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andate e fate discepoli tutti i popoli
(Italian Parish)
9110-110 Avenue, Edmonton, AB. T5H 4A1
Tel. (780) 422-8304
Fax (780) 425-7254
E-Mail: [email protected]
Office Hours: Mon.-Fri.:9:00 am-12:30 pm - 1:00-3:00 pm
Pastor: Rev. Fr. George Puramadathil, CFIC
Office Administrator: Luis M. Untalan
SMG Community Centre (780) 426-5026
Mass Schedule: Tuesday to Friday in Italian - 7:00 p.m.
Weekend: Saturday at 5:00 p.m. (Italian); Sunday: 8:30 a.m. (Italian), 10:00 a.m. (English), 11:30 a.m. (Italian)
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays at 4:30 p.m. before Mass or by appointment
Adoration: Every Friday at 6.00 PM throughout the Year of Mercy. Rosary every evening: 6: 20 PM
Baptism: Saturday: 5:00 p.m. (Italian); Sunday: 8:30 a.m. (Italian), 10:00 a.m. (English), 11:30 a.m. (Italian)
Marriage: Contact the Priest at least 6 months prior to the Wedding. (A Catholic Marriage Preparation Course is a requirement.)
Mezz’ora Con Voi (Italian Radio Program): Sunday at: 9:00 a.m. on 101.7 FM Web Site: www.smgoretti.org
8 MAGGIO 2016
LA colletta della Liturgia odierna ci aiuta a comprendere il significato profondo del mistero che celebriamo. (Cfr. “In Cristo
asceso al cielo la nostra umanità è innalzata accanto al Padre e noi viviamo nella speranza di raggiungere Cristo il nostro
capo nella Gloria”. La prima lettura, insieme al Vangelo, ci racconta l’evento storico in tutta la sua dinamicità. L’ascensione
avviene 40 giorni dopo la Pasqua, un periodo simbolico per i credenti, perché evoca i 40 anni nel deserto. È il passaggio
della Chiesa dalla presenza di Cristo nella carne, a quella sacramentale: ciò esige fede e perseveranza.
Nella seconda lettura, Paolo invoca per i credenti uno spirito di sapienza per conoscere il mistero di Cristo, e l’illuminazione
della grazia per comprendere la speranza alla quale siamo chiamati. Egli parla del mistero pasquale e lo contempla nella sua
piena realizzazione: Cristo morto e risorto ora siede glorioso alla destra del Padre, cioè nel posto che ne decreta il più alto
grado di onore. A Cristo è sottomessa ogni creatura, ogni potenza, ogni spirito celeste: egli è il vincitore. E noi, suo corpo,
partecipiamo a questa vittoria. Questa è la nostra sicura e vera speranza. Elide Siviero
FOR MANY, the admonition “Go fly a kite” could be a put-down. But those who know me know I would gratefully go and
joyfully fly a kite! The freedom of the wind in its tails, the connection of the string pulling on the spindle and the joy of the
community of all ages and stages gathering to watch and smile…there are few joys greater. It brings a smile to my face just
picturing it.
So I put myself into the readings for today. Why do I stand here, looking up at the sky? As Jesus was blessing the disciples
(me) he left them (me) and was taken up into heaven. Before their very eyes, he was taken and a cloud hid him from their
Maybe it is Jesus’ promise of the Holy Spirit. Or could it be the community waiting together for the fullness of the time
promised by Jesus. Maybe it’s the freedom of the wind in my tails. All I know is I keep waiting, I keep coming back and, yes,
I do clap my hands and shout our cries of joy… “Our God is an awesome God!”
I haven’t flown a kite in years. I have several in the garage and I even take them in the car periodically, but they never
seem to make it out of their packaging. Maybe this year, this Sunday, this Feast of the Ascension, I’ll go fly a kite, joyfully!.
