Five Congressmen Write to Papandreou AHEPA welcomes President Kyprianou $1.00
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Five Congressmen Write to Papandreou AHEPA welcomes President Kyprianou $1.00
NOVEMBER 1983 NEW YORK Greek-American Monthly Review Five Congressmen Write to Papandreou Page 11 Athens International - D . Kessoglides AHEPA welcomes President Kyprianou PAGE 14 £loLO °rON 'UOlJ!l:) .",!;O ;apuag Ltr 1 se!;~ew Jalad o ;w $1.00 Gturies ago nations fought to possess the vineyards of Cyprus. Today you can taste the reason why. Historians say that wine was born in Cyprus more than 7000 years ago, and, throughout the centuries, the vineyards of Cyprus have been coveted by nations and adventurers alike. Antony and Cleopatra and Richard the Lion-Hearted were among the legendary figures who prized our wines. And, the French acknowledge that Champagne originated from vines brought from Cyprus at the time of the Crusades. In fact, many of Europe's most famous wine-growing regions have Cyprus vine cuttings as their heritage. Bathed in sunshine 340 days a year, our vineyards produce wines of magnificent flavor and bouquet, at a fraction of the cost. Full-bodied vintage reds that rival fine French Burgundies; vintage whites-bone dry and unusually light; mediumsweet white wines that compare favorably to the finest from Germany. But then, there's good reason why our wines compare so well to Europe's celebrated wines. They all have their roots in Cyprus. CYPRUS The birthplace of wine Wines of Cyprus are available in the following states: AZ, CA, CT, DC, tL, LA, MA, NJ, NY, OH, TX, VA, WA, WY. if unavailable in your siale contact: Cyprus Trade Center, 13 East 40 Street, New York (212) 686-6016 nAPIO%: PARIOS EAnI~A ELPIDA "" o?\o.. € v 'C..a".. ~'C~ ?c...""X,,\~6~ 6'\.0 ,",,0\ t"~ v L- \Nc...O l.- N Yf> 0....<; \J <=.\\~ 2 -=f 1'cn t-JO~\..(~"I-\ C£t-l\:E...\L ~;t. ... ?~ 1' '0 ~\.:i ~~.:>. \'\o..../.v..~ ?\¥-O ~~o)l.O""'('4 it<..~ Allorl~ Cil. ~hop hI. , 2111". , 1710 All ron Gifl SIIop (212 IU2 " . , '"I. lIi~nl"on "'''or;" hi. ,2121711 ." , . ' ... .,.,11 ....... 10ll",.," '.1 (2111111 noo ".a_1I"';01l .I,, h l llUI174 ·sns Sp ... ". C;;H Shop T4'1I2U )721 "CI Sol\ov h.ihiont Slo~' Iltllnl ·U7S -a. "1 · $'0) .fllHukl"'i uri Shop 1212171' -11" "Ilu r.iltl 14'1 il I 21? n · 'UH Morll6llor .....",un 'ooeh TitI.21211S1·UlI EE;aocparooTE OTIO TWPO TO EIOITr1PIO 00<; fOR TOfTS CAlli ............ (;ill (4'1114" h·1151U5l' .tUt liM. (""Ie' Iol OUke '-4'1 121111'4 · lin. AI'-ri.In Gilt TrL IlU)]n ·IlU NOEMBPIOI: 1983 721-7990 2'-11 DItIlY .. I"'. Astoria N.Y. 11105 3 'E1Cl(JTOAec;, KaT. nptnE' va yiVEI ••• KUPIE 6lEu9uVTa, KaTI ea npenEI va vlVElona KanOIOIl'; KO Vl(J va orOIJQrr'}OEI aUTr; Ii KOIJIJQ- "OIOUe; TIKrl eiaJ3oAr'} GTrlv ' O},JOVEVEIO, npiv 6101- ae pegei aVTlIJOx6jJEva oTpoT6neba . .. E)UjJOjJOI 1.110 enoxri - "piv Aiya !J6vo XPOVIO - nou oTiS 6pyavwOEIC) lJoC; bev Vlvorov nOTe A6yoc; Yla TO nOAITIKO riic-;' EAA660e; .• OAol ~ae; aeAa~E va ~O~aO(j~E T~V npWTI') nOTpi60 IJOe; Koi OXI TO Eva ~ TO aAAo KOIJ).JO. Twpa ¢aivETol nwe; IJOe; EXOUV KOTOPO EVOTflTO ).Joe; 06v jJElov6T1110C; EXEI 6loonaoTEi, 6 ellae; uno4J16~ETal TOV MAD .. . KavEn ncAli KoA6 nou emKpivETE TiC; Tel. (212) 947-3180 KaT I d OUTrlV TrlV «' EntTponl'l4>fAwv Tiis AuYiis-· be ~ETO~U , KaAO aa K6~~ ~ . ElTlTpolT~ OUTr'l va 61woOlEUOll TO nooo nou ouydvTPWOE Yla n)v Evfoxuo'1 ev6e; KO~~OUVI OTIKOO eVTunou ~lI)e; ~EV'1e; xwpoe; . . YnapXEI an6AuTIl EAEugepro o· OUTOV EbGJ TOV Tono, 6AAa unapxouv Koi V6).JOI, TOUe; 0noioue; oq,eiAouv va oEJ3WVTOI 01 6Io¢'opee; .. EnITponEe;-, oi E$Il~epI6ee; KOI Koge unepOOntOTr'le; Tiie; «noAu$wvloe;». Me EKTi).JIlOIl, NIK~q,6poc; Bap66K~e; OTEi. . H npoan6SEIEC) nOAITIKOnOIr'}oewc; Tile; 'OJ..JoVEVEiac;. cAAo. Koi aAAeC; <l>wvec,; npenEI va UlVw900v: Tiic;' EKI(Arjoiac; JJOC; nou EXEI TllV EUaUV~ VIa T~V 6IaT~p~o~ T~e; 6~ovOlae;, rwv emoTl'UJOVWV jJoe;, TWV Ko9'W'lTtlJV ,.JOe; OTO 0IJEPIKOVIKa navEmoTr'j~Ia, Tiil) AHEPA Kol TWV 6AAwv opyavwoEwv ITA~v T~C; . 0~oolTov6iae; . E""~voa~EpIKa VIKWV I:w~aTErwV NEac; ' YoPKIlI) nou KaTEcrTIl KUpIOe; nopaywv 61alpeOEWe; TWV opya VWOEWV ~ae;. KaTI npenEI va yi VEl nplv eivOi noAu opyo . ME eKTI~1l01l . . Av6pi;ae; M~Al(ilT~e; Chicago, III. r.a va IIi) d£iaEl ... Auyrj»1 KUPIE MOKpl(l, 00 E:XEI 61aq,uYEI Tiil) npoooxiie; ~ae; ~U] np6o$oTIl EKKAIlOIl 6~OYEVWV Tiis Neos 'Y6pK~C; via T~V OUVKEVTPWO~ Xp~~6TWV via va ~~ KAEioEI ~ Eq,~~Epi6a .Auv~.· Of unoypoq>oVTes Tl'lv EKKAIlOIl, nou 611~OOlEU9IlKE OlOV .' E9vIKO Kr'jPUKO» Kal TI'lV . npWIVr'j-, Tovi(ouv T~V OVOYKIl 6IaTIlPr'j OEWC; Tiic; «noAu4>wvias- OT~V ' EAAa6a Koi OTi r'i «Auyr'jll> €ivai E4>Il~epi6a «~E ~OKp6XPOvrl nop66001l 61l~OKpaTIKWv 6ywvwv». 'Aoq,aAwc;, oi UITOVp6q,OVTEe; T~V EKKAIlOIl, ~ETa~u TWV 6noiwv KOI ouvobEA¢'oi ooe; 61l~OOlOypOq>OI TOO «: E9vIKOii Kr'jPUKO- Koi Tiis . npwlviie;-, Koi .Ko~na vae;- , onws oi K.K . KWOlOe; ' A90voolo6lls. rI6vv~c; MlxaMK~C; , I\~~. 4>;Aloe;, X6p~c; I:KEUO$uAaKae;, KwoTac; ToiYKOs Koi N6pa rIOVYK, 9EWPOOV noAl) 6$EAEis TOUs 6~0YEVEie; .. H «Auyr)>> IlTav ono Tiis EK600EWS Tile; TO enfoll~o opyovo TOO KO~~OUVIOTI KOCi K6~~aTOe; 'EAA06oC; Kal TO TEAeUTaio XP6vI0 €iVOI opyovo TOO KO~).JOUVIOTIKOO KO~~OTOS EOWTEpIKOO . .6..ev Eivol Aom6v KOVOVIKI'l E$Il~epi60 . CAM opvavo Evee; K6~~aToe; . • Av ~ EUOIo91loio TWV unoypo~6vTWV TI'lV EKKAIlOIl YIO TI'lV clv6YKIl noAu~wvfae; a$OpOCiOE K01 TI'lV LOJ3IETlKI'l ~ EVWOIl, 90 EOTEAAo Koi eyw 4 W H~ YOPKH (USPS 419 350) NEW YORK, Greek-American Monthly Review AYloe; <PpoYKioKOe; "OX' nOAITIJ(a naell NOVEMBER 1983 VOL. XXXV No. 419 ' A~16T1IJE Kuple MOKPIO, 0epIJOTOTO oUYXOPIlTr'jPIO Yla TO TOOOV eniKOlpoV oX6AI6v ooe; ccrov 64>opo eie; T~V noAITIKonoilloll KOI KO).JlJaTIKonoilloll TOU , EAAIlVIOIJOU Tiie; ' A~epIKiie; , Tilv onoio unoOTllpi~EI , unEpgelJoTi(EI KOI 6610K6TTWe; nponovov6i~el TO nAI:OK. · H OMOrENEIA ITpelTEI va ~Eiv~ EKTOe;, IJOKpaV cmo Tic;; KOIJ~aTIKEe; 6lXoOTooies, Ta noAITIKO n091l Kal Tie;; 6AAIlAoenlgeoele; nou lJaoTi(ouv Tl'lv noAITIKri (wl'l eie; TI'l reVETElp6 IJOe;;. 'APKETO enAIlPwOalJE Kol eie; TO np60$OTOV napeA90v OUTee; Tit; 6lolpeoEIe;; Kai Tie; 61x6vOIEe; Eie; TOU~ K6A.nou~ Tiie; ' 0~oYEveiae;. Koi onwe; Op90TOTO napoTIlpEiTe OllTl, ri noAuTEAEla TWV KOIJ~OTlKWV aVTEYKAt'!OEWV 1J6vov eie; OUIJ$OpEe; Koi 6EIVa KaToAr'jYEI, navTOTE, KaTel Kavovo anap0J30TOV. AUTO 6e TO OTEV61JuoA.ov auv91llJa. nou EPPI4JE Kcmoloe; • • ~ ' OIJOYEVEIO Yla TI'lV' 0IJOVEVEIO» elVOI, TO 6A.lyWTEPOV KaKO~IlAov . rIOTi. r'i eTTlq>ovl'le; ·OIJOVEVEIO 6ev lmapXEI Via TOV EOUTOV Tile;. 6AAa ( ii. KlveiTOI , OKE: nTETOI, 6pa Via TI'l IJEyoAIl uno9E0'1 TOU ' EAAIlVIO).JOU Kai TOO 6v9pwTTlo1J00, Yla TI'lV ' EAEugepio, TI'l 61l1J0KPOTio, Tr'lV npo060v, T~V . EMMa, T~V . A~EPIK~ ~ae;. Oi 'O~OYEVEie; aVEK09EV OioTPIlAaTouvTal OTTO TO na90S TOO unllPETEiv Tr)V noTpi60, TOV 6v9pwnov, T~V 6Ar'j9Ela. floTi, dv r'i 6Ar'j9Ela bev Elval EAEugepll, ri EAeu aEpia 6EV Elval OA~a,v~ . !J.EV 6noTeAei OUTE UTTEp!!oAI'l OUTE KoAoKEia ~ 61anfoTwoll OTI, Eoeie;, Kuple MoKPIO, ~E TiC; KpioelC; Koi Tie; OVTIKEllJeVIKee; napaT'1Pr'jOEIe; oae;, 6U(QlWVETE TI'lV n<lYlo KOI OWOT~ VVWIJIl. 6TI TO neplo6lK6v, ri e4>'1IJEpi60 elval 11 ouvEi6f10'1 TOO KOIVWVIKOO ouv6Aou , nou oIJIAEi Eie; TOV eouT6v TOU . - ETOI. TO Ko9iiKov Tiie; E¢'I)IJEpI60e; Ii Tne; TTeplo61Kiis EK66oEWe; eivOi r'i eiAIKpiVEla. Me 610KEKPIIJEVIl TliJ~ LlHMHTPIOr n . MAMAHr New York. N. Y. All correspondence should be addressed to H NEA YOPKH P.O. BOX 675 GRAND CENTRAL STATION NEW YORK, N.Y. 10163 Editor Qnd Publishtr PETER S. MAKR1AS Foundtr ond SOCIal Editor SPYROS MINOTOS Assol'iatt Editors Prof. E. BOURODEMOS Ph.D . JACQUES A . CASE Contributing Editors: Prof. M . VYRON RAIZIS ADRIANNE PALIOS RIGAS KAPPATOS BOB NICOLAIDES OIMITRIS IOANNIDES GIANNIS KOUNADIS ELIAS GRIVOGIANNIS NICOS SPANIAS ST AVROS GRAMMATIKOPOULOS CHRYSTALENNILOUKAIDOU ACHILLES SAKELLARIDES Art Dirt("lor CHRISTINE NERRIE Representative in Greece GIANNIS L KOUNADIS Solana. 116 - Tel. 3606307 H NEA YOFKH (New York) the GreekAmerican monthly review is published by the HELLENIC HERITAGE LTD. 30 West 36th Street (10th floor) , N, York, N,Y, lO(US. Second Class postage paid at N.Vork, N.Y. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: H NEA YOPKH, 675 Grand Central Station, New York, N.Y . 10163. . Etl"joio IuYbPOJliJ: 525 .00 yU) . AJ'cpuo" 1(0i Kayo&; . . Atpol'[op'l(~ Iboo'tol .... yui EopWlI''l Kai. 6lo tOY K60~o S5O.00. Tpo· u<O)v. 'E1Ulttpl"jOEwV 1(0i ·OPl'OV'O~V S 100.00. . NEA YOPKH. B£j1ara rou M'lvoC; 4uo tnIO'TOAE~ cino TO KOVKPEO'O'O - Eva "ii.a npl. T;~ tK~OVt~, aTO TEOXO~ TOO IEnTE"pp;oU 1981, To.;~a"E at KUP'O lip9po aT' Til•• O"Ovtvt,a hii,'~pa. 01 tMOVI:~ ,,6.0 a' aT' a..,pII Til. t~"'TEP'KII nO~'T'Koj Tii~ •EllaOOc; Kal npoa9ha" .. i 0 . EAA~vla~o~ T~~' A~ , p'K~~, atAEI, aToJv auvTponplKoJ nAElo"'~<I>lo TOU, va nopo~Eiv~ ~ . EAM60 aToJv olKoytvElo TWV t AEUatpwv Aowv T~~ EuptiJTT~~ . Na ~oJ 6no~0_puva~ 6no ToJV KOlvoJ Eupwno"i_oJ . Ayop6. Na ~Eivouv 01 6~,p,_0VIKt~ i36aEl~ OToJV ·/!.A660. Kol v6 ~0'1 nopaaupa~ ~ XWPL aToJv 6~660 Tlilv 66E aiJE(JTWV ~ TWV 6noiwv npOEOpOC; d"a~ val - 6t<ouaov, 6Kouaov ! - 6 K. <DIVTt A K6OTpO. "" j) Av 6 K. n ana v6ptou EXrJ, np6y~aTl, ThoIOU~ aT6xou~, eo Ppii aVTi9ETI) Til. .O"ov'vt,a •A"EP'Kii~ nou y,a XPOVIO TWPO ~oXa'i Yl6 .6 d.oo xpo\a'''1) OTo'Iv 610OTOat1lJV • •AYTOVOKAouv TflY O:VCIIyia ).It ToyiaEl: ct' H iKovonoil1O''l OE:V 6cpEiAETQI j.I0VO OTDV VEVIKWTtpO IOEOAoYIKO Koi noAITIKO npooavoToAIOI.I() nov ' EAA'lvoa..,aEPIKQVWV, aAAo Kol me) OTI 96 !-Inaptoouv oiiolOI va OUVEXiOOuv TOUe.; ayWVEe.; TOUe.; unEp TWV t 9VIKWV olKoiwv TrjC;; ' EAM6o~ KOj T~~ Kunpou. "Ta. 06u- eo no- at n&plnETEIEIIi, liT' 6£y 80 tYKOTOAtf"'ll iva au.aan,a,," V'" .a npoXldpojal) at 6A~0 •• - OT' " K. nana.6ptou ,anovoojTEm,. 6aou~ ~9EAa. Kal E6xoVTa. Toj. ono,,".ldal) Tij~ ' Ell06~ Kal aT' iKovonofrlO't Trl¥ aUYTplnTIKq n'\E'Oljll).ia Tij~ . O"ovnda~ . Kal iixa- MI: Toj. npWTI) tn'aTo'\oj TOU~, aTi~ 15 ·Iou.\iou 1983, 01 POU.\EUTI:~ Gus Yalron, Nicho las Mavroules, Olympia Snowe, Mike Bilirakis Kal George W. Ge kas, a.a.tpou. aT' a' a.\1) TOU~ Til. ~",oj vo EvlaXUaOuy Ti~ axtat,~ . Ella6~ - HnA. - OT' 01 6Ea"oi Tii~ •O"OVE.Eia~ "I: Toj. · EA.\a60 uno.'- pou. ona Til. aUVExii pooj oVT,a"Ep'ToO-EllI).a npld9unoupyoO." Av Ka} oli6101 80 pnopoOaav dvOi TWPO OTo'Iv nMp~ KOi va unoAoyl~~ ou~nop6aTOa~ J3I;POIO~ TWV a~oy, VEIOKWV 6pYOVWOEWV Koi TWV nopo yovTWV t KEivwv n ou olEnpEtpov OT~V J.JOXIl Yla ToJV tmi3oAo'I TOO t~n6py_o "" ••• nptLJTopouAlIlJY noil TtfyOUY yO: onoanoaou. Til. vntTE'pa Ono Til. 01KoVhEoa TW. UEu9tPId. KpaTW. Tij~ Jl.Uatld~ ... rl aUT", 6uo tn'aTo.\l:~ TW. nhTE tA.\1).'Kij~ KaTav",vij~ ",'\IiI. TOO O~EP' KaYIKOU KOYKptaaou npOe; TOY " EAAllva npw9unoupyo, 6tY dyOI Tuxaia ytyo- .Ma • •Anon'\ou. Ka.'Kij~ PI)TOP'K ii ~ vo KOroyOOUV TO ca:.aIVOptYO, TO: 6AAo ptAIl TOU KOVKpEaaou 61EPClJTWVTOI ylO Til. au"nEp'4>opQ TOU • EllI).'KOU - EKai TO.;~OU. : «fiV€TOI oAo Koi mb OUOKoAo va 010- 9.ou~. TrtP~ aOUI.lE T~V El.lmmoaUvll aUTWV TWV 01 XE'pQTEPO' tKEI.OI 4>i>POI "a~ ly,no'\" 6u,,",0.\1) 9tal) Toj.· O"ovbt,a. 01 6Ea,,01 TI)~ "I: Til. npWTI) naTpl60 6oK,,,o~oVTa,, anld~ Kal 01 axl;at'~ • EA'\o6~ - HnA, ano "'" aE'pQ h'PVE'w. Ka; K• • Av6p. tA- Tl~ POat'~ '" 1)< 0 VEOC; npw9unoupyoc;; JJnopEi va Jl.uo "iivt~ apVoTEpa, aTO TEOX~ NOE"Ppiou 1981,"E Til. IKa.onoil)aoj "a~ v,a Tl~ 6oaPEpa,Wnpw8unoupyou Tii~ npoc:m6:9Ilaov yay Twpa )uO: noAii 6uaoptaTIl npaypaTIKoTIlTa nou lXtl .tptl a£ O'£I~ TOU vod Til. noptia .aTI) ono TO npQv"aTa oj aUl'napOaTaao\ "a~ npO~ ",a OU6ETEp04>'.\1) . EA'\o60, tKT~ NATO Kal EOK Kal "I: K.\E'aT'~ um:paomol1 TWV olKo iwv TOO ' EAAIlVIal·JOu». nov6ptou nilv aUYE"TEU~r1 TOU ,,~ TO ABC, aT' 6 .. eo 06I)Vojaq Toj. Xwpo Tij~ . O"oVEvda~ .\1).'Kii~ t~IdTEP'Kij~ nO.\'T'Kij~. npQtE'~ laT0p'KIiI. J.J EAwv TOO KOYKpEaaou nou J3pE9llKav J.JOC;;» ma 8EJ.JOTO nou ~Xouv a~~oaio Yla Ti~ XWP'~ ~o~. AUTO nou £TvQI XEIPOTEPO dvOi OTI 6 EV J.JnoPOOI.lE J.JE 6nOlo6~nOTE 6~lom OTio va npooEAKUOOUJ.JE VEO I.lEAr] ~ va nEioOUJ.JE « aT~V nAEUpo ~ E A~ nou 6Ev tv610<l>tpOVTOV W~ TWPO Yla TO 61 _0 10 T~~ o)n6aw~~ ~O~"" Ao\IjII) Tii~ tn'aTo.\ii~ "V'.E YV"'aTII ono Til. rpo""aTta TOO npld9unoupvoO, OUO "txP' aoj"Epa " - E.\.\I).a~ npld9unoupvo~ 6 .. lXE' OnaVTojaE' aTO 610KtKPIJ,lEVO aUTO ptAIl TOO KOYKpEa- aou. r,' aUTO, npO~ lIE 6EUTEPl) tn'aTo'\o\ TOU~ TO. K. nana.6ptou, Til. 231) It- ASTIR HOTELS THE QUALITY HOTELS OF GREECE HUO OFFICE ASTIR HOTEL Co. Inc. 12 p".. lIeloul It. Mllens 12• . GREECE Tel. 120139C11.e hI • .: 215797 ASCO GR. NOEMBPIOE 1983 OUR R[PRESENTATIVE IN U.S.A: ROSERT F. W.v!NER INC. 11' TH IRO AIIENUE NEW VORK N.V. 10011 PHON E (2 12)&81.$1$0. Tel ...: 6&22 1 Co llie., W ... RNERREO NEW VOR K CA LL TOLL FREE 800 22~ OUR II.I[PRESEN TATIV E IN CAN... O...: TR.t.VELI NE INC 80 8 100. s1. W TOI"O"10 Onb. io h155 2111 l el . /. '6196 7.• 333 h l .o:OII~ !iIOII 5 nTE"ppiou, tK.pO~OU. T.... ayo.aKT~ a~ TOU~ YIO TiJ. 4p.~a~ Tij~ • E,u~.'Kij~ KUPEpYr1(JEUJ~ KOT06 ..ca0I1 TrlV va KOTaPPII"~ TOU KOp.OTIKOO a.poaKa..,u~. nEVTE • E,uIlVOOPEPIKOYouCj pouAwTt~. 'H AHEPA 0 •• o ... w.~m "t TOU~ nhTE tni Tij~ ouaio~.· A,uo t~t .pam ..,apou~ OTI 1\ o~" Tij~ O'UTEP~~ tnlaToAij~ TW. nhn 90 ou~~a~ TiJ. bToa~ aTl~ tAA~.oa""PIKO YIKEC) OXEaE1Cj. To aUIJntpoopa dvOi au80ipETo. TIlY nptllTl1 TOUCj tnloToAri, 01 nEvTE POUAWT'~ 0.. TiJ. 16... ao. aT .... o~"oalOT~TO. 4~"oa.. u9~K' aT ..... A91\.0, ouo ... ij..~ ... no TiJ. nopaAop~ T~~ ono T.... np ... 8unoupyo.· H o~ oaiwa~ Tij~ o.unp~~ "TO. tn,p.pA~ ... tv~. T.... unoyopwm 1\ ayan~ TOU~ npo~ T.... • E,ua60. Kol TiJ. ixou. anood~ .. OUT'" T.... ayan~. 