
May2015 - Italian American Community Center

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May2015 - Italian American Community Center
“Sharing a Past to Build a Future”
Volume 23
Number 5
Women of
the Year
Where to find it
For Your Information.......................2
Membership News...........................3
Culture..........................................4, 5
Pagina Italiana..................................8
Feature Stories...........................9, 10
IACC Calendar...............................11
The Italian American
Community News is the monthly
publication of the Italian
American Community Center
150 Frank DiMino Way,
Rochester, NY 14624-1128
Linda Gruttadauria
Business Award
Stephanie A. Squicciarini
Civic Affairs Award
Tel: (585) 594-8882
Fax: (585) 594-8506
May Events
3 Gene Ferrari Dinner Show
6 Luncheon
6 Karaoke
13 Karaoke
20 Luncheon
20 Membership Meeting
20 Karaoke
21 Italian Cinema
22 Women of the Year
27 Karaoke
31 Marian Celebration
Italian American
Community Center
150 Frank DiMino Way
Rochester, New York 14624-1128
Community News
May 2015
The 18th Annual
Marian Celebration
The Italian
American Community Center will
hold the 18th Annual Marian Celebration on Sunday, May 31, 2015
starting at 3:00 pm
with a Procession,
Crowning of the
Madonna and the
Recitation of the
Rosary at the Padre Pio Chapel.
This traditional
religious event will be followed by a dinner at the IACC. Tickets
are $20 per person and can purchased by calling 585-594-8882.
The deadline for reservations is Wednesday, May 27th.
The month of the Virgin Mary– Why May?
In many cultures the month of May is traditionally dedicated
to the Virgin Mary. May is considered the month of the beginning of new life. As far back as the Greek civilization May was
dedicated to Artemis, the goddess of fertility, later, during the
Roman Empire, May was dedicated to Flora, the goddess of
blooms and blossoms. The Romans celebrated the ludi florales
(literally: floral games) at the end of April, asking the intercession of Flora for all that blooms. This is also related to the
medieval practice of expelling winter. May 1st was considered
the beginning of growth.
IACC 17th Annual Pasta
Dinner Fund-raiser
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.iaccrochester.org
Please become a Facebook
friend of the Italian American
Community Center!
Deborah Ford
Dorothy R. Pecoraro
Education Award
Arline Liberti
Lifetime Achievement
On Friday, May 22, 2015, four exemplary women will be
honored at the Italian American Community Center with the
18th Annual Women of the Year Award. These ladies represent a
cross section of our community with accomplishments in business, civic affairs, education and volunteerism. Chairperson of
the event, Rosalba Pisaturo, along with the selecting committee
congratulate all of them for being an asset to our Italian American Heritage and take pride in honoring them. More information
on making reservations for this event can be found on page 4.
On Sunday, March 29, 2015 the Italian American Community
Center held its annual fund-raising Pasta Dinner.
First time Chairperson Anna Cellura did a fine job organizing
the event along with her committee.
The sauce was prepared by Board of Director Emilio Monti
and the event was supported by the kitchen staff: Vittorio
Bisciotti, Pietro Centi, Jerry Cappuccio, Joe Elia, Ozzie Di(Continued on page 10)
Linda Gruttadauria
Business Award
Linda Gruttadauria was raised in a mostly Italian neighborhood in Greece. She graduated from Nazareth College cum
laude with a degree in French. She briefly taught both French
and Spanish to middle school and high school students in
the Southern tier. With a strong passion for
working with people and travel, she then
went on to work as a travel agent for Year
Around Travel and Liberty Travel. During
her career as a travel agent, she was elevated
to the managerial position at Liberty Travel
Rochester, NY
Permit #909
Greece. She then went on to home school
her children before working for her family’s
business, Gruttadauria Bakery, for which she
is the office manager. She is married to owner,
Mark Gruttadauria, a third generation baker
and grandson to the founder of the bakery.
Their two sons, Dominic and Michael, were
(Continued on page 4)
Festa Italian?
For Your Information
IACC General Membership Meeting
Wednesday, May 20, 7:30 pm
Paul V. Ciminelli,Esquire
Gerry Pellegrino
Facilities Manager
Serving individuals, families and business
in the Rochester Community since 1987.
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◆ Personal Injury / Medical Malpractice
◆ Business Representation
◆ Powers of Attorney / Healthcare Proxies
◆ Life Care & Special Needs Planning
Deborah Ford
Graphic Artist/Sales
Laurie Wilson - Bookkeeper
Monday - Friday - 8:00am - 5:00pm
Tel: 585-594-8882
Fax: 585-594-8506
Publisher - Joe Sirianni
Editor - Rosalba Pisaturo
Assistant Publisher/Editor, Graphic Artist/Sales - Deborah Ford
Contributing Writers
Anna Ackley
Ezio Bonanni
Antonio DiMarco
Joseph Sirianni - President
Frank Ciardi - Vice President
Richard Santo - Assistant Treasurer
Mary Joyce D’Aurizio Recording Secretary
Quintino DiCesare - Board Liaison
Pagina Italiana Editor - Joseph Capogreco
Angelo Coniglio
Deborah Ford
Jeannine Guilyard
Kristen Hess
Giovanna Bellia La Marca
Errico Mannoni - Banquet Director
Edward Albert Maruggi
Mike Mollica
Jennifer Niejadlik
John Ninfo
Mary Amabile Palmer
Rosalba Pisaturo
Joe Sirianni
Deborah Ford
Joseph Galante
Frank Gasbarre
Alex Massa
Gerry Pellegrino
Printed By Messenger
Post Media
IACN NEWS is published monthly by the Italian American Community Center,
Inc. No articles and/or copy contained herein may be reproduced or reprinted in
whole or part without express written permission of the publisher. IACN News
does not assume responsibility for errors in advertisements, but will reprint
without charge that part of an advertisement where an error occurs.
Edward Merante, Jerry Bartholomew,
Quintino DiCesare
Richard Santo, Frank Ciardi
Ways and Means
Edward Merante,
Dr. Anthony Ragusa
House Rules & Grievance
as needed
Building & Grounds
Gerry Pellegrino
Rosalba Pisaturo,
Jerry Bartholomew
Radio Italiana
Italian Carousel, WROC 950 AM
Host Joseph Capogreco
Sunday, 8:00am - 10:00am
La Dolce Vita, WRUR 88.5 FM
Host John Sebaste
Saturday, 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Sunday Music Festa,
WGMC 90.1 FM, Host Otto Bruno
12:00pm - 2:00pm
Subscription Form Subscription Rate: $25.00 per year
News and Features for Upstate New York’s Italian American Communities.
