News HAVERFORD HAVERFORD VOL. Xvil (AND WAYNE) Pw., SEPTEMBER A, 1925 SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY TO COME OPENS WITH HAVE, PHYSICS SPEAKER NEW YORK ALUMNI STOLEN TELESCOPE GIVE BANQUET TO LENSES RECOVERED INCEST ENROBIENT Plan FOOTBALL TEAM DURING PAST SUMMER HAYER/ORD HISTORY Eighty-eight Members in Freshman Class; New Rooms Added ONE EXCHANGE STUDENT Haverford opened its 1.12.1 College year with au meanie& exceeding say in Its past history. due ....modstion found for o greeter ...Fe Of the treohnsen ,mate.. than mutat The Ct.. of 101S1 he. eighty-eight taember., event: mo than any previe. freshman ekes Beare for the *dded patients ham ben found three.b nublhe ell of rooms In Lived 1411 and In the addition of neersi ter rooms In Yorke /travel and Founder. Hall. All the rOpoo la Lloyd Hall must pow be °erupted by three Pee.. whore formerly two were reouired. fievbral suites In that ball are .1.0 being mewl by fear &Went.. TON FM. &Mt la Medan A third door hoe been added to Merlon Anne., providing for fan men at WO, or ala at WO. Two rm. have been ?Opened 00 the woad Nor of Founder. Hall, et the Poin se the linen Mara. on that Not. Penneylessna I. far to theta. es re, nrds representative. smote the firs year men. Fifty-three be. their resider.. in that Stale. New Jeroey thirteen, and New York next Mitrylaed end Hansachnsetta toll. In order. Lout/clans Florida, Nebnaky Add. of Colombia. Dd.. and Hid.. each here • dilute representative WOn the dine-eight Germantown Friend. rIehn. the dinUnction. of contributing the tamest numbar of Rhak.. Wilk eight. Western .ant Mx, wale- le.. Merl. High and Penn Charter tied for third plan with eve &deer. Fore men are entered from Mereenberg Academy. three Meat nth of the following: ▪ Baltimore Park thini. Haverford School, George School and Blair Acedem1'L< rear age of the members of RS I. 1.7.8 years. slightly below the 0..1 mark. O. die. on &tn.& however, were laced In retreating tide • tea Me. Rogbler Six men ate attend.. the 00.40000 Seh.1 oaf Haver.rd entertains one exch.nge student thie year, from the Univereity of Park. The Senior de:: fifty... The Junior Mt LIzle,../.1yzetl: , ledile ..Bed to the To telolle=la'slioering a .11011 In crew. over lad ynen enrollment. The total regidespon for the toline 2/11, lammed. Mat- year's •Peodence more than twenty-five. ROUSING RECEPTION FOR RAW RHINIE RECRUITS 5.0.11 Seem to Be Favorite Sport el 1120 was ttttt • The incoming doss of eel to I geoerid reception by tin coliege at the skating bonne on the night of Wednesday, September IN The receptioner. veder the ampl. of the Custom. Cowed..., with the Sophomore Claes ofilehoting as baths. Tomatoe• and Hp were the MOW &apt. wry. or e the Feemeesen, while tome brweght ey mere &tenable viands The Freshmen kindly goer.. • o sire • few speeder and omen *hi b were greldie ...Mated hie th• wb I. College, white amend desonetradone f ability at varlove -eidetic egorts were offered. Tenn& the nod of the re.1, to a ye. lion the Minim Oren.. tom-ofnor In order to leo k eff their exc. 011000. Dreg miadful of their peewee eppearamre, lb* lads combined leminees end One.. be nhkg their eighth. heth in beauty re d while. tune. at the rove. The eree lent re.. of this wen immedieteir mess e.t .d. to the beneeciel effect of lieverford mad, won they were neree• ognirable even to their best friends "Aft. • bitterly ...Ceded drugg e he boys ran off to bed Dot it was tbe Mat that the le ot eatil late ye spirit OW apt •nd Free men cot& be heard dn.' and &toeing pest teldelgin,neat so was the NT at being In Rever tant • to VI A Detailed Account of the English Trip of the 1925 Haver, College Cricket Team Will Ile Found on Page 3 Tit Admit New Members Bale. Dabber Menthe The &nen& &de01 expects to hold its enit meeting on Tue.., October Le. The Erentive Coonskin hope. to tenure • meeker on modern pbyeles The committee will hold • meeting tomoms even., to di.. pima for the hr t half year end to recelve any suggestion. from other meridiem of the oniety. Co °plods.ty wilt he elven all new acier. ntto co re u es t:: 0o0e eat, tv became October meeting I. Mid Lost rem the seek. hod twee outside speakers end &rated one meet., to several And talkie from orderer...1i Amami the actable sentient were Mr. Warn Bowden, oo.truction engineer of Ike Deism.. badge: Lieutenant 11., 12. Rarer. repds officer of the dhe.ndoah. mod Donald B. liwthallen, the Nino. Arctic explorer. This year President Woad waste to get speaker. on pinnies civil engineer. ing. the drawing of maps from erne none whenenphs esplorke, 0110.1 history stet ink.- APPARATUS INSTA11111 N ELECTRICAL IA Laboratory Has Been Modernized by Four New Machines Four new Dern of ontweeraw 0.0 intailed in the IDeelrie.1 Engineering Iator•loey during the moroner. These will make it tonaibie for docket. of E.ineerine 19.411 to get acquainted with the West demilMmente in mote. and antral write). Through the off....1 H. C. Petty, 'OS gesterel ad.. meager for the Crorkw-Whnier CO., 11 wee-poodHe be........panamit buy • 5 IL P. variable *peed, Interpol, continuo. current motor. This la onse of the ant of • new line of motors which the Crocker.Wbeeler Co Ins Met dereloped. The interede meet. the meter perticularly adept.d for tests en It percents ...eking amend the commutator at bilk opeed.d coder heavy loads. Other Mew Appro.* The other apparel. eon.. Of • 1 H. P. Altering induction motor lot a three-phase linens., current, • (kneed Electric .00000110 darter with walekitton mune& for the motor. and • float...GI ended, Profeesor Rit. switch to dem. fed.. will %se &isnot. the modern automatic and remote cooler& of motordrIven maehin. ereAla.& Elletelmeleg Seekty &dim The Alen. Engineering Society has been .tire throe. the early summer In reeding Haverford oodergred.te0 ▪ r position abd some of last Dor'. graduate. permatient SAO. has been pieced with the Weeded Motor Comb Co.: of Philadelphia. A few Haverford men hare been t aken on litreoeh the smenmer •at the Phliad&phia Electric Co.". pleet. Celopheli .cured work through the mem. with the Detroit Edieou Co. In Detroit, and ort Ida retton was given the ceportnnity of going through the ....elemse plant by Mr. Bereet0 Leant, '04. CORP. SCHOLARS RECEIVE USUAL S300 AWARDS le End Mein to Fbet Feer Oat - The Corporeti. Scholar. for the conies nor from the four olantem are &More: Greene Undone Bowlelheint No& Heuer Toter Cook Sargeet Sophomore. Davie filmede Bull Berge. Freelimenc Gnaw Cooper Ensworth Hoge The above see arranged In order of wilection. The men from the three oppar damn were donee by reamon of their wholes-lie record. for the Off WOOS yen, while tbe Freshmen .iced wbolanhien en the basis of the the College math.roede by them Based Examinations The Corporation Scholarship. fur• nloth *SOO, .nnolly to dm four highecholaraltdp in each elem. eft teen without application. Many Prominent Haverford Apparatus Valued at 53000 Taken by Young Boy Men Speak At Dinner Atter Dance Last January DISCUSSION ON COLLEGE ONE LENS ' DAMAGED 121?&• 4' • _<20 -9e NUMBER 18 CAPTAIN MILLER'S INJURY NOT SERIOUS Dr. James Balialtt reports that the injury to Captain Merle 1111Oars ton *WC* no welch I. the fourth enerter of the Cab.Ila gem. Is net likely to pro. 00 • se.. eaters ken was twisted le mate •f the rent brag. that In wore to non It^ add Dr. 8.1001. "BO there to 00 ae ladIel10e •f sey water or sad.. m•pecatlea. Meet of the sarettlee bra 0.• es. gag the Needles .1 the egrets. mends. Is eel. as treaderfelly.” Thie Is the Int time alma el tetramee tete Havarford that Miller has H. bill op tar any keit', el lima with Woke ems Ilse football team. He had lo be base oat et the Colas. gat. alter Ids kr. was 1101 see of th• leterfernes 'senile Ike 0.11.reler who had jot rm.. one of Garr. . let, pmts. De. 13.1111111 claim, that eh I.JarY .III heap Cm.. Miller *et el net wades gems, led has order. oety eery light trat Mel .111 he Is &Hata the hem Is well mewled. COLUMBIA CONQUERS SCARLET AND BLACK BY 59 TO 0 SCORE Fast Heavy Smo - oth-Working Team Overpowers Light Haverford Eleven CAPTAIN MILLER IS HURT The two telescope lneee stolen team Otero... by- au perkr &need, the Obwrodory & the time of the the Haverford COW.a football noel told eclipse last J... wrn ft:opewent down to defeat bekre Colombia ra/0 this nummer. The. two knots, Vnivernity by a 19.0 wore ha the dent elate with other apparel. waked et gmoe of the 11125 season. Played host eon elf., dimappgered my.terloody Saturday on Baker Field, New Toth. lest winter and no trace of them could The combination of • wordy and nalbe found by the College authoritiea Ant* Powerful line. which averaged tummy, they were returned by tbe 241 pound. from tawkle to tarter and lothi, of a boy in Bryn Halo who had • beekeeld Mogen from wen &mot tothen Coto the Obeerntoty 0011 had throttle good men, all of whom could taken them o use In ebeerehe the count on both weight aed .peed in their wane. The father bad nen en 00running attack, was too meet for the 000000 in the pepere of the ions of the comparatively feather-weight Haver. 10..., and. knowing that hi MO f rd I end indrumenta in hi• ,141■11,11.011, The seen w. no uninteresting one identified them. to wet.. for it was eotonme end cond.. pea.. by ally Developed el a lighter weed by a hese!. on The eixteen-year-old boy in &boorThe New York egangeneb woeh/oa ln 21117 developed aloe wieatific bile. ami perfect unlace under the eeneralehip being very moth in ed io ntron• of Captain Pease, never let op long *my, broke Into the Obnenetory one nenk on let a Haverford attack get day to Jones.. lin this first trip he enarted or • Haverford leenst make a took only several eyepieces and small eland. Pin. of lewd.. The oest dap he retuned end took the eight-irch Maas Gales la 1.aat Gmarter wkieb woe unmounted in the observeNot until the last tender did the ory. to s third trip beexvinitint quad even tits,.,. n to make • tracted the larger ten.inch lens from Ptah. theep. Wert ere &en or force their opponents to He mentioned the ddendid work of the mounted telescope. Thin in ituelf Pent cut of danger. Tin Hmerford the Alumni Otriee under the enporrlairat wee • very diftholt pien of work and The Heverford College Young Have. ..ff.n A. 