
Stuart Holland

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Stuart Holland
Stuart Holland
Christ's Hospital School 1951-59.
University of Missouri Kansas City 1959-60
Balliol College Oxford 1960-63.
St. Antony's College Oxford 1963-72.
Academic Qualifications
BA Modern History and Political Theory, 1st Class Honours, 1963.
MA Modern History and Political Theory, 1972.
D. Phil Economics 1972. Recommendation Sir John Hicks. Examiners Paul Streeten and
Paolo Sylos-Labini.
Hon. Member Royal Town Planning Institute 1980.
Doctor Honoris Causa Roskilde University Center Denmark 1992.
English: Mother tongue
French: (fluent spoken and reading)
Italian: (fluent spoken and reading)
Spanish: (spoken and fluent reading)
Portuguese: (understanding and fluent reading)
German: (spoken and reading)
Main Employment
Economic Assistant to the Prime Minister, Cabinet Office 1966-67.
Political Assistant to the Prime Minister 10 Downing Street 1967-68.
Research Fellow, Centre for Contemporary European Studies, University of Sussex, 196871 (Associate Fellow 1971-79).
Lecturer in Economics University of Sussex 1971-79.
Member of Parliament for London Vauxhall 1979-89.
Shadow Minister of Overseas Development 1983-87.
Shadow Financial Secretary to the Treasury 1987-89.
Professor of Economics, European University Institute, Florence, 1989-93.
Visiting Professor, University Center Roskilde 1993-2003.
Visiting Professor Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra since 2003.
Other Appointments
Visiting Scholar Brookings Institution Washington DC 1969, and 1970.
Associate Editor The European Economic Review, 1970-74.
Special Adviser to the Expenditure Committee of the House of Commons on Public Money
in the Private Sector, and Regional Development Incentives 1971-73.
Research Specialist on European Integration, Royal Institute of International Affairs, 197273.
Associate, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, from 1974; Governor
Member of the Drafting Committee of the Industry Act, Department of Industry, 1974.
Special Adviser to the Minister of Overseas Development, 1974-75.
Lubbock Lecturer, Oxford University 1975.
Tom Mann Memorial Lecturer Australia, 1977.
Member of the United Nations University Working Party on Social and Cultural Factors in
Development, Tokyo and Belgrade, 1977-79.
Visiting Lecturer, Oxford Centre for Management Studies, Oxford University, 1978-81.
Visiting Lecturer, Europa Institute, University of Amsterdam, 1979-84.
Member of the Economic Committee of the Socialist International 1983-89 (President,
Michael Manley).
Visiting Lecturer, Dániel Berzsenyi College and the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence,
Szombathely, 1991-.
Adviser to the Economic and Environment Committee of the Socialist International 19952002.
Adviser to the Office of the Prime Minister on preparation of the Lisbon Agenda, 19992000.
Member of the International Committee on Global Financial Issues of the Socialist
International, 2009.
Adviser to the Economic and Social Affairs Committee of the Council of Europe on
European Regional Policy 1973.
Member of the Expert Committee of the Commission of the European Communities on
Structural Factors in Inflation 1975-76.
Coordinator of Out of Crisis, A Project for European Recovery, Paris 1981-83, sponsored
by the French Ministry of Education and Research.
Consultant to the World Bank on Structural Adjustment in Developing Countries, 1986.
Consultant to the Secretariat General of the Commission of the European Communities on
A theoretical and statistical framework for analysis of the competitive context of corporate
strategies in the internal market, 1988.
Consultant to DG XVI of the Commission of the European Communities on A Community
Framework for the promotion of regional development agency and enterprise joint
ventures, 1989.
Director of project on Economic and Social Cohesion in the 1990's for European
Commissioners Delors, Christophersen, MacSharry, Papandreou and Millan, 1990-93.
Member of the Inter-Services Science, Technology and Social Sciences Research
Committee of the Commission of the European Communities (Drafting Committee for the
Fourth Framework Programme) 1991-93.
Consultant to DG XII of the European Commission on The Contribution of Science and
Technology to Global Development Needs, 1991-93.
Economic Adviser to the Merger Task Force of the European Commission 1991-93.
Consultant on the Macroeconomics of Reorganising and Reducing Working Time to DG V
of the European Commission, 1996.
Director of Project on Networking Firms, Technology Transfer, Restructuring and
Retraining, European Commission, DG XII Copernicus, 1996-97.