Published monthly by the Italian American Community Center of Rochester.
Complete the form below and mail today.
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Fax credit card information to IACC at 585-594-8506
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Checks payable to: Italian American Community News, 150 Frank DiMino Way, Rochester, NY 14624
For more information call 585-594-8882.
Quintino DiCesare,
Rosalba Pisaturo
Quintino DiCesare,
Rosalba Pisaturo
Publicity and Marketing
Rosalba Pisaturo,
Mary Joyce D’Aurizio
Gerry Pellegrino,
Edward Merante
Jerome Bartholomew
Jack Battaglia
Frank Ciardi
Mary Joyce D’Aurizio
Quintino DiCesare
Edward Merante
Emilio Monti
Gerry Pellegrino
Rosalba Pisaturo
Dr. Anthony Ragusa
Richard Santo
Editorial Policy
and Deadlines
Press Releases: Press releases should be
mailed, please do not fax, To: Publisher/
Editor, Italian American Community
News, 150 Frank DiMino Way., Rochester,
New York 14624.
News: The IACN is pleased to accept unsolicited articles for review and possible
publication. Articles are reviewed based on
literary quality, appropriateness and timeliness of the subject matter. All items will be
edited for length, content, and style. Send
dated items by the 10th of the month prior
to publication. Type if possible; include a
day phone number.
Opinions: The IACN will provide space
for our readers to express their opinions.
All letters must be signed and include
a phone number. Unsigned letters will
not be used. The IACN Editorial Board
reserves the right to edit for space reasons.
Mail letters to Publisher/Editor, Italian
American Community News, 150 Frank
DiMino Way, Rochester, New York 14624.
Advertising: All ad material must be
received by the 10th of the month prior to
publication. The editorial board reserves
the right to reject ads that use stereotypical
images in text and pictures that compromise
the positive depiction of Italian Americans
and other ethnic groups.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Italian American
Community News is to publish a monthly
newspaper that supports and promotes a
positive image of Italian Americans, and
provides information, news and activities
of the Italian American Community.
Italian American Community News
150 Frank DiMino Way,
Rochester, NY 14624
Tel: 585-594-8882 • Fax: 585-594-8506
Website: www.iaccrochester.org
Email: [email protected]
May 2015
Membership News
Message from the President
Have you ever imagined to have the ability to ask
yourself a question on any subject or event that took
place or occurred in the past or is at the moment troubling you?
Have you had the opportunity to look yourself in the
mirror and eye to eye with oneself and ask for an answer
without speaking a word "senza una parola?"
The mind and the intelligence have a way to communicate with each other in order to arrive to a conclusion
and direct us to the way to solve a problem and on how
to proceed. The other approach that is needed is to ask
the following questions to ourselves as we look into our
eyes: “Who am I? Am I a good person? Do I believe?
Joe Sirianni
Do I hurt people or acquaintances or coworkers? Am I
judgmental? Do I forgive? Do I know a better way of
doing things and do I communicate it or just use it to hurt others? Do I appreciate
nature such as the morning rising sun, the chirping of the birds, the changing
of the seasons, the green of the grass, the flowering of the trees, the beauty of
the flowers, the beauty of fall, the white of the snow, the belief in God the, the
Creator of all the things that we take for granted?”
I ask you to take a little time of your day to ask yourself the questions listed
above and to be honest to yourself without saying a word "senza una parola."
Have we ever reflected on our life and how it begins? We are born as the product
of two people's love -the immense suffering of a woman giving birth, the protection of the parents, their pride, their caring, the first steps of a child, the first
words spoken, the forever care of a mamma. These are the treats that we grow
up with and these are some of the responsibilities that we pass on to others: to
love, to care to worship and to believe.
Nothing is impossible if we believe and have courage to follow the truth that
is within us when we look into our eyes and ask: “Who am I”? No words are
spoken, but we know, because our innermost, our eyes, our brain, our heart have
connected and have given us the answer "senza una parola" without a word.
Michéal Castaldo Dinner Concert
Michéal Castaldo
Amalia Plantone
On April 10th an unforgettable Dinner Concert with Michéal Castaldo was
held at the Italian American Community
Center with the assistance of Joseph Capogreco.
It was a program that had the making
of Hollywood and the Italian heritage of
“good music, food and friendship” all
under the same roof.
Mr. Castaldo was wearing a tuxedo,
a red rose in his lapel, his Borsalino hat
and a white handkerchief in his left hand.
Every time he hit a high note he weaved
his handkerchief.
The festivities started at 6:00pm with
an abundance of gourmet Italian antipasto: sopressata, provolone, caciocavallo,
Parmigiano Reggiano, olives, crackers
and bruschetta.
It was a connoisseur sit down dinner,
served family style with penne pasta,
medallions of pork, chicken marsala with
mushrooms, grilled string beans, roasted
potatoes, and garden salad, all served with
a carafe of wine. There were also many
assortments of desserts and a choice of
espresso or American coffee.
The dance floor was occupied with
tables, but at times the music was so energetic that couples were dancing wherever
there was room.
We were entertained with Italian and
American songs. I, personally was in
an emotional trance when he sang the
Christian song in Italian: “Grande Tu Sei”
(How Great Thou Art).
Mr. Castaldo had a table with many
articles, CDs, bottles of virgin olive oil,
pasta, T-shirts and more.
On behalf of the people who participated, we like to say mille grazie to Mr.
Capogreco and to Mr. Castaldo, and congratulate them and the entire organizing
committee in charge of this memorable
Photo by Thomas Meleca
From left: Board of Director Gerry Pellegrino, Michéal Castaldo, IACC President
Joe Sirianni and Joe Capogreco
May 2015
Interview with IACC
Board of DirectorEd Merante
Q: How did you become involved
with the IACC?
A: As one of the original members
of the Italian American Sport Club. In
1956, we all had a dream, that some day,
we should have a larger club for all the
different clubs in Rochester. We made
that happen, I stayed with the group and
we build the IACC. I am proud to be one
of the original founders.
Q: As a board member what goals do
you want to accomplish?
A : To work all together, move forward, keep the members informed of
what is going on, be supportive and help
to create a larger membership.
Q: Will there be a membership drive?
Please explain.
A: The membership drive should be
very simple. Each board member should
bring in 5 members a year, times 15 board
members, 75 new members. If each IACC
member brings in one member a year,
it could be an additional 300 members,
for the total of approximately 375 new
members. The membership could double
in one year, to approximately 900 members. Each year continue to do the same
or close to, it would be a great success!