'mowed a moth of power early of John Hoop.. its securing • large eetifies to the methanied genies of the Christine Association will dart its sea. e the tint period when Middleton, sinumber of epplkauln for Hayed.). H. n running hack • kick-of thirty yards, When be doe took the lens* boon. tivities for 11421•29 with a reception t fall. Dr. Babbitt claim.. .Tbe time ook the ban to the rokldle of the field bar come when Hererford meat look I& tether queationed the boy. who mid to t&F-Pleas of 11729 ton100, in the on three Plunges through the Ithe for I het they had given to him et the old T. 11, C. A. recur, or T.. It .10 he Scarlet and Reek team's diet over• lame number of man iterklin for entrance and whet from that Ine. Celleto when be hod felled to obtain oko hold its era meellne Be earned end down. On the text play, seethes Just the few that we bora cotom voothelfey, He sold that th00 were de-- %redhead. eyelike, In the Unto, ha- however, the forward line broke and twelve end valuelee.. The two loom. to admit." niertieiele following the evening meal. Lowry wen thrown for an right-feed were set up in a rough abseil Char the Omni Dwris .puke briefly on Ids At the reception, which I. exceeded Imo, when he wee surrounded by gye filth la the UnclergradUalem of timer. We had built and remained there until to the freaked, each year by the or. MM.. before he eneld get off his forward ps... to& John Hoopes mentioned brie& ▪ ennonot when the father raw on gonna., Prof. Rele.r W. Kele.. meow& in the Philadelphia mown of the work of the Alumni office. In the middle of the last quern, he tromppeerance of the Inetrements will be the mein apes., Ho. Bor. Hare.., ime. he turned to the question or the for the only Imo in the n. "29. Ankle& of the -11," will also His or deohd that he had Nolen the game. took the ball after four down. Heverford -faculty of coaches' am hr address the RM.. sod I of the keen when ountionet but stork Co their own twente-yard mark. but teen. they -Hannon' has owe the rt efrwieut mad tined town. In an he *tory of bar.a been given them. emannittre bead, will probable he board after as exchange of pinta, Repko Finally. however, he cont... and doe foe. need one of- thorelth wink end tan spec. that we have ever bet" he 0.111. en. were given to the pollee, who Prof. Rohm M. Jonen aid deliver aeon. the Whole dating deven for a 'They are the men who appreciate the en addseo of welrometo the dude. touchdown. rammed there to the College. Haverfnol idea of abodutely clean athat the regular meeting on Wedenday Celltme Refer. t. Preening By Ear. Orly TWO Firol Dew. letic., wilk hitch Wandera of athabation. The .dbnritlen took the ...log. It in &yield that every sow They are men .10 lone bad eager... A minute liter Haverford.econed her ▪ prennt. with the emotion poled. of 1.71. whole matter In inn& 'needing the second et& lad ant down of the Knout Ekberg. Plane fee Van athieti. eed who Wien that Haver. pollee to robe on steps in proeecvner when Flint matched • pass Dorn food in primarily on the debt hesie in he boy. Both Oen. we. le rather Mahon., plane, for the comln year Lowry mho Middleton had ploughed opposing such prove..." bed rendition on their return. The have been unde by limed/ken Boone through the ling for tbreg yards. .1. H. Martha% speak., an an unnet deegredoete. hoped that lieverford eigbl-leash Inn had been &dry chipped eonbe heeds of the ...mitten. A other pa. wa. attempted and Colt.. would be toe sure of awl...balk 10- awl the other ten-inch elev. woe ewbint raertiatt .111 he held this mut- hie intercepted the hall and carried It preen. but should elm to &Mop new wretched and moiled. Bulb knees hove down the &Id in a straight drive for edontional method. in order to bring been went to their molter. who i. put- ing week to further these plena and out to the fullest extent the •bilitien of ting those Into eonditi0 for two. While it in expected that a "Y" Retreat will the last ...blown of the mune. the taro in event.. Cocteaued on pan t Malan 0 the men. lens will never be in eon. take pls. wine time within the net Wants Indemedentse of Tkooght &Itn to be toted for &corm. edeatilie two men, Hollinnwerth Wood demanded The Membership Drive will start drongly that Hmerford have the work, the ten-leeb glem will he in good hepe. It To loped to bale the len., very soon. The Seel& Seethe work, mange to expetiment. . bleb will leek& Ardmore, Preston Ira. not dependence of vision anti daring of dirk and tot op air fell tholeht," he mkt "America newt. toand Bryn Mawr dim Yews will ehe pt The mil .for 1c7. ehreen tryouts for day see who oan one public opinion. under way In • mhort time The Charity oten who ure drone ...Leh to en. the editorial and bonne.. hoer. of Drive will likely not take place mutt amine, the eurreot oral moon the tenearly November. Bible Moly will in The Neva will be leaned in about two &my rowed owner. eteorkedininelte, as won es the Rhine. become don of tbouebt lu bLa nanny. We all probability take the form et dls- mere etelintated to the college attnosshould two cis to do Ms beets it Ti.* Dahl. led College Tel... 901110n grow. a. In former yes. pay lu chlorin on the foodmit • Neetharre To Be Fee. Is Berth P ere. &Id hot rather because we believe ia The new Rhink Bib& he. boon int. Thie commie. will alma work in cow The lienaser hen already It and One haler/melon, emush td try juwtion with the open &rem of the conferred with some of the Freshmen n ee. be a Men aertion in the Melt It. Fences bleed.. notainke the tree ocher/oleo of the who have had ...Hiencc on high schwa Hereto &go. Geed &awe maga:ken He expecte to start them Famous Speak., C.cb Harman WO of the football Perim. R. R. and the P. & W. R.'Outten this year. He offered no atthin dente were warped that sliebt chem.. The Preeram Committee. gilder Hel- working antral,. together with othe tondid•tee within the next fortnight or env. for Ike Columbia gnaw but may Mee &mood tbi. oe ee0. The ler, "27. W. arranged • lid of wellA mew &am will be Inaueurand thi &eked that a little padre. be exert.. me the further results of the meas. telephone number* of Do. known etwalters, wtee of Mono have year in try.. ont the nolidetes Co observed-He peeked the Colombia teem and adminIstrellon althorn are also to Mmken here before. On Oct 9 He. he editorial board. The - Froahmen .11 be divided tom groupe of two or MI to Well coordinsted machlee. -We be fo.d in the bark. TMs year Editor levane got the book Chamberlain. General See..,y of the hr.. Farb tom* wilt be given an hove the happled machine steff eh. I ha. been at floterford." be declared. throtreb the pre. In time for It to be Mkt:die City Y. M. C. A., will 'peek. salmunent, and each man in the group en the rano/ and write it or en -ea. I feel sore we shall produce wow meat to all the members of the Cla. of 11r. Chamberlain iv • terminate of Nue runty,The write-ups will he tomMi• before Collese opened. In this Ole Obeelio reett/te" College and hes done grade. WWI ht order to get • line on th Jnefry 111111, last peoe's Oehler presi- Owe 00001 become acquainted with eol• de& and .r hell.back, Indatnl Chet len m.oma sad othanlration before work at the Univerode of North monadates It la hoped that Ulla meth od of that comparison will prove e diode. they .deed. A. a wrt of IntrOdintien Dakota. limerford slot. and und tedoe In lirollag good me oral, cease pointing toward ere one Angle It contalne • letter of mintme from the On Oct. 14 Mr, Henry P. Van game at the end of a sewn. Pley for Preeid.t of the Y. M. C. A. Several Damn. a well liked Silva. Bay eptaker, next Betardey'e nme wee the .batance of these eel/handle. have been made 00122111 coil.. of his talk. "Its up to eve. one to lea. folk, each am the pareeraph on the will address the 'T" on the subject gem wute the Swarthmore game •Ione tattil It. Honor System and the motion dealhe of -non., • Lifework." Mr. Van • BOVIPAS-T. a. a. A. new.= to with Phi Be. Heppe retothymeets dye thee the week before," he said. 2.1wee. Duero Its a graduate of Prinnten UntThe portion au cheers and Donee ha. Peewee. Hannkrd nCeetermmoo 117120127-lerectleo sow rans lara Clarke R. WItherns advocated the Men changed elightle and other Prate Oar mow Yu. formstko of a college conference mod- Ilk. the tnelt record. and Preeldent Comfort will sleek la the hoe. 111.0211101T-T. 11. C. a_ to me eled on tee big tee Ides, with Haver- beets brought op to date. ',teethe of Nov. 113 aba 00.1 11 Dr. flelew ford as the centre. Mk Ides was con221111217Pad S. Leinhaeb. the editor of "The sidered and Secretary Hoopes pointed 1111/41Reformed Church Inesenger.^ will be out some of the zealot obstacles In ealrgenr-rwtsau on lower formire eneb'• lee.. in Pentaelwenie Rickards. Named Howl of Campos. at Hoverter& • Iwo. mu New. Ouslw at Nowt wt. roller. at the present thee. ...wanton. 0. O. Oa. Other meta wills whom are.gemeak Emotes Committee 1121 1121212 until dance to are pow being met ere Kirby Page, The ennualstudent 140.00- . the football and WC< teams b. been De. Kodak,., litho two. at Hmerford bet the October 24, Richardson, NS. 7021.1217-2rater 11n12 mead ft. neer& these lent lottf...Rormovd FosFlegity Hello Anestal Reception For baa boo,'neatly eptadnted he.' acest Mat.. 0 a Over IOC Fresh.. hie gear's Campo. Even. Committee 12111201111117-1. N. 0, 1. 1.0 Ate dick, lewyer and brother ot the faA Fres.. them of shout a heedred of the Student& Council His &at tads Vela men was introdtmed to the facalty'et wit he the complerlon of arrsegemente moos clergymen, and Dr: Tweedy. who theannual faulty recce.. held oat for the football dalleeon the evening le .