Kata tOU PilYKav ...
•AKp1~roe; ol 1tEPI1tfOOOEIC; auttc; unEv8u~(~OOV noao aVEnapKtic; ElVal 6 POAO, t~e;
T~AEopaaEroC; aav ~'aoo ~a~l~e; tV~I1<­
pWOTlC;. "Otav I..Ei1tOUV to' oUvtapaKtlKa
YEyoVOta. Y!VEtal t~OpylOtlK~ Ti a&la'l'op(a t~C; Yla tiC; &lE6vEIC; t~EAi~ElC; Kai ta
1taYlC6oll1a vEa. aiVEl IlEyaAU'tEPTJ. liv aXI
a1tOICMlotlK"; lj.1cpaol1. ota tonuca ,,(E,,(Ovota xai crt 8£llata noo a«popouv 1t£P1000tEpO tljv 'AIIEPl~. (A'I'tivoo).lE ta '"' brl
to nl..dcrtov a«pdlatata. avoata Kai aSA.la
npoypO:.ll~ata noo KpivE1 Ko.l..6 va j.U:taOioEl
Kai Ti tU~VlK~ T~AEopa~ ... ).
. E~aipEa~ Aa~nplj anOtEAEi toV tEAEOtaio
Ka1po eva KaVaAl at6 tvoup~ato oh:ruo
tTjI..EOpaoEwc; 1t06 lltto.oioEt ).l6vo vta. UJlEpIKavIKa Kai 1taYKoOllta. at AE1ttOJltpElEe;, OAOKA~PO to 24wpo. Auto to Kavah
Stv «mtlVEtal» napa Jl6vo an6 ti~ OUOKE\}te; nou aov&tOvtal ~t ElBlKti t~AE'I'OlVlKlj
ypaJlllrl. ' 0 8EatTle; anOKfQ t'o 01Kaiwlla
A";'IIEWC; autou tOU KavaAlOu ~t ).lui
aov&po~lj 17-20 &oAAapla to ~~va.
'H aov&pOl1lj E~aaq>aAi~El Kai tva KavaAl
nou npO~aA.A.EI CJ1)vtXEla Kl).ll1J.1atoypa«plKte; talviE~.Ka&>e; Kai aAl..a KavaAla.1tOO
OEi'XVOUV anotd.ioJ.1ata 'trov a8A"flKwV
aywvwv. npoyvroa" tOU Kalpou. Ka9o'>c; Kat
To auat~~a auto t~C; tvaup~a~c; T~­
A.eopo.m:we;. a.vt17tpOOoonEoott aollap";
anElAlj 0Xl ).IOVO Yla t(e; tq>~~pi&EC;. aUa
Kai Y1a to. Kavovuca. Ka81tpooJ.1tvE oiK'tua
onroc; to ABC. CBS Kai NBC. ta 6noia
Bla9ttoov ata9~ouc; at nOAHe; nOAElC; ~
).lEfaoioouv fa 1tpoypaJ,lJ.1ata tOUe; at OUVw
Epya~o~vooC; tOnlKouc; ata9~ouc;. To 25%
toW aJlEptKaV1KWv 01tltlrov lx.ouv <:ri)~£pa
aooKEOtc; aoV&E~tvEe; 11< to vto aOOt~l1a.
'H tVaUp~at~ T~AEopaa~ &tv Kataq>EPE
aKo~~ va aVE~aaEl at a~loAoyO ~a9110 t~V
notOtlKTl ota8J.111 froV npoypa~~tl_t(j)v f,,<;.
KpauKouc; POUA£uttC; Kat ci:vE~apT1ltO
O! tq>~IIEpi&EC;. 11< tAaXlOtEC; t~alpt­
tauti~OVTat J,1£
KOJlJlata Kala
TOV tpono n06 Y{VUa1. O'tT)V Eupo>1tTf Kai ot
alAte; 1tEPIOXEC; TOU 1COUJlOU. 01tOU 'til
£vnma dVQl yvroata ltEplOa6npo
nOAltlKlj tOOe; ton09tt~a~. napa t~V
tYKopOt~ta Ka( t1jv tnlppolj too<; .. H ncr
AltlK~ tolt09tt~~ ~lllC; t'l'~~Epi&ac;. &tv
OUVlotd lva an6 TO. KpltTJpla nou npoooLOp(~oov tljv npotill~~ tOU ayopaat~ t~C;.
ItTJV npaYJ,lutuc6Tl1ta, q>aiVETQl nroc; t6
1tOAttlK6 O't01Xdo 1tai~El EAaXlCJ'tO POAO
Y1a 'tov ayopaottl. c5lt~ dval nEplOpla~tv~ Ka( ~ tn(&paa~ tou Tunoo atljv
altocpaOTj tOU ltOAitTj yui tOV lt0l6 80.
"EnlK{v&uVOC; anaywvlO'nlC;
1\ T'1AE6pa~
• H anltlKlj 696~ "itav anD tljv apxlj
tmKiv&ovoe; aVtayrovlat~C; t~C; ypant~C;
JtAllPO«pOPtlOEOOe;. napa 'to YEyovoe; chi ola'VEUat~Kav ot anal(Jl~EC; npo~At'VEle;
Yla to IItUov tillv t'l'~~Ep!&roV. Ka( OAroV
YEV1Ktl trov tvnJnwy. 6tav o'ta ~Eoa ~e;
&EKaEtiac; tOU 1950. 1\ T~AEopaa~ '&ElXVE
'ti.e; n:paO'tIEC; ouVatoTTjf£e; tTle; aXl llOVO
oav llEOO 'IIuxaywyiae;. aA.A.a Kai oav lltoo
EYKmp~c;. ~rovta~c; ltA~paq>op~aEroe;.
Al>'tO otv CJTtllaivEI on AEinouv m1~Epa O{
tillv tK&otillv. Ka( ~ahata
vtEe; Jtpoona8ElEe; nou tEl vouv
va avtlKataot";oouv 't";v EvtuJtll 011ll00'lOypaq>ia lit t1jv ~AEKtPOVlKlj. npoa'l'at'1
~p,ova altt&El~E Otl napa tljv KatanA~Ktl­
Ktl KUKAo«popia 'trov Ka9t}J.lEPlvrov t«P'1llEp(&rov. Kupla n~ylj ltA~poq>op~a.roc; tou
~npOO'ta ot
a~Aa ~ npoti~~a~ tOU KOlVOU npoe; aut~v.
EPIl"VEOEtat oav QnoOoKt~aoia 'tow ltpo'YpaJ.1J.1atWV t"C; KovoEplJaptOJ.1E:VTJ<; KooJ.1woia<;. trov vEpoppao'twv ~AOOpaJ.1a't(ov,
t~C; piac; Kai tOU tYKAti).latOC; .. H t~~EO­
paa~ at~v . A~EplK~ &tv 9tA~aE aKO~~ va
cruvEtOlltOftOl";OEt tOV POAO noo ~nOp£1Vel
na(~Et oav J,l£OO 1tpoayooYil<; Kai av600u
tOU 1tVEUJ.1atlKOU t1tl1ttOOU tOU Moil, Kai
ex.E1 upaatu:e; EU9uVEe; Kat yta nlV
nA~~~EAii nA~poq>op~a~ Kai Yla to Ku~a
tile;; tYICA"J.1at'tICOtllta~ no\) llao-tiCEt tOV
t6no .
Ttlv ~EyaAUtEp~ anEl~~ Yla tOv a~EplKa­
VtlCO ToltO tl1tOtE1..£1, aUfl) T";V any~";. ti
npooftcl8Eta t'iic; A.T.T. tOU ytyavnaiou
OUYKpOtt;J.1atoc; tl1AE«POJVu;:wv 01KTOWV tllC;
xwpac;. va a~lOnO\";OEl £J,l1tOpl1Cel t";v tvaUPllat~ T~~Eopa~. ~E t~V Xp~~ tou
t~AEq>WVOO. - ApXlaE ij&~ nElpa~atlKlj
xp~(Jll1ono!~a~ at ~la nOA~ t~C; <!IAmPl&a
at ouvEpyaoia ~£ to OllJlOoloypa«plKo
aOYKpOt~~a Knight Ridder .• H A. T. T. &0Kl~a~El t~V ~EtaBoa~ ~lKpillv aYYEAlillv
anD t~V t~AEOntlK~ 060~. at tll1<e; 'l'9~­
h:dvtC;; 1tOO Xp£wvouv ot E«Pllw
~Ep!&Ee; .• 0 tv&,aq>EpoIIEVac; 9Eattic; ~nopEi
va &,ajkiaEl at~v 660~ tiie; T~AEOpaaEu\c;
tOU, Tl)V Kat"yopia tmv Ola<P'1J.1lcrEoov nov
tOV tV&Iaq>Epoov ~E <va t~4Ijl<bv~~a. Ot
t'l'~~Epi&EC; 9e1 Xaaoov ~ia Kupla n~y~ tillv
tao&rov tOOe;. liv Ti t~AE'I'roVlKlj ttalpia
ftEt'UXt1 ot'tlV npoo1t0.9Eul t"e;.
tillv tK&otillv Yla tiC; &ovatOt~tEC; aovEpyaa(ac; T~AEq>WVOO - T~AE­
opaoEooe;; anaoxoA"oav Kai f6 «PEtlVO fOUe;
oUVtOPlO lCal OlQtuftw8rpcav tvtova ano
t";v np6Eopo tOU ouvoeoJ.1ou •A~EptKavrov
tK&atillv. Ka9p~v rKpaXa~. tKOOtPla t~e;
OMalYlCtWV n60f Kai tOU Newsweek . . H
npoana9Ela ~C; T~AEq>rovlK~e; va Ka9lEpWOEl .. Kitptvt~ IEA(OEe;~ O't";v T"AEOpaOll.
£1t1KpivEtat J,l£ KuptQ ap8po. £<PllJ.1tpiowv.
YEAoloypa<pl£C; Kat Qvt1"'Etw1ri~E'ta1 J.1E OtKaonKt:c; tlyooytC;.
•EVOElKTtK"; tOU J.1t"(t90~ tmv tKOOtlK(i)v
a~aoXlillv. Elval Ka( ~ an6ljla~ tOU aoyKpOttlJ.1atoc; Khignt - Ridder vel J.1EtaOXtl
ato nEipa~a t~C; A.T.T. ~t tljv no~plj.
ana Kai nOAu anA~ aKt'V~ tile; KaAu'VEroe;
tiic; ~~~lllc; nou tv&tXEtal va {moatEi ano
tOV avtaywV1a~o. M6A1e;; tov ltEpaOJltvo
lI~va, to aOYKpOt~~a Xljpat. nou tK&i&El
lJ Ka6T]~Eplv.C; t'l'~I1Ep!&Ee;. 25 nEplO&,Ka
xai tA£YIEI t£ootpt<; tKOOtlKOtX; OiKOUe;
P,PA(roV Ka( 10 pa&lOata6~ouc;. tntKtElVE
t";v opaOtll p16t"tcl tOU Kat otiiv £vaopw
Ta~/(5wmKOC; 'Opyavla/10C; /1e eil5lKOr'1ra
ard O!KOV0/11KWrepa vav}"a Yla rr,v
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).1aT'l t'lAEOpaaTJ. To 10to KaVOUV oi .. NlOU
flopK Tal~<;., Tj . 06a"'YKtrov n60t», Tj
.rouall. l:tp"t T~opval." Kai lil.l.a (JuyKPOt TU.1ota.
rui vtou<; (JUv3POf1~tt<;
'H T~l.eopa(J~ a<paip£(J£ ano tOV Tuno
O'Tlj..t.aVtlKO j..t.&po<; trov OlO€PTllltO'tlKrov OOAAapicov KOta ta tEA..£u'toio 20 XPOVIO, aA1.a
oi Ka9~~£p\Vt<; E<p~~£pio£<; t~aKol.ou90i'>v
va nporrYOUVlat ).1& OlO€P'llllOtlKO £100o~~a 13 O'(J£K, OoAl., to 1980 ~vavn troy
tvvta O'(J£K, ooAl., t~ <; t~l.eopa,,£ro<;, l:u~­
<prova ~t npo,,<pa~ epeuva toi'> Ad Age (t.,a<p~~'''nKo<; Atrova,) to ho, 2000 01
Ka9~~£p'vt, t<p~~£pio£, ea ~xouv "uvoAIKO OlO~Tl).1lO"tlKO dO'oo'l).1o 74 OtO'EK.
ool.l., aAl.a Tj T~l.£opa,,~ 9a ti, ~£n£pa,,£,
~t 95 o'''£<. ool.l.. l:~~avnKo o~ro<; nO(Jo
TIDV £aoo(t)v tfj~ TTlAtopaO'Ew<;, 9<i KaTaAt;ytt aT&'<; £KOOtlK&~ £ntXElpt;aEl<; Kal
iOlaltEpa O'Ta JlEyaAa O'UYKpOt").1ata, ana
tt;V OUJlJ.1£tOxt; TOU<; otT)V pto).1Tlxavia
It6 OTIIlEio auto, np&nEl va tOVIO"t£t Otl TO.
bc80tuca OUYKpotil).1aTCl dVClI bnX£lpt;O£l<; €JnOtTlJlOV1.Ka Kal 6p80AOytOTtKa
"'Exouv U{08EttlOU ti~
t£XVOl.OY'Kt, t~£l.i~£,<; Kal tOu<; l\l.£l<tPOVIKO U~ unoAOYlOT&~ YUl OAt~ Oxtoov ti<;
fPclO£t<; tfj~ napClyooYil~ Kal ~ha8£atoo<; TOU
npo'iovto<;. Elval O'tEA..£xw).1£va ).1£ n£nElpaJAEVO Kat tmOTTlJAOVlKcl KataptlO'JA£VO
npoO'oonlK6. 1!11a9€TOUV tEpO:O'Tla KEcpaAalCl
Kat &XOUV Tt;V EUXEPEIQ btEVOUO'toov O't bnX£'P""£" naplil.l.~l.a, ~ 6~0£,oEi" npay~a
1tOU 'tou~ btltptn£t va au~avouv O'UVEXro<; 'to.
