NEW YORK Greek-American Monthly Review CHRISTINE VALMY
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NEW YORK Greek-American Monthly Review CHRISTINE VALMY
OCTOBER 1982 NEW YORK Greek-American Monthly Review CHRISTINE VALMY Originator of the Skin Care Industry in the United States PAGE 25 $2.00 HOft HIAIH EIEI Til mBH OIEPEI II EI nA IH EAAAAA $ $ $ NOE~tJp'O ~EXP' MapTIO Anp'lAIO Mtiio IEnTE~ppIO IOUVIO, OKTWjlPIO 10uAI0 AUVOUOTO NA rIATI: H *NEO LOVE-A-FARE KaTa 105 6o""ap,a c::p9I1VOTEPO nou IOXUEI vl(j TrW Ae~va Kat TrW .r'OT, nETa~E KaeE ~Epa, xwp',~ aT091'0, ~E TO noAuTEAiJ ~a~ JUMBO 747, nou aa~ Ta~16EuoUV ~E H1V DveDI') TWV 9 aVTI 10 8eoewv OTI1 OElpa . 0EOaaAovIK~. *An",oTEuTE<; IJEIt..JOEI<; TWV vauAwv }Joe; ~EXPI KOI 14%. *0,',6101 vallAot laxuouv Kat ana rl1v BOOTl.lJvr) ~Eaw NEa~ YOpK~~ . *OIKOYEVEIEC; IJE "016.0 TO~16€uouv ~e'1vOTEpa Twpa ~E T~V OI\YMnlAKH auv6 1 0~OVTO~ TO LOVE-A-FARE ~E TI~ EKmWaEl~ Via na16,0 nou npoaq,Epouv oAAol vauAol ~a~. * ME I'0VO $50 Eri, nAEov ~nOpEITE va auvEilaETE TO TO~,6, aa~ ana T~V Ae~va npo~ ono l o6~nOT< v~dl ~ noA~ T~~ EAA06a~ nou nETo~E ~' EnoOTpOq,~ . *vauAouC), 'EXOU~E q,e~vou~, ana noAAEC) El6'KO OAYMnlAKH :!:A:!: npOHpEPEI KAAAITEPA, <p0HNOTEPAI TA *r'OT', neTct}JE ono TO JFK KQI aae; anOXOlpETt]~E Kat ooC; KaAwaopl~OU~E OTOV aVETO Kat ~OAIK6 aEpoaTOe~6 ~a~, aT~v American Airlines. E"'aJaoTE aauvaywvloTOI OTrlV E~un~pET~a~ Ka' ~E T~V n"pa ~a~ TWV 25 Xpovwv aa~ E~aaq,aA',~ou~E Eva OVETO KOI a~ExaaTo TO~,61. • r,aT' 'I Eri,aKE'I'O; aa~ aT'IV EAAa6a apX"~E' *r'OT', ana Tl'lV aTtV~rl nou nOTtlTE TO n061 ao.; aTO aEpanAavo ~o~ , . r,aT, 'I OAYMniAKH ',va, ~ ETO'P"O aa~ , ~ E9v'Ko; ETa'p',a T'I~ EAAa6a~ Ka' 6Aa, ~'Aa~E T'I vAwaaa ~a~, au~q,wv~~EVOU~ eowTEplKOU HnA npo~ Ae~va ~Eaw NEa~ Y6pK~~ , noA€IC) TOU TWV • .o.,aAEVETE Ea",~ T'IV 'I~Epa avaxwpo;aEw~ Ka, En,aTpoq,o;~ aa~, 7 ~~EPE~ T~V 365 ~~EPE~ TO xpOvo ·PICK-A-DAY. nopoKoAoujJE K)..E"IOTE TWV SEOEte; OUVT0I-l0 6IClTl a apl8jJoc; ria TIC;; I(paT~aEIC;; aae; npClI(Topa rl OTrl'v 8EOEWV E"IYO I nEp I OpIO~E:VOC;; . TrIAE¢WVE'IOTIE OlDY Ta~EI6IWTlKO aple~J() 800 / 223 - 1226 an" DAft; TIt; nOAtH"tEe;, on6 TIlY nOAtH"IO Trl<) NEOC;; Y6p"IlC;; OTO\l . OAYMnlAKH OTOV op,e~6 12121 838-3600. AIR_AVS riA THN El\l\AflA nANTA npClTH H TlMEl: KAI E::VnHPETHl:H r~(JT]!laivf.t <DYAAO 1iI~ <I>YAAO <JllJluiV£t • L1 /()n r;/flaar8 npwronopOi arryv 'Afl8PIKry arryv napaywyry U,Wp8nK~e; nozorflroe;, ),enrorarov Kai £),arpporarov npofovroe;. ra • L1zon 6w8iroW r8A810r£pa WlxaVljflara Kai rryv f1E~ya).ur8Pfl - rpw- Kovram;vracrij - n:81pa Kat XPflaIj10n:OZOVj11: nl ayv6repa VAlKO.. • To rpu).),o flae; 6Wrflp8lrW aro If/vY81o (OXI arryv Karrilf/v(fl) Yla fl~V[e;, IlANTOTE CPPErKO - 'Eyyvflflivo. To 'Puno APOLLO 8a ~PiiTE crTa Supermarkets Kat cr' oAa Ta tnllV1Ka rravTQ1!(oAEla cr' OAIl Ti]V ' A,.lEP1Ki] lIa~t IIi: ta lina i:KAEKTa rrpolovta lIa~ KATA'I'I1lI, MITAKAABA, LIT ANAKOITITTA Kat TYPOITITTA ITPOMH0EYOME HTIATOPIA, ::::ENOL'lOXEIA, CATERERS Ei4itKE~ nJ.lE~ yta KOtVO'tl]'tE~ - 'Opyavroo"El~ APOLLO STRUDEL LEA VES CO. 18-01 RIVER ROAD FAIR LAWN, N.J, 07410 Telephone: (201) 797-0888 ATHENS ACROPOLIS PHOTO STUDIO TeL (212) 947-3180 W EDD INGS Hf'fA YOPKH CO MM ER CIAL PORTRA I TS O F D IST INCT ION C OMMUN IONS . GRAD U AT IONS CHR I STE N I NG . AND A LL OCCASIONS 35-04 BROADWAY CORN ER OF 35TH ST . ASTORIA . N.Y. TEL. 728 -0806 CO PIES. COLO R B L A C K AN D WHITE F'ASS P O R TS OCTOBER 1982 VOL. XXXV No. 407 Athens International News Agency <t>QTOrPA<t>IEI: rIA E<t>HMEPI~EI: KAI NEW YORK Greek-American Monthly Review nEPIO~IKA All correspondence should be addressed to H NEA YORKH P.O. BOX 675 GRAND CENTRAL STATION NEW YORK, N.Y. 10163 Editor and Puhlisher PETER S. MAKRIAS Founder and Social Edito r SPYROS MINOTOS Associate Editors Prof. E. BOURODEMOS Ph.D . JACQ UES A. CASE Contrihuting Editors Prof. M. VYRON RAIZIS ADRIANNE PALIOS RIGA S KAPPATOS BOB NICOLAIDES DIMITRIS IOANNIDES GIANNIS KOUNADIS ELIAS GRIVOGIANNIS NICOS SPANIAS S1. GRAMMATIKOPOULOS CHRYSTALLENI LO UKAIDOU ACHILLES SAKELLARIDES ME TO PETERS TOURS Art Director C HRISTINE NE RRIE rIA ENA ErrYHMENO T A=:IAI l.:THN EAAAAA Representative in Greece GIANN IS L KO UN ADIS Solonos 116 - Tel. 3606307 X(!)pL; Tui.(llTl(!)PlI:C; Kill TpqoJlllm NEA YORKH (New York) the G reekAmerican mont hly review is publis hed TUC; lOi:lVnf. f-l t H1 KUVOV lKCt O[)()f-lO/.OyW 1ii <; 'O)dJf-lTCWKii C; f-li: J UMBO-747 XU)f)i <; cnuOW)V. 1 1'1 [ ~~, M lui P7t7'1 1) 1. 11 ,...... IJ II I( I 4 Second C lass postage paid at N. York, NY . fJ/n uu ~ ' It ui /<.JUI; Tt i '1I}(J{(! o/JlIl A {1()Tldhl rJ n Tf' PETERS TOURS , INC. by the HELLENIC HERITAGE LTD. 30 West 36t h Street (10th fl oor), N. York N.Y. 100 18 () If.. ,) (] ( l ~ . 600 EIGHTH AVE . NEW YORK , N ." j 14 I II I 'viAl' " II I \/1) . Et"l1oio LUVOPOlltl S25.00 YHI . AIlEP lJCTl Kai Kuvaoo . 'ACpo1[opu::li 0:1[0010)..1'1 y u:" E\\ pW1[Tl Kui 0 1..0 'tov KOO,,",O $50.00. Tpa'( 10018 A \ I I ) I<I.·\ ;-.. Y IIH) ~ III Te l '/1 .' HI -0 1 00 m::swv, 'Ernxnptlm:rov Kai 'OpYOV10llooV $100.00. ~\I.I , .,NEA YOPKH .. 8ejJ.ara rou M1'Jv()(; IIpaYJ.1atlKOtll<; 11 1tOAl tlK01tOl11(Jll! 'H KuptpvT)O'll tOD nA!:OK Oll !lOVO OEv npOKtlt(ll va a.1toOapPuvl1 nlv 1tOAltlKOnOll1011 til.; "OJ,lOYEvEiar;, 01'1:000; 1tHJt£UOJlf. EJ.ld; on n:pt1tEl va "ItV'l, dlla Kai Otropd «aOl(lVOlltT)>> J1Ul t-E-tOlQ 1tOlltlKlj. AUTO Tovun: 6 nprotOr; uqm1toopyor; 'AnoollJ.1OJv K •• AO"T)J.l . <P(lJ'; at O'uvi;vtEv~1] tot) 1tpo.; tOY aVta1tOKpttft ttlr; dOT)va'iqr; «Mf.:CJ1'1Jl- pplvilr;» O'tTtV OUaO'l'YKTooV K. MavwAl1 ' AOaV(lauJ:b'l, Karel n1\1 np6acpotll tniO"Kt'Vtl to\) O'ttlV •AJ.u;PU(1'I. 'En£:lot) a.rro oirnlv tow ttl\! OtaT) bIOWncOauJlt tic; a:7UJ'V'Etr; J.1uC; ,,/ul to n&c; P)'broJu: K(Ii ,,/ul to 1tror; \10"'('011£ ott. Oi:J..El tl ·0J.l0YE:vtl(l TO U<· Anoo1]'uov, (u:uxor; Auyoua'tOu), OtO>Plla(lpt O"K01tlJ.lO vO: KUr(llrop1]O'O)Jlt toro tir; tln0'l'Elr; TOU ·'EAJ.:'1Va uqm1toupyofi. ME: a(Jo dru; 0 K . <)tOltijlar; EmptpmOlVU 1.n0: nolu OllO'«Pf:O'tTJ "(ux t11V ' OJ.lo,,(Evtla KatclO"tClO'll Kat i:v9appuV£1 tT1V KOJ.lJ.lCltU(ll opaO"tTJP10tllta tOOV ~ooo onaocilv 'tOii Kl)- "Eav rPwupy£fo ovJiTwu: (Hr. npow(hjuov/l£ Btaw; nov va /l~V yivovrw a7ro&KTt~ ano eva at]!-.LaVTlKO /lepo~ rou anoot]/lov 'EAaVIXVl:I;aOV/l£ Ti f.-lii.~ f:VWVl:l Kai Ba rrapa/l£piaov/l£ }.t]vlaf.-lOV, ri /lii~ XWpi(el». eo. AtrrTl n; oroq>pova oriAWOl) fbca~u: 0 'Y<pun:oupyo<; IIpoEopia, 1'" et~ata . A"oo~W"v ' En~vwv K.. A"'1~aK'1, <I>Wt~Aa, of; CJUVoI.HAla1tOu £'ixa~E Ttpoo<pa1'a ~a~i tOll OTO ~Eyapo Tiic;' EA).. l)vuci}c; TtpEo~dac; to& CJTTlV OuO:mYKTov. ' Oplo~£va ol)~Eia Tiic; auvo~IAiac; j.taC; oj.troc; <i<pr,VQUV tpwtl)~atn;.:a tOUAO:X10tov ano tiiC; rrAwpa<; U1tOOrl~rov - CJl)j.t£i:a, TrOD ct<prjvouv va. olaq>aivEtal ~ui oui9£ol) eTrE~po:cr£ro<; nOD avan:o<pEUKta 96. Ol)~lOUPYrioouv ouoapeoKElEC; Kai lowe; 60TlYrioouv ot SlxaCJ~o, L £protl)~O: ~a<; rravro CJta KUP£PVl)ttKO: oXtoLa YIO: tTlV'EAAl)VIKTl IIaloda oTi<; 'Hv. nOAltEl£C; 0 '1(. <I>WtTIAa<; £~E<ppaCJ£ evwva "tijv yvro~l) Otl «1) 1taloEia ot:v ~Jtopd va Elval ~OVOJtroAlO £KKAl)alUcrTlKO», IIapaoomal(O:, tow otiC; 'Hv. IIoAltEiEC;, ot ' EAAllVOp8oSo~t<; I(OlVOtT)t£C; £IXav no:vTOtE tijv n:protoj)ouAia yu): tTlv rrporo811CJT) ti'je; ' E).. AT)VIKiiC; y)..4aoa<; ~Eta~D t&V 'EAAll Vt l(i'j<; I(ataywyi'lc; d~£pu;;:avonaiowv. To KOO"tO<; "twv KOlVOTlK&V iopu~O:trov Kat "ti'j<; rraloEiac;, ~ onoia naprjx£to OCOPEUV Kato: ~Eya ~tpo<;,"to etp£pav ot KOIVO"tl)t£<; j.t£. tTl oUj..ln:apciCJtaoT), Ka90orjYll0l) Kai oiI(OVOj.tlKTl f:viCJxuCJTl ti'j<; , APXIE1tlcrl(01tii<;. MOV01t<OA10 'Il1O'oUl-tlKO; , Ava<p£po~£voe; OtOV POAO alnov tii<; , ApXl£rrloKoni'j<; , A~EPIKiic;, 1) orroia cj)<; yvwo"tov urrciY£tal crtTlV OlKatOOoaia tOU IIaTplUPX£lOll KwvcrwVTl vQtmoAEw<;. 6 1(. u<PU1toupyo<; tlrr£v on Ilovov «oi. 'Il)CJoulttC; exouv ~ovonwAlO OtTl naloEia» Kai n:poaOECJE on it ' ApXt£nlOKOTtTl Errat~£ we; "tropa tv£pyo pOA.O OlOtt: ",Ouoenore vnr,pc.r. 'EAJ,.1JV1KiJ KVPf:PV'lTlKiJ npwTo{JovA.ia. AUTO 1/rav 1110.. rrapa)f:lIf/1J. "Av e/l£i~ BtJ..ouf..lC va j1r,v olOpBwaolJ/1£ riJv nap aAWIl1J. Oa rrpbu:'1 va T~V avveXiaov/lf'. Yla va Jwr'lPt]B£i TO /l0von6JAIO; on "' . . . $o[JOU/laI aVT~ ~ vwplKort]Ta nov EXtl btlKpaT~ar.l at 0plaf.-l£VOVC; KVKAOVS ano to t vorarpepov nov emOGIKvv£l ~ 'EA)1JVIKr, Kv[Jepv'lat] Yl(i va (jlwpvvBovv, va lJl1T.AOImaBovv Kai va yivovv anOTeA.r.a/larIKon:;pa Ta 'EAA'lVIKii. lKnalO£VTlKa rrpoypafl/lara aro l/:.WT£P1KO - aVrr, ;, VWpIKoTt]ra . .. anore.hi f.-lii.AAOV lKorjAWa1] npoandOelar; va OIaTrJP"OOVV /lOVOnWAla Kai oAlyorepo lKO~AWa1J npaYflaTlKOV {;vJlarpepovro~». L eproTTlOT) O:v tlXf. f:rratpTl ~E tOV' ApX1£1tioKOrrO K.• IaKwpo 1(1' ot ouo rrapEOtl)Oav OtO auv£oplO ti'j<; AXEnA CJtTlv 'AtAO:Vta Tfj<; rtropyiae;), no:vro OtO tpA€"(OV auto S~TTlj.ta ti'j<; n:ato£La<;, 6 K. <I>WtriAac; tinE on «E1xaj.t£ ~Ul tnacpri. 0:<; TtOUj.I£ n:poKatapKnKij OtO :EuveoplO ti'j<; AXEnA Kai otav 1ti'jya OtTl NEa 'y_ OPKl) KO:AEoa CJf. YEu~a tOY •Apxu;rri.oK01tO - Y£lllla f:pyaoia<; (~l(i OKTQBPIOI; 1982 pf.PVOOV1'o~ KOJ.lJ.lCltO~. nAv Kai oi <PlAOl to)\l aAA(JJV HJ..TJV1KOOV KOJ.lJ.latrov tv9appllvOouv va iOPUO"OllV O"uAAoyou~ KCll o.VClntO~OUV 1:000 nOhtlKl] opaO"1'11P10t11ta, Oa ;avClyupiO"ll ii' OJ.loyEv£la O't1]V OAlPf:PTt i:1roxiJ tOU t9V1KOU olxaO"J!ou. 'AH"a li~ OroO"O>J.lE tOY AOYO O"tOV "EAA11va u<P\l1t:Oupyo Kai. tOY ollo,,(€vii 0111l00'LO,,(pac:p0, J1f.tClc:pEpOVta.; toil> Clll'roAt~tl to KEll1f:VO tii.; «Mt<JTIJ.lPP1Vii~» pot ti.~ O"l€nKt~ uno1p(l~~[aEI, t~, d9'1vaiKij, £<P'1~Ep[.a,: - aAAa. titav £.KtO<; Eapae; Kat npoa8£0£: «'H 'EAA'lVlKi] KUPtPVT)GTI otv £X€l uvtipP11<JT1 va KaJ1El Ol.(lAoyo yui KUV€vU etJ1u n:ou uc:popci ta OUO"lClO"tlKcl ovJltpipovta tOU unolh}).lOll 'EAA'lVlO"POOi5. Atv U1t(lPX€l KUJlj.llU dj.t<ptpOAlCl on KOl Tj 'ApX1€nlO'Kon:T) Kai tVOEXOJ1Evro~ Kat aAAo1 <popti~ nou [lOUV EvCl J1ClKPO 1tClPEAOOV O'llJ1POAi1~ O'tT)v Ol0t11P11<JT1 tOU ' EAA11VUJJlOU, OtXOVTCtl Jlf.plKi:,;; <pOpE'; J.1tO: O"KAllPll KplnKi) 01t0 Eva GTI).laVtlKO J.1EpO'; tOU nop6vto~ 'E"''''l1v10'JloU Y1a oplO").li;VE~ OEO'U'; nov £10llV rrupOEi 0'1'0 npoO'tpotO nupf:J..96v. '[oluinpa O"ti]v OU1PKEtO 1'fi~ OlKtatopia.;. '0 K. c:l>WtrjAac; VOj.ti~El on eVUTtOKEHCtl OTOU<; <popEi<; 1tOU otXOVtCtl UUtT)V TijV KPITlKTl «VO: ~cKa9apioouv ot: 1tlO ~ae~o Ti Kpl nKT) alHT) Elval Sll(alOAoYTl~evll il aOLKatOAoYl)tT). flaTt. £l1tE, «~ • EAA'1VLK~ KUptpV'1"'1 litv ~A9E ~aAEiv ~<ixalpav crt Ka~~"i CJXiaT) 'tT!<; IJ£ tOUe; cpopde;. ~ H).9E j.tE rrvEu~a v' unoKatao"tT1CJEt tTl j.ttyaAUtEpl) ouvettTl tvotl)ta ~£ta~u t&v 'EAAriVroV,., Kai vo~isro t;A9E "ti Gpo. va napE1 to 'EAAl)VlI(O Kpcito<; oopnpota'Io rrooooto Eu9uvlle; an£.vuvtL tOU "E9vouC;. Kai to vE6vo<; OEv arron:AEitul j..lOVOV ano to Aao rrou olaplOl Ota opla tiiC; xwpa<;. To "E9voe; lirrot£A.€ital ([TIO OA01)<; tOUC; uEAAl)VE<; Ttavtou, Ota nepata tOU K00J10U». •AvtlClpu(J&l<; Kui i:1t"pUAU~&l<; 'O~OY£VtIUKOi 1tapciyovTE<; OTOUC; onoiou<; 9£.oaj..l£ un o'VTl tiC; yvro~€<; TOU K. <I>rotriAa l:~i:cppaCJav £VtOV£C; £1tlq>UAO:;ClC; Kat dJ..ltpLjlOA.l£C; Ott to YEO uqmTroupyEio , U1tayoj.tEvo 01'0 'Yrroupydo IIpotopiac;, 9a I.mopeotL yO: ota9d urroAH1Ko. rro:vw arro I(O~ ~atlKtc; Kat rtporrayaVOtOtlKt:C; to:CJf:t<;. 'H £v· A~£PIKij 6~OyEV£ta. hovloav, extl rrla a1tOKtrjoEl tTl OlKrl tTle; <puolOyvro~ia. TTl OlKTJ tl)C; K01)A toupa Kai ttl OLKrj tl)<; VOotponia. Xropic; rrap£~Jlcio£lc; arro to Ktvtpo tntlUX£ va oLa'tTlPr,O£l TO 'EAAl)VIKO nVEulla, TTlv ' EAAllVIKTl YAwoaa, TijV 'Op6ooo~ia, tiC; 1tapaOOOEIC; ~a<; Kai m.ivw urr' 0)..0. 'tijv «yarrl) rrpoe; trlV 'EH.cioa we; iUa . .6.€V npOKEttat, £1tlj..ltvouv, Yla. 'IllV n:pom9Tlal) il Olatrovlall ((~OV01troA{roV». • AAAO: it rrOAltIKTl1tOD npoOlrovi~.Etal 6 1(, <DWtrjAa<; 00: o011y1'\O'£l O"f: OAUJfhtpOU~ OpoJ10U~ Ill: dvan:otpEllKn:r:; nOAltlKl:~ f:nln:tooO"ur:; 1tavo> O'TtlV nUlo£la nov 0J.l0y£vrov n:ou Kpat1'\fh]K£ n:avt'o 0'[ KaOapa t9V1KO: Kai 011 nOAltlKcl - KO).l).lanKO: nAaiflla. 01 nU(JOKIKi:<; opyuv6>a&l<; "Eva aAAo 8E~a 1tOU l:9iYl) Kato: tTlV OUvo~lAia J.1,ac; ~E tOY K. u<purroupyo titav t'I opaaTllpL6tl)ta t&v AEYo~tvciv «cpi.AroV tau IIA:EOK» n:OAltl1CWV opyavwoErov rrou EXOUV iopued t£AEutaia at. J.L£yciAE<; nOAEl<; Tfj<; • AJ.L£pLKfl<; Kat oi on:oite; nporrayavOlSouv ano tOY 'EAAl)VOcpwvo Tu1tO Kat ta 'EAAl)VlKa paOlOCPWVIKU rrpoypa~j.!ata f;VTOVU <PIAOKuf}€pVl)nKf:<; (nA:EOK) Kai. avnUj.!€plKaVlKE:c; 9tO£I<;. :ExtnKO: 6 1(, <DwTrlAa<; unEcrtrlPl;£ 01'1 «oti<; 1tP09EOEt<; ~a<; 5 elvat va aOK11gei KPltunl 6pLOj.l€:vlle:; rrOAttlKil<; onwt; aOKrl911K£, onoo<; SlCl~OpfPro911Ke, ano 6ptcrJltv£<; Administrations (aj.lEptKClVLKE:C:; KUP£PVrlOEtc:;) KCli yui ttlV onoia iSh (mapX£l S£Ut£Pll YVWI-111, otv ~tav no).. u €7tltuXrlc:;". 'ne:; npoc:; tic:; npoonagetE<; noAltlKOnOLrl0Ewc:; 1"OU 'EAAllvOaj..u::plKClV1KOU OtOtX€iou, 0 K. <l>wt"AClC:; un£OttlPl~£ Ott npoKe:ltCll '<Y la 9Em:\(; tOU KUPe:PVWV1"oe:; "OI-1I-1CltO<;» oniv 'ED,o:oa ... MrropEi va apv119E1 Kavr.ic:;", Protll0E. «Otl llJtaPX€ll-11a oKAllPil KPtttKt; 1tO tOY POAO ltO\) excl SlClopal-1attoO£i. ano nOAA£<; OJ,1£PIKClVtKi:c:; KUP£PVrlO£lC; 0' 5,tl dfPopo tic:; 0XEOe:le;, n·x· J,1 E: t o BUctatOplKo Ka9£otwc:;;» Kat npoo9Eo£ OX£tlKa IlE ti)v opaOtllPlOtllta trov I1aoOKtKWV opyavwmcrov onlv ' AI-1£PL",,: rUl , nmoypa<ptKll .c:pyaata , «Ma. fJ.1rOpc.i va. £ivai (/>{A01 roD nAEOK Kat va j1;'V uio8£[ovv OeaGle; paalKte; r;;~ nOArrIKi;e; napara.;ewe; r;,v onoia {moarqpl(ouv; nponayav61Covv oro KatCU-Karcu r;;e; ypmpije; 0' evav xwpo b 01l010~ t~aKolovecl va dvw 0Pi'UV1KO j1iloC; roD' t.1.l'lvIKOU AUOV - dvo.l MIaVO'lrO vd: bnapc,a 1l0},l tIK;' rou 'Ynoupyeiov ('AnOt5"J1wv) ~ 0nola Od: alloKleiel r;,v imap<'I no) /tlKWV 0X'lj1atlo/iwv oi onolOi txouv rie; nOAIrIK£( tO~ d,nOIpt:lr;». '0 K. <I>uHrlAaC; tOVIOt, £~ clAAOU, Otl «i:.V 000£1-1\(1 rrtp l1ttWo£l to ' Y1toupy£io 'Anoot;llou 'EAAllVtGIJOU Oei Ao: P£1 9EOll noAltlKWV 9EI-1o:tWV rrou t~e:Ai ooovtCU EKtOe:; TWV o piwv tii~ 'E)..Acioo~. rUl nOAl ttKU eEj.tOtCl nOll t~£J.[crcrOVtOI evtO~ tile:; Xwpos e:lval anoAuTu CPUcrll(O on ea. urrOOtllpii;;£t ti)v ytVtKo-t€PllnOAtt1K11 tr;e; KU~EPVriOEWt;". 'Y1toupydo • ·Opyovo tOU KOI'I'OtO, Kata Til YVWj.t'l 'EAAllVOOIlEplKaVlKOOV TtapayovtCtlV tOUe; 6noioue; £nlKOlVWVrlOaJ,1£ t'lI..r.<proVIKwe; (OUo.OlYKtOV, NtQ 'y. OPKll, Bootwvll, :EIKo.yo, "AYlO <l>paYKiGKO) Kat (nt' 04'11 tWV 6noirov tE911KQV ot 011Awcr!': le; WU K.• YfPunoupyou, e:ival npo<paVEe; Ott to 'Ynoupy£io ' Anoorll-1ou 'EAAllVlOj.tOU - av KpiVEt KClv€ie; ano tie; 0llAwo€ll:; tOU K. cl>rot~Aa - otv OCr. elval Eva urrEp·, 1l11-nOA ttt K6. KaOapa e9VIKO unoupyeio, aAAn £Va apyavo tOU KU~£PVWVtO C; KOIJj.tatOe;. KClitOL - AEYOUV - 6 K, <I>wtt; ).,a<; ,ioXupii;;ctal OlL to ' Ynoupye:io tOU J,10VO KClACe; TtP08EO€l<; EX£ I, ti v0J,11j.tonoilloll noo TtUPEX€l otie; KOIlJ.latl1(cc:; o pyavwo£le; TWV <DiAWV tOU I1A~OK Kai T) aVOlXTi) dvuyvti>PIOri TOU Ott to ' Ynoupytlo 00. ()J[O Otl1pi ~£ l Ttl V nOAltlKiJ tli e:; KUPEPVt;OEroC;, OTll-1l0UPYouv nlv tVtUnwoll OTt o:varro<pwKta to, • Ynoupydo , Anoot;j.tou • E).. AllV10lloD 90: l-1£tatparrd crE Kt;VtpO KOllllattKtis nponuyo:voae; XPllOll.lOTtOlWVtae; TOUS <I>iAoue; toD nA:EOK we; , a1:11V .~ YOPKH rta 1tA.11 poqlOpiE<; t11A.E<PWVr]OaLE (212) 947-3180 HOTEL GRANDE BRETAGNE cpe:pe<pwvCl. Mia tEtota rrOA1lLKtl M:v Jt1topd napa va ere:t apvllttKte; £Ttl7ttcOcr£le; navw otilv £VOtllta Kat 6Ao,¥uxia tOU tv 'AJ.lEptKii 'EAAllVIOj.tOU 6 6noioe; tvolac.pEpEta l J.lOVO yui Ta Kaeapci><; £OVIKO: 9tJ,laTa TOU' EAAllVlOj.tOU. To ~tjt'1I'O tii, IjItj<pou L£ O'lAWO£Le; TOU arov 'E).,AllVOc.pwvo Turro 0 K. <1>wtrl); e:lXr. toviaEt Ott "T1 ' EAAllVlKtl KuptpVllG'l 00 OWOE1 to OlKOiwl-1Cl tii, 1jI~q>ou atou, un60~llou, "El.A~V<'''' Z~t~aaIlE IllU o"uKpiVllOll ano TOV K. <I>rotrlAa we; rrpoe; to TtClLOUl nou EXOUV yr.vV119d OtiJv •AIJ£pLKtl K(xl nou Kata to ttic:; xw pae; 9EWpOUVtal ' AIJEplKavoi TtoA it£e; . .. BE~aiwc;). , d7t£ , (eo: tOue; ooed '¥ilc.poe;) QV 6 nattpa<; !Oue; £Iva i HEAAllvae; lmt;KOOe; Kat iiv oi lSlOl i:xouv to olKairo)la tile; \IIrlfPou. " Av €vu<; elvat ytvVllJ.lEvoe:; onlY •AIJr.PIKtl dno Iltl HEA_ Allva urr""oo, UUTOj.tUtWe; elval aouvCllO va urrap~r.l TEtOlOU dooue; t~tAl~ l1 . KOltiiSt(:. una.pxouv av9pOJ7tOl 7tOU EXOUV 8trrAii U7tllKOOtllta Kai auto 011).ltOupy£i, VOlli~w, Eva V0l11KO npoPAlll-1a. ' H OUIlIle:tOXti at I:K)..OY" VOJ.108ElLKOU oWIJatOe; a)~Alle; xwpac; dvat aou)JpipaotTl 7tpOC; ttlv lOl()rllta t ou 'AIJEptKavou lJ1tllK6oo ... Av EXOUV 3l7tl..ii unTpmOtllta 90. dvut OlKt; lOUe; EntAOYtl 1)£ tOUe; oTie; £KAOyEe;. 'EKEivo nOtJ aVttj.t£Twni~oullE we; KuptpvllOl1 o£v £IVaI ~ unovoJ,1Tt KanolOu oLKalwj.tatOe; aA.Aa il rrapox~ til e; TEXVtKtiC; SOVUtOtlltUC;». 6 ATHENS , GREECE - Tel. 3230.251 Telex. 219615 - Cable" HOTBRITAN WORLD FAMO US HOHL c[NTRALLY LOCATED ON THE MAIN SQLARE OF THE CITY WITH MAGNIFICENT VIEW OF THE ACROPOLIS 4 50 bedroo ms e4Ulp~d wLth r vr ry modern comfort Fu ll), a Lr<onditlO nrd . Int e r na tIO na l bar . super b (.: UL SLnK. lUXUriO US restaurant Convent Lon roo ms wLth full cong ress fa cLlItie s. World wLde reprcsc:nt al ion 770 LexLngto n A\'c nu e. New York 10021 For reservat ions and LnformatJ on call 800-223-6800 ~' ew York Stale and Canada (212) 838-3100 Col lect "NEW YORK" To 1tp6PAll"UI tOU ~EAAllvlKOU Tu1tou Kal () Kiv()uvoC; U1tO()OUAcOO'EcOC; tOU O'tO Kpatoc; 1:t ocra olapal;,oJ.u: tOV Tf:A£utCtio KatPO axenKCt J.ll: 'tTlV «"piOT]» lOU EAATJVIKOU Turcou nou urcoKOPU<PWOllK£ J.l£ to KAE.:lUlJ.10 OVO KaOrn,.1€:pIVWV EqlTJJ.I£piOWV, anv n:UVo.1(£10 rrpOtElVE'TC11 ti "panK.., napejJpaOTJ· "OAOl Il1tAc.OVOUV to Xf:Pl npo<; lilv TIoAltEia! "Ol.m axe:06v JtOU ACt~a(vouv j.lEpOC; on) ouwXl~6~EVT] aU~~TT]aT] - tKOOTf." OT] J.lOO"lOypciCPOl, KuJ3i:pvTJOT) Kat ' AvtLrroAitW01'] - OU~HPWVOUV on ta OnOOj.lEVQ nptrrc l va nATJproOouv uno tOV <po poloYOlJJ.lCVO , 6 6noioe; Ad. £Ivai un:oxpewl.lf;vOC; va uq>lotatal Kai arC> J.1£),1.ov 'to OlKOVO- papa.:;;. npOKEljlEVOU va t~aor.paAl(JTEl ti 1tcplQHII-lTJ «1WAurpwvia .. , NO. rtATJPWVEl, J.lIKO oT]),ao~ , eva, OE~l<i, 1pOpo),OYOU~EVO, YUl va KPOTllf:lEl O'ti} l;,roi} 6« PlsocrmloTT)<;», Kai ~vac; KOJljJOUVIOti}C; y ui va J.lT} AElI.jfEI ono to. m:pirrH:pa Ii (/E).cUOtPll "Opa». To )..lOVO nov ()i:v £XC I npota8ei. J.ltXPI ony).u;c;, Elval va OtEAAOUV oi C<Pll )..H:: piStc; ot6 t{:AOC; K<iOE )..lTiva tOY AoyaplaO)..lO j.lC to tAAEt)..l) tOU J.lllVOe; OtO u1toupydo 'E8vnd;e; OtKovoJ.liae;, Ylci va Aa~aivouv tilv 0XEnKtl btltayt; ... 