Q. What are your ideas for the success
of the IACC?
A: The IACC must have many booked
parties that are profitable to help cover
some of the expenses!
Q: What
would you like
to improve or
Ed Merante
A : Sell the remaining land.
Q. What would we be surprised to
learn about you?
A: For the members that do not know
much about me, I have been a successful
business person, a good honorable politician, helpful in sports on an amateur, professional and children's level throughout
Monroe County. I have a tremendous
vision and creativity implementing
successful plans in business, sports, and
real estate.
New Members
John and Jeanne Morelli
James Piampiano
Antonio and
Rita Ciaccia
St. Pius X Fund-raiser at IACC
Bishop of Rochester, The Most Reverend Salvatore R. Matano, IACC Board Member
Ed Merante, Mrs. Carol Ann Merante and son, Vincent Edward Merante, Esq.
Joe Sirianni
There are times in our life when the opportunity to help the fellow man presents
itself in many different ways. Such was
the case for the Italian American Community Center on April 12, 2015.
Our neighbor Church, St. Pius X, has
had a difficult time when they were afflicted with a fire that forced the organization to seek other places to hold their
services and their programs.
The IACC was solicited by Mr. Bernard Iacovangelo, who inquired about
holding their Annual Pasta Fund-raiser
The Board of Directors and the entire
membership felt privileged and compelled
to lend a helping hand to the Church and
agreed to provide the venue and help Mr.
Iacovangelo with any needs that they
may have.
On April 11, about 20 to 25 volunteers
arrived to formulate the plan of attack for
the following day. Food was brought in
and stored, tables and many other items
that were needed were secured for the
following day.
On the morning of Sunday, April 12th
the same group of volunteers and others
arrived and in a matter of 2 to 3 hours
the IACC ballroom was setup to accommodate the expected crowd of people that
would come in, to and eat a delicious dish
of pasta, salad, meatballs and desserts of
many kinds.
From 12 noon to 5pm an 800 to 1,000
people patronized the event and when they
left they knew in their heart that they did
something good.
As we, the IACC personnel and
members attended the event, we were
impressed with the organization of the
event, the high school kids that helped
with serving and clean up, the courtesy of
the organizer Mr. Iacovangelo, and the attendance of Bishop Salvatore Matano who
was so gracious in honoring the event and
the IACC with his presence.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to
Mr. Iacovangelo, the volunteers, and all
parishioners of St. Pius who attended the
event, and for giving the opportunity to
give back to the community and help the
church at a time of need. Many thanks to
all who attended the event, especially to
the organizers, the workers and to Bishop
Cultural Committee Update
With Spring already
here, the spirit of orRosalba Pisaturo
ganizing new events is
very strong, thanks also to the support of all the new
Committee Members. Our goal is still to continue
to promote cultural activities for students of Italian
from our Area School District and to make the Richard Di Marco Library more accessible to anyone who
is interested in learning more about Italian history
and culture. Two levels of Italian Classes began on
March 24th, and they are being taught by Daniela
Varone and Marisa Vattana. The Photography Exhibit by Gaetano Scollo is displayed in the IACC
Gallery through the month of May. The opening of
the event on March 27th was very well attended, and
a dessert and coffee reception was offered thanks to
generous donations by Gruttadauria Bakery, Etna
Pastry Shoppe and M. R. Cookies. Several copies
of "Trazzera," Scollo's new publication, were sold
with the autograph of the author. The books are
available at the IACC and portion of the sale will
be donated to the Mary Cariola's Children Center.
We invite you to visit the library, view "Strazzera"
and purchase a copy to support this good cause. On
April 16th the monthly Cinema Night presented "Lo
smemorato" with Toto' and it proved that everyone
loves to laugh with Toto' because we had a full house.
The next film "Il pranzo di Ferragosto" will be on
Thursday, May 21st. Before the end of the academic
school year we will hold the annual meeting of the
Area Teachers of Italian to share ideas, to plan the
annual "Ballo Divertentissimo" and an "Art Exhibit"
by local young artists for the fall.
The "18th Annual Women of The Year Awards"
will be held on Friday, May 22nd, Dee Alexander
has graciously accepted again to be the Mistress of
Ceremony. The Recipients for this year are Arline
Liberti with the Lifetime Achievement Award, Linda
Gruttadauria with the Award for Business, Dorothy
R. Pecoraro with the Award for Education, and
Stephanie A. Squicciarini with the Award for Civic
Affairs. Hope you will support this event by attending and honoring these outstanding ladies who make
us proud of our Italian Heritage. The event promises
to be an elegant, culturally rewarding evening with
good food.
Women of the Year (Continued from page 1)
practically raised at the bakery and they now work there full
time. Devotion to her family and their business has enabled
Linda to combine her passion for the Italian tradition, heritage,
and work into a daily labor of love. Recognizing the importance
of carrying on the Italian heritage to her children and the business, she and her husband sent their son, Michael, to Florence
to study baking and pastry at the Florence University of the
Arts. In May, she and her family are traveling to Italy. While
there, they will visit family in Caltanissetta, Sicily, where their
bakery originated. On the occasion of the 50th Anniversary,
they will also be meeting the Mayor of Caltanissetta as the
official representatives of the Caltanissetta-Rochester Sister
Cities Committee.
Stephanie A. Squicciarini
Civic Affairs Award
Stephanie A. Squicciarini is a Teen Services Librarian at the
Fairport Public Library, the President of the Irondequoit Public
Library Board of Trustees, and the Founder and Director of
the Greater Rochester Teen Book Festival. Born in Maspeth,
Queens, Stephanie grew up on Long Island and landed in Irondequoit with Fred, her husband of 24 years, after spending time
in Stamford, Connecticut and Buffalo. After completing her
MLS at UB, she found her ideal career as a Librarian. It is her
passion for her career and serving her community that led her
to launch the Greater Rochester Teen Book Festival, now in its
10th year and attracting thousands of teens from all over and
developing a national reputation among publishers and authors.
Stephanie was also a leader in the charge to build a new library
in Irondequoit, opening this fall, having served on its Board of
Trustees for the past 12 years. Stephanie’s paternal grandparents
are from Sanza, Italy. Some of her fondest childhood memories
are of “helping” her grandmother and aunts make manicotti and
meatballs in her grandmother’s kitchen in Brooklyn and of the
different Italian Festivals they would attend as a family. And
now it is fun for her to have people guess how to pronounce
her (married) last name!