EO'o8a tOu~.
rtVIKcl , ot h:80nKt~ £ntXElpt\aEt<; avan'tooO'ouv O'uvE):cil<; VE:E~ Jl£868ou~ au~""£W<; til<; KUKl.o<popia<; Kai troy "UVopoIlTJTWV Kal PEI..TlOOVOUV tt\v Olav0J.1t; ani
anina. Mt TOU<; VEOU<; tponou~ npoO'EAKUO't(t)~ OtaCPTllllO'EOOV Kai npooo91iO'£~ tIDV
1tWATlOEWV TOU<;. l!1uo vEo)'tQta napaoEiYJlata: Mui tcp~~£pioa "TO NlOU T~tp"£G
npOO'cpepEI Eva Kaoulln6'iKo Kantl..o Otou<;
vtou<; "uvoPO~~t;;, T~<;. Kai ~,a 1iAl.~ "to
Nt~tpolT npo"<ptp£' 100 ooAl.ap,a ,,' 0nOlOV avayvcllO'tll tll~ ayopaOEt autoKivll'to KatvOopyLO, ano ti ~ IivtlnpocontiE<;
nou o,acp~~i~ovta,
,,£l.io£, t~<; . . .
' H ~ronKOT~ta Til, a~£p'KaVlKil<; ~lO­
~~xavia, t<p~~£piorov, otv 6<pdl.£ta, ~o­
vov oTTlv ui09h'lol1 TWV auyxpovwv ).1£S60(t)v Kal TTlV ~ha9£O'tjJOtllta a~90vou
PEUO'tOU, aAMl Kai O'ttlV O'UV£X~ npoami9Ela ~£l. n6)(J£w<; til<; t~<pavi,,£ro<; (Ka"t),
TUncllJAato<; Kal 1t£PlEXOJlEVOU. 01 £~11).1£­
pio£<; dvat opyaVtO'lloi nov avavEcIlvovtat
Kal <pptOKaPOvtal OUVEXro~ .
I:m.1avtlKo<; n:apayOvta~ O"Tt\v npooOo
TOU Tunou Elvat Kai " £n:aYYEAJ.lanK1l
ata9J.lll TWV • AJ.lEplKavrov 0111l00'l0ypa<pwv. 'Y nOAoYlCEtal on t6 95% £KEi vow nou
datpxovtat a"to £n:aYYEAIlO £IvQl o.no~OltOt navEn:lcrt'llllWV Kal dOtKronpa 011Jloowypacpucrov KoAAEyi(t)v. To Hilo
nEpinou nooOO'to {axuEt Kat yta tOU<; bC"tEAEanxou<; nou Elval npotOta).1EVOt tIDV
OlEU96vO'ECOV I!1la~TlJ.lioEOOV. MtKprov •Ayyd.toov, AOYlat11piou. I!1tavojJi'j<; K.l.n.
01 nEptaaOtEpOl 0TlJlOOtoypaCPOI napaKolouSoov Kata Kalpou<; OEJ.ltVapta
£ntJlOpcpwnKa Kal oi unEUSUVOt t'IDV tllTlJlcltWV Aa~aivouv Ilepo~ ot auvtopla onou
"u~~touvta, TO. btl ~tpou, npo~l."~aTa Kal
lpxovtat "I; tnacp" ~t d, vEe, t~£l.i~£",
£CPEUPE:O'El<; Kai ~EA ncllO'£l<;.
AYrOYl:TOI: 1981
l:uvol.'Ka, oi a~£p'KaVlKt, t<p~~£piO£,
ana"xol.ouv twpa 432.100 lito~a. ' H ~lO­
Illlxavia autil anaaxoAEi nEptaa6tEpa
cltO~a a~o Ka9£ 1iAl.~, ,,"~cprova ~I; ta btlOllila at'OlXEia t'OU tJnoupy£iou 'E pyaa{a<;.
"Eva~ CJtOtx; ttaaEplr;
ayopal;£, t~",ploo
napa 'tov KaSll1l£ptVO o.vtaycovlOJl~
T~~ Tll)..£OpaaEoo~ Kal t'ou paotoc.provou Ka~
t'Tlv aU~TlO'l1 tOU EKOOttKOO KOOtOU<;, Ot
KUXAOcpopiE<; KpattOuvtat Qnlat'EUt'a "'l1At~
Kai ta "'po" t£pU"na. O! '<p~~£plo£,
anooloouV O't;J.l£pa JlEyaAUt£pa KEPOll ).1E"ta
ti<; ~1ojJllxavlE<; Kanvoo , TllAE€PcOvou Kal
T~l.eopo.,,£ro<;, 5~ro, o"l.ro,,£ "njv "K.
'EA£u9£potunta» 0111laivov O'ttAEXO~ tfj~
~,o~~xavla, aUTil'·
O! KUKl.Ocpopl', TroV Ka9~~£plVrov tcp~­
).1Epi8wv £IvQl amatEUta "'11)..£~, J.lE KaSE
KPltt;ptO , napa to y£yov6<; , Ott KaTa nl V
'tEA.£UTaia oEKa£tia OEV napaKolou8'laav
IKavOnOlllt'lKcl. tt\v aU~l1all tou nl..l1 SvO'IlOO Kai TroV Ka{voupylOOV VOlKOICUP1WV,
'H eJUVOl.'K" ,,"Kl.o<popla troy 382
npwlvIDv Kai 1.405 o.noYEUJ.lanvIDv £CPll~£piorov, ~£nl;pa,,£ Katel to 1980, ta
62.000.000 <puna njv ~~tpa. O! Kup,aKanK£, tK06"£,, TroV 720 '<p~~£plorov (o!
~,,,I;, n£pinDu Ka9~~£p'vt, t<p~~ pio£,
otv lxouv KuplaKanKE<; £KOOOE1<;), ~cptaO'E
Tel 54.000.000 <pul.l.a. l:tOV ap,9~0 troy
KUplaKaTlKWV EKooO'eoov otv nEptAaJl~avovta, o! 7.923 t~o~aS,ai£, '<p~~£­
PlOE<; trov 6noi(t)v 'Ii KUKAocpopia ~En£pVa"ta
41.000.000 <puAl.a.
Ot apt91l0i au"tol, nou ~xouv tt;V 1tTJyt\
tOu<; OlO .. Blf'AlO tfj<; XpOVla~» tOU £YKVpou 1tEptoOlKOU Editor and Publisher. l£VE
aPK£ta £VOta~EpOvta : nw<; lva~ OtOlx;
t'E:aa£pl<; 'AjJ£plKavou<; ayopci~Et Jlta t<p~~ploa Ka9£ ~.pa. '0 ap,9~6, TroV <pul.AOOV nov nouAIOUvtat KaSE JAEpa,nAllala~El
t6v aptSIlO £K£iv(I)v nov "'l1<Pl~OUV ati<;
npo£op'Kt, sKl.oyt, - aval.oyla nou otv
EX£' Ka~~,a iin~ xwpa, av£~apt~Ta ano to
llopcpoonKo Kai 0IKOV0).11KO En{ntoO trov
KatoiKoov tll<;. Mia oUYKptall JJ.t tou<; aplSjJou<; noo a<p<>pouv tt1V tAAllvlK1\ npaYJ.lanKOt~ta, au t~~y",,£, y,ati o! tl.l.~V'Kt,
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t"V Tj~tpa, ,,~~aiv£' on 6 ~,,,o, nl.~9u­
o~o, til, 'A~Ep'Kil, ("u~n£p'l.a~~avo­
J.lEVOOV Kai tcilv aToj..t.wv VTJ1tlaKfi~, nat8lKf)<;
Kal '<P~~'K;;, Tjl.'Kia,) o,a~a~£' Ka9£ ~tpa,
~,a t<p~~£pioa.
To Ylati Twpa alno<; 0 Aa6~ nou napaAt i, '<p~~pio£" ~l.tn£' Ka9~~£p'­
vro, ta vta "T~V T~l.£opa,,~ Kai tnml.tov
n£pIO'oOtEpa n£PIOOUCa Kat
~,~l.la, ana Kli9£ liAl.o l.ao, 9£ropEita, al.AO\) oav «aKaTClT6ntOTO<;», ~~X(t)pi<; £YK1JKAonUlOtK£<; yvroaEt<;» K,A.n., 1l6vo £KEiVOl
nou €XOUV autii t'tl yvcIlJ.l'l 80. IlnopouO'av
va .~ ~y""ouv ...
npEn£l ot6 O'l1JAEio au'(6 va O'l1).1Elcll"ro~£ on Tj aniea~ KUKl.o<popia t roy 62 tKato~~upirov <puHrov Tljv Tj~l;pa, 6<pEil.eTal ot JltyrlAO ~a9jJo, Kal OTt;V XPTlO'lJ.10Tllt'a nov nEtUxav Vcl. fXOUV ot E<Pllf.1EpioE<;.
O! 'cp~~£plo£, "t"V' A~£p'K~ o~~o"",u­
ouv ne:ptOaOtEp£<; Ei8tlO'El~ Kai nOAu At yonpE<; «€peuVE<;)~ Kal «pE1tOpta~ - KOjJllana»
nov O'Ta &Sl1vatKa fPUAAa naipvouv otaO'TaaEt~ npaYllatlKrov OEVt'OVlroV. TItpa
ano T6v nA.llpO~OplClKO t'ou~ xapalCT~pa, 01
aJAEptKQVlKE<; £CPll~EpioE~ tnlSUOKoUV
" uv£xOO<; va a~""ouv t1jv Xp~"'~Ot~ tel
tOU<; Yla TOV QvaYv<l>CJ1"l1, nou O'l.ljJpaiV£l va.
dva16 KataVaAOHt1<;. 'H £~TJ).1£pi8a YlvEtal
6O~y6<; y,a ta Ka9£ £1oou, 'l'WVltl. t.,a<p~­
~ll;El ti, aAl.£naAl.~l.£, 'KntW"El, Kal
~E1tOuAtlJAata t'rov navt6<; £loou<; npotovT(t)V, U1tllPEO'IWV Kal KataOt'T1Jl(ltWv.
npo~aH£' O,Tl 6 KataVaAwt", Xp£ui~£ta,
Ka9£ ~I;pa, ~,a <popa tOV xpovo, II ~,eI cpopa
.. ,OtTiv ~wt1 TOU, on~ ).1nopEI va Elval
lva~ t'Qq>~ ot'o YElTOVtKO VEKPOTQ~Eio.
• H EfPllJ.1EplOa neptJltvEt, TUA1YJAEVll O'E £va
nAacrttKO, Ola~aVE:<; ntpltUAtYlla, KaSE
np(t)t, jJ1tpoata oti<; noptE<; O'nltlOOV Kai
olajJEpIOIlD.t'OOv, fi <pSc:iVEl Ka8E anOYEUJ.lCl,
nol.u"tl.,o~ Kai 'vo,a<ptpou"a. T"v
~p{aKEt KaVtl<; at'Q tlOtKa K100Kla, O'ta
"'lllKat'~i8lKa t't;<; YEltOVIQ<;, ata ~aplla­
KEia, O'Ta O:EPOSp61l1a, aTo~ 0't'a9J.lov<; trov
tpa{vcov Kai twV AECXPOpdwv - navTou
01 VO'KO,,"pt, ,,"~~elHouv anocpaCJlattKa O'ti~ JJEyaAE<; KUKA.O~OplE<; J.lE to
aatEiP£UTO Evolacptpov tou<;. lSXl t6ao 1la
to Tl "u~~aiv£' (J' auto tOV KO"~O, aHa
Ylcl. to n0l6 OOO1tEpJ.lcl.pKEt 1tpOO~EP£1 ti<;
KaAUt£p£, n~t<; y,a ta tpocp,~a til, t~oo­
~aOa,. l:ti<; o,a<p~~,,,t'KI;, ,,£l.lo£,
ppiaKOl)V Kai KOPOUV Koun6vta EK1ttcOaEWV
yui Ka~~£p'va £1o~ O,aTpo<p;;, Kai VOlKOKuptOO, nou pixvouv t'OV AoyaptaO'J.l6
tou ~naKell." KaTeI 7- 10%. "E"n Tj Oana~
troy 20-25 "tvt, Ti, Kae~~£p'vt, y,a t1jv
ayopa tOU <pvAl.ou, t~o'Kovo~£1 noUa
ool.l.elp,a y,a o(Jou, yvwpl~ouv vel a~lOno,­
oov Tl<; olacplllliaEt~.
'H t<p~~£ploo Elva, Xp"",~~ Kal y,a tou<;
lla911Tt~, nou Elval unOXPECOJ.ltvol an6 ti<;
nprot£, ta~£,<; tOU t.~~onKou, ~txp' TO
KoHty,o, va ypa<pouv tl<9t"£,,, II vel
~~tOUV "t"V t~~, navro "t do~"£,, noli
o,a~eI~ouv "ti<; '<p~~plo£,. ' AAl.ci Kal Tj
ul." TroV tcp,,~£plomv Elva, Kal.a 6pyavOJ).1tvll, at t'JltljJata nov anEu9uvovtat at
6l.£, TI, Tjl.,Ki£<;, ~t £is'Kt, ,,£l.io£, yui tOV
a9l.~n"~0. tl, Kal.s, Ttxv£<;. ta ta~io,a,
t"V T~l.£opa,,~, T"V O{Kovo~ia.
Xrop!, t!, t<p~~plo£, eel v£KprovOtav 1\
l.~l.a ~t
. EnllVud:~
t01tcOV '!l~lE~
<Jttlv •A~EPlKt)
r1lp'" Ott, 770 aveplKaVlKt,
1..£1<;, KWJ..101t6AEI<; Kai ".:;)1toSEoiE<;
£xouv ailJ..lEpa n.AT!VlKD. 6voJ.lata Kat
a1t{) autt<; ot 748 £Ivai 1tap~vE<; uno
ovol1ata tile KAaoOlKii, . EA).Qoo"
15 tij, Nerotep11'; Kat 8
ri, Bi~"o.
OtOlXEia aim! :tpotpxoVtal
TO ~IPAio trov !atopwA6yrov
rtaVVlJ Kat 'E1.£Yl]e; Dpouvtoupa
I1t titAO «' Al1eplKavlKt, q>1).eHl]VlKt, tonovul1'.e, (1948- (970)- Kat unoOelKYUoUV nooo paSlE<; elval o! pt~e,
'tOU qHAEAAT'lVtOJ.l.OU OtT) xwpa tOU
OooorYKtWV Kal tOU AiVlCOAV, d tva
cSuiotlWa no\) ~EJt£pva.El TOU<; tEOOEpl<; ai&vE<;.