Co-Director of Project on An Architecture and Methodology for a European Certificate of
Informal Education, DG Education and Culture 2002-2003.
Books and Edited Volumes
The State as Entrepreneur (ed.) pp. 326, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London
The Socialist Challenge, pp. 414, Quartet Books, London 1975. Translated
as O Desafio Socialista, 2 vols, pp. 496, Iniciativas Editorais, Lisbon, 1976, and as La
Sfida Socialista: Movimento Operaio e Potere in Europa, pp.. 312, De Donato, Bari,
1979. Also translated into Greek by Papazzisis Publishers, pp. 366, Athens, 1978.
Capital Versus the Regions, pp. 328, Macmillan, London and St. Martin's
Press, New York, 1976. Translated as Capitalismo e Squilibri Regionali, pp. 450, Libri
del Tempo, Laterza, Rome-Bari 1976. Also translated into Japanese.
The Regional Problem, pp.. 179, Macmillan, London and St Martin's Press,
New York, 1976. Translated as Le Regioni e lo Svilupp.o Economico Europeo, pp. 240,
Libri del Tempo, Laterza, Rome-Bari, 1976.
Beyond Capitalist Planning (ed.), with contributions from Jacques Delors,
Jacques Attali, Giorgio Ruffolo and others, pp.. 222, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1978.
Translated as La Superacion de la Planificacion Capitalista, Ediciones Oikos-Tau,
Barcelona, 1982, and as Programmazione o Crisi: L’Imperativo di Strategie Alternative,
pp. 296 Mondadori Editore, Milan, 1983.
Uncommon Market, pp. 183, Macmillan, London 1980, translated under the
supervision of Enrique Baron Crespo as El Mercado inComun, pp. 263, H. Blume
Ediciones, Madrid 1981.
Out of Crisis: A Project for European Recovery (ed.), with Dominique
Strauss-Kahn, Enrique Baron Crespo, Joao Cravinho and others, pp., 199, Spokesman
Books, Nottingham, 1983. Translated as Sair da Crise: Um Projecto Europeu, pp. 250,
A Regra do Jogo, Ediçoes, Lisbon, 1984.
Global Challenge – From Crisis to Cooperation: Breaking the North-South
Stalemate, with Willy Brandt, Michael Manley and Jan Pronk, pp. 220, Pan Books,
London 1985. Translated as El Reto Global, pp. 265, Ediciones Centauro, Caracas,
The Market Economy: From Micro to Mesoeconomics, pp. 384, (Vol. 1 of
Towards a New Political Economy), Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London.
The Global Economy: From Meso to Macroeconomics, pp. 464, (Vol 2 of
Towards a New Political Economy), Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London.
Central America: The Future of Economic Integration (Co-editor with George
Irvin, Reader in Development Economics, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague) pp.
200, Westview Press/ Praeger, Boulder Colorado, 1988.
The European Imperative: Economic and Social Cohesion in the 1990's, pp.
266, Foreword Jacques Delors, Spokesman, Nottingham, 1993.
Towards a New Bretton Woods: Alternatives for the Global Economy, pp.
274, Spokesman, Nottingham, 1994 (Requested by Jacques Delors and funded by DG
XII 1991-93 Project).
Full Employment for Europe (with Ken Coates MEP), pp. 184, Spokesman,
Nottingham, 1995.
Europe in Question – And What to Do About It, pp. 182. Forthcoming.
With Oliveira, T. C. Delving Down to Learn Up: Rethinking Rationality in
Management. Forthcoming,
Published Articles, Chapters in Edited Volumes and Monographs
Regional Underdevelopment in a Developed Economy: the Italian Case,
Regional Studies, 5, 2, 1971.
Translated in Italian as Sottosviluppo regionale nell'economia svilupp.ata in
Economia Sarda, 1972 (also reprinted in Informazioni SVIMEZ, Rome,1972).
The Price of Europe: a Re-Assessment (Ed.) Proceedings of a Federal Trust
Wilton Park Conference, SGS Longmans, 1971.
Public Enterprise and the EEC in Public Enterprise, 1971. Translated in Italian
as L'Impresa Pubblica nel Mercato Comune in Economia Pubblica, 1972.
Sovereignty and Multinational Companies (with Wayland Kennet and Larry
Whitty), Fabian Society Tract 409, 1971.
The Community and the Public Sector in Hella Pick and Anthony Harris (Eds.)