Dorothy R. Pecoraro
Education Award
Dorothy R. Pecoraro was born, raised and educated in
Rochester, N.Y. She attended Our Lady of Mercy High School,
Nazareth College, the University of Rochester, SUNY at Brockport and did post graduate work at Columbia University. She
lived in the 16th Ward and was raised in a traditional European
household. Her father was of Italian heritage and her mother
of German heritage. Her paternal grandparents emigrated to
America from a small town, Roccoromano, near Naples, Italy.
Dorothy learned very early in life the importance of a
strong family, love, sharing, caring, faith, friends, giving and
community involvement and service. In 1963, after graduating from Nazareth College, she began her teaching career in
the Rochester City School District. For the next 33 years she
served at every level in the system. She was teacher of Latin,
Foreign Language Department Head, Registrar, Dean of Students, Vice-Principal at Franklin High School, Principal of
Jefferson High School, Principal at Edison Technical and Occupational Education Center, and Director of School-to Work
Transition Pre K-Adult. After her retirement in 1996 from the
RCSD she joined the Education Team of Junior Achievement
of Rochester Area, Inc. as Vice President of Programs. Her
responsibility was to recruit, train, assign, observe and evaluate
business volunteers teaching the JA curriculum in grades K-12.
Currently, she continues to share her time, talent, interest and
expertise in education as a Board Member of Hope Hall School,
Charles Settlement House, Mercy Bridges, and the University
of Rochester Warner School of Education. She also is connected
to Community Place of Greater Rochester Inc. as the liaison
for the Lewis Street Center Alumni Group. Dorothy belongs
to the American Association of University Women, Rochester
Women's Giving Circle, Delta Kappa Gamma, Beta Eta Chapter,
and is a member of Our Lady Queen of Peace Church.
(Continued on page 5)
May 2015
Women of the Year (Continued from page 4)
Arline Liberti
LifeTime Achievement Award
Immense appreciation to Mrs. Arline Liberti, of Penfield, for her past and continuous irrefutable service to the community and beyond. Mrs. Liberti has received the
Susan B. Anthony Award, Women of the Year from the American Federation Club
and a Certificate of Appreciation from Offspring Charities. She has been a proud
member of the Italian Women’s Civic Club for 25 years and was their president for
two sessions. Arline Liberti has also been a 15 year member of Casa Italiana, where
she is the Chairperson of their social committee. While there, she has hosted Card
Parties for the Italian-American Scholarship that is awarded at St. John Fisher College, Nazareth College and the University of Rochester. For the last 12 years, Mrs.
Liberti has been a member of Genetaska Women’s Club of Rochester, NY. and currently holds the position of Charity Chairwoman. When asked to briefly describe her
position, Mrs. Liberti replied, “I find out what organization or school needs help by
contacting the directors of various boards, then the club selects one charity a month
to help.” She further added, “This month, for instance; the club purchased a gas grill
and related accessories for Richards House, a home for veterans in Rochester.” Two
memorable charitable deeds that Genetaska Women’s Club of Rochester have been
involved in include clothing and food donations to surrounding county food pantries
and Thanksgiving baskets for Battered Women, Veterans Outreach Program, Homeless Women’s Shelter, Bethany House and many more. They’ve also supported the
Irondequoit Community Cupboard, Alternatives for Battered Women, Angels of
Mercy, St. Joseph’s House of Hospitality, School of the Holy Childhood, Wilson
Commencement Park and countless others. In addition, the Genetaska Women’s Club
of Rochester collects money every month from each member to purchase hats and
mittens for students at two Rochester schools. It takes a special type of individual to
dedicate so much of their life to the happiness and well-being of others. Arline Liberti
is a testament to the true definition of a humanitarian. She has tirelessly given herself
to not only her family and friends, but also to her charitable outreaches. It is surely
not an exaggeration to state that she and those like her have touched the lives of a
countless many, even though they might not have known her personally. Mrs. Arline
Liberti is a magnanimous woman who causes echoes of admiration for her dedication
to others in need of someone to care enough to make a difference.
Da Da
- The Genius Exhibition
Vinci—The Genius Exhibition
Rochester Museum & Science Center
Rochester Museum & Science Center
February 13–May 17, 2015
February 13–May
17, 2015
Presenting Sponsor: M&T Bank
Contributing Support: Elaine P. & Richard U. Wilson Foundation
Media Sponsor: 101.3 WRMM
Education Sponsors: Italian Heritage Foundation of Rochester,
The Goodbody Group at The Private Banking & Investment Group Merrill Lynch
Additional Support: Bergmann Associates, Fibertech Networks, Gouvernet Arts Fund of
Rochester Area Community Foundation
The exhibition has been created by Grande Exhibitions and Pascal Cotte, France
Presenting Sponsor: M&T Bank
Contributing Support: Elaine P. & Richard U. Wilson Foundation
Media Sponsor: 101.3 WRMM
Da Vinci
– The Genius, the
most comprehensive
exploration of Leonardo da Vinci’s
work ever created, at the Rochester Museum & Science Center (RMSC). You know Leonardo da
was an artist, but
you know he laid the groundwork for some of the most fascinating
inventions? Airplane, submarine, parachute and more! Become immersed in da Vinci’s timeless
The Goodbody
Privateinventions and unparalleled
through full-scale Group
the mastermind’s
studies of his iconic art. Enjoy more than 200 unique pieces including 75 life-size machine
inventions, entertaining animations of da Vinci’s mostMerrill
notable Renaissance works and an eyeopening, in-depth analysis of his most famous piece “Mona Lisa.” Push, pull and crank for a
hands-on understanding of the scientific principles behind the works of onehis
of themost
most dynamic
famous piece “Mona Lisa.” Push,
of all time. Discover
Discover da Vinci.AssociFor details, visit www.rmsc.org.
pull and crank for a hands-on understandRochester
Museum & Science
Center (RMSC)
includes the Science Museum, Strasenburgh
ates, Fibertech
scientific principles behind the
Planetarium and Cumming Nature Center. Offering experiences at the Museum
of Rochester
Planetarium with Area
a 65-foot Commudome and Nature Center on 900 acres, the
one of the most dynamic minds
RMSC stimulates community interest in exploration. In addition, the more than
1.2 million
nity Foundation
items tell the story of Rochester’s past including its rich history of innovation and
invention. RMSC receives major funding from Monroe County, where it is one
the top
three Discover brilliance. Discover
attractions serving
families. Forby
more information da
RMSC, visit
For details, visit www.rmsc.org.
Connect with us on and
Twitter, Cotte,
YouTube and Instagram.
