
Dobson High School  English Language Arts Nine   

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Dobson High School  English Language Arts Nine   
Dobson High School English Language Arts Nine Ms. Sarah Cook, BA of Lib Studies +24 hours
Classroom: B210
School Email: [email protected] School Phone: (480) 472­3000 ext. 23118
Classroom Vision Statement st​
Every student becoming a 21​
Century learner will utilize, operate, and accesses information from a variety of media sources. This leads to creating digi­learners that aspire to improve and produce at higher levels in technology and beyond while preparing them for college. They will also aim to become open­minded, caring thinkers who can effectively communicate their knowledge they have gained through their inquiries. Objective English Language Arts Nine students will demonstrate the ability to read and write in a variety of formats with a vast array of resources at the mastery level. In addition, these students should learn and improve overall with the semantics of the English language. Students should strive to maintain a grade of “C” or better throughout the academic school year. Course Description Students in this class will receive instruction using various materials provided at Dobson High School that complement the curriculum of the Arizona’s College and Career Readiness Standards. In addition, students will work in a variety of capacities that align with this curriculum and research for Differentiated Instruction. Many times they will learn as a group, partner, or individually. Also, every student will take reading and writing assessments throughout the year. Goal The goal of this class is to give students the opportunity to challenge themselves while enjoying their learning experience in English Language Arts at the high school level. My goal will be to inspire my students to gain a passion for reading, writing, and speaking in a safe learning environment that welcomes diversity. Materials Students should bring homework, five subject notebook or binder with tabs, Composition Book, blue/black pen, pencil, and paper to class every day. In addition,​
students must have a reading book​
. Optional materials would be to have colored pencils, highlighters, markers, or crayons for special assignments/close reading. Finally, research demonstrates that the more books students read, the higher they score in school, tests, and life in general. So, make it a challenge to read 12 to 16 novels this year! Grading Policy 90% ­ 100% A
25% 80% ­ 89% B
10% 70% ­ 79% C
40% 60% ­ 69% D
25% 0 ­ 59% F
Assignments are due on the assigned date. In the event of an absence, homework is due the day the student returns to school. It is the student’s responsibility to make up missed assignments. If a zero is in the grade book, it is the student’s responsibility to come see the teacher for the activity he or she has missed and request an alternative assignment (if it is partner or group work that was missed). Students have one day for every day they were absent to make up missed assignments assigned during his/her absence. Class projects/assignments with due dates receive no extension of time for full credit if absent during this time period. Furthermore, students receiving a grade lower than a “C” will receive a phone call or email home to discuss further action to enable student’s success within Ninth Grade English. ​
Extra credit assignments will not be available throughout the year. Late Work Policy Daily homework/ classwork assignments may not be turned in late. Major writing assignments may be turned in late, with a Late Work Appeal form. The Late Work Appeal form may not be used for small homework assignments. Furthermore, Major writing assignments may be turned in by the end of the day they are due for full credit; however, I will not accept a major writing assignment if it is more than a week past the deadline. Plagiarism The use and/or duplication of another person’s work including another student’s, is not acceptable. Place any copied material in quotation marks and identify the source.Paraphrasing also requires documentation. Using papers or parts of papers found on the internet is considered plagiarism as well. Writing is taught as an integral process at Dobson. Thus, handwritten draft work and hard copies of revisions must be available for the teacher. ​
No credit will be given to an assignment containing plagiarism. Progress Reports Progress reports are available either electronically at https://mymps.mpsaz.org/ or asking for a paper copy. The purpose of the progress report is to inform parents about his/her son/daughter’s academic progress in school. If a parent wishes to discuss a progress report, please feel free to contact Ms. Cook by email to schedule a face to face or phone appointment. In addition, district policy asks teachers to update grades periodically throughout the year. Tutoring Tutoring is available upon appointment with the teacher. Students may voluntarily ask for tutoring. However, the teacher will invite students falling behind for tutoring and notify parents. Parents will need to provide transportation for his/her son/daughter. Attendance Students need to attend class daily in order to keep on top of daily notes and lessons. In case of unexpected illness, please call and leave a message with the office. Additionally, students have one week to schedule and take any make­up test before it becomes a zero in the grade book. Unexcused absences will follow the guidelines established by the District Attendance procedures. If a student is late to class, they must have a pass or they will follow the Dobson High School Tardy Policy. General Classroom Procedures 1. Get prepared to begin class immediately when you walk in the door. a. Read the information on the board for the day’s assignments. b. Begin class by completing the mindset. c. Be ready to show any completed work from the previous day and your planner. 