Document 1698519
HAVERFORD NEWS NUMBER 12 HAVERFORD )AND WAYNE) PA., MAY 9, 1927 VOL XIX. Swarthmore Trade Meet in Afternoon and P70171 in Evening Will Feature Annual Undergraduate Fondle, Despite the geleetion of Friday. the tbleteettb, es the date for the Junior Prone J, T, Evans, IS, of Lamisiewee, pis, chair.. of the Prom CO.O.Iltee. Waled hit Saturder that provided wnther entelitione are ferorebte next week, the athletic end mei. progrmo ,emegegfor Junior Day Mould. Prove •fe be one of the meet eeteeedul In fleetly." A brat holiday Net been declared foe 'the rerteden by the Collese, in accordwith ' h oeuel cortege, mei the deb orste schedule of Joulor not Day events nt 2 open with a cricket -P. IL. ye Cope Field, end will clam, ' with the completion of One twentieth Elirerford Prom In the eymeashito ally twelve bourn later. The highli ghts of the dey's programMil, be between the unfurniehed by the defeated Merthmore end Harerf old Intl teems on Walton field .1 0,46 arid the donee beginning et 9 o'cloce in the ormrte.glem. Chief interest In the athletic ern. gown for Jotter Day wilt be centered mi.. thin annual meeting between dm en their Semite sod Bieck barrlered tredidonal Garnet rivals. Both teams hare emerged vietorlave In three metn, to date this gee.n, and comparative worn Indteete an even eloaer etrustele then lent year'. coraest which went to Swarthmore by • four Penn margin. Feting the efrolmeet kind of 49..1Han end sparrel by the traditions.] dram, beneeo the rem loathetions T1109105, Morns and Hewhinnee abould deplicete teeir eeenetiohal performances sonnet Leteeette lane week, while the Haverford teem se • wh ole IF ex pert...I to show greatest advantage In the field event. Other Sports Scheduled sports route.. scheduled soomt of Junior Dey !enrThe heotiller lude a ...LI %Me MI5 a tens. mulch with Dele were lealrereltr and cricket match with a plek-up team of elneent sad Philadelphia Cup Jett. players empteined by Alfred O. Pm, teethed. '96 Conch Hela will probably rend brat ear battery of brothera. Suppler modest the "Cabby.end Blue end Gobi et 2,20, while the smile etelf MS be celled at S ofelock. As previously mmuuted. music foe he Prom in the evening will be far-shed be Howard Sortie. Orekestne The ilsoUtLin r thlierv-tow plecen played for the Janior Prom at Revertant lard ewe. and his recently performed at sinner bine. Primed.. Deorgetow. slid lea erne.. There will het wenty &mere 10 all. with the ho. termi.lon rooting between the thir• teentb and fourteenth donee. It 12 ter leek, Emit clam will be estsicaml to one renter of the grtnneeium especially re. use. accenting Us Even, eerree Per Members of the Nye lower elem.x and the Senior claws batting dances with Sinai., Will an to the southwest veer.. of the ertnneefent reeerved for the dem of IS to genre their partnere. The Senior Ch1011 will be illioted •the northamt renter. the enoltemerea the sentheast corner. end the Freshmet the nort heast corner, it Ilse Florida Sammy 00001 scheme of derogations bee n plenum! by 0. W. IleIrbinr. ho has stringed to have the wallet of he gyenneeim revered with Florid. IELCI SECRETARY OF 'Y' TO ADDRESS WED. MEETING Dr. &Mehl. Unahle to Speak 'Bemuse of Sodden Illness Frank Bancroft. Princeton..26. Field Seeretary of the Middle Atlantic I. M. C A-. will spend the afternoon god event. of IVelnesday. May 11, at (101. adder. Tree ..d lane Wednesday slight, It leaf teemed lane ei, Hie tent. the of whieh t yet been aneouneed. will be lollo pd by a dieenenten. lio the afternoon. Mr. Bancroft will confer with th Melleklual members of the IteCaNnet.0 Dr. eV, Beatty Jennie., mbar the Fleet Preabyterien Church of Gem leentemn, wag to bree spoke. at eh meeting Wedneeday night, but bee teen reread camel Oda engagement due to edam nines. Dr. ]magnet in ly known in Germantown and he h been at the College several times in P.M Mere- It I. probable that he WI address the .17 manedme next fell. UNION OPEN FOR GIRLS SPENDING *GMT AT ..12,00 HAVERFORD CRICKET WITH ALUMNI COPE FIELD 290 BASEBALL WITH DELAWARE. '72 FIELD MO TENNIS WITH DELAWARE 3.00 TRACK WITH SWARTHMORE, WALTON F I EL D.3.4S 9,00-900 PROM IN GYM BUFFET SUPPER. 12.0047.15 Two Ire-prat "mud-prude" doers and an snot:net& sprinkler .totem Ln installed io Roberts 11.11 width. a fc. week. to make the auditorium irethegnable spinet any poesible On on the atere or in the deemin g rooms, J. Henry Scattergood. treseurer of the College Corporation. muted on Setur- J. T. EVANS, '21I Chairman of the Junior Prom Co mittre. WAllil is in raharge of the ...dim mad Moen. of tee IV, toed year next Friday. Eta.' bum in lanildneue. Pa. FLOOD RELIEF DRIVE TO CLOSE WEDNESDAY These change. will Miele both State end underwriters' fire requirement, eod will enable the College to obtain the long-awaited lower metaewe retest. he said. The ortgloal plans for alteration. are now being amended In coneultldoe with the tesurence Agents end work will begin man. Final the.. to empty with State regulation,. were made two wee. •go when on entamed ventilating theft and automatic fire shutter werr installed in the projert hie mom of the rear of the hen, It -is expected the State will Rent e permit for theatrical pros., tione tot men se the -.0.-rtege" .1. retrainee now being rimmed have been monotone& Them will rest from $1500 ta WOO. Dr. Comfort told recent, Berta Regelremeats Met Installation of the imbed.. curtain gent Ore-proof web between the wadi- STEVENS WINS EASILY Havertenfe Med. mere metered two ono of three matches last week from three strong copOliesht. Fleet. Wanking...a and Lee bowed to the Merlet .d Slack. 0-1. At Raba., Stevens derisively defeated Cepteln looter, nem., 54. tot ther same ban strong to bold Wertern Maryland without a Want winning o-o. on the home mune T. STOKES, 'IS 111. Teemlsy. Heverford had it rathet Who has taken the male lead in the easy time of It defend. WaeldnOoe eennal Haverfonl pl. for three eon. secutive yearn. Steern made Ha lane and Lee. The gime... showed lark of practice, and Was for91fVeirrteri,V7.,-Trz=e,jr, tunate to erert a abut-ont Ceptale Country Chili lent Friday. Leonesmain came thMugh in e e. style to moors a triumph overGee Cu. sane. 0-1, 6-4. The beet mane of the *Sento. we. the orm between Web. Me And Dobbs, In Mich the former emerged the virter. 6-4. 6-8. Evans Ion one vet. end then eme hark to averwhelta his opponent, 2-6, 0-1, 6-2. Johnson, whose drives were too mune far the Needier Homer, wen handily. Croy's Mahler offense proved futile J. RADIO CLUB PLANS TO DONATE RECEIVING SET $70 Raised Lest- Weak; Work Its CA.. DI Sim/eds. ASSWelatlea Clotting ma Wedneaday. the drive Mouthed al INverford lief wark foe to be given us lhe Amerimn Redl Crone AR. the College.. ehare In Rol XerIPMtut=73.1r67d6a 00' the Nation-wide contribution to the satformal Lester Gilt Will Go to Infirmary; CeMale t re[erx in he vanes[ Hirer 1100 and Eva. ot to the limit do see the flood will he In full mine durtng the first doublets mach. 0.2 4-11, 11.2. WebNew Officers Are lent pert of iv twin( had by eta 5umer cod Turk, 6-1, , r4,31 Elected !ra,rt ■Nedn'h:°;;,:1,7.414:'717, Rtltentt'"Iettl'ite7=1'1"t' r"oe'rwritere WI. perted that are Col;ge Y. M. C. A. Miller...1 mid. nut toe nuauction of Purchese of a radio rereivine get for will make nimble 0100 from the ato led. on the additional When the Seerlet and Stank eourt- proof ten be Herrin Bremer, won deckled upon men met /Sevens at Hoboken, Lester usast Cherite Chem end enliected Met ,34sikja•geed,, m act. a meeting- for the reargentaation of Rs [...tribuneoa from the Sealer CMs tering requirements and a delta. to et 'FIVerfhol:d The n'ger'tjd the Reverford Radio Club, held in tbe •p low on ...Bible were or. charge of et S. tinreent '21. Ithe while W. it Steady. find. "Ai: A. F. Meet as the reasons why the present e.g. seethe hat Wedneeday event.. Vggles 415.4u kt, vit." l;'ereT. Horton. '28.end L H. Rieherdeenegif changes were net incheled by the At the same metier F. W. Smith, '2/3. A great uphtu battle by Captain eutosner's hove Noe frem tbeJuniare.H. architect Ill Lester guve Haverford Re Nee point. peeler wan elected prevident of the ebb for After dropping the find set to Mooch, (*sire of the in.reere K. Ensworth, '29. and 1-, H. Test, 'at. 10 preserveproperte. while the State are Ile, tine leen the Sophomore, F. It-11, he eeme bark et re. end evened rice-r.aident: S. LL W. Sc... '99 president of the Fred.' merely seek. to prevent mites end tether, mid II. W., Melee, '28, trea- the emtch by winning the .reeml. neth clorae ben aemEntel A fellow-- nee Live, 0 the reason tor the differ- surer. Forther pions for the reoreani• The lent set resolved itmli into e long dmn,. in each dormitory le armlet .. in State tind underwriters de- motion of the111.0 Mil be dimmed at mrugzie. On four occasions Lester hirn in the members of the ROM, Mr. Scattergood said. The fire- o meeting to be held tortista. eery a double !atilt at the envie/ oof exit doors re. In be Installed Ithinie clon e The More to Mile the infirmary with roomeot, het he finally emerged the into Mare side of the be No definite goat 10,1 been art for the lend tuner. 