-Eva t~aipero pe<nrill Mwue rov nepaopivo JUjva <no KdpveyKV Xw'!'! "eIKoVl(ol"VO, KlncPIO,
pIOAovl(Jrar; K. nwpyor; Xar(~pa(J/Aelov. IncO r~v aiyl6a rou TtVlKOV np~tVOV r~r; Klncpov
(J~v Nfu 'Y6p~ Kal r~r; K. Xapo,!. XPl<nO<p0pOV. '0 Xar(~pa(JlAelov. nov yevvqOr,Ke (Jr~
AevKWGia, O7l'oOOaGe aro AOVdivo Kal dna to 1976 Pp(UKCT:al au,v Nea . YOPK'1. htal~e epya
Taprlvl, Kptr(JAep, noxavr; M1tpOpr;, ,z,paVK Kai naYKavivl.
a~eplKavlK1\ OtKovo~ia. Kai ~lIi oo~apTj
1ttPlooon:pe<; ...
. H auvoJ..llCn K\l1CAocpopia lOUe; yui to 1981
civUJ.1£VtTUl dn6 £lSncouc;; avuJ..u'te<; va.
aU~l]Sei Kata 1%, kvro
aU~l]Soilv Kata 10% yui
ta ~ooM tOU, Sa
vei q>teioouv tei 19.3
oloeK. oon.
. Ano lilv ICUKAcxpopia npo£PXOvtU1 to'
22% trov ta6Swv, noo ioo8uvu)Jouv tJ.& 4.2
oloeK. oon. 'An6 ti, MlKpt<; . AneAie"
o! kq>l]~epioe, elatnpa~av nEpou 4.7 OUJeK.
80A).. T6 imo)..ol1tO twv 18 Jt€pinou 1hoEK.
001.1.. npotpxetal
/lUe, Katl]yop!e,
Tei napano.vro nOOOata Sa npEnel va
elval avtlatp6q>ro, avaAoya Ylo. ti, kAAl]VlK', kq>l]~epioe, nou OEV Kataq>epav
aK6~l] va ava1tt~ouv t6 Kateinl]AO ~ap­
ICEtlvyK Kal va. 1tpOad.1CUaouv ~yaJ..6tEpo
aplS~6 olaq>l]~IOtrov ~E
tljv KaU,Epye,a
olaq>l]~lartKil, ooveloTjoero, ot6v ~1O~l]­
xavlK6 Kal k~noplK6 K6a~0 til, Xropo,.
Atv bnupxouv kl;'""Ipetllaeu;
'H oxtal] til, nAl], trov a~eplKavlKrov
kq>l]~plorov np6, t1\v Olaq>Tj~IOl] elval
avrtotp6q>"" avaAoYl] ot aUYKplal] ~t ti,
kHl]VlKt,. ' 0 utoo<; IIpo, trov oeAiSrov Yla
dC; npro\vtc; &IVQ' 72 Kat 'YHI tic;; o.nO)'£o~artvt, 60, kvro 6 aplSl16, trov KuplaKeirtK"'V kKS6ae",v ~enepvd tl, 208, X",pl, va
OnoAO)'lCTtOUV tei OlCl<PtU,11.0tuca ~veEta Kai
'tel JtEPIOcS1Kcl Jt06 QJtoTeAouv J,ltpcx; troy
tKcS6oEOOV ai)T(Dv.
T 6 JtoooCJt6 trov OlaqlllJ.lioEOOV. tvro 'Y1el
t6 1974 ~tav 65,6%, t6v nepool1tvo Xp6vo
~lroSl]Ke ot 62% at oooXe"Ol1o 11£ tTjv
nAl]. Ilapa tailta, l1et~u 1971 Kat 1979, ta
~ooSa ano t!, olaq>l]l1toe,,; bnepolnAao"latl]Kav. '0 aplSl10, trov aeAiSrov, o'Ka
XP6vta np(v, ~tav 53 yla tl<; np",lvt, Kat 49
'H KatanAl]KtlK1\ aUt~ all~l]ol] toli aplS110li tOOv oeA!orov, npaYl1atOnOl~Sl]Ke I1toa
at ilIa &Kaet!a nou elOe 0InAaata!;6I1eVl)
tTiv tlJ.lTi 'tou cSllJ.loCJloypaq)lXOU XapttoU, t6
-AE~el, .ino TO "'tKalo. tilv
'Autpovol1la, T;j y).6)ooa, tilv' Ao;tlt£KtOVll<tl. t" ¢llA.OOoqlia, tr)
nd~ puf}J.llCJel~ Kai cSlOUCTltliCEC; tvEPYEu;:C;
Jtou 66. ~'tav cSuvat6 va f}EmPl160uv (Jav
n:poV6J.lla, Tl Kat on:A£c; cSl£UKOAUVCJEIC;. XapaKtllPlc:rtUc6 £Ivai. on of J.l6VEC; £n:tXElp"·
ael, nou k~alpoilvtal ano tTjv xopTj1'1Ol]
xaJ.ll1M>tmCWV oavdoov J.lE ICUPEPVTJtlKll £y.
AoyotExvia, tiJv • Iatopla Kai tT)
Mu80AO,(ia, oi onoiEC; ' 9uJ.li~ouv
'EAAaoa. Kai [{Vat 't01'[08EOiE<; troy
'taK'tE<; dxav aVUqlEpSEi, t6vlO"av Otl StV
cStv butPEJtOUV
N10U Xo.llOatp J..lE 4. " Maooaxou.
attl], to NlOli
aut6, ot6v ~atK6 v6110 toli kAeU8epou
o"Ka 6plal1tve, nAl]poq>ople" ~ ~l]Srov­
ta, 6n",aoljnOtel11a Katl]Yopia I1to",v kYl]l1eproae"" havtlov 111d, &Ul]'.
' AKo-
'Ivolava I1t 22, il KaJ.tq>opvla Kai to
Ko.voa, I1t ll, to KOAopavto, i: M,v£006ta Kai " HLpt~ivla J..lt 18, 1:0
, ApKeivoa, I1t J7, ". AAal1nal1a Kai to
Teweooil I1t 16, " OMOIYKtroV Kai
to Oil (oK6vOlV I1t ! 5, ~ B6pela KapOAiva Kai to Mail]v I1t !3, "
'AAaaKa, ~ <l>1.<i>PlOO Kai ~ fe"'pyta
I1t I!, ~ Movtava, ~ Nel1npaaKa, ro
-OpeYKov Kat to Repl10vt 11k to, "
MaipUAavt, to MtCOlooi1'[1tI, i, Nta
'Iepo'l], ~ B. Kai ~ N. Ntc.KOta I1t 8,
to - Alvtaxo Kai " fIOU"" ut 7, ~
Ne~aoa Kai to Ouaiol1<V'I'K ~t 6, ~
'OK"ax6I1a I1t 5, 'i . Apl~ova Kat to
MEPUc:oi cSl1J.lOOloypaqK>l. dxav OUVEp--
bJtOAO{1t{J)V. EitE J..lE t6 va ti1<; OiVEI XaPl-
yaotell1t tTjv CIA, lin"" anoKaAuljlav ""AI
o! kq>l]l1eploe,. 'EKe!V6<; trov 6noi",v auv-
q>opa nou ilIa 1CU~tpYl]Ol] l1etaxelp!~etal
npOVOl1taKa il,a kq>l]~ploo el, ~po, tOOv
",olaoe" iiAOl],
).ou~o 'v :0 ' OXa!o, 11£ 56, " IlevauA~avla ~t 4! , Tv ·1"AlvOI.; I1t 34, to
TE~a<; J.l.t 3:;,
~'ditOll'Kav ~li: 32, to
KevtaKu 11' 28, to M I~OUPl I1t 2'1, il
etoltl]plou, t1'l, o,atpoq>il" aK6~l] Kai tOU,
Kaq>toe,. Kal1111a unl]peaia sty avaAa~~­
vel tljv o"'peav l1etaq>opa Ol]110alOypaq>"'v Kal Kal1111a kq>l]l1epioa atv Kataotxetal va ta~lotljlel aUvtaKtT), tl], o"'peo.v,
I1t oaneivl] til, Ku~epv<ioe"" - nOAu neplao6tepo va kpya~etal ~va, oovtaKtl],
Yla ilIa KU~epYl]"K~ unl]peala.
nou 1tapa~ul~Eta1 KciSE
~ouva ,
-np6>"1 ot!, al1eplKaVlKE, no.Altele, Epxetal " Nta 'YOPKl], ut 63
KupEpvTjoeroc; ani ta~iola tOUC; at6
toootEpuc6 Kai ot6 £~ootEpu;:6. 1tAttPo)Vouv
1tavto'tE til OOJtQVtt tOU xavovIKoU
1tOtalJta, AiIJVE~ Kai . .. pooKla o.KO~a, dna Kai ot opuxe!a, taxoopoj.l£ia Kai cS£~aJ..l£v£~!
yUl]al], elval ot kq>T1~ploe,. K! auto , Yla va
111\ Se"'pl]9pl
'EKteAeo"KTj 'El;ouala
I1nopel va k1tl]pecloel t6v TUno.
A6t6<; elval 6 ).6yo, nou o! oovteiKte,
nou oovooeuouv t6v Ilp6eopo, ~ I1tAl] til,
avt{)..tt'Vtt. 6 Tun:o<; n:pt1tEl va bn:6KEltal Kat
'[Ola l1eAttl] l1a8atvov£
- Of qllAEAAl1VlKEC; to1twvuJ.lif.~
br'lpeaoav Kai tT)V 6vullaaia O:J.lEplKavlKrov navEJtIOtT'lJ.l..irov Kai 1e01.AEyiwvat 10 tlOAltEIE..;.l:apaVta tpia
ci:tOla avwfata EletlatOEUtlKD. fOpOJ.l.ata T&V HnA fXOUV KAaOOlKD.
kAA'lVlKD. 6VOr.Hlfa.
6nolo atOlxl~el ta 1110a neplnou an6 000
ot~V 'E)"),,aoo napa tTjv clttAela.
'H att).e,a aut~ elval aOlav6l]tl] otTjv' Al1eplK~. Kal 016tt otv bnapxouv oaol1oi Kat
016" " Kuptpvl]al] anoq>euyel v0110ge-
arou<; ouvepyate, tou<; va kpya~Ovtal yui
1CU~epYl]tlKt, unl]peote,.
I:ul1q>",va ut tljv yevlKTj knaneAl1attKTj
Kat to POvt
An. (lVT JJ.£ 3 lCo.i. ti Kowh:tlKat Kai
11k 2.
•E'YY paq)'fjtE1:UVOPO~ l'l'rat
o"rr')v «NEa 'Y6pKl'l"
Ot O'tOXOl 'tii~' E1n tpo1tiic;
Nau'tlAlaKii~ LuvEpyaoia~
OlllAef 0 IlpoeJpoC; rl'/C;
'0 yvwaro.; Kai Jrll..loq)l)'tararot; hporr.).,at~t; rOD l1ovoivov K. l.A. Xar(tprarepar;. 0 (moioe;
npoaq)(1TWC; llpou5poc; r;;c; 'Emrporrijc; Navn)/aKijr; Euvepyaaiac; (Committee) nape-
XWP'l(J£ Mlain:.pa tvolarpepot)aa avvevfE.uI;fJ arb lYKUPO J1.1Jvlafo rreplOtJlKo «NaVtl).laK~» TOU
orrofov 0 £XOOTtft:; rijc; «Neae; •YOPKtJC;» K. flay. MaKpliic;. 01ereAea£ utO napdBbv apxuTVvraKT'lC;. rrr,v uuvivn:u.;" aVril b K. Xar(t'fnarepac;, iOPUTi" roo lU;PIOOIKOV «KpiKOC;», 7[00 elva!
yvwarbc; £TrOV bpoTtA./auKo KOt1j..lO }Cal Yl(i Ta 1[VwjJarlKG Kai KaAAm::xvu((i TOU tvouupepovra,
raWOl; orr ~ nAelOlflfJrpia rwv e({JOTrAluriiJv 00.£1
Committee va A.UfQVpyij aav tive~apTllrOC;
opyavI(Jp,oc; ae nJ..tjp'l (Juvepyaaia p.c TiTV -Evwuf] 'EA.AtjVWV 'Erp01lA1Gniw,
.. 'YnooTllpt~OUIl£ - ouvtxto£ 6 telae;
Tfl ouveXloTl aurfle; nie; Cilleo11e; Kat
on:VDe; ouvEpyoO{Oe; Il t n'lv EEE VIa TO
KOAO TDe; eAAIlVlKDe; VOUTlAioe; Kat n'lv
euwOOOll TWV otOXwv H)e;», 'A PKeTO npo
XOT~l1noTt poc; , eIxolle apxio£t rQKTlKte;
en(011llee; ouvavTfloele; TWV npm:opdwv
rfle; E.E.E. Ka[ toO Committee. AUTr; ril
OUVEpvao[o TWiJJ 86 TOvwoOulJe 1.1£
nOpaAA'1A£e; tnnpom:e; O£ KOIVO npovpallIJOTo-tntTporrte;, nou oAAee; tjO'1 tpy6~av­
Tat, Kat OAAee; ~PtOKOVTQl OTO or6610 TDe;
1511IJIOUPy[oe; rwv, Mtoo ana ourte; Tte;
EntTpOnee; Kat Tflv oTeV r; ouvepyoo(o geAW
va mOTEUw 5n 80 ~en116noouv OUVTOIlO at
vE:ee; ouvallete; roO EAAllVlKOO t¢lonAlOIlOO , nou ~p[OKOVTOl EKTOC; TWV ouo .rUIlj3ouAiwv. Eivat Ii vea yevlo nou 90 E:novi5pwoel TOOO Tie; eoWr£plKE:e; 000 Koi Tie;
tE;wTeplKte; E:ntrponte; jJoe;.