Into Europe? A Guardian Pamphlet, 1971.
The Community and the Regions in Hella Pick and Anthony Harris (Eds.) Into
Europe? A Guardian Pamphlet, 1971.
European Para-Governmental Agencies in 6th Report from the Trade and
Industry Sub-Committee of the Expenditure Committee of the House of Commons on
Public Money in the Private Sector, vol III, HMSO, London 1972.
Multinational Companies and a Selective Regional Policy in 2nd Report from the
Trade and Industry Sub-Committee of the Expenditure Committee of the House of
Commons on Regional Development Incentives, HMSO, London 1974.
Regions Versus Europe, (with Stephen Drewer), in The European Economic
Community, The Open University, P933, Units 7-8, 1974.
Mesoeconomics, New Public Enterprise and Economic Planning in Annals of
Public and Cooperative Economy, April-June 1974. Translated as Mesoéconomie,
enterprise publique e planification, Annales de l'Economie Publique, Sociale et
Cooperative, Avril-Juin 1975, and as Mesoconomia e nuova impresa pubblica.
Economia Pubblica, n. 11-12, December 1975.
Europe's New Public Enterprises in Raymond Vernon (Ed) Big Business and
the State, Macmillan, London and Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1974.
Mesoeconomics and Inflation, contribution to Structural Factors in Inflation,
Report of the Maldague Committee to the Commission of the European Communities,
Agenor, Brussels, 1976.
Mesoeconomics, Multinational Capital and Regional Inequality in R. Lee and
P.E.Ogden Economy and Society in the EEC, Saxon House, 1976.
The National Enterprise Board and Planning Agreements in David Lethbridge
(Ed) Government and Industry Relationships, Pergamon, Oxford, 1976.
Keynes and the Socialists in Robert Skildesky (Ed.). The End of the Keynesian
Era, Macmillan, London and Holmes and Meier, New York, 1977.
The Management of the Public Sector in Gulbenkian Foundation (Ed.).
International conference on the Portuguese Economy, Lisbon, 1977.
The British Case, in Quale Europa? Azione e Ricerca per l'Alternativa,
Feltrinelli, Milan, 1977.
Capital, Labour and the Regions in Hendrik Folmer and Jan Oosterhaven (Eds.)
Spatial Inequalities and Regional Development, Martinus Nijhoof, 1977.
The Limits of the Regional Fund in House of Lords and House of Commons
European Committee Report on The European Regional Fund, 1977.
Sozialstaat als Bedingung des gesellschaftlichen Konsens in Das Argument no.
106, December 1977
Britain: a Suitable Case for Treatment? in Bulletin of the Institute of
Development Economics, Sussex University, December, 1977.
Countervailing Press Power in James Curran (Ed.) The British Press,
Macmillan London 1978.
Economic and Social Issues of Our Time, Preface Sandro Pertini, in Industrial
Policy and Economic Development of Southern Italy, ISVEIMER, Naples, 1978.
Dominant Enterprise and Employment ,in OECD, Employment and Welfare,
Paris 1978.
An Alternative Economic Strategy in M. Barratt Brown and Others, Full
Employment for Europe, Spokesman, Nottingham 1978.
Dependent Development: Portugal as Periphery in Seers, Schaffer and Kiljunen
(Eds.) Underdeveloped Europe, Harvester Press, 1979.
A Comment on Foreign Manufacturing by UK Firms in Frank Blackaby (Ed.)
Deindustrialisation, National Institute of Economic and Social Research and Heinemann,
London, 1979.
EuroCommunist Economics, in EuroCommunism: Myth or Reality? (Eds.) Paolo
Filo de la Torre, Edward Mortimer and Jonathan Story, Penguin Books, London 1979.
Also translated into Italian by Mondadori.
National Exports and the Common Market in Gulbenkian Foundation (Ed.)
Second International Conference on the Portuguese Economy, Lisbon 1980.
Dominant Enterprise and Employment: A Strategic Response in Paul Boreham
and Geoff Dow (Eds) Work and Inequality, Macmillan, Australia Pty. Ltd. 1980.
Una nueva planificacion como respuesta a la crisis, in Fernando Claudin and
others, La Izquierda ante la crisis ecoomica mundial, Editorial Pablo Iglesias, Madrid,
Opening contribution to The Crisis and Future of the Left: The Debate of the
Decade, (Ed.) Peter Hain, Pluto Press, 1980.