Sr. Susan Kidd, CND, Charlottetown, PE
5:00 p.m. (Italian) CONFIRMATION MASS
 Rosa Biasutto from the Dante Alighieri Society of Edmonton
 Filomena Pontieri da Franco Candiani e famiglia
 Alessandro Mauro Sarno dai genitori Antonio e Fernanda Sarno
 Giuseppina Petretta dalla figlia Fernanda e famiglia
 Luisa De Luca (mamma), Carolina Naccarato (suòcera), Felicia De
Luca (sorella), Concettina De Luca (cognata) , Gina Naccarato
(sorella), e Emilia Naccarato (cognata) da Palma Naccarato
Giorno della Mamma
8:30 a.m. (Italian)
 Lida Feliciani dal figlio Remo e famiglia
 Emma Gabriele dal figlio Carlo e famiglia
 Tutte le mamme defunti della famiglia di Adelina Donato
10:00 a.m. (English)
 Christina Tomat from her family
 Michele e Carmela Pagnotta dal figlio Paotino e famiglia
 Anna e Francesco Pagnotta dalla figlia Ida e famiglia
 Kathleen and Joseph Kowalczyk from Larry & Eugenia Kowalczyk
 Christina Tomat from her family
 Ilda Feliciani dal figlio Remo e famiglia
 Rosina Capozzi & Ida Unger dalla famiglia
 Nicola Lucente dalla moglie Anna e figli
 Iolanda Casciaro dai figli
 Resi and Primo Del Piccolo from their family
 Francesca Carrozza from daughter Carmelina and family
 Francesca Carrozza from the Edmonton Catholic Teachers (Local
54 of the Alberta Teachers’ Assoc)
 Doris & Otto Tedeschi dalla sua famiglia
 Carmine & Maria Marrelli dalla figlia Rita e nipoti Lino e famiglia
 Sergio Bit from wife Iola and family
 Sante Pagliaroli dalla moglie Antonietta Pagliaroli e famiglia
 Modesta Talarico dal figlio Louis e famiglia
 Dorinda Giordano dalla figlia Maria e famiglia
 Rosina Mosele e Rosina Marrazzo dalla famiglia Mosele
 Guerino DiMarcello dalla moglie Maria e figlie
 Teresa e Santo Pino love from Gina Valentini and families
 All who have passed on from the Pino and Pagnotta families
 Rosina Solori dalla figlia Anna Sestito e famiglia
 Vincenzo e Marianna Cristello from Giuseppe and Pina Stagliano
 Elisa Stagliano from Giuseppe and Pina Stagliano
 Maria Marchese from Lina and Vince Stagliano and the rest of the
 Iluminada Untalan from son Luis and family
 Julita Papa Aberin from daughter Angelina Untalan and family
In onore della Madonna di Rosa dalla famiglia Mosele
11:30 a.m. (Italian)
 Maurizio Saccomanno
 Tutti i defunti delle famiglie Saccomanno e Arnieri
 Enrichetta and Pasquale Arnieri
 Michele Arnieri dalla moglie Maria e famiglia
 Giuseppe Corazza dalla moglie Anna e famiglia
 Incoronata Di Carlo e Filomena Di Pietro dai figli Filomena e
Alfredo Di Pietro e famiglia
 Giuseppe e Ortensia Naccarato dai figli e nipoti
 Caterina Marrazzo dal marito Pasquale e famiglia
 RosaMarrazzo dal figlio Pasquale e famiglia
 Carolina Presta da gènero Pasquale Marrazzo
 Francesca Romano e Marietta Marazita dalla famiglia Salvatore
 Giulia Laborato dalla famiglia Marrazzo
 Pietro e Rosaria Pino, Giuseppe e Teresa Feraco e tutti i defunti di
Edda e Nicola Feraco
 Concetta Valente e Lauretta Piluso dalla figlia Maria Francesca
 Angelina Parrotta dal marito Nicola e famiglia
 Teresa Paolini dai genitori Teresa e Bruno Pileggi e famiglia
 Per nonna Rosaria Feraco dalla nipote Pasqualina Caputo e
 Per mamma Angela Feraco dalla figlia Pasqualina Caputo, famiglia
e nipoti tutti
 Per mamma Rosaria Caputo dal figlio Battista Caputo, famiglia e
nipoti tutti
 Tutte le mamme che non hanno nessuno che preghano per le loro
da Pasqualina Caputo e famiglia
 Maria Pullano dalla figlia Caterina e Bruno Francese
 Maria Antonia Francese dalla nuora Caterina e Bruno Francese
In onore di tutti i santi da Pasqualina Caputo e famiglia
Martedì, 10 maggio Mass 7:00 p.m.