Me nl iSpoorllplonoillor] ii5lolte po rwv
VE:WV t¢lonAlonov emi5lwKoull£ va v(v el
KOTop8wrr; Ii 000 ro ouvaTOv KOAurepr]
tKnpoownl']oli J.loe; oro ue; i5le8v£le; oPYOV\OIlOUe;».
neploooTEPO veOpo»,
OXeTlKO 6 K. XOT~l']nortpoe;,
"A¢'l1oe 6t va evvo'18ei OTl tva 6no TO
Kupla lleAlillaro TOO fl! roO Committee 86
dVOl r; ouvenr., npoj3oAn Kat oUllnepl¢lopo
TOU eAAIlvlKOO nAoiou npoe; K08e KOT£lI8uVOll. "E[vQl jJey6A'11i ~l']llla, ouvtX1oe 6
ii5l0C;, nou exel npoKAll8eI OTr.,V 'EAAllVIKn
NOUTlAlOKn KOlvoTll r o ano OPlolltvoUC;» ,
KO( elVOl E:I.l¢l0vnc: 1'1 r6011, rooo OTO Committee 000 KOt onlY E. E.E. VO OVTlllerWnt0800v Kat 6noIJovw800 v ot KOKO( e¢'onAIortc;. «'EllelC; 80 npoona8-r;00ujJe, Tovloe
oTIi NaUTIA.laKr7 0 KUpIOe; npoei5poe;, vo.
Kovoull£ fvo j3f)I-I0 IlnpoOT6, v6 npoAoj30ulle TnV KOKr., ii anPOOeKTl'] oUl-inepI¢'opo. npoe; onou KOt Civ Kore u8uverOl KI an'
onou Kl bv npotpXeTOI.
To dA>..o 8£1-10 nou onooxoAeT TO Committee Kl txel re8eT oav lJoKponp08eoll0e;
npoaywyr., rile; VOUTtKf)C;
It epWrl']Ol1 rDe; "N ,. axeTtK6 Ilt TnV
npoonTIK-r; orll.lIOupyiae; tvae; E:A>..TlVlKOO P
& I Club, 6 K. XOT~l1noTepoc; cine 5Tt ouro
80 ciVOl tva ana TO uno ou~JirT)ol1 8elloro
OTO Committee OTO Cilleoo J.lE:Ai\ov KOt-
AYrOYETOl:: 1981
OAAwor e - 6noreAei oiTll~a KOt noMwv
'EAAJiVWV t ¢lonAloTWv. «'A VTlAOIJ[30VOIJOOTe OAO I nOAU Kah6 OTt tva TeTOlO
oxe510 eiVQl Illlo[Tepo i5U Cl KOAO OAAo. nptnel va ro npoonoBnooulle Kat Ci v oKolla ro
onOTeA£OlJa ourTie; tf)e; npo on68e loc; 86
elVOl KOTI nou 86 ro 6noAauae i i) tnojJE:Vll
6no rn lllKri IlO~ vevlo.».
no. ro Stllo TWV nAllPWj.lOrWv 6 K.
XOT~Ilnartpo~ otv tOE:lE;e KOVtVO OIOTOYl-l0 oro v6 Ko80pfoel Ti~ Tpi:Xouoe~ avayKec; rwv tAAl']VlKWV nAOtwv Via OAA0i50nOllC; 0' tva 6pKer6 IlEyoAuTepo noooO"To
6n' aUla nou loxuei orillE:pa, «ov Kl aUTO
6Koj.lO ouvrollo otv 86 txel npoKTlKfI o~io
000 6 tAAl']VlKOe; OTOAOr; 86 j.lE:yOAWV£1 KOt
i5{;v 66 UnaPXE:l llE:yaAll npoo¢'op6 'EAAr.,vwv VOUTlKWV. npenel va OUVll8foouj.l£
OTr.,V Iota 6plolltvwv KOTOOTC10E:WV nOli
0111l10uPy£t li ouv£xnc;: E:C,eAIC,T) Kof npaoi50c;: Kai v6 npoerOll-lO~OIlOOTe Yla Tr.,V
an050xfl TDr; Ka811j.le:plVr;c: npayj.lOTlKOTllTOe;, o.VTI v6 r-r;v nOAeIlOOl-le, 'AAAooonoi
ro KOTwTepo nAr.,pwlla "EAAllvee; (noAlI
tKnQloeul-ie vol) ot o.C,lWIlOTtKoi KorooTpwIlOTOe; Kat IlllXOVDC;. AUTO elVO l K6Tl nou
lowe;: otv 80 6.pyt'!ooUIl£ va ro iSoOIl£ or6
nAolo IlOe;" ,
'AKallo 6 K. XOr~l']noTtpoe; avo¢'ep811K£ art'! i5111-110upyia tvae; iopullorOe; nou 86
txel oov aVTtKe[j.l£VO Tr.,V OIKOV0I-IIKn unoOTr.,PIc,l1 KOlvw¢leAwv tpywv oniv 'EA>..oi5o,
T-r; XOPr.,YI1Ol1 unoTp0¢,IWV K.A.n.
«LTte; oKttlJele; 1l0~ ciVOl i] avo[3iwoll
TOO oxeoiou 0111l10upy[oe; tvoe; foundation
Ilt tiSpa TO "ovolVO 1'1 Konou OTnV
Eupwnll ~·
AllTo riro v KOt d vOl TO opallo roO
j3erepavou t¢'OnAlOTD Kof IltvTopOe; TDe;
vauTlAioc: ~or; K. MOVWAl'] KOUAOUKOUVtf) ,
'0 K. KOUAOUKOUVTr;e; dxe, npwroc;:, OUAAo.[3e:t rnv av6YKll i511~IOUpytOc; tvoc; 'OPVOVI01J00 (Kai Tie; 8eTlKer; TOU E:mnrwoele;), n ov
ro dOOQripoT6 rou KOTO KUPlO AOYO 86
npotpxoVTOI ana da¢'opte; TWV 'EAAr.,VWV
'E¢OnAICTfWV 6v6Aoyo 11£ ro tonnage TOO
Ka8ev6c;, 90 j3piOKE:Tal
uno rr;v on6AuTil i5l0tK11011 roue;. 'OnWOQr.,nOTe Kat npoKelj.ltvou ro iepuj.lo v6 j3ptOKE:TOl KOVTO
oric; npoYIlOTlKi:e; ov6YK£e; 86 OUI-lj3ouAeu&TOI K08e Xpovo 010KeKp1lltvo dro~o an6
rov nOAtTlKO Kai QKoi511jJO'(KO xwpo TllC;
'EAA0i50C; Vla epyo il Unllpeote~ OTr., xwpo,
onwc; axoAeio, VooOKolleia, unOTpO¢!tee;
/<. I.A. Xar(17narcpa r;
np6s6por; roO 'EAAr)V!KOli Committee
Me iO lOirepl'] e~<pool'] , Tovloe OTlI-IE:TOC,U rwv epywv TOO ii5pUI.lOTOC;: eo eivOI KO!
i) ov6mu~11 TWV VaUTlAIOKWV onoui5wv
(Shipping Business Studies) OXI !.lOVO Ylo
tn6vopwol1 VOUTlAlaKWv tmxe lpr.,oewv 1lE:
iKav6 oTeAtXll , o.AAO aKO~O Kat rwv tAAllVtKWV 0111looiwv unIlPEo\WV .
It 1110 reAeuraia tpwT11011 nie; «N» ,
avacpaptKO IJt TO [308 1.lO ouvepvooiae; t¢loTlAIOrWV - KpaTOUC;, 0 K. XaT~llnaTtpoe;
cine: «Ko! j3 tj3010 eivOt anopaitlltn i) OTevfl ouvepyooia t¢'OTlAIOTWV Ile TO YEN,
QAA6 KOt OAOKAllPl'] Tr.,V Kuj3tpvl1OTl. "Eva
ano ro ileAl'] TOO Committee, 6 K. .rnOpoc;
nOAtlll1e; txel tKnovi]oel "OXtQ lO ouvepyaoioe;» nOli 6¢lopd on') Qll1l10uPytO Illae;
1l0VIIlI1e; KOlVDC; tmrpom;c;. To OXE:Q lO ouTO j3ptOKe'rol r wpo OTO LUIlj3ouAIO rne;
EEE, TO oU~ll rdllE: ano KOIVOO Kat - ' moreuw - 80. uAonol118et OUVTOIlO».
l:UJlJiOA.T) "En1JVU
tntat~JlOVU atT) KUtUaKEUT)
tOU «KoA.oJlntu»
~01tW'; eYPCl\Ve TO «BtijJCl», €(!'8am:: 'tov
1tEPClUIJ-f:VO jJfiVCl otilv •A8tlvCl Eva.; "EA~
Al1VCl'; bnOttljJovCl'; Uti..; H.Il.A., nov dXE
011J.1<lVtl1' i1 OUJ.lj30ATl OTijV KataOKwT) 'tOl>
BIClOTTllJ-lKOU AEW(!,OpEiou «KoAOlJ-ftla»
Ka8w.; KCli cni.; OOKIJ.l<lO'tlK£<; ft'tT10'El<; 1tptv
cIfte. 'tijv tK'tO~EUOtl 'tau OTO ..1.uio'tl1J.1a,
•0 ,-oyo, YUl 'ov ~,-enpo,-oyo - ~~xa­
VOAOYO crt 9tlJ-Cl'ta EVtpY&la~ K. •AvtwvlO
I:uPlro'tll, nov eX£L uU)lpciAel O'Tl1v
Ku'taoK£uTj 'tIDV )lqaAuT£pwV TCUPl1v1KIDV
tpyoO''taO'iwv oti.; HnA Kai. OtllV EUp<Oftll .
ru:'.; 'tOU a £ilJ-vllO'TOu Bu:u8uVTt; to\)
«Btl)la'tot;», 6 K. •AVT. I:DP1WTllC; O:1tocpoi-
1951 <11[0 ,0 KoUtylO' ApptvOlv ~t
to j3paj3eio ~~XaOUAaVT)' Kai. t£A.eiwO'£ ti.;
cr1touot<; 'tou cno IlaVeftlO'Ttll-110 'to\) "'0PEyKOV. VEKtOTE tpya~e'tal OTit jJEyaAutepl1 hatpiCl r,AEKTPOVIKOOV TroV HIlA. Tllv
«M1ttllUA», nit; 6n:0i.ac; o. t~lJ.£pa dvat 01Eu8uVTit.; crTa tlAEK'tPOAoYtKa Kai
Loyal to
& QuaJity
SINCE 1861
Demestica Red &
Demestica White
Imported to USA by
NEW YORK, NY 10111
TEL. (212) 974-8100
'Y1feaT~plxo., 1fPO Kaipov at do.,vai)C~ trp~j.lepIOa iJtl ~ "'~T01fo/~a~ T';;V 'E1h7v_plKav';;v TO 1974lnrtp Tff<; Klnrpoo Kal Tff, 'ElldJo" ~Tav ... d1fOTeka/la tvo, aO/l1fAeY/laro,
AVOl~' Yld TlIV dvoX;' trOV MCl~E 1:5 MiiJ 'EVJ1VIUl-ilJr; npor; rllv UTparlWtlK;' o",raropia. 'R
PlaK(M~, Kal KaTlbrTOaT~ alrr~ Oewpla. 1fOO elval Kap1fO<; T~<; 1fpOKaT~'i'ew<; tvavTlov
'Ojloyeveiat; 'ApepIKqr; Kal (w'1PoiJ avp.1tAiYJ1.a!(x; #'1Jajllv(h'1ux; tKt:iVWV 1COV o}v o,erO1l'W(1av, ora'l'cvoeral 6X1 pOliO dn"b titv ovveX'(ojUv'1 iKo,;A.W011 roD (W'IpoiJ tvolatpepOVf(x;
yui fa tfJVIKU a/Kala, dA...td Kal dnb TllV io'Copia roi) tOw 'EAJ."VIUjlOV rifr; 'AJlEPIKiir;, 1[OD ihwX;
dval Kalp~ va ~eoI1Kw8ij r,a va irTtepacmiC111 rei tSfKaui. rot)
- 01'
at;,v OMO'I},Ktc.oV. d..U.d uTliv 'ABrjva ...
To KtlJJ.£VO nov dKoAov8ei elva, flld dJuitpevar" IJaprvpla. To dvaOrfl.lOGlc60p.e drro rllv
.Nta 'YOpK~' rov 'OKrwpploo, 1954. Elval ypa/l/levo nplv 27 xpoVla, dno rov 1fpW~v tK(jO~
n". K. Inupo Mivmro.
ola~ap,"piae;. 'AKa~a
'ne; 9uena t~i:altaae Kai a,,,v 'EAAnoa
1\ AatK" ayavaK<~ale;. otav tyv",a9~ 1\
notanT! QnQvtTJotC; trov AyyAWV . .6.10tt 6
TjpwlKoc; aut6e; Aao;. n01) Sty Aoyaplao£
nott Ouai£e;. 1tPOKEIJ.1EVOU n£pi t11<;; tAi:u9tpia~ tOU, hp<il9TJ OtO qllA.6ttllO fOU,
~AEltOlV t~V
,~v ltpffirt]v 1\l1i:pav nie; Ka,aA~­
ljIe"" '~e; Kimpou alto ,oue; - AyyAoue;. 01
KU1tP10l tYVroPl0QV El~ aUfolx; TOV fla9i>v
x690v nov t~e; ~vIDaeme; ~t '1jv ~~d:po nov
'EA)..aoa. Tov noSov of: aUTOV Kat 'tt;v Q.no<pa01V ou:'tpav(t)oav
ot KunplOI Kai tl~ Ka8e EUlCatpiav.
'AltO to IiAAo ~tpoe; 01" AyyAOI. aKa~~
Kat au,oe; a viiv np0l9uxoupyoe; ,~e; ' AyYAiac; lC. TOWpt01A, Qv£yvroplO'QV tOV
t8vl1cOV autov n6Sov trov Ku1tpl.rov rot;
"'EJlA&1l'aV on onooOOr11tOtE jliav TJIlEpav 6
1[080<; nov aUToc; So. t!;£1tJ..llPou'tO Kai
tltelO~ OtV aUVl]9i~ouv vo. oioouv ,iltOTe
oropeav, avt~.u:;vov ti}v KataAAllAOv ellJCQ1-
piav oUll:va ICnAo
1ta~ap£ulla .• H EUKatpia
naYK6a~lOv n6Ae~ov.
tOUe; "AnAoue;. T6,e 0~0le; t~ltiiKe a'ti
~i:a~ 1\ • HAde; Kai ~t ,0 KaA6. I1i: I"'P'ona9£la Kai £uytv£la , Cti'tTJO£
~t ~la q>lA1K~
Kai alt' eueeiae;
~~,~~a ~t 1l<\01 ~v ' En~voanA1K~ q>lAia
Kai 'tiv aaq>nAela Tiie; 'AnAiae; a,~ MeaayelO. t.,6n a 'EAA~V1KOe; Aaoe; otv elxe
Ex9pa I1i: ,oue; - AnAoue;. NaunKOe; Aaoe;
OltOle; Ki au,oi. ~geAe TtiV' AnAlaouva~v.