• regular yearly waiter. The &nee 111111.neht. In eddition te the of the Hamilton game. Itiebardwo ette, of the appearance of the. meeker. 121011017-Tottleall wits Dto. Yew roost of the-other new end. hillier.111. 0.lot 1.10...w. Vaydly Mowell as a large men were present, He exp.. to 0111131 ble committee will be publiehed later, with fuller dever In. irarattlaere al W., tails otimber of old etudeuts. within the boning wen. The Now York Dev•rford So.lety eatertainal the football squad end other members et the ondergreduate body at • ...get Oven at the Faculty Club after the Coionable gm& last Kutiodey, September 21. Dr. Jame. Babbitt, Di. rethe of Physk-el Education at Harerlord 2100 one or the 0111111 101Weettra of the evening. Levy prominent New York Aimuol aino mode short talks. ktoyal Davis Hollingsworth Wood, Chodew It_ Witham, dam Wilber. were more done.. .pole. Further ed. dremesof se Informal nature wenn,. by &Off. Bilk,. Coen Harvey Hermon, John el-Hoene (Gred.te Idamgerand Alumni Secret...I J. H. Harebell and other.. After the dinner, Allred Huuelle, ea-94. president of the Haverford Yew York &oboe oweed the eveel•i &ogramme with • few remarks on the foottoll mitaetion at Haverford. H. tolled oat Dr. Babbitt next. who spate Inetieulany of the growth 01 Hsverfeed College from the inelde, of Ile develop,n the dander. of undergraduate life. Tit. Y. GIVES RECEPTION TO 1929 TONIGHT a•th•.• Oct • ■••• MK Prof. Kelsey and "Y" President to Speak; Prof. Jones to Address Meeting MEMBERSHIP DRIVE SOON FRESHMEN TRYOUTS FOR NEWS TO BE HELD RHINIE BIBLES CONTAIN SEVERAL NEW FEATURES FOOTBALL DANCE OCT. 24 RECEPTION GIVEN TO '29 qt • • ▪ Page 2 IdA VERFORD HAVERFORD NEWS REPRESENT HAVERFORD •2 Iht•wmfast traletwratIata Nrwthata AT SILVER BAY Gam.. Nava af lam* to Rand,. 0•11.•• .24 Its Tram EDITORIAL BOARD Mew 1. R. carman, 1. Lam.. ▪ 1. ▪ In. W. 0, AtItiob. lbws T.41bea Toh, ra It Flabaanat, Alla Mar w, O. bowl, If I a Lis Attratl bah. I• AsaLtaar Matra B.11 baIlsw1. nr. T. Mu., tom tweadetts. -- Oboes. College. National ant International Problem. at `I C Have:lord wan represented bye del. eget.. of fifteen nteorbere at the Mt,. Middle Atlantic Pte..* Y. el. C. A. eon. ?creme, held et Rem Ray. N. Y.. June 11 to 20. The thermal.. which wa cemeoned of thirteen undergraduate.. oup aininnum and one eulefreehmen. ere. the largen group of sty From the mailer "theme, The marten.. wa• tereled by more than live hundred one dents (tom eollege• and uni• endee. in the Middle Atlantic. Maori.. The finverford delegation uaneepatd In the forums and 0.711•1.17.0 rte which were held to diet.. college, Linton. and ..... tinted problem.. They elm Welt part In the meiS1 and athletic [eerie.. A harebell team wee eetered es the Imre, hut It wee not very me.metal. Ere.. W. won the molt neurnsutent. and Beldwia .26. nob rentier.up.. Th h repregented Itneerford ere, leirten, Jeekson. 0311. [emir. Rohl.. end Mareinde at 'N. e.g... Heller. Itennineer, }harborI.e. gond Pewee. pf 07: Evan. and levity. of Wm neater. 14. sod Ifeller. n protheetim freshmen. SLINGING THE INK To meet the e'rrehmen, It might en well to inform thetn doet tbla tamale mime wan [netted east year foe two primate ream.. pint it Was pne reasonable to gem. that au istelelgtht a college ehould ..11, lackimmth and tbia to all. Haan elle effuelon shook be regarded an humor... and all dhe egos.. with thin rerthet On' the material prioted do better, Hume. meeting the the "Fen Patherse of work_ Tbe ...Wary purpose of Rea co. lump wren t for t Pmfonn enough to the sup. editor./ pint column. end iet be put stage of the Cullege. The 'Ten Pushers" invite the 'roeWe ham . to NEWS SEPTEMBER 28, 1926 Y. ORGANIZES COLLEGE SOCIAL SERVICE GROUP 'Study Social Problenfs of New York During Summer By HUGH BORTON. CUPID'S COLUMN The announcement last lone of the lineulune of Joaeph A. V..., 'efi. to Miss Edna Helena of Philedelphia. caret as a mired. to man,' of his classmate...4 fellow-mtudente. S sat to dee stare., anneunttilhent NW* • few of tbe romantir detail* of their wedding. The autumn of 1024 found the now happy couple In a peculiar petn. Three women bad pamed al.e their rethieuteut and term winters more of elle. and maduate etude nmaioed be(ore Vansent would reach indepeodent end untrumelled rendition of butd• nem or prefemionel life. Toavoid this situ: Woo the nelaneed pair amidd open the rather unconventional hot of (Pre.. of Y. IR C. A.) During die Line memo weeks of this mueneee vacation. a group of ethane Illirly college men from,.all over the 111.0 IS country met in New York City. Thi• gene a.. known ne the College BUSINESS BOARD born. harass Kerwin Group of 112S. The obhis :P' evP2 entl.tro gl:ikngple'recaing'Oet h"oew . r. e....kaa.a. ject of tbie group was to etude out the In. fall, Meer 'Mich they separated. thee... Manage. Le betaking himself to the helle and Poen. people nbjeet to Olaf ▪ Pomo. le CebloWdrZn ZereP=e' &kW of lesenieg, zed Me to Per home d from swine. the Columbia offeuxe re seem* mr to belittle.. in the country sad retire. and position in PhILthelphia. lasnea in Not • reat le levee. T. 0. Tarmac 'PI V. Oartb, es paii • 0 rice. ft Praa pemon koew of orsieve.. the nue. • • • T. Hemel II the writer's pridleer to tetrad Vale until the first week of JIM., after than e College ban ...fleeted the alnantba woos the tie. of mile.. when announeeYear (worse. hl Cheer Leading we 00. = f mrde 1. •. WW2, MI prtletl to find future ems...lone of • btaltehmerrapee The Cam of the growms...a It school nether. tapplyie; their thliegi• three differeat non. 0. Mean; Is ma. part Vanmet. A belatee Dtolarmnot wee ate experience In he clam roma Of of the time wee taken T. met mummer at op In working at uudermine dueN Meese the fine application would mens various wocial mrvice centre.. Mem. the thief watplane 1, rthwe ab weekly Oar. the in France directly from time.. teething deems gnaw rest at Watt. ultra. haben of the group were given epper- and Switaerinnil. 11r, Voinnani 0111 rewill be In' no entbureae, Lao PtbIlmelar Compeer. tar Harm We". ti" emit, to do tonetructire work in melt tern to Haverford this fan std eepee. gement le cling. Now all toge tb talk:. port in the Cemmeocement ex. W•liain not 111.1 Random theme armee of Ili. tity as the roneeeted .... C-A-TI I, ('it. Rehr Spelling lone. - Lower Pin -Side." or the -Upper 'miser rte throne.. Me geeing, after orblob he will Ea. euatinue te B. D. MANUEL will be held the 0-1771411411. Wan a Side." eve.** ma rem •1 me ems. Me etudies at Hurvard tete health, combinetien of ...mi. will be Pew me sum. Mee Cot Flomow P■Gad MAI. Mimi Study Seel. A•peets loan! td the tmehed amot.t. Pr natl. wow. It man A not tvent the mute Amend= 101 addition In the a wartieular met.n wids each wont settlement eaten. took plan 'set June.of 01 Pm when Moe. Al,. Caneyies sod Gala Phi eelehe ante wee. Perhape a moditerve work. ineetIng• wen held during the Poit Oft. at isarerrera Pa_ bahattl tat }ROOM AM..* IWO Entrance Exams. etu en es .........le of the dtafutnth week In which the ex...login! problems 'Hal ...air or there ahuratItha awes ' wan. erRi erth e"nta'A' reied"dat'fie'reint Rit."' ou'l dumb ?entreated alphabet will have to be develop. lo the work wem studied las perm.* th• now Off. at /bum e Well-we helve a high etanderd of ed linterfurd'n liberal reputation from • pmetkal aepen. A eptentild Del- in the Friend,' Meeting Roue.. Pa.. ta sew.. Mr. and Mr, Rieke. bee.. engaged thole hip moony." This remark In Peeh•ble tweed on the phonetic spell• upper..., wee elm given Iha Krohn el Weettown School. after which the tag heurpurated in tee ell.rebse- membere learn to know the grenteat pursued her edunttion at Mt. Editorials do net oat manly rele:• Irene from aim.. any klaverfordian cheerio inborn the College's Holyoke name It eity of the I'. it. ollege. mat tee opinion of the mere et I during the fall period wen the usu.! opened without the timed interior nee. For men Interented la meiology anti Riche had plauned to seek a busi• number of goad foothill eleyere• rood Following ehletic perehology. do.. ice problem., thinopportunity 1.,, by ame remithie efter toserlege vrith• lag examinedne time ell Mem mat Y. M. C, A. d tin r ate t his therm at HP rf ed. A eight editor la on duty et The ha ketball pl y eclively participating wel prev amable be neglectee bl those looking fur a real hut tke the Main Line rivulet of the PierNews offiee in the Itheerford Union team have bett refused thetittanee due be organized into • cheering meteoa broadening mummer experienee. ian Spring evidently Aped too Wrongly ewer, meat.. except Saturday, to re to Niken to peen the rotten. boned ex- et help on the teller.. We Inept an neon toe tnetahmehip in be 1920 Apple Sole- when September iame ad RI ceive by phone or personal laterrieer aneeetions. A" inepire the delinquent etodent r de waken the emend married member of p y be any .ewe Items troll say source. Phone But what most Hayerfordian• mem to do the imierealble,while in 'Trios through the Heterfonl "Ye omeolsa- the Senior Clam. Caltaluse miebt be too meth mea don. end It 6 horned Haverford will be t r II I The ilses of 11120 veteran:I Ili mum. I that a bleb initial far an la that that repreeented her of monied aims. erben the mew e mental anion, members the group .tended wbelanihip does not thletles ItIt I t that ti neat year. tie was broughtro f m Freer. that Montnreer•orft mean that along sebel•rie fort 1'. Melrhoir. no ex-member of the re:r[ 117nit'tter:17t7t'01. e.T. . eg b . e ' r " o k vi bore ere are doing all that we might elem, had married Mlle. Martha Char The Ileeerford Nem e an the underspirit Wheat dome., of itnedennu. Fran,. daring man independent meltg, after they or rice veme, theerns bring bark these, locreese ef the acasnide.. newspaper extend. 