Vergin, tutto amor
Vergin, tutto amor Francesco Durante (1684-1755) Vergin, tutto ['ver·dZin 'tut·to amor, o madre di a·'moùr o 'mma·dre di bontade, madre pia, bon·'taù·de 'maù·dre piùa] mother pious, Virgin, all love, oh mother of goodness, (Virgin, all loving, oh mother of goodness, pious mother,) Ascolta, dolce Maria, la voce del peccator. [a·'skol·ta 'dol·tSe ma·'Riùa la 'voù·tSe del pek·ka·'toùr] of-the sinner. Hear, sweet Maria, the voice (hear, sweet Mary, the voice of a sinner.) Il pianto suo [il 'pjan·to suùo ti muova, giungano a te i suoi lamenti. ti 'mw•ù·va 'dZun·ga·no a te i sw•ùi la·'men·ti] you the his/her The tears his/her you move, reach (Allow my tears to move you, hear my lamentation. ) to Suo duol, suoi tristi accenti, senti pietoso [suùo dw•l sw•ùi 'tri·sti at·'tSEn·ti 'sEn·ti pje·'toù·zo kwel his/her sad listen merciful His/her sorrow, accents, quel laments. tuo cor! tuùa k•r] (that) your heart. (Let your heart listen mercifully to my sorrow expressed in sad words.) (Literal translation and IPA transcription © by Bard Suverkrop -