4 ..... nopouao. 01 nt.n .0 au- ... nxioouy Till' OIwnrj TOUCj Koi vO: "EiVOUY hn8.......01 'aTOU~ op~""Opou~ Koi ; aTO KOYKptaao.· H olo..... io TOU~ n~ T..... EAA~.,K ... Kuptp.~a~ TOU~ tnlTptnEI va J.IIl YTptnWYTOI TOUe; auvo6tA...,u~ TOU~. Tou~ tnlTptn...0 ~~TOU. ano OUTOU~ T.... unoaT~pl~~ TW. tAA~ ""UJJ" 6lKOiwv. Mnopd 01 nbYI; yO dvOi nllCpapEwol Koi ciJPYIOJ,ItYor YICI Til" nopOAEU,,'" TOU -EAA~.o np ... 8unoupyou .0 ...... TOU~ 0nOYTl\a~, a,uo Ei"OaT' ptpOIOI OTI 0.. 80 naopou. oun aTly .......0 ay .... ,~ .... TO' YIO T.... oIOT~p~a~ Koi aua.,y~~ TW. axtm ..... E,uao~ - . A .... pIKij~ Kol YIO TI~ un08ta..~ nou aT~pi~O.TOI aTololO 16oVII(0 KO) OTOIJCj OVTIOT090uy at t~ouo'TEpwa .... ~ • HTO. aTUXiJ~ 1\ tnlaToAiJ TOU' YnaTOU npotopou TIj~ AHEPA K. Peter Cardiges TOUCj nlaTEUOJ,lE OTI of nbT£ POUAEUTECj IJOCj 00 ••• npOe; Kite,. KOTOXi) OTrlY Kunpo Koi TrlV bnpouAiJ aTo Alyoio, ... aU"nOTaaTOa~ Tijc; • OIJOV£VEIOC; tTVOl GnapOiTI1TI1 Koi i610uCj t8VIKOUCj aToxou~. Mt T.... aU"XI~o" •• ~ TOUp- Ko8£ npoana8Elo XP~aI...6T~Ta~ Tij~ TOU. "Oao Ylo TOU~ oU':; ' y,poualOaTt~ tAA. ...VIKijC; kOTOYWyijC;, npEnEI va OIUJEIW9ij (iTI 01 n"n POUAWTt~ 0 .. TOU~ t~l\ Tllaav vO: auyunoyp6 ..... ouV Tic; t.n.OTOAt~ TOU~ npO~ TO. np ... 9unoupyo •• H O'OKO ...... OTIK ... olo",opTuplo TW. tKnpoawnCdv TOU tVQC; VO).108£T'KOfi IWJ,lOTOCj; t9.... pI\9~ aPK'T~. 'H ... iJ au .......ToX ... TWV 6uQ y£pOUaKJOTWV OT"Y npCdTOpouAio TW. nhn t~un~pfTd 4,u~ aKOnl).lOTIlTO, 6UO 6EV 6110KA£i£TOIKOl ~'X"'PlaTi) htpy..a TOU~ II. XP"OaTij. ITo "'£TO~U, eo tna.oAap ... ". tow T.... nAwToia nopOypa~ TOU IIp8pou )Joc; TOO npol)you"tvou T£UXOUC;,).IE T"V tAnl60 (iTI eo TO npoat~ou. 000 tnlpa,ufTOI 01 ap",oolOI t,uoolKol nopOyo.n~ •. H a~ia T~~ nopaypO~u OUTij~ n~ya~.. ano TO y.yo.~ /iT' EX" ypa.d nplv yivouv yYlIJOTEC; 01 6uQ tnlaToAt~ ••• Eixo". ypOop." .. A<I>oO KOj ~ O~~EPIV~ tAA~V'K'" Ku~tpv~o~ unoAoyi~.. TOV' EAA~v'o~o T~~ 'A~EPIKi'jt; oav nopoyovTC Enr)pECOIJOO T~~ O~EPIKOV'K~~ t~WTEP"~~ noA'T'K~~ at 6EIJCTO nou Ev6,0CPEPOUV TrlV < EAA660, ElvOI unOxpEWIJEV'l TouAoXIOTOV va 6VtXETOI Tit; 6IJOVEVEloKi:.e; 6VTlpp~OEIe; Koi va npOOEX'l Tie; t66J9£v KoAomOTE<; uno6Ei~E'~, av 9tA~ va ~~ OXP~OTt",~ nA~pwe; Koi 6pIOTIKWe; Tllv onOTEAEOIJOTlKOT'lTO TOU A£YOIJEVOU «eAAl1vIKOU A6~nu' .• H NEA YOPKH ElvOi oE 9to~ va yvwpi\r) 5TI ncpOYOVTEe; OUTOU TOCi «AolJnu», EXOUV nArlPr) tniyvwo'l TOCi KIV6uvou CUTOO. Koi aVr)auXoOv .. ,»), . H ap8poypo.ia ...o~ O'KOIW8~K'. 01 OVllauXi£Cj; OUTECj; t.n.p£pDlwVOVTO. KOTO TO. n,e'> tnla~ ... o Tpono aT .... tBlaToA", TWV ntvTE POUA£UTWV pac;, nou nEplpt:YOUV Oft'OYTqaq, 0"0 Tov16.o TOY npw8unoupyo. (To nAl\p~ KdilJl'.O Koi TW. OUO tnlaToAw., K09"'~ KO) iI tn'aToA", TOU npotopou Tij~ AHEPA, KOTOX"'pOUYTOI aTi~ aVVAIKt~ ... o~ mAlo.~). •H 6qJ.looi£uaq TWV 6uQ OUTWY tnlaToAw. aT .... · A8i1.0, npoKaA.m 01\- Awall TOO U.ulloupyoO-tKft'poaWnou Tij~ Kup.p.l\a....~ K. 4~.... Mopou60 nou ... tXPI~ ho~ a~ ... dou 8u"i~1 OIKa pac; K£lJ,I£YO: .. H Ku~tpV~o~ XOPO~" KOj h<l>po~.. T~V tAA~v'K~ t~WTEP'K~ nOAITIK~ KOj OU6Ei~ 4AAo~ EXE, ~ 90 ~nopto.. VahE' T~V Eu9uv~, OUTE . EAA~voo~.pIKavo' ~OUAEUTt~ OUTE 6no'o6~nOTE IIAA~ 6'0' orllJr) npoOWmKOT'lTO, OU6EiS 6UVOTOI va unoyopEUOE' T~V t~WTfP'K~ noA'T'K~ T~~ XWPO~ nou xopa~.TO' ar~v 'A9nvo ono T"'V lm.u9uv~ KU~tpv~o~, nou OnOOTfAEi T~V t",AoV~ TOO tAA~v'KOO AooD. T6 KEVTPO TWV t9VIKWV EmAoywv ~pIO"TO' milv . A9nvo .• ~ . A91\vo KOj ~6vo Ono<l>ooi~EI>. MoAI~ aTO npo~you" •• o nuxo~ ... O~ TOO •OKT ... ppiou ypO..,... " .. H xapo~~ T~~ t~WTEP'K~~ noA'T'Kij~ T~~ . EAAa60~ ElVOl, xwpj~ O~<I>,~oAio, 'PVO OnO""E'OT'KO T~~ haaroTE Aoonp6~A~T~~ KU~EPV~OEW~ T~~. • E~Ei~, t6w arilv . A~EP'K~, 6EV t",9u~00~. 0v6JJI~r). OUTE aVTlTToAITEUOIJCOT£, OUTE TOUTI{OIJOOT£ KOIJ)JOTIKO . .6.Ev EXOIJE 61KoiwjJo va unoyop£UWIJE TriV nOAITlKrl OUTn, 5nw~ <oi KO~~'O tAA~VIK~ Ku~tp Vr)OI1 6EV 6,KCIOUTOI va OVOjJlYVUETOI OTa 6PYOVWOICKO, KOIVOTIKO KOf EKKAr)OlOOTIK6 JJoe; npaYJJOTO", TOPA TO AEGEAN PRODUCTIONS ~IAeETEI IIpo~ , , 1tcOAllO'll , KINHMATOrPACI>IKEL T AINIES BINTEO KAI Kal EVOlKlUO'll TIO~OLCI>AIPIKOYL ArnNEL rIA TO LTIITI LAL rHi ltEPIOo6tEPEC; ltAT)poq>opiEC; Kai KatliAOYO tT)AE<j)wvTjoatE ii ypu'VatE Oto. Aegean Productions 29-11 Ditmars Blvd., Astoria, N. Y. 11105 TT)A. (212) 721-7990 6 .NEA YOPKH. mlti-mlilion dollar marketplace EXPOS Amerlca NORTH84 Pier 88 on Manhattan's West Side New York City, 19-23 March 1984 Organised by: Seatrade North America Sponsored by: American Institute of Merchant Shipping Council of American -Flag Ship Operators Federation of American Controlled Shipping The National Industrial Transportation League National Maritime Council Shipbuilders Council of America Write now for further details to: Terence Dougherty, Seatrade North America Inc The Whitehall Building, 17 Battery Place New York NY 10004 Telephone: (212) 422 6470 Telex: 233629 SEA UR or any Seatrade office worldw ide A high-level international maritime exhibition combined with Seatrade's well-known 'Money and Ships' Conference will take place in New York next March. March 19 to 23,1984 .... A week for doing business with the world of shipping. Expoship North America and Searrade's Money and Ships Conference will bring together shipowners, shippers, shipbuilders and repairers, marine equipmem manufacturers , bankers, brokers - in fact, everyone assoCiated with sea transportation, As an exhibitor, you will be able to present your products and services to the North American market and, at the same time , become part of an international event which will attract to New York, buyers from all over the world. Expoship North America is parr of a series of iillernational maritime exhibitions organised by Seatrade worldwide. Others are held on the same biennial basis in Rio de Janeiro, Hong Kong and London. All have a high reputation throughout the industry as one of the most effective ways of marketing in the world of shipping. • • • • •IiI·' Seatrade's lively markets around the world . .. Riocentro , Rio de Janeiro, Brasil 10-15 October 1983 NOEMBPIOI: 1983 Hong Kong E~ h lblllon Centre 12-16 November 1984 Barbican Centre, City ot lOndon 18- 22 March 1985 r 0 ' AVTlaJ.lEpIKaVlaJ.lO~ Mueo~ Kat rrpaYJlattK6tll~ ToO K. ANTflNIOY LlPOLOnOYIIOY illKl]y6pou, 8' (TEAeUTOio) To YEYOVo~, novTW~, nou AEITOUPy~OE oav KOlOMT~~ Yla Tilv onoKpuoTaMwo~ TWV 6~UTEPWV OVTIOIJEPIKOVIKWV oi06~lJaTWV, nou 6~lJloupy~ a~KOV OT~V nEpIOX~ T~S Eupwn~s TOUMXIOTOV, i\TOV ~ EYKOai6puo~ T~S 61KTOlOpioS T~~ XOUVTO~ . IE Ei6'KO ci<l>lepwlJo nou E/lyoAE ~ lJ~vlolo Em6EWp~0~ TOO lOPTP TO 1969 V,a Tilv' EAM60, oe iip6po TOU 6 iOTOPIKO~ NIK6Aoo~ ll3opwvos cino<l>OIVOTOV OTi «KOVEi~ 6ev OIJ<I>I/laAAEI OTi TO npO~IKOn~IJO TWV OUVTOYIJOTOPXWV i\TOV ElJnVEUOlJeVO cilia T~ CIA•. ' O-,610s 0 lOPTP, OT~VYEVIK~ Eiooywy~ TOO TEUXOUS xp~OIIJOnOlOOOE T~V EK<I>POO~ «To npO~IKOn~IJO TOO' '67, opyovwlJevo ana Til CIA•. lT~V -,6,0 l3el301o EK600~ un~pXE oro ap6po EVO~ iiMou iOTOPIKOO, TOO K. TOOUKOAo, IJla <l>pao~ nou .AEYE nllis«~ OKQIIl~~ o~lJooia TOO poAou. TWV npaKTO- pWV TOO cilJEplKaVIKOO ilJnEplaAlolJoO OTo npa~IKOn~lJa «napalJeVEI 6UOKOAo va EKTlIJ~6Ei Myw EMEI'I'EW~ OKPI/lWV nA~po<l>oplwv. , TholE~ Em<l>uM~EI~ OIJWS onavl~av EKElv~ T~V Enox~. . H OIJEplKavlKI\ OValJl~~ ora Kiv~lJa EnOlpVE nPOEKTaOEI~ <l>avTOoTIKe~. rVWOTOS 6~1J0010A6yo~ i\6EAe va I3AenEI OT~ OElpa TWV IJOUOIKWV EKnopnwv TOO OTOaVOO ' EvonAwv lWValJEWV TI\V 21 ~ . AnplAiou Eva 'l'uXOAOYIKa nEpiTEXVO npoypalJlJa T~~ CIA: To EIJI3Ol~ pia or~v oPX~ npwT~ <l>ao~, ~PWIKI\. METa TO 6~IJOTIKa Tpayou61a - 6EUTEP~ <l>ao~, AaiKI\ . Kai TO I3pa6u 6 «Sa<l>TlOTIKOS' Kai oi aME~ 6nEphTE~ - TpIT~ <l>oo~, aiOl060~~! a,anpEnl\~ navEmOT~lJlaKOS axoAIa~OVTO~ TI\V 6e~iwo~, nou. eTXE K<lyEI V,a Kaa~y~Te~ Kai U<I>~y~Te~ AiyOU~ IJ.~VES IJETO TO npa~IKOn~lJa KanOIO~ ana TOU~ npWTOU~ T~~ XOUVTa~ OTO EOTImOplO naVW OTO l\uKal3~TTo, 1\6EAE va I3AenEI OT~V Eml3aAAolJev~ 6v060 lJe TO TEAE<I>EpiK IJla i610<l>uo npa~~ EKaeOEWS Kai TanEIVWOEW~, 8 OTryV ,KAEJHMEPINH, OUlJl3ouAEUlJeV~ l3el301a cino TI\ CIA. luyypa<l>eos noAu 6~IJOTIKo~ "AEYE, nlli~ ~ EmAoyl\ TOO npoownou TOO 6,KralOPO cino T~V OIJEpIKavIK~ npEollEio Mv "YIVE Ylo Kaveva 6Mo Myo, no po YlaTi "<I>EPE TO OvolJa nana60nouAo~, TO mo ouv~610lJevo OVOlJa OT~V . EAM6a, KoVOVT6~ TOV OUIJ/loAo T~S onpoown~s unOTay~~, OTI\V 6noia i\6EAE va 610n0l6aywyl\oEI TOV EAA~ VIKO AoO . (ria va EIIJOI TilJlOS orov ovaYVWOT~: nOTe 6ev IlEl3alw6~Ko, 6v TO niOTEUE npaYlJaTIKa OUTO 6 ouvvpa<l>ea~, 1\ EaV TO "AEYE V,a TI\V EKTOVWO~ T~~ 6py~~ TOU Koi T~~ 6py~~ TWV ouvoIJIA~TWV TOU). . Ana T~V nAEUpa T~~ ~ XOUVTO, KI 6v i\6EAE va KOlJapwvEI 06v ~ mo yvl\OIa "<I>pao~ E6vIK~~ aUToTeAEla~ (nou IJnOpoOOE va YUpl~EI T~V nAaT~ T~~ OTO :!:ulJllouAIO T~~ Eupwn~s, va a~l WVEI T~V 6VaKA~0~ TOO rEPlJavOO npeOI3EWS K.O.K.), EIXE npo<l>ove~ oUIJ<I>epOV va EVIOXUOEI TI\V 6VTiA~'I'~, nllis EfXE TI\V nAl\p~ KaAu'I'~ T~~ ' AIJEPIK~~. - Eral "AEYE 6 opXll3aoovloTI\~ l\alJnpou OTa 9UIJaTa TOU, OTI\ <l>ao~ nou npoonOaOOOE va TOU~ ElJ<I>uOI\OEI TI\V <iloa~o~ T~~ 1J0ToloT~Ta~ T~~ 6VTioTao~s : .. EIJEi~ .'lJaOTE oi 'AIJEPIKovorl» • Exouv nEpaOEI 6no TOTE TOOO XPOVla, EAI\<I>a~oov E6w EKaTOVTa6E~ 61KaOTIKes KOTa6eOEI~, E~ETaor~KE nMao~ 6vapwnwv OTi~ EnlTponES TOO KOYKpeooou, ypa<l>T~KOV XIAla6ES OEAi6E~ V'a TO npa~IKon~IJO Koi TO KaaEOTlIiS nou EnaKoAoua~OE, EXEI nEp'EAaEI OTI\ 6~1J0010T~Ta owpEia 61OA6ywv IJETO~U TWV npwlOnoAMKapwv T~~ 6IKTOlOpio~ Kal TWV KuploTepwv ouvEpyaTwv lOUS - 6AM ~ on06EI~~ T~S 6IJEPIKOVIK~~ ovalJlI~S E~OKOAou- 6Ei va AElnEI. KavEva OTOIXEio Mv unoPXEI nEplOOoTEPO ana OUTO (TO noM nEvIXPO) nou Xp~011J0noI1\6~KE oav TO nEloTI\PIO 6no IJIO~ 6pX~~ Kai EnavEM<I>6~ OE EKaTOVT06ES IlII3AiO, iip6po KOj A6youS V,a T~ OT~PI ~~ T~~ Km~yopjo~: -Evo apapo TOO MapKI~ ToaiAvT~ nou 6~1J00IEUa~KE AiYE~ E13601J06E~ IJETO TO nPO~IKan~IJO oe 610<l>OPES ciIJEPIKOVIKe~ E<I>rjIJepi6es, _oro 6noio yiVETO I A6yo~ Yla IJIO 6naPP~T~ OUOKE'I'~ ciVWTaTWV KPOTIKWV OTeAEXWV OTllv OUaOlYKTWV TaV </>EI3pouaplO TOO ' 67_ 'AVOKOIVWa~KOV, MEl TO 6~1J00IEUIJ0, nA~pO<l>opiE~ V,a EVO E~U<I>OIValJeVO OTPOTIWTIKO KiV~IJO OT~V ' EM660. «To Enio~lJo EPWT~IJO ~TOV Mv lJe KanOiO AEm~ noAITIK~ EnelJl3oo~ aa IJnopoOoe va npoA~<I>aEi TO npo~IKOn~lJo . .. 'H KOIV~ ciVTiA~'I'~ yupw cina TO Tpone~l, IJETa KOlJnOOO cilJ~Xovo OTpi'l'IIJO TWV XEPIWV Koi cinEAmolJev~ EKTIIJ~o~ TWV ouvenElwv, ~TOV nlliS 6ev un~pXE TpanOS 6paO~~ ... ' 0 roulIiAT PaOTOOU, 6 OUIJ/louAos TOO npoe6pou OTa aelJOTO E6VIK~S cio<l>oAElos, EKAEIOE T~ OUOKE'I'~ lJe Ti~ M~EI~: .. EAnl~w, OTi KOTOAol3oiVOUIJE, KUPIOI, OTi OUTa nou cino<l>ooiOOIJE i\ OUTa lJoMov nou Mv IJnopeOOIJE va cino<l>ooiooUIJE, KOVEI T~ IJEMOVTIK~ nopEio TWV YEYovOrwv OT~V . EAM60 civon6<!>EUKT~" . H yvwo~, OIJW~, nllis oro orPOTO E~ U<I>OIVOTOV ouvwlJooio V,a T~V opnoy~ T~S E~ouoios, 6ev cinOTeAEoe OIJEPIKOVIKO npOVOlJlo. Tov-,6IQ KOIPO, OTOV 6noio TonoaETEiTOI ~ OUOKE'I'~ OT~V OUaOlYKTWV, KUKAo<l>opoOOE ~ .. EAEU6Epio' or~v 'Aa~vo IJt IJEyaAo ypalJIJOTO OT~V npWT~ oEAi60, nlliS Mv npOKEITOI va yivouv EKAoyes, YIOlI 60 yfvEI 6IKTcTopia». To va KOT~yOp~OEI KOVEI~ TOUS . AIJEPIKOVOU~ OTi 6tv nopEIJ/lMa~Kov oTi~ EAA~VIKt~ E~EAi~EIS v,a va 6,00woouv TO KOIVOl3ouAEUTIKo noAiTEUIJO, EXEI OPKET~ 660~ unEPf30A~s, OTOV oAe~ OVE~OIphwS 01 noAITI"~ 6uvaIJEI~ EI3AEnov va €PXETOI KOTOnaVW IJO~ ~ EKrpOn~ Kol EKOVOV ToOO Alyo V,a va T~V IJOTOIWOOUV. . H EiKoVO nlli~ ~ XOUVTO i\TOV TO oyon~lJevo n0l6i T~S . AIJEPIK~~, nlli~ 01 OUVTOYIJOlaPXE~ i\TOV nE16~v101 npaKTOpE~ T~~ OUaOlYKTWV, nllis TO K06E- .NEA YOPKH. OTWS EOTEKe ~6vo xoplSd aUT~V KaiSo KaTEppee ~E Eva vEu~a T'lS. OTOS'lKe E~Un'lpHlK~ YIO T~V EM'lVIK~ aVTioTaOIl . T~S E~ao<l>oAloe IlXI1l6vo T~V unoOT~PI~'l T~S aPlorepaS. TWV npooc5euTlKWV Kai TWV c5lavoou~EVWV. aMo Kai T~S <l>IAeAEuSEP'lS KOIV~S yvw~'lS OE 6,1,0 T6v K60~0. Oi "1c5101 avSpwnol nou npwTooTaTouoav oriS EKc5'lAwoeIS EvaVTiov T~S a~ePIKaVI K~S napouoias oT6 BIETVOIl Koi EVOVTiov TOG Ko9EOTU.lT0S TOG nlvooh OT~ XIA~ . anOTeAOUoav T~ paXOKoKKaAlo TWV oUYKeVTpwoewv EvaVTiov T~S XOUVTOS or~v ' EMoc5a. Oi avSpwnol nou MEIXVav T~ ~eyaM Tep'l npoSu~la OT~ t.UTIK~ Eupwn'l va neplSoAljJOUV TOUS "EM'lves np60<l>uyes va unoYPoljJouv EKKA~oeIS. va c5woouv Ae<l>To YIO T~V aVTioTaO'l. aK61l'l Kai va KaTE~ouv va T~ fjO'lS~oouv liE npoownoK6 TOUS Kivc5uvo IlEoa OT~V 'EM6c5a. ~Tav KaTO Kav6va avSpwnol nou nioTEuav. KaTo Iila<l>6pous ~aS ~ouS. OT~V KaK6T'lTO T~S a~ePIKaVI Selas ~Tav ~ IilapKO;S una~v'lO'l T~S OPV'lTIK~S T'lS OTOO'lS npaS T6 KaSEOTws. lCT~V E<I>apIlOY~ ~E~ala TOU ~hpou xp'lOl~Onol~S'lKav c510<l>OPOI TpanOI va all~AUVSOOv oi OUVenEIES TOU. YIO va ~~v EK~'lc5eV I OTEi 0; OTpaTIWTIK~ O'lllaofa TOO EM'lVIKOO napaYOVTa OTa NATO , MIa Kaf O~ws. OUTE enp6KelTO. OUTE Kaveis E",xelp'l~aTO AoyoOoe oo~apo nws enpaKelTO. va nEoEI TO KaSEOTws on6 Konolo Eic50S EvonA'lS ova~ETp'lO'lS Tunou e~<I>uMou noM~ou. ri OUVEXI0'l T~S ~o~SElas. OE 600 fjaS~a OUVEXI~aTOV. una Tuno EKTOKTWV e~OIpEoewv ~ XOPIS oE KPU<I>O TEpTinoa. onoTEAouOE unoypo~~IO'l Kal 0XI ono~Eiwo'l T~S KaTaliiK'lS· · 0,1,0 TO KaAoKa lpl TOO 1967. 000 0; c5laT~p'lO'l TOO ~aOlAla napEiXE eva c5EUTEPO n/lAo e~ouoias. 0; o~EpIKaVIK~ npEo\leia OT~V ' AS~va aKaTOnaUora niE~E YIO va OUYKeKpl~EvonOI'lSOUV oi 66plores EnaVYEAles T~S XOUVTOS YIO EnoOTPO<l>~ orav KOlvo~OUAEUTlo~6. EnoXElpwvTOS T~V on60nao'l unooXEOEWV Kaf T~V Ova~~T'lO'l ~ETplonaSE OTEPWV OTOIXElwv T~S c5IKTaToplas. YIO va TO oVT,"apaTO~EI OTOUS oc5loAAaKTOUS. 