Grande Exhibitions
Rochester Museum & Science Center
(RMSC) includes the Science Museum,
Experience Da Vinci – The Genius, Strasenburgh Planetarium and Cumming
the most comprehensive exploration of Nature Center. Offering experiences at
Leonardo da Vinci’s work ever created, at the Museum with more than 200 interacthe Rochester Museum & Science Center tive exhibits, Planetarium with a 65-foot
(RMSC). You know Leonardo da Vinci dome and Nature Center on 900 acres, the
was an artist, but did you know he laid RMSC stimulates community interest in
the groundwork for some of the most fas- exploration. In addition, the more than
cinating inventions? Airplane, submarine, 1.2 million RMSC collection items tell
parachute and more! Become immersed in the story of Rochester’s past including
da Vinci’s timeless brilliance through full- its rich history of innovation and invenscale interpretations of the mastermind’s tion. RMSC receives major funding from
inventions and unparalleled studies of his Monroe County, where it is one of the
iconic art. Enjoy more than 200 unique top three most visited attractions serving
pieces including 75 life-size machine children and families. For more informainventions, entertaining animations of da tion about RMSC, visit www.rmsc.org.
Vinci’s most notable Renaissance works Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter,
and an eye-opening, in-depth analysis of YouTube and Instagram.
101 Despatch Dr.
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May 2015
11:10 AM
May 2015
The St. Bernard’s Grove section of Holy Sepulchre Cemetery is adjacent to the historic building that
housed the Diocese of Rochester St. Bernard’s Seminary, an educational institution where many of
the priests of our area were educated.
Today, St. Bernard’s Grove offers families the option of in-ground burial or outdoor cremation niches
in a quiet, prayerful and reflective environment on the eastside of Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.
You’re invited to take advantage of special savings through May 31, 2015 on pre-need purchases in
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Save $150 on regularly priced $1200 single, outdoor cremation niche with bronze memorial plaque
Save $300 on regularly priced $1900 double, outdoor cremation niche with bronze memorial plaque
Save $100 per in-ground grave regularly priced at $830 single grave
Holy Sepulchre Cemetery
(585) 458-4110
2461 Lake Avenue
Rochester, NY 14612
Ascension Garden
(585) 697-1122
1900 Pinnacle Road
Henrietta, NY 14467
May 2015
Call (585) 458-4110 to set up an appointment and tour of St. Bernard’s Grove to receive your special
offer pricing. Or you can use the tear off section below to request additional information. Mail the
completed form to Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, 2461 Lake Avenue, Rochester, NY 14612.
Feature Stories
A Pranzo Con: Bellini, Rossini, Puccini
Joseph Capogreco
prima della Norma, per gustare questa
ricetta tipicamente siciliana. Vincenzo
Bellini nacque a Catania nel 1801 e mori
gioanissimo nel 1835, a soli 35 anni
Vi do adesso una ricetta di" parmigiana alle melamzane" tratta da un libro
di Giuseppina Randazzo dal suo libro
La Cucina Siciliana. Questi gli ingredienti: Un kg. (chilo) di melanzane, 200
grammi di cipolle, 150 grammi di salsa
di pomodoro, 150 grammi di parmigiano
grattugiato, basilico fresco, 50 grammi di
mozzarella, due uova sode, olio d'oliva,
sale e pepe. Friggete le fette di melanzane
in una teglia unta di olio mettete melazane e copritele con la cipolla, la salsa
di pomodoro, foglie di basilico e sopra il
parmigiano A metá cottura mettetele in
formo e decorate il tutto con la mozzarella
e le uova sode. Piatto prelibato.
L'Opera e'una
composizione musicale. Quella italiana
é universalmente Vincenzo Bellini
conosciuta. I piú grandi compositori sono
italiani. L'Opera nacque in Italia e si sviluppó dopo in Francia e in Germania. Chi
non conosce i geni musicali italiani come
Bellini, Rossini, Verdi, Donizetti, nonché
Leoncavallo e Mascagni? Alcuni di loro
erano anche delle buone forchette. Alcune
storie si commentano da soli come quella
di Vincenzo Bellini e la pasta alla Norma.
Per favore, non domandate a un siciliano che cosa é la pasta alla Norma. Vi Giovacchino Rossini
Alcuni anni
guarderá dall'alto in basso come per dire:
fa, mi trovavo in
ma che scherzi?: É pasta alla parmigiana.
Ma, questa parmigiana preparata dai convacanza a Parigi.
cittadini del Bellini é un'atra cosa. Viene
Decisi di visitare
preparata con melanzane, ricotta salata e
la tomba di Rosaltri ingredienti.
sini, che appena
Ma perché il nome pasta alla Norma?
morto fu sepellito
Si dice che questo nome venne dato a
nel cimitero monquesto piatto da un concittadino del Bellumentale parigino.
ini: Nino Martoglio un grande scrittore di
Le Pere Lachaise
commedie, catanese anche lui. Una sera,
In quvesto cimitdopo avere mangiato questa pasta esclamó
ero riposano le piú
"É una Norma" come per dire: "degna di Giovacchino Rossini grandi e celebri
una opera del calibro di quest' opera.
personalitá francesi. Tra queste anche G.
Anche il Bellini si mise a tavola la sera Rossini, morto a Parigi dove compose
TEL: 340-6200
288 Exchange Blvd
Rochester, NY 14608
Please come see us
in Cornhill Landing
diverse opere e fu molto stimato per la
sua arte. Molti anni dopo, su richiesta
del governo italiano la suo salma fu trasportato a Firenze e sepolto nella chiesa
di Santa Croce dove, anche lí, riposano i
piú grandi geni italiani.
Rossini nacque a Pesaro (1792-1868)
in Toscana e fu considerato il Maestro
dell' Opera Buffa. Con la sua musica
dominó nei teatri mondiali per tutta
la metá dell 800. La musica il Rossini
l'aveva nel sangue anche perché proveniva
da una famiglia di artisti: padre suonatore
di corno e madre cantante. Giá a 16 anni il
Rossini scriveva e componeva "cantate" e
a soli 18 anni compose la sua prima opera:
La Cambiale del Matrimonio" Due anni
dopo debuttó nel famoso teatro La
Scala con l'opera "La Pietra del Paragone" con molto successo tanto che fu
rappresentata ben 50 volte alla prima
stagione. Secondo lo scrittore francese
Stendhal la musica di Rossini era "tipicamente italiana": sempice eallegra".
