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The ‘treatment’ of
arrested diplomat
was typical in US 8
Column: The Best
(and the worst) of
sports in 2013… B1
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Am. Samoa I LE
tusia Ausage Fausia
Se vaaiga lena i le fogafale lua o le faleoloa a le TM Inc, Retail Store i Pago Pago, lea na osofaia e sui
o le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga i le vaiaso nei, ma maua i ai tagata mai Asia e to’alima ua maea ona talia e
[ata: AF]
nonofo ma galulue i Amerika Samoa., a’o le isi to’atasi ua maea le aoga o lona ID.
tusia Ausage Fausia
E leai ma se pasese e le’i avea e le Lady Naomi i
lana malaga mulimuli i le po o le aso Tofi na te’a nei,
ae na ave uma pasese sa i le lisi faatalitali atoa ai ma
uta uma o faamomoli mo aiga i Upolu ma Savaii, mo
aso fiafia o le kerisimasi ma le tausaga fou.
E ui na amata tumu luga o le uafu i Fagatogo i le
taeao, i le toatele o le atunuu na lolofi atu ma latou uta
o faamomoli mo Apia, ae na faatoa tuua e le vaa le
uafu i Fagatogo ina ua ta tonu le itula e 9:30 i le po.
E talitonu le Samoa News, o se asiasiga faafuase’i
a sui o le Vaega a le US Coast Guard sa faia i le
aoauli o le aso Tofi na te’a nei, na mafua ai ona tuai
ona tuu vaa ese atu le vaa mo Samoa.
E oo loa le valaauina o le pasese a le vaa i le
numera 120 ina ua te’a laititi na o le itula e 1:00 i le
aoauli ae ulufale loa sui o le US Coast Guard mo le
faatinoina o le asiasiga, seia aulia le latalata i le itula
e 4:30 i le afiafi, ona faatoa lau lea o le pasese o le
vaa, ae pe tusa o le itula e 7:00 na amata la’u ai loa
le uta a le va’a i totonu.
E ui i le tuai ae na faafetaia e le toatele o le atunuu
le avanoa na latou maua e malaga ai i le vaa.
O nisi na tau le mau le toovae ma le lava le
onosa’i ina ua faailoa ane e se sui o le kamupani
va’a i le sipika faaleotele leo, o tagata uma lava o
lo o i le lisi faatalitali, e leai se isi e malaga i le vaa
ona e tele naua le uta o faamomoli e tatau ona alu
ma le va’a.
Buckle up &
Save a Life!
Na faalogoina le to’atele o tagata na tomumumu
ma lafo upu mamafa i nisi o le aufaigaluega atoa ai
ma Saila o le va’a, ona o le le fiafia i le faasilasilaga
sa tuuina atu, aemaise ai, pau lea o le malaga a le
vaa o lo o totoe mo lenei tausaga, faatoa toe fo’i mai
i le aso 3 Ianuari 2014.
Na faaalia e le susuga ia Levaula Fonotoe lona
fiafia ina ua malaga uma lona aiga e toa 7 sa i le lisi
faatalitali, faatasi ai ma latou pailate lapopo’a e lua
sa manatu ailoga e avea e le vaa.
“Pau le agaga fiafia ua talia e le kapeteni le talosaga
a nai tagata, ma ua maua le avanoa e fai aso fiafia ai i
aiga i Samoa,” o le saunoaga lea a Fonotoe i le Samoa
News i le po o le aso Tofi na te’a nei, a’o se’ese’e
malie ese atu le Lady Naomi mai le uafu i Fagatogo.
O le toatele o le pasese o aiga e pei o ulugalii ma
latou fanau, ua manatu e faaaoga aso fiafia o lenei
tausaga e tafafao ai i aiga i Upolu ma Savaii, ma o
le toatele na fuli e la’u uta o faamomoli, ae filo atu
ai lava ma pusa si’upipi, lea ua vaaia le mana’omia
tele mai e aiga i Samoa, ona e le o toe faataga ona
faatau e le malo o Samoa lea taumafa, se’i vagana ai
le avatu e fai ma faamomoli.
Na taua e se sui o le kamupani vaa i le Samoa
News e le faataga ona talanoa i mataupu faapea mo
le kamupani, ina ua maea le asiasiga a sui o le US
Coast Guard, sa faatonuina ai loa e alii na faia le
asiasiga le lelei o mea uma mo le va’a, ma ua saogalemu fo’i ona malaga atu mo Samoa.
01-01-13 to date
A’o tu’u fesili ai le to’atele o le atunuu i le mafuaaga
ua ala ai ona fau ma soloi tagata mai Asia ua lolofi mai ma
nonofo i Amerika Samoa, na taua ai e se sui o le Komiti
Faafoe o le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga, “e leai se isi e tuuaia i
lenei faafitauli, e tu’uaia lava tagata Amerika Samoa, aua
o i latou ia o lo o aumaia tagata nei i le teritori.
O le saunoaga lea a le afioga i le alii Senatoa ia Tuiasina Esera, o ia fo’i o se totino o le Komiti Faafoe a le
Ofisa o Femalagaaiga, ina ua fesiligia e le Samoa News
i le mataupu lea na osofaia ai e sui o le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga se faleoloa i Pago Pago i le amataga o le vaiaso
nei, ma maua i ai ni tagata mai Asia se toaono ua uma
ona talia e nonofo ma galulue i totonu o le teritori.
Saunoa Tuiasina e faapea, o le osofaiga sa faia na
taitaia lea e le Pulesili o le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga, lea
fo’i sa auai ma nisi o alii Ofisa, ma latou maua ai ni
tagata se to’aono o lo o nonofo i le fogafale i luga o se
faleoloa i Pago Pago, ma o le to’alima o i latou o lo o i ai
ID sei vagana ai le isi to’atasi ua maea le aoga o lona ID.
Na faamanino e Tuiasina e faapea, o le mataupu i le
toatele o tagata mai Asia ua lolofi mai ma aumau i le
teritori, o se tasi lea o mataupu e le o manatu mama i ai
le Komiti Faafoe, ona ua maitauina, ua fai ma faafitauli
lenei mataupu.
“O le taimi nei, o lo o galulue le Komiti Faafoe e
saili auala e faaitiitia ai le ulufale mai o tagata mai Asia
i le teritori, ona ua fai lava si saoasaoa o le sau i totonu
o le teritori o tagata mai Asia, ma ua aga’i atu ina le
talafeagai le tulaga ua i ai le atunuu i le taimi nei,” o le
saunoaga lea a Tuiasina.
Na faamanino e le alii Senatoa e faapea, e le o i ai se
afaina o le ulufale mai o uso mai Upolu ma Savaii, aua
o le va lava lea o Samoa e lua e le mafai ona taofia, ae o
isi tagatanuu e le o ni Samoa aemaise ai lava tagata mai
Asia, ua manatu le Komiti Faafoe e tatau ona vave faia
se auala e foia ai le saoasaoa o le ulufale mai o tagata
nei i le atunuu.
“O le isi auala o lo o vaavaai i ai le Komiti Faafoe, o
le faatapula’a lea o tagata e mafai ona sponsor e le tagata
Amerika Samoa, ina ia aua ai ne’i sili atu i se maualuga o
le a faatulagaina,” o le isi lea saunoaga a Tuiasina.
O le faleoloa i Pago Pago lea na osofaia e sui o le Ofisa
o Femalagaaiga, sa igoa muamua i le “4 LESS STORE”,
a’o lea ua suia o se tasi o lala o le faleoloa o le TM Inc.
E talitonu le Samoa News, sa na o tagata mai Asia
na galulue i le faleoloa lea, ae talu lava ona maea le
osofaiga i le vaiaso nei, na vaaia ai loa ua faa faigaluega
ai se tamaitai Samoa se to’atasi, ma o le tele o taimi e
faasea ai nisi o le afioaga o Pago Pago, i le fesuisuia’i o
tau o oloa a le faleoloa lea.
Saunoa Tuiasina e faapea, o lo o faaauau pea le tautua
a le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga, i le sailiina lea o tagata mai
Asia e le o tusa lo latou nonofo i le teritori ma le tulafono, ina ia mautinoa e toe faafo’i uma i o latou atunuu
na o mai ai.
01-01-13 to date
office of highway safety
Page 2
samoa news, Saturday, December 21, 2013
tusia Ausage Fausia
O le alii pagota lea na sola i tua mai le toese ae o ma lana
uo teine ua sisiva i le Bowling Alley i le tolu masina talu ai, ua
faasala e le faamasinoga maualuga i le taeao ananafi e taofia i le
toese mo le 5 tausaga, ma o lea faasalaga faatoa tuli pe a maea ona
tuli lana faasalaga faa falepuipui o lo o tuli i le taimi nei.
Na taua e Joseph Mamona i lauma o le faamasinoga e faapea,
na avea lona le fiafia i le Komiti o le Palola i le teena o lana talosaga e palola ai i tua ma itu na fai ai loa lana faaiuga e sola ese ma
le toese, ina ia mafai ai ona taula’i atu le silasila ma manatu o le
Komiti ia te ia.
Ae ina ua ia sola ma toe maua o ia e leoleo, na taua ai e Mamona
e faapea, e foliga mai soo sana gaioiga lava e faia, e toe i’u atu
lava lona mamafa ia te ia, ma o ia lava e tigaina i le faasalaga nei
mau gaioiga uma sa ia faia, e leai lava se isi o mafatia ai.
Na faatoese Manona i le faamasinoga ina ia faamagalo o ia,
ma alofagia se isi avanoa se’i toe fo’i atu ai i lona aiga e tausi
lona tina. “Lau afioga i le faamasino sili, ua ou le lava pologa i le
toese, ua ou fia maua se mapusaga, faamolemole, silasila alofa i
la’u faasalaga ma faamama se faasalaga mo a’u,” o le talosaga lea
a Mamona. Na taua e lana loia fautua ia Michael White e faapea,
o le faaiuga na faia e Mamona ina ia sola ese ma le toese ina ua le
talia lana talosaga, o se faaiuga faavalevalea tele, lea ua i’u ina toe
faaopoopo ai lona faasalaga.
I le faaiuga o le talosaga a le alii loia, sa ia talosagaina ai le
faamasinoga ina ia faamama se faasalaga mo Mamona.
Ae na taua e le loia a le malo ia Tiffany Oldfield e faapea, o le
faalua ai lea ona sola Mamona i tua ma le toese, ma e foliga mai e
leai ma se lesona aoga o ia a’oa’oina mai avanoa o lo o tuuina atu
i ai e le faamasinoga.