112 rather t he matinee. Meteor [oedema st Ilaverferd. demie twee., might extend the bettor 144. George A. V., Jr.. hair bee, blelekier Cent two year. at HaverNested w.Hpme to the Freshmen Heverford in becoming too comple- system to the de e Apo we mee appoloted bead of • etenteinslon to ford and then Rent to Pane to take a tbe manaerment fedi. Peerclass. tel about it, mush boaated high look forward to be de, wheo *Nein. In Oklahnots. The •Dbelltl• emir work at the Uafterakmeiblegthe• .vein guard will Mee outof the Noe After thin ems...e.t.a In mode. Lan. In the pa.I. It he• been the um. nt.third it sebolarealp Change and to. and say. ef'aptaio. penalize tle erte pert..nt ere going no throughout the Yellin. I wan off-side", This spirit I %at! ro procedure for a tiro 'nee. of the New. ff"arletehahlob" A.R.Ph' erd uree . HIrrfortl In Fluent...I world. No roller, ego af- eould certain!, to sway with sne ob- ran of the Hosed of Wham Corneae- but hea Move altered hi* plans. Mrs: to devote at least half D rolumn to ford to sit bark and content itself mere- jertion to ...le couteets. We look Women" 'Pt The Annual of the American Melchior hen [reveled PitfOSIIPPIT and Min proems of weIroalitt• the Fresh- ly with etriagent entre.. e.mlostlona matIdently forward to it, thopti. endues. from the Calmtwity of 'la the nor future'. Academy of Poetical and Betel Delaware. Dela ware. men. Geom.', thin column followed Thee • • . nnly • part of nereseary reScience for July. 11123, noMieed ee At present an retina t Ones. Now that the fall *Hemet emotes bee ertiele entitled "Inter-Allied Debts bourg alien. they out a cut and dried formula that re. quirement. for mob a Etanderd. A meMr. Meltheir I. holding ARMCO= Pd. ntarted nod we are In the peeled of ond Amerinee Opportueity., by J. e. bootee. position as well ar rawlyWend five hundred wore6 of tote to lee, mail bore the type of coureek and eMno informing ter that we ran, wee Henry Seattermmd, Plurmatiol Is len. Thee are bowies to return te the sort of faculty and •dutiniatratioe should. meld etc.. and esbertIng '04. Minuet WIthere bar been the Pelted States before us to Inform the new, awn that the rem of that dente. • Cht6trean. but The Bryn Maw liegits1 man's MI1 into .01.11. beat melees opponeeteeit ie well to lembing the elm.. at Fordbam Coe ir. remain in terve°, fields until the ntudent body seas delighted to see thing other then • routine intelligence. ...der what tete... of Ms Mee veretty. New York City. ao4 Mare- he aLl.1011111s AMMO.. am At a recent meet.. of lieserford 'jetty meld he applied •Il year rotted. &Awl I.. /bine.. ern L:11, dc. the them. Thin mord.] weleonw. in Word \G illiam eon NAG, A meter in the Meeting Hoene in10 Kin a plan in the mei., men. or the Alen.. IrOined It Melee thee rs E. Converse mere. wns nfterwardn followed with elm, forming toVan Seay Awake" to Mr. ami mete.. Doting Hie summer he kin the should &melee. men who might hove am. awe even m the on July H. ridiculous keen, In ere 'MI. Frani.. 11. Teri. ie the nether 7.1ned eould be esternmere of public spicing." moat hardened. hot It might be Mum.. 'ut7'..a . ellim id"faen"" ore DIU.. Lot 11 betrit -' an' rtr e: of eA Life of William 111211 uill A.. By (hie he ezplaieed that he moot mu toshorten thin to a mere -Yen liebed hr the MerMilleo litavene' pub Kerween. Their wedding dete hag Yon Freehmet. company. Can." This 'need be taken a. enrn. announeed a* yet. bot it in pre'10. Chnetother Morley'. lalmt non. been raver little el this old.fashiened hazing moo who were not no tboroughly etsed• dealta that the reader could sleep. or owned that Heine, mreplete bra aware. in actin and thought an moat enty ewe. amordint eft the day. and el. -Thunder on the Left." whieh will e, Haverford before at Flaverferce Too will and a Cumintas the publlebed celebe about Tbankegiving time Ammer... It menu. at epee queetion then which would be tonal unfortusete. gas e, Committee which has for in tank the whether Raved.d at the forewent time it might Inspire name errant Freeletten by Doubleday. Past and Comp.., it. pow running In Helper'. eleaselne. te believe in his own taperer to meek. the Brie of the four installments ap- '." regulation of Rhine... Bet you win in bringing font men with creative "A nL ''U'It i'Pl pply A. • more ere... aad utilitarian men who are serer mons, eerie., the meek word. aegis, be pet P"IrgA 'n [IVrai!" elm find that the feeler you bennue 11 bghelizt. ems with their roureee In lei. In tease morn. to inaltam tbat the war born lo Mr. end Mrs. Thom. Riehard Lonmentlt fahilt the entered ed to H merle rd and the quicker epee! refrain from deep or Hneya. dr., on July 21. Detroit lel, of Me Keener Stornge ',melee, they have aver to meet to the milder 'nicht even team sometbing. And rhea 17. Jobe W. Bpsetb. Jr.. received eon 'mill. that you are now In the world outside. It Co... 5740 Caen 0.. ma, he that we are think of the ineatimablerater at-exam degree of Doctor of Philosophy troll. The melsrennent of Met 1 pod..n of mile. men und 1101 prep noir.p end the, anr proud hint etandard time when even the meet brilliaut heeds from from Princeton University In June ( °retort to Riehard Lao/street . fam an. einfon-rment. Or, If the lithe • re to sad will ap instructor In Iwtin arel nnouneed ...ober 24. ark.' boye-the lers• ronnertiot art of orholmehip Is little more than a perialimd, ee IGreek at Browe laimmity 0. The annoeneemeet of theentwkentent rose Nei. molten. requirement. Olin. You Coe Pam ittle I.Le will have with the eostuna• Committee ef Mary I.. Comfort tu Ritisard ▪ Ibr W.I. the time for complain., of I nogetnth wan otemounced at ••tea and an • governing bedy'. Whatever nuethe fond has come,n neer elven by Preeldent wet Mrs. should be of °melt at BrownErnmt Illeknell Wrigist, eon of plated in Feundere 'Too Can KV"wafer on September 23. ' retsina the Cue... Committee and. which alibi are Mon, • thol from • Mr, end Mrs. William .1. Weigh nen.... will genertillY eeeeed born August In. mlf.haposed etervetion. Rut then the. 111. at” A born dagehter on honest erne would Les tette be minchlevous through an appeal to re...on rather AMOIRMalera 0..11 Method al Fementha Central- [student. and put up in the dormene PO to Mr. sod Mee Feeder. It StrewTb2 then throueh n wooden paddle. es wer Egplalthe he Evan•teml Mush.' 4,1171-4 . D.. Mama t• -ht• ties, and with the Inspiration of e LEADM40 el•HCIALSITS I. '1E7'311. Edith Kiehl... ketone and The Fnehmen run, were gi•en omit "You Con" anything might lumen. J. formerly the OW. ill the days ef En. Philip. were married on Teen•atom-,-Oren YOUNG MEN'S • • • by the Cuntonas Committee do the urns rraew ta Ihaw 422.Sophomore Melee. A Hieerfordien recently relented "40.jr714'LanP17krhe=1 Meeting of the elan. of INV. The from Direpr I' M ' s '' int. has gent • letter tn ne D. "degree from Prineeton in Anne The editorisl release in hardly the sari. ‘IIIT.II-0•••11•• Oda... to 'Ile an4 . member. of the eomanitlee permizeien to it to the tented iHmt pien to emprese home foe your clam. plait.' why it sca• now in the phInfilbrnt ot Pitmen Mee me-emery for three hie new theory nf the Femelexie. cal la HaborderburY email.-Oryllw thrro41 la °swim of Ithannke College. Salem. Va. Probahly of of you have mrefully tele,. me Iris tit delete:'Itr two no... to he fellewed. Poietint eat ee natio.. Thin theme.. he 10. Friek T. hurter is io the Oat. 1331-1306 CHESTNUT STREET read moat of the Smelt before tattles peelelly that my attempt .imply to esteed en- e not train Mt. An he Chemical Laboratory of the Califoroin 1111.1•TPW.-1.1tiant /eat °anat. I. lthveled southward PHILADELPHIA he noticed that the TY OW awl,Lim we/ thatitute of Teehnology. at Pasadena tbia ...Red aerie. tank, the Feedlot. feel Hemp wee a keel, glean hue of the inbabitant* clerked. This California illy nertion. Bat your than is unique in .arty their inridentul Pere.s. Thee emil war Itht• •ItIttilat obterrodon. 10. The marries. of W. Cberlette being the largmt everto eater Hove pointed out that the rot:venire, ef But Imagine Me wonder when be frond lamb. Parker. of Manehester, end IIIMI7T-Oraote Artlaa Ia •It• erford. By eenditInne of Estranger mm- [ he new men queerly identifying meth binmelf growing darker abo. On reath. Aubure. N. H., sod Norman F. Milne. Ine the of Ithiy be Iran an moth place in dome. Petition iu any Sold you theme to other wan one good reeult front went. sw•rthr south I. moot Italian. 'W. -Two Hero.. In the title of I NOVI, aosteir, yen stolid develop keens end ha of remeatien Rhine. clothe.. rt tthilby Harold while he hod left rin Pe • blood. BILeht in preview chum. It J. Even.. W. It real happened the Perelman 'b. when he told a Ha better men then tiny . E ttrrT• h e otattra. genotlf hfir' El:anor names -Leer. Me ea 'hie fnl.nd phenomenon. of the friend In the bow el the Nene that Tow, Bethiatione. ineluded In which were merely retest-Ind that It . woe due to Wiarten and Hubert Atklosou took its slim the general renege ripe... He nobler...en. for the college rem bliTrYLVITE 0271.1I17-.