(nov Clayborn Pell NEW YORK Greek-American Monthly Review
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(nov Clayborn Pell NEW YORK Greek-American Monthly Review
OUR 34th YEAR DECEMBER 1981 NEW YORK Greek-American Monthly Review Tt~i) (nov rEpOUOUIO'ti) Clayborn Pell BAEnE rEA. 19 ,---- ----------, , , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I Yithenian I~::::~ I I , G!'ft Shop I, , Books, Records , I Imported Ceramics from Greece I I I , 323 WEST 42nd STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10036 Tel.: (212) CI 7-6244 I CI 7-6219 " I I ~-~---------------I I,, OYSTER BAY I ~~~~l~~A~~~~~I~ Tel. 545-8402 Kal 545-2990 , I I I Kai aUA.A.oYIKie;. KU' nnA KAAAMAPAE ----- ~--- BE GREEK TONIGHT BASK IN THE SUNSHINE AND WARMTH OF A N AUTHENTIC GREEK RESTAURANT t) Savor the smells SPECIAL and tastes of a BELL Y DANCER NIGHTLY cuisine born in the islands of Greece With our latest extension we can cater to 450 people Live International Floor Show FEA TU RING UREEA' GOURMET FOODS J70 ROUTE 46 SOUTH HAC KENSACK ReSetv.l;ons (20 1) 440-1771 Open Da;!)' af 5 • Closed Tuesday ,I J •Avew;. 1COAmalJivee; ai8ouaee; Yla GAGe; rie; KOIVWVIKie; aae; tK~I'JAWaele;. iOlWTlKi;e; 'Alit...... TOM II I The Epitome ofHotels Is not a Claim Lightly Made . .. • Not with 416 rooms and 55 luxury suites. all effectivelyjireproofed ""ith aluminum doors. • And an ideal environment for conferences, meetings and banquets. with 1 I halls that can handle functions of50 10 1000 persons in heated or airconditioned comfort; and. of course, all the facilities needed on hand. • Not to mention a mini-bar in every room, an indoor and outdoor. swimming pool with an excellent view of Athens (including, of course, the Acropolis), a health studio plus sauna, a jogging track, a discotheque, 3 restaurants, 5 bars and 24·hour room service. • We have a piano bar, and a taverna with traditional Greek bouzouki and guitar players. • Conventions and other group even's are entitled to discount rates. Instant Reservation Confirmation I II I I II I I I I II I ~--------__.--_____--J Through: Swissair, Horis International System. Austrian Airlin.s. Iberia, Pan American. KLM, DER. Business Consultants Japan Ltd. Toll Free: American International Hotel Repr. (800) 223-5695 New York or Selective Hotel Reservations, Inc. (800) 223-6764 New York or Adolfo Bezamat/ Deluxe Hotels (800) 243-5806 U.S.A. CARAVEL HOTEL 2, Vassileos Alexandrou Ave. Athens 508 - Greece Phones: 790.721 - 9/790.731-9 Telex: 21-4401 CH GR CARA VEL ... The Epitome of Hotels CARAVEL HOTEL IMPERiAl lUXU RY... AN EMbRACE 01 RUSSiAN SAb lE CROWNEd Wi Tl1 A GEN TlE SIIAW I COll AR. Skins personally selected in Leningrad by Terry Christie. Christ~ Brothers. 333 Seventh Avenue. NewYot1c. • 3400mnllntemallOnal. Atlanta .Ga <1EKEMBPJOl: 1981 3 L\lAMEPI~MA TIOO)"dtal 0"(0 AOYTPAKI COnle hOnle. Your dollar is worth 25-ro nlore. tua~£p la~a 65 tETp. ~., B' OPO'l'O" bd ttl<; nopoAioo:; AoutpQlciou 11:(1))..tirot. 1 ~€yaA.o u1tvo8roJlano, I ~J.f;yaAo XWAA, j..t1taVlO , Kou~iva, cro- "OV\ Kat J..t1tQAXOVl, bd Atooc.p. TIoO£lO&VOO:;. TIArlP(OrEo uri; HTIA £~alp€tlKt1 tlJ,.lit . • AJrotn9i;tE: Kav B. 'AAE~onouAou , ato T£~a,. T~A. (713) 498-2895. Tel. (212) 947-3180 NEW YORK, Greek-American Monthly Review DECEMBER 1981 VOL. XXXIV No. 397 All correspondence should be addressed to H NEA YOPKH P.O. BOX 675 GRAND CENTRAL STATION NEW YORK , N.Y. 10163 Editor and Publisher PETER S. MAKRIAS Founder and Sodal Editor SPYROS MINOTOS Associate Editors Prof. E. BOURODEMOS Ph.D. JACQUES A. CASE Contributing EdilOrs: Prof. M. VYRON RAIZIS ADRIANNE PALIOS RIGAS KAPPATOS BOB NICOLAIDES DIMITRIS IOANNIDES GIANNIS KOUNADIS ELIAS GRIVOGIANNIS NICOS SPAN lAS STAVROS GRAMMATIKOPOULOS CHRYSTALENNI LOUKAIDOU ACHILLES SAKELLARIDES Art Director Right now, the U.S. dollar is worth 25% more than it was last year. Over 40% more than two years ago. And there are also special airfares you can take advantage of. Isn't this the moment you've been waiting for? It's the perfect time to visit family and friends . To sail the sunny blue Aegean. To enjoy Greece the way you've always wanted to. This year, the dollar goes so much farther. And so can you. There's no place on earth like Greece. Greece Greek National Tourist Organization 4 CHRISTINE NERRIE Representative in Greece GIANNIS L. KOUNADIS Solonos 116 - Tel. 3606307 NEA YOPKH (New York) the GreekAmerican monthly review is published by lhe HELLENIC HERITAGE LTD., 30 West 36th Str~t (10th floor). N. York. N. Y. IOClIS. Second Class postage paid at N. York, NY. 'Et'loia l:uvSpotJiJ: $25.00 "ftc1 'A~P lK1i Kai KavaM .• AEP01tOPtKfl ti1tOOTO)..Tl )'111 EUpW7tTl Kat 6Xo TOV K6otJo $50.00. Tpa1tEC{OV. 'E1tlXtlp-no£rov leai 'Op)'QV10)J.OOy $100.00. .NEA YOPKH. Proudly Presents The Thinnest ALID FANTIS For Creating The FInest Desserts, Meals, HoTS d oeuvres ... For more infonnation call (212) 966-5186 L fIPQTO KAI KATA TO 1981 To 1tpo)'to H.AllVlKO ta~tlt>lO)'tlKO 'Ypaq>tio O'E f:1tlpatlKt) KivllO'l1 'Yui tt)v 'EAAat>a to 1979, , to _ 1980 O'uJlq>cova JlE ,,,, , Kat to 1981, _e _ tl~ t1tlO'l1J1t~ O'tatlO'tlKt~ tCOV atp01tOplKCOV ttatplCOV. To AEGEAN TRAVEL, Jlf:aco tOU rpaq>£iou tOU ato Mavxattav, 1tOU ppiaKEtal 1tOAU KOVta cmlv Wall Street, t~U1t1lPEtEi 1tOAi..te; YVCl)ad:, VaUtlAlaKi:e;, hp01tAlatlK£e; Kat tJl1tOplK£e; t1tlXElPllaEle; JI£ EJl1tElPO Kat dOlKEUJlf:VO 1tpOaCl)1tlKO Kat tOUe; KaAUtEpOUe; opoue;. II Broad .... y. Ne ... York, N.Y. 10004, Suite ISS7 (212) 269-S900 (800) 221-S751-) QUEENS.·29-11 Oitm.n Blvd ., Astori., N.Y. IIIOS (212) 9)2-)2)2 (800) 221-447(H BROOKLYN: 1670 E. 17th St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11229 (212) 627-8268 NEW YORK: lard.myli. Tours, II Bro.dw.y, New York, N.Y. 10004, Suite 1561 (212) .144-18+4 GREECE: Ae... n Se. Tours Ltd., 4-{) Filellinon St. , Pir.eus, Gre«e 452~J)9 or 452-5672 .NEA YOPKH. 6 8sf.1ara rou M1JvoC; o "KaA~ ni(rr:17 Kai qJIAia npoc; E rr,v el)Kalpia r;;c; /;YKpiaeox; ano rr,v apcplKaV1K" r epouuia rponOAOyia, rwv FepouaJaurwv Taap).c; flepau Kai llw), IapJ,J.ndv'1 YlCt TiTV ai5~'1a'1 -r;;~ arpafl(;JflKiic; p0'10£iar;, npbc; r~v 'Elldba Od <Jt1}pi/;tl avtovc; nov 1tlO'tEOOUV, O''tilv 'EH.uoa, Ott 01 CJtEvoi OEO'floi. flE t1)v "EI..).aoa dVQl 1tPO~ to O'uJI.'Pf:poy Kat t rov OVO XOlproV. lhut)c; Kui l'tpO~ to CJ\lJ.uptpov tOU tAwOtPOli Koaflotm. Kara 20 /KarOIl!lVpIa ooU Yla ro 1981 (180 Ela'lyovpevo, tr,v rponoAoyia, 0 yepouG/aaTr,c; flw)' I:appndv'1C; clnc, pera~u 6A).WV: M £Karolill. dvri rwv 260 EKarollli. nov elX£ npoT£iv81 ;, Kupepv'1o'l), 0; bub OlOX8KPlpiVOI nOAlfiKoi npotP'1aav atr,v FEpouaia ul; nOAv tvolRrpipovac, drtAwacrc;. M EmqJePO/le aurec; riC; O'1AWa£lr; OTiC; ar;;lc, J.1ar; , aav avvixclR rwv papua~J,J.avr(f)v Keillevwv dAlwv a yop£uae(;Jv ar~v BOUA~. rrov KaraXWpt;aaJ.1E aro r £uxoc; toB 'OKrwppiov. 'IJ/airepo /;vola<pEpov napooold{el ~ o~ ).wG17 roB K. llepav, nov eTVal Kai flpoeopoc; riic; 'E7rlrpon~c; 'E~wr£plKwv I:Xeaewv tii' r epovaiac;, 0 o7roioC; 1'ovltJe av£~apr'lra dna alaO~J.1ara nov tmKparofJv ar~v 'E).Adda Yla. rr,v 'A/lepIK~, ~ a/leplKavlKiT nOAlrlKiT .. elval va odxvoup£ 1'r,v KaA" pa, niar'l Ka; riTv qJlAia /la, Kai r~v dAA'1A£~dprIJa~ Ilae; pi; rov Aao rii, 'EJ..Adooc; . . . ». 'H oiJA.rooll toG !c. ntpou. nOD tYlVE tpdt; ra on ~~tp£, npiv (, npwSunoupyo, <~, 'E).. Aaoo, K. 'Avop. nanavoptou olapao~ Ti.C; 1tpoypa~~atlKtc; 0l1A.WOElC; TOU onlv BouA~. <X" ell, t~~,: OJ"H aU/;'lG11 aut'l) trov cnpatl(l)tlKrov 1tlcnrocnOlv n:po~ T1)V ' E).).aoa £IvaI t~alpE nKo. f.lf;yal.'1~ a'lflaaia~ Y1.o. tilv lropa aUnl tilv anYflll nov QVEl.apE flU) via trupi;pV1J<Jl). npoXmp6>vta, a' aun) tllv tvtpy£la, ~ r£pouO'io 9Q JUtopti va O'f(:i).El £Va fltlVUJl.a at~v via KuPipV1!'"! t~, 'E"l..ci~, on 01 "HVOlfl. nOllt'dE~ ttnOuflovv va (J\wEpya,",ouv ~t <~v 'El. .. a~a lui va t~V JIo~91jaouv va ~lat1]p~"tl r~v aa<p<iA£u, <~" »' EflEi~ 0" ailtt\ n) lOOP« npOcr8EO'E o 1(, ntpO'l) - KaravoouflE t11v iln:QP~'1 olaq>mvlmv, I:<~v ·E....aOa fxouv ~~~oKpatia Kai EXOUV to SIKairoflQ va tKfPpa'OUv Ei t E aVnaJlEP1KOVlKa, £itt CPl).OOJl.£PlKovlKa aiafhlJl.ata .• A)'Aa T!nOl..ltlKl} nov aKoAouOOUJlE anlv . AflEpuOl Kat ate) 0:Jl.EP1KQYlKO KOYKpEO'ao Elval va StlXYOUJl.E tt)v Kalij ~a, d"t~ Kat t~v q>lHa ~a, ~t tOV Aao rij, ·E ..l..cioo, Kai ~lat£6m Ott " at"'"! ~a, at\t~ OOI..AapIU at nlv ·E)"l.a~ Oa olat~p~O£i ~ atit~ ava"or[a (7 npo, 10) <lj, po~Oda, ~pO, t~v xwpa aut~ Kai n)v TOUPKiu, 1tOV i<JIUE Kai. KUta TO OiKOYOfllKO ~<ME to. n:poaOna 20 tKat. atpatuonKE:~ nlatroaEI~ 1tpO~ <to<; 1981. »npOKEnal Yla lva 1(oli> G11flaVtlKO, fn:OlKoOOJl.llt1KO PiiJ.lo nov f:nQvUp€(JaUllVEl lilv iO'IUouaa QflEPIKQV1K1l trOAUUrij 1t"pO~ T'I)V "Elltion Kai nlv 'Avu·ro).IKfJ MEO'OYEIO, O't.lJl.tp(l)VQ Jlf tilV axEtuol ouJ:ta~'1 VOflOU ~£pi t~"'tepIKil, po~Oda" ~ou Bvaq>tptl on " po"Oua aun) np£1tEl va ·t/;aO'f.PaAi~El <~v ~Ia<~p~,"! n), ~apo","" laoppon[a, C1tpanOlrU(ll~ lO'lUO~ ad; lroPE<; t1ic; n:tplOxlj, "wn£pl"a~pavo~tv~, <lj, 'E"Aa~o, Kai tfj~ Toup.da~». . 0 K, I:apJ,J.nriv'lC; lntoypdJ.1lllae rolx; apP'lKrOVC; Oeapov<; 1[OV avvbeouv tOw Ka; nOAla XPoVla r~v 'El)'Ma Kai riTv 'Ap.eP1KiT Ka; rr,v npoa~).())a'l rwv ouo xwpwv aric; 0'1J1.oKpaTlKec; dpXeC; Ka; arov Nopo roo L1IKaiov Ka; rOVlae orl i) tPOftoAoyia aut" tK<ppa'EI tilv CJT1flaaia 1tOV cin:OO(OEl to KOYKpEO'(JO atilv lhunlP'lO"TJ Kat tfjv cnJO'q)1.y~'l tOW O'ltO'EroY aUtrov. ••• Aly" 1l0VO ~Iltpe, VIKOe; Tunoc; (pUne Kai aric; dyyllKi; Ilac; com /Olalr<p~ l!lipa"~ "r~v tJJ.~ V1KiT t~w1'epIKr, nOAmK~, oncm; npoadlopiar'lKf, lnla11pa lil:. riC; npoypallpaflKee; c5'1Awaeu; rou OpwOlJ1toupyoB ar"v Bov).". Aft. rhAo «£lm:hO'1KC aroix; "EAA'1V£e; OT! hriK£lral Xpovod,dypall/1a Yla 1'0 dl(h~lpO rwv dj.l£plKaVIKwv pdae(;Jv». oi N. Y. Times npoaO£aav ac unorl1').o, ar~v KOplXp~ tiiC; npWr11C; aclioo., . «0 naTtavopeov unOUxf.tai dnapO.Kpvvart rwv nVP'1vlKWV orrAwv Kai tE.Plla1:1apO roB arpanwTlKoB polou aro NATO». 'H crp'1J1.epiOa a'1p£lwv£l otl 0 npwBlJ1Covp- ",Aio,,;), on TIMH ITON KAAIYMIlOPN IlEAA n A va trrlppapcOOq riB,Ka roVr; 'ApepIKavou<; nOArrlKo~ nov npoaanf{ovfal pa{ i pac; rei oiKaza rile; Kfm.pov Kai t~r; 'EJ..A..MOC;. ;, •O/-tocmovo{a XlaKWV IUAAOYWV KaBli.pwoc npo r£fpaeriac; ro 'Of.Jl)ptlO Bpa/Jeio. To Bpa8eio aUTO lxcl piXPI rwpa d,noVell'10ei arov fJov).evr~ Mnev po(eVeaA. roy ycpoualaat;, 11:vr Kevvev1'u Kai rov npdJ"v POUJ..eVTiT T(wv MnpGot;JLa. 'H XtaK~ 'Opo(J1l.ovoia EneoCJ)(J£ roy rr£paalievo Il~va Kara r"v ouipKeza e/OlKov !Jelnvov ro Bpapelo roB' Opt;pov. ai: evav lUAOV <plAt..l.A'1Va, TOY J,aKeKplllevo yepoualaar~ K. KAaliJj.lTCOpV fleM . '0 K. mA). elXe dywvtarei Kara r~v Ol(ipKela r~c; olKra1'opfac; at~v I1EKEMBPIOI: 1981 dpyor<pa. " dpeplKa- ii/V ~EAAa()a" YOC; Kareor'1ac aaqJtC; Ofl npOriOCTaI va npaypaTOnOl~a'1 dc; YCV1Kec; ypappEC; WU pl(O- anaaUKou CKAOY1KOO rov rrpoypapparor;, pE TO anoio r:o flArOK Kar~yay£ Jaa aapwflKiT ViKIJ roy nepaaJ.1evo J.1~va. I ' 0, U (upopd NATO, ~ dvranoKplol1 nov N.Y. Times aIJpelWVf.I orl 0 EOGlaAIarr,e; ;,ycrIJe; bey nPOeP'1 at KaJ.1pla anelAr, va dnoxwp~alJ anD NATO, onox; elXe unoaxeBd rrp0f.KAoYIKa. KO/1J.1a. MfAIJar.. OJ1.wr; yui anOxwPIJa'1 anD TO GTpa!lWUKO aK€Aoe;, onf.lX; elxav KaJ.1CI ;, rw.ia Kai ;, tM'1V1K" ro ro KvPtpv~,,~ ro ro /974. 