'H rrapaTt;PTlO"ll DCV O\)VtOtn ano1t£lpa XLOU)JOp (Kai )JUA.lOta ... O:IlEpIKaVIKOU), ii ouiSCOll tipwvdae;. L\IKaloAoytiTCtI arroAUta arro tiC; npoo<pat£C; OIQStm:le; tile; KUPEpV";crEooe; Kai tic; npOtclO£tC; OIQ<popwv Dll)lOoLOypac.ptKoov napaYOYTwv: • fta tt;Y €~acr<paAlcrll oUYXPovll<; TEXvo),oyla, OTi, E1pT]~eploE" ~t xp~~am tOU ~TJ)..looiou.,. • fto. ttiv btiootTloTl TOU SllIlOOLOyP(t(PIKOU xapnou. • rUI ttiv npoooPTJ unOXWPllOTl ano ro tnayytAI-l(l tooy OllJ.loOloypa<pwv IlC aKavOQAffioCl<; napoxcc; Kat £~Wfj)PEYIKi:<; arro~llllui>oEIC;. ICato. to npoturro tKcivwv nov dray OOGEI OtOVe; t£XVIKOO<; Tunou. • rui titv JrapaTaOTJ t~Ofj)A~CJEW<; rrpoVOJ.lLOUXooV OCtvEioov nov £c.pTJj.u:piowv. • rui ttiv ltaPOXtl J.leyaAuupoov J.llOSWV otOUe; OTJI.lOOIoypacpoIJI;. • rui EKTCtlCtll KpanKt; ... np01KoDoTTJ0'l tii'>v aOfj)aAIOtIlCooV Tallciwv tOue;. • fUl niv t~a(J(p6.Aloll tpyaoiae; OtOUc; o:noAuollEVOUC; 0TJ)JooLO)'pa<pouc;. IJE t";v . .. STI).J.loupyia Eioucwv 8EO'E:roV(!!!) at Kpatltd:e; trnxl:tpt;o£l<; Kai opyavlOJ.lOuC;. • rui ttlv dyopci.. «OiK01t£oucilC; EKtaoT]e;(!P) nou Sci tJrlAUEI to OtEyaonKo tmv 0TlJ..l0Oloypafj)wv, Kat niv napox";· .. «XaIlTJAOtOKWV» oavdoov YUl vo. KtlOOUV navoo o· auto. to. OiK01t£Oa ... ·EvO£IKnKo. )lOVO avafj)£po)l£ aUtEe; tic; t~oo<pp£v lK te; Qnoq)(iOEle;. npotaO£te; Kat a1tal ttiOCle;, n:oo n£pa ano TOV aVt;SlKO at n:OAAte; n£plrrTwm:tC; xapaKt'lpCt tOue;. Sa "TQV ouvato va npoopA'l8ouv oav napaVOIlEe; Kat avtlO'uvtaYllatlKte;. "OAQ QUta )JOVO TO npopATlIla 'tOU TU1tOU OKTOBPIOI: 1982 H "nOAYoI>QNIA .. KpatlKTt .. npa~DO" ; ' H )JovaOIKtl tvaAAaKtlKTt tKAoyn, E(VOI qi aO(;0l1wtE:C; t.c.pTlJ..lEptOte; toov .6Ut'lICWV 6Tl)JoKponwv. 'Eoii'> Stv jlnopti yO: iOXUOEl " Stwpio tOU ,IoA1Yov cyYUOC;» onwe; tc.pap~lo~etat otic; OiKOVojli£e; tooV ")lIOOOlo).lonK&v xwpwv. ft' aUTO, OOOl EnI8uIlOi)'V npaYllal'lKO: va npoeJTOtt\VOlJV to DllllOKpal'lICO nOAitWIlO tfj e; xcilpae;. 6cp£ iAOUV va avnoTa80ov on)v EnlXE:lpOU)lEVTJ imo8oUAWOTJ too "[(mou oro ~TJIlOOIO. ff 0 001 oUVaOEAfj)Ol <J1c£:nrovtat EAtu8E pa Kat a yoovlOuv YUl to 1liJ..AOV tQ OIKO tOUe; Kai tOU TunoD. lie; apvTJ90uv tiC; npoO'c.p£pO)JEVEC; STJIlOO'lOUrraAA Tl Al KtC; 8cOOUACe; tiie; KpanKfje; iJ.c'lJ..lOO'UvllC;· 'H £VVOta ttie; "noAu<pwviac;» , 01too<; Dla)lOP<pW9TlKE crtitv 'EAAaoa tOV T£Aturalo KCllp6 , auviotaral crt~v t1tltaKttKti av6.YKTJ OlatTJP";ocoo,; ani soot;. 0X l 1l0VO 'toov EAo.XIOtooV a~loAoyWV tq>l1l.U:piowv, aAAn Kat Ka6e <pUAAaoae; noo anocp aoiCE l va bCOWO'£l 6 0noLOoo";noTc, ttlV ... £uy£vTi qHAooo~ia vO: J.lOpruP";OCl O'TO PWIlO tOU 1<7rAOUpaA tOj.lou». "law, OEwpT]gei (mEppo),~, d),),a ~ ouyXUOTl1tOU f.nLKpatd O'rlJ.lepa (l"titv 'EAA<Wfl yupw ora Il£yu).a EniKfllpa npOpA~J..IaTa, (oUJ.lnCplAfl)lpaVOIlf:VOU Ka1 tOU '1'.000'01KOU) Kai TOU'; ycvLK<i>n:pou::; t8VIKOV::; O't6xoue; Kat rrpopAl1JlanoJ.lou,;, ElVfll 6notD..eO'lla 'tile; «noAu<pwvia<;». Tile; vtouCh'ae; Kai. nA{:ov Ko8m.lEpIVWV tlPTl)Jcpiooov Til; •A8tivae;, ano tiC; 6rrole::; tAclXIOTC<; nATlpo<popouv 00001'6. il b(<ppa~ouv uncu8uvE<; ano,¥£Ie; xoopic; rra80e;, tpap)lQKI Kal t~w r.pSaAJ..ITl jJoVOJli:P£ lCt. • H ~m.lOKpaTia aO'cpoAoo::; oev Wtp£Atitat am) Eva tEtOIO doo::; "rroAmpwviae;» frOU xapaKTllpiCctal ano olEOrpOJ.lJ..lEVTJ 1tA'lPOfj)OP'loTl. pEnopt<i~- napaJlu81Q . ICaKOmOTta, £nitaoTJ til::; O'uYXuocooe; YHi np6aoono Ka1 npaY)lflTfl. Mt £AaXlOt£e; nO:VTon:. £~alptoCIe;, flnOAUlpwvia auni unOVOj.l£UCL TitV aAr}8£la Kal TOUe; 0TJJ.lOKpatlKOVe; 9£O'J.lou::;, otv tv6appuvtl tov ~tciAOYO Kai 1tAtltTCl to KUpO::; tou 10lOu TOU Turrou. Of KUICAOfj)opiee; nEtptOUV Kat arro TTlV CAA£HVTl tlln:lOtOo\)Vll~ rou aVQYV(l}otliCOU KOl YOU, KO\ 0X I Olon apyti to tOXUOPO)Jtio Kai o£v. .. ~£Aapuyyi~ovtm oi tc.pTJI.U:PIOOn:(i)A£e; ... BPIOKOJlQOt£ twpa IJ.nPOOta otO cpalvoIl£vo, 6 Tunoe;, 6 a KO ill TJ tOe; c.p pOU P oe; tmv Aa\1C:Wv tAw8cpu:ilv Kai 'too'V OlICatwllat(J)v t oD 1tOAltll, fI T£taptTl 'E~ou a i a, fI tn:upopno)J£vTJ I1t ttlV PaPEla anoOtOAtl TOU t.A.iyxou tWV KUPCpvwvtoo v, va ttiVEI xEi"pa tnQtttiae; npoe; to KpaTOe;. •AAACt nooe; I.mop£r va aOKt;OCI 'ttlV QnOOtOA~ tOU cvae; unOOOUAWIJEVOe; on) Kpatoe; Tunoe;; totv .pt." va ~Exvou~e on 6 pae~<i, ttie; tAw8cptoe; tOU Tunou npooolOpi~cral arro tOY ~a8jlo tti~ i:~apt~occile; tOU arro to Kpatoe;. noool ouvaoEA<pol c.pIAo8o~ouv ttlV npooA'll.Vrl tOUe; 0'& ilia tAATJVIKt; rVWpi~OIlE on imapxouv Kai tKOOtEC; nov Sty otxovtat 1lE. tuxapiotlloTl ttlv KpanKtl naptJ..lPaCSTj , to. OavEla Kai CiAACe; OIWKOAUVOCIe;. dvat OUOKOAO vo KaraAa~cl ICavete; ttlV ayxwoll rrpoonri8£lri 'tOue; va KpOtt;OOuv crttl ~wti tiC; tcpll)lcpioce; tOUC;, ICat llaAIO'ta au'tt; rllv trrOXtl 'tOU U\v TJAOU tK80ttl(ou Koaroue;, tllV wpa 1tOU 6 KpatlKOe; rraptllPatlOJ.lOe; TOUe; EX£ I acpolpto£l to orolxelwoee; olICoioolla 6pSoAoytO't1Ktie; opyavwO'Ewe; tWV EnixelpnOEWV tOue;. l:ttlV QrrCAnlOia toue;, o i tKOOtCC; ICa.VOlJV imollvti).lOta npoc; to KpalOe; Kai anD auro tll v i:nlAuoTl nilv npo· pAlljlan{)v tOue; .• AAAa to. 6rrOla8 ~n: otc KUPEPVTltlKCt JlEtpa aJroTEAoUV cirrom:lpE~ 8£panElae; ICapKivou Ilf: nmolKte; aO'1t1pi VEe;. TO: "IlEtpa» Kat ot ccOlEUKOAUVOE IC;" 1:voiyouv ttlV Opt~ll. '0 6pya'V IO).l0e; tei~£1 :ci VapICWTlICO Kat arraItd 01.0 Kal J..ltya),UTEPT] MOT] . ANTtnAAOI: TO KPATOI: To rrpophr1J..lara TOU E:AA TlVIKOU Tunou 80. AIYOOT£\VOUV anQ(paO'lOTtKa Kat 1) EA.EUSEpia Sa Katoxupw8ei nEpIoOOtcpO, O:v oi tICSOt£e; Kat oi OTlJ.IOOlOYPcicpOl uio8E'tnO'OUV tilv aVtiAll'V'l on to Kpcitoe; £Ivai 6 avtinaAOe; Kai aywvIOtOUV Jlo~i YIO: ttlv KaraPYTJO'Tl tOU ~AEKtpOVlKOU IlOvonwAlou tou. ' H Kpio Tl 00: avttjl£tw7t1~6tOv O:rroc.poO'tOTtlCa J..lC to. aICoAou8a: • To Kpci.toe; va anolCA.£ioEI yui tOV £auro tOU KciOc e:lbOUe; nOpEJlPal'l0Jlo, YIO: va to napouv arroc.pocr'1. tK8otce; Kai ouvt'(iICtCC;, on bey tOUe; O<pdAcI tinotc 6 ~EA A'lVae; <POPOAOYOUJlEVOe;. • No l:YKOtaAd\VC I ~ KuPtpV'lO'll t";v.. . t~urrva&a tVIOXtIOl:<Oe; toi) KOIl~latlKOU Tunou. l:vioxuoTl 1l'Ol) IJOVO va PAa'VEI tOV aOiOJlEUto Tuno £iVai Ol)\'OtO. • Nd iOX,UOE I il tAeuO£PTl 0IaIJOp<ptt>ull tTie; t1IlTie; nWAncrEWe; nov tc.pllJ..l£piDW\' Ota 1tcpin'tcpo. • NO. KotapYTlOd lI:oi allttl ~ at£AEta toil 01l,:ou xaptc.w, O:\' btv lUXuouv attAclt~ 11:01 yta ahA£'; flIOIlTl- Tau ot.V nAN, I:. MAKPIA K, ea Auoouv. 01i m:tUXOuv, O)Jwe;. va Ka- taat~O'Ol)V tov::; EK30tE~ Kai TOUe; 0'l1l0oloypacpou<; rrpOVO)lIOUXC<; T6.~£«;, IlI08wtoue;, OUOtflOl'lKo. tOU tAAllVlKOU 6TJ I.tOoiou. Kat DAn auta , YUl va IJtl Khioouv Kal aAAc,; tC:PTJIlEpioee;. YUl va OlQtTJPTJOti rl «noAu(j)wvia .. ! • • • 7 xavlec;. • NO. clIupam:t utouc; E:KOon:.c; vel pu9JliCouv KOta f}OUAI1U'l tiC; WPEC; cpyaaioc; toU JtpouwJtucou. • Na KOtoP'Y'l90uv OA&C; 01 q>opoAoyLKEC; unoAAoYEC; t&v tpyo~OJltvrov atov Tuno, toao tOU q>opou duootiJlatOe;, OUO Kai t&v aAAwv at£AElrov UTa geaJlata Kai atic; UUYKOlvwviEC;, nou t~lUroVOUV tOUe; OTHloulOypa.q>OUC; JlE tOUC; civanrlPoue;, tOUe; JlEtatptnouv Uf: civa~lOna90vvtae; q>noxonpoop6~.J.Oue; Kai 9iyouv tijv d~lonptrrEta tOue; ... I:t avtaAAaYJla oAwv mhrov, to Kpatoc; va KatapYr)uEl oAEe; aVE~aLpt HOe; tie; 3taq>'lJllUEle; atouc; KpaTlICOUe; paBwuta9Jloue; Kai ata T'lAEOTttLKel KavaALa. 'Eq>6aov ti OOAltEia 9tA£! va EAtYXEl tijv t;AEKtpovlKij tV'1lltproall. npE1tEI va ElVOI lSlotE9ElJltvll va dvuAaflEl tijv aXEtUcij 3oJtQv'l. "Av TO 9EmPrian popil to <poPtlO, lie; JlEtOtpt'VEl toue; t'lAEO1I:TUCOUe; Kai palSloq>([)VlKOUC; Uta9JlOlJc;. at iOl([)tlKEe; EmXElPr)UEIC;, lie; EnttPt'Vll aTOUe; E:K36tte; nlv AEltOupyia aAAwv, Ui 1 ([) t\KroV KnvaAl&v Kal paOlOUTa9Jlrov. To o:nOtEAEOJla 00. dvOt ti OlOxttwa'l OAroV trov Bloc.p'lJllatlKWV Kovi5uAl([)V atic; E:q>TWEpi.i5Ee; Kai. ta nEplOi5IKa. i1 to JlOlpaUJlQ. tOUe; JlE ta. ii5u.onKel rlAEKtpOVlKel !lEUn Jla~lKlic; Ev'lJlEproaEmc;, JlE tijv lUXu trov Kavovoov tlie; EAEu9EPlle; ayopCie; Kat xoopic; KaJlJlla KpanKT) napEJlflaall. "'EtOl IlOVO 00. AUOOUV OPlOnKa ta rrpopAtlJlata tau Tunou. eel EKi5090uv Kal clAAEC; €q>'lJlEpiBEe;, eo. avtf}El JtOlOtlKa to l:niru::lSo tOUe; Kat, pEpa{We;, ti KUKAocpopia tOue;. xpova, ~i:xovTa l on bEV E<paPJlOCOVtal, napa ~t tAo.XIOtE.C; E~Olp tOE.Ie; Kat auto tOU!; Elval nOAu m9o.vQ va 9EWP1190uv OUti:e; oi Qno'VE.IC; t~wnpaYIlOtlKt:e;. ElvQL ollro!; npOtlllOtepOC; 6 "peaA-IOJlOC;" nOl\ KOTa q>E(rYEl Otijv EnOlt£lO Kal Oti]v aUtourco 8ouAmoll, ~ OtOV .. Bavt la~.uj» ano «~EvE<;» nl1yie;; "Av dVOI npOtlll'ltta i! TE.AEUtaia aut"; AV0'l t~C; e~(OO£v UWtllp ioe;, lie; nO: pouv ot l:K30t£C; to TCproTO ae:POTCAaVO Yla M M M to. Aou~eJlPoupyo.' YrrapX£:l tnt ilia «rcoAuc9vIKtl" nou ... napaKoA£L Yla OOVtlOOOttiOr:IC; rrpoc; tov Tuno, JlE tOKO 4 t o. l:M Kato! no. nCpIOOOtEPEC; nA 'lPoq>opice;, Ot tvolaq>epOj.1eVOl a~ anora90uv Otov " PlCOOnaOT'l" Kal tijv NO JlIOJlOtlKij 'Emtponi). 6£v ouvIOtwvTOl UIle:PlKOvIKte; T po:nE~€C; aq>oo, on;v 'Aj.lEPUCrl, Ot j.lO VEe E:nLXr:lPtl0r:le; nov otv 30V£:lOOOtOUVto.l ~i XOIl'lAOtOKO, eyyu '1Il EVa ano to KPO:WC; OaVElO, £IvaI Ot eC,pl1JlE.pi OEe; ... MAKPIA~ nAN. L r--------------------------------------r Oi tmGKErrTO~EVO l TO LlKciyo ~rr opou\' Va Cr[lGKE<p8ouv TO 'ECHlUTOPLO "'PH~TAPIA" 24 12 WEST LAW RE NCE - To L IJI21 72~-bJOX Er.pPipOVTaL TO £KALKT()n:pa Kat qlaYTJTU ni~ rrapa1iO(JLQKij~ tJ,A1JVlKij~ Kou~iva~. ~-------------------------------------J THE ATHENS CHANDRIS HOTEL OI:El; SEAEI 0 AAOI: 'H Eq>apJloyij tau l:AEU9EPOU aVtayrovlaJlOu. Sa Kpattl0El ati} ~wij tie; Eq>"JlEpi3EC; nou 9tAEl 6 Aaoe; Kat. noil 90. Ka9pEntiCouv tie; nOAlttKte; tOU nEno19rlor:u; Kat to 3lavO'lttKO tau EninE.i5o. 'H Jla:XT} TOU Tunou npenEl va oo9d UtO nE.~o OPOJllO - OtO 1t€pinTEpo. KavEie; oEv dVOl apJlOOIOe; va anoc.pav9d nOUEe; tcp'1Jl£pi8cc; rrp£7tCl, i1 Stv rrpEntl, va £.X€.l Jlla xropa, OUtt va npooi5loPlOtl tilv flIWOlJlOt'1fa, ftiV aVaYKalOtllta Kat f";V XP'lOlJlOT'lfa. tOUC; oav opyavwv tlie; KOIVlic; yV(;'~~, . ... A v oJlmc; lStv OtlJl~El TlJtOtE. dITO til napamivw, OEv ne:tpa'€.l crv JlElro8r:l 6 apIOJlOe; trov Oe:A. towv. O{ ti'tAOl rrou mavouv JlIUt) ae:A.ilSo 6 KaOhne;, OUtE tiJv ~11JlOKpaTia npoutatr:uouv, OUtr: tijv nOAuc.pwvia E~aacpaAi~ovv. tvw ta ap8pa KOt Ot epWV€e; - OtVtOVla lStv npoayouv tOY .<nAoupaAlUJlo", 'H auvtayij YUl tilv npoYIlOtlKij nOAuq>wvia £Ivat nOAu anAJi: NO. o.voi~ouv at EqlTlJlepioEe; tie; Otil A£~ tOUe; Koi Ylo. ano\jIfl<; o.vti9€t ec;. Kai va oivouv mo OvtlKUJlEVIKTl, tOopponT] Kat nOAunAwPll tio"oEoypaq>la. NO. Ilil npoolo9ttouv tOY ovayvc.iJa"tT} JlE: tOUe; ritA-OUC; TroV dotioe:mv. Na ~ExwpiCEl ~ E'iO"OTJ ano tijv nno\jll1 Kai to y£yovoe; ana tilv tm8UJlla ... Mv 'XO~E t~V nnpn~IKp~ a~(I"~OAia Ott TO. yvoopi,ouv oA-a aUTa Kal ta otXOVtal o{ •A811vatol uuvalS£Acpol. 'AAAa, muto ..a" ""'f"~ ~:~~i.f·? 385 Syngrou Ave .. Athens TEL 9414X24-O TL:\ 021-8112 I he ktr!!I.'..,t rrl\;ttl'i~' owned hlHt'I cham In Grn'l'c . \\ Ith H"h:l, Chlo~ In ·\then, Cnrfu and Crelt'. ChanJns glHs ~l'U an \llJtS!.lnJIIl!! hOlds III choose frl)m . F.'~:It'ml\t' 1.: llIlH'n[I\)n and tnt'c.'IIn!! facilities at eac h Chandris HOlt'1 are guarantc,'t'J III pll'JSt' ~\HH t't llSlnt'SS rlll'nlelt' and resorts selection of deluxe In ATHENS - CORFU - CRETE - CHIOS M 8 .NEA YOPKH. ~uo TCOtrllW'W rpt~oyt(iVVll TaU K. Kupu: 0 0£oC; o nllVTOKpCltrop A!KIlLIlL Kill 'AA.ll!hvlll III •ObO! <rou CA7tOKUAU'I''l IE' 3) Kai juie; noao djJ.aarc. f/Jr.rJTIKol Kai KopoiOevol.JJ1.f. Kai Kopof&voJwau; lwph; va r5wlaOavoJ.1.aarc. Kai lupoKporoDJ1.( Kai XE1POKPOTOVJLr.8a oi wj.air..wpol 7[OU Karavriipc . • • * Come home. Your dollar is worth 250/0 more. To KaioKaipl rpwllC naywro Kai rrivolJj.U; vcpo an' to l{1uycio aal! varav Ka.rl r.pUGIKO. Kai TO aWfldl.l nov Ji:v lxu /lana maw){;/, ui I3ilcrw 1!oJc; rarpTla¢r. ~ f/JrJ(J11 rroJ( {JpiOrJKf. TO mflJ1a at: /louv6. ra Kp'JO J,·[.p6. n60fJ IjIwrui of: orl )./;f.1.[. ({JUG/Ka! KI' iiv TO GToj.f(iXI fj¢cpr: ri rpixu nO/oc; po)uiu; Touro txtl r.iJIKwni OTO l.WVcfla. Ei; iii).o (j(jjJ.w rou mrlT/oi) 00. {JPOUI-,{{: TOI! im.D)OVvO. "Orav 0 (iP/V)V Oii.£I vd~'al r.pUOIKO, ri] qJlJO'l riJv Vlf:l!'llrl wi c,cnaarpi:w,,. * * * ta r, To",!" ,/f.U0'l an' T' avOpwmva, Gl.£T1Ka. f:P:/ ar.piou drpr:vtlKa ,/va),ul Kapr.pra /1[;0' rir; {Jrrpivu; va rr.poo)livovv rr.aOta0Ilf.VOl. Nia 'YOPKI'}, Jj Arj},ovGwV 1973 NYNEYH 'P/)/~ rou dvOpfimolJ J.1.f; KlpKonopru:; a' OlJpavb Kat yijc; Yla rove; /--lv17arijpu; ao/} nnpor:vra rrouJ./d Kat HI iprrr:rd KapapdvlU :!I(i rou<; [(W di.PI&<; nov voBuJOVV Ta arr}.dxva aov ta OtjiCAIa r~r; 'I1vX~r; KrinOlOlJ dvOpomou d6t).rpou ao/). Nfa . YOPKI'}. 13 '/ovviolJ 1978 LTU·U:l(JJOl'] «NEw; ·Y6PKTJS": '0 EKACOIJvcPyatlls J,lUs K. 'HAias K. rplpOYHlvvl']s, n:POH1V npoc8pos TOU «cDIAIKOG", OlOaaKI:I NOJ,ltOI.J.CltlKT) I(ui Tpan:E~lTIKti 00lpiu KUtluJS Kui MtKpOOII(OVO~tKi] •Avaj.1JOTl 01"0 Queens College, OiKOVOJ,llKtl ~tdlJl!v('JTl 'EmXClpTioEu)V ato Fairleigh Dickinson University Kai MtKPOOtKOVolJ.ia (ltO William Paterson State College, N.J . nos OKTI1BPIOl: 1982 Right now, the US dollar is worth 25% more than it was last year, Over 40% more than two years ago. And there are also special airfares you can take advantage of Isn't this the moment you've been waiting for) It's the perfect time to visit family and friends, To sail the sunny blue Aegean, To enjoy Greece the way you've always wanted to, This year, the dollar goes so much farther. And so can you, There's no place on earth like Greece, Greece Creek N ational l()urist Organiztltion 9 TO Lac; rcpocr<pep£l 'tCl .<pellVOT£pa CHARTERS Yl<l TO <pel vorccopo Kat TOV X£q.HDva , ErclcH]<;, tOV <p8tVOTCWpt vo vauAo 'Ti'j~ OAtJ)1TCtaKi'j<; Kai TWA $679.00 Kai 'TOV XEt)1WVtanKo $629.00 )1£ NON-STOP 747 N. YOPKH - A0HNA - N. YOPKH CHARTERS TO ATHENS FALL and WINTER .1. l<lAi:~ tE !lUI Depart N.Y. Durati on Depart in Weeks A t he ns OCT 2 1 OCT 2 1 ONE W AY OCT 29 Oe1 2 1 NQVS. I9 OCT 2 1 Oe12 1 DEC 10,3' 2, 4 " 7, 10 Ja n through Ju ly 198 3 levery Friday ) OC T 28 OCT 28 OCT 26 ONE W A Y NO VS , 19 DEC 10, 31 NOVQ4 NOV04 ON E W A Y NOV 12 NOV 19 . 26 OEC 03. 10. 17. 24 .. 31 NOV 0 4 NOV ()4 a1tO ti ~ K!Itrot£Pro ~!l E pO!l1]V[E~ IIi: ti~ i:yy U1]!ltvE ~ t1!li:~ !l!I~ NOV 11 ONE WAY NOV 11 . NOV 19 . 26 NOV I I DEC 03. 10 . 17. 24. 3 1 Fa re S Depart N.Y. Depart Athens Fare $ Duration in Weeks NOVIa NOVI S ONE W A Y DEC OJ . 10 , 17, 24, 3~ 2.~ .4 ,5,6 599 .00 NOV 25 NOV"25 DEC OJ , 10 . 17, 24, 31 1, 2.3, 4, 5 499 .00 31$1 .00 DEC 0 2 DEC 02 ONE W A Y DEC 10. 17. 24, 31 1. 2. 3, 4 299":00 499 .00 oeC09 ON E WAY DEC -09 OEC 17. 24, 31 I , 2. 3 299.00 499 .00 529 .00 629 .00 499 .00 DEC 16 DEC 16 DEC \ 6 ONE WAY OEC 24. 31 JAN 0 7 ,1. , 299 .00 499.00 639 .00 299 .00 499.00 499.00 OEC 23 DEC 23 ONE WAY DEC 31 . JAN 0 714 I . 2. 3. 4 299.00 539 .00 OEC 30 DEC .30 ONE WAY JAN 0 7. 14 1. , 639.00 3'9 .00 559 ,00 559 .00 559.00 1. 3 559 .00 6. 9 559.00 299.00 4»9 .00 ONE'fII ,,~ 299 .00 3.19.00 2_ 3 4. 5. 6. 7. B 1.2 3. 4 . 5. 6. 7 299.00 KPO YAZIEP A ME TO SIS OCEANI C 30 OKTOBPIOY - 7 NOEMBPIOY To AEGEAN TRAVEL Kat 1'] HOME LINES rrpOCHjlEPOUV TO rrOAUn:AECJTaTO SIS OCEANIC (39 .241 TOVVWV) YUl ~H(l EDT AHMEPH KpouaL;lEpa CJTrlV BE p~o0Da Kat NaCJCJw Mrraxa~a c;. 'AvaxffipT]CJT] arro NEA YOPKH 30 ' OKTW~piou Kat £mCJTpOq>i] 7 NOE~~piou . MONO ~ £ 920 DOn . Kat' aTO~O. For reservations call : Toll Free (800) 221-5752, (800) 221-4470 10 ASTORIA 29·11 Ditmars Blvd. Astoria, N.Y. I J 105 Tel.: 932-3232 KARDAMYLIA TOURS 29-IIA Ditmars Blvd. Astoria, N.Y. 11105 Tel.: 721-7990 BROOKLYN 1670 East 17 Street. Kings Highway, Brooklyn, N.Y. Tel.: 376~ HOUSTON 92-31 Stella Link Houston TX 77025 GREECE 4-{; Filellinon SI. Piraeus Tel.: 452-6139 .NEA YOPKH· UEva~ ()lapatTJ~ tOU 200u airova a<PTJy£i tal TO NEO BIBAIO TOY K. 30 :E' 01..0 EK£lVOl to cSlIiOTl1J..lCt ToD lTOAEIlOU oi t<p01rALO"TE<; I-'U<;, t6ao nov ElXav (l7roKA€lO'td onlv' EAAu8a, 000 Kl EK€lVOl l£OU elX av Kae~Awe.i ato t1;w"PlKO (AovOivo, N. 'Y6pK~, di.), napaAATjACt J.lE: ric; onote.:; tlAA.€<; <ppovriOE<; tOUc; , o.0XOAOUVTQV Kat J..lE tr,v uvacruYKp6tTjOTJ nov vaUT1AICtKmv TOUC; ErnX€lPtlOEWV: Mt tTl jJop<pr, noo D.ll"tE<; 96: 'np€ 7t€ va m:ipouv clJ.lEOWC; ,.U;'t(l tit Atl~l1 toU 1tOAEJ,.tOll, Y10 va l. moptOQuV va aUJ.lIl€TaaxOUv J..lE 60'0 t6 eSuvaTe) ItEPlO'oCrtCPC<; J.lUacpoplKE<; &uvciJ.lel<; atr\v 7taYK6a~.I.\a VQUAuyopci. ~OAOl ~tpaJ..t€ nooc;. (hav eci:' nauav va PPOVTOUV nl Kuv6vlO, of ~6J.lpE<; Kal ot TopniAAc<;. 5)~0l oi. Aooi 9ci1u::<ptCtv J.lE rei J.loutpa OTrl V <ivOll<oooJJTJOT] trov t9vu(wv TOUe; OlKovol.nwv 1CUl 01 9aAuomvt<; J..'€tCt<popt<; yvropl~av ~.u:y6:All Q,q..lrl. auto tt<; 7tOA.E~IKt<; t~EA (~C l<; ti<; 7t(lpaKOAou90ucra~E Kat j..l' bnXE1P'1~UlIKO CVOlac.pEpov, npocrna9wvla~ va O IQlCPlVOU~E Otrl V O:nol..11~rl tou1:; Tt;V KUAll1:EP11 acpElllPia ~u<; yui t mXEtP1101UKt; avacruYKpOT110ll Kl t~OP~llol1 OtO VaUtE~n:oPH(O crTipo. 