Fai mai Oldfield, e 6 masina na faaopoopo e le faamasinoga i
le faasalaga a Mamona, ina ua ta’usala o ia i le moliaga o le sola
i tua mai le toese i le 2010, ae talu ai o lea fo’i ua toe ta’usala i
le sola ese mai le toese, faapea ai ma le tete’e atu i leoleo, ua ia
manatu ai, ua tatau ona tuli atoa e Mamona tausaga e lima i le
falepuipui, ina ia aoaoina ai se lesona aoga mo ia.
Na taua foi e le itu a le malo e faapea, o le itu matuia e pei ona
tula’i mai i lenei mataupu, e le gata na sola Mamona i tua ona o le
manatu e faamanatu le aso fanau a lana uo teine, ae ina ua maua
o ia e leoleo, sa taumafai o ia e tete’e atu i leoleo a’o taumafai e
pu’e faapagota o ia.
O se alii leoleo i le Bowling Alley na ia vaaia Mamona o siva
i totonu o le fale kalapu i le po na tulai mai ai le faalavelave, na
mafua ai loa ona ia faafesootai le falepuipui i Tafuna ma fesili i
ai poo loka lava Mamona pe leai, ae ina ua faailoa ane i ai e se
leoleo o Mamona o lo o tuli soa faasalaga, na faailoa ai loa e le alii
leoleo, o Mamona o lo o eva ma lana uo teine i le Bowling Alley,
ma mafua ai loa ona aga’i atu leoleo ma piki mai lea ua molia ae
toe faafo’i i le toese i Tafuna.
O se va’aiga i le faletua o le Kovana, Cynthia Moliga ma le fanau tama’ita’i uma a Amioga,. ua
latou vagaia fe’au i le mae’a mai o le toe sauniga o si latou tina i le malumalu i Pago Pago lava.
[ata: Leua Aiono Frost]
Toe Sa’afi mo Amiogalelei Antonina A’etonu Palelei
tusia: Leua Aiono Frost
Na fa’atumulia le malumalu
Ekalesia Katoliko i Pago Pago
i le mamalu o le ekalesia, Aiga
i ona itu tetele ma ona itu taulagi ae maise o Uo mamae ma
e Masani ae masie le aufaigaluega a Amiogalelei Antonina e molimauina fo’i ona toe
sauniga i le aso Lulu na te’a nei.
O lona toe misasa pa’ia sa
ta’ita’ia lea e le afioga Moseniolo Etuale Lealofi ae fesaosoani i ai le Aufaigaluega Pa’ia
a le Pule’aga Samoa Pago Pago.
20% - 50%
on Assorted Merchandise
Fashion Jewelry
Baseball Caps, Hats, etc.
Golf Accessories
Electronics (Speakers,
Megaphones, Antennas, etc)
For directions, call 699-7512
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
latou fa’ailo ai se fa’anaunauga
o le tina, “Ia gafatia e lana fanau
ona ola finau i puapuaga, ia
avea ma auupega e fa’atupu ai
le Onosa’i.”
Antonina sa soifua ane i ona
matua o HTC A’etonu Tali
Savelio Loa ma Ioana Leleisiuao Patolo Faumuina i
Pago Pago, Amerika Samoa
ia Setema 3, 1945, peita’i, ua
tu’ua e ia le mafutaga ma aiga
ia Tesema 5, 2013.
Na fa’aipoipo o ia i le tama
o le aiga, Luatua Salesi Joseph
Palelei o Nuuuli, ia Tesema 9,
1972. E to’alima o la’ua alo, e
to’atolu teine ae to’alua tama.
Ua atoa nei le to’aiva o fanau a
la’ua fanau, peita’i e to’a fitu a
la’ua fanau tausi.
E to’a valu ona tuagane ae
to’a ono ona uso, ma e to’alima
i latou ua muamua atu ia te ia,
e malolo.
O lana tautua i lona malo,
e ala i lana auaunaga i le Fono
Faitulafono a le Malo o Amerika
Samoa, sa matua iloga lava aua
ua atoa lelei le 30 tausaga o
lea tautua. Peita’i mai lea umi
o lana tautua e fa tausaga sa
avea ai o ia ma Failautusi a le
Maota o Sui a’o avea le susuga
Sao Nua ma Fofoga Fetalai o le
Maota o Sui 1997-2001.
O ia lava fo’i sa aoaoina
i lona olaga atoa i le tatou nei
malo, ma ua manatu o ia, e i
ai se taimi mulimuli mai o le a
fa’alauiloa aloa’ia ai e le fono
faitulafono i sa latou iugafono
malilie fa’atasi ai maota e lua, e
tusa ai o lana tautua, lea itu atoa
o le soifuaga o Amiogalelei
Antonina A’etonu Palelei.
Fa’amaise le Atua i le fanau
loto fa’avauvau, ona o le to’esea
o lo latou tina.
Ina ua tutula’i fo’i molimau
fa’apitoa mo lona toe sauniga,
sa molimauina ai e le susuga le
Auauna a le Atua i le Ekalesia
Katoliko, “O lenei se tina e
fai mea sili lava i so’o se mea
e fa’amoemoe ia te ia i le
ekalesia. Itiiti pe tele, e ave atoa
i ai lona fai mea lelei. Fa’afetai
ua maliu o ia, ae o lea ua amata
ona galulue se tasi o ona alo ma
le aiga i tofiga a le Ekalesia, tau
ina ia fa’amanuia atili le Atua, e
ala i auaunaga a o la’ua matua
ua malolo nei, e fa’amalosia
atili ai o la’ua loto i le galuega.”
I se molimau a Antonina
Palelei - Su’esu’e, o le ulumatua
o le la’ua fanau, sa fai ma sui o
i latou e faia le molimau, sa ia
fa’apea ai, “O se mea e ofo ai,
ua matou fiu e tauanau o ia e fai
ni talavai, e tasi lava lana tala, E
pule lava le Atua i le ola!”
“A matou fa’anoanoa atu ina
ua va’aia ua le mafai ona toe
fealua’i, ae tasi lava lana tala,
ua maua so’u taimi ou te filemu
lelei ai, ma fa’atali a’u asiga, o i
latou o lo’o alofagia a’u!”
O lana fautuaga mo i matou,
“Aua ne’i outou fa’anoanoa, ua
ou fiafia e faia le finagalo o lo’u
Atua mo a’u, tou te le matua
oti fo’i, o lo’o i ai le Atua e
puipuia ma leoleoina outou, e
ia te outou fo’i i taimi uma o lo
outou ola!”
“E lua mea e pele i lo matou
tina, o lana Ekalesia ma lona
aiga! O ia o se tagata galue,
peita’i, o lana fa’asili i so’o se
mea e fa’atino, o le Ekalesia
lea. E fiafia tele e fa’atino auaunaga itiiti pe tele, e faia ma le
loto atoa. Tau ina ia alofagia
e le Atua, ia matou tofu maua
lona lea fiafia.”
Na fatuina se pese e le fanau,
e taualuga ai le molimau a lo
latou uso ulumatua. I lea pese sa
samoa news, Saturday, December 21, 2013 Page 3
tusia Ausage Fausia
Ua faaalia e le afioga i le
alii Senatoa ia Tuiasina Esera
le tatau lea ona fai se suiga i le
vaega o le Tulafono tau Femalagaaiga, lea e mafai ai ona
sponsor e le pisinisi se tagata
mai fafo, ina ia mautinoa e le
toe tula’i mai ai le faafitauli
ua molimauina i le taimi nei, o
le faaaoga lea e nisi o pisinisi
o le vaega lea o le tulafono e
faaulufale mai ai tagata Asia i
le atunuu.
O le finagalo o le alii senatoa ia Tuiasina, na faaalia
lea ina ua toatele le atunuu e
tuu fesili, pe ua i ai se gaioiga
a le Komiti Faafoe a le Ofisa
o Femalagaaiga ua faia e foia
ai le faafitauli ua maitauina i
le taimi nei, i le toatele lea o
tagata mai Asia ua aumai ma
faa faigaluega i le teritori, ae
o lea e tau su’e galuega solo le
to’atele o le atunuu.
“I lo’u talitonuga, e tatau
ona fai se suiga i le vaega o
le tulafono lea e mafai ai e le
pisinisi ona sponsor tagata mai
fafo, ina ia mautinoa e le o
faaaoga e pisinisi le vaega lea
o le tulafono e fai ma faitoto’a
o le ulufale mai o tagata Asia
i le teritori,” o le saunoaga lea
a Tuiasina, o ia fo’i o se totino
o le Komiti Faafoe a le Ofisa o
Na faamanino e le alii senatoa e faapea, e mafua ona talia
le talosaga e faatu ai se pisinisi
i le atunuu, ona o le agaga ia
maua ai avanoa faigaluega mo
tagata Amerika Samoa, ae o le
faafitauli lea ua maitauina, e
ese ona faatutu pisinisi ae ua
toe faaaoga e faaulufale mai ai
tagata mai Asia i le teritori.
I lalo o le vaega o le tulafono lea e mafai ai e le pisinisi
ona sponsor se tagata mai fafo,
faatoa mafai pe afai ua le maua
i le teritori le agava’a o lo o
manaomia e le pisinisi, ona
faatoa aapa loa lea o le pisinisi
e faasalalau le avanoa faigaluega i fafo mo se tasi e agavaa.
“Ae o le toatele o tagata mai
Asia o lo o la’u mai e pisinisi,
o tagata teu oloa ma talitupe
(cashier), ae o agavaa fo’i nei
o lo o toatele tagata Amerika
Samoa e iloa fai, ae foliga mai
o lea ua avea le avanoa lea ma
auala e fai ma faitotoa o le ulufale mai o tagata mai Asia i le
atunuu,” o le saunoaga lea a
Tuiasina, ma ua mata’ituina fo’i
e le Komiti Faafoe lea tulaga.
O le isi vaega o le tulafono
tau Femalagaaiga na taua e Tuiasina e tatau foi ona fai i ai se
suiga, o le vaega lea e mafai ai
e le tagata mai fafo ona sponsor
tagata o lona lava aiga, pe afai
e ova ma le 20 tausaga o aumau
i le teritori, ma ua avea fo’i o ia
ma tagata nofomau.