+1,2 Tr. n I 0.7th72;by! explained each an it w. rend, entpham- otartline theory er. formuleted. eero', OriliTish; ..rietrItTe' fheamaanwtath° Very be mate of which you affir now • owl mar comAfter September 1. Mr, •TLIII.L.T-Thoot” angina. Is •'erht e,.. nAloo pare favorable with the Increased own- Bing. that in the majority of atm, eeHy In Europe tereas, and Mn., Atkinson will be it home, at . ha. Who road Nimaritu them were pointed our an carefully. Ham . a. IITIUITOW--Charth Mull. I. ben, of your slag. ftlet:"Iet7 of M7lization of merely because they were alrethefamil- kig 11 J. Elsworth WS.. 6 mtheetth fhb netthe was rem high and they had with the Sthodanl Radio Manufacture let to the rem of the miles, and vet Balsa sit over Europe. A. tterellers E9110 ing Compd.. Ltd.. at PO Ch... to-none the freebmen were expected to tar red gonetward they mew dirtier street. •021IXT 04 3411110-ratordar err. Toronto. Canada, which eon. me, I. grab Oven Tamper t• Among the frieado and olurani of tonnes them any morn then th e upper the farther dire WIWI, hence. darger. paw. holds the DeForen and Meleethisemen. Marshall. preeldent of the With the metal an arersion to Muth patents in Ca.. end amputate Ihnerford the opinion is often thleed Studeetre explained that washing, thle dirt Ann transferred front hires the Roger. elie anent... hat HENRY W. Pfl:WL O. O. one of the chief defects of the Cob the observance of the general flame- [Menthe" te tene.den. 11. A daugbter woo bora an August ewe I. thst there in nothing for the ford spirit w. even more important The Harerlordhui hse founded the 12 to Mee and Mn. J. Allen than the nenervenee of the more *eeatudeuts tu at neer the eveek-ere, red rier lawn. Then, following n review of Society of the Roneaed Daughter* of '21. Sam 'on Mork la an loath.. IbIrtimtr4thl •nd Aldo etudente an En make htIld und • the work coneequently of the committee It eremeet. that tor al Carleton Collage, NoribthEd. leg" obstreperous, RhIelen. the cap. habit 0.1 leerier the eamitee• Thie Minn. beTt't's'erillofZIIr W. Charlet D. Abbott. Jr.. 6 Ittudy• eine in undoubtedly tare, bat the te mble nod tag. were gi•PI7 omit and tee me.. ▪ trip to conipletele verify this theorr. lex climbed. e New College. Oxford Unearth,. with mach eriticlant le that uo cower., The writer ieroot-lured elreedy. Ap- Oefoni. be handed in at the Ofplimtioe• maybe eve Pipes of what to offer the emdt.. M. irk Mimshl ran.. Elkin and Mr. I.. not biter Rao October 1. ev the mine. over Bombe are thered. Buhl Miller were married The Pee Peliers On Wedge... July 12. In New Took 'Phe Saturday Night Club that woo Dr. Comfort dellvereelthe prioethel City. end Miller hoe h rommeen. otstrInd loll year bad the object of com- admen at the forty. n E. °mum etre., Laneeeter. at 21 neat of lake Fort. College et Lake Pa batting the tendency,. The club /ailed Forret. on June 10. The boo. W. On September 2e Miss Mary Theinae. tu emompleib the purpose and did CI aL.10, tee e01 Shipley Newlin and John C. Herten Lou. Oros: by Aserluao e 01hip .r'n m‘'ad t' x'iftmileo Imo Beene. Imre married from the Church of the lops A. Meeentoth. Profmvor Phil. The ...dent. more see Met this crie- mph, of Renato. •nd Mlles of (-lettere Thorn.. exeln. who has Redeemer. et Bun MAW, P. at Mc'23. A eon. Franklin C. Morse, ad, rim in • Justified one. and It la nrmin Cormick Thrologleal Seminary. and ben with the American Friends' Partwin Y^ born to Mr. nod Rm. Flank!. Hmovia. reports the C. Mores. that if thee would I...1 their enter- Rehm of Archibeld Meelnteels. 11. Dr, tin Comtnietee Jr., on July 21. deeolpment of meter the. Ile fine arIntosh delivered the m '23. Farnham Wernher was oneness. something mold be offered theme meat edthese at Haverfordcoinnweet 11r21. embeee In he Inneation of ten mom, lot In remehing the eem-Biala of the let while the initiatiee new mete from The Saturdel Review of Literature for elute. In. a leimite eimiler to those Delaware State Teeth" Tournament at a few. the wet-end Prete... that will Auguet VS motel, reriraw by Rufus inthin tnuntre. iallmington, on July 2S, being detested Mr. Thorn. wax prevent at the din- hr Dr. Carl Fisher, former _held men on the meth,n tram be the Amen on new boo. of myaninl theught Neerwee... of the general expres•lon rot 173" Jahn Clark Amber end Mary er ef the New York Heme(ord Societe colleglete Auetin. ast &deed.. &Member •2A. He tviil Pad Harifend will be Mt preferron The colt.. of the New. membered es heels. merited the haetructor in Latin Ili theleher 7. IN. Janes A. Rab- here Ill. WALNUT ST. Shady SIde ere open to soy eurgentions or disson- bet will address Ill. State Medina H•verford *ere.. teen unoBrially itut Academy, Pitteltureb, for the catalog Booiety. after the Wan eion, of tide subJect. Year. Suits, Top Giits, Overcoats of superior charactor...Peri erly tagonid in correct fashioning, $35 and upward. JACOB REEDS SONS thin 149,4-26 mon= ST. PHILADELPHIA temp THE ARDMORE FLOWER SHOP fH 14. ROBINSON Maker of ant GOOD CLOTHES Offers A W!9-Made Suit ' With Extra Pair of Trousers for r To the Freshman ALUMNI NOTES '■71:`,,7,70%°.' $22.50 Showing Every Wednesday Founder's Hall t17:11 D. M. WEST Phiarmadet Connate. CUSTOMS COMMITTEE GIVE RHINIES RULES 2 Trouser Suits menu.. Dead Week-ende HAVERFORD PHARMACY t ONE'S APPEARANCE FACULTY NOTES Mr SOCCER IN RUSSIA melee C. l PATRONIZE YOUR CO-OP STORE Mn woo Good clothes do not make success but they are a part of it. Your appearance is all most people have to judge by. Don't underestimate its value. False economy often causes a man to be misjudged. Our clothes costa trifle more at Slat but they retain their shape and last longue a ready. made suit. Why not get the be, 'get it here ay PYLE & INIhi LEADING COLLEGE TAILORS • SEPTEMBER 28, 1925 EAVEEPORD NEWS IFFITOItt Page 2 COLLEGE SPORTS ALPRED 1 73512LLS ASH PROVE BEM THAN HAVERED TEAM SCORES OF ?RED ROIDELIIIIINI V/ILLIAN T. MAGUIRE HARMS G. HAVILAND ALLEN NORTON THE OBSERVER COACH HARMAN'S VERDICT The npaper headlinea of Sundae ews morning. -Colorable Swamps Haver. ord." tell the rompleto otory of the Came. hod Folurdey. It wet the Best eam he, airoalt' labr.ots(. time Ohl,. I1111 that • Haverford team o.o" .oro d. her been completely outclassed'There •re eleven plates open nommen...a. 0; Cerrell, 80. Cricketeers Lose Nine Out of for the nett Fame for the deem Columbia on riatord. offered se men who 'show the most Oat. I Pretty an exhibition of teamwork as I Fourteen Matches in Momill., I; WilitaMt, 13. think that Columbia ham the best hare seen for some time. Her Poe team they have had for yearn was heavy and haldch.... Her Summer Trip Pena 32; Urals., O. but our men mooned to been forbeek, sere rant). fast aod ruled. gotten 011 the foods. they ever They ...flied to maul Ilatcml.,rd .1 F. see PA., 15; ASrIthI, 0. leenned. Al. they were not TRIP VERY INTERESTING will. prep.. for such a ume et This 6 not an itshould be. Cob.this tine " By A. R. Cameo. .24. Maxtor et Ha In not nine touchdowns looter then Croke! far 1020 II 1 L Th a n fo d f at To a riverbednl obeerrer. theretool be rimmed up in lire outstanding weakFOOTBALL CANDIA,A,T041141,3L Ek3ACHES AT CAMP Al' of nine mottles bet, four drawn. and [ line was outcherged. bur wouldwen to indict. that tackling Woe VIII" poor. there was viathe won In.slon of Ragland by the HMO the ually no interferenre tonere-nine. our Heverford College Cricket teen, was back, bandied the het poorly. nod our rather nniolembulf. In molls of the pa. defense we. week. fact that the College mon were ono.ed Lime Fall* 10 Charge ender by Serge. worts at rm.. they Tbere Is an old footballadage winch 11 learned w areal deal of cricket hod enOm ys: When the Me adv.... the joyed* very opoirtuntey to see ALUMNI HELP TO COACH esm wire: when lie line does nut adDefeated'. 80-0 by Cornell, English life from the ont.. he teem Ione." Our line woe the '24 Baseball Diamond and outwei.bed The team Nailed from Kew Toth on by •bout 30 pu.ds to the Rut Will Outweigh Mlle, Rhoads and °Mae` Assist Cern& June 13.the S. R. Adriatic, and men. The only hope oor line had was Three Soccer Fields Herm. arrived I. Lando!. on the '24th. Twelve to get the charge. Because of HaverHaverford Team me. from the 1.35 eleven made the ord's failure to in thin moat of the Will Be Ready trip They wen, T. C. thorrett. cap. eel c1umN ill the lark otagrooming came. the Colombia lip. nmashed our Both Haverford and Ousquehanna. tale: .1. A. "Silver,rummer; E. L. who ha football candies... Geoffrey BOW bathe and MOO. holm in our line velt.nseet in rutted] game on le big In The money w51,11 the claim of 1024 enough fiord., W. P. Stoke e, C. L. k TOMMY. Wilton' for a dress parade ru pa attended curb ramp at P.Yereoitie eld next Saturday. October 3, Veldt oImo meditation denoted to the college. throtish. IL C. Rabe., D. G. Baker. 0. C. M- figured in the short end el laro tree . • Two Weeks of Early Drill Put backfield n Dino wart • star end together ee P. C. Garrett. A. H. Cerra., Jr. with some other funds, has Our ,en tackled ne if they were ripirthrrat men J. H. Ho. mad C. A. Beble... The It'o2V17 on the ION and previ. Gridmen notisirta at o Moor. Time after time in Good effie%e14 4 personnel of the teem was further nue elevens. 31.1.intoeh. roptein of the been used for Oa clearing and Cot. GarrettWot of while Haverford lost to alee pooto and the team strenatheaed by the pretence of the et 00.0 tally. 30-0. of • b.ebell diamond. The teem la latJt. ha, Wren over Billo's drarrog Shape Columbia be Roth losing teatnt wa field incteding the ground next to would not tele of them. 50 nettles of the two P.O... were overwhelmed by Erecter weight athlete born tun tackle ....dully portion at college blecletosh bne as- Nei Field known as Resonatructio T. M. Lassa, '21, erd Howard Com- and o All u gh the attendenee ,t the fell aided Curb Harman for wend yearn, celled Clime of '24 without eaviog hie fa.. 'flat is by neither aggregation had a ehan.e fort. OH. Mr. C. C. Morrie. VI. • 51.14. 10011.11 1.olumh c.amp wes not •e hirer is bad ia Windt such Mee gains-there an any ctrength that they might II le three hundred feet emigre and well-known figure in Int...lout to heed expected by the torero sad melon- in barkfield work. were plenty of realer. within teethe. ton be et/lamed. Matti. Nrc000maled the- men in the have ethibited In • more equal eon... meriting Sin. ...Mori. lo 1024. Iton Wildid.... but not OW of them etaff. thirty me. eel... Semsehuna Ss Heavy old rapacity of guide .d advt.. There I. a becks-toom of ttttt be- Iran his feet. It seem, likely that the Sellosgrore the Log Cobb Ionat Fayetteville, bar has taken chefs. of the °dinars.