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OUR 37th YEAR DECEMBER 1983 NEW YORK Greek-American Monthly Review 'EnIXElprU.lOTIKO aA~OTO 6~OYEVWV Photos: H NEA YOPKH NiKO<'; Lm8oYlovvl1<,; Eupmf611<,; K6vTO<,; npoE6pos KOj Chairman of the Board riis 6l1uoi6oS EOTIOTOpiwv Dutch Country HA, )5 npoE6poS rils Eralpios Apollo, ~ElIouS n.opo rils OIKOYEVEioS Pillsbury. HA.35 $1.50 ~H ETOlpio Apollo Strudel Leaves, Inc. ME unEP'l<P6vEla nA'lPo<popEi TO 6~oYEVElaKO KOIVO OTi EYIVE ~EAoC; T~C; ~Ey6A'lC; OiKoYEvEiac; Pillsbury Mt TrJV EUKOIpia. 6 61)jJlOupyoS T1)S. npoE6poS. Chairman of the Board and Chief K. EYPlnlilHr KONTOr. Euxap,aTEi BEPjJO TrJV • OjJoytvE,a. d 0,11) TrJV xwpa . •H aTOBEPrJ rrpoTijJ1)arj T1)S rrpos TO tKAEKTO rrpoiovTO Apollo. lKavE 6uvaTO TO VEO /3fi/Ja . .. ruvEXi{ojJE TrJV OV06'KrJ rropEia /Jas KOVT6 aas - rr6vTOTE. Executive KAMI flOPTEI IE OJ\OYI Apollo Strudel Leaves, Inc. d 011'e of World's Finest ~. }:). illo Apoll o Plaza h ir l awn, ~J 07 41 0 and Fillo Products Apollo Fillo, Inc. AT APOLLO PLAZA 18-01 RIVER ROAD FAIR LA WN. N.J. 07410 Telephone: (201) 797-0888 MEP1KO cilto to Itpo'i6vta~ atTjv cidvavtl a£l,.(~a .......,. Tel. (212) 947-3180 • H tn'<JToAr) TWV nbYE KUPIE 61EUSUVTO, To 6uo YpO~~aTO TWV TTEVTE' EM~vo a~EplKavwv ~OUAEUTWV nou OrHJOOIEUaaTE oro TtUXOS NO£l.J~piou, anonf"oOv IOTOPIKO aTOe~o OTiS oxtaEiS T~S ' O~o VEVtioS J.lE lilY YEVErElpa. ME ric; tmaroAte; TOUS, TCJ nEYTE jJEA'l TaU KOYKpEaaou 6!:v tKCPpo~OUV (lTTAwS Tis OV~OUXiES TOUe; VIC:] 111V noptic rwv OXtOEOJV • EAM60S - HnA Kai T~V CPIAOOO~IETIKiI TTOAITIK~ T~S KU~EPV~OEWS nOTTov6pEOU. ' YTTEveu~i~ouv OT~V tM~VIK~ Ku~tp V~O~ OTi ~ ' O~OYEVEIO tXEl OV6pWeEi Kai tXEI nA~p~ auvoioe~o~ T~S eEO~S KaJ Ti'iS OUYOJ.ltis TIlS aTOV OJ,JEPIKOVIKO XWPO, YIC] va J.lrl otXETOI OIOTOyts 6n6 T~V tM~VIKr, Ku~tpv~o~ . ElvOi Kaipos va aroIJorrioQUV of KUI3EPVWVTES TrlV 'EAM6a va vo~i~ouv OTi . txouv OTr,V Tatnl'l l) Tr')V ' OJ,JOytVEIO. > EKEiVO ()J.lWc;nou ElvOI nEpiEPYO KOf OEY ~nopw va KaTOM~w ElvOi YICTi ~ Ku~EPV~O~ T~S 'EAM60s etAEI t~EiS va tn~pEO~w~E Tr,V TToAITIKr, T~~ 6EUTEP~S naTpi6as ~as Tr,V OTlY~r, iTOu iI TTPWT~ apvtirOl v6 . . , unooTl; 6nol06';n01£ tn~pEao~o OTTO t~as, Tovi~oVTOS 6,0 TOO EKnpoownou T'lS Em J.lOVO ri Kul3tpv~o~ Kaeopi~EI T~V t~WTEPIK~ TToAITIKr,. nOTE 96 aol3apEuSouj,JE; ME CPIAIKO alaer,~aTa , NIKor rmPfiAtoHr MIO~I, CIlAwpl6a . En,6pol'r) KonETovoiwv! KUPIE OlEU9uVTO, rIC] TOUe; ouo KOJ.lIJOUVIOTEC; KonETO- vaicue; ,,' Opiwva» Koi tl.MnouKoul36Ao Xl 6TTa60us. CPUOlKO TOO KKE t~WT. tTTleu~OO~E va tKCPpOOOU~E T~V YVW~~ ~as. rUYKEKpl~tva. eEAo~E va tpwT~aW~E Kol TOV KonnovlMnouKouf3oAall Kai TOV Kannov /I.' Oplwvall. « ruJ,J~wvoOv J,Jt TiS o<paytS KaTO TOV nAtoy anOTPOnOlOV Tp6TTO TWV 6EK06wv XIAlo6wv 6~~OKpa TIKWV 'EAMvwv, tpyCTWV Kai lJTTaAMAwv. OTTO TOV .E.A.a.v TOV toEKt~~PIO TOO 1944j . 0 Kannov rui.JT"S Kai «unoOTpcn"YOSD CIlAwpoK~S typaljlE, <lTTE Kai npoTTayav61~EI ClTI . 6 ~pw1K6S toEKt~l3p~s cpwTI~EI, Kae06~yEi , TTPOTPETTEI Kai TTapop~o •. 01 tAaaiTES auvEXI~av Kai TOTE T~V «aYTiOTao~., OTTWS typaljlE 6 . PI~OOTTOOT~S" ' ApYOTEpa, KaTo TOV ~EVOKlv~TO t~cpu AIO oM~AoOTTapay~6, ~ ,0vTiOTao~ . ~oO KO~~OUVIOTIKOO K6~~aTos YIO Tr,V EMo6a, 6pyovou nEle~vlou T~S TOTE • K6~IVCPOp~" ~E tVTOAr, TOO r,OPYKI NTI~ITp6cp, TOO BaolA~ KoMpocp. TOO 4 . E~~EP X6T~a Ka j TOO TiTO (EiSTO MTTOOAKES Ti'jS NOTloaAaj3ias t ~E n0l6EuovTO 0; «OVTIOTaalaKoilO TOO «E.A.a.s. )), TO 194649), ouvExi~no Kal KaTO TOO «VTonIOU » KaTaKT"Ti'j . To 6pa~aTlKO t pwT~~a, TTOU TTpo~oA AEI ElvOI: lu IJ~WVEiT E KanETev «MnouKouf3aAa» Koi KOnETeY «' Opiwvo» yUJ Tie.; O~OV£S, Te tpEimo Kol TO 6EIVa, nou OKO~~ TTA~pwvouv 0 1" EM~VES . T~SOUVE XI~OJ,JEV"e.; «oVT iOTOO"e.;» TOO «E.A.o.s.» TOO 1946-1949; ElvOi ~E~OIOV ~ /iXI , OTi T(')V ' lavouoplo TOO 1949, EI S Tr,V 5~ ' OAo~ E AEla TOO oAa~OKIV~TOU K.K.E. onEcpao i oe~ 6 6Ia~E Alo~oS T~S ' EAM6as; Bt {3010 , 6EV nEplJ,JEvOJ,JE OnavTI')OIl Ono TOUS 6uo KonETovo ioue.;. ' AAAa va ).Jrl vO).Ji~ouv , OTl , ).JE ()OO Elnov, EnEIOov tOTW Koi EVa OJ,JOYEVi'j. Kai ~Ia TTapaT~p~o~: KeTO T~ aUYKEvTpwa~ Eis TO MTToxr,~lav XwAil aUTOS nou npoo~wvl')OE TOUe.; «Opiwvo» Koi ' MTTOUKou~oAa " OPXIOE ~E TO o~6Ia OTIKO EKEivo « OUVTPO~Ot Koi ouvTp6<t>'OOES» Ka] naA,v «OUVTPO<t>OI, OUVTPO~IOOEe.;», OUVEXEIO, xwpic,; va oUJ,J).Ja~Eu ETOI TO «OUVTPO~OI , OUVTP.O~IOOESll, tvw 6,EUKpivIOEV, ()TI «a l.ITOe.; 6tv ElvOI ouvTpO<t>Oc,;», VloTi AEEI «6£v Elval KO).J).JOUVIOTrlS lO • , H OTTOVT~O~ ~as yl aUTov Elval : . 0p~ voAoyrlJ,JaTa l,. nAtov oUTfie.; TinoTE, YlaTi «000, KUPIE, ~uAaK"v TW OTo).JaTi J,Jou». ME tKTi~~a~ , toHMHTPIOr n . MAMAHr Oi 0EOOO'\OVIKEiC; ME TTpwTo~ouAia TOO ruM6you 0w.aaAovIKEWV N. 'YOpK~S tTEAEOe~ OTis 30 OKTWj3piou 60~oAoyia Kai aPTOKAooia ono TOV ' ApXIEnloKoTTo K. ' IOKW~O, ~o~ eOU~EVO ono 12 'ETTIOKOTTOUS OTOV KaeE6pIKO vao T~S ' Aylas Tplo60s, N. ' y6PK~S, ~E OU~~ETOX~ tKaTovTo6wv 0EooaAovIKEWV Kai 6AAwv MaKE66vwv 6).J°YEVWV. 'H 60~oAoyla tYIVE YIO Tis tnETEious T~S OnEAEu9EPWOEWe.; Ti'jC; 0EooaAoviKI')c,; Kai TOO OXI Kai TOV tOpTOO~O T~S !:OPT~S TOO' Ayiou a").JI')Tpiou. METa~u TWV 6~IA~TWV ~TOV wi 0 npoE6poS T~S na~~aKE60vIK~S K. KaaoTT~S. r pOIjlEtE Eva IplAO aa.; auvopo,nlT~ aT~v "NEA YOPKH,. H~ YOPKH (USPS 419 350) NEW YORK. Greek-American Monthly Review DECEMBER 1983 VOL. XXXV No. 420 All correspondence should be addressed to H NEA YOPKH P.O. BOX 67S GRAND CENTRAL STATION NEW YORK . N.Y. 10163 Edjtor and PubJjsh~r PETER S. MAKRIAS Fo u"d~r and Social Editor SPYROS MINOTOS Assoda/~ Editors Prof. E. 80URODEMOS Ph .D. JACQUES A. CASE Contributing fAitors: Prof. M. VYRON RAIZIS ADRIANNE PALIOS RIGAS I(APPATOS 808 NICOLAIDES DIMITRIS IOANNIDES GIANNIS I(OUNADIS ELIAS GRIVOGIANNIS NICOS SPAN lAS STAVROS GRAMMATIKOPOULOS CHRYSTALENNILOUKAIDOU ACHILLES SAKELLARIDES Art Dir~ctor CHRISTINE NERRIE Representative in Greecl GIANNIS L. KOUNADIS Solono. 116 - Te!. 3606307 H NEA YORI(H (New York) the GreekAmerican monthly review is published by the HELLENIC HERITAGE LTD. 30 West 36th Street (10th floor), N. York, N. Y. tOO 18. Second Class postage paid at N.Yorle, N.Y. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to : H NEA YOPKH. 675 Grand Central Station, New York, N.Y. 10163. 'Et'loio Iuv6poj.&li : SH .OO rU! 'AJUPll'~ !COl Kovo06. . ' AtP01l:op"o~ 611:ooto~'I yui EUpWJII:'1 coi 6).0 to. . 1{6a""o SSO.OO. Tpo1I:'~cj) ... , 'E.'Xup~OtCiJ.l'" coi ·Opya ... ,o ..A... SIOO.OO. .NEA YOPKH. Swept away by the drama of natural Canadian lynx. we choose only the brightest skins to match the spirit of the one that/II warm . Not completely wild. But just enough. AEKEMBPIOI: 1983 Professionals turning a work of nature into a work of art. Christie Brothers, 340 Omni International. Atlanta, Georgia, 333 Seventh Avenue. New York. 5 «I:THN APXH H I:KETIH EI:TAZE, KATOTIIN TO AYTOKINHTO XPEIAZOTAN AAI:TIXA. META ATIO AYTA 01 I:!lAHNEI: TOY NEPOY EI:TIAI:AN. KAI T!lP A - TO TIAIAI TIAEI I:TO KOAAErIO.» (MHN ANHI:YXEITE ... H ATLANTIC BANK MTIOPEI NA I:AI: BOH0HI:EI)! ENA npO:EnmKO AANEIO Ano THN ATLANTIC BANK 0A I:A:E KAAY'I'EI TA E20AA nOY XPEIAZEI:0E riA nEPI:ETA:EEI:E EAN KI' AYTEL "Olav nA.llpdn: tic; npol)J'[OeEaEt~ yui Eva npOOOO1tlKO AUW:lO, J.mopEitE va XP'lolIlOnOlTJ(n:n; to. XP rlJlata YlCi O,T\ avciYK ll Kai va £xEtE, anD anpooJrta iar pIKcl £~o8a J.lEXPl ,~haKonEs nou Tic; rrepIJ.lEVETE Kmp6. MnopEitE vO: ouvEla9£it£ ~i:X P\ $25. 000 Kat 6 'EtJicn os TOKOS ato npocrWrrtKO craS ilciv€tO dvUt ~o vo 15% (~€ autoJlut€S jl~v\ al€s nATlPw~€S (mo t6 Aoyap\ucrJlo craS 'Errtraymv Jl€ niv Atlantic)' ii 15 Y,%' Et~crtOS TOKOS, tciv npotljlut€ vO: KUW:U: J.lOVDl aa>; TiC; ITAllPWJ.ltc; KriSE Iltlva. rUJ.l~OUAEueEitt tov niVaKct nou <lKOAouAEl yui va iSitu noao EUKOACl a i JlllvwiE<; ITAl1PW IJ-tC; tUlplli~ouv ara @ LENDER O'a<; . 'E t~crlOS .1.ulP KEw. lUVOAO MTlvtaia 6avdol> noaa l UVOAO TaKaS 6.avEiou TOKWV ilocr ~ 36 $5.000 $6.239.52 $1.239 .52 $173.32 15% !OUAI.IIOU.... O iKOVO j..llKci M~ v£S Ka9apo TIl/~E«provd«Jn: ii i:1tlO"KEI.jJOdu: tva Qno TO. lI1tOKataO"t~J.1atd J.10C; Uf.1taroc; Kat ~llTEi(J'n: 1U: pl(J'(J'6n:P E~ 1tA'1poc:popiE~ Kat ,.1lO: A'itllO"ll YUl Eva npo(J<01ttK6 ano ilav€tO n]v Atlantic Bank nou AUv€< /jAil ta npopA1jjllltd "IlS. 'Eav npotlflut€ anA mS t1]). €<pwvd"t€ "to 204·2613 Kill Evas tOU<; UltIlAA1j).OUS flaS 1[OU dvm tlOlKOe; ata Oo.VElU 06: aoe; nap El tTlv u'(tflO'll )It(Jro tOU tllA£~rovOU. ano Manhattan: 960 Avenue of the Americas. New Yorl<, NY 10001 695·5400 . 123 William Street. New York. NY 10273 695·5400 Queens: 29·10 Ditmars Bou levard. Astorlo. N'I. 11105 721·2800 33·12 30th Avenue. Astoria. NY 11103 93n300 . 36·10 Broadway. Astorio. NY 11106 204·2600 196·21 Northern Boulevard. Flushing. NY 11358 357·7150 Brooklyn: 8010 Fifth Avenue. Brooklyn. NY 11 209 748·6400 · Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 6 .NEA YOPKH. IMPORTERS & DISTRIBUTORS. INC. "HOUSE OF GREEK SPECIALTIES" Tel. 516·489.7600 212·631·3200 <1EKEMBPIOl: 1983 '.0. Box 2039 515 , .. Insula Blvd. Hempstead, N.Y. 11550 7 MIa XOPOU~EVr, nopEO 6~OVEVWV. ~E ETTlKE~oA~e; TOV 1610inpo YVUlOTO Koi ayan~To OE MouS K. Xp. XprOl060uAou, ~EKIVO Ko8E 'lovouoplO, TO nAEUToia E~fl xpovra, ano T~V NEa 'YOpK~ yra ~ra npaY~CTrKa aA~O~OV~T~ Kpoua~rEpa QVOnOUOEUlS. 6100KE66oEUle; Koi KE$IOO. ' H E~60~1l KaTel OElpa Kpoua~ltpo ~ E TO ~OVTtpVO Kpoua~IEp6nAolo . Th e Victoria ' T~S harpias Xav6p~ 90 ~EKrv~o~ oTie; 16 'Iavouopiou Koi onUle; <t>aiVETOI 9a Elver ~ ~EyaAuTEp~, onUlS ~1iS 6~ AWOE 6 rEVIKOS 6.IEueuvT~S Tiis hmpioe; Xav6p~ Ol~V NEa 'YOpK~ K. AUYOUOlOS Mrxo~Al6~S· 01 tK6po~EiS 90 ~EKrv~aouv anD TO OEp06po~IO KEVVEVTU Koi NlouapK ~t. oEponA6vo Ti'iS American Airlines, YIO TO Lov XoucJV, nopTopiKO, onou 80 tm~l ~aOloOv OTO 12.000 TOVVUlV oKaqJos Victoria. To Kpoua~IEp6nAolo, TO 6noTo 610etTEI wpOioTone; Kol noAu EUPUXWpES KO~nlvES, Elvar YVUlOlO V,a T~V qJrAo~Evio Koi TrlV nEplTToi'101l nou napEXEI OTOUS tnr~aTES, ~E T~V npooUlnrK~ tnil3AE ..... 1l TOO KonETOVIOU K. AOUKO TClxAi'j KO! TWV O~lw~aTIKWV TOO nAr,pWIJOTOe; Kol 610etTEI ~IO IJOV06IK~ Kou~iva, onws a~oAoyoOv 1\001 YEIJr~Kav T~V ~Ey6A~ nOIKIAia TWV 6PEKTIKWV KO! TWV ~oYIl TWV Koi ~ETEXOUV KoBE Xpovo OTilv Xopou~Evfl tAAr,vOOjJEPIKOVIKr) napEc. To OKOq>Oe; npooEyvi~EI KOTO OElpO. Ola v~ora T~S Kapr~aiK~S ralv MapTiv, rKouovnAoun, Mnop~ntvToe;, • AVTfKoua KO) Iolv T o~oe;. LTrlV OUVEXEIO, TO KPOUo~IEp6nAoIO 8 9a npooEvyio~ OlD rav Xouav, T~V 23~ lavouapiou, anD onou 01 h6po~Eis Sa tTTlorpt",ouv OTa aEp06po~la ano TO anoia 6VExWp~oav. "Eva nAouClo Floor Show, 610~OPETIKO KaSE I3pa6u, 6raaKE6a~EI TOUS tnr~6rES KO! oAol txouv Tr)V EUKOIpia va 60KI ~6aouv Tilv nJXfl TOUe; oro KO~IVO TOU oK6~oue; Kal va onoAauoouv ~1C:l ~t vvoraOl~ ~Ul~ ~E npwT~S Ta~EUlS nEprnoillofl . Kal 0001 npoTl~oOv TO ,.JTTOU~oOKr, 6Ev So anovo~TEUSOOV, onUlS ~(jS £lnE 6 K. XploTo6ouAou. Oi TI~Ee; VIC Tr1V £~60~o610ro OUTIl Ku~oivoVTOI anD 540-630 60AA. To OEPOnOPIKa vaOAo ~ET' EmaTpoqJ~s Elvar 199. or tv6 Ia$ Ep6~EVOI ~nopoOv va TflAE$WVrlOOUV OTOV K. Xp. XplOTo60uAou aTO T~A. (201) 789-2295, ~ OT~V berpia Xav6p~. . 0 K. Mrxa~Ai6~s ~E~arWVEl oTr 0 nAoiapxoe; Koi 6AoKAflPO TO nArlPw~o TOO Victoria So 6wOll nEplTTOlflOIl VIP d oAoue; TOUe; 6~OYEVEie;. Ka! ~t. Tilv EUKOIpfa EUXETOI d oAoue; KoAa Koi EUTUXIa~tvo XPIOTouVEvva. Kpoua~IEpo ,--------------------------------------------------_. • H hOlpia PERRAKIS MARINE SUPPLY CORP. Ship Chandlers Euxoploni BfPJJa Via TrjV UTTOOTl1PIS'l KG) fUXfTOI a' oAous TOUS TTAo/oKTfjrfS, TOUS KOTTfTav/Ous KO) a' oAous TOUS VOUTlAAoJJEVOUS, KoAts 60uAf/tS KO) EYTYXEI TO NEO ETOI Cabin, Deck and Engine Supplies Full Line of Dry and fresh Provisions 271 40th STREET, BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11232 Phone: (212) 499-1700 Telex 422812 Cable Address: "PERMARSUP", N.Y. .NEA YOPKH. KaAa XpzaTovy£vva aE; IfAOV~! aEKAnEN0HMEPH! ME lo.oiTEPIl IKovanaillall nAIlPO<!>apaOjJE TOUS avoyvwaTES jJOS OT' " NEA YOPKH ElatpXETO., ano TOV npaOEXi'\ jJlivo ' lovauop.a . at jJ'o VEO nEpfaoa Ti'\S 36xpavIlS unllPtafoS TIlS npoS To1v' EAAllvOOjJEp.Kov.Ko1 Ka.v6TIlTO. rivETO' oEKonEv9rjjJEPIl. 00 KUKAO<llopij oTiS aPXES Koi OTo jJEao Ko9E jJiivo. ray h<llPOOIl Ti'\S EuyvWjJaouvllS jJOS ITPOS TO 0VOYVWOT.K6 jJOS KOIVO SEWPo100jJE T~V O.OTo1Pllall Ti'\S T'jJi'\S Tlis tTrjooos auvopajJlis aTa $25.00. To ITEp.aO.KO aUTO So E~oKaAauSrlall vo tTvOI oiYAwaoa aAM So OU~IlSaUV 01 OEAioES aTO ayyA.KO Koi TO ax6A.a jJOS So jJETO<llPO~WVTO' 6MKAIlPO, Ij ITEp.AIlITTlKO. ME To1v EUKO.plo, olo90vojJOOTE To1v unoXPEwall va anEuSuvoUjJE SEPjJES EUXOp.OTIES OTaus auvopojJllTES Koi OTOUS aYYEA.aOOTES jJOS. TouS TOaous KOAaus Koi aYOlTllTOUS <IlIAOUS, lToAo.aus Koi VEaus, nau OTllpl~auv TO nEp.oO.KO aUTO. • EnoSUjJOUjJE va O.O[!E[!ou.o)aWjJE TOUS avoyvwOTES jJos OTI 90 auvExlawjJE To1V ouaKOAIl anaOTaA,; jJOS jJE uljJIlM dloSlljJO EUSUVIlS Koi aVT.KE'jJEV.KOTIlTO. Jr. GEORGE TSANTES Kav xwpic;; ai6w «tKnAf)~rp> Via TllV £Ve:.PVEIO TaU NTEVKTOc; . .. Av ElvOl ouvorov! <Dolvnat mOTEUOUV em 6 un6Aornoc; KOOj.lOC; anOnAEirOi 6n6 ~A.leiouS.' AAAo aUT~ Til <papa / 'Iows on ~ TOUPK1Krl 8AI 4'E l3a9uTaTa T~V . O~OVEVEla . A~EPIK~S ~ 6vav6p., 6oAo<povia TOO nAoropxou TOO • A~EpIKavIKoO NauTIKoO George Tsantes Jr. aT~v' A9~va. ')'£v EivOi ~ovo Eva EI6EX9ES EYKArWO nou K0106IKO(:£1 K09E EVT I~O<; 6vepwno~. ElvOi Koi £VQ tYKA I"J).Jo nou npoKoAEi EPWTrUJOTIKO, A6yw T~C; Koroyw- E viis TOO eUj.Joroc;. · 0 George Tsantes ~TOV EAA"v'K~S KaTOVwv~s ' A~EpIKa vae;. Oi 6oAo~6vol bEv tKTlITT'lOQV luxeia .. Evvwpl\oV KoA6 norov m'}YOIvav va aKOTwooUv."H~OIpav TO 6poj.JoA6YIO nau OKoAou9000E KoBE J,JEPO nrWOiVQVTOC; OTO vpa$Eio TOU . ' Eno~ Evws. ~ on6cpaa., Via T~V 60Aol/>ovIa tM1/>9., ono TiS 6uVO).JEI<; TOO OKor ouc; tv lVUXPW Koi npocpavciu; J,J E EOI(EJJJ,JEvll tlTlAov~ TOO 9U~aTOS. 'laws ~9EAav va OT£iAouv KanOIO ~~ vu~a OT~V ' O~ovtvEla ' A~EpIK~S. r.OTi oi 60Aol/>oVOl6EV 61aAE~av Evav 6Uo ono Tis 6£K06ES . A~EplKavous o~IW~aTl KOLIS nou unl1pnoOv OT~V ' EAA66a; LTO EpWT~lJaTa OlJTO cSe:v 86 oo9f'j anOV1'10" 000 napoj.JEvoUV tAEU8EPOI EKEivol nou TOO ol/>~pEOav T~V ~w~ ... •O' ApX.ElTlaKonos · laKwl3oS. 6 6noios npoEOT., OT~V EnlK~6E10 OKoAou91a TOO 9U~OTOS OTO Tatppu XIAA. N.oO T~tpaEU. 6IEP~~VEUOE T~V 9AiljJ., Kai T~V Ovav6KT.,a~ cAwv ~as Via T~V Tpayw6ia aUT~ ... omAwjJoria va fnEOE t~w. Oi t Hy. nOAITEiES, oi XWPE<; rfi<; .6UT. Euptim'1<;, n ' lvoia KO] 01 XWPE~ TOU TpiTOU KoojJou, TO LofllETIKO ~.mA6K , KUPIOA€KTIKO 6AOKAr,p r, ~ 6IEeV~~ KOIVOT'lTO UTTOOEXT'lK€ TO TOupKOKunplaKO KOTOOK€UOOjJa onw~ TOU c5.~I~€1 Lav Eva ovunopKTo ((KP(ITO~)). Koi TO c5.q,r,oav OAOI [KSETO aT~V 61€Svr; TTEPIq,POVIlO'l KaJ TOV TTOYKOOIJIO EJ..ITTOIVIJO. 01 npOTOBOY.t\IEE TOY APXIEnIEKOnOY a nOIOf: KOSE OUOKO)"r, tSV1Krl aTIYIJ~ , 6 ' ApXIEnioKonoc; laKwl30s 6EV nEp.wpiae.,KE oE T.,AEvpacp~~aTO npos TOV npo€6po PiiVKOV, TOV unoupyo ' E~WTEPIKWV Kai TOV rEVIKO rpOIJIJOTEO TOO OHE TOV anoia KOJ EnEoKtq,Sr,. nr;vE OTrlV OUOOlVKTWV ~oA.S ~p9E ~ Via T~V ovaK~pu~" TOO ClKPOTIOiou )) TaU NTEVKT6~.· EKEi, IJO~] IJE Tov" YnoTo npOEOpO "6.,a., T~S AHEnA KOi 6MES Kopul/>aiES ~VET'KES npoaw1TIK6T~TES TOO . EM"vla~oO T~S . A~EPIK~S. Kai ~E T~V 6A69EP~" au~ nop6aroor, TUlV 6uo' E)"AIlVOOIJEPIKOVWV rEpOUOIOOTWV Kol TWV nEVTE f3,OUAEUTWV IJOC;, OIEPIJ~VEUO€ TJlV oySwOKT'lO'l TOO 'EAA IlVIKOO vESvou~ Via TIlV 8poOUTOTIl tVEPYEIO TOU NTEVKT6~. ME TOV' ApXIEnioKoTTo tni KE$OAr;S, 01 tKnpoownol Tr;C; TO ANynAPKTO «KPATOE» ~ YHOMH ~ . O~OYEVEla ~EO"KW9"KE KOi noA. Kai ~E ova£..VOKTr]OI1 KorOOIKOOE TO onap66£KTO npo~IK6nraJa TOU NTEVKToS. ME ovaToAiTIK~ nov~p.a. ~'AVKupa 6IaAE~£ T~V KOTaU.,A~ OTlV~~ - cnws tvo~.aE - v.o va ovaK"pu~~ T~V «TOupKoKUnplOKrl drHJOKpOria TIlS BopEiou Kunpow~{! ). AiVES ~EPES nplv ovaMI3E1 ~ vEa nOAITIK~ Ku~Epv.,a., nolo I3v~KE OTiS np60l/>aTES toAoV'S - TO W~OA6V.,OE aUTO 6 NTEVKTOC; ,..!IA-wvroc; OTa' Hv. E9vr) - Kol j.I0VO A i V E S W P £ C; ~ ETa T~V unovpai/>~ ono TOV npoE6po P~VKav TOO VO~O etT~lJaTOS nau 616EI aT~V ToupKia aXE66v Eva OIO'EKOrOj.l~UPIO 60AAapia aE 130~9E1a (TO tnEO~~avav aUTO oi New v York Times). · Eni nAEov. 01 aTpaTOKpaT£S T~S' AVKupas npoano.~9., ~EKEMBPJOE 1983 . O~oVEvEias, xwpiS, ~t~OIa. T~V . O~00nov6ia . EAA.,voa~E PIKOVIKtlW IWIJOTEiwv N . • YOPKIlC;, TIlV oTToia KOVEic; oEv unoAoyi~€1 )"6yw Tiic; KOJ.lIJOTIKii~ TIl~ 6pOOTr,PIOT'lTO~, ouvovT~S'lKOV IJE TOV' AVTlnpOEOpoTWV ' Hv. nOAITEIWV K. Bush, TOV UTTOUPYO TWV' EEwTEPIKWV K. Shultz, TOV U<t>UTTOUPYO TWV ' E~WTEPIKWV K. Dam, TOV oUIJf3ouAo TOU LTaillT NTIlTTOPTIJEVT Kai naAmo cpiAo T~S ' EMa60S npw.,v 130uAEuT~ K. Derwinski. npiv OTTO T~V OUVQVT'lOIlIJE TOV ' ApXIEnioKono Koi TOU~ OIJOYEvEi~ tKTTpOOWTTOU~, 6 K. Shultz dXE OUOKE4J1l tJE TOV npOEOpO Reagan, 0 6TToio~ tEOUOI06oTIloE TOV unoupyo TWV ' E~WT£PIKWV va OIlAwor, tnior,lJo aT~v aVTmpoowne.fa Ti'jC; • O~oVEvEias OTi ~ o~EpIKavIK~ Ku~Epv.,a., KaTa6IK6~EI T~V EVEPVEla TOO NTEVKToS· ME i:VOT.,TO. uljJ.,M ~90S. O~.onpEnEia Kai onol/>aOlOTIKOTIlTO ~ ~YEoio Tfi~' OI-lOYEVEio~6i6EI Koi noAI TO (ITTOpwv» - 9 ~E T~V aVI610TEAEla, ayv6T~Ta Kal n~ya ia ayan~ npas T~V rEVETtipa . Ma~ ~ l: 6A6KA~p~ T~V ' O~OYEVEla, nou ElvOi a no<I>Oala~EV~ va OUVExlo~ TaV aywva ~EXPI va <l>uyouv ol llapllapOi KaTaKT~T£S an6 TO v~ol T~S • A<I>p06iT~S ... :=:EKAE>APA Cl>IAEAAHNIKH! HN <l>opa aUT~ , ~ tnio~~~ a~EPIKaVIK~ OTaO~ ~Tav ~EKa8ap~ ano T~V apx~. · H OUOOlYKTWV KaTE6 i KaOE Xwpls T~V napa~IKp~ tm<l>uAa~~ TO 8poOUTOTO npo~IK6n~~a TOO NTEVKTaS KaJ t~~T~OE ano OAES Tis XWPES va ~~V avayvwploouv TO napavo~o «pOTI610». AUT~ Ij aVEm<l>uAaKT~ KaTa6IK~ Kal 16iws Ij ~~ avayvwPlo~ TOO TOUpKOKU nploKoO KaTaoKEu6o~OTOS anonAoOv tAA.'lVIK~ ViK'l , viKI) T TOO 61KOiou , ViKr) rwv 16avIKWv nau anOTEAOUV TO 9qJt AlO Ti'\S ' AjJt PIKOVIKr;S IUJ..lnoAITEiac;. ' EAnf~ouJJE cm oAol EKEivOl nau KOTO KOIPOUC; tanEu6av va fTTlKpiVQUV TIlV 0 IJEPIKOVIKrl nOAITIKrl £vaVTI TOO KunpioKOU, eo ovayvwpioouv lily cpopO aUTIj TOuMXIOTOV em Ij . A~EPIK~ (m~p~E (no8apa 4"AEAA,qvllu\. ElJTUXWS, avayvwpia8r'lKE mho t nioru,Jo ano TiC; KuIlEPV~OEIS T~S Kunpou Kal T~S ' EMa60S. ••• .a K. NTEVKTOC; ea EVOjJIOE, EiJJE6a aE~OIOI } OT! JJE lilv eo npa~IKOnlll.JaTIKrl 6vaK"pu~1l TOO IC KpoTl6iou » TOU ~ eETE OAous npo TETEAw~EVOU YEyov6TOS. nAav~8~KE OIKTpa. To KoroOKEUaOIJO TOU bEV ovayvwpio6r}K£ jJEXPI OTIVIJi'iS 6n6 Ka~~la 6M~ Xwpa £KTOS ano TOUS naTPWVES TOU OT~V " AyKupa. TO ru~llouAlo TWV' Hv .. E8vwv, OTO "'~<I>lo~a TOU 61EK~PU~E ~£ "'~<I>ouS 13 Evavnl (naKIOTaV) KaJ ~Ia anOX~ (Jop6avia) IITI Ij tvtpYEla TOO NTEvKTas ElvOi «YOjJIKWS IlKUPIJ' Kol t~/JT~OE T~V anOK/JPU~1j T~S. "hOi, 6 K. NTEvKTas ExaoE Eva aTou nou tni tVVU] XPOVIO TlOpO KPOlOOOf oov 6mAw~anK~ t<l>E6pEia. Twpa ma bEv ~nopEi va anElA~ on 6v 6EV nap~ 000 ~~Ta 8a aVOK~PU~~ aVE~aPT~TO KpaTOS. To aVE K~PU~f l Kol Ti EYIVf; " ETTfOf arc KfVO .. H nOYKoo~IO KOIVOT~Ta fiXE T~V EUKalpia - 6v ~8EAE - va avayvwpio~ T~V ('"001001') TOO IIKpOTIOiOUlt. Koi TO ontpplqlt. To va A£I') TWPO mo 6 K. NnvKToe.; 6T1 nptntl va TOV 60ujJt we.; 01'10'0» O'nptiTol 00Ilop6T~TOS. r,aTi ~6vos TOU, ~E T~V EVtpYEla TOU, E6wOE OTrlV olt9vi'j KOIVOTI')TO Tilv tUKmpfo VO: TOO OWOI') mOTonOI I1T1KO OTI 6nAwe.; oVTmpoawnEutl ~Ia jJlKPrl KOIVOTrlTO 18 l oie.; £KOTOV." Av ataOtO xpEIO(OTOV TETOIO mOTOnOII')TIKO ! ~IKom'jJa TOO NTEVKTae.; JJnopEi va ~ET0I3Ar}9fi of. « JJnOU~f paYK' EIS Ilopos TOU ~E T~V ~~ avayvwPlo~ , 6tv o~~aivEI on OU~<I>£PEI va a<l>Ee~ aVEK~ETaAAEUT~ ~ npwTOllouAia Koutylt.1p. rloTi ~ OTOOljJOTflTO 90 ~ETO Tptql" TO «KPOTfoIOJl at ytyOVOc.; T£TEAEO)JEVO ... «AMEPIKANOI .60AOCl>ONOI TON AAON» O q,OITr}TWV TOO nOAUTEXVtiou, lOWOE Tilv £UKOlpfo Koi noAI, OT~V h6ljAwo~ TWV aVTla~EplKavlKwv alo8~~6Twv tOPTOO~OS Tiis tnETEIou T~S IjpwiK~S t~EytPOEWS TWV nou £~oKoAou900v, OUOTUXWe.;, va £mKpoToOV OT~V ' EAAa60. . Avnyp6<1>o~E ano T~V "Washingto n Post " , aVTOn6KPI0~ ano T~V ' A8ljva (18 NO~Ellpiou , 1983) : .... novw ano 200,000 6Ia6~AwT l: S - ~a~l ~ l: T~V ' A~E plKQvioo Ou(uyo TOO " EAAl1vos npw9unoupyoO , MaPYKopu nonovopEoU ntpooov ~npoOTo ono Tr'lV KOTOKAtIOTf) a~EPIKaVIK~ npwllEla, <l>WVa~OVTOS aVn-a~EPIKaVIKa OUV81j~aTO onws: .. 0 Aaos 6 t v oas etAEI - no PTE TIjV npwllEia ooe.; Koi ¢HJYUEII, KOI .: AJ..IEPII(Qvoi - aoAo<povol TWV AOWVII ... • H 6106~Awo" EKuproPxEiTo ana TO KUI3EPVWV KOjJ).JO TOO navEAA~viou rOOlaAIOTIKOO Klvlj~aTOS (nArOK), aKoAou90U~EVO 6no TO KO).J).JOUVIOTIKO KOl..ll..lo nou TOUTi~ETOIIJE. Tilv ypa~~~ T~S M60xas · · .'. AUTO tyiVOVTO Tllv iOlo ~tpo nou 6" EAAl1voS npw9unoupyce.; ~l1TOOO£ ana TOUe.; · EAAl1voOIJEprKovoue.; YEPOUOIO- OTES <olllouAEUTES va aOK~OOUV T~V tmppolj TOUS Yla va A~ <l>800v KUpWOEIS KaTa T~S ToupKias <oj Yla va KaTablKae~ Ij aVOK"PU~11 TOO «KPOTIOioUII TOO NTEVKTOe.; . . . MAL . .. BPOMOYN OAA . .. NA npay~aTIKa apIOTOUpy~~anKO Iip8po Eypa",av 01 T~V 16~ NOE~llpiou , KaTa6,Ka{oVTOS tVTOVW - EN.Y. Times HOTEL GRANDE BRETAGNE H npOTOBOYAIA KOYEriAP A EN npEnEI va ty<OTOAEI<I>8~ Ij npwTOllouAia KouEYlap L.l~tTtJ TO npO~I KOnTHJO TOO NTEVKTae.;.' AVTi9no , TWpa nou E~EIVE TO «pOTlb,6. TOU xwpis 6IEeV~ aVaYVWPIO~, ~ bmAwllaTIKIj TOU eto~ flvOi noM nlO t~a,,8Ev~~tv~. dtv ~nopEl ~£ 001lap6T~Ta ma, va 6IEK6IK~ ;,o~. ~ETaXEiplo~. XwpJs avayvwplOI'),6 NnvKTO:e.; Koi TO TOupKOKunplOKO Ko9EOTWe.; OTrlV TOUPKOKPOTOUjJfVrj nEplOXrl Ti"je.; Kunpou 1 EXOUV noAu AIYw - TEPO KOpOS ano II,TI flxov nplv an6 TO npa~IK6n~~o. r,aTi TlOPO ma OEV jJnopoOv vo: lCJ)(upla900v 6TI EXOUV OUTOVOIJI1 un6OTao~ .• H • EAA~voKunplaK~ nAEUpa ~nopEl va npoXwP~O~ OT~V avaetp~avo~ T~S npwTOllouAlas KOUEYlap ~£ 10xup6TEP~ 8to~ . r,aTJ TWPO 01 KuIlEPV~OEIS T~S u<l>~Alou havav T~V tmAoy/J TOUS. KoJ b K. NTEvKTas ~aS tIl0~8~OE va an06EI~oU~E - liv xpEla~6TOv an66E1~~ - on avnnpoownEuEI ~Ia ~IKP~ KOlv6T~Ta ~E 18 tKOTOOTO.· H Kulltpv~o~ T~S KunplaK~S d~~oKpoTlas llyaivEI tVIOXU~EV~ ano T~V Kplo~ OUTIl - KOTI nou q,UOIKa OEV ntpijJfvOV of TOOpKOI . • Ano 6w KaJ ntpo XPElO~OVTal OW<I>povES aAAa KaJ EutAIKTOI XEIPIO~ol, 11£ npooop~oy~ KaJ a~lOnol~o~ T~S npwTO1l0uAias TOO rEV . rpa~~OTtWS TWV' Hv.· Eevwv. TOIITI Tt) npo- 10 ATHENS. GREECE - Tel 3230.251 Telex. 21961S - Cables: HOTBRITAN WORLD FAMO US HOTEL CENTRALLY LOCATED ON THE MAIN SQ UARE 'oF THE CITY WITH MAGNIFICENT VIEW OF THE ACROPOLIS 4S0 bedrooms equipped with every modern comfort . Fully air-con4if.ioned . International bar. superb cuising. IUAur ious restaurant . Convention rooms with full congress (uilities . World wide representallon 770 uxington Avenue. New York 10021 For reserva1l0ns and informalion call 800-223~OO New York State and Canada (212) 838 · }IOO Collect .NEA YOPKH. TOTO T~V OUeOipETr, aVOKrlPU~r"I TOupKOKunplOKOO «KparOU9J aT~V Bop€IO KLmpo Kol y€AOIOnOIWVTOC; TOV laxuplOlJO T~S TOUPK'K~S Ku/l£pv~o£wS OT •... t~£TTA6y~ ~E T~V <'mo<l>ao~ aUT~ ... •AAM 0 K. Baa. BAa/l.avos, ~E Iip8po TOU OT~V «npwiv~", MAwv, on 0 ap8poypa<l>os ,6Ev napaA£in£. /lE/lOla va KaKOxapaKT~pfo~ T~V npo~~ TWV ToupKoKunpiwv. ~£v ~nopoOo£ va KOV~ 6.a<l>0p£TIKO, 0<1>00 aUT~ £Iva. ~ ypa~~~ nou E6wo£ OT~V n£pfmwo~ aUT~ TO ~rai~T napaT~p£i, ~£ra~u NTr,nOpTjJ€VT)). EUTUXWC; nOlJ 01 610K€KPIIJEVOI ' AjJ€PIKOVoi 6~~00l0ypo<l>o, 6Ev 6.aP6~ouv .AA~V'KO ... • EKEivo nou 6 K. BAoalovoc; C1TT06i6€1 OTOUC; N. Y. Times, O<l>opEi Tis OXEo£.S T~S «npo/l6a, ~E TO noAITIKO r pa<l>£io TOO KO~~OUV'OT'KOO KO~~OTOS Pwoias. 