841. -Nein-meg' pardon of bWebster wee doweled by Erer after el dele4,01;g11,1g1.., w.,4:tAb4qrat"in,. The mrinklere will be placed to • 'vault of the le• thee hard-fenght deuce wet, all being weeks the matinee of the sorer end deeming erel 1-.1 The Reverent eces forehand terser of Brig.. A committee was roome. drive wee not hitting Its meek with Ito ter. to investieete the ma[ The alterations1111:1,V be rompletel by With the remumendation that the ex- nom! regularity. Evan. toe! in etntieht HARMAN SIGNS CONTRACT Commeeceneet. M r. Srettergood sa. id perts.. prinntly ce def rayed by .1 the nem to Eine. 6-2. 8-6. Cary ahao woe et fourth enrolee by MeTO COACH TEAM NEXT FALL but adder! that he thought 110 Keefe eheme. thee Ice the projeet defeated64, permit would be needed for a leeture or hns heen Sine beige, up by the Radio Club, Dentate A vicious net attack which kept the Hie Coathed Feethall Mae Steen Fail se Jamie like Comatencentent. Coe. end W. 0. Halstead and I. B. re Smith. Haverford twee, sed irloV11111* menery ma k e thep/nyern in the bock of the aI 1122 bee. •perainted Co the 'N. have meet fart,K . err al efoore .„.„h triumph After naluy fruides. interviews Red Aeries]. dengerou, according to- f.ue• type of radio ex be terdell.. It is e emotielinne. Preside. Comfort and WIC!. MOO. torter/1bl. the Installation will he com- Lint. 31.17; Stevan' tereg.d douIMO hoar. for Magee Coach Harvey Harman ago.. an pleted within the next month. ummuel teamwork ble. term, Roberts lien is insured for elm. New Progrem Gensiderml IO emerge Idnnere weer Cary and WebWtti;c7o.raly".flirIZI ginialtZ rttlio!'s1;(int! 0100.900. or eielde per tent. of the Among die features considered tor stele 2.11 64. 0.3. ins of th-l. ,-10,11.1410 football mentor for rest of reprodnetion, wording te Mr. the prosrom for nest year Sr. Lester Wise AIRS the 1927 mason. The ffilmoi end the Scattergood. This would make ita thedeb's punts. .1 a egg !00 entire student body were dent.oa of When Wester, Mouthed netexe set. u ...11.5 pet for theoe .a ring Ceech Harman'e eie.ture ger1117"Thre'l:e7re7rat ■narrsigre'ettl,t; wittlog to Heverford la. Edda,. tb ere net primarily Intel-mt n in traveled Reverferd team ems hittitig on ell Ere rea long derm ire f, , but the foe number of resu.amen all represented who end the organization of -the agent. Repro- broadmetiew reeult wee a 6-0 verdict. Lettgerte & nter Pitt star didn't rommit Mined! rode elder mrly 01.0 fah. ltlik this Mien value! are uow en. revined beyond a one-year agreement. new trermitting apparatus member. for ell the Coerce 64n...with rim farmed hrl]tuoely 0~' kr,:7 krat.1,1;; The Imeubtrity of the peotege of the club hope ta equal the frets of Mg forted to come from behind, after "Pop Warner" le without pre-Meta in to making remain that College property ef the Radio Club in 1924. when the fir. dropping the fled tat, 7-S. Brillion the ,note of Revertant College. Com; is properly revered by hammy. Mr. transoceanic rank., Mem match. in which cram-court driven mon weaned bin declare]. They are en lat. tylle lielioo lil, n=t4tiei.,011. 11: Ileverford and Orford Chive-dee parmmed on the tame opponent. and he tan not noft-Biti ng lt Pee tent- detnte', mem mule possible with the the meta at 6.1. be femone Plot .ratene beide, be said Total .7,111.1.5 foe alterations diming club's equipment. Thu neW ehort•were Webster won the find set of hi tech meson mince that date the fruits net will he enedelly desimed by memthe post year will be nearly p5..)a). ease. But In the scree Match pith of hie tabu, havebre more ...r- The original cost of the-mender= was ber. of the Cone. dub. eit en til finally der] - the peat amann $11.2.000, Mr. Scattergood Plana to communiente eNtgland rtg'ilL4,77,V4,1,4 Ig";II9bf7:: Tbe y the beet RuC. the footheit teen melte RobertsaHall as safe and other foreltfi-nountrien bare al• admitting detest Om. mothered WAITERS GRANTED FIFTY rens of Noy Harerford Mohan team in ekengen reedy been ronsidered. The bromic-ant- Beall without exerting himself. 6-4, Pet any yea., losing the first come end si39,171-th'e'atrirgr17: DOLLAR RAISE NEXT YEAR many_ partr. 4. - ler ten will to testalled eithe r in the Caty came through with a victory ti tbe next nix then. Idensphing pr ese n i er room f t h e loeb fourth nlngeee, 1.3, 6.2. Hie ability en le comee l e nn- 1111rea. o i n th t et Shyster la o r a tor yo. Sh a r rtee Claes P.a. on Petition; Sled... renter.. rmArionel. Cemteen on PM 3. minim 2 He l Maga Liable for Break... HOTTENTOT' .PRESENTED A fifty-dollar Increase In the minuet ALUMNI HONOR PRESIDENT AT CEDARBROOK CLUB 61 COLLEGES FAVOR tomes of student waken. has been apCOLLEGE CALENDAR COMFORT AT LUNCHEON Ours Fellem gthal Play AO, ..... proved at the College Mare, it wan ARBITRATION; 3 OPPOSE ;renamed nt Mob in the waiters' &eBefore Alumni Performance h. mom test Thursday, The SIMS.0 Admowledge Service With Gift of Key tele Vete Sent to Coolidge With woe greeted after the waiter. hod pre l'laylni to on,capnolty_emlienee at lit Rivet-ford Merely'. Nave-faro Eileen YOSIDAT-Ifairtfas of As Or. lewd Results of National Pall rented a petition to the Hosed of Ihn.1e1 . C ne n,. Club, the ant a imcbcon held at, 10,101 The vote of the Revertant College TOMIZAT-Tlie Le, -C. A. Lee.. Otte n prepared by John C. khan, Yel. InAt sod Rae ISO Presented Th the Hotel Adephic Philadelphia, Itet,C.t9 Students' Association in fever of arbi.11 Lt.. 15.1.I a of and A. 8. Hawthorne. .29 and re- amwortmetely r.0.1 „t n o, L."pl , f i s o tr Filid ,e ry , eo nlzf . fp o p. r tic 101/ alumni gathered to tration le the ` with elam. nay cam.. R6 re. questing a salary rale, Timpetitinn Ye% Comfort's temerant mee at Ia.. bleeo le wee ferwenled to otoPregident m stated that inquiry had been made se to acknowledge Dr. Wileam of before the Atunael on the eve Lath HaVerfore once 5.111 anu. hest Tuesday, along with the<r., the amount elven student waiter. at a ning of Commencement 0109. Jette 12, Uwe. et AL .. / Ms peat too Penes by the unnther of college, that Ifeverford men 'ft of a setr of the One change wee rande in the ens resuIts of tanner mile al eixty-three , Shel. CI. i la the Palea. L Revertant Editim fergregESPAY-11. Or, will were PM. lean then the. at RAY ire of Chrietopher eloreevet mote, rerent• ming on Friday Mitt, in that George fg"1.1:TottrITZ24." F°:171: mum. ea ten altution from white reply bell been reRennInger, s. Mr. Chadwick. wore,.In Laierlat ceived, and that the waiters felt that ljexublisheil by Doubled., Pose end steed of o wig hie owe belt arrentetl dou of America. Notice to this erect T.. at LW. a• the should be given s sum at testa fasbionablernbogieb Pent SIT' Col Zee's! 314y dentalprettentation of the books in, Ihe, style of 0. V. sew. mat. v. IOUs C. m,h.t.The effect was mirk.. I prore secretary for tbe Mexican arbitdation themselves, wan rendered imposeible bo 1.• st mallow la IT' ZZlIng-TZ. s 4/, ,T,Vig.r. " 1;. , hy rte yore ene preettleet of the Itedelge •t 79 rat Law. the fare that Obey are net yet oil the loe of the student body next gear A deem folleved the play preeenta Student Government AnsoristIon. 