'H ...oooalYKrwv floar», dveqJEpr.. at dvranOKpla11 dno 'ABI/va. Ofl .. npoypallpa nov t~iOeae b flanavdpeov di;v If.tp11a£ l~w KapJ.1la. ano ric; aapwuKi;r;, npo£KAoYIKI:C; OJaK~Prx;eu; 11Id, Kvpla, dAAay~<; "r~v aA~ VIK" no). lflK~, divovr:ac; npwrapX'K;' lJ.1qJaa11 arr,v iviaxva11 r~r;, arparlW!IKiic; dpvv11C; Karro, dno J.11ii. dve~dprTJrr, l~wreplKiT nOAIrIK~, nov nepI).aJ.1Pdv£1 d).).ayJ.1cvcc; axeaE1C; J.1C NATO. ric; HflA Ka; riTv EOK Kai tVlUXVJ1.CVOVC; &apoix; PE dC; dpap'Kec;, Kai r ic; xwpec; roB Tpirov Koapov». of 0'1•H 'ibla E<P'1J.1Epida avp1T.Cpa{vel AwaClr;, flanavdpeou «qJa{veral va. Oerovv rippa ark lAni&t;; rwv AurlKWV aUIlJuixwv r~c; 'EAAMor; Ofl ~ npocKAoY1KiT P11roP1Kr, TOO flAIOK 00. lOlVE rr, (Jia'7 r'7e; ai; Ilf.TP'orraOdc; nOAlrlKi;c; Beaelc; pOA1C; of IOGlal,aree; 00. dvrlPCui)1ll(av rie; npaypaflKor11rec; riie; t~ouaiac;». r;,v ro ro on 'H "Wall Street Journal" eypa'lle, IlHaC,iJ on d,Uwv, b K. flanavdptov OI:V "rav avyKCKplpevOl; aric; dlaK'7pu~r.1C; rov yui riTv t~{J) repIKiT nO).'1'IK~, d}.).a u1[e&I~£ dnonuP'7VIK07WITJpeV'7 (W V'1 ara BaAxaVla. nov npaiJnoOhf.l oi EoplcrlKoi 00. dnoaupouv cnia'1C; roy nUP11vIKO onAlupo dno riTv BOUAyapia Kai riTv Povpavia. on on ••• Of ·EAA'7V()aJ.18pIKaVoi nov emOuliouv rrpiv ana oAa r~v 0Ian7P'1a'1 Kai tviaxoo'7 nDv <plAIKWV, noAlflarlKwv. OIKOVOjUKiilV Kal av)J.J.1aXIKWV axtae(;Jv J.1Ha~V rwv ovo llarpiowv, napaKoAouOOOV J,J.t IOlRirc.p'1 npouoxr, ric; "xewd, te,!.letl" '"1.0Il,vOI Yla ro KaA6r£po ... 'E.UdJa Yld riTvolOx01C;' r;;e; GTparlwrIK;;C; pO'7fJefac;npoe; T~V xouvra. Ka) liya XPOVIa dpyor£pa. 1974. ;,rav ano tou<; npciJrorx; nov 'Pt;<plaav Yla OlaK01l~ ~ arparl(;JTlK;' po~8£1a npo, TovpKia. 'A~i(ovv O£Plia avyxap1Jr"pla Yla wpaia npwropov).(a. ar;,v 'OpO(J'7[ovdia rwv XlllKWV I:v)')'6ywv Ka) iJlaircpa arov iKavo Kal ffi;10 llpoeopo rrtC; K. TriiJpyo Alftavo nov tim, ~ KIV17r~pla ouvaP'1 rilc; dywvlar lKii; avril, opyavdJa£ox;. Nia 'YoPK'1» elval c./;TVXr,C; va d<pu'.pWarJ 1'0 c~w<pvl)'6 r'7C; arov oloxeKplpivo nO).'''KO nov EXtl toao avppd).£l ar~v Ola1'"P'lu'1 r:wv KaAWV uxeaewv 'EMMoc; HIlA Kai c~aI,oAovOci ndvrorl: va cpydC£rm npr)(; rov aKorro avr o. J1.eaa Kal l~w dnb ro KOYKpeaao. va to r;,v r;,v 'n .. 7 METAeELEIL E rrpaYj1aTlK~ HJ1t~ rrl~porpOp~e"K';' •Oj1oyima r~v J1'rrilJt;u" arilv "AOrjvQ, Juo OlaKeKplpiV(j)l/ Kai OOK1PQaJif.vwv om),,,wjJ.arlKiiJV, rOD J.wviJjov avrmpoCTwlwV dje; 'E.Vdoo.; aro,", OHE np£upu K. Karmroo1] Ka; rou npiupv !ije; yeviulpac; qtilv M OOOt1lYKTWV K. r(Orlv1]. 'Y1C1]ptr'1a£ b KaOivac; aro aVO'KoAo nor1To tOV, ,it (ijAO nov, TIJlii to AnrAf1JJ.laT1KO EtiJpa rfTC; 'E)J.dJoc; Kal oUlIcpfOr,Kav Yla tilv a(!,oaiw011 atilv anoaro,,t,l1tov rove; Ej,l1Hau,vOf/Ke i] 'EJ..J.."V1Kr, KuPipv~'"l. It"v Bl.aTT roo K. KaranoJ,., fM '{)..8" b npeupvc; K. M,X. Aovvrae; Bta" rou K. T(ovvIJ b rrpiapuc; K. N. Kapavoplac;. EiJ.laau; pl.palOi lin iJ •OJ.,loyivera ()d neplpOJ." robe; vio~ TCpiapw; fJ,f. to 'iOIO EVOIO.qJipov nOD rrapaKoAo6B"ae to cPYOj rtiJv 000 TrpOKaroxOJv TOVe;. 'ErtMcl!;.av Ka; 01 Juo 0'1'17).0 iJ7C1]peUIaKO ~(JOC;, olan7P1Jaav apuJTec; CTxiacu; jJ.c riTv 'OJ..wyivua Kal not"l; 6tv KOj1j1aTiar"Kav ariTv eKnA1jpwGfI rif<; dnoaroAif~ rov<;. Iro nAaimo rwv dJJ.aywv nov lYlvaV ar"v 'ABljva, eKA1jB" eKr.f Kai ro j1lao nepi1lou 1lpOaW1l1KO roo rpatptfou Tfnr.ou Kai llh,POtpOP1WV N. ·yopK,,<;. Mera/;,v rwv J1ETau:Bevrwv dvar of IOlairepa l:K'l"IJ.uiJllF;.VOl 61f:u8vvri]e; rev Tparpeiou K. Xp. Xplaro6ouAio,,<; Kai b p0'1Bo<; rou K. r. Xar('1;·roavvou . • Y1l"per"aav Kai aurol alpoya Kai dnoA/JrWe; dxoj1j1ar/am. 'A.VA. at j1la wpa nov analrt:iral ~ j1EV" npoonaBela l:v"J1EpdJaewe; rou aJ.leplKaV1Kov KOlVOU mivro ard l;()wKd npoPA.r;j1am, jliie; dvar ODaKOA.O va KamAapWj1e nwe; elval ouvaro va avvre).earij auro jl£ ro J.llaO j10VO npOaW:TCIKO rov eOOJ Tprupeior; T(mou. . . Ka; urilv "6(,,,- rIA THN IIPOBOAH THL AHEPA E avaKoivwar; r"e;, fJ AHEPA rrA"pmpop"ae ra 0J.l0yeV£laKa pi.aa eVYfj1epchacwe; orr avviar"ae T,u,J.la J"lloaiwv Ixeaewv 'lId va l:V'IJ1EpWv" ro KOlVO navw aro lpyo noo emrcAcf " opyavwa" aun,. dAhl j1evu at nOA.AOOe; iiyvwaro, ~ 61tonjliiral ano aMOve;. BpiaKO!i£ nOAo d5arox" ri,v anorpaat] Kai CUxoj1aare va ri]v BtGfl auvroJ.la at trpapj1oyi, 0 vioe; llpoeopo~ K. Korprpniie;. 'H AHEPA, lXel nf!O.yj1.a n dvaYK'11t.pOPoAije; rov 1lAOUGlOU na- M rplwnKov lpyou r"e; {mi;p rije; K6npou Kai riTe; 'E.,Ua6oe;, Ka()w; Kai rfte; yevIKwup"e; rplAavBpwTClKije; Kai 1fOAlTU1T1Kif~ rl1<; 6paar'lplor"ra 1100 Tt,V t1t.tpaAav Kai r;,v Kafhepwaav aav r"v p.eyaJ..urep" aplB/1'1rIKa Kat iaxvporept] dno dno/lfewe; emppofte; 'EJ..J.."voapeplKaVlK" opyavwa11 arie; 'Hvwp£v£e; IloAlrefee;. To avd oleria oeirrvo riT~ AREPA ari]v OooalYKrwv, npoe; nlli,v rwv j1dwv rov KOYKptaGOU - TO hroj1eVO Bd ooBij Gri~ 8 Mapriov 1982 - elval jlla aKOIl" /1aprupia J.lliie; OUvaj11KiT<; napouaiae; nob ri]v iJ1l:0AOyi(el navwre 0 AWKOe; OIKoe; Kai ro KOYKpeaao ... ••• Kai J.lld 6 J..6yoe; Yla rov AWKO OlKo, npinet va avarpep()ij lOw IT e1t.faKelp" rev 'APXle7rlGKOrrOU K. 'IaKwpov arov llpoeopo PiTYKav, 6 onofoe; ppijKe r"v eUKalpia va enalvEa11 ro aA"VIKO UW1XeiO ar"v 'AjleplKi, Kat ri,v avpPo;"r; rou ori,v rrpoo6o rev 'AlleplKaVlKov "EBvOlX;. 'R eniaKelfl'1 ~rav IJB'j10rmrIK1f, 01lWe; Ju;uKpiv'1ae 0 'ApXIe7riaKorroe;. Jh auC"rlj()qKav ovre. " nOAlTlKiJ illayi, atr,v 'EAAdJa, oure ni uJ..A.a fJejlara nov ivolrupipouv rie; oub xwpee;. IIENHNTA eEAPELTA XPONIA M xoe; 'AJeAqJor"e; rij~ 'ApXle7llaKoniTe; 'AJ1EplKije;. 'H t/J1AOnrwxoe; lXel aljJ1Epa Tjlr,jlara a', o).e~ rie; 'EAA"VopBoooc"ee; KOlVOr'lre.e;, 0' 6AOKM,P" riJv 'AJ.lCPIKIj, rov KavMii Ka} rr,v Nono 'Aj1eplK1f. Hrav nevijvra OeapeaTa, O"J.llOvpY1Ka XPOVla nOA/Jrlj1WV KOlVWVlKWV tm.l1pealwv. 'Y1t.oar"pi(el rd fclpUJ.lara rife; 'EKKA."afae; jlae; Kai aUvclpaj1el (Jaom;, Cxovv dvaYK". 'R tntrelO<; YlOpraar'1Ke pr. lva /1eyaAo yeuj1a aro /;'ev06oxefo «lllep» napouaia rov 'ApXle7llaKOrrOU Kai riT~ IIp<iJr,,e; Kupfae; riTe; lloAlreiae; jlae;. Eri]v i&1O e1t.trel ~rav drplepwJ.liv" IT nepif{J'1J.l'1 7lId xopoe.f1nEpioa twv XpvaavOillwv nov OiVEI KaBE Xpovo If 4'>IAonrwXOe; wv KaB,opIKoiJ. Arnroj1ip£ltr; c51voj1< <1< aHer; <1'lic5er;. Kai oi ouo eKo"AciJUele; at]J1Eiwaav ec"azpenKi, emwxia. xapl~ arie; 1t.poarca8ere<; tWV KUpUiJV. 'R entre.lOe; r/j1ii ri<; 'icllee; Kai r;,v 'EKKA"aia /1a~. T o HOTEL GRANDE BRETAGNE 11:0 alwva (wije; Ylopraae rov nepaap£vo j1ifva " 4'>IAOntw- ePIAMBOL TOY K. KOTL 1KH 1lEpUpavij. ViK" dverravdJ.."nrt], KipOlae TOV nepaaj1evo pijva b JtjJ.lapXOe; Kin<; rije; Niae; 'YOpK"e;. Eav fm.OlptjtplQ~ Kai rwv OUO KOjlllarWV - rev A"IlOKpanKOV Kai TOV PenouJ.l1lA.1KaVlKOV - 0 d)Aore rpIAeAeUBepm;, L1'1j10KpanKo~ roB Karro 'A vawA1Kov Mavxarrav, KardJpepe va yivt] 6 TrIO O"j10ffJIA"e; nOAlT1KOC; aTr,v iaropia riTe; Ni.ae; , Y0pK"e; - ro 75% rwv lp"ffJotpopwv rije; noAeWe; wv lowae r"v 'l'f,ffJo rou. '0 JljjlapXOe; dVal KaAOe; Kai 1laA.alOe; ffJiAOe; rij~ , Opoy£veia~. I'civ pouMvri,<; elXE TaXBei vntp rwv lAA."VIKWV Beaewv aro ()i/la tov ejlTrapYKo Kai aVViXlt1E adv Jljj1apXOe; vd po"ea riTv KmrplaKi, 61toBea'1. Mali j1< ra <1vyxap~r~pla j1ar; npor; rov laonpopl~ro .1~j1apxo. happdloj1£ r~v e~x~ va Xp~<11j10rrOl~'"l 1Cep'<1<1orcpov<; oj1oy<v<ir; ariTv 6IOiK'1a'1 rov J1fJ.l0U Kara ri]v &vrep" rerpaeria rou. N TO EBPA-I-KO AOMIIY IKH roB llpoMpov PijyKav ar;,v Tepoooia, r, onoia /lfr,rplae 52 lvavrl 48 Yl<i ri]v nWA"a'1 rwv deponAavwv-pavrdp (AWACS) <1r~v Eaoviiapapia. drroT,ld ,va papv<1~j1avro yeyovoc;. "OXI J.lOVO 'lIar; 6vwi.J.lwae r"v BEat] Kai ro yo"rpo rov llpoMpou ar"v aaK"a" rf,e; e/;,wrEplKije; nO).'TlKi;~, illd Kai (;U}rl it ~TTa rou nGv/axvpov Kai navroouvaj1ou eppaiKov AOJ.lnU, exel 1t.pOeKraaele; 1lob j1olpaiwe; tyyi,ouv Kai ri]v (;IK1f J.lG.~ npO(J:1CaBela va en'1pe6.(,wp.e r"v ec"wrepIK" nOAIT1Ki] rwv HllA a' O. Tl dtpopO.. ritv Krm.po Kai ~v ·ElMJa. llpenEI vd Gflj1elWaWjiE orl fJ aUyKpooo" rou tppai'KO'i'J AOjlTW ;tf roy AevKo O[KO eenipa(JE KtiBe np0'1yovj1evo. 'AGK1fe"Kav Kai ano rJ~ OVO n).evpt~ rpoJlCPt~ meaeu; nav(£) arom; reporxllaarec;. Oi tOw 'EppaiOl oh tv~pY~<1av j10VOI. ElXav Kal ~v po~B"a r~<; 1<1~llv~r; Hi f.i£ ATHENS GREECE - Tel. 3230.251 Tele •. 219615 - Cables' HOTBRITAN WO.LDFAMOVSHOTELCENTRALL~ LOCATED ON THE MAIN SQUARE OF THE CITY WITH MAGNIFICENT VIEW OF THE ACROPOLIS 450 bedrooms equipped wilhevery modern comfort. Fully air~onditioned. International bar, superb cuisine. luxurious rntauranl . Convenlion rooms wilh full congress facilities. World wide representation 770 l..exinaton Avenue, New York 10021 For reservations and information call 800-223-6800 New York State and Canada (212) 838-3110 Collect • .NEA YOPKH • Kvfic.pvr,aeOY;, nov dVTlrdx01JKc. arpoJporara mr,v nw)."a1J arpanwTlKoil VA,KOU (1rr,v I:aovOapapia, tl't emxeip1JJla or, Ba avarpanij (mtp rwv 'Apdprov ;, laopporria duvap.c.wv urr,v Mia,! ro ·Ava roA~. oev Xpc.ldar"K£ va ImcvBUJlia'l 0 K. PijYKav on c.fval ovvaro va KaOopf(ouv rr,v U;'WUPlKr, nOAIT/Kr, rije; 'Aj1£plKilr; {tVc.e; K vPc.pYfjGete;. '0 npoc.Jpoe; c.TXt, vOjli(oJ1e, oiKalO. 'Yrrdpxovv lipla, vn6.pxouv ncpdkhpza arch C7t1JpeaaJ1o r~e; Kvpepvr,aewc; Kai rOD KOYKpi(1aou. Tb tpparKO AOjlnU rpaiveTal on c.enepam. ra 5pla aVrd. Kai £ivai ijd1J ycvlKwre.pa a/aBfJro iva aia01JJ1a JooavaaXtrtjaul.x; rou ap.eplKaVIKOU KOIVOU nov jlnopci va PAd1pfJ ro eppaiko ).0Jlnv. Kave.ie; c5'tv ).tyel lin oev nphw va tVltlXVtra l ro '/apa.;,), Ii lin npenr.I va aratlartTaovv oj 'Eppaiol aVJlnoliree; tlae; ro lvdlaf{Jepov roue; YI' auro. "Onwe; KavEie; Jtv IJ.rropti WI rrij at jlae; va J1r, evJwqJepoJlaare (U;'o yui r~v K fmpo, Ii ro Afyaio. To OIKO pae; airfJJla lXEl KaAurepfJ pdafJ· ZfJtoUIJ.C va bpapJ1oar;; b apcplKavlKOe; V0J10r; nov anayopr.uel r;,v xopfry"a1J pO'lOeiae; at xwpee; nou rr,v XP1JaltlOnOlOilv Yla Am8tTlKOix; aKonolx;. To aiT'ljla Jla<; arap.aro. tKei. A'tv lxojle rrpoBtaq va im.ayopeooOJJ1t ar;,v 06aalYKu.t)v rr,v t{wrcpIKr, no}"tlK;' rile; xwpac;. n,au60jl.c orl ro ajlepIKaVIKo aUJlqJepov tc.urr1Jper,,81JKe. J1f. rr,v ViK1J rou llpotopov ar;,v Tepoooia. 'R vi,,'1 aur;, drTMlOvpyei rwpa npoiirroOiatt<; yui rr,v av("f11<111 -rov axtoiov £ip1jvfJe; rile; EaoOOapapiae; Yla rr,v M i CTfJ 'Avaro;',." (]'to /moio dvtl<5p<i aqJooporara ro ·[(fPaiI).. H EIIETEIOI: TOY IIOAYTEXNEIOY 'E~l'lVIKO~ ).aOe; yl(}pra~e roy lu~fKJ;ap.ivo jlijva - Kal jlaA,ara a e JleyaAvrcP1J m lafJjJ.Of1Jra - r'!v trrerc.1O rije; tpOlr'ltlKii<; tl;,r:yepaeCtJ<; aro lloAvrcxvcio 'A01JvWV Avavrfov rije; OIKTaropiae;. ,.Brav eva ).ai'Ko naVfJYVpl jlC ro arroio dleKfJPVxOfJ, Yld Jlla. dK6,,~ ~op6.. " d~Q(fiw"'l rmv 'EAA~VWV tna dyalid rii<; f1~lioKpa- riae; Kai rile; 'Elcv8cpiae;, 1rOV ycvv~e"Kav arr,v Yf:VirElpa Ka; Karanarovvral mljlcpa aE ola !Ii a'!tl£ia rov Koap.ou. "Av8pw1rol Kldvovra, aE 'IIuXIarpeia Kal arparmrcJa aV'jKcvrp<!>aewf;, EKToni(ovtal Kal no.u.oi neBaivouv ano paaavlaT11Pla Ii lKrdovvral xwpie; diK", ox' ptpam JlOVO Karw ano (1rparlw rIK£t; olKraropicf;, alA-a Kai ara KOJlJlOUVla'rlKa KaOeariVra. •YnoBirojle. OH ;, anoK1jpv<;'! r~f; piaf;, roil aVraPX1ap.ov Kai roil anoA-urapXlaJloil <Troix; OpOjiorx; riVv 'A B"viVv, ncplrJ.6.jlpaVf: .0A-ec; ric; Karaaraae(t; nov dpvovvral arou<; no).in;<; rr,v fJ.evBepia Kai ra a).Aa auvraYJlaTtKG Kat avOp<!>mva oIKauop.ara. ..Av jJ.d).una iJemav ni aVTlapeplKaWKa auvO"jJ.ara nov dx'ou(1r"KaV Karu: rr,v dll.).too'l rou n)."Oovc; I11rpOara arr,v dpeplKavlK~ npeapeia, ~ voe.pr, aUJltlcroXr, rou ·E).).'lVlajlOU rile; 'AjlepIKijc; (J'Cov f:opraajJo rite; Entre/ou ritf; r,pwlKijf; rpolPlrlKijc; t~cyip atW<; Kara rile; xovvraC;, dev Ba elxc KaVeVa arOlxeio ETrlrpv)'d~e.Wf; . .. 'AnoreAei mlvrwf; n1JYr, imep,!qJaveiar; Yla jlae; va pli1r.rojJ.e rob<; ddeAqJOVC; Jlae; arr,v 'E).}.aoa va nav11YvpiCovv rirv l).cufJepia nov o.noAajJ.pdvouv Karw o.no eva O'lJ10KpaTiKO noAirevJla nov tmrpintl rr,v OIaOOXr, rrov KOJlp.arwv arr,v l~ou aia - npaYjia nov <TrepOBVral roao oi popelol, oao Kal 01 dvaroA1Ko; yeiro vcc; rile; ytviUlpae; ... "EYTYXII:MENH OMAAA . .. » TH N rrpo(11uiBc ld ro/) va rrciG17 roy djlCpIKaVlKo lab Ka; rilv ~ oleOv~ K01Vr, TvWJlfJ lin oev im.ripxovv JlafPop"tc; aroV\ Ko).rrouc; ~ r~c; Kvptpv~aewr; rov Kai on . .. (J).a nave Kala, b lJpoeJpoc; PijYKav clrre at avvtvrc~" Tunou ro eurpdrrc.)o on ~ Kuptpv,!at, rov erVal jlla . .. "C.UiVXUTJ.livfJ aJ1aoa dv8pcirrrov». TI' auro c.lxe KaAtacl 0 flp6eJpoe; oro Tpwpdo rov roy Vrrovpyo 'E/;,wrepIKwv Kai rov aUJlPov).o 'EOV1K~r; 'AatpaAeiae; K. "AlAev, nov olec.riyel roy dvrapTU1tokJlo Kanl rou K. Xai1JYK; Err,v iOla auvevrev<;r, rou, a JIp6e!Jpoc; arxnfJae aro~ J'!JloalOypaqJovc; va. elVal npOaeK'ClKOi aro ri ypatpovv, OIOTl 0, Tl J..eyeral ar;,v OOO(1IYKrwv &te~ ~\ ~~~ t\~"·~~f; ~~:~ "\\\\\\'\ot I(,"~f;~O ~~~ 0\\'" GO~0i ~~ .....