Saunoa Tuiasina, ua i ai fo’i
tagata mai Asia ua agavaa i le
tulaga lea, ma o le isi lea auala
o le a faaaoga e i latou nei e
faaulufale mai ai isi tagata Asia
i le atunuu, ma ua vaavaai ai
fo’i le Komiti Faafoe ina ia foia
lea tulaga.
“O le tulaga e tatau ona
i ai le tulafono, sei vagana
lava ua i ai sou toto Amerika
Samoa, ona faatoa mafai lea
ona e sponsor ina se tagata mai
fafo, o lea suiga o le a mafai
ai ona puipuia le faafitauli o le
sponsor e le tagata mai fafo o
le isi tagata mai fafo,” o le saunoaga lea a le alii senatoa.
“O popolega o le Komiti
Faafoe o lo o i ai, o le lumana’i
o alo ma fanau a le atunuu, afai
o le tulaga lea o le a tatou alu
ai lava i le isi 10 tausaga, lona
uiga e i ai le taimi tatou te vaaia
ai le toatele o fanau a tagata
mai Asia e agavaa i tofi o le
atunuu, ona le iloa lea e fanau a
le atunuu po o fea o le a aga’i i
ai,” o le isi lea sanoaga a le alii
Le afioga i le alii Senatoa ia Tuiasina Esera, o ia fo’i o se totino o le Komiti Faafoe o le Ofisa o
[ata: AF]
Femalagaaiga a le malo.
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Page 4
samoa news, Saturday, December 21, 2013
it’s at in
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$ 6 each day
My hardcore bosses did it again. “Barry, get that 511- 5 in 1 jacket on — and go scout the way
for our peeps going to the USA 7’s in Las Vegas this January. Find the affordable cool eats places
en route, on arrival, and hotel deals.
“Here is your usual two tala, no excuses, make it happen.” OK, Rhonda and Patty... remember
Star Wars... the lead actor Harrison Ford? (not Mark “Corvette Summer” Hammel).
Harrison’s son Ben Ford is apparently a super star celebrity chef that we island residents
wouldn’t ever recognize, but the rest of the planet does.
Ben — now that we still don’t know who he is — has a righteous one stop affordable classy
restaurant/ mini mart in LAX Terminal 5 (Delta) called the Filling Station. The presentation and
service is definitely 5-Star, thanks to hostess London and server extraordinaire, Nick.
What elements knock my slippahs off are the fresh ingredients and sophisticated sauces provided at an affordable $9-$16 average (Shrimp Curry $19.90). We are talking Beverly Hills,
Coolios. And we know it costs more to park there than the complete meal and tip I pay here at the
Filling Station. Of course McDonald’s is 100 feet away... but if Charlie Tautolo doesn’t own it, I
am going instead for this indigenous LA fare.
Breakfast options til 10am : Breakfast Flatbread, Huevos Rancheros, Pancakes, Breakfast Burrito, Steel Cut (not rusted) Oatmeal and Fruit.
Rest of the Day: Cheese, Mushroom and BBQ Chicken Flatbread pizza looking delights;
burgers; Egg Salad, Pulled Pork, BLT & Avocado Sandwiches; Chicken, organic coffee, tea...
and for those headed on Delta to Salt Lake City prior to rugby... Seasonal Cocktails, Beer, Wine
and all kines ava malosi.
Hey Ben, cool dude that everybody tells me you are... where is the Samoan Kava and Koko
Samoa? Don’t be surprised if Ben calls up Eni to source out our island secrets.
Ben seems to be a guy that “gets it” regarding traveler’s needs for quality and affordability. His
background music is dead on too... a little classic rock spiced up with Tower of Power. Thanks
Ben. My Aiga Samoa will be flying in early and hanging out in your warm comfortable refuge. I
am at peace here... until Patty jumps on my poor grammar and lack of reverence.
Welcome Ben Ford to the world of Cool Stuff and Coolios, sorry your excellence is as big a
secret to us as our Koko Samoa is to you... Coolios are coming Ben... stock up and thanks for those
strong chairs... Coolios know that deal... I’ve busted a few.
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On Friday, December 13, 2013, Arthur Fabian Jr. graduated Navy basic training as a Master at Arms in his Division 039. Also the youngest in his division, Fabian graduated
from Kileen High School in Kileen, Texas (class of 2013)
and his Rank is Airman E-3.
He is now in Pensacola, Florida for his A school in
Fabian is from the villages of Faleniu and Mapusagafou,
American Samoa.
His parents are Arthur and Aiga Fabian.
© Osini Faleatasi Inc. reserves all rights.
dba Samoa News is published Monday through Saturday, except for some local & federal holidays.
Please send correspondences to: OF, dba Samoa News, Box 909, Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799.
Contact us by Telephone at (684) 633-5599
Contact us by Fax at (684) 633-4864
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Normal business hours are Mon. thru Fri. 8am to 5pm.
Permission to reproduce editorial and/or advertisements, in whole or in part, is required. Please
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samoa news, Saturday, December 21, 2013 Page 5
Page 6
samoa news, Saturday, December 21, 2013
Salon Sophia
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Tusia e Toleafoa Haserota Auvaa
Ua oo i le aso Kerisimasi ao lea e faatalitali
lava le tamaitiii o Vao i sana meaalofa e aumai
ia Iesu, aua na fai lana tatalo i le Alii, e faapea,
“Faamolemole lava Iesu, aumai se ta meaalofa
faamolemole.” ae oo mai lava le aso kerisimasi,
o lea lava e faatalitali Vao i sana meaalofa.
Talu ai fo’i le latou faiaoga Aso Sa, i le fai
fua ia Vao, e aumai lava e Iesu sou meaalofa, ia
o lena la e sese ai le tama o Vao, e aumai nei e
Iesu sana meaalofa. Ua oo i le kerisimasi e le’i
maua mai lava sana meaalofa, e alu atu i le taeao
po lava le tama o Vao i totonu o le latou falesa,
vaai atu i le laau kerisimasi o la e taatitia mai ai
meaalofa i lalo. Ia ua sasa’a uma e le tama o Vao
meaalofa ma vaavaai i meaalofa, tau atu loa i le
taavale ma Iesu i totonu, faapea loa le tama o
Iesu la na ia viga i ai i sana taavale, o lona uiga la
o Iesu lea na aumai ai.
Alu atu loa le faifeau fai loa ia Vao, “Manaia
lau taavale alii Vao, o fea na aumai ai lau
meaalofa ?.” fai mai Vao, “Na aumai i totonu o
le falesa….” fai atu loa le faifeau, “O le a le mea
ua aumai le meaalofa e le’i tufaina meaalofa ?.”
Fai mai loa Vao, “I le vaiaso lea ua te’a atu
nei, na ou tatala ai ia Iesu e aumai sa’u taavale
toso ma oute manao e aumai ai ma se tama’i Iesu
i totonu e toso i le taavale, ma o le lanu tonu lea
na ou manao i ai. Ia lea la ua fiafia i lau meaalofa,
ia lea la e tau totogi atu le tau o le meaalofa i le
faatietie ai Iesu JR lea.”
Fai mai loa le faifeau, “O le leaga ia o le amio
a le tagata lena o Iesu Jr.” fai mai loa Vao, “E
a alii tama, e a le mea e leaga ai ia Iesu Jr. ?.”
fai mai loa faifeau, “E faatietie lava i le aso atoa
lenei e alu ai foi ma nanei se’i ta le 12:00 i le po.”
Daily Store General Merchandise
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Sunday (Dec 22nd) Only 9:00am - 7:00pm
Fai mai loa Vao, “Sole, faapea a’u ia ai e le
faapena Iesu Jr. ave ia ma oe…!!!!.” togi loa i
lalo e Vao, ma masau mai i le latou fale ua faali’i,
ae alu atu le faifeau i totonu o le Hall, “A lea ua
maua lou meaalofa lea Fiaaiti, sa i tua i le ulu e
le iloa poo ai na aveina i o……!!!.”
Lavea le taavale na o alii e toatolu e tuli le
vaa i Savaii i le isi afiafi, ma maliliu ai loa, o atu
ia Peteru fai loa i le toatolu lea, “Sole o taeao
le Kerisimasi ao lena ua tou o mai?.” ia a mea
lava e maua mai i totonu o lau taga e aoga ma
le Kerisimasi, ia ta’u mai poo le a lona aoga, e
faatatau i le kerisimasi, ia ona e alu lea i totonu o
le Parataiso. Tago le tama o Etuale i totonu o le
taga, tau i afi faamumu, ia fesili mai Peteru, “O
le a le mea ?” fai Etuale, “O le moliga’o e tutu
pe a afio mai le Mesia.” “Lelei alu oe i totonu.”
Tago le tama o Simi i totonu o lona taga ma
aumai le ki o le taavale, fai loa ia Peteru, “O le
logo tagitagi pe a fanau mai le Mesia.” “Lelei alu
loa i totonu.” Tago loa le tamaloa o Vao, e tago atu
na’o ofu laiti (tulou) na tuu e ave e fai meaalofa ai
i lona toalua la e faatali mai i Savaii, tago loa ma
fai i si toeaina o Peteru, “O le upu faapalagi e fai i
pesepesega o le aso kerisimasi, o le ‘Carols’.
Na tu le alii o Peteru ua matua’i le iloa lava
sana tali a fai ia Vao, fai atu loa i le tama o Vao,
“Faatoa vaai loa lea ini ‘Carols’ faapenei.” fai
mai loa le tama o Vao, “Tagai foi lau susuga o le
la ua i ai le moliga’o, ua i ai foi ia logotagitagi,
ia o le mea lea ua faia o ‘carols’ poo pesepesega
o le kerisimasi.” Ua tu Peteru ua le iloa pe talia
Vao i totonu o le Parataiso le leai fai mai loa ia
Vao, “Faatalitali laiitiiti se’i gasolo mai isi vaega
na e gasolo maiiiiiii…ua tau valea lou faiai ia te
Father saw his
son killed by LA
police on live TV
LOS ANGELES (AP) — A father who saw his son killed by
Los Angeles police on live television filed a $20 million claim
against the city Friday.
Bill Beaird, 80, wept as he described watching the Dec. 13
shooting, the Los Angeles Times reported.
Beaird said his youngest son, 51-year-old Brian Beaird, of
Oceanside, called him to say he was being chased by police but
insisted he had done nothing wrong.
The father said he told his son to pull over anyway. “He said he
was going to do it, but he didn’t do it,” Bill Beaird said.