'Eyw epAcnu ti~ ~ETanoAqnKt; OUVOilK€e; 8paOT11PI0T11 Ta e; Otov nUYKOo~.Il0 VaUtqlnoplKo odpo Kai miv ~EyaA'l CUKulpia Ylo. nAt;Pll O:~lOnOl11all Tile; EAA11vlKilc; vaulooUV11e; cino t t;V E~nopIKtl JluC; vauttA{a, yui ltlV enoia 1'l7ttlPXav of npoun09tOELe; v' ciVa1ttU~E:t ~qciI..E<; 8uva~cte; Kal va rrponaywvlcrTtl0El OTi<; sa n' 9aAaoolE<; Jlctac.popt<;, llI..01tOlwvra<; tautOxpova Kat ttl MeyaAll , Iota ~t to a1tAw~a til<; 'EAAci8ac; ~ur; at oAEr; Tie; 8ciAaocrce; tau KOcr~OU. "EtOl ot 81KE<; ~ou 1tpoetolj..laaiee; Ot~ Xio eixavc Buo OtOXouC;: Tr;v civaouYKpOt110'l trov OlKOY£VEtU)crov Jlac; vauTlAlaKWV Emxtlpr;oewv Kai Tt; YEviKEUU11 tii<; vautoouvTjC; at 01..11 ttiv . EHlioa. . H aVatOAti tOU 1945 ~P~Ke ttiv Eupwrr~ tA£Ue.p~ Kai t6 y£p~avIKo oTpatO vO: OtVEl TiC; u:ll.£uTaiec; cl1tCYVWcrJlEvCC; JlO:XEC; lOU Iltoa Otr; xwpa TOU. Oi 80:AaooEC; dXav o1taAAayEi arro TO !pO po TroV y£p~avIKrov UTtOPPllXiOlV Kat KaTaOpOj..llKWV. ~EtOl to rEv6:Pll tli<; XPovlae; avtilc; " aOE:A.!plKtl ~ac; K01vonpa~ia, clnOtEAOUIJ£V'1 ano to 6.tWtlTP11, £1lE:Va Kal tie; xilP£e;<; JlUe; KaAA16n11 Aupa Kat Kativa Xat~l1avTUJv(h':l1. d1tO!pelOlOt va otEiAEI (no AovBivo to 6TWtlTpll, YU1 f;nlTOrna pOAIBoOKO1tllcr'1 tile; KUtO:Otao'1e; Kat "(10: trlv npo£lOl~aOta !lir; €mXEIP11~anK~<; ~a<; t1;6p~~a~<;. '0 ~.yaAUt£po<; aOeA'l'o<; ~a<; MlAnao~<;, trr~peaa~tvo<; Kl cl1tOlrlV a1tWActa tOU atlJo1tAOlOU «6.c).tpoi» Aiyoue; Iltlv£<; 1tpiv TOV 1tOAE~O , dX£ cirrocpaoioEt vO: 0PelO€l JlEta1tol..q-HKci oav Kan£taVtOe; Kai OCV Ttilpe j.ltpoe; OTTlV KOlV01tpa~ia. npaYlJatlKCz 00<; TO 1950 TtAOlo:pxcuaE 0' eva £j.lTtOPlKO trov'A/l.j>rov KOUI..OUKOUVTil Kl £rCElTa onOaUpOllKE a1tO TrlV U1t11PEoio appwoto<; Olrl V Aiyvouoa, onou KOl1tt8ovc to 1955. '0 .111IJTJTPTl<; uT6 Aovotvo ouvEpYO:OtTlK€ 1Ji; tOV Kouvu:ioo JlOU r. Kappa Kal 'iOPUOE ~al;; i TOU Kat Jlt li~J.. our; O'Uj.lTtOlplron:<; 1J0e; EUPUTCPTJ KOIVOTtpa~ia. nou npotP11KE crTrlV TtPOJlTl9tlU 1tEVTC KavaolKrov oKa!prov, Ylatt O'ltl ppEtaVIKt; a yopa otv unr;Pxav 1tAoia yui 1tOUl..lllJa . . 0 ouvoO'nlO'JlOe; cKdvoe; yto: 1tOAAOUr; Aoyour;. UnOKCIJlEVIKOIJr; KOt aVtlKC IIJ£VIKOU<;, otv 1tt;yatV£ ~1tPOOtO: Kal, a!pou O'T0,811 K£ ohia VO: ~ti OUI1IJ£tO:0X£L it OiKoYEvclaKTl lJae; KOIVO1tpa~ia ottl OlavOIJTl trov 100 "AiJlTtcptu<;», av Kai dXE OlKoiw~a, 8LaAu811KE IJ£TO: 5-6 XPOVtO npOIo::aAoovTar; CtAuOWtte; dVllOpelm:lr; Kai oTTlv ciOEA!plKtl ~a<; halpia, a1t' C1tOU ci1t0XWP110E 6 aOEAc.por; ~a<; ~~~titP~<;. "Eva Xpovo cipy6ttpo, apxtr; lOU 1946, rrilya Kt tyw OTO OKTflBPlm: 1982 ANllPEA r . AAIMOY Aov8ivo, YIO: v· avavEcilow tie; TtP01tOAE~tKtC; ,IJOU O,XtOEle;YE trj vaulcll1tOPUCtl 6:yopo: taU Kal va taKtorrO t 110~ ;le; . lOtatt,Eper; €1tlXEtPtl0Ct<; 1tOU £tXUIJE t"(ro Kl it yuvalKa JlOU JlE toy a8EA!p0 t11r; rtO:VV11 Kappa. BpilKo TtlV ciYYAucr; rrpwtc\)ouoa OE TtATlP11 ciVOIKOOOPTJtlK~ opyocrJlO Kal TrjV 6:yopa tTJe; v avcpaiv;'l ~at~1tATlKT~Ka y~py? puO~6, n00 8tv ClcPIVC KaJlHl tilJtptpoAta, 1tW~ to AOV_OlVO bEV 9, apyoum: vel ~avanoXTTloEI ta rrporroAE~l1(a npWTi:L(l lOU Oto naYKoo~lO vaut£j..l1t0plO. M' tvw1tUJoiaoE iOtatLEpa ti ci"(Y)"K~ vaUnAIUKTlTtOAltlKrj. 'H BpETavIKtl Kuptpv110T) dxe tiYKaAu10El ~i: iOI,a~tCp11 OT,Opytl tOUr; vauTIAour; TTj<;, P0118oovtar; TauT6xpova Kal ooour; ~EVOUr; ti9EAav VO: KOtaOTtl00UV to Aov8ivo Kf:VlPO tlie; VaUTEJlnOptKilr; TOUe; opaOt11PIOT11lar;. KaTO: t~ liLapKEta tOU nOAtlJov oi HnA dxav vau1tTlytlm::l napa rrOAAa !pOPTTJYO: nAoia t unou "Aij.l~Cptu<; .. ("~A.EU9~p~a») Kai "PiKTWpUe;" ('<VIK11)') YIO: ttl j.I£Tacpopa rro )"c lJlKWV K.n, UA lKWV OTa j.1hwTta Kai OtOUe; EUI1I16.XoUe; .• Htav OAO tOUe; 1010U tUrrOll, 1l0la.~ovTar; nOAl! IlE to: tOTE: ,!poPt~yo: « tpa,~1t<; ... ~lxov o~we; XWP11tlKotTlta Kal KlVOUVTav IJ£ nEtpcAatO, avantuuoovta<; roptaio taXUt11ta 10- 11 1J1Ala. M£TO: Ttl ).tl~l1 tou rroAE~ou evae; Jlq_o.Aoe; ci~18j.1oC; cl1t~ TO. c.pOPt11YO: aUlO: OKel<p11 dxav 1tapOTtAIOTCl, m:p,IJl£VOVTar; I'll OlaOEOTl TOUe; nrro ttlv' AJlEPIKaVtKll Ku~epV110l) one; ,KaT£oTpuj.t~i:v£r; ct')P(J)1tOlK.Er; XoopEr; - dVel~£Uci lOUr; Kal ti BtK11 Jla<; - Yla ttlV clvaOUYKpOU]OT) nov €lJnOplKrov tou.; VaUtl)..twV. '0 MavoA11r; KouAOUKouvtile;, 6 Ntolopar; OUto<; til; t~1tOplKilr; Jlar; vauTlAlar;, rrou cino tt;V apxry .lO~ ~OAE':~OU pptcrK6Tav OTrlV 'A ~EPIKtl opcilV'tae;; ttponAI0tlKa Qrro t11 N. y~ OPKTj, dOE O'Ta OKO:!P11 autO: to mo KatO:AI..!1Ao Kl EUKat~taK~ VALKO Y1(i ttlv civaouYK pOTTJOfl t~r; vaunA,ta<; ~?-<;. r Lan K?I vtOVaU1trlY11ta "tav (IJOA\(; OUlJrrAl)pWva~ Tllv ~pWt11nC~a£Tt~ tile; ~wiir; TOUr;). Kai KatO:Al..ryA~ (~tl~!~EVa Yla PCto!pop£<; K~l KlVOUJl£Va IJE nEtptAolO), Kat ~C WVOtKOT,atO,ue; opoue; 1t~00!p£ POVlOV: I:ttlV 'EAI..11VIKt; Ku~tpv~Oll "(la T~V KaTa~OIJTJ tO~<; Otouc:; "EAAflvc<; tc.p01tAlOTE<;, 1t0\) dxav ~a?£ L. OKa_f.Pll ,OtOV nOI..E~o. npoo!pi:poVTQV npoe; 544.000 001..1.. .• a~o,Ta 6rroLQ to 25% JlEtP11tO: Kai T() U1tOA011tO 75% crt E1K001 Etllcrtce; tOKOXPEOAUtlK.E<; OOOEt; xa~l)AO TOKO. ' H EUKUtp(a "tav j.tOVUOIKtl Kai ,,6 M., KouAouKouVT~C:; KIVrj911KE opaonipw Yla ttlV ci1toXt110Tl 000 TO Ot)~aTo nt~lOOo t£PWv .. ).. i~rrEptuc:;» drro tOUr; "EAAllvt<; ~cporrAloTE~. I:uvavl~o£ 5~we; OI)OKOAlE<;, 0Xl ono tTlv ·Aj.ttpI~avIK11 , Ku~t~vTJory, QAt.. drro trjv 'EAAl)vlKtl Kal TOIJC:; €!P01tAIOtcC:;,~a5' ~ npwT'1 Ol?Ta~e va €YYUl)9Ei to XP£WOltKol)JtoAOl1to. Kat Ol,OE~TCP<?t -.01 tr.ponAIOt€<; ~ar; - EXOVtar; KaKrl rrttpa cin6 t11V Ol~ tOTE aVT!Va\)~ TtAWKtl rro/.1nKtl tau Kpo:tou<; ~ae;. Olola~av va ~TtAEXtoUV O£ ayopt<; ~t tti ~EcroAIi~~a~ t~<; Ku~tpv~ati<; ~a<;. EuvE1tEla tile;; Ol1tAilr; aUlilr; OtoTOKTtK6tlltae; "tav va, xoPTlY1190uv l£AIKo. - t6 1947 1Ji; 10 VOJlO M1tAO:Vl, - Ot,tlv .EA~ Alioa bcaTO IJOVO ",..lJl1lEpttx;», nou anOtEAEoav ;TJ ~ay~a yu?- try ~U Jl11 tile; j..l£TanOI..Ej.tlKii<; tlJrrOPIKil<; .IlU<; VOUTtAIOe; rrov, ti1t~ to 1967 KpataEI to: 1tpcm£ia OtOV 1taYKooJllO VaUtE~rropl~o ~ltPO, nopou01o:~ovTa<; K0:8e XPOVO Ttl ~cyoAUtCP11 Jl£tQ!P0PIKll ouva~l1 ~Cta~U OAWV twv tOVtKWV €Jt1tOPIKWV VaUTlAlwv. ETO 8taotlWa TWV ouo ncpirrou ~Tlvrov. rrou €KElVl) '(tl c.popa OtO AovOivo , Btaniotwoa: nwe; npaYJlaTtKo. ol IJEtanOI..E~IKtc:; ouv9ilK£e;, VO~tE~rro PIKfj; oPooTllPIOt11Tae; rrupouCJlo:~ov'tav €~alpEnKa CUVOlKf:e; l~etva II YHi tr]v f:117tOPIKTi l1a~ vaunAia. YU1 vei Ylyavtw8e.i ~E yopyo pu8flO Kal va 7tpoy~atwoe.l autr] JlE ni rrovto7topa OKa.CPll tll<; ttlv f:9VIKr] ~a<; Me.yeiAll 'IOta, nou ti nOAltlKOOtpattUlttKit Jla~ ~ye.oiu elXe: 9puf.lJlutlOU to 1922 atit MIKpaaia. Kai noo<; y\a tTlV KaAlm:Pl1 napaKoAou911all nov OlKOy£v£tUKOOV jla<; VaUtlAtaJcooV EmXUPTl0e.wv, Jla Kal Yia tTlV a7tooottKOtEPll briooatl jlOU attl ye:viKWOll tii<; vautoouvllr; OtO Aao jlar;, E7tpe.7t£ va f.l£tacpEpUl to KEVTPO tiir; opaOtT]plOtT]tar; jlOU ano Ttl Xio Otr]v 'AtttKr]. VEtcrt TO l:E1tTEJlPptO TOU 1947 EYKaTaotcl8T]Ka jlE tTlV oiKoye:Ve:\cl jlou Kai to: ne.9EpIKO: flOU OTr]V ' A9tlva, EYKalV10:~OVtUr; 1110: opaoTllPto-TllTa £uputepll Kat. mo noAUKA.aOll, xwpir; vei jlUWOW TO EvOIacpEpov JlOU yui Ttl ye:VETtlpa It£PlOXtl jlOU, nOll EmOKEmOJlal ouxv6;: TUKttKQ Ka9E KaAoKaipt YU1 rrap08£pIOjlO Kt £KtaKta (hav to KaA£i KO:ltOta avaYKll. 'Ano TO 1967 JlaAIOtO, nou ti Xior; ouvoE811K£ atponopIKcl jlE ttlv •A9Tlva, Ot EKtaKti:r; £lttcrKE'Vt1r; jlOU ltUKVWOav n10 ltOA.u Kai YIO: to AOYO Ott, 000 YEpei,W, tOOO ouvatottpa vtw9w tir; pisEr; jlOU va jlE tpat,louv OtOV TOltO nou ytvvti81lKa. To dnoO'nQO')1Q nov QKo1ovUti ano to vto PtP1io toil K. 'AvOPEQ r. AUL).loil civo.«pipEtal O'ttlV KataO'tQGl1 rij<; 'ElJ"'l1v1Kij.; 'E)1nopucii<; NQv!lAlQ~ KUta K(1i ).lEta tOY E)1«pv110 no1E).lo KQt tilv QVaJ.ll~tl to\) O'ttlv n01ltl.o1. PUO'lKO O'tOIO va P0'1911O'TJ tilv NUVUAlu .• 0 OP0)10~ nou OltlYUO'E dno tOtE tl'EAAllVlKiI Nuv!lAia KaUp€ntl~£tQl J.lf: tva npoo«pato «pUpo nl<; Wall Street Journalnou Oil Ppii 0 dva'YvooO't'1~ O'd~ Q'YYAtKt~ )10.<; a€Alo£<;. To apOpo civo.«pipna1 atilv KpiO''lnoi> J.laO'ti~£l cnl).l€pa ti]v tAJ.'1V1KiI n1010Kt'1CJi(1, KpiO'T) nou OA01 €ul0J.laat£ va ~t1t€paO'tii to (J1)VtOJlOOtEpo. 01 EEEAIEEIl: l:TH NA YTIAIA MAl:: l:tiJv ntpiooo tOU 'EjlcpuAiou oi tcponA1oTE; jla;, 3pri)\tta~ o.rro tOY n£lpal(l, to !\ovOivo Kal til N. 'YoPKT) KUl nEpttpEXOVta; DAa to. ~EyaAa VaUttll1tOptKo. KtvTpa tou KOOIlOU, aVOOUYKp01:0Uaav ti<; VaUtIAlaKE<; tou<; E:mXEtprlOEl;. TO. 154 nAoia tOu.;, nov e.IXav YAltWO£1 ana to g nUYKoollLO rro Ar.f.lO, OtOV o1tolo elXav Ilnd IlE 583, ritav nOAu Aiya. f1 auto npoo1:pe:xav crt oAe.r; tir; nAOtayoptr;, a1t' 01tOU ayopu~av 1tAoiu nOAt~lKWV tunwv to: mo ltoAAa, iha9ttovta; 1'i~ anOslljllWcr€l<; tOOv pUe1ajltvwv Otov 1tOAejJo oKa~wv tou<; Kat tir; OlKOVOf.ltr.r; tOll;. 'YnoAoyiSETat 1t(.o<; ffi<; to ttAO; tOu 'E).lCPUAiou oi "EAAllve<; E~onAIOtE<; dxav 1tpO),llleWtEi 300 7tEpinou TttOla oKaq>l1, t~ov o.1tO to. 100 .(;", YUl to. ()1toia ypcicpw mo ncivw, to: 78£~ajlEV07tAOlU XWPlltlKOTlltU; 10.500 tovwv YKPO<; 1te:Pl1tOU to KUOE:va notJ it .A),ltPLKO:VIKTl KUPEPVllOT] XOpr]YT]O£ Ot~V •EAAllVtKi] Kt autiJ cr' tcponALatE'; jlur; to 1948, K'.ai ta 20 n£pinou YEp),laVIKa nAoia, nou dXav 30ed yto: nOA£jllKr, aJtosT]jliwoT]. .6.111aoi] ttAll tOU 1949 tl EAATlvLKiI €),lnOplKit vautlAta£ OtO naYKOojllO vauttjl1tOPLO jlt nEVTEJ.1tcrt nEpinou £KaTovla3E; novlonopu oKaCPll. 'ApK£To. OE OUYKPlOll J.1E o.A.Ae<; valJtlALatCEe; xwpte;, JJO: nOAtJ Aiya yto: to 8Uva).llOjlO tll; . Ba ).lnopODoe vu' Xe1 nOAl! ne:pLOOOtEPU, ov OE ouvavtouo£ i:jlrrOOta ano 1'OV 'EI.UPO),LO. fLatl t~altia<; 10l) tl UjJtP1KUV1Kll n10tWtlKi] oyopa 8£OlPOUOE ovampaAt; 1'iJ ol1jlaia jla<;. KatatOOoovta~ tit xwpa jla<; ~£ta~v tKeiVWV no\; af.lcptcrplltlOtav ~ E1ttKpaT£la tou<;, Kai OEV aVOlyt OtOV EAAllvlKO £cponA10~0 Tt<; rrop1:£e; Tll~. Of E~07tA10tte; J.1a~ tOU aVaYKaOtT)KaV vO: 1tpoo~uyouv (Hi, ~EVE, (J~~aiE, Kai ~ A~~~ tOO 'E~<pUAiou ~pfjKE t~V t~noplKtl J.1Ur; vUlJtlAia yO: 8taoxi £l tie; 9aAaoo£r; jl£ To.n£plOootepa tT]<; nAoia va jJiJ q>EPVOUV OtOV; iOTOtJC; tOUe; tilV £AAl1v1KTt olljJat.u, O:AAO: ~tvr.r;: tiC; Aty0IlEVE<; «o'1jJuiE<; £UKOAiU<;». . H faAavoA£uKT) KlJjlUtl~t oXe:06v ),lOVO Ota oKei<Pll, nou YU1 T~V d~6XT~(J1i tOU, ElXE ~£(JoAa~1i(J£l ~ Ku~tpv~(J1i ~a, ~ ilW'u)otl Tllr; 0' atita anOltAoDO£ oUjJpauKiI unoXPEwoll ror; tr,v unOnAllPWjlrl tOlJr; - Kat a' EAaxt<JTa ana ta np01tOAejllKa.. s - 12 Kat to Xr.tpOtEPO y\(1 ttl OllJlata jlac; riTav, OTt 6 8poJ.10~ rrpor; ti<; OllJ.1ai£r; r.uKoAiar; tlXE unOOttXTd npoocpopor; Y1a tit YPTlYOPll avanTu~ll tWV VaUtlAtUKooV bnxetptlcre:wv, JlE OUVE1tEta va tOV aKoAou80uv 01...0 Kal ntplOooU:POl tqJOnAtottc; Jla<;. "OXl ).lOVO ytaTi Ot unoxp£roo£l; tOUr; - OlKOVOlltKtc; Kat A£ttOUPYLKEC; - npoe; Ta KPcltll T&V OT]jlULWV EUKoAiae; litav A1YOTEpEe; un' tKdve~ rrov OTlJlLOUPYOUOE Tt G'I'Woll tfje; raAavoAwKlle;. ' AAAa Kai ytati npoocp£\)yovtae; d aUltr; YAitcovav a.ltO tiJv KpaTlKtl Jlar; ypaq>ELOKpatia, nou rl Xpovopopa OlaOllwoia tll; tiJv €KaV£ E:mKivouva aVttVUUtl/,LCtKtl. "OJ.1w<; ti KaAu'l'l1 Trov nAolwv Jlae; Jlf: ~EVEr;£e; tYKUjJovoocrr. KIVMvour; yta tiJv f:!lnOptKr] jlur; vauttAio Kai yui TO "E8voe; jJar; YEVLKOtEpa, nov 6 eaAaocrtv6c; ayrovar; xapaKtTlP{~El €VTOVa Tit <PuolOyvwjlia 'tou. Kai tOUto ytati Ot ~tver; oT]jlaiE;: , A/.Aoiwvav - IlttWttKa mlv 0Tl.uaitr; dlKoAiac; -tOY WVLKO xapaKttipa tfjr; vaotlAlae; jlae; OTiJV rraYKOOJ.1ta KOt vil YVWJ.1T], nov TiJV f:KtlJlOOOt YU1 titv aYWV10ttKOtlltc1 tTl'; Kat tilv ~e:xmpL~t ano TiJ faAavoAEUKll, nou KUJ.1UttSt OteVr; i010Ur; tllC;· "AVOlyUV OtanAata ti; nopt£e; Ota ~tva n),llPwjJaTu Y1a TiJV EmlvOpwoll tOOv 1t1.OLffiV tlle;, anOjlaKpUVOVTUr; TTlV 01...0 Kal n10 1tOAU a1to to pacrtKo napayo vta nov EnlTUXUOV T11<; of: OATJ Tilv iOtOP1Krl Tll; E~tAl~l1: 'Ano tilv EAAT]V1KiJ vautOouvll, nov ano ta nuvapXULa XPovla OttK£Tat ~ KUpta OUVaJ.lll TOU 9aAaomvou Jlar; aywva Ka1 nou cpopEie; tT]r; dva1 jlOVO oi"EAATJVE<; vautLKOl, anottAwvtar; tie; 'VUXf:<; TroV nt. .olffiv Ilae; . 'An0J.10Kp(llVUV 01..0 Kai mo nOAv tiJv EJ.11tOptKr] jlur; vaulLAia tiJv KOltitia tT]e;, Jlt TiJV onoia, o:v'ti9tTa, 90. £1tp£1t£ va otvov'tal 01..0 Kai mo YEpa, OllJ.1lOupyrovTa; cr' Qt')ttl KaTeiAAllAll U1totiOjlti, YLo. va JlnOpEOEl va nlv KatUaTtl0£L 000 10 tiuvaTo YP'1yopo1'£pn KEVtpO tfjr; opaotT]ptOtllta<; tllr; · rWtt Ot 01E8v£i; E~r.Ai~r.tC; €OEtXVav, moe; of: fJ apyouo£ ~ EnoxiJ nOD Y1a TiJ OUJ.1J.1E'toxiJ OTOV naYKOOJ.1LO vuuttjlnOpLKO olipo 8' ananouvtuv art' oA£r; tie; vaulLAi£; yvtlota f:SVtKit tUutOTT)ta. Kat yvtlota £AAllv1KiJ TautOTlltU YU1 tit vautLAlCt jlac; 8a n£i: Kapapta Ill: o:vaptlljlEVll Tr; faAavoAEUKT) OtO jl£Olavo tOUr; KataplL Kat Ilt 1tAllPwjJaTa "EAAllvte; ana TO .uOUtcro roc; tOY KunuO:vlO. ffOnffir; <peiVllKE nla Kai 01tffi<; 9a Kata3£lXt£i Twpa nov Jl1trlKa~E Otitv EOK, 1l0VO Jl' autr; tiJv taUTOtllTa il tjlJtOPLKtl ).la<; VaUtLAia Sa E~QacpaAlt;£ tie; KaAuTepe.e; rcpoUn08tot1r; YLa £1tLPiwoll Kai npOKOrrtl otir; jJElaltOAEJ.ltKEr; cruvOfjKEr; tOO ttPl1VIKOO avtaYffivt0f.loD ll£ta~D tooV tevwv. rtati ti £AAllVlKtl ol1jJaia Kai ta l:AAllvlKa nATlPWJ.1atu hwvouv OE oAE; tir; 9aAaooe; TOU KOOIlOU ta nAoia tllr; OE l:vtalo OUVOAO, OT]jllOUpYWVtu<; eUVOlKE:<; ouvefjKtr; yt' a~lOnoill0T] tiir; vOUtOcruvllr; J.1a<;"Errp£rrE AOl1tOV, npopOAe OIlV £8VtKO Ka8i;KOVY1a to Kputo<; ).la; Koi tOV 'Eq>orcALojJo !lar;. va OTajlattlOtl jJtta tOV 'E,uq>UAlO 1'l napa1tEpa CI.1tOKAlO"ll Tii; tKtponi;<; tfjr; t).lltOpLKiir; Jlac; vaunAla<; ano TOV t8VlKO tT]<; tiPOjJO Kat v' apxioouv 000 TO OUVCtt() YPllyopoTEpa oi 8La01Kaoi£<;, 1tOU 8a OUVtEAOUOaV OtO v' aVtlKataotaivouv ti.; ~t:v£<; ollllaler; IlE TiJV €8VlKtl jln<; KOSe Xpovo 01.0 Kat 1t€ptOootepa nAoia. flO. V' apxioouvojJw<; aurl:r; ot Ota01Kaoie<;. €nptne Kai oi 3uo uneu9uvOL yta tiJv EKTponit VaUtLAlaKOl Ilar; napeiYOVTe; v' ava9£wPtl0ouv Tilv taKtlKrl tOu<;: Oi Eq>01tALOTE.; J.lar; va oouve: titv E~EA1~11 tOW ETttXttpr]otwv TOU~ at JlaKpOXPoVlO 1rAOVO Kat VO: EKTljlTlOOUV OWOta Tr, 0lljlata tfje; EnavaouvtiEorl<; TOU; jlf: tflv Konitia tOue;. Kat to Kpater; jJa; va npooaPJ.100el tiJ VaUtLAlUKrl tOU nOAttLKtl Ota tOtE VaUtlALaKa jla~ O£OOjlEVa, 1tOU ouvt8£1'av t~V E~fjr; e:lKOVa, OE YEVlKE<; ypaJlJlEr;: Ot E<p01tAlOtE'; f.lar; oav OTOjla Kat OCtV €rcOYYEAllatlKil t(i~TJ, oPWVtU~ Oto t~WtePLKO, dxav ltpoonepaotl tic; OUOKOAier; TOO 'EjJ<pUAiou jlE ttlV 1tPOocpuYTl tOue; oti<; ~EVte; OlljJaiE<;.. onffir; ypacpw Kat mo navw, Kai elxav 0llll£tWO£t jJEYaAe.r; tm tUXiE<; .• H vaUlLAtaKr, Kpiol'J 1'00 1949 dXE lte:plOpiott Kunw<; Til opaaotllptotllta TOUr;, 6 KOpe:UtlKOr; nOA€J.10r; £:Kav£ nOAu KEPOO<popt~ tie; 8aAaoOl£C; jJf:1'a<popt; npo; tllV n£plOXtl tOU Kai o{ 1;q:J01tAtOtt~ Jlar; E7t£o08T]KaV Jlt ~i'tAO atfiV £KJl£taAAWOr] lOU ano .NEA YOPKH. £1rEvotlovtar; 1"a KEpOT] TOU'; of: veer; vCtUtlAWKEr; trnXEtprlOE1<;. J.lE (JDvbrtlQ tit YPrlYOPll - aAJ..I.CtflKtl Sd EAeya - aU~TlO'TJ nilv TrAoirov rile; ~u:"tavaotpla<; vautlAiar; 110;. To KpaTOr; J..I.Cl<;, nounavra epAEJ't"E tijv tJ..l.1tOPUCrl J.1ac; va\)nAta (Jav J[/,QUmCl q>oPOnTlYti Kat 0X1 (Jav e8vlKrl Pto,ullxavia to EKJ..I.t:rUAAWOTl<; TOU SaAaomvou 1tAOIJTOU, 1947, 1nE~6J.levo Ki rl.c; civci:YKt<; TOl>' ElltpUAIOl), apXHJ€ va ttpapJ..l6 ~El 0 & papee; tile; ElOIKO: IpOPOAOYIKCtJ,1ttpa, noo 1948 niipav Ka6ap6 VQUtlAlUKO xapaKtr1pa J..I.E Tl) N.~. 567 Kal IlE 'l'rlqnOJ,lCl. to to Nr av'tl- ME TO npWTO - to N.~. 567 «nepi !P0p0A-oyia; TWV KEPSWV TroV J.lllxaVoKlv'linov TrAoiwv» - bnpaAA6tClv J..l£ avaopo~mcti loxi> anD 1.1.1947 ipOpoAoYla 50% ala KtpOTl . nou i>1tOAoyi~ovtav au6aipua, aav «TEK)lapta», ano TOUe; <popon;xv1KOU~ U1taAAr;A.ou~. Kat Il€ to OeUtEpO - to Nr 'Vr;qnOJlCl tti~ lOlCle; XpOV1a~ <paAKtOWOtClV to 20% tWV K£<pClACliwv tWV tAA11vIKWV vaULlAIClKWV E1t1XElPrlO"f:wv, 1tOU opouaav OtO t~wt£ptK6. . H ICpaLlKtl aut" tOKLlKti t<pEPE TOUe; t<p01t)~lO"TE e; Jl1t POOTa OtO oiA.rlfllla: .. H 1tE18aPXrlaouv KClt va 1tEPlOP10roUV ata 000. dXav e1tltUXEl 00<; tOTE, Olo.KIVOUVEUOVta<; aK0j111 Kat ttiv 1tapaKj1tl1tOU o:KOAou8Ei ' ta t El Ota otaj1alrlIlOta, il va Iltl 11:E18apXtloouv Kai vo. o uvExioouv ttlv 11:opEia tOue; npoe; ttlllEyciAll eTtlLUxia, j110: K1 auti] tOTE Otaaq>aAt~6Tav Ilt TiC; «ollllai£e; EUKoAia<;». npOtllllloaV ttl oeU-r£Pll AVOll Ill: OlJVE1tEla v' cmoOUVOEEtal oAO Kat 1tlO ltOAD 1) EIl1tOPtKtllla<; VaUt1Aia ano ltlV KOltioa t11e; , npompeuyovtae; otic; ~tvtc; 0Tlj1ait<; Kai OTa ~Eva TtAllPWj1ata, Kai. TO xaOj1a ll£ta~U bporrAlOtrov Kat Kpcitouc; va IlqQAWVE1 ouvtxroe;. MEta t OV 'Ej1<pUAIO otv eYIve Kallllla ltpoami8Elo am) to Kpatoc; j1a<; yui Ttl YEqllJpWOll tOU xaOj1aTO~. £vw to: KtpOll ano TO KopEaUKO to Ol£UPUVQV CtK0I111 nepIOOOtEPO. a.noppoqu'Ov"tae; tOUe; c<ponAIOtEe; Ilac Otnv 000 to OUVQTO IlEYaAl)tEPll EKIl£TaAAWOtl tou<;. KL €TtpErrE ti KQtaOTOOTl autil va Atl~l::l- va 0EOOPlloa Ko8fjKOV j10u va OUj1PciAW Kl tyw IlE oAee; IlOU Ti<; ouvallEle; OTT}V £~OlJ.ciAUVOTl. j1EOOAQPWVTQ<; lJ£La~U KpciTOUC; Kat ' E<p01tAIOI.lOU. K1 a1tO TllV tYKaTaOtaorl j10U OtTlv ' A8rlvO 1') opoOtllPlOTT]t(lIlOU otpa<PTlKE Kat. rrpoe; aut" tilv KaTEu9uvOll. 'H tcponAlOtlKtl j10u lc'5tOtl1tQ Kai "ri KOIVWVIKtll10U opaOtll' PIOTTlta IlE potl8'1crov vo. ETteKteivw tie; YVWP1IJiEC; IJOU Kai o'tOV KUKAO tt;e; tOU nOAlLIKile; tlYEo iac; j1ac; Kl apX10a va £moL(i));:w 1tpoypaj1j1aUOj1EVO o uVaVttloEtC; j1f:. tOUe; EKnpOOW1toUC; tTle;. orov<; 01tOlOUC; aVEntuOOa TtiV KatcioTaaTl 11:0U 1tapouoi.a~E 1) £l1rrOpIKrlllae; vauLlAla. 'Iotaitepa TO. IlEtpa bCEivo.nou 8a. pOll8ouoav ati}v EVap~TJ til<; £1tloTpoq)"ii~ nov 1tAoiCllV lJa; Oti} raAavoAEUKT]. .1la1tlOtCllOa t6n, 1tW<; "ri E~nopIKtl j1ae; vautlAia E~aKo Aou8ouOE va napall£w':l 6 <'IlE:yae; uyvwOtOe;» Tij~ E1toX"iie; lOU BAUOTl rapplTlAioTJ, yta OAOUe; oxeoov tOve; 7tOAttlKOU<; Kai TOUe; o.A).OU<; - atpo.tlClltlKOU~, nvW~atll(Ou<;. 