'OX' l\~wS T~V ~£yoA~ OIhrl, tYKUPI1 E$l1jJ€pI60, nou TII-IO T~V nOYKOOlJlO 6I1JjOOI0- ypa<l>ia KOi T~V . A~£p'K~. •0 K. BAa/l.avos ~nop£i va 6.a<l>wv~ ~E onolj)£'S T~S E<I>~ jJ€piooe; OUTi'iC;, onwc; Koi jJ€lS OIOcf>WVOUI-IE KOTO: KOIPOUC; ~E wp.o~tv£s ano",£.S T~S, onws ~ npoo4>aT~, ~£ T~V onoia KOra6iKao£ T~V t"'/lA~8£ioa ,'mo Ta npoy~ara a~£P'KaV'K~ tnE~/lao~ OT~V rp£v06a.· AAM TO rrai~T NT~nopT~£vT unay6p€uo€ OTOUe; N.Y. Times vO: KOToolKoaouv T~V EVEPY£IO; Kol TO LTall1T NTl1nOpTjJ€VT nTOV EK£ivo nou fOT€IA€ OTOUS N.Y. Times Ta onopp~Ta Eyypa4>a TOO n£VTaywvou y,a TO B'£TVO~; noAu ouxvo, Ilv /Ix' Ka8~J.I£p,vO, 6,a<l>wv£i ~ t<l>~ ~£pi6a aUT~ ~E T~V hOOTOT£ O~£P'KOV'K~ KU/lEpv~O~. - AAAES <l>oPEs OU~<I>WVEi. AUTO ElvOl OT~V anooToA~ TOO tAEu- "OYIII n~1l9wpo~ ii~ll~ 6b ~TOY 6UYOTO Yel 61lJlOOIEU90UY o~O Tel Euxnqplo JlIlYUJlOTO OT"Y b600ll OUTiJ. fU:J TOY ~oyo OUTO, EUXETiJPJO 8el KOTOXIIIPIl90uy Koi OT"Y nplIITOXPOYlclTIKIl EK600iJ Jlo~. 8Epou KaJ 6VE~OPT~TOU Tunou. EiVOl, Aomov, 66'KO va WT~yOp~TOI ~ t<l>~J.lEpi6a, oav opyavo TOO rrai~T NT~nopT~EvT Kai 0 ap8poYPo<l>OS TOO E~aiOlou au TOO oxoAiou on 8EA~oE ,va nOTio~ J.I£ TO 6~A~T~ plO Tf'ie; lpEUTIOe; KOI Tiis aUKoq>ovTioS TOUe; aVOYVWOTEe; Ti'je; <I>~J.I'OJ.ltv~s aUT~S t<l>~~Epi6as·· .". EICl>AAMENOI XEIPIIMOI; KoM:c; a' oAouC; OIKoytv£/o YIOPTf:C; ana Tr'lV EYTYXIOY MnArlA n APA Tis npoona9€1€e; KOjJjJoTIKOnOlrlO'Ewe:; rils 'OI-lOYEv€lae:; ono TO nArOK Koi TO 6uo KOjJjJOUVIOTIKO KOl-ljJcro • EAM60s nou ~Eis OTEAAouv t.6W wi Kannov,ous TOO EAAI, ~ 9POOUTOTI1 tVEPV€IO Tf'ie; nopEOS: TOO K. NTEVKTas: apiOKEI T~V 'OJjOYEV€IC, onw<.; OE KOeE E9vIK., Kpiol1, anoCPOOIOjJEVI1 va un€paoola9il TO iEPO 61KClO TOU KunplOKOu • EAAr,vloJ.JOO. 'AAM ~ .v6T~ra wi OJ.lO",UXia bEv nptnE' va anoKAEiouv T~V lVTljJl1 a~loA6YI1O'I1 TWV nOAITIKWV X€IPIO~WV nou npol1Yrl8~Kav. ~£v "nA~ooE' BETSY ROSS DINER 998 WOlcon STREET WATERBURRY, CONN. 06705 TEl. (203) 573-1165 KavEvav ~ IraJ.l~ nEp'<I>pov~o~ TWV ToupKWV npoe; TOUe; KOVOVEe; TOU dl£9voOS .6.IKoiou Kai "p6c; TO 4J11<PiO'jJOTO TWV 'Hv. 'Eevwv.·o nOYlos: OVTIKEI~€VJK6e; TOUS O'Konoe; Elvol ri OIXOTOlJrtOI1 Tne; Kunpou KC! OEV X6vouv €UKOlpio va TOY npow8r;oouv. M~nws o~wS T~V <l>opO aUT~, 016'OTaYJ.loi y.a T~V nA~p~ an060X~ T~S npwTo/louAias KOUEY'OP, un~p~av o<l>oA~a;' 0 TEWS unoupyos' E~WTEP'KWV T~S Kunpou K. n . PoA6v6~S, J.lE aywvio EKpOUOE TOV KWOWVO TOU KIV6uvou npiv ano TnV napaIT~o~ Best Wishes to TOU, oTav unEOT~p,~ T~V 6n060x~ TWV npOTaO€WV TOO rEV. rpalJ~OTEWS: Twv 'Hv. 'EBvwv . .6.€OO~E YOU OTi Kol TO AKEA KOI 6 .6.111-10KPOTIKoc; IUVOYEPIJ0S: - nou All ~a~ EKnpOOWnoOv T~V J.lEyoA~ nAE,o"'~<I>ia TWV • EAA~vo Kunpiwv - Eixav ~~T~OE' T~V an060x~, 6.KOIOOTOI ~. OJ.lO- Papaya King Inc. YEVEIO 179 East 86th Street New York, New York 10028 Tel.: 369-0648 aEKEMBPIOI: 1983 pwrrlO''l nou 6cp€fAoVTO 01 olaroy~oi TOO K. Ku- npwToaouAla TOO NnvKTos ... Importers and Processors America's largest dealers in Papaya Fruit Products va np,avoO . Kai Ilv ~ Ka8uOTEp~0~ EiXE Ka~~,a tni6pao~ OT~V ••• n 6p8po TOU OT~V 'Ka8~J.lEp,v~' T~S 16~S'OKTW/lplou, iva clIKP'Pcii~ "ij_a "pI\' T~V aVaK~PU~~ TOO TOupKOKunp'aKOO KpOTOUS, 0 napalT~6Els unoupyos K. PoMv6~S, ~YPO<l>E J.lEra~U IiAAwv: .ITIS 30 I£rTTEJ.I/3piou rj KUITP'OK'" KU/3tpvryOry t6wOE T,.,V OFTOVTr10f] TIJC) rrpoc; T() PV'1POVIO TOU Y£VIKOU ypaPPOTtO TWV •Hvwj.ltvwv . Eav';'v . • H OITOVT~ary UlTijp{, olTOppmTlKrj, lTap' 6Ao ITOU KaTa/3A1jBIjKOV wi Kara/3oAAovTaI OKOj.lO OUVTOVES ITpocmaBeJ'S wpalOlTolryorys TOO .OXI. j.lOS. '0006rj1TOTE 6,.,w< KO; dv wpGlonollJBd fva «6XI» 6tv pFTop£i UFTO 6no/£O'- 11 Or]nOTE aUVBI1KES va orllloivel «vail). < K. NTEVKTOr;, nou ana Ta IlEOa AUYOUOTOU TTOpOKO~ AouBouOE TrJV ollO{3POVTio TWV aPVf'/TIKWV TTpOr; TrJV TTpwTo{3ouAia nEpE{ vre KOUEYlap aVTIOPOOEWV Tt7S tA)"o6,Kt7S KOt E.AAfjvOKUnpIOKI1~ n)"Eupd~, Or]AWOE TTWS oTav tTTlOKECPBf'/KE TOV YEVIKO YPolllloTta TOO OHE {3ptBf'/KE j.JnPOOTa OTrJV Kf'/6Eio Tt7S npwTo{3ouAioS. ' H 61Kr] j.JOS 6pvf'/of'/, 6uaru~ XWS, TOU l6woe TO npOOXfjpo TTOU yupr.ue. " OXI povo J)GS anaVTfjOe Koi aUTOS aPVfjTlKO j.JE TrJ OEfPO TOU, aAAo t{ant~ Auae KOf TrJ auvryBloj.JE:vfj aAAa{OVIKr] TOU tTTiBeary Koi Tis 0nelAts TOU, KaBIOI1E:VOS 11£ 6VEOry Kat aOCPOAE~fO rr6vw OTiS OPOCPES TWV TOUPKIKWV aPJ10TWV KOTOXI1S». a TA EKATTOMYPIA !::.OAA. no LIKArO H ouAAEyti 120 EKOTOIJIJUP 'O 6oAAopio VI(J va O~AWa'l TOO npw9unoupyoO K. nonavoptou cm EXOUV unovol-ltu9~ EM~VIK~ OIKOvo~ia, npoK6AwE, onwS ~TOV q,UOIKO, nOIKiAES aU~~T~aEIS .oi aVTlOp6aEIS aT~v' AB~va .• H o~Aw ~ OIl TOO npw9unoupyoO nEplEXtl Wplol-I€va oTolxtia nou O€V tlVOI ouvaTov va nEpaoouv anapOT~p'lTO Kai aoxoAfaOTa. ElnE 6 K. nonav6ptou (ITI ~ ouAAoV~ TWV XP'lIJOTWV Koi ~ "16puo'l Vpoq>Eiou OTD LIKOVO tlvOi "JIC) «aVTInOTpIWTJK~» EvtpYEIO. AUTo un06,.,Aoi aTI oi XP'llJoT066nc,;ElvOI" EAA'lVEC;, ~ TOUA6X'OTOV IiTO~a EAA~VIKi'jS KOTaywvi'iS. r,aTi, [3t[301a, 6tv 9a xapoKT~pl~E T~V EvtpYEJO «aVT,"OTpIWTIK~)), TO xp~~OTa npoi)PxoVTO 6n6 TiC; nEpi<P'lI-lE<'; «al-ltpIKavIKEC; I-IuOTIKE<; un'lPEoitS)) A anD ~tVEC; noAuE9vlK€c:; ErOlpiEC;. METa 6no TrlV EVTOV'l aVTf6poo'l TOO K. 'Aatpwq> OT~V > Ae~vaJ TO nAIOK t6f]AwOE em 6 K. npw9unouPYoc; O€V unovooOoE onAtx'l T~C; NEOC; 6.rU.JoKparios. . Aq,ou E66B~ liq,w~ 6~apTlGJv aTOus" EAA~VES noAITIKOIJ<;, npEntl (ipaYE va uno6toouIJt aTI 6 K. nonov6pEoU unovoouoE 'EAA'lvoaIJEpIKOVOUC; XPI1/"JOTo6onc;, bp' OOOV ~6AlaTO TO rpaq,Eio anoaTOBEponOI~aEws Ti'jS tAA~VIKi'jS KUaEpV~OEWC; 96 tYKo9iaroTo oro LIKOVO; KCJTI TholO anonAoOot anap06EKT'l (j~PJ YICJ T~V • O,.JaVtVtIO. r,oTf rl ' OIJOytvE10 nOTE, OEV npo€~'l OUTE npOKEITOI va npol3f'\ at EV€PYEIO nou EOTW KaJ OTO tA6xIOTO Sa I.JnopOuat va 13'\04.11'1 T~V rEV€TEIPO Kal TOv'EAA'lVIKO Aa6. '0 K. nonav6ptounou Enl EiKOOI Koi nAtoll XPovla ~Tav 61010<; «0I-lOYEVrlC;»-96 TO yvwpi~~ mho. 'Oq,EiAfi tnia~s ~Ia ~EK6Bap~ Kai aVTpiwa 6~AwaT1 VIa Ti')V TauToT'lTO OUTWV TWV «ovTmaTplwTIKWV» OTolxElwv-A IJIO EVTlI-I'lOvayvwpIO'l Clll aUTO] nou TOU J..lETt6woov Trl V nA'lPoq>opfo TOV «i:.vtAaoav)). av eo nYPA YAOI EIPHNHL! ~~~~4&\:''':'4II,:1\4&\:'''''l:''*f: KaJ.,d XplarouY€VVa ClTTO TOV K. f1ANNH MAKPYNO i610KTrlTrl TOU FOURSOME STEAK PUB 1992 Ralph Avenue (Corner Ave. J.) Brooklyn, N.Y. Tel. 241-7300 t.laeETEI dleOUOES Via v6~ous, l3omioEIS Koi KOIVWVIK£S EKO~AwOEIS. 4I1:"4I1:"4&1:04411:~~*f:itt":~~Q: Best Wishes for the Holidays ARENA RESTAURANT-DINER COCKTAIL LOUNGE "THE FAMILY RESTAURANT" We Doze But Never Close - All Baking Done On Premises CATERING TO PARTIES ON AND OFF PREMISES GUS VETSAS MICHAEL SHOREMAS 250 ESSEX STREET. HACKENSACK, N.J. 07601 (20 I) 342-2275 12 ONO nap6q,pOVES Ba (mEOT~pl~av OTi Evas nup~VIKOS noAE~OS £IvOi ~Ia 6nOOEKT~ AUa~ aTis olaq,opES nou xwpj~ouv Tic; ouo unEp6uvOIJEIC; Kol TOUe; aUjJl,H]XOUC; TWV. r,oTi at EVa Tholo n6AtIJo 6EV ea un6p~ouv VIKI1TtC;. 06 ~Tav tUxf)s EPYO av rl roa· ~ Evwol1 OUVElpyo:l;ETO EiAIKPIVO: Via TOV nEplOplOIJO Kai T~V nA~p'l KOTOPYI10Jl TWV nUPl1vlKWV EEo~ nAlolJwv - onw~ npoTElvE 0 npOEOpOe; Pi"jYKav. 'AAAa ~TOV ~ Mooxo nou nplv 0 non € v TEO X E 0 0 V X P 6 v I 0 EYKOTEOTJlOt OT~V OUKpovio TOUe; nupauAoue; 55-20 nou anEIAouv a~~Epa TiS n6AElS Ti'jS tAEuBEP~S Eupwn~s. t.Ev un~pxav T6TE avaAovol af.JEpIICaVIKol nupouAol OTf)V Eupwn'l nou va antlAoOv Tit; pWOIKEe; n6At1S. 'H OOl3ltTIK~ EVtPVEIO ~Tav 1-110. EVTEAwS nEpITT~ Ka! aOIKOIoA6Y'lT'l KAII-IOKW0'l .• H OUaOlVKTWV EOlOOt UT~V M60xa ntvTE OXtOOV XPOVIO Yla va anOOup'l TOUe; nupouAou~ 55-20. Oi EupwnaiKEe; Kuj3tpvfJOtle; ~Tav EKEivEe;, nou ana TO 1979 t~~T~aav ano T~V OUOOlYKTWV v6 tywTaaT~a~ Yla aVTi[3apo av6AovouS nupauAous OT~V Eupwn~. 'HA",~ov OTi r) meOV6TJlTa aUT~ ea EvioXUE T~V oIOnpaVf.JaTEUTIKrl BEa~ Ti'iS Ll.uOEWS wi Ba EnEiBE T~V Moaxa v6 auvEPvaaBi'j. M6TOIa "poaooKia. Twpa 01 nupauAol mpOlVK II Kai Kpou'i~ EYKoBiaravTOI ~o~ OT~V Eupwn~ . 01 nupauAOI aUTol £IvOi onAo /j~uvas wi £ip~v~S, €XOUV KOBapO 6nOTpEnTiKO xapoKTi"jpO, "OTav 6AoKA'lpw9fj ~ tYKOTaaTOafJ TOUe;, TO m9avwTEPO £IvOi 6TI ~ Pwoia Ba BEA~O~ va olanpaV~OT£uBi'j aoj3apa TOV al-lol~io nEplOplOIJO TWV I-I€OOU I3EAllvEKOOe; nupauAwv. M <l>IALKO H LYrKENTPO~H '" TO nAaiOlo niJv OI0I-l0PTUPIWV Via Tf)V VEO TOupKOKunpl"-aK~ npoKA~o~, nou Eq,EPE OT~V Nta'Y6pK~ TOV npOEOpO KunplavoO Kai TOU~ unoupyoue; 'E~WTtPIKWV < EAAa60~ Koi ToupKiaS, Kpi9'lKt OIComlJO va ViVJl 1-1'0 «navOf.JoYEvElaK~)) aUYKtvTpwa~ ola~apTUpias E~W ano Ta·Hvw~Eva·E8v~.'E KEivOI nou dxav OIhrl T~V aTuxi"i rota, EnEloov Kai TOV' APXIEnfoKonovanpoj3~ at EKKAJlOIl npoe; oAou~ TOUS OI-lOYEVEie; va npoaEA90uv - EKKAfJOEIe; nou EnovEAal3av Kai TO tAAIlVIKO pao,oq,wvlKa npovpO~~ara - aM6 tAOXIOTOI npoai'jABav t~w ano TO' HvwlJtva'" Eevr). 01 OUYKEVTpw9Evn<;; otv unEp- "NEA YOPKH» t:~llaOV TIe; 2.000 - aUI.I4>wvo 1.1£ OVTIKEII.IEVIKEe; EKTll.lrlOEIe; Koi EKEivES TWV OarUVOl.IlKWV • Apxwv - napa TO YEYOVOS OTr EVwoov Tis 6UVO~E ' S TOUS ~ 'EKKA~aia ~aS, ~ AHEPA, ~ ° UHAC, TO 'AI.IEPIKOVOEAAflV IKO ' IVarlTOOTO KOj WPlal.lEVES 'O~00nov6iES, ~ETQ~U TWV onoiwv Kai ~ Kunp,aK~,' op,9).lOS TWV npooEA96vTWV OEV OVTrnpoawnEUE OUTE TOV Opl9J.10 TWV J.lEAWv TlOV 6 rOrK'l TIKWV OUIJ~ouAiwv TlOV 6pVOVWCJEWV OUTWV! nEpraa6TEpo r OjJOVEVEiS dxov n pOOEASEI aT~V Ko9EJ.lra 6 n o Tie; OUO auvouAiES TOO naplou onlV N£o 'YOpK~. rloTi; .616T1, onwe; TO ~OVOYP04JOjJE, TO noArTIKO auv9rl JJOTO n ou EmTrlOE IO npoaaAAoVTOI 6n6 TOUS !(~W'lPOUS» aE TETOIOU EioouS EKo'lAwaErs, onOjJOKpuVOUV TOUS 4>IArlouXOUS OIJOYEVEiS nOTpIWTEe;, nou npOTljJOOV va EKO'lAwVOVTOI nro onoTEAEajJoTIKo, ).IE TIl AEYP04>rlJ.l0TO Koi npoawmKEe; tmod;4JEIe; J.JEA 'l TOO KOVKpEOOO U. v Jaws KOj 6 roTl Elxov Klv'lTOn OlrtSf) Yla T~V aUYK£vTPWO'l KOj oi tow «ct>iAor TOO nAl:OK, Kai .p0j3~9~KE 0 KOO~OS OTi 9a EnoA'T'KonO'EiTO ~ ara aUYKtvTPWO~ ... Kal 6,oTl 6EV £lXE yiv€l ~ KaroAA~A~ 6pyovw . all KOj npOETOIJ.lOoio nou 90EEoa4>oAI~E T~V EnlTuxfo, To onoTtAEO~a ~TQV va yiv~ pE~ill , ~ 'O~oytvE , a Kai oi ~ytTES T~ S nou npoa~ A9av d aUT~v. PE~,AEU9~KE ~'O~oytvE,a ~E TOV oarll.lOVTO DVKO Tf'jS OUYKEvTpwaEws, oAAa Koi I.It wplajJEvo o4>EAEaroTo, PU9jJIKO: oUVSrllJOTO ).IIKpoojJo6wv wPYOVWJ.JEVWV VEvEI04>OPWV , onwe; «AooS tVWIJ£VOS, nOTt VIK'lJ.lEVOe;» KOj IIKunpo, noAtlJo, 000 nivouvE TO d l lJOn! n ptnEI tnfarte; va o 'l I.lEHoawjJE OTI Yla npWT'l 4>OPO: OE 6106r)Awart Yla TO Ku n plOKO OEV OKOUOTtlKE KOVEVO auvStljJo wi 6EV E~4>Ovia9~KE Ka~~,o E",ypa.p~ Y'o TO /ivOly~a TOO nEpf4>'ljJou EKEfVOU «ct>OKEAAou TfjS np0600iosn, TOV onoia 0 npoE6poS Kunp,avoO Kai 0 npw9unoupyos K, A, nanav6otou £lxav ~a~i, KaJ 6~~00la unooXE9~ aT~v 'A9~va, (IIiYES ~tPES ~ETa T~V hlloV~ TOO K, nanav6ptou), OTi 90 TOV /i VOIYOV ... TEPATOyprHMA n OA/IA X€lPOKpOTl'i~ara onoamo K09E j3p06u 0 oyvw- PIOTOS «ZopjJnoSn, nou JJE T60tl ouSOIpEaio KOJ OOUVEI- 6~aia KallA'TEXV'K~ aVEj3oor~KE oro Broadway oav VEPO~poaTo IIJ.1 I 0U~IKOAn, Koi 4>OiVETOI vO: optOrt aro KOIVO, ' AAAo 6 9EOT~S nou hE' 6,aj300€l TO OP'OToupv~~a TOO Ka~av T~OK~, Kal tXE' 6Ei TI'Iv t~aipET ~ K ' v~~aroypa.p'K~ TClvia, nArlTTEI. >AYOVOKTEi KOJ t~iaraTo l Via TO nws dvOI 6UVOTO 6 K. M'Xall~s KaKov,ovv~S, oK~v09tr~ST~S TO,vlas, 6tx9~KE va Ka~~ TOOOUS nollilous ou~j3,j3ao~ous OT~V oK~v09EOla TOO jJIOU~IKOA KOJ va ouv6tafl TO c5vOlJel TOU ).IE Toao KOPOYKIO~nAiK , a, nWS 6tx9nKE va ouv6to~ n\ iivo~o TOU ~E a.h6 TO TEPOTOUPVtlJ.lO, nou otiJ~ETOI JJOVO JJE TrlV nopouaio TOO • Av90vu Kou~v Kai T~V ~90nor.a T~S AiAa KtvTpoj3a, T~S ~ov~S nou ~tvE' noOT ~ oro nvEO~a TOO ouyvpa.pta wi Ep~n alas, 61KOIWVETOI onoAuTo ~ npwTo~ouAio TOO nOYKunpiou, '0 K, napaoKwdi6~S 6tv E1vCl ~ovo .p,Mv9pwnos Kai ~ EvoiloS EUEpytT~S noAilwv wpaiwv npoona9E1wv, 011116 Kai .plloYEp6S narp'WTns, "Onws xapaKTnp'OTIKO ovt.pEPE 0 K. r,wpyoS n. A'j3avos, nou npoa~II9E oro 6Einvo ~a~i ~E /iAAouS npOOK£KAtlJ.lf:vouS, ElXE auvoVT~OEI TOV K, napaOKEU- mon OT~V ' A9~vo IIiyo ~ETO T~VTOUPK'K~ do~oll~ TO 1974 wi TOO tlXE ~'lTrlOEI va OUlJaaAAtl OTr1V OIJOVEVEIOK~ npoanoSEIO unEp Tils Kunpou. Xwple; va KOJJrt KovEva EPWTrllJO, 6 K, napoaK£uai6tle; EK04J£ Koi unEYPOlVE IJ IO tnrToy~ AEYOVTOe; aTOV K. AIJ30VQ vo aUjJnAIlPWOtl EKEivoC; TO noaa nou SEwpoOaE oK6nrjJo ... To 9EPI.IO oUYXOPtlTrlPIO nau KoAu4JoV TOUS AoyouS TOO K, !\laavoO Kor TOO OpOaTrlPIOU npoE6pou TOO naVKunpiou K. KpfaTO$Ep, OVTOvOKAouaov Tr;V ~o8Ela EKTilJ'la'l TOO OKPOOTrIPiou npoe; TOV KoAo Kunplo n aTpIWTr'l KO! aql vo /iv9pwno . . . KAI KAnET ANAIOI TOY EAAL HHN AHOPIA! ,TIl: 6uo ~~EP~OIES t.pn~Epi6ES ~aS Karaxwp~9nKE TE"-"wTaia ~ , a 6,a.p~~,on ~E T~V .pwToypa.pia TOO' Apn BEAOUXIWT'l, nou KoAoOOE TOUe; OJ.lOYEvtiS va n op£upE800v OE 1.110 OUYKtVTPWOtl aTrlY onoio 96 JJIAoOoov buo Konnoviol TOO EAAl:I ' Hi6,a .pUJToypa.pia E1xE avapTn9~ aE Eva ono TO nEpinTEpo TOO ct>EOTll3aA nou wpyavwoE OT~V >AOTOPIO ri • OJ.loonovoio· EAAtlvOOjJEPIKOVIKWV lWIJOTEiwv N .. Y6pKtle;, npoyJ..I0 nou npoKoAEaE EVTOVES 610jJOPTUpiES, OTOjJWV Koi OPYOVWOEWV. LTO iOlo mho 4lEOTI136A, nou A6vw Koi Tr;S KOKOKOlpioS OUYKEVTPWOI:: "oAu Aivo KOO'IJO, uni'iPXE Kai Eva nEpinTEpo VIa TnV XIAr), 6inAo aTO TTEpinTEpo Tiis XIOKf)S ' Ol.l00nov6ios Via TrlV Xio. " Eva jJIKPO KopiTal QKOUOTtlKE va EPWTO T~V J.lrtTtpa TOU av ~ X'"~ I3piaKETO'" , KOVTa aT~v Xio, 011116 ~ovo TO l:u~j3oull'o T~S ' O~00nov6ias 90 ~nopoOOE va t~~v~on TrlV axtatl. So I.InOPOOOE, t",ortS, va t~'lVr)atl YIOTI OEV unf)PXE nEpinTEpo Via TnV SapElo vHnElpo, onou KOTomt~OVTO' tKaTOvT06ES X,II'OOES 06tll.p,a ~as, Y'O TO ' A.pvav,- OTav, TrlV noAwvio, ~ TOUS 6AAouS aKAal3UJI.IEVOUS Aooue; TFtS 'AvaTOII'K~S Eupwn~s. r,a T~V 6pyovwon aUToO TOO 'EMnv'KoO <l>£OTlj3all ~ ' EMnv'K~ Kuj3tpvno~ 6anoVnOE noAilES X'A,06ES 60llMp,a y,a va .ptpn t6w KaM'TEXV'Ka OUYKpoT~~aTO, • H noAITIKOTToitlatl TOO ¢EOTll3aA cmo TrlV ' O~oanov6io uno9ho~E bTl 6tv EVIVE tv VVWOEI TWV fOG) n po~EvIKWV OPXwv Koi TOO rpa~Eiou Tunou KOJ nAtlPo4>optWv. wi 90 nptnE' va IIn.p900v Ma TO onapaiTnTa rr ~trpa aUTO y,a va I.Irlv tnovaA'l4>SoOv oOX'l~i£c; TOO £i60ue; nou npoKoAoOv T~V • OJ.lOytVEIO. VEUEI KOTO Tpono un tpoxo TOV poAo Tiis IJOVTOIJ ' OpTelVe; ... "000 VIa TrlV 1J0UOIKfl. nou EVP04JE [vas> AIJEPIKOVOS, npEntl va on~E'w9~ OTi ~ovo k""nv"~ 6Ev Elva, - navE xa~kvES oi nEvlES TOU ct>WTrt rKOVtl, 'Ano TOV «ZopjJn o» TOO Broadway anouo,o~ouv 0 Ka~avT~OKnS Kai ~ 'EIIM6a, npOKEITCI y,a v,aoupT ' xwplS yolla, oKop6all,a xwpiS oKop60, . , HAPPY NEW YEAR Pacific Chartering and A:=:IA TIMH H KynPIO ,TO nllaiOlo T~S nolluox,600s, narp ' wT ' K~S, 0911nTlK~S L.KOJ nvEU\JOTlKf)e; oPOOTrtPIOT'lT6S TOU, 6 nOYKunplOS LUVOEaIJOS' AjJEPIKf'j<;TiJ.l'lOE, TOV nEpaajJEvo IJf'jvo, J.lE 'Eva wpai o oElnvo, aTO nOYKunplo IniTI, TOV I.IEyaAoEnrXEIPrtJ.lOTia Ti'jS Kunpou, K, r ,wPVo napaoKwm6n, ' Ana 50a aKOuoa~E kKEivo TO j3p06u v'a T6v nolluEKaro~~up,oOxo T~S AWKWAEKEMBPIOI: 1983 Brokerage Co., Inc. Engineering Consultants, Agents, Brokers ELIAS FRANTZIS, GEORGE HEINE 29 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10006 TEL. (212) 943-6040 \3 " 0 6101KIlTrl~ Tii~ KTIlJJaTIKii~ OTrlV N. "YOPKIl EUKOIpf£S 0T7000TlKWV TOT7oBni)a£wv Y/(J TOUS OjJoy£v£iS l:oul1oio Koi ono ~va oTiS' EArlETia Koi •OAAavoia), OTI~ 5 'louAiou 1983 avol~E TO rpml>Eio T~~ OT~ NEa 'YOpK~: H'iopu- Tr;v nArlP'l iKovonoir,orl TOU Via Tr;V uno60Xr1 TQO rpo<pEiou Tfie; KTIlJ.lOTIKiie; TpaTTE~a~ aTn NEa 'YOpK~ OTTO TOV 'EA- AIlVIO).lO Tiis ' AJ.,JEPIKfis Koi Tie; 8EPIJtS EUxoplariES TOU t~Eq:.POOE 6 ~IOIKIlTr1S Tfle; K. NIKOAooe; l:KouAfie;, nou tnloKE¢,9TlKE TOV nEpOO}..lEVO }..IiivQ T~ NEo • YOPKfl. l:E O'UVEVTEU~fl Tlmou, nou 0081lKE OTa rpo!pEio Tunou KO] nAr,pocpoplwv, 6 K. l:KouABe; T6vIO'E: 'H KTIl).lOTIKrl TponE(a EIvOI 6 Or,}..IOVTIKOTEpOe; El6IKEUJ.,JEVOS tAAflvIKOe; TpO- O'l oUToD TOO rpoq:.Eiou ElvOi iOloiTEPO O'l}..lOVTIKO YEyov6S~ YIOTi ~ nopouoio T~~ TpimE~a~ OTi~ HnA ov6~EOa OTa EKOTO).l).lUPIO TWV 6}..10YEVWV dvOi ~6'l npoY}..IOTIKoTr,Ta. Of npoonTIKEe; Yla T~V EmTuxio TOCi EP- you T~~ TpaTTE~a~ aTi~ HnA E1vQl t~QI PETIKE~, KQaW~ ~EV6Ao~ opla~o~ 6~OVE TTE~IKO~ <l>opEa~ OTOU~ TO~Ei~ T~~ KT~~a VWV EKollAwvEI E).lnpOKTO TO EVOIO!PtpOV TOU YIC] Tie; unllPEojES nou npoo!ptpEI rl TIKiie; Koi TOUPIOTIKiis niOTr,e;, ME't6po Tilv' A8rlvO KO! EVo J.l EyoAo 6 iKTUO unoKOTOaTll).lOTWV OTriv 'EAA60o Koi rpo¢'Eiwv ' AVTlnpoownEios OTO E~UJTEPIKO npOO!ptpEI Tis unllPEoiEe; Tile; OE XIAlaOEe; nfAoTE<; TIlS - i6l(inEe; Koi EniXEIP'l).lO- OTEYOarlKa 60VEIO dooywyflS ouvaAAOY).lOTOS Koi OTEyoOTIKoCi TO).lIEUT'lPiOU, 6nAES Koi np09EoJ.lIOKES KOToetofle; O'E ouvaAAOYJ.,JO, 06VEIO Yla ~fvo60Xfl oKES EmXElp~OEIS K.A.n. TIE~. LTOV OTEYOOTIKO TOIJEO., TpanE~O KOAunTEI TO TEAEUTOio TEOOEpa XPOVIO novUJ ono TO 70% TOO ouvoAou TWV 00vEiwv Yla arEYOOfl, nou xopriYEiTotAAIlVIKO nlOTUJTIKO aUOTIl}..lo? nOOOaTD nou OVTlnpOOUJnEuEI navw cmo 30% TWV ouVOAIKWV tnEv6uOEWV Ti'je; xwpae; O'E KOTOIKiEe;, LTOV TOUPIOTIKO TOIJEO EXEI XPIl).lOTOOOTr10EI ~EXPI Orl}..lEPO Tilv KOTOOKEUr) 120.000 KpfaOTlWV ~fvoooXEiou) nou KoAunTOUV TO 30% nEpinou TOO OUVOAIKOO EEv060XEIOKOO OUVOJ.,JIKOO Tf'jS · EMooo~. • H TTA~p~~t~EloiKEua~ OTOU~ TO~Ei~ T~~ op~0016r~T6~ T~~ Kai ~ £<I>ap~ovn auvXpov~~ TpaTTE~IK~~ ~EaoooAoyia~, waw~ wi ~ 01j1~An tnaVVEA~QTIKn KQTaPTIOIl TOO npoowmKOO TIlS, naptxouv OTllv TponE(a Tr)V 6uvoTOTIlTO V' OVTI).lETUJni(EI OnoTEAEG}..IOTIKa TOV 610pKWe; OU~OVO).lEVO 6YKO TWV EPVOOlWV Tile; }..IE TOUS KoAuTEpOUe; 6UVOTOUe; opOUS Via TOUe; nEAoTEe; TIlS. Tp6TTE~a .0 K. NiK. LKouMS 'EAAnvUJv nou KOTOIKOOV d OUTte; Koi T.flV ovoAoYIl npooop).loyrl TWV unllPEOIwv T~~ Via TnV KQAUTEP~ OUVQT~ t~UTT~PE TIlOrl TOUe;. j3. T~v EV~~Epwa~ TWV ' EAMvwv TOO £~WTEPIKOO Via Tie; EUKO lpiES t~OIpETIKa anOOOTIKWV Tono6ETnGEWV - noAAEe; !poPES navw On TO }..IEGO EniTOKIO TWV 0IJEPIKOVIKWV rponE(wv nou TTpoaqitpEI ~ EupwTTaiKn 'Avopa Xp~ J.,JOTOc.;, OTriv 6noio OU}..IIJETEXEI Koi r'j KT'lJ.,JOTIKrt Tp6nE~o ).lEOO aTO nAoiOio EUVO'iKWV 6EO'}..IIKWV olaTo~EUJv, nou EXEI SEoniOEI ., 'EAAllvIKr; noAlnio, Koi v. Tnv au~~a~ TOO tvo la<l>EpovTo~ TWV 6}..10E6vwv ).loe; va OIOT'lPrlOOUV Tr)V tno<I>~ TOU~ ~£ T~V' EAMoa ovaTTnjaaovra~ O/KOVOJ.lIKte; OXtOEIe; J.,Jo(i Tile; navUJ DE oa<l>aA~ wi OTTOOOTlKn j36a~. LTO "AoiOio OUTOO TOCi npoypolJJ.,JoTO~ ~ KT~~aTlKn Tp6TTE~a OlaaErOVTa~ ~o~ owoEKa rpa<l>Eia aTo £~WTEPIKO (OKTW OTr; ~UTIKrl rEPlJovio, 6uo arri aT~v • EAAooa, 5TTW~ • H KT~~aTIKn ~ETa T~V tVKQT6OTaa~ Tr,e; ar~v ' AOTOPIO, eo tnEKTEivEI TriV 6POOT'lPIOT'lTO Tile; oro TOPOVTO TOU Kavaoa. '0 K. rKouM~ ~£ OTEAtX~ T~~ TpaTTE~a~ ~ETa TnV N, • YOpK~ £",aKE<l>a~Kav TO TOPOVTO Via T~V pua~la~ oAwv TWY eqJaTUJV nou oXETi~oVTOI ).lE TO EKEi rpo!pEio • AVTmpoownEioe;, nou npOaM:nETOI v' aVOi~EI TOV npooExii <l>Ej3POUOpIO. . 0 Ll.p. rKouM~ VEVV~a~KE aTnV KprlTIl, l:nouoOO'E OiKOVOJ.,JIKa OT~V Al:OEE Kai [KaVE }..IETonTUXIOKEe; anouOEe; 0'£ naVEnlO'Trl).lIO TWV HnA KO! TOO Kovo6a, onou KO! avciKIlPuXTIlKE 6160KTOPOS tnlOT'lIJWV TO 1966, "'HTOV Yla nOAAo XPOVIO e:nlOTIl}..lOVIKOe; OUVEPVaTIlS Koi OiKOVO},.lIKOe; O'U).laouAoS aTO unouPVEio OIKOVO).lIKWV TOO Kova6fi. To olOiK~a~ T~~ . EaVIK~~ KT~~aTlK~~ Tp6TTE~a~. 1981 oVEAaj3E Tn 'H KT~~aTlKn TpoTTE~a ETTlOIWKEI OTaaEpa va hTTA~pWVEI TnV oTToaToA~ T~~ }..IE nArlpr] O'uvEnElo ontvovTI orDV nfAoTr] Koi va 6~lonolfi Tilv nOAUTI}..I'l nfipo KO! 6PTIO 6pvavworl TIlS OIEUPUVOVTOe; KO! aEATIWVOVTOe; O'UVEXWS Tie; oPOOTIlPIOTr]TES TIlS. "hOi? Ono TO 1964 fXEI TEaEi 'E)),'1V1KO rpwroyparpf.lo ar~v KapOla rr,r; 'Aaroplar; ASTRO STUDIO at £<I>ap~ovn tva TTpovpa~~a npootYYIO'Ile; TWV ' EAAr;vwv "OU (oOv Koi £pVa~ovTm E~W OTTO TOV' EAA~VIKO xwpo, <l>IAooo~ia T~~ TTapoua~~ Ll.loiK~a~~ Elvol ., 61fupuvoll OUTOO TOO npoypO}..l~OTOe; Yla Tilv tniTEU~1l TWV nopcfKOTUJ aroxUJv: ' a. Tnv £~oIKEiwa~ T~~ TpOTTE~a~ ~£ Ti~ TWV ~EVWV xwpwv, TnV 1010~Op<l>iE~ KOTov6r]0r) TWV 10lOiTEPUJV OVOYKWV TWV 14 Tel. (212) 721-1550 35-35 30th AVENUE ASTORIA. N.Y _ 11103 .NEA YOPKH. MIa y£vlo~ c'inoljl~ TOO T£POCITIOU Epyoaraalou napaao£u~~ ETOi~wv cpay~TUrV T~~ Kemberling Foods, 9UyOTpIO~~ Eralpla~ T~~ Dutch Pantry. f! Photo by H NEA YORKH 0 K. Lnl90YlovvI1S Kal Tel Dutch Pantry NEOI OPIZONTEr rtA OMorENElr EnlXElPHMA TIEr LTO hOJ,Jrrpo K£q>OA.OIO rwv tmXElpr]jJOTIKWV EnrTEUYj.JOTWV IJUOVOOTWV O'T~V' Aj.JEPIK~} nEplonT., 9to" KOTEXEI 6 o. Nioo~ rnr90Ylow~~: Ani> ~0~90~ at lva 1..IIKPO ~OTlaT6plo TOU ncrEpe TOU orou~ 45 6po~ou~ oa; 9~ A£wq,opo or~v Nta 'yopo ~, TO 1960, £Ivor a~~£pa EoaTO~~UPIOOXOS, np6£6po~ oa; KeTa 80% ~tTOXO~ T~~ Eralpia~ Dutch Pantry, nou ora9hEI 56 EOTIOTOPIO Of 16 nOAlniES. tva YlyavTlaio Epyooroalo napaywy~~ TUrV cpay~TUrV nou a£p~ lpovral ora EOTIoroplO aUTO Koi I.UQ unr)p£ofo t4>oOIOOJ,JOO ~Evo6oX£iUJv, Yl')poKOIJ£fwv Koi voaOKOJ,JflWV, cpay~TO. IJE [TOrlJa, ElolKfjC; 6fOlTOC; np;v pl~w~£ ~Io a(rvTo~~ ~aTla or~v KaTanA.flKTIK~ nEpinTwoll TOO OOlJ,10VIQU XltllTr"I ETTlXEIP'1lJoTfa, "pEntl TOViaWIJE cm ~ ErOlpia OUT" orl1pi(ETOI at. va Eva VEO, EnovaoroTIKO O'ucnrwo ).,£1Toupyiac; rwv tonoropiwv, nou eo rrjc; E~aacpaAia~ rax(rTaT~ Ent.TOa~ d OA£~ TI~ nOAlT£iE~ oa; 90 avol~~ vtou~ 6pi~OVT£~ EnrXElp~~aTlo~~ 6paor~PIOT~ ras, <'IXI ~ovo at tK£lvou~ nou txouv axta~ ~t EorlaTopla oal Diners, aHa AEKEMBPIOI: 1983 Koi ot tKEfvou~ nou 6EV ~xouv Tilv ... napa~lop~ 16ta. To EorlaT6pla Dutch Pantry dvOl nEplaaoTEpo yvwaro Koi TO r3AtnEI KovElc; KOVTO ot I.IEyOAOUC; OUTOKIVflTOp 6po~ou~ or~v n£vauA~ovla, . Oxoio oa; nOAAtc; IJEoo6uTIKtC; KOl VOTIEe; nOAITEiEe; ~£ra~u TUrV 6noiwv oa; ~ CIlAWpI6a.· H tTOlpia ~£A£T(j ~6~ oxt61a En£KTOa£w~ aT~v Nta . Yopo~, NloO T~tpaEO oai c'iAA£~ OVOToAlo€~ nOAIT£iE~. . H €mXEip~a~ T~~ 6Aual6a~ aUT~~ EOTioTopfwv OTflPi~ETOI oro auv6uaol.lo T~~ rax£la~ E~un~p£T~aEw~ (Fast Food) ~t TO a£p~lpla~a ono a£p~ITop£~ at oavovloo Tpant~la, ~t TI~€~ OVWT£P£~ 6no TO MacDona Ids's, Burger King, o.A.n., 6Ha nOAu xa~~MT£p£~ ono T;~ Tll.1te; EVOC; KOVOVIKOU tOTioTopiou. npo~Ia OpO£Ta ~£YOA~ nOlolAia cpay~TUrV ~t TI~t~ nou aE oa~~lo nEpinTwa~ 6Ev ~£n£pvoOv Ta t~~ 60AA. oa; ou~alvovTal 01 nEplaaoT£p£~ ono 2.50 EW~ 5.00 60H. TO nrOTO. aq,tpouv ' H ~£yOA~ EmTuxla TUrV Dutch Pantry, 6q,£IAETOI, EOTO~ ono TIl" ~£90610~ oa9aploT~TO, oro y£yovo~ OTI OAa Ta cpa- YflTO ElvOi TunOnOlfllJEva. KOTOOKEUQ~OVTOI 6n6 Trlvi610 hOlpio, oAo Toiblo Via 5Ao Ta EOTIOT6pI0, xwpiC; KOIJI.IIO anO""TW~ olaq,opO or~ y£(ra~, oa; q,96vouv ora EorlOTOPIO KOTEIt'UYI.I£VO, i:TOIIJO at OTOI.IIKEC; I.IEpi6Ee;. npOKEITOI v'a EaTlaTopla xwpl~ ... ~oYElpa. rT~V «Kou~ivo» 6tv XPEUl~OVTOI napo IJEPIKOi vEol, ~ vt£~, ~E noAu Aiy~ t.naI6£ua~, 6:~oO EKEivo nou KOVOUV bEV dvOl 1.10v£ip£u~a, oAM 6nM ... ~taTO~a TUrV J,JEpi6wv. .AuTo E~aacpaM~EI <'IXI ~ovo ara9£p~ nOloT~ra Kel ora9£p~ YE(ra~, 6Ha oa; anOAUTr] K090PI6TrtTO, 6~ou bEivoe; nou trOI~6~EI TO q,aY~TO V'a a£p~lpl a~a OEV TO oyyl~EI EnEl6~ aUTO dvor TUAIYI.IEVO at: nAoorlKr) oOKouAo,., 1.I0e; dnE Tovi~ovTac; ()TI 6 KO- 6 K. Lm90yulVvfle;, 9tva~ ~nop£i va ovoi~~ ~Ia T£rOla Enr- XEip~a~. To a(ror~~a nou 000Aou9£J TO Dutch Pantry tXEI 6nAonol~aEl TPO~£pa T~V oArt 61061Koaio Tr'tC; hOll.loaioc;, I.I0VEIp£(r~OTO~ oa; OEPl3lpio~aTo~. EorIOTOpa~ 6Ev XPEI6~Tor va q,90V~ oro EorlaTopl6 TOU T~V auy~, .0 15 MfP 1K~ 6"04-111 EVOC; EOTIOTOpiou Dutch Country aTO" au- TOKIVr1l66poIJo 81 .. Ap lon:pa OIOKpivUOI TO ai'iIJO TOO Quality Inn Motel TO 6noio EnrOlle; aV~KEI orov XI(.lJT'l Enl- 0$00 cStv XPEI6~ETOI KOIJI,JI() "POHOI- lJ ooia, " J,JoYEipEUj.JO . .6.i:v XPEI6~ETal va napoA6f31l Kptoro, !.VaPlc Koi AaxavlKo. 