'H' AnA1Kti Ku~i;pVl]ale; alt~v<~ael1i: Eva
onryvo «OX\!» OU tJ,ovov QAAIl Ol£Ktip~£
a~ BouA~
<aue; on" Kuxpoe;. Ola AOYOue;
o"tpalTJYIKoUe;. oEv 8ci 1lIJnOPOOOE notE va.
yiVl] tAeugep~. ElQ El"ve aIOlViOle; aKAa~a!
Kai 'a" 1\ 'EAA~V1K~ KU~EpVl]Ole; alteq>nalae va Ka,aq>uy~ a,a ' HVOl~tva-E9v~.
CTJtrooo. va. avayvwpI0'9l1 Kat OtOUe; KuliAge ~E rov A'
6n6n: ol" AY'YAot npoo£<pEpav lilv wpaiav npiouc; to t€POV Kai av8pronwov SlKOiwJ.1a
tr;C; OUlOOI09to€w<;;. noo av£yvropLOo.v ot
~eyaA6Vl]aov ele; ,"v • HAaoa. ;,ltO 'ov
.. AYYAOl Kat l£A£Utoio clKOJ.1TJ. St aAAOUe;
~pov O~Ole; vo. elaEA9~ ele; 'ov lt6Ae~ov .
AOOUC; Kat j.!aAIO'ta Ko8oottpTJJ.1EVOUC;.
M elOlKOUc; Aayoue; " 'HAae; otv "~xO­
Auto dVOI to iU'tOPIKOV tOU KunplaKou
peot va to Kclll'l ajlEow<;. EiofjA8£ 5j.1~ de; ~~,~~a,oc;. xou ~piaKeral aAoEva xpo '~e;
tov n6M:Jlov .,lUa 8tuiav Kal bmA£Il'loE rtVIKf!e; l:ov£uuo£we; tOO O.H.E.
yewaiOle;. 1fAtiv ti . AnAia 1j9tt~ae ,~v
imoox£oiv tfJC;·
'H dvdopoale; tmv Kuxp(rov
'Hyava1CTllOav t01"£ JlE to 5ilcl1o lOUe; ot
txav£ tino'tt,; ' Ayy).,(o. va ouv£vKunplOl Kat bA.ira XPOVIQ UOTEpwn:pa
vOTJ9il )It tOU JtIO'tOU<;; tTJe; q>iAOUe; Kat oUjJt~~ytp9~aav tvavtiov '~e; aYYA1K~e; Ka~nxoue; "En~vee;. avayvOlpi~ouaa '0 8,<ox~e; . - Ano OEV ~geAav 01" AYYAot! I:KOnooav J..l£P1KO~. cpoAaKloav nOAu nsplO'- Kaiw)la 'tfj<; aUtOSlaStOtw<;; (11"OUe;
aod:pouC;, TOUe; TljlroPl1oav )l£ aooTIlpa KU1fpioue;. Tie; ~aaete; t~e; 9Q elXe. Kai
npooti)lata Kat KatTlPYTJoav Ka9E n/J;ov aK6~~ XIO a~~aV<IK""epo 9a elXe niv xoEWOlav tAEu9Epla~, )lEtaXElplCOJlEVOl tOl><;
un£PTJcpavou<; Kat nOAlnO)lEVou<; Kunpiou<;
xelpatepa Kat altO ,oue; aypioue; Kai a1[OAltiotou<; KatoiKOUC; trov j.!OKPUVroV
an01KlroV troy. 'H cproyTJ tile; Klmpou, til<;
~av~e; EUpOl1fatK~e;
x"'pae;. ltOU El"ve Xla
aOUATJ , btviyno.
'E~Age 0~0le;
a B'
naYK6a~lOe; n6Ae~0e;
Kat it 'AYYAia, ltOU Ecp9ao£ OtO x£iAOe; tOO
KpTJIJVOO . u'Vwo£ 'tt)v oTJ)laiav trov
tAw9£PlroV. npooKoAtoaoo. tOUe; Kt.l1tpi-
oue; va aYOlvla90iiv ~a~6 -i~e;. Ele; '0
1tAeUpOV nie; •AYYAiae; tltoAt~a ~av~ 1\
)llKpQ:, QAAtl 1(lO'tt) Kat "(twaia OU)l)lOXOe;
'HMe;. a 1\ pOlta~oe; 'iie; altoiae;
tOV KOOjJOV. «Mnpa~o oou, J.1npa~o oou!,",e; £AEyav Ot l:ujJJ.1aXOl. 1:tO tEAO<;; tOU
nOAt)lOu Sa 'ta £XTJ~ oAo.!».
Oi"EAATJV£<; Kai otKunpIOl toniot£'Vav.
.6.£v tu.11topouoav va. 1(lOtE'VOUV on oi" AyYAOl tou<; Kopota£oov EJt£lta an-o jJUl d:tota
K00J.1oyov{a. ' H 'EKKATJoia 'til<; Kunpou
£KajJ£ 'tou ()TJjJO'lliiCPIO)lO. to dnOtEuojJO
lOU 6notou l'I"to ta 80 tKo.tOo'ta 'tOU nATJ9uoj.!oU va CTJ"ttl00UV EVWatV.
•AAAa. Kat lOUtO otv ouv£dvno€ 1tOAU
AyrOYI:TOI: 1981
'AnAiav va
Aiyo ttlv q>lAiav 'tou. Kai ,;
AU"tI)lTJ q)lAiav tOU • EAATJVIKOO Aaoo .• Ano
Eyrot0J.10 oj.!W<; Kat m:ioJ.1o EKajJ£ to
Kai ltpOX9Ee;
to 'EpyauKov KOJ.1J.1a £KTJpuX9TJ £vavfiov
ffje; TtOAltlKl1<; ftie; Ko~£pviio£we; EvUV'tl "tou
'H ayavOKt'lO'lC; tOU 'El.Al1VU(OV )..006
opr" tOU Ola. TtiV
' AnAiae; ""oue; aoeAq>oue; tOU
Kunpiouc;. ~toJtaoE.
naVfOU wpyavroGt,oav OUAAClATJftiplO.
an~AenU~e; ~E
tOV KUltplaKOV Aaav. EiJ..
PIOKOj..lOUV £KtlV£<; tiC; TJJ..lEp£<; Jt£ploodav
OnlV n£Ao1t6wrjoo. MOA£<; Ot n6A£t<; KCli.
ta. Xroplci r,oav 0TJj..IalOOTOl..lojJ£vo., ViOl
Kai YEPOl hp£XClV j..I£ tveOUO'lQ0J.10 o'to
• A1t' oAa ojJooe; to J.1£yaAut€po tltO ota<;
. A9~vae; .
'0 tv80u-
CJlQ0J.10C; tOU AClOl> OEV ncpl,(pci.cpEtat!
. EvOoUOUOS£lC; aU.a Kat OUYKlVTJ'UKat
r,oav at JtatptwtlKai tKOTJAWOt le; tfj<; onouSaCOOOTJ<;; vEoA-aiae;. XIAlclOt<; CPOlt'1tal
~tKivTJO'av J.1£ tic; oTJtJ,a'L£e; toue; Kai j..IE to
8aUjlllOlOV Aa~apov tOO . E9vLKOU
navt1tlofTJj.!iou btl K£fPOAT1e; lCot£t.l8uv9TJoav O'tov .. AyvrootoV I:'tpancl:HTJV,
yovanoav Kat J..lE OPKOV imoO'xt9TJoQV
on Sty 9a. f1ouxaoouv, tav !Stv BOllv i:A.EUgep~ t~V
Kult pov.
To l"yaAe ..i)oe,
o'to Manhattan Center
Kultpov EYlvav
rto.VfoU onou umlPXQuv fEKVQ tfje; • EAAci00<;, onroc; o"to rlOXaV€OtJ,1tOUPYK Kat aJ..AO\) . Ttt01.0 Eywav tni.oTJe; Ofa J.1£YoAut€pa Ktvtpa ,",e; OJ.1oytvEiae; O'ttlV . AJl€PIKTJ. o'to 1:1"o.yO, N'tTJ'tpoit. KaA.lcpopvlCl,
navwu. To
aunaA~'riplo 1i~0le; t~e; a~o­
Kai a1tayop€UOUV 6AOEva J,J.t
'tl)lropif:C; OfOUe; Ku1tpiou<;; va.
Jtouv Kal J.16vo tt)v At~tV «"EvrooIe;!». "'OXI
J.10VOV aUf0 QAAcl Kat va Ola~aCTJ ~vae; Illa.
ytvEiac; N . • Y OpKTJe; o'to MaVXclt"tQV l:i:vtEP
l'ItO npaYJ.1attKa jJ£yaAtlrootC;. To tlnEpav"to
K£VfPOV dx£ JtATJ)ll-.mpio£1 aJto KaAoo<;; Kai
votJ,o'taytic; 0IlOYEvEiC;, oi 6nolol npoofjASOV Sui vci E:KSTJArimouv, 00; H,EUO£pOl
, AtJ,tplKavoi 1tOAil"al. 011 ~6vov 'ttlv OUJ.1n-a9tulv fWV O"tOV itpov ayrova tIDV Kunpi.WV. aAAci Kai 'tTjv ciyavaKfTJoiv twv Ola. tt)v
9twpd'tCll EYKATJj..Ia Kat tpuAaKiC£tal. TOl><;
cpijJoX;£ 'to OtOjJQ Kai tOUe; OtpayyaAICe ft)V
toUt; avayvropioTJ 'to mo itp6 Kal dv8pri>1tWO olKaioo~a v· cmocpaoioouv tA£U9tpa
Sui tflv tUXTJv 'troY.
tvav<iov. 'H KU~EpVl]ale; EIlaAe at Eq>ap~oy~v 8paK6vnoue; v6~oue; . ltOU a1[map£Oav
ltOU ypaq>el ;'1ftp '~e; <vIDaeme;.
- Ecp9aaa ttiv
lin~v ti~Epa
lipv~alv '~e; ayyA1K~e; Ku~ep~aeOle;
01 KOYKpea~ev K.K. T~a~lte;. Ntopv.
Nf6vo~ov '!Cai 6 y£pouO'laott)<; <J)tAn<;. noo
n:pov. roe; £K'tOK'tO; OntO'fClAj..IEVO<;; tOU ,,'E8VIKOU KTiPUKO<;» 'tOlV 'ASTJvWV Kal don
J.l£ fa. llano. j..lou fa JtpaYJlo"to.. "'Oxt J.10VOV
)liATJOaV IJ.€ 9tpJ.1TJv olci to olKairojJa 'tOUfO
trov KuJtpirov, KUPlOAEKflKW<;; am:Otro-
Otv e!xe (, Aaoe; ,po~oKpo,~9~. ana alto
,~v ~la IiKP~ tOle; TtiV lin~ ,oii Vl]OlOU
on aUfi}v u,v cpopO. dXav niow 'tOU<; OKtW
<KQrO~~Upla "EU~vee;.
yv61JlTJv iSAOU fOU H.w9tpou KOOj..lOU Kat
~qaAo ~EpOe; '~e; KOl~e; aYYA1K~e;
t.l6n Kat ar"v 'AyyAia 1\ytp8Daav
9~aav .
01[0le; Kai ta ~i:A ~ '~e; t~ 'EAAa80e;
xou ~iA~aav tm"'le;. 01 K.K.
'AKpi,ae; Kat Ziyo~e; Kai oi
QVfl1tPOOW1tOl tile; o)loytvdac; K,K. Baa.
KapaJ.1nQtOe;. "Ynato<;; npo£opoe; tTie; rKa-
lta. a ltpoeOpOe; ,~e; 'O~oaltovoiae; 'En.
I:ro~ateioov K. I:niJpoe; lliKKae;. ,a I1i:A~ t~e;
'E9vapxiae; 'iie; Kultpou K.K. Aot~io~e; Kai
POlaaio~e;. a ae~vo, 1\yh~e; ,ii\v KultpiOlV
'~e; 'A~eplK~e;
t.p. lli~~ae; Za~oYlaVVl]e;
Kai uUOt.
To (mUaA~t~ptOv
T1vot~av I> K.
nEptKA~, Aavt~ou~, Tii, 'O~o(movoia,
trov 'EAATJVUCWV l:(j)~lat&iwv, OJ.lIA:rlOaC;
'AYYA,(J'ti Kai I> Ela~y~t~, tOO npoypci~­
~ato, I> K. r . rEvEpaA~,. npOEOpO, tii,
'Enltpon~, tOO I:uHaA~t~piou ~tO I> K.
I:~~ I:Kona" 'Ynato, npOEOpO, Tii, 'AXEna, 6 61(oio<;; 1tapOUOiaoE Kai TOVe;
'Eni t;;, aK~vTj" onou dxov aUYKEVtpm9ij 01 tni~~ot, ~aav Enia~, ~ aVTtnpooCJ.)1[OC; troy ruvau::Eirov 'Opyavo:merov
t~, 'EHaoo, Kai ~tAo, Tij, 'B.A. 'AvTtnpoaoonEiac; K. Aiva TaaAliapl1. ta AOmtl
Ili;A~ Tij, E~ 'EAAaoo, 'Emtponij" I> ~pml­
KO, otpat~yo, K. N. na1taoo1touAo" I>
IIpoe45poc; nilv AaKEoaqJ.Ov{rov K.
KOKKOp6" I> 'Ynato, npOEOpO, tii, nav~nEtpmtlK;;, K. K. li~J.1a" Tij, naAAaKOlVtK;;, IC. N. nanaoaKo" tij, Mav~, K. '1mav. 'Ap<i1t~" tii, AEYEtilvo<; .'Imaw~,
ME'ta~aC;>. K. K. cboupvapcixl1<;;. 'TOl) «NtH.-
01tOU 30 KpaT~ tljl~'1ltoav untp tii, £yypa<PTlC;;, 19 £VUVTlOV Kai II aneaxov.