After a nearly hour-long chase, the Corvette hit another car,
seriously injuring the other motorist, then spun onto a downtown
sidewalk. Bill Beaird said he watched a report from a television
helicopter as the Corvette’s driver staggered out of the car, briefly
raised his hands, was shot and fell to the ground.
“I thought it was my son, but I wasn’t sure,” Beaird said.
Brian Beaird was unarmed. Preliminary information indicated
that three officers fired more than 20 shots at him, the Times said.
Police Chief Charlie Beck said Thursday that he was “very
concerned” after reading a preliminary report the shooting. Beck
said he placed the officers on leave until the investigation ends,
when they may receive discipline or further training.
Bill Beaird said his son was discharged from the National
Guard in 1988 after undergoing surgery for a brain tumor and
needed regular medical care.
An attorney for the family, Dale Galipo, said Brian Beaird had
developed paranoia after the surgery. “He was simply afraid and
paranoid of the police, even though he has never been convicted
of any felonies,” Galipo said. “And that paranoia of the police is
one of the reasons why he didn’t pull over.”
A claim is a precursor to a lawsuit. If the city rejects or refuses
to settle the claim, Galipo said the family would file a wrongful
death lawsuit in federal court. The city attorney’s office said it
had no immediate comment on the claim.
Obama says 2013 hasn’t
been so bad for him…
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama says he’s
not brooding about 2013, despite a series of setbacks.
The president said at a year-end news conference from the
White House Friday that as long as the economy is improving
and he’s helping families, he’s OK.
Obama’s approval rating has been at record lows recently.
But he joked that in the seven years since he launched his presidential campaign, the media has, quote, “recorded 15 near-death
experiences.” He acknowledged frustration that he didn’t get
the legislative reforms he wanted, specifically mentioning gun
control and immigration. And he said his health care law hasn’t
worked the way it should have.
But he said he’s going to keep working on his agenda and
predicted 2014 would be “a breakthrough year for America.”
un gen. sec. Ban Ki-moon visits
storm-ravaged Philippine city
TACLOBAN, Philippines (AP) — U.N. Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon is visiting a central Philippine city devastated by
a super typhoon that killed more than 6,100 people last month.
Ban flew to Tacloban on central Leyte island on Saturday
after meeting President Benigno Aquino III and other officials
in Manila to discuss recovery efforts. Typhoon Haiyan slammed
ashore Nov. 8 as one of the strongest typhoons on record with
fierce winds and tsunami-like storm surges that flattened entire
towns. More than 1,700 people are still listed as missing and
more than 4 million others have lost their homes.
The United Nations early this week launched an appeal for
$791 million for critical food assistance, clean water and shelter
for typhoon victims.
Trying to spread cheer,
Santa in NH scares instead
HOLLIS, N.H. (AP) — Police in southern New Hampshire
say a man dressed as Santa Claus was only trying to spread
some cheer but ended up panicking officials when he knocked
on school windows and entered the building.
The Nashua Telegraph reports that administrators at the Hollis
Primary School called police around 10 a.m. Thursday after they
saw the man running around the school, tapping on windows
and waving at students. He was buzzed into the building but fled
when he saw a look of alarm on a staffer’s face.
Other schools and parents were notified and kids were kept
inside for recess. The man has contacted police to say he was
only trying to spread “holiday cheer” and didn’t mean to cause
panic. Police aren’t identifying him because he wasn’t charged.
Man drowns after wave
capsizes boat in Guam basin
HAGATNA, Guam (AP) — Guam police say a 50-year-old
man has drowned near the Agana Boat Basin.
The Pacific Daily News reports the man drowned after a
wave capsized a boat he and two other men were in. Officer A.J.
Balajadia says none was wearing a floatation device.
Two men were pulled from the water, but rescuers didn’t
realize another man was unaccounted for. Balajadia says rescuers later found the third man floating face down in the water.
Efforts to revive the man weren’t successful, and he was pronounced dead at Naval Hospital Guam.
Balajadia says another boater was taken to Guam Memorial
Hospital for treatment. The third man wasn’t injured.
Pope: Recycling good for
environment, for workers
VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis has made an amateur
video praising the world’s “cartoneros” — the poor people who
pick through garbage to find recyclable and reusable goods. He
says their work is dignified and good for the environment. Francis
recorded the video Dec. 5 while meeting with members of the
Excluded Workers’ Movement of his native Argentina, which
released the video this week at an annual meeting of trash recyclers.
Francis, known for his simple habits, has denounced today’s
“throw-away culture” and said in the video that food that is
tossed aside each day could feed all the world’s hungry.
Francis has a long relationship with Argentina’s “cartoneros”
— literally “cardboard people.” He would celebrate Mass for
them as archbishop and invited them on stage during World
Youth Day in July.
Poll: Adults say ‘whatever’ is so annoying
POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y. (AP) — When it comes to phrases
that annoy, it looks like it’s “whatever” forever. Pollsters at
Marist College in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., found that Americans
considered “whatever” to be the most annoying word or phrase
in conversation for a fifth straight year.
Thirty-eight percent of adults polled said “whatever” was
most annoying in conversation, followed by “like” at 22 percent
and “you know” at 18 percent. Bringing up the rear were “just
sayin,’” and “obviously.”
(Continued on page 12)
samoa news, Saturday, December 21, 2013 Page 7
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Happy Holidays American Samoa from the management and staff of Manu’a Store
Page 8
samoa news, Saturday, December 21, 2013
The ‘treatment’ of
arrested diplomat
was typical in US
May the Good Lord grant you many, many more wonderful years on this earth.
We Love you, James, Michael & the Tilei Family.
Malaeimi Stake President Sonny Aiono, 1st Counselor Arona Vaoga, 2nd Counselor Ray To’o,
and Fotu Siufanua together with the members of their Relief Society: Pres. Uimaitua Ipolito, 2nd
Counselor Emele Crichton and Media Officer Julia Crichton handed over their generous donation of 150 sheets, 114 pillows, 120 pillowcases and 100 bath towels to the LBJ CEO Joseph Davis
Fleming and procurement official Sinasina Joe Langkilde Thursday morning at the LBJ Chapel.
“This donation is of great value to the administration and staff of LBJ Medical Center, and
since this is the season for giving, the donation spoke of immeasurable heartfelt action of love for
[photo: Leua Aiono Frost]
one another,” said CEO Fleming as he thanked the group for their gift.
NEW YORK (AP) — It has sparked protests outside the
American embassy in New Delhi. Burnings of President Barack
Obama’s photo. And angry speeches by Indian officials.
But the arrest — and, yes, even the strip search — of an
Indian diplomat accused of visa fraud also revealed a simple
and longstanding reality of the U.S. justice system: Everyone
charged with a crime here is supposed to be treated the same,
whether wealthy or destitute, prominent or ordinary, citizen or
“There is a remarkable and almost charming egalitarianism
in it,” said New York City defense attorney Ron Kuby. “Everybody is treated in exactly the same disrespectful, casually brutal
and arrogant fashion.”
The United States is the only place where “the rich as well as
the poor get to sleep on cold floors and urinate in overflowing
toilets — together.”
Indian officials have been fuming over the way federal marshals handled Devyani Khobragade, the country’s deputy consul
general in New York, calling the treatment degrading and inhumane. Yet most Americans would find the procedures fairly
typical for a criminal case — though certainly not pleasant.
Khobragade, who was arrested last week outside her daughter’s school, complained that she was strip-searched and held in
a cell “with drug addicts” until her appearance before a judge.
She posted $250,000 bail and was released. And she insists
she is not guilty of charges she submitted false documents to
obtain a visa for an Indian woman who worked as her housekeeper in Manhattan.
The case stirred widespread outrage in India, where the idea
of an educated, middle-class woman being strip-searched is
almost unheard of, except in the most extraordinary crimes. The
fear of public humiliation resonates strongly there, and heavyhanded treatment by the police is normally reserved for the poor.
U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, who brought the charges, was born
in India and raised here. He said the diplomat was “fully searched”
by a female deputy, which is “standard practice for every defendant ... in order to make sure that no prisoner keeps anything on his
person that could harm anyone, including himself.”
Khobragade’s lawyer said “similarly situated individuals of
her stature are routinely provided an opportunity to report to the
authorities to address charges at their convenience, instead of
being swept off the street like a common criminal.”
In India, the wealthy fearing arrest often approach courts for
anticipatory bail, a means of avoiding arrest. The poor cannot
afford that luxury because they are not in a position to hire
prominent attorneys and pay legal costs. Influential politicians
sometimes feign illness after an arrest to get shifted to hospitals
rather than prisons.
But in the United States, defendants of all types are routinely
searched, photographed and fingerprinted before going to court.
When Dominique Strauss-Kahn, at the time a contender for
the French presidency, was arrested in New York in 2011 on sexassault charges, photos of the diplomat in handcuffs walking out
of a police precinct drew outrage in France, where the images
would have been illegal. But they are routine in the U.S.
Nationwide, deputy marshals have discretion to do “in-custody” searches or — if deemed warranted — more intrusive
strip searches, according to a U.S. Marshals Service directive
obtained by The Associated Press.
With in-custody searches, deputies have the prisoner remove
only outerwear, shoes and contents of pockets. By contrast, the
memo describes a strip search as “a complete search of a prisoner’s attire and a visual inspection of the prisoner’s naked body,
including body cavities.”
The directive says a strip search may be conducted if there’s
reason to suspect the prisoner may be carrying weapons or
contraband. The suspicion could be based on the nature of the
crime, the prisoner’s demeanor, the circumstances of the arrest
or other factors.
The rules also state that the strip searches must be conducted
in a private area, with a witness of the same sex as the prisoner and “in a professional manner causing the prisoner as little
embarrassment as possible.”
Marshals Service spokeswoman Nikki Credic-Barrett said
Khobragade was strip-searched based on another criteria specified in the directive — elevated security at the institution where
the prisoner is detained.
Khobragade is being prosecuted in the Southern District of
New York, a region that has handled multiple terrorism, drug
trafficking and organized crime cases. She was not subjected to
a cavity search, they said.
(Continued on page 14)
samoa news, Saturday, December 21, 2013 Page 9
brought to you by
tanoa tusitala hotel, apia, samoa
Saunia: L.A.F./Naenae Productions
O le aso Tofi na sei mavae atu nei na tatala aloaia ai le ofisa fou o faasalalauga a le Siufofoga
o Samoa, le 2AP I Mulinuu, i se sauniga faapitoa sa auai sui o le malo ma le mamalu o le au
valaaulia. O le susuga i le Faafegaiga Taulagi o le Ekalesia Faapotopotoga Kerisiano i Samoa mai
Fagalii, le susuga Iupeli Ieremia sa taitaia le sauniga lotu e tatala ai lea sauniga.