No Mass Intentions received
Mercoledì, 11 maggio Mass 7:00 p.m.
 Michele Traficante dalla moglie e figlie (1 anno)
 Pasqua Maria Traficante da Ada Traficante e famigila
Giovedì, 12 maggio Mass 7:00 p.m.
No Mass Intentions received
Venerdì, 13 maggio
Eucharistic Adoration 6:00 p.m., Mass 7:00 p.m.
No Mass Intentions received
Il prossimo incontro di preparazione per il battesimo
sarà mercoledì, 1 giugno 2016 alle ore 7 PM a
Santa Maria Goretti Community Centre.
Entrambi i genitori e i padrini devono attendere.
Vorremmo ringraziare Antonio e Mireille Simpatico
per la loro assistenza a Larry e Eugenia Kowalczyk i
coordinatori del corso di preparazione per il
Battesimo. Diamo il benvenuto a tutti i bambini che
sono presentati per il Battesimo nella nostra chiesa
durante questo mese di maggio 2016: Milania
Grace Lemire, Naiya Grace Valle, Modena Lena
Ferrari, Domenico Bruno Clemente, Olivia Iva
Filiplic, Cristian Rizzi, e Izabella Mary
The next Baptism Preparation Course will be on
Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 7 PM in the basement of
the Santa Maria Goretti Community Centre. Both
parents and godparents are required to attend. We would
like to thank Antonio & Mireille Simpatico for assisting
BPC Coordinators Larry & Eugenia Kowalczyk in the
conduct of the Course. Let us welcome into our faith
community the following children presented for the
Sacrament of Baptism at our church this month of May,
2016: Milania Grace Lemire, Naiya Grace Valle,
Modena Lena Ferrari, Domenico Bruno Clemente,
Olivia Iva Filiplic, Cristian Rizzi, and Izabella Mary
Avremo l’Adorazione
ogni venerdì dalle 6.00 alle 7.00 pm
durante l’Anno della Misericordia.
We will have Eucharistic Adoration in the
Parish every Friday 6:00 – 7:00
p.m. throughout the Jubilee Year of
December 8, 2015 and will close on
November 20, 2016.
REFLECTIONS for the Year of Mercy –
May 8, 2016 – The Ascension of the Lord
As the liturgical year—and this
Jubilee Year of Mercy—unfold, we
reflect on what Jesus’ ascension
meant for the first disciples and
means now for us. Stay in
Jerusalem, Jesus had instructed,
awaiting “the promise of the
Father. In a few days you will be baptized with
the Holy Spirit. You will be my witnesses in
Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and
to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:4–5, 8).
Despite Jesus’ absence, they wait “with great
joy . . . continually in the temple praising God”
(Luke 24:52–53). But as we join them, waiting
and worshiping, the enduring challenge—theirs
and ours—is delivered by “two men in white”
(Acts 1:10). In every age, disciples must stop
looking at the sky, head down the mountain,
and go back into the world, “commissioned,”
says Pope Francis, “to announce the mercy of
God, the beating heart of the Gospel,” inviting
everyone to find “in our parishes, communities,
associations and movements . . . wherever
there are Christians . . . an oasis of mercy”
(Misericordiae Vultus, 12).
—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
Papal quotes Copyright © 2015, Libreria Editrice Vaticana.
Used with permission.
May 7, 2016 @ 5:00 p.m.