8PTJOKeUtlKOUe; Kai A0l1t0lx; - l"')yttEe; l1ar;. lxd";ov OA01 TOU; t"v tpAEnov oav U1tO8EOll trov £cponAIOtwV l1ar; 110VO, TOD<; o1toioue; Ol1ttO 1tOAAOi 6auj1a~av . Xwpie; pEpala va A€l7tOUV Kl EKEivOl nOD tOue; KOtaAOY l~av j1eHllj1EvTJ t6VIKti ouvcio'1ott, £nel~il avtlOpoucrov OTiC; etOlKE<; KpatlKl:<; <popoAoyiEe;. Evro Kata til YVWj1TJ "[oue; 00. ErrpEne OlKElO8£AOOr; va rrpoo<ptpouv 1toAJ..a1tAciOlQ Yia ti]v <iVLl~Etffi1tIOTJ tWV OUOKOAlroV tOU Kpatoue; ~ac;. rEV1Ka Ilrropoo vo. ltW Y1(1 TOUe; 1tOAltlKOUC; j1Qe; 'iYet£<;, n:u)e; oexovmv ti<;'¥el<; j1ou. wOj1w<; otaj1QtOUaClV OlO"tOxtlKa oTi<; OiKOVO~lKE<; ~a1tavE<; Yia ouo A.oyoue; Kala ti} yvrollTl ~OU : rtati 6 EnavanatpIOIlOe; tile; IlEtavcicrTplae; vauLlAioe; lJar; analtOUOE j1aKpOXPOV1Ee; olo.olKaoiE<; Kai otv E~U1tTlPEtOUO£ al1£cra KO~llla npoow1tllCT1 lOUe; il KOIJI1atlKtl nOAILlKTl OK01tlIlOtTlta. Kat YlaTt Ol:V IJ.lropouoav va OUVEI0TllOnOltl00uv crt OAT] tOU tTlV £K"taoTl to POAO T~<; tJlnopIK~ <; Jla, vautlAia, "T~V EeVIK~ Jla, ~"'~' npaYJla ltOU 9a TOUe; POTJ80uoe va tKtlllr;aOUV OW(J"fa ti<; u1toxpe6>oel~ tfj<; nOAlTElae; lJar; Qn:tvavti tTJ<;· , 'EKAeKrijr:; nOlOr1]rOr:;, navror:; e'fc5ovr:; yovvaplKa :EE TIME:E EPrO:ETA:EIOY OiKOVOJlihE ltEplaaOtEpa amv IjIWVii;;EtE ta yOlJvaplica aa~ alt' E0eEia~ am) t"V ltTJYTl. THAEq,nNHLTE rIA APPOINTMENT ,\i:v XPEWVOf1E [~tpa YUl d()lId:~ ltapayyd.iE~ MAKOS & ZIAS FUR CO . 333 7th A VENUE NEW YORK. N.Y. 10001 (212) 564-0062 . (212)736-8332 OKTOBPIOI: 1981 .10 DUNCAN STREET TORONTO. CANADA M5V 20 (410) 977-.1755-57-82 ATHANASJOU DJAKOLI 18 KASTORJA . GREECE (467) 28 207 13 athens rI -----------------,II I i ~~cOo~~~ I Yitltenian i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL iI ~::':;.. G'lt Shop Books, Records I I I I I I Imported Ceramics from Greece 323 WEST 42nd STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10036 Tel.: (212) CI 7-{;244 / C[ 7-{;2J9 r----'---------------, I Holiday Inn The most accommodating people in the world Location: The Holiday Inn is situated near the center, a few minutes walk from both the business and tourist parts of Athens. Accommodation: 200 rooms each with private bath. shower and toilet, television, radio, telephone and airconditioning/ heating. Facilities: Restaurant, American Bar, Coffee Shop, Discotheque, Bowling, Meeting and Banquet facilities up to 500 persons. For reservations contact: any Holiday Inn reservation office, any Holiday Inn front desk, or your travel agent. Address 50 Michalacopoulou Street, Athens, Greece Telephone 748322-748320 TELEX 21-8870 ---------------------------, I OYSTER BAY CRYSTAL PALACE 'Aod.tpOi TOM ~---------BE GREEK TONIGHT BASK UII THE SUVSH/,\"E AND WARMTH OF.H AUTHENTiC GREEA' t) SPECIAL BELL Y DANCER Sa\'or rhe smells f and rastes" a NIGHTL y cuisine h orn in With ou r lalest ex tenSIon we can caler 10 450 people Liv~ InlunalionaJ Floor Show FEA TURING GRfEA GOl 'R .\1 Fr FOOPS 35-35 30th A VENUE ASTORIA, N.Y. 11103 dLtu8uvri\, K.aorW;", 370 ROUTE 46 SOUTH HA CKENSACK .I."" 14 I rh, is/ands uf Greece ASTRO STUDIO L __________________________ I I<<<i nnA_,KA_:::~ __ RESTAURANT 'E).).1'/ViKO (/JwTOyparpeio arr,v KaptJul rfjc:; 'Aar6plac:; I Opm Reservations l20 I) 440-177 [ Daj~1' at 5 • ChJud rUt·.~dal · II I ~ L-----------------------J Kata t ijv Olo:pKLlav tOU en tKOUtvavtiov "tWV 'ItaArov dO POAEWV aYWVOt;, £lIlOlC£nto~ouv Ku9TH.H:PlVWt; tOUt; O'uv£Xw~ ).lEra<P£PO).lEVOU~ an6 to ' AApaVtKOV ~ ttw nov ti PWlKOU~ tpau).latia~, o i 6noiol ).lOU a<PTlyoGvro t6:~ a ypia~ ,.uiXac; d.~ to. anpoatta BOpEtOTlnCLpWtlKa pODva .. Arro tOV 'IctVOUUPLOV tOU 1940, aVE).ltV£tO w~ pcf3ala Kai ti f EP).lClVIKij bti8EOl~ i:vavtiov rfi~ 'EAAcioot; (bnXe:iPTlOlt; «Mapita,,). 6 6 rroia o~w, e~.8~A"'8~ ~6vov t~V 6~v' ouvouaa8daa ).ll: tijv En1XEiPTJOtV «tl ).l wpia.~ T'i~ NOttooAaui.a~» . tl 6nola aVETPE'I'f. ta aPXIKa OXBOW tou re:p).laVLKOU otpanrrElou. ~lIi titv aouowTtT]tOV n ,.uopiav Kai OUVtPlPitV t il<; NotLOOAauiac; Kai tijv unotayitv tiiC; ·EAA.cioo~ . Elxov own;9fj 15 fe:pj..!avIKai j..!€papxiaL, t K trov o noiwv ni:VtE - ouo otpatou Kai. Tp€i~ n:OWpaKIO).lEVal - H.apov ).lEPOt; etc; t ~ V €ni.Stat v evClvTl0v twv oxuprov toG PoGn€A Kai Tilv npoEAuolV npoe; ta~ 'A erl va~. ElXa ti}v TUXTl V va En:tOKLcp8ro tOV npootOY tpauJ.1ati.av €K trov unEpaonlOtWV TOG PoGm:A d~ to vooOKo,.u:iov "Euayycl..lO ).lO~ », ~O ). LC; ).l € taKo~Hcr OE:vTa de; ta<; 'A8~va~. TiJv mrYKIVTjtlKtlV aqlllYTjOlV toG naAATJKa ptOu autou rijv ~ava ppfiKa toopa, ).lEOa etc; to: Kltpt Vto).lEVa anD roy Xpovov Kai nJ.Elwc; ATJO).lOVTJ).ltva toG 6YKOOOOU<; apxetou ).lOU, ano to 6noiov oiow OT)).lEPOV. AOYoo tfjc; t1ttKatpOtTltO~, tilv toG ~pWlKOG rpuuj..!atlou tOu PounEA., ti 9PUAIKij avriotaat<; trov unEpaonlOtwv tOU onoiou npocKO:A€OE tOV Oal>).lao).lov roD K6o).lou, OUj..!nEplAa).lpaVO).liVOD t oG XitAEp. 2811 ' OKtw~piou 1940 ,. E1t01tOtta ~ EX9 poC; ril~ E.TtH€9fj. Mepa-VUKta npEnCl va €XOU).l£ tOv VOU j..!at; . »Kat tOV E'i'la).l€! ME to BouAyapLKQ c.puAaKla SEv E'iXaJ.1c KaJ.1~.L\a. t rraqHl. Autoi oi BouAyapOl eivOl U1[OUAOt Kat OEV etAallC KCt).l).ltO: cru~rlrTjOt Kai auvac.pEIO ).la ~ l "tOU<; ... 'EJ.LciC;, oJ.1W~ of VtKTJrte;, Stv €lxu).lE Ka90)..ou O PE~ t ,,(1(i rpayooota. "Ot BouAyapol dVQl ayplOl toonavTJOE~ Kai apKOUOtaptol. Ot fEp).lavoi TOi)~ E'louv yta U1rTJpttEe;. 'A AAa t ).lEle; U1tllptt€e; oi:v Ylvoj..!aoTC KaV€Voc;! T oao £KO'V E ro ToG K. l:1tUPOU MLvrotOU K€<PUAt tmv f€pj..lavrov va OUIlj..laxrlOOUVE ).If: tO U~ BOUAyUpOUC;. 'AAAci, nOD dvaL Kai Tl nQAAl1Kapta tWV fEPllavoov; "E pxovrav J.1f:: ta u£ponAciva tou,. ~a, po~~cip8l ~av Ka i ... <pcuyavE ! »Koupayw £ ).l €i:~, 000 9£A£l~! Ti va tOU~ c.poPTJ80U).lE; ftati ElJ.1aot€ toaoue; J.1fjVE~ Kal nE ptj..!tvU).l €; Ot a~l((l J.1attKOi ).la~ i'loav YEvvaia natOla. Mac; ayanouoav€ Kat nOAE).loooav nAai: ).la<;. OtU 6xupa. .. To ).l£O'l ).lEP l f.\ytl KO ano to OxupooJ.1a, ~ ,~ Et~ , La oxupa y\a unTJPcaia. Tore ~1l0: fio).lpo En€O€ EiKom ).lETpa napantpa Kat to. xOO j..lata Tt£ro:x9TJKav 'l'TJAci. Ktllrrl)OTJKa ot6 KEc.pUA1, aAAa to Oxupo ).lOU, nou yu ptcra Kai K()rra~o. otv eiXE 11:(19£\ tinota ! 6.Ev t OU Kavouv throra Ot pOj.lPce;! Ta clEp01tAUVa Kattf3alvav xa~~)'ci. XiAla ~ttpa Kai ~a, ~o~~cip- <ii, 8l~av. ..~Otav rpau).lari09'lKa, '" ).lax'l ME tpaprl~avc on law, aAAcl dXa 'laaEt tie; oto9rloEtC; ).lOU .. . ". - Ti Oii8EAEe; roopa; tOV pwtw . nEe; ).lOU ... »- 0ii8EAa va yupiow ate j.lf:pOe; j..lou! J.10D anQvtn to yEvvaio na),) .. TlKO:Pt. » - Kat nOLO dVCll ro j..ltpoe; oou;", tOY epw tTJoa, vO).liCovrat; on J.1tAODac YLCt. ro 'lwp\6 tou. •• - To DXU PO j..!ou!", j..lOU o.7ttiVt'lOE 6 iiproe; bCElv0C;, ),lc cpcovijv ).llOOOPTJO).ltvTj £~ClKOAou90GoE. t~aVrATJOlV. "0001 aKOUOaj..l£ tijv acprlYlloiv tOU, KpatOUVtf;e; tilv dva1tVor)v j..lac;, voaoKO).lOL Kal iClL, aUYKIVTJ9rlKCl).lE Katapa9a. Ma~ i'lA8c va yovatioOullE Kai va. tOU q:HArl00UJ.1€ to XE p\. • • • ' H rnvaKie; rou naAATJKaptOD auroD, de; to KpEppatl toD (,EuaYYEAlaj..!ou", Civi:ypa<PEV (mAroe;: •• NueoAaoc; Tanae; be l:j.lUpVlle;, hrov 24, oKOn Wtij~ rrupopoAOU, rou POUnEAl>. fupoo toU tlAAOl. EJ..acp pOr€pov tpau).lClttO).ltVOl um::paa1ttotai roG PODnEA, MaKEOOVE<; Kai npoacpuYEe; rov TIOVtov Kai tJiv rllUpvllv Kai aA.A.Ol t paU~atia l toG , AApaVlKoD ).lEtWnOu, 01tWe; Kai 'A9nvaim i:OEAOVtplat VOOOKO).lOt , npoonaftouoav va tOV Ttdoouv va q:>liY'lKan, aAJ..a autOe;. WC; unVWtt all£VOe;. Jipvciro, CTjtmv t"1tlIlO. vwc; va tov OteiAOUV cmiooo Eie; to oxupov tou! . A)X u<jlTiaw~.v va ~a , ucp~y~8~ 61otOe; ta rile; YlyavrOj..laxiae; Kat tOU tpallllanO).lOu tou: .. EUplOKOj..!OUV aro Oxupo ).lOU TtOAUnpiv ano t OV nOAEllo. To oxup6 ).lac; Tjtav ora auvopa, nA6'( aro MrrH.Ee;. oe 1l\0 OPOOElPO: 800 ).litpwv U'I'Oe;. nporou Ot rEp).lavoi apxiaouv t~V eni8. ",v. ~ ~ro~ ~a, at() "xupo i'rmv 1l0VOtOVTJ . EiXQJ.1E OAE~ ri ~ aVE:OEIC;, to q>ayTJro ).lae; i'ltav TtOAU KQAO, aAAel Sev troAe:yC ti Kupola j..lae;, Ot auvtio€Ac.poi J.1ae; vel rrOAEj..loGv orJiv •AApavia Kal tj..lel<; va Ka90llaOtE j..lE atClUpOOj..!&Va to xEpta. 6.EV KpanOj.lClOt€! »- Na j..!ae; otdAn€ KUt tj..liie; OtTtv' AAf.\avla !», nClpaKClAouoa).lE roue; a~\OO).la nKOUe; J.1ac;. »-'H anOOtOAl) aae; dVClL tom!» ... Kai tow 00. unEpaOnlOU€ tfiV natpioa, av 0 a, OKT(lBPIOI: 1982 PACKING SHIPPING CO IlArKOIMIA META<I>OPIKH ETAIPIA /.(j~ - ~I «HPAKAHl:» ~\ I, ~ 47-2 4 )Clth AV E NUE . ASTORIA. N.Y . 1110) ~-~ T~L (212) 278-1058 MflAOYAA. AYTOKINHTA • EmflAA HAEKTPlKEI IYIKEYEI !:YHHMA A!:CIIAAEIA TAXYTH!: 6l(u9IJvrai . '10101Ct~taL K NTOYPMAI: . r . LYMEONI6HI: t~ To rrpoypaJ.1J.1a tOU 'EAATJVlKOU 0EatpOU N. 'YOPKTJ<; . H tpUtlVrl 9Ealpllci} Jtepiooo~ lOU • E~. Al1V1KOU 0ea'tpol) NEa~ 'Y OPKT}<; apXl~El J.l.t Illa. O:VaOpOIlTt O"Tt;V {olOpia lilv t1tox.ti tal) MeYO:Aou •AA.€~aVOpOD. Me TtAllPo(j.)Qple<; 01[0 cruyypo:,.q..l.Clta Hi>V ·OJ.ltlPou. nAOUtapxou, , AplO"'to<pav'1, Eupmi0'1, Kai J.lE thAo: ·A).E~avopHioa. , Appwvou, MEpoe; TIPW10: TO. nprota XPOVICl, to E0NY QVOiY£l otiC; 27' OKtl!lPpiou yui OEUu·Pll cruvtxii XpaV1a tiC; nopt€<; tfi<; J.l.OVIJlll<; OlEYllC; tau OTO MUvxaTtClV ( 120 foucot 28~ '006,). To KdwvO t~ , napayUly~, dvm nilv fuiwl) I:1llwvioTl Kai . AAe~. MrrEAACl, it oKTJvogeolCl TOU r. I:lJ.lffiVU'l1 Kai 1") J.lOUO"lKi] TOU BaYYEA'l <l> 'H ~ey(il.~ tncruxia roD E0NY 1982 .. Oh:oC; EirYllpiac;:' H EUrUXI0J.l£VTJ ~6O'tC;" TOU MavwAll Koppe ena tAAllVIK<l onlv' A(nopta 00. dvat olyoupa TO YEYOVOC; tij.; XpOVlIl<;. ' H KOIVWVlJCtl alrttl acinpa 00. rrapouolacrOt; OTtlV a180ucra tfj~ XlaKfjc; <O~oonovo{a.:; 3-12 8.€K£~ppiol). npOK£I'WI ,,(ui 1.lla ouvaprraOtlKr, KooI.Hoola i) onoia yvffiploe tr, l.u;yaAun:Pll 8€aTpIKfJ tn LTuxia OtfJv a18ouoa TOU E0NY tOY ClleppouapLO. TfJv oKllvo8eoia (Xet QVa'Aapel 6'" AAKllC; TIarrouToflc;, pOlleOC; KaJ.J.. tteXVIKoe; Olet)9UVTfJ~ TOU E0NY, arroio~ €IX£ OKllvOOeTtloel Kai. nlv 6:YYAlKr, rrapcioTaoll. :rTfJ ouvExelO, ~8 Tr,V unoooxr, TOU 1983 TO 'EAAllVlKO 0eaTpo hOI~6.~£l €va Ol)~(lvnK6 y€yovoe;:'O .(Oioirrouc; Tupavvo~ •• TOU I:Oq>OKAt; OtfJ NeCl 'Y6pKll an6 16 €D€ppouapiou ewe; 13 MapTiou. Me urrepllq)(lveta to E0NY aVClKo lvwvel tfJv napa.yooyr, tOU aploToupYrl~atOe; tou ~qciAOU opa~anKou ouyypal.pEU, Kai t11 ouv€pyaoiu TOU ol€9voo.:; YVWOTOU Kunplou OKT}v09hT} NiKOU XapaAa~rrouc; (!to aw;plKavlKo tOU a AQPHTKE KAIAQPEEI: Me. ibwiu:.P'1 iKaVOrroi'1a'1 p.eraIpCp0p.r. tMi [va lVcJlQ({Jcpov (I'1p.tiwp.a dno t~V ryKVPfJ «KaO'lp.CPIVr,» rwv 'AO'lvwv, nor) d({J0pti Vcnp'lrh; yvdJplJ101)~ (ltr,v KOlvwvia TitC; Neae; . YOPKI]C;, nov exovv uvw5iaEI ovop.a TOU<; p.'£ avvcxcic; llpoarpopcc; Un'£p rou uvvO),ov. Vcnp'lrce; nOVqJ1AoJO<!OUV va rove; 8vJ.-wvvml oi J.-icwycveuu:.por 0Xl YUl ra nAOUr'l nov aVYKivrpwuav KaT arp"aav, d))..a Yla Gaa cKap.av P.C Ta nAol5t'l rove; yui va dVaKOlXpiO'o/)v rov novo riOv (]uvavOpwnwv rove; Ka; va iVIO';(u(Jouv Tpap.p.ara Kai rie; TtxveC;. ro ra r pci'l'aJu: noAAa. tOV U;AtUTaio Kmpo Yla. tr,v o.rrpo8uJ.lia rrou oi "EAAfJVr.C; atit OUV€locpopa Yla tfJv drrOKTT}o'l EPYroV nov dVtlKOUV OtO auvoAo, KupiooC; €' PYfJ)V t£XVTl':;. ~E va j.tV111l00UVO at: aTtVQ KUKAO rrou (YIVE (JTi..:; 3 'Iouviou OtO nap~KKArlOl TOU .<EuayytALOJ.l0U» DP8e O}looc; va 8UJ.l.lOCI rrwc; Karron: Oti.xvouv <ivn8f:-tfJ)C; J.l£yaA11 rrpo8u}l{a va. npooq>EpOUV Yia aAAa (pya, t~ ioou j.tcyaAa. wlofJ)e; Kai nOAu j.teyaAuTEpa. To ~V'l~OOUVO t'llVE 'I'll) va. EKcppaoel TO NOOOKOJ.l.£iO riC; euxa. ploTicC; tOU CSTa. naloui TOU rIaVV11 KOUJ.lavTapou, Tov K. Kai. TfJV K. r. KouJ.lcivTapOu, Ti)V NTOAAl) rou/.avopt; Kat. CSTiI i:yy6vtu tOU tOY TIttpO rouAavopt;, TOV K, Kai tfJv K. KaToaouvll Kai t~V K. Tiva Xavopt;, Yla. TOUe; TcAClOtatOu.:; t~orrAIOJ.l.OVC; 1I:0U npooq>epav OTi)V KUPOIOAOYIKtl, TitV raOTpO£VT£POAOYlK~ Kat Ti)V AtJ.laToAoYLKi) KAtVlKtl et.:; ~VtlJ.l.'lV tou. Kat e.lVat t:~onAtoI-lOt nOAArov bcato~~upifJ)v. MfJxav~~ata OOKlj.laol&v KomooEoo,:; , o uOK£Ui:.:; j.t£TP-rl0EOOe; KUKAoq>opiae;, un£pllxoYP6:q>ol nov £xouv dvepcim:l rroAu Ti) vt€~rrOuTo. 'Enialle; anD 14 Maptiou tooC; 3' AnplAlOu TO E0NY oLOPyavmV€l TO «€DtOTtfla.A 'EAlllvoa~eplKav&v I:uyypaq>Ewv» (T~wv KciAl.a" t>ou~, <l>iAl.m<;, n~tEp nepx6v11e; K.a.) OTa EAA11VlKO: Kal dYYAIKa, OTr,V •Aot6pla Kai OtO «Aa. •• OtO Mavxcinav. To 1983 lit, EXOUV trri"~, "tlpa ta . EAA11VOaj.lepIKavlKa. Kai J.l.OA.lOta J.l.t TOV ... KapaYK16~11 O'fi)v •A~EPtKrl. To rra.o{yvroOtO epyo TOU rlmpY11 I:Koupt11 (; 0 Kapuy. KIO~l1e; nupa Aiyo BE~UPTl':;", OlaO'lC£Ua0I-lEVO dOIKa 'lta to E0NY arro tov- iOLO TOV ouyypaq>Ea ot aKT)voOEoia tou vAAKll TIarroutot; , 8it napOUO'lO:~E'tal OtfJv 'AoTopla 8-1 7' AnpIAiou Kal OtO Mavxo:nav 4-29 Maiou. , AKOI-l11 rrpoypaJ.l.j.taTi~ovTal, ti aj.teplKavIKfJ rrp€I..tlEpa Evoe; 6paToplou TOU Mi.Kll 0eoowpaK11 of: ouvepyaoia J.l.i: YVWOTTt xopOOOla Kat oPXrlOTpa TfjC; Nea.:; 'YopKl)':;, Kat Kalvoupyta napaOTaOll yvw(nou epyou TOU NiKOU KaSavT ~aK ll J.I.£ ti)v et)Kmpio tt;.:; eKatOVTaETllpioo.:; urro Ti)V 16 ytvvll0tl tou . :Ette; npoava.q>ep8eioE':; EKollAmo£le; rrpooTi8eVTUt tpyaoTTlinUK£e; napaoTaoele; (PYfJ)V lOU 'ElAfJVIKOU , ' Aj.tEpIKaVIKOU, Kai naYKOOj.tLOU PE1I:EPTOPlOU, rrm01KO 8eaTpo, KaJ.l.1I:apE. OLaA£~ElC; - £:nlOel~ele;, 0pUJ.lUnKit 0Iap6:0j.luta, j.tOUOIKtl, xopO.:;, KlVTlj.taToyp6:q>O':; ... 'EAAllVlKO 0caTptKO 'EpyaOTtlPI: ano tie; apxte; ·OICTCOPpi.ou, 'ta.~£Le; tpaycooiae;, ~oo~rooia.e;, UnOlCpl'tIKfie;, q>ooV11tIKf).:;, Klv11oLOAoyia.:;, xopoypaq>iae;. vExovTac; AOl1tOV oav Pao'l TOV OKono YHI 'tOY 611:0io 9Ej.leAu,09T}K£ Kat opaoTllPlOrrOl£l autoe; 6 nOAlnOttKOC; opyavlOJ.l.Oe; to& Kai Tpia XPovla too po., J.l.eAll tOU 91a.CSOU Kat blaXEIplote.:;, rrpOOKaAOuv tilv 0j.10yevela va. ouj.tnapao'ta81l OTO (pyo 'tou.:; Kai. va CSUj.tPtiA11 rrpaKTlKa Kat tv£pya. OT11V 1tepaltEpW t~eAl~rl tou. To TTll..eq:lOOvo TOU 'En~vLKoD 0ecitpou elva! (212) 807-{)156. ot0:6j.111 Tt;.:; epyaoiac; nou yiveral OTO a811valKo mho NOOOKOJ.l.eiO. Kai. (XOUV KUPLOA€KTlK&':; OUj.tfltiAht (JTfJ OlO:OooOll dv9pwnoov. MlAoovtac; Yla. TOV tU1tlKO o.UTOV 011J.llOUPYlKO "EAA11va 1tOU yevvtl9111C€ 'tov nepaoJ.lE:vo aimva OTi)V J.lllCpfJ· EAAo:oa Kat npolCo\jle J.l.EOa Kl t~oo <in' aUT.fJv 0 OleuSUVt", t~, B' KapIiLOAoyLK~, KAIVIK~, KaS~y~tlj, E. Bopili~, KatEA~~e mi>, .. 6 rttivV'lC; Kouj.tcivTapoc; viKllOE TO 9avaTo j.lla lCal j.tnope:i < va pOll!hlO€l. rlaTi ta. natblci tOU OKEq>T11KUV olKala OclV tm",ppciy",~ ~la, tEtOla, ~Ul~, Va ~o~Slj oouv TOV':; 6.pproOTOUC; nou 8a. rra.i.pvouv TO opoj.tO nou £nalpvE Tooee; q>op£C; 6 nannoD~ 6 rUlvvllC; rrpo.:; to NOOOKOj.l£io. Kat owP110av nOAUTlJ.l.a j.tfJXavtij.tota nou K6:VOUV Ttl olciyvoool'] mo a.oq:mA'fi Kat t11 8epuneia mo OuVtOJ.l.11. Kl eTot QV 8£ooPtlaouj.te ncOe; to mo apPllKtO J.lf: t6 tyw; OpUj.1a., ElVa.1 i) d8avaoia, j.tE ti)v EvvOla va. j.t11 A110j.10V1190uj.tC, K6.9E appoooto<; nou rrepv6.el TO KaTOOq:lAl nou €.X€t tnctvoo ypa to Qvoj.ta taU oooP'lroD, oEv j.tnopei rrapa va TO aioOO:VEtal auto». na to uqlU1toupyeio ' A1too1j"wv •Ayanll'tf: K. MaKplQ, TIpa~atE rroAtJ OOOOTa Kat naTptooTlKa J.l.E TO va urrOOElS€fe OTi)v KupepV110fJ TOU K. TIanavopeou nroe; npEn£t vo. AeLTOUpYrlO£l TO np&to uqm1toupyeio loD •Ano0-rlj.tOl) 'EAAT}vloj.tou, EuxoJ.l.€8a to ap8po oa.:; va q>8ao£1 Ota. XEpla T&V unw9uvoov KaL vo. Aaflouv 00papa auto. nou ciVaCl'EpeTe TO: anoia elvat KapnOe; Tli.:; j.taKpoxp6vlU':; £j.tnEl plae; oae; <ivaj.1EoQ. OTO J.l.eyaAutEpO Koj.t~atl TOU ' AnObllj.tou •EAA llVt0j.10u. TIpoOW1tlK&e; Stv tn16uj.1& lino TO urroupyEio linote rreplo06tEPO <ino autO noD A£TE, va J.l.i)v YlVEt trlPlO KO~j.lUTlKlle; rrporraycivlia<;. Kata ta lina, ~ poljSeca t~, ~~tp6, •Encilio, rrpo<; ta ~EV~tE j.lEva nalOU} Tl)':; ~.UiAAOV 8a rrapaj.telVel (Jav jJia OUj.tPOUA€UTlKfJ . (JUj.l7tapaaTual1 oTie; Euyevd.:; npoan6:8et£e; j.tae; Kai iowe; yivEl KanOta (JOOOTtl a~LOA6Y11a11 Kat Tl~Tl nKlj trrl~pcipeu,,~ rrpo, tou<; ~EV~"~t voue; nou aqHEpwoav OAOKA11P11 tit ~W -rl TOUe; Yla tfJv 1tp60bO ToD arrootlj.tou • EAA11VlOj.tOU Kai Yla to OTOl...lOj.ta Tii.:; M'ltepa.:; • EAAa80c;, xoopla Kat noAIT£ie.:;, rrOAuoarruva KOIvwcpeAt; epya. ... AAAl) PO-rl8£lU dval OUOICOAo va. neplj.tEvouj.te Yla'ti 1) rCveTelp6. j.lae; dKOJ.l'l otv Ecp9uoc Oto 0llj.teio va KTi.Otl Ta OlKO: 'tT}':; 0xoAda Kal TO Aero auto YlaTl unapxouv aK6~a XWPlCt Kai KWJ.lOnOA£lI:;; nou ta 0XoAlKa. KTipla elval cst d8lia KUTaOTaOTl Kal trnKivouva YUI TfJv oTeyaOTl trov J.lUS~t6iv Kat iiv IiEv urr~pxe ~ CjlIAaVSpUlrria Trov ~EV11'tCj.t£VooV EKuTOvtaoEe; Xoopta yta. 0XOAlK8C; a'i8ouoee; 80. XPTlOlj.tonoLOuaav Kal otlj.tepa TO tYKataA£l Kuq>€vEia. ME tKti~~"~, TPY<I>QN N. XATZHNIKOAAOY Roackaway Park. N.Y. ..NEA YOPKH· , UrrOpla, npaKTIKJ] ~, Demetrios J. Cons/ante/os, Understanding the Greek Orthodox Church: Its Faith History and Practice. New York. Seabur; Press, 1982, Pp, Xli/-I 78. KaAroO'op{~O~H:V ev90uouu8w.; to to VEOV 61toto £KUKAoc:p6pT]oe tf:AWta.LW~ tv' AJ,J.epIKil &i~ . AY'YAU(rlV YA&oanv. '0 titAO~ tou, tv JlEtac:ppacrel Ei~ TtlV 1'OU1'O epyov, 'E)'J.. T]VIKriV , dVCL l AI7V1K~<; 'OpOooo~ov «Kamv6'1u/(; rite; 'E)- 'EKKAl7olat;: IlioTlC;, '/aropia Ka; ilpdc,u; rrtt;». ~tati.9£tQl Ka60AIKll Kal 'A7tOOtOAIKTJ 'EKKA11oia. 'H aVO:1tTU~l; tOU KEcpaAaiou tOUtaU €pEi.