I lana saunoaga faapitoa, na saunoa ai le alii palemia, le susuga Tuilaepa Lupesoliai Dr. Sailele
Malielegaoi, i le taua o le galuega a le 2AP mai le tau amata mai o le malo Samoa seia oo mai
i lenei vaitaimi, aua le taulogologoina o atunuu lautele e le gata i fuafuaga a le malo, aemaise o
taimi o faalavelave faafuasei faalenatura. Na tolaulau e le alii palemia le tala faasolopito o le 2AP
amata mai i le fausia o le fale tuai o faasalalauga i Mulinuu i le tausaga e 1947.
Na ia faamatalaina e faapea, o le nofoaga muamua o fesootaiga tau uaealesi sa i ai i na vaitaimi
sa i Maluafou, ma sa faaigoaina lena nofoaga o le 1AP, ae o le nofoaga lona lua o fesootaiga tau
uaealesi lea sa fausia i Mulinuu ma faaigoaina ai loa i le 2AP.
E to’a 80 alo ma fanau o le atunuu o lo o galulue i galuega faaseila i luga o vaa tetele i atunuu
i fafo na faauuina i le aso Tofi i se aoaoga faapitoa moomia tele tau i le puipuiga ma le saogalemu
i le faatinoga o lea galuega fita i luga o le sami.
Ua faamalosia mai e le faalapotopotoga faavaomalo a le lalolagi o galuega faamalini ma le
faaseila i luga o vaa la’u pasese ma luga o vaa la’u oloa tetele, i le tatau i le malo Samoa ona faatinoina se aoaoga faapenei mo tusipasi o alo ma fanau o le atunuu o lo o galulue i lea galuega ae lei
oo atu ia Ianuari o le tausaga fou, 2014.
Afai e leai, o le a toe faafoi uma mai i Samoa ia alo o le atunuu o lo o galulue i luga o vaa tetele
i atunuu i fafo. E to’a 283 le aofaiga o alo o le atunuu o lo o galulue i luga o vaa tetele i atunuu
mamao, i luga o meli la’u pasese faapea vaa tetele la’u oloa ma pusa container i atunuu e I ai Italia
ma isi atunuu Europa.
Ua sauni atu nei nisi o alo o le atunuu o alii ma tamaitai faapea tina ma tama, e tuua Samoa ina
ua faamanuiaina i ni avanoa sikolasipi mai le malo Ausetalia e faalauteleina ai le poto salalau u
tomai ma silafia i galuega o lo o tautua ai i le atunuu, e le gata i le fanau aoga ae faapea foi i latou
o lo o faigaluega ma tautuaina le atunuu e tauala i matagaluega ma faalapotopotoga a le malo
Le saini o lo o faailo ai le ofisa fou o faasalalauga a le 2AP i
faapea le vaega tumaoti.
Mulinuu lea o lo o aofia i lalo o le Matagaluega o Fesootaiga &
(Faaauau itulau 14) Faamatalaga Tekonolosi.
[ata: Naenae Productions]
Office of Highway Safety
Local contact:
DPS Office of Highway Safety
(Fred Scanlan 633-1780)
Page 10
samoa news, Saturday, December 21, 2013
o le
Ua sauni ea sau mea alofa i lenei Kirisimasi i lou Faaola o
Iesu Keriso i lenei tausaga ?. ua sauni ea lou aiga ma lou nuu e
talia e oo mai o le Alii o Iesu Keriso, po ua e sauni ea e faamanatu ma faatali le afio mai o lou Faaola ?.
O isi aiga ua leva ona fai a latou fuafauga i le aso kerisimasi
poo ua uma ona faataatia le isi aiga e o i Samoa ma atunuu i fafo
e fai kerisimasi ai, ua na’o fuafuaga i le mea e maua ai le fiafiaga
le mea ta te iloa i lenei vaitaimi o le tausaga.
E fai lava i lea aso fiafiaga e faailoga ai le kerisimasi, ae galo
lava i tagata kerisiano le mafuaga na alai ona faia lenei aso, ua
fai pea e i tatou lenei aso na aso e fiafia ai, ae galo i le tagata le
mafuaga na mafua ai lenei aso faamanatu.
E moni ua leva ona tatou soifua mai ma fananau mai i lenei
olaga, o aso lava a nei o le faaiuga o le tausaga, e fai o le faamanatuina o le aso na Soifua mai ai le Alii, a’o o le faaumaga o le
tausaga tuai i le tausaga fou.
O lena e tutupu mai mafaufauga i uiga o nei aso malolo e lua,
o le aso 25 o Tesema e ese foi le faalogona e maua e i tatou i
le kerisimasi a’e ‘ese foi le faalogona ma le fiafiaga e tupu mai
ai i le tausaga fou, e moni ai le tala a le isi toeaina na fai i lona
atali’i, “O le mea tonu lea e ta’u o le ‘double billing’ e malolo
laitiiti mai i isi aso fiafia, ae tali atu le isi aso fiafia.”
(1) ‘Oute faatupuina le feataga’i ia te oulou ma le fafine, o lau
fanau foi ma lana fanau, na te tu’imomomoina lona mulivae.’ ae
o le lea na faatauina i le feagaiga fou i le (Kalatia 4:4) ‘A ua oo
atu i le faatoaga o tausaga, ona auina mai lea e le Atua o lona
Alo, na fanau i le fafine, na fanau ua nofo i le tulafono.’
(2) Kenese 3:12 ‘Ou te faamanuia atu ia te i latou o e faamanuia ia te oe, ou te faamalaia atu foi ia te i latou o e fetuu ia
te oe, e manuia foi ia te oe o aiga uma o le lalolagi.’ ae o lea na
faataunuuina i le (Matai
o 1:1)’O le tusi i lle gafa o Iesu Kerio, le atalii o Tavita, o le
atalii ia o Aeraamo.)
(3) O le valoaga na faia mai i le (Kenese 49:10) ‘E le avea le
tootoo ia Iuta, po o le faipule ai ona vae seia maliu mai Sailo, e
usiusita foi atu nuu ia te ia.’ ae faataunuuina i le ((Luka 3:33)’O
le atalii ia o Aminatapu, o le atalii iao Arama, o le atalii ia o
Eseroma, o le atalii ia o Faresa, o le atalii ia o Iuta.’
(4) O le valoaga lea na tuu mai ia tatou i le (Isaia 9:7) ‘O le na
te aoai atu i le tauemu e maua e ia le faamaina, ma le la te finau
ma le tagata amio leaga e maua e ia le ila.’ Lea na faataunuuina
i le (Luke 2:4-5, 7)
Le a afio mai le Faaola i le aiga o Iuta i le gafa o Tavita e
pei ona taua mai i le valoaga i le (Isaia:9:7) ae faataunuuina i
le (Luka 1:32-33) o le to Maria o le a fanau mai ai le tama, e
faaigoaina o Iesu.
(5) E i ai le valoaga lea na faia i le (Mika 5:2) i le pitonuu o le
a fanau mai ai le Mesia, ae faatanuuina (Ioane 1:2, Luka 2:4-5,
7) ‘o le fanau mai le tama ulumatua, ua ia aui ia te ia i le ie, ma
faataoto ia te ia i le fale o manu, aua latou te le ofi i le fale fale
e tali ai malo.’
(6) ‘O le mea lea e tuuina mai ai e e Alii lava le faailoga ia
te outou, faauta, e to le taupou ma fanau mai se tama tane, na
te faaioga foi ia te ia o Emanuelu (Ua ia te’i tatou le Alii.) Ae
faataunuuina i le (Luka 1:26-27, 30-31.) o le gafa o Iesu mai ia
Tavata e oo mai ia Iesu.
Ua fai mai le agelu ia te ia, “Maria e, aua e te fefe, aua ua
alofaina mai oe e le Atua. Faauta foi, o le a to oe, ma e fanauina
se tama tane, e te faaiogaina ia te ia o Iesu.”
Ua faataunuuina uma ia Iesu le faaolataga a le Alii i le lalolagi e le ala i le lona Alo e toatasi le ua foai mai i le lalolagi ina
ia faaolaina ai le lalolagi uma lava, e oo i le faavavau, aua ua
latou faapea mai, “E sili o ia, e ta’ua foi o le Alo o le Silisili ese,
e foai atu e le Alii le Atua ia te ia le nofoaiga a Tavita lona tama,
e fai o ia na tupu i le aiga o Iakopo e faavavau, o le Malo foi e
leai sona gataaga.”
Ia faamanuia atu ia Tutuila ma Manu’a le Kerisimasi ma le
tausaga manuia ma ia maua uma e tama ma tina ua tatou taua o
‘Upega le talifau i latou’ i le soifuaga lenei, ia ma le maota gasegase ia maua pea i a latou se kerisimasi soifua maloloina ma se
tausaga fou i le lagi e mama.
Ia tatou ave pea i le foma’i o foma’i e nate faamalolo i tatou i
o tatou fafa efu ma le apulupulusia o tofaga ia faapea ona fetalai
mai e tu ia i luga ma ave o tatu maega ua tatou malolo.
Ia manuia lava le Kerisimasi ma le Tausaga fou, Amene.
[Sosoo ane loa lau faitau i le tatou tala faasolo
mo lenei vaiaso, lea na gata mai i le vaiaso na tea
nei i le taimi lea na tatagi ai le telefoni a Kati, ae
ina ua tali e le tama lana telefoni, sa faapea mai
le tagata ia te ia, o le taimi lava e taunuu atu ai
i Enelagi, o le taimi fo’i lena e fasiotia ai o ia.]
Na nofo Kati mo ni nai sekone e le gagana, ae
na te’i ina ua toe talanoa atu le tagata ia te ia. “Oe
lea le Leoleonana logologoa ou tala, aisea ua e
tafili saunoa ai i mea e le oo i ai lou malosi ma lau
aia, sa tatau ona limiti lau galuega i tafatafa lava o
lou si’osi’omaga, a’o lou aapa i vaega e le oo i ai
lou malosi, o lou iuga lava o le oti ...” Na ona uma
mai lava o upu ia a le tagata sa talanoa mai i luga
o le telefoni, faalogo atu loa Kati ua tape mai lana
laina, ma ua fiu le tama e toe talanoa atu i ai ae ua
tape mai lava lana telefoni. Na avea le le mautonu
o le mafaufau o Kati ma itu na afe faafuase’i ai
loa lana taavale i le isi pamu kesi e latalata atu
i le nofoaga lea o lo o fealua’i ai i le afiafi lea
ma taumafai e siaki le numera lea sa vili atu ai le
tagata, na maua e Kati le numera ona ia taumafai
loa lea e toe vili, peitai sa le mafai ona sao lana
telefoni na taumafai e fai, ona paka ai loa lea o
lana taavale i fafo ae savali i totonu o le faleoloa
e fai mai lana faatau ma toe fo’i atu ai loa i le fale.