'H OTOO'l aUTO; T~S 'A~epIK~S EYIVE ililaiTepa <l>aVEp~ ~E T~V unoc5oxoj TOU fjaOlA lo OT~V OUOOlYKTWV T6v lCEnTEllfjplO. Kai ~ETO T~V anoTuXia TOO \laOlAIKOO KIVrl~aTOS Kai T~V oVTiOTOIX'l oTaSeponoi'lo'l T~S c5IKTaToplas. oMo OKall'l Kai TrlV EVT00'l oris OXEoEIS' AVaTOA~S Kai t.UO'lS nou c5'l~IOUPYrl S'lKE T6 KaAoKalpl TOO 1968. ~ apv'lo'l T~S . A~EPIK~S va napac5EXTEi oov KaAWS Kallw~Eva aUTO nou Elxav yivel OT~V 'EMoc5a. c5EV EnaljJE va EKc5'lAW- K~S noAITIK~S· M6vo nou ~ eiK6va T~S TauTIO'lS 'A~EPIK~S Kai XOUVTOS ~TOV 6MTeAa avaKpl~~S. · Onws Kai ~ Enelxelp'l~a TOAoyia YIO T6 YlaTi enpene va fjplOKETOI ~ 'A~EPIK~ nlow an6 TOUS ouvTaY~aTOpxes oT'lpIXT'lKe OE ~IO oelpo an6 unEpanAOUOTeUOEIS: ' H ~Ia ~TOV 6 fjovauoos aVTIKO~~OUVI0~6S TWV oUVTawaTOPXwv. lCov va ~~v Elxav ai 'A~eplKavoi un' IlljJ'l TOUS aMES orPaTlWTIKES c5IKTaTopies. nou EXOVTas T6 KK EKT6S v6~ou Kaf TOUS KOIl~auvIOTES OT~ <l>uAaK~ . va TanoSeT~S'lKaV or6 IilESvonoAITIK6 nEc5io KOTW ana T~V oa~IETIK~ KOAUljJ'l. MIa MA'l unepanAOuOTEUO'l ~TOV ~ EniKA'lo'l napaliely~6Twv 6nws T~S r ouaTE~oAas Kai T~S Ka~naT~'lS. WS ME TO PETERS TOURS anac5el~'l ~Ias ~avl~'lS Xp'lOI~onol~ OEWS npaKToplKWV oralxElwv YIO T~ c5uvaIlIK~ e~aO<l>OAlo'l TWV O~EpIKa VIKWV ou~<I>epaVTwv , 'H enoxelp'l~a TOAoyia aUT~ c5ev ~SEAE va fjMnel TO EupUTepo <l>oolla T~S ~ESolioAoylas T~S OIlEpIKavIK~S nOAITIK~S Kaf Orl eKeiva nou EnoTpenel or6v eaUTa T'lS OTa lCaAfjac56p nx. So T~S ~TOV TeAelws 6c5laVa'lTO va TO e<l>ap~aOEI OT~V ' foAavc5ia. Elva I yeyovaS. nws aT~v neplnTwo~ ~as onoc5oKI~aola T~S 'A~EPIK~S npaS T~V EyKaSllipu0'l T~S c5IKTOTOpias un~p~E oa<l>~s, KaSws Kaf ~ EnoSUllia T'lS Ylo T~V enovoc5o ora KOIVO- 0; fjouAEuTIKa KaSEoTws. ' H nEplKon~ T~S oTpaTlwTIK~S fjo~- NOEMBPIOl: 1983 rIA ENA ErrYHMENO TASIAI l:THN EAAAAA Xropi~ TaAal1troplE~ Kai TpEXUJlata Ta~tO£\jI£1'£ 11£ 't'Cl KaVOVtKU 0pol1oMyta ni~ , OA.\)I11ttaKii~ 11£ JUMBO-747 X(Opi~ O' m8 110v . Tto. r~v Kparrwl'/ Ocacwv Kai KaOc nAI'/Porpopia PETERS TOURS. 'A noraO;;rc aro OIKO aar;: INC . 600 EIGHTH AVE ., NEW YO.', N . Y. 10018 TeL 391-0200 QU EENS O F F IC E: 29- 14 D IT MARS BL VD ., ASTORIA , N. Y. t I 105 T EL.: 932-3366 9 VETOI. "Eva 6MKA~pa Xp6vo E~elvav xwplS 01 . Hv. noAlTeieS m~v . EAM6a. Kal iiTOV apy6repa ~ Kul3epv~a~ NI~ov 6PXlae ~ePIKa nPOaeKTIKa avoly~aTa np6, T6 Ka6eaTws ~e 6~AwaelS nou va neplexouv nap6Tpuva~ Yla eK6~~OKpaTla~6 - aus~6~Ke aVTlaTOIxa '" EK<l>paa~ T~S EX6p6T~Tas np6s T~V 61KTOlopia aT6 KoyKpeaao. AUTO iiAa KOla Kaveva Tp6no 6ev unovooOv, iiTI 01' A~eplKavol elxav ~a Ael aav KUPIO aKon6 TOUS T~V avaTpon~ T~S 6lKTOloplas· AAM Kal n6aol "EAA~ves T6 EKavav;) . AnevaVTias, onws noAAes <l>opes er6vlaav 01 .. <l>pames T~S noAITIK~S TWV HnA, Ev6la<l>ep6~Kav va 6IaT~p~aouv axeaelS auvepyaalas ~e T~V Kul3epv~a~ aT~v . A6~va, nou va KaAumouv TO O~UVTIKO TOUS aUIJ<I>epoVTa, xwplS iinws nOTe va naljJouv eK napaAA~Aou va me~ouv np6s T~V Kareu6uva~ TOO neplopla~oO TOO oaTUvo~IKOO xapaKT~pa TOO Ka6eaTWTos Kal TOO avoly~OlOS 6~~OKPOlIKWV 6Ia6,KaOlwv. Mia ljJUXpOl~~ emaK6n~a~ T~S 61e6vonoAITIKijS nAeupiis T~S XOUVTIK~S 6lKTOToplas, ~e T~ a~~eplv~ XPOVIK~ on6maa~, npenel va 66~y~ael aT6 au~nepaa~a, OTi EnelTO on6 TO aKav· 61va131Ka KpaT~ KaIT~v'OAAav6Ia, nou n~pe ~epos m~v Klv~a~ T~S 61a61Kaalas m6 Iu~l3ouAlo Tils Eupwn~s, Kal "laws Kal T~V ITaAIK~ Kul3epv~a~, ~e T~V noMnAeup~ unom~pl~~ nou e6wae npea~u r aT~v EAA~VIK~ oVTlaTOa~, Ka~la CiAA~ Kul3epv~a~ bEv 130~6~ae neplaa6repo on6 T~V OlJeplKavlK~ Yla va ~ava(jnap sel 6~~oKpaTia aT~v . EAAa6a. To Kuracn:rlllu • EHllvlKWV ~ropwv KENTPIKON AITOPIAI 31-12 23rd Ave. «ovrcl onlv 31st Street) T~Hq>",va (212) 721·9190 Kai (212) 721-9191 'EKAEKTl1 O'UAAO"f11 alto I'ltOUI'ltOUVIEPE<;, O'TE'I'ava, ~altT\('T1KU, V'I'aVTU, tpYOIElpa, aVTlKElJlEVa TEIV1]<;, KEpal'EIKU, ~1~Aia, ltEplOlhKa Kai £'1''1I'EpiIiE<;. - KUPTE<; Yla OAE<; Ti<; ltEPlltTro'JEI<;. IlAOyrInTATH rYAAOrH EAAHNIKnN L1IrKnN Kill TAPES, VIDEO CASSETTES. • AVOIKTO 8<UTtpa - !:<i~~ato 10 n.". - 8 ".". - KUPlQKE<;: 12-6 ".". 8ttu8uvo'l: XpH"iva I:ap'lYIUVV'l . BANQUET CENTER FOR ALL OCCASIONS Accomodationsfrom ]0 10 ],200 12 ROOMS TO CHOOSE FROM for reservations CALL (201) 63fi-2700 BANQUET MANAGER -~" Inn MOTOR LODGE & RESTAURANT <1U:U8UVTl1<; nETPOl: l:I<1EPHl: U.S. ROUTES I & 9 WOODBRIDGE, N.J. 07095 NOIHPO ynOKATAHATO E9NIKHI OM04JYXIAI "laws 6AAoi napOl~pwes Tils np6· a<l>aT~S eAA~vIK~S iaTOplas, lJe uljJ~M· Tepes 0s,waEIS "'6IK~S aTls 61e6vEis axeaEIS, va EKTI~OOV 61a<l>opETIKa T~ aTaa~ T~S . AlJepIK~S aT~v nEpi060 EKElv~ Kaf va 6ewpoOv nu\c; EXEI ~ElvEI EAAEI~~OlIK~ onevaVTf ~as. 9a npenEI olJWS KI aUTof va au~<I>wvoOv, nws 6Ev Elval 6UVOlaV va 6IOl~p~6ei ae Eva TOOO Kafplo 6e~a T6aos noMs K6a~os ~e yevlKes EVTunwaEIS Kaf onAes «uno6eaeiS epyaalas. va Enexouv 6ea~ aUlJnEpaa~aTos. npenel va auvEpyaaToOv aT~ 6laKpil3wa~ YEyov6TWV. ElvOi KaAuTEpa va I3poO~e KOlaAemlils TI Exou~E npay~aTIKa va ~E~<I>a lJaaTE T~V . A~EPIK~ Yla Ta xp6vla Tils 6IKTOTOpfaS, MM Kaf ae Ka6E CiAA~ 10 ATHENS CENTER HOTEL --, ft ,~ l:THN KAP~IA THl: A0HNAl:. • KEvrPtK~ d.t.,.uttaJJo.; • J 36 ~otla. AOUtp6, tllUcpwvo, paSt6qK&lvo, ptpQvta. • . Eatlutoplo 'lfOA.UUA£lac;;. Mmip, po~ YKOpVU:V, 'lfo).ut£A.dC;; ol80ootc;; UrtOOoxi\c;; KQI (Stwtuc6 yl(apci~. 15 Maptiou - 31 ' OKtmjlplou TtJJ.ui ~Utlwv: 1.630 bpaXJ.It~. A' •• ,,,,, .2.348 Opal~tl. Tp'.'IW 2.892 OPI. IUJJntpt~aJApav£tal KOvttvtvtaA JAJtptKqtQat. 6ui p£~Eplltatoy<; dnota9i1u: O'tTjv N .• Y6PKTI (212) 483'-2 •. 'Apot"" ~ ypoi..... n:: Sophocleous and A thenas 26. Athens. Greece. Te l. 524·g511-7 Tel.. 4488 ALCY GR .NEA YOPKH. mux~ TWV OxeOEWV ~as. via va ~ava EKTI~~oaU~E EKEiva. via TO anoia T~S a<l>EIAou~E ~Ia xap~ Kal. aK6~~ nEplO06TEPO. Via va OT09~ioOU~E T~V EKTao~ T~S E~nooTOouv~S. T~V anoia ~nopou~E va T~S npOO<l>epou~E OT~V no6 nEpa ouvEPvaoia ~as - an6 T6 0~~EPIV6 ou~nAEV~a ~V~OIKaKias Kai 6uonooTias an6 T~ ~Ia ~EPla Kai 6~eEV pEaAIOTlK~S EyKapTep~o~s an6 T~V 6M~. .0 aVTla~EpIKaVI0~6s E~aKoAoueEi va nal~EI Eva p6Ao unoKaTaoTaTou EeVIK~S 6~0",uxias. nou <l>TaVEI va VE<I>UPWVEI TEpaOTIES anOOTaOEIS TOU noAITIKOU ~as <l>aO~OlOS: . 0 XOUVTIK6S 1310~~xavos naTepas eeAEI va noOTEUEI. nws oi «Ti~lol OUVTOV~aTap XES' 6ev eo EVEPvouoav nOTE evavTiov TOU MaKapiou. EOV 6EV EIxav napanAav~eEi an6 T~V' A~EPIK~. Evwa KvlT~S onou6aoT~S VI6S TOU 9EAE' va noOTEUE'. Or, <'iAa <'ioa 'v,vav. EIXav ano<l>aOloTEi OTa 6vTpa TOU l~nEp,aA,oT'- KOU KEVTpou. OT6 6noio ri XOUVTa xp~ oav anA6 EKTEAEOTIK6 ilpvavo. K, ETO' ~nopouv va ou~<I>wvouv. OT' T6 nOlyvl6, ElvOi OT~~EVO ana 6Mous ~aKp,a 6n6 ~as Kai OTI 6ev XPE,a~ETOI va EVToniooU~E Tis 6uoAEITouPVlES TOU 6~~6010u !liou ~as Kai va Tis ~EnE paOOUIJE an06Ex6~EVO' <'ipOUS V,a T~ 6~~,oupvia T~S anapaiT~T~S KO'VWV'K~S ouvaiVEO~S . . AVa~EOa OTa Mo 0Kpa. T6 XOUVTlKO nOTEpa Kai T6v KvIT~ V,6. ElvOi noMoi QAAo,. nou. EVW eEAouv T~ ouvaivEo~ Kal T~ eeAouv OT~ !lao~ Ev6S YV~OIOU 6,aMvou . 6no<l>EUVOUV T~V KPITIK~ aVT'~ETwnoo~ TOU Kalp'ou aUTou eE~aTos. VlaTI E~aKO Aoueouv va noOlEUOUV OT~V EvonOI~ TlK~ AEITOUPvia TOU aVTla~EpIKaVIKOU lJueOU. AUTOI. OIJWS. nou eeAouv va ElvOi KUPIOI T~S TUX~S TOUS. 6EV EXOUV avavK~ (rn6 ~u90us .. AVTieETa EXouv avavK~ T~S KOla T6 6UV0l6V TEAEI6TEP~S yvWO~S T~S npav~aTIK6T~TOS .. 0 aVTIOI~EUE a~EpIKaVI0~6s anoTEAEi 010 EAA~VIKa 6E60~Eva Eva i6laiTEpa voo~p6 uno- KaTaoTaTo EeVIK~S 6~0",uxlas· M 10 ou~~axia 6EV o~~alvEI nOTE T~V nA~p~ TauTIO~ OUIJ<I>Ep6VTWV. Mia ou~~axla nou KpaT~OE naVW an6 30 xp6vla Mv ~nopEi va ~~V EXEI 6lavuOEI Kal nEpIo60uS KpioEWV. 6EV ~nopEi va ~~V aVTI~ETwni~EI eE~aTa. 010 anoia 0; Eno6IW~ElS TWV Ou~~aXWV va 61a<l>Epouv pl~IKa. L'I,aT~pwVTas T~ ou~~axla ~E Tis H nA Mv o~~aiVEI. OTI {1~aOTE unoxpEW~EVOI va OUIJ<I>wvou~E ~E aMKA~p~ T~V nOAITIK~ TOUS. n.x. oT6 Xwpo T~S I\OTIVIK~S . A~EpIK~S· npEnEI OIJWS va KaTOMl3oUIJE. Orl Kai 01 ' Hv. nOAITEiES 6EV IJnopOUV vallAEnouv IJE TO 61Ka ~as ~aTla oAa TO 6IEeV~ ~~T~~aTO nou EXouv 6~EOO EV61a<l>Epov Via ~as. Xwpls aUT6 va O~ ~alvEI naAI nws 6EV eo npoonaeou~E (noM EuAova Kai noM v61J11Ja) va KEP6100U~E KaeE <l>opa T~V noAITIK~ TOUS np6s T~ 61K~ ~as ono",~ . . H aIlE!lOl~ OUlJn6pEUO~ ~a~1 TOUS. ri VElJaT~ alTlaoEIS ouvunap~~ 016 "1610 oUIJ~axoK6 ox~~a. ri Eno6EoKTIK~ EK6~" Awo~ EVKap616T~Tas oe onolov TOUS I)EixvEI EXep6T~TO. !lOAEUOUV np6XEopa KanOIES EOWTEPOKES aVaVKES. ~E eEIJEAowVTas <'i~ws T~V E~WTEPIK~ ~as .Opmarpa NIKOV ZAXAPOnOV noAITIK~ . .HIPT/I1IOl1iVT/ Opmarpa roil NIKOY ZAXAPOnOYI\OY dVat IJT1j 6Ili8&U1/ Tij~ .Ol1oyiv&la~ Yla Ka8& iK6~AwU1/ EMHNIKH KAI AMEPIKANIKH MOYIIKH (212) 545-7738 ESTAURAN ~UVEPYEio emOKEUWV AYTOKINHTON FOREIGN & DOMESTIC Specializing in Mercedes, BMW, Fiat, Volvo, Toyota, Datsun ' E~alpEtlKiJ EA·A.llVlKt\ Kou~i va at tlJlt<; aauvayrovlatt<; E;6oKEu~Evos " EM~vas 6pXI~~xavoKos IJE 15ETI'\ nEipa OE EnoOKEUES EupwnaiK~S Kal 161alTEpa VEp~avIK~S KaTOoKEu~S aUToKlv~TWV. WALLINGTON SHELL 165 Paterson Avenue. Wallington. New Jersev 07057 Tel. (201) 779-9528. (201) 473-1784 NOEMBPIOl: 1983 117 East 15th Street New York City Tel. (2]2) 254-0960 11 It's aworld of love. Its aworld of ne. Make this the year you visit Greece again. Come nome to family and friends who miss you as much as you miss them. Come home to the sunny seas, the familiar streets, the tavernas alive with music and song. To all the memories youbold so dear. It's a value like no other in the world, too. The u.s. dollar is worth 50% more than just two years ago. And Olympic's roundtrip fare of $599 is the lowest you can get on any scheduled airline. Come home. Now. You've been away too long. o .." .....C A'.WArs Greek National Tourist Organization 645 5th A,"e.. New York, NY 10022 (212) 4.21,5777 168 N Mkhipn Ave, Chi., IL 60601 (3l2) 782·1084 611 W6th 51., Los Angeles. CA 90017 (213) 626-6696 Please send details on vacations in Greece. ~. ':'--:' .".' . -,-~:.:~~:~~:£If2~i.~ . It's not just another vacation. It's a homecoming. 11 .NEA YOPKH- «~ A vUYKll va J.1u90uJ,u: va E1taVaAaJ.1pUVOUJ.1E to OXI» MHNYMA TOY APXIEilIEKOilOY Mt. r~\! CUKalp[a rile; teV IK~r; toprr,r.; riTr.; 28r}( 'OKtwpplou 1940, b 'Apxu;niaKOTror.; 'AJ1eplKifr.; K. 'ldKW/3Q(; [arE/A.e arir.; KOlVOrl'fTGC; Kai oWpdar1]KC aric; /:KKA'Wiu; Kara rr,v axeTlKr, oo<oAoyia. iYKUKA tO, TIl KtJP1(J. (J'1l1eia rije; onoiar.; aKoAou8ouv: ,: H lO'l:OPlKtl b t€l€wt; ~aC; E1IrniooEl t6 Ku8iiKOV vo. €Uxa plol ~O'OU).lE Kal va bo~ol..oY tlO' ou ll e TOV navaya80v 0eov, nou bev eYKarUAe:l rrel to r £VOC; ).lac;, roan: vO: jJ.apa~wo!::l O'ttlV t on£lv(!)(Jl Kat tOV E~ e Ute ALOI.uS . To ciVOp9<i>VEl Kill T() oo~a~E l 010 ttA.OC;. >ort' auto Kat O'rlJ.H::pa COUJ-lE \lVTtI.lf:'C;. '/tOU ).laC; IlI A.OUV Yl' aun; ttiv OqlVi! {Gtopia tou AClOU Kat E.VOO~l1 ).lQ/;. ' A)),Ol).lOVO liv llaC; EA€l1tClV autte; ot lE.:ptC; Iolvih.lE<;. n£lO '0/111..01 anD to. ~ouva oi unepaomcrt£C; t lie; H.EDgeplw;. Kal m:u) ouva·wi. ME UtaaA£vW 9t)..11m Kal "'\)X~. Movaxa hm K£pOi~ov tat 01 OUcrKOAOl ay&vE<;. " Bt~uiwC;, oaOl ~OUlJt at" xwpa uun) EArei~oUVE 7tWC; otv ea u7tcip~11 7tEla it uvciyKll )'ta tlAl..ooC; 7tO)..EIlOUC;. <DOavouv 7t£U:1 Ot 1..11 Kpoi KUt i:vtOrncrlltvOl £'llqJUAlOl KUt l_ll) rcOi.EIlOl, 7to\.! Y1VOVtUt loopie; va aicr96.voovt at KUlllllCt hoXtl Tl tvtP07tll Ot taxupoL Ti repocr9Eo"ClV crttlv uv9pwre6tl1ta Ot reOAEJ.lOt; T{ aAAo arco ult£piypu7ttu btl va; "np€:lttl o ll<OC; va otulJa nlcrT] it apVllm t&v reVWllatUcrov a~\oo v. Na 7taucrT] 6; vo: dy1CaAl6.~ll ttlv OAT] Kat va. ~E llaKpa iv ll to Kal 0,11 revWllu1I1C0 ... H 1ttplfPpOvllm crtitv reap6.bocrt, it 0.OHlvtponT] ltapEAUOl ttic; KaOE acrXT]j.l{ac; Kal a{aXPOtT]ta<; Kat it <lltoatauia dreo to 0ti:o 0CAT]I-IU ed £~we i)cr ouv tt)v dv9pronotT]ta a f: "Ta~ u(£c; Kat J.1" uUyKpouaEIC;, iiv SEV utaJ.1uti)crT] t o fi OIKO KaKo va £ltllPEai;'l TijV OKtlj/1 ~a c; Kai niv i; w~ ~a c;. »Elvat OVO:),K11 va J.16:60UIlE va l:rravaAulltl6.vOUJ.1i: to OXI toov dywvlO"twV tOU 1940 Ka9t cpo pa ltOU to KaKo Ka.t. i} uJ.laplia llaC; alt£IAOUV ii uttanODv va Ka"Tu9tcrowu; to. ~8tKo. OltAU Kat va acpt.croul-J.f: C11tpoO""TO:lWlT] lriV 6EOcrbufT) uvOPWttLVl1 d ~ 101tPE1I:UU. Elval dV6.YK'l va. lovmo-oullE "TOUe; 01K O)'EVEta1COu~ ua~ OE UIlOUC; , va. HOTEL GRANDE BRETAGNE cruo7ti:lpw90U~E yupro Ult' ttlv SO~ ll (cnopia Kat 1tap6.boOl . £AAllvop90Kai J.1 £. "TOV AOYO Kai l O 1tap6.o£tyJ.1cl J.1a<; va bEl~OUIl£ o tiC; t7tEPX6IlEVEC; YEVEE<; tOV tl~llJ.1£VO bPOIlO, 1(OU <lKoAou9T)crav, napa t itv "tpa1.t)"tT]"T6. lOU, oi 1I:poncitopi:C; )..lQ<; attlv 1l1t6c.paui tOUC; va J.1~ VlK11eOuv. AiHOC; 6 OPKOC; OIITav <> <£,,) /i~\Oc; to pTao~6c; Tiic; ~v~~'lc; trov dYWVlO"TroV tOU 1940 ... . 0 K. r. Btlle; J,Jt.\Oe; • ETOIpEioe; AOVOTEXVciJV '0 npO;EVOS T~S 'EMMoS OT~V N, ' yOPK~ K. r,,;IPYOS Bt~s t;Ellty~ oE npoO<1>OT~ rEVIK~ ruvtllEuo~ T~S" ETOIPEioS LUYYP0<P£WV)) ~tAoe; Trie; halptioe; auT~S, ~E 47 'Il~<1>OUS Eni 53. npOEOpOS T~S hOlpEioS dvOI 0 MoPIOS nllwpiT~S Koi t n iTl~os npoEopoS 6 ' Oouootos ' ElluT~S· Nto UII'IlAO a~jllJJ,JO VIO TOV K. nijTEp cJ)jAlo ' 0 .,6, OOTUVO~IK6S OIEU8uVT~S K, Peter Fi lios 61Wplo8~KE Deputy Commissioner Tiie; un'lP£oioe; EK6oo£wCj 66EIWV olvOnVEUIJOTW6wv nOTwv Tiic; noAITtioC; NEoS ' Y6pK~S. '0 K. <!llilloS olwplo8~KE 6no T~V Ku~tPVrlT'l Mario Cuomo IJUO 6no uno6£1~'l TOU unEu9uvou Tr;C; un'lPEoioC; aLJTiiS, npwrw nOAITtIOKOU ytPOUOIOOTri K. Anthony Gazzara. ' 0 K. n. <!lllllo" 56 ETOJV O~~EPO, YEVV~8~KE OT~V ' A8~vo wi f\~OE TO nEploOOTEPO XPOVIO TOU OTllV ' AOTOPIO onou Koi lm'lph'lOE we; OIOIKllTrlS TOO oaruvO~IKoD T~~ ~OTO, 114, 'Yn~p;E 6lopuT';S TOO ouAAoyou • EAAnvo0J...lEpIKOVWV OOTUVOIJ1KWV «" AYloS noOAoC;», dvCI ~ElloS TOD ru~~ouiliou T~S KOIv6T~TOS TOO' Ayiou ~rll-lllTpfou ' AOTOpioC;, tXEI TI~'leEi we; 6pxwv 6n6 TO OiKOUIJEVIKO nOTplOPXEio, IJE TO IJET6AAI0 • Ayiou noullou 6no T~V ' APXIEnooKOn~ Koi 6no Tilv I:IIII~vIKiI KU~i:pv~o~ , " EXEI un~pE T~O£I ws aVTlnpot6pos TriS Ol-loonov6ioe; 'EAAllvoolJtPIKOVIKWV LWl-lonfwv, KOI EniollS eJVOI J...ltAo.; TOO Taminent Democratic Club T~S' AOToploS· < ATHENS, GREECE, Tci. 3230.251 Telex. 