~Ctal t1[i tij,' Ayia, rpoq>~, Koi t~,'l Epa, nopo06a£(O" ell, tilv olEq>uAa~ov oi .. AYlOl ncn£pt;, nap£jJpaAAoV''Cat bUKOUpIK&e; yvwjJal 7tUAalOtEpwv Kai ouYXpovwv ouyypacptoov, oi 67toiO\ U7tOO't11pi~ouv, on ai XPlonavlKai aAtl9Elal ou~pIPa- 'Y1tO <l>WKU A , •AYYEAUWU QIooVa; ""to t'I 'EAA11VIKTJ. TotOutotponooc; KataArlY£1 €tC; to oUjJ7tEpaojJa, cO<; Kal nAelOtOt OO'Ol O'o~ap o i E:ptuV11tai, on iJ XplOnavIKi) 'EKKi' l1oia Elval 7tpciYJ.lan • EAAllVlKi) Kat Ott, file; cypaq>Ev 6 cidjJvl1oto; ProO'OC; 0£OAOY0<; rEropytOc; <1>AopooK11 «n:0:C; xptonavoe;, ).1EXPl<; EVo<; j3a9j.100, elval ··EAAllv ». l:uven:r,; 7tpOe; TllV otan:iOtWOlV a\m;v 6 a, cpaiVEtal yO: 9Eoopr; dtuxii IllV otatu7tw9tioav £OXO:too<; uno tlVWV npOtaOlV 7tepi avciYKll<; atpEAAllvlojJou tou XPIOttaVIOj.lOU. Ti)v 8wtEpav iotopu(r,v n:£piooov, bla tf)v 61toiav XPll<HjJOn:Olel tov Ka91EpooJ.ltvov opov «McoalwvIKtl), 6pi~£t roC; 1(EpIAajJpo:vouoav 0Xl liOVOV tr,v m::pD"aj.1npov Bu~aVtlvr,v XlAl€tllPic'5a, o:n:o tOU Meya).ou KwvOTavtivou J.l€:XPI ti'je; nTroO€w<; ti;e; KwvotavnvounoA€We; (1453), O:AA ' ro; 8lrlKOUOav 810: tlie; J.laKpaiwvo<; Kat' oix~oAroaia, t~, 'OpeoM~ou 'E KKA~crio, eu8£iav anD TOV h-:8otlKOV oh;:ov, Xapt68€TOV avti 9.95 oOAAaplwv, nQvo<5E'mv OE avti 15.95 OOAAOp(roV. ' 0 auyypoq>eu, tOU 6 TllJtiTPI0C; KwVOrctVfEAOr;. h:p£uc; flir; 'En~V1K~, ' Opeo06~ou 'EKKA~a(o, 'A~EP1Kij , Koi Koe~y~t1i, tij, ' ]atOp(o, Ei, to nOAlttlQKOV KOAACYlOV ~T6KtOV tfjr; Ntar;' ItpoETl<;. e{val ctlll.j>rlJlOOr; yvwcrt6r;, 0X1 ~ovov ~"o~u tWV ' EAA~Vopeooo~rov, dna Kai £ie; 1'0 £uptm:pov <heOv€<; KOIV6v, oUl titv l:9vl1(o9PllOK£UtlKllV 8paolV tOU, Tli~ 1toAuapi9~ou~ ouyypacpci; tau , 1"llv ap9poypacpiav Kai ta; PIPAlolCploia~ tau ef; oopapa 'EAAl"]vIKa Kai ~€VoYAwooa 1t€p1081KO:. To v£ov tOU to &pyov, ~€Ta tOY nivalCa 1t€Pl€lo~tvwv Kal KGtatOnlOtUCOV npoAoyoV, avanT\.JOO€tal d~ n£vt€ K€CPa.AaLa, to. 6noia, KaitOl autoTf:ATl 9€~ato AO),llC&;. €UpiOKaV tal e{; Ot£Vt;V tOWt€PIKllV Ol)vO:Ptl"]O'lV npo; QAA.'lAa. Ei<; to np&tov K€q>a.Aalov tKti9EVtat ai nv£1.)jJattKoi napciyavu:c;. ai onoiO\ EKaAAt£pYlloav t o E8aq>0~ EvtOC; tOU 6noiou £onap'l Kal ijv9'l0£ to IP10tlavlKOv Tovi~ovtal iOlalti:pwc; ai £ic'5wAOAatp lKai , 'Iou8alKai Kat 'EAA'lVlonKai qnAoO'oqllKai Kai 9P'lOK£UttKai avtlA:rl\V€l;. at 61toial dAA~Aocru~'A~po0~eval Koi dAA~AO £n'lp£a~OJ.l£Val npo£1taic'5€1Joav tOV 'EAA'lVOpWj.1atKov K60jJov 7tPO; ui09£t'lOlV tOU EuayytAl1COU ;\oyou. Kat' t~aiptOlv U1[oypo~~is£tO l ~ cr.ouoo(o au~poA~ t~, 'EAA11VIKli<; oo<pia<; cie; t"V OlatU1tWOIV tOU 06y~otO, Koi t~V 01o~6pq>ro",v t~, ljelKij, Koi t~, AOtpeio, tij, aPXEYovOU ' EKKA~ oia;. Ei<; to SWt£pov K£q)(IAalOV 6 oUYYPa<ptU; tK9i:t"€l jJEta npoooxi\c; Kai A£Jt1:0AOYOU aKplpeio, ta, Ge~ EAl(;'Oet, dA~ee(O, tij, £vlaia<; Kal d~halpi:tou 'EKKA11oia<;, roe; Ol£tunro9lloav U1(O trov OiKOUjJ£VIKroV l:uvo~rov tv tW l:u~P6Aro tij, matero" 1[poXropEi 0< 1[EpanEpro t~V 1[pOPOA~V tWV <1[ta Muat~pirov tij, 'EAA~V1K~,' Opeooo~ia, ell, 6potwv ~tcrrov ~Eto06crEro<; dC; tau; nIOtOUC; tT;C; E>Eiac; Xapltoc;, tT;C; 6noia; ta~lOux.o; £Ivai tjJ1tE1tlOte1JjJE:Vl1 uno tOU 0tiou 'loputou tll<; t'I Mia, • Ayia, uno tOUe; TOUPKOU<; Mwa~£9avoue; Koi jJtXPl tile; 0:7rtAw8tpoootwe; tjJrljJato<; n;<; 'EAA'lVIKiiC; yi'je; 0:1(0 tr,v TOUPKl1CTJV 801.)Adav, O:PxojJevou tOU O€Ko:tOU E:vcitou aiwvo;. Ti)v n:cpiooov auti}v xapaKt llpi~El ell, 1[£p(ooov aK~~, t~ , ' En~V1K~, 'Op90c'5o~ia;, EKb11 AOUJ.ltv11v £1; TllV aVanT1.)x8Ei:oav 8aujJaoiav ieponOOtOAIKi)v 8paOtllPlOtT]ta, tr,v dVaO€l~lV j.1tyaAwv £'.KAllOlaOtlKciJv ~op<pwv, ti)v oUYKAllO'1vOiKOUjJ£VIKWV Kai. T01tH(WV ouvo6oov, tllV o.v81101v tWV IPlOtlaVIKWV ypaJ.ljJO:Twv Kal TTJV KatanoAcjJ'1OlV tWV alptoui)v, roe; Kai tOU aauotatou npwtciou TOU €7tlOK01tOU PW~ll~· Et; tilv Ol£KOiKl1mV TOU na7tlKOU n:pmtElou O:7tObWEl Kupiooe; 6 0. tTJV anoonamv ti;e; POlli11 ; ano t o OWj.1U ti;e; 7tPOt£pOv tvtaiu; xplO'tlaV lKfj e; 'EKKA'1oiae;, de; Tae; KaKocprl~OUe; St l:taupocpopiae;, tac; 6n:oiac; 9£wpei an6pPolav tau nan:1Koo l:xiojJaTOe;, Kui ta; 61toiae;. w~ yvwO'tov, '1uv6110av Kai llu).0YT]aav oi PWj.laiot nOVtlq>l11C£e;, 0:1(00i6£1 cp9w<; TTJV Eu9uVllV oui TTJV rttroO'lv tOO 'EAA11V\KOU Busavtiou, 6 ~ou ~Eta tij, 'En~vlKij, 'Op9000~{a, de; xdpac; nov TOUPKooV, uno TroV 6noioov t'I 'EI(KA11O'lQ tooKl~<i(J911 ~aptupIK&~ Kat npoaccp€p€ 9uoiav £tc; tOV d, OKTflBPIOl: 1981 ~Ovtal np6; tOY 6ptJ6v AOYOV Kat npo<; ta ahrljJata ti'j e; O'o~apae; €](lOtrljJTJ<;. To Tpilov KEq>ciAalov dvat acpIEpmj.1€VOv ti; tf)v lOt OP1KllV 7topdav tlie; 'EAATJVIKi'je; 'Op9080~la; Ola trov airovwv, 'AKOAou9&v ti}v napaOEOE)'jJCVllV unoolaipEOlv de; tp€iC; n£ploc'5oUe;: tr,v cipxtyovov, TllV ~£oalW VIKi}V Kal TllV VEootepav, 6 ouyypacp£u<; €~ai.ptl to: OUol(ooton:pa {oToplKa yqovota h:aO'T11C; Kai nvaO'K07tEi to. OpOO' autrov. 'IOtalt€pW; tnlJ.lE:VEt de; t"V npoO'cpopo:v TOU •EAAllvlKOU 7tEplPO:AAOVtOe;, ti'je; 'EA/..llVlK1i~ YAroOOT]<; Kai tplAOO'otpiae; 7tpOe; euoowolV tOU I1rrOOtOA\KOU Kl1puy~ato~. 'EVOIUtpi~el ei; tf)v iO'toPIKi}V aATJ9£laV on "EAA11V£; lEpanOatoAOl 8ltboooav to Euayy£A.lOV avO: tOV tote yvmot6v K6aj.lov. Ott 7tprotal xplonavlKal EKKA110lal ""aav al • EAAl1vIKai, on €ni 'EAAllvlKau toatpou<; OUV€KArl9110av at t7tta OiKOUj.1EVIKOi l:UVOOOl, on "EAA'lvt<; Kat' EAA11v\OTai ""oav 01 €7tupav£otepot TIatEp£e; Kai ouyypar,pei; ti\~ apxaia; 'EKKA11oiac;. o n "EAAllv£<; aKojJl1 o.vTJA90v tnt tOU nanlKou 9p6vou Kai Otl YAwooa OAOU tOU xplonavlKou, KOO~OU E7ti 1[OA/..ou<; I1AAAAL1ION GIFT SHOP 42-21 IlROADWAY. ASTOR IA TlI A. : o2o -~ II.lo Owners : .JFRRY . SOlll.A MAI.ASPINAS . [Aan: Va (Ja<; i:~lJ1tllP[t11(JOlJJ.lf. /.1 ,111 I ,lAin)" - IIAf/lrt:..nA'A - n ,IO:" () A' ·!NII.\fl./'/.\O:" nllo:.. IIU'/().lIA·A · AA~/: n~ · x IP·IA· . 1I~A(!I · HlIllIj · I· } .\FI1I1'lf ~ A··I/·IF~ '''' ,1M · 1I.1I1 . fA I AII~ II . \'\II~ . .l f l l l 1/111(!IAI I/j .1l!I'J!' J7 ~W~ilV trov l:.K t~ , 'Op9050~i~, onE~pupi9~o", 1tOl~tVWV Kal lOU 1tOl~VtOU Tll<;· npOK(1).1tvou 1tEpi til ~ tpitT1<;; EKKA'l- mIlUTlKf}c; 1tEP16oou, i] (mo io OtJiKEl ano lac; apxite; lOU napEA96vTOC; ai&voc; rExPl trov tl).1EPWV ).loC;. 6 u. rrpO~aA.A€t tt)v E.Ko'lA.w8dcrQV rrvoi}v avaoru.lloupyiac; Ked avaolopyavcOuEwc; trov bri rEpOUe; 'Op8oo6~wv nClTptapXE{WV Kai AUtOKtq'lUA.wv 'EKKATJOlWV, 1tpOO~H.OEI of; iOtatlcpav £).1cpaow de; tac; 7tPW10pOuALac; TOU 01KOUj.1EV1KOU natptapXe:lou Sui I t)V ciA}..l1/.oyvwpt).1iav Kai 'twv Xptotlavu(wv 'EKKAll0U1>V, KUOWe; Kal de; nlv aopapav geoAoyuniv X:lVl1UIV Kat nlv h.:- orp. wO'tv OepJloi) EVOtaq)i:POVtOC; npoc; ava- Piwow tr;c; QJlAClV9pwniac; Kal acptmvlOIV lOU 8pllOKEUtlKOU ~ijAOU lOU ACtoD EV tti 'EKKl.~oiu t~, 'Hl.<i50,. To ThuPlOV KEc.paA.CttOv lU:PlCJTpi:<pETCtl m:pl tOV EOOJt&PlKOV nVEUJ.1anKOV K6oJ.1oV t~<; 'En ~VtK~ , 'Op90M~otJ 'E KK l.~oiu<; Kal npOpaAAtl tOV J.1UOttKLOJ.10V TTle;, TOV EuaYYEAlo-KEVtPlKOV npoaavatOAIOJ,lOV tTJC;. ttlv npOOllA.WOlV 'Ille; dC; -r";v UTtOOtOAlIe";v Kat TtatEplIC";V rrapaooOlV, ffi<; Kat' E~OX~V i5uil;ovtU Kat~yop~~Ut<i t'1C;, til 6rrota CKO'1AOUVtal nOAAanAwc; de; t";v 9E{av AatpEiav. ttlv ttJ.1tlv nov'AyiU)v, ti]v UJ.1voAoyiav, tOV J.10VaOtlKOV Piov Ked, npo nciVTu)V, Ete; ti]v J.1EpIJ.1Vav oui tov nA11oiov. Kat' OKoAouOiav, E1e8ElasEtat to KOlVWVIKOV nVEUJ.1a tiie; 'E/,ATJVlICfje; 'Opeo06~ou 'EKKA~oiu" ~ 6noiu, Kat" t~v yvmJlTJv lOU 0., EvoapKcOvEl 6,n £AJ.drrEt cmo tOV O'1J,lEPlVOV av9pwnov: to iOEWOee; t~, <j>tl.uv8pwniu,. To ni:J.lntov Kal ttAEUtaiov KE<paAaLOv tVtOTti~etal Eie; ttlv' EAA'1VIKTiV 'OpOooo~iav t.v 'AJltPIKii. 'EK9hEl Tae; lOTopIKac; auv9rjKac;, uno tae; 6noiae; Jleteq>UtEU9'1 dC; tOY Ntov KooJlov, Kupiwe; napO.KOAOU9rjaaaa TO J.lEtavaatEUllKOV pEUJla - tae; 1tEpl1tEUiae; t'1<;, TaC; aouvaJliac; t'1<;, Titv topaiwaiv tTJe;:, t~V npopoArjv t11e;: Kai til EnltEUYJ.lata t'1e; j.leXPl arjJ.l.EpOV_ 'Ev au-vaq>Eia )tpoe;: TaUta, aTtOOlOEta1 t) npoarjKouaa il KaToAoyisctal EUOUVll, EvauVElorjtWC; Kal aVtIKEIJ.lEVtKwC;, onou KpivEtal Oll ciVrlKEt. 'Emauvci1ttctal PlpAwypa<pla Kat' EKAOYrlV, 7tiva~ ptpAIK&V xwpiwv Kai hEpOe; nivas npooc:i:l1twv Kai npaYJl<ltwv. To OAOV epyov 8taKpivEtat ala ttlV £vf)J.lEpOt'lta £i.e; tae; 1tT,-yac;, ttlv WPIJ.lOt'1ta EiC; TtlV oKi:\VlV, TtlV O:Kpip£lav d; ttlv 6poAoyiav Kal ttlv oaq>rjvElav de; ti]v OlatUnwOlv. npOK£ ltOl npaYJ.l.0tl rr£pi a'1JlavtuCiie; aUJ.lPOAT)e; de; T~V onouoi]v oAwv t&v £K!pavo£wv tiie;: • EAATJVl1eiie; 'O p90M~ou 'EKKl.~oia,. ' 15tuttEpw<; to KE<j>til.UlOv nEpi t~, 'En~VtK~ , 'Op905o~iu, tv' AJlEPIKT) £IvaI, OVTWe;, npWT07t0plaKOv de; to aut6. napEloeq>PTJOav de; to KelJ.lEVOV J.lCPIKa 1tapopaJ.lata, 01tWe; 6 6pIOJ.l0e; nov dKOVWV we; aq>TJPllJlEVWV rrapaOtaoErov apct&v TOW 8drov ovtrov (0. 23), £v&, avn8i:twe;, anonAOUV napaOtclOtlC; OUVElOTJt01tOLOUOae; <i<j>~p~~'vu, evvoiu" 'Enio~" 6 "ArlO, N£KtapLOe; 'EJtloKonoc; nEVtanOAEwc; 6vo~al;EtUt 'EnioKono, :!:ul.u~tvo<; (0, 124),6 £~oxwC; 18 KAT)OtaOnKoue; olaAoyouc;, we; npoayovtiJv O:AATJAOyvwplJ.llav. ElvOt anapaitT)lov 010 TOUe; qlOltT)ta<; tTie; 0EoAoyiae;, TOOe; lEPOo1tOUOaotCle; Kat tOUe; KA'lPIKOUe; EV yi:VE1, Olon tOUe; tVT)IlEpti)v£1 Ttpoxdp(J}e; )..IE Ti]V ovaiav Kai tiJv ~wtlv tile; apXOloTcpa<; XPlutlavl1efje; i;)cIC/'l1oiae;:. anoia EiVOl ti 'EAI.TJV IK ~ 'OpOoool;oe;. 'EK£lv01 0JlWe;, oi 6rroiot to Xpttasovta t Ttp6 navtOC; aAAOU, Kat 8a U><pCA TJ80uv 7t£ptOOOTEPOV a1tO ttlv IlCAi:t'lV tOu , elVOl of a1£6yovot trov . EAArlVWV JlEtOvaOt&v. 0a OUVtpi:~TJ va yvwpiaODv 1tATJPtcrtepov Ka1 va. EKtlllrlOOUV ciKPIPi:OtCpov tiJv apxa10tT)W Kai tOV 1rAOUtOV tile; 8PllOKWtlKfje; toov KATJpOvOJliae; Kai, atJvr.1£we;, va 8£wPrl00UV ttJlllV Kat 7tPOVOJlLOV va anOTEAOUV J.l.i:A 11 tfje; of: iEptUe; 'Ayamoe; XOToaptvKo otv eYKatviaoe tiJv eqlTJJ.ltpiav toU de; ti]v KOlVOt~ta t~, Ntu, 'Opl.Eav~, to Eto<; 1864 (0. 130), o<j>oi) E<j>9uoE d, t~V' A~EPtK~V ~6l.t<; to 1865. Auta o~WC; eiVat O:orl!lovta. aUYKplvOJ.lEVO npoc; tae; 1tOAAae; apttae; tOU nov~ llaTOC;, to m:pIExolltVOv tOU 6Ttoiou £Ival &~OlptttK&C; t.VOtaqlEpOV Kal we; SE)..Ia Kat we; otarrpaYJlaTwt:nc;. Elval paSeiae; !lt/,i:tT)C; Kal JlaKpnc; 1tPOO(J}1tlKfjC; £JlJtElpiae; tOu cruyypaq>cwc; we; {EpeWe; Kat oKaoTJJlalKoi) oloaoKaAou £rrl ~li.av 01..0KATJpOV yevcav. Eie; tae; 6Ai.yac; oC/,[oae; tot) 1tEpIAaJlP6.vcl lKaV01tOtTJttKae; CtJtavtrl0ttC; Ele; aUVrl8Cle; o:nopinc;, t6aov TtEpi 9PllOKelae;, OOOV Kai rrcpi 'EAATJVIKt;e; 'Optlooo~iac;, tae; orrotae; Ola va EUPTJ 6 tvolCtlpepOJ.lEVOC; eo. txpr.lclsEtO va aVatPC~l1 de; nOAuap18Jla plpAia. ElvOl XPTJOlJ.10TatOV tYXf:tpiOtOv de; oAoue; tOUe; )..IETExovtae; eic; tae; olac.popOUe; OUVEA£UOEle; tiie; OiKOUj.lEvueTie; KLVt;oEwC; tOOv 'EKKI..TJOlOOV Kal TOUe; aoxoAoUIlEVOUe; J.lC tOUe; £V l:StAi.SEl .6.t£K- 'En~vtK~, 'OpOoM~ou 'EKKl.~oiu,. 'AvaJlqltpOAwe; to novf)lla 'IOUtO Sa 01KaullO"TJ TIArlPWe; TTlV npooooKiav tOU auyypaq>Eroc; tOll (a. XI), Ott 01 avayvwotat 80 EUPOUV tVtOe; autoo TIOAAa ta a~t6Aoya. ~WKa<; 'A. 'AYYEAUtOe; r Newly consecrated titular Bishop Philip of Daphnousia gives hisflrst Archpast~ral blessing after receiving his Epi.'icopal Mitre. His Eminence Archbishop lakovos officIated at the ,installation in the Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity assisted by Metropolitan Germanos of Hierapolis, Bishop Philotheos of Melaa and Bishop Methodios of Scopelos. A THENS CENTER HOTEL HHN KAP61A THl: A0HNAl: • k.(Yt~llC~ .:l.1.,OllO~~ • I ltl ~duo. AOlltp6 . t'lH~"o. paOI~WVO. tl(pOvto •. EOtlQ16plO 1I0AUtd.tio,. ~"":QP. po~ y.:<i:pvt(v. 1I01.Ut(A({C, ol80UC(, 011060· 1"" 1(0t IOtWHIC6 1'lCopd< 1~ Map"ou - 31 'Ok''''Pp(ou Tllolul Owl!aTlwv: Mov61(AlYa 1.30S SPOXJ.1t~ . 611(A.tvO 1,874 opo-x.~~ Tph:A.IW 2.278 0PI. I:Ul!l'[cplA.a",tM:vnal ':OVTlvtVTOl. )Jl'[ptl(r.paOt. 6u:' Pt~CpPtOlov OI'[Oloe1'lT£ OT1'\V N. ·Y6pul TTJA.· (212) 48J-06421(. ·ApotVT)" ypQ:ItIOt£ Sophoclcous and Alhcnas 26. Athtrui, Greece Tel. 522-6110-9 Telu: 4488 ALCY OR .NEA YOPKH. , Av<iYKll Kutu<puyiou ... lIpoJT. n. Il.N. lIanayewpyiov «Evrppdv8~v de; OIKOV hrl roi, F.lp~KOm /101, K vpiov 7ropeua6/1[;(}a~) 'l'aAI."'>, 121, I to ME: aVOtYlla trov axoAdrov Kat ttlV E:Vap~lV tOOv 1la.8THlCl'tWV btavcPxovtOt oi OlKOytv£tt<; orTiv cruVT]9lO"J.lCVT]V KotVWVIK~V ~w iJv Kat TPOXHIV Kat Ol CKK)'T]oir:t; TOU ' 11100U XptOtoi) nou i)oav O"X£o6v o.O£ IC<; Kata to Sr.PI vo lhoot'l tOD XP6vou cipXi~ouv Kara. rae; KupIClKac; va nA."poUVrat J.lE: IlIKPOUC; ot6 KUtT]XT]tlKOV Kui l1£)'o).ou<; crtr;V KUPlUKcltlKl1 Aatpdav tOU nava:yci8ou )JaC; 0£ou. • 0.<; J.lIKp6<; dxa xapa noubravcPx0j.1Qan: 010 anhl J.loc; bU;UCl linD nopa9£plOJ..lO )lat; crt napa8aAaoolo KtVtpO OlOtl So. epA-tnall£. mlAl lOUe; 'l' i AO~ Jlat; oro alOAetO Kal to. .EAAllvonaloa. OTi}V £KKAlloia 1l0C;. . H nyo:nT] 1l0U YHI !llV h:KAT]CJia lOU XptOtoU apXl(}'£ Ttlv nalOlKt) JlOU ano i) Ancia Kai O<peiAW auttiv Kupiw~ OtO naP(H)Ely~a Kai te~ npOtpOnE~ nov a£l~vri OtWV "(OVEWV ~OU. Kai nmo~ aAAo~ CPCp£l tT)V ~£ya A llv autiJv Eu8llVllV;' Ano nmov 90. [;AcllJpava thma oc~aotti d.llPovo J.1l(i: ~ 'Ano tO U~ dAllO~OVT]tOU~ yovd~ J.10U. Autoi ~i: Eoioa~av Kai KCltllu8uvav 'ta p~~ata T~, ~w~, ~O". AUTO; ~t toioal,av on 6 6.vOpmno~ tXEl ouo onitw 8ta ta anoia OcpdACl loolJ va £v(~harptpEtal Kal va VOtclCEtal aKatclnUlJOta KaS OAllVttivCooTtv tOIJ. Ta mtlttc aUta tlOOV to KOOlJtKO OtO 6nolo COUOOIJE Kat to iiH.o elVOl to onin lJaC; otov oupavo (mou Couv or " AYY£A01, oi MclPTtJPE~ n;<; niOtEoo<;, oi ~ AYlOl noo £00;cl0'811Kav OtOtt £Ka~av KOAa epyo O'TDv CooTtV TooV Kat oi avapoonm nov ICcllJVOUV TO 8dov OtAllJ.1Q lOU 'I'lO'oD XPtu'tou, lO 6noiov lJa80lVEl aKcl8£ tiv8poo1l'o<; O'lOV oiKOV lOU 0EOU. t-r;v bocAlloiav. 1:tt)v £ICKAllOlOV n:llyaivoJ.1c oui va OUVOlJtATtOWJ.1E J.1E tOV 0EOV Ott)v npooCIJxt)v Kai ool;oAOyTtO£l to nOVo.ylOv wO VOJ.1cl Tou ~i: £KKAllO'laOnlCQ aOJ.1ata Kai. npO£t01lJclO'El tT)V \jIlJxtiv tOIJ 1Jf: tilv IJEtaAll\VLV nov' AxpavtooV MIJOtllPlwv. l:tt)v h;:ICAlloiav apa epXOVlat of motol O€ bnKot vooviav 1Jf: tOV 6m.nolJPYov tWV Kai EvrovOVtat oUOtaO'tlKa J.1' Alitov J.1 £ t-r;v 0£iav KOlVooviav. 'EyvwpiO'aJ.1E Kai tOUtO IJllA.lO'ta KaAa Oll i) £KICAlloia Elvat tono<; {EP0<; JltO'o Oti}v 6noiov npooKtJvdtal 6 nOvtOOllV0J.10<; Kai 1Jf: tt)v 1tpooctJXtlv auttlv tVlOXU£tOl K1' avaKoucpiCClOlO Xplotlov6~ OtOVOKAllPOV (\ywva Tij, ~wij,. 'H €KKAlloia cSt' i)1J5.<; to. tAAllvOnalcSa ti\<; npoot'lr; y£vEci<; TitO Kai Elval 0xoAEiov t; OKH1BPIOI: 1982 Kai TOUtO oton a h:p6r; a~~wv OLOaOKEl T~V 6p96ool,ov nicrTlv, T~V aAn9,v~v 9pnO'K£lCtV nOll i:8iDo~£ KOt olt8wo£ 6' IT]O'ou~ lOtE nou EupiOKl:tO OtOV K00J.10V ~1O.r;. Auttl i] niO'tl<; Ka80DllyLi tOY Civ8pw1tov orov OPOIJOV tfj<; onca lroO l:ffi~ Kat \VUXlKfj<; tOU O'ootllpia<;. I:XEttKci IJ£ ra coa i:ypa\ValJ£ cppovro on to El;i\<; TtCptotOttKov ota t o 6noiov £KaIJC lCa.nOtE AOYOV 6 anoOavwv Ti90nol0~ WEoou Kavtl:p EVIOXU£1 tijv 8tO'lV J.1a~ aAAO: Oa u1tE~oti8l:1 1tOAAOV~ vO: oroO'ouv Kalpov Dlci tt)v 6:vaOUVta~IV tOU ato~ou ICt' 6p90Ttpa~iuv tOOv KUVOVffiV Kai DtOaYJ.1atffiV rou 1:ffitfjpO<; '11100U XP10tOU. ncpi ro t-tAO<; tOU paOtocpwv lKOU 1tpOypallJ.1alO~ dm~ 6 AQOCPlAij<; ti80n01o~: We've had a lot of fun here tonight. but now I'd like to say something a bit more serious. Here in Los Angeles a few days ago we had a rather disturbing windstorm. I was walking along Sunset Boulevard at the time and like all the other pedestrians. I ran for cover as a gale swept down. I stood in the archway of a building for a few minutes before I realized where I was. I had taken refuge in a doorway of a church and it set me to thinking. The world today is going through something far more threatening than a windstorm. Every single one of us needs refuge of one kind or another. And I know of no better place to go for it than to church . You know, the church must be a very strong and righteous thing - for it has survived every enemy it ever had. We are extremely fortunate to live in a country where we can worship as we please, when we please. Let's make the most of this blessing and go to church. MEtacppa~w Ott) EAAllvtKa: AICtOKl:OaOaJ.1€ apK£tO: KOAa O1ro\V€ aAAci toopo 9EAffi va 0'0.<; nOO Kcltt to oo~apo. npo ~~epwv tow crT~V ml"v 1\0, - AVT~e A£; £lxall£ £Va ouvat6v dVEIlOO'tpO~IAOV. Katci OOIJ1ttooOlV TtEp1l'atOuoa bri. t ii ~ AECJ>q>6pou I:avm:t Kat Ku8w; EKaJ.1aV oi OlUPataL, KI' tyw £niO'l1<; £tp£~a oi liOUAOV Kata tiJv onYlJijv nOD tVEICU\jI£ 6 aVElloaTp6p,AO,. 'EaTa9nKa ~a~Ej.1EvO' ei, to lCatwcpAI £v6<; KtlPlOU Xffipi<; va yvwpiCw nou T1J.1ouvu. Elxa Katacpoyel OtiJv E~ro Bupa KtlnOta<; £KKAlloia<; Kai J.10Al<; £loa toutO aPXloa va OKE:1ttffiIJOt. •0 K00J.10<; OtlJ.1Epa OOKIJ.1a.CEl Katt mo a1tCIAlltlKO Kai <pO~EPO ano aVEj.10aTp6p"ov. '0 Ka9£va, J.1a<; XP£lUCEtOl Kan010 KalacpuylOv. Kat OEV yvwpiCw KaAAlt£pOV J.1tpo~ ano litV tK'na(av. EeUpET<, ~ tKKAncr(a elva, ~E Ilalw<; nuvioXtJPll Kat oucoia, <U)"OtOO<; DEV ~tJtopouO'e va um:ploXOOll KOta nov 7tOAE~i.WV tll<;. Ei~E9a of: nOAu £Utu x€i~ va Oci ~OU J.1l: crr. xmpav aTtou r,IJTtOpOU~r. va nlOtEUWlle tOV BEOV Orrffi~ En19uIJOUllE Kai orav 8EAWIlE. ~ A~ bcnlltiooo~l£ tOuto KUt a~ OUXVci~(J.)IlE ei~ 'ti)v EKKAT]OlaV. Euotoxa Kai. oocpa ta A6yta uutd 7tOD J.10AIr; DtapcioaJ.1E. Thola Dloay~alCl £naipvallC KCl911IlEplVa O'tO nutplKO lJu~ Kl ' t nEDpacrav OE O'l1llelOV nov eY1VQV 6 tpono<; Kl' Clt')t(j tOUlO to IltAllJ.1Cl tfj<; Cwfjr; ~a,. rr. n.N. nAnArEOPrIOY 8£OtOKOU», Island Park" ((Koillllcrt<; tfj~ "Eva VEO :EXOAIKO BIPAio To fpacpEio nmoEia<; ttir; 'APXLE1tloKonfj<;. Oti) oElpa trov OlOClKttKWV ~lllAiwv Yla nl DlOaOKaA.lQ tfj<; • EAAllvLKll<; YAwaO'ar; Kat tii<;' EAAllVtKii<; 8PllOKl:\lLlKfjo:; Kai nO A lttOtlKii~ napaDoO'£w~, KUKAOCPOPllOE TO 'Avayvw<mKO 01 PIZEL MAL (EUnVlK£ ~ rtOpti:o:; Kai "E9tlla), dDIKCt ypaJ.1J.1tvo r ta lOU<; J.1a911ti: ~ tWV IJEYa).Uttpffiv tal;Ewv tWV <HIlEPllOlWV Kat' A1wYWJ.1alOV nvrov KOlvonKwv 0XOAElWV. K0911YlltD K. $WtlO Aitoo . To veo auto ' AvoYVooOttKO £lvctl J.1Hl n€ptypacpIKtl civajl,uoll trov COpt&v Kat i:Oillwv tOU <EIJ,l1vlKoU lJo<; AClou, nOll oUIJnt' 'lProvual IJE: h'AEKta K£lIlEva Kat n01~lJata ti\<; oUYXpoVll<; nalSuci\ r; AoyotExv{a~, rrpOOEKtlK<l. OlUA€YIlCVC<; <pwtoypacpiE<; KCli ypa<plKa KOOlJtillUta tOl) Ka).A1rtxvll K. 0EOOWPOU f£oopyoto. eJ.11tvwo ~£ va ttlV £AAllVlKtl napaOoO'laKD 't£xvotponia. To avayvooonKo auto n:poopiCEtat yta tou<; lJa811t£<; Kat 1l09~tPIE<; nou tXOUV ti0ll otOOX9ci lO t pito ii tttoptO ~t~Aio tfj<; oopo.<; «M lAW, fpacpu> Kal Ata~clCw». ana ano I: tOt Xtto9t(Jla TIA Ert>HMEPlAEE lIEPIOAIKA BIBAIA T"b..,V1\"o,t: (212) 947-3180 HNi4 YOPKH 19 pi~av£ TOY TPlTQNA Ot KpaBapi T€~ crTa TOU IIOA€JlOU "Hmv£ •Anp(),~, 1943, TItv.. ~IKPO1t{J)A.l1Tal veapoi Kpa~apite<; tp96:0ClVE (HO 'XOOPIO rQ)cthm TOU ='1pO)J€:pOU Kat Afyo rno Karw ani "t pia 1tllylibta O'uvO:vt'loav Eva XOlPOPOO'KO nov tpUt,aYE eva )Je:yOAO 1(01[a61 youpOUVa.KlU. Tit Ju::ya)..