Archbishop Richard W. Smith
Let us pray for and congratulate all of
our 22 children and their families who
have just gone through the solemn
celebration of the Sacrament of
Confirmation in our parish with
Archbishop Smith. Let us also thank
all the teachers and volunteers for
their service. A special thanks to our
Catechism Coordinator,
Rose Papaianni.
Preghiamo e congratuliamoci tutti i
nostri giovani che sono stati cresimati da
L’Arcivescovo Smith.
Ringraziamo anche tutti i docenti e i
volontari per il loro servizio. Una grazie
particolare alla nostra coordinatrice di
catechismo, Rosa Papaianni.
Year of Mercy Talk No. 3
By Archbishop Richard Smith
Come and spend an evening with
Archbishop Richard Smith on May 31, 2016
(Tuesday) at the church, and listen to him
speak on the Year of Mercy.
Mass will be at 6:30 p.m. then starting at
7:00 he will lead us in our study and
reflection. Everyone is invited.
This is the third part of the continuing
special reflections and studies about the Year
of Mercy that we started last January 21. Fr.
Stefano Penna was our resource speaker in
the previous two sessions. Join us as we
reflect together with the Archbishop on
God’s mercy and how we are called to live it
out through the corporal and spiritual works
of mercy. What better way to fully
experience and live out the Extraordinary
Jubilee Year of Mercy than by taking part in
this adult faith formation series? So let us all
come and participate in this very important
activity of our Parish. Coffee will follow at
the Hall.
Also, as we know, the Archbishop has
recently concluded the series of five (5)
sessions of “Every Life Matters” held in
different parishes of the archdiocese. We
look forward to Archbishop Smith sharing
with us his insights and thoughts on what
had happened during these sessions and their
profound significance and impact on our
lives primarily as Catholic faithful.
L’anno della Misericordia riflessione
terza puntata
con L’Arcivescovo Richard Smith
Martedì 31 maggio messa 6.30 p.m.
L’Arcivescovo Richard Smith ci parlera
riguardo l’anno della Misericordia alle 7.00
p.m. Cosi’ conosciamo di piu’ sull’anno
della Misericordia.
Caffee in sala dopo la riflessione. Venite
11:30 a.m. May 29, 2016
The Jubilarians’ celebration will be held
on May 29, 2016, 11:30 a.m. Mass. If you
are celebrating 10 years, 15 years, 20
years, etcetera, please call and register
with the Parish Office at the Rectory at
tel. 780.422.8304.
We are looking forward to celebrating
your Anniversary, with you!
Celebrazione Giubilari!
11:30 a.m., il 29 maggio 2016
La comunità parrocchiale SMG avrebbe il piacere
di celebrare il vostro anniversario con voi, alla
messa delle 11:30 a.m., il 29 maggio 2016
(celebreremmo il 10mo, 15mo, 20mo anni ecc.). Si
prega di lasciare tutte le informazioni sui fogli che
sono infondo alla chiesa o potete chiamare Luis
all’ufficio parrocchiale al numero 780-422-8304.
Sarete richiamati con piú informazioni necessarie.
2016 Santa Maria Goretti
Feast Day
July 3, 2016,
starting with the 11:00 Mass
Venite tutti a partecipare alla festa,
a onorare la nostra patrona
protettrice dei giovani,
Grazie anticipate a quanti vorranno
al successo della festa:
contattino l’ufficio parrocchiale
(780) 422-8304.
Uno speciale incontro dei volontari
si terrà il giorno 26 maggio 2016,
alle 7.30 di sera
presso il SMG Centre.
Santa Maria Goretti Feast Day
3 PLANNING MEETING, May 26, 7:30 p.m.
Greetings and blessings to our dear
parishioners of Santa Maria Goretti
It is time once again to plan for the FEAST
DAY celebration of our patron saint, Santa
Maria Goretti.
This year’s celebration will take place on
Sunday, July 3, 2016.