° The team *bowed a yond centre field which will enable the ark tel open Fk. Day aPeld le L•04. Henn will outweigh the Snarl. awl our Chembersburg. Pa.. to or deer as the third teem .ndidetes are heid tacklin.. This con be called batter la are the belt loose efteily. ...tithe before During the two days before their Black when the the neat game. teams nee op et Peptesaber 1. The firm workout took Wilber reea captain Spectator. Ord meta the team yr. In London Haverford neat two rand of the pl.. eleren on a the in bank `..13 on the eighth when the men were PatordaY. Agehlet On Doe kith-off to tm. I saw only boy., equipment. They practiced on Corneal wee tother Field toof notch germ. The ground round one Haverford player the ineaperienee asehmed to Mg the reeknot of be and a star line-plunger before that tine_ 'W8 block an op.Lord• Cricket Ground, and had • than the it When requireA athletics get into their will not be ready for use until a lark of sufficient weight which Orrepective grdirod which had lu.heon given to them by the Presi- spelled defer it has been freshly sown. Work on tent Thie eirl4ty with . • bueball mond. i. but which which full swine. Wilbur will have theta, of for the Lunn. It is to the diemond hae beeregoing forward ell Columbia'. ogee., In which erey man dent of the Meryl... C. C. Meech.. be expected w rather too ueven for foothen. that they trill bare &rel. was would be Meeting. The Haverford MangerKinabury bed arranged for about forty mew mostly of the two ...mutr under the direction of De. Car. elm awned oped • good deal beromi whet they to brush Lightly eefed between the Resident and Mr. showed ass.. the 'voter end Mr. Johnsen. 'Mowers to beerre. in no outbuild- lower risme. against Columbia player. andconeider Mt Red teem. Morris, ing 01 the Inn. A dummy and goal Three New Sege. Fields Heald,. the own mentioned Church But Coe. Berme will probable heir duty doer. Our line would mi. Poets were net to and a email char.. toopstretb. Wesley The teem arrived M. UppMgham for lab a re., different eteeen both to eaFor me this fell there wilt be thee he Columbia homer, then remain of. 11E4111.11. Owen the first match sod were welcomed bY fen. and def.t in the second cone. elled built. Drill oMrted on Wed.... Rhosde soccer held. ac 'gestated on rose th the road gouda o e ground instead of re. em Trork Comb Haddleton Walton representative. of the Schoch During of the sea.. Feld payers have not der. September O.miter ex. of the Peat coverine to offer the runner appeared now and Hro to any Sophomore andThew will be used to proteetwo',Moldy are the Saptbe member. of the Hereford • reek.. Two • meat deal of practice together, bold bad been by blocking. Tb team soccer i teem were entertained at the boot. of doe to mums awl late reportine. The onetime • day were celled the lint at their aarittaurc, char. of Mr. Arlinatoo Evan. Co., should he subject. to stiff eworkouts the muter. of tbe vertu. arbork. armed will he out In full wrengthbere• 9.30 and the wood •1 the MoPet. will have the, .d J. V oo the dummy. This gave rem • emu. of Fag.. atter for every day of drilL Very little routine of ramp lite,hegen. Breakfast Bye an 'AO Field. The 'bird sod fourth Wert of Sala Rowed pre.. life which was both harmer. Inn be brelikeed from the Ono pr.. testes under Coe. Sleek will amain In receiring our ball. .-ftrr1rha. rd. 'telt r21,orol-Le. and enjoyable. upeolally an both teen. were so the Prectire on Merlon Plaid. while th Phoned a deridedkick-offs, lark of poetic, which aut et 3. Moat of the men trent for other tour tear.. The day of the liretmatch tuned mitclared. will occupy the new is the thing hat molten good judgment 0. At um .rim out to he anything bat cricket weenier. ground.. Sew serommottati on• In pow... Instead of taking the ball on ligh. were out. meter have berm. a Thle. however, was onlr one of the BAKER WILL CAPTAIN the a. rue. the hark. would inverisbly wait COMONear SwImmleo Post there ere thirty Sophoma.. sod th1 thr.. titan that nu Lomat weather r0- for it to bounce. h:very tecond wetted ear. was welt situated in that nine Peohmeo out for ewer io eddi disturbed en unua.11y pleant month 1926 CRICKET TEAM It The emitted in a bus of Derma or eight wee neer to • soriog.fed . income tins to Seniors mid Jotilore. of Eel nab Then...110. .rde. Low., After plating a very pool its the Csiedonta State Park. Ter their Mod snatch by the orgemargin mediocre The third gwe, ran the Bet kick-off footbell amownent team will bare in the evening /here woe of 00 to 223 for eight wicket. down. Carmen EWAN Manager al CHOLA at dance pavilion abort from Coach McPeet Is Wised regular .hedule. as will the third mad bath an thoogn he reallY liked te rm. Carmimale. el Englial Tent Engin. peper, .halbutd [hie d I st fourth aomer elev... There are twee- Middleton has not yet reached midAttbe conclusion of the English trip the Inn to whkh the men writ to the effect of the see voyage on the ty Sophomore. ...on ...tore and form. for Alter the He was web too lbw. Week emote thirty-two port of Work; F..11 Haverford team sad the weother. bet of the 10211 Henerford College crieket 41.11 out for footbalL The. men wt in getting a. Vile penes were not Coach German was aseistrl by sand. Ihoaid G. 1Yhar he in ebarge of Coach 70 Men Report Bill, '23.wbo had cheer. WIIbu .tee.Inl been. of poor palming. It sprain for the cornea ...ors. He retiVatVglandontiLci.neg He hes Owls. seem. ".717. '" Plared r. to ma Tbey that wilt pudic, of the with backfield. the unit/. .7.0-• Dino. with Io.. The ...Mr drill La for three Team and kept w practicing on tbe new weer fields la de threat. wee missed la the backWith bright prows.. for the 1522 good a/facet during thin Nat aeanon. fundamental.. ona the routine of the Coelho.d oo pa. 4. toiman I Last spring be we. awarded the Int- trainhat. deeigored to opt the men in Interrollogiet. Leen. crown. Haar good physical to merlon as moodble Movement bat, the bat for high averT I C lumbia'a touridowne were for we intensive age. and the wend fielding belt la roommate ford rower undid... hate been prayon parse. erhkh one defeneire halt. TEAR THIS OUT For three year. "Doe be played I. on Walton Field later. Tackling, both ... miller Con. McPeet for In week. back. O. tuched. Middleton. vapethe line on the ewer Ovid. He has Winding and running. dummy troth. About fifty more men reported at the daily, ohoweci that he has not recovVARSITY FOOTBALL woo the Verity °IF' tsrice and has falling on the bell. ..ins end slow nrcoles of voile.. The ered from hi. Met wise'''. treatneel SCHEDULE pie.n hare twice Wm mentioned a• wend string drill were all pert of MO root. work. erminet porn. Gee back s seemed to been doing the egoist pre-re.on work oota. Sept. 26-Colmalga, away ke alt.Amerieso outer.. He wee rover the pees., then let the pmeer re. of modoe, shooting Ogg 0.... 2-21tmettehaa and Several mood getting run Hinted Into right na, He home beltiod al Comp ha them l f and get the me. *we cd 47.Illot;i yee MOH. from rIllot •MIIIMS .Lnradtrills Or An onforonate plate of the eery be best phut.' A... No Motgr There I. obsolete ly no ex.. for • Oct. 14--John Hopkins. awny be aft'. of preeideot of the Clesdeel drill wee that there were leveret e si pleyer to be ontjumped by OM. 17-Open defenve in. orush rrimmage bat berg toweled, after leering IF Reenter, Nat o t. Venneman sustained a wrenched ffensive man became Ott 24-Remitted the former At the Columbia game there were Club. home are. 11,eciltl. s.o. • !tooth, of the Y. kn. lust before the candid.. left but there will he several dor. the hes n complete vialon of the ball. ottly three Haverford undergraduate. Oct 31-F. • N. sway Fayetteville. Webeter. %boulder wan week es preparation for the melting the fir. cheer. But when the lest Rai Walt To• L0•5 Now, 7-Pena. away Alexander R. Carman. Jr.. was elected slightly 'reeked. while Abbot. • Fre.- game rid, Orrmentowo Cricket Club cheer 'beer was led, a deafening reed arose the end work ere .pecially weak Nev. II-Delaware, away leant bemuse of water of cricket for the ensuing man. hod from the throat. of at least twenty Settled.). The coache tell me that Nor. 21-Swarthmore, away year at the IMMO tneed.. -Boa" is MI the knee. Rees:1th was soother teat Hotattley7Gerobe• tt studeote. Doubtless the plume were mow DObe. I. ieeolwreoced. sad he loots Seven letter men, two Mr of the h.d twomumeral we -lead.. He man who had to . retired on the hoe. thrilled by the thought that- the eat!. ie VARSITY SOCCER as though he should improve. 13asuouta nod the majority of on the Neves Board and le • member who plated rodent bodywas behind them. mhould node • good rod Sul he .vema SCHEDULE :11:14 n lout yen • thampiorehip Joni. V.W ota.ed to relmea that no of Ube SOeial &loner Club, Radio Club butt in one sbOulder. in ellsrp o lark the sogrealven.