'H np6nT] ()l7tAWJ.l.U'tUCrl J,1o:Xl1 aui tTlv Kunpov U~~E ~. EH~v'K~V viK~V, 6 opo~o,
OJ.1ffi~ £Ival Eio-ttl lpaxu<;; Kat lCA:11PT]<; aKUV8ti\v, TO nay ot aa t~apT~9ij dnot~votaotv
lTlV 6noiav ttAUCWC; 96: tTlPrlOll '" dvTt1tpoorondo. tile; 1tulpi8oC; 1lC1C; •A~P1KtiC;.
Elvat aA~eEta on ~ aEOt, tfj, ' AllEpt K;;,
tic; lilv J.1£ta~U Troy Suo atevrov tpilffiV KUl
aUIlJ.1cix,rov t11<; l:hmpopuv dVal ouax.tpEataTT], 1\ l>~oYEVEta O~ID<; tAni~€t Ott 1\
. A~E ptKaVt~ ku~tpVT]at" ntOT~ £I, ta
<p').EAEUBEpa a~EptKaVtKa 10Ecbo~ Kai El,
taC; dp'XaC; "(fie; o.utoow9to£ooC; "trov AUrov oEv
eu IhcnCtOll de; TO lEAO; va u1toa"t'1pi~'l
titv' EAAllvuci)v npoaq>uyTiv, toaov m:PlcrOOTEPOV a<pou EK ~tpou, Tii, 'EHaoo,
€tr.10£t1CVUUC11 j.1ttplo1ta9sUl, d81QAJ..a~iav
OE npo~aAAEl ~ovov " 'AyyAia.
'H aU~~T~Ot, btl t~, ouoia, t;;,'EH~.
vuetic; lCpompuyijc; dvuJ.1f:ve:tUt on aa
apxioll rrepi
jJi:aa NO£J.1fjpiou.
'EAA'lV1KO qJwroyparpefo
arr,v Kapt51a rilr; 'AarOplar;
I.mol) nCat» K. 'Iwav. Kaf,laAA1IDtl1<;; Kai ta
1tpOEopEia 1tM:lOtOOV dAA.OJV ooojJatelrov Kai
"Eva ~Eya EbyE o<pEiAEtat d, tOU, opyavwtac; TOU aUAAQA TJ't'l piou aAM Kal etc;
'toue; cruJl~1E'ta(Jx6vtar;; etc; auto oui Tilv
9a.uJlaaTT)v ta.~lV Kat El>1tptnEtaV nOll hTlp~a~ ,ix' apx;;, ~EXPt ttAou,.
EI<; Ta 'Hv..",va -EO~
T~v npoo<puy~v tfj, 'EAAaoo, ota to
KU7tPIUICOV £Ie; to. 'HvooJ.l.£va "E9VfJ u1tean1pl~aV EtC; )ltv 'tT1V 7taviaxupov r£vucilv
'Enttpomlv, fI (moia btPE1t& va eYlCpivTJ ttlV
Eyypa<p~v ~, El, ~v I>Pt(J't'K~V ~~p~­
aiav liUITUl;lV, 6 revuco; L\uw9uvn1<; TOU
'Y1toupyEiou 'E~mtEptICtilv K. 'AAE~~, Ki>pOU, d, ot ~v rEV'~V I:UVE"EUOtV, ~
I>noia '1tpEnE vel E1ttKUpcba~ t~V tyypaqnlv, npoo(t)1tlKOOC;; 6 'Ynoupyo; troy 'E~ro­
tfpuC(i)V K. I:Tf:cpaVOC; I.te<pav6nouAoc;, c.:ic;
35-35 30th AVENUE
ASTORIA, N ,Y, 11103
Au",8vv"'~AI'{~ KEO'OYAiaq~
10Ue; OTf.VWtep0U<; cruw;pyatac; tOU
atpatapIOU numiyou Kat am) TOUe; h::avmTEPOU, 'EAA~va, noAtttKOu,. Ta IlAAa
~tA" tfj, 'E).).~VtK~' 'AvnnpoomnEia"
npoc; 'tT,V (moiav f10av totpaJ.1J.1£vQ T(l ~­
na oAOl<A~pou tOU 'EH~vtKOu "Eavou<;,
~oav 0 Bou).wt~, K. e. Xa~i~" EK
~tpou<; tfj, dvnnoAltEuaEm" I> YEO, Movt~O, 'Avttnpoom1to, tii, 'EHaoo, El,
tOY O.H.E. EKAEKtO, otnAm~6.t~, K. Xp~­
(J'to, :::avaonouAo,-naAa~a" I> npEO~Eu­
t1'i, K. r. Kouota, Kai ~ K. Alva TaaAMp~,
" onoia Kai oJ.1o<pcbvm, E~EAEY~ Ela~y~­
ttic; de; TTlV B' K01VCfJVUCtlV 'Kat Ohcovoj.n~v
tfj, I:ovEAEuoEm" I> NO~tKO, I:u~~ou-
1..0<; 'tOU 'Ynoupydou troy ·E~WtEPlKciiv.
ICaa~y~t~, IC. I:nuponouAo" I> I:u~~ouAo,
tij, npEo~Eia, K. K. Tptavta<puAM!Ko" I>
OIKovoJ.1tKO, autfj, I:u~~ouAo, K. KapaviKa" 6 rEVtKo, npO~€VO, K. 'A~EA6" I>
rpa~~tEi>, tfj,' AvttnpoamTtEla, K. I:taopcx; Pouo-aoe; Kal o{ vtOt olnlroflo:rm 1(.1(.
NtEWt, Kapayt6.~" r. Ma~apaK~, Kai
MapKo, OIKOVO~!O~,.
'H 'Avtt1tp"Om1tEia E!pyaoa~ ~E Sau-
t6aov de; ttlv r.l:uVt).tOOlVOOOVlCUi dC;;tci
1tapaaK~Vta 1tpO<; t~OuliEttpIDOtv Tij, UVEO
1tpomoulli;vou AUp'acboou, dYYA,,<ij, dvnOpO.OEroC; Kai doe ~:J'te<p6Jlevov TOV arrova
tTl; Il£ ouo 1tepH~av&ic; vilcaC;, 1tprotov de;
t~V rEV'K~V 'En'Tpo~v, 6nou ~ 'EAA~­
VtK~ npoo<pu~ tvEYpa<p~ ota twEa 1jI~<prov
urr£p. TPt.<OV Kata Kat tpu'Ov anOXIDV, ttlV
t1tOl18V11V ot El,
t~V rEVtK~v
TO npro'to £l..l..llVlKO 'ta~ElliLOmKO ypalpEio al: f:nlpa'tlKt) KiVllalJ YUl 'tTtV
'EHlilia 'to 1979 Kai 'to 1980 aUJ1lprova J1l: 'tit; EnialJJ1Et; aTfl'tla'tlKI:t;- 'troY
oEponoplKrov t'talplrov,
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1tOV pp(CJKual 1tOA.V KOVta CJtTtV Wall Street, tl;U1tl1pnEl 1tOA.U"
yvwCJt£" vautlA.lad", t(jlO1tA.1CJtlKE" Kai tP.1tOP1K£" t1tlXE1PllCJE1"
p£ £p1tE1PO Kai d01KEUP.£VO 1tPOCJW1tlKO Kal tOV" KaA.ut&pou" opou",
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QUEENS.·29-11 Dilmars Blvd. , Astoria, N. Y. 11105
(212) 932-3232 (800) 221-4470-1
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NEW YORK .. Kardamylia Tours, II Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10004, Suile 1561
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A death that casts reallight
By Peler J. Liacouras
(The Bullelin, Philadelphia
June 4, 1981)
Athanasios Stamatis Magos, my childhood friend, was buried yesterday in Fernwood Cemetery. A tombstone bearing his
name will mark the burial site in a Greek
Orthodox section of the cemetery - just
one more unpronounceable Greek name
and life soon forgotten?
Magos was not a public person. In life and
death, he did not catch the media's fancy.
Two other persons with Greek names,
murdered during the same week that Magos
died, were, however, glorified by the media
as part of a so-called "Greek mob."
The ethnic prejudice spawned by such
repeated and prominent references to the
Greek people as a group being involved in
acts of violence sickens fair-minded persons.
Such sensationalized generalizations about
a group of 100,000 persons, based on the
alleged activity of 14 with Greek names,
represents the antithesis of what America
stands for.
The real "mob" in this nation comprises
untold millions of honest, law.abiding
Americans of all ethnic, racial and religious
backgrounds who live the same kind of life
as Athanasios Stamatis Magos.
Athans and I were the same age, practically inseparable. We did what most kids
did: met in Cobbs Creek Park to play
cowboys and Indians, skimmed stones
across the creek, rode our sleds in the winter,
played football in the rain and apologized to
our mothers for all the mud, saved our
pennies for a Phillies or A's game at Shibe
Park, walked home for lunch daily, and
obeyed our teachers in school at the risk of
parental punishment - at least we tried to.
But our parents, whose lives of hard work
and honesty were dedicated to sacrifice for
their children to achieve in America what
had been denied them abroad, expected us
to achieve far more. There was Sunday
School (and stars earned for years of perfect
church attendance). Twice weekly after
public school we would take the trolley a
half-hour each way to Greek language
school in West Philadelphia, commiserating with our Jewish friends on their way to
Hebrew school.
We helped in our father's or uncle's food
store in our spare time. We enjoyed the
horesperides (church socials) and eortes
(name day celebrations) in the extended
family. From time to time, Athans and I
even had to fight our way home from school
during World War II because some people
considered us "foreigners" and therefore
"inferior" to them.
Oh, how we regretted the additional
Peter J. Liacouras
burdens placed on us for being "'Greek. ,.
We had never seen Greece, yet we were
"foreigners." But we were consoled by our
parents' conviction that by emulating Soc.
rates, Plato, Pericles, Archimedes and Aris·
tophanes, we would help make the world
better for all persons, with ongoing pride
through our Hellenic heritage.
Athans went to Penn State for a year,
joined the Marine Corps f?r two, spent 20
years on the assem bly hne at General
Electric and worked in sales with Two Guys
and J.e. Penney. He lived at home. with h~s
parents until, 15 years ago, he married ChrIS
and moved to a New Jersey suburb. Athans
was as devoted to his wife and children,
Deanah and Zaney, as his parents were to
each other and to him.
Athans was the kind of person you loved
to have nearby. He listened. He cared. He
was gentle, honest and frugal, resourceful
and happy. Law-breaking and violence
were as unthinkable for him as they were for
our parents and practically all ofthe 100,000
Americans of Greek ancestry hVlOg 10 the
Philadelphia area. The essence of duty as a
citizen in America was obeying the law and
achieving justice based on the uniqueness of
each individual.
During the same week that Athans Magos
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Telex: 21-9423 HERO GR
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The Herodion Hotel, fully airconditioned, all rooms with private bath - shower.
telephone and radio, television on request, is situated in the he~n ?f Athens. below the
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Coffee Shop. Snack·Bar. Roof Garden Bar facing the Acropolis. Parking facilities
arc available.
1600th Anniversary of the Second
Ecum. Council at Constantinople
By Rev. P.N. Papageorge
The C hristian Churches throughout the
universe were formally informed by His
Holiness, DEMETRIOS, the First, the
Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople
and New Rome that the current year 1981
will mark the l600th anniversary of the
historic Second Ecumenical Synod which
convened in 381 at Constantinople and
completed the Nicene Creed with the
addition of the last five articles of the
Christian Faith.
Ecclesiastical commemorations marking
this important milestone in the long history
of the Christian Church have been held and
the occasion stressed not only the
significance of the Christian Manifesto but
also warm exhortations by notable church
prelates of the World Council of Churches
urged the churches ~to focus on the Nicene
Creed as a basic statement of faith and as a
foundation for christian unity." (Christian
Century June 1981). The Church of Rome
honored this historic anniversary on the
Sunday of Pentecost where representatives
of the various branches of the Christian
Church, East and West, gathered at St.
Peter's for an ecumenical service at which
the Bishop of Rome John Paul II recited the
original Nicene Creed in the Greek language
without the filioque. The commendable gesture explicitly displayed respect for
the Holy Fathers of the Second Universal
Synod and likewise personal concern
toward the Ecumenical Movement which is
geared to bring about unity and understanding among the christian churches.
The pentecostal message of the World
Council of Churches signified that this
Sacred Document of Constantinople is ~a
standard for the ecumenical movement"and
that its doctrine of the Trinity is the "major
- archetype citizen - was tragically killed
in a traffic accident, the media focused not
on him but on three other persons. Those
other three together, according to headline
writers, constituted three-fourteenths of a
so-called "Greek mob." An entire ethnic
group was maligned.
. The use of ethnic epithets in reporting
IS harmful and obnoxious. The media influence public opinion; and when the acts of
a few are linked with an entire group, this
spawns prejudice and reinforces the ugliest
of stereotypes.
Athans Magos' life helps place in proper
perspective the contributions of the over~
whelming bulk of Americans as law-abiding,
fair-minded persons. His life and the
millions of others like him - the real
American mob - lived honorably and left a
legacy for the rest of us. Most readers will
forget his name. But his parents and others
who sacrificed their generation to make
life better for the next one are proud that he
always carried his heritage with dignity.
Peter J. Liacouras
Dean of Temple Law School
christian affirmation of faith ".
Jesus Christ established only ONE
church. His teachings to us are sacred
because He gave His life on the cross to
sanctify them. This redemptive Faith is
universal (catholic), that is, for all the
peoples, nations of the universe regardless of
skin pigmentation, cultural and ethnic
background and political convictions. And,
the validity and authenticity of the Christian
Faith derives its authority from Christ the
Redeemer and Savior through the Holy
Apostles and their canonical successors.
Churches and temples that do not adhere
entirely to these sacred tenets and characteristics are not in effect christian in the sense
that Lord Jesus is God Supreme, Who died
on the cross for our salvation and on the
third day according to Holy Scriptures resurrected from the dead to guarantee our own
personal resurrection and eternal life in His
heavenly Kingdome.
America is presently experiencing the invasion of cult religions and the biblical
prophecy of fake prophets. Several of these
modern day slogan bearers use the name
Jesus or church quite loosely and are, however, remotely apart and mainly in opposition to the traditional Christian Churches.
The young people of our Country are being
misled by expert mind manipulators to a
point where alienation from parents,
brothers and sisters is the first step in the
indoctrination system in order that the
recruits may serve the leader and the cause.