E taunuu loa Kati i le malae vaalele mo lana
malaga ae ua toe itula atoa o lo o totoe ona aga’i
ese atu lea o lana malaga, ma ua ese teuga a le
tama lea ua fai i le taimi lea, ma ua faigata ai
ona mateia ona foliga pe a oo i le taimi e taunuu
ai i Enelagi. I totonu o atunuu tetele i Europa, e
mafai e leoleo nana ona faaali a latou ID faapitoa
e feoa’i ai i luga o vaalele pe afai o se auala lea e
puipuia mai ai i latou mai le lamatia o latou ola,
ma o le auala lena na faia e Kati, sa ia faafesootai
le malo o Enelagi e tusa ai o le faafitauli ua tula’i
mai, ma faataga ai loa o ia e sui nisi ana sikaili ina
ia faigata ai ona iloa o ia. Na ona taunuu lava o le
vaalele, muamua lava aapa le tama i lana fana ua
tuu i lona nofoaga e faigofie ai ona faaaoga, aapa
atu i ana ato ta’ita’i e lua o lo o i ai ana masini
ua sii ma savali loa aga’i i fafo, o le tama lava na
muamua i le laina e aga’i i fafo o le va’alele.
E le’i ui le tama i le vaega e ui i ai malo faapitoa ina ne’i mateia e le au faatupu faalavelave
o ia, ae na ui i le itu lea e ui i ai le lautele o le
pasese ina ia faigata ai ona mateia o ia, ma i’u ina
sao atu ai lava le tama i fafo o le malae vaalele,
oso i lana taxi ma la aga’i loa i le fale talimalo lea
ua faatulaga e nofo ai mo aso e lua, ona faatoa
alu atu lea o le tagata e piki o ia ma la o i le isi
nofoaga. Na ona taunuu lava tama i lona potu,
tope ma lana taele ona toe fai lea o isi ana teuga
ae savalivali ane loa i le pa pia e eva ma tafao
ai, e le’i umi ona i ai le tama i totonu o le pa pia
ae te’i i le sese’e atu o le isi tama’ita’i lalelei ma
talanoa faamasani atu ia te ia.
[E toe faatalofa atu i le mamalu o le au faitau i lenei taeao, malo le soifua maua malo foi le
onosa’i, ae alo mai loa o le toe sosooina lenei o le tatou tala faasolo lea na gata mai i le vaiaso
na te’a nei i le taimi lea na faailoa atu ai e Lisati ia Lasela i luga o le telefoni, fuafuaga uma ua
ia faamoemoe i ai mo le lumana’i.]
Na umi se taimi o fefaasoa’i Lasela ma Lisati i le telefoni, a’o pisi lava Lisa i le kukaina o le
meaai mo le afiafi, tasi lea mea e le o nenefu i le faalogo a Lisa, o le talanoa leotele a Lisati i le
telefoni, e foliga mai e i ai le feau o lo o ia taumafai e faailoa atu ia te ia ua mafua ai ona talanoa
leotele i le telefoni. “Vaai oe Lasela, o le mea sili ua e vili mai i legei afiafi, ae kakau lava oga
ou kalagoa sa’o aku ia ke oe, iga ne’i o’u le faailoa aku lo’u maga’o ona avea lea ma o’u lape, ae
ou ke kalikogu, e le aoga oga koe faaauauiga la ka mafukaga sa faia a’o ka aooga iiga, ua ou iloa
ua fai lou aiga a’o a’u lea ou ke aoga iigei, ma e le koe suia fo’i lo’u magaku ua i ai, o lea fo’i
ua ma saugi ma la’u keige ma ke fo’i aku i Samoa e kausi ma aiga ma saili se isi lumaga’i lelei
mo maua ....” o le talanoaga faaumiumi lea a Lisati na te’i ai Lasela ma momotu faafuase’i ai le
la talanoaga. “Hello! Hello! ......na fiu le tama e toe talanoa atu ae ua pe mai le telefoni, ona ata
lea ma faapea ana upu, “a oso a hang up lau kelefogi o lea sa ou fia story aku ia oe ...” ua ata le
tama ona tago lea ua tapuni le telefoni ae faataatia i luga o le faamalama o le fale, ona toe savali
ane lea i lana ipu ti sa inu ua toe faaauau ona inu ma matamata i taavale fegasoloa’i o le auala.
O le tausaga lona fa talu ona galulue Lisati ma Lisa i ofisa tetele a le malo o Niu Sila, na faia
ai loa le la tonu o le a fo’i i Samoa e faatu se la pisinisi, i le nuu o le tamaititi o Lisati i Amouta i
Savaii, ae o le a fai lava ma la o e asi le uncle o Lisa i Apia, aua pau lena o le aiga o le tamaitai i
Samoa, ona o ona matua na malaga atu i Niu Sila ma nonofo ai mo le tele o tausaga, ona fanau ai
lea o Lisa le la ulumatua, ma lona tuagane o Hari lea ua galue nei i totonu o le Ami a Niu Sila.
O le faamoemoe fo’i lea ua faia, e lua vaiaso talu ona taunuu Lisati ma Lisa i Samoa, ae
faataunuuina loa le la faaipoipoga, ma ua valaaulia ai le tele o a la uo sa latou aooga i le Iunivesite maualuga a Niu Sila, mo le molimauina o le la aso fiafia. Ua salalau le tala i totonu o
Amouta, o le atalii o le tamaloa o Atapana ia Lisati lea o le a toe fo’i atu i le nuu, ua i’u lana aoga
ma ua sauni e fai se mea lelei mo lona aiga, i lena masina atoa ao lumana’i le taunuu ane o Lisati
ma Lisa, sa na o tala lava e faatatau i le tamaititi na talanoa i ai tagata o le atunuu, ua faaamuia ia
Lisati i lona sogasoga i le aoga, ua talanoa i le misia e Lasela o lona lumana’i, ina ua le onosa’i ae
oso i le toeaina leoleo, ma ua talanoa fo’i i le faaeaina o le aiga o le tamaititi o le i ai nei, aemaise
ai, o le tagata tonu lava lea ua tatau ona nofo i le suafa o le aiga, suafa Mulifa’i.
Tala i Vavau o Samoa
O se tasi lenei o auala e tama nei ia Toouta ma Tootai,
talitonu A’ana na maua ai nisi e faamanatu ai le taimi na too
i igoa o nuu i le atunu A’ana, ai i tua ma toe too ai i tai lo’u
fai mai le talitonuga, o tama vaa a’o alu lo’u faiva,” ona
nei o Tutuila ma Ape, o la malie lea i ai o le fafine i le tonu
igoa muamua lava na iloa ai o a lona toalua, faatasi ai ma lana
Toouta ma Tootai, o le fanau lea talosaga, o le a faamuamua lona
e toalua a le ulugalii o Tapuola igoa o Fasi i le pito i luma o igoa
ma Fasi, fai mai le tala, a’o alu o lana fanau, ona maua ai loa
le faiva mafa fe’e a le tamaloa lea o igoa o tama o Fasito’outa
o Tapuola i le isi po, fai mai sa ma Fasito’otai.
faigata le faiva, ua too i uta le
O tama la ia o Tutuila ma
vaa toe too i tai i le sou o le po, Ape fai mai le tala, na o sii le la
ae te’i ina ua alu atu le avea’i e faletautu ia Tuia’ana Vaema, ae
toe fo’i atu i uta ua fanau lona aioi ane i ai Tuia’ana Vaema, e
to’alua, o le masaga tama lana musu e alu leaga o lo o papala
fanau, ona fai atu lea o Tapuola ona vae, ae lelei le nonofo se’i
i lona toalua o Fasi, “ua lelei, o pe papala o ona vae. O Vaema
le mea sili ua e ola ma ua malo- na mafua ona papala ona vae,
losi lau fanau, ae o le a faaigoa sa leaga i le taimi na ta ai lana
pe’a, peitai sa finau atu pea
tama ia Vaema, aua le popole
ae latou o pea e asi le taupou,
ona o loa lea o tama ma Vaema
e asi le taupou, peitai o le mea
ua tupu, ua musu le taupou o
Vaetamasoali’i ina ua vaai atu e
papala uma vae o Vaema.
Ua faaauau le malaga a
Tutuila ma Ape poo Toouta
ma Tootai i Savaii i le taimi na
tufa ai le feti’i a Salemuliaga i
Amoa, peitai o le mea ua tupu
e le’i maua ai se inati a tama,
(Faaauau itulau 15)
samoa news, Saturday, December 21, 2013 Page 11
*#! ")" !((+ ,$#!'-# "!&) "! ) "!& #"!&"( ,!" "!%&!!" "!( Page 12
samoa news, Saturday, December 21, 2013
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The telephone poll of 1,173
adults living in the continental
United States was conducted
Dec. 3 through Dec. 5 and has
a margin of error of plus or
minus 2.9 percentage points.
Obama — 2014 could
be economic ‘breakthrough year’ in US
President Barack Obama singles out recent improvements
in the economy and says 2014
could be a ‘breakthrough year’
for the United States.
Obama highlighted reports
Friday that the economy
grew at a 4.1 percent annual
rate from July through September, higher than previously believed. The economic
news, while modest, has been a
glimmer of light for Obama in
an otherwise difficult year.
Obama also voiced support
for proposed legislation that
would extend unemployment
benefits by three months. The
benefits expire later this month
for about 1.3 million Americans. He says jobless assistance
should be the first order of business for Congress in January.
New South Fla.
threat: invasive
rock pythons
MIAMI (AP) — State biologists are concerned that the
aggressive rock python might
be the latest invasive species
to become established in the
Everglades and elsewhere in
South Florida.
Rock pythons can grow to
about 16 feet and are the largest
snakes in Africa. Biologists
say they are among the world’s
most aggressive snakes and
will eat almost anything they
can swallow. Wildlife officials
say they want to prevent these
pythons from joining their
Burmese cousins as an established, breeding species with
no natural predators in Florida.