(m::pa POOlWUOCtv crtT)v npamvci8a Kat TO. )JIKp6f}t)~a(vavc crt "an 1[EAropU;~ youpoilv£,. '0 apxm6, t~, napEa, SU~~S~K£ t~V u:pa. evtOAT) tile; ,.uivac; ano tOU rrou TOU dnt:, orav TO Xwpt6 tou, .. va tppovtiOll oro yupIO')J6 tOU va tptpll eva OOiA.iTlKO £tpWYE youpouvaKl y ui va to 8pt'l'11 Kat va. TO O'q)(i~ol)V ttl l:noJl£va XptotOlryEVva». '0 vtapO, Kpa~apit~" xwpi, va xa ,,~ XPovo, 1tPOCHj)tPE ntvlE <fHU.1l0).iEVE'; KOUJ)aploTpE~ Tii~ ).io.PKa ~ .. Kavovt n TIatpwv Kai /) =:~po~£pit~, ~ ~t~,,£ ~H; SwS£KuSa. 'Apx{oavE TO. na~o.Pla Kat U:AIKa ri OU).icpwv{a KAEiOTTlKE, 6Ktul KouJ)api(JtP£~ Kat ,.no. oaKoupti<pa ... Lav KAt iotllKE ri OUJol<pwv{a , 0 KpaJ)apiTll<; npXloe va ",tiXVll c:ivtill£oa on) Kontich va ~£xoopiOT] lO OOO,illKO youpouvo.Kl, 01tw<; tOV OU).i~O UAe'lle .., Iltiva tou: .. Na dVOl 01ta90TO, llaKPOOt£vO Kai).ic (JI(QuAapiKla» ... Kai 6 nlfOlpiKoe:; tii.; napta ~, p6:~ovnl~ t o mntpi OlTjV Kou~evta. Ae£ l OtOV ciPXT]Yo tou: -nuio£ eva, oAa ano youpOUViOlO 00\ dvat ... LtO 1943 to oVTapflKo dX£ <poUVtWO£1 Yla KaAo OtTjv AhwAOQKQPVavia Kai Ylo vo tvtUnooCHaoouv£ TOU~ XWP tKOU~ of a vtaptte:; fllloopouoav ~wOlcAecpTEe:;. Aimi at Kpapaphtc; la ~epavt Kat Yla nav hOtXOIl£VO ~ i)tllOQV ano tOV XOIPOJ)O(JI(O Ilia 6noS£\~~ ayopan"'A~"ia,. Kai /) =:~pO~E pitT]~ lOUe:; o:mXVtllOt: ...: Av ~~Epa ypu~~ata, Stv Sit '1"JAaya youpouvla ... ot Kpapapitc~ tOtt Kpati)oavE to avoIla tOU Kai <puyave yui tTjv napaTllpHlnoD Xp6vta (1941-1945) ijTavE KOVta OTO XWPIO PiyavT]. 'EKel nwc; EnpE1tE va nAT]pooOOUV tpei.; OKaOEC; KaAaJ.l1tCnn oav <pope 'lHi TO ~rovtav6 t llnopeuj,lO: t ou~. TIpiv <p90oouv ato <pUA.aKlO trov avtapTWV, Tatoav£ t o YOUPOUVclKI IlE ilia 1tT]xti] KOUPKOUfl Kat t o pO:Aave aTO KaAoJh, TO OIc£nQoav Ile ouiepopa IlIKponpay).iara KI' autO KOllltl9llK£ miv apvclKt. I:av epOtiaave otO nOttill1 'AxeAwoe;, oi civtaptec; apxioave Ti]V OUVT]OlOI1EVT] ... epeuva Kai 'IIOxvovta~ Ol'O KaAaSI o:vaKaAmvav TO 'loUpOUVeiK LKai Olatei~OVta.; tOV OPXTjYO tii~ napear; va. ~UnOAUe ij Kat va yoval tall . eva~ yiyaVTae; Kanelavloc; ai)Kooae Ti]v dYKAl toa TOU Kat pOOlTjOe tOV v£ap6 KpaJ)aplt ll nou Kat nwc; to £.KAt'lle. . 0 ~IKponw),~t~, ~axapw"£ t1'lvanaVt~"~: -MtyOAe Kat ~aKOUO t £ ouvClyroVtOTtl Jola~ KanttcivtE, otv to x:A.e\jfQIlE. To ayoptioaJ.l.e ano tOV f X:EAe-Mfjtao Ota raKEIKa. . 0 KanetcivlO~ ata x:oAaKeunKci AOYla x:ai <pa{veTCll yvooplSe tOV XOLpopoaK6. Mei~e'lle ti]v dYKAitoa TOU x:at Y1(i epopo ot Kpapapite~ tOU npoa<ptpave j.1ui tOQlOapa Y1a va Xtevi~T] Ta ),evEw TOU Kal eva Kaepe<pto~l. yui va I(allaprovll tilv tm~A~nK~ ~op<P~\t0u ... l:av c'5uiP llKav TO nOtO:J.ll of(i yp i)yopa, cpStioave OTOV OlOllPOOPOJ.UKO 0l'oS110 TaU , AyycAOKaOtpou. 'EKei, onproxvovTo~ Kai onpooxvollev01, aveJ}T]KaV OTO tpaivo 1t0\) tpxotavt ytllaTo I(OOIlO ano TO Kpuovtpi MtoOAoyyiou Kat 1ti)yalVe yui lO 'AypivlO. "" Evac; repJ.l.aVOe; OtpaTlOOTTj~ nou ouvci)o£UE: to tpaivo, SEA~"£ va ~o~S~,,~ tou, veapou, yupoAO)'OUC; il IlclAAOV Yla va ontioTj 1tAaKa tOU~ w3i)yT]oe ato payovl Tii e:; a ' 8em:oo~ . O! apI"tOKpatt, •AYPlVI&tt, aypwKUtta~ave tOU~ J.uKpOnWAT]Tee:;, aJ...J...a IlnpOOta atilv napouoia tOU fEPJ.l.aVOU OEV aVTlopa.oave napa 1l6vo otyoJ.l.oupJ.lou~epav£ .. . To tpaivo, oav J.leyaAo epiot, £'tpexe OAOTOXooe:; Yla to Bpaxoop\. Oi KOtUe; Kal(apiCavE:, TO YOU POUVclK LEOKolX;e Kai Ot KpapapitE:C; !;anAwvave mivw ata tAeuSepa jlEAouotvLa KaOiollaTa ... NEva c; "AIKIooJ.1tvO~ Kai 1tepl1tOITjlltvo~ , AYPlVlootTje:; tOU~ nAlloiao£ Kai TOU~ Pffitouoe Y1(i Ti]V Kataywyi) TO U~ Kai YLa TO EJ..l1t6peullcl tOu~. "Otav ~£~a\WS~K£ mh, ijtav£ Kpa~a pitE:~, niipe ota xepla tOU TOV 1tltOlpiKO tii~ napea~ Kilt 6:1tEUOUVOIl€VO~ TtpO~ TOV KaAOOpEIlJ.l.EvO yUl6 TOU tou Atel JolE X:0:1t01a 00011 nlKpin~ Kai o:yavQf(fi)cr£ro~: -BOAE J.lUaAo ... BA.eTtEI~ nino TO natMKI; TIO A;' y p~yopa Sa yi~ ~£yaAt~1topae; Kat t au J.l.E ti~ tpEAAe~ aou Oa Y{Vll~ xallclAll~ Kat Sa tOU KoujlaA.ti~ OTilv TtA6.tll oou ti<; pa A iToe~ tOU. ' H yuvalKQ tOU tapcix8TjKt nou Ttp60paAC tOV KavaKclPll Tl1 ~ J.l1tPOOTa OE YVOOPIJ.lOUC; 'A'lplvlWlec; Kal lOU piXV£l, OTa YPtlyopa, to aOTponeAEKL: -Mou TO Atyave nro~ 6 n:pono.n1[Oe; aou iltave KpaJ)apitTj ~ Kai OEV TO 1tlOTwa. Kai 6 PI0J.ltlXaVoC; TfjC; 1tEta~e KaTeiJ.loutpa tOV blKO tou Kepauvo: -Nat. KUP6. J.l0u, iltavt Kpapap{TT]~ Kat JolclA.lOTa yE:Vvi)St']KE OTi]V J.l.T]tpC)1[OAl tOW Kpa~apwv ... Ta Xpovw nepaaav. '0 1t6AeIl0~ TEAeiwcrE I(al ot KpaJ)apiu:r; oKop1tiaaVf: ar. nAouOl£C; ~EV£~ xoopee; Kal aav yupLoav npiv Alya xp6vla. Evac; jllOJ.l.i)Xavoc; tfjc; POUJ.leAT] ~ t OUe; nAlloiaae of: Ilta IlEyaA.onpen'" Kut}epVT]tlKi] oe!;iwoT) Kal laouyKpi~ovtae; ta nOttiPIQ civoI~e tTjv Kapolei TOU Kat TOUe; AtEl: -~£v Kpcltlloa ta xapaKl'llPIOt IK<l, aAAO: J.l.Ou<palVetal 1tWC; £1craat£ ot J.l.LKpOnWAl1Tai TOU 1943 nou ouvaVlT]8i)KaJ.l.e OTO payovi tiir; npootTje; etoewe;. O! Kpa~apitt, /)~oy£vEi, Kai apx~yoi tropa trov POUIlEAIWTWV tOU Neou KooJ.lou , tOV aYKoAlaoav Kal tOU dnav: - T i noil oev ~et 6 KaA6~ aou natepac; va O£ Kal1aprooTj nou Of:V EytVCC; xo~UA~, ... "0"0 Yla ~a" ~taV ~t~aw, ~W, ea KaAUtep£uaj,le ti]v ~ootl l1a~. .----------------------'---IityaAVU:poc; •EAA'IVOaJ.-ICPIKa VIKOC; I ~1.InM1:Dir '0Ta~1I5IWTlKOC; 'Opyavlali0C; liE c/c5IKOf'lm II I I ~ ••V.~\!'~ MANHATTAN (212 )753· 1100 595 FIFTH "'YE . NEW YORK . N Y. 10017 ASTORIA QUEENS l BROOKLYN , N,Y. am OIKOVOlilKwrcpa vaVAa t Yl(i. EUcic5a. STAMFORD, CT, ATHENS· GREECf 31·19 DITM"'RS BLYD 7904 FIFTH AYE , 906 E"'ST M"'IN STREET P"'NEPISTIMIOU 59 "'STORI"', N Y 11105 BROOKLYN, N,Y. 11209 ST"'MFORD. CONN 06902 "'THENS, GREECE _ _ _ ~~~ _ _ _ _ _ ~12) 8JJ~00 _ _ _" ___(_20_3_)_3_59_.•2</_1_7_ _ _• _ _ _ _3_2_1~7_ 20 __.J .NEA YOPKH. En: MNHMHN ~nTHP. KA~~ArrIL1H To Kdpevo nov aKoA.ovBci elval 0 CTrljlvT/p6o-ollor:; J.6yoC; nov tt.c<pwv'Iac .1 J tUKf.KP'pivoC; 0JiOycvi,c; ia rpoc; X£lpoupyi)(; 'Avauniawe; E. Kaaaanib"c;. arilll j1aKapia YI(J TO 40- Otjl1CPO Jiv'lJu;avvo roj) naripa TOU Ewr'lpiov Kaaaani6". a:llop,waavroc; crr;,v BipPOIa. .. Meta triv 0Eiav Euxapl(Jriav Kat rijv «avacpopav Str,OEWV" i>1tE.p avanauO"E:'w~ Tii~ 'Vuxflo:; tOU I.r:POCHOO ~a<; natp6r; 1:00TTlPiot) KUOOCutl811. ~AOOJ.1CV vCr. ((CKXUOWJ.1EV TOUr; aptouo:; J.1CIr; btl toil tacpou taU Sucaiou ... 07tW<; A€YEt to BtPl..iov tfir; TwPh t~, naAaLa, L\taO~KT]'. Elval E91j.10V rfir; XPlOtlCIVUC1;r; niote.wr; J.1CIr; va tCAouvrCIl j.1V'lJ.10O:uva. \m£p avanCIum::Wr; trov 'VUXc:ilV nov KEKOlJ.1llJ.1£VWV ).,lav npooqHAWV J.1CIr; npoownwv. "HSTl. onwr; HYEl i} iotopia do:; Tae; 'AnOOtOA1Kar; llwtayac; anavrci 1') OUiKPIOU; t6>v Mvru.1oouvWV E i ~ o<t pita», «EVOta », «tEOoapmcoota». Kai n :AouJH:V ).lVfll.lOOUVOV ttlV u:ooapaKOOttlV ").lepav, b\On Kata t"tlV no lauiv Aw8tlK'lv «Mwoo tlv yap OOtW~ 6 A a 6~ En£vOT}OEV» ).lEta 40 ri).ltpa~ t~, Oavl'j, tou. O{ XPlCHlovoi EXO).l£V t~V ).lopTupiav tii~ IT}~ 0E(J(JaAovueii~ 'E7tl(JlOA ii~ «nou )Ja~ MOH H.nioa oui tilv avaotamv tWV VEKProV Kat niotl v on 00. ouvaVTT}8ciJ).l€v d~ anaVtf)OlV TOO Kupio\) de; atpa Kai. lhO'l naVTOt£ ea E'i)J£8a )Ja~i Tou». T 6 1896 dS, t o <pOi, t~ , ~w~, d, t~V OAOnpaO'lVf)v Kal xapaW)JEVf)V Kat iotoptK"tlV nolLv t1i~ MIKpiie; •AoiQ~, tilv NiKatav. 0 tl)Jw)J evo~ veKpo~. <H NiKOLO ... n 6A l ~ £{~ t "tlV onoiav 01£opal-latlo8T}oav onouoaia lOtOPlKa y£yovota Kat Kata ttlV apXat6tT}ra Iwi Meta XplOtOV. . H r £Vf:t£lpa tOU nattpa ).la~ ijrav to KtVTpOV onou 6 Mcyae; KWVOtaVTivo~ TO 325 ~<ta XP10tOv ~ ~(("OT] va oUYKaAi;oT] ttlV TIPWtT}V OlKoullevlKilv luvoiiov, nou <0000' ta, PaO<l, t~, 'O pOoM!;ou ~a, niotew~, )JEoa d~ tov n£plwvu)JOV Naov tii~ KOll.ltl0CW~ tti~ 0£OtOKOU, 0 <'moro~ Kat£Otpaq>T} 8uotuXciJ~ )J£tO: t"tlv MHcpaOlOtlKtlV oU)JlPopav. Mtoa d<; auto to . EAAT}VIKOV 1tEPLPUAAOV, )JE )JoplPWO'l 1tOAU OUVQtll Kai ~t .apaooOlaKt, p[~E, paS"a PU010~€VE, Ota aYIO EKEiVQ XW)Jata 1l0PlPW8T}K£ Kal av£ntux811 6 ad)JvT}otoe; I-la<; rcat£pae;. Kai (hav to 1922 (Y IVE 1i aA'lo)JoV'ltll MtKpaOlotLlCil Katao'tpolPtl Eno L~£ pOAO KataoKonou (mEp tOU 'EltflvIKOU wE8voue;. , Ano't£AEO).lO; Of TOOpKOl Ka't£iiiKaoav au.... TOV d~ 8avatov anoq>aoEl 'trov tPOI-lCprov 'E8vIKWV twv 6.1KOOtT}piwv, tli onoiaibpvoav tOte «tnt tro oKomi) va KOtaotp€lVoUV tou<; npooota<; ttl~ ToupKia~ ... 6.1acpuywv £i~' ElAaoo 6 lW'ttlPlO<; Kaooonio'l~ o<KlVOUVr.Uooe; tOY €OXOlov KivouvOV», Ecp800cv d<; Btppolav Kat £ipyao8T] unf.p rti(JtCw~ KOl naTpio o~ £ie; nOAAou~ to).lEi~ t8VIKOD<;. 'A rr£ICtT}oE oiKoYEvElov Kal ICOTWpeWO'E va CK9pe'VT} t.v nmo£i.a KOi. OKTl1BPIOI: 1982 k Mi; iOlairepr; t.vxapiarr;a'1 Kai Xapil vrro&XBr;Kr. 'OJ.iO!a ·,~. r~v ~r;p(1(, rov MaKGptWraro narplup,,, ·i£p~ao).vl1wv AlObOJpo. ~ orro/O~ r..IfJO(1a[. [.(5(;) ,otJvo?wotnv~: a:no Mr;tpono)Jru; rou n arplapXClOU tau, rrpOOK[;Klr;t~ cl'oc; tall APl,ltrrlOKonotJ AwpIKr;.., K. 'laKwpov. Er~l' ffJwroypalfJia . 6 MaKaptOnarot; I:nt(jf(jwv ar?l'~ If:fJ(~(JjJl(:'Jta,ro. ro,v Mii'~l Eravpo rwl' 'bm orwl' TOU nal'ayiov Tdrpou. ·0 n~rpldpl..f}(;,. notl ,CfI}I[.' ( wro f.OpO PijYKav, £Ivai Kara K00j10V AajJlavoc; Kapipa ).,r;( Kat Kara ytral ano ro Bpovwoo Tr;<,; Xiov. Ero {}povo rwl' 'JcpoaOAVI1Wl' avr,i.Br. ro 1981. rov Bavaro rmi l7arpuiPlJl Br:vu5iKWV. r vouO£oia Kupiou ta 4 tbeva. tOU Kat va ta npocrcptpT} El<; rilv 'EA/.~VIKtl ·O p8600~ov KOlvwviav , ra 2 w~ bnartl).lovac; iarpoo~ Kal to. 0),)..0. 2 00<; a.~ iou~ "EA.A.'lVa<; Kal a ov£XlOtac;; tii~ napoo6af.w<; EKf.ivou. ' H~ L(l>ell ciJCOl.ll1 va loti tyyovta CPOltl1ta<; nav£nto'tT}).liwv. 'H ~W"tl TOll O:£l).lVtlOtOO 1!OtpOC;; ijtav I-lia OUVf.xtic;; oloa(JJ(QAia tou' EAAT}VlKOU iotwoouC;; £i~ o;"a<; rae;; tK<paVOEle;; tou. Mia nouIKono<; voue£oia yupw nno tilv aJ.1wJ.1T}rov rtiotl V J.10<;. Kat otav ElPttO~ to 9tpo<; nptv altO 2I-ltlVE<; tau hTlA£cpwVT]Oa t~ . AeT]vwv KUl tOU liVTiYYElAO Ott Crt£od:lP9T]V tilv KwvoravnvounOAlv, 1i xapo: TOU ~ta.v cl1u:piypalttT] Kat /.lOU amiVtl1(J£ hat: «aut"tl rirav Ti ErnSu).Iia ).100, va oti~ EK lOU o uv£f'yu<; ooa on; toioa~a». ~ Htav aav va eA£yE: ClVUV anoADEl;; tOV OOUAOV oou 6.&o7tOta ... rAUK£ not&pa .• A vonal)(Joo orou~ KOI.'ltou<; •Appaa)J, 'loaaK Kat 'IaKwp. Tov Op0J.10V GOU ti)JIO tOV tEAciwOE~. Ttl v niOtlV oou ~hCttlPl1aE~ atpavtaxta. EleE va a~lwOil~ tOY rf)<; OlKOlOODVT}<; Ot£cpovov nou 90. OOU OWOT] 6 oiKaLO~ Kplttle;; EV EKEiVl1 til ~J.l£pa . , Aya1tll'tol ).lOU lPiAol Kal o:oEAlPoi, tEKVa Kat avrl'l'to: ).Ia~, oa~ £UXO:P lOtOO).le; J.1£oa 11.0 ta PaOT] t ~, 'l'UX~' ~a" 6 aOEA<po, I-l0U J.1 Cta tTl<; OiICOYEVEia.~ tOU Koi ta nOloui )Ja<; KOl tyw, nou EtlJ.1rlOO:LE tilv J.lvr])JT] tou o£paotou )Ja~ rrotpOe; Kat rran7tou Kat ).IE TO tll.110 np£OpUteplO 7tpoo£uX118tlKOt£ oui va eXT} ~w ~v alWVtOV". tq~ ''tlKq; Tpani('J;, N. ·YOPK'lC; K. Ewn;ploc; Karaovir;:;. OCC;/(Z, J.lC TOV olwBlJvr;, roi) viOl' im.oKawaujparo c; nOlJ Iil'Ol~r. rol' rrr:paajJ i.v() j1fJva aro ¢i.riOl,'K. K. T(wv rKOwj).a. Til cYKaivla rov vio/) ,i noKaraauljJaro( nov tC,lJ7tllPr:rc i '10', rove; 0110yr.vr:lr; jJliir.;;ri.).r;( rrr:plOxfJr;, uxo).ov{}f"!ac pcyri).." &~iwol' ar;,l' (mofa npoaijJ.Oav noi).01 "E))"f"!voaj1cpIKavoi t,7!lXClPf"!IWria; rir:; ncptoxi;;;; Kai JuilfJOPOI 6.)).01 rrapriyovrr.r;. ·0 n por:(jpo; 21 Fly over the waves with the FLYING DDLPHINS Daily from Zea to: Aegina - Methana - Poros Hydra - Hermioni - Spetses - Porto Heli Nauplio - Tolo - Tyros - Leonidio - Kyparissi Monemvassia - Kythira - Neapoli Voion Every hour on the hour shuttle service from the Central Port of Piraeus to Aegina Daily Cycadic Interport Service connecting in minutes: Syros - Tinos - Myconos - Naxos Paros - los - Syros HYDROFOIL JOINT SERVICE 8, Akti Themistokleous, Freattyda, Piraeus Tel.: 4531716/7, 4528858, 4529272, 4528994 22 .NEA YOPIi.H- Questions waiting for an answer It seems that Mr. Timothy Maniatis, AHEPA's Executive Director, not only does not care about the Cyprus problem, as he had stated to Mr. Steve Papayliou, Secretary of the Cyprus Committee, but he also is allergic to the Greek-American press. We cannot, otherwise explain his reluctancy to comment on OUT editorials and on accusations that led him to threaten for his resignation at the recent convention of OUf greatest Organization. His contempt for the press has been proven, once again, with his refusal to answer a series of questions that we submitted to him, in writing, in a letter dated September 7th, 1982, assuring him that his answers would be published in this month's issue. We wonder, if Mr. Maniatis' proven contempt of the press became the official policy of AHEPA. That is why we are pub~ lishing these questions, expecting to have an answer from some other A H EPA official. The questions are: - We have not received any press releases or photographs or speaches of the representatives of the Greek and Cyprus Governments at the A tlanta Convention . Since we always received such material right after each convention. we want to know if this is a new practice, inaugurated by you personally lor the first time this year, or you acted after receiving orders by the new Supreme President of the Order. Mr. Peter Kouchalakos. or you had any specific reason not to publishize the speach by the Greek Undersecretary, Mr. Foti/as and Mrs. A. Papandreou? - The advertisement lor the AHEPA convention was inserted as for as we know, only in the two English language newspapers, Hellenic Chronicle and Hellenic Times. and the Greek language press was not included in your advertising program. Does this constilUle a new policy? Was this your personal decision or passed by Supreme President Mr. Gus Coffinas or any other officials of the organization? Greek Shipping Firms Face Major Crisis; World Recession and High Wages Blamed By LISA KELLER (The Wall Street Journal, Sept. 29, 1982) ATHENS, Greece - With about 640 ships id ling at a dozen points off the Greek coastline, the shipping industry here is searching for a way out of its worst crisis since World War II. Indeed, the current recession has caused a shipping slump world-wide. At the end of luly, 9%ofthe world's shipping tonnage was idle, according to the General Council of British Shipping. But in Greece the problem runs deeper. More than 25% of the Greek fleet's total tonnage of 48 million gross registered tons is idle, and the recession has exposed flaws that have made Greek ships less and Jess competitive in the world market. For a maritime nation that relies on shipping for a major chunk of its income and foreign eXChange, the ability of the industry to correct its course in hard times could be critical. Ships flying the Greek gflag, 10% of the world's total, reported revenues of $666 million in the first six months of 1982, a drop of more than 17% from the $805 million reported for the first half of 1981. "Things are going badly everywhere," says a British shipping expert here, "but the Greeks have been more specu lative. When other countries tried to cut costs, Greekowned shipping, which is financially favored OCTOBER 1982 under Greek law, experienced a rise in costs. In addition ... the competition's better organization has lessened the impact of the slump on them." Difference of Opinion The Union of Greek Shipowners is asking for tax cuts, and they want to hire more foreign seamen at lower pay. Greek law allows foreigners to make up no more than 25% of the crews on Greek-flag ships. They must receive the same pay as their Greek Shipmates. Greek seamen enjoy one of the more favorable collective agreements in the maritime industry, and shipowners say the rules are eroding their profits. A Greek second engineer earns about $2,350 a month while an Asian with a similar job on some non-Greek sjips makes as little as $1,380 a month, a shipowners union spokesman said. The industry employs more than 120,000 Greeks. The Greek Seamen's Union, for its part, doesn't deny that the Greek fleet's competitiveness is dwindling, but says the problem iso't caused by high wages. The union argues >hat the Greek fleet is inefficient because it is old. When Greece joined the Common Market last year nearly half its ships were more than 20 years old . Less than a quaner of the world's fleet is so aged. Old ships are accident prone, and the Greek safety record is among the world's worst. Accidents increase the cost of insurance, and that cuts into profits. In addition, the seamen contend, the Greek fleet is put at a disadvantage because most of its ships operate as "tramps," organizing their schedules and cargo contracts as they go from port to port. A better organized contract system, the union says, would eliminate a good deal of wasted time. Government Stance in Question The government is caught between the owners and the seamen. It isn't confident that the industry will be able to upgrade itself during the recession. At the same time, the government is under pressure to do something. The Greek economy, bedeviled by inflation and balance of payments deficits, depends on shipping for 20% of its overseas income. Shipping attracted $1.8 billion in foreign currency last year, only a shade less than the tourist business brought in. Vassili Sarantitis, undersecretary of the Ministry of Mercantile Marine, says he is "determined to take all the appropriate measures to help Greek shipping retain running costs that are internationally competitive. " The government, Mr. Sarantitis adds, will try to stem the flow of Greek-flag ships to flag-of-convenience countries. Between January and May of this year, 141 Greek ships switched registry to countries that don't limit the number of foreigners in their 23 Chirgotis elected Chairman of Truman Foundation William G. Chirgotis of Springfield, N.J. and a past Supreme President of the Order of Ahepa. was elected Chairman of the Board of the Harry S. Truman Foundation at a meeting of the Board of Directors that was held recently at the Alemeda Plaza Hotel, in Kansas City. Missouri in recognition of his devotion , contributions and many services rendered to the Foundation. For many years, Mr. Chirgotis has hosted the Annua l May 8th Truman Memorial Luncheon that is attended by many associates, colleagues and friends of the late President to commemorate his birthday. Mr. Chirgotis was associate architect of the Truman statue that was erected in Athens, Greece and a scaled replica in the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence, ATHENS ACROPOLIS PHOTO STUDIO WEDDINGS COMMERCIA L PORTRAITS OF DISTINCTION COMMUNIONS. GRADUATIONS CHRISTENING. AND ALL OCCASIONS COPIES. COLOR BLACK .... NO WH ITE Mo. P .... SSPORTS Several years ago he assumed the personal responsibility for the erection of a full-size bronze bust of President Truman as a "Iabor-of-Iove" that presently graces the entrance foyer of the $45 million Harry S. Truman Medical Center in Kansas City. crews. Of the total of about 4,300 Greek ships only 450 flew foreign flags at the end of last year. Minister of Mercantile Marine George Katsifaras said at a recent new conference that the government was "concerned" about the fleet's decline. Mr. Sarantitis says the government plans to "lessen any further decline in the number of ships in the fleet without negatively affecting the Greek merchant seaman." He didn't say how this would be done. orr to the Scrapyard Shipowners say the thinning of the fleet is attributable more to ships heading for the scrapyard rather than for flag-of-convenience countries. There have been more ships than usual changing hands in the last six months," says Costas Carras, a member of the board of directors of the shipowners' union. "But the Greek fleet has a large number of older vessels, and some of the decline includes ships going for salvage. This might be the beginning of a trend , but it would be worrying only if it continues." Cost cutting is the only option for shipowners until the government acts to ease restrictions on the industry, Mr. Carras says . Whether a government committed to protecting the interests of seamen will intervene to the shipowners' satisfaction is still unclear. Meanwhile, ships continue to quietly congregate off the Greek coast, waiting for cargoes to fill their holds. "Let's face it," says a member of the foreign shipping community here. "Greek shipping has survived what should have been insurmountable obstacles over the centuries. It will get through this crisis somehow." 