6EV XPE I O~ETOI ~oYElpa. " OAa TO 4>ay~ TO, IJ E T~V t~aipEO" TOG npwi'vou, ap!O'KO\l101 ETOIJ,JO ar~v KaT6lV u~l1 , OTrlV 6nola IJnoivouv !-IoAII; jJOYEIPEU8ouv, oro tpyOOTOOIO rf}s hQlpiaS KGi artA)..OV10 1 J,JE £IOIKO QUTOKivr)TO-lVuYEia ora KaTaoT~jJaTa, 6v6,A,ova J..IE ric; QV6YKES roue.;. T6 XOllllAonpo KoaTO~ To oUOT~~a ailTo £~a04>OAi~E I OT~V TiC; KoAunpEsouvOT£S TIIJES olll" npolJr18E10 KpEorwv KO! AaxavlKwv KOI TWV 6AAWV UAIKWV ... AAAf'} OiKOVOI-.lio, npOKUnTflonO TOlJaYEipEUlJa , O¢)Qu OEV yivEla l ~EXWPlena of: KaBEva ono TO aUTi'lS 6pYOVWOEWS. AEITOUpyioS KOj EK~EToAAEUOEW~ ElvOi ~ £~oo4>oA lo~ tvo~ KOTanArjKTIKa XOlJrjAOCi KOOTOUS, nou 6~lonolEi T~V ~nEv6 uorj n EplOOOTEPO ana K09E I!AA~ at 0~oEI6Ei~ £",XEIP~ OEIS· riO va KOTOMll~ KoAUTEpa" ovayvwOT~~ TO nEpl9wp,a Ktp60u~, OAAO Koi TWV npoonTIKwv oVanTLJ~EWS Ti'lS Dutch Pantry, npEnEI va Aol3l1 un" 04JIV cm TO KOOTOS ni:v 4xJVr,TWV Kai AEITOUPVios (nou nEplAa~llovEI aAa TO E~06a) ElvOi 16 4>wTOypa4>ia. Photo by H NEA YORKH !JOVO 29%. To 6vTiOTOlXo Koenos Tiie; 0Auooi6oe; £OTIOTOpiwv Arthur Treacher Elval 42% KOj TOO MacDonald 40%. ITO tninEOO OUTO KU!JOiVETai TO VEVIKO KOOlOe; TWV nEplOOOTEPWV 61KTlJWV £O'TIOTopiwv, tvw TO KOOTOS Via T(] Diners ~E nEpVQ TO 50%. hOi, IJE OXETIKO jJIKPOTEP~ £ntv6uo~, " £",XE IP~~OTio~ EXEI ono T~V oPX~ £~ao4>aAlo~tva ~EYoAU TEPO KEp61l 1 jJE noAu AlywT£poue; novoKt4>oAou~ nou o4>opoOv T~V oT09EP~ nOIOTr'lTO TOO CPOYrjTOO Koi, ~El3oiwe;, TO npOOWniKO. M6AIe; ErOIJ,JOOTOOV TO 410YrjTa on6 £I. OIKOUe; j.lOYE/pOUS Koi tpYclTES "OU f>AOl T6 tpVOOToaro £PYOOTOOIO 6'EU9uVEI 6 K. Bob Singer, £vw lmEu9uvo~ YII' TOV EAEYXO nOI6T~TO~ ElvOi " K. Bob Chesney, ~E W hOi pia EOTIOTOpIO .• AnOTtAEO~a T~~ K09ET~~ XElprllJoria. To Steak House, nau anonAEi auvEXEIO TOCi ouyKpOT~~aTO~ llpioK£TOI npo~ Tel 6E~IO , oAAO 6EV 4>aivETOI OT~V To £PYOOTOOIO T~~ Dutch Pantry, nou I-JnopEi va dvOi ~ jJEyoAuTEPrt Kou~ivo OTOV KOOjJO, r3piOKETOI OlO Hummels Whark , Aiyo E~W Ono TO XOpplO~nEpYK, OT~V nEvvouAllovlO. nOpOOKEUO~EI 211 ii6rj cpoYIlTWV, ooOnEe; Koi yAwdoJ,JOTO. n Ei6,KO £PYOOT~P IO 60KI~0~OVTOI ono E161Kou~ 6Aa Ttl 4>OV~TO, Ylo va 6IaT~p~9~ OTa9Ep~ ~ nOloT~TO Koi ~ YEUO~. 'ynOPXEI X~~Eio OTO 6noio E~ETO~OVTOI aAE~ 01 EiOOYO~EVE~ npUJTE~ UAE~, Ka9w~ KOj TO CPOyrjTO, OTOV IJOYEIPEU800v. rTO tpyooroOio Elva I jJovijJwe; ~YKOTEOTrt j.lEVOI oVTrnpoownOI 6J,Joanov610KUJV Koi noAIT£IOKWV (mrjpEOIWV nou tAEYXOUV Tilv Ko8opIOTIlTO, KOeWS KOj TIlV nOIOTrtTO TWV KPEOTWV KOj nouAEpIKUJV. 4>opoOv AEUKE~ 4>6P~E~, 01 ~Epi6E~ nEpvoCiv Via OUOKEuooia at 6104xJvEiS nAoOTlKE~ oaKKoOAE~ ana EI6'Ko ~~xav~ jJOTO, J.maivouv at XOPTIVO KI~WTlO Koi 66 r,yoUVTaI of: EVo TEPOOTIO xwpo OKOploia~ KaTO'I'u~EW~ (Cryonics). rTl)V ouvEXElo On091lKEuOVTOI OE Eva 'l'uYEio-KaTO'l'U~~ ~Eyt90u~ ~EyaAu TEPOU on6 TOV XUJpo 1.IIOC; oounEpJ,JcpKET J 6no onou TO 6lcu:popo 410pTia riopaAa~llovovTOI ono Tel EI6'Ko 4>OPT~YO. T" noAuETii unrjpeoia KOj 01 6uo OlrlV Eral· pia. T6 tpyOc:rrOOIO OUTO EXEI 6UVOTOTr'lTO £4100IOOI.JOU JJEXpl 200 EOTIOTOpiwv. ainAo OTiC; npOOTlES aUTEe; EYKOTOOTOOEl~ nou OV~KOUV OT~V 9UYOTPIK~ hOlpio Kimberling Foods r3piOKETOI TO 161oKTIlTO TunoYPocpEio TllS ono u TunwVOVTOI 01 KOTOAoYOI Koi To61041rjJJIOTIKO UAIKO YIC' TO 6,04>opa npoi6vTO, <o9w~ Koi T(] menus, nou dvOI 6j.1oloj.loP$O Yla bAo TO £OTIOTOpIO. rTEVO~ OUVEPyOT~~ <01 ou~llouAo~ TOO K. Im90YIovVll dV0l6 K. John Barnar; 16puT~~ Kai 6~~loupyo~ T~~ 6Auoi6a~ .NEA YOPKH. £oTloropiwv Arthur Treacher, rov onoio 6 6~OYEV~~ t"'XElp ~~0TIa~ YVWPI~E OTav 61610~6IaXElpl~OTav ~ EP'KO ono TO eOTIaTopla mira aT~v Nta • Y6pK~. 01 6u6 TOUe;, ~t rov . AvrmpoE6po riie; hOlpioe.; Mike Brodrick, OUOKE:nTovTOI OUXvo, aTa KEVTPIKO vpaq,Eio TOO Dutch Pantry, OTO Camp Hill, npOOOTEIO TOO XOPPIO~no upYK, ~a{i ~t 6AAou~ t",TEAEi~ T~~ £TOIpia~, YIO T~V OTPOT~YIK~ tnEKTaOEWe.; at 6AAES nOAITEiES Koi T~V Tono8Er1l0T'] TWV npoIovTwv T~e; ErOlpioS at voooKo~Eio Koi r6pU~OTa. MEOO at lvo Xpovo - 6no rOTE nou ovtAa~E T~V £TOIpia 6 K. r",aoYlavv~~ or nwA~OEIS crra tcrrlOTOPIQ Tiis: hOlpfas au~~e~Kav KaTO 7% tvw oi nwA~aEl~ hOI~wv ~Epi6wv il>OY~TOU at ~Ev060- XEio, VOOOKO~Eifl Koi Vr'lPOKO~Eio, ou~~ a~Kav KaTo 47%. · Ano TOV nEpoo~EVO Maio, 6 K. I:mSoYlavv~~ ElvOi 1610KT~T~~ tvo~ Quality Inn, Motel, TO 6noio ~piOKETOI nAoI 6KPI~WS Koi ouv6tnol ~t tva EOTIOTOPIO Dutch Pantry, novw OTDV oUTOKIVIlTO6po~0 81, l~w ano TO Xappla~noupYK. Mtpoe; TOO TEpOaTiOU OUTOO OUyKpOT~~aroe; ElvOi Koi EVa OUVEXO~EVO Steak House. · 0 K. rmSoVIOVVIle; dvOi iKovonolll~Evos: ono T~V lmoooofl TOO Motel Koi aXE6"'l~EI T~V oyopo «if OAAwv, oE ouV6UOO~D ~t TO OVOIY~O 6inAo O' OUTO, tOTIOTOpiwv. . H nEAonlo TWV Motels ononA.Ei ~Ia hOI~fl nEAonio Via TO EOTIOTOPIO KO! 6£v dvOI Tuxoio TO VEyovo~ bTl bAa aXE60v TO Dutch Pantry ~piaKovTOI KOVTO at Motel. KoaE eOTlaTOPIO 610ShEI xwpo OTOV 6noio a nEAaT~~ J3piaKEI 61o<l>opa tveu~la Kai auoKEuoo~Evo yAuKio~OTO Koi 6AAo npoiOVTO T~~ Dutch Pantry. < H ETOlpfo npoonoSEi TWPO va OIOStOr) TO hOI ~a <l>aY~Ta T~~ aTO supermarkets, napaAA~Aa ~t T~V 6lEupuva~ TWV nwA~aEwv T~~ at 610<l>opa voa~AEuTIKO 16pu~aTO, axoAEia Kai ~Ev060XEia - ~E TO~U TWV nEAoTWV HIe; OUYKOTOAtvOVTOI KO! WPIO~tVO Ko~fvo 010' ATAoVTIK LiTu. • 0 K. r",eoYlavv~~ npoxwpEi aT~v • 0 K. NiKO~ l:meoYlovv~~ OTO ypa<l>Eio TOU, OTO Camp Hill, npoaOTEIO TOO Xoppla~noupYK, nEvouA~ovla . Photo by H NEA YORKH 6AoKA~pwa~ T~~ 6pyavwaEw~ T~~ £TOIpla~ ~t T~V Elaaywy~ ~AEKTPOVIKWV unoAOVlcrrwv nou KOTOYpaq,ouv 6n6 AEnTo at AmT6 TI~ Eionpo~EI~ /lAwv TWV EOTIOTOplwv Ti"iS hOlpios: Koi KOTOVpOq,ouv aAo TO OTOIXEiO npoJ.JIlSEII!Jv Koi nwA~oEUJV, anOSt~OTO UAIKWV Koi OAAa OTolxda J.JE TO anoia tnlTUVXOVETOI 6p6peoAoYlaTIK6TEP~ 6pyovwa~ <oi auyKpoT~a~ TOU /lAou K6OTOU~ napaywy~~, OIOXElpioEWS: Kai nwA~OEwV. 14 hcitv. ono Tqv Xio nOlo~ ElvOi 6 np6E6po~ Kai Chairman of the Board T~~ £TOIpla~ Dutch Pantry; • 0 K. l:",eOYlovv~~ ~peE aT~v • A~EPIK~ at ~AIKla 14 trwv. Tov £IXE aTEIAEI 6 naTtpa~ TOU K. r,ovv~~ l:meoYlovv~~, 6 .NEA YOPKH. EI6'Ka <l>oPT~yo-ljJuYEia ~ETa<l>tpouv Ta npoiovTa aTa tpyoaTaOia Dutch Country. Photo by H NEA YORKH 6noio~, ano TO 1945, 6laT~pouaE aT~v KEVTprKrl nAoTEio Ti'is: Xiou EVa ~EyaAo ~EAo~ T~~ 6~a6a~ <l>ouT~nwA Kai onou anou6ooE Education, BloAoyio Kol <t>u· KOq,tPEVEio . . EKE1 OUVOVTlOVTaV tPYOTE<; Koi tpyoA6f3ol, 6nAoi VOUTIKOi KOf KonE· TOVI OI, OUVTO~100XOI Koi oPVOOXOAOI, f}TOV TO OflJ.JEio ouvavT~oEwC; Via EKOTOVT66E~ ovapwnou~, KoaE ~tpa. '0 ~IKPO~ NiKO~ ~EKiv~aE Ylo TOV Nto K6o~0 Alyo ~ETO T~V ono<l>oiT~a~ TOU ono TO 6~~OTlK6 , Kai tYKaTOaToa~KE KOVTO OE jJlO SElo TOU, 010 War ren, Ohio . . EKEi TEAEfwOE TO ru~voalo KO! TO navEmOT~~IO Westvil le, onou ~Tav OIKIl· l:ov <l>OIT~T~~ nEpaoE .~w~ <oj KMa., 016T1 616aoKE arous oUjJqJOlTflTES TOU TO ~p66ua T~V 6po~ ~apwv. Elu~aTo/ ntiJ~ tm614.iJKovToC; TrlV EUVOIO TOU VIC:] KoAouC; ~aa~ou~, 01 au~<I>OIT~Tt~ TOU ~oAwvav ~ETa~u TOU~, ~IO <l>opo T~V e~60~a6a nou E~YOlvav t~w bAol ~a~i, nO/o~ 96 npwToKEpaofl nhoo Kol jJnupa ... • H ~tyvO/aaT~ ~w~ OTO Ohio 61EK6n~ 17 J,J£ TOV appaJlwva TOU J,JE )JIG KontAAo nou ovenoOot. ' Anoq>601O'E T~V navrp£uri'j Koi EVpmIJE UTOV norEpe TOU OTrlY Xio, C'1Tl~VTac; Tliv tUX" TOU. ' AAAa aVTi VIC] EUXrl,£q>TOOE t~avplw JJ tvoc; uro va ,OPXT/UTpa :' . NIKOY lAXAPOnOYAOY it .",. 4~ 4,:: ' OXCfio 6i61oS6 ~ 110TEPOC; TOU ... nwc;roA.· IJ'lOt 6 NiKOC;, TO KoA6, TO q>IAoTI).JO Kol oqJv6 n0l6i, va hOI),Joorf'\ Via YOJJo, Tliv .H rpT/l.llo/JiVT/ opxrjurpa roD NIKOY ZAXAPOnOYI\OY wpa nou 6£v dXE aKO~~ navTpEUT~ ~ a6EAq,~ TOU Elp~v~; 0a j3oui~av Ta Kap- Elval rmj olli8tOT/ Tij~ .O/Joyivtla~ Yllj Kri8t iKOljAflJOT/ 6a~uAa Kaj ~ ,Xwpa», onwc; AEYETOI npwTtuouaa Tf'\S Xiou I Sa ~ Vlvorov ... pE~IAI ~ oIKoyEvEla ... • 0 NiKOC; dXE nA~p~ Eniyvwcr~ T~C; j3apj3apoT~TOC; TOO £81~ou. npO<mOe~crE va nEiar) TOV norEpo TOU va TaU EnlTptq.Hl va naVTp£uTfj, 6AAo tKEivoC; ~IJEIY£ aVEV60TO<; . .6.tv eo ETXE ClJ,JOu Tpa» va ~ava EMHNIKH KAI AMEPIKANIKH MOYIIKH (212) 545-7738 yupiOI"J UTO V'lOr, eo EJ,JEV£ 6pJOTIKO: OTIlV ·A ~EpIK~ ... ' 0 NiKOC; unEKutpE . .6.,tAuOE TOUe; appaJlwvEsroU Koi at r'JAIKia 22Xpovwv, TO 1%0, ~£KiVIlC7E Yla T1;V NEo' YOPK'l ... ITC) I.ItTO~U 6 nOTEpoc; TaU nOUA'lOE TO KOq>q>EVEio TOU ar~v Xio Koi ~p9E Koi KENTPIKON A~TOPIA~ 31-12 23rd Ave. (KOVte. crnlv 31st Street) T~Atlj>wva (212) 721-9190 Kai (212) 721-9191 'EK"EKtTt au .... oY1'l altO I'ltOUI'ltOUVlEPE<;, atEq>ava, palttl"tlKa, uq>avta, [pyo)("pa, oiVtlKEil'EVa tEXVTJ<;, KEpal'''Ka, p,p"'a, ltEP'O/)'Ke. Ka' [<pt]I'Epi/)E<;. - Kap"<; Y'" 15"E<; ti<; ltEP'ltt"''''''' I1AOY1:rOTATH l:YAAOrH EAAHNIKON LlIl:KON Kai TAPES, VIDEO CASSETTES. 'AvO' KtO llwTEpa - l:a~~ato 10 n.~ . - 8 ~ .~ . - Kup,aKE,: 12-6 ~.~. "'LEVeUVOl]: Xp,crtiva l:apl]y,avvl] ATHENS CENTER HOTEL HHN KAPLltA THr AfJHNAr • KEVTPIKOC; KAIJ.laTlo~6c; - 1366wJ.lcma, AouTpa, TIlAt4>wYo,pa616cpwYQ,j3e:p6vTO •• ECTIOTOPIO nOAuTEAe:fac;, Iomop, pou¢l VKOPVT£V, noAuTEA£ls di90uoe:c; (m060xi'll) Kol 161WTIKO VKapO~. TliJpo "oi ... txP' 15 MOPTfou TIJ.loi 6WJjOTiwv : Mov6KAIva 1.510 6paXI-I. llfKAlva 2.346 6POXI-I. TpiKAlva 2.913 6px. I:uIJn£pIAoJJI36vETOI KOVT lvEvraA l.mptK~OT . .6.10 PE~EPl3toIOVc;(mOToei\TE OT~ N. 'Y6pK~ «NEA YOPKH. (212) 483-0642 K. · Apo!v~ ~ VPOllJaT[ crt~v NEa' Y6pK~. ME Eva 6IlVElO Eva ~'KPO AaVTOEOvh crt~v 9~ Atwq,opo Kaj 0 N1KoC; npOOq,Epe~KE va TaV j3o~e~cr~ .. EKEi anOKT~crE T~V npwT~ TOU £~nElpla Kaj KaTaAaj3E OTI arlT~ oEv ~TOV ~ q,IAo60~la TOU . . . ' AnOq,acrrcrE va o,o6~~ cr£ Eva KoMEYIO. ToO npooq,Epav tpyacria ~£ 4,800 ooAA. TOV Xpovo, CrAM hEivoC; 6VOI~E npOTII.I'lOE vo QvoA6a'l Ko9riKOVTO 6IEU~ 9UVTr; nEpiq>rll.lO TOTE VUKTEPIv6 Kt.VTpO Copacabana, 1.1£ 1.11096 12,000 aro 6oAA. TOV Xp6vo. -E~ElvE hEI 8 ~~VEC;. ~EXPI nou aVEAaj3E olw8uVT~C; crto Wantagh Djner KOI apYOTEpa crto Oasis Diner crto Rockville Center, Ll., TOO onolau 1610KT~T~C; ~TOV o K. ToapAC; llEA~Ylaw~c;.• 0 6v8pwnoc; OLITOC;, AEYEI 6 K. Im9aYI(]vv'lC;, ~TOV 6 KoAuTEPOC; tniXEIPr]J..IOTioC; nau YVWPIOE KOf EI.IOeE KOVTO TOU noAA6. IT~V OUVEXEIO 61ETEAEOE yUJ Eva Xpovo 6IEUeUVT~C; OTO EOTlaToplO TaU eEVO- 60XEiou 1Astor ~EXP' nou anOq,6010E va ylv~ 616,oc; tnrXElp~~OTiac;. 0U~aTal KaM T~V ~~Epo~~via. 'HTOV ~ o~~av TIKWTEPr] I.IEXPI rOTE ar~v aro6lo6poj.Jio TOU: 14 ' OKTWj3plou 1963. EIXE lmoXPEw9d vo nouA~or] TO KOIVOUPYIO TOU Pontiac. Koi 1.1£ xp~l.Iara nou TOV 6a~ VEIOOV 01 . HAiac; MnoupvrOc; Koi AEU~ TEP~C; r,wpyaAoc;, ay6pacrav ~a~1 KOj 01 TpEiC; Eva ~aya~ crTO MnpoOKAuv. To OEUTEPO ~aya~1 TOO K. rnr80y,avv~ ~TOV crto PiT~yoUVT, Kou~vC;. 'HTav TO Bank Restaurant, TO 6noio nouAr]oE apy6TEpa. To 1970, 0 K. ~aTEu8~KE T~V rnr80y,ovv~C; o,anpayayopa !:v0C; TEpaOTjOU E- Sophocleous & Athenas 26, Athens,Greece. aTloropiou aTli 61EU9uvol') Newmark Tel. 524-8511-7 Telex 4488 ALCV Plaza aAM ~Tav q,aivETal TUXEPO va ~~ npoxwp~o~ . Kaj T~V 161a XPOVla, ayopacrE Eva fast food ~aya~l, TO CASEY'S, OT~V 3~ AEWq,OPO Kal 67 Street TOO 18 MavxaTTav.. H tmxtip ~a~ ~rav nOhu tmKtp6~~ Kai Y"" va T~V npOOTOTtUa~ 6no aVTOYWVIOT£S VOIKIOOE OJ,l£OWS tva ~ty6ho tOTlaT6pI0 nou ~tVOIKlaOT~KE 6ntvavTI, orolu; 68 6poJ,louC; Koi 311 AEW<1>6po. ElXt <1>ofl~6~ 6T1 ~nopEi va ~ava vDlyE £KEi 6.A.A.o ptOTwpav nau 860vroYWVI{OTOV TO Casey's. Kai a,pt9IlK£ J.lE tva ~aya~i nou 6tv ~~tPt Ti va TO Kevil·· , · EKtiv~ T~V tnox~ ov600at ~ tTOIpia McDonald. np6Tt1vt UT~V fTOIpia va auvEpyaoTouv Via va 6voi~ouv fva NcDonald aTov 61a6tOl~0 xwpo, ahM 6;;v au~<1>wv~aav, 616T1 6;;v MtI~t ~ balpia OIh~ ~tyallo tv6Ia<1>fpov. · 0 K. rnr8oYlovv'lS niiVE rOTE orllv tTOIpia Arthur Treacher (Fish and Chips) KOI 6 TOTE npoE6poc; Tiis hOlpiac; cUTfle.; <oi a~~tplvo~ au.,flouho~ TOO K. rm60Ylavv~ flP~Kt tv6la<1>tpouaa T~V np6TOaf"] TOO XIWTIl ... .. ETOI 6VOI~E TO npWTO tUTlaT6plo TOO Ei60u~ aUToG aTO MavxaTTav .• EKavE xpuat~ 60uhtlt~, xwpl~ va ~tlWO~ Ti~ tlonpa~tI~ TOO Casey's. T~v npwT~ KI' Mas tfl60~a6a T~S htlToupy iac; TOU, 6 K. I:m90yu]vvr,S tntorpEI.V£ OTO KEvrplKo vpa4>Eia Tr;S Arthur Treacher Koi \~TllaE TO 6IKOIW~aTa YIO 6h6Kh~po TO MavxaTTav. ToO t6waav TO ~Iao MavxaTTav, anD Tous42 6polJouC; Koi 6vw, YUJ va 6voi~1l 000 KOraOT~~ara ~6tht. Mtaa 0;; TtaOtpa XPOVIQ, J,Jo\i !-IE E~o6EA4l la TOU 6n6 TO Ohio KOI !-IE TOV K. NiKO KOTo, Evav 6n6 TOUe; KoAunpo uc; aUVEpyaT£S TOU, 6VOI~OV auvoAIKO 15 £OTIOTOPIO Koi «yt. ~Iaav. /\hOI anD ht<1>T6. ·OTav hiyo opy6TtPO 6 K. rm60Ylavv~s XWPI"" ano TOUe; OUVETOipoue; TOU, EJJEIVE J.J£ T<l TEoaEpa J,JEYOA.UTEPO Arthur Treacher. · H ~66a lS.,wS ntpvO KaJ YIC' TO yaOTpoVO~IKO yoOOTa. Kal 6Tav TO 1978 6pXlat ~ napaK~~ TWV nWh~OtWV TWV tOTlaTopiwv OllTWV, 6 K. Im90Ylovvrje; 610npaYJ,JoTEu9r)KE Koi KOTOq>EPE va TO nouh~o~ UT~V "~TPIK~ hal pia navw anD 600 baTo~~upla 60Mapla. · H 6tUTtP~ mo O~~aVTlK~ ~~tpo~~via v,a TOV K. rnl60Ylavv~ ~TOV ~ ~~tpa tKtiv~: 20 . (ouMou 1978.. np6t6pos Tile; hOlpioC; Arthur Treacher, K. Barnar, nou t1Xt avoi~tI 800 TEToia tOTlaT6pla d 6I\6Kh~p~ T~V . A~tpIK~, t1Xt nouMati Tie; J,JEToxte; TOU Koi dXE onoxwpf}oEI EVa Xp6vo npJv TO KaTpoKuhla~a T~S hOlpioe;. · 0 K. Im90YlovVIlC; JJoe; OUOlTIOE TOV KOTOnA'1kTIKO oino (]v9pwno nou dvOl TWPO oUIJl3ouA6c; TOU Koi 6Elnvr'loalJE OTO Xappla~noupYK Ka6wS ~lhoOoav YIO Tis tmXE lp~~aTlKts npwToflouA(t~ TOue; Koi TnV vto ouvEpyooio TOUe;. • OTOV .,OS thtyt 6T1 anoxwp~at anD T~V npot6pla TOV pWT~aa~t 6v t1Xt T6Tt ou~flouhtljltl TOV K. rnl6oYlavv~ va Ka.,~ To1610. To t1Xt Ka~tI, oMo 6tvtlXt a AEKEMBPIOI; 1983 . H Ko9aploTrpo OTIe; tYkoToOTaoEIe; TOU tpyooTooiou eUlJi~EI XElpOUpyEio. AEUKEe; <1>op~tS Kal nhaOTIKo yavTla tlvOi unOxptWTIKO Ylo 6houS TOUS tpya~o~tvoUS. Photo by H NEA YORKH ElaOKouaT"', iaws YIOTI TO £OTIOT6pIO TOO K. rm60Ylavv~ 60ullwav oK6~~ <oM .. H Ka6uOTtp~0~ tvos Xp6vou, np606t"", 6tv TOV tflhaljlt, t~ao<1>ahlot noM Kah~ TI ~~ .. . . H TpiT~ o~~avTIK~ ~~tpo~~via OT~V tmXtlp~~aTlK~ 6paOT~pl6T~TO TOG K. rm60Ylaw~ ~TCV ~ 12 t.tKt~flpiou 1982, (hav an6KT~Ot fhtyXo T~S hOlpias Dutch Pantry, T~V 6nola oy6paot ono T~V Harley's Hotels.• ETol, t1VOl Twpa 6 ~ova6lKos tM~VIK~~ KaTaywy~~ 1610KT~T~S tvos 6,KTUOU tOTiaToplwv. riO tva 6IaOT~.,a TOV TITilo aUTO t1Xt 6 K. N. MwpaiT~S, nou Ylo Kalpo ~Tav np6t6pos T~S Arthur Treacher. . 0 nOTtpos TaU K. rt6vvI1S rm8oYl6vVI1e;, EUTUXIO",EVOS nopoKoAou9Ei 6n6 KOVTO Tic; np066ouc; TOO "016100 TOU, OTO nhtupo TOG 6nolou flploKOVTOI TptiS mOToi Koi OKOUPOOTOI OUVEPYOTEC;: . 0 ya~np6s TOUS K. MapKos TETov~S, 6 K. Twvr)S MovoOaos Koi 6 K. rtWpyoC; KoAoYI<:Ivv'1C;, J,J£ jJOKpa nEipo Koi of TpEiS OTiC; EnIXElpf}oEIS pEoTwpav. ·0001 yvwpl~ouv TOV K. rm60Ylaw~ 611M <01 6001 TOV ouvaVTOOv Ylo npwT~ <1>opa, tVTu nwola~ovTOI ~t T~V t ~<1>UT~ £uYEvEla TOU Koi TnV IKOv6T'1TO TaU VO: tmKolVwv~ ~t T~V ~tyalluTtp~ tuxtptla jJE TOY 6noto6f}noTE OUVOJ,JIA.I1Tr'} TaU. Toao 01 <1>11,01, 6ao Kal 016v6pwnOi nou TOV OUVOVTOOV YIC) npWTI1 q>ope, npooETwpa 6 K. Im60Y16w~S ~OIpa~tI T~V XOUV o~tows TOV ~mo xapaKT~pa TOU ~w~ TOU ~ETC~U Xappla~noupYK, onou ' oMo <oi TO ~tTp~~tva MYla TOU, TO ~tVtl TtOOEPIS ntpinou .,tptS T~V t1360- OTtp~~tva Ka6t imtPl3oh~S, UTa 6noia ~a6a <oJ N. 'Y6pK~S . ElvOi ~avl ala6avtTCI Kavtls OTi .,nopti va unohoyl~~. To KaM<op60 xa~6ytM TOU TOV w6~S <1>iha611os Kai TOO OPtOti ~ 6ahaoKavEI vO: q>OfVETOI noAu VEWTEPOC; 6n6 TO 00 Kol TO 4JOPE}JO. 45 xp6vla TOO npot6pou Kal Chairman of the Board ~IOS hOlplas ~t T~S 6nola~ • Ehni~tI 6T1 ouvTO~a 60 t1VQl at 6to~ TO I\vo~a 60 t~0lKtlw600v nOhu auvva ntpvO ntplaaOTtpO Kalpo OTO t~o TO",O noAAoj 'EAAIlVOOjJEPIKovoi tmXIKO onlTt TaU oro Key Largo, <t>AWPI60, XEtPr)~.IQTiEC; 6:AAo Koi TO EUPUTEPO KOIVO ... 6nou TOV nEplJ,JEVEI TO KOTEPO TOU. n.M. To c5laqJ'lj.l.IUTIKO Tlj.l.OAOylO r;;c; "Ntac; 'YOPK'lC;» elval UKplpwrepO KdBe a,V.ou t)').'lVIKoiJ evrv1rou uric; H.ll.A . 19 EnIKAIPA nArKOI:MIA npOBIIHMATA •AVUnapKT£~ oi npoi.ino8to£l~ Via <i.onAloJ,lo KaM nA~po<l>op~~tvoo KUMOO aT~V OMooYKTWV <l>povoOv liTO 6 nUP~VOKa~ 6'1>onAIO'J.lol) dval aXEbov 66uvOTOV va EnlTEUxeij ar~v a~~Epov~ Enox~. npoana9£IES "POC; rETOlD KOTtu9UVOll dvOi aTEipE~. w~ n.x. 01 olaKoovoToKt~ 6~oAIE~ aT~v Kunpo Ka; • EAA~vOTOUpKI.t~ ooaOKEliJEfS Via TO «lrlTrH.lO TOU Alyaiou». • Ano IiAE~ ~ou T;~ tna<l>E~ ~E a~~al vavra np60wna mr)v OUaOIYKTWV, anEK6~oaa T~V tVTunwa~ liTO 01 6vayKoiES npoOno9toEIS nau XPEI6~oVTal va EnoTWXeij aA~eova~ EAEYXO~ TWV nup~ VIKWV 6nAoOToaiwv dvOI nilpa avu- 01 A6yor 6l<J rrlv tmKpOToOoav aurrlv yvwJ.lr'1v dvOI TOaDY EtJ¢>oVEiC; Kol aKA~por,lIaov KaJ TO 00axwpoaTOK6 T£IX~ TOO BEpoAlvou. TinoTE 6tv llo~eEi va t~aAEo<l>eoOv 01 Myol aUTOJ - OUTE ~ teEAoTu<l>Ala TWV onaowv TOO avo TOV K6a~ov «4uAf IPr}VIKOCi PfUJ,JOTOC;;», OUTf 01 t.UTlKt~ euarE~ OTOV Ilw~ov ~OVO~E poO~ a<l>onAoa~oO . Kupoo~ aKOna~ TWV .o.UTIKWV ..6.Uv6~fWV ouva4>ws J,JE TOV flvol r'l ~fiwOIS TWV orrA.wv a 6$onA.lo~os nOpKTtC;. tva tnfn£60 nou eo EnE9apPUVE aiav- o~nOTE au~nAOK~V nOli nup~VOKOV n6AE~ov. eo KQTEA~YE at 01 aT6xoo Tij~ LolloETOKij~ • EvwaEW~ ElvOi EK 61o}..lErpoU OVTI9£101. rKonoc; TWV L61l0Er E1v", va au~~aouv TaV E~O nAtoJ.lov TWV KO] va EnlTlJXOUV 1.110 nay· KOOJ,lIO £VTlJnwo'l OTI UnEpEXQUV orov nup~vOKO E~onAoa~6 . • Eav EnoTUXOUV a' OlJTO 01 IOj3IETIKOi 96 lxouv CmOKTrlOEI TO no90uJ,JEVO 6nAo TaU nOhlTIKOU Koi 6mAwj.lOTIKOU tKj3100J,lOO . Oi Pwoal KOJJj.lOUVIOTOi ou66A.wS EV- yltl ntpl66ouC; OVEVTOOEWC; nou napqJno6f(ouv TOV aYWVQ TOUe; KOTO TOO Ka",TaA..Io~.JOG ... 0 1610C; 6 Mnpt~voE<I> d Eva Myo TOU OTO LUVi:Opoo TaU KOIJ}JOUVIOTIKOO K6jJjJOTOS, TOV <tJEllpouapoo TOO 1976 <lnE:' H 6vi:vTOao~ Eli OUOEV; Myw KaTOpYEi ~ aAMaaEo TaV poQv TOO Ta~IKOO aywvOC; .... Atv KPU6104>tPOVTOI 130UJ.lE TO VEYOVOS, (STI ri 6VE.VTOOIS ~o'iMov ~o'i~ <l>EPEO EuvoiKE~ auvei1KE~ yoa oomoAIOTIK£S KO] KOJ,JIJOUVlaTIKf:f; En!- TuXIE~ . .6.EV "pEnt. va OVOJ.lEVOUIJE KajJ~.Jla np6060 arov TOjJEO YEVtKOO o4>o"AIa~oO EW~ OTOO au~<I>wv~e~ va E~aaK~ TaO aollapa~ tAEYXO~ EVTa~ TWV au~f3aA AOJ,.lEVWV KpaTWV .• Eni 30 XPOVIO, 6 .6.uTIKOC; K6a .... oC; "poniv£1 tni ronou EnIeEWp~aov , npo'iy~a nou 01 LOj3oEToKO; apYOUVTOI va 6EX90uV.NEwc; Twpa, 6jJovo<; Tp6no~ tnoe£Wp~<JEW~ nou OEXOVTOI 01 IOf3,IETIKOi, dvOI tKEivoC; "au bEY ~nopoOv va ano<l>uvouv, 6~Aa6~ <l>wToypa<l>IE~ 000OT~~6nAooa Ka; aEoa~oKi:~ napaKoAoue~aEo~ 6na 1l6<JE0~ t~w T~V Pwala .• EK nEipa~ yvwpl~OU~E OTO aUVe~K£~ 6<1>onAoa~oO ~E T~V Pwala E1vao 6KPW~ 6vE<I>ap~OOTE~. ana ana • E<I>6aov 6 t.UTOKa~ K6a~0~ napa~EvEo laxup6~ Ei~Eea ~troxOO TOO KOOVOO Ila- OVTlTTcAouc; ~a~: n6a~ euala va ano<l>wxeij6 nup~ VOKO~ n6AE~0~. -ETOO aKoAoueOO~E ~oa 606~EO~ noAoTIK~ - ~Era~u T~~ <l>oAla~ nou 6tv J.mopOOJ,.lE vo tXOUI..IE lCoi TOO nUPIlvlKOO nOAtlJOU nou bEY "pEnEI va tXOU~E. ·OAw~ nap660~a. TO nUP~VOKa . IlAij~a 6nEIl~ EUTux~~a 600 T~V avepwn6T~Ta . • Eav 6tv unijpxov TO nup~ VOKa IlA~~ara, eo Eixa~E TouMxoOTov GIKOU OUjJcptPOVTOCj GI TpEl~ COFFEE ASSOCIATES J..IE TOUe; aK6J.1~ nOYKoa~rOU~ noM~ou~ naYKOaJ,.lIOV n6A£~ov. Elvao noAu awOT~ ~ Enoypa~ ~aToK~ 6~Awao~ TOO rawpTOoAA: 'LT~V nup~vo.~ ~a~ aUT~v Enox~v. ~ aWT~pla ~a~ Elvao Twpa 616u~~ a6EA<I>~ Tij~ E~OV uan:pa ono rov .6.Eunpov TWOfU.I<; IJOC;». 20 .NEA YOPKH. noAITIKIl oUTonia r1 onupauAI) Tov nA£UToio KOIPO EXtl £vTtxva avad M~ T~V Eupwn~, Eva Kiv~~a, TTTux9~, nou OTOXEUEI va TTe:iOEI T~V KOIV~ yvwJ,J'l rile; CHI 6ii9e:v of TPOJ,JOKTIK£C; O'uvEnEIES Eupronl) ToO KOHH rONTIKA Mtllous TOU EupwnaiKOU KOlvo!3ouAiou EVOS nup~vlKOO noAE~ou Enlf!oAAouv T~V 6~~loupyia ~IOS onupauA~s (wv~S aTo XUlpo T~S. AUT~ T~V ",,£u6aia9~a~ KaAAIEPYoOV aK6n1~a, 610<l>OPES Elp~VIOTIKES KIV~ O£IC;, unOnTT1S npoEAEuO'EW~ nou EXOUV IOlofnpouc; "DYOUS va anoOlwnouv Tt) YEYOVOS OTi OTis npoToaEIS TOUS YIO onupauA~ Eupwn~ opa~aTf(ovTOI ~ovo T~V ono~oKpuva~ ~ T~V ~~ tYKaToaTaOr] OJ,JEPIKOVIKWV nupauAwv OTrlV Eupwn~ , tvUl ~9EA~~tva onoOlwnoOv TO YEYOVOS IITI aUT~ T~V aTIY~~ 6 K6a~os 6A6KA~poS- Kai ~ Eupwn~ -onEIAoOvTOI ono TOUS tYKaTEOT~~ tvouS ~6~ OOf,3IETlKOUC; nupouAous, aTtJV iolO XUlpo. • ATUXWS aUTouc; TOUe; «iEPOKrlPUKES» T~S PWOlK~S Elp~v~s, j3o~9~aE ~£ Tis OVO~TES 9EWpfES T~S ~ 'au~~opfa TUlv TEoaapwv» (Robert McNamara, Gerard Smith, George Kennan Koi McGeorge Bundy) nou ~£ KonOia 66IKaloA6Y~T~ Ka9uOTtp~a~ npotfloAE TC'> 6oy~a 'T~S ~~ npwT~S xp~al~onol~OEws nup~vl KWV onAwvlI Koi npoEKoA.EoE IJEy6A.r} auyxua~ aTous baipous T~S • ATAaVTIK~S l:u~~axfas. • H aKA~p~ npay~aTlK6T~Ta 6~wS £ivOl • Av un09taou~E npos OTIY~~ IITI npoy~aTl KaTOA~yoUIJE a£ ~ia au~<I>wvfa YIO onupauA~ (wv~ OT~V Eupwn~ - np(ly~a noAITIKO Kai TE)(VIKO 66uvOTO - nOloe; J,JOS EVVUOTOI 6T1 d Eva tV6EX6~EVO n6AE~o aUT~ ~ (wv~ 6EV 90 nA~y~ ono nupauAous nou txouv tYKaTOaTa9~ tKTos an' aUT~v; Kai T6Tt ~£ nOlo Tpono aUT~ ~ nEplox~ nou 90 onoTtAta~ T~V onupauA~ (wv~ 90 0~uv9~; '0 nup~vlKOS n6AE~os 6Ev OVTI~ETW ni(ETOI ~£ EuxoA6Yla. ria va onoTpt""OUIJE ~IO Eupwaf~a - Karo TO XIPOoiJ,JQ - TO nUPI1VIKO: 6nAa nptnEI va TO OVTIJ,JETwniooUJ,JE JJ6vo JJE nUPTlVIKO t~o nAla~6. LKE<I>9EiTE ~IO n£plox~ T~S Eupwn~s nou 6 OTpaTOS T~S 90 6tXETOI nuP~VIK~ tnf9Ea~ Kai 90 o~uvETal ~E aul'floTiKO 'mAo .• H KaTOOTpo<l>'; T~S £ivOl 6AoKA~pWTlK~. • AvtcIJEpa npiv 6TI noAITIKO Kci TtXVIKO dvOi 60UVCTO va tnlTUXOUIJE CUTO nou 6Ia<l>opETIK~. eo 6M0I6Ia<l>~~i(ouvaovonupauA~ (wv~. 