\f;\) 0 ,~ O~\) If your assets total ~ $50,000 or more, a trust account with Atlantic Bank can help ensure financial security for you and your family. Let us put our experience to work for you. Cali for a free, confidential evaluation of your worth. You may find that you're richer than you think. ~~e~!~TIC ~KRe 960 AlI8nue of !he Americas. New York. N. Y. 10001 (212) 564-5617 AEKEMBPIOl: 1981 9 /1eraoioeral a/1eaWr; a' 0)..0 rov KOa/10 Kai noille; rpopee; pAanrovral l BVlKa aV/1rpepovra rife; xwpaC;. O/1WC; aV/1paiw:'1 neplaaorepo orav ttl/1iA.1] rile; Kvpepvljuewc; ola,!,cOOOl)v eva d).1o. 01lWC; l YiVE jie ri c; 1lpoarparce; 01]Awauc; rwv {movpywv Xai"YK Kai ToooJvp1!cpyKep. '0 1!p<iJr oe; clx c 0'J)..waci OTl ara axoom roo NATO rrpopJiTceral Jlla lmc5E1KTlKIj. d1!OrpC1lTlKOV xapaKrijpa, droJlIKit gKPIJ~f/ aF.. 1lepi1!t wa'l emOcacwe; 'rw v pwawv. Titv dJA'I PEpa, b &vrepoc; dne OTl Ot; V imapxCl rCTolO axeolO. Ka; dno 0, Tl oljAwac 0 K. PfiyKav Jinopei va a!)JiPaivf/ Kat Eva Kai GAAO . . . . ra Auro ro ro to ro nOloC; 1!PC1!Cl 10mov va elval 1!eploaorcpo TCPOOCKTlKOC;; H HANAC IIPOOAEYEI T A ENNEA XPoVla (w~, r~, HANAC ('EAA~voaflepll(avll(~ ·t;.1tItp~Tr.,il renO,VIKi;>; ~p6.aew(p !'Opraarf/.Kav t~v TrEpau./Jevo /Jf/va /JC cva Ji£yuAo JeI1lVO - TO oyooo Kam oelpa - oro OTCoio rtJiWPEVO npoaw1!o ~tav 0 'ApXleTCiaK01!OC; "Af./EPIKt;C; K. ' /axwpoc;. Titv l pTrvEvoIJ Yla rilv 1Opv(J1] ri;c; HANAC, nov 1!poarpepcl rcpaancc; u'1t1]peaiec; arov 'E).)..1]VlaJiO riie; Ncae; ·yopKf/e;. elxe b yvwaToc; urilv •Ojioye vcm K. T( wpr( Nrovp'!e;, 0 axovpaaroc; Kat delKivf/ror:; 9'vvdOeJ.rpoe; 1!OV U;'aKo).ouf)ei va elval Ij ,!,vxit Kai 0 tYKC1'",0<; rii<; opyavWueox;. 'H HANAC Iip, lue fl' eva npoiino},oYIUflO 75.000 OOA.<. r o /972, Yla va. rpTaaf/ or,pepa to. 21 fXatOppvpta Oo).).apla. flpoarpepel imf/pcaiec; arove; Gnopopc; Kat aro~ M epIjAIKcC;. pO,!fJii at;,v U:'cupea'l epyaoiac;, atO,vel KaBe Xp6vo cKarovrci&c; naloui at; KaraCJKf/vciaclC; Kai neplfJd1ncl oUlrpopu; Kar'l yopir.C; d VaC;I01lUOOUvrw v. ae tPwroyparplKo pr.nopra( arro TO Jr.invo Bd Ppi; 0 avayvciat1J<; aeAi&c;. aA.Ae~ Dr. Kimon A. Legakis LL.B, LL.M, LL.D Athens University Law School, Master of LAw, Harv.rd Law School, Doctor of LAw, Greece LAW OFFICES ATTORNEY AT LAW LEGAL CONSULTANT 14 Nikitaras Street Athens 142, Greece Phone: 3633.340, 3620.830 209 Garth Road Scarsdale, N.Y. (914) 725-4717 With emphasis on: Settlements of Inheritence, Taxes, Disputed Properties, Civil, International, Family and Business Law in Greece. athens *oQ.i~o,-\ ~~ GEORGE TSONT .... KIS. Conduc tor ST. VARTAN ARMENIAN CATHEDRAL p,,,..,nt 0 w ith CHAM BER ENSEMBLE FE .... rUR ING BU XTEH UDE: Chro s!mo~ Contoto EAce,pts from: B....CH Mogn ifi<:o ! VI V.... l DI: Glo, io HANDEL M.euiah GREEK AND ARMENIAN SEASONAL MUSIC ST. VA.U... N .... MENI ... N CATHEDRAL 630 Second Ave " ue New Yo,". N. Y. ( 2 12 ) 6 8 6 - 0 710 ( 9- 5 ) 10 SUND"'Y, DECEM.nll. 1"1 7:00 P. M. TI C'I(ETS S8.oo Holiday inn The most accommodai.lr"9 people in the world Location: The Holiday Inn is situated near the center. a few minutes walk from both the business and tourist parts of Athens. Accommodation: 200 rooms each with privat,=, ~Jtth, shower and toilet. television. radio. telephone and airconditioning I heating, Facilities: Restaurant. American 8ar. Coffee Shop. Disco· thaque, Bowling, Meeting and Banqueting facilities up to 500 persons. For reservations contact: any Holiday Inn reservation office. any Holiday Inn front desk. or your travel agent. Address 50 Michalacopoulou Str., Athens. Greece Telephone 748322· 74B320 TELEX 21·BB70 .NEA YOPKH. " MCP'KC, dno ril:; Kvpiu; rwv rJIarpopwv 'Emrpo1uiJv rou EVl1povllov rijr; f/J, A01frwXDV tOU KaOedplKoiJ, uriC; onoier; OrpcJ).eral -iT J.LeyaA.'1 tmwx ia rfie; erperclvijc; XOpou11rcpiOaC; trov XpooavOe/Jwv aro ~t- voJoxtio nJ.d(a. 'Ano dpuJrcpO., o[ Kvpiec; K. Kpiarv. Kot(JI)iJ1llu, E1btp~. AOVYK. Latsey. llpoebpo<; rii<; <P,J.onrwxou. Nb(oAar;. Ka- papavov, lla71a ycwpyiov, llepvoK'l Kui AoyoBeric51J. (Athens International - D . Kessoglidis) '0 t<PEtEIV6~ XOpOC; TroV XPUOClvStP.WV, Jlf: tOY onoio YlOp'tciOl"TlKClV Kat to 50 XPOVIQ ano TTlv bTl),UOupyia Til~ ah).,o1t1"oo100 • AbEA<p6TT)TO~ fii; . EKICAlloiac; l1ac; at~v •AJ1'P1K~. ~Ey En~~e~ai~ae anA-roc; tTJv c.pTJIl'l tOU uav t11<; Ka).Ute:Pll<; Kat ropatottpl1<; 1COO'~.nKiic; h:OTJAwm:m<; 'tiic; xPOVtQC;, ~E1ttpaO'i: KaSE npOTlYOUJ,lEVO at orreo . • H XOPOEO'1tEpioa, Il£ Tilv crUJllletOXtl tou 1tlO h:AEK"tOU Kat £Opaiou KOO'J..10U Tile; KOl- o'tiC; 13 NO£lllipiou 0'1"0 ~evoooxelo nAa~a I1E t1\v aUV~9lOl1tv~ tci~TJ Kat apIO'TTJ 6pyavrooTJ .• H 9auJ.ulmCl lhaKOOJ.1'1IlEVll 0190uoo, 'hav 1tATU.lJ.1UptOJ,lEVT'I 0'£ MVJed IPumiv6£J.lCl. 9auJ,uIOlQ t01t09ETTUJ.€vCl of; KOAoovec; lucite nQvw o'ta tpaTtt~la .• EKtOC; ano tiJv AEUKfI 9ciAacroa nov xpuaav9i:J.1ffiV, t'J OlClKoO'J.'t;rptCl K. Kaill nanayewpytou, J.1tAOC; TOU • AJ..ltpu.:avucou 1:ov6tol1oU 6.1aKoap~t",v (A.S.I.D.). np009€OE Eva xpuao rovo otnv ai90uaa, J,lt ta rp01t'E;OJ,lavt'1Aa Kai tva n.:p6:uTlo Ut£<pavl J.l€ tOY ap19J,lo 50 onlv j..LEOT) )'Ul tflv iOap19J.lTl £7t-E.tElO rile; ~lA01tt6Jxou. Tr)v Eu9uVTJ tftc; XOPOEO'ltEpiSac; 'troy vwviac; ,..laC; , e:YIVE Xpuoav9£jJwv, 1[00 6PYQVtl>VEl KelBe IPOVO n J.orXlIWrara, dwpa KJ.."p<iJOqKUV aTOll Xopo rWlI Xpuaav8ep.wv. "Ano dplurepd, 0; Kvpir.r; Eu)ep'1. ETtVP01COUA.OV. 'AA.A£YKa KaJ K. Kpfuru riJv dJpa r;;r; KA.'1pd;ueWr;. (Athens International - D. Kessoglidis) 6.EKEMBPI01: 1981 J.1£ neplOOt; i:1nJl£l•.£lQ Kai tvlilacptpOY 1'! ~lA6ntwxoc; . A6eAq>6t~C; KUPlcOV toii Kage6plKoii Naoii t~C;' Ayiac; Tpla60c;. dXav &<Pi:.toC; ouo iOwl n:pa ayannl'ec; KupiEC;, iI MId dKOPIJ dvaJ.lVl'frJTIKt, fPmtoyparpia dnb rr,v XOpof..tmcpfaa. '0 np<h,!v Ka; b vvv llpou)poC; TOV Ka~Eopll(Of> K.K. 1ovKaC; Kal 'AJ..lOpO:r:11C;. ~K. nanaycwpy{ou. 0 6eorp. 'Err:laKonoc; Md6"r; 1(. Tl/to()eoc;. 0", K. KplarOr;ep, ~ K. KpiaroqJep, K. Kt1;7tfJ. J..dp'1. 0 'EniaKoTCOr; BOUTWV1'J<; K. AvO/p.or;. ~ K. Long. Kai k 0 TcV/KOr; npO~tVOr; K. KanclAap~r;. (Athens International - D. Kessoglidis) K. NIl(, Nh:OACl<; !Cui 1i K. Jay Nicholas Long, J.lE co-chairladies ri.; "wpit.; . EJ.lJ.!. KapClpavau Kat Ml'X. llOEP'1. Ttiv p6GJ.lIOll trov At1ttOf,tepeHIJV dXE aVClAapet butpo7n\ U1tO ri}v npoEopia til; Ie 6tHl. K6vrou, J.l£ OUJ.l1tPOEOpOtx; ri<; 1(1)pte; I. . AltOOfOAaKT). Nicholas Christy. 'AVl. KavIKAi0'l, 611J.l. KOtO"lAlJ.l1tCl Kai K. Aoyo8£tiO~. nil TO KAtlOq.lO 8Em:rov tmEu9uvTJ llt~V DROULIA & ~ K. 1:. TItpv6K~ pi: au~npotopou, ti, KupiEC; N. Aupa Kal N. KOUPKOUtO:. fUl tOV Aaxvo Kai tTtV ICAtiproO'l um:u8uv~ ~tav ~ K. Kwvat. Kpiatu 1'£ aUl'npotopou, tiC; Kupit, A. Allega, P. Beys, Xp . .1alpvio'1 . K . KoulCouva,l:t.l:KoupAli Kal r . ToaKaAWtOu. '0 ' APXu:niO'lconoc; K. ' IaKro~OC; JiPIOKOTav OtTtV BootwvTJ Kal tOV UVtlKat£OT'1oC o 'EnioKorrOe; MEAolle; a anoioe; Kai EUAOY'1oc to yEl)J.la. Oapciiv T\taV 1(01 6 'ErrioKonOe; Boot6wlle; K. " Av91J.10e;, 1tpWTJV {Epat. npolotO:J.lCVOC; TOU Kageopucou, Jtou ~ A8t at~v N. 'YOpK~ dO IKa Yla t~V XopoeonEpicSa tWV Xpuoav9t~rov. ilapoVtEC; itoav EnioTJC; 6 rEVIKOC; npo~tVO, t~, ' EAAUOO, K. N. KantAAUp~C; J.lE tTtV oopalOtat'1 nO:VtOTE Kal cS '1~OC:PI At OtEP'1 Kupia tliC; •EAA'1VOOJ.lEpIKavIKiic; Kotvroviac; ou'uyo tOU, 6 np6>l1v .1ti~apxoc; TOU . Ayiou ~payKioKou Kai it K. George Christopher, 0 {epat. npoloT<i~EvoC; TOU Ka8t~pIKOU apXll'avopit~C; K. Xpua. ZW~" ~ TIpotOpOC; t~, 'E8vIK~ C; 'O pyav",atWC; tliC; <J)lA01tTOOXOU K. John Pappas, 6 TIPOtOPO, tOu Ka8toplKOU K.. Al'op<it~, Koi 6 npw'1v npOEOpOC; Kai ~ K. K . .10UKO. " AAAot cmo TOUe; npoacA96vuC; "iltav: '0 K. KOl K. !!J.. 'AAE~(hou, 6 K. Kai K. A. . AUtYKa, 6 K. Kai K. A. . Al'opat~, 6 K. Kat K. J. • AnooToAQI(TJ. 6 K. Kat K. G. Apostle, it .1iC; L.A. Apostle, 6 K. Kal K. e. ' AponoYAOU, 6 K. Kal 1(. ·A~l(JJt<lKTJ. 6 K. A. 'A9avao<l:KoC;,6 K. Kal K. A. Avlon , 6 1(. Kai Ie. r . Mnuat~ , ~ K. A. Mnoul'nap~. 6 K. r. MnouJ.lnap'1C;, 6 K. Kai K. t. KaTOOUATJ, co. Members New York Stock Exchange Since 1957 120 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, N.Y. lO271 Telephone (212) 349-1144 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND lO02 2 Place St. Francois Telephone: 20.42.62 ATHENS, GREECE 3 Stadiou Street Telephone: 3220-330 Direct Lines to all U.S. Stock, Option, Commodity Exchanges Clearing Through Pershing Division of Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette .NEA YOPKH. 12 61(, Kai K. T. -Ka)..ajiapn, 6 K. Kat K. 0. Kallnoup~, I> ~p Kai ~ K. A. Cambell, I> ~p. N. KaJ..l.aplv6~ . 6 K. KlinpuAoc;. 6 K. Kal K. E. Kapapcivou, I> K. ~ . Kaptl.).a" I> K. Kai K. C. Cassis, " .11; K. TaacpoUAta, 6 K. Ka[ K. r. XavcSpi'j . 6 K. Kat Ie, K. Christie, 6 K . Kai 1(, T. Christie, l\i<; B. Christie, 6 .1p. Kal it n A. XptOtoOOUAOU, 6 K. Kai K. K. XPIO'tOOOUAOU, 6 K. Kat K. N. Kpiatu. 6 K. Kat K. n. KOMlKll, 6 K. Kai K. n. Constantine, K. 6 K. Kat IC.N. KwoTaAa , 6 K. Kai K. n . Kffi- Auo KOK"taillA ltap"tu YUl "tOV YW"tPO K. MIX. ~1()i:Pll •0 yvroat6r; arr)v •OfloytV€lQ OtaK€Kpt)lEvOe; Ylatpor; K. Mrx,. I:loepl')<; 'Y1opTaoe: tOV 1t€paa~vo ).1Tlva 'ttlV 6voJ..l.ao'tllcTt tOU topti! J.lE Buo ropatota'TQ KOKTU{ T)A nap'tur;, nou JlE veyal..'l CPPov'ttoa Kai ciya1tll hoi~aoE Kai tntpl.EIjIE ~ t~a(pET~ Kat aya~t~ at 6l.ou, ai>l;uy6, tOU NiK~, ato ~\U ).1E.PIOIlQ TOU Ceuyour;, 01"0 Mavxa:ttav. '0 rEVlKO, np6~EVO, t~, 'El. l,Q~~ a"iv Nta 'Y6pK~ Kai ~ K. N. KanEn6.p~, I> npoollv tnlllapXOr; TOU' Ayiou ~payKiolCou Kai TCopa IlEAO<; til<; d.Vtl1tpoowrn:ia<; TroV HnA atev OHE Kai ~ K. George Christopher, 6 flpo£opo<; Tilt; KOtvOT11TO<; TOi) Ka9E~plKou Kat ~ K. A. 'A~opat~, nol.l.ot O'UVEOtA·CPOl tOU K. l:lOEPll Kai cpiAol TOU S£oyou<;, ftoav Il£ta~u bceivrov nov £UXrlElTJlCav OtOV €OptaSovta ta XPovla rtOAAa . .. AAAOl n:ou n:pooilA9av OtO 1tPWto n:ciptu. t;j, 8~, NOE~~piou, ~taV I> iatpo, Kat ~ K. A. <DtpP11, 6 K. Kai K. N. A6vYK.6 K. Kai K. K. Aoy09£Tioll, 6 1(, Kai K. N. KOUPKOUtii, T! K. Mapia Aupa, 6 K. Kai K. 0. npOUVTJ , " K. Kai K. nETp. nanaytropyiou, 6 K. Kai K. A. Allega, I> K. Kut K. 'E~~. Kapa~civou, I> K. Kai K. ~~~. K6vtou, 6 ~p. Kai ~ K. ~. KOtall.i~na, 6 K. Kai K. <1> •• Al.E~ciKT] , I> K. Kai K. r. <J)pciYKOU, 6 K. Kai K. K. Kpiotu. I> K. Kat K. N. ~ltn~, I> ~p. Kai ~ K. t.. XPIOtoSou)..OU. 0' K. Kat K, MlX. l:WtrlPXOU, 6 K. Kai K. r. TCa~oupa~, 6 K. Kat K. T6.K~ Atyvou, 0 K. Kat 1(. r. A1YVOU, 6 K. Kai K. ~t . ~KOUPl.~, I> K. Kai K. A . • A~opcitT], I> aio. Kai " K, Baa. rlCpEYKOPU. 6 K. Kai 1(, fl. MaKplQ. 6 K. Kat K. N. NiKoAa<;. 6 Ap. Kai" K. r .• ApyupaK~, I> ~p. Kat ~ K. r . KoKotaK~, I> ~p. Kat ~ K. Xp. nuppou, 6 K. Kal K. A. T~ocivvou, OK. Kat K. P. Constantine, " K. Kai K. G. Christopher. 6 K. Kai K. t.. ~ap~Ylciw~ , ~ K. r. PiCou ano tt\v' A9~va, I> ~p. Kai ~ K.. Ap. nana~noul.ou. I> K. Kat K. Z . rtawta Kat ~ K. MavtUl.aKT]. l:tO OtUt£pO n:aptu, n;v 1511 NO£Il~piou, npoa;jl.9av I> ~p. Kai " K. Mll.t. Kaizer, I> t.p. Kat ~ K. n . Tplavta<j>ul.l.ou, I> ~p . Kui " K. Ka~n6l.T], 6 K. Kat K. r. MnKou, I> K. Kai K, l:n. N1KO)..01tOu)..ou. 6 K. Kai K . r, KOPYlal.a, I> t.p. Kai ~ K. Yanos, 6 ~p. Kat ~ K. ~tp. Bl.cixou, I> ~p. Kat ~ K. n. nEt pOnoul.ou, I> t.p. Kat " K. T. ~El.T]Ylciw~, I> ~p. Kui ~ K. I:tECj>av(~~, I> ~p. Kai ~ K. K. A1UllaVtil. 1\ K. Mn:Ettu Kot~U:i.. 6 K. Kal K. ~. KaKpIM, I> ~p. Kat ~ K. K. rK6ta~, I> K. Kal K.