1 opals preen. We rienoencernent of the gift would make the waiters' Jobe more wen made and President Comfort will do. TH 101071/-0110.111erld Of elaty-eleht eonegen which replied 0 L. C.. . Poi. difficen. to the quretionenire meet out het receive the 000 ehout July 1. with a X... of tha Cham ta m 011 0121. t. N d ft lee no onth to J50 inatlenlang, sixty-one of th b ealtithre inseription written by 7. Owiewd Canalatry made yet ea to whether the Increase himself. em reprerentIngapproximately by tiw mnrusammearmos STUDENT COUNCIL DSO atudeete, were In [aver of arbiter,. will he given in the form of a bonne The [amebic aova ecorded upperto Roberta Nell at LW at the Mel of next year, or added to runny for the Philadelphia alumni to 51.11115,,wder ma. half thee. enneete, retmerentieg ;Mont 3000 atudenta, opperted trebneetion, end 1927-28 .11slay. Lathan ...te the waiters' pay reciter. ileigde hear Dr. Comfort tpeek. r mitered that they took no rote. Ketone the increase wee [ranted, the hich Me dened h m t t er vM . SENIOR CLASS The polls were taken ether theengh at eth d e the waiters agreed to he liable for ell Wint r tanqu W.. MIA. nal. William R. Broody student government organiastlem, Btutole not preeident wan to Chine. Alfred C. tee.. brokennett tear. leaverfwd ar s with Ingram H. Flithardsen deht comae, Or ...I groups or etticily enforced In the pest to for Moyle, 'OM presided in the ebeeete of Ovid. with iLumal at L ea eve. clubs. All. C. Thema. Yam germ rm. WC thie year, over $800 worth of dishes Henry W. Stokes. lef. president of the C h tries A. Rohl.. The Harerfard vote wan taken April Phikeelehle Alumni Amoeba:inn.TPLOAT-OrlaWit watak .1.1 she have been broken. J. Tyson Slob. 11 end net Immediately to MI. than. ...a C. 0, at the Wan O. 0., mince in Cambridge. Mose., by 0, L. Allen F. Horton • L DEBATE TRYOUTS TODAY BOSTON ALUMNI MEET Helfer. 'Te. the Revertant re, L. May 15,1 SOPHOMORE CLASS 02 the Fraderatie. I'M vote, XONSIAT-Latralowal Yaw0, Peel T. Marlin Addressed by Dr. Comfort and Ralph Choice al Joel.. Riede Thts Afterwhich wen unanisooes. wee preceded vs. et Lifi. ale.laz ti Frederick W. Swan nose; Seniors In Evening by a epeech on the nubject by DT. RaySeertildae, tea 7. ner IT. Kelsey in collective end the HIS TPINDAT-1..... Approximately forty members of the the Junior detesting JUNIOR CLASS Tryouts. for publication of a summary of the sitneL.... al AIL v. Walt. Reverford Owlet, of New teethed at- team will tele place this afternoon be• F. Curti* Doban lien to the Neve. Tad tended the annual bmieeee raeetlog of tween four and five o'clock In the aviCPWAWAT-Tevals ev-033 tae Herbert IC- Ensenada y that erecelzation at the Mitten Countr Cpl. sod th.• for the Beni. term 15111S, SWINDLIRNE ILL Renew& et S.. Burrell IL Trion Mb. Milton. Mass., Net Sethnlee. after dinner. Following the choice the 1T. we.. la . Pal. at 1. Mrs. Kate C. Serinburne, Min t. the Preeldent W. W. Comfort nod Rap.. two tem. 001,019010 work in moat-. A- a.e. A.. nibs. ELECTIONS FOR peat three years hue been matron of J. Shortnage, '06, eddressed the cro up Treearatioe fa their intends. debate. th e renege wee male.] to her teem lATOSISAY-.15. A. 5. C. A. 11....following the mein. Reuben Canoe. which is to bee held et 6 P. IL. TimePRESIDENT AND Mb ran attack of the grippe for ev11...11 same .0 AwL1.0a1t n 'TO, and Elliott W. Brawn, '21. trete d.. May 24. famine the Sophannerere]dtyatlastwe a Th s e and on '0 /WM •t ea. CH.. SECZETARY rcted president end eteretary. Fmehman entreat. The latter event, eele Swin u rne nha b C. Cr. ehee mat. .00 ale Many aloenl non aradeste atudente at for which tree.. nee ...led for at to be Ailment from her dune, by THURSDAY fo ed Harvard lloirerally Or 11. L T., et• this week, will be held at 8 Veloch tan Mim rcs. for twee two years. the Berrie evealng. i Cobb h JUNIOR PROM FRIDAY MAY 13 9 to 2 HOWARD LANIN'S ORCHESTRA Taker en Sal. After Leek ia Lar ge Beth Ream Appl e J. T. Esser. Chair., N.00 Sm., NAO CeeeN Limited to 700 Ceeda NETMEN CAPTURE TWO OUT OF THREE MATCHES FROM STRONG FOES Washington-Lee and Western Maryland Lose to Tennis Team ALTER ORIGINAL PLANS wi MT,:tly'reacsoord:',7,,t",t,.,Z7.4T1 planned to place a drop behind to omit probably be to rated et the eeet end il be gemna alum. The deroretions will l be by Hs bermeta. of Philadelphia. official stet ✓enter for the Delleete-Stratford tel end the PhiledelPhM 0hew had April. Ple• gelther 05 Lima Oneof the mo important Nuevatintut devised by thee committee la Ike plea for a buffet supper to be served on theest w tem of the camp. bee Founder. Han and the gym...shun et 12 o'clock. Acme-nog to this plan. the dining some will be used for stervice only. The mei eoter the dining room through the Senior entraoce, secure tr., end pen. out to the lam through the Sophomore entrance. avoiding all minfusion. It I. donned to &CO.te the lawn app o. EdeteN with Japanese lantem, Mrs, Rodger., of Philadelphia , ban been secured to ceer. Arrangements have been eramehtml by Mrs. Lem H. Intlenhoutie and Mrs. Albert H. Wile, two of the five host., to accomodate eight nt nine girle from • &mane, update, in the Union. The emend storey of the rithro win be reeared esrtuelvely for the use Of the. LIM fromY.., • taleBegardegaletelaren.tela • win be In attendance et ail time, Chairmen Even• hoe announced. The other throe hnetwa for the Prom .11 be Mr, Edward D. Snyder, Urn. F. 01., Watson. and Mtn. L 11. Evans. Special Favor. For Ghia According to the committee. vdhite tr os ill be a twoenre b JM enito max care heosmt Friday e . y lemh i i e aetri willb. worn on the Prom. Suede!l entire will bepreeented to ell t h girl. at the dance and program will be siren to the men illateed of dietributieerernblention fawner end programs to both as wan done lout year. Over n hundred drkets to the Prom. which Is limited to two hundred monies. have been .011,1 elleAdy, Chnimen tratot stnted Met Rattled.. The committee in charge of the Junior 1).ay ertuneemen wan m(avant bet fait by the dem of '214 and eon. dote oft J. T. Even, chaff-Me: O. W. Melt-eine J. T. Stoke, IT, IL OT, P. TAY., R. I. H. Rirherdeon. star College to Secure Lower Insurance Rates Due to Changes JUNIOR DAY scenery showier vistas of palm tree Potted [dents will be plated to Don of the windolve, and s felee ceiling Id be femur] by the reflection of opeClill • e backgreeed e gold stri pes of hunting. TM arrangement will take the place at ti, Cap and Balla SPRINKLERS AND FIREPROOF DOORS WILL BE INSTALLED IN ROBERTS Elaborate Athletic and Sodas Program Arranged for Junior Day Tou •• RAVEEFORD NEWS Page 2 COMMENT Taut rforh Wring MAY 9, 1927 Alumni Notes Arthur Parry & Co. 'SD, Wiffiam Frederic Wichershem. The Father Speaks The majority of expose,. of the modfovea :neat Bankers • rn Arnerlean miler. and their finished nett Square on Sunday, May I. otter a 1115 Leant Street, Pktlattelphle product HIP be classified se dead ees prolonged Mona Beaten, New Teak, I...idea.. Portland 6311201.431-CNE. ✓S A was horn to Me. and Mrs fruit sod bitter brew. Therefore. such AL. P. Bor.. Er In Wood. I Mt en article an "The Revolt of a Middle Kisco, N. T. morirneu mgr. Aged Facer:' the cornet Adande '19 Elmer Hancock Thorpe. hoe been al11 l•1310 EDIT= • ni E, 734., Monthly, Is to be Mathis vetoed. Ea. IL &Cm V transferred trout the -Engineering thesia--4, coruNete and made. indict. Departmeot of the Bell Telephone /AMU. HEIM. 11101101 Comps. of P.M., to the heedII4/1-1104.111 meet of the 'liberal arts' arenas.Willa. a. Bra, la yuartera et 196 Broadway. New Byrn Mare ...111 W. Wall, la is menantioesl but its prenentation in Took C117. we the Amerleau Tele111011910 inulne end disMiesieeete. Isla P. nu I. phone and TeMgraph Cora... He 11.14 a. 5•••• Programme To accept all of Mr. Rabiames arm, will mei. in the Department of J. 21.41.4. '34 W. wan Wu.. El Buildings. Hie residence la 40 menu would be to c.d.. absolutely • C. Irmys, 500. Slurp ateeke. East Orme, Week of May 9th Jam g. rams. 10 the sYstela of higher education which M ▪ Earel. N. gol•ela L. Water. lg. L. Idarrar.... t ow in order in the United Staten. Nor '20 Mr. nod lira Douglas KoowIton in hie article always unite truthful: nre receivinit congratulations on erg.. PHOE0011413.11331 Monday, Tuesday and there ere orranional errors of feet. the birth of a son Bruce Muff.. w. Zarna 4.11, on May 4, Wednesday such es his eatimation of the number C. Heyne Ls Amistant Diof hours which the aaaa e etudent '23 Irvin 10211111gal KALE.. rector Of the Dan Art Theetre John Gilbert spends per weett ie classroom workawry it 33.31.e. 0,4 it.ociate Editor of the Duee en entimate which. at leapt in the r.e an Art &clew, published monthly. by 411Cood Appearance is of Harvard. is not representative, the Done Art Theatre, with beadGIEMILATION Itlakard AtrVEVEIB100 L05015 But such data do bob destroy the <marten et RN South* seafood al urn 0. Tawas la, 'fl Laralirld. 