• which would ., team form the outlet. of tide maOct 3-Cormantowa C. C. , alibis have been offered be pl.en or • nd &le,tille armlet, . et him thro.h interference. Our ends The only e■ thorned.. Out the Beerlet son. squad. Titer. Is etro. rompedbow. teaches for 50.0. It wee a sad exhibiPI.. • w.itiog [erne. Med. lbe bk. am Sleek WU did while at estop tre Ma for every molt, maiden. as there Ott. tion, so let us 'dude it. Seat Kenn. OFFICIALS HOLD FALL 10-Swarthato re, tome erfeteure divide without spillMg It or abeo they went to Chambersborg for ere about twenty who may sc tiara dalit. tbefeiw OcL 17-Crescent A. C., away mporttz. leahlog throurb to get the runner t ngr.tot to with the Chsmbersburg In varsity man, Marshall la likely abort MEETING SEPT 12TH aHigh Oct. 24-Navy. away who The entire line plaid tau blab. They root It is not deekled to play god for the third eucceed. Colo./is were diver itelteewel by De Ott 31-7 Prineetow. home aekled ground the not and often see.n. though kfaguire will run warm remptlon given them by the man- PM., for Fan Orimeleed, Ors. htshbitl Yet whether or not there .11 te • fall a would let the runner eu Niter getting clue amend. The two full.beth jobs Nov. 9-Toroetto Ual., home futbalt ramp nee. nest year. bat it .. and heir hand s on him. The tackler and We often wonder and Taylor Hume. Mawr.. if 11017 that It .51 be at Fayetteville should be ably filled b Captain Erma Nov. 14-TontelL home when Harerford will make woe defiC.rde wooed to ha. a tootle., to Tod Lona of the IWO At tbeannul , .1. V. team. Nov. 211-21. Y. U. home mwIna of the if them le one nite Sad /e entertain geeda of the Centred undershift. Several Both •re of the bathe were experienced player, Board of °facials. plane for Era. Now. 26-,Yob, away college. .law in coming into the pley. wan .nied . nn All•Americau pleym tbe comino were organized en4 Nov. Ifl-'21anord. away The dinner Oren by the New York MAGUIRE J. V. CAPTAIN km The one eueouregiu. thiag shoot the ',emend Loma es All-State. of role. were disenued. Hereford Hoetety to football players Interpretatione Dee. 2--.Pea inns wa• s away that I am quite Ill istmeloseed It was derided that If en official had teesore that Half-backs and roathee was perk.* the 0.y toleave Captain...10d le Only Held. Reek 7 latertoIlegiats League somas the. 1.1. can be wiped The three bolt-hook pottitione will did bright snot of t he d., to thaw present lir wouldhome • day hefote a content not see the learn •t tom, butI the From Slats taa. 'noon twelve the realest amount of com. lee our-half pay extra. V. SOCCER SCHEDULE We think that gout. and boat. en- Has extrouragtolt W. T. Maui, .26. less elerwl tq pet.o. an there are msaches Ion no they were greedy handlAM ta. who to see., of- Net In the eepbrity Joyed the occadon .neatly. newt IIT Injuries sod by the late of optsin for the here in Oet. 4-W. MIL With home Wale from nearby. on the vanity Thor. unforto.t. who were out Junior Var., somer star Thir team. of roltege. who ere Ott. fr.. 13-Prankford out The b. four for conference. them. Ay Wood with two hundred team Wet year for the drat home present at the aforementiored dipper present. met *did areks of practice Store the grime lime and Hornead are both letter men and at the Hotel Penosyl- h Ott. 24 -- .Lehlnk Vomit/. of nor did not get tbe ...tor bearing MN v.. on Oementher kleverford the title of than, ere likely to win reviler nod were much better berths agsin. 12. The members ie= in the home Penouluole h tradition. attacked. of the committee are: though Shank. who won miner.. last Mr. Hall. chair. League. The electi on woo Mate Leaks for Improvemtat Nov. 4--*Sw•rthmore Vanity. That tradition Is al[[a one which judoea on meson, end Heine. eve... of elle he of the Rul. Committee: Con. I look (or Havetford to do much away Third.. September It Tide.tits the Juntor Varsity, are tusking the mimeu of earth (.0.1 season by Roper. of Princeton: M.M. of better Hay. 01,00lc_ this week. Sums.. god GarhieN third ye. that Maguire has held the last come. Why bould one lite.. lord: Lauffferd, of Trinity: Nov. 10-Girard College, away for position. Arnmtrone sod tfilver lett Oakeson, of berth on the tem. His regular fnre the only who re/illy or one defeet determine the worth of a Lebleb. Nor. 24-,Peen 3. V. home Out- 11.0 have been workine as bell-becks end afeEwen of We. Point: their don le mel. Last .ason, he wee with the yaw. oboe.. team which MOM. both stronger and Dr. Thatokitt. chairman: Dee. 3--fllofayettet, away qtrd Dr. Taylor. (utT. secerrs m.r:er',:9,:urtrt:e 101:: by Cowell IlePete as All.dtate cepa...? ✓etary, hod: of Hereford'Penna. Stab team, gum eetten. . that the feel. should goalkeeper. Coodeved en page a ed... I tee r membered and corrected Uhl. week. FUTURE OPPONENTS SUSQUEHANNA TO BE NEXT GRID OPPONENT SEVERAL NEW FIELDS COMPLETED FOR TEAMS FAIL FOOTBALL CAMP SITE AIL SELECTED the B LETTER MEN RETURN FOR SOCCER :rwg 7 d FROM THE SIDELINES h u. Deal at the CO-OP STORE A Full Line of BROWNING, KING & COMPANY Clothes and Haberdashery Sporting Goods at 5% Discount Books for Your Library 5% Off Lefax-CandyStationeryJewelry- Watches Freshman Ties, Collars, and Shirts • - ▪ Page SEPTEMBER 25, 1925 RA1711RFORD KIWI 4 STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION ENGLISH PROVE BETTER THAN HAVERFORD TEAM Reeling Scheduled for This Week; Store Caiwieltt. to Be Considered 1'o tinned from gage 3, column 1 The first meeting of the linden., Aesociation for the purpose of readThe trip to Reptoe erea toede by hu. ies the ...Surber, will he held the nod • stop wee made at Adthy-de-la- early part of thin ee It le ',tilted mutton f &tab to watch some county cricket. 'fen ?re Keeton was rumble-redu be the strong. fret meet. eter, Year. est tatting side that one played be the It is also eepected that at thie Clop e eew method of selecting the mid they defeated the Haver' Store CommitCoo ford merreeation by • wore of 313 for Hever/teed be rumblend. It IX hoped that .. direr wirkem to 115. Austin and Pock- the various classes will me fit to elect land. the Beoton 0401.00, emit made a Meg representatives to fide severethe orinnisallon rather than allowleg „,.„. peed/. .01000' them to he appointed by the Students Dent. Match at C1111. Council bead as they bone been in the poet. At 1111100 College on July 2 the Haverford team met with their firm hit of bad lock. They had their opponents out for 133 shortly after lunch. and were only able to put on 10 run. Ofor one withht when the mach wee drawn on amount of min The follow. Connects fr. Pee 1, column ing day owe spent in • delightful rue to. et the hardest blows of the der down the valley of the Wee with Maim from a thoerford viewpoint Was the to leer.0 Abb. and Chepstow Cantle. Injury to Captain Merle 31111er, which On the 401 of July the Haverford XI averred In the fourth quarter. He bad knee and bad lo be put op r eery spotty eabibition of bat- wan hit in eta modeted from the Hold after heel. put ting red were- declaim), defeated be cap n sleek, fight for three end one-hall Chehen.n/ with • wore of 51/ to 182 quarter. Realest the overwhelming for eight teieltets down. tausiday wee weight of the opposing line. Ilerobatn, who mph.. Merle et mates showed spent in thford I.ki0 around the op wen io ht. first Easily game and l'olveraity there. •Iter • ehort bus ems reepontible for several nettle. durride through the Me. Down. ing the abort time he played. The two-day mat. ebb MarlborAke.. of Ferebles E•oeeneleg ough bran., the first tour of England Phydrelle. the Haterford team is ay. to on end. sod for ten Jay. thereafter Intently in earellent Anne, for t. ere Me te.n. stayed in Loodon and mode were no other injuries of any sorArineon tripe yet to the schools be ppoo .n the Nr•.le1 and played during tb. time. At Marl- l:reit bteiZs boro.. the poor betties of the liar. of the esrline.. of the (ante and erford men uv only relieved by Bher's the al.o.t tont absetwe -of pre-mamn perform., when be put on 411ran. wrimanne practice, not a fumble woe in Me firm Inning. made by • fIneerford man. Two Columbia fumble,. which wen CrIelksimes Play Banball made In the fire, 1111arler. Were ere. The meteb wee lost by • morel. of red by Harman • men. This probably an MM. and 101 rues 10 the home ept the score from being reels. or team. On the wood ettero.n the fourteen points /ante, for Sutowelt Imanr. of the Scarlet end Mack gem poem.. the bell eight ywda m so eebtbition of the Ameri.• National the goal-line. while, • few minutes later. ga rne—basehal/—for the benefit of their Naltitillnes ...bed It from • Columbia English audienee. mat only ex yerda from the po... The 5.t ...Moo made cad of hoodoo Iv.. to Tonbridge, where the Hav Simnel( at field tackle war the star erford XI just mi... pLaylim eo ttiedonooly. 14eama,.. ilne.c..... b... td . rfo ,ozb theup ,./.. u7b,... h. COLUMBIA CONQUERS SCARLET AND BLACK BY 59 TO 0 SCORE pits . b SCARLETS WIN CYTHEREA BY ONE POINT MARGIN CENTER MRC1AY LEADS IN 1924-25 AVERAGES HAVERFORD TEA AND DINING ROOM Suburban Publialoina Maul AleNel Day victory Oott nor BREAKFAST LUNCHEON tWeetill Time t. Ewen Cluses Py the scant margin of 1 polot, the DINNER War.% miner In the 19211 Alumni Day compe• Phone, Ardmore 1346 tear odd area the and tinge between m rested with the Scarlet iear clam side. Not until the final dishpan was hurled was the pewit decided. the wieC. ld. throw of Tom Elltioton. '14, with e dirt.. of 78' 5.. being the deridine FINE STATIONERY forte. The afternoon'. ennui included golf. tent., dIngleb., baseball, 23-yard him. dle. nee for children under ten. 1.7 200 Single Slseets 71c one. and tug of War. The final outcome woe 60% to 651/2, and the concludine event of the afternoon wan the presto100 Enrolee ». 75e WE DELIVER 'tiVg; flor dil e "7.r ar=''''''" Scarlet team, with littlns and •OPro/riote resUirks br Dr. BabbittPrinted in Black or Mu. Telephone Ardmore 1372 P.. Classes Stand in Regular Order in Matter of Grades G. WARNER The mythical Seholarehlii Cop or net year in the Intramural League mu. be given to Center 13ar.• dm, width finlehed at the bead of the domaitori • them mew.. out of nine. Center clewed the meson with the high fourth-quarter avmark of 810 for enge. Lloyd gehsed second place by virtue of a 79.1 mark, and Routh and Founders followed The eel]. cbsinpionebth goo. to North MM. In spite of dm fact that the Day Student. fin/shed the Oct guar. ter below the raid dormIton. North held down the floor of the League stoat of the year, alternating with Iferion during the lint letleyeee. Calla. Average 7(0 The college avenge for the fourth -tenth above Ike quarter was 76.0. year are.. for the whole bond. boo. 76.5. Tie &Wore, not itatidied with haying eaMbnithed a mark meted 10 the ooenod loader, bettered their previous mark by two point. and attained en average of 871.0. Tile brought their Sear's toerne to 81.7. a bleb mark in cOMparlroe with the other done.. The Junto.. Paphos... and Freshmen liniebed In the order named. the ...lin 80101, meemtive/y, 79.3. 