Il suo capolavoro assoluto é il "Barbiere di Siviglia" che insimieme al
William Tell, La Semiramide, la Gazza
Ladra e I'Italiana in Algeri completano
la genialita di questo compositore che
con i suoi sorpredenti crescendo (vedi
Guglielmo Tell) deliziava gli appassionatai di musica. I critici dissero che il suo
genio straordinario esrcitó una influenza
straordinaria nella trasformazione della
musica italiana. Rossini aveva L'abilitá
di scrivere arie musicale anche in brevissimo temop. Il piatto da lui preferito era
il riso.Anzi, si dice che una volta una
cantante non era contenta di una aria che
doveva cantare. Il Rossini non la prese a
male. Tornó a casa e disse alla serva di
cucinare il riso per la cena. Si mise poi al
pianofore e in un solo quarto dora cmpose
una nuova aria per la cantante. La cantante
restó meravigliata per la bellezza dell aria
nuova da lui composta.Da allora in poi
uqest aria e chiamata é conosciutoa come
l'aria dei risi.
Giamcomo Puccini
Molto povero ma ricco
d'intelletto, buon
gustaio di cibi
e di belle donne
era anche un
ottimo cuoco
il compositore
della "che gelida,
Giamcomo Puccini se lasci riscalda..." Giacomo Puccini per poter essere
ammesso e studiare al Conservatorio di
Milano dovette essere aiutato dalla Regina
Margherita che molto credeva nel di lui
genio. Nella sua cameretta non poteva
cucinare perché la padrona di casa non
lo permetteva. Allora studió un piano. Di
tanto in tanto la mattina usciva di casa
con una valigetta. Comprava il carbone
lo paneva in questa valigetta e tornava a
casa dove poi lo usava per cucinare i suoi
pasti. Era amico di un altro compositore:
Macagni. Insieme creavano piatti raffinati
e i due litigavano spesso sulla bontá dei
loro cibi. Chi diceva che era migliore il
cassilucco alla livornese e chi sosteneva
che il risotto alla folaga era migliore. Una
cosa é certa: il Puccini amava andare a
caccia di uccelli selvatici e Torre del Lago
era i luogo ideale per la quantitá di uccelli
Un altro piatto che lui amava erano i
fagioli al forno cotti in una teglia di terracotta. Oltre al buon cibo Puccini amava la
musica e la caccia. Lui stesso si definiva:
"un potente cacciatore di uccelli selvatici,
libretti d'opera e belle donne." Grazie
al suo successo di compositore, passó
quindi da una vita piena di stenti ad una.
vita agiata. Questo nostro genio musicale
compose opere note e rappresentate nei
migliori teatri del mondo. Si pensi ala
Tosca, Boheme, Madame Butterfly. Morí
nel 1934 e la sua salma fu tumulata nella
sua amata Torre del Lago.
Un Messaggio Dall'ufficio Del
Vice Consolato Onorario D'italia Di
Rochester, New York.
Cari connazionali, come molti di
Voi sapranno, per ottenere il rilascio
del passaporto italiano bisogna recarsi personalmente al CONSOLATO
YORK, il motivo principale e' la rilevazione delle impronte digitali.
Il vostro passaporto italiano e'
scaduto o sta per scadere o e' ancora
valido e preferite richiederne uno nuovo
- telefonateci in modo da prendere il
vostro nominativo e numero di telefono
per poterVi contattare in prossimita' dell
Spargete la voce, fatelo sapere ai
vostri amici, conoscenti e parenti.
Una delle cose piu' importanti e' il
vostro Green Card valido, quindi ... se
e' scaduto o sta per scadere affrettatevi
a rinnovarlo altrimenti il Consolato
di New York non
potra' rilasciarVi
un nuovo passaporto.
Tra qualche
mese saremo in Mario Daniele
grado di dirvi la Honorary Vice
data esatta della Consul of Italy
loro venuta.
Per maggiori
chiarimenti o per
informazioni generali relativi a pensioni, procure e documenti vari si prega
contattarci telefonando dalle 9:00 alle
2:00 al (585) 594-8259 il martedi e
mercoledi ed il Vice Console Mario
Daniele sara' lieto di assisterVi.
Si prega telefonare per un appuntamento.
Mario Daniele
Honorary Vice Consul of Italy
For any information regarding passports, pensions and documents, please call
the Italia Vice Consul at (585) 594-8259 Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:00am
until 2:00pm. Please call for an appointment.
May 2015
As spring is
now well into its
stride, many of
Mike Mollica
us might begin
to pop the corks
off some crisp white wines again. There
are so many like-sounding Italian whites
out there, like Verdicchio, Verduzzo and
Vernaccia. Today, however, we'll focus
on the white wine gem of Sardegna,
Sardegna (Sardinia) is a feral, imposing
and somewhat enigmatic Italian island
that sits almost equal distance from Italy
than to North Africa, France and Spain.
It is the Mediterranean's second largest
island after Sicily. It is also the third
biggest region in Italy (after Sicily and
Piedmont) but because the interior of the
island is mainly uninhabited, it ranks only
11th in population size. 25% of Sardinia
has been designated as national parkland or wildlife reserves. Gastronomically, Sardegna is famous for its abundant
lamb meat, sheep and
goat cheeses, olive
oil, seafood and of
course, rare rustic
wines. One notable
culinary specialty
unique to Sardegna is
"casu marzu" cheese
which contains live
maggots, and considered a potent aphrodisiac by the locals
(and also coincidentally pairs spectacularly well with Vermentino). Sardegna
has one of the highest
ratios of centenarians (persons over 100
years old) anywhere in the world.
Sardegna has been considered an official Italian state since 1861, but the
kingdom of Sardinia existed under Spanish rule for approximately four hundred
years, from 1323 to 1720, assimilating a
number of the Spanish traditions, linguistics and lifestyles. It was likely during
this period, as most experts agree, that
the Spanish settlers introduced the Vermentino grape to the island. Although
Vermentino is currently grown in several
countries around the Mediterranean, the
best known examples come from northern
Italy (particularly in the region of Liguria) and the island of Sardegna, where
the wines are crisp, citrusy and generally unoaked. It is also the most widely
planted white grape on the island of Cor-
sica, where high altitude and hot climate
vineyards produce more full-bodied wines
with heady floral aromas. Although it is
a well known grape for winemaking, for
decades Vermentino grapes were used as
a tasty table fruit snack, with large grape
size and good sugar/acid balance.
Argiolas Costamolino
Vermentino 2013 ($15)
Located amidst Sardegna's
abundant natural scenery, just
north of Cagliari, is the Argiolas
estate, widely known for its crisp
and refreshing white wines and
complex and precocious reds.