01 A6yOl £IvOl onAol. nUlS 90 ~noptaou ~E va yvwpf(oU~E T~V nup~vIK~ uno60~~ K09E xwpas 0<1>00, tOTw Kai ~E au~<I>wvia, 6 tAEYXOS T~S ~IOS xwpaS ono 6AA~ £IvOl aT~v np6~~ o6UvaTos. l:KE<I>9~KaTE nOTE IITI 90 £IvOl 6uvaTov o~lw~aTlKof T~S lI.UTlK~S rEp~avlas va t- nupauAous aT~V 'AvaToAIK~ rEp~avia; <!JavTOa9~KaTEiaws IITI 01 PUlaol 90 ~oS anoKcAutpouv nOlo Kci at Ti tKToOIl dvOi ~ nup~vIK~ un060~~ TOUS ~i;aa Kai yupw ono TO XUlpo ~as; 01 aoj3lETIKoi, nou a~~Epa t~<I>avi(ov Tal vO: tmOU.llKOUV IJE Ko9E 9uolo T~V KO9ltpwo~ onupauA~s (wv~S ar~v Eu- pumll, EXOUV ¢>poVTioEI ~E noAlI K6no Koi ana noAu KOIPO va npooop~6oouv aT~v 61K~ TOUS noAE~IK~ TaKTIK~ Eva EUPUTOTO $(JO~o nUPIlvlKWV onAwv - am'> onM j3M~aTO nupoj36Awv onAwv ~t nUPllvlKte;; KE¢>aAEe;; IJEXPI KOj nupouAoue;; IJEyaAou aEAIlVEKOOe;; - TO: anoia enEIAoOv, OXI ~6vo Tllv Eupwnll, aAAa Compliments of John A. Vassilaros & Son, Inc. ~ Coffee - Tea - Spices 4- Flushing, 29-05 120th Street, New Yark 10054 Phone: TV 6-4140 t~ Jimmy '0 Unardos \ .. , Orchestra H EmTuxia TOU x~pou aae; Tel: (212) 539-8685 ATHENS ACROPOLIS PHOTO STUDIO WEDDINGS COMMERCIAL PORTRAITS OF DISTINCTION COMMUNIONS. GRADUATIONS CHRISTENING . A.NO ALL OCCASIONS 35·04 BROADWAY CORNER OF 35TH ST. A.STORIA.. N. Y. TEL. 728·0806 COPIES. COLOR SLACK AND WMIT£ PA.SSPORTS Athens International News Agency cKlTOrPA4>IEI: rIA E4>HMEPllI.EI: KAI nEPIOll.lKA Atyxouv Tis PWOlKES tYKOTaaroOEIS YIO II.EKEMBPIOI: 1983 21 TOV KOOjJO 6AoKAflPo. ME TI~ eEwpiE~ TOU~ Via onupauA~ 01 unoarflplKTEe; T'1e;~ Ko9IEPWOOV ~WVfl, ara jJIO VEO 6ulKPIOfl 6nAooToOlO TWV TOUe; KaKoue; OjJEPIKOVIKOUe; nupouAoue; Koi TOUe; o9woue; KO] XPrlOljJoue; PWOIKOUC;. AUTO 6tv ElvOi TaXa aPKETO va OKECP90u!JE em ri jJOV061Krl !Jae; npoO'Tooio ElvOi va unEplOXUOOUjJE Kal ~J.lEie; at loxu n UP f'lVIKOU onAloJ.lou; xwpwv: CHANGE OF ADDRESS Dionysios S. Spyropoulos Attorney at Law (Member of New York and Athens, Greece BARS) Is pleased to announce the relocation of his New York City Law Offices to KavEva~ I\ao~ oaTaaTpo<p~ TOU . Kai 6EV eEA£! T~V JjtJjOla KaeEl\aO~ ~XEl TO 6lKaiw~a va a~uve~ onw~ m- 99 BROADWAY Suite 806 NEW YORK, N.Y. 10007 Tel. (212) 227-8655 GnUEI OTI dvOI KoAAiTEPO YIO va ~rlOEI tAEueEpO~. 01 XIilPE~ ~tA~ TOO NATO nou ~ouv KC1TW ono TOV 4>6flo - EOTw KO! J.I £ OUJ.iflaTlKO: J.iEOa - J.lIOe; ~m9EOEWe; ano TO ~tA~ roO !u~<ptiJvou T~~ Bapaofliae;, vvwpi~ouv OTI aUTO nou 90 6no- ATHENS LAW OFFICES (same address) 15 VALAORITOU STREET ATHENS, GREECE TEL. 361-8189 TPE4JEI TOU<'; ptiJooue; ono Eva nOAEJ.lO 6£v tTVOl ri ovunap~fo nUPflvlKOU 6nAloJ.loO, aAM ~ navonAla 001 oupiw~ ~ ,mEponAia af: au~JjanKo 001 nup~vlKO onAa. ' 000 mo ~EOaeap~ dvOi ~ £I06va aUT~~ Tfje; unEponA.ia<,;, TOOO nEpl006TEPO 6noJ.l0KpUVETOI 6 Kiv6uvo<,; ouppa~EWe; OTOV EupwnaiKO xwpo . KaA~ XPovla Kai KaAee; t50UAelee; a' iJAoue; rove; vaunAAopivoue; • A~ a<p~aouv Aomov 01 ,roal~nEA~ ' T~~ Elp~v~~ T~V tiJpOionol~a~ Tlilv OXE6iwv For Deck, Engine and Provisions TOUe; Koi de; OUVEI6'1TonOlrlOOUV KanOT[ nw~ ~ nAEloljJ~<pia Tlilv xwplilv T~~ Eu- ptimf'ls, jJE EmKEcpaAr;e; Tilv oOOloAIOTlKrl roAAia , 6£v napaoupovTOI ano OEIPi'jVEe; TlJnou nonav6p£ou Via jJovonAEupr} Elp~v~ 001 IJOV06,aOTaTO a<ponAla~6 . . A~ oaTaMJjouv ~Eoaeapa 01 ~laeo<p6POI T~~ M6axa~, on 6 ~tao~ Eupwnalo~ noAiT~~ 6EV 6tXETai va 6laKlv6uvEua~ T~V tAweEpia TOU u"oOT~pl~oVTO~ ou- GULF MARINE And INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY, Inc . 401 SI. Joseph Street, New Orleans, La. 70130 Tel. [504] 525-6252 ToniEe;. 'H eEwpia T~~ anupauA~~ ~tiJv~~ dvOi !JIO nOAITIKrl oUTonio. "0001 noAITIKOi KO! 6v9pwnol STEVE KOUTSOURADlS, Manager TWV Vpa~~aTWV tKTieEvTOI unoOT~pi~oVTO~ aUT~ T~V eEwpia, oaM eo oavouv va ntioouv npwTa TOUe; Pwoou<,; VO: J.lo<,; 6tiJoouv 6tiYJ.lOTO «KaAlie; 9EArlCJt:W<,; TWV». TrlV amJpauAr} ~wv'1 OJ.lWe;, 0001 tpOVOTIKC cyanoOv TrlV EuptiJnr}, 6£v Tilv JjAEnouv ~6vo ~E TO OPIOTEPO ~ TO 6E~IO ~an . ' E~El~ nou nova~E T~V EuptiJn~ eEWpoij~E on ~ a"ov6uA,"~ OT~A~ T~~ aVE~apT~aia~ wi T~~ tAweEpia~ T~~ nptnEi va ElvOi ~ nup~vlo~ unEponAia T~~ antvaVTI OTO KOJ.lJ.lOUVIOTIKO arporonE60. •0 K, }:TEAIO}: }:XOYP}:I.1H}: ~u:ueuV'n'l<; toU •EAAllVlKOU ~XOAEiOU em'> MltPOUKAUV «nM'tOlV» Euxnal cnout; JlaOl/rEt;, roUt; yov£it; Kai O),OK),I/PI/ rr,v •0JlOYEvew EYTYXIEMENOE 0 NEOE XPONOE Compliments of Mr. and Mrs. 11 .NEA YOPKH. ETTlTuxfa OI')J,JEiwOE Ka! ri t~ETErv~, h~oro XOPOEOTTEpi6a nov Xpuoov9t~wv UTa ~Evo6oXEio "nM~o», nou opyavwvEI K09E xpovo ~ <PIMmwxos TOO Ka9E6pIKOO. h~v <l>wToypo<l>io, <'> . ApXlmioKonos K. 'IOKW!30S Koi <'> iEp. npo'iUTo~EVos TOO Ka9E6pIKOO vaoO T~S ' Ayias Tpl060S 016. K. rTE<I>avonou~os, avo~EOa UTa dIOIK~TIKO ru~!3ou~lo Kal OMES KUplES T~S <PI- ~omwxou nou tpYOOT~Kav Kai t<l>tros no~u o~~pa Yla T~V tmTux;a T~S wp0l6TEP~S KOO~IK~S tK6~~WOEWS. npoE6poS T~S tmTpon~s xopoEOnEp;6os ~TOV ~ K. Michael Gahari', ~t oUJ,JnpoE6pouC; TiC; KupiEC; . EIJIJ. KOUAOUKOUVTi'l. K. Aovo8ETi611 Kaf N. KOUpKOUTO . noAA6 IJEAI1 TOO VEwnpou .otT» Tf'iC; 'EAAr'lVOOIJ£PIKOVIKi'lC; Korvwvioc;, l6woov Koi tcpETOC; TO «TTOPWV» Koi X6p£tpov JJE TrlV Kop6ra TOUC; OTav xopo YWV XPUOOV9EIJWV .. Ana aploTEpO Cathy Triant. Basil Williams, Ellie Sofianopoulou. Constantine Canellopoulos, E. Moschalaidis, Demetra L313ounis, Greg Gregoriades. Peggy P. Yannas. Eric Moschahlaidis. Nicole Nicholas wi Steven laharis. dE~IO , c5A~~ ~Ia vEavlK~ OUVTPO<l>IO. (Athens International - D. Kessoglides) II.EKEMBP[OE [983 (Athens News International - D. Kessoglides) 23 nu ti" TunoypU(jJlKE" EpyualE" au" unOta9fjtE a't"l] EtOl;(El09EalU YlU ~l~AlU, nEpWOlKU, OLU(jJTUllatl KU KEi~EVU, Ku9E E'ioou" EKOOa'l. 'Enla'l": AEUKW~Uta 'OpyuvwaErov KUt KOlVO't"lltrov. Menus •EatlUtOplrov " Eva oTlYJ.Jloruno 6no T~V KA~pwa" wpOioroTwv 6wpwv.· Ana OpIOTE:pa, ~ aUI.mpoE6pos T~S E",TPO"~S Ao)(VoO K. NiK~ rI6tp~, ~ K.• Ae~va TaoKOAwToU, ~ K. nwAh KOTOIA-il.mo, r) oUI"mpoE6pos K. ' AAiKr'l KpfoTU Koi ~ npEOaUTEpa K. LTtcpavonouhOU. (Athens International - D. Kessoglides) presents an exciting International Flor Show Nilely Featuring Greek and International Singers and Exotic Belly Dancers BE GREEK TONITE Dance the nite away to fabulops music every nite but Tuesday, Savor the tastes of authentic Greek cuisine in this exciting supper club. OPEN 5:30 P. M. CLOSED TVESDA YS Come to • 370 RT. 46 - SOUTH HACK. SILVER FORK AWARD Reservallons (201) 440-1771 Major Credit Cards Accepted • H wpol6TOT~ K. Bapj36pa Kpiaru-' Ap~"~, ~E T6v au~uy6 T~S.• H K6p~ TOO K. Ttppu Kpfaru no(6pEI Kol t$tToC; crov I-IOVT£""O OTrlV 610¢HHJ1OT1Krl tKOTpaTtia TOU n£pfq,rllJOU alKOU youvaplKwv Christie Brothers. (Athens International - D. Kessoglides) 24 .NEA YOPKH. • Ano aploTtpO, nO> ~tOyoS KWVOT. KpioTU ~t n'>v K. r,OVV~ MooxaxAa16~, Op910, ~ K. Kaj 6 K. r""pyoS Xav6p~s, ~ K. Kaj 6 K. · HAlas TooKoS, ilp910S 6 K. AuyouOToS Mlxa~ Ai6~S, ~ K. Mlxa~Ai6~, ~ K. MaKpla Kaj 6 K. nov. MaKplaS. (Athens International - D . Kessoglides) ' 0 npot6poS Tiis Mobil K. TaJ30uAaptas 6laKpi9~Kt wi t<l>ETOS OT~V niaTO. (Athens International - D, Kessoglides) .0 rtjlao~"ilTaTOS ~t TOV YIOTPO wj T~V K. MIX. rI6tp~. At~,,'16 K. Kai K. r. <l>pOYKOU. (Athens International - D. Kessoglidesi ~lr~~1Jll 22-81 )Ist STREET. ASTORIA. NY 11105 T'lA . (212) 932-7011 GIFT SHOP MnOMn(INIEPEL · BArTTIl.ilKA . t1AMnA.1EE f.1t1H MiPQN· t1ILKOI· 8 TRACK TAPES - CASSETTES AEKEMBPIOl: 1983 ou~na9tOTaTO ~tOyoS N'K. nanna. (Athens International - D. Kessoglides) TO 25 MEYOAfl tmTuxia arUJEiwOE Koi ~ [<PETEIVi) TIIJ'lTIKi] xopo£antpi6a TOO 6rUJO$IAouC; TrlA£nopouOIoorfj dl")l.JI;rp'l KaOTOVQ aro Crystal Palace riic; ' Aoropiac;. M€Ta~u rGJv npOOEA86vTWV ~Tav 6 t ni rwv OiKOVOjJlKWV TaU aru..lou ri'jS N .. YOPKTlS Harrison Goldin, aptOT£pa, KOf 6 6,EU9uVTr)C; TaU aUYKpOTrljJoros «' A4>po6fTfl)) TOO ~£vo6o XEfou «ArTHPIJ BouAloYI.IEVI1S. LTD a69oC;, arr)v npwTf') 4>wToypocpfa, 610KpivETOI 6 T~j~~s Alvap60S nou EnOl~E ~E T~V 6pX~QTpa TOU. (Athens International - D. Kessogl ides) Wines of Cyprus Ad Campaign Begins An ambitious advertising campaign for the wines of Cyprus is being launched by the Cyprus Trade Center in New York. The program, designed to acquaint co nsumers and retailers with the fine table wines of Cyprus producers, Etko, Keo, loe l and Sodap, are availab le through Attiki Importers and Distributors, ltd., Wellington Importers, ltd., and World Merchant Inc. The campaign highlights the story of Antony and Cleopatra and Richard the lion-Hearted, being among the legendary figures who prized the wines of Cyprus, and the fact that Cyprus, bathed in sunshine 340 days a year, has been producing wines of magnificent flavor and bouquet lor more than 7000 years. Dennis C. Droush iotis, Economic and Commercial Counsellor of the Cyprus Trade Center announced that the campaign, prepared by Kenneth Jaffe Advertising, will begin in November using such prestigious publications as the New York Times Magazine Section, The New Yorker, Bon Appetit, Gourmet, The International Review of Food and Wine and The Friends of Wine. In addition, there will be an extensive radio program in the New York Metropolitan area as well as a far-reaching schedule in nationally read Greek newspapers and magazines. Additional information may be obtained from local distributor/salesmen or by contacting: The Cyprus Trade Center, 13 East 40 Street, New York, New York 10016, (212) 686-6016. 26 EUTUXlaJiBVOr; 0 KalVOVPYIOr; Xp6vor; 'Ano r~v LJ leVf)vval7 Kai ro Ilpoaw7rlKo rou . . .~~ Inn MOTO R LO DGE & REST AUR.A~T tHw8uvtl'lc; PETER SIDERIS Route 1-9, Woodbridge, N_J. Tel. [201] 636-2700 •0 IlpoEopoe; Kat 1"0 ~lOtKllnKO LUIlPOUAlO 1"lie; nANHnEIpnTIKH~ OMO~nON~IA~ AMEPIKH~ KAI KANA~A Euxovral a' OAOUe; rovr; aVjinarp[(]JTer; 'Hnelpwree; Kai a' OAOVe; rove; OJioyevefe; EYTYXEI TO NEO ETOI .NEA YOPKH» KavEfc;: Of V ~nopouaE vo KAefaEI ~OTI aTic;: TPEic;: J.lIKpfe; KOJ.lOPEC;: TOU TO~nOKrj. Evvu] av9pwnol e~EVOv T~ XPIOTOUYEVVIOTIKrj EKEiv'l vUXTa OTO n061, a~iA'lTOI KI ETOIJ,JOI VO noAaf4Jouv ).IE Konolov EX6po, Ate; Kof TOV oKouyav V6PXETOI 6no ~aKPla Yla va Kovel KOKO OTO on in TOUe;. Kave!e; 6EV ElXE 6uVOllll va owaEI KOUpaYIO OTOV aA.Ao KI aAol <'iKOuyav T~V rapax~ T~~ Kap6"J~ TOU~, (hav OTajJOTOYE TO ~OVYIlTO Tfje; YUVOiKOC;:, nou ~eEAE va ~WVa~EI Kaf 6EV EfX£ mo <!Jwv~. Kai TO J30YY~TO OEvonAwvOTav J,Jovo oTie; Tpeie; KO).lopoOAEe;, .. EaYOIVE OT~V auA~ ,. aVEaOlVE OTO 6 nonavw oniTl, Kai aTO nopanavw, enEITa KaTtaOlvE OTO 6poJ,Jo, nf}YOIve ano nopTo at nopTa KI ono napaSupl OE napo6upl, Kai YUPI~E naAI Ila~i IJE Tf}v 6ywvfa Kof ).IE TOUe; 4JfSupouc;: Tlilv YUVOIKWV, nou ovoTpiXla~av Kof 6Ev dXav (Jnvo Kof ~~EPOV nwe; 6tv novoYE Evac;, OPPWOTOc;, 110 0YKollaxouaE, EvaS av6pwnoc;, nou ftTOV va $EPEI Evav aAAov QvSpwno OTOV KOOIJO KI 6Kouyav T~ <!Jwv~ T~S ~oipa~ TOUS. «' Ano TIc;, E~I n0l6EUETOI i} 6UOTUX'l)), EAEYE OIya ,..110 YUvOIKEia q,wvrl Ono Eva IJlaaVOIXTO nap06upo. «' 0 eEOe; va OTo6Ei KOVTO TIlc;:h) napaKaAouaE aAA'l <J>wv~, AUT~ AEUTEPWVOTOV navTa xwpl<; VO TO KOTaAoaE!. Kai TO J30YY~TO, nou VO~'~£S nw~ 6EV EJ3VOlv£ ,mo TO xa~~A6 nap08upa ~O ,mo J3opa8po Cm£lA~TlKO, ono TO anAoxva Tflc;, Yiic;" YlvOTav 6Aotvo mo 6uvaTo Kal nEpnOTOYE KI e<J>TaVE mo ntpa, aAo Kaf mo nEpa, Kai a' 6.AAa anfTlo, Kaf a' oAAoue; YEiTOVE<;, Kaf 0' oAAEc;, yuvaiKEC), nponovTwv OTic;, yuvoiKEC;:, 0' aA£c;, Tic;, yuvaiKEe;, Tfjc;, J,JOKPIVfjS YEITOVIOC;:, nou aTIYIJEe;-OTIYIlEc;, ~EYE AI6vTOV KI 6Kouyav T~ q,wv~ TOUc;" J,JIO ono Ti~ <!JWVE~ T~~ ~w~~ TOU~. 'H ~aKp,v~ Guvo'Kia, - E~W ,mo T~V 'A8~va Kai KOTW ,mo 'tva M<!Jo nou ~E Tilv nhpo TaU E6IV£ Ka6EIlEpa 60uAei0 aE Ka~,o 6£Kap,0 EpyOT£~, - 6 ~'KPO~ 6po~oS ~E TO Aiya aniTla, Ma xa~~A6 Kai 6u6-Tpia Konw~ lII~MT£pa, ono T~V OKOT£IVrl 4toupTouva jJIO<; XEIIJWVIOTIKIlC;: vUXTac;,. 'Ano noAAfJv wpa ftTav EP~~'O, KavEva~ opvonop~~EVO~, KavEvac;, nEpoOTIK6c;,. ElxE yupfa£1 K' ~ f3aaav,a~Ev~ x~pa nolo T~V n£pi~£vav ~E Y£~OTO XEp,a oviaxup£~ lIIUXE~. K En£lra TinoTa, 06 va ftTav ~ IJOKPIVrl YEITOVIO J,JEoaIWVIKrl noAr) K' EKA£loav 01 nuAEc;, T~~. OUT' 'tva yauv,a~a. Movo ~'o VU- valKO nou a6yyaye Kaf T6 OKOTOOI, OKOTOOI navToO, Kaf !JEaa Ola aniTla Kof ~EKEMBPIOI: 1983 ToCi nETPOY XAPH IlEao OTOUe;; clv6pwnouc;,. To npwi, TO KPUO ~TOV",O Taouxnpo, oAIl61v6 XplOTOUYEVVIOTIKO KPUO, Koi TO ~OYVr)TO Tr;c;, YUVOIKOc;" nou 6tv ElxE AEUTEpw6£i clK61-10, 6uvaTOT£po. Klono Ta vupw anfTla 6tv Elxav OV6VKIl va ~'lTrlaouv vta. 01 VOIKOKUpo6Ec;, EKOVOV yp~yopa-vp~yopa Ti~ 60uA£lE~ TOU~ .. hpE~av OTrl YEIT6vlaoa. ' EK£i (3pr;Kav Kaj T~V llTT'lptrPIO TOO Onavw OTTITlOO. T~v ElXav aT£iAEI of Kup06Ee;; T'lS, nou aKouyav TO (3aYY'lTO 1-10 6tv EnOlpvav Onoq,ao'l va KaTE~OUV , KaTO Tic;, O£KO i} hOI jJoYEVV'l Ktpwa£. Kai ~ ~a~~ E6£1~£ ~,a TOpax~ nou Mv Tpolla~E jJova Trl ~.H)TtpO Tr)c;, Kaf TOV aVTpa Tr)c;" OAAo Kaf TOUe; ~fVOUe;. TOTE, 6 TOJ,JnoKr)S ntpaoE Olf}v KOjJapo TWV nalolwv, 6no K£! mrlv Kou~fva K' EnelTo x06r')Ke. :a Aiyo, OTav T6v ova~f}TrjOOV, ~pfjKOV !JOVO TO KontAo TaU.' 0 av6pwnoc;" OTrlV oywvio TaU, ot 6UJ.lrl6'lKE va TO nOpEI. «Kaf noD va TPE:~tl;)) 4J16uplaE rl nE6Epa TOU KO! KofTO~E I-It onEAmolo T~V KOpT) TIl<;. Kaf ~ oTT£Amoio T'le; ETnt nEplOo6repa ono TO AOVla T'lS OTic;, yuvaiKE<; nou £lxov yel-lfm:1 T6 onfTl. CAol "~£pov T~V KOTaOTaa'l TOO TajJnOK'l. ' Eq,TO nOlOla, OUT6c;" i} yuvafKo TaU K rl "£SepO, Kof yu:] Ta oEKO aUTO oT6).10Ta Eva I-IEPOKOjJOTO. 00T600, TO E<J>EPVE (3oATa, Kof jJovo U rlNETE rYNdPOMHTHr MONO ME 25ll0AA. TON XPONO Twpa ElvOl tUKa'pia va yiVtTt KOi otiS ouV6pO~~T~S aT~V NEA YOPKH - o.v Of.V ElaTt ~6~. napa n) OT' TO ntpl06'KO Vivtra, MKAnEN8HMEPO anD TOV' lavouap,o, ~ ouv6pa~~ napa~tvt' ~ 16,0. aos EPXETOI TO ntp'06'KO aTO aniT, 6uo <l>oPES TOV Il~va, tv61a<l>tpav n6VTOTE, ~WVTavo, J,JaXrJT1KO. eo .. 0001 lIal3aiVETt ~6~ TO ntpl061KO Kai Via KanOio lIoyo 6Ev nA~ pwaart aK6~~ OUV6pOIl~, Elva, tUKa'pia va TO KallETt TWpa. Ma~i ~E T~V tmravol oas tTl 6voll0T1 NEW YORK MAGAZINE, napaKalloOllt va oUllnA~pwOETt Kai va IlOS aTtiAETt TO napaKOTW 6tATio: r-- -- NEW YORK MAGAZINE P.O. BOX 675 GRAND CENTRAL STATION NEW YORK, N.Y. 10163 ----. I •EawKA£iw \ KUPIOI, I E",ray~ 25 60AA. Y'o ~'O Er~OIa auv6po~~. o AaJ3aivw ~6~ TO n£p,06'KO. o ~EV AaSaivw TO n£P'06'Ka. NAME .......................... " ....... " ......... , .. .. . I ADDRESS . . .. " .................................... . ..... . I CiTY . ......... , . ...... STATE .... , ,, .... ZIP ......... ". \ I I I I I TELEPHONE .. .. . , ............. . .... " ............. . .. .. . , . , '4IiIII. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ' 27 rwpa rEA Euroio oi OTEVOXWpIEe; EVIVOV nEptOOOTEPE~ Kof ro not6to 6pXtoov va nEpnOrQVE Koi J,JE rpumo nonourOOKlo. Ka9E TpiT~ ~tpa 0 Ta~rrao~s E~EVE oro oniT! KO; rrlv nEpOOJ,JEVf) f360J.lo60 6tv ElXE KorEaEt 6uo j.JEpEe; arrl OElpO. 'AAAo Koi naAI ro lVWJ,Ji 6tv ~Ael4JE ano ro anirl rou. Koi apt9KE anpoEToiJ,JaOTOe; or" YEVVO, Ylori Ttiv nepIJ.lEVE, onw~ K' r) nE9Epo TOU , UOTEP' ana 6EKonEvTE(IKOOI !JEPE~." EnEITo, ti y uvoiKa rou AEUTEpwvorov xwpfc; va TO KoroAoaoiVEI. KI 0 Ta~rrao~s 6t Aoyapla~E G£PJJ£S £UX£S V,a Ta XplUTouy£vva Kat TOV KOIVOUPYIO Xp6vo 1984 , , , ana Tf}V rrws uOTqi ana tvvla ytVVE~, - TOG Elxov nE6aVEI EV OVOpaKI K' Eva KoplrooKI , - 66cpEPVE V' or po oro anlTl ro u . . Oorooo, ri wpo nEpVOVE Koi Aivo npiv ana rf~ EVTEKO 01 CPWVEC; TI;e; hOI J,JOYEVvr,c; EYIVOV 600 6uvorEC;, nou KorEI3r,KE fJ ypla Kupio TOO anOVW nonlJJ,Joroc;. Hrov J,JIO tiAIKIWJ,JEVr, VUVOiKO, nOXEIO KOj 6uO't!:iv'1rfl. nEplOpiarTlKE va nEI J.lIO KoAr,anEpo KI aCP'1O'E ric; VUVOiKEC; va KOroAaaouv nwe; EnpEnE va tKrlJ.lrlO'ouV rtiv napouofo r'1e;. dEV Ko6nOE ar"v KOPEKAo nou riic; E:6woav. Kaf 6E pwrr}OE rinoro. n EpiJ.lEVE ope" Kaf J,JE ro GcpOC; rr}e; E6EIXVE nwe; 6tv ElXE Kar EI3EI Ylo va l3or,9tiOEI !J16 yuvaiKo nou KIV6uVEUE , E0NIKH TPAnEZA THIEAAA40I T aAM Yla va tAtY~EI. Kaf 6tv ('jAAo~e: r6 Gq>oC; rr,c; OUTE orov ~p9E ~ TTlO opiOl~~ orIY~~. 01 aMES yuvoiKEe; E6EIXVOV !Jt KOeE rpono rtiv oywvfa r oue;. AUTti EJ,JEIVE OTOpaXTl Kof nEpiJ.lEvE oouYKivr,rr,. KI OTav aric; [VTEKa Koi !JIOrl OKOUOTr,KE TO npWTO ((Ouo)) TOG n0l6100, nou EKOJ,JE J,Jla CPTWXti OIKOytVEIO VO KaToAol3EI nEplaaOTEpo Trl CPTWXEIO Tr,~, Kiana ro artier, rwv yuvOU(WV nou 0YWVIOUOOV I3YiiKE 130eu~ OVOOTEVOYJ.lOC;, tKEivr, EYIVE aUorTJPoTEp~. «AUTO KOVOUV 01 CnEpIOKElVies)), !JoupJ,JOUPIOE. «dEV roue; tCPTOVOV TOOO nOI616; )) NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE, S.A. NEW YORK REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE 960 Avenue of the Americas (Suite 905) New York, NY 10001 Tel.: (212) 947-7735 OJ YUVOiKEC; 6EV Elnov rinoro , J,JO TfjS Epp l~av ayplES ~aTlts. ' 0 MyoS T~S 6tv ~TOV !JOVO Via TOV TO!JnoKIl KO! Trl yuValKO rou. " OAEC; ~Tav J,Jr,TtpEe; K' tTxov nEpaoEI rIc; AOxrapEe; rfjc; VEvvae; ntvTE, i~l , £$TO KI 6xrw ¢>optC;. Kof T6 A6yo rr,c; TOV tf,3P IOKov OKOJ,JO mo 661KO, Ylori ti KOPIl Tns, nou ~TOV novrpEJ.lEvll nEp'O'06TEPO ana TEOOe:pO XPOVIO, 6tv ElXE KavEI n0l6i ... Ma bEv rrpo$TaoE va ~EOrraOEI 6 9u~oS TOUS. LTO 6p6~o 600rior~KE ~ a6Amyyo OIJrOKIVrlTOU Kof at Aiyo yPti- yopa 13~~aTO orriv auA~ TOO OTTITloD, • HTav 0 Ta~TTaO~S .. £Vas ytpos YIOTPOS aro J,Jt J,Jla TOaVTO xtPI nou $OIVOTOV j30PEIO ... ETpE~av va roue; 6waouv rriv KOM ti6~o~. 'AAM TOUS TriS dxav rrpocprOOEI ro nOl610 rfjc; YEITOVla~. ntpaoav .. 01 6u6 or~v oa~apa T~S AEXWVOe; ... EJ,JEIVE OJ.Jwe; 1J6vo 6 Ylorpoc;. H AKAAHMIA TOY ArJOY BAI:IAEIOY 01 &IEY8YNONTEI:, 01 &1dAl:KONTEI: KAI 01 &I&AI:KOMENOI, 01 ynHPETOYNTEI: KAI &IAKONOYNTEI: EN TO IEPO I&PYMA TI TH:E AKA&HMIA:E TOY AnOY BA:EIAEIOY EYXONTAI Er'xpp6auva Xplaravyevva EUAoY'Iji£va napa Kupiou Kai EIP'lViKOV ro 'AvartAAov Ncov -Era, EI:E AnA:EA:E TA:E KOINOTHTA:E, TA:E ~IAOnTOXOY:E At.EA~OTHTA:E, THN ArAnHTHN OMorENEIAN KAI AnANTA:E TOY:E KA8' 0I0Nt.HnOTE TPonON H8IKO:E KAI YAIKO:E BOH80YNTA:E TO MONAt.IKON TOYTO ~IAANeP!lmKON It.PYMA TH:E IEPAl: APXIEm:EKOnH:E AMEPIKH:E '0 Ta~rrao~s 6tv apY~OE va 13YEi, 001 28 .NEA YOPKH. ." '" - -'" ."'Ilk~ =: ,- --,- =: ,- -.:"-l!_ -~ ,: ~:;;Q ,:''''''f:I'4'-.:~ -.-:~ --..---::~'-':~""'f:~--':' KoM.I XpIOTOUY€VVO KO} EUTUXES TO NEO ETOS Y EUXOVTOI '0 .6p_ Ka] ~ Ka rEWPYIOU KUplaKOnouAou Kai ~ KOPIl TOUS Stephanie FORT LEE, N,J. ---------------------------------------------------- Mr. & Mrs. LOUIS LAMBRAN Extend to all their friends their wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year SADDLER RIVER, N.J. ,._-------------------------------------------------'0 K. KOI' K. MapKO<'; MaplvaKr,<.; EUXOVTQI a' DAous TOUS cpfAous KO} YVWOTOUS, KoAES YIOPTES KO} €UTUXES TO NEO ETOS Y BROOKLYN, N.Y. ---------------------------~------------------------, Kalla XpluTouyevva Kat EUTuXIUIlE:VO TO 1984 JOHN S. LINAKIS ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE There is no substitute for experience Your INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENT - Serves You Best We represem the LArgest and Strongest Insurance Companies in the U.S. Non-Smokers Discounts on Homeowners & Tenants policies Call for Information on Auto and all other insurance 88-12 161st Street Jamaica, New York 11432 (212) 297-3700 FREE PARKING aEKEMBPIOl.: 1983 TOTE IJOVO d6E T~V Kup fo TOO an6vw nOniJIJOTOe;. LTEvaxwpe:8l1KE nou "TOV 6pe~, TT~PE ~16 KapEKAa Kai T~V 1'l3aAE KOVTO Tl"j<;. ... HTOV a6UVOTO va Tiie; nEi lOTW IJIO Ae:~11 KO! T~V nopoKaAEoE IJt TO IJOTIO va KOe~OEI. "EIJEIVE 6pSll Kai 6tv TOV EUX~SI1KE Via T6 n0l61 nou flTOV ovapl. TOTE ~.ua ano Tie; VElT6vIOOEe;, nou tlxov nElpOXTEi cmo TC) A6VIO Tile;, 6e:v KpOT~8'1KE, KO! ElnE OTOV TOJ,JnaKIl: «npe:nEI v6 TOV oUXwptoEIe; TOV KUpIO. BI6ar~KE Alyo , 6AM ~eE"E VapeEI oTav KOOJ,JO J,Jo~i IJt T6v XpIOT6». IIn0l6i, KUP-TOJ,JnOKI1, nou VEVVIErOI TO XPIOTOUVEVVO, tlVOI EtJrUXio Via TO onirl», ElnE .3AAI1 nElpOVJ,Je:V'1, Kof K,oiTO~E T~V Kupio nou 6tv ~8EAE va Ko8110EL ocKoAe:, J,JnaivEI 6 XpIOTOe; oro aniTl oou! » 6 16pSWOE TpiTIl VEITOVIOOO. -0 Ta~TT6K~S, o TT6 Tis ~aTlES TTEplOoaTEpa napa 6n6 TOUe; IInOVTOu<;» TWV vuVOIKWV, KaTI KOTOAof,JE. Kai ~E <l>wv~ OIvav~, ~E T~ <l>wv~ TOG ovepumou TTOU E~~OE Ta OKOT661 T~S VUxTOe;, £lnE: IIKoAa v.3PXOVTOI Kl .3e; EPXOVTOI onOTE StAouv!» • H Kupia TOO an6vw nOnlJIJOTOe;, Via va 6Ef~EI nwe; 6t oUJ.J~wvEi, 6e:v EIJEIVE nEPIOOOTf:po Kaf 6tv nEpilJEVE va J.Ja8EI TIlV KOTaOTOO'1 Tiie; AExWVOe; . . 0 Vlarpas ~rav 6Ka~a 6w~6T1a ara T~S· • XAPHI nETPOI: 4>IAoAoYIKa IjJWOWVUllO rou flovvf) MapllapIOOf). f EVVrj ef)KE arrjv •A9rjva TO 1902. IrTOuoacn: NOIlIKO, oAAo OTTO TToAu vwpiS 00)(0Arj9f)KE Ilt rlj AoyorExvia. tJ./£TtAEcn: ypallilGreUS TIjS IxoAIjS KaAwv TEXVWV, aup{3ouAos aTr, illoiKDO'" TOO' f8vIKOO 0EOTPOU wi npOEOpOS TIjS •Evwcn:wS < fAArjvwv f)£OTP'KWV Kof MOUOIKWV KplTIKWV. T6 npwTo TOU O"lYDPO 0DPoof£ucrE lloA/S 18 xpovwv aro ,NoUIl(j,. 'Avopeaa OTO Kuplwrepa lpya TOU eTvat: «natOtKO{ o'OAOYOf», f(' H TeAEuToio vuXTa TfjS rtiS»~ f(MOKPIVOS KoopoS», «<1>wTO OTO rTtAoyos» K.6. ------------------------_\ NtOi • Opi~OVTEC;! H «NEA YOPKHII 4EKAnEN9HMEPH AnOTON IANOYAPIO 29 To~~TlKt) 6tinvo t6wot TIl Cyprus Children's Fund, TOV ntpa- OIJEVO lJi'ivo, YJ(j TOV' ApXIEnioKono ' AjJEPIK'lC; K. · J6KWt30 Yla TIl 000 tXt! npa~t! untp T~S Kunpou Kaj tl61Ktimpa VIO TO npoa~uv6nouAa TOG jJopTuprKOU vr'lmoG. LTD 9aujJ601o wpvavw~tvo 6tinvo nou 66a~Kt ~E ~tVaA~ OU~~€TOX~ ot d'190uoo ~oO ~E.V060XEiou «XiArov» N, • YOPKr,S, npoai')A9av 6roKEKpljJEVOI 6j.Joyev£ic;, nou E~iipav Tr'lv npOOWmKoTI1TO Koi TO £Pyo TOO npoKo8rUJEVOU TfjC;' EKKArJofac; IJOe;. METa~u Tcilv npooeA90VTWV f)rav KOI 6 npoeopoc; Tf'jC; K(mpou K. KunpravoD, nou t~E¢lpaOE rnv ElJyvwjJoauvl1 TOU KunploKoO AooO rilv • OJ,JOYEVEIO Kol TO V 'ApXII:;nioKono !-IE npwToaouAfa TOO 6nofou £lxav OUYKEvTpwgei 1,5 EKOT. 60AA. , tuSU, ~€TO T~V€lo~oM TWV TOUPKWV OT~V Kunpo. LT~V <l>w TOvpa<l>ia, ono aPIOTtpa, 6laKpivovTOI" np"t6poS T~S VtoOUOT09EiollS 6pYOVWOEWS American Hellenic Alliance K. r. npos AI~avo" 6 npot6poS TOO naVmlOT~fJrOU N.' YOpK~S, npw~v l3ouA€u T~S K. T~wv Mnpa6~~as, 6 npot6poS T~S AHEPA K. Kop6iTol1S, 0 TI~119Eic;; 'ApXIEnioKonoc;, 6 npoE6poS KunplavoO, 0 npot6poS T~S UHAC K.• AVTPIOU' Aatv" 6 nptol3us T~S ' EAM60<; K. nanouAlas, 6 nptal3us T~S Kunpou K. A. ' laKwl3i6~, KaJ ,,6 IKaoT~S K. A. MuAwvoS, nou ~TOV 6 ou~no OIapx~S. LT~V fiE=:IA <l>wTOvpa<l>ia, " Ltl3. 6tX6~tvoS OUYKIv~~tvos T~V aVa~V~OTIK~ nMKa an6 TOV General Chairman r. TOO 6Efnvou Koi npoe6po ' TOO nOYKunpiou K. <DiAAmo Kpf- OT0<l>tp. 'APIOTtpO, " K. XploT6<1>opos XPloTOoouAou npwTOS npoE6poS TOO Cyprus Children Fund nou avtAal3~ Koi no}.. 1 npoo<poTWC;; T~V npOE6pio TOO 6pyavlOJ.loO. Oi 6}..}..ol 6uo Chairmen ~TOV oi K.K. 'AVOOT, MOVEOI1S Koi Au- VOUOTOS Best Wishes to All Independence Maritime Agency, Inc. Mlxa~Ai6~s. npoE6poS T~S 6pvaVWTlK~S E",Tpon~, /iTOv 6 K. Mav€O~S. (Athens In ternational - D. Kessoglides) Ka}"o XplOTOUYEVVa Err,v tKAfXrr, ndarda jiae; Kai a' OAOKA'7P'7 rr,v •OjioyeVe/a Coach House 110 WAVERLY PL., NEW YORK, N.Y. 19 Rector Street, New York, N.Y. Tel. (212) 777-0303 o APXAIOTEPOr rTHN AMEPIKH naYXlaKO~ I:UAAOY0C; «Kopafjc;» Ni:a~ •YOPKT]~ EUXETaI aHI j10.'7 rov, a' OAO/\A'7P'7 Tllv .OIlO),CI'WI 'AIII:I'II\/;'; Kai ani dJiAqJla j1ae; rije; dKpml\ij.; X/OI) Ka}"o XploTOuYEvva Kai EUTUXtS T() NEo ETOS v 30 .NEA YOPKH. --- ----- BEST QUALITY NO COPIES OR IMITATIONS --- RECORD -- TAPE CLUB TpayoOOoov: A A 81NA KA PAKOl.TA E KAONA PM HE, XOYTPAE KON TOrtANNHE VH5- V3 • BETA- 83 ILABLE ZfiH THN EXOYME VH5-V2 • BETA· 8 2 THE NEW 1984 KQLTAE BOYTIAE AAEEAN.:lPA AAdl KOY N/ KOl.