'N. point of Mr. Rublnow's paper. Hie atton Square. Phila. Hey 0. i. Mode. that of a man of smelt meow moderate cost if you taking en active parr in the pro30510E011 BOARD faced with the oak of Ovine three thretiona of the Dole Art Theatre , e.n! S EMS.. Thursday and Friday deal at the rkla plate. 5.5.1, 0, Menu. If effildrea u college eduction, Is. if not which are siren Cl the pla,rroo 14.rel 0. hekea. 7.P. I* Game 71.. Jr.. 'N. progreesive, at lee. eimlyrkal, 11), of Plays atm Players. Delencel Norma Shearer Suits & Top Costs poet. the theory that social moven• L He recently took the pert Tao da.11 a lainagma W.411Le during Me... 1.7 al war. likace al rho 11.41.4 done ore a suffieient reason for college of Geoffrey in John Emmen $35.00 and upward. M.1.111. Caraway, 110 Nor. Way. A....., Wane, gm I sag lila.rforg CON.. Ela, education. I. to find the eau[ and he tries‘ "Mary. y ContrerY.err., 11...34..4. the effect of the great influx loth the mid thera rale of ofServant to the SONS aa. 10 edam hells of learning. Cavalier in Carlo Goldonrs "Le nahleartloor may Wahl gag ilma. Nay pr• Wastra al The milie he event.11y Lotandiere," sod will take one of eanarkt. Ea.rfare Pa. a.e. elm. ...a et 1424-26 CHESTNUT Si'. rens.ronts manse ears mot. ye... to do resteffies at Wan.. P0,, *P.*. being not worthy of the sacrifice which PHILADELPHIA edundlonal procem entail. 011 wing the ge 'draroTi,q4 zi 411,7. 1,1E.; Saturday parents; for the rause is-he concerns Moab. of MIL* 50.0. Iateradlantals anagnar Asia4180.the Land.. to be inseam 'ion Memel. of cause with the ere. mass Monday and Tuesday evening. Slay Tom Mix 131.11.1. a. 1.3 ne..4.114 anaksegt Irararanlaa el On lean atadot Wear. of pmple---earlity. fond imaainknra MI nod LT. MM.. on the peel of the youth who hsslost &Meshed his wentodary sch.l. Faculty Notes Speaking of the Weather Mg and who dots not wish On engage in sand mbar-In feet •nythia but a On Friday another Junior Clan, clad in white apparel of varying true seal for leaning. The effect of Oh John Forbes, lastructor in sorts and dmeriptions, will stroll into the limelight Po be lords of the the incr.. la numbers of undergrad- Chemistry. and a researeh cherubic el uates he summarily die... as cow note. plans to oak. the Inuanter re• Doneam W. Eiseman campae for a day. The guests of the College and the centre of all ad- Mama. nothing to the world comet ration testi,. by minutia. his research eseorted stock of eedagoirlmi work in the Flaverford Labor. tortes. miring eyes, however, will be of the feminine variety, and to them we sn He will make a particular study of gle.htra. would extend as official a greeting as is possible. Mr. Radium lo cornet in 195. of peseta one of the ensymes in the Although the complier. of information in dictionarim have undoubt- theme statements but it I. 'doubtful etemace. 1).. Forbes plans to continue . Pictures. Picture Framing whether they pertain to a. serge . pot. hi. residence Iv Ardmore. edly tacked on to the tart eyllables of their names L. L. ao, etc., It dom lion of students as he would have the Dr_ Wiliam, Buell Melina, associate lot seem possible that they have received their training at •American ie- reader betteve. Probably. no underfeedwill also eavd Chanute Steen atitutione of higher learning. The word with which we take issue on thin uate who reeds hie attack will feel him- lo'roif:Tor VaCtr..t17,' self entirely free from all of the acre.particular occasion is one the ant syllable of which is on the tongue of Philadelphia But there are a large number who Z"tt: practically every undergraduate this week-Promenade. (Note.-We have In all einceetty will flatly deny roes litiori however. Oat he wil melee trip to which the author proffers-that It probeale. Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Wayne New York Washington found one freshman who thought Junior examinations were held Junior elause rune. in Inter m of life whirl& could Ort:Vt!"1.17,111flan' Day, but he also thought the "Hallelujah Chorus" was from the "Twelfth be latent much more profitably and the summer. much 111.7 predertiml, Basically lteMasa.") Northwestern Univeraity. at ErnesFor books about Friends and by Mandl, and other woind, 'The Revolt of a Riddle Axed t.. Dthroln, hail north of Chiral.. hue The Encyclopedia Eritannica definea Promenade as "a walk taken for Father" doge true on a score miner obtained the eervicee of Dr. Edward goad books, tones& exercise or more especially for social amusement." Several reformers have dem/Ie.-The Harmed Crlin.t.: E. Snyder, emaciate professor of Fan' FRIENDS' BOOK STORE 11,0, for the summer tem. Dr, day. characterised modern dancing in peculiar terms, but this is a new one to Bight Face Ma Mara tl0a1WT, laILLADaLrila der's broth. to regular member of us_ -me French word promenade was formerly pourtnenade, and came Lover. of the true soil the beautiful the fac ulty et that Institution. Mot We Have the Largest Stook ta America from pourosener, prontener, to take for a walk. Late Latin prominaire, agree with the Boehm. In its aux- Snyder end the children will spend the anti. that, for the geed of Aoreeican mn, in Maine. to drive an animal out to pasture, to drive on with threats and cries" literature and increased PP. certe. Liam K. Funk odds that to promenade fa 010 lead about for purpose of dis- authors forbid the diaaem1441144 of STOKES '28, NAMED NEW play." What a peculiar demonstration might be witnessed on the thir- their Plea'111MIEko. Dee P.a. Look vat dmapb flergettheleter for any lengE1 of CLASSICAL CLUB HEAD teenth if these definitions were adhered to. lime end still ...mete meads= In the According to Latest rephrte, no substitute has been provided for the belief that he has Miami ten with Curs Electedditaab gerszdu.le.r.. SIM rioe Griffith as loony times ex he says famous sunken garden which has recently been renovated, but the coitions he Claishasher Morley undoubt• ban. .1. T. Stott.. "nr. wan ...cosi presiis expansive, and with the moon almost full-well, it should be almost Par b. n very kind fare, but he do. de. of Me Chemical ChM for 1021.24 his •p ear to he as WhiPPOPPI meating of the CI. for the enough to make any chaperone look back a few. several. or many years. leg kin Al the i!noel 11:4■Pgr, Pl.. W.14 year. held In. Tuentla! even. an the case may he. Soft. melodiousstrains of music drifting acme the readers to beliere. And. na the Book. i ent: fi nei.rt In camp., otherwise silent except for the ruatle of the trees, and the . e poitim out. Will Dunne. amt. "ritoltt "h"PrintlhIttnli is a splendid goatee as nut.. hut its the activities of the tiorsety n'u'rinz the murmur of happy voices.- (We've said mouth, end, anyway, this is little heroines a best aeLf- 44.1 s.'or. berme appeared In the role what the hominess hoard calls padding.) of Lent, the hounsboid god, PP II 1encl. "TIVoT Edna et. Vincent Miens dyes To the young lady with the original aehoolgirl complexion, the .P34- not 'destroy the' ill.ion which Orr isa .atembar.41 ter rapt of "thane. one, which nhe presented hy the elult ity advocate from Bryn Mawr, Use sophisticate from Vassar, the dikle. heochiren and Aqua..., Itove ere. on o Demme-re ' after having been fart translated from the folio by Dr. Lark. aced le email compenaation for the tante from Sweet Briar for where you win) and the seasoned Promgoer that Mr. Meech. rememblem o well-fed wood especially lot and omelon, who doesn't mind the omitting years and who first came to proms when Inter member. Colonel. Lawrence'. tither officers elected sr tke .117110 n time am: Tioe prVAIIFIli and treasurer. Joe-wae the beau of the campus, and the host of others we don't even WItert 41.1'0134tore'tirrte traTli I'. A. Ske.a. end seereterr. try to understand..-.a word of wekome. "To the ladies, God Mega them," lions] gloom of the ismodiun. and Sher• A. L. flarher. '20. L. el. Yoder, n mem., of the esecutiee and especially the Prom girl. "Age canoet wither, our custom stale her wood Auden.. fortunately. given an was not ineonamons with his eommitnee. The Latter played the title infinite variety." Writing. Bps the. aro oneplio.. mle In the prodffictieso of the Octane They cannot .rounterlistance D. H. Lawrence), Mord oar Ford Maddox Returning to Normalcy Ford', rhino. And all the world now ASK FUNDS TO RESTORE behaviorReorganisation of the Radio Club, effected last Thursday, marks the knot. that the authority ism in Welles Is heraelf a del bre. SHAKESPEARE MEMORIAL return, to normalcy of an undergroduate organization which for a period nette.