• H)". MnEtOlOU, 6 l!.p. M. n£tpiito"6 K. Ntivo, PanT], Kat ~ t.i, Map9a '0 cmxe1pt'/J1.urim; roo Mnpovld.uv K. M,x. Xu;'Kla~. ;, K. XuAxla. ;, K. BOVYIOUK).ij Kui 0 K. A. BOUYIOUKAijC; p £ J1.1G. tK)exr~ napro.. (Athens International - D. Kessoglidis) GOLDEN JUBILEE BALL Celebrating the 50th ANNIVERSARY o/the St. Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church Saturday, 12th of December AT THE GRAND HYATT HOTEL Park Avenue at Grand Central Reception 7 p.m. - Dinner 8 p.m. Donation $50 FOTIS GONIS ORCHESTRA For in/ormation Call (212) 795-5870 ATHENS ACROPOLIS PHOTO STUDIO WEDDINGS COMMERCIA.L PORTRAITS OF DISTINCTION COMMUNIONS . GRADUATIONS CHRISTENING. ,6,ND A L L OCCA.SIONS 35·04 BROADWAY CORNER OF 35TH ST . ASTORIA. N.Y. TEL. 728-0806 COPIES. COLOR BLACK AND WMITE PASSF"QRTS Athens International News Agency 4>OTOrPA4>IEl: rIA E4>HMEPJt.E~ KAI nEPIOt.IKA Kui~o,. &EKEMBPIOI: 1981 13 'Apunepa: M,a dKOJD1 t KJ..eKrir a uvtpoqJlo.. i1e<la TO aUjlTCa8iaraTo {evyo, Lf. Koral)il11}a: (Athens InternatIOnal - D. Kessoghdls) oTciAa,6 K. Kat K. A Kou<pou, 6 K. Kat K. E. KOUAOUKOUVtfj , 0 1(. Kal K. E. Cyprus. r, ll.i~ S. Cyprus, 0 k. N. Cyprus. 6 K. Kal K. J. Daly, ~ llie; A. M~rra(J~, ~ llie; A. NTa- VlCl , 6 K. Koi K. Xp. 8o<pvioTJ. 'Ii ~iC; M. AalpviSTl.6 K. Kat K. J. Desantis, 6 K. K . 81C1J,laVToupo<;, 6 K. Kat K. G. Diamond, 6 K. Kat K. T. Dimon , 0 K. Kat 1(. K. 60uKa, ~ K. r. 6.pciKOU,6 K. Kal K. OUt A. ~pciKOU, 6 K. Kat K. A. NTODl;;0YAOU, 6 K. S. Dwek , 6 K. Kai K. T. Ntoucrac;, (, K. Kal K. D . Ellis, 6 K. A .• EJ,lJ,laVOUll AioTJC;,o K. E. Farrah, 0 K. J. Farrah, 6 ilp. Kal tl K. A. <l>t pPll. 0 K. Kat K. M. Freid , 0 K. Kat K. N. raAal;;ouoll . 6 KanTCllv Kat ri K. Garcia. ti K. E. r EvepaA TJ , 'Ii ~t~ A. rEwpya KaKou. ~ llie; M. T~WpT ~. 6 K. n. 6 tVT . Kai ~ K. E. rKIKa. ~ llie; A. T~WpT~. rKOUTClC;, 6 ai o. Kal "'"AMI] Iud olaMxr~ qVJ)rpoqJla GTO xopo tWV Xpooav8el1w J). 'ATCO tipuJrcpo.. 0 K. M evopIJ)Or;. 0 01KI]YOpO' K. Xp. 1:-rpaniKI]r;. ti K. LrparaKI], tiK. MIXa1J)io'7, ii K. Lfevop,vovKai 0 K. AVyovaror; M1XatJ);OIJ<;. yevlKor; OleU()UVtirr; riir; cralpia<; Xavt5pii adr; HilA. (Athens Photo - D . Kessoglidis) ri K. Bao. rKpi:YKOpU. • El'doTl<;, ~ K. H. XatXllytaVVaKll, 6 K. Kat K. M. XaAKlO:. 6 K. Kat K. I. XallllAou . 6 K. Kal K. I . Xapi9a, ~ ~i ~ A. Xapi9a , OK. Kai K. A . Hatour, 6 ~p. Kal 1i K. r. Xa~lPll , 6 K. Hicks Jr., 6 K. Kai 1(. J. H irschfeld, 6 Lip. Kai. ti K. L. Hirschfeld. ~ K. E. Hoimes, 6 K. J. Hilme, 6 K. Kat K. I. XovSPOUA,ll. 0 K. J. Howland, 6 1(. Kal K. J. Julios. 6 K. Kai K. A. Kahana. 6 K. I. Ka~All.HivllC;. 6 Ap. Kal 1i K. M . KaAoyq>QKll , 6 K. ~. Kav£A,A,o1tOUAOC;, OK. Kal K. B. K07tEtaVaKOU, 6 K. Kal K. Kapa~~tcrou, ~ K. K. Kapay,avv(Ii~, 6 K. l. KapoYlavv(Ii~C;, ~ K. ll. KapiJIi~, 6 K. Kai K. N. KopaKou, oK.Kai K. W.L. Kenny.oK. Kai K. T. KUPUIKOU, 6 K. KOt K. J. Kish. OK. Kai K. A. KlooavT]. oK. Kai K. L Klar, 6 ~p. Kai ~ K. r . KOKoTaKll . 1i K. A. KOKKll. 0 K. Kal ti K. E. KOVTOHrov. 6 ~p. Kal 1i K. A. KOTOlA1J,l7ta. 6 K. Kal K. r. KotcrwVll. 6 K. n. Koup(Ii~ C;, ~ llie; F . Kozas, 6 K. Kai K. r. KOUKouvii. 6 K. n. AaJ,l7to<;, OK.1. Aoon- 'A1l0 dplarepa, 110),<; olaKpIVOjJ.eVOr; 0 /arpo<; K. M,X. Ka)oyqxlKIJ' . 0 latpor; K. EV8. 4nvponov)or;. ti K. ilOTCI] Korawv'f. t1 K. Aim Lnvponov)ov Ka} ti K. KaOp'lv MaKpld. 14 X£VlO<; , 6 Ap. Kat ti K. Latsey, OK. KOt K. X. Aa~ap(STJ , 6 K. Kal K. M . A£otT] . 6 K. Koi K. E. LiHys. 6 K. Koi 1(. B. Linehan. ri K. r. Alpavou, 6 K. KOI K. M . Alpavou. r, Ai<; M. Alpavou.6 K. Kai K. B. Alpavou. 6 K. KOt K. K. Ao yo9ET(Ii~. ~ K. J .N. Long. 6 K. J.N. .NEA YOPKH- Long, 0 K. Kat K. G. Louis, it K. A. AOUJ,lllSl1. /) K. Kai K. G. Luque, ~ t.i<; B. Auyvoil, /) K. M. Atryv6~. 6 K. KQt K. r. l\uy\lOU, 0.(. Kat K. n. Auyvou , it K. N. Aupa, 6 K. Kal K. N . Aupa , 6 K. N. Aupa<;. 6 K. I. Aoi~iOl]<;. 6 K. Kat K. n. Ma~o6pou . 6 ~p . Kai it K. I. Ma ~ap:a.KT) , 6 K. Kat K. flay. MalCPlU, it .1it; A. MaUl]. 6 K. U. MavOaAiol]<;. /) K. Kai K. J. M6.vou. 6 K . A. MapKE~i\l'1t;. 6 1(, Kat K. M. Marco. ~ t.i<; M. Mapyapitl], /) K. Kai K. A. Mlxal]AiOl] , /) K. Kai K. A. MUAWVO . 6 K. Kat K. N. M0J..up€p(llOU, it K. H. MooxaxAaiol] . /) K. r. MooxaxAaiol]<;. 6 K. I. MooxaxAai01]<;. /) K. I:. Mouooup1]<;. ~ t.i<; A. Mouvopou. ~ K. A. NiKoAa<;. /) K. BANQUET CENTER FOR ALL OCCASIONS Accomodationsfrom JO 10 J,200 for reservations CALL (201) 636-2700 BANQUET MANAGER Kat K. N. NlJeOAa;. nap6vu:t; titav btio'lt; 6 K. Kat K . .1. flavaYl Wt01tOUAOU, 6 K. Kai K. E. flavayonouAou, 6 1C. Kat K. n. flarraTsroptt;. 6 K . r. fla1tna <;. 6 K. Kill K. N. nanna, 6 K. Kat K. J. Parker, 6 K. Kat K. M. [JapA-all". 6 K. Kat K. N. flortpa , 6 K. A. nauAiit;, 6 K. Kai .........." Inn MOTOR LODGE & RESTAURANT U.S. ROUTES 1&9 WOODBRIDGE. N.J. 07095 t.LEUOUVtll<; nETPm: I:It.EPHI: K. r. ntv~ha. ti K. E. I1EpvOKll. 6 1(, Starn Perry. 6 K . Stephen Perry, 6 61". Kai. it K. C. Philip. /) K. Kai K. A. <l>WKO, /) t.p. Kai ~ K. N. flitoupa, 6 K. Kat K . r. flAWpltl1. 6 K. I. nA£\) ph~~, 6 K. Ka~ K. K. ~pa1l:6n(;)U1.0" /) t.p . Kal 1] K. X. TIuppou. K. t.. PaAAl1~. b K. Kat K. Pilyoc;. 6 K. Kat K. A. Sabbas, 6 K. Kal K. C. Schiff, 6 K. Kai K. E. LKOUPAfj, 6 K. Kal K. r. UAllll1. 6 K. Kai K. L. L<pupoEpa, 6 K. Kai K. D. Shecki, 6 K. KOl K. J. Shwedo, /) t.p. Kai ~ K. M. I:lOEP1]. /) K. Kai K. N. LKappo..ll . 6 Kcintalv Kat" K. B. I:wtl]ptAl], ~ t.i, M. I:Wt1]PEA1], 6 K. K . I:wtTJpEA1]<;. ~ K. M. I:Wt~PXou. /) K. Kai K. r. ° Lrrovou, 6 L\p. Kai ti K. 6. L7tUpOrroUAou, ~ t.i<; TI . I:navoil, /) K. TI. I:tU~o<;. /) K. Kai K. X . rTu80<;. /) t.p. Kai ~ K. K. I:tecpavi0l], K. Kal K. Xp . LfpafciKl1. 6 L\p. Kai " K. A. Ta~nUKl] . /) K. OUiA. Ta~ouAapEa<;. ~ t.i<; 6 TI . Ta~oUAapta . /) K. OuiA. Ta~ouAapta, Jr .• 6 K . Kat K. K . Tiernan , 6 K. Kai K. E. TPUK1], /) t.p. Kai ~ K. T. TptaVtacpuAAou. 6 K. KOl K. L. TOlAlll1lciPl1. 6 K. Kai K. I. Toi~l], /) K. Kai K. TI. TOE~Ooil. ~ t.i, K. T~ouYKP6.vl1. 6 K. MEV. T~o..lOC;, 6 K. Koi K. I. BaAAlUOl] , ~ t.i, l:. BupOo, /) K. Kai K. I. BEAOUOlOU. 6 K. Kat K. M . BOUYlOUKA1l, 6 K. Kal K. M . '::UAQ, ri 6l~ M . ZaxouvfQ.Vll. Kai 6 t.p. A. ZlOuOa<;. ME TO PETERS TOURS 'E),).'!VIKO rpwroyparpe/O ar~v KapJla rfie; 'Aaropwe; ASTRO STUDIO 35-35 30th A VENUE ASTORIA. N.Y, 11103 riA ENA ErrYHMENO TABlA! ~THN EAAAAA Xcopi<; TaAatltcopiE<; Kai TpExa/lata -:>" =:::/~ Ta~t(){:;'V£T£ ).!€ T<1 KaVOVtKU U31 D ()P0).!oAoyta Tfie; , OAU).!7ttaKfje; <;.~OO\_~~ ).!€ JUMBO-747 xwpie; (na9).!ov, ria rqv KplinWt/ Otaewv Kai KliOe rrAt/porpopfa 'ArroraOijre aro J'KO aae;: ~ .. u4hJvrit~ ~'l" KJ: ..oyU0'lC; PETERS TOURS, INC. 600 EIGHTH AVE ., NEW YOR •• N. Y. 10018 Tel., 391-0200 QUEENS OFFICE: 29- 14 DITMARS BLVD .• ASTORIA , N.Y. 11 105 TEl.: 932-3366 AEKEMBPIOI: 1981 15 'Aplarepo..: Mui '1eV1KiT ano!P'1 tilr; a'U}oooar; rOD XOpOD. 11£<1(1: Oi avnrrpoec5pOl ril, 'ArAavrlKljr; Tpani('1C; K.K. Ka/11WVP'1' Ka; Aa( apir511r; aV(l1rovv /1e rbv yvwaro crponAlariT K. Evy. llavayonouAo. Ko..rw. &<:10... /10).,<; cJlaKpivHal ij K. llavaYOTrOVAOV. Tpir'1 rpwro- To E't11O"tO OUVEDPW 'tOU A.H. Institute • H vta i;U~V1Kij Ku~tp~cr~ !lit <vSap· pUVll Vt:E~ €n€-VOUOEt~ ano to £~Wtf;P1K6, tOviUTT}KE onlv ePOOJlll OUlUK£\vll JlE ThAO .. ' EIl1tOPIO JlC Tt\V' EAAcioa Kat Kunpo .. , nou 6pyavroVtl to 'AJlEpIKavm:AA:T}VtKO 'IvonTOUto. 1tOU eopeuEl Utt\v OoomYKTwv. I:trlV OUlOK£\VT}. 1tOU EYIVE TOV lu:paOJlt:vo Il~va . CI1tW~ Kage Xpovo, of; oi90uua rou ~evoooxdou Waldorf Astoria, tfi~ Nea~ • y OPKll~, oU~T}tt19T}Kav oi ouVat6-rTlTE~ O:JlepIKaVIKow btevoooewv onlv 'EAAaoa Ka8oo~ Kat of eUKalpie~ aUl;tioew~ nov EJ-l1tOPU(WV ouvaAAaywv J-lEta ~u' EAAa8o~ Kai •A~£P1K~<;. ' 0 np6e8 po~ tOU ' IvotltoutOU K. Euy. ProooioT}~. npon'}V uqlUnoupyo~ OiKovoJ.nKWV TWV HnA, t 6VlOe on ti ' EAAooa )..oyoo ytooypal.jllK'ii<; 8em:ro<; Kal vOJl08toia<; ci1roTEA£l tiJv KaAUTEPTl tonogeoia YUl ~&ve<; tnEvouoel~ Kal Otl 'Ii vEa KuJ)tPV11oTl 9u ouvtXlUTl Kal JlOAlOTa 8u tvSaPPUVll1rtplOOOtEPO TTtV 1tPOO£).KUOTl KecpaAalwv. '0 · El.'~voa~,plKavo<; KaS~y~tij<; K. l. Ko~upT}':; TOVlOE on eva<; 1tpoo8uo<; )..0yo(, YU1 aJ-lEpUCavuc€:<; Em;:vouoel<; atrlv 'EI.I.ci8a elval o{ npOOntlK£<; aVantU~Em~ 1tEplO"OOTePO <PIAIKWV Kal oTEVWtepWv EJlnOpuc&v 0XEOeWV JlE: ti ~ o:paPIK€~ x,wpe.:;. • AnOl 6~1'~t£<; ~tav <'> lilwSuvtij<; EupoonalKwv 'YTw8cm:wv TOU O:JlEptKaVIKou 'EJl1rOPIKOU 'EnlJleATltTlPlOU, 6 K. I. ~pUA 'q)aK~<;. r£V1KO<; l:U~~OUAO<; t~<; ESSOPAPPAS. 6 avnnpocr"",o<; t~<; ·ESV1K~' Tpant~~<; crtijv NEa 'YO pK~ K.· Ap.l:"'~u vioT}<;, ti Ann CorD, tou aJ-leplKaVlKou iJ.noupyeiou ' EJ.lnOplOU Kal 6 KunplO<; POl>Awni<; A~~. Al~Epa<;. nov aVEntut,' tijv vOJ.logeoia Kat Tl<; E\)Kalpie<; £1rEVOUOewv OTtlV Kunpo . I:Tt\V OtOOKe"'T} tAapav J-ltpo~ ciVTlJtpoOWJtOl aJ.leptKaVlKWv Tpane~wv Kat nOAu£8vIKWV batplWV Kai 5T}JlOOlOypO:<pOl, nou lmtpaAav Ola<popE~ £proTTiUtl~ OTOU<; 6J.lIATltE~ yui trlV EAATlVlKtl OlKOVOJlia, ti~ OUV9~KE<; Ti1<; ayopn.:; Kat T~V VOJlogeoia £nevoum:rov. 16 ypafjJia: '0 K. Ka; ij K. r. Kpi(Jtorpcp. iT K. N. NiKo).ar;, iT llpoc.(5po<; rqr; (/J,).onrwxou rou Ka8c.opIKOV K. Van Latsey. 0 K. N. NiKo).a,. ij rplaxap,rW/1!:.vl1 KOP'1 rou wAvr(eJ..a. ij K. AOVYK Kai iT K. llanaYEwp yiov. (Athens International - D. Kessoglidis) MOAll; KYKAOtf>OPHEE 01 MYKHNAIOI (MYCENAEANS) K£i~£vo : N1KOMou Bap6~. EIKovoypaq>~cr~: 0£OOO>pou r,wpyotli. KaAAtTEXVIKiJ ' E1tlJ-lEAEta: nOVOU AcipelOU. ·EK6ocr~: rpaq>,iou nm6£ia<;' i,pii, ' Ap;(l£nlcrKoni1<; . A~'P1Kij<; , Ntu' Y6PK~, 1981 . uAi6£<; 64 - Tl~~ S5.00. Ito ltAoUCla tlicovo-ypaqnWtvo auto IhPA-io, 6 lSlaK£lCpt).d:v~ laTopu(Oc;: Nu(oA.a~ Baj>bi'Jc;, I-1t 1M0ll ta EUPtll-1ata rijc; OlryXPOVTJC; tmOTtll-1TtC; ti'Jc; apxa1oA-oyiac;. J.tt ltoUTj <p<lVtaeria, at Q'ltA.fj vtOEA.A.'1V1KTj yA..roacra, avaA.UEt tOY KOlvroVU;O Kal OhcoYEVEtaKO Pio Kata niv IO'tOP1Ktl 'ltEptoOo tije; OtaIlOPf.P<OOE~ toi) 'EA.A-'l VlKOi) wEevoVC;, 1tOO OU}.I1ri1t'tEi Ill: to KOpUcprol-1a Kat 'to t Hoc; 'tfjc; 'EA-A-'lVllCi'jC; Xah::mcpatlac;. 01 MYKHNAIOJ ",dC; J.lua<ptpouv OtTtv ilproilCt\ 1tEpioOO 'tau apxaiou 'EA.A-llVl0I-10u, OTiC; pi~tc; 'tOu' EU.llVlI(OU JlUC; nOA.ltl0I-10U, at «J.ltci 9aUJ.laOTt'! OK'lvoypa<p[a, 1'1 61to(a at OA-ll 'tTtv tiPXa16t'lta Stv haooE va £lJnvEEt tolx; :nOl'1'tf:.e; Kai t oUe; 't£XvittC;". (Xp. Too6vtac;). To rpaq>Eio nalSEiae; tilC; 'IEpa~ 'APXlE::nlOICOl'r1iC; 1tpoo<ptptt I(at 'to vto aUTO PtPA-{o o'tolx; }.I.a9rtrte; Kat l-Iaer,tptE~ trov I(OlVonKrov axoA.Eirov }.I.E n1v pEfial6tT1 ta , on I(at 'ti~ lOTaPlKi:C; toue; yv<i>OEtC; 90. nA.otrtioouv, aUa I(at 't'tlv vtOEA.A.l1v1K'tl "fA-ooooa au }.I.o90uv l(aA.trrEpa Kata 'tpO:no EUXaPlaTO Kat t::nayOlyu(6. ................................. ............................................. ... ORDER FORM GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OFFICE OF EDUCATION 8 East. 79th Street New York, N.Y. 10021 Price S5.00 J enclose S ...... (Malee check payable to the GREEK ARCHDIOCESE) Please send me ..... (No. of copies) of the book ·01 MYKHNAIOI. (MYCENAEANS) NAME ADDRESS ...... . ... . . ........... ... .. .. . ccNEA YOPKH •• 'H 'Qpyavwf.1£vIJ '0f.10Y£Veza Luve8pto trov E~ , Aiytmtou 'EAArlVCOV ato MOVtpeUA 1:tO MovrpEa).. lOU Kava5a trw€: to I:apBaro1CuplClKO t1\; 'HJ.lfpac; 'Epyacria<;. to ~EUttpO r.UV£OplO tije; ·OJ.loonovoiaii 'EAArlVWV €~ Alyu1tTou, HnA leCll KavCloa., 1tOU O'UVC1tEO"E J.l€ tOV ~oplaaJ.l6 Tfie; 20ETlac; anD tile; {OpUOEWC; rou I:UAAOYOU roil Movrp£o.A.. &uo ~tycil.a Atw~optla, ~E trrIKtq>aA~, 'tOY opa.otr;pW Kai a.ya1tT)to np6E;opo K. MIX. MacJ'rpavopta , ~ £KivT)(Jav 'to ltprot tOU I:a~~citOu , yc~aTa ~E ~EA~ am'> t~V rrtplOX'; tii, Nta, 'Y OPK~, yul va ~Pt- 90U\I 'to Hilo ppaou urov ~J.f:yaAo, ropU\O'taTO Kai. K£qlatO lOPO 1tOU dx€ ropyavro8ii otD ltOAUtEHotQto ~EVOOO'Xtio Chateau Champlain. •0 Kalp6~ TjTav 9auJlamoc; Kai O"tOV Ta~\oHl:rt'1 o69TJKE Ti E~1CUlpia va onoAauoouv ta t:~aiO\a cp8lvonOOplVCt xpro~ata trov ~tvtPWV d &l.