- PIZOE KOrTAI XA rLH XPHETOE EA ENH ANOYIAKH VHS- 188 • BETA· 188 KOITAE KAPPAl: VHS- 82 • BETA· 82 REEK GATALOG VHS· 27 • BETA· 27 111111 RECORDS & CASSETTES ITAAIAA AllO THN KY'PEAH TO}; TPITO}; Send 8 1.00 for the NEW 1984 Greek Video H:ecord~ & Tapes Catalog. Name ________________________ Address ______________________ 11394 City, State Zip _____ Telephone ___________________ N.Y. 11222 _ 12 Good To Make You A Membe 20 % DISCOUNT ON ALL VIDEO MOVIES LP'S &.CASSE....... '1~E TAPES You never have to pay high retail prices any longer. As a member, you purchase all the items offer ed by the Club at 20% less than the suggested retail prices. That amounts to great savings in the long run. FREE 3 VIDEO MOVIES Being a member of the Club means having lots of benefits, such as this one: When you Join, under the Gold Card Program, you receive 3 Video Movies of your choice - FREE - a value of 8150.00. AS a Blue Card Member, you receive 1 Video Movie - value 850.00. FREE CATALOG SHOP AT HOME A fully Ulustrated, 84 pages catalog, listing all the selections in Video Movies, Record Albums and Cassette Tapes, is yours Free, when you join the Club. A value of 81.00 to non-members. No more hopping from store to store and town to town in an everlasting search. Now you can shop right in your liviilg room. Just select the item you want, mall your payment, and wait for the postperson to bring it right at your door. OVER 500 SELECTIONS OF VIDEO MOVIES Whether you have a V.H.C. or BETA system in your home, the Club has your movie. Over 500 so far and more are being prepared, so that you can constantly enrich your library of GREEK VIDEO MOVIES. OVER 2.000 SELECTIONS OF LP'S &. TAPES There's actually no limit to the selection of record albums or cassette tapes you can make. That's because the over 2.000 item collection is constantly updated with new albums and cassettes to satisfY everyone's taste. DISCOUNTS ON AI,I, TRA.VEL &.VACATION PURCHASES When you're ready to take that long awaited vacation to Greece or anywhere In the world, to visit a friend or relative, or even take a business trip, just write, call, or walk Into PETERS TOURS, 600 EIGHTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10018, or Telephone: (212) 391-0200 - (800) 223-6802,show your Blue or Gold Card, and you'll receive special discounts and privileges. MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION he BLUE CARD HOlDER (Annual f<.1embership). FEES75.00, you enJoy a ll 12 benefits (please check Items 2 and 9). Here is hC/lN'tne membership pays fO( It self: The Annual Membership costs you less than 21 cents per day, or $75.00 annually. However, If you odd the value of the free video you receive 550.00, plus $5,00, the volue of the gift certificate, Which equals SSS.OO. and all the dollars you save throuQh our exchange discount programs, you will notk;e ftJa t you are octually getting the membership tor FREE. N; Q GOt.D CARD HOLDER ( Ufa fv4.embersh lp), FEE $300.00. you enjoy 0 11 12 benefits In full. Here's how you get over 60% In rebates upon Joinlr>g the C LUB and how It pays foritsetf In the lon g run. Tobecome a ute tv1ember. you paya one t ime FEE of S3OO.oo. Now add the value CI the 3 Videos you receive upon Joining. 5150.00, plus 510.00 In gift certificates, which equals $160.00, plus all the savings from our exchange and discount programs. Isn't the membership actua lly p::Iylng for Itself? sons, r Less Than21CA Day. FREE MONDILY NEWSLEtTER OF NEW RELEASES To keep you updated on new releases of VIDEO MOVIES, RECORD ALBUMS AND CASSETTE TAPES that are available, the Club publishes a monthly bulletin, which is yours Free. FREE VIDEO As a Gold Card of Blue Card member, you can actually build your library for FREE. Every time you subscribe 2 of your friends (indiVidUally) to the Club, you receive 1 VIDEO MOVIE, of your selection, Free. FREELP'S &. CASSEI1E FREE GIFT CERTIFICATES Uppon joining, as a Blue Card holder, you receive 1 GIFf CERTIFICATE valued at 85.00. As a Gold Card holder, you receive 2 GIFf CERTIFICATES valued at 810.00 ~,~ Each time you subscribe member to the Club, you can ~~t:. any two record albums or cassette Yours - absolutely FREE. MOVIE EXCHANGE VIDEO CASSEtTES PROGRAM BY MAIL Got tired of that same mri,vif:? Don't let it sit on your shelf. Get new (NO GUARANTEE one. No, not at regular purchase just 810.00 flat. Send in your DEPOSIT) not more than 30 days from the "MIl'P. As a Member, you might want to Preview a Video Movie before you purchase it. Or you might just want a movie for a short period of time. The simplest way is to rent one, and you don't even have to leave your house to do it. RENr BY MAIL. You pay 81.00 per day (15 days minimum) plus postage. That's all. Of course, non-members must rent a minimum of 3 VIDEO MOVIES and send a deposit of 850.00 per movie. That's one thing you don't have to worry about. purchase, plus 810.00 and 85.00 postage costs. The Club will SeIlQl'rDU brand new movie of your choice. do this, you must first become a member. For more information on how to become a member. write or call: GREEK VlDE08cMUSICCLUB 394 McGuinness Blvd., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11222 Tel. (212) 383-9455 ---- LARGEST SELECTION IN U.S.A. AND CANADA VHS or BETA ----- ------GREEK-- BUY 5 GET 1 FREE --- ANTQNHE A NmNIOY M. XPYIOMAAAHI VHS- V6 • BETA· 86 GREEK VIDEO. RECORD & TAPE CLUB 3S4 McGUINNESS BLVD, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11222 Tel. (212) 383-9455 ,Card No. _ _ _ __ PRICE $ 49.95 Each BUY 5 VIDEO & GET 1 FREE Name ______________________ Address ___________________ City, State Zip _____ TeJephone ___________________ tExp.Oale _ _ __ TOTAl. AMOUNT I VHS- 174 • BETA· 174 ALSO l:TA AIKTYA TOY TPOMOY TO KANONI KAI TO AlllLl.\.'J"j. AEAIKANHl: AIXMAAfiTOI TOY MIl:OYl: EPAl:TAI TOY ONEIPOY ANTlOmH o ATl:IAAl: MIA TPEAAH l:APANTAPA KAI ;:;ANA npOl: THN . 0 K. rT~i3 KovTOS, Vice President of Marketing and Sa les, }. JlAwvroc; YI<J Ttl npo'l6VTQ Apollo IJE TOY "oTEpe TOU K. Eupr- t: n[OIl Kavyo, 16puT~ KO! npoEopo ri'ic; ErClpfoC; nau KOrOOK[U6~EI TO «nlO "Enro <puAA.o mOil KOOJ,JO». H Apollo aT~V OfKoYEvEla Pillsbury IfllJOVTlKOC; OTOBjJoc; OTl1V {wt1 TaU OfJjJlOUPYOU TfJC; K. E. K6vTOU • H VVWOT~ aT~v' O~ovi;vEla' A~Ep I KTis Ermpia Apollo Strudel Leaves, npaYIJOTonoll1oE TOV nEpaoj.JEVQ lJr,va tva OKO~~, oAM aUT~ T~V q>opo TEPOOTIO i3fj~a npos TO E~npos, XOPIS aTi,. 6uva~IK<'> wi 601~OVIO 6~~loupvo T~S K. Eupl- nrOll K6vlo. · H ETmpfo Apollo tXE I rio" tVToX8Ei Koi anonAEi TIJi'jj.JO ri'je; yryavTlofac; noAuE9VIKiie; Pillsbury, Tf'iS 6noics oi aUVOAIKf.S nwAf)oEIS 6vtPXDVTOI at IJEPIKO OIOEKOTo~~upla 60AMpia TOV Xpovo. · 0 aUTooruJIOUPV'lroc; K. K6vTOC;, 6 anDice; napOI-lEvEI npOEOpOC; rile; £Tmpiac;, !Jae; I.IfA.'lOE J.lE Ev90UOIOOjJO YIC) ris vtES npoonTIKES 6vanTu~EUJS Ti"iS hOlpioC; Koi olo66oEWC; TaU cpuAAou Kof rwv 6'\''\'wv EK'\'£KTWV npo'iovTWV HIe; OTO tupunpo OIJEPlkOVIKO KOlvo, Koi d 6'\'o~ K'\'I1PO TOV KOOIJO. .. OTOV t6w Kai 25 XPovla IipXlaE T~V E",xEip~a~, ovoiVOVTOS 0 i6,0S ~t T~V i3o~6Ela TfjS au~uvou TOU EuaYYEAias, d Eva TponE~1 (VOS IJIKPOO IJOYO~IOO, OE.V IJnOpOOaE vo $ovTaOTi'j 6T1 IJIOIJEPO 80 YIVOTOV hOTOIJIJUpIOOXoe; ono TO ~U· ~OPI nou EnE~Epva~oTav KaTO TOV npwT6)'ovo OIho T06no. r,ya·OIya o~wS, Ka6ws ~ frOlpia Apollo ovcimuaaOTav Ka] VIVOTOV TO ~uAAo OI08€0I).lO aTO EM~VIOO navTonwAEia TfjS NEas 'Y- ,1EKEMBPIOI: 1983 OPK~S, a ov~auxos E"'XElp~~aTias lipX'O£ va 610~AEnl1 onEpl6plOTEe; ouvoTOTIlTEe; np0660u . .<I> IAo6o~ia ~ou, w6ws ~Ev6AwVE ~ frOlpia ~as, ~Tav vO q>66a~ ~IO ~i;pa OTO arU.lEio va nQuAe tva TtrOPTO TOO noouVT q>uAAo TOV Xpovo at 006E ' A~E p IKavo», IJOe; Elnt a K. K6vToc;, Tovi~ov TOC; OTI TO OV£IPO EKEivo 80 yivl1 ).lIO IJEpa npoY).lOTIKOTI1S, IJE. T~V ~VTO~11 Tfic; £.TOI· pias TOU OT~V Pillsbury. TO npoiovTO TTiS Pillsbury i3piaKOvTOI ~6~ at DAa OVE~OIpi:rWS TO ,upermarkets, d OAES Ti s noAlTEiES TfjS' A~EpIKfjs, aTOv KavaM Kai at liMES XWpES.• H ETOIpio ola9fTEI tva KOTOnAI1KTIKO ou· OTl'lIJO ).lOPKETIVYK, 610KIV~0€WC; Koi Tono8ET~OEWe; TWV npo"i6vTWV TI1C;, ora anoia npoori9£vTa l TWpa TO ¢IlJA.Ao Apollo, oAM KGi TO liMa tKAEKTO npoiOVTO, c5nws a J,JnoKAaaoc; Koi TO KOTrn4> l, TO KouAoupaKIO KO! TO 6PEKTlKO, cnws f) TupomTTO KO] f} anOVOKOnITTo. ME. TO afj~a Apollo, 60 ~noOv auvTo~a ono T~V ·Pillsbury d /)Aa TO aounEp~6pKET~, ~~AO",TTES TI,nou Apple Strudel KGi 6AAo VAUKfolJaTa Kai 6PEKTIKO nou 8a XPI101J,JonOIOOv TO t~OIPETIKriS nOlOTI1TOS q>uMo nou nap6VEI ~ Apollo. To q>uAAo Apollo 60 xp~OI~onOiEiTOI Kai VIO npoiovTO nou napoVEI ~6~ ~ TEp6aTla ~~TPIK~ frOlpia. .. Onws ~as ElnE 0 K. KovTOS, TO npoiOVTO Apollo 60 6 IaT~p~aouv T~V ("I'~A~ nOloTI1TO nou TO tnEf3aAE OTllV OIJEPIKavIK~ •Avopo. «AwaOIJ£ t~ETOOEIS Koi nEpoooJ,JE. nEpaaOJ,JE OUOKoAo xp6vl0 v'a VO tn!flAI1800l1E KO! EilJOOTE ono4>ooloI1EVO l va OIOT IlPnOWIJE T ~V npw TonoplaK~ 8EOll IJOS Ko9wc; 90 tntKT€lvo).Joon IJEXPI TO TEA€ uTaio XWP IOUOOKI TriS ' AIJEPIKriC;», T6vIOE 6 K. KOvToe;. AUTO 80 viv~ ~t TEaaEplS i3aOlKous Tponous: ME T~V E~OIPETlK~ nOloT~TO, T~V KaA~ i;~u nl1p€Tr]ol1, T~V 610Tnpr]o., KO'\'WV TIIJWV, Koi ~IO t",6ET1o~ OTpaT~V IK~ ~6PKE TIVVO. T~v OTpOT~VIK~ aUT~ XElpi~ETal 0 VIOS TOO npot6pou TfjS ETOIpias K. rT~i3 KOVTOS, nou napO).lEVEI • AVTlnpotopoc; tn! TWV nwA~oEwV. MoAIS npiv Ev6~lau xpovo, ~ bOlpia Apollo ElXE ~ETaq>i;pEI TiS EVKGTOOTOaEIS 6n6 TO Dumont, N.J., onou VIC] npwTIl q>opo IipXlaE ~ i3lo~ ~xavonoi~a~ TTiS napaywYris TOO $uAAou, OTO Fair Lawn, N.J .• Ay6poOt tKEi tva npoOTlo KTIPIOKO oUYKpOrrUJO OUVOAIKfis tKTOOEWS 52.000 TETp. noolliJv nou np6KtiTOI nopo vO 6Iappu6~Ia6fj wi vO tnEKToSfj Ka - To,\,,\,.,Aa Via va QVTOnoKpI8i'j OTa vEO o£6o~tva TfjS ("I'~A6TEP~S napavwv~s. T~S bOlpias, KaJ,JI1XOV~).JOTO nou H Eva on6 TO oTlpla T OOKEu6~ovrol ra 35 xpl101~onoloUVTOI Vl(l TO (u~w~a, Kai TO nACOI~O Koi TO ~r]xaV';~aTa TTOU OTilv OUVEXEIO TTapOAo~aCVOuv TO (u~6pl VUl va TO ~£TOTPE4JOUV at A£TTTCJ $uAAo. LTD 6EUTEPO KTiplO dvOi ono9l1KEu~Eva TO OVToAAOKTIKO: nou XPflal~O nOIOUVTOI Via Tilv KOTOOKEUrl TWV J..H1XOVI1~6TWV Koi VIO tmoKEUEe;. LTD ~EvaAunpo anD Ta Tpio, aTE ya~ETOI ~ 5A~ napaywYIi TOO cpuAAou Kai TWV VAUKIO~6TWV. • H ~ETacpopa erro Fair Lawn ~TOV ano~OOlOTIKn Via TrlV npo060 KO! Tie; aHoYES nou aKo~ou9~oav. npiv £VC~IOU Xp6vo 6 K. K6vTOe; EYIVE onoKAEIOTlKOe; ~hoxoe; Tlie; hOlpioe; Kol OTrlV OUVEXEIO npOxwPl1aE OTnV £vTO~ 11 OTrlV Pillsbury. 'HTOV Ta , anoTE~EO~a ~lfiS 6UOKO~~S nopEias. '0 rrpwTOC; (JTOY KOalJa · 0 K. KOVTOS To T~~~a TOO tpyoerraoiou OTO 6noio yiVETOI iJ aVel~I~~ T~S ~u~ns nou XP~DI~O nOIEiTal Ylel TO cpuAAo. ~Tav 6 npwTos nou 13,0TO 4>UAAO . . 0 6111110UPyoS T~S ErOlpias Apollo, aO)(oAEiTOI, ouVEX we;, tni 35 XPOVIO, ~E TnV nAElonoi~on TOO cpuAAou. Elval, ~OS £lnE, noAAol 01 napoyovTES nou t~aocpa~i~ouv cppi:OKO. ~a~aKO wi El"Ko~060u~EUTO cpu~ ~o TiS 610CPOPES tnoXES TOO Xp6vou. ,r! aU TO, KOVEVO nop611010 npo'i6v dvol6u vaTo va OUYKPI9~ ~E TO cpuAAo ~aS pWTlioTE TOUC; KOAUTEPOUC; ~CPTUPEC;, Tie; • EAAr]vi6EC; vOIKoKupEe; nou TO XPIlOl~O nOloOv. KEp6ioa~E npo nohAoO Tliv t~ mOToouvll TOUe;., ,». ME TrlV EUKOIpfo Tlic; ouvo~IAioc; ~a~ 6 K. K6vTOC; 9U~OTOI Ta npwTo 6UOKOAO, oKAnpa XPOVIO T~ S erra6106po~ias TOU OTIlV AEuKwoia Ti'iC; Kunpou, OTOV OE n0l61KIi MIKia 60U~EUE d tva ~axapo nAaerrElo . • EKEi ~~a9E TO cpuhAo. Kai OE ~AIKia 16 Xpovwv, ~Tav tmXElp~~aTios. ·APXIOE va CPTlaxvn cpu~~o 0 i6,os Kai va TO nouACi OTa (oxoponAaania, [TOI~O. TO 1949 ~p9E oTliv NEa 'YOpK~ wi "maOE 6ouA£ItJ oro ~oxopon"oOT£io «KwvOToVTlvounoAIC;», nou I3PlaKOTOV OTnV 8~ AEWCPOPO, ~ETO~U 27 Kai 28 6p6~ouS. · ApyoTEpa, ay6paoE 6 i6,0S Eva ~axa ponAaoTEio erro Bronx, aAM TO ~uaM TOU ~Tav OTO cpuAAo. ME TiJV 130~9Ela Kai TnV ou~nop6OTooll Tlic; ou(UVou, nou arC91")KE nCVTon oro nAEupo TOU TnV 9Ewp£l oav TOV mo noAuTl~o OUVEPyaTn TOU, 6pXloav va CPTlelXVOUV cpuAAo ~OVOI TOUS ... '0 tpxo~os TPIWV n0l6,wv 6UOKOAEUE nEpl006TEPO TiJV oKAnpiJ npoanel9£1el TOUS, ~ tXP I nou ~EyelAwoav v,a va 13on9~00uv Kai OIira ~t TiJV tpyaoia TOUS TO ~EyelAw~a T~S ErOlpias. •APXIKOS err6xos ~Tav ~ thA~VIKiJ • AYOpel, aAM DlYel-DlYel, 6 K. KovroS 6PXIOE va KaTaAa13aiv~ I'm iJ . Ayopel aUTiJ 6tv /iTav apKETiJ Via TiJV npay~a TOnainon TWV 6VEipwv TOU. Kai 6EIAcl6EIAa 6PXIOE ~t TiJV J30~9Ela EI6,KWV, ~r]xovono i I10E .NEA YOPKH. MEPIKEC; on6 T1C; aUT6~aTES ~r'JXOVES nou AEnToivouv TO (UI10PI Koi TO )JETOTpEnouv at: AEnTO ~uAAo. EI61Ka tKn0l6Eu~i:VES tpYelTPIES TuAiyouv erro cpuAAa anaVelKI Kai Ton09EToOv TiJV anOVOKOnlTTO )JEao at KOUTla. 36 < 0 0EOCl»IA. u AV9IJ.10~ • EnlOKOnOS NTtvPEP 'Onws avaKoivwa£ ~'ApXI£",aKon~, ~ • Ayio Koi "'Epa Luv060e; KWVOTOVTlvounOA£WS E~EA£~£ TOV am, BoaTwv~s E>EOCfJ. ' EnioKono K... Av911lo 'EnioKono NTEVt!£p. 'H EKAOV~ EVIV£ Kara T~V TOKTlK~ LUv£6piaa~ T~S·I. Luv660u, T~vTpiT~, 15~ No£~t!plou. Nf:o Ta~16IWTIKO r pacpEio aTrlV • AaTOpia MIO 6no'lll1 J,JEPOUI) TOO TEPOOTIOU 4JuyEiou OTO 6noio an0911KEUOVTOI 01 KOOm:C; J,J£ TO q)lJAAO. n 6.AAa ljIuVEla ViVETOI ~ anoe~K£Ua~ TWV 6.AAWV npoiOVTWV. va Elaav~ TO q>UAAO at aounEp~apKETS· nOAU vp~vopa npOEKUljIE ~ av6VK~ t!lo~~xavonOI~aEWS T~S napavwv~s nou OTIlPI~OTov YUl noAA6 XPOVIO J,Jovo ot d61KEUjJEVO tPYOTIKO X£pIO . ' H npoae~K~ TWV ~~xav~~6Twv Via TrlV TEAElonofllOI1 TWV 6nofwv XPEIO· OTIlKOV noAMI XPrlJ,JOTO Koi nEplooo· TEPOI Konol, oAA6 Koi ~ Eloo\{wytl ouyXpovwv ~Eeo6wv OpeOAOYIOTI K~S opYOVWOEWC; Koi AEITOUpyioS, i1 6VCInTU~1l tmToxuv9l1KE. Koi OTilv 610PKEIO TOO OTOV t4>06 IooJ,J0 tOTIOTOpiwv, ~Ev060XElwv KO! Diners J,JE TO ETOIJ,JO npoiOVTO TI1S, 6PEKTIKO Koi yAuKiO'J,JOTO. To Ev6,aq>Epov T~S hOlpias Apollo Via . Avopa oTis HnA ea au- T~V !;AA~VIK~ VEXlae~ a~EiwTo. 'LTIV~~ an6 noO ~EKlv~aa~E. yOU) TOV 4>IAo KQi aUJ,JnoTplwTIl TOU K. EuaVV£AO KapaVKlouA£. To VEO rpaq>£io ~piaK£TOI OT~V 61£"euva~ 46-02 Broadway Kai TO T~AEq>wv6 TOU dvOi (212) 728-7700 wi (212) 7287976. 6£v ~EXVOO~E dEV eo ~EX(lOW~E nOTE 011 t6GJ nou q,9000jJE TO XPWOTOJ,JE ~OO'IKO O'Tic; EAAI1VIKiiS Kol KunpIOKr;e; KOToywyflS VOIKOKUPEC;, novTonGJAEe; Koi ~axaponMOTES. Kaews eo avanruaa6- 1983, oi nWA~aEIS T~S hOlpias auvEXI- IlESO, 96 tVTEivoJ,JE TiS npoona9£1£C; J,JOC; oov Tilv aV061Kf} TOUe; nopEio. va 6IaT~p~aW~E T~V Kupiapx~ eEa~ ~aS aT~V tAA~voa~EpIKaVIK~ 'Avopa., ~1!S - Onws ~1!S ElnE 6 K. K6vTOS, ~ ETOIpia aKonEuEI va 6wa~ ~EvaAuTEp~ ~~q>aa~ '0 XlaK~S KOTavwv~s E",XE lp~~aTlas K. r£wPVIOS' Av6pE66~S 6.VOI~£ aT~v' AaTopla TO~16IWTIKi> vpaq>Eio~' T~V Enwvu~ia Andreadis Travel Corp. ~E auv£p- T6vIOE 6 K. KoVToC; . . 0 . ApXCllv toU OIICOUI.I.EVlICOU natptapxEiou K. MIMHl: Tl:INTOAAl: MEta nl~ OlKOYEvda~ tOU (JroiJ~ Eilxovral ·ApKdOe~. (JroiJ~ fPf).ov~ rov~ /Cal (Jro~ •Apxovre~ roo Darplapxdov EYTYXIEMENO TON NEO XPONO PANDAZ SERVICENTER, INC. 74-21 Queens Blvd., Elmhurst, N.Y. 11373 '0 811;UeUVt1i~ IC. rEWpy\O~ navtar;tA.o~ Kai to €1l1tE1PO 1tPO<HJl1tlKO tOU (J'a~ Euxov,al XapOV/1eVOC; Kai EV'WX1(J/1£VOC; 6 KarvovpylOC; Xp6voC; Til).. (212) 446-2957-8 AEKEMBPIOl: 1983 ~0 Kai <l>WTI1C; rKOVI1C; ri 6px~aTpa TOU EXPRESS EUXOVTOI a' oAou~ KaAa Xp/OTOUYEvva Kai EUTUXt~ TO NEO ETO~ W 37 . Ana TIlV tniOKEqJrt O'uvtopwv Kpl1TWV OTO KOOTpi, onou tYIvav OEKToi ana TOV npw9unoupyo K.· Av6pto nanov6p£ou . . Ana OPIOTEpO, 01 K.K. r. <l>pEoKOKr')f;! rl4jjpyoC; =EVOK'lC;! Kwoms Xar~~v6K~S, MavwA~S Koupy£p6K~S (npo£opoS nayKP~TlK~S r£p~avias) , Dr. I. N66£vas, r. Bapo6K~S , <1>. naT£- p6K~S (npo£opoS naYKp~T'K~S NOT . •A~ £ P'K~S), 0 K. MavwA~S ' HA,6K~S (Elliot) npo£opoS na YKp~TlK~S HnA, 0 npw6unoupyos T~S • EAMooS Kai <'> K. •AvopEas Toouo£poS, npo£opOS T~S naYKp~TlK~S ' A6~vwv . 11£ ~.6 , ~OA'S o,aKpiv£TOI, <'> . EnioKonoc; '" Av9lj.J oS. To npwTo naYK6o~,o LUVEOP'O KP~TWV wpyavw6~K£ TI) t<1>£T£lVO KaAoKaip' OT~V • EAM6a ~E npwTO!3ouAla T~S naYKp~TlK~S 'O~oonovolas •A~£P'K~S KOi T~S naYKp~TlK~S •A6~vwv, KOHl TO anoio 6n£<I>Oolo6~ ~ o~~.oupyia nayKoo~.as ' O~oonovoios KP~TWV, ~E npwTo np6£opo TOV K. MavwA~' HA,6K~, 6no TI'Iv <l>Awp.oa . • 0 K.• HA,6K~S £iVOI np6£opoS Kol T~S naYKp~T'K~S HnA. •ApX~YoS T~S hopo~~S 6no TI'Iv ' A~£ P'K~ ~Tav a ' AVTlnpo£opos T~S naYKp~ TlK~S ' O~oonovolas HnA K. r,wpyoS Bap66K~S, a anoios t~E<1>pao£ npos T~V .Nta ' YOpK~ ' T~V nMp~ lKavonoi~o~ TOU via TO npWTO Luvt6pIO Kol TO tmKpoT~oav nvEUJ,lO ouvEpyoaios J.,lETeEu TWV KP'lTIKWV 6pyovw(J£wv a' aMKA~po TOV K6o~0 . • Onws ~aS £in£ a K. Bapo6K~S, nou tX£I 38 . 0 npo£opoS T~S naYKoo~,as' O~oonov6ias KP~TWV K. · HA,OKI1S 6J.IIAwv OTO npwTo O'uvt6plo Tf'\S ' OJ.Joanov6ioc; . • NEA YOPKH .. 20 'EAAIlVOOJ.n:PIKOVOI OTO I6olOA r. Bap66K~~, npoE6po~ T~~' ETTlTpOn~~ KaTa T~~ GaAaaaE~la~, napa6i6wv orav npoE6po T~~ naYKp~TlK~~ K. -EAAIOT TI~~TIK~ nMKa TOO a I EeVOO~' EpuepoO rTQUpoO v'a T~V aXE T IK~ (KaTponia. • 0 K. EpyaaTEi aKA~pa aav npoE6po~ T~~ ' E- nlTpOTT~~ EpaVOU YI('I T~V KaTQTTOA£~~a~ T~~ GaAaaaE~la~, Kara T~V ETTiaKE"'~ YWV Kp il nilv aTO BEvl~tAEIO NOaOKOIJEiO KP~T~~ tYIVE ~ TTap660a~ 11 auaKEUwv aTT00l6~pwa~~ cfl~aTO~ TTOU ayop6or~ Kav OTiC;; HnA .. H OXETlKIl tKoTpOTEia OpXlaE TO 1979 ~€ TTPOTPOTT~ TOO larpoO K, $)..[000. MtXPI Tlope ~Xouv napa60e~ aE voaoKo~Eia T~~ KP~T~~ 65 TEToia ~~xav~~aTa a~ia~ 50.000 ooM. ' 0 K. Bap66K~~ElxE oro TTapEAeov auvEpyaofa J,I£ TOV unoupyo . YyEim; K. AuYEPIVO <oi 6 . Epuepo~ rTQUpO~ torfiAE aT~v KP~T~ 6~66a laTpwv TTOU ~ETEK nai6EuoE TOniKOUC;; VIOTPOUC;; OTIlV XPJlOI1 YWv I.HlxaVlliJOrwv. • H naYKp~TlO~ •Ae~vwv ETTE<I>uAa~E eEp~oTaT~ UTTOOOX~ aTou~ KP~TE~ TTOU 0PXlaav TO auvE6pIO TOU~ oro ~EVOOO XEio .KivYK~ n6Aa~" orrlv' Ae~va Kai TO OUVEXIOOV arr)v 1610iTEPil nOTpi6a TOUe;:. METa~u TWV h6po~EWV OTTO Tj~ HnA ~Tav Kol 6 ' EnioKonoc;; K. "Av91I.1oC;; nou KaT6YETa i OTTO TrlV KpIi T ~. eEp~rl uTTa60Xrl OTTO TJ~ OIO<l>OPE~ TOmKI;~ opXI;~ Kai TOV Aao T~~ KpIiT~~ ETTE <l>uMxe~ orou~ EK6PO~Ei~ Kaj oro' Hp6KA£IO) OTlOU 6 npoE6poC;; T~I) naYK6a~la~ naYKp~TlK~~ ' O~oarrovola~ t6waE auvEVTEu~~ Timou <oj E~E<I>paaE TrlV aUYKiv~a~ oAwv V,a T~V ETTlaKE"'~ aTrlv TToTpla y~ . Kai t~E<I>paaE T~V tATTI6a 1IT1 ~ naYKoa~la '0~oarrov6Ia KP~TWV ea oUVToviorj Til) tVEPVEIES nou XPElo(avTal V,a va ~o~e~e~ TO v~al. - OTTW~ ~a~ 6liAwaE 6 K. Bap6oK~S, 01 ~Ev06oXOI T~S KpIiT~S KaeWs Kaj taTloTOPES at 610<l>oPES TToAfiS 6E~IWe~Kav Kaj TTpoa£<I>Epav 6WPEaV YEu~aTa TTPOS Mous TOUS OTTo6~~ouS ETTIaKETTTES. aEKEMBPIOI: 1983 ria Tj~ TToAuTl~E~ TTpoa<l>opES T~S ~ naYKpliTios ' A~EPIK~S EAa~E TO ~pa~Eio TOO MEyaAou EUEPYETI1 TOO . Epu9pou rTQUpoO KaJ ~ • AKa6~~ia • Ae~vwv t~E <l>paaE T~V EUapEaKEIO T ~S ~E T ~V OTTOVO~~ Ei6,KOO ~pa~Eiou. . E~ OAAou, orov K. Bap66K~ t66e~ TO ~EToAAIO TOO a~~ou 'HpaKAEiou KaJ OTTO TOV rEWPYIKO rUVETOIp l a~o KpIiT~S TO ~EToMlo ' EAuT~ . .. OTTWS ~aS E1TTE 6 K. Bap06K~~, TrlV naYKPI1TIKTl onooxoAEi nope Eva "POypa~~a aTTooroMs TTal6,wv KP~TWV TWV HnA aTrlV Kp~T~. ' 0 K. NiKOS Ixoup66Kr'lS, TaU ~Evo6oXEiou .MlpOIJt6E I ~E 1610iTEPO Ev610q,tpov Koi T6ao 6 itlloe;, 000 Kol 6A..AOI ~Evoo6XOII onwe; 6 K. r. KopKofliTaoc;., IOloKTflTIle; TOO tc nov6pjJou», "tAoll Olav " AVID N IKOA..OO XaVla, Baa. nAwp~S 1010KT~T~~ TOO ~EVOOOXEiou .. A<I>pooiT~" TTpoa<l>tpe~ Kav va <l>IAo~Evliaouv OWPEaV Ta KP~TlKoTTouAa TTOU ea TTaVE hEi V'a ola- aTa Ph~IOTEP • E~E66e~ TO rOOlaA PET~lorEP T~S O~E PIKOVIKiie; npwTEuoUOfle; YVW(JTO we; «rKp~V MnollK» VIC TO 1984. Kal $ETOt;, onw~ aE nporwouJ,JEvO XP6Via, ~ OUSEVTlKOe; mhoc; KOTOA..OYOC; Tr;C; QVWTOTI1C; KO lvwviac; TTEPIEXEI n:l ovalJaTa IJEPIKWV 610KEKPIJ,JEVWV . EAATlvoaJ,JEp IKoVWV. ElvOI oi 'OJ,JoOTTov610KOi rEpouOIaoToi nwA.. LOP I-..maVI1C; KaJ nc.iJr.. To6vYKoc,;,01 BouAEUTOi KWVOT . rIC1Tpov, N. MaupouA~S, ' OAu~nia rvoou, 6 M . Mmr..lpaKIlC;, 6 r. rKEKac; Kal 6 npwrw BouAEUTrlS 'lw6vv~S MTTpa6~~as (TtiJpa npoE6poC; TOU novEmaTI1 !-..liou Ntoe,; ' YapKI1C;) Kal oi npwl1v KO! vOv QVWTaTOI KUaEpVI1TIKOi A..EIToupvol 'lwovvl1C; NaaoiKoc;, Euytvloe,; Pwaoi6 11 C;, .6.p . • AXIAEUS ra ~E AAapi6~s, N. BEAltiJT~S. AVTPIOU MavoToc;, ~ Ka Mo'iK MavoTOU , • E~~ . ra~as, ' lw6vv ~ s KwvaT6vT~S <oj ro<l>oKA~S X~po. "AAAa J,JtAI1 TWV OVWTtpwv KOIVWVIKWV KlI KAwv nou ova$tpEI 6 KaToAoyoC; al.ITOc; dver ri Kupia ' Iwovvou KOlVIOO, npwl1v npoEbpoC; TOO uLTpaTOO Tr;C; LWT~pias' (raA~EiOiov • Ap~u ), 0 K. T6aos Kopwvaio~, 6 •. T~tiJpT~ TaapA~ Kai ~ Ka NTiva KMpK rTT~AI6KOU, 6IaTTpEn~S npOaWTTlKOT~~ T~S T~AEOpoaEw~ . U ._------------------------ 1: tot XEw9EO'la TlA Ecf>HMEPliJEJ: nEPlOMKA BIBAlA Konte; TO KOA..OKOipl TOU 1984. ' H naYKp~TlK~ aXEOIO~EI va avaM~~ £KaTparEia Kaj Yla T~V ~EyaAuTEp ~ TOUP l orlK~ TTpo~oA~ T ~S KpIiT~S. .. OTTW~ ~aS TovlaE 6 K. Bap66K~s. TOV TTp6EOPO T~S naYKp~TlK~~ •.• HAIOK~, nou onwe; tInE lowO'E KOIVOUpYIO ~wl'} aT~V loroplK~ aUT~ 6pVavwa~, aTTaaxoAEi 161aiTEpa TO TTp6~A~~a T~S 6,aT ~ pliaEWS T~S tAA~VIK~S KA~poVO~laS aTTO TJ~ VEES YEVEtS TWV 'EAA~voa~Ep l KOVWV Kol npoe; TI'}V, Konu9uvall OUTI'} KOTOOTPWVOVTOI OIO$OpO npoypojJjJOTO onwe,; mho TWV EKOPOJ,JWV vtwv UTO vllai T~e,; KOTOywyfle,; TWV yovtwv TOUe,; ... To naYK6a~IO ruvE6pI0 KP~TWV ea npoYJ,JoTonolEiTol Ko9E QUO XPOVIO. H TEAEYT AlA AEEH Tm: TYnOrPA<t>IA1: T'lA.