-Tbe Harvard Crimson. of three years shook the duet of cloistered esclusion front off its feet and Preteens. Gem to OPen Drive Wlth Hello CentralAddre. I. Cofferdam Wedneedeit invaded the bustling world of men and affairs beyond the confines of the College Man Speaking Austin K. Gray. •etottlete Otelcun.t Haverford campus, will itinerante the, drive is n large number offferelgo f Foreskinthe shadowy student world, pictured by every Babbitt . hinguages-French. German, Italian et Revertant for loath. to restore the a paradise for baggy-trousered, cigarette-smoking, ukulele-strumming Japanese. Swish Hansarlan-but the heltespeere Memorial Theatre at young cynic', the spirited and ambitious organizers of the Radio Cluo college studeot htts a lansurme all hi. SPPPP1PPil**PAVOP 01 Wedneedey. when convernetion of n e will speak in monies Collectioa chose a larger theatre as the evene of operation., for their mil-built end owe. Tone in -n Thin chive will be e part of an late. seLf-operated broadcasting 'nation, WAIN. Hat in venturing forth from eat-neat effort to raise 1.11. for tit the sheltered mediocrity which shrouds the average college undergraduate roltpeoftlieniirir be o green pro ndosement of a wheal for Shake-linear1.1... kid. don't institution, they rudely- violated the line of demarcation irrevocably fixed • . armee to he esteblished. as well date her, mks'. a gold-dirser." O for the reconetruetinn of the tem by custom and tradition between the sphere of the 'choler and the Mai-AIL you're all wet I know 11889 man. going to err. Anorozhnately WO of the here.number when I mee one. The Ultimate effect of this enlarged policy did Oct become fully ap- favor her to' ilMogiaa her to the Aid Mr} niormy has already been colleeted. nd it 10 planned to here the remain& parent until last December, when after tares years of aoccentfal operaWised by student, In the English tion station WABQ was transferred outright to owners by it, "Ve.i1. all righs but dm) ter In hint; Peel:int montage, anti In .inr forel. student developers. This move Wan the direct result of over-speciafiza• nJ anomie, the crib PO. forth lion and efficiency in its ortranisaffion, which became too complex to be queer dist.) nod the grammar erhool PPP(PAPOT Grey recently elated ten Huller adequately hannied by undergrantietes whose chief intereata centre per- boy hie nig Latin. but nothing mu. form in tne realm of college fife. aunt the language et the American kinder from the denim, No one ha Now, al a result of artion token last Thursday,. the Media Club has tollege nhateht.-The Stanford et been napalm-eel to take charge a again ['bro. to the normal proportions of the average undergraduate inthe other tan els... Bryn Matte Aids Sacco stitution. Although ita decreased scope cannot but be regretted by ma.Y, its one moat be,accepted as a criterion for future campus organisati.s that snap aspire to expend into the mirring world of competitive-enter- ,41 4.Z"o"I'Llgr,,":111Trlafswr Colt AMUSEMENT CALENDAR Son for the Appointment f prise beyond the portals el the campus. Commendable FE an elaborately leer. Olevi l extensive program adopted by a progressive student institution may he, ditional Theatres two in the ease of Perm goon on inetdotion in inevitably 1100M40 CO ultimate restriction to the nnel Tangetti. was are[ t Governor xe Ceameruy aar lar.• brat , La. la 'Wight 314., mediocre level Or attainment itopo ed on all student activities by the Fuller. of Mannetninetta, Met *PPP. CXE3IEIE.-..7.1•04.. neer,dent exigencies oi the aeatienue world in which they must necesaarily operate. Se Isig.adral WWI Lad Ira Manila. Nam. 16. 1144i femme. OPP**. N... as Lau.. I. Leer. treanam Seville Theatre • m "The Show" 'The Denti-Bride" "The Canyon of Light" JACOB REEDS Investment Securities Stroud & Co. nu The Gift Shop In ,: lop imr(311 Znt7t,,:::1;11"4::1 r the petition. It wan mina stated ihnt the petition wan not spoe.reil by the GLEE CLUB MEMBERS TO RADIO CLUB TO RESUME rlal•Mgra.3 ea. Association. thwiente of repneted to TAKE PART IN CONCERT BROADCASTING FROM WAIN) Smith and Wellesley Haverford.Swarthmara Orcheatra Wilt APPOAr In Roberta Hell ThilE144Y A convert by the flaterhird-Swarth more Orchestra will be 16.11 Itok. Hall vat 8.30 en Thursday evening, May 12. according to announcements now beta. sent oat by the College office. The 1100, program will be ppre- eentml et Swarthmore tonight. Me beta of the Ilaverford Glee Club wilt semi. the Orchestra on both occasions. taking part in the chorale and the mixed thorn., Alfred J. se., lecturer in music at both Colleen. has that the program will cousin of fragments fro m Daell'a.•Banter Cantata, rendered as n tenor lobo sod Morale: Mommorgalire cightmaniehton'' baritone eolo. mixed thorn . I.trementel interlude, and women's Aaron end a Madrigal M five pert, written by Hassler. have taken similar era.. First Program May Be Thla 'Weak. In ALUMNI 1051M. CONVENES Accordance With Terme of Saki Iteettong bromeasting over 11.5011 for the find time since its nom tom, Mats President, Dean and Student Creep In Conlerences December, P Haverford omen. trio mosinting of Pretzfeld, '30, violinist; Coavening in the Union Met• day for its second biannual meeting. Wern'er*.V07grgrd7,11t the Alumni Adtl.ry Committee PDPIIL doe Progreut thin week from the the morning In conferee. with e geoup Hot. Lorraine studio. If satisfactory err...omits can he etude with its Manes,. Ilg'gryttirot "W: :lel Pe Vete2roaf i ne A eoneert P. scheduled to have Jeen given last night, but it wan found ‘al'oelr's 7n7ePTitrhh'tt Faeeotive nece.nry to mil It off at the lest mice on. The club has th e right broad. who .pent 1.1.11, 1411;°1'iralt!!!IT,r'". n. program, twice a week accordSlumbers of the Advisory Comtniritet. ing to the terms of eale. It now in:end. give programs nt frerment In. 'Ater ';'lle'ired.'1.ait. !Varet:.1 741-e. errals with donee music by the Iln• '1-1-fordien, and. 0e solos by Dr. J. Iler. ',ammo, le,, Rolston Thom., in, pomade features and 0.1.1033-71. Ham BrOtbas • Lou,, le ',Old Mneb,g Matures A.LIErea--.34 DanEmor• War Astor la PO.. fun, •1.01rOat-Eaniag ana . eau el -tea osstrece," W.... a. Tnambar. races,. Valor la 'sate. ta Tri. 4.•an Salardar. 04.1. ig43. Ia. d UM. pow. In IlAg.L.E-Etet Lela I. .01.a FOX-L04067--141.t res. stem • SEVELLE-1.3a1.. Tina. • a Welerraae. erlia Oak. in 'E. sm..- Th.., .4 om: ea la 'On. Elam, 141.1.1 Paw., Tea Eft la 'El. 0.e. of Loa, m araIIIXT-Ieri miss. sat U.. IMEES00011•11. 113. sad Hay Ia. AP. la -Ter Mar Pd.., OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE xE Sweet Lady back home will tellyou: The next best thing to seeing you in person is . . . hearing your voice on the Telephone. Telephone Her tonight. YOU know the number! Number .. . please! • ▪ Page 3 HAVERFORD NEWS MAY 9, 1927 N.Y. U. WINS EASILY, FORSYTHE OUT OF TENNIS BECAUSE OF OPERATION SWARTHMORE SLIGHT DELAWARE NINE FACES FAVORITES ON TRACK HAVERFORO SLUGGERS Week's Sporting lasaults SOPHOMORES AND JUNIORS TIE IN INTER-CLASS MEET Baseball A... Teeth ES1118 Elide In DauMap. Pl er Steleitele on Third CH Havarford 8. Osthopathy 6 bed as Easiest. sad Plaskise Star In ri ayit FUS Tp Haverford 0. N. Y. U. 6. Aimede a total of forty.fine and a Fureythe, Jr., '27, will be unable Min., the nopt10.0.• Were able bet( Track to tie. the Juniors in the mutual inter• to repre.nt Harerford on the tennis 49 1-3.. Westin. Freshmen claw track meet held last Saturd. team during the remainder of the seaWill Be Played Walton Field. The Seniors nod Perish22 2-3. Tripp Stars in 6-0 Defeat; son due to en operation performed Close Meet Expected Between n telehed In the order mentioned. 