~ tT]V ~la~po~ij. npiv to oEinvo, to. JltA.T) TroV tPlroV :EVA-My",v (MOvtptaA, Topovto Kai N. 'yOpK~,) ~t~lroe~Kt 6 npOt~pO, Kai to I:u~ POUAtO TOU T01tllCOU I:uAA.6you. 'H xopotarrtp(~a, at,;v 6rro(a ~nal~t ~ iu:piqITWT] 6Pxliorpa tOU ~rotll r1COVll , OT)JlE{(uO£ C~QIPEtllC" 81tlTUxi.a. TOD<; KQAEOJlE:VOUC; imooEx9TllCQv ad\! q)lAO~E vOUVt£<;, 6 7tp6EOPOC; 'tou :EUAAOYOU Mo\!dVQ.l1l1"(JrIK~ rpwTOyprupfa rwv npoiJpwv roB Eu..l...l.6yov roo MovrpcOJ.. arb &fnvo aro <!"evoooxefo Chateau Champlain. 'Ana aplanpa. 6 K. MeviAaoc; llavJ..iO:'lr; (71-77). b K. FedJppo, 'Appiv~, (6/-63), " U~I1'PIVO, np6d;po, K. Il>WrlO~ Koul'io~" " K. 'Iwavv~, Pooft~, (68.fJ9), b K. Xp~uro, nanaxpiurou (69-71) Kai " K. r"hpylO, Mnopl'nouM.x~, (77-80). "A'uOi np6copOi quav " K. M1X6J.r], tJ~I'~Tpiou (63-64) Kai " K. ETMIO, navTelio~, (64.fJ8). Mia tP€Cf.A Kat" K. <1>(1)1. KouJ,liOT). 01 u1tEu9uVOI M£v. nauAloll , 6 avnnpoEopoC; TOU I:UAAOYOU MovtPECr.A Kai Ti K. n. 'Opq>avou Kai ~ ypa~~atti" tOU I:UAMyou MOvtptaA K. 'E At v~ I:a~~(~ou . •0 npoEOpoC; !C . KotJJ.1ili'l<; KClAWUOPlOE TOU lOPOl) !c. Kat K. Kai EuxapiotTJo£ 'too<; npom:A.90vrac; tJncr"'~ou<; . KneW'; Kai "ta J.1tA.1'] TOU OUAAOYOl) Kai t~, ' O~oarrov~(a, Kai t~~Pt tT]v np600o ltD\) 0''lJ..l.tlro9T]lC£ OtiJv 6py6.vroOll Kat Tilv OUVf:pyacrLa J.1£'ta~u trov t"ptWV au/..)"6ywv , jJ.Et(l TTjV orU.l.loupyta tftc; 'OJ,lO- O1tOVOlnc; . M£ta~u tmv npoo£A96vTWV itoav 6 K. Francis Fox, (moupyo.; 'EmKOlVWVtWV tfiC; 'O~oanov~laKii, Ku~tpvija<w,. 6 K. Gerald Godin, {moupyoc; MttavaotEum:roc; T~, 'Errapx(a" 6 K. n .. Ayy<l.ciK~" r<VIKO, np6~tvo, t~, ' EAAci~o, ato Mov"[ptel)", 6 aio. 1(. Salamis, tiVtl1tpooU>1t£UCl)V tOV 'E1tlOKOJtOV Top6vtO K: l:WtllPlO, 6 K. Kai K. •Av~p. Mapii" rrp6topo, ATJVIKi'jC; KOIV6tTJtoC; MOVtpeaA. t~, tA- 6 K. Kai K. NlKi~~, rrpot~po, tAA~VlK~, KOlVOt'ltOC; St. Laurent, 6 Ie. Kal K. N.· AJ.1a- I:tEPYIO, Tb t~a{pe"l:o XOPWflKO (JuYKpor'1j1a dvaroA.frlKwv XOpWv r;;t; axoA;;r; xopoB Helen Smolens (Jro Movrpea). rro& KaraxelpoKponj(}l1Ke ar;,v xopocu1u.pioa. &EKEMBPJOI: 1981 vatiOllC; npo£opoC; tAl... KOlV6tTl'm.; Laval, 6 K. Kai K. I:. AaAo, rrp6t~po, tAl.. KOWOt'ltOC; South Shore, 6 K. Kai K. MIXO:AT)C; Maatpav~pta, ~p6t~po, tOU I:ul.Myou 'Enijvwv t~ Alyurrtou Nta, 'YOpK~" 6 K. Kat K. I:tpcit'lC; TataAlac; npoeopoc; tOi,) I:un6you 'En~vwv t~ Alyurrtou tv ToPOVtO Kai nona ~tA ~ t<iiv TPlrov I:uAMyrov noo ntpaaClv lva QATJoJl6vTJTO l:appatOKUptaKO XQPl~ O''t'Tlv 8auJ.1Qma 6pYo'V(J)O'l1 trov 5lacp6p(()v tKollMOO"f;(()V 7tOU 17 sytvUV ata. TtAaiota "[ou LUVe.OplOU. Toao TO 8Et1t"VO, ouo Kai TO Y€U).lQ tt)v bto)lEVT) , Kai at iii.).. £.<; b;:8T]AWcrEl<; nou an-o ta ~ytvav o€. ~va ~€vo8oxda Holiday Inn 'tou MovtptO:A., ~EXOOplO"aV yui t11V Ko.A:l1 opyciv(OuT] Kai ttlV ayroytl tOOv &.v6poo1twv ltOU £A.allav Ilepo; (no LUVi:OPIO. l>ro ropm6tcl'to AEUKffiJ.lU TOU OEi1tVOU lIEPlEAti<pthp(Uv JlTJvuJlatu 6lloorrov8ta1(&V \moupyrov, tOU .6.rUlaplou tOU MovTpEal., TOU rrpEcrpu T~, 'Enaoo, <. 'EJlJl. MEyUAoKOVOJlOU, 'tOU r£VIKOU TIpoI;tvou T~, 'En<ioo, <. n.d.. AYYEl.aK~, Kat TaU "ErttOKOnou Topovro K. I:rotllPlou Ka8w<; Kai T&V npot8pwv TIDV LUA)..6yrov. To ~U~P06l.1O tOU ~un6you T~, N. 'y6PKT]<; beTo; un-o -rClY 1tpoe.opo 1(. MuoTpavopea, 1tEpIAaJl~a.vEl tOV !C. rEWPY, •AVcSPEa.Ol1, tiV!LrrpOEOpo, ti]v !C. <I>pocroo BUO'lAn!Cll, bticrll~ dVt1-7tPOEOPO, tOV K. NtKO TOU<PE~ii, ypClJlJlat£a, tov!C. Mat9nto TCci~nAo, taJ.l.ia K.d. Eyypaqlli'tEl:uv8pOflTJ'tai O'ttl V « NEa •Y6 pKTJ » 'Ano to rpant,l rwv bUU;;flWV: r, K , flirua KOVflioov. b K, Francis Fox, unovpyoc; 'EmKOlvwVlWV, r, K. fl. 'A yyd.aK1]. uv'vyoC; rov FCVIKOV llpo,evov ri;c; ·EAAdOo~. 0 K. Gerald Godin, 6novp yoc; Mt;Tavauu:.ooe.wr:; Kai b npoeJpor:; 'Wi) L'vV.oyov MovrpeaJ.. K. Kovj1ions. •• Light & Delicious Our famous Fillo Strudel leaves are unique in the world ... They can be preserved in the refrigerator for months' (not in the freezer) even though the package is not airtight. Now in the same excellent quality ... Apollo has prepared • KATAIFI • BAKLAVA • SPANAKOPITA • TYROPITA Ask for them at your local supermarket. RECOMENDATION: To the owners of Restaurants - Hotels - Caterers - Etc ..... . Buying our outstanding prepared products are economical both in time and money. APOLLO STRUDEL LEAVES CO. 56 CORTLAND AVENUE DUMOND, N.J. 07628 TEL. (20 I) 385-5661 18 "NEA YOPKH» CHIAN FED ERATI ON MeP1Ka (1"CIYJlIlJruna dnD r;,v hriJOl117 rou •OI1~PCIOV BpaPeiov r;j~ •Oj1O(17tovoiar; XlaKWV £v,.u.oycuv urov tpl,ttA..u,va, dlOXCKPIj,lEVO Fepovuwut;, m).).. aro XlaKO llOArnartKO Ki vrpo !iie; ·OP.O<J1lOValac;, (Trilv 'Aaropla. IT;'\! dplarepij ({)oycoyprupia b TJpo£opoC; rite; •OpoGrrovofac; K. T ui )pyoC; 11. A,pav(x; Ka; JhrAa rou 0 'H11'1fJeh; . Irqv b"t¢"/d rpwToypaf{Jia, 0 rCV IKOC; n pO<CVOf; rij c; K6npou K. 8eorp. 9wtpo..ov. 0 rcPW1]v .1r;jJ.apxoc; roD 'A yiof) cPpaYKfaKO r). 0 K. ArfJav6c; Kai i] K. no..).. (Athens International - D. Kessoglidis) BpafJeio 'QVrla'l aTaV Ka()1JY'lTr, 'AW)pOV1KO rn)v "E)'J.llV(l apxatoA.0Yo K. MavoAll . AvopovlIco an:ovq.1t;9."KE TO <P€'tEWO ppapeio </OA.\)~mcis" t OU 'IOpUJ,lCltOC; '0vaal]. tv& to «BpafjEio • A9Tlvwv» S69rl'(£ O'tOV ioputt) Tile;; opyavWOi:m<; <. rlarpoi xwpiC;; cr uvopa~. fa AAo K. M1t£pvlip KOl)oyep. :Ev~.Hpwva Jlf; t o OK£71nKO tti~ 'Emtp07lti~ , 6 Cr.pxaLOA6yo~ K. 'Avap6v LKO~, 62 h&v, o:n€O'1tam: to ppap£io ("OAl)JlTtui~ .. yui «Jl£PllCf;C; ano t iC; TttO 9£aJlQttKEC; avaKaA,t)\.jI€l<; nov r:Y lvav nOtE OT";V • EAA6.oa, tOv<; paatALKovC; TalpOu<; toi) M€yaAou •AAE:~avopou 01'''; MaK€Oovia». '0 K. Kouovi:p, 42 hwv, nov antonaO€ to " Bpa~Ei o . A9~v",v . , ~py<i (n~K E ay~v ollaoa «rlat poi XWpte; ovvopa" altO to 1971 W, TO 1979, Kai ~~~LOUpy~,,€ TO 1980 y~V 6pyavwoll .. na't'poi tOU KOOJlOU». Ot yunpoi Kat. VOOOKOJ:!Ot til e; 6paSa<; 1tpootlp£pav iatpIK"; rtEPl9aJ..'Vll OE 9ulla:ta at"; MmO:lppa, . Iopoavia, Aipavo, Iupia, Too:v't', 'E pu9paia, BlEtvO:Jl, KaJl1t6t~T), TatiA,avoll. nEpOU, Oupouyouci.'1, roUlVro Kai . Ovooupac;. Kat ta avo ppapeia nou ouvooc6ovtat cino 100,000 ~o).).<ipla, 96. ~ m Soeoiiv a. Errioll)J.ll t£J..£t11 nov 9a yiVll Otitv ' A9r]va aTi, 22 'Anpl).(ou 1982. '0 flJu18ei<; pl tOV OlaKCKPljlivo Xu:iJ tt] ooovtiarpo K. N. Alyva, tOV iepat. 11po;"ataJ.lcvo to!} 'Ayiov t1t]IJt]rpiou 'Aatopfa<; dpXIIJQvopirt] K. "Av811Jo Kal IJE rov d~J(J)l1-aroiJxo Ka, dno rou<; fJpvre<; 1';;<; ·OJ,.toUTCovoia<; K. Havre),;; Eyovpo. rrAPA~KEYH rpHrOPIA~H rPA$EION TEAETnN KAI MNHMOI:YNnN • Ay{rov •Avapyuprov 43 .n a).Qul KmClvul, nElPQltOc; GREECE THA.:49.13.206 - 49.18.418 •0 K. I. NiKa<;. ,; K. lliU. b yepouGlGot1j" 0 K. I. llanaaiKoc; Kai 0 K. l. AorCa<;. AEKEMBPIOE 1981 19 OUR SECOND CENTURY/SINCE 1861 Avra from Greece... Refreshing... Double Distillation. V~ryDry. '.wP 0 1!. 1 \ ~ FROM C.R\\(.\' • • The incomparable Evzon... Achaia Clauss Ouzo. Imported to USA by CARIll.ON IMPOIITERS, LTD. NEW YORK, NY 10111 TEL (212) 974-8100 I. ACHAIA CLAUSS., lUI COltU 11"1 (II. 4ft. 0/1 . . ~ . ,.ICOIlDl "~ " I rio \'" ~ . --,,",;( j I J OU Z O .. ",OQ\,ICID a~ "o ........ 'r" . CLAV •• C " •• 0" Li. II!a "'DI~ IINC. '''~1O. 10 ", _ ... ~"'''A $" U~ ",TD la' i o_tlel ~ ..... ". ~ . AEKEMBPIOl: 1981 Greece in America Greek Leader Asks Parliament to Rebuff NATO By Andriana lerodiaconou (The WashinglOn Post. Nov. 23. 1981) ATHENS, Nov. 22 - Socialist Premier Andreas Papandreou today asked Pa rliament to reject the year-old agreement returning Greece to NATO's military wing. In outlining his foreign policy plans for the first time since his election four weeks ago as Greece's first Socialist premier, Papandreou also reiterated a campaign pledge to negotiate removal of U.S. military bases here and said his government would begin negotiations to have nuclear weapons of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization removed from Greece. He said Greece would hold a referendum on whether to remain in the European Community and, in a speech to parliament that charted a clear charge of direction for this country in many areas, dedicated his government to broadening its relatio ns with the Arab world. Papandreou's statements today to the 300-member parliament largely reiterated pledges he made during the campaign that brought to power 172 members of his Panhellenic Socialist Movement (Pasok). It was unclear until today just how closely the policies of the Socialist government would follow demands the Socialists made when they were in the opposition. The program laid out by Papandreou left out none of the sweeping campaign promises of. a major shift .in Greek policy, putting pnmary emphasls on the boosting of military defense under an independent foreign policy that includes changed relations with NATO, the United States and the European Community and strengthened ties with Arab and Third World states. Greece, the plan had been accepted by Turkey and the previous Greek government. Greece withdrew from NATO's military wing in 1974 in protest of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus. "'There is no sense in our belonging to the military wing of an alliance which does not guarantee our eastern borders (with Turkey) against any possible threat," Papandreou told the 300 deputies and a packed visitor's gallery. "Moreover the Rogers agreement places in doubt the limits of Greece's operational control in the Aegean, which we deem un~ Greek Opposition Defends Links to West By MAR VINE HOWE (The N.Y. Times. November 24, 1981) ATHENS, Nov. 23 - Former Prime Minister George Rallis tonight urged his successor. Andreas Papandreou, to maintain traditional ties with the West, arguing that to do otherwise would be "harmful" to Greece's interests. Opening the debate on the Socialist Government's program, the leader of the conservative opposition accused the new Prime Minister of an unrealistic foreign policy. an unworkable policy of socialization and undemocratic practices in taking over the administration. Mr. Papandreou's program, announced to Parliament on Sunday, included the Government's intention to set a timetable for the removal of four American military bases in Greece, to withdraw from NATO's military wing, to remove nuclear weapons from the country and to renegotiate membership terms with the european Economic Community. Papandreou rejected as "unacceptable" the so-called Rogers Plan, negotiated by the NATO commander, Gen. Bernard Rogers, last year for Greece's return to participation in NATO military .operations. Although never actually carned out by ,--- t I II acceptable," he said. His comments, however, did not appear to rule out funher negotiations on Greek membership in NATO's military wing. According to the Rogers agreement, Turkey, which objected to Greek reentry on pre-1974 terms, agreed to lift its implied veto in favor of sorting out the question of control of Aegean airspace after Greece's reintegration. The pre-1974 terms gave Athens full operational control of the airspace. Athens then changed its mind, however, and held out against a review of Aegean Western diplomats, who spoke on the condition that they not be identified, expressed no surprise over Mr. Papandreou's foreign policy. They pointed out that it was consistent with his election pledges, which led his Panhellenic Socialist Movement to a sweeping victory last month . 'Generally Reassuring' Nevenheless, they stressed that it was "generally reassuring"that Mr. Papandreou had not announced any ultimatums and was not prepared to make any immediate break in his relationships with the United States, Europe and NATO but, on the contrary, specified negotiations on every point. The program will be put to a vote of confidence Tuesday night. It is expected to be easily approved in the 300-seat Parliament since the Socialists have a majority with 170 members, compared to 112 for the New Democracy Party of Mr. Rallis. 