[.wvyJCJQ t£: (212) 947-3180 HNi4 YOPKH 39 STDP Th Turki h ilian af Cypru Dial toll free 800-257-2241, 24 hours a day and send the "Cyprus Alert-gram" to your Senators and Congressman during this emergency: "Am greatly distressed by Turkish Cypriot secession from Republic of Cyprus. Ignoring u.s. pleas for consultation, third largest recipient of U.S. aid - Turkey - recognized rump state hours after President Reagan signed foreign aid bill with over $750 million Turkish giveaway. Urge you to support efforts to withhold aid to Turkey and Turkish Cypriots until secession withdrawn and Turkish Cypriots agree to support initiative of U.N. Secretary General. Your views on these sub"jects most desired." The cost of the message, a little over seven dollars, can be billed to your telephone or to any major credit card. If you send the message to more than one person, subsequent mailgrams will be billed at a discounted rate. THERE IS ONLY ONE REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS Peter H. Cardiges Supreme President John G. Plumides, Chairman AHEPA Cyprus & Hellenic Affairs Committee Prepared by AHEPA, 1422 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 200005 • 202-628-4974 40 "NEW YORK" : :: : .;. : ..: :: :: :.: :: :: : GREECE IN AMERICA :: :::: :: :::: : :: :: :: : : : : :: : : :: :: : :: : :: ::: :: :: : : : : ::: ::: ::: : .. : :: :: : :: : :: : :: : :: :: :: : :::: : :: :: : ::: : ::::: As an expression of our appreciation to our readers, we will keep the same subscription rate of $25.00 per year. This magazine will continue to be bilingual, but the number of pages in English will increase and many of our editorials will, also, appear in English. We wish to assure all our readers that we will continue our difficult task with high sense of respon. sibility and objectivity. Issues of the Month GEORGE TSANTES, JR. HE cowardly murder of the u.s. Navy Captain George Tsantes in Athens by terrorists is a crime that every decent T person condemns with indignation. It is also a crime which raises certain questions because of the ancestry of the victim. George Tsantes was a Greek-American! The despicable murderers knew well who their victim was. Th ey must have followed his daily routine from his hometo his office, knowing exactly his itinerary. The dark forces that guided the hand of the murderers did not strike at random. They committed their dastardly deed on the day the so called "anniversary activities" commemorating the "Polytechnic uprising" against the military junta in November 1973 were just starting. These "activities" have become a standard opportunity for those who want to undermine Greek-American cooperation to vent their antiAmerican hatred . Was the murder of George T5antes also an oblique and macabre message to the Omogeneia? "LEGALLY INVALID" E assume that Mr. Denktash by declaring a separate TurState in Northern Cyprus, expected to confront everyone with an accomplished fact. He proved dead wrong. Except for his patrons in Ankara no other government has so far extended recognition to his "state." The American government denounced it without mincing any words. And so did the rest of the world. The U.N. Security Council with 13 votes in favor, 1 against (Pakistan) and one abstention (Jordan) declared the new "state" lEGAll Y INVALID and called for its abrogation . So, Mr. Denktash lost the ace card (I) he had kept in diplomatic reserve for nine years. He can no longer W kish DECEMBER 1983 : : :: SEMI-MONTHL V! With special satisfaction we inform our readers that starting next month, our magazine enters into a new era in its 36 year-old service to the Greek-American Community. It becomes semimontly. The issues will circulate at the beginning and the middle of each month. We take this opportunity to extend warm thanks to our readers and advertisers, all the old and new friends who support this magazine. :: thereaten to declare his I<independent state" unless he gets whatever he wants. Because now he went ahead with his declaration - and it turned out to be a dud! The world community had the opportunity to give him the "equal" status he wants. The world community rejected his claim. In fact, by hIS provocative action, Denktash has now received an international certificate that he only represents a small community of 18 percent - if such a certificate was needed at alII THE ARCHBISHOP AND THE OMOGENEIA N every national crisis affecting Greece or Cyprus, Arch- Ibishop lacovos went to Washington as soon as the news that Denktash had declared his /(in dependent state" came overthe wires. In the nation's capital, together with the Supreme President of the AHEPA Peter Cardiges, the Chairman of UHAC Andrew Athens, and other leading personalities of Hellenism in America and with strong support of our two Senators Paul Sarbanes and Paul Tsongasand our five Congressmen Gus Yatron, N. Mavroules, Olympia Snowe, Mike Bilirakis, and George Gekas, voiced the indignation of the Greek-American community for the provocative action of Denktash. The representatives of the Omogeneia spoke to Vice President Bush, Secretary of State Shultz, Deputy Secretary of State Dam, the State Department Counselor and old friend of Greece former Congressman Derwinski and many members of Congress. Just before his meeting with the delegation, Secretary Shultz had a talk with President Reagan who authorized Mr. Shultz to tell the representatives of the Omogeneia that the United States unequivocally condemns the action of the Turk-Cypriots. This time the American position was crystal clear. When the Archbishop asked Undersecretary Dam to assure the delegation that every measure will be taken to nullify the Turkish 41 :: :: : : :: :: ::~: action, the American officia l replied: IIYour Eminence, this is not only your appeal; it is our policy." The sincerety of this response was proven two days later at the U.N. Security Council. The total rejection of the Denktash "state" was a victory of justice, a victory of the lofty principles which are the founda tion of this nation . THE CUELLAR INITIATIVE HE Initiative of the U.N. Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar must not be abandoned after the Denktash coup. T Now that the so called IIstate" has been left without recognition, the diplomatic position of Mr. Denktash is much weaker than before. Because he cannot seriously expect to be given lIequal" status. The government of the Republic of Cyprus came out of this crisis with its standing in the world community reinforced. From this point on it is necessary to follow flexible and imaginative policies. Of course, in a future federal state all citizens - Greek and Turk - will have equal rights before the law. But the two communities - one with 80 percent and the other with 18 percent - cannot possibly split the island in half, get each 50 percent I If that is the " equality" Mr. Denktash is claiming then there can be no agreement. But the Secretary General has indicated with his IIguidelines" a more reasonable approach. We believe, that the government of the Republic of Cyprus should embrace the Cuellar Initiative and agree to talk with the Turk-Cypriot commmunity - if Mr. Denktash is willing to talk seriously. Now that his international status has been established by his failure to achieve international recognition, the government of Cyprus can be generous and flexible. The size of the two federal districts cannot but reflect the size of the two communities. The freedom of movement throughout the new federal republic for all citizens is an obvious prerequisite. The withdrawal of the Turkish occupation forces goes without saying. To be viable a solution must be reasonable and realistic. The fact that the non-recognition of the Turk-Cypriot "state" has turned the Denktash coup into a "boumerang" against his side does not mean that we should take a negative and sterile course. Because stagnation will allow the Denktash "state" to become an accomplished fact. Diplomacy must now move. The Cuellar Initiative is, in our view, the best course of action. MISSILES OF PEACE NLY insane people would advocate a nuclear war asa solu tion for the differences which exist between the two superpowers and their allies. Because in such a war there will be no victors and those left alive will envy the dead. It would be good if the Soviet Union joined the United States in a sincere effort to bring the nuclear weapons they both possess in frightening abundance under control and to begin to phase them out. In the case of the intermediate missiles in Europe, the blame of escalation falls squarely on the Soviet Union. It was Moscow which more than five years ago deployed the SS-20s in the Ukraine, threatening the European cities with annihilation. At that time there were no comparable American missiles in Europe. The Soviet action was a totally unnecessary and inexcusable escalation. Even then, the Europeans and the United States gave Moscow four years to remove the dreaded missiles. To no avail. Now th~ time has come to deploy the Pershing II and Cruise mis~::~s as the free Europeans requested in 1979. These missiles will be there only asa deterrent force. To secure peace. O 42 AMERICANS _ MURDERERS OF NATIONS" 1/ E quote from a dispatch from At hens to the Washington W Post (18 November, 1983). "More than 200,000 demonstrators - including the American-born wife of the Greek prime minister, Margaret Papandreou - filed past the shuttered embassy building, chanting anti-American slogans such as: liThe people don't want you - take your embassy and gol! and "Americans murderers of nations." ... The march was dominated by the governing Panhellenic Socialist Movement, followed by a contingent from the Moscow-line Communist Party." This was happening the very same day the Greek prime minister Mr. Papandreou was asking the Greek-American Senators and Congressmen to exert their influence to convince the Amer ican government and their fellow legislators to co ndemn the Denktash l declaration of lIindependence. " No need for comment. ~ ~ TOLL FREE: 1-800 231-2 ••0 ATe Georae ADdreadiI and Evaqelol Caragules PROUDLY ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF ~ > AN~~~A~I$ T~AV{l ~¢~p. WORLDWIDE TRAVEL SERVICE AIR· LAND· TOUR· CRUISES PACKAGES AND CHARTERS TEL (212) 728-7700 (212) 72.7878 4&-02 BROADWAY ASTORIA. NEW YORK 11103 ot OiKOY&V£U;~ TOM KAAAMAPA KAI rrnA KAAAMAPA EiJXOYrUl u' O).OV<; KAAH XPONIA Kai Ka).t<; t>laUKet>dUel<; ura dUUYKP1Ta OYSTER BAY And CRYSTAL PALACE 31-01 BROADWAY, ASTORIA, N.Y. Ill06 Tel. 545-U02 and 545-2990 "NEW YORK" Papoulias emphasizes friendship between Greece and America GREEK-AMERICANS CONTRIBUTE GREATLY The new Greek Ambassador to the United States, Mr. George Papoulias, presented his letter of credence to President Reagan at the White House. The Ambassador made the following remarks: IIMr. President, It is for me a great honor and a real pleasure to present to you the Letters accrediting me as Ambassador of Greece to the United States of America, together with the Letters of Recall of my predecessor. May I take this opportunity to convey to you the best wishes of the President of the Hellenic Republic and of the Government of Greece for your personal happiness, the success of your high mission as well as for the prosperity of the friendly American people. Bonds of long and friendly association have united our two countries since their access to independence. Our two peoples share a common heritage and a common belief in freedom, democracy and human dignity. This affinity of purpose and ideals has remained constant throughout our history and has been tested under adverse circumstances. In order to defend our heritage of democracy, as well as of individual and human rights, the Greek people and its Government spare no efforts of sacrifice. The presence of Americans of Greek ancestry who prosper and participate actively in American life contributes greatly to the friendship between our two nations. Greece is striving to promote good relations with all peoples and countries, and particularly with neighboring countries and we believe this is a positive factor for peace in Europe and in the vital areas of the Mediterranean, the Balkans and the Middle East. A significant event in Greek-American relations has been, Mr. President, the recent signing of the Defense and Economic Cooperation Agreement between Greece and the United States of America. We hope that this Agreement will help in developing, in all fields, the cooperation of the two governments and countries. in a rna,nner beneficial to both of them. We trust that it will enhance the balance, stability and peace in the region. Taking up my office in a world situation marked by grave tensions and problems, I do wish to assure you, Mr. President, that Greece values its relationship with the United States of America and that I will do all in my power to promote the close and friendly relations that have existed between our two countries. I express the hope that I will have the privilege of your personal support as well as that of your Government." AHEPA to Host International Cyprus Symposium in January AHEPA President Peter H. Cardiges has announced that AHEPA will sponsor a two-day confe rence at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington~ D.C.,on January 2022,1984. The conference program will be ~uVEpYEio EniOKEUWV AYTOKINHTON finalized shortly. "The objective is to allow people representing diverse views and interests to meet and exchange t heir opinions and concerns; the conference's purpose is to educate, notadvocate/' said FOREIGN & DOMESTIC Specializing in Mercedes, BMW. Fiat, Volvo, Toyota, Datsun Ei61KEUllEVOS • EM~vos 6PXIIl~XOVIKOS IlE 15Hii nEipo OE Emo.EuEs EupwnoiKiis Koi i6,0ITEPO vEPllovlKiis KOTOOKEUijS OUTOKIV~TWV. WALLINGTON SHELL 165 Paterson Avenue. Wallington, New Jersey 07057 Tel. (2011779-9528.(201) 473·1784 DECEMBER 1983 Card iges. Topics to be included are "Cyprus in the International Forum," HThe Cyprus Dispute: A Reflection of Greek-Turkish Relationsl" "The Identity of Cyprus," and "Cyprus: A Congressional Perspective." The symposium will include seve ral we 11known keynote speakers, a luncheon and reception. "Through the educatiorr of our members, the Greek American community, and the American public, we hope to create a supportive atmosphere for a con tinuing dialogue, and better understanding of these issues." Cardiges pointed to the success of AHEPA's three recent seminars, which were attended by participants from across the country. On September 18, AHEPA held a confe rence on the workings of the state and fede ral legislatures, while in Julya workshop on Cyprus was held on Capitol Hill for Congressional staff. Last March, an all day seminar on "U.S. Policy in the Eastern Mediterranean" heard a wide range of foreign policy views. 'EyypuqnltEl:uvOPOIlT]tui Ott'!V «Neu 'Y6pICT]» . EtT]OiU l:UVOPOIlTJ $25.00 43 Penny K aniklides HANA C's Woman of the Year Commissioner Angelo Petromelis, left, presents HANAC's Honoree Miss Penny Kaniclides with a clock from Tiffany's as HANAC's Woman of the Year. Right photo: George Douris, Chairman of HANAC, greets Governor Mario Cuomo (left) and his excellency Metropolitan Silas of New Jersey (center) on the occasion of HANAC's 10th Annual Dinner Dance held on November 4th at Terrace on the Park. Martha Kiamos . Executive Assistant to Borough President Howard Golden of Brooklyn, reads the Proclamation she presented to Miss Penny Kaniclides proclaiming November 4th Penny Kaniclides Day as Governor Mario Cuomo Jaokson. City Comptroller Harrison j. Goldin chats with Miss Penny Kaniclides at HANAC's 10th Annual Dinner Dance honoring Arthur Papataros, Director of HANAC's lob Tap Center, is shown with his friend Governor Mario Cuomo who congratu- lated Mr. Papa taros for his outstanding job in finding employment for Greek immigrants through his center. Right photo: Miss Kaniclides. Posing for the photographer are left to right: Mr. Andrew Keen; Governor Mario Cuomo; Miss Penny Kaniclides; Mr. Aristotle Mirones; Mr. Anthony Kaniclides; Ms. Christine Kaniclides and Mr. Archie Mavromatis. " NEW YORK" HANAC President, Catherine Saketos, presents the annual HANAC Employee of the Year award to lohn Kaiteris Executive Director at the 10th Annual Dinner Dance,. Righ photo, shown left to right: Governor Mario Cuomo; HANAC's honoree. Miss Penny Kaniclides; and State Commissioner Angelo Petromelis at HANAC's 10th Annual Dinner Dance held on November 4th at Terrace on the Park . honoring Miss Kaniclides as Woman of the Year. Smiling proudly for the photographer at HANAC's 10th Annual Dinner are left to right: HANAC's honoree . Miss Penny Kaniclides; Gold Coast AHEPA Chapter President, Phoebus Karageorgis; Governor Mario Cuomo; Well known New York cardiologist Dr. Antoine C. Harovas; and Steve Petruzzelli, President of the Association of Trade Waste Removers of Greater New York. Enjoying the festivities of HANAC's 10th Annual Dinner Dance are left to right: George Karalis, well known New York furrier; George Douris, Chairman of HANAC; Governor Mario Cuomo; Millionaire George Livieratos who is building a huge sports complex in Pennsylvania; and Frank Sinatra's assistant, Laverne Gunto. HANAC Board Member, Commissioner Angelo Petromelis, (center) introducing well known furrier George Karalis to Governor Cuomo as his assistant, John Nikas, (left) looks on at the 10th Annual HANAC Dinner Dance. Right photo: Enjoying a friendly chat together are left to right: State Commissioner Angelo Petromelis; Top Poster, People's Page reporter of the New York Daily News; George Douris, Chairman of HANAC; and Archie Mavromatis, of the State Victims Compensation Board. "NEW YORK" 45 Greek-American Cited by Architectural Society George W.D. KousoulasofWashington D.C., was recentl y honored by the prestigious Biennial World Competition in Architecture (Biennale Mondiale de Archi - tecture) which was held this year in Sofia, Bulgaria. Kousoulas, currently a graduate student at M.I.T., received the Bronze Medal and a Diplome de Laureat for his work in planning and designing the urban development of the suburb of La Molina in Lima, Peru. The Molina plan was one of 93 entries on a variety of projects from around the world. Kousoulas worked under Professor Felipe J. Prestamo on the Molina project while a student in the School of Architecture at the University of Miami. In November 1981 he visited Lima together with the other members of the architectural team working on the project to XPOVIa IloAAa arav trp07rAlarlKa KOaf.JO Kai a' DAOVr:; rovr:; VaVTlAAOf.JeVovr:; Hellenic Ship Supply, Inc. Bonded Warehouse Custom House License No. 37 CAPTAIN ALEX KORAKIS, Manager 210 NORTH 13th STREET, TAMPA, FL. 33602 Tel. (813) 229-1507 present the plans to Peru's President Belaunde-Terry and the mayor oILa Molina, Manuel Ungano. The project was under a special contrast between the government of Peru and the University of Miami. The La Molina plan was submitted to the architectural society by the mayor of the town, and will be used as a model for urban development projects in Peru. NEOI •Opi~OVTEC;! H «NEA YOPKHII 4EKAnEN9HMEPH AnOTON IANOYAPIO ArpOKTHMA ETHN ANAPO Ar'POKTHMAhi;t(lCJl:W';; Qv(.r.) !til\! 8 1)2 GtpEJ.lJ.uirwv. 0'.';" YPQ(PlKOO- (o.t11 'U:PlOXtl l:api~'1~ ~ A\lbpOU. rrwlEi rat ai: t~alp£t"nl tlJ.ltt. Ih:PltXf.l upoO'tlO orrin. KQtciAJ"'1AO rUl tOl)PlOflK1} d~lorrO''1<Y1l. ·E~o.lp(nKa 1'I'A£O\ltlCftlJ.lotO yui bU1.£ip'lCJ'l. ~ yui t~oXU('ll KatO'Kia. Oi tv~IQ.EpOJ1(\lOl napoKUAoUvtOl vei t1llr..,WVllCJouv crtOV K. ruivv11 KOPK66E1).o. t~).. (212) 499-1700. 46 "NEW YORK" High time to "de-mythologize" Anti-Americanism • By A. DROSSOPOULOS The following is the fim of two articles by Athenean lawyer A. Drossopoulos, published in the influential Greek newspaper "Kathimerini" and republished in the last two issues of "H NEA YORKH", The articles translated into English) examine the causes of the negative feelings of many Greeks towards the United States and empha size the need for Ude~mythologiz ing1J the Antiamericanism in Greece. The Greek government has an obligation, as the responsible manager of our country's foreign policy. to find a way to improve our relations with the United States. This improvement cannot be achieved with occasional reassuring statements by the Premier or repeated visits to the U.S. by persons close to him. Th e problem is simply and basically the result of the antiamericanism which permeates Greek public opinion - more acutely, of course, among the Left but which is not insignificant among other groups as well. The solution of this problem cannot come through a series of clever efforts to manipulate public opinion. What is needed is a systematic and responsible effort to de-mythologize the anti-americanism; a critical review of accumulated assumptions about the Greece In U.S . Embassy in Nicosia directed the movements of the Turkish troops during the second phase ofthe invasion (Attila II) - as though the Turks had no generals of their own to do the job. From time to time these allegations have been categorically refuted by persons, on the Greek side, with a more complete knowledge of the facts . There have also been eloquent suggestions to stop the attempt to shift to foreign and distant parties the responsibility for actions which unfortunately were born here and whose motives are well known . Best Wishes and Happy Holidays from the AHEPA " evil" role of the United States (or of the superpowers in general. as a sort of concession) and the return of the issue of Greek -American relations to the level of political evaluation - freed from the subconscious shadows of threat and sin. THE CYPRUS FILE Nothing could help more the effort to separate truth from myth than the opening of the notorious " Cyprus File." For several years now, the view is peddled in Greece that the United States is primarily responsible for the tragedy of Cyprus - in spite of facts that come to light from time to time, and against common sense which tells us that the Americans facing at that time Vietnam and the Middle East - would have been insane to open up another conflict between two of their allie s. Yet. the assumption is that if no.t the U.S. Embassy at leat some other "agencies" gave loannides the green light to eliminate Makarios, and that it was the Americans who encouraged the invasion and helped the Turks occupy the northern part of Cyprus. It has been said tha t the American bases in Greece used their electronic means to prevent the Greek airforcefrom operating. It has also been said that the Americans blocked the movements of the Greek Navy. It has been written that the DECEMBER 1983 AHEPA Family AHEPA Supreme Lodge P('u::r H. Ca nji ~s ~1. Je fUlIl\; SlIprtr.ou P"sM,nl Plullip T . fraugos S1jpTl!m~ CUlm.;tll()r K:lkr Cleo :'\. Zllmb~tis S"p,·rmt VIet f'u .lidm1. John ~1. Chola kis Suprrmr Got'l'T"nO' Gu ~ D. ~1 05 hos S up,rmt Gowrnor Le .... PolydumpuIII", Suprf7llt ~·,ct Prn ldrnl of Canada Dr . Gus CorlSlaminc SlItJ1t111t COVf'l"'7lO>" Ted Palouhas SUpt"flt COW17l(lT Presidents Suprmu Gwtnw r Elai ue K l"\")!:as GT(/I!d P'rJidnll Daugbters of Penelope Prl~r Papp3~ SUptffllt PrtJIdrnl Charles ~ L Georl!:cson SlIprt1flJ' Srcrflary John ~. DlVuun Suprrmt TrM!iUTtr C . W. lri.:W S"p"~ GQIIf"OWT Andn·... T . St a U\boll l ifl i.~ SlIprfmt GQutnlc r E. P. lerr)"· ~tilchcll Dr. ~IOfIlhc :-: . Kofu. Supr,mr GOlo'l'nwr Suprrmr IIthlme n"·f"(wr Sons of Pericles Kukla Andros Grand f'"sidtnl Maids of Athenll 47 I would like to recall the article of former Premier G. Rallis in " Kathimerini " (November 21-22, 1982) in which he said openly that "lor the Cypriot tragedy . the responsibility falls exclusively on the devil's apprentices who, uninvited, managed at the time the nation's fortunes , with their diplomatic inexperience and disadtrous actions. " However, either because the advice of logic is less attractive than the thrills of fantasy, or because the belief in the satanic cj"ualitfes of the American policy is so deeply rooted in our collective subconscious, such statements are easily brushed aside by Greek public opinion . But the findings of an investigating committee which was to be established by the present Parliament to "open the Cyprus file" could not have been ignored even by those who have already made up th eir mind about the American guilt. With the time that has passed since 1974 it would have been possible to make public without risking any repercussions all the diplomatic documents related to this issue, the military orders etc. It would have been possible for the committee to call all witnesses all those who have personal knowledge on the activities of the diplomatic or other services of the United States during those days. It would have been possible to have a systematic study and evaluation of all the data. Even if we were unable to form a "judicially conclusive verdict" on the truth, at least we would have learn ed that we do not know the truth (and to know that you do not know is something in itself). We would know at least what allegations and rumors are not part 01 the truth . Unfortunately the establishing of the investigative committee has been ppstpaned to an unspecified future date. Those who have hoped that the opening of the Cyprus file would initiate a critical reexamination of Greek American relations must now make it their responsibility to de-mythologize the issue to free our foreign policy from the limitations imposed by the perceptions of anti-american feelings beyond of course, of those causes which are common worldwide, such as the resentment for America 's wealth and power. Our comments below are designed to contribute to the identification of those causes, without claiming to offer a comprehensive assessment having the qualities of a historical verdict. We merely hope to present a pragmatic reply to the most critical problem of our foreign policy. Han. and Mrs, Gabriel M oustakis And Son Wish all their friends. in New York, in Chile and in Greece HAPPY NEW YEAR Santiago, Chile Happy New Year to All Our Friends Everywhere Mr. and Mrs_ THEODORE O. PROUNIS New York, N.Y. Capt. and Mrs. G. J. CARRAS IJpor; a1tavrar; 'W~ vav!