451/r. So ph e month Haverford and Garnet not Tuesday at the New Haven Hos. on Wednesday of Kingham Pitches Well to nirorth sod Met'onsialoy. by annen• 41Vs. Seders 30, Ft...hens. 17. ine two first places each. were the vital, New Haven. Coon., n was teamon Junior Day Te•als Prom Week Clinch 8-6 Win divided stern of the meet along with ed net week. Morris who. by scoring a poiat in the Mary. Western 8, Haverthre The operation wan deemed neces100-yard dash slung with his usual first The prncipal attraction of next Fi hheld, the scene of many notable i A p.mising winning elves' of,two sary because of en infection of aerr. land O. Pares in the wallah!. !stood out for the to an early mule al glands in the neck cruised by mil. dein Junior Day athletic program will eneounters, will gf gin be he stage for e traight wee doomed Newt-font 0. V. 2, Wlachester be the annual duel track meet Isetween the yearly home clash of the two tradifreshmen. Hoskin. with IS rotate. teem en. when the Helloed baseball Scheel 3. the dominant figure for the Swarthmore. The meet tionalrivals, lieverford cud Delawere. was .tered New York l'olrentity. The gtp4=de ‘,eI kne. Haverford and .717ocortra. ! '' clo. and lord- The Blue end Gold toe.... from New. Seniors. Heverferd 5 Rte.. I ereos victory was followed bra week ale teem to plea Itothgen, and Wee in expected to be ink. will nipple one of the main nth. The 100•yerd dash and the 220 were Haver-fend 6 Wminagtes • o f postponements ca.. by rein and teyan Friday and Saturday April 20 tr :i' oh('d=ce left lr he powerfulltha= ' n by Emworth without much trouble. then • victory last Wednesday over and 30 Formythe returned to foliage I Cm roamers. la again tbe alight favorite. pr the 17"71OreTlatte els lb I se d sc , d es the t'xthdeopethY. lam Friday. font for the celtent time of tenode. while Mc- Just before the Oeleopathy game ettittill enVon't' n Itottitr" ' t7o7". " !ee 0 Itr:Ls=.6b'elo're. Canagby eaeity took trot honors in e v't* TENNIS TEAM OPPOSES oirl7thir 8:Xeste NV= ...old and third the Delaware genie. influenced mainly the and = hurdle. liarrhinney ran .2"g,V.PLIkA-:;!:17.1; ter in his J.lot, He han played third place, especially think t Al IVsplet:L.,71 row in the I/00-yard &oh The trey with Moravian ebenid DELAWARE ON FRIDAY ▪ ronsiatant tothird ownite Cabby linPniee rePleced einglea during the present eneon end Me nose out Whinksey end Wright in Haverford he, the edge in the dad ream' one for the Scarlet and Vanneman •t second. By laSinding be. won the ajorlty of his matchr ere.. Tromps in the broad jump. prove en nine, The Uswillaten were de- Play P. M. C. al Chester In Mli•Wask the mod lime of 130. lmtete. Per the peal two eeeade, For- lioakine In tbe pole rook and Morns Black Tooker 10.1 year end there are feated 21.-40 we. au Contest Wednesday in the rho[ dweld win their enema if no indications that theY bare 'morn,. .1.11-W an by 12.werl, Mat to, 'irdslitadon nosed out the oppoeition ,o After rather rO Ugh going dude the Mnsff. '30. SM. they' eau Mole up to expertations, al. meteritilly over their standard of last '111C '[arm b-6 victory. adh Swarthmore. though they will have an e.Y Job of it, weesion. Haverford. with its veteran past week, the Scarlet and Black ten. a In the first Inning Richter Angled Swarthmore to possibly superior in the line-up. Discoid find the Bethlehem teem ail team will attempt to get bark Into 0.1.-Ver by alawblues. and Tripp walked. both scoring a few high jump. although Itiehardeon did bet. hot a eteppics stone for the more winning form tide week at the expense no.d. 121,11... 'Mt 011.2. leristo. later on pair of infield onto and lent performances previous his ter than portent affair with the MM.,* nine. of Pennsylvenin Itilitary College sod Inaa-1,2 comeepathy tallied In the moved with Saturday in the inter...I...nee, flatter, Haverfent His Edge 1K-s, n.-Wm be Wattilseer. ley moIsm. of lofeeaand an error. dr.who threw the di... 143 fret agsdnat Delaware. though much etrunger Delaware. The former will be met at oed. 11wInert, .110: My., Mt. In two runs. Richter onened the should win this fee.. but Mor- then the Moranaln team. still umet Cheeter on Wednesday. while the court- L. 3, third with a t hree-beer but Ws. to push him to Le reckoned below the Quebec on vaunted be ran ris es ethaderd. men will fare IleLaware on the home 1S3 Ilse por11re-14. by IleCaugh7, when he mistook the night et thirdTel athletic the captain of one RhInie ea ill• The uno Friday beet. on him courts hi BMeit prytibo• '29• The Scarlet .d 'V. 1101e1. serosoL then hit a three roadie Melly broke the college record matt Fri• logical adventage over the Newark Datum! of the Junior 1"rom afternoon. T11.-10-1 bagger aloe. A tt slanted marine MO low MM.-Wm by ileum... 12. day with a heave of 113 feet. There comNacion In having won from them Contain Lester and hie crew should Tripp, but was thrown out try1111c4rtnan. will be a rime co.met in •the Media Into year by 11-1 and -1 near. with win from P. M. C. aggregation without memo rums. am for second Saunders drew paw Little Quakers Win Third but Bran and Flint hare alleht much difficulty unle. the unexpected Tone-M.• ow. the as strong 3 t no win that team • tad tallied on A. Supplre's two-bengrr. vantage over Spangler. br Wsteht. MD, .weed. wIle present escectmlloo. and on .count of ▪ Supplee eingled driving In hi• brothVictory of Season In the dottenee nee. Swarthmore Is the consecutive !Orion of vision. that iti7St:1; :=To ar • rtrIV it ol'ed ol MC 01.. Swots M. Tlise--,311.L er but he wag thrown out et zeroed. /....011-W. by Marna. Mt weed. without doubt superior. Captain leers borne athletes hare run up over wheel the coati; mot Mtn to third. 66-60 mu run any or the theee long three the There will be a great deal mon. la- M.O.. Mil tame. lualwelece. MaIves. ..... rept. Delete.. the Two potathly three runs. were lost In tenet stniehed to the Delaware snatch .2.-0 ft. 7 I, and will probably run all of them LI DrIewareht record. thoush far from ill. inning ...use of poor Mae noels. Ileverford continued ire Wt pace tel extended too moth. Masithinoey impressive. presents mveral disturbing as it ohould be much dower and ther Tbrow-IS. er liar., MO, sec OW log. on the rimier-path by defeating Lafa- in the half is Harerford'n chief hope. features. Nen..t topped the Blue are ancient rival. Lost Yee2.2 . 2, Pam.. mr: 092. LHas, Otteopatlry Scorn ette last IVeduesdnyat Easton 811. he hewing run dauxonvuely dose to 2 and Gold. 4-0. Catholic Cuirersity hoe rut resulted in ... 51 triumph for the fI. 2, Ia Osteopathy prodoced a run 1. the y tie, and nom up their third victory in mIn.. it sec. In the Lehmeote meet. The a twin sin over Delmar< to la credit. H. wrford eorobinetion. Creamer reels1,1,..1-Mart . Boll... tel walled. fourth and two more In the tollowirc a row. Two records! went to the Scar- Antilles end the !limner running ,! ;TV far Or Manias M. .2 .,g) early mothered wins Three I-Sandi...2k The etch between Peeler cowl let and Illeck thletea, Mewhinney will be more hotly contested. lieConec In the area. and Indicate a growing a by'llwas ,:t7th'Ilrel!, .iZbbett breaking the half-mile mark. while itnydinff thratista7 e Creamer will undoubtedly be a iletactiin. 111.1.a.Mrength on the Part of the Lir due, It will he a cloth istroded and took third on Saunders laminas bettered his own broad-lump frobldlig;" toren )1.001,.. MI, 101.. Moles "M.'m ertnalfelrietstieirtrirn-e" " batting : Al flupplee was thrown out et Menden!. However. both reeords wee. with Parrish. former Penn Charter her- Newark collegian, 'Aster.. drldon name and the seconds. 79. between lt s ‘ 1:11 strike, titled him drone. Ellie when prod n. , a , 1 n b. : i t erbo;:tr rrLf.l.ri Fite the iller. end Torten. who ...ems to be the former because Delaware Dented Stevens ilelelo . us) 11.2.9. Mt FE Supplee some through with • double diaallowed: did not win the event and Swerthuntre's oett beet bet. Beyond Main Liner Steven., which tont a 4-1 decision to that scored both tanner. and gene liara.d leran-Iron Momai. woe.. the latter on aceount of a strong wind and hint attires will mien a lot in the. lieverford. wan nom! out by Delaware felt the minx of defeat administen4 by pttan Creamer. Marshall fell before the an., Mit Can. ✓etoed aewerun teed. Honeoeuer end- In bark of the jumper. n ee.. Enworth has been consistent, ed the inning by finning. The Scarholing non'lcnry of the Delmvare -21 feet. le Itaprorine in the dashes, bat can 4-3. The mores of skew Iwo eictorle• H the fore. luminery in [night set. in the annual let and Black*. 