Technical Change and Socio-Economic Structures, in Socialism in the Present
Day World, Tribune Internationale ‘Le Socialisme dans le Monde’, Belgrade.
Kissinger's Kingdom: A Counter Report on Central America, (with Donald
Anderson MP), Spokesman, Nottingham, 1984.
Never Kneel Down: Drought and Development in Eritrea (with James
Firebrace), Spokesman, Nottingham, 1985.
The Breakdown of National Economies in UNCTAD, The Development
Dialogue in the 1980's, Geneva, 1985.
The World Bank - Where Now? in IBRD, Recovery in the Developing World,
Washington DC, 1986.
An Alternative European Strategy in Ken Coates (Ed.) Joint Action for Jobs: A
New Internationalism, Spokesman, Nottingham, 1986.
Mas alla Planificacion indiciativa - Beyond Indicative Planning in UNECLA
Review no. 31: Proceedings of a Conference on Economic Planning organised by the
United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, Santiago,
Chile, 1987.
Un Europa Alternativa in Alfonso Guerra and others, El Nuevo Compromiso
Europeo, Editorial Sistema, Madrid 1988.
Perestroika: Global Challenge in Perestroika: Global Challenge, (Ed.) Ken
Coates MEP, Spokesman, Nottingham, 1988.
Economic Planning and the Public Sector in Proceedings of the Conference on
Planning and the Public Sector, Ministry of Planning, Brasilia, 1988.
The Scope and Limits of 1992 in Scandinavian Conference on the 1992
Proposals, Proceedings, Roskilde University Centre, Denmark, 1989
Le Regioni e L'Europa contribution to a conference on Regional Development
Prospects for the Region of Tuscany, March 13th, published in Toscana che cambia: Atti
del Convegno IRES-IRPET-Banca d'Italia in Quaderni IRES, no 1, 1991.
Planning and Markets in a Europe of the Regions, Opening statement to the
Italian Regional Science Association Annual Conference Capri May 1991, published in the
Proceedings of the conference by the Association, 1991.
Paper on Europe, the United States and Japan: Multinational Companies and
Triadic Competition, contributed to an international conference on Japanese Foreign
Direct Investment, Waseda University, June 11th 1991.
Oral Evidence to the Select Committee on the European Communities,
published in the Minutes of Evidence: EEC Regional Development Policy, Session 199192, 4th Report, House of Lords, HMSO, 23 July 1991, London.
Competition, Cooperation and the Social Dimension: Reviewing the 1992
Proposals, in Bruno Amoroso and Jesper Jespersen (Eds.) Macroeconomic Theories and
the Policies for the 1990s, Macmillan, London 1992.
Efter Keynes - Efter Beveridge - Efter Maastricht, in Samfunds Ökonomen,
Denmark, 1993.
Planning the Recovery Programme in Ken Coates MEP and Michael Barratt
Brown (Eds.). A European Recovery Programme, Spokesman, 1993.
Big Leap – Small Steps : The Implications of Post Fordism for European
Productivity, Welfare and Employment, Paper for the Cellule des Prospectives of the
President of the European Commission, Brussels, October 1993.
Pour un Nouveau Bretton Woods? in Marie Lavigne (Ed.) Capitalismes à l'est:
un accouchement difficile, Collection Grands Débats, Economica, Paris, 1994.
Pianificazione ed economia mista. In Archibufg, F. and Bisogno, P. (Eds) Per
una teoria della pianificazione. Franco Angeli, Rome, 1994.
L'Europe, le bien être et les états-providence, in B. Theret (Ed.) L'Etat, le
Souverain, la Finance et le Social. Les sciences sociales face à la construction del l'état
européen, Editions La Découverte, Paris, 1995.
The Macroeconomics of Reorganising and Reducing Working Time, Report to
the Social Affairs Directorate General of the European Commission, 1996.
With Oliveira, T.C. Globalisation, Education and Culture. In Actas do II
Congresso Internacional da AIPELF, Educação e Política, Setembro 1998.
With Oliveira, T.C. Educação, Desenvolvimento Pessoal e Empregabilidade:
Paradigmas e Políticas. In Núcleo de Análise e Intervenção Educacional (ed.). Ensaios
em Homenagem a Joaquim Ferreira Gomes, pp..587-597. Coimbra, 1998.
New Dimensions to Regional Theory and Policy in the European Union in
Wolfgang Blaas (Ed.) A New Perspective for European Spatial Development Policies,
Ashgate, Aldershot UK, 1998.