2. Keep the walkways clear of extra stuff like backpacks, feet, etc. 3. When finished with Mindset, take out a book to read unless otherwise directed. 4. Transition between activities should be quick, efficient, and quiet. 5. Individual activities are individual and quiet 6. Consume food/sugary drinks outside of class­ Water only zone! 7. Stuck during group or individual work? Grab a cone to place on your desk. Then, write down your question plus some possible answers in your notebook and continue working. 8. Stuck During a lecture? Write your question down and space for the answer in your notebook. There will be time for questions at the end of the lesson. 9. Bathroom, sharpening pencil, getting drink may only be done before class or during individual/group work time. Be prepared! 10. If you break a pencil during a lecture, or need a writing utensil, you must give one to get one. 11. Sign in and out when you enter/exit the classroom then deposit pass in pink trashbin 12. Remain seated until the teacher (Ms. Cook) dismisses the class. Group Work Procedures 1. Transition in and out of group work should be quick, quiet, and efficient. 2. Students are to show respect to each other during group activities. 3. Students are to remain on­task with their communication during group work. 4. Students are expected to finish group work in the time allotted. Whatever is not completed may be taken home as homework or could result in a lower grade. 5. Students are to remain positive when working as a group. 6. Each student should be participating and helping the group succeed. 7. Noise level during group activities should be below 4 decibels. 8. If a group has a question, grab a cone and write the question down. Continue working until Ms. Cook comes over. Technology Use 1. Computers and other technological devices may be used for classroom activities; they may not be used during class for off­task behaviors: texting friends, visiting websites, taking pictures, or playing games and taken out upon teacher direction/permission. 2. Follow teacher direction during presentations, discussions, lecture, and group activities; unless the student is the group recorder. 3. When finished using the computer, make sure to log off or shut it down. 4. Be prepared to show teacher web histories and revision sites. Classroom Management The classroom motto is – ​
No student has the right to interfere with the learning, safety, and welfare in the classroom.​
Student Behavioral Expectations are as follows: 1. Be Positive​
­ Students will exhibit positive behaviors by respecting the rights of others to learn in a safe environment. 2. Be Respectful​
­ Students will foster a safe environment by respecting school property, using it responsibly, and respecting the rights of all students to promote a physically and emotionally safe environment. 3. Be Considerate​
­ Students are expected to choose positive alternatives to inappropriate behaviors (i.e. teacher assistance, avoidance of confrontations, proper use of classroom supplies, arriving on time, beginning mindset, etc.) 4. Be Responsible​
­ Students are expected to be in class on time and to make proper use of the instructional setting by assuming the responsibility of being on task and successfully completing all assignments. 5. Be Trustworthy​
­ Students are expected to use class time wisely and appropriately. They must hold themselves to the highest standard. They must keep their hands to themselves, off things that do not belong to them, and be timely when they enter, exit, or are late to class due to unavoidable circumstances. Disciplinary Action The following may occur for students exhibiting disruptive behavior. Disruptive behavior may include but is not limited to tardiness, speaking out of turn (except when warranted), rude or disrespectful language (includes cursing), inappropriate use of technology, and any behavior that interferes with the learning, safety, and welfare of the classroom. 1. First offense­ Name on the board equals a verbal warning 2. Second offense­ Name on the board plus a check mark equals a phone call, email, and/or letter home informing parents of your actions and the student is asked to stepped out 3. Third offense­ Name on the board plus three check marks equals a referral. *** Take note that any severe offense may result in an immediate referral. Furthermore, more severe disciplinary actions may be enforced for repeat offenders.*** Rewards The following are some of the rewards that will be given to the students at various times throughout the year. Each week, students will have the opportunity to earn a homework pass or Relax and Read in the reading center by not getting their name on the board or a referral. They may also earn one of these awards for demonstrating open mindedness, caring, knowledge, thinking, inquiring, communication, principled, reflective, balanced, and risk taking. 1. Homework passes 2. Relax and Read 3. Thank you notes 4. Classroom Recognition Thank you for sending your son/daughter to Dobson High School to receive instruction under my direction. It is a great honor for me to work cooperatively with parents and their children for a successful school year. Students and parents, please feel free to contact me at any time throughout the school year. Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness. ­­ George Santayana Please sign and return this portion of the Information Page by 8/14/2015 We have read the Ninth Grade English Language Arts Information Page. We understand the expectations of working as a team (parent, teacher, and student) to assist our son/daughter with a successful 2015­2016 academic school year. Student Name: Student Signature: Parent/Guardian Name(s): Parent/Guardian Signature: Phone (home): Phone (work): Phone (cell): Email: Additional Comments: Please circle if students have access to any of the following devices at home: Computer/laptop/netbook
Other networking device Internet 
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