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A survey conducted Friday
as part of a state effort to eradicate the snakes from South
Florida turned up no snakes,
but officials say many could
still be there.
orange county
DA won’t charge
two cops over
deadly shooting
SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP)
— No charges will be filed
against two Santa Ana police
officers who killed a man and
injured another in a shooting
that followed a March car
chase. A prosecutor from the
Orange County district attorney’s office sent a letter this
week to the interim police chief
that says the officers’ actions
were reasonable and justified.
Police say the shooting
occurred after a freeway chase
involving a stolen car, which
ended when the vehicle crashed
at a Santa Ana intersection and
two men fled.
Forty-one-year-old Jason
Hallstrom was shot and killed
while 29-year-old Travis
Mock was wounded. Mock has
pleaded not guilty to charges
that include unlawfully taking
a vehicle and evading police.
Ship with mushy
bananas ordered
to stay in NJ port
(AP) — A federal judge has
ordered a ship to stay in port in
New Jersey because of a dispute over a shipment of mushy
bananas. Del Monte Fresh Produce filed a lawsuit Thursday
over a shipment of 110,000
cartons of bananas from Guatemala that arrived Monday at
its facility in Gloucester City,
across the Delaware River
from Philadelphia.
The produce company
is seeking $1.5 million and
requested the ship, the Green
Brazil, be arrested, or not
allowed to leave the area.
U.S. Magistrate Ann Marie
Donio agreed to detain the
vessel just before it was scheduled to leave.
The Courier-Post reports the
ship is likely to be allowed to
leave once its owners provide a
letter of credit. The newspaper
says the owners could not be
reached for comment.
Bolivia celebrates
launch of its first
telecoms satellite
LA PAZ, Bolivia (AP) —
Bolivians are celebrating the
launch of the country’s first
satellite with indigenous rituals
dedicated to Pachamama, or
Mother Earth. President Evo
Morales was in China for the
Friday launch of the satellite
from that country.
Hundreds of people gathered in the Bolivian capital of
La Paz to watch the takeoff on
large television screens erected
by the government.
The satellite is named after
Tupac Katari, an indigenous
Aymara hero who led 18th century resistance to Spanish colonizers. It was financed with a
credit from the China Development Bank for $302 million.
Continued from page 7
Ivan Zambrana is director
of the Bolivian Space Agency.
He says the satellite should be
fully operational by March and
help bring down communications costs and improve television and Internet services for
people living in rural areas.
NSA, UK agency
‘targeted Israel
PM, EU officials’
LONDON (AP) — Newspaper reports say the latest
documents leaked by former
National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden show
that British and American intelligence agencies monitored the
communications of hundreds
of targets in some 60 nations,
including an Israeli prime minister and European officials.
The Guardian newspaper
reported Friday that one 2009
document showed that Britain’s eavesdropping agency,
GCHQ, worked with the
U.S.’s NSA to target an email
address belonging to Israel’s
Ehud Olmert.
Other prominent targets
included a top European Union
official responsible for competition policy, German government communications and
the Thales group, a defense
company partly owned by
the French government. If the
reports are true, an EU spokeswoman said Friday that the
U.S. and British actions were
“unacceptable and deserve our
strongest condemnation.”
“This is not the type of
behavior that we expect from
strategic partners, let alone
from our own member states,”
said the spokeswoman, Pia
Ahrenkilde Hansen.
Police searching
for missing Ga.
boy find 2 bodies
— Police officers searching
for a missing boy discovered two bodies Friday near
the suburban Atlanta apartment complex where the child
Roswell police officer Lisa
Holland said officers began
searching for 4-year-old Jesus
Dominguez after his mother was
found severely beaten and unresponsive Thursday afternoon
in the family’s apartment. Also
missing from the home was the
boy’s father, Carlos Alberto
Dominguez, Holland said.
Officers discovered the
bodies of a male child and a
man in a nearby wooded area
late Friday morning. Holland
said authorities believe the
bodies are that of the boy and
his father and are treating the
case as a murder-suicide.
The cause of death was not
immediately available. Holland said that information,
along with the names, would be
released by the Fulton County
Medical Examiner’s Office.
Holland said the boy’s
mother, Sandra Rivera Ruiz,
remains hospitalized and has
yet to regain consciousness.
Holland said police believe the
attack occurred several hours
before she was found.
(Continued on page 13)
samoa news, Saturday, December 21, 2013 Page 13
happy hour from 4:30pm
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“The Magnificent Christmas of Mother Nature” was the theme for the Matafao Elementary’
Christmas Program that took place yesterday morning. Kindergarten through 8th grade students
performed Christmas classic carols such as “Jingle Bells”, “We Wish you a Merry Christmas” and
“Winter Wonderland”. Seen here are young students wowing the crowd with their performance
[photo: Jeff Hayner]
and Christmas uniforms. ➧ NEWS IN BRIEF…
2nd Mega Millions lottery
winner still a mystery
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — The identity of the person whose Mega Millions ticket
is worth half the $648 million jackpot remained
a mystery Friday, but lottery officials said it’s
not unusual for big winners to delay claiming
the prize while they seek advice about their new
fortune. One of two winning tickets for Tuesday’s drawing was sold at a San Jose gift shop.
The other was sold in Georgia and the winner
already has been identified.
California Lottery spokesman Alex Traverso
said the second winner has a year to claim the
money. “It’s fairly common in cases like this
that they’ve hired financial representation and
an attorney so they come forward with a plan of
action,” Traverso said.
The jackpot comes to a total of $324 million
per winner. If the person takes a lump sum, it’s
about $120 million after taxes. “That’s not a
check you can just walk to the local credit union
and plug into the ATM,” Traverso said.
Of course, it’s also common for people
to have misplaced the ticket or simply have
forgotten about it. If months go by with no
claimant, Traverso said officials will identify
the time the ticket was purchased and use surveillance cameras to try and get an image that
can be released publicly.
Former exec charged with
murder in NH crash
CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — A former Fortune
500 executive was charged Friday with seconddegree murder in a crash that killed a young
Vermont couple expecting their first child
in January. Attorney General Joseph Foster
and state police announced upgraded charges
against Robert Dellinger, 53, who lives in
Sunapee and also maintains a home in Kansas.
Dellinger faces two counts of second-degree
murder in the deaths of Jason Timmons, 29, and
Amanda Murphy, 24, who was eight-months
pregnant when she was killed.
Dellinger has said he was depressed and trying
to kill himself Dec. 7 when he drove his full-size
pickup across a grassy Interstate 89 median. Police
say the truck became airborne and sheared off the
top of the couple’s car, killing them instantly. The
unborn child also did not survive.
Dellinger suffered cuts on his head and face.
Afterward, he was charged with two counts of
reckless manslaughter in the Wilder couple’s
deaths while the prosecution contemplated
more serious charges. He was freed on $250,000
cash bond and ordered to wear an electronic
monitoring device and undergo a psychiatric
Continued from page 12
Suspicious package evacuates
Minnesota airport terminal
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — A suspicious
package triggered the brief evacuation of a
terminal at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. The Humphrey terminal was
shut down for about two hours Friday morning.
Airport spokesman Patrick Hogan tells the Star
Tribune that a woman with a propane tank in
a box was stopped by TSA agents and wasn’t
allowed to board her flight. So, the woman left
the box at a gift shop at the international airport
then boarded her plane.
Hogan says the woman was taken off the
plane and questioned by airport police. The terminal was reopened and business resumed after
the Bloomington bomb squad determined the
tank was not an explosive device. Hogan says
he doesn’t know if the tank contained propane.
Mass. police find heroin
stamped with ‘Obamacare’
HATFIELD, Mass. (AP) — Massachusetts
state police say they’ve stopped a car carrying
1,250 packets of heroin stamped “Obamacare”
and “Kurt Cobain” and arrested the four people
inside it. Police say a trooper was making a traffic
stop in Northampton when another car passed
and he noticed several violations. He stopped
the car a short time later in nearby Hatfield and
found the driver wasn’t licensed to drive it. A
state police dog found the bags of heroin.
The four arrested people have been charged
with heroin trafficking. State police Lt. Daniel
Richard says it’s not unusual for heroin to be
stamped with numbers, words or symbols
to identify who’s selling it. But he says the
“Obamacare” stamp is one he hadn’t heard of.
NY boy dies after being
trapped in snowbank
GREECE, N.Y. (AP) — Police say a
10-year-old boy in western New York has died
from his injuries after being trapped in a snowbank near his home.
Police in the town of Greece say Cory Denoncourt was building snow forts with a friend at an
apartment complex Wednesday when the snowbank he was playing on collapsed.
Several children from the apartment complex helped pull him out, while another child
ran for help.
Police say the boy was taken to a hospital in
critical condition and died Thursday night.
Greece school officials say a crisis team will
be available Friday at Denoncourt’s elementary
Police are urging children to use caution
when playing on big piles of snow and to never
play alone.
TO Members of the MALUIA Family and to all whom these present may come!
for recording in this office an instrument in writing which seeks to separate a certain structure
which is or to be erected, on land ALANOA, allegedly belonging to MALUIA FAMILY of the village of
NUUULI. Said land ALANOA is situated in or near the village of NUUULI in the County of ITUAU,
Island of TUTUILA, American Samoa.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that any interested person may object to the recording of such
instrument by filing in the Territorial Registar’s Office in Fagatogo, a written objection to the
recording of said instrument. Any objections thereto must be filed with in 30 days from the date of
posting of this notice.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that if no such objections are filed within the said 30 day period, the
instrument will be recorded and shall be valid and binding on all persons. The said instrument may
be examined at any time at the Territorial Registrar’s Office.
DECEMBER 2, 2013 thru JANUARY 2, 2014
Taito S.B. White, Territorial Registrar
I tagata o le aiga sa MALUIA, ma i latou uma e silasila ma lauiloaina lenei fa’aaliga!
O le fa’aaliga lenei ona o FREDDIE, LURLINE, SEAN & TITI MALUIA o le nu’u o NUUULI ua ia
fa’aulufaleina mai i lenei ofisa se feagaiga tusitusi e fa’ailoa ai se mana’oga fia tu’u’eseina o se fale
ua/po o le a, fa’atuina i luga o le fanua o ALANOA e fa’asino i le aiga sa MALUIA, o le nu’u o NUUULI.