6.1 tally tame in the not be counted on to defeet Dutton. ere dose enough to cause sixth when fiswthrop walled and plates, scoring heavily in the geld wbik Ilaverfonre only hope sgatnet teeters some apprehennion an to the college match. At the chise of the sea• Beth , a few minute. later when lemes errata. in which Morrie annexed his flearthmure, formidable army <M., winner of Friday • tu.el and added to sou Webster found himself across the HAVERFORD Met Singh.... roller. is that they will he weekened this Is the fact that Garrett. who per- net from Creamer in the Mbklie-Ali ers. ter otn runners ithji;I: ls t Tnfrd" ' ee' 'thinly brand of :lel. tantic. and likewise wee compered. but Bingham pitched an her events. It Heverfunrs second formed on the mound in the Steve. TEA AND DINING ROOM were giren a taste of what they trill by ether Rime. made hla fleet appearame la only after three grueling set• 11.11, 241. belt allowing Osleopey only nine bite. run up egalnst in the Swerthmore and lot gem. He le undefeated so far &a Captain Lester, however. in given BREAKFAST end was exceedingly Mi.. with Mogi. Middle Atlantic Metes Conference LUNCHEON in the pinches. Error. in crucial mo- meets. Whittlesey wan the only man ml e. otherwise he Garnet trilt prob. nil le the logical nomination for dozy an even theme for victoiT due to the boa ment. figmed in nearly ell of the op- who piecewhich DINNER ing • third In the two. ahty repeat Is perfonnanee of lain oohs, Del. We believe the Main Liners will be e'elt"7,1;;;'i?,le position0 ela rune. Gewthewi, behind mile run which win won in the poor year, when it won. 03-81. Phone. Ardmore 1948 of if they at the tong end of the the bet for the best thee. bendiest wcoordis. Wright on ...Wee. McKelvey. Taylor. awl himself in masterful DOM, &inlayed time of 10 minutee.30 ale LOSES the TEAM in point • J. V. TENNIS failed to score Reitsen, the beery guns of the Deb, a good peg and scored the tent run. wee won by Sanford of Lafayetark. In any event desame In the N. Y. 1'. game Coach Hai. whist TO WINCHESTER SCHOOL nate 4 minutes. roods. to he • closely contested bat. returned to his original line.up with ette in thy excellent time of with the balance swaying- to Haver. little luck. Five errors and Nome lus- 40 %mond. ..... ort Scheldbeys Take Victor, lay lie Jaye Takes Swan ty swatting by the Violet sluggers deturd on account of its better record 3-2 Score walking in brook. Mlle had Swan rided the fete of the battle by the fifth oR with the jevelin throw with Minus Ito first andemend ste• his season aod previous years, en the Haverford Jude i glee m lest year's ace. meting tae heave of 157 fret, 11 inches. while Ver.. tenni. 11,11-0 loot an Impromle Cor with 13121eXtreAf. e'rannoro Sent alert of the seaman, was in ova Thome. annnerd the broad-jut. feet, amtrh to the Winchester *hoot of 23 of leap reroni-breithing Ms leak. hokling the hisin•LInere to four Lone tort, The duel took place on the non Pieced liaterfneil Inchea. 434 weltered hits, while hie Ust ball Irene Mau L.) 2mC n- ids courts of the Jersey Mermen a right down by the strike.aut ronte, six Rests and two third. in the IMO and on ITOthleadey, May 4. The victory grignietxthe .rd/ nal. novae ronainelitang the lope of the retort couran to far from tier • cgir■ Kateeti41:4416rElg* .IrM gem Parear amyo n d . the offerings of Cob. Suppler and son. In the furlong. hIrConsehr had en !Maim neh e rend tlhightP eonn [ Scholastic hurdles. hinh the winning in trouble a Murth held the in hies ghtum Pons, Poste Uwe tourna ment. rm later in the week. edge worl, their two fes Haling but was maell out at the mot in the Par. Bartley Weste an conned ego two tiler. mud lows I.y Phillip, of L•fayette.while s,th the sack. tams. Man. played diwt singles for the Starlit Coupled with Corbin lu the spot. Pearce nnd Honking tied for the flat light before 3000 tans was Prim., the honor!. In the pole•venit with the her and Black ageregation. Tb adramee pir1.91 the quaker thrquet wielder lw Violet right fielder whose bat worked set et 10 feet. R Inches. Richardson road his dans and be fell before the tor. MI afternoon. Ili. triple In the ger. the Hain linen their last first of amnion. 0-1.0.2 Captain Meet Our fourth .d Mode in the dith mooned Dien of the afternoon in the high-P.P. o.ought Estee at. wen unable to meet the for three rune and but paved the way ved rompention and b, bowed yaid Saat-Wea by Itsemout MY: for the right inoinn deberie when he Mr. Lin Comings. by the same .ore Roto Cra mar. 'Mower os. Powell d ashed a terrific liner over Captain delheim atone rage to the oreasion end 111.-10.5 sw. Saunder's head for a bonier. Hill ashy lutew nett. see- vanotninhed Sherman in ntralght set. a a Heverthlotheon collected DAM keit-. with Ileier. Hostel. 5.2. : to.. Mown. 15.1„ forigs four hits MP let ••couple of mot Pawn at helm gained the eenmst nod lam vie. belle get thmeeh him whkh proved 11...1,•we, Brawl) when itimItution Line Main the fur tore 2.11-11n. be co.r. Tripp wee the outstanding roan Founders overbanied Tine Were 112.1. (tIir end Samna Oil.. Sherman Merle in the &grief and Itinek Ilne-op. Play- ▪ lights and party•colored after a heroic. uphill 'temente. 4-11. ing with a shoulder bruised In the -aa we. Hall moyare Mals-Wea by Mae MI; wo, • 94. Est. nod Pieetersnianl fought frocks; Ost.pethy mime sod crippled with Oys.ei 11-1. Ite.elY to centime the deciding mewl, neuritis in bin left arm be handled five ans. Ma•kbutay 111.1; 12th May npponent• their of robber the but 3.10. l'Imr-2.3 mane la the field Inultlesely, besides Hansen and orernsme to puperior ton wood. It, austere by ma-Woo 1111. drawier pane •tod mashing out a Ram. Hamm 11.1. TW and Coronae won. 8-4. 843. Maagrac• Mottle In roar tripe 10 the plate. . Where else can you get Hartnett • :1=4.;st "'" ren-Was hr Mom. IL.). •ral such fabric, such styles, Memo, re the midst of it Meas... IL). O.; third. Ralti1aiwy Mien. ea Thse--seao, such fit, at such prices t /Mts raised 13.11 neretw-wass IlKonashr tact: seem. mum. 141, Wad, 11Wasramin 10.1. State-140 by 111 ..9, 37/' Mt= in. • 01., Warm r 11. I. 7ewe. ann sen,-Rn ndeenme. 11..3 aer. .fah lase-Rua by Itlehannao 111.1) Master Shirt roes PI ; Ilan below. Itarse. 01.), 0111110P■1112 esse.m.--Ww be resew tilt led ava veelwruw Blouse Company tleteht-te Ms. 01.1i tend. gem MODE FOR YOb rt. 1308 N. 3rd St., Phila. 30 Discos tkrow-wm br Ponds 121: wood. ire IP, Malan 01., anon. 1 .29 IS 9 n. Ilba i mi t-Wan to Harr* trt,v, m.o. 9.42. Ill.!: Mot. Hotbed. tici. Pt. litun--0 ft. e m. mesa dunn-Wm by news. 18./. odo mr. Tether 11.1: UMW Permit MY. PI.tie to 1 • ts 4 ft. Oaraar-Web by Owen II, we Sad Cat to Order Memel 11.1: mod. Harm MI. PPmato-un P. It la. lir, OSTEOPATHY BEATEN Moravian Fn N Ar ;::::."Tr"°,7,.°`.7..Tin 4117 wIri HAVERFORD SPRINTERS VANQUISH LAFAYETTE l ,Aroal r Sol .wary: it all. Don't GET any of it, the dizzy $2875 $38" EDWARD The n CLOTHES and CLOTHES "Man. 10. ........ tans., IC 0. MIMI.. et. ...... NETMEN CAPTURE TWO OUT OF THREE MATCHES .rata.,.s Twos Coationed from Pa.e I, 00100.01 each The Haverfonl doubles to won their matehen in straight MM. lInt7 and Webster defeated Broil and Reed. 5-3..11.0. end Lester end Evan. defeated Condon and Bryant. 0-1, 0.2. The Scarlet and Black Renton were forced to meet IVathington and hee. Written. Ilarylond. and Steven net mesh without Forsythe, 'veteran third umpire man. It 18 feared that he will not be able to re-enter the line.. men this .aeon, end his loss will be keenly felt in the two Important matches with Delaware and Swarth. mare, whielt remain on the schedule. NEW YORK 1:512 c %Z. tat gm.. is am! " =. ESTABLISHED ENGLISH UNIVERSITY STYLES, TAILORED OVER YOUTHFUL CHARTS SOLELY FOR DISTINGUISHED SERVICE IN THE UNITED STATES. a w lk! Chttrter 1Z 01 Seth and Tamooata 540, To get the most out of college you must be full of vitality, must have every nerve and muscle working full time. Right food is the key to it. The Shredded Wheat habit will help you to make mind and body alert and throw off the poisons that bring sluggish. nets. You'll like it, too. It's appetizing eaten half a hundred ways; smothered in fruit and cream or toasted with butter and hot milk are just two of chem. THE SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY Niagara Falls, N. Y. '45, 150 " el a C. G. WARNER stepping to the frenzied blare of saxophones; senses tingling with being alive and in all. And next day-instructors who are likable but exacting. HOME MOVIES DRUG STORE WE DELIVER SHREDDED WHEAT MA KE IT A. DAILY HABIT Telephone Ardmore 1372 OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE ' HAVERFORD NEWS MAY 9, 1927 JUNIORS TO BRING GIRLS FROM 7 STATES TO PROM on% FIRST PEACE RIND LECTURE ANNOUNCED Elk4"00t B Seven Slates171"ri" and eighteen" school. milegem will be represented at the Junior 1,0111 by the girls that will be norm-Era by members of the Junior PennvIvania claim, by for the larger, comber of young ladies, hart. army-ohm repreventative., while Delaware nod New York each lone three Ind Maryland, New Jer.y. Tex. nod Alabama one apiece. Pd..