Antonio Argiolas and his twin
sons, Franco and Giuseppe, have
worked diligently to fulfill their
commitment to become the leaders in Sardinian enology. Over
the years, the Argiolas family
has strongly insisted on its native
Sardinian vines, focusing on the
indigenous white varietals Nuragus and
Vermentino and the red varietals Cannonau, Monica, Carignano and Bovale
Sardo. Giacomo Tachis, father of prestigious Super Tuscan Italian wines such
as Sassicaia, Tignanello and Solaia, has
been instrumental in placing Argiolas on
the quality map. Like the Argiolas family,
Tachis has a true passion for the island's
native varietals.
The Costamolino Vermentino has a
distinct lemon-green color, with a soft
nose of citrus and apple and pear, followed by undertones of rose petal, melon
and honey. On the palate, the wine has a
base minerality and shows a delightfully
zesty acidity, and creamy mouthfeel as
well, which makes it both food-friendly
and a crowd pleaser. A great value to be
had at around $15.
First Place IACC Winter
Men's Bocce Team Champions
From left: Mitch Castle, Vittorio Bisciotti, Joe Elia and Vince Carfagna
May 2015
Teatro alla Scala
This premier opera house is located in
Milan, Italy. The Teatro was inaugurated on
August 3rd, 1778 and was originally known as
the New Royal-Ducal Theatre alla Scala. The
premiere performance was Antonio Salieri's
“Europa Riconosciuta.”
Most of Italy's greatest operatic artists,
and many of the finest singers from around
the world have appeared at La Scala during
the past 200 years. Today, the theatre is still
recognized as one of the leading opera and
ballet theatres in the world and is home to the
La Scala Theatre Chorus, La Scala Theatre
Ballet and La Scala Theatre Orchestra.
A fire destroyed the previous theatre, the
Teatro Reggio Ducale, on February 25th,
1776, after a Carnevale gala. A group of ninety
wealthy Milanese, who owned private boxes in
the theatre, wrote to the Archduke Ferdinand
of Austria-Este asking for a new theatre and
a provisional one to be used while completing the new one. The
neoclassical architect,
Giuseppe Piermarini,
produced an initial design but it was rejected
by Count Firmian, the
governor of the then
Austrian Lombardy.
A second plan was
accepted in 1776 by
Empress Maria Theresa. The new theatre Teatro alla Scala
was built on the former location of the church
of Santa Maria alla Scala, from where the
theatre gets its name. The church was deconsecrated and demolished, and over a period
of two years, the theatre was completed by
Pietro Marliani, Pietro Nosetti and Antonio
and Giuseppe Fe. The theatre had approximately 3,000 seats. Building expenses were
covered by the sale of private boxes, which
were lavishly decorated by their owners. La
Scala soon became the preeminent meeting
place for noble and wealthy Milanese people.
In the tradition of the times the main floor had
no chairs so the audience watched the shows
while standing. The orchestra was in full view
because the orchestra pit had not yet been built.
Above the
boxes, La Scala has a gallery
where the less
wealthy are able
Edward Albert
to watch the perMaruggi, Ph.D.
formances. The
gallery is typically crowded
with the most critical opera aficionados, who
can be ecstatic or merciless towards singers'
perceived successes or failures.
The original structure was renovated in
1907, when it was given its current layout
with 1,987 seats. In 1943, during WWII, La
Scala was severely damaged by bombs. It was
rebuilt and reopened on May 11th, 1946, with
a memorable concert conducted by Arturo
Toscanini. La Scala has hosted the first production of many famous operas, and had a special
relationship with Giuseppe Verdi.
The theatre underwent a major renovation
from early 2002 to late
2004. It was closed following the traditional
December 7th, 2001
season opening performances of Otello,
which ran through December.
The opera company
was impressed with
improvements to the
structure and the sound
quality was enhanced when the heavy red carpets in the hall were removed. The stage was
entirely re-constructed, and an enlarged backstage allows more sets to be stored, permitting
more productions. Seats now include monitors
for the electronic libretto system provided by
Radio Marconi allowing audiences to follow
opera libretti in English and Italian in addition
to the original language.
The opera house re-opened on December
7th, 2004 with a production, conducted by
Riccardo Muti, of Salieri's “Europa Riconosciuta” the same opera that was performed
at La Scala's inauguration in 1778.
Excerpts from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
More personal finance tips to pass on to
a 20 and 30-year-old (Part II)
John Ninfo
In the last issue we talked about
the need for adults
in this age group
to really focus on
their personal finances, in large
part, because they
are facing a more
challenging financial world with
fewer opportuni-
To help them do that, I set out some of
my favorite personal finance tips for this age
group, promising more in this Column.
Those prior tips included: spend the time
to educate yourself and learn about personal
finances; get into the habit of always reading
all of your financial documents carefully in
order to make sure that you fully understand
them; and always have appropriate insurance
coverage for where you and your family are
in life.
Those prior tips also included: always have
an Emergency Savings Account, again, appropriate for where you and your family are in life;
always have Financial Goals and a Financial
Plan and a Budget to help you achieve them;
and avoid consumer debt as much as possible.
Here are a few more of my favorite tips.
When you take out a loan, remember,
it is not about the monthly payment, it is
about the term of the loan and the interest
rate. The credit industry has been brilliant in
convincing the American public that if they
can afford the monthly payment, they can
afford the loan. That is true on one level, but
when you do the math, you will see how much
more a 7 year car loan will cost than a 3 year
loan. The same applies to a 15 year mortgage
compared to a 30 year mortgage.
Always remember, the only good loan
is one that you can afford to repay and
you have a plan to repay. It has often been
said that taking on debt is a gamble on future
income. You need to do the
math and look carefully at
your budget so that you can
make it a good bet.
Make money matter in
all aspects of your life. Ben
Franklin was right when he
said that, “A penny saved
is a penny earned.” Part of
the reason that some people
became wealthy is that they
always wanted to make sure
that they got the best value
for everything they did or
(Continued on page 10)
IACC Pasta Dinner Fund-raiser (from page 1)
Cataldo, Ed Mancini, Aldo Mannoni,
and Paolo Polignone. Other volunteers
assisting in various support activities were:
Anna Ackley, Maria Cappuccio, Anna
DiCataldo, Deborah Ford, Rosa L'Abbate,
Doreen Manfre, Marge Mannoni, Rosalba
Pisaturo, Amalia Plantone, Amy Preziosi,
Anna Marie Raponi, Mike Ryal, Joe
Sirianni, and Ennio and Gina Santoleri.