/.u.o,utvovr; e6xop.eOa tyKapt5fox; AIE/oN KAI EYTYXEE TO NEO ETOE Q{ 'AoEA<poi M1tEt~loU Euxovtul crti)v . O~O'YEVEta KUAi) XPOVlU CONTINENTAL FOOD PRODUCTS 31-45 Downing Street Flushing, New York 11354 TeL 358-7894 Ted Bouzalas Realty THE ANTI-AMERICANISM 9002 5th Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Tel. 833-2700 An early source of the anti-american feelings in Greece is much older than America itself. America today represents the West, and the West is in opposition to Ka)..r, XpoVia arr,v tdcKrr, ndarda J.WC; Kai a' o)..ovC; rOl)C; rpf)..ovC; Jiac; 48 "NEW YORK" .0 tatpo~ Kai 1') Ka rEo>pyiou E. KOKotaKll Euxovral (J' OAOUe; wve; IfJIAoue;, (JuvabiAlfJoue; Kai r~v .OJ1,oytveIa EVrVXl(Jf.1eVOr; 0 Neor; Xp6vor; 30-02 30th DRIVE, ASTORIA, N. Y. 11102 TEL. (212) 728-0325 EUAoy'IJ1,f.VO Kai eUTUxee; ro Neo "Ewe; Aili. np(OtOnpEO~ut£pO<; BA:E. :E. rPHrOPIAAH:E OIKO'(£V£IOKciic; New Rochelle, N ,Y. Best Wishes for the Holidays James P. Christodoulou M.D. FA.e.e. 625 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK , NY 10021 TEL. (212) 744-1118 .0 ia!po~ ~HMHTPIOY EUXOVTaI (1' Kat 1'\ Ka KOTLIAIMTIA OAOVe; rove; <piAOVe; rove; KAAH XPONIA 30-4 I 36th Street Astoria, N.Y. I I 103 Tel. 278-2422 133 East 73rd Street New York, N.Y. 10021 Tel. 86 I -9000 Honorable and Mrs. STEPHEN S. SCOP AS And Family Wish alilheir friends everywhere HAPPY NEW YEAR DECEMBER 1983 Hellenism for hi storical. psychological and traditional reasons . Greek children learn about Navarino, Lord Byron in Messolongi etc. but they also learn (quite appropriately) about the occupation of their ancient motherland by Rome , the antagonism of the western (Roman) empire against Byzantium, about the Ecclesiastic Schism, about the niggardly and conditional help given Con stantinople by the Pope, about the treacheries of Venice when it fom ented Greek uprisings against the Turks. Th e Fou rth Crusade and our conquest by the Crusaders is a fact which h as put its sea l not only on our history but also on our psychology and on the very life of each of us - so that it is being reproduc ed, beyond books and techniques, in our co llective conscience. Nor is it an accidental fact that even today the term "frangos" has a derogatory connotation. All these points do not refute the fact that in a wider, geopolitical framework (e.g. in co mparison to India or Zaire) Greece is part of the West. Nor that with every passing day the technological development, the economic relationships, the transfer of social models bring our rela tions closer and closer to the Europeans and by extension to the American peop le who are part of them. Our attitude toward the West is ambivalent. On one side, admiration and friendship because of the presumed technological superiority, cultural cultivation, love for the ancient world, and philhellenism . On the other, antipathy and contempt because of the alleged decline of true virtues, interest-mongering, and hate of Hellenism . At this point we may say that very often the anti-americanism is nothing but a distortion of the previous pro-americanism . It reflects our disappointment because America did not live up to our expectations and our feelings of friendship! THE ROOTS OF INTERVENTION Most prominent among the causes of anti-americanism is the aid the U.S. gave for the defeat of the guerrillas in 1949. Those who believe that we would have been better off if the Communists had won etre naturally resentful of the American aid. The others - and they are many more - who believe the opposite should have entirely different memories about the contribution of the United States which s&,.ved Greece from having today a regime such as that of Poland at best. It is a fact that this aid was combined with strong intervention by the Americans in our domestic affairs; not only in directing the activities of the armed forces and the conduct afthe war but also in the public administration in Qeneral 49 and in the overall exercise of govern· mental policy. But could such intervention have taken place without the willingness of the Greek side to accept it? Cou ld it have hap· pened if there were not certain Greeks, many Greeks at that, - and I do not refer to those in the opposite camp - eager to accept the intervention of the Americans to "correct" the correlation of the poli· tical forces in their favor? Deeply distrustful of the conservative 's devotion to the dictates of the "just state" but also of their ability to manage the state machinery and solve the country's pressing problems, the center politicians had willingly let the American Mission to assume a commanding role. No less will ing ly, the Center accepted the Mission's interventions to form cabinets leaning to the Center rather than to the Right. When later with the flare -up of the Cold War and the replacement of the Democrats by the Republicans in the White House the preference oftha Amer icans turned to the conservative forces in Greece, one would have been unrealistic to expect that the conservativeswould be more circumspect with regard to accepting the American favors . It is worth noting, however, as we try to de-mythologize the anti-americanism, that (with the end of the civil war and the gradual reduction of American aid) the American intervention in favor of the Right during the years after 1950 was more limited than the intervention in favor of the Center parties in the preced ing period . Such assessments, however interesting to the historian, are of little interest to those who are involved in actual politics. The Center Union in 1963 was not pleased when the American Embassy seemed to feel more comfortable with ERE; it would have been unreasonable to expect that the American Embassy in turn would not take note of these negative feelings in the Center Union. But during the same period a more widespread resentment began to grow among Greek public opinion because of the American stand on the Cypriot issue. HAPPY NEW YEAR From JOSEPH KISH Maryland and Jacksonville Shipyards New York, N,Y, P HAPPY NEW YEAR A RA L I A _~iI> CORPORATION Steamship Agencle. Phone (617) 426-3143 BUNKERING • BROKERAGE • INTERNATIONAL FORWARDING Cable: Paralia Telex: 94 0656 80 BROAD STREET, BOSTON, MA. 02110 at: Boston· Portsmouth - Providence - Ponland • (USA) Orion and Global Chartering Co., Inc. 29 BROADWAY , NEW YORK, N.Y. LTOV vaUTIKO K6ajio, arr'/v 'OjiOVEVEIO 'AjiEpIKf/r; Ka; araUr; aOEA¢our; jiar; aTr'/V 'EAAcMa EYTYXEE TO NEO ETOE U.S.A. AND CYPRUS As long as the Cypriot issue had the dimensions of a Greek·British dispute, the natural position of the Americans was to be with us. Whether the U.S. was motivated by its own anti-colonialist ideology, a heritage from the American revolution of 1776, or by the desire of American economic interests to see those of the old colonial powers Ic': se their political preeminence, or by the view that the local bourgeois classes could block more effectively Communist so Happy New Year to All Crossway Navigation Agency 19 Rector Street, New York, N. y, 10006 "NEW YORK" expansion - possibly a combination of all these - the fact is that the Americans did not hesitate to draw the displeasure and the anger of the Dutch, the British. and the French in dealing with the liberation movements in their colonies. In raising the Cypriot issue, the Papa gas government had encouraging signs from the American State Department. But from the moment the Turkish op position was openly added to that of the British, the cost of supporti ng our side in Cyprus became too heavy for the Americans. The preservation of NATO is a basic factor in the American defense system. Therefore, any action on their part that could lead to the withdrawal of one member of the alliance is extremely distastefull and they will take every step to avoid it. It is not strange, then. that they tried to promote compromise solutions in Cyprus and that when their efforts failed they tried to postpone final and one-sided solutions. The Greek diplomacy kept its course, invoking the international principles of self-determination and the protection of minorities which had been sanctioned by the peace treaties of the First World War, in a world which had now a more complecx view of these issues; with equal certainty Greek public opinion invoked the justice of its claim. Since the United States did not support our just claim, it was seen as an accomplice of injustice. The situation became even worse when Greek politicians started to say that it was not Turkey that was in conflict with us, but that the Americans were using the Turks as their obedient organs. Very few in Greece were willing to see that anti·americanism was growing no less rapidly in Turkey than it was in Greece. Even fewer noted that prior to the two "Attila" operations (which took place, the first in the last two days of the Nixon administration and the second during the first few days of the Ford administration, during the worst leadership crisis in American history) the threat of forcible American intervention had blocked repeatedly Turkish preparations for a military intervention in Cyprus. (The second article will appear i n our January issue) NEOI • Opi~OVTEC;! H lINEA YOPKH» ~EKAnENaHMEPH AnOTON IANOYAPIO DECEMBER 1983 Dr. and Mrs. VAN LATSEY Wish all their friends here and in Greece HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR '0 '08oV'riatpo~ Kat ~ Ka rEQPrIOY fl. APrYPAKH Euxovral (J' oAovr; rovr; rpfAovr; rovr; Evrvxer; ro Neo uEror; 1275 YORK AVENUE, NEW YORK, N,Y. ID021 Tel. (212) 794-7520 '0 Ko~ Kat Ka I1HTEP I1AI1ArEQPrIOY [KA Y GEORGE] Euxovral dr; r~v •0twyevelav r;;r; 'Aj.lepIK;;r; KaM.r; ·Eopuir;. A/(J/OV be Kai EVrvxer; To Neo"Eror; Happy New Year to All Sea Fare of the Aegean 25 Wesl 56 Slreel. New York, N,Y, IDOI9 Tel. [212J 581-<)540 Eir; a:rraVrar; rovr; VaVrIAAOj.li:VOVr; Evrvxec; ro Neo "Eroc; Q' ,, ...) Martran Steamship Co., Inc. 29 BROADWA Y, NEW YORK, N. Y. 51 Thalassemia Research Focus of Young AHEPA Leaders Peter Pappas and Kukla Andros, the presidents of AHEPA's junior auxiliaries- the Sons of Pericles and Maids of Athenawere recently briefed by one of the nation's foremost researchers on thalassemia and a congreSSional aide on recent legislation and medical advances concerning thalassemia. In a meeting with Dr. Haig Kazazian, Director of the Division of Pediatric Genetics of the Johns Hopkins Un iversity School of Medicine in Baltimore, MD, the Sons and Maids were commended for commended that all Americans from ethnic backgrounds in which thalassemia occurs - including Greek Americans - their efforts and support of AHEPA public Dr. Kazazian recently made a breakthrough in prenatal testing for thalassemia. He said that prenatal testing is conducted in hospitals and clinics education campaigns. Kazazian told the young Ahepans that until a cure for thalassemia, also called Cooley's Anemia, is found, "prevention is the cure,". He re· Dr. and Mrs. LOUIS FERRIS Happy and Prosperous New Year Wish all their Friends should be tested. across the country and should be available to 90% of married couples. IIO ur Orders adopted Cooley's Anemia as a permanent project because it is of great importance to youth," said the President of the Maids, Kukla Andros. " We hope that though a concentrated effort we will be able to create a greater awareness among our members of this disease." In September, Pappas and Andros met with Shawn Smeallie, legislative assistant to Senator Alfonse D' Amato of New York. D'Amato was instrumental in securing ._------------------------------------'0 N£lJPOA.6yo~ - 'l'lJxia't'po~ Kat TJ Ka MIXAHA EUXOVWl (J' LI~EPH o...1.ov~ rov~ rpf...1.ov~ rov~ KAAH XPONIA 30 CENTRAL PARK SOUTH, N.Y.C. 30-5236 STREET, ASTORIA, N .Y . Telephone: 545-8900 -~------------------------------------- Mr. and Mrs. JAY NICHOLAS LONG EUXOVWI (J' o...1.ov~ rov~ rpi...1.ov~ rov~ EYTYXIl:MENO TON KAINOyprIO XPONO -------------~------------------------ HAPPY NEW YEAR federal funds for a comprehensive study into the medical needs of those afflicted with the disease. The funds for the studyas much as $200,000 - would come from monies appropriated to the Maternal and Child Health Administration under the Fiscal Year 83 Supplemental Appropriations Bill. "The screening centers have been a very important tool, but I feel there are also other areas where we could expand our public ed ucation," commented Sons President Peter Pappas. IIThere are, un· fortunately, a great number of young people sta rting families who may be unaware that they are in danger of having a child born with Cooley's Anemia." He concluded that a top priority remains to inform young Greek Americans about I'genetic counseling services and how they can help couples face the difficult decisions, if they are both diagnosed as having thalassemia trait." Thalassemia is a fatal genetic disease affecting over 10,000 Americans. Approximately 60% of those with thalassemia are of Greek descent; other groups affected include Italians, lebanese, Africans, and Chinese. The Sons and Maids have adopted thalassemia as a permanent standing project DEMETRIOS C. DARDOUFAS Group Insurance • Pensions • Life Insurance NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. TWO PENN PLAZA, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10001 (212) 564-2770/564-2765 52 and hav~ raised funds in support of the AHEPA Colley's Anemia Foundation, which sponsors annual national and local bike-a-thons to raise money for research and patient care. The Sons and Maidsalso sponsored screening centers at the 1982 and 1983 AHEPA conventions. "NEW YORK" Greek Orthodox Salute to Education "Tonight we salute education. In essence, we are saluting Hellenic ideals from which all educational systems derive their values and goals for a communal civilized life. In the spirit of the reknowned Hellenist, Werner Jaeger, the values which govern human life, its history and the changes that are affected within the community of men, provide the foundation, the intellectual quest of man for truth , greatness, and happiness." Thus did Archbishop lacovos introduce several Greek-American college and university presidents honored with the Cross of Paideia (Education) at the 24th annual Archbishop lacovos Nameday Dinner held at hte Waldorf Astoria on Sunday, October 30th, and attended by distinguished leaders in the fields of education, religion , government and media as well as over 1400 Greek Orthodox faithful and friends from throughout the United States. Secretary of Education Terrell H. Bell was the prinCipal speaker at the Greek Orthodox Salute to Education, tbe master of ceremonies was Antho~y Thomopou los, president, ABC Broadcast Group and other speakers included: Dr. Matina Horner, president of Radcliffe College; Secretary of Education Mr. Bell addressing the large gathering as his Eminence applauds. (Athens International - D. Kessoglides) Dr.Peter Cardiges, Supreme President of the Order of Ahepa (American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association) Dr. Robert Polk, executive director of the Council of Churches of the City of New York, and Ambassador of Greece to the United States George Papoulias. President Ronald Reagan sent a message to Archbishop lakovos which was read by Linas Kojelas, associate director of the Office of Public liaison at the White House. (Full text attached) A message was also read from President Constantine Caramanlis of Greece, and the following u~legram was received from the Orthodox/Catholic Consulation meeting in Milwaukee. "Mindful of the observance of your patronal Feastday on Sunday, the members of the Eastern Orthodox/Roman Catholic Bilateral Consultation extend to you their hearty congratulations. May this festive observance be the occasion of great spiritual joy, and may you be strengthened in realizing all the noble goals of your hierarchal ministry." Archbishop Rembert Weakland and the Orthodox/Catholic Consultation Dr. Robert Polk, speaking on behalf of the religious community, said in his remarks : liT oday. more than ever. we need models of excellence whose intellects and spirits challenge us to attain the " NEW YORK" A view of the Grand Ballroom at the Waldorf Astoria (Athens International - D. Kessoglides) higher good, 50 elusive in a comlex modern SOCiety which is constantly driving us agaist the very nature of our own humanity. It is extremely appropriate that the proceeds tonight, Your Eminence, will go towards a scholarship named in your honor." . Representing the higher education community, Dr. Matina Horner reflected on her years growing up in Boston's Annunciation Cathedral under the spiritual guidance of its pastor, Father James Coucouzes, now Archbishop lakovos, and the values espoused by her Greek immigrant parents. "The pursu it of education and excellence," she said: "became synonymous for me with the quest for human dignity and the preservation of democracy. Also, the sensitivity that every right that freedom and democracy gives usentails a responsibility and commitment to pursue excellence in learning and the service to others that entails." Secretary of Education Bell praised the values and traditions of the Greek-Amemerican ethos which have been an enriching force in shaping our treasured American heritage with its emphasis on family, faith, education and moral up- 53 rightness. He quoted from the last three 5th national census' which indicate that second and third generation Greek Americans are first in education among all REVISED EDITION On Government and Politics identifiable groups in the United States. "One of the greatest scour~es of mankind," said Secretary Bell, (has always been ignorance - education is the enemy of ignora nce, and, through teaching and learning, we can apply it and enrich our lives and all of those that we need tcas we touch them day after day. D. George Kousoulas One reason that many of us don't understand, appreciate, and give credit to our Greek intellectual heritage is that we've ceased to study it in our schools. We, who have been campaigning for more rigor J more academic excellence and a return to the great fundamentals of learning and teaching, to returning to our history and understanding the roots of our Civilization, are merely trying to carry out what His Eminence has been teaching for these 24 years:' Hundreds of instructors and thousands of students have made IIKousoulas" a standard textbook for the introductory Course to Political Science. ~ "Kousoulas is simply a better-written, more intelligent book than its closest competitors." University of Minnesota BROOKS/COLE Publishing Company 555 Abrego Street Monterey, California 93940 Mr. Anthony Thomopoulos, in his introduction of Archbishop lakovos said: " Your Eminence, as a first generation American - Greek American - by your deeds, not by your words but by your deeds, you've constantly made me proud of my Greek heritage and, at the same time, made American." me proud to be an Archbishop lakovos in an emotional response to the events of the evening prefaced his remarks wit h: II Yes, Mr, Secretary, we are commited to truth, freedom, dignity, and excellence, not because we are descendants of an ancient nation - we pioneered the way for all people to follow, the way of culture, freedom and education - but because we are Christian and we believe very fervently in Him who said repeatedly, ' I am the light of the world ' and, in one particular address to His people He said, "YOU are the light of the world." This is our mission as human beings, as Americans, as Hellenes, as people of the first, second and third worlds." • HiS npoa<I>EpOu~£ Tllv KaAlJT£p~ t~un~pi:r~o~ at: I\A£S TiS Ta~161WTIKES oas aVOYK£S. • ElolTliPla ~E OAYMntAKH - TWA Kai CHARTERS YIC:' 'EAM6a. • KPOYAZIEPEr H OAO TON KOrMO aTO~IKi;S, groups, honeymoon • Cl>OPOAOYIKO - Notary p.u blic • Ka6~~£plvts avaxwpf)o£ls V,a TO ATlANTIC CITY, £i6IKES TI~ES v,a VKpoun • 'EVOIKIOO£IS noAuT£A",v A£w<!