Most recently the State has acted effectively and responsibly, in particular to the
parents request to remove their children
from the remote restrictive compounds. The
Federal Government has also been investigating the movements of the cult religions
and in some cases action will be imposed on
the sects. The christian churches are constantly apprising theiT faithful to be aware of
the danger and extremely careful in dealing
with false prophets and heretics.
The popular message is "Beware of false
prophets which come to you in sheep's
clothing but inwardly they are ravening
wolves" (Matthew 7, 15). Our Lord also
cautions us that " Not everyone that saith
unto me Lord, Lord, shall enter into the
kingdome of heaven; but he that doeth the
will of my Father which is in heaven" (Matthew 7, 21).
As Greek Ort hodox christians we commit
and rededicate ourselves to the Twelve
Articles of the Creed and pledge to remain
steadfast and resolute in our God-given
Faith and also devoutly promise to train and
nurture our children in the sacred traditions
and customs of Greek Orthodoxy.
19% inflation for the year
is expected in Greece
ATHENS (ANA) - Government forecasts that inflation this year will fall to 19%
are being proved correct by the present rate
of price increases, it was announced on
National statistics service figures show
that the consumer price index for lune rose
by 1.8%. compared to 2.6% in June 1980.
During the first half of the year the index
rose by 11.2, as against 13.8 per cent in the
corresponding period of 1980.
For the year as a whole is not expected to
exceed 19% the announcement said.
His Holiness Patriarch Dimitrios I enters the Patriarchal Chapel of St. George. Hierarchs
and layme~. guests of the Church are gathered in the Chapel as the celebration ofthe 1600th
anmversary of the Second Ecumenical Synod begins with a common prayer.
From the special reception on April 16, 1981, sponsored by the Consul General of Greece
in New York and Mrs. Nicholas A. Capel/aris and the President of Rutgers University
Dr. Edward J. Blaustein at the Consulate General of Greece in New York City. to benefit
the Ely tis Chair of Poetry and Neohellenic Studies established at Rutgers. the State
University of New Jersey. From left to right: Professor Edward G. Nawy. Chairman of the
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Rutgers University; Miss Annie
Filiotis; Mrs. Evangeline Gouletas-Carey; the Governor of New York State Hugh Carey;
Professor Elias Costa Grivogiannisfrom the William Paterson State College of N. } .• member of the Ely tis Chair Organizing Committee; Mrs. Ellie Athanas; Mrs. G. Paraskeva.
poulos; Mrs. N. Pamis; and Professor Elstathios L Bourodimos from Rutgers University.
Chairman of the Ely tis Chair Organizing Committee and the man who conceived the idea
and coordinates all activities lor the Elytis Chair project. At thaI event. $18.000.00 were
collected to benefit the Chair and establish the economic foundation for the Elytis Chair
Endowment Fund.
3 5 - 0 4 BROADWAY
ASTORIA. N.Y. TEL. 728-0806
Athens International News Agency
Hellenic Lines Ltd.
Establishes New Agency
Hellenic Lines Ltd. has announced the
establishment of a broad new agency to
provide a full range of booking and
marketing services for Hellenic Lines as well
as other shipping companies. Hellenic·
American Agencies, Inc. are now general
agents for North America.
Hellenic-American Agencies, with offices
in New York, Houston and New Orleans,
will handle all bookings for Hellenic Lines
services. Hellenic Lines, however, will
continue to maintain its current network of
agents at other locations throughout the
U.S. and Canada.
P. Theoharides, Assistant
General Manager of Hellenic Lines Ltd., has
been named President of Hellenic-American
Agencies, Inc. Other officers are Evans U.
Sismanson. Sr.• Vice President. and Paul J.
Giannini. Sr. Vice· President and SecretaryTreasurer. The company will have available
the various functions of Traffic, Sales. Operations and Documentation in order to
provide the full range of services for Hellenic
Lines as well as other principals shipping in
the future.
Both Hellenic Lines and Hellenic-American Agencies are located in new offices at
39 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10006.
Hellenic operates 42 ships, including
cellurarized container vessels, "'roll on. roll
orr' carriers. semi-containerships and lar~
Papandreou: No US bases, out of NATO
ATHENS, (ANA) -In the second part of
its election manifesto, the PASOK said on
Saturday that foreign bases have no place in
Greece because they are directed against the
country's national independence. offer the
country's defense nothing in the event of a
limited regional war, and would lead the
country to a holocaust should a confrontation break out on an international scale.
At the same time, information gathered
by foreign bases here could be passed on to
the Turks, while operational bases such as
Suda and Hellinikon might become launching points for an attack against third
countries with which Greece is on excellent
terms, PASOK said.
PASOK recognizes that hefore the
removal of foreign bases in Greece there will
he a transitional period, the party said, but
during that period the bases will be
separated from Greece's national defense
The manifesto also referred to other
national issues, clarifying that policies
involving repeated cases of a backing down
on issues had led to an impasse and con·
cessions of sovereign rights. The party said it
would follow a radically different policy
directed primarily at dissolving both NATO
and the Warsaw Pact, a strategy which
includes the country's withdrawal from the
Atlantic Alliance.
With reference to the Aegean dispute,
PASOK said this problem cannot he faced
in a hesitant manner. It should be made clear
to the Turks, as well as to the Atlantic
Alliance, that Greece's sea, land and air
frontiers and the Aegean continental shelf
are not up for negotiation. These borders
were achieved with blood and sacrifices and
are today established by international treat·
ies and agreements, the manifesto said.
Talks with Turkey made sense only to the
extent that tbey did not involve concessions
of national sovereign rights.
A PASOK government would not accept
any solution constituting recognition of
deiacto events and would support the
struggle of Cypriot Hellenism for national
survival with all the means it possesses, the
manifesto said. At the same time, it would go
ahead with the opening of the file on Cyprus
so that the people may at last discover who is
responsible for the Cyprus tragedy.
A PASOK government's policy on defense will involve a continuous improve.
ment in the readiness of the armed forces,
its modem weaponry and its correct align·
ment, the manifesto said.
Expenditures on defense will have
absolute priority and sources of military
hardware will gradually he changed in
efforts to e~sure against dependence o~ one
Two new firebombs
destroy dept. stores
ATHENS, (A.N.A.) - Two new fires
broke out in Athens and Piraeus depart·
ment stores on July 8, causing extensive
damage but no injuries, police said. The first
fire broke out at 3.55 P.M. at the Lambropoulos department store in the centre of
Piraeus, destroying it completely. The
second, at 4.15 P.M. occured in the
Dragonas store in Aeolou Street, Athens,
damaging the second and third floors.
Police believe the arson of the two stores is
connected with similar actions on 18
December and 3 June, when the Minion,
Katratzos Sport. Athene and Klaoudatos
stores were hit. They believed Monday's
explosion at the Asteria Beach complex in
Glyfada is also linked with yesterday's
arson. An unknown person called the police
on Sunday and said that an explosive device
would be placed at the Lambropoulos store,
it was reported.
A provisional estimate puts the damage a
the Lambropoulos store in Piraeus at 250
million dr.
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Rallis: No to a Socialist Third-World- Type State
ATHENS (ANA) - In the fo rthcoming
ejections the Greek people win be calJed
u~on to choose between a multi-party
mlddJe-class democracy and a Socialist
single-party state, "because the main
opposition party which claims power
declares that, if it wins the majority of votes,
it will change the country's present socialeconomic system into a Marxist-Socialist
one", Prime Minister G. Rallis has declared
in an exclusive interview with the Athens
afternoon paper "Vradyni".
Mr. Rallis pointed out that in the event tbat
what he called "a Socialist Third-WorldType State" being established in Greece,
only socialist parties or even only one single
party would be operating, and stressed the
dangers inherent in the pledges and promises
given by the opponents of the government.
Answering Questions on Greece's foreign
policy, and specifically on the country's EEC
accession and its relations with NATO, the
Prime Minister reputed the PASOK leader's
allegations that the results of EEC accession have been negative for Greek farmers.
Concerning Mr. Papandreou's demand
that Greece shoud quit NATO, the Prime
Minister wondered that Mr. Papandreou
did not realise that such a move would
denigrate the importance of Greece and tum
Turkey into the West's sole support in the
region. Such a move, the Prime Minister
went on, in conjunction with the suspension
of the Greek-Turkish dialogue which Mr.
source. At the same time, great efforts will be
made to develop a modern armaments
industry for Greece, using the latest developments in technology to this end, the
manifesto said. Emphasis will be placed on
electronic equipment, PASOK said.
The nation's foreign policy must be based
on the principles of peaceful solutions to
international differences, support for
international peace and development of
friendly relations and cooperation with all
countries. For this reason, PASOK. said, it is
opposed to any military alliance that could
go against the principle of peace and selfdetermination for all peoples and could lead
to international polarization, especially in
Europe and the Mediterranean.
Greece led by a PASOK government will
make every effort to ensure that alliances
which divide the world and Europe are
dissolved. PASOK said that the Balkans
and the Mediterranean were of particular
importance to the country in so far as its
economic and social development was concerned. '"A PASOK government will actively promote greater cooperation between
the Balkan states and attempts to bring the
nations of the Mediterranean closer together", the manifesto said.
If the above is to be brought about, however, the manifesto said, all foreign fleets
and nuclear weapons in general would have
to be removed from the Mediterranean
while countries in this area would have to
withdraw from political or military
Papandreou so persistently advocates,
would mean risking a war in the most
unfavourable conditions.
Pointing out that not only on the issues on
NATO and the EEC, but also in that ofthe
Soviet SS-20 missiles the PAS OK leader
was advocating a policy contrary to that
pursued by the new French President, Me.
Rallis said that although "I have repeatedly
challenged Mr. Papandreou to say whether
he agrees with President Francois Mitlerand's foreign policy, he has declined to
Couple donates Greek
Sculpture to Skidmore
Saratoga Springs, N.Y. - A marble bust
of the Greek philosopher Socrates has been
given to Skidmore College by Mr. and Mrs.
Peter A. Issaris of 21 Seward St., Saratoga
The sculpture, displayed in Scribner
Library, is the work of Nikola, a contemporary Greek artist. White marble taken
from Penteli Mountain on the outskirts of
Athens was used for the bust, which took
approximately a year to complete.
Issaris, who came to Saratoga Springs in
the early 1930s, owned and operated Paramount Pete's Restaurant on Church Street
for almost 40 years. The restaurant, which
featured seafood specialties, was a favorite
of Skidmore students and their parents
during that time.
The success of this venture led Issaris to
open another restaurant, the Dorian, an
exclusive club open during the summers for
approximately 12 years.
During his career, Issaris played an active
role in civic and community affairs, devoting special attention to sports activities and
Hellenic events.
Now retired, he made the gift to Skidmore
in recognition of the part played by members
of the college community in the success
of his businesses. In addition, he felt the
symbol of Greek culture would complement
and support the college's classical studies
After elaborating on the benefits Greece
win draw from its accession to the EEC, the
Prime Minister gave detailed answers to
questions on the country's economic
situation, and refuted Mr. Papandreou's allegations concerning several aspects of the
PASOK chairman and opposition leader
A. Papandreou, replying to Premier Rallis'
interview, said yesterday that "the Greek
people will shortly oblige (the leader of the
ruling party) and his new Democracy colleagues to become the parliamentary opposition". He said it was the immonent
election defeat for their party which was
driving Mr. Rallis and his colleagues into
losing their calm, made them despair and
even to conduct themselves in an unconditional manner.
Me. Papandreou said it was very sad that
the Prime Minister was deliberately resorting to methods inconsistent with his high
position, and to the distortion of PASOK's
election manifesto.
Greek Optimism
(Letters to the editor of Los Angeles
Times, July /0, 1981)
In Alvin Shuster's "Letter from Athens,"
(Opinion, June 21) Prime Minister George
Rallis was quoted as saying that his party is
"at a disadvantage" in the forthcoming
elections because of the normal erosion of
electoral support that his government could
expect after seven years in office. This leaves
the impression that the prime minister eXe
pressed pessimism about his party's electoral
prospects. He did not. He also said: "The
New Democracy Party will win an absolute
majority and form a government on its own.
I base this view on our plain positions on
foreign policy issues, and also on the
enormous creative achievements of the New
Democracy government in every sector."
Press Counselor
Embassy of Greece
Athens University Law School, Master of Law,
Harvard Law School. Doctor of Law. Greece
14 Nikitaras Street
Athens 142, Greece
Phone: 3633.340, 3620.830
209 Garth Road
Scarsdale, N.Y.
(914) 725-4717
With emphasis on:
Selliements of lnheritences, Taxes, Disputed Properties.
Civil, International. Family and Business Law in Greece
Hundreds of Athenians attend reception Tseperis-Ovitt
By Catherine Tsounis Sio/as
of Hellenic International Bank
Virginia Anastasia Tseperis, daughter
The Board of Directors of Hellenic American Development Corporation recently
returned from Athens. Greece. where they
hosted a large public reception at the Athens
Hilton, to introduce the formation of the
to the Greek pUblic.
The reception was attended by hundreds
of Athenians representing governmental,
industrial, financial and other sectors of the
greater Greek community.
Hellenic American Development Corporation is a newly formed corporation
established under the laws of the State of
Delaware. The Corporation holds a charter
from the government of Greece to establish
Hellenic International Bank, which is
intended to be a full-service retail and
commercial hank that will operate in
Greece. The Corporation will purchase a
60% ownership interest in the Bank when the
Bank is formed, which will enable the Corporation, subject to Greek law, to choose the
Bank's management and control its operations. The Bank will be the second Greekchartered bank a majority ownership of
which is permitted to be beneficially owned
by persons or entities who are neither Greek
citizens residing in Greece nor entities
formed under the laws of Greece.
Hellenic American Development Corporation has filed its Registration Statement with the Securities and Exchange
Commission of the United States, and is effective June 22, 1981.
The management and directors of the
corporation is composed of a group of
distinguished Greek-American businessmen. President of HADC is Michael G.
Rafton (Oakland, Calif.), Chairman and
President of Central Bank of California.
Vice-President Pan A, Yotopoulos is
Professor of Economics at Stanford
University; Secretary-Treasurer is Senator
Nicholas C. Petris; and Executive Vice-
President, Administration, is Paul G.