We apologize in advance if a name was
omitted in error.
This event provided an informal interaction among all who attended, in the
warmest atmosphere, while enjoying well
prepared foods at a casual pace in the Italian tradition of sharing long conversations
and an abundance of pasta.
The IACC would also like to thank the
advertisers of the Pasta Dinner place mat
Airport Transmission
Ciminelli & Ciminelli
Clark Moving & Storage, Inc.
Colony Dry Cleaners
D'Aurizio Law Firm
Diana Apostolova of AXA Advisors
Gates Chili Federal Credit Union
Gatti Plumbing
Joe’s Brooklyn Pizza
John J. Pisaturo Attorney at Law
Katie Gioia of Premium Mortgage
Law Office of Frank M. Ciardi
Olindo's Cash and Carry
Palazzo Jewelers
Papa Joe's
Please support these local companies.
Thank you to all the volunteers who
made this happen and to all attendees who
supported this event. See you next year!
DiPonzio Funeral
Home, Inc.
More Personal Finance Tips (Continued from page 9)
purchased with their hard earned money. Why
wouldn’t you want the satisfaction of being a
smart shopper, looking at unit prices, finding
sales and the “best price,” and exploring those
discount stores and shopping clubs?
Never hesitate to ask financially responsible friends and family for help and advice.
You don’t always have to reinvent the financial
wheel. Take advantage of those with experience. They have purchased cars and homes,
had children, and found ways to save and
invest. Ask them to share their good and bad
experiences with you.
Always think about opportunity costs. If
you over with-hold on your taxes so that you
will receive a big refund, but then use it to pay
down debt or save or invest it, you would have
been better off adjusting your with-holding,
so that you could use 1/12 of that refund each
month to accomplish those goals. Every dollar that you overpay for things, or use to pay
interest on your credit card balances, could
have been saved or invested, and earned you a
return. It is like double-dipping, but in reverse.
When it comes to saving, it requires a
Casual Italian Cuisine
at its Finest!
Family Owned Since 1931
Medicaid and Pre-Need Counseling
Members of the IACC
Dominic A. DiPonzio
Christopher B. DiPonzio Joseph D. DiPonzio
219 Spencerport Road 429-6700
(Across from St. Theodore’s Church)
The Fedele Family
“Benvenuti a Tutti!”
Authentic Italian
Bacco’s Ristorante
commitment. Having financial goals will
provide that commitment. Get into the
habit of saving as early as possible, and,
remember, the best way to save is right off
the top, by direct deposit, before you ever
see it. Calculators on the internet will show
you how much of a difference starting young
will make. You will be shocked. If you wait to
save what is left over at the end of the month,
you will soon find out that there is always too
much month.
After you have saved for emergencies
and anticipated expenses, start investing
for your future, including your retirement.
As I have often said, I am not qualified to give
investment advice, but I can say this: if you
have a tax deferred retirement plan at work,
like a 401-k plan, contribute to it, especially
if it has a matching provision, and then at
least up to the match; if you want to invest
in stock, consider an ETF (Exchange Traded
Fund), with low fees, tied to the S&P 500;
and start early.
Keep reading and learning. You will never
regret focusing on your personal finances.
The Brook House
Italian Culture
and the
(Left to right) • Valerie Gautieri Tidwell • Vito J. Gautieri, Jr. and
son Vance • Vito J. Gautieri, Sr. • Michael A. Fasano
• Victor J. Gautieri and son Nicholas
Construction completed in 2008.
Conveniently located near
Downtown Cultural Events
Authentic Italian Dishes • Homemade Desserts
Exceptional Service • Charming Ambience
Serving Dinner Tuesday - Saturday
It was an honor for
our company to
build the Chapel
for Olindo & Filomena
Offices of V. J. Gautieri Constructors, Inc. with office space
donated to the Boy Scouts and the Paolo Busti Cultural
V.J. Gautieri Constructors, Inc.
45 Liberty Street · P.O. Box 322 · Batavia, NY 14021-0322
Phone: 585-343-0852 · Fax: 585-343-4601 · Web Site: www.gautieri.com · e-mail: [email protected]
(585) 343-0852
Bring your own wine, no corkage fee on Tuesday and Wednesday nights
Reservations recommended
263 Park Ave | 442-5090
Private Parking in the Back
Building Success Since 1954
Photo by Nino Cusanno
Vito & Marjorie Gautieri are IACC Members
May 2015
2015 Calendar of Events
The public is welcome to all events.
For Your Convenience, Please Cut Out and Save
or Send Your E-Mail Address to [email protected]
to Receive Event Info
4 Luncheon
3 Gene Ferrari Dinner Show
5 Karaoke
4 Karaoke
6 Luncheon
12 Luncheon
11 Karaoke
6 Karaoke
12 Karaoke
13 Veterans/Volunteer
13 Karaoke
16 Ferragosto Picnic
20 Luncheon
19 IACC General
20 IACC General
Membership Meeting 18 Luncheon
18 IACC General
Membership Meeting
19 Karaoke
Membership Meeting
20 Karaoke
26 Luncheon
18 Karaoke
21 Italian Cinema
26 Karaoke
25 Luncheon
22 Women of the Year
25 Karaoke
27 Karaoke
31 Marian Celebration
2 Karaoke
9 Luncheon
2 Luncheon
9 Karaoke
2 Karaoke
2 Festa Della Repubblica
16 IACC General
3 Luncheon
Membership Meeting 9 Karaoke
11 St. Lucy TBT
3 Karaoke
16 Karaoke
12 Christmas Gala
10 Karaoke
23 Luncheon
16 Luncheon
17 Luncheon
23 Karaoke
16 IACC General
17 IACC General
30 Karaoke
Membership Meeting
Membership Meeting
16 Karaoke
17 Karaoke
20 Brunch with Santa
18 Italian Cinema
7 Luncheon
30 Luncheon
24 Karaoke
7 Karaoke
31 New Year’s Eve Party
11 Wine Bus Tour
14 Karaoke
1 Luncheon
All events subject
16Reverse Raffle
1 Karaoke
to change
21 Luncheon/
8 Karaoke
21 IACC General
15 Luncheon
Membership Meeting
15 IACC General
21 Karaoke
Membership Meeting
24 Vendemmia
15 Karaoke
28 Karaoke
16,17,18 Festa Italiana
31 Halloween Party
22 Karaoke
29 Luncheon
29 Karaoke
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May 2015
Feature Stories
May 2015
Fly UP