13 for the Communists and for the independents. In tonight'S debate, Mr. Rallis said that if the Government pursued its announced ..------'"------ -----------------~------.------ a. ' MANHAlTAN (212) m-lloo S95 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 '0 j.leyaA.VrepOr; 'EA.A.'!VOaj.lepIKaVIKOr; TaC;U)IW'ClKOr; ·OpyaVUJj.lOr; j.lf: eit5IKOr,!ra (ml O[KOVOj.lIKWrepa VaVA.a Yla r;,v 'EA.A.aoa. ASTORIA QUEENS BROOKLYN, N.Y. STAMFORD, CT. ATHENS - GREECE 3l-l9 DITMARS BLVD. 7904 FIFTH AVE BROOKLYN NY lim 906 EAST MAIN STREET STAMFORD, CONN. 06902 PANEPISTIMIOU 59 ATHENS, GREECE L ASTORIA, N.Y. HI05 _ _ ~~~ _ _ _ _ _ ~.1~2_)_83_3_~_·_~ ___________(_~_3_)3_5_9-.~,_1_7______,______ 32__ ~~._ DECEMBER 1981 I I _____l 21 percent and declining investments and control. As leader of the Socialist opposiproductivity. tion at the time, Papandreou criticized the Papandreou said his government would conservative New Democracy government combat the situation through a program ~f for agreeing to rejoin NATO's military boosting investments, revisi.ng ba~k credit operations on terms jeopardizing Greek policy, aiding problem IOdustne~ a~d control rights in the Aegean. reinforcing the troubled small- and mId-Size Papandreou's statements today appear to business sector, leading up to a five-year end hopes on the part of Greece's Western allies that Pasok campaign rhetoric would give way to moderated policies once the Socialists were faced with the realities of power. The Socialist administration's policy program also said Greece, in a first st~p toward establishing a nuclear-free zone In the Balkans, will move unilaterally to oust WASHINGTON , Nov. 23 (Reuthe nuclear weapons currently stationed at teTs) - The State Departme~t. said the U.S. military bases in Greece. today that Greece must participate The move is jarring to NATO officials fully in the NATO alliance if it wants to enjoy the fuJI security advantages who fear the Greek example will set off a chain reaction at a time when the peace of membership in the alliance. movement is strong in Europe and is The Department was commenting spawning campaings to halt the planned on the announcement yesterday by deployment of medium-range nuclear Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou missiles in Western Europe. that his Government intended to withdraw from the alliance's military Papandreou added that his administrawing. He also said he intended to set a tion will begin talks with the United States timetable fOT the removal of on U.S. bases in Greece in early 1982 to American bases in Greece. reach an interim agreement until they can be permanently dismantled. One of the "With respect to facility negotiaSocialists' goals is ridding Greece of all tions, which were suspended last June foreign military installations. in anticipation of the parliamentary races and the elections, we will be Although Papandreou stressed his prepared to resume these negotiagovernment's commitment to a referend~m tions whenever the Government of on the issue of European Commumty membership, he indicated that Greece may Greece indicates it wishes to begin resort to the less drastic option of seeking discussions." the Department statebetter terms until a referendum is called by ment said. President Constantine Karamanlis. In stressing Athens' intention to boost ties with the Balkan and Arab states and the economic development plan starting in Third World, he repeated his government's 1982. support of the right of all Palestinian refuHe said the government will proceed with gees to return to their home. the "socialization" of key industries, including some of the large shipyards. His program On the domestic front, Papandreou outlined a grim economic picture for 1981, will range from nationalizing some sectors featuring a balance of payments deficit of of the economy to revamping operations like S2.3 billion, an inflation rate of more than 25 banks that are already state controlled. U.S. Comments on Program foreign policy, "it will only lead to adventures and dangers." "If we withdraw from the Atlantic alliance, it would only benefit Turkey," the former Prime Minister declared. He said it was membership in NATO that has enabJed Greece to achieve "the maximum high military standard it has today." Base Issue 'Benefits' Greece On the plan to set a timetable for the removal of the American bases, Mr. Rallis said, "We believed and still do that keeping the bases here benefits our nation as well." He said Mr. Papandreou's conditions for their continued operation were the same as those of his former Government, which had also insisted on the right to abrogate the agreement. Mr. Rallis said that the nuclear weapons in Greece were obsolete and could not be 11 used without Greek permission. He added that there are modern weapons in the Urals with nuclear warheads "that could destroy Greece." For this reason, a nuclear-free zone in the Balkans is meaningless, he said. Mr. Papandreou rebutted him by saying that the Soviet leader, Leonid L Brezhnev, had said he would not aim nuclear weapons at Greece if there were none here. "What does anyone gain from the .prese~cc: of warheads here anyway?" the Pnme MlOlster asked. Mr. Rallis accused the Prime Minister of "avoiding negotiations" with Turkey, which he said was dangerous and could lead to open conflict. On domestic issues, Mr. Rallis charged that the Socialists were using "undemocratic practices" and had monopolized the state administration and media. The Metropolitan Greek Chorale to present Winter Concert The Metropolitan Greek Chorale, a critically acclaimed group of volunteer singers from the New York ~ New J~rsey Metropolitan area is planOlng a wlOter concert to herald the holiday season. The concert, under the direction ?f composer / conductor George Tsontakls, will take place on Sunday, December .13, 1981 at 7:00 p.m. at St. Vartan Armeman Cathedral, 630 Second Ave. Motivated by a love of the Greek-American heritage, the Metropolitan. Greek Chorale is dedicated to presenting the treasures of the Greek musical repertoir in a manner wholly consistent with the quality of existing well-kn0v.:n choral groups in America. The MetropolItan Greek Chorale has achieved an enviable record in its 16 year history and is acclaimed. by audiences and critics as an outstandlOg group of diligent and dedicated musicians. The Chorale's winter concert will feature, in addition to Greek and Armenian seasonal music, selections from the Magnificat by Bach, Vivaldi's Gloria and Handel's Messiah. FOTI GONIS (EXPRESS) no. TT]V btltuXia Kne. f1ouOlKii~ cra~ !:KOT]Arocr.CU~ TT]AE<pcuVTlcraTg: FOTI GONIS (212) 762-6222 For a super affair and sound of class Call FOTI GONIS (212) 762-6222 "NEW YORK" DAIS - Chief New York Judge E.L. Milonas introduced Archbishop lakovos at HANA C's 8th annual dinner-dance. PiclUred above, left 10 right. Mrs. John Nickas. Mr. John Linakis, dinner chairm.an; Metropolitan Silas. Judge Milonas. Archbishop Archbishop Iakovos was the guest of honor at the Eighth Annual Dinner-Dance of the Hellenic American Neighborhood Action Committee (HANAC). His Eminence graced the sparkling Terrace on the Park Restaurant in Flushing Meadows, Corona, Queens, the evening of November 6th with his inspiring words to more than 500 assembled Hellenes. "More important and flattering than your kind words and generous gifts is the opportunity and pleasure I have had of knowing you and progressing with you in the GreekOrthodox Church," the Archbishop said. "I am humbled by your honors," he continued, "and this evening we all can take pride and celebrate in the fact that the Greek Orthodox Church has grown to become one of the most important religious influences in this country." Archbishop lakovos explained that the Hellenic-American community must continue its "Greek solidarity" through such PLAQUE: Acting Queens Supreme Court Justice Nicholas Tsoucalas presents an engraved plaque from HANAC to His Eminence. 23 lakovos, Judge Yorka Linakis. Cyprus Consul General, Mrs. Milonas. Ms. Catherine Saketos. President of HANA C. and Judge Nicholas Tsouca/as. Not shown are John Nickas. co-chairman. and ChieJ Brooklyn Judge Nicholas CoJfinas. AS PRETTY AS A PICTURE - SmolingJor our photographer at the Hellenic American Neighborhood Action Committee annual dinner are left to right Mrs. Evangeline Douris. a member oJthe HANAC Board; Ms. Carol Bellamy, President oJthe New York City Council. and Mrs. Catherine Saketos. President of HANAC. AHEPA PRESENTS:· Greetings to the Archbishop Jrom Gus CoJfinas, Supreme President of the Order of AHEPA. COMMISSIONER: A special welcome was given to State Commissioner Angelo Petromeiis, one of HANAC's Board members. DECEMBER 19111 outstanding programs as those provided by HANAC to the poor, the elderly, new immigrants and all who are needy. November 6th not only was the date of the Dinner-Dance, HANAC's eight and largestbut the day also was set aside throughout New York City as "Archbishop Iakovos Day", as decreed by the city's five borough presidents. Proclamations by Mayor Edward 1. Koch and City Council President Carol Bellamy were among the many statements of praise for the Archbishop and HANA C. The night of tributes began, appropriately. with the full assembly singing the American and Greek national anthems, Master of Ceremonies. Judge E. Leo Milonas, Administrative Judge of all the courts of the City of New York introduced the leaders of HANACand the many elected public officials, business and labor leaders in attendance. The dignitaries icluded, Justice Nicholas Coffinas," Past Supreme President of the Order of AHEPA . Gustav Coffinas. current Supreme President, George Margoles, another Past Supreme President, Brooklyn Borough President Howard Golden, Bronx Borough President Stanley Simon, City Council President Carol Bellamy. and Supreme Court Judge Yorka Linakis. The special Guest speakers were complete in their praises of the many successes of HANAC. and each cited the founding efforts of George Douris. HANAC's chairman. John Nickas and John Llnakis. last year's honored guests, served as dinner chairmen. "Without George Douris, there would be no HANAC, and no occasion to celebrate all that HANAC has done for those in need throughout the Greek-American community," said Brooklyn'S Howard Golden. BROOKLYN CHIEF - Borough President Howard Golden was the main speaker at the HANAC dinner. PROCLAMA TlON - City Council President Carrol Bellamy presents Archbishop lakovos with a proclamation setting Nov. 6 as Archbishop /akovos Day m !'lew York Cay while Chief Judge E. Leo Milonas, toastmaster for the 8th annual HANA C dmner. looks on. WARM GREETINGS: His Eminence extends a warm greeting to HANAC's Executive Director John GREETINGS - Ms. Martha Kiamos, general chairman of the HANAC dinner-dance, greets City Councilwoman Mary Pinkett as Brooklyn florists and HAN A C Board member Kostas Vellios looks on. Kaiteris and Chief Administrator George Sarant. MAVROMATIS Archbishop lakovos Greeted Deputy Commissioner Archie Mavromatis at the HANAC dinner. "NEW YORK" Cyprus Exports in the United States Q. Whot is the role of the Cyprus Trode Center in New York? When was it opened? A. The purpose and main objective of the Cyprus Trade Center is the development and further strengthening of trade and economic relations between Cyprus and the United States. Most importantly. it serves as a link between Cypriot exporters and American importers. The Cyprus