72.7 and 71.1. These clan.. bore been irt that order each quarter except the first, when the Rhioits extended themmleen and took nerved Mme. Pennant DRUG STORE ar; FALL TRACK PRACTICE Diet.. Rumens to Bs Entered la CeeNo.C.Ntry Re.. Fall track preen. will wart !him week under Coach Middleton. A meet. ing of those inter.ted I. Chia bean. of thort was called Idol Pride, noon. id which twenty-lee men were premot. Coach Haddleton addressed the omen, explain]. the equipment needed nod emphalizing the importance of herd work Ohio fall. 110 the past. fall ttark wort has often beta merely • means of Ireeping ie condition, but thi• a'orrlen'ordT '1.1t71:117orr'1,7rdr*Z1 enter 4 regular team. . Pictures. Picture Framing . WICKHAM SHOES at S8.50 Forty-five smart styles, from the dance to Brogue Oxfords for dray Cbdorde for everyday war - matchless value at the price. The Gift Shop Suemmilon for lunch—E. el the H.erfotd Club. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER PETLADISLPHIA Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Waym Ivor hower<r end melrh ..a.d with the more 226 to 138 and he w•s in at o •"'i• At Charterhoom the Mein. tee. seemed to have remelted confide. e sod the outstandior feature of the barkmade a muds better showing in the betting line. Comfort. T. C. Barrett and Fitter all reached the thine mark, IRelliirected. and be ee:m1 and Hata. Was high with • more of o get them or with ea. nery time oo ghowed 21S to HO for'tinee wieket• of I nor • owe XL Lontherti and Lowry ran barb the See Hanes...Else Mittel kirk -off wen with other poor interand Oar. On Saturday. July IL the Haver- ference. Sumwalt, Was fortunele in beta; Matt red all made vett,. wwwstis tackles. ford to Indian showed up well at eod in his to wine. the attond day of P. the Harroor•Eton match at Lord's as gnu MI.. game. The line from laekle the guest• of the blanlebone C. C. The to nett pot op s good wrap thrtonh/m.o. ...pied the hot Ma above ma thenenti e some noel abould Isok e of thew the Royalty. whirl, bait been Oaredet .4 again. rat Seek. with three touchdowns. woe the disposal of oil the other Marrford team. that Imee played In England, Columbia's bill aroree. but their vie. This match In ono of the biggest no. ion wan due not to any Lotbridual starred e vents lu the 1.ond. summer ring. but In the uniform etrength of s powerful. Am./lb-working meehine. "neneon. In their amomd two-day mate]. the Ivy • Meyer and steady field gent-rel. Harerford XI ver rt e amtio beaten by Captain rettee. mergio of over 100 Ito inning and rune. The Mc. tble lime ems Hallerbury. The 414 Recounted for by their wwrieY century by teem ioeleded a Callow and was sofiletent to Wipe on the pert Riot 11.2 wore mow be poor Wars; are. ........ 111411 of their oppomori. car Hamra* Th W Owe. .... ..alts tn. • aae..enes At Harromon-the.Hill the Haver- t.„.„ . alPt Highs, ford team again found themselves and 1asaliest1 21■101.4 forced a draw wllb the layed to • draw with Eton on the pre8 V: pvious Saturday. M. C. Heine. wee high =MI nom, sanuitede.-earerront. ear for Ilaverford with • 64 nod the wore eitmeit far gar. Return. tar nwela. Ise Ow... .H1 stood 'LH to 168 for five wickets when Illst Its nom.. reel for 111.2. thestumpy were down. altelts. tehlhentwell. Sasser ■•■ The Hmerford teem could only menmew. mum. We .12.1. 128 ren• et.. Eton. sr. e t. to rut 1 ‘" '747. r in alder of the fact that the tight Sloe bad loll two of their feet howlers Eton far made 141 for four wickets. While at Ilhos Ilsplutet . W11111.. Warner [sr Iwnr Slough the delta,. saw the inneectlen kit r!`rlan.lrIs Ifol̀ °11, L alas for rienbertnwa, of the Student Mint.. Corp. and bed NW. . Uses. a rhea. to look around Windsor 1.1.rev Whetter..a. resw. 1se Keens. W.. Ix ,m et . 1' One. On July 20 the team left London -Tossis..--11. at gasser. 0; *gain for • tour of the Nord.. which... Mts. Isnett. 14,1ss. Paeltew. Nast. •Itts rear, loner. N.. to include lour etcher yd end Owl tromeawee-nonts. V. srkedyLe of matches. They staled for 7 1;t re.."22 1r10 ItrA"Venste More day. at Leamington In the heart puseters. 12 oil.. of tee Ithekeepeare comer,. end from 111E1 point mode trips to WareriA anal Rennwodh Ceatle. and Stretford-onAvon. Slew Math at Hien. Rugby was the feet of dery m•tches coutintiett from wee rn,aws 4 rind the Haeerford eadt were beaten in estremely Plow metric by score Cl Itirfrie. Raker and Porton are the 165 to fit They were only eared from hm. uwho nere awarded fetters Cl • lower count by 41 rue. put on by the clo. of lbe 1924 seem., After point io thia C.matort Al a criticall weteh Purity stored bur 10 runs in an ow ...aide Mild. 11.e. hour. nee Poor Rel.. mow.. for the de- ire and Richard.. are dm most feat that the Havertord men met at ''',7r0T,'!",17,:it:t1 Iwo the betide of their opponeet. " F.N:11 Sher gusher two worth, the 0011 of the school. that they pls,ed. This was un- S' P::7; •H fr.74] d `' ,7?!,„ the denier 'i.e. onal becaume the faldi g ot the Moe.- .coring rombinstion rate was ronsisteette superior to tbet shy bst year. of the Engllahenee. Jud ea the bath.; Team of Laid raw Cedog At the elope of the ...VI, wart of the leder excelled the form.. Victory ler Haverford Coach Ifereet esteemed the oPlehm that the llaarlet and Meek would turn The12 013 kinvedord Vielarr 0.021. It lean an good as that of tort when the team met the Quaker Oct a team XI of Bootham. The Scarlet and Black 1924. Haverford Mobbed its ma.on at eggreeation showed a confide.. and second place In the Intercollegiate year. haling been d ..... ed skill the hitherto bad been tackle, in Lawrie their eehibitio. of letting. They ran ,",1,` '71tV """11;, .::721.4:P. u .. RD the for Ain wickets md then yA ' from Ardmore foe Tuesn team Ammar ses., the home teem with • retired net MT.00 to Its reedit. An 86 by CePthlo day. September t myelin. SwarthThe r eams bath for Garrett end a 78 not cat by Hake wage were instrumental to pill. op the to- more team will not be met its the Brat the tal count that the dell.. made. A college drab on October 10, while dieter wam given to the team on the Intercollegiate League season will met One-- tom... for the Main Liners end' tee of their departure tell T. C. One inwill to Princeton when 31, October Preiwat 10 opportunit, this tett took Mr. Morrie motnento of the trip on vede the Haverford territory. .1. V. enemas Pale behalf of the team. Although two or three mee were At Itowait the Daverford team were by graduation and several More o men deprived of a victory be the rain. lost likely ta be shifted 'to the first They retired their opponent. with • are /ow worn. of 108. and then were oole teem, the J. V. bones of • mcond whiby the inable to put on 26 roue for one -wicket ttles seams •re maintained Freshmen promising down when • steady downpour forced d. of far student. Mattel., Met them to draw t p. It was pent- end traniefer dist every lean rem. goal.keeper, wee elected captain n liar that In this mat. on the Roman 'de wan caught out for thecoming Konen .d has been new Five of three ceche. were made behind helping with the remelting of the the wicket by Silver. After thla match mem Coach blePeet plan. to cat the tbe tearn broke up Into eroupe of twos sound today, when the smith and Moe. to conclude their aummer In. third and fourth teem men will be relegated to Merthe Field. In touring the continent. .. . ff NOWA. tiwht metal: What h ,1/11/1 we. get Inge Wuwhen the, :nal ergewiserraor Hare Al extra. owe opperrweity 0oe eolto.t? Oran 'Wore. MO WNW groom? . 77th strife of odosrriustar.r throw fight e. them queseem. Eark adverthement twin .p Me recent of a allege was mho row with thr WetCONPM0, wish, she Ma us raft. Iwrfil 1106 after grass.. fr.. igx.ersio. i ""L'` w*"""' This Graduating Thesis Bore Fruit B ACK in ion, SEVEN-LETTER MEN RETURN FOR SOCCER g;:?1L,10.7:1,Vsrsa'g ''.``hr:f1"4,1:1! A mathematical method of pre- a Princeton determining the temperature of a motor or a generator under a student, Wrote given power G. E. Luxe, a thesis on heat How in electrical apparatus. The Nothing so cycle. comprehensive had been under- taken before. When developed, hoWever, the methOd would per- portunities which the electrical industry affords the research engineer of genuine endowment.. Today this young man has charge of the insulation section pf the research department, with an organization of three physicists arid five assistant physicists. ceipt of this opus; it went on, in mit a more scientific application of motors and generatota to pracdad requirements. Safety factors kind fact, very much as it had gone could be cut down. Smaller ap- to before. But Luxe came to Westinghouse, where his interest was paratus could be geed, with re- encouraged. Today, although Jell than ten years off the steps The work was exacting and the researches not spectacular. In partments of the Westinghouse not fired upon re- world was sulting economies. His work calls for the broadest of experience, for it relates every kind of electrical appa- ratus in which heat flow occurs. Half the problems of his section are referred to it by other de- Nassau, he has completed the end, however, there emerged business—they are in the nature researches that have. improved the motor-and generator-build- a formula that is now the property of the industry and that of emergency calls. The other half are of the department's ing arts. stands as ell important addition to the field of engineering in- own initiating. From these formation. tionary developments in the electrical art. of Old An interesting problem that came to him here was the development of an analytical or This incident shows the op- come many of the most revolu- Westinghouse PATRONIZE YOUR COOP STORE