24 35-04 BROADWAY CORNER OF 35T .... 5T. ASTORIA. N.Y. TEL. 72B-OB06 Athens International News Agency ~'lTOrpA~IEl: rIA E~HMEPldEI: KAI nEPIOdlKA Dr. Kimon A. Legakis Athens University Law School, Master of Law, Harvard Law School. Doctor of Law, Greece. Certificate in Hague Academy of 1m '/ Law LAW OFFICES ATTORNEY AT LAW LEGAL CONSULTANT 14 Nikitaras Street Athens 142, Greece Phone: 3633.340, 6461.016 209 Garth Road Scarsdale, N.Y. (914) 725-4717 , (914) 737-8765 With emphasis on: Settlements of Inheritance. Taxes. Disputed Prope"ies, Civil. International. Family and Business Law in Greece. ~lJ~~1ril 22-81 31st STREET. ASTORIA, N.Y.III05 TIJA. (212) 932-7011 GIFT SHOP MnOMnONIEPEE - BAllTIITIKA - AAMnA.1EE E/dH A{2PDN - JlEKOI- 8 TRACK TAPES - CASSETfES "NEW YORK" Fashions by Adrienne Christine Valmy It is a pity that more of us cannot have the opportunity to meet her in person, for she is most assured ly her own best advertisement. She radiates an aura of good health combined with immaculate grooming which add up to a stately, mature beauty that is difficult indeed to come by. Most certainly Christine Valmy is the originator in the United States of the skin care industry, a fact which led the 92nd Congress of the United States to award her with a citation for fostering skin care as a profession in America. Because of this, plus countless international achievements and the unique skin care breakthroughs credited to her, Christine Valmy has earned the undisputed reputation as the worldwide authority in her field, her success story is not a personal one, but the creation and history of scientific skin care as it exists in the United States today. It has not all been easy since she arrived here 21 years ago from her native Rumania with a young daughter and aging mother dependant on her. Early on, she realized that, the main purpose of cosmetics here was to cover up skin imperfections, an antiquated approach when compared to the standards of Europe. Valmy devised her own now-famous techniques, "Valmy Method," with a philosophy "not to conceal, but to reveal" the natural beauty of healthy, well-functioning skin. Her Method achieves a far-reaching goal of slowing down the biological aging process by scientifically restoring the skin's natural functions from the inside to the outside. When she began telling others about her dreams, which were to introduce the American people to modern and scientific treatments inside of specialized salons, they called her, quote, "crazy." When she later borrowed money to start a salon of her own, it opened and closed in less than two months (the first of many career setbacks), and her American dream was temporarily shattered. Her first step was to create the American Association of Esthetics and Make-up by organizing the handful of people involved in skin care in order to share ideas with each other. (Starting with less than a dozen people, this non-profit organization now boasts a 3,OOO-plus membership, with its founder, Valmy, as president). Because this original group was so small, Christine Valmy realized the need for training and educating skin care specialists on a large and OCTOBER 1982 Christine Valmy Fifth A venue Skin Care Salon jJl The Pearline is a comprehensive treatment products line boasting 29 items in all. ranging price from a high of $50.00 for a I-ounce jar of Superb Rich Cream 10 a low of$7.50 for a 4-ounce bottle of Mild Astringent. jr, progressive scale. For this purpose, she founded the first school in the U.S. licensed to teach skin care eXclusively. In the future, when the history of skin care is written, it will be noted that after a slow start, Valmy's New York school has graduated over ninety percent of the practicing skin care specialists in this country. These graduates are the disciples who helped Christine Valmy educate the American people to the science of skin care. Today, they use her Methods in over 1,200 salons and department stores in the United States alone. In early March, 1976, Christine Valmy common sense. As starting point she says. opened what has been called" ... the most beautiful skin care salon in the world." Located in New York's prestigious Fifth Avenue, it affords to the entire skin care industry the recognition it deserves as a major branch at the mother beauty industry, and was awarded honors from Town & Country magazine as .. . . . the best in New York City." An additional 100 skin care salons are planned by 1985. Her enthusiasm for her beliefs is all en- 25 compassmg "All humans are born with beautiful skin. There is nothing so clear and smooth, so soft and velvety as the skin of a newborn child". In her many writings on skin care including her book, "Christi ne Valmy's skin and Makeup Book," (Crown Publishers) she warns of some common dangers. Cold. This dries and chaps and requires the protection of a mineral oil or petroleum based product. Heat, perspiration and plane travel. These are all dehydrating and require internal water replacement. As an external precaution she recomends daily applications of luke warm water using terry cloth. Smoking. Dries too , is dehydrating and cuses wrinkles around the eyes and mouth. The Valmy ski n care salons offer complete scientific skin care head to toe. The latest addition to the complete line of skin care products is a new nigh time jell. It is a marvelous treatment to tighten and tone the skin. Naturally she calls th is wonderful cream "MARVEL". Christine Valmy is no longer called "crazy"; many now call her a "genius"; and as she looks back at her career, she understands why people questioned her dreams: "After all, I didn't have enough money in those days to buy a cup of coffee, and there were less than twenty licensed estheticians in the country". The history of skin care is Christine Valmy's story. BANQUET CENTER FOR ALL OCCASIONS Accomodationsfrom 10 to 1.200 12 ROOMS TO CHOOSE FROM for reservations CAll (201) 636·2700 BANQUET MANAGER -~, Inn MOTOR LODGE & RESTAURANT U.S . ROUTES I & 9 WOODBRIDGE. N.J. 07095 ,i,tu9uvtt)<; nETPOE EHEPHl: Archdiocese represented at U.N. Conference NEW YORK, N.Y.- The Greek Ortho. dox Archdiocese of North and South America was among 688 groups from 38 countries that participated in this year's United Nations Annual Conference of the Department of Public Information for NonGovernmental Organizations (NGOs). The Archdiocese, which has NGO status at the U.N., was represented by Mrs. Lila Prounis, the NGO delegate; Mrs. Sophia Altin, the NGO alternate; and Father Milton Efthimiou, Director of the Archdiocesan Department of Church and Society. "Spears of Pruning Hooks: The Impact of the Arms Race on Society" was the theme cf this year's conference, held September 8th through 10th at U.N. headquarters in New York City. Social, economic, environmental and psychological aspects of the arms race were discussed, as were the roles of the U,N. and NGOs in reversing the life-threatening arms buildup. r pUIj/£t£ tva qliA.o aae; tnJVO po" '1 26 ttl "NEW YORK" The Foreign Policy of Greece Statement by the Foreign Minister of Greece Mr. Yannis HaraJambopouJos The fo.llowing are excerpts from a speech by the Foreign Minister of Greece Mr. . Yanms Haralambopoulos delivered during the General debate of the 37th sessIon of the United Nations General Assembly: "In the first place, there is the problem of the Middle East. Apart from its major international importance, it is of a special interest to Greece, not only because of its geographical proxim ity to the region where the crisis is evolving, but also because of the traditional bonds which Iinl us to th.,e Arab world. This explains the many initiatives taken by my Government, in the last few months. within the European Community, as well as other international fora with a view to promoting the Palestinian cause and restoring peace in Lebanon. My Government has repeatedly condemned . in the strongest terms , the Israeli invasion in Lebanon. When the Special U.S. envoy, Mr. Habib, managed to arrange a peaceful lifting ofthe siege ofWdt Beirut, we felt hopeful that events in the Middle East might take a constructive turn. Our optimism has been short-lived, since, in the aftermath of the assassination of the President-elect of/ Lebanon, the Israeli forces, violating the Habib Agreement; invaded West Beirut throwing the door open to the appalling massacre of Palestinian civilians that followed. My country, Mr. President, was fast to request from the Security Counci l to take adequate and effective measures to safeguard the civilian population in Lebanon. However, there are still a few encouraging signs. I am referring to the Reagan plan which could be considered as a first step of a process which might lead to a solution of the Palestinian problem. I should also like to stress, in this context, the proposals of the Arab summit at Fez, which were announced a little later. I emphasize the fact that the Arab countries which participated in the Conference were unanimous in putting forward a ser ies of constructive proposals aiming at a comprehensive solution, which would be satisfactory for the Palestinians. Recent events. Mr. President, proved that stability in Lebanon has a direct bearing upon the search for a peaceful settlement of the Middle East question. For this reason as well as for the sake of solidarity with Lebanon, the population of which has suffered so cruelly. we must encourage all steps leading to a stable Lebanon through the return of normality in that country and the restoration of the authority of the Lebanese Government over the whole of its national territory. It is in this spirit that we greet the election of a new President and OCTOBER 1982 earnestly hope that this development initiate a new era in that country. Will THE CYPRUS PROBLEM The problem of Cyprus is of paramount importance to the Greek Government, both because of the well-known links between the peoples of Greece and Cyprus and because Greece is one of the guarantors of the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the Republic of Cyprus under the terms of the Treaties of 1960. The main components of this problem could be summarized as follows: More than 36% of the territory of the Republic of Cyprus is occupied by Turkish troops. Consequently. the Government of the Republic of Cyprus is unable to exercise its sovereign rights over the whole territory of the Republic. Thousands of Greek Cypriots have been displaced and live as refugees in their own country. On the other hand , the Turkish Cypriot minority expresses deep con cern over its own security. Similarly, the Greek Cypriots are deeply concerned over their own security because of the permanent threat which materialized in a dramatic manner through the Turkish invasion and subsequent occupation of the Island. Moreover, we cannot overlook the determining factor of the Cyprus problem, namely. that 80% of the population of the Republic of Cyprus are Greek Cypriots, whereas only J 8% arc Turkish Cypriots. Although eight years have already elapsed since the invasion in 1974, the int ercommunal talks , which have been going on ever since, under the auspices of the SecretaryGeneral, have failed to produce any results. Faced with these realities and with such an ominous deadlock. the Prime Minister of Greece, Mr. Andreas Papandreou, made a constructive proposal. a few months ago. the substance of which is the withdrawal of all fore ign troops from the territory of the Republic of Cyprus and the increase of the United Nations peace-keeping forces in an effort to allay the fears that otherwise the Turkish minority might feel for it s security. In this regard the Greek Prime Minister specified that Greece is prepared to make a substantial financial contribution in order to meet the additional expenses such an expanded peace-keeping force would require . Once the foreign troops are withdrawn and an expanded United Nations force is in place. the cond itions will be set for truly constructive talks to start between the two communities with a view to achieving a just solution of the Cyprus problem acceptable to all. The final goal is the safeguard of the independence. territoria l integrity. unity and non-aligned character of Cyprus. in accordance with the relevant resolutions of this Assembly. The Middle East and the Cyprus prblems are not the only ones which have resulted from the resort to force in contravention to the principles and Ob ligations of the Charter. Other major international crises are also the result of the illegal use of force Mr. Haralambopoulos addressing lhe General Assemhfr of Ihe United Nalions 27 which has led to the continuing occupation of the territory of other countries, notwithstanding the repeated unanimous condemnations of this Assembly and it calls to put an end to them. as is the case with Kampuchea and Afghanistan. Greece has consistently and firmly condemned all acts of invasion and foreign occupation, regardless of who is the aggressor. LIBERA nON MOVEMENTS What I have just said does not mean that we do not sympathize with the struggle of peoples who have been denied their fundamental rights to self-determination. It is in this context that my Government lends its moral support to national liberation movements. I wish, at this point, to express more particularly the concern of the Greek Government for the situation in Central America and more specifically in El Salvador and Nicaragua and for the threat of regionalization of the conflict in EI Salvador. Greece calls for a negotiated political settlement in EI Salvador and expresses its firm belief that the F. F. M.L.N. as well as the F.D.R. should be incl uded in suc h a settlement as being representative pOlitical forces. THE STATE OF U.N. The Secretary-General Mr. de Cuellar submitted on September 7, 1982 to the Assembly his courageous. comprehensive and foresighted report on the state of this Organization. Mr. de Cuellar points. in no uncertain terms, to the decline of this Organization and I fully share his assessments. I feel compelled at this juncture to express the profound disappointment of my country over the fact that the United Nations failed to contribute to the maintenance of peace and to protect the sovereignty of memberstates. I am afraid that I would be stating the obvious if I said that if this trend continues, this Organization, which was created with th e hopes and expectations of mankind, devasta ted by the Second World War, will be transformed into a decorative international bureaucracy. Greece, a traditio nally peace-loving country, has followed with genuine interest recent devel opmen ts concerning disarmament and particularly the proceed ings of the special session of the General Assembly devoted to Disarmament. which was convened a few months ago. Unfortunately, despite the fact that nobod y objected to the urgent need for disarmament, the special session did not produce the result we all hope for. Nevertheless, it should not be forgotten that it demonstrated the determination of all peoples to live in peace without the scourge of war. All Governments and especially the superpowers should realize the real meaning of this