Directors include Charles Maliotis (Boston
Mass.), President of Lehigh Metal Products;
Andrew Athens (Chicago, Ill.), President
and Chief Executive Officer of Metrol Steel
Corporation; Nick S. Vidalakis (Salt Lake
City, Utah), President and Chief Executive
Officer of Hermes Associates; Michael
Bouskos (Atherton, Calif.), former President and General Chairman ofContinen.·t al
Markets, Inc.; George Padis (Dublin,
Calif.), President and Chief Executive Officer of Central Leasing Corporation; John
W. Georgas (Atlanta, Ga.), President and
Chief Executive Officer of Coca-Cola
(Japan) Ltd; and George P. Kokalis (Phoenix. Ariz.).
George Christopher, former Mayor of
San Francisco, is Senior Advisor to the
Board of Directors and the Corporatio.n.
Kyprianou sees a new
"Delicate Phase"
ATHENS - President Kyprianou of
Cyprus returned to Nicosia after talks with
the Greek government, In a departure statement, president K.yprianou said he was fully
satisfied with his talks in Athens, which
"have been useful from all points of view",
He added that he had exchanged views
with president Karamaniis, premier George
Rallis and foreign minister Mitsotakis, and
observed that "our views coincided and, as
already stated in the past, we are now
entering a very delicate phase of the Cyprus
problem, on which the continuation of the
intercommunal talks will depend."
Mr. Mitsotakis said: "On behalf of the
Greek government, I would like to express
our pleasure over the visit to Athens of
president Kyprianou, and to confirm that
his visit has been particularly useful for the
progress of the Cyprus issue."
of Mr. and Mrs. Nico Tseperis of Edgewater, N.J. was married to Larry George
Ovitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ovitt of
San Antonio, Texas on Sunday afternoon
of June 14th. The Greek Orthodox ceremony was performed at St. John the Theologian Church of Tenafly, New Jersey. A
reception was held at the Opera at Edgewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
The bride wore a modern ivory lace gown.
The maid of honor was Danielle Tseperis,
sister of the bride, who wore a peach color
modern gown. The bridesmaids Kathy
Kyres of Edgewater, N.J. and Nancy Scavone of Leonia, N.J" coordinated the colorful wedding with modem gowns in maize.
The ushers were Mike and Bill Jones of
Edgewater, N.J.
Mrs. Ovitt graduated with a Bachelor of
Ans degree from Seton Hall University
of South Orange, N. J. She plans to attend
Law School.
The groom is a graduate of a military
school in Texas. He is a businessman in the
catering business at Fort Lee, N,J.
The bride's father, Nicholas Tseperis is
a famous Greek-American entertainer,
comedian and owner of Nina Records, Inc.
Nike Tseperis, the bride's mother is owner of
Nico's Gift & Music Center in Astoria, N.Y.
The couple will honeymoon at Lake
Tahoe. ! They will establish residence in
Arcomod.ttoftl from
to 1,100
for reservationl
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(212) 762-6222
For a \uper dffair and o;otl nd of class
Ca ll
(212) 762-6222
Festivities mark formal inauguration
An enthusiastic opening night audience
gave Anna Makrakis a standing ovation for
her outstanding performance in the title role
of ELEKTRA. which officially launched the
new home of the Greek: Theatre of New
York at 120 West 28th Street in Manhattan.
The festivities began with His Eminence
Archbishop lakovos conducting an
Agiasmo blessing the new theatre.
A special benefit performance of
Sophocles's ELEKTRA followed with many
dignitaries and prominent guests attending.
At the conclusion of the play, a gala reception took place during which Anna
Makrakis. the members of the cast and
Yannis Simonides, the theatre's Artistic
Director received the plaudits of the guests.
The premiere was presented under the
auspices of the Consul General of Greece in
New York. Nicolas A. Capellaris. with
Father Basil S. Gregory serving as General
Chainnan of the benefit committee.
The premiere was attended by many
prominent persons, in addition to His
Eminence Archbishop Iakovos, Consul
General in New York and Mrs. N. Capellaris and Father Basil S. Gregory, including
Metropolitan Silas of New Jersey; the
Consul General of Cyprus in New York,
Haralambos Christoforou and his wife;
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cachules. President of
Atlantic Bank; Pamela Ilott, Vice President
CBS News; Mr. and Mrs. George Stavropoulos, the famous designer; Mr. and Mrs.
John Linakis· Judge Yorka Linakis sits on
New York's Supreme Court; Mr. and Mrs.
Takis Metaxas; Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Amoratis; Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Arapoglou; Mr, and Mrs. Nicholas Pateras;
Mrs, Aline Franzen, who is well known in
theatrical circles; Mr. and Mrs. William
Poll; Mr. Leandros Papathanasiou; Mr. and
Mrs. John Kallas; Mr. and Mrs. Roben
Taylor; Mr. and Mrs. Basil Apostle; Mr.
and Mrs. Soterios Tsoutsouras; Mr. Ted
Kalem of Time Magazine; Mrs. Fanny
Petalides, Editor and Publisher of Proini
Daily Newspaper; Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Stathos, Editor of the Hellenic Times; Tina
Santorineou; Mr. and Mrs, C. Cassis; Mrs.
Pierre George; Miss Niki Calles; and many
The Greek Theatre of New York is the
and small conventional vessels. They sail
from the East Coast, Gulf and Canadian
ports to the Mideast, Eastern
Mediterranean, Indian subcontinent and
East Africa.
Most recently, Hellenic announced the
expansion of its fully ceUularized operation connecting the U.S., the Western
Mediterranean, and U. K./ Continent service
with India and Pakistan. Frequency of
service will in effect be doubled on its dedicated feeder service, relaying cargo via
Sharjah. United Arab Emirates. to and from
Bombay and Karachi.
The move is part of Hellenic Lines' continuing program of modernization and
increase in its capacity to meet trade needs.
Hellenic also recently announced
conversion of four ships to fully cellularized
container capability.
Anna Makrakis' beaming smile reflects the enthusiaslic response
she received for her outslanding performance as "ELEKTRA. ':
presented by lhe Greek Thealer of New York. On hand 10 congratulate her during the gala are (left to right): Yannis Simonidis.
artistic director; Consul General of Cyprus in New York. Haralambos Christoforou and his wife: Father Basil S, Gregory, general chairman of the benefit performance. Anna Makrakis. and
Consul General of Greece in New York. Nicholas A. Capel/aris,
first professional bi·lingual Greek Repertory Theatre in the United States, commited
to presenting ancient Drama as well as con·
temporary plays in both languages. Greek
and English.
According to Yannis Simonides, Artistic
Director, "with its new home. the Greek
Theatre of New York firmly establishes itself
as an Off Off Broadway Theatre Company.
to provide an imponant service to both the
Greek American Community and the
American Theatre going public,
"With recent grants from the Ministry of
Culture and Sciences of Greece, Mobil Oil
Corporation, the State Council on the Arts,
as well as the moral and financial support of
many friends. the GTNY will undertake an
ambitious program to present Greek
Theatre, song and dance. the development
of Greek American playwrights, a touring
unit, a theatre training school and a
subscription series with a balanced repertory,"
The Thinnest Filla
And at all spedaIty Food Stores
56 Cortland Avenue. Dli MONT. N.J. 07628
Tel. (201) 385-5661
Turkish Rhetoric
And Reality
Decisions on US bases in Greece
must wait until fall elections
But Panhellenic Socialist Party leader
(Christian Science Monitor)
(Letters 10 the Editor of Wall Street
The following story was researched by Andreas Papandreou says he "would not
Journal, July 7, 1981)
recognize any obligations derived from
In his June 22 editorial page anicle, staff correspondent John Yemma and negotiations carried out by the present
Ankara University Professor Aydin Yalcin
Greek government." Under his leadership,
wrillen by Mr. Yemma.
not only applauds the success of the military
Greece would become militarily indepenATHENS - At a time when the Reagan dent and there would be "establishment of a
regime in dealing with terrorism in Turkey,
but goes on to draw the conclusion that administration is seeking military facilities timetable for their(US military) withdrawal,
Uhaving recovered their self confidence," in the Mideast, four existing United States and guarantees that no aspect of Greek
bases in Greece seem in jeopardy.
they have "made clear their vow to abide by
defense potential would rely on foreign
Since 1953, the four bases- two in Attiki, bases ...
the principles of Western civilization."
There is in Turkey today considerable two in Crete, plus assorted smaller US miliJust before the talks, US negotiators
derogation from Western principles of tary installations - have dominated the had agreed to three Greek demands: that the
justice. The generals have assumed extrabases be used only for NATO purposes;
ordinary powers, superseded the legislative (and Suez Canal) and just south of the Black that the US maintains a 7-to-1O arms aid
bodies and co-opted the judiciary - in the Sea. US eavesdropping stations in northern ratio between Greece and Turkey; and that
name of restoring order. The comprehen- Turkey route secret traffic through these the US guarantee Greece's "territorial integrity."
sive study submitted to the Council of facilities.
On June 18, negotiations between Athens
Europe in April points out that since the
Sticking points were Greek demands of
military takeover last September, military and Washington over the future of the bases military access to all sections of the bases
justice has been extended to the detriment of ended because the Greek chamber of and a US anns package of sophisticated jets
deputies, which would have to ratify the new and electronic equipment. Foreign Minister
civil justice; the military appoint and dismiss
agreement, adjourned. Negotiations are to Constantine Mitsotakis said both sides were
the judiciary; the right of appeal has been resume this fall.
close to agreement on even these points.
virtually abolished; the principles of
But before then, Greek parliamentary
According to a high-level Greek official,
individual inviolability and security have elections are to be held. It now appears that
been "totally and unjustifiably overriden. ·' the Socialist opposition, which wants the who asked not to be named, a troubling
Since the military takeover, 122,609 people bases removed , may make a strong showing. aspect of the talks was that the far-right
have been taken into custody, 40,386 The current government led by Prime and far-left both think the Greek-Turkish
rivalry supersedes the West's strategic needs.
detained or arrested, the death penalty
Minister George Rallis. however, was
demanded by the military tribunal for more responsible for bringing Greece back into This nationalism, he said, could trouble
regional relationships, especially with
than 900.
the NATO command structure and is
Turkey's 8 mi,lIion to 10 million Kurds, inclined to allow the bases to remain.
about one-fourth of its entire population,
appear to be particularly tragic victims of
this disconnect between Turkish rhetoric
and Turkish reality. Those Kurds who rise
up against their ethnic annihilation are
(The Sun, June 12, 1981)
ruthlessly put down and characterized as
"K.urdish Marxist secessionists." Language
The advertising agency that handled brochures, bumper stickers and flyers for
is employed as weaponry designed to Theodore G. Venetoulis's 1978 campaign for Mr. Venetoulis.
Mr. Venetoulis lost the Democratic
smother any sympathy for an opposition governor had sued the former candidate.
primary, finishing third behind Harry
that is unprotected by rule of law and with- claiming he still owes the agency $65,550.
The suit was filed yesterday in Baltimore Hughes and acting Governor Blair Lee III.
out legal recourse.
In December, 1978, Mr. Venetoulis's
But, however powerful, labels can never County Circuit Court by W.B. Doner & Co.,
political committees (the Venetoulis for
obscure the reality: that a people is being
agency filed its suit against Mr. Venetoulis Governor Committee and the Venetoulis
destroyed for its refusal to assimilate.
and the Venetoulis for Governor Commit- Political Committee) sent a joint letter to
tee. In its suit, the agency said that from July creditors paying part of their bills with the
Director, K.urdish Program
1978, until October 1978, it prepared tele- money left in the campaign accounts.
Cultural Survival Inc.
The committees also asked creditors to
vision and radio advertisements, posters,
forgive the balance of the debts and write
them off as contributions.
Mr. Venetoulis could not be reached
yesterday at either the Towson TImes, of
which he is president, or WBAL-TV, where
• K&VTPIICO<; lCA.t)JOTtO)JO; • 136 ~WJ.IaTto.
he works as a political commentator.
AOUtpO, t'lAtIpWVO , pa~tCMprovo. P&pO.VTO.
The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone
•. EonatoptO 1toA.uT(A.Eia~. Mnap. pOlxp
Company last week appealed to the same
ylCapvTEv . J"[OA.UTEA.Ei~ a190oo&~ uJ"[oOOCircuit Court a District Court decision that
xT)<; lCai (~hwTtICO YlCopQC.
Mr. Venetoulis was not personally respon1 'IouA.iou - IS E.!tTEI'Jlpiou
sible for SI,715 in overdue telephone bills
Tt~ot orojJot{rov: MovolCAtva 1.157 OpOXJ.1Et;.
associated with the gubernatorial campaign.
&it.A.IVa 1.656 opax)!t~. TpiKA.lVO 2.010 lipx·
The phone company had sued Mr.
l:oI-U'[&ptAClJ.IpavETat ICOvtlvi:VTQA. )JJ"[pi:Ktpaot.
Venetoulis, saying it could not sue his com.6.u1 Pt~&ppt(nov ci1tota9T)n Ot~V N. ·Y6PKTl
mittee because it was no longer a legal entity.
t~).. (212) 483-0642 K . 'Apctv~ ~ yp<i~a"
Judge John H . Ganner ruled that the company's contract had been with the committee
and not Me. Venetoulis personally, so the
Sophodcous and Alhenas 26. Athens, Greece
former candidate was not personally resTel.: 522-6110-9 Telelt: 4488 ALCY OR
ponsible for the bill.
Ad agency sues Venetoulis
G'/t Shop III
Imponed u:ramics from Greece
Tets.: (212) Cl 7-6244/CI 7-6219
!: tOl XElO9£<JlU
-TIolKlAia atOlXElOlV
-KaAUn:p'l £~t(paVla'l
nov KElllEvOlV
-cz,9TJVOtEPO KOatoc;
'EyyUT]Il&VT] tpyaala
• E1taYYEA.llaTtlC f)
(212) 947-3180
Not with 416 rooms and 55 luxury suites,
all effectivelyfireproofedwithaluminum doors.
• And an ideal environment for conferences,
meetings and banquets, with I I halls that can
handle functions of50 to 1000 persons in heated
or airconditioned comfort; and, of course, all
the facilities needed on hand.
• NOIIO men/ion a mini·bar in every room, an
indoor and outdoor swimming pool with an
excellent view of Athens (including, of course,
the Acropolis), a health studio plus sauna, a
jogging track, a discotheque, 3 restaurants,
5 bars and 24-hour room service.
• We have a piano bar, and a taverna with
traditional Greek bouzouki and guitar players.
• Conventions and other group events are
entitled to discount rates.
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(800) 243-5806 U,S,A.
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