A lot of planning, time and volunteers are
required in order to prepare for and make
this celebration a success. We invite and
encourage you to attend our 3rd planning
meeting on Thursday, May 26, 2016 at
7:30 p.m. in the SMG community hall.
We need your ideas and inspirations,
please. With your help, we are sure that
this year’s celebration will be another fun,
successful and spiritual day for everyone.
We look forward to seeing you on May 26.
For further information please contact the
parish office at 780-422-8304.
God’s blessings!
Fr. George and the SMG Planning
Auguri e preghiera a tutte le
Grazie per l’amore e tenerezza.
Avviso Speciale
Madonna di Porto
Anche quest’anno il bellissimo quadro
della Madonna di Porto sará nella
nostra Chiesa giorno 15 maggio 2016.
Insalata, Cannoli, Coffee and Tea. $30 adults, $15
ages 5-12. Of course, our price always includes
GST and gratuity. Please call to reserve 780-4265026. Have a wonderful weekend and a great week!
Santa Maria Goretti Chapter
Your Knights extend an open invitation to all male
Parishioners to join our little group. We would love
to have you participating in our charitable efforts or
our parish activities. Time and energy is completely
up to you. Friendship, partnership and brotherhood
are free of charge! Please call Tony if you have any
questions. 780-297-4479.
In conjunction with our SMG Centre, the Knights
have made a donation to the relief efforts in the
terrible fires devastating some of our northern
communities, including Fort McMurray. Please
give what you can. In difficult times we need to
show Christian ideals of compassion and charity.
Please remember all our aid workers (firefighters,
etc.) in your prayers.
Happy Mother's Day to all our beautiful mothers
in our community! You keep us men and boys in
line with your rules (made with love, of course!).
We love you!
A Very Happy Mother's Day! Did you know that
early Christians celebrated Mother's Day? It was
during a festival on the fourth Sunday of Lent in
honour of the Virgin Mary. It eventually expanded
to include all mothers. Frankly, every day should be
Mother's Day! Recognition for all mothers and
what they mean to our family and our community
needs to be proudly acknowledged. It can be a most
thankless role, but so crucial in the strength of the
family. It is our mothers that guide us to empathy
and sympathy. They help in the stability of family
and to make things "ok". And, who's usually the
best at making tomato sauce and polpette? Here's to
all moms, those still with us and those now with Our
Lord, thank you for your love and sacrifice!
A reminder that your Centre is having a "Notte di
Pesce" or Fish Night! on May 13. Our menu:
Calamari Fritti, Baccala alla Pizzaiola, Polenta,
The Board of Directors of our Santa Maria Goretti
Community Centre (SMGCC) is holding its Annual
General Meeting on May 29 at 3:00 p.m. at the
Center Hall (Basement) of the Center.
May 13-14 Second Collection –
All Parishes
parishioners to contribute to special second
collections at Masses this weekend and on the
weekend of May 13-14. Proceeds will be
forwarded to the Diocese of St. Paul, where they
will be shared equally between the Fort
McMurray parishioners and the Fort McMurray
Ministerial Association to be distributed to any
local residents in need.
The Archbishop is also encouraging all
parishioners in the archdiocese of Edmonton to
consider making direct donations to relief for
fire victims through the Red Cross. These
donations will be particularly impactful, since
they will be matched by both the Alberta and the
federal governments.
Above all, the Archbishop
is inviting
parishioners to join him in offering urgent
prayers for the needs of all those affected by the
wildfire disaster: those who have been displaced
from their homes, the first responders and
volunteers who are serving them, and all those
working so hard to bring the situation under
In our Parish, we will have our 2nd Collection
for this purpose during the May 14-15 weekend
Invitiamo tutti parrocchiani di pregare e
aiutare le persone dal Fort McMurray in
modo tutto possibile. Grazie per la vostra
generosita'. Nella nostra parrocchia noi
avremmo una seconda colletta per Fort
McMurray Domenica prossima. Grazie.
Fly UP