
Welcome! My name is Jeff Martinson, and I am... Department at Dobson High School. I teach 9th grade...

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Welcome! My name is Jeff Martinson, and I am... Department at Dobson High School. I teach 9th grade...
Welcome! My name is Jeff Martinson, and I am part of the Social Studies
Department at Dobson High School. I teach 9th grade World History. I am
a graduate of Arizona State University with degrees in History and
Secondary Education. I have a strong commitment to the belief that every
student can achieve, excel, and maintain high standards in my class. I am
very proud to be at Dobson because I fully believe that our school and my
classroom are going to have a very productive school year. I am always
available to students, parents, and guardians when you have any questions or
concerns, and I will return your call by the end of the following school day.
I know this year will be great, and I look forward to working with all of you.
Here are the ways to contact me this year.
Phone number: 480-472-3096
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.mpsaz.org/dobson/staff/jwmartinson
Jeff Martinson
In order to have a safe and healthy learning environment,
the following are my Classroom Rules and Consequences.
Classroom Expectations:
Active Participation
Personal Best
Bank of Consequences
Time Out * Loss of Participation * Parent
Phone Call/Conference
Detention * Counseling Referral *
Administrative Referral
Classroom Procedures
Please be prepared for class and on time for class every day.
Turn assignments in on time.
Please clean up your area and throw all trash away at the end of class.
Please ask for permission and a pass to go to the bathroom or visit the nurse.
During fire drills, quietly and quickly follow me to the appropriate exit.
I am available in the mornings, after school, or during conference time for tutoring. Please
let me know ahead of time if possible.
Any misbehavior for a substitute teacher or guest teacher will result in an automatic referral
to the administration.
Grading Policies
90%-100% = A
80%-89% = B
70%-79% = C
60%-69% = D
Below 59% = F
Spiral notebook -All students will be keeping a spiral notebook for this class. It is the
student’s responsibility to take care of it and not lose it.
Please keep all class notes in your notebook in the order the teacher provides for you.
Notebooks will be graded at least twice a semester and are equal to a test score.
Extra Credit – Opportunities for extra credit will be provided on a limited basis.
Conference Time is to be used to aid in their academic achievement. It is not a time to
socialize. It is a time to work on assignments, receive extra help, and participate in
various school wide activities.
Absence Work – It is important to be in class. I realize there are times when this is not
possible. When you return from an absence, check with a neighbor or check the
classroom calendar for the daily agenda to see what you missed. Then check with me for
the missing work. Test and quizzes can be made up before or after school or during
conference time. It is your responsibility to make up the work you miss. Assignments due
the day you are absent are due upon your return.
Late Work- Work turned in late (not including absent work) will be given a reduced
score and must be turned in by the end of the unit.
Semester Grades 1st semester is calculated by combining 1st and 2nd quarter grades.
2nd semester is calculated by combining 3rd and 4th quarter grades.
Final Exams are worth 10% of the Semester grade. Finals are not given early.
Dates: Dec. 18-19, May 20-21
Suggested Materials
3 Ring binder with a Social Studies
Spiral notebook
Loose Leaf Paper
Pen or Pencil
Colored Pencils
Areas Of Study This Year
Early Civilizations
Ancient Greece
Ancient Rome
World in Transition
Science and the Enlightenment
Industrial Revolution
World War I
World War II
The Cold War
Contemporary World
I have read and discussed the class letter with my child. I understand
what is necessary to be successful in Mr. Martinson’s World History
class this school year. Please sign and return by Aug 9, 2014.
Student Name _____________________________________________
Student Signature __________________________________________
Parent or Guardian Name _____________________________________
Parent or Guardian Signature __________________________________
Please fill out the following information accurately and clearly (Please note that Mr.
Martinson will be the only one that has access to this information). List your name as
you would like to be called. All seating charts and letters home will be based on this
Your Name: _________________________________________________________
Street: ______________________________________________________________
City, State & Zip Code _________________________________________________
E-Mail (Optional): _____________________________________________________
Birth Date: ___________________________________________________________
Clubs/Activities you are involved in: _______________________________________
Academic and Personal Goals for the near future: _____________________________
Period or Event in History you would like to know more about ___________________
Anything else Mr. Martinson should know: ___________________________________
Parent/Guardian #1 Name: ________________________________________________
Contact Information: Home- _________________ Work _____________________
Best method to be reached: Phone ___________ E-Mail ___________ Time _____
Parent/Guardian #2 Name: ________________________________________________
Contact Information: Home- _________________ Work ______________________
Best method to be reached: Phone ___________ E-Mail ___________ Time ______
* Anything Mr. Martinson needs to know? _____________________________________
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