219615 - Cables: HOTBRITAN WORLD FAMOUS HOTEL CEN,T RALLY LOCATED ON THE MAIN SQUARE Of THE CITY WITH MAGNIFICENT VIEW Of THE ACROPOLIS 450 bedroom~ equlp~d with every modern c?mfort. Fully air<on4ition~d. Internati ona l bar, superb cui sing. luxurlotts restaurant. Convention rooms wit h full congress facilities . World Wide representation 770 Lexington Avenue. New York 10021 For re~rvatlons and information call 8()()"22J--6800 New York State and Canada (212) 838-3100 Collect 6ta<pT]~i ~£t£ ,i~ bnX£lprja£l~ Kai ,a 1tPOlov"ta aa~ a,i]v NEA YOPKH \3 NOEMBPIOE 1983 VARIETY FILMJNC. GREEK VIDEO CASSETTES 1540 Broadway, New York City, N.Y_ 10036 'Avanl1Toi jJO<; OjJOVEVEi<;, . EmT€ilous ~ npwTon6pos yvwaT~ wi EYYU~~EV~ ETOIpia GREEK MOTION PICTURES nou oas E<llEPE Tic; eAAllvIKE<; TOlvies onlv 'AIJEP1Krl Kai Kav o6a, oLm) ~ ETAIPIA T~C;; EjJmoTom.iv,,<;, npoo¢lEpEI TOPA KO] ori<; eMllvlKES ~o<; KOINOTHTEI Ti<; IJEyoAuTEpe<; nopaywve<; TOIVIWV TWV KaAuTEpwv napaywvwv jJo<;, oE VVrlOIE<;'. Eyyu"jJEvec; VIDEO CASSETIES Via Ti<; onoie<; eXOU IJE TO anOKAEIOTIKO 6 1KOIWjJoro KO! OXI oav EKEivE<; Ti<; Cassettes nOll KOVOUV 6no naAIE<; KO! TeAeiw<; KOTEOTPOjJjJEVE<; TOIVieS KO] XOPII LlIKAIOMATA. KANOYME rNOHON LlHMO~IO~ all' 'EKEivol nou EXOUV Cassettes 6n6 TOU<; nopaywyouc; jJoe;; xwpi<; 6IKOU.OjJQTO TO F.B.I . KOToaXEoEl Kol KAeioEI TOU<; nElpOTE<;. np O~OXH Aomov aT~v yv~",a Eyypa",~ ea avaA6f3El va TWV VIDEO CASSETIES V.H.S . KAI BETA. AnOi\A YHE i\OlnON TIL KAi\ YTEPEL Ei\!\HNIKEL KINHMATOrPA<IllKEL TAINIEL OIKOrENEIAKOL HO LnlTI LAL EINAI KATAi\i\Hi\EL riA MIKPOYL KAI MErAi\OYL OXI: nOilE~'KO 6pa~a ( ~ 66~a T~S ' EilM60s) K. npEKoC;-B. KPOUOKO-IT. LTPOT'ly64). BIBA PENA: KWIJw6fa Ptvo BAaxonouAou H AAIMONllMENH: KOIVWVIKO 6po)Jo. K. Aov6ouAoJ(l1r. XplO'To6ouAou o AIIIOAOSOI: KWjJw610 . Kwomc:; BouTods H ZABOAIAPA: KWlJw6io, ' AAiKIl8ouYloUKAoKI1- r. 4>OUVTOI!; H MAXH THI KPHTHI: n OilE~'KO 6pO~a. K. noAiTI1I!;-I:T. rTpaT'lYOS MIA ArAnH MIA rYNAlkA MIA ZOH: KOIVWVIKO 6polJo. ToAl11!; BOOiconouAoc:;-' EAtvl1 'Epr')~ou o AriOI NEKTAPIOI: 0p~(JKEUTIK6 (~ ~W~ TOO ' Ayiou) . K. noAiTfl~-B. KPOUOKO H BOYAEYTlNA: KWlJw6ia. PtVQ BAoxonouAou H IKAABA: .apOlJo. E. ' Epr'UJou-A. BoupvOS-T. rlow6nouAoc; 4llITE TA XEPIA:noAEjJIKo. X. noAiTI1S-X. NtYKO~ OI THN TEAEYTAIA ITlrMH:KoovWV'K6. K. Aav6ouAoKI14)I!;-IT. ITpaTI1Y04) IOYA.OTEI: (lOTOPIK01821). K. .aav6ouAaKI1-' AA. KaTot AI1 o np040THI nPEnEl NA nEElANH: (KaTox~ 19401. LT. ITPOT'lVOI!;-A. MnaPKOUAl11!; EPOTAI AIXOI IYNOPA: 'EOWTIKO-rtE. K. notKac;-H. BovAnc: 01 TEAEYTAIOI TOY POynEA: nOAEIJIK6. X. noAfT'lI!;-B. KPOUOKO TO IcJ)AAMA:' EP()JTIK6. r. XploTo6ouAou-K. Aav6ouAoKI1 OKEY cltlAE: nEpmETElo. r. Mopivol!;-K. ~av6ouAoKI1 MIKAEM: ' EPWTlKO. r. XpIOTo6ouAou-M. NTEVIOI1 KPOYAZIEPA: ne:pmET£lo. A. MnapKOuAI1C;- A . I:raptvloc; rYNAIKOKPATlA: KWjJw6fo. M. XpovonouAou-r. KWVO'TOVTivou TO mo AAMnPO AITEPI: .apOlJo. ' AAiK'l BOUYIOUKAoKI1 rEYIH AnO EAAAAA: MIOU(IKOA. r. KWVOTOVTivou-MouOTOKOI!; 01 EKBIAITAI: KOIVWVIKO 6polJo. AOK'lS KOjJv'lvoC;; Ano nov nANE riA TH XABOYZA: Kw~w6ia. 0av6a~s Bt yyoS o ArNOITOI EKEINHI THI NYXTAI: KO'VWVOKO 6pa~a . T6AI11!; BooKonouAoc;-' EAtvrt 'Ep~jJou 28q OKTOBPJOY:' JOTOplKO nOAEIJIK6. X. noAfT'lS-I\. KOjJv'lvoS o eJliAGMTAI: KWlJw610. 1\6IJnPOl!; KWVOTOVT6pol!; ArONAI XOPII TEAOt: .6.IJOlJo. (H IOToplo TWV 2000 OyvoouIJEVWV TrlS Kunpou). KoiT'l nonoviKo-0. KOTOa6poIJI1S o InnOKPATHI KAI H 4HMOKPATIA TOY: 'Imop'Ko 6pa~a. fl. nonolJlxor')A-M. XpovonouAou o eANAIHI ITHN ANTIITAIH: Kw~w6ia. BtYYOI!;-.6.IOIJOVTOnouAol!; A4EA${)I ANNA: KOIVWVIKO 6p{ilJo. n. <t>uaoouv-=:. KoAoy€ponouAou 01 TOYPIITPIEI: KWlJw610. A. 'AAE~Ov6paK'lI!;-K. nonOVtKO A4EA$IA MOY AAHTEI nOYAIA: 6pa~a. BoaKonouilos-BMXoS o ArA0IAPHI)(A1 0 ATII~I: KWlJw6io. rlavv'l4) rKIWVclK'lS o dlorMOl: 'IOToplKo 6pOjJo. n. 4>uooouv- 4>. rtwpyiTolll!; MnOYM: rOT lpO. r, KWVOTOVTivou-K. flav6oUAaK'l ArAnHIA MIA nOAY0PONA: KWlJw6io. KWOTOI!; BOUTOOI!; TO NHII THI AMAPTlAI: Ap6lJo. K. ITPOT'lYclK'ls-l\ia <l>M:aoo H OPA TOY AYKOY: KO IVWVIKO. K, Mtoapfls-M. T(onovoKIl TA IYNOPA THI nP040lIAI: nOAITIKO-nEpITTErEIO, K. npiKo4)- L I\I~uKoD nOAEMIITEI THI EIPHNHI: nOAEjJIKO. r. KOTpovIlS-ITPOTl'lVOS TO OAOKAYTOMA: KOTOXr'). e. KOTOo6paJ.1flS-X. noAfTIlS IATANAAEI THI NYKTAI: KOIVWVIKO. KOTpOVI1S-KoAoj3poG(OI!; ITA 41XTYA TOY TPOMOY:KoTOXr'). X. nOAfT'lS-K. Aov6ouAoKI1 o MIITEP TZONION: IOTlpO. B. ZoulJnouA6KI1-A . .alolJoVTi6ou 4IXAIMOI: KOIVWVIK6. fl. AIOUOVTi6ou-E. ¢>wTfou EPOTfI ITH AEIBO: ApolJo. nonoYlovvonouAo4)-AloIJOVTi6ou TA nAI41A THI mAlIAI: Kw~w6ia. N. Pi~o4)-r, MoAAOOxo4)-I:Ta81l4) 4JOATI1I!; nPQIKAHTHPIO ITH MANA: 6pa~a. M. XpovonouAou-M, PEIJOTOS o 1~: .apOlJo. rIOVV'l4) B6yA'lC:;- EAevo No9avOJ'lA H KPYITAAAO: q,OUOTovtAAo. 'AVTIYOV'l BoAoKOU o TEAEYTAIOI TON KOMITATZHAClN : (ApaIJOT1Krl m:pInErEIO). K. noAiTl1l!;-IT, ITPOTI1VOI!; H rONIA: ApOlJo. T. BoaKOnouAo4)-N6po BaAoojJl1 H MOIPA ENOI AeOOY: t>pa~a. n. $uaaouv-n. Z£p~oS o AInOTAKTHI: flpoiJo. X. noAiTIlI!;-IT. ITPOTI1V0C; 01 rENNAIOI TOY BOPPA: t>pO~a. r,ovv~s B6yil~S n~OIEX(lI.' . H haopia ~aS 86 OOS avaKOOVWOEl Kai ailAfS noAAES untpOXfS EAA~voKES TOovifS. ~ vpa\jJfTf: VARIETY FILM INC. GREEK VIDEO CASSETIES TZHMI nAPII - KAPATIANNHI1540 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 10036 KAPATZOnOYIIOI -' NIKOI nAnA!J.OnOYIIOI THA.: (212) 221-5968 ~ 575-8181 ';;PfS vpa<l>fiou r,a nfpOOOOTfPfS nA~po",opifS T~ilf"'wvrioaTf nAPArorn:: DISTRIBUTED BY GREEK MOTION PICTURES, A SUBSIDIARY OF VARIETY FILMS COPYRIGHT 1981 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. IS A FEDERAL OFFENSE TO COPY ALL OR PART OF THESE VIDEO CASSETIES. 14 .NEA YOPKH. • EdEKToi yaJJOI O'TO AOVYK Ai'\OVT fUJ,lvaOIO OTe> IIKaVO W To LUIl~ouAIO T~S ' AyiaSTploooSKai ~ . EniTpOn~ . E}..)..IlV1KOG ru~vaaiou L1KOyou E~EAt~av TOV Ka8~y~TiJ top. <l>WTlOV KOlv. Airoav np6topov T~S • ETTITpOn~s Via Eva lllA-EonlIKe) np6vpa~lJa SchoolA-thon, nou 80 ylv~ TiJV iJllEpa TWV EuxaplaTlWV, Thanksgiving Day, Notll~pl ou 24,1983,10:00-3:30 1l·1l· To npoypalllla aUTO 80 napouOIaar~ ono TovaTa81l0WCIU T.V KOVa/'l 260no TiS 10 TO npOlI IlEXPI Tis 3:30Toonoytu lla wi 80 <X ~ aKono va ~0~8~a~ OIKOVOIlI- KO KO! "eIKO TO "PWlO ' E""'1VOOJ,JEPIKOVIKO rUJ,JvaOl0 LIK6vou . . 0 top. AITaas tTvOi Kai IlEAoS T~S LUIll3ouA.EuTIKfjt; • EniTponi'\s TOU rUlJvaaiou nou IJE EnlKE$aAfic; TrlV OIOKEKPljJEVr} £KnOIOEUTIKO 8pa •AYVEAIK~ Kopouaou EXtl apXioEI Koi lilv KOTOPTIOIl TOU ncil6oywYIKoG npoYPOJJIJOTOC; TOG ru- IJvaaiou. . 0 np6topoS T~S . ETTITpOn~s TOO TE/'t80v top. <1>. Alroas EXti KOVtl anouoES aTe] nOVEniOrfUJIO •A6,lVWV, MiOlYKOV wi LIKOYOU wi EXti t101Ktu8~ aTiJv' E/'/'~VIKiJ 10TOpla, nO/'ITloIlO wi <1)1/'0/'0via. EivOi ouyypa<l>Eas nOAAwv ~1~AiOlv KO! EmOTfHJOVIKWV ap6pwv at 6EIJOTO T~S tI0IK6T~T6S TOU, tTvOi 6E Kai IlE/'OS oloq,6pwv nOVEniOrrUJIOKWV KO! oj.JoYEVEIOKWV 6PYOVWOEWV. ' Enio'lS dvOi noaiyvwoTOC; yU] TiS 6IaAt~EI(; TOU KO! TiC; q)lAoAoYII(ES nopouOIaoEIC; TOU at 010- <l>opts EKo~AwotiS.• E<I>troS (1982-1983) npoiJQptuot aro LuAAoyo • EAA~VOlV ' EmaT~1l6vOlv LIKOYOU Kai ~y~8~ ariJv npwT~ Il tV6A~ EKo~/'Ola~ roO Eopra01100 • EAA~VIK~S KA ~poVOIl,aS 1983 Via TiJV E8vIK~ VIOPT~ T~S 25~s MapTiou. napouoiOOE t nior}S T~V npwTr} ouvau- /'ia Bu~avTlv~s xopOloiaS LIKOyOU (1983) IlE E~alp£T~ ' mTuxla. 'Ano TO 1976 6 top. Alroas 0l£u8uvtl TO paolo<l>OlVIKO npovpalllla T~S 'E/'/'~ vop8660~~S ' EmTpon~s LIKOVOU, EXti olopyavwotl TO • EAA~vop8060~0 Ltlll- " Eva OTlVP'OTUno ono TOUS yapouS Tils EuoYYEMaS Maorpav6pta I1t TOY K. .r6Awva Kp{C;, nou lv/yay orov iEPO vao ' Ayiou nauAou TOO X£pnUTf.YT, /U)yy" Ai"AaYT. ' Ano Op/onpO, " rrOTtpas rou yallrrpou K. l:oAwv Kpis, Jj WITtpa Tlis vuCP'lS Ka EipJjv'l MaoTpov6pta, TO tUTUXlUlltvo {wyapl, Jj Il'lTtpa TOU yall!3pou Ka M . KpiS w; 6 rraTtpas Ti]S vucp~S K.• Av6ptas MaaTpav6ptas. Koullnapol Jjoav 01 8t;0. TtiS vucpqs, K. Koi K. I. KaroouAou, nou ryA9ay dno Tt1V •EAA66a. I'rouc; unEp6IGKOO{OUS KaAEOJ,J£VOUt; napE riBI1 6£invo aro KivTPO leonard's TOO tiOYYK "'AJAGvr . Koi 6tUTEPfl O'uvouAio TOU naplOu O'Tq N.Y. npaYllaTIKOS 8piall~OS ~Tav TO ptOlTC)/' TOO rIOVV~ noplOU Kai T~S' E/,· nf6os, OTiS 16 • OKTWl3pfou, 010 Avery Fisher Hall TOO lincoln Center. ' IOIOiTEPO XEIPOKPOTIlIJOTO an6anOOE o rlovv~S noplOS IlE TO vvOlaro Tpayou- 010 rou T~S oyon~s, o/,M tv80uaiaot nEplOOOTEPO TO KOIVD nou KOTtKAUOE TiJV Ttpoarla di80uoa (novOl ono 3.000 CITojJo) J.lE TO VIlOIWTIKO TPOVOUOla TOU. Featuring Tov nOpIO, nou EKTosonoT~v ' EAnioa auVWotuav Kal 01 ootA<I>oi T~a~opa Kal iJ 6px~arpa TOU Xop~ KaMa, <<I>tpt Via TpiT~ <l>opo ariJv ' AlltPIK~ TO Ka/'/'ITt- Greek and International Singers and Exotic Belly Dancers BE GREEK TONlTE XVIKO rpocpEio Aegean Productions nou 0lw8uvtl iJ Ka ' A<I>pooiT~ ToanE/'a. To 9EPJ.lC XEIPOKPOTIlJ.l0TO TOO KOIVOO OEV Em~pO~tuoav 1l6vo rous .6nous T~SYla T~V 6pyovOlo~ IlIOS ntplootias ll a llou8 V6PlO rnou6wv Koi tXEl npaYIJOTonOI~atl 610<l>opa npoVPOllllaTa nou <xouv OXEor} IJE T~V tAAIlVIK~ nOloEio Koi no- nou KoAu4't 16 napaoTOatlS aE 12 noAtlS, o/,M wi TiJV nA~po<l>opia nou /'ITIOIl6 . . Ano TO 1976 IlEXPI TO 1978 un~ Hall 5T1 TO Aegean Productions 80 <l>EP~ Kai OAAa IltyoAa 6vollaTa ar~v ' AlltplKiJ Kai arov KavaM. PETr}OE aTO nOvEmOTrlIJIO Nop9fjOTEPV ' IAAlv6i onou Koi wPVOVWOE TO np6VPOIJIJO NEOEAAr}VIKWV rnou6wv, tvw ono TO 1978 0ltu8uvtl Toiolo np6ypallJ.lo OTO naVEmOTr'UJIO TOG ' IAAlvoi, rJ- KaYO. <l>tros TIIl~8~Kt IlE TO .Bpa~tio TOO ' E~OIptrou Ka8~y~roO, all TO naVEmOTr'UJIO aUTO. D.ta<pTj ~i1;En; Ti<; btlXEtprjcrEl<; cra<; crTT]V NEA YOPKH presents an exciting International F10r Show Nitely EOWOE cno TrlV OKIlVrl TOO Avery Fisher .. HTOV TETOIO TO tvolmptpov TOG OjJOVEVEIOKOO KOIVOO Via TOV noplO Koi TOUe; KoAAITEXVES nou TOV OUVWOEUOV, nou novOl ono 1.000 OTolla n~vav aro 8EaTpo Via tloIT~pla, napa T~V 6vaKoivOlo~ 5T1 tlxav nouA~8~ Mo. r,' aUT6, TiJV KuplaKiJ, 27 Notll~piou, oTis 7.30 1l.1l. 6 rlovv~s nop'os ~E TOUS auvtpyoTtS TOU 80 owa~ O/'/'~ ilia nap6arao~ aro Avery Fisher Hall Dance the nite away to fabulops music every nite but Tuesday. Savor the tastes of authentic Greek cuisine in this exciting supper club. OPEN 5.'30 P.M. CLOSED TUESDA YS Come to )70 RT. 46 - SOUTH HACK. SILVER FORK AWARD Reservat IO ns (201) 440·J771 Major Credit Cards Accepted 15 NOEMBPlm: 1983 sador to the United Nations, Zenon Ros- Mrs. Evangeline Gouletas-Carey is sides; Mayor John Roussakisof Savannah; Senator Paul S. Sarbanes of Maryland; Honorary Chairman of t he Cyprus Children's Fund., Inc.; and Christopher Snowe of Christodou lou, Th.D., is President. Congresswoman Olympia Maine; Senator Paul S. Sarbanes of Maryland; Congressman Gus Yatron of Pennsylvania. General Chairmen of the Dinner are: Philip Christopher, Executive Vice President, Audiovox, Inc.; Anastasios Manessis, Past President, Federation of American Hellenic Societies of Greater New York; and August Michaelides, Vice President of Chandris Lines, Inc. Regional Chairmen are: Thomas C. Kyrus, Virginia Beach, VA; Father Evagoras Constantinides, Merrillville, IN; Mrs. Evangeline Gouletas-Carey, .1/A"//I'I)I'()~ !lAI" AF'f:W nArs) MAHAA IAl 12 - 'l'APPON 17 T~A .: .16c)'9016 - ~22-0l60 and Dr. A.K. Simonides, San Francisco. former First Lady of the State of New York, is the Honorary Chairman of a Committee formed to participate in a special Tribute to Archbishop lakovos. The Archbishop will be honored for his endeavors on behalf of the Greek Cypriot refugees, at a Testimonial Dinner sponsored by the E8NIKH KTH MATI KH TPAnEZA THI EMA401 Board of Directors of the Cyprus Children 's Fund, Inc., at the New York Hi lton Hotel on Friday, November 18, 1983 at 6:30 p.m. The Honorary Committee includes an impressive group of persons who worked closely with the Archbishop in his humanitarian efforts to assist the Greek refugees in Cyprus, including the children. The Committee consists of the following: Chairman: Mrs. Evangeline GouletasCarey, Co-Chairman: Former Governor Hug h L Carey. ~'IT(n 01:ijv 'ITex1:p(&a !l£ 1:L<; Kex1:ex9Eoa<; oex<; Kext 1:0 l-laKpOxpOVlO KexL Xrc:l-lTJA.OTOKO roVElO TIj<; K TIl !lex'[l KT;<; T pa'IT£~a<;. ~1:EyamlKeX OOvElex mijv 'EAAaoex lOO'ITOOex !If 1:L<; OPCXX!lO'ITOlitO£l<; 1:00 ouvexA'AaY!la1:O<; oex<;. Ka1:0:9EOEl<; mijv 'EAA6:&a O£ &::)AAaplex !l£ utjJT]AOU<; 1:0KOU<;. Mayor lee Alexander, Syracuse, NY; George Athanson, former Mayor of Hartford, CT.; Andrew A. Athens, National Chairman, United Hellenic American Congress, Chicago; Taylor Belcher, Former U.S. Ambassador to Cyprus; Dr. John Brademas, President, New York University; Congressman Mario Biaggi of New York; George Christopher, former Mayor of San Francisco; Senator Pete V. Domenici of New Mexico; Greek Ambassador to the United Nations, Michael Dountas; Governor Michael Doukakis of Massachu- setts; Senator Thomas Eagleton of Missouri; Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro of New York; Cyprus Ambassador to the United States, Andreas Jacovides; Senator Edward Kennedy of Massach u- Enll:KE~TEITE riA nAHPO~OPIEl: THN ANT I nPOmn I A MAl: E9NIKH KTHMATIKH TPAnEZA THI EMA401 (NATIONAL MORTGAGE BANK OF GREECE) 33-20 DITMARS BOULEVARD ASTORIA, NEW_YORK 11105 setts; George Livanos, President of Seres Shipping Co.; Mrs. Beatrice Marks, National President Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society; Cyprus Ambassador to the United Nations, Dino Moushoutas; Mrs. Katharine Pappas, Past President, Greek Orthodox ladies Philoptochos Society; Nicholas Petris, State Senator, California Legislature; Mrs. Benja":lin Rosenthal; Former Cyprus Ambas- 16 THAE~nNO: (212) 204-7333-35-36 IAI nEPIMENOYME!! .NEA YDPKH. . H wpyo.... lltv'l . OjI'Y".1O t'0'lKW.ETOO bonio. Tij~ • Opoano.oio~ • EAA'I.oIVTova Via Tis 6paOTI1Pllnl1TEII) nou Tdvouy OTO va 61xaaouv TOUS . EAAqYOOpEplKavouc; Koi va TOUe; ciXP'IaT'uoou. 00. OU.OII'l "OXOII'.'1 YoO TO OiKOIO Tij~ npWT'I~ nOTpi6a~. XopoKT'IPlaTIKO TIi~ OOPap6T'IT~ TIi~ KOTOaTcio....