* colleges represented are Bryn Mawr. Mount Holyoke. Yam., mud Smith. All of the members of the Prom Committee •re bringing Proneylvania girls with the exception of I. H. Richardson, who In taking Mira Romeine Robeson of Delaware.'1'. Evens, Chaim man of the Committee. will bone I. • partner bliss Naomi l'artridee. W. R. Itready. MI. Mary Heist. 0. W. 31.1ehole. Mies Gertrude Marro. who is • T. Stoke.. ',Patient at Swarthmore: me. Miranda Boyd and IL P. Taylor, Idle. Dorothy Coserove, of Sweetbrier College. 11.1 Whew you graduate! W.11 non anolualc yon .11 ha ve. • thing which Itme PutMOT reeved, nalmenot worth argoso nanongh . mat for mount be measured In dollar. To glee yen them Mtn ymm at Harerrerd mom... h. wort.. pistoled and wrrifirvil for 'OIL .frz,^rb:V.r: 11'117 d0eWISmietPeyvbA to dad md mother well tepay them for their ow. If 1. ehoutd not 11,0 le repel' them vie t say—ror their bakes, .M.11.7.141.:. One `Provident Mutual Cooppmp,f Mk.kiphO .Sete -huh./ Ifkr WHEN YOU NEED ICE. CALL W. B. Kerrigan & Son Lancaster Aye. Bryn Mawr 1170 728 TEACHERS WANTED For Schools and Colleges Every Day of the Veer No Charge to Candidates Till I.e. Poato. t welting NATIONAL TEACHERS AGENCY, INC. C. K. Edmunds, Director of Lignan University, Will Speak; $70,000 Collected The Bent lecture under the William Peon Foundation for a course in Po. litho! Science nod letertuttionel Bela. tines will he given by Dr. Cherie. Key. girrnit":1""Celdr■rriManAT:7117e: 11.1gnan t7nieertil9v). M.d•E eve. n ng. May XI. He will nwalt on the bleitgeound of the present Chine., nitnotion. iterooling nonouneement by Preeldent W. Mr. Comfort in collection Saturday morning. The fund. of thin foandalloo to peo• mote world peace will be tient for or. rankles! lecture. until de maim quota of 5120,000 ha. beenetsollected, armed. log to J. Henry Scalltreood, Two of the College Corporation. Two profemora may then be escored. or Foam other mean. employed to provide matte metruction" In governmental theory nod practice sod in method, of necurhur International understanding. et the dierretion of the Board of Managers, be :mid. A. O. Sostforgood Chairman Anorexia:Eu.1y 070.099 has been mllected to date, end EA5.900 of this In=1 .ortirbe4'1=.0.1M'cl.Vall'ett2gt1 stated. Dt. Edmunds. the first marsh... wee a member of the commintion on which Dr. Comfort mileti to Centon. China. teat December. and Director of the inatitution 11.ignan University) which liererford l'resident went to visit. He wee presideot of Johns Hopkins 1.nIvernity from 1907 to 1024, when he Wale made preens end alumni director. He was Mimetic obeerver for the Car. twee loolitution of Weehington in Chine from 1909 until 11117. and the auThor of several papers on modern education in China_ The William Penn Foundation was begun Last peer. The tree. eaeur port tc, the Itaol of Mo.sem last theober show. 512.1150 rollecte.l. NOTED CIIINESE ENVOY ADDRESSES STUDENTS T. Z. Km, Y. M. C. A_ Worker, Dix., ees Eastern Problems After looting previously addren.d the Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce. emend coramerriel orgitalaationn in D. COON. Go. NI.. Mn.. Mem, Philadelphia, Pa. New York and other Eastern ce1e., and hart. spoken before a gathering 327 Peerry Bldg. of throe hundred prominent PhiladelKil'riltEllTirv:eltl, n I 'Oar'Cr neon I. M. C. A. worker, gave a brief elk to the Haverfonl undergraduetes in collection last Tuesday morniag. The Four-Piece Suit The Popular Suit For the College Man $40.00 $45.00 Smart Domestic Tweeds and Imported Fabric—Coat, Vest, Long Trouser, and PIUSTOUr Knickers Every College Man will bc inetr.ted in these unusual velars ' STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER Market at Eighth Street Suburb:7M o 30fD0 itt k Chartered 1. awaking to uhe undergnduaten action will be the. d miernatee to minimum] pee, nod friendship between the two apee Man. He urged that the 1'n1td Matsu take the lead in giving Chinn n fair deal by dote g sway with the one.sided treaties which have been mode in the pent. CASA DEL REY HAVERFORD Hotel Rooms For Transients Breakfast Luncheon and Dinner Special for Teachers and Students firrlIE Life Inaurance Trust" E 'which doe. not pat the burden of investing and eonnerving the proceeds on beneficiaries who may not be experienced, but which suttees them a steady and dependable income instead. it you are carrying life in. penance or contemplate taking out • policy, the officers of this Coinpany will be glad to confer with you concerning the advan. loges of placing your insurance in trust. A lad.. Trust. vrof M nose Avow.. nerve nougat. of All Kinds Ardmore, Pa. I-E ALIEN° sPELIALMTS Is YOUNG HEN'S Seim Top,we4 Seem. Clothe. Haberd.shor, Motortai Aporwel Rein... Het. 1334-13% CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA AUTOCAR TRUCKS 30th Goldensky Studios Branches in 50 Cities PRINTING Wm. H. Pile's Sons 422 WALNUT STREET PlalInclelplAw. Pa. Get iamb, Pamphlets and Cataloging HOT DRINKS Office Stationery SANDWICHES at The Edw. K. Tryon Company 1-laverford College Official Outfitters fitters Haverford Pharmacy Goods Chestnut Street. Philadelphia Above all else. Hardwick & Magee Rugs give years of service at astonishingly low coat per year! Backed by traditions of quality manufacturing, they offer a range of design, size and price that meets your every demand for any PurposeImporters of Oriental Rugs stan, oo 1•1111•111 Ian and 1705 Official Photographers to Haverford College 50% Discount Riven to Faculty and All Students of the College Both the beauty and the comfort of every home have their beginnings in the floor-coverings. Fine rugs and carpets form the basis of the entire decorative scheme; they lend coziness, art, charm. '7■• Dell Theo. HARDWICK & MAGEE CO. a' 1220 MARKET ST. PHILADELPHIA St. Mary's Laundry Ardmore, Pa. . DPH, hoc sf ••••\ --41 \r7-- See Frank at Chem Lab. COMPLIMENTS of THE TRADESMENS NATIONAL BANK PHILADELPHIA Sarbmort Printing Eo. Printers and Publishers 26 Ardmore Avenue Ardmore Phone: Ardmore 2931 GRADE A THE SPIRIT OF THE GIFT goes the thought of the Wgiver—the spirit of thesimple gift! ITH the gift, however Pasteurized MILK Highland Dairies, Inc. 758 Lancaster Av. Pb.,. um arra Maw Best Tailoring PPLI, w AND 11■040.0 Qua Our work no only pleases the boys because they are assured of correct style, but it satisfies them who pay the bill for the reason that our clothes wear so well. They cost more at first but are cheaper in the end. Try us and see. Pyle & Imes GIRARD TRUST COMPANY Leading College Tailors Brood & Chestnut Sea., Philadolphis 1115 Walnut St. , Whitman's Chocolat in their time bear messages of infinite meanings. Social conventions permit them when costlier gifts are barred. They "speak a various language." In our latest achievement we have enclosed a rich and rare assortment of milk chocolates in a package of quiet beauty with the pastoral name of Bonnybrook. A golden box, with designs by Franklin Booth, suggesting the excellence of the chocolates. Whatever your message or spirit of your gift it will be carried with grace and dignity by DONNYBROOK MILK CHOCOLATES Assorted Nuts r Fruits a Creams a Caramels Clarified RUMSEY Plillsdelphis What is the Safest Form of Life Insurance? Electrical Appliances TEACHERS WANTLD Green Room Is Now Ready for Banquet, Card and Dancing Parties Phone Ardmore 3160 1007 Arch St. ARDMORE ELECTRIC CO. The Baltimore Teacher. Agency, There is an AUTOCAR for Title Annex Bide., Baltimore Md.. i • placement bureau for all kinds of loads and for nalihed teachers Write for full particular.. each hauling condition ELECTRIC COMPANY 411 11/14081 131,29 Chnry Plail■delPrn Anniversary Year Our Electric Supplies and Machinery Everything in Radio THE Ho} ES PRESS, 'Primers Pertruse. ream /Ile .ressAggies—zt: New Spring Models Now in Stock At Our Philadelphia Store 1221-1223 Chestnut Street IV.rtaner.Pnwo robe alwer. P Meats and Provisions William Duncan Spring Avenue Ardmore $9 -->tiksar.4 ri 1 %et Mac Donald Kampbei 'Curry college man has se. Lerssion to bay printing at some time or oth.. He can ovoid... lot of disappointment by calling on a good printer at the Met. macro, noun THAT ALM Al 11,17111141.1401[101 WHITMAN'S FAMOUS CANDIES ARE SOLD BY rim HENRY PRESS, HAVERFORD, PA. C. G. WARNER, MAIN LINE DRUG HAVERFORD, PA. CLUB, HAVERFORD, PA. MERION CRICKET OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE STORE. ARDMORE, PA. D.151. WEST, ARDMORE, PA. G. KEMPEN. Ott, V. a Antimony, PA.