
Preliminary Program

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Preliminary Program
S em i n a r
November 7, 2014
Milan, Hotel Michelangelo
Piazza Luigi di Savoia, 6
Preliminary Program
h 13.00 - 19.00
❚ Eitan Amir
Toronto, Canada
❚ Mitch Dowsett
London, United Kingdom
❚ Luca Gianni
Ospedale San Raffaele IRCCS, Milan, Italy
Richard Gray
Oxford, United Kingdom
❚ Norman Wolmark
Pittsburgh, USA
Late and later relapses and sequelae: the dilemma of endocrine treatment
duration, compliance and treatment tailoring
Hormone receptors positive breast cancers are molecularly and clinically heterogeneous diseases. The
heterogeneity leads to diverse risks of recurrence and variable treatment benefit. One of the wellcharacterized clinical features of hormone receptor positive breast cancer is the long lasting risk of relapse
that persists for more than a decade. To reduce the risk of late recurrences, endocrine treatments for period
longer than the standard 5 years have been assessed in clinical trials.
Extended endocrine therapy with aromatase inhibitors after 5 years of tamoxifen led to significant reduction
of risk of relapse and death. In addition, two large randomized trials have recently demonstrated that 10
years of adjuvant tamoxifen produced a small but significant reduction of recurrences and deaths compared
to the conventional duration of 5 years. In the light of these evidence the clinicians cannot avoid to address
the question whether every woman with a hormone-receptor positive breast cancer should receive endocrine
adjuvant therapy for 10 or even more years.
No matter how large, the benefit of any treatment is restricted to a fraction of patients, and must be
weighted against the side effects, especially of such prolonged chronic therapy. The identification of patients
who will actually benefit from extended endocrine drugs is therefore very relevant to tailor the prescription
of tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors beyond 5 years, and to avoid it in patients who will not derive additional
benefit. A similar ability to predict the risk and the extent of side effects would provide a dependable
assessment of individual risk-to-benefit ratio, and eventually improve the compliance in those selected
women who deserve extended endocrine treatment.
These topics will be the focus of the XIV Michelangelo Seminar to be held in Milan on November 7, 2014.
Associazione Italiana
di Oncologia Medica
This program has the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s approval for
quality of educational content. ASCO endorsement does not constitute medical
advice. Health care providers should exercise their own independent medical
judgment. ASCO® is a registered trademark of the American Society of Clinical
Oncology®. Used with permission. This is not an ASCO sponsored event.
Preliminary Program
S em i n a r
❚ Welcome address
Luca Gianni - Milano, Italy
❚ Extended endocrine treatment - EBCTCG meta-analyses
Richard Gray - Oxford, United Kingdom
❚ Aromatase inhibitors as extended endocrine treatment
Norman Wolmark - Pittsburgh, USA
❚ Tailoring of extended endocrine treatments: does one size fit all?
Mitch Dowsett - London, United Kingdom
❚ Toxicities of and compliance with endocrine therapy
Eitan Amir - Toronto, Canada
Expert panel discussion
Luca Gianni (Milano, Italy), Richard Gray (Oxford, United Kingdom),
Norman Wolmark (Pittsburg, USA), Mitch Dowsett (London, United Kingdom),
Eitan Amir (Toronto, Canada)
General information
❚ Conclusion ❚ Seminar Venue
Hotel Michelangelo Piazza Luigi di Savoia, 6
Meeting room: Michelangelo (ground floor)
M2 - M3 Central Station
❚ CME Accreditation for the competent bodies (6 credits – n. 210/105851)
❚ Official Language
The official language will be English. Simultaneous translation will be provided
❚ Application
Attendance is free of charge, however application is compulsory.
Please send the application form to [email protected] until 31st October 2014
❚ Accommodation
To require hotel accommodation in Milan, please fill in the registration form in attach; for further information, contact the Organizing Secretary to [email protected]
Scientific Secretariat
❚ Gianni Bonadonna (Chair)
❚ Giampaolo Bianchini
❚ Angelica Fasolo
Fondazione Michelangelo
Via A. Bertani, 14 - 20154 Milano, Italy
Phone +39 02 87086421 - Fax +39 02 87086449
E-mail: [email protected]
Organizing Secretariat
New Aurameeting Srl
Via Rocca d’Anfo, 7- 20161 Milan, Italy
Phone: +39 02 66203390
Fax: +39 02 66200418
E-mail: [email protected]
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