~ nou O'lIlIOUpydTOI ono Tl~ nO~I TIK.~ OPOaT'IPIOT'IT'~ Tij~ • Olloano.6ia~. El.OI OTI 6uo OpyO.WOEI~ O.OYKOaT'IKO•• 0 ciyopOoou. Xwpo OTO.· Ell'l.OOIl.pIKO.,KO Tuno YoO Til. 6'1l1ooi.uo'l TW. OKlIIOpTUpIW. TOU~. - All.~ Iill"'~ nO~lTId:~ 6'1"00l'UOEI~ nou aTp..... TOI KOTO Tij~ . AII'PIKij~. Tij~ .d.tld~. ~n •• ~n •• 6'1l1ooIEUonoI6 ... p.o•• lin ... ~ napono.ou.TOO nopOyo.TE~ Tij~ WPVO .... lltv'l~ . Olloy..Eio~ .•• OJ,lEPIKOYlkWV I~J.laTEiwv Ni:a~ 'YoPkI1S kO) 61OPOPTUPETOI 'H .AaKWVIK~ • A6.A",6T'IS M6v'IS' ~Tav ~ npWT'I nou 6Ia~apTUp~9'1KE. To OXETIKO KEi~EVO tXEI WS £~~S: «dla~apTupja. KOToYYEAia. Kon] TWV IJEXPI To06£ aV£mTPEnTWV EVEPYEIWV T~S • 0~00nov6ias TWV • EAA'IvIKwV ~w J.loniwv NEOI) ' YoPKIlS, OITIVES onoOl(onaGy £is T~V noAITIKonoir)or) T~C;' OjJovtvElas ~E tnaKOAou90 TOV 6lxao~0 aUT~S· EV VtvEI ana T~ ~w~ T~S ' 0~oanov6Ias. npOS ono",uv~ 6E nEploooTtpou 61a- ri B... HnElpos tv nOOEI TTEpmTlIJOEI TI 9PWTTlvwv OIKOIWjJOTWV 400 XIAIOOWV 60EA4>WV JJOS BOpEIOrtnElpWTWV nou OTEVO(OUVE KOTW ono Tft OTUYV~ OIKTOTopiO TOO X6T(a; ~T6 nEpinTEpo Via TOUS avwVES T~S' E9VIK~S ~as aVE~apT'Iolas Vlwoa~E KaTanA'I~'1 OTOV aVTI va npoJ'!aAAouVE TOUS OVWVES TOO "E9vous Via TO 1821 KOI TO 1940 "xavE avapT~oEI ",wToypaq>IES nou 6tv "XavE Ka~la ~a Ka~la OXEO'l ~t 6To~a. Kal EV 6vo~aTl T~S tAA'IvoXPIOTlavIK~S 16tas Kai tAA'IVOa~EpIKoVIK~S t9VIK~ aVE~apT'Ioia . fPIAi~, KOAOU).JE Tllv OlwnrtpaV nAEloqJJ'lfPio TWV nOTpllIJTWV . EAAr'lVOOJ,JEPIKOVIKWV rW)..IoTEiwv, onws oloK6qJol!v Tllv jJ£XPI TOOOE 60povonoirto~ TWV Koi cmo- t"a NOEMBPIOI: 1983 Koi tVIVE; noo ~Tav T6 nEpinTEpo T'IS. Via va npoJ'!aAAou~E T~V KOTOnaT'IO'l TWV av- oUp).JOU TOO tAArtVOO).JEPIKOVIKOO 6v6~ ).JOTOS ano aVEu9uvo Koi KOK6pouAa • Ava"'tpo~E 6t, 6u) TOUS ~~ nA'Ipo$OPIl9EVTES, 611 KOTO TO TPI~IJEPO noAI- 60KI~aoouv Tas aTonous aUTas EvEPVEiTIOTIKO <l>tOTIJ'!aA TO 6noio oPvavwoE ~ as T~S • 0~00nov6Ias, 6,a T~S 6uva~l EV Mvw • 0~oanov6la tis T~V' AOT6pla, , K~S, 9appaAEas Kal a~lonpEnoOs naEixav ou~nEpIA'I",9Ei Kai EnpoJ'!aAAovTo pouolas TWV OE Ka9E O~OVEVElaK~ OUVKtVTPWO'l, "rYa TE9El Tpoxont6'1 £Is Tas TToAITIKO 9tJ,JOTO Kol npoawno, ~tva npas TOUS oKonous T~S • 0~oanov6Ias, noAITIKas E~aAA6T'IlOS OplO~tVWV. ~t vas npos T~V apXIK~ OUOlOO'l <01 TOUS xwpl~ KOvtva 6",EAoS 61a TO ouvoAo TWV OKonous T~S • 0~00nDv6Ias· O~OVEVWV £OW. ~E ~ova6lKO anoTtAEo~a va napouOIa09Ei Via. 6AA'I ~ia T~V 'A6EA",OT'ITO Mav'IS To ~IOIK'ITIK6 ~u~J'!ouAlo aK6~'1 ",opa ~ t6w . O~oVEvEla WS EX9pIKa 6IaKEI~EV'I npos aUT~ TOUT'I T~ rEWPYIOS ~'1~ouAtas. np6E6poS, xwpa onou ~OO~E. ~'1~~TPIOS AavovlKOS• • AVTlnp6E6poS. KQTayytAAo~E. npos Ta txt",pova TOnaVaVIWT'IS Mlxa~tas. rpa~~aTEus. mKO tAA.I1VOOjJEPIKOVIKa OWIJOTtia Koi NIK6Aaos XP'lOTaKos. Ta~ias, tiS TOUS EV VtVEI naTplWTOS 'O ~oVEvEls, . HAlas MaOlpaKOuP'lS, ~u~J'!ouAoc;, BaoIAEloS' Av6pEaKos, ~u~J'!ou"'oS, aUT~ T~V npa~'1 T~S • 0~oanov6las Ko9wC; Koi 6AAac; nopolJoiaC;; KOTO TO 'lwaw'lS <l>AouoKaKO~. ~u~J'!ouAoc;, napEA-SOY, OVETTITP£nTOUC; OIXOcrrlrEWPVIOS XP'lOTOKOS. ~u~J'!ouAoS" Kas <oi un06auAi~ouoas T~V teVIK~ • H 6la~apTupla TOO ~uAA6vou KaAa6)..1oqJuXio TWV' O)..l0VEVWV. ~alOS aKoAou9Ei: 'YnEv9u~I~0~E EIS TOUS TWPIVOUS u.. 0 ~uAAoV6S ~aS 6Ia~apTupETOI, 6'1n£09uvouS T~S • 0~oanov6las ISTI aUT~ ).JOOlO, KOTO TWV tVEPVEHiJV T~C; '0)..10OUVEOT~9'1ano TomKa oW~QTEia'O~o onovoioS 'EAA.r'lVIKWV rWlJoTEiwv, VloTi YEVWV, EVa ano TO npWTO Elvol Koi il Toao\' KOTO TO nopEA96v, OOOV Koi KOTO MANH, )..1£ OKono naVTOTE £9vIKO nOTpl- T~V TEA£olOla tK6~Awo~ T'Ic;lnoAITIWTlKO tAA'IVIK6, ~aKpav nao'lS noAI- OTIKOV <l>EOTIJ'!aA. haVE tvtPVEIES 01 TlKOAOVioC;, WS TOOTO Koi EK TOO KOTO- onOrE~ ~EnEpvOVE TO 6p'o TOO oEJ'!ao~oO erroTIKoG E).J4>ofvETO. Via T~V 10Topia TOO ~uAMvou ~as, ElvQI 6E ~tVES npos TOV OKono T~S' O~oanov.6.UOTUXWS TO TEAEUTOio XPOVIO, 6las, unoJ'!a9~i~ouVE TO 6IaVO'lTIKO tnl6TO).J0 ~tvo npos TOV nOTpIWTIO).JO, TIlV 16ta T~S tAA'IVIK~S oIKou~EvIK6T'ITas, nE60 T~S oPvavwlltV'IS' O~ovtvElas Kai Kal ~E unOnTOUS nOAITlKas Ka906'1V~ VEVIKa J'!IO~OUV Tilv KOIV~ naTpI WTlK~ OEiS tXOUV unElotA9EI .IS TOUS K6Anous OUVEI6'10'1 ,~S tAA'IVIK~S napolKloS· T~S • 0~oanov6las Kal 6'1IJIOUPVOuv • 0 ouAAovoS T~S KaAa~aTas KOlaVKaTaOTaOEIS 6xAoKpaTIKas nE~06po~l V£AAEI Koi OTIVI.IOTf(EI TO nOAITIOTIKO aKOS. ~E onOTEAEO~a Ta nEpI006TEpa <l>EOTIJ'!aA T~S ' 01J0anov6ias WS noAIano Ta TomKa ~w~aTE1a va avaVKa- TIKO 6vTmoAITIOTIK6, YloTI unflpxovE "Eaeoov. ~~ 6uva~Eva va OUVEPvaOToOv pinTEpa ~E nOA'TlKO xpw~a Kal ~tva ~t ~E t~aAAa Kal noAITIKa E~na9~ 6TO~a, Ta tAA'IvlKa 9t~aTa, 6nws aUTO T~S va on6oxouv TWV 6paOl'IpIOT~TWV Kai XIA~s· we; Kai pWTa~E t ~EiS 6tv iixa~E oov· EAA'IVES Kavtva dh'l~a va npofl6AAou~E; "Exou~E AUOEI <SAa ~as Ta npoJ'!M~aTO; OUTOUS TaUS aYW\,ES TOO .. E8vouc; YIO CAM npoJ'!aAavE OUYKEKPI).J£VO TTOA.ITIKO TTlGTEUW , TO 6noia npofPOVWS Elvol Kof OIKO Tout;, npc'iv~a T6 6noio t~os 6tv ~as Ev6la",tPEI Ka96Aou. NTpOnrl Koi oYOV(uc:rlloJ'l OIOKOT£XEI Ka9E KaAa~aTlav6 nou tTUXE va J'!pE9Ei KaTa T6 TPI~~ EPO noAITI0TIK6 <l>EOlIJ'!oA (JTO Bohemian Hall. I • Avan'lTOi ou~naTplwTES • EAA'IVES 6~OVEVEiS, ava",tpou~E aUTa Ta m:pIOTOTIKO 6XI YIO va unEpoanioou).JE ·~ Kanola 61,1,'1 noAITlK~ 666 VlaTI T6 ~uA Aovo ~as Mv T6v Ev6la",tpauv Ta nOAITIKO napa I.IOVOV TO t9VIKO nOTpl- WTIKa 9t~aTO, aAM Via va Ollv~aTI OOU~E OT~V KOIV~ VVW~'1 T~SO~ovtvElas TiS anpEnEis, 60XETES <oi ~tVES Via Tis 6J,JOYEVEIOKEC; tTTlOHIJ~EIS tv£pYEIEC; TWV unEu8uvwv Tfls • O).Joonovoios Koi OEU- TEPOV Via va KaTaVVEiAoUIJE T~V a6p6VEla T~S OIwnn"'~S nAEIO'l''1q>ias TWV naTPIWTIKWV EA.ArtVOOjJEPIKOVIKWV OW).JOTtiwv TO 6noio ).JE TtlV anouoio Koi OIwnft TOUS t~ouo1060TOOV ~EPIKO tMXIOTa 6To~a va 66'1VoOv T~V' 0~00nov6ia Via va ~noptoou~ E va npoAaJ'!alvou~E TETOIOU ,,60us aotAVEIES ot J'!apos T~S IOTopias ).Jos, TOO tAA.IlVOXPIOTIOVIKOO nVEu~aTOS Kal T~S tAA'Ivoa~EpIKaVIK~S ""Aias· ~Ia TO ~IOIK'ITIKO l:u~J'!ouAIO '0 np6E6poS rEWPVIOS ~navas '0 rEV. rpa~lIaTtas ~laKou~~s KEAAapaKos, • H •OJloanov6ia · A9 11Vai WV T~v 39'1 tntTElo T~S anEAEu9EPWOEWS T~S •A9~vas ana Ta va~IOTIKa OTpaTEU~aTa KQTOX~S tWPTOOE ~ • 0~oanov6la • A9'1valwv • A~EPIK~~ Kai Kava60 ~E apXIEpaTIK~ 60~oAovla OlaV Ka9E6pIKO 17 Joint Committee of Orthodox and Roman Catholic Bishops The Third Annual Meeting of the Joint Committee of Orthodox and Roman Catholic Bishops was held at the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese headquarters on October 6-7, 1983. Archbishop lakovos and Archbishop Rembert Weakland of Milwaukee serve as co-chairmen of the Joint Committee. Archbishop lakovos presided at a memorial prayer service for Cardinal Cooke (whose death had been announced early that morning) in St. Paul's Chapel ofthe Archdiocese at 5 p.m. on Thursday, October 6. Archbishop Weakland also offered a prayer for the departed hierarch during the service. In attendance were the members of the Joint Bishop's Com- ATHENS ACROPOLIS PHOTO STUDIO WEDDINGS CO ..... MERCIAL PORTRAITS OF DISTINCTION COMMUNIONS. GRAOUATIONS CHRISTENING. AND ALL OCCASIONS 35·04 BROADWAY CORNER OF 35T ... ST. ASTORIA. N.Y. TEL. 728·0806 COPIES. COLOR BLACK .. NO WHITE PASSPORTS Athens International News Agency ~'lTOrpA~IEI: riA E~HMEP""EI: KAI nEPI061KA mitee, as well as several bishops. priests, and staff members of the Archdiocese. Since its inception three years ago the Joint Committee has discussed several areas of mutual concern including marriage (mixed marriage, remarriage, and annulment) and the spiritual formation of children. The October 6-7 discussions centered on the pastoral application ofthe Munich Document - "The Mystery of the Church and of the Eucharist in the Light of the Mystery 6f the Holy Trinity." Issued last summer in Munich, this was the first document released since the establishment of the International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church. Father John Long, director of the John XXIII Center at Fordham University, addressed the hierarchs on the background and current status of the International Consultation. Further discussion centered on the concern of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches in the United States for greater participation in the International Consultation. vao T~~ . Avla~ TPI660~, arl~ 9 'OKTWI3plou, xopoaraToOVToS TOO 0EO<I>. 'EnloK6nou M.A6~~ K. CIlIA09tou. np6.6po~ T~~' E",Tpon~~ TOO EopTaalJoO ~Tav 6 K. r p~v6plos Iapp~S. np6.6po~ T~S • 01J0cmov6ia~ dvOl 6 K. WPVIO~ XaT~~VI6vv~~. r.- ME Tr)V EUKOlpia TOO wpaiou naTplW· TIKOO EOpraOIJOO ~ '01J0cmov6Ia' A9~ valwv KUKAO<l>6p~0. 6."'Tlo Tunou IJt OUVTOIJ~ 6va6polJ~ ar~v laropia T~S ~lJtpa~, T~~ 12~~' OKTwl3plou 1944, nOli £IvaI 6v.~Ir~"'a TUnWlJtv~ ar~v IJV~IJ~ 6AWV TWV KaTolKwv T~~ tM~VIK~~ npwTfUOUO~~, ~.v~TflJtvwv Kal IJ~ ... •1 ~'ti]v ' AO''topla 31 St. Kai 34 Ave. ywvia. Tl1A. (212) 626-3400 "Eva KEV'tPO ltpaYllanKfj<; •A911vaiKfj<; qlw£toa<;. Mui rvr)CJta 'ta~tpva •A911vaiKoii K£qltoii. I;'ttlv H.AllVtldJ . Ao'topta. M£~EO£<; Kai qlaYll'tu Yvr)CJta<; d9TJvaiKij<; KOI>~iva<;. II£pl~aAAov ltOIJ 9u ou<; 9Ulli~£1 ltAaKUil'tl1CTJ yo>vul. «IIAAIA A0HNA». rvr)OlO d9TJvaiKo yAEvn. Mt to dyamwtvo vtouttO ti\~ • OlWytVf:ta~ &HM. MOI:XOrIANNH - AN&P. OPTYrKA •H a1()Otx1a tJ,ar{()tral rlli KOIVCOVI,a, tKtJ'1),cbqtl,. .NEA YOPKH. t.IA TIGEl AI AIGOYLA riA 1t.IOTIKEr EKt.HAOHlr ~'O'/ ~""",1. ,,0' ",0.,,0 -~ .... ",,0 " ", " Ii'" 1\>0'/0\) EAATE ITHN TABEPNA .. BPAlCA,. KAI rNOPIITE TO MErAAEIO TH~ EAAHNIKH~ KO~MOnOAITIKH~ 4IA~KE4A~H~ 23·15 3101 STREET. ASTORIA, N.Y. 11105 - Telephone (212) 721·3007 Political Action Committee Formed by AHEPA The order of AHEPA has formed a political action committee for the purpose of raising funds for civic education and political campaigns, AHEPA President Peter Cardiges has announced. The decision to form AHEPA-PAC was implemented at the recently conclude.d AHEPA Supreme Lodge meeting in Washington, DC. Its officers will be meeting in Washington in th e near future to plan a drive within th e AHEPA Family for funds to carryon its work. As a registered political action committee with the Federal Election Commis- sion, AHEPA-PAC "wi ll raise the level of John G. Thevos Passes Away John G. Thevos, 72, a past president of the Order of AHEPA, died on September 27,1983, in Paterson, N.J. He was currently serving as vice-chairman of the Board of Directors, and had been a leading force in the fraternity for over 40 years. His involvement with the AHEPA Family predates 1930, when he was elected Secretary of the Sons of Pericles at their national convention , and attended numerous conventions prior to his elec- tion as vice-president for two terms/ and his election as AHEPA President in 1949, and re-elected in 1950. During the first term of presidency he established 11 new chapters and reactivated 12, while the AHEPA wing of the Evangelismos hospital was dedicated during a visit to Greece that year. Also during his term, the AHEPA Displaced Persons Committee assisted thousands of Greek refugees receive American citizen- ship. Thevos had an outstanding legal career, he served on the Paterson, N.J., Board of political involvement within the Hellenic American community, and permit us a greater voice in the political affairs of the nation ," Cardiges said. "In our attempts to bring about a reasonable U.S. policy toward the Eastern Mediterranean in recent years, we have learned that a stronger Greek American political voice is needed in Washington and throughout Ahepans met with Assistant Secretary Richard Burt on September 16th. Also present at the State Department meeting were the country officers for Greece, Richard Thompson and Bill McGlynn, AHEPA Executive Director Timothy J. Maniatis, and Diane Shugart from the AHEPA staff. Ambassador lacovides briefed Plumides on recent developments, including President Kyprianou's meeting with U.N. Secretary-General Javier de Perez Cuellar. "From my discussions with the State Department, Cyprus President Kyprianou and other representatives of the Cypriot government, I feel that there is a renewed interest in the international community in finding a solution to the Cyprus issue," said Plum ides. "It is essential that in the coming months , AHEPA and all concerned Greek Americans increase their efforts to foster a continuing dialogue on the issue." the nation ." AHEPA-PAC's by-laws state that: "The purpose of AHEPA-PAC shall be to gather and analyze information relating to political issues of concern to the American Hellenic community; to disseminate such information to the members; and to provide financial and other support, on a bipartisan basis, to candidates for Federal office whose positions reflect the political views of the American Hellenic community." Appointing to serve as AHEPA-PAC Cochairmen are Past Supreme Presidents Sam Nakis, St. Louis, MO, and Peter N. Derzis, Arlington, VA. James S. Scofield, St. Petersburg, Fl, will serve as Secretary, and Gus Gekas, Harrisburg, PA, will serve as Assistant Secretary . Terry Mitchell, Niantic, CT, was appointed Treasurer and Johnny Economy, Atlanta, GA, will serve as Assistant Treasurer. Big Band Dancing Series to Begin in Prospect Hall Prospect Hall, th e elegant testimony to Victorian ingenuity and creativity, is pleased to announce its Big Band Dancing series every Friday evening October 21 from 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. in the Hall's lavish Victorian Grand Ballroom . Once a German opera house, the Grand Ballroom is the only surviving Victorian ballroom in New York City and is crowned with the only remaining vaudeville stage in existence. Built in 1892, Prospect Hall established its reputation as a dan ce hall in the 1920's and 1930's when the Big Band era was in it heyday. Now, returning to the vibrant style and panache of that era, Prospect Hall will Health Commission, the Paterson Board of Education, and' as assistant US attorney feature Vince Giordano and his 12-piece Orchestra on October 21, November 4 for northern New Jersey district, Admi- and November 11. The group plays the nistrative Director of the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety, and served as prosecuting attorney for Passaic County, N.J., for 12 years. He had recently been in semi·retirement. Prior to receiving his law degree, Thevos majored in claSSiCS, and his interested in Hellenism ancient and modern was a never ending interest. He was AHEPA Briefed on Cyprus Developments AHEPA Cyprus Committee Chairman John G. Plumides met with the officials of the State Department, including Special Cyprus Coordinator Richard N. Haass, and with Cyprus Ambassador Andreas awarded the Cross of the Commander, Royal Order of Phoenix by the govern- Jacovides to discuss the current status of the Cyprus issue and ways to increase ment of Greece for his services to cooperation between the U.S. and Greece AHEPA's role. Haass, deputy for policy to Assistant in 1961. Secretary Richard Burt, said he felt there He is survived by his wife, Katherine, two daughters, Aphrodite Thevos Tsairis and Angelica Lesl~shawa, and three grandchildren. 