>op£lwv v,a tK6po~t:S K.A.n. 32-1030 Avenue, Astoria, New York 11102 T~A. (212) 274-9772 IIAII of us," he continued, "shall arrive THE BYZANTINE FELLOWSHIP Wishes its members, its friends and all the Greek-Americans A Happy New Year President: CAPTAIN NICHOLAS E. KULUKOUNDIS 54 "NEW YORK" at the first day of the 21st ce ntury our face HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OUR FRIENDS Petrocon Marine Chemical Corp. illumined with one certainty - that we are here to live, not to die, to create, not to destroy, to beautify, not to make life ugli. er. We don't believe in material strenght or power emanates from Him who is the spirit, and our power therefore is spiritual and moral. Although we have two great super powers threatening one another, and therefore the world, with complete and total catastrophe - we, the simple 243 44th Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232 men and women, the free people of the world, are commited not simply to sur- vival but to the perpetuation of all those Compliments ot Theo. Arapoglou Corporation 225 Broadway New York, NY 10007 Headquarters for : Arpol Petroleum Company Hatchet Petroleum Company The Old Oil Company Troy Petroleum Company TAC Chemical Company Petroleum Specialties Company Petroleum & Synthetic Lubricants Company ~--------------------------------------. values and principles that make life worthwhile. Those values and principles are of Greek origin - "Eleutheria / ' freedom, and "Democratia", when people govern, not tyrants of dictators. We are commited to values and prinCiples that never die. Mr. Secretary, you quoted Vice President Bush as saying that someone who goes to Greece feels at home. But we feel at home here, Mr. Secretary, the kinship between the Hellenic and American people is so real. so true, that we can never separate the two identities we have - the American and the Greek. Now let us begin anew, let us create a society in which justice and dignity and love and peace will reign forever." Greek American college presidents presented with the Cross of Paideia by the Archbishop were: Dr. William Capitan, preSident, Georgia Southwestern College, Americus, GA; Dr. Harry Courniotes, president, American International Happy New Year to All College, Springfield, MA; Dr. Matina Horner, president, Radcliffe College, Boston, MA; Dr. Thomas lelon, presi- dent, Poles, Tub lin, Patestides & Stratakis New York, N.Y. --------------------------------------Happy New Year AGORA P.O. Box 399 Boston,Ma.02101 Hellenic College/Holly Cross, Brookline, MA; Dr. Peter liacouras. pre- SHIP SUPPLIES CORPORA TION sident, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA; Dr. Michael Paradise, chancellor University of Alaska, Juneau, AK and Dr. Andreas Paloumpis, president, Hillsborough Community College, Tampa, FI. Presidents honored but unable to attend were: Dr. John Brademas, president. New York University; Dr. John Corfias, president, Dyke College, Cleveland, OH; Dr. Constantine Curris, president, Northern Iowa University, Cedar Falls, IA and Dr. Steven Sotraidis, president, Brooks College, long Beach, CA. Archbishop lacovos bestowed the Cross of Saint Andrew upon Secretary of Education Bell, and Father James Finlay, WHOLESALE SHIPCHANDLERS president of Fordham University. His Eminence as the evening conclud- Provisions, Fresh and Dry Cabin Stores Deck Supplies Bonded Stores Engine Supplies Charts and Nautical Instruments ed that Mr. Nick Vidalakis of Salt lake City, UT, a member of the Archdiocesan 617/426-3168 Telex: 940656 "WE PROVIDE EVERYTHING THE GREEKS ASK FOR" DECEMBER 1983 CounCil and trustee of Stanford Univer- sity, had that day made a $100,()()() danation to Hellenic College/Holy Cross in honor of the Archbishop on the occasion of the historic Greek Orthodox Salute to Education. 55 Concert for the 25th Year of the Archbishop A gala concert will take place on Saturday, January 7, 1984, 8 p.m., in Lincoln Center's Alice Tully Hall to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of His Eminence Archbishop lakovos. The proceeds of the concert will go to benefit the National Music Endowment Fund of the National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians, specifically, the Chrysanthos Chair in Music at the Hellenic College in Brookline, Massachusetts. The concert will feature 150 musicians from throughout the U.S. and will be highlighted by the appearance of three Greek-American and one Greek-born artist; Peter Tiboris, condudor, originally from Sheboygan, Wisconsin; Soprano Phyllis Demetropoulos of Philadelphia, Tenor Giorgio Aristo (now of Hannover, West Germany, but originally from Long Island), and Composer Dinos Constantinides, a composer in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, but originally from Greece. EIMAI rPAIKOL! ETiJOI (pOIK6<;1 t6w YEvvrliJtvO<;, •EAA'lVIKO OVo9PEiJiJ tvO <;, fxw Kop6/0 •EAA'lVIKI1, oav TOO LouAHiJT'l, I1PwiKI1. lIuo nOTpi6E<; lxw TO I;tpw, iJ£ rTEP'lcpOVE/o OTO OTOiJo <ptpw, nOTpl6E<; iJEyoAE<; KO; 60I;OOiJtVE<; Ko; Ef<; TOV K60iJo rToAu l;oKOUOiJ£VE<;. nOTpi6o t6w, nOTpi60 tKEi, voi, Ti;v 'EAA66o K/' ' AiJEPIKI1! E9NIKH KTHMATIKH TPAnEZA THI EMA401 LAPKA EAAHNIKH ZOOiJE ot K60iJou<; OiJOP<P0U<;, ot xwpa l;oKOUOiJtV'l, arou<; K6p<pou<; TI'i<; 'AiJEPIKij<; ETiJOI OVo9PEiJiJtV'l, ETiJOI OaPKo ' EAA'lVIKI1, iJ/O K6p'l, T600 iJIKPOuAo, 'AAI19E/o, £ow YEvvI19'lKo, iJO ETiJOi •EAA'lvOrTouAo! (NATIONAL MORTGAGE BANK OF GREECE) - npWT~' EAA~voa~EpIKavIK~ nal6lK~ 56 'Av90Aoyia - 1935) f f:f. 33-20 DITMARS BOULEVARD ASTORIA, NEW YORK 111 05 THAEq,nNO: (212) 204·7333·35·36 rAno TO J31J3Aio TOO Mi~~ t.~~~Tplou f " : -",.._.., , ,. _..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,j "NEW YORK " 24 countries participated In Expoship Riomar 83 Brasilian President, Goao Baptista Figueiredo, accompanied by Dr. Arthur J. Donato, President of Caneco Shipyards and President of the Federation of Industries of Rio de Janeiro is welcomed to EXPOSHIP RIOMAR 83 by Themistocles Vokos, Chairman of Seatrade, organisers of the event. The exhibition included exhibits from 110companies representing some 24 countries. President Figueiredo saw the latest in maritime tech- nology and also listened to a clear statement from Esabras president, Paulo Gouvea on the problems facing Brazil's shipyards as a result of the de pressed international shipping market and the need for Government support. The conference audience of 350 which included shipowners from Argentina , Chile, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela and other latin countries, also heard the case for free trade in shipping presented by Greek shipowner Gregory Hadjieleftheriadis, who appealed to governm ents to allow private enterprise in the industry to survive by stemming the tide of protectionism and bilateralism. •0' Av'tt1tpO€8po<; lfj<; IlaYKPTJ'ttKfj<;' EVcO(J€(()<; K. rEnprIOL L. BAP~AKHL Ei5xeral a' OAOrx;; rove; Kp1rae; Kai OAOVe; rove; rpiAOVe; rov Evrvxee; TO Neo "Eroe; KAAH XPONIA E' OAOYE TOYE rJJIAOYE KAI IlEAATEE MAE , AltO T11v liLEUQuvOTl Kui to ltPOO'CI)lttKO tOU Ta~totCl)ttKOU ' OpyavtO'llou PETERS TOURS 600 EIGHTH A VENUE NEW YORK, N.Y, 10018 Tel. (212) 391-0200 DECEMBER 1983 29-14 DITMARS BLVD. ASTORIA, N. Y. 11105 Tel. (212) 932-3366 FINE CUSTOM CATERERS IF ELEGANCE IS YOUR STYLE, WE MEET YOUR STANDARDS • Our Victorian Grand Ballroom is our city's Largest and Most Elegant • Choose your sty le and date from 'Twelve Ballrooms • Banquets",Weddings, Fashion Shows, Masquerade Balls, Fund Raisers, International Shows, Viennese Nights, Meetings, Concerts, Community Theater • Uniquely IElegant Accommodations for groups of any size ... from 50 to 2000 people • The "Oak Room", our Gourmet Restaurant, with :its Medieval Decor • Discover our Continental Cuisine • Private Valet Parking .. W, a" in th, h,art of Brooklyn" 263 PROSPECT AVENUE BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11215 Telephone: (212) 788~777 57 The President Speaks to the Ethnic Media Journalists representing the Ethnic Media in the United States. were recently briefed althe While House by administration officials on current national and world problems and laler auended anOlher briefing by the chairman 0/ the Republican National Committee and other officials of the Parry. The/allowing are remarks by President Reagan in a luncheon, Qt the White House. with the parlicipants in the briefings: Ladies and gentlemen, a little over hallmark of our country. We were perch- three years ago I kicked off my 1980 campaign at a rally held in the shadow of the Statue of Liberty on Ellis lIand. And it's and suffering a loss of confidence both at home and abroad. And for the first ed on the brink of an economic disaster a memory I' ll always cherish. There were time, it was being said that America's best many nationalities and family backgrounds represented in that rally and yet practically all of them were Americans. One of those who hoped to be an American was the father of Lech Walesa. All of us were or are descended from days were past. Well, you and I didn't believe that. And if the 1980 election carried any message, it was, IIMake America strong again ." The most important goal ofthisadministration has been restoring the opportu- immigrants most of whom came here nity and the social mobility of all our looking for freedom and an opportunity to better their lot and the lot of their families. America was a land of hope for so citizens. This is especially significant for black and ethnic Americans who were hit hard by economic decline. many who suffered the pains of tyranny It's taken hard work and time; but and deprivation . America was a magic we've turned this grave situation around. The economy is, as I'm sure you've beem place where anyone willing to work hard cou ld live a decent life. And while our country had its flaws, the vision of opportunity was true enough for large numbers of immigrants to send back word of free- dom and abundance. Three years ago, it seemed like some- told in the briefings already, in the first phase of sustained growth. We have brought inflation down - And I suppose somebody's already told you this, too; but anyway, I'll repeat it - from double thing, however, had gone terribly wrong. digits to 2.6 percent for the last 12 months. And that's the lowest 12-month infla- Stagnation and inflation were snuffing out the opportunity that had been the tion rate in 17years. Taxes skyrocketed in the years before we got here. We've given the people a 25 percent across-the-board reduction in their personal income tax rates. We've also, through a highly successful deregulation effort, trimmed 300 million man-hours of needless paper· work from the private sector and from state and local government. Meanwhile, the civilian unemployment rate has dropped by 1.5 percentage points since last December. The number of unemployed has dropped by 1.8 millionpardon me; 1,6 million. I quess it was just a Freudian slip. I was hoping for eight. (Laughter.) And a healthy, growing economy has added almost three million of our fellow citizens to the nation's payrolls. Blacks and teeenagers made gains last month . And we look for continued improvement. They were the hardest hit in the unemployment. Our Economic Reco- very Program made fundamental changes in federal taxing, spending, and regulating policies. But we should never forget. It was the policies of tax, spend, and inflate that stagnated our economy. And it's been the reversal of those policies and replacing them with a positive program aimed at economic growth that has put us back on the path to a better life for all our citizens. Along with this, we've recaptured a spirit of optimism and hope. In foreign affairs , we have reaffirmed our leader" ship again as an ally worthy of trust. We've begun a program to rebuild our defensive capabilities that were permitted to seriously erode during the last decade. We are firm in our belief that peace is more likely if the United States remains a strong force in the world. In the area of nuclear weapons, we're working with our European allies to re- establish a stable balance in Europe, which was destroyed by the massive Soviet buildup in the last ten years. We've made clear, however, that no new weapons need be deployed. We have been, and continue to be, serious in our efforts to reach arms reductions agree- ments with the Soviets - especially in the area of intermediate-range missiles. let me emphasize today - and I would urge the young people in Europe to reflect on this - it is not the United States and NATO which threaten peace. We Representing the Greek-American media at the White House briefing were, from left, TV and Radio producer Lefteris Petropouleas, TV producer Dimitris Kastanos, Publisher of H NEA YORKH Peter Makrias and Orthodox Observer Publisher Takis Gazouleas. (Athens International - D. Kessoglides) 58 have no intermediate, long-range missiles in Europe. And we're willing to forego them entirely. It's the Soviet Union, which has over 1,300 intermediate-range nuclear warheads threatening the "NEW YORK" countries of Europe, Asia, and elsewhere. And they continue to deploy 55-20 missiles at a rate of one a week - each missile containing three warheads. Now, these are actions of intimidation, pure and simple. We stand ready to make any arrangement with the Soviets which will be verifiable and fair to all sides. This includes eliminating an entire class of nuclear weapons or, if they won't go that far, at least a portion - and the more the better. But we can't negotiate forever with ourselves. If Soviet intransigence continues, we will move forward to re-establish the balance and ensure NATO's deterrent ability. Our goal, both in the economy & in protecting our national security is to meet the mandate of the 1980 election, to make our country a strong nation, the mighty force for good that it was meant to be. Seasons Greetings WILLIAM G. CHIRGOTIS NEOI' Opi~OVTE~! H lINEA YOPKHII AEKAnEN9HMEPH AnOTON IANOYAPIO Summit, New Jersey KaAr, XpOVla (J' OAOUe; rove; ffJiAOUe; rOUe;, Mw Kai (Jrr,v 'EAAdJa ana rov 'ApXl7rAOiapxo Kai rr,v Ka TAKH TLEB~OY TENAFLY, N.J. AEGEAN PRODUCTIONS NEEI nAPAMBEI Twpo TO Aegean Productions nopou0I6~E', nwAEi Kai tvo'K,6~EI 95 noA~ts KOi KOIVOUPY'ES tAA~v'KES TO,viES Koi noc'iooq.OIP'KOUS 6YWVES oE SiVTEO KOOErTES BETA VHS yu'l TO orriTi ooe.;. 01 tKTO~ NtoS' Y6pK~S ~nopoOv va XPEWOOUV Tr'jV nopoYYEAio TOUS OT~V Master Card, American Express ii Visa. ~EKEMBPlm; 1983 .0 AN0Ponor noy ETPEXE nOAY" Btyyo~ (Kw~w6ia) ,AEPOrYNor.or" rEwpyiTO~~, Kap6ll0u (Kw~w6ia) .0 0Elor MOY 0 InnOKPATHr" rmupi6n( iKwuw6ia) ,<I>AOrlrMENH rAPKA" Ko~v~v6~, • Epiwou (6pO~a) ,ZHTEITAI r.PAKor,. n'aTa~ (Kw~w6Ia). napaywy~ 1984 ,XOPlr MAPTYPEr" <l>uooouv (6pO~a). napaywy~ 1984 r,a va VIVETE auv6PO"'1Til~ (member) ~'1TilaTE n~'1po4>opIE~ aTe) rpo.E1o "a~. ME Tilv hfJO'Ia auv6po,,11 "nopEiTE va 6EiT& UTe) uniT' aa~ 95 I:U'1V'KE~ Ta'vb:~ nou IkJ aO~OvoVTOI KOS& "ilva. T'1AE<I>WV~OTE Ii YPOIjITE ~a~ VIC:] m:ploaOTEpEt; nA'1po<l>opiE~ wi KaTOAOYO AEGEAN PRODUCTIONS 29-11 DITMARS BLVD. ASTORIA, N.Y. 11105 THA. (212) 932-3321 59 Exhibit Traces GreekAmerican Family Life Hard working younger men (planning to make money and return home) predominated among Greek immigrants to America from 1890 to 1915. So family during that period meant those left behind in many parts of the eastern Mediterranean, including the Aegean islands, Asia Minor, Crete, Thessaly, the Kingdom of Hellas, macedonia, Russia and Thrace. The longing of these men for home and family is reflected in a variety of artifacts -newspapers, composite photographs, personal mementos and documents in the exhibit The Greek-American Family: Continuity through Change. The exhibit will be open tothe public in the Godwin-Ternbach Museum at Queens College from Monday, November 21 to Thursday, December 22, 1983. It is presented by the Center for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies of Queens College, called "the most important institution for Neo-Hellenistic studies of Greece./I Also vividly shown is the period between 1915 and 1929, when Greek immigrants in large numbers began to settle permanently in America, sending for their wives and children, and beginning to establish a Greek home in their adopted country. The influence of marriages, exterlded families, and the church is seen as welding separate families into a closely knit community. The third period documented in the exhibit begins with the hard times experienced by the children of the original immigrants in the Great Depression, and documents the passing of community authority from the first generation to their adult children as they are affected by World War II and its aftermath in the late 1940's and early 50's. The growing influence of the church, the struggle of the Greek-American family to reassert ethnic identity, and the blending of Greek and American cultures are seen in memorabilia from the late fifties through the early 1980s. (lOver these years," said C.W. Post sociologist Alice Scourby, an authority on the Greek-American family, "traditional Greek culture and its values have undergone significant alterations in America. But through a sense of shared history, the strength of institutions church and family - Creek-Americans have preserved their sense of ethnicity and maintained an appreciation of their 60 common heritage./I Professor Scourby and Queens Professor Harry Psomiades, Director of the Center for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, will discuss these developments at opening ceremonies for the exhibit, tentatively scheduled for Monday, No- vember 21st. "leaders of the GreekAmerican community and representatives of the Greek government are expected to join us in marking this occasion/' Prodessor Psomiades said. The Center is currently offering a course on Greek and Italian immigration to the United States by Professor Demetrios Papademetriou, who will present a public lecture on the topic during the course of the exhibit. Events in Greece are shown concurrently with domestic happenings in Grand Rapids for an awareness of the many forces at work shaping the expe- HAPPY NEW YEAR Southern Star Shipping Co., Inc. New York, N.Y. KAAH XPONIA KAI KAAEl: ~OY AEIEl: L' OAOYl: TOYl: <l>IAOYl: MAl: DINO A. RALlS LIFE AND GENERAL INSURANCE 32-17 BROADWAY, ASTORIA, N.Y. 11106 TEL. 274-0701 Ka», XpoV/a Kai KaAe, OdAauue, uro~ Kanerav/Ov" ura IlA'IPwpara Kai roy 'ErponA/uTlKO K6upo. Hellas Ship Supply Co., Inc. ~OBELGRADESTREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. 19137 Tel, (lIS) 535-1000 Provisions, Deck and Engine Supplies Representatives of WILLIAMS TOOLS 24 HOURS A-DAY TELEX 831704 Day. 9472096 Night ANTONIS CHOKAS, President "NEW YORK" riences of Greek immigrants here and of their families abroad. The first recorded Greek family in Grand Rapids was started by Peter and lambrene Smirlis, who came to that city in the late 1890's and opened a bootblack shop at Monroe Avenue and Market Street. Many of the later immigrants came from rural areas of Greece, and each brought his or her own regional customs and attitudes. liAs in other American cities," said Professor Psomiades, "this diversity often led to friction and dissension, and no real sense of community evolved until formation of a church, which served to unite the various groups into a compatible society." Many striking still photos in the exhibit eloquent ly capture gestures, moods, and attitudes of vanished eras, somehow preserving and communicating the character of the people depicted and a feeling for their lives and times. The written word in newspaper clippings, documents and personal mementos gives further witness to the intricate relationships among members of Greek families as they grew and adapted to their new world. The exhibit was mounted through the cooperative efforts of the Public Museum and Hellenic Horizons, Inc. of Grand Rapids, and was funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Exhibit hours are 12:30 p.m. through 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 6 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, and 12 noon to 5 p.m. on Sunday. (Closed on November 24th and 27th). Olympic Airways Announces Christmas Specials In order to promote Greece as a winter destination and to assist those Clients wishing to spend Christmas and/or New Years in Greece, Olympic Airways announces reduced levels of fares for December, 1983. Passengers departing December 03/ 27 and 30, Olympic has two reduced airfare levels. The one way fare is $299 ($130 savings) and a return fare 01$499($100 savings). The return must be any Wednesday between January 10 and June 30, 1984. Both of these types of tickets must be issued by an Olympic Airways office. Also, Olympic has reduced their 7/180 excursion fare by S80- to$749. Departures are available at the $749 level on December 3/9/14127 and 30. Ticketing may be done by agencies. DECEMBER 1983 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parlamis Wish all their friends HAPPY NEW YEAR Cliffside Park, N.1. :Et "OAa "Cd MEA" Toli 'Apxu:moKo1ttKoli KaeEOptKOli Naoli •Ayiae; T pt<iooe; NEae; •YOpKlle; Kala Xpl(Jrovyevva Kai EvrvXl(Jj.1.8VO rov KarvovpylO Xp6vo o IEPATlKm: llPO·I ·tTAMENOI TO 610lKHTIKO tYMBOY AIO ._------------------------------------EYTYXIEMENOEONEOEXPONOE Louis Butter Eggs & Cheese Co. Inc. VOUYIOUKLIS BROS TEL. 833-2326, 833-2544 & 833-2375 8419 7th Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. HAPPY NEW YEAR From the Freiends of The Greek Ship At East and Gulf Coasts of the United States Alpha Marine, Inc. Tcilpc1 O'd~ IOl6Kt'l't'£~ tyKataataafl<;j 'tTl<; 54-58 COMMERCE STREET BROOKLYN, NEW YORK 11231 PROVISIONS - CABIN - DECK &: ENGINE SUPPLIES SEVEN DAYS A WEEK • 24 HOURS A DAY CAPTAIN STELIOS TATS IS After Offie. Hours Call: - (914) 337'{)236 (212) 224-8772 Cabl. Addr...: STALTON NEW YORK TELEX: 233716 ALPH UR 61 1975 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 1983 Pancyprian Association of America, Inc. Athletic Division • Cultural Division • Youth Division .. . "Som(' 1)('(11)1,' and 51.1y WilY? ~, ~, . Illill g~ " We dream of thill g.~ Ih al allll :'H)' why Ilot'!" •. at- they arc Iwvt! r were Ur. SAVAS ZAVOYIAHNIS H_...,.Pruldmt EXECUTIVE BOARD PHlUP CHR ISTOPHER · Pte"klan CONSTANTlNOS BOUGOA.'''OS · bee . V.P. AUlkI\( [)MM.... A.'I:DREAS KARACOST AS · V I' C.:.mlllumt}'- CUller A~l\Y1I ;u DEMEl1l.1S PETJlIDES · y .p C\lJ I.nI DlvlMon CHRI S CHJl.1STOOOULOU • ~nll:tOl! Sotcnttarr RIKA TOUROU _ S!:CffUIf)' COSTAS CHIIISTOfOROU · T,u.un. DlNOS PORAXOS· y ..... th Dh1111Or1 CHRIS \1tAtilMES · Su ScOU1 8 JOIlN CONSTAl\!tNllU . AccC<&n\Ul\ TRUSTEES TIIANA!'IlS EFTHIMIAOE$ MIKE FIIA-'IK ANDY lOA.'IlNOU SOTIJtOtJU..\ KARAK<Y.\"TAS THElMA PlERI ANOKEAS PIERI HONORARY MEMBERS H.E. CHARALAMSOS CHIUSTOfOROU AXI S OEMF.TRIQU 0,., GEORGE IOANNOU EV1tIS KONTOS MORRIS KATZ Dr. CHRIS NI KIA S sleos l\'EOCllOUS fAN )\'Y I'ETAlJJDES TINA SANTOII;INOOU JOHN: SHAl»I PUBLIC RELATIONS DlHOS PORAXOS LEf"t"EIUS £LlAOES DEMETRIS KUUlIOTES AN DKEAS KARAKOSTAS OilUS CIIRISTODOULOU STE"E JOASNOU MEMBERSHIP COMMITIEE MtKI GEORGHIOU . eMil·....., CIOUS CHRISmOOULOU TI-IEUotA PIER] CHRIS n!AIHMES ATHLETIC COMMITfEE LEFTEIUS EUADES . Gf.n . Mil'" MlMIS PAPAIOANNOU · Coull KYIlAKOS IO.-.NNOU . AMI . Cooocb KYRIAKOS LOUCA • Trainer FIELD COMMITTEE NIKOS PUTIS NIKOS JURACOSTA5 GEORGE IO........ NOU CULTURAL COMMITTEE K'YlItACOS EJtACU:OUS GE01:GE JOSlFrop A!'WIlEAS ANASTASIADIS Pancyprian Sea Scouts Pancyprian Philharmonic Band United States Champion Soccer Team 1980, 1982 and 1983 61 DECEMBER 1983 Kalla XploTouyevva , Kal EUTuxes TO NEO "ETOS "('" ¥nrk: Hrookl}o - AnOPIA SI,mford. CT: '>95 F l flh Ave 79-04 5th A ve nue 31 -19 DITMARS Blvd Te l 21 2 7 53-1100 rei 212 833 -6800 rei 1212) 721 -6400 906 E Main 51 H lcks\llIle 86 No Rr oadwa ~ 516/487-1106 Athens, Greece: 59 Paneplsllmlou Sf rei 321-4777 203/359-2917 DiSCDVer the new wines., IMPORTERS' DISTR IBUTORS, INC. "HOUSE OF GREEK SPECIALTIES" Tel. 516-489-7600 212-631-3200 ... 0 . 80x 2039 515 "e.I••• la Blvd. Hempstead, N.Y. '1550 - .......