Subject Pronouns - Elmwood Park Memorial High School
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Subject Pronouns - Elmwood Park Memorial High School
Subject Pronouns ITALIAN 1 SIGNORINA VITAMIA 1st Person Singular I = IO - Use “io” when you want to speak about yourself - Ex: - Io sono alta. I am tall. - Io ho un fratello. I have one brother. 2nd Person Singular YOU = TU - Informal - When using “tu”, you are speaking to a person with whom you are on first-name basis, like friends, family members, etc. - Ex - Tu hai una penna? Do you have a pen? - Tu sei molto basso. You are very short. 3rd Person Singular HE = LUI - Use “lui” when you want to speak about a MALE. - Ex: - Lui e un dottore. He is a doctor. - Lui dorme. He is sleeping. 1st Person Singular SHE= LEI - Use “lei” when you want to speak about a FEMALE. - Ex: - Chi e lei? Who is she? - Lei vuole usicre. She wants to go out. 3rd Person Singular YOU = LEI - Formal. Must be written in capital “L” - Use “Lei” when you are speaking to someone you address by - their last names Examples: teachers, doctors, lawyers, elders Ex: Come sta Lei? How are you? Lei abita vicino? Do you live close? 1st Person Plural WE = NOI - This includes “Io” plus another person. - When using “noi”, you are speaking about yourself and another - person. Mary and I = Mary e io noi (we) “noi is plural form of “io” EX: Noi siamo pronti. We are ready. Francesca e io siamo sorelle. Francesca and I are sisters. 2nd Person Plural YOU ALL= VOI - Informal - When using “voi”, you are speaking to a group of people. You are - first-name basis with these people. They are your friends and family. Ex: Mary and you – Maria e tu voi (you all) Ex: Carmela e tu siete cugine? Are you and Carmela cousins? Carlo e tu siete tardi. You and Charles are late. 3rd Person Plural THEY=LORO - Use “loro” when you are speaking about a group of people. - “loro” is the plural of “lui” or “lei” Ex: Loro sono lontani. They are far. Loro hanno due figli. They have two kids. 3rd Person Plural YOU ALL= LORO - Formal. Must be written with capital “L” - Use “Loro” when speaking to a group of people with whom you are on a last-name basis. - “Loro” is the plural form of “Lei” - Ex: Loro sono pronti. Are you all ready. - Loro hanno spazio? Do you all have space? THE FOUR DIFFERENT YOU’S In Italian, there are FOUR different ways to say YOU: tu, Lei, voi, Loro. tu – informal, singular, first-name basis Lei – formal, singular, last-name basis voi – informal, plural, first-name basis Loro – formal, plural, last-name basis SUBJECT PRONOUNS Singular io = I tu = you (informal) lui = he lei = she Lei = you (formal) Plural noi = we voi = you (all) (informal) loro = they Loro = you (all) (formal)