
Medialabor e DM_15.05.08 - ENSA

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Medialabor e DM_15.05.08 - ENSA
VIA SAN MARCO 121 37138 VERONA - Italy - TEL.+39 045 8481951- FAX 0458184900
Internet: www.centrodoncalabria.it
e-mail: [email protected]
The principle aim of the service is to increase
occupational, personal and social autonomy
of disadvantaged people
Il principale obiettivo del servizio è di aumentare
l’autonomia lavorativa, personale e sociale
delle persone svantaggiate
VIA SAN MARCO 121 37138 VERONA - Italy - TEL.+39 045 8481951 - FAX 0458184900
Internet: www.centrodoncalabria.it
e-mail: e-mail: [email protected]
To people
Alle persone
Guidance to employment access
•Valutazione delle capacità lavorative
Assessment and training of work related skills
•Consulenza alla persona e alla famiglia
Counselling to the individual and
her/his family
•Tirocinio in azienda
Work experience
•Supporto al collocamento
Support to employment
•Monitoraggio dei collocamenti
Monitoring during employment
VIA SAN MARCO 121 37138 VERONA - Italy - TEL.+39 045 8481951 - FAX 0458184900
Internet: www.centrodoncalabria.it
e-mail: e-mail: [email protected]
•Analisi dell’organizzazione aziendale
Organization analysis
•Analisi dei requisiti della mansione
Job analysis
To companies
Alle aziende
•Consulenza tecnica e legislativa
Technical and legislative advice
•Programmi di valorizzazione
delle risorse umane in azienda
Disability management programmes
VIA SAN MARCO 121 37138 VERONA - Italy - TEL.+39 045 8481951 - FAX 0458184900
Internet: www.centrodoncalabria.it
e-mail: e-mail: [email protected]
People with mental and/or physical disability
and traumatic brain injury (in-patient or out-patient)
Persone con disabilità intellettiva,psichica
e/o fisica
e con esiti di trauma cranico
provenienti da altre aree del
Centro Don Calabria
o dal territorio.
VIA SAN MARCO 121 37138 VERONA - Italy - TEL.+39 045 8481951 - FAX 0458184900
Internet: www.centrodoncalabria.it
e-mail: e-mail: [email protected]
Centro di Formazione Professionale
Vocational Training Center
Centro Medico Sociale
Social and medical rehabilitation Center
Cooperative di lavoro
Social Firms
Amministrazione Provinciale
National and Local Labour Department
Servizi pubblici di inserimento lavorativo
Public employment access services
Medicina del lavoro
Industrial Medicine service
Servizi Psichiatrici
Psychiatric Services
Insurances companies
Projects implemented by
Centro Polifunzionale Don
VIA SAN MARCO 121 37138 VERONA - Italy - TEL.+39 045 8481951- FAX 0458184900
Internet: www.centrodoncalabria.it
e-mail: [email protected]
The new trends of the Welfare State and the social cuts that every
country in Europe has to face lead to the necessity of a different
approach towards people who acquire a disability during their work life.
This need doesn’t only concern people with disabilities but also people
who got any kind of personal, familiar, social problems which influence
in a negative way their stay in their job.
Employers have the need to find strategies to better face the impact of
the absence from work of an expert employee and the problems
connected with disadvantaged employees.
VIA SAN MARCO 121 37138 VERONA - Italy - TEL.+39 045 8481951- FAX 0458184900
Internet: www.centrodoncalabria.it
e-mail: [email protected]
Disability Management is an active process of minimising the impact
of an injury, disability or disease on the worker’s capacity to
successfully perform his or her job.
The main goals of the project are here below described:
To support a worker in maintaining his/her job, when he/she has got
a disability or when his/her ability in performing a job is compromised
by invalidating factors or by other events which reduce physical,
psychological, social wellbeing.
To support employers to better manage with the disability or with the
disadvantaged situations of their workers.
VIA SAN MARCO 121 37138 VERONA - Italy - TEL.+39 045 8481951- FAX 0458184900
Internet: www.centrodoncalabria.it
e-mail: [email protected]
Centro Polifunzionale Don Calabria
Disability Management Projects with
A Company dealing with public utilities in Verona
The Town Council of Verona
An important National Bank, with its main Offices in
Verona, but with branches all over Italy
VIA SAN MARCO 121 37138 VERONA - Italy - TEL.+39 045 8481951- FAX 0458184900
Internet: www.centrodoncalabria.it
e-mail: [email protected]
The implementation of the projects involved:
Agreement between Centro Polifunzionale Don Calabria and the
Definition of a team group, constituted by representatives both of
Centro Polifunzionale Don Calabria and of the Company
Analyses of the Company' needs and characteristics
Analysis of the employees' needs
Implementation of the main issues of the Disability Management
process and of the actions emerged by the analysis of the
Company's and the employees' needs.