Trade Center offers to American importers, companies and businessmen, any information needed relative to the production, quality, variety, packing and prices for all Cypriot products that might be of interest to the American Market, as well as, information on Cypriot manufacturers and exporters. The Cyprus Trade Center disseminates information on markets and products, importl export regulations and economic conditions affecting trade. It assists visiting businessmen and introduces them to agents and distributors; advises on market and promotion techniques; assists local businessmen in their contacts with buyers and sellers. The Center conducts market research projects and makes available all necessary information to the Cypriot producers and exporters concerning the preferences. needs and changing buying habits of the American consumer. The Cyprus Trade Center also arranges trade visits to Cyprus. V.S. businessmen wishing to visit Cyprus, individually or as a group, can have everything arranged through the Center. Relative information is made available beforehand and a program is arranged according to the visitor's interest. It was in November of 1977 when the Cyprus Trade Center was first established. The opening of the Center was in fact, the offspring of a trade mission headed by the Minister of Commerce and Industry to investigate the export possibilities of Cyprus Wines in the V.S. Our major export priority since then has been the generation of the sales of Cyprus wines and spirits in the V.S. market. The Cyprus Trade Center - New York is one of a number of trade centers that the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of Cyprus has set up in the most important world markets. In addition to New York, there are presently Cyprus trade centers operating in London, Cologne. Dubai and Brussels. The establishment of these trade centers is a part of the series of intensive efforts being made by the Government of Cyprus for the purpose of achieving a more accelerated development and expension of Cyprus export trade. Such development and expansion obviously constitute the very foundation upon which the future economic development of Cyprus and the prosperity of the Cypriot people rest. Another important effort spearheaded by the Cyprus Trade Center is directed towards DECEMBER 1981 An interview with the Director of the Cyprus Trade Center Mr. DENNIS DROUSSIOTIS attracting American investors in Cyprus. Cyprus offers the American investor a number of tax incentives. The concerted effort now being made by Cyprus to attract American investors is directed toward export-oriented, capital intensive industries. There are over 800 foreign companies operating as off-shore entities in Cyprus. Mr. Dennis Droussiotis Approximately 20 of these are U.S. firms. The Cyprus Trade Center makes every effort to help plan American importers' and investors' visits and business itineraries in Cyprus, as they look for products and projects of interest to them. q. Are you satisfied by the percental:e of Increase of exports from Cyprus to the U.S.A.? A. During 1980, Cyprus exports to the U.S. increased by 12%as compared to 1979. In view of the economic conditions prevailing in the U.S. during 1980, the 12% increase was encouraging. Moreover, the U.S. is a very challenging. highly-sophisticated and one of the most demanding markets to penetrate. In view of Cyprus' recent entry to the U.S. Market as a new supplier, we feel that this increase can be interpreted as a step forward in gaining acceptance by the U.S. consumer. Major increases were recorded for the exports of Cyprus Wines. i.e., 93.6%; locust beans, 26%~ footwear. 7%. Q. Do you count on the contribution of the Cypriots and Greeks here for the promotion of your products and the increase of their consumption? A. Definitely. One major factor in the growth of export sales of products from Cyprus depends, especial1yat the early stages of entry. on support and ready acceptance of the ethnic community. Another advantage extended by the ethnic communities is that many Cypriot and Greek·American businessmen operating companies in the U.S. have shown the most interest in importing and conducting business with Cyprus. Many of our present importers in the U.S. are Cypriot-Americans and Greek-Americans. Particularly in the case of wines, our heaviest sales have been to the concentrated ethnic communities in the U.S., predominantly New York. and very recently, Chicago, Detroit, and Norfolk. Our strategy in building a U.S. Market for Cyprus Wines has been a 2-pronged approach. Our primary target was the Cypriot and Greek Consumers and the regional areas they inhabit. Next were American consumers of imported wines not previously familiar with wines of Cyprus. The basic objective is to begin with the heavy concentrated ethnic communities and then eventually spread out to other areas. Q. Whot is the consumption of Cyprus wines and spirits in the last 3 years! A. Cyprus wine exports to the U.S. and Canada have increased approximately 234% and 40% respectively, over the last three years. as indicated in the tables below: Cyprus Wine Exports to U .S. (In Imperial Gallons) 1977 TOTALS 3,492 Percent of increase over previous year: 1978 1979 1980 (Jan. to Nov. "80) 7,783 9,208 17,830 122.8% 18.3% 93.6% Cyprus Wine EXIl0rt. to Canada (in Imperial Gallons) 1978 TOTALS 11,933 Percent of increase 1979 14,924 25% 1980 (Jan. to Nov. "80) 17,283 15% 25 Q. Would you like to tell us theamount of "Search for Alexander" Exhibition at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston total exports here, in dollars, for the last three years? TOTALS Total Exports to the U.S. in (000) Cyprus Pounds 1978 1979 1980 1,894 2,198 2,462 Approximate (value in U.S. Dollars) 5 Million Major exports to the U.S. are clothing (US $600,000), footwear (US $715,000); wines (US $135,000) and umber (US $407,000). Other leading exports include cheese, locust beans, canned vegetables and chocolate confectionery. There exists a tremendous potential for expansion of Cyprus trade with the U.S., especially for wanes and spirits, clothing and footwear. At present, steps are being taken by the Government of Cyprus and our individual manufacturers in various sectors to increase exports to the U.S. These steps include visits of Cypriot trade delegations for contracts with U.S. importing firms, participation of Cyprus in specialized trade shows and continuous promotional efforts to increase exposure of the benefits of trading with Cyprus. For the most part, our efforts have been directed to the New York Metropolitan area due to its importance as a financial center. However, we shall now be expanding and developing new market areas in the U,S, and have already began trading in such states as California, Michigan, 11- 6.1 Million 1 Million linois, Texas, Oregon, Virginia and Ohio. As new market areas develop, we shall expect corresponding increases in sales of our products. Q. Do you pursue development of exports to Canada? A. The Cyprus Trade Center is also accredited to Canada and we work closely with the provisional govrnment authorities in expanding trade relations of mutual interest. A Cyprus delegation of wine producers accompanied by the Minister of Commerce and Industry visited Canada in J977 and si nce that time, we have maintained contacts in developing wine sales. There has been encouraging growth in the export of Cyprus wine to the Canadian Market as shown in the previous chart and we expect this trend to continue, The Center also follows economic and business conditions in the Canadian Market closely in order to take advantage of all trade opportunities when they arise. BOSTON - The Search Jar Alexander opened in the new West Wing of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston on October 27, 1981 and will be here until January 10, 1982. The exhibition includes splendid sculpture, jewelry, bronze armor and ornate vessels of silver and bronze, dating from the 4th and 3rd centuries B.C. and coming from the Macedonian area of Northern Greece, the home of Alexander the Great. Some of the most spectacular finds are from the excavations of a royal tomb discovered in 1977 , This unplundered tomb has yielded many of the most sensational post-World War II finds ever uncovered in Greece, "This exhibition includes one of the largest and certainly the most exciting collections of Greek a ntiquities ever sent abroad by the Greek Government," says Jan Fontein, Director of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Following its premier at the Archeological Museum in Thessalonike, Greece in July 1980, the exhibition made its American debut at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D,C. in November, 1980. From there it goes to the Art Institute of Chicago, before coming to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. After Boston, it will go to the Fine Arts Museums, San Francisco. Looking for a Hotel with a capital" H" in Athens area? If you look for oversized luxury, com fort and convenience, the APOLLON PALACE will de· finitely make your Holiday or Bus iness Trip an " unforgettable one". Lying on serene Kavouri Bay, j ust 30 mins from the center of Athens, it offers you, all year round: • 300 luxury rooms and suites, al l aircondi· tioned and overlooking the sea. • Res taurant s serving delicious specialities, bar with piano , Coffee House. • Variety of Sports - swimming pools , water ski , windsurf, tennis, bowling, etc. • Boutiques, hairdresse r, news stand, bank, free parking. • Free shuttle bus service to and from town. • Conference and meeting rooms - fu lly equipped - for 10 to 500 people, telex facio lities. And, above all, excellent service and the traditional Greek Hospitality. ® Member of Golden ToUp Hotels apolionO palace ~ kavoun of athens Telex : 214250 APLE GR Tel . 011895.14.01 For booking in USA: Selective Hotel Reservations, Tel. 800·223·6764 26 "NEW YORK" Fashions by Adrienne There is no better way to describe the Helene Side! Collection for Fall and Winter 81 than to pare down the description adjective to "romantic elegance." As so many have this season, Helene Sidel draws on the European Renaissance period. But here any similarity ends. She has incorporated with this inspiration that of asiatic splendor and the irreverant mix creates a single outfit of nomadic splendor. Anything goes - a gilt striped chiffon shirt with a wool challis skirt, rugged loden cloth with gold embroidery, or a waistcoat of Renaissance brocade over satin court pants. And when it comes to pants the collection for fall has nearly a dozen different pants shapes and lengths. Shirts aTe full, lush and decorated in four different lengths. midcalf of knee length for daytime, ankle or above the knee for evening. The collection dwells mostly on firm fabric with occasional use of paper taffeta, slipper satin, moire and lined velvet. The results always end up soft. Helene Sidel does "the little black dress" in the classic vein but with a few subtle touches like a gold obi belt. We loved the classic good look of it . Collection colors are decp and rich like those \ , ~- Exotic separates as enticing as thefabled Casbah. From Helene Sidel's Fall 198/ collection. Here Helene throws a champagne and metallic goldjacquarded rayon blouse over beige and brown printed wool challis harem pants. The ruffle-collar blouse is topped with a short. sleeveless, handknit champagne boucle and gold thread vest. in portraits by great masters. They include raisin, royal purple, hunter green, teal blue magends and such. PACKING SHIPPING CO . TIArKOLMIA META~OPIKH ETAIPIA (j ~ , ,,=~!!