message and increase their effors. Concrete steps should be taken urgently to promote detente and cooperation a mong states and to open the way for the adoption of effective measures for arms control and disarmament. The efforts should be directed to both nuclear and con- 28 ventional disarmament. It is essential to note that the first cannot sat isfactorily be achieved unless it is coupled with disarmament in conventional as well as other mass destruction weapons. In this spirit we welcome the negotiations which are currently going on in Geneva between the United States of America and the Soviet Union. We honestly hope that they will result in positive developments. For our part, Mr. President, we are opposed, as a matter of principle, to the division of the world into antagonistic blocks. Overcoming this division is an integral part of our long-term policy. It is in this connection that we express our appreciation to the non-aligned movement for its role in furthering the cause of peace. We ca nnot but congratulate its members for their decision to stay away from the military blocks. HUMAN RIGHTS Peace, howeve r, would not be complete if not followed by the respect of human rights, as well as by the development of eco~ nomic cooperation between countries. Democratic Greece, because of its agelong culture and national traditions, is strongly and unshakeably committed to the respect of human rights. Nobody has ever been persecuted in Greece because of either hi s race or his religion or creed. It is with deep regret that we notice, therefore, that in several countries people are being tortured, disappear without leaving a trace, or are deprived of their fundamental rights. Furthermore, some countries, under the pretext of non-interference in their own internal affairs. refuse to cooperate with the appropriate international organs for the control of human ri ghts violations. Greece condemns any form of racial discrimination and, in particular, the policy of apartheid pursued by the South African Government notwithstanding the persistent demands of the international community that an immediate end put to it. The adverse economic situation prevailing throughout the world has dealt a serious setback to North-South issues. The recessionary tendencies in the developed market economies, which are far from being resolved, preclude any immediate relief for the developing countries, while their already weak and vulnerable economies should be propelled forward at an acceptable pace. The North-South dialogue appears moribund. Immobility and stalemate have become the norm. It would have been an ommission if I did not refer to the recent Conference ofthe Law of the Sea. Greece, being a maritime nation, welcomes the conclusio n of the work of this Conference. We consider this an important development, which will, as we hope, greatly contribute to the solution of existing differences between countries and will strengthen international cooperation. We urge all states to sign and ratify this con- Archbishop Iakovos to be honored The Greek Orthodox Community of St. Demetrios of Jamaica will celebrate the official opening of the Archbishop Iakovos High School of Jamaica with a testimonial dinner-dance on Friday. Oct. 29th. His Eminence Archbishop Iakovos, Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church of North and South America, will be the guest of honor as the school is officially named for him. Dinner Chairperson, Peter Coufos, invites all to participate in this historic occasion which will be celebrated at the New York Hilton Hotel. "The Archbishop has served our community for a long while, 'said Coufos, 'A nd we feel that by naming this high school for him, we can in some small way acknowledge our appreciation of his particular concern for our children through the years." Concerts for Young People with Dino Anagnost (Presented by Orpheon Inc.: The Liltle Orchestra Society) Five-concert double su bscription series. Saturday, December 4, 1982: "Menotti and Amahl"; Saturday, January 15, 1983: "Toy Symphonies"; Saturday. February 5. 1983: "What Is An Orchestra?"; Saturday, March 12. 1983: "M usic and Magic··; Saturday. April 9. 1983: ·'Dance Round-Up .. • Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center, New York City. At 11:00 A.M. and again at 1:00 P.M. Subscription information and season tickets, call (212) 757-5496. Remaining tickets priced at $12, SI I. SIO. S9, S7 and $6 will be available at the Avery Fisher Hall box office open at 10:00 A.M. on the morning of the performances. venti on. Mr. President, In the course of this intervention I have expressed the disappointment of my country over the poor performance of the United Nations and particularly their failure to discharge their major mission, namely to help maintain the world peace and protect the sovereignty of their mamber-states. However, I feel compelled to also express the warm wish that the United Nations Organization should gradually overcome its weaknesses, so that it manages to fulfill the mission entrusted to it by mankind. Despite its many shortcomings the Organization remains, should remain, a great hope of peace-loving people the world over. In this context I should like to assure the Secretary General that he will have the earnest support of my Government in this noble endeavour to restore the prestige and effectiveness of our Organization." "NEW YORK" HANAC to Honor Evangeline Gouletas Carey Evangeline Gouletas Carey, businesswoman and wife of New York Governor Hugh Carey will be the guest of honor at the ninth annual Hellenic American Neighborhood Action Committee (HANAC) dinnerdance in late October. Carey will be presented with the organization's "Woman of the Year" award. "As an organization that has served Greek-Americans in New York for over a decade, we are greatly impressed by the dedication and concern that have been displayed by Mrs. Carey to our community since her relatively recent arrival in New York," said Catherine Saketos, HANAC President. Andy Cyprus, the dinner chairman, echoed those thoughts, saying that Mrs, Carey has displayed a strong commitment to the betterment of Greek-Americans throughout our area. His Eminence Archbishop lakovos, Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church of North and South America, will serve as an honorary co-chairman of the dinner, according to Cyprus. The dinner will be held on Sunday, October 31st, at Terrace on the Park in Flushing Meadows, beginning at 5 P.M . For ticket reservations Cyprus urges a call to Tina Kiamos at (212) 370-{)899. fui TI'; TunoypUq>IKi:.; £pyuoil:.; au.; o.nom9fjLE ani f\fA YOPKH l:LOIX£lo9£OIU Ylo. ~I~/,IU, n£plO()IKa, 6wqJIlllIOLlKo. K£lIl£VU, KaO£ £'i60U'; £K600Il. 'Enloll';: AWKO)IlUm ' Opyuvwo£wv KUt KOIV0L11Twv. Menus' EOLluLOplwv (212) 947-3180 OCTOBER 1982 Rev. Stephanopoulos Dean of the Cathedral Archbishop Iakovos has appointed the Rev. Dr. Robert G. Stephanopoulos as Dean of the Archdiocesan Cathedral of the AHEP A to Build Senior Citizen's Center The Supreme President of the Order of AHEPA, Peter S. Kouchalakos, has announced the appointment of a two-man committee searching for suitable building sites for an AHEPA senior citicen's center. The 60th AHEPA Supreme Convention that met in Atlanta, GA, recently, allocated $1 million dollars to build a seniors center. "The AHEPA committed itself in 1937 to building a center for elder Americans of Hellenic descent , and I am proud to announce that we are now assured that such a center will be built," Supreme President Kouchalakos said. "1 have appointed Past Supreme President Louis G. Manesiotis and William G. Chirgotis as a preliminary search committee, to seek land suitable for a seniors apartment building complex in the United States." "We will probably begin with a small apartment complex in order to assess the degree of interest and need among our members," the Supreme President continued, "and expand the complex as the need grows." The 1937 AHEPA convention purchased 100 acres in Florida with the intent of eventually building for older Ahepans, but later conventions decided to sell parcels of the land. The last parcel was sold in 1981. Both Chirgotis and Manesiotis are experienced real estate developers. William Chirgotis, Springfield, NJ, is a nationallyknown architect who most recently designed and supervised the building of the AHEPA Hall for Boys in Garrison, NY. Louis Manesiotis, who chaired the successful $1.25 million fund-raising drive for the AHEPA dormitories, owns and operates a painting firm in Pittsburgh, PA. Holy Trinity' in New York City. He celebrated his first Divine Liturgy as Cathedral Dean on Sunday, September 12. Since September, 1974, Father Stephanopoulos has served as Dean of Sts . Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Cleveland Heights, OH. Over 350 parishioners and friends attended a Testimonial Dinner in his honor in Cleveland on August 28. Distinguished speakers for the evening included the Most Rev. Anthony Pilla, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Cleveland; Bishop Maximos of the Greek Orthodox Diocese of Pittsburgh; Federal Judge John M. Manos and George Chimples, vice president of the Archdiocesan Council. Father Stepha no poulos has served as Ecumenical Officer of the Archdiocese (1970-75); secretary of the National Council of Churches and serves as secretary of the Orthodox Commission of the OrthodoxCatholic Consultation, is a member of the Orthodox-Anglican Consultation and was instrumental with Rabbi Marc Tannenbaum in establishing the first Orthodox-Jewish Consultation. His publications include the "Guidelines for Orthodox Christians in Ecumenical Relations." In Cleveland he was appointed by Judge Frank Battisti to serve on the Advisory Commission of the Office on School Monitoring and Community Relations, was the Ecumenical Officer of the Diocese of Pittsburgh and lecturer in Eastern Orthodox Christianity at John Carroll and Kent State Universities. Father Stephanopoulos was born in Neochorion, Elis, Greece on November 19, 1934 and came to the United States in 1939. He graduated from Lorain (OH) High School where his father served as a priest and from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of TheOlogy, Brookline (MA), in 1958 and received his STM from Holy Cross in 1959. Following his marriage he studied at the University of Athens Theological School for one year and pursued his studies at Boston University where he received his Ph.D. in Ecumenics in 1971. His thesis was entitled "A Study in Recent Greek Orthodox Ecumenical Relations, 1902-1968." He served as pastor of St. Demetrios Church, Fall River. MA from 1959-{;6 and from 1966-74 he was pastor of the Church of Our Saviour, Rye, NY. Father Stephanopoulos is the son of the Rev. and Mrs. George Stephanopoulos (Re!.) of S!. Petersburg, FLA and the brother of the Rev. Elias Stephanopoulos, pastor of the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, Portland, ORE. Father and Mrs. Stepha no poulos and their children Anastasia, 23; George, 21 ; Marguarite, 19 and Andrew, 18 have taken up residence in Manhattan. Al()P9COOll LTilv Ae~civTa IllaC; <pu)TOypOqllO<; <no TE"XO, ~a, TO" ~,"T£~~piou ("EA. 14) ,,~ Jl€lro811Ke Aov90oj.ltva 6 TiTAOO:; TOU 'AIl€: plKavoKu1CpwKoi) KOYK ptcrcrou. 29 Shipowners join to fight sea pollution Christian Science Monitor, Sept. 3, '82 Athens - The Greek shippi ng industry, representing by far the world's largest merchant flee t, has la unched a global initiative for the prevention of marine pollution, starting with oi l spills. The project, which may well be followed by the merchant marines of other countries, is being developed under the independent guidance of Dr. Ed gar Gold, professor of maritime law at Daldousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Ca nada. The project could affect significantly the future health of the oceans. It was launched in Athens with a declaration of accord uniting hitherto, largely opposed forces of the shipping indust ry a nd the environment lobby in a practica l common end eavor. Its progress will be watched closely by the world's marine interests. At the heart of the plan is the newly formed Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association (HELM EPA), representing Greek shipowners and trade unions who run one-fifth of the world merchant fieet. The association will esta blish a computerized statistical data bank to monito r oil spills and other ship-c reated environmental problems. Members of the Greek shippi ng community responsible for deliberate marine pollution would be severely discipl ined. A decla ration of intent , asserting that ship-generated marine po llu tion can be STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP , MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION (Requ ired by 39 USc. 3685) I. TITLE OF PUBLICUION H NEA YORKH "NEW YORK" 2 DATE OF FILING October 15, 1982 3. FR EQU ENCY OF :SSUE Monthly A. No. of issues published annually Twelve B. Annual subscription price S25.00 4. LOCATION OF KNOW N OFFIrF OF PUBLICATION 30 W. 36 St .. New York. N.Y. 10018 6. NAMES And COM PLETE ADDRESSES OF PUBLISHER. EDITOR & MANAGING EDITOR PUBLISHER Hellenic Heritage, Publisher Peter Makrias, 30 W. 36 St ., New York, N.Y. 10018 EDITOR Peter Makrias, 30 W. 36 St. New York.. N.Y. 1001 8 MANAGING EDITOR Peter Makrias 7. OWNER (If o wned by a corporation, its name a nd address must be stated and also immed iately thereunder the names and addresses of stock holders owning I percent or more of total amount of stock. . If not' owned by a corporation, the names and addresses of the individual owners must be give n. If owned by a partnership or other unicorporated firm, its name and address, as well as that of each indi vidual must be given). NAME Hellenic Heritage Ltd. Peter Makrias ADDRESS 30 W. 36 St.. New Yo'k . N. Y. 10018 8. KNOWN BONDHOLDERS, MORTGAGES. AND OTHER SECUR ITY HOLDERS OWNING OR HOLDIN G I PERCENT OR MORE OF TOTAL AMOUNT OF BONDS. MORTGAGES OR OTH ER SECURI TI ES (If there are none. so state) NAME Pete r Makrias AYCf&1IC No. of CoplCS AC"lUoII No. Copics of ADDRESS 30 W. 36 St., New York, N.Y. 10018 Eaeh blue Durin, Sin..k luue Publislled 10. EXTEND AND NATU RE OF CIRCULATION Ne.uest 10 Filing Date A. TOTAL No. COP IES PRINTED (Net Press Run) 8.400 8.000 B. PAID CIRCU LATION I. SALES THROUGH DEALERS AND CARRIERS, STREET 3.400 3.340 VENDORS AND COU NTERS SALES 2. MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS 2.790 2.800 C. TOTAL PAID C IR CU LATION (Sum of IO B2) D. FREE DISTRIBUTION BY MAIL , CARRIER OR OTHER MEA NS SAMPLES. CO MPLIMENTARY. AND OTHER FREE CO PIES E. TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (S um of C and D) F. COP IES NOT DISTR IB UTED I. OFFICE USE . LEFf OVER. UNACCOUNTE D FOR . SPOILED AFfER PRI NTING 2. RETURNS fROM NEWS AGENTS G. TOTAL (Sum (If E. FI and 2-s ho uld eq ua l nel press ru n shown in A) 6.130 6.200 600 6.730 710 6.910 360 390 9 10 8.000 8.400 "virtually elim inated with sufficient effort and goodwill," has been signed bu HELMEPA as well as the Club of R ome, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, the World Wildlife Fund, the International Institute for Environment and Development and the International Ocean Institute. T he global conse rvation groups will be represented in the operation of the plan by Professor Gold - himself a former tanker captain - act ing as an independent expert. Dr. Gold describes the Hellenic initiative as a bold experiment and probably the most important voluntary environmental accord on oil poll ution involving the shipping industry for a decade. "Environmental problems can be overcome," he said , "only with the realization that pollution is everyone's problem and that those operating and working in potential polluting industries are affected as well. "At best, this initiative could set an example to ot her , cou ntries and other industries - but eve n at wo rst , it has united the Greek shipping community in a worthwhile co mmon endeavor." The declaration was made public at a historic conference attended by leaders of the environment protection organizations, the nationa l shipping industry, and the Greek government. It has come at a crucial time. T he bulk of oil pollution affecting the oceans originates not from the rare and widely publicized su pertanker disasters, but from unspectacular and unnecessary d ischarge of oily water fro m bilges or cargo and ballast tanks. Thousands of such spills account fo r millions of to ns annually. A prime mover in the project is shipowner George P. Livanos. He explains that a principa l functio n of HELMEPA is to educate and inform. But he emphasizes that the rules of the association are to be strict, and that it would seek out ships willfully causing marine pollution and deny membership to those convicted of such offenses. The statistica l data bank will also indentify global trends in an effo rt to control marine po llut ion. ~T. L. 1.100 I L I certify that the statement made h)' me above are correct and comple le . MKHrOPOl: nAP' APEW nArf! S IGN ATURE AND TITLE OF EDITOR. PUBLISHER. BUS INESS MANA GE R. OR OWNE R MAHAIlIAI: 12 - 'I' A PPQN 17 T~~. : 360-9086" 522"0260 Peter Makrias, Publisher 30 "NEA YOPKH. REGULAR LINER SERVICES A FLEET OF 4O-PLUS MODERN, SPECIALIZED VESSELS (MORE UNDER CONSTRUCTION) Full-container Serv ices Accepting 20 <tnd 40 fout un its, Ll~ing of the Il l'w('st vl'ssds in Ih,' induslr v. SllnW Ro/ Ro-Containcr Service [dl',11 f\) r hlliing Sltlck. 1\ [S(1 \lft"l'rS 1.H~1' (tl oldilwr c<lp'lcit~,. U.S .- E.lstl'rn r-,·ll'dltl' rr,lnl',ln i Rl'd Sl',l : U. 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