VIA SAN MARCO 121 37138 VERONA - Italy - TEL.+39 045 8481951- FAX 0458184900
Internet: www.centrodoncalabria.it
e-mail: [email protected]
This led to interventions on
-wellbeing promotion
-preventive measures
-early interventions (when possible, according to National
-case management of specific situations of some employees
who were in a discomfort condition
and requested the cooperation with a network with local
VIA SAN MARCO 121 37138 VERONA - Italy - TEL.+39 045 8481951- FAX 0458184900
Internet: www.centrodoncalabria.it
e-mail: [email protected]
Promote health and safety policy in the Company
Build up a network with the local Services, dealing with health and
wellbeing promotion, risk and industrial accident prevention
Improve the relation between the Company Management and the
Support the employees in overcoming difficulties, which can arise, in
order to facilitate a successful stay in their job or a quicker return to
VIA SAN MARCO 121 37138 VERONA - Italy - TEL.+39 045 8481951- FAX 0458184900
Internet: www.centrodoncalabria.it
e-mail: [email protected]
Give tools to the Responsibles of offices, departments of the
Company to better manage with disadvantaged situations of their
Support the Company in minimising the negative effects related to
the absence of an employee. This includes: early intervention to
facilitate a quicker return to work, temporary lighter jobs, Vocational
rehabilitation, re-training, ergonomic adaptation, job carving, etc
Reduce the social costs connected with the absence from work of
an employee.
VIA SAN MARCO 121 37138 VERONA - Italy - TEL.+39 045 8481951- FAX 0458184900
Internet: www.centrodoncalabria.it
e-mail: [email protected]
The team groups consisted of:
representatives of Centro Polifunzionale Don Calabria (co-ordinator, case
representatives of the Company (HR Manager, Health and Safety at work
Manager, professional health physician)
Other resources were involved, related to the specific actions
implemented (Representatives for National Institute for Insurance against
Industrial Injuries, Experts in addictive substances, Representatives for
the local Service for health and safety in the work environment, etc.).
VIA SAN MARCO 121 37138 VERONA - Italy - TEL.+39 045 8481951- FAX 0458184900
Internet: www.centrodoncalabria.it
e-mail: [email protected]
Constitution of a team group, which included representatives of the
Company (HR Manager, Health and Safety at work Manager,
professional health physician) and representatives of Centro
Polifunzionale Don Calabria (co-ordinator, case manager) who
regularly meet. The company plays an active role.
Analysis of the Company' needs and characteristics
Analysis of the employees' needs
Informative and training interventions on topics connected to
wellbeing, addressed to employees and Responsibles for
Departments of the Company (health and safety issues, healthy
lifestyle, addicts, accidents at work, etc.)
VIA SAN MARCO 121 37138 VERONA - Italy - TEL.+39 045 8481951- FAX 0458184900
Internet: www.centrodoncalabria.it
e-mail: [email protected]
Booklet with information on topics of wellbeing
Analysis of risky jobs
Back school courses for interested employees
Case management
personal support to employees who are disabled or in a
disadvantaged situation (legal advice; health conditions analysis;
non therapeutic counselling; evaluation of matching worker/job;
advice to workers for the recognition of disability; mediation
between worker and company in case of disabling events; advice
for ergonomic adaptations, network activation with local services,
support to Responsibles for departments to better manage with
situations of difficulties of their employees.
VIA SAN MARCO 121 37138 VERONA - Italy - TEL.+39 045 8481951- FAX 0458184900
Internet: www.centrodoncalabria.it
e-mail: [email protected]
The service of Case Management was delivered with the purpose of
reaching the following objectives:
• Facilitate problem definition
• Facilitate the identification of internal resources of the individual to solve
the problem
• Verify and promote the possibility of adaptation of the work environment,
connected to the defined problem
and according to the main principles:
• Principle of self-determination and active participation of the worker in
problem solving
• Principle of professional secrecy
• Principle of network activation to solve the problem.
VIA SAN MARCO 121 37138 VERONA - Italy - TEL.+39 045 8481951- FAX 0458184900
Internet: www.centrodoncalabria.it
e-mail: [email protected]
company can’t have
information about the absence
of the employee
There is a strict line
of demarcation between
health and disease
Incentives for a gradual RTW
are not foreseen
by the normative system
Physicians are reluctant to
readmit to work the injured/ill
employee before the 100% recovery
The insurance public
system is too rigid and
In case of legal dispute about
the accident the employee is
advised not to precociously
return to work
VIA SAN MARCO 121 37138 VERONA - Italy - TEL.+39 045 8481951- FAX 0458184900
Internet: www.centrodoncalabria.it
e-mail: [email protected]
VIA SAN MARCO 121 37138 VERONA - Italy - TEL.+39 045 8481951- FAX 0458184900
Internet: www.centrodoncalabria.it
e-mail: [email protected]
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