~~~:)~"" ~~ TIJI... (212) 278-1058 MIlAOYAA. AYTOKINHTA. EIlIIlAA HAEKTPIKEI IYIKEYEI I:YI:THMA AI:ClIAAEIA TAXYTHI: ~l£u9uVlai K. NTOYPMAI: - DECEMBER 1981 - . IOlOKlt;lQl r. I:YMEONI6HI: What is a classic? In fashion it:r definitely the "little black dress': Always dramatic. Always understated. Always perfect. From the Helene Sidel Fall 1981 collection, the little black dress with a few plus /Ouches. The right hemline for matinee or evening. The picture-/raming neckline that can be worn straight across, scooped, or all one shoulder. The balance and proportion of a long, relaxed puff sleeve - and an eyecatching gold obi belt. 27 AHEPA Plans Congressional Banquet Supreme President Gustav Coffinas has announced that Past Supreme Pres.ident John G. Thevos, of Paterson. N.J., will serve as General Chairman of the 1982 AHEPA Congressional Banquet. The biennial affair will be held at the Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C., on Monday, March 8. "We have lined up a very impressive and interesting list of speakers," said Thevos, "and I think the affair will be well-attended." The last AHEPA Congressional Banquet heard speeches from President Jimmy Carter, U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater, and CBS Correspondent Douglas Edwards. The Order of AHEPA invites every Senator and Representative to the affair as a guest of the AHEPA, and in 1980 over 200 members and their wives attended. "We honor all members of Congress with this banquet, not because they may support any particular issue, but because they have been elected in the best democratic traditions of America. This is the only such event sponsored by the .G reek American community and the AHEPA is proud of that." The cost of individual tickets is $50 per person. For reservations and more information contact AHEPA Headquarters, 1422 K. Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005; Phone (202) 628-4974. Hartford, CT and St. Spyridon In Monessan, PA. In 1964, at his own request, Fr. Joachim was appointed by Archbishop Iakovos as pastor of the Archdiocesan Chapel of St. P~ul and chaplain of the area hospitals and prisons. Relatives, friends and co-workers paid their respects to the beloved pastor at his funeral service conducted by Archbishop Iakovos at the 51. George Church in Trenton, N.J. on Wednesday, October 21. ATHENS CENTER HOTEL rTHN KAPt.IA THI: A8HNAI: • Ktytpu:6<; I(AI~ano~6c;: • 136 6w~a.na, Aoutp6. t'lAtcpwYO, palh6cpwvo, ptpQvta. •. Eonatoplo nOAUlt;Ada~, Mnop, poUcp 'YKapvttv, no).vt()"tf~ a19ollO'E~ lmoOOX"C; Kai t61wnKO 'YKapo~. 15 I:E1ttEI'PP'OI) - 15 Mapt'ou Tt~ai ow~a·tiwv: MOvoKAlva 998.00 a:pax~t~ . did.tvo 1.434 lipaXJlt;. TpiKAlVa 1.742 oPX. LUjl7ttp\Aajll!aVf.:tal I(OV1"tVtVtaA J(ttptKqlaOt. . dtO Pt~tp~tOlOV uttOtaOi]TE: OTT}V N. 'YoPK'l . tT] A. (212) 483-0642 K. 'Apctvll il ypciljla"[E ATHENS CENTER HOTEL Sophoclcous and Alhcnas 26. Athens, Greca Tel., 522-6110-9 Tele" 4488 ALCY GR Rev. I. Isidoridis "He was as humble as a saint and he gave as the Lord did ," remarked a saddened Archbishop Iakovos on the death of his schoolmate and longtime friend, Very Rev. Joachim Isidoridis, 70, of Trenton, N.J., who died in Princeton, N.J. following a brief illness on Sunday, October 18. Born Michael Isidoridis, on the island of Chios, Greece, in 1911, Fr. Joachim completed his early education on Chios and later attended the Zografou High School in Constantinople. At the age of 16, he entered the Theological School of Halki and upon the completion of his studies, in 1935, he was ordainpd a deacon and took on the name Joach(m. He returned to his native Chios and served with much zeal and enthusiasm as Preacher and Archdeacon for the Metropolitan of Chios. Fr. Joachim was ordained into the Archimandride. He enlisted in the Greek army that same year a nd served as a captain. Following the second world war Fr. Joachim continued his untiring and worthy ministry on his native Chios until 1947 when he left his homeland to come to the United States. In the U.S. he faithfully serves as pastor the communities of S1. George in 'Eyypaqni'tEI:uvopo~TJ'tai on)v «Nta • YOPKTJ» "NEW YORK" ENA AMIO EIf.OI; MOY!I)'(H!. ITO'( METAPIlQNEI III ANEBAZEI TIL WYXE!. .HOY!. OYPANOYI. OAA TA EPrA Ttl fWJ(PATH BtflAPA~ ME BYZANlil'HlllfYNAIl(HA XOPlUAlA-OPXH2TPA-IOAlITfI- AcPJlrflTE[ €eNErEptJA·HAloTpoTTlA-<PATrm·TAIIAPX€t JTPOWhfOIA·AoloAOIiA·UM~IANH·YltftfotAJAn~ '> ,,<' -L£ KOUdA~ 0 AITU)AO~ .. ' 0'61.<00$ 1<l>.<" Ka6€="'S ST EREO MtA.MOlJ6IKH ltV OLWJIi'U rc'. K(aXO !> CfEQVH r';" W)..0Y'l{ Arr6v'i!JvV~'z,,- , BAsIL PAl'IDOS SlOW. 184 srR. APT. 4)NfwYolU<.N.Y.ICOJl "''" <;),; ?"p,Gr~ ,.,;.v nae"'jf"" ie,. 6'(j a6porrOf'uUj arW ~ -1. &»"",...- 'I/:"~ S"l p jcOLi l~ , /_ . ~ , $ Jo ·'A).p.novt-t-C 2c:5i t ~ .y) ~ .;5,..v.,..:;: J.«(;,l6€T"T'o. I I ~~, "'-'A0 1:;. v 1"uvT¥vSe.0t-tI~ loci OA"l ~ 66'(:0.. rJ -..u>e r,oCt5 Nt.<OLMA A I ~.A oy" TA <O P 'A M A ~ ~ OKGOYN HH .6 IATHPH>:H <-<AI TgN E" e N Ika-N '*' lS $' 2 , !lo t.'Gl4 cJ.1,r e.. u2t ~ ~ }1::\iov'd' ~10'0 .t uQ.6"rn:o... 9 O;61'<.W' ;; "", ..lUif,; io«nZW6" 10 /.. = '$ 85.50 !.<A I EA" HN O P 61 0..o.0 = Q.N S.=An" ,nY nA PA.6. 0 Z.E'.2.N r ,A YT C n p En EI NA T 'f )('OY,!IJ TH.[ r~"'II.<H.£. "1"MO.i-rt-tPt=-egz:. OI\WN T u...)N CMO r£.l'rW N MAl . ~U(H(iOEl~ IlltOptixc va Aa~E"tE altO "tOY lEpa"t. ltpOlo"tallEvo "tau Nllou "tpu ' Ayiou ~ltl)piOOlVO~ NEIl~ 'Y6p,Kll<; - TllA. (212) 795-5870 I:UiA£ti; Jlae; Titv ol£u8uvcn) ~QPEAN . aae; yui va aae; O'tdl..roJlE A.Erttot.u:Pl1 1tol.UtEl:ij Katdloyo HERODION HOTEL Archbishop to Preside at "Eponomasia" Services Hiw Eminence, Archbishop Iakovos. will preside over "Eponomasia" services .at which the Greek Orthodox CommuOIty of the Town of North Hempstead will name its Church. Prior to the special luncheon on December 20th, the Archbishop. Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church of North and South America , will celebrate the "Eponomasia" services, at the Church, located at 108 Warner Avenue in Roslyn. No name has yet been chosen for the Church because the community has given its members a rare and unique method of selection ... They will vote on it! Votes for the naming of the Church will be tallied at the rate of one vote for each dollar contributed. The initial response to this method has been excellerri., according to Dr. Antoine C. Harovas of Lake Success, the committee chairman. "The enthusiasm of the entire community is definitely worthy of a new Greek Orthodox Community," he said. Co-<::hairman Phoebus Karageorgis of Manhasset agreed. "Our young people are eager to help and participate with their dollars on our special day. This act of love justifies all our efforts." To participate in this historic occasion. and for more information. you may call the Community office at (516) 621 -9844 or (516) 621-7922. the Greeks of the Copper Age ~ycenaeans: New York, N. Y. - The Education Department of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America recently published the second book in the series on history and Hellenic civilizatio n entitled Mycenaeans. This richly pictorial publication is written especially for the students attending the advanced classes of the Greek day and evening community schools. The author Nicholas Vardis, a distinguished historian, based his description on contemporary findings of science and archeology. He analyzes the social and family life in the historical period of the formation of the Greek nation which coin~ cides with the summit and the end of the Copper Age. r The Little Orchestra Society 4, Rovertou Galli Street, Makriyanni - Acropolis, Alhens 402 - Grecc. Phones: 923 6832'{; T.l<x: 21-9423 HERO GR OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT BY M. TSIMIDOPOULOS S.A. The Herodi o n HOlel. fully airconditioned. all rooms with private bath· shower. telephone and radio, television on request , is situated in the hun of Athens. brlow the Acropolis. opposite the Herodeus Atticus ancient theatre. within easy reach of the main business and shopping centers. theatres and prominent point. of hislorial interest. The Hotel features exquisite international Restaurant. Cocktail Loun.e. Coffee Shop . Snack ~Bar. Roof Garden Bar facing the Acropolis. Parkins facilities are availahle . DECEMBER 1981 Orpheon Inc. The Little Orchestra Socie1y, under the duectlon of Maestro Dino Anagnost announces its newly expanded 3Jrd season of "Happy Concens for Young People." The programs will be offered as a double subscription series at Lincoln Center's Avery Fistier Hall. to be presented on five Saturdays at 11:00 A.M . and 1:00 P.M. The season includes an exciting array from the performing arts including music, dance. opera. illustrations and mime, This season continues The Little Orchestra Society's wonderful traditionbs which has brought delight to children since 1948. 29 The favorite wines'of Antony and Cleopatra, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, King SoloDlon and Richard the Lionhearted are now available to UncleSaDl. When you've been making great wines since 5800 B.C., you get a lot of good word-of-mouth about your product. Richard the Lionhearted said "I must retum to Cyprus, if only to taste this wine again:' Marc Antony told Cleopatra "your beauty. my love, is equalled to that of Cyprus Nama:' King Solomon is quoted as having said "My beloved is unto me as a cluster qf Cyprus grapes in the vineyard of Engadi:' And Elizabeth Barrett Browning was so taken by our wines, she wrote a sonnet about them. So when you first taste the wines of Cyprus and you praise them to the skies, remember, you'll be in some pretty classic company. AI>HRODITE WHITE: Dl\T CYPRUS WIN[ ."..9, E. The Wines of Cyprus Cyprus Trade Center. 13 East 40 Street. New York (212) 686-6016 9 reasons wh ~ou should fyOlympic to Greece. If the first 8 reasons don't convince you, the last one will. Olympic has the Love-A-Fares-, - the lowest round trip fare you can get on a sched uled airline to Greece. Onl)' Olympic offers you the converuence ofdaily Jumbo 747 service nonstop to Greece all year long. Only Olympic has one less seat per row than other airlines to Greece-so you enjoy a more comfortable ride. Only Olympic has a private terminal in Athens, with connecting flights just steps away. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Only Olympic can fly you from Athens to more than two dozen other Greek towns and sunny Greek islands. Another Olympic first: The $50 Greek Isle! When you buy any special round trip fare from the U.S., you can connect in Athens and fly round trip to any point in Greece for only $50- and save up to $132. What's more, a 72-hour layover in Athens is permitted. Unlike most transatlantic airlines, our in-flight meals are prepared fresh- are never frozen. 7 S Corning home, you'll speed through the private baggage and customs facilities we share with American Airlines at J.F.K. airport. Connections on American are in the same terminal, and United is right next door. 9 'tJ 'OA1lf-lm~,;l\ Elva: ~ (8VLXi] aEQOltOQLXT] EtatgHa tT]C; 'EAA6.00C;. MLAOU!-lE ti]v YAwooa oac;! No wonder Olympic is # I to Greece. For reservations, call your travel agent or Olympic Airways at once. AIR_AYS Our 15th year of serving the Greek community. rUl titv bturtpo<j>11 O'ac;, O'titv eEAAaba, IPtta~tO'tt bUO 1tpaYJiata, to Atapattlpt6 O'ac; , , 1(at tllV ••• AttuOuvO'1l Jiac;! !! 0a O'cic; IPttaO'Oii. ·IUIL".... • T o "KTIMATEBORIKI" Business is ... . . •• Our Business ~ Nrc C fA N iT TAKE s MORE TH A N A PASSPORT . ... . .... W HEN Y OU DECiDE TO COME BACK T O GREECE 'H «KTHMATEMIIOPIKH» aci<; i:~aacpaH~El 100% tTtV aiyoupl1 t07toOhl1CJf1 tOW XPl1J1atCOV aa<;. atTtv 'EHaoa. ai: uyopi:<; 'E7tlXElPtlaECOv Kat 'AKlVtltCOV • • M>OI i\O'I' ZOY O.E .• nAN EllIETHMIOY 59 AElHNAI 131 GREECE T'1~' 3113-213 3213-210