O lenei fanua e totonu pe latalata ane i le nu’u o NUUULI, itumalo o ITUAU, ile motu o TUTUILA,
Amerika Samoa.
O le fa’aaliga fo’i e fa’apea, so o se tasi e iai sona aia i lenei mata’upu e mafai ona fa’atu’i’iese ile
fa’amauina o lenei feagaiga pe a auina mai i le ofisa ole Resitara o le Teritori of Amerika Samoa i
Fagatogo, sana fa’atu’ese tusitusia. O fa’atu’iesega uma lava e ao ona fa’aulufaleina mai i totonu o
aso e 30 faitauina mai i le aso na faíaalia ai lenei fa’aaliga.
Afai ole a leai se fa’atu’i’esega e fa’aulufaleina i totonu o aso 30 e pei ona ta’ua i luga, o le a
fa’amauina loa lenei feagaiga e taualoaina ma ‘a’afia ai tagata uma.
12/07 & 12/21/13
Tafaoga i Matafaga?
AfonoS tream
Vatia Stream
AlegaS tream
Fagaitua Stream
MasausiS tream
MasefauS tream
Aoa Stream
LeoneP ala
Lapata’iga mo Matafaga: Tesema 19, 2013
Ofisa o le Puipuia o le Si’osi’omaga
i Amerika Samoa (AS-EPA)
Page 14
samoa news, Saturday, December 21, 2013
O le ofisa fou lena o faasalalauga a le 2AP i Mulinuu lea na tatala aloaia i le aso Tofi o le
vaiaso nei. O le ofisa lenei o lo o fausia lava i le nofoaga sa i ai le ofisa tuai ua tala i lalo.
[ata: Naenae Productions]
Mai itulau 9
E to’a 21 i latou ua faamanuiaina i nei avanoa sikolasipi mai le malo Ausetalia ma o le aso
ananafi na faia ai se latou feiloaiga ma le afioga i le Hai Komesina o Ausetalia i Samoa, le susuga
Dr. Steven Henningham, e faamanino ma faalautele atili ai aiaiga ma taiala o avanoa sikolasipi ua
faamanuiaina ai i latou.
O avanoa sikolasipi ua maua e le gata o avanoa o le a saili ai faailoga tikeri, ae ua faapea ai foi
faailoga faaauau e aofia ai faailoga tau matua o faiva i tua atu o lo o moomia tele aua le fesoasoani
pea igaluega mo le atinaega o le tamaoaiga o le atunuu.
O se fautuaga mai le mamalu o le atunuu femalagai e le gata i le itu tau aoaoga ae faapea foi
le faatinoga o pisinisi ma fonotaga faavaomalo i le agai atu i Fiti, ina ia faaopopo nisi malaga i le
va o le malae vaalele faavaomalo i Faleolo ma lea atunuu, ua faailoa mai ai e le ave fu’a a Fiti, le
kamupani vaalele o le Fijian Airways, le faaopopoina ai nei o nisi o faigamalaga tuusao mai Suva
i Apia. I se pepa o faamatalaga, na faalauiloa aloaia mai ai e lea kamupani vaalele e faapea, o le
masina o Me 2014 o le a faatinoina ai lea auaunaga, e tailua malaga tuusao i le vaiaso.
O afiafi o aso Gafua ma aso Faraile o le a tuua ai Suva ma agai mai i Apia, ae o taeao o aso Lua
ma aso Toonai o vaiaso taitasi, o le a tuua ai Faleolo e agai atu i Suva.
O le faaopopo ai o nei femalagaiga, o le a tele se fesoasoani mo le atunuu femalagai aemaise o
le agai atu i Fiti ma toe faaauau ai le faigamalaga mo Aukilani, Niu Sila, o Sini, Brisbane faapea
ai ma Nukualofa i Toga.
Soldier as Santa, surprises mom
BRUSHY PRAIRIE, Ind. (AP) — A northeastern Indiana soldier surprised his mother Friday
with an early return home, masquerading as Santa Claus while she sat on his lap at a school staff
Christmas breakfast while she gave a wish list of gifts.
When Prairie Heights High School math teacher Kim Harris told Santa her son had returned
from a tour in Afghanistan and was at Fort Campbell, Ky., he asked her if she was sure of his
whereabouts. Army Spc. Ethan Harris then pulled down his fake beard and revealed his identity,
eliciting a hug and tears from his mom.
“This tops the list and couldn’t be a better Christmas,” Kim Harris said.
The News-Sun reported that Ethan Harris arrived back in the community about 40 miles
north of Fort Wayne a few days earlier and hid at his sister’s house until Friday’s breakfast.
He said he was so excited Thursday night that he couldn’t sleep.
A lottery to see who would sit on Santa’s lap had been rigged in advance so the honor would
go to Kim Harris when Superintendent Alan Middleton drew her name from a gift bag.
She wasn’t expecting her son to be in town until Monday, when a surprise party for him was
planned. It turned out the surprise was hers.
“This is Christmas,” her husband, John Harris, said. “I have an awesome family.”
➧ The ‘treatment’ of arrested diplomat…
Continued from page 8
Because Khobragade was being placed in a cell
with the general population, it was “paramount”
that she be searched in the same manner as other
prisoners, Credic-Barrett said in a statement.
The issue of strip searches of foreign women
from conservative cultures surfaced at the same
Manhattan courthouse in the case of Aafia Siddiqui, an American-educated Pakistani woman
accused of being an al-Qaida supporter. At one
point, Siddiqui refused to come to court, saying
through her lawyers that she did not want to
endure the humiliation of a strip search — a
precaution taken with prisoners being moved
between federal lockups and courthouses.
At a 2010 trial where she often kept her face
hidden with a head scarf, Siddiqui was convicted
of trying to kill FBI agents and U.S. soldiers
who tried to interrogate her in 2008 in Afghanistan. She was sentenced to 86 years in prison.
Khobragade could face a maximum of 10
years for visa fraud and five years for making
a false declaration if convicted. She has said
she has full immunity. The State Dept. disputes
that, saying her immunity is limited to acts performed in the exercise of consular functions.
Last year, the Supreme Court ruled in a
5-to-4 decision that authorities can strip-search
people arrested for even minor offenses before
jailing them, even if there’s no reason to suspect
the presence of contraband. The high court did
not require strip searches, but it ruled that the
Fourth Amendment does not forbid them.
In a dissent, Justice Stephen Breyer cited briefs
claiming people charged with violating a leash
law, failing to pay child support and driving with
a noisy muffler were subjected to indiscriminate
strip searches. He called the practice “a serious
affront to human dignity and individual privacy.”
Obama hints at changing
phone records collection
President Barack Obama suggested Friday that he may be
ready to make some changes in
the bulk collection of Americans’ phone records to allay the
public’s concern about privacy.
Obama said he has not yet
made any decisions about the
National Security Agency’s
among the dozens of recommendations he’s considering,
he hinted that he may strip the
NSA of its ability to store data
in its own facilities and instead
shift that storage to the private
phone companies.
“There may be another way
of skinning the cat,” Obama
said during a news conference.
His hint at concessions came
the same week a federal judge
declared the bulk collection
program unconstitutional and a
presidential advisory panel that
included intelligence experts
suggested reforms. Both the
judge and the panel said there
was little evidence any terror
plot had been thwarted by the
program, known as Section 215
of the USA Patriot Act.
“There are ways we can do
it, potentially, that gives people
greater assurance that there are
checks and balances — that
there’s sufficient oversight and
sufficient transparency,” Obama
said. Programs like the bulk collection of phone records “could
be redesigned in ways that give
you the same information when
you need it without creating
these potentials for abuse.”
The advisory panel offered
46 recommendations in the
wake of public outrage over the
government’s vast surveillance.
The panel recommended that the
phone records be stored at the
private phone companies, but it
also called for the government to
obtain permission from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance
Court in order to access them.
He did not address that
option, which means the government could still have unfettered access to the data. He
continued to defend the need
for this program for national
security. Obama can reject,
accept or amend any of the
recommendations, and he only
spoke generally about the possible need for some changes,
but not how much, if at all, the
programs would change.
The federal judge who
declared the NSA’s vast phone
data collection unconstitutional,
Richard Leon, called the NSA’s
operation “Orwellian” in scale
and said there was little evidence that its gargantuan inventory of phone records from
American users had prevented
a terrorist attack. However,
he stopped his ruling Monday
from taking effect, pending a
likely government appeal.
Obama offered a broad
defense of the surveillance programs revealed over the past
six months after a former NSA
systems analyst disclosed classified materials. He insisted
there has been no abuse of
this information collected and
stored on Americans. But he
said he understands that the
public is concerned about privacy. He said he would make
an announcement about these
programs in January.
“I have confidence in the fact
that the NSA is not engaging
in domestic surveillance or
snooping around,” he said,
adding that he understands the
potential for abuse can change
as technologies evolve. “We
may have to refine this further
to give people more confidence.
And I’m going to be working
very hard on doing that.”
samoa news, Saturday, December 21, 2013 Page 15
American Samoa Limited
Employment Opportunity
We have a vacancy for an ADMIN ASSISTANT
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CHANNEL * (E) English Subtitles
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➧ Vavau…
Mai itulau 10
ona fo’i lea o tama ma tomumu
fano i le ala ina ua le maua so
laua inati, ae fetaui le oo atu o
tama i Faga o lo o sasa mai ai le
‘afa a le toeaina o Leululei’ite,
sa lagona uma e le toeaina
tomumu a le au uso lea, ona
fesili lea o le toeaina i tama, pe
aisea lava ua la tomumu fano
ai i luga o le ala, ae tali le au
uso, “e le’i maua se ma inati i
le tufaina o le feti’i a Salemuliata,” ae fai atu i ai Leululei’ite,
“ete lua iloa le mea ua tupu, ua
mafua ona le maua sa oulua
inati, leaga e leai se alii na
oulua o ma ave, ae o mai ina o
i Safotulafai o lo o i ai le tama
o Selaginato, o e ave e sii ai le
lua faletautu e saili ai so oulua
ali’i.” Fai mai le tala, ua usita’i
tama o Toouta ma Tootai, ona
la o lea i Safotulafai ma ave le
tama o Selaginato i Safata i le
tamaitai o Vaetamasoalii, ona
ma’itaga ai loa lea o le tamaitai.
*Note: If you need this Schedule, e-mail <[email protected]>. and I will send it to you every week!”
“Working with the Community”
TEL: 633-4266 • FAX: 633-2964
Page 16
samoa news, Saturday, December 21, 2013
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