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Mrs. Mary Ruegge
Room B416
Contact Information:
Phone: 480-472-3172
Website: www.mpsaz.org/dobson/staff/mruegge
E-mail: [email protected]
Dual Enrollment: This course is offered for Dual Enrollment credit through MCC. Information
will be provided in class for registration or at https://www.mesacc.edu/early-collegeprograms/dual-enrollment. Students must have an MEID number to enroll which can by
obtained at https://my.maricopa.edu/
Course Description: A PreCalculus course combining topics from college algebra and
trigonometry with an emphasis on functions. This course will prepare you for Analytic
Geometry and Calculus. This class is a dual enrollment course through Mesa Community
College. Other than paying tuition for dual enrollment, no additional coursework needs to be
completed to earn the 5 college credits through MCC. Students will be exposed to an in depth
study of algebraic, trigonometric, logarithmic, exponential functions, related graphing
applications and an introduction to limits. Students will use analytical, numerical, graphical,
technological, and verbal approaches to solving problems.
Course Objectives:
Solve and graph inequalities involving absolute value, rational expressions, and one or
two variables.
Define function and give several examples.
Graph and solve linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, logarithmic, and trigonometric
Use logarithms to solve exponential equations.
Find distance between points, midpoint of a line segment, and determine the equation
of a line, given two points.
Solve any polynomial equation and graph any polynomial function.
Use right-triangle trigonometry, laws of sines and cosines to find missing parts of a
Find inverses of trigonometric functions and graph both the function and its inverse.
Solve trigonometric equations, write complex numbers in trigonometric form, and graph
using polar coordinates.
10. Solve systems of equations using matrices.
11. Use symmetry, asymptotes, and other analytical aids to graph functions.
12. Use parametric functions to solve application problems.
13. Identify arithmetic or geometric sequences, find specific terms of a sequence or series,
solve series problems, and use the binomial theorem to find a specific term of an
14. Define a limit and identify limits of graphs and functions.
Course Supplies: The following items are recommended for Pre-Calculus:
1.5 inch binder or section of a bigger binder
Lined and Graph Paper for notes and homework
Trig and Polar graph paper as needed (on my website)
Graphing Calculator: A small number of calculators will be available to borrow for the
school year for those who cannot afford their own. Several online options exist for use
and we will use desmos and TI84 in class. The app can be downloaded at
https://www.desmos.com/ . A TI84 emulator for your desktop can be downloaded at
https://wabbit.codeplex.com/. Specific directions are on my website.
Pencils - Homework may not be accepted if illegible. Pencil is highly preferred.
Digital Citizenship: Must be completed online in your Canvas account. Use agreement must be
on file to use devices provided by the district.
Grading Scale:
89.5% - 100%
79.5% - 89.4%
69.5% - 79.4%
59.5% - 69.4%
0% - 59.4%
Quarter grades will be weighted using 70% for test/quizzes and 10% homework/class
activities and 20% Canvas Grade.
Semester grades will be calculated with 40% from each quarter and 20% from the final
Grades will be posted on the website weekly: https://mymps.mpsaz.org
Final exams will tentatively be given on December 14th and 15th for first semester and
May 24rd and 24th. Final exams will be a two day exam with a calculator and noncalculator portion.
Homework Policy: It is my expectation of you to complete each homework assignment when
it is assigned. Homework may not be collected on a daily basis. However, assignments will
be reviewed daily in class for questions. Late homework is accepted with a one point penalty
per day late. Homework must be neat, complete, and have the proper heading in the upper
right hand corner (Name, Date, Assignment) Canvas assignments are included in your grade
and must be completed online.
Behavior Expectations/Advisement Time: It is expected that students treat each other with
respect at all times in the classroom environment. Period. End of story.
Absences and Make Up Work: If you are absent, it is your responsibility to ask for the
worksheet, notes, etc. that you have missed in class or check your online Canvas. However,
please check with a fellow student to make sure the assignment wasn’t modified. If you are
absent for a test, it is your responsibility to arrange a makeup test with me within one week.
Make up tests are usually given at lunch or after school with prior arrangements.
Other information: This course is weighted, if you earn an A, B, or C (a D will be calculated
into your GPA as a D). We will use the graphing calculators in this class every week, if not
every day. It is highly recommended you purchase your own graphing calculator. A very small
number of calculators are available at the bookstore to check out for the year. A number will
be available on test days. A current student ID is required to check out a calculator during
class. This course requires a consistent effort on the part of the student. Extra help is
available most days before, during, and after school and lunch by appointment.
Sign the next page and either print out to submit or save and email to [email protected].
Looking forward to a great year!!
I have read and understand the rules as stated for Mrs. Ruegge’s PreCalculus class. I
understand that each student will be held to the standards above and that grades may be
checked online at any time by obtaining a password from the front office.
Student Signature
Additional notification for those students entering from MA40 (Alg 2):
This class is a 5th year math class and typically follows MA42 and MA45. If your son or
daughter is entering after completing MA40 with an A, please know that this is NOT the
recommended sequence and it will require a considerable amount of effort on their part to
succeed in this Honors Level PreCalculus class. For seniors coming in from MA40, this will
be a requirement for graduation for you and you need to be aware of such.
Please sign that you understand that, although it is not the recommended sequence, you
would like your son or daughter to remain in MA45W for the 2015 school year. It is understood
that they will need to pass the class to graduate and will need to make the required effort to do
Parent Signature
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