20 original arrangements of music from the 1920's and the Big Band era. Critics have raved about Giordano and his band. They say: ItBesides holding down the lower register playing tuba, bass sax or bass,and doing a credible louis Armstrong vocal, (Giordano) unearths and arranges much of the music.".I (He} fills in on seemingly any instrument." "An undercurrent of dignity - even of elegance - emerges over an evening." I were several encouraging signs and rei- Prospect Hall is situated at 263 Prospect Ave., between 5th and 6th Ave., in the heart of Brooklyn. It is accessible by car and public transportation and valet terated U.S. support for the U.N. Secretary-Genneral's efforts. Plumides, AHEPA parkinh is available. For information and reservations, call President Peter H. Cardiges, and other 788-0777. .NEA YOPKH. ::: ~~. : ~ ~~ :~~ '. ::; ~:: :~ ::: t : ::: : : ~: :: ;:: Issues of the Month Two letters from Congress And a letter Trom AHEPA In an editorial published in our September 1981 issue, just prior to the Greek Parliamentary elections, we noted that the Greek-American Community is interested above all, in the direction of Greece's foreign policy. We added that the vast majority of Greek-Americans wanted Greece to remain in the family of the free European nations, in NATO and the European Economic Community and to have the American bases remain in Greece. We, also, wrote that Omogenia would oppose any departure from these national objectives. We welcomed Mr. Papandreou's assurances, right after his victory, that he would not lead the country to adventure (ABC interview) and 'we wrote ' that the Omogenia received these assurances with satisfaction, adding that the Prime Minister would have the full support of the Greek-Americans and especially those who fought in Congress for the embargo against Turkey. However, we, also, stated: HOur support would be impossible if Greece were to follow a neutralist policy outside NATO, and EEC and if Greece were to close the American bases there ... " Our worst fears are now close to becoming reality in the light of a series of statements and initiatibes of the Greek Government, which tend to isolate the country from the European allies. ••• A symptom of this malaise is the recent incident involving two letters sent by the five members of Congress of Greek ancestry to the Prime Minister of Greece. Those letters reflect the agony of our Community over the trend of the Greek foreign policy. The initiative of the five derives from their The follOWing is a letter. dated July 15. 1983, from the five members of Greek ancestry, 0/ the U.S. House of RepreJenlatives to the Prime Minister of Greece Mr. Andreas Papandreou: July 15, 1983 Dear Mr. Prime Minister, We, the undersigned, as you "know, NOVEMBER 1983 proven love tor Greece and Cyprus and they deserve our praise and appreciation. This does not apply, however, to a letter sent to the five Congressmen by the Supreme President of AHEPA, Mr. Cardiges, who was not critical of the content, but objected to the publication of the second letter to the Prime Minister. It should be noted that the five Congressmen did not make public their first letter (dated July 15) and as a result they did not even received a reply from the Prime Minister. Two months later, when the Greek Government did not condemn the downing of the Korean airliner and prevented a unanimous condemnation from the Ten EEC members, the Congressmen found it impossible to remain silent. They were embarassed in the eyes of their colleagues in Congress and also of their voters. By disagreeing openly with the Greek Government, they are now in a stronger position to continue their activities in Congress in support of Greek causes. Furthermore, Congressmen do not write secret letters to heads of foreign Governments .. . The five may now feel disappointed, or even angry, but they proved their good will, when in anticipation of the Prime Minister's visit to the United States, - which was later postponed - they offered to meet with him. We are confident the Five Congressmen will continue their efforts to preserve and strengthen the traditionally close ties between Greece and the United States. I n view of the seriousness of the situation in Cyprus and the continued Turkish aggression in the Aegean, the active support of the five is needed more than ever. This, we feel, isan additional reason for them to resist any actions that tend to destroy their usefulness in Washington , D.C. have the priviledge and honor of serving as members of the Congress of the United States, and because we are of Greek descent, we carry that extra pride born of an ancestry that literally inspired the birth of the nation we serve. Throughout our lives we have attempted, at every opportunity, to advance the ties that have historically existed between Greece and America - the mutuality of ideals of the enlightened society that began in Greece and found its greatest exponent in America - the alliance of purpose, both in war and peace, that enshrined the heroism of Greece in battle and joined our countries in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the best mechanism for peace on the face of the 11 earth. Yet the single most important cord between the two democracies is the emotion of allegiance to. and love for, Greece that is imbedded in the bosom of every naturalized American citizen of Greek birth and of every native American born of Greek parentage. It is precisely this cord that compels us to address this message to you. Our individual and collective dedication to the theme of continued good U.S. • Greece relations is being seriously compromised by the steady stream of antiAmerican rhetoric you have employed since the advent of your candidacy for the office you now hold. Although the undersigned can swallow and try to overlook the phenomenon in the name ofthe aforementioned affinities, other members of Congress not so beholden to things Greek, are beginning to question the attitude of the Greek nation toward the U.S. It is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain the confidence of those members who have been on our Hside" on the issues important to our countries. What is worse, we cannot, with any credibility, woo new members or convince heretofore disinterested members of the justness of our cause. Although many in your country and ours are striving to convince us that youd words do not reflect your true policies towards the U.S., we have no alternative but to strongly suggest that you immediately cease the damaging phraseology, preferably coincident with quick resolution of the negotiations on the bases. We do not overdramatize. We need political wherewithal directly from your office to preserve what remains of the currency of the Greco-American relationship. Do not, we urge you vehemently, squander our own measured potency to accomplish short and long-term benefits for our two beloved countries. We need a reply J one that can give us assurance and hope. Sincerely yours, GUS YATRON, NICHOLAS MAVROULES, OLYMPIA SNOWE, MIKE BILIRAKIS, GEORGE W. GEKAS, M.e. M.e. M.e. M.e. M.e. The Second letter The following is the second Jellt- . sent co Mr. Papandreou, daled September 20. 1983: Dear Mr. Prime Minister, We, the undersigned, as Americans of Greek descent who serve as. members of the United States Congress, are awaiting with great anxiety a statement from the government of Greece in condemnation of the action of the Soviet Union in the destruction of the Korean civilian airliner. You can imagine the chagrin we experienced when reports were lodged that the NATO countries had joined in an expression of revulsion at the Soviet deed - but that Greece was a notable exception. In a previous communication which we forwarded to you, a personal reply to which we are still awaiting, we strongly asserted our emotional and traditional feelings of support of Greece in world affairs generally and in bilateral dealings between our two nations. We stressed then, and we stress again, that our zeal for. and activities on behalf of, supporting Greece in the U.S. Congress, are being seriously poisoned by the continuous rhetoric emanating from your office, which rhetoric is either anti-American in substance or implication. Even if we were abjectly wrong in those conclusions, and we are not, we are absolutely correct now when we assert to you that the failure of the Greek government to join the civilized world in decrying the Soviet atrocity will affect our offices for a long period of time. We want very much to register these concerns to you personally. We suggest that, upon your planned visit to the United Nations, your schedule include a meeting with us in Washington. We again await your response. Very truly yours, NICHOLAS MAVROULES, M.e. GUS YATRON, M.e. OLYMPIA SNOWE, M.e. MIKE BILIRAKIS, M.e. GEORGE W. GEKAS, M.e. AHEPA's letter The Jollowing is a letter oj AHEPA s Supreme President Mr. Peter Cardiges to Congressman George Gekas: tions should be carried out in a spirit of mutual respect and friendly cooperation. It is in this regard that we were surprised to hear that the Greek American Congressmen publicly released their letter to September 23, 1983 Prime Minister Papandreou. Dear George: I am writing in reference to your lettel to the Prime Minister of Greece, Andreas Papandreou. dated September 20. 1983, regarding Greece's position on the Soviet dowing of the Korean airliner. I personally - as well as theentire membership of AHEPA - were extremely distressed and alarmed by this senseless killing of innocent civilians. These feelings were privately conveyed to Assistant Secretary of State Richard Burt at our meeting with him on September 16. As you know, AHEPA has always been concerned with the state of U.S. - Greek relations, and we believe that these rela- 11 r pawn!: fva IpU.o lJa~ CJ\)voPOJl'ltTt H('fA YOPKH We are fearful that such publicity will only increase the tension between the two countries and undermine the possibility of a future reconciliation between Greece and the United States on issues of mutual concern. I know that neither the AHEPA nor the Greek American Members of Congress want to encourage an anti-American feeling in GreeceJ and for this reason I think that our communications with the Prime Minister are best communicated privately. I have conveyed similar feelings to Representatives Yatron, Snowe, Mavroules, and Bilirakis. I hope we can meet together soon and continue our cooperation for improved relations between the country of our birth and the land of our ancestry. With deepest personal respect, PETER CARDIGES Su preme President "NEW YORK" i Issues of the Month SUPPORT FOR TYRANTS In an Athenian newspaper we read: (lAn invitation to visit Nicaragua was extended to Greek Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou by the Secretary of the Interior of the Sandinistas Mr. Thomas Borhe, last month, during a meeting at the Prime Minister's residence in Kastri, Athens. The Greek Prime Minister restated the support of Greece for the struggle of the Nicaraguans for Democracy, freedom and justice." The question is to whom this "support" is extended. Because, according to a report of the Permanent Human Rights Commission of Nicaragua, extensive violations are taking place in that country by a tyrannical regime which the real Democrats, the Contras, are fighting to overthrow. The report says: -When the Sandinistas assumed power they arrested 7,000 to 7,500 persons for allegedly having committed political crimes during the regime of Anastasio Somoza, They were not brought to trial and a list of internees was not released. Many prisoners were transferred at night to undisclosed detention centers, and many killed. -Prisoners frequently complain that whenever there is a tense political situation in the country they are threatened with death. -It has been verified that in the La Polvora prison in Granada most of the prisoners were executed. The Commission states that many of these persons would surely have been freed by a competent tribunal. -The report sites numerous other killings and executions that have taken place during the past three years, adding that in some cases the Human Rights Commission initiated inquiries but was informed that these citizens' rights had been suspended. -From the fall of the Somoza regime to early 1980 the Commission received 785 cases of disappearances. -Governm ent decrees Nos. 511 and 512, September 10, 1980, which prohibits news organizations from publishing information relating to armed confrontations, scarcity offood, or any information that many "threaten the economic stability of the nation" have been used to suppress press coverage. -Another decree of March 1981 has been used to close down the newspaper EI Pueblo, the radio stations Mi Preferida and Amor, and take over seventeen others. The report lists a number of infringements on political freedoms, including: -The use of physical violence by mass organizations of the FSLN. -The prohibition against holding political meetings or, when authorized, disruption by officially sanctioned "thugs." -The barring of independent political parties from the government-controlled media, particularly television. -Discrimination in schools, universities, and public enterprises against members and leaders of independent political parties. -The refusal qf the FSLN to hold free elections with a secret ballot. -Assaults against headquarters of political parties and the homes of opposition political leaders. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Yie'ltsnia.n Stefana, 323 WEST 42nd STREET, NEW YORK, NY. 10036 Tel.: (212) CI 7-{;244 / CI 7-{;219 Hellenic Lines Completes Shipbuilding Program With the commissioning of the N.Y. "Hellenic Sun," Hellenic Lines Ltd. has completed an important phase of its vast modernization program - the shipbuilding phase. The M. V. "Hellenic Sun" is the fourth of a series of PRIDE Class vessels which have been converted to fullycellularized container vessels by Cantieri Navali Riuniti, S.P.A. in Palermo, Italy. The M.V. "Hellenic Sun" will be added to Hellenic's Ro-Ro/container service between the U.S., thp Mjd-F~stJ Eastern NOEMBPIOE 1983 G'ft Shop Vaptistika, Books, Records Imported Ceramics from Greece Mediterranean, and the Indian Subcontinent ports. She will join the uHellenic Innovator," "Hellenic Explorer," I<Hel_ len~c Valor." and the uHellenic Spirit" which call U.S. Atlantin and Gulf ports on an increased 1S-day frequency with mainland bridge linking the West Coast via Houston and New Orleans. Regarding the ship's reentry into Hellenic's services, F. Avierinos, Assistant General Manager of Hellenic lines said: uWe would like to congratulate and thank Canteil Navali Piuniti, S.P.A. for the important task they have completed. Due to their efforts over the last year we have been able to increase our commitment from the U.S. to the Middle East from three to' five vessels, significally improving our frequency and capacity. The maiden voyage of the "Hellenic Sun" is a milestone that marks Hellenic's commitment as a responsive shipping line to meet the needs of the trade." One of six conventional PRIDE class vessels, the M.V. uHellenic Sun" was originally built for Hellenic in Finland. By replacing hatches one through four with a fully-cellularized mid-body section, the vessels will have a container capacity of 1200 TEU's while maintaining a speed of 18 knots. 23 Kyprianou to Ahepans: "Now is the Time to Act" The AHEPA hosted a luncheon for members of the Cypriot Presidential delegation to the United Nations on October 4 at the Pierre Hotel in New York City. A delegation of prominent Ahepans and members of the Cyprus goverment attended the luncheon, which was preceded by a one hour meeting between AHEPA President Peter Cardiges, AHEPA Cyprus and Hellenic Affairs Committee Chairman John Plumides and Cyprus President Spyros Kyprianou, Foreign Minister George lacovou, and several other members of the Cyprus government. During the meeting they discussed the current state of affairs on Cyprus, and ways to more directly convey to cause of justice for Cyprus in America. During the iuncheon President Cardiges said: aWe are aware that these are historic times for the people of Cyprus, that the decisions being made in the coming months will affect the welfare of the Cypriot people in the decades and centuries to come." Cardiges continued that in spite of the fact that we have seen little movement on the Cyprus prqblem in the last nine years, HI want to tell you again and again that we remain steadfast in our dedication and determination to speak out and be heard in the halls of Congress, in the From Left: Supreme President Cardiges, Supreme Counselor John Parker, Mr. Kyprianou, Mr. Stephen Scopas, Past Supreme President, Ambassador of Cyprus Mr. A.lakovidis and Mr, Steven N. Papayliou, member of the Cyprus and Hellenic Affairs Committee. (Athens International - D. Kessoglides) meeting rooms of the State Department, and throughout this country, until Cyprus is once again a land of peace and prosperity." Archbishop lakovos said that he "very much respects the first amendment, which keeps the church out of politics," ?ut th~t the Cyp~us issue "is not politics, it IS an Issue that IS deeply Christian." He continued that he 'wanted to thank the Order of AHEPA for following the events and issues on Cyprus'." The Cypriot dele~ation included Pres- Among the attending the luncheon were, from left, Past Supreme President Mr. William TSirgotis, the President of Cyprus, Mr. Cardiges, and Ambassador lakovidis.ln the right picture, President Kyprianou with Mr. Mike Savvidis, member of the Cyprus Committee. (Athen. International - D. Kessoglides) "NEW YORK" OUR COVER President Kyprianou and Archbishop lakovos with Past Supreme President Mr. John Ploumides, Cyprus and Hellenic Committee Chairman, left, and Supreme Pressident Peter Cardiges. (Athens International D. Kessoglides) ident and Mrs. Spyros Kyprianou; Mr. George lacovou, Minister of Foreign Affairs; Mr. Constantinos Michaelides, Minister to the President; Mr. Andreas Mavromatis, Greek Cypriot Interlocutor; Ms. Stella Souliotis, Advisor to the Greek Cypriot Interlocutor; the Ambassador of Cyaprus to the United States, Andreas Jacovides; Ambassador Constantine Moushoutas; Mr. Harry Vovides, Director of the President's Office; Mr. Andre., Archbishop lakovos welcomed the President of Cyprus Spyros Kyprianou to the ArchAmbassador and Mrs. Petros Vaskarides, diocesan headquarters on October 4 where they discussed matters of mutual concern. Director of Overseas Cypriots; Mr. Theo- President Kyprianou was in New York City for the opening of the United Nations. philos Theophilou, Consul General; and Photo by Dino Yotides Christophides, government spokesman; Mr. Andreas Constantinou, Diredor of Minister lacovou ' s Office. In addition to President Cardiges and Chairman Plumides, attending on behalf of the AHEPA were several past AHEPA presidents, Daughters Grand President Elaine Kevgas, and members of the AHEPA Cyprus and Hellenic Affairs Committee. ••• Addressing the AHEPA gathering, the President of Cyprus said: The Cyprus problem is well known to you and it is not necessary for me to go into any detail. It has reached the point after nine long years of occupation, suf- fering, drama, and tragedy that everybody must move in a spirit of urgency and resoluteness towards promoting a peaceful and lasting solution to the problem. Some thought that when, in 1974, onethird of Cyprus was occupied, with onethird of the population refugees, missing persons, suffering enclaved persons. and all the other human and economic consequences of the Turkish invasion, some thought it was impossible for Cyprus to survive, for the people of Cyprus to stand on their feet. Fortunately, despite the fact that the occupation continues and the consequences are still present. our people stand of their feet. They stand on their feet and are determined not to yield, not to accept anything which may be tantamount to partition, anything which may be tantamount to accepting the results of the invasion, any- NOVEMBER 1983 President Kyprianou and AHEPA Supreme President addressing the gathering at the Pierre. (Athens Internationsl - D. Kessoglides) IS matters in a realistic way; but, in the same that you will do it as you have done it in thing which may be tantamount to alienrealistic way, one easily reaches the con- the past. ating the basic rights and fundamental clusion that Turkey needs the United freedoms of our people. let us hope that the way will be found We have made it quite clear, over and States much more than the United States soon for Turkey to abandon its intransigent policy so that we shall soon be able over again, that we would like to see a needs Turkey. There is another aspect which I men- to have a lasting peace and justice in peaceful solution to the Cyprus problem. Our aspiration is to turn Cyprus from a tioned - the obligation of the United Cyprus. This can only be secured in conplace of conflict and strife into a place of States to see that its money and arms are ditions of complete freedom and unity of lasting peace, a place of freedom, demo- used in conformity to American law. For the country and the people, in conditions cracy, a place of happiness and prosper- nine years now, American laws have been conducive to restoration of the ity for all its inhabitants. I strongly believe violated, so the time has come to put an fundamental freedoms and human rights that when we struggle for the real inter- end to this situation. I am glad to say that of all the people. ests of Cyprus, when we struggle for the in the course of our conversations with let us hope that soon there will be an implementation of the principles of the officials of the United States government I end to this tragedy, this untold and United Nations in the internationally sense an increased interest in seeing a perhaps unprecedented tragedy. You accepted moral values, we struggle at the solution. We have expressed our views must be sure that when we reach that goal same time for the interests of the Turkish clearly, but I believe that you can do a lot a lot of the credit will go toall of you here. Cypriots and of all others who live in at this particular time; I have no doubt Cyprus. At this particular juncture, when all our efforts up to now are failing, the Secretary General of the United Nations has decided to involve himself personally in a determined new effort towards \ promoting a peaceful solution to the Cyprus problem. We have responded positively to his initiative. Our informaH EnlTUxia TOU X9POU aat; tion is that the other side is trying to minimize the importance of the personal Tel: (212) 539-8685 involvement of the Secretary General. I have been assured by the Secretary General that he will not give up the effort and that he will continue in a determined ~--------------------------------------.I way. He said he feels committed to do his best to make progress towards a solution. I His effort is being supported by almost everybody at the United Nations, all groups, the East, the West, and the Nonaligned. This climate. exists despite the I 31-01 BROADWAY, ASTORIA, L.J. 11106 steadily worsening international situa1 Tel. 545-8402 Kai 545-2990 tion, despite the existence of so many I other problems in the world. There is still •Avere~, 7COA.lrl(lJ.lEve~ ai8ov(le~ Yla lJA.e~ rl~ I a general consensus that the time and 1 K01VWV1KE~ (la~ tKt5"A.W(lel~, 1t51wrlKt~ conditions are right to pursue a just solu1 Kai (lVA.A.oY1Ke~. I tion to the Cyprus problem. I strongly ·Aid....i TOM kal KAAAMAPAl: believe that now is the time to act. AHEPA has done a lot in the past and continues to do so; in fact, we derive encouragement from your efforts. I strongly believe that all our efforts must be stepped up now in the face of the desire of everybody to promote a lasting soluFor Professional and Business Singles tion. Elegant Home Atmosphere in Jericho, L.l. The U.S. can playa decisive ·role; It is generally acknowledged that without Wine - Cheese - Music pressure Turkey will not change their attitude. at the same time it is also generFirst Friday every month for 20's and 30's ally acknowledged that without a radical years old. From 8 p.m. to II p.m. change of the attitude of Turkey there can be no progress. Third Friday every month for those over 35 I'm sure there are many countries in the world who can exercise some influence From 8 p.m. to II p.m. on Turkey - both individually and colAdmission 56,00 per person. lectively - butthe main power which can exercise decisive influence in Ankara is For more information call at the United States. We often hear the (516) 433-8739 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. argument that the United States needs Turkey. This is. an attempt to approach t~ ., Jimmy '0 Unardos Orchestra OYSTER BAY CRYSTAL PALACE ! ! I nnA ~------------~-~~---------------------j Greek-American House Party 26 "NEW YORK" The Chrysanthemum Ball New York, N.Y. - The annual Chrysanthemum Ball sponsored by the Ladies Philoptochos Society ofthe Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity will be held Friday evening, November 11 at the Plaza Hotel beginning at 7:30 p.m. with music by the Gus Kamaras Orchestra. The Chrysanthemum Ball is the major fund-raising event of the Philoptochos (Friends of the Poor) and enables the Society to carry out its many philanthropic programs which include: feeding the homeless program as part of the Neighborhood Coalition for