Keynes-Plus per l’Europa in Europa-Europe: Rivista Bimestrale del’Istituto
Gramsci, nos. 1-2, 1999.
The Feasibility of Full Employment. Advisory Paper for the Portuguese
Presidency of the European Council. Lisbon: Office of the Prime Minister, 1999.
Broad Economic Guidelines. Advisory Paper for the Portuguese Presidency of
the European Council. Lisbon: Office of the Prime Minister, 1999.
Democratising Decision-Making. Advisory Paper for the Portuguese
Presidency of the European Council. Lisbon: Office of the Prime Minister, 1999.
Financial Instruments. Advisory Paper for the Portuguese Presidency of the
European Council. Lisbon: Office of the Prime Minister, 2000.
Innovation Agreements. Advisory Paper for the Portuguese Presidency of the
European Council. Lisbon: Office of the Prime Minister, 2000.
Europe and Globalisation. Advisory Paper for the Portuguese Presidency of
the European Council. Lisbon: Office of the Prime Minister, 2000.
Financial Instruments and European Recovery – Current Realities and
Implications for the New European Constitution. CEUNEUROP Discussion Paper no. 16.
Faculdade de Economia, Universidade de Coimbra. July, 2003.
How to Decide on Europe – The Proposal for an Enabling Majority Voting
Procedure in the European Constitution. CEUNEUROP Discussion Paper no. 17.
Faculdade de Economia, Universidade de Coimbra. July, 2003.
Ownership, Planning and Markets in Raymond Plant, Matt Beech and Kevin
Hickson (Eds.) The Struggle for Labour’s Soul. Routledge, London, 2004.
The Industrial Strategy in Anthony Selsdon and Kevin Hickson (Eds.) New
Labour, Old Labour. Routledge, London, 2004.
After the European Constitution: Twin Action Proposals. CEUNEUROP
Discussion Paper no. 38. Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra. July, 2006.
The End of US Hegemony and the Potential for Global Governance, in Gallina,
Andrea and Roberto Verrier Castro (Eds.), Power and Participation on the Era of
Globalization. Roskilde: Federico Caffè Centre, 2006.
With Oliveira, T.C. Globalisation and the Crisis in HRM. Centro Estudos
Sociais, University of Coimbra, 2006. http://www.ces.uc.pt/cesfct/hrglobal/
Implications of European Union for Latin American Integration. Centro Estudos
Sociais, University of Coimbra, 2006.
With Oliveira, T.C., Innovation-by-Agreement: Activating the Lisbon Agenda.
Notas Economicas, 24, 66-81. Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra.
December 2006.
Globalisation and Social Contract: Is It All Over? Presentation to the
Conference Series Innovative Management in a Global Era. Faculty of Economics,
University of Coimbra. May 2006.
Social Globalisation and Global Governance. Paper to the Cambridge
Development Studies Group, March, 2007.
Economic Cohesion in a Global Context: A Three Dimensional Growth
and Distribution Model. CEUNEUROP Discussion Paper no. 43. Faculty of Economics,
University of Coimbra. June, 2007.
With Oliveira, T.C., Alternative Paradigms of Hospital Work Organisation and
Health Provision, in Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Publica, 1,19-37, 2007.
With Oliveira, T.C., Beyond Human and Intellectual Capital: Profiling the Value
of Knowledge, Skills and Experience. Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão, 13,2.
237-260, 2007.
Hume, Smith, Irrational Expectations and the Subprime Crisis. Doctoral
Programme Seminar, Faculty of Economics, University of Athens, June 8th, 2008.
Comparative and Absolute Advantage: Why Did They Get Ricardo So Wrong?
Doctoral Programme Seminar, Faculty of Economics, University of Athens, June 10th,
From the WTO to a World Development Organisation: What Prospects?
Doctoral Programme Seminar, Faculty of Economics, University of Athens, June 12th,
With Oliveira, T.C. Retórica e Realidades Nas Reformas do Ensino Superior e
No Processo de Bolohna. In Ensino Superior, Revista do SNESup, 29, 19-33, 2008.
With Oliveira, T.C. Aprender com os Gestores: A Valorizãço do Conhecimento
Tácito e da Aprendagem Implícita. In Ensino Superior, Revista do SNESup, 31, 31-43,
The G20, the UN and a World Development Organisation. Paper presented to
the High Representatives to the United Nations of China, Japan, India, South Africa, Brazil
Mexico, Germany and the UK, New York, March 17th, 2009.
Contribution to the Seminar on The Global Financial Crisis, chaired Joseph
Stiglitz, The United Nations, NY, March 31st, 2009. . www.agp.gr
Local and Global Innovation: Beyond the Porter Industrial District Model.
Contribution to Conference Series on Innovation, Success, Entrepreneurship, Creativity
ISEC, May 26th, 2009.
Regional Currencies: Towards More Plural Global Governance? Seminário de
Verão: Uma Nova Regulação Mundial. Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra, July 8th,
The United Nations, a G20 and the Case for a World Development
Organisation, Revista Temas de Integração, no 27-28, 2009, pp. 25-41.
On Bretton Woods. Spokesman, 104, pp 25-31, 2009.
Alternative Economic Strategies. Paper to the Workshop on Reassessing the
1970s.The British Academy, London, September 23rd, 2009.
Why Did They Get Ricardo So Wrong? Inaugural address to the 6th
Conference of the Iberian Association on the History of Economic Thought, Faculty of
Economics, Coimbra, 2009, December 3rd.
The Case for Eurobonds. Seminar with the Prime Minister and Finance and
Economy Ministers of Greece, Andreas Papandreou Foundation, Athens, January 2010.
A European Monetary Fund, Recovery and Cohesion. Centro Internazionale di
Studi Sociali. Insight April, 2010. www.insightweb.it
Keynes and After: What Perceptions Now? Centro Internazionale di Studi
Sociali. Insight September, 2010. www.insightweb.it
Financial Crises, Governance and Cohesion: Will Governments Ever Learn
Up? In J. Richardson (Ed.) From Recession to Renewal: The Impact of Financial Crises
on Public Services. Bristol: Policy Press, 2010.
Re-launching the European Economy. Presentation to the Economy and
Employment Committee of the European Trades Union Conference, Brussels, October
Rilanciare l’Economia Europea. Presentation to a joint seminar of CGIL-UILCISL trades unions, Rome January 2011.
Cutting the Gordian Knot on Debt. Presentation to the Astrid Conference on
Eurobonds, Rome, February 2011.
Resolving the Eurozone Crisis. Centro Internazionale di Studi Sociali. April
2011. Insight www.insightweb.it
How to Learn Up from the American New Deal and Resolve the Eurozone
Crisis ISCTE-IUL Lisbon May 7th 2011
A New Deal for Europe - without debt buy-outs, or national guarantees or
fiscal transfers. Opening Presentation to the Quadrennial Congress of the European
Trades Union Confederation, Athens, May 16th 2011.
A New Deal for Europe. Contribution to the Conference E depois da Troika?
Centre for European Studies, Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon, Centro Cultural de
Belem. July 4th 2011
An Agenda for the French Presidency of the G20, in Rights and Development
Bulletin. Centre for Development and Human Rights, New Delhi. Volume 5, 3,
June‐September, 2011
In It Together - Cutting the Gordian Knot on Debt. Presentation to the
FEPS/TASC Conference From Debt to Recovery. Croke Park, Dublin October 15th
Recovering a Mixed Economy. Presentation to the FEPS/TASC Conference
From Debt to Recovery. Croke Park, Dublin October 15th 2011
Eurozone Crisis - Solutions in Prospect or Global Meltdown? Presentation to
XII Encontro Economistas de Lingua Neolatina, Faculty of Economics University of
Coimbra. October 21st 2011
A Plan B for the Eurozone. Centre for European Studies, Faculty of Law,
University of Lisbon October 30th 2011
The Roosevelt New Deal and a New Deal for Europe. Center for European
Studies, University of Texas, Austin, November 4th 2011
Risposte alla Crisi. Contribution to the Conference on Governo di sinistra o
sinistre al governo? CESPI, Rome December 6th 2011.
Also multiple papers on economic and industrial policy, economic democracy and related
subjects for the National Executive Committee the Labour Party 1972-83, assessed in
Wickham-Jones, M. Economic Strategy and the Labour Party, Macmillan, London,
Press articles in The Guardian, The Financial Times, The Observer, The Sunday Times,
The Economist, New Society, New Statesman, La Vangaurdia, Le Monde, Le Monde
Diplomatique, La Stampa, Il Sole 24 Ore, Cinco Dias, Publico, Negocios, Semanario
Economico, etc.
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