Shelter, ongoing support of the sick and needy, the Greek Children's Cardiac program at New York Hospital, St. Basil's Academy, SI. Michael's Home ,for the Aged and several scholarships to the Cathedral School and Hellenic College. Honored invited guests include: Archbishop lakovos, Metropolitan Silas of New jersey, Bishop Philotheos of Meloa, the Rev. Dr. Robert G. Stephanopoulos, Cathedral Dean; the Greek Ambassador to the United States George Papoulias, the Greek Consul General in New York Nicolas Capellaris and Mrs. George Marks, National Philoptochos president. General chairman Mrs. Michael jaharis is being assisted by her co-chairmen Mrs. An added Greek spirit was recently introduced to passengers to enhance the pleasure oftheirtransatlanticflight on ARISTA International Airlines, a charter airline. Toasting this first inflight service of CAFE METAXA, made with fine Metaxa Brandy,lcoffee and topped with whipped cream, are (left to right) Robert Anderson, Vice PresidentGeneral Manager of ARISTA; Angelique Carayannis, Product Manager for Metaxa with the Fleischmann Distilling Co.; and jeff Bartfield, Specialty Sales Manager. The popular after-dinner drink is promoted to passengers with colorful tabletents on their dinner tray. Metaxa plans to continue to feature additional cocktails on ARISTA flights in the future. Emmanuel Couloucoundis, Mrs. Nicho- las Kourkoutas and Mrs. Constantine Logothetides, arrangements co-chairmen Mrs. Nicholas Christy and Mrs. Emmanuel Caravano5, reservations chairman Mrs. Peter Constantine and co-chairmen Mrs. Nicholas Long, Mrs. Nicholas Lyras and Mrs. Evans Pernokis, sponsors co- chairmen Mrs. Gohn Tsimis and Mrs. Fraso Beys, raffles co-chairmen Mrs. Constantino Christie and Mrs. Michael Sideris, decorations co-chairmen Mrs. George Frangos and Mrs. john Moscahlaidis and publicity chairman Mrs. Robert Stephanopoulos. AHEPA Completes St.Basil's Renovation AHEPA President Peter Cardiges has announced completion of renovations costing over $100,000 to the AHEPA School for Boys and Girls at St. Basil's Academy in Garrison, N.Y. The school, built by the AHEPA in 1962, was improved by the installation of a new roof, modern lighting fixtures~ exterior and interior repainting, new fl9oring, and other repairs. Nationally known architect William G. Chirgotis supervised the contract~ awarder to William Manfredi of Poug~keepsie, N.Y. Manfredi Construction recently completed the three dormitories comprising the AHEPA Hall for NOVEMBER 1983 Boys there at a cost of 51.2 million dollars. The school renovations were begun in early summer and completed shortly after the start of the new school year. Funding was made possible through atrust fund created by the AHEPA in 1981 to maintain the five buildings built at St. Basil's by the AHEPA over the years. The total AHEPA funds raised for the children of St. Basil's Academy exceeds two million dollars. The Academy, maintained by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese, is a sChool for Greek American children in need. Atlantic Bank offers higher interest rates Federal restrictions on time deposit accounts which banks offer to the pUblic have been removed, effective October 1~ 1983, announced S.N. Cachules, Pressident of Atlantic Bank. These regulations had set limits on such things as the amount of interest paid~ minimum deposit amounts, and maturity periods of certificate of deposit-type accounts offered by commercial banks and thrift institutions. After October 1, 1983, rates paid on time deposit accounts will be set by each bank, based on a variety of factors, including the general levels of rates on various other types of "money market" investments, such as U.S. Treasury notes, bills, bonds, commercial paper, corporate bonds, etc. Atlantic Bank now offers a wide range of certificate of deposit accounts, with terms of maturity extending from 7 days to 5 years. The Bank has set a minimum deposit amount of certificates of 7-89 days of S2,500. For all other maturities to 5 years, the minimum opening deposit is $10,000. Rates, offered by Atlantic Bank will be set to be competitive with those paid on money market investments, as well as by other financial institutions on accounts with similar maturities. Rates for Atlantic's Certificates of Deposit will be set on a weekly basis, and the current rates will be announced on Tuesday of each week. The current deregulation actions do not apply to regular passbook savings accounts, or negotiable order of withdrawal (Interest Checking) accounts, where interest rates are still set byexisting federal regulations. ~laq>"Jli1;£'t£ OnlY NEA YOPKH 27 New Greek Ambassador emphasizes friendship between Greece and U.S.A. At a reception hosted in his honor by AHEPA on October 5th, . Greece's new Responding to the President, Ambas- sador Papoulias thanked Cardiges on . behalf of himself and his wife for the "great honor that you are bestowing upon us tonight, I thank you for your very kind words of welcome and also for the very kind words concerning assisting me, ambassador to t he United States, George Papoulias, was introduced to prominent members of Congress, officials of the State Department and White House, and the Greek American community. The reception was held at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, DC, and attended · by more than 100 people. In his short remarks, AHEPA President Cardiges welcomed the Ambassador and said he wanted to "wish you well in your endeavors in this country, to give you our wishes, hopes, and expectations for a great success in your mission here." assisting my country, and my government.n "The AHEPA and all Americans of Greek ae-scent,'are in a very enviable and continued: "When 'you defend these ideals in this country you are defending the cause of both Greece and the United States. So we thank you fpr what you are; we cannot but acknowledge your progress, prosperity, and advances in all the fields of American life." He concluded : til am very sensitive and appreciate the presence here of very important personalities: of Senators, Congressmen, and other friends, whether from this Administration or from other walks of life. This shows the deep friendship that exists between the United States and the country which I have the honorto represent here. With these words of unique position: you are the descendants of our great nation, but you are in this great country. which was built thanks and appreciation I wish to assure you that J will be at your service." Among the members of Congress at- on the ideals of democracy, human rights, tending were Senators Claiborne Pell and justice, and fairness." The Ambassador Paul Sarbanes; Representatives George 'Gekas, Geraldine Ferraro, Gus Yatran, and Michael Barnes. Attending from the Department of State were: Col. John Pappageorge, Policy Planning Staff; C. Edward Dillery, director, Office of UN Political and Multilateral Affairs; Geoffrey Ogden, deputy director, Office of Southern European Affairs; Richard S. Thompson, country officer for Greece; Michael Cotter, country officer for Turkey; Diane Mc-. Clellan, country officer for Turkey; and William McGlynn, country officer for Greece. Also attending was Robert McCloskey, former ambassador to Greece. Singers' Auditions Experienced singers are invited to audition for the 1983-84 season of one of New York's finest choral ensembles, Metropolitan Singers/The Greek Choral Society, under the direction of Dino Anagnost. Plans for an exciting sixth season of concerts include the music of Antoniou , Bernstein, Handel, Khatcha- turian and Theodorakis. Highlighting its musically versatile year, the chorus will perform Antonin Dvorak's Stabat Mater at Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center, in March. Professional and volunteer singers interested in performing with this out- IntrodUCing Manto. An Ancient Greek Liqueur FOrTodays Goddesses. "-1'._..''''' MIf:'''II:' :'10.' nl.l'j!')"i:, ff'll' <md (,1"" <l,>('"e,' P--,1(M ~ ,A lhl <II .. t'"'t (j" ........ !,'C::O<.,,:,~~ ..... ·c.·~-'r·< <:J,. '{<:re~-_ed h.:,n I"~J,,:,\! Ih,~,e.<Ol!Ct'.."''''~<'fl.l.· ... c. "" ~1..'U:" n:nef"1.e2>..l tf~dt!Ol" (<1 ," ~h ,1 '"IS <,J (,C",!C ,rod T,,!(- rho-; s..blffi<' Cr~, r": v~'" "-,#'<.11'\11\",0(1" \' ~1' "-l"'' '. . h~,(kc losotr;(v tr!' '1"\11':0" M-'f'IQ. A "1.I':'.".to. ,~~r\',(-<; d 'C;('.'·, 18 AA ·a .-~.. t' ......... .",. ttl E1 A.XA standing choral ensemble may call (212) 757-5496 for information, or write Metropolitan Singers/The Greek Choral Society, 1860 Broadway, Suite 1714, New York, N.Y. 10023. ~LUq>ll~iSE1:E 1:i~ bttXElPTlOEl~ Oa.~ 01:1lV NEA YOPKH "NEW YORK" Shown from left are James Antokas, 3rd year seminatian; Dr. Thomas Lelon, Hellenic College/Holy Cross president; Alex Kiriakides, Jr., president of the Alexander Foundation, Archbishop lakovos, the Rev. Dr. Alkiviadis Kalivas, Dean of the School of Theology; Theodore Stratakos, first year seminarian; the Rev. Michael Vaporis, Dean of Hellenic College and Demetrios Tsingas, first year seminarian . Photo by George Diamant Three Holy Cross Seminarians Are First Alexander Foundation Scholarship Recipients Three seminarians at the Holy Cross baptize them in the name of the Father, Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Son and Holy Spirit and teach them to Brookline, MA are the first recipients of obey everything I have commanded you'. scholarships offered by The Alexander We assure you we will do whatever Foundation headquartered in Green- possible to ensure that any qualified and ville, Sc. outstanding candidate fo r the Greek James Antokas, Theodore Stratakos and Orthodox priesthood will not be denied Demetrios Tsingas were presented with because of lack of funds." the scholarship by Foundation president This year's scholarship reCipients are: Alex Kiriakides Jr. at a special ceremonies I James Antokas, the son of Mr~_ C;ln~ Mr~. on the campus September 14, the Feast- ! John Antokas of Glen Cove, Ny.!ames is a day of Holy Cross. . third year seminarian, a 1981 graauate of Archbishop lakovos officiated at the Hellenic College and has been elected Divine liturgy commemorating the Exal- vice president of the student body. tat ion of the Holy Cross preceding the Theodore Stratakos is the son of Mrs. award ceremonies. Following the Aglaia Stratakos of Brooklyn, NY. He is a services, His Eminence welcomed the 80 first seminarian and a 1983 graduate of new students, including 45 seminarians, Hellenic College. to Hellenic College/Ho ly Cross and Demetrios Tsingas is the son of Father presented them with the theological and Presvytera Konstantine Tsingas of school rasson (traditional outer robe) Dover, NJ. He is a first year seminarian from the Archbishop. At this time he also and a graduate of Rutgers University. announced the establishment of the AMembers of the Board of Director's of lexander Foundation scholarships and the Alexander Foundation: aoffered his appreciation to the chairman Archbishop lakovos, Honorary Chairand Board members ,n attendance. . . man, Alex Kiriakides Jr. (Greenville, sq In making the presentations Mr. Klrla- President Ted N. Papleacos (Greenville, kides said: "We are comm,itted to invest SC) Vice' President, John Giovanni (Asthe money of our Foundat,on to people, bury Park NJ) Secretary, James Tringas the young people who will be disciples of (Ft. Walto~ Beach, FL) Treasurer. Christ. We are united ,n our belief that John Kiriakides (Greenville, sq, John the salvation of the Greek Orthodox Polydorou (Spartanburg sq Peter Sasso Church lies in. the. education of more Jr. (Spartanburg, sq, R~v. Alex Karloupriests - not In brick and mortar.. tsos (New York, NY), Rev. Panos-PhaeWe of the Alexander Foundation, thon Constantinides (Charlotte, Nq, resolute in purpose and dedicated to The Alex Kiriakides III (Greenville, sq, Peter Great Commission, consecrate ourselves Stathakis (Anderson, sq, Gus Trakas to Christ's command to 'Go to all people (Greenville sq and Rev. Charles Goueverywhere and make them my disciples: menis (Norfolk, VA). 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No matter how old your home is, you can make it more livable, more comfortable, and more valuable with a Home Improvement Loan from Atlantic Bank. Borrow up to $20,000 at our low rates . We'll work out extended monthly payments to fit your budget. Figure how much money you 'll need for the job to be done, then stop in to see us . Or call for more information at 204-2613. ATLANTIC ~~~RS ManhaHan: 960 Atenue of !he Americos. New York. N.Y. 10001 695-5400 • 15 Moiden Lone. New York. NY 10038 608-¢430 Queena: 29-10 Dil\c.ors Boulevord. Astorio. N.Y.11105 721-2800 33-12 30th Atenue. Astoria, NY 11103 932-2300 • 33-10 Broodv.oy, Astorio. NY 11106 204 -2600 196-21 Northern Boulevard. Flushing. NY 11358 357-7150 Brooklyn: 8010 Fifth A.ienue. Brooklyn. 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MEVEI nOVTOTE a4>poTO. KOTOOKEUOOIJEVO IJE TO aVV6TEpO UAIK6. nEPIOOOTEPO 4>uAAo OTO n60UVT. LlIOTl')pEiTar OTO 4JUVEio Via IJ~VES. f'JlU¢EpE/. LlIOTI ~ AE~f) 4>uMo Eivol TOUTIOIJEVf) IJE T~V ETOlpio IJOS. LlIOTI EIIJOOTE npUJTonOpol. npWTOI EIJEiS TO 6108EOOIJE OT~V alJepiKOVIK~ 'Avop6, I. To 4>uMo APOLLO TO I3pioKETe a' 0A0 TO EAAf)VIKO novTOnwAeio Koi a' 6Ao TO OOUnEPIJOpKETe;. nopoyyeAiee; OTEAAoVlOl 0' OAf) T~V 'AlJeplK~ Koi Kov06a! npOTllJan Koi TO aAAo EKAeKTO np0'iovTO 1J0e;: TYPOnlTTA - mANAKOnlTTA - MnAKAABA KATA'I·<t>1 KAI AAAA rAYKIIMATA EI.lJIKEX TIMEX riA KOINOTHTEX KAIOprANDLEII CJllJ.luiVEt <I>YAAO <I>YAAO crl1~aiv£t I. APOLLO STRUDEL LEA VES CO. IS'{)I RIVER ROAD FAIR LAWN , N.J. 07410 Telephone: (201) 797'{)S88