
CoopEr EDiTorE

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CoopEr EDiTorE
cooper editore
Cooper Edizioni was founded in 2001, in Rome. In these years, Cooper has
enriched is catalogue with more than 100 volumes, whose subjects cover
a wide range of literary and cultural interests: from contemporary fiction
to classics, from entertaining and satirical pamphlets to historical and social
essays on topical questions. A special attention is dedicated to young and
modern cult cultures, and to the look to modern issues.
Our series:
The Cooper Files is concerned with big social, political, economical current
issues and historical matters. Pamphlets, essays, non fiction titles;
Cooper Storie collects fiction (novel, short stories);
Cooper Classici, a series dedicated to translations of some great classics.
Who is Who in Cooper:
Cooper editore
Via Atanasio Kircher, 7
00197 Roma
Tel. +39 06 80 91 271
Fax +39 06 80 76 819
is a brand of
www.coopereditore.it – www.bandalargaeditore.it
Emanuele Bevilacqua • Publisher
Andrea Delli Colli • President of Banda Larga srl / Cooper
Francisco Vilalta • Press and Circulation, [email protected]
Marzia Colandrea • Editor and Foreign rights, [email protected]
Elena Giacchino • Press office, [email protected]
Valeria Guiducci • Administration office and customer service,
[email protected]
new release
October 2011
Matteo Speroni
Brigate Nonni: I ribelli del tramonto
When Retirees Spark the Revolution
Matteo Speroni’s affecting novel, set in an imagined Italian present and
future, tells the story of thousands of retirees between ages 60 and 70 years
who find out that the state coffers they’ve long relied on for their pension
checks has been emptied out as a result of state corruption and mismanagement. A desperate group of elders decide to revolt, which they do against
surreal backdrop of an Italy in shambles.
The pensioners join together with the marginalized, including immigrants
and vagrants, and make camp in a decadent northern city (modeled on Milan)
that is divided between rich and poor, residential neighborhoods and slums.
At the heart of the book is the “Morning Star” faction, headed by Vincent.
He’s a sixty-something cad driver fascinated by semiotics. In a setting that teeters between the dramatic and the bizarre, sometimes the comic, police come
after him.
The narrative culminates with “Operation Big Spring,” an event that Vincent and his companions hope will change the world.
Scathing, grotesque and poignant, Speroni paints a tragicomic vision of an
Italy between today’s headlines.
Matteo Speroni edits the Milan culture and entertainment pages of the
newspaper “Corriere della Sera.” He’s a philosophy graduate who has also worked as an actor and radio host. He’s the author of the novel “I diavoli di Via
Padova,” published by Cooper in 2010.
pp. 256, 14,00 euro
isbn 978-88-7394-174-3
new releases
November 2011
Marco Casolino
A Thriller with Japanese Comic Books at its Core
Adriano, a young history grad student in history from Rome, is invited
to Tokyo by Professor Uchinomori to complete his thesis on World War II. But a
mysterious nighttime explosion at the Uchinomori home injures the professor’s
young son and is followed by the outbreak of a lethal disease that starts killing
people one by one. Scrounging around where the bomb went off, Adriano finds
the remnants of an infamous Japanese comic strip of the 1980s, “The Invincible
Robot Grikon V,” seen as cursed by collectors.
From that moment on, Adriano finds himself entangled in a web of events
that leads him into modern Tokyo’s heat of darkness. He meets collectors at
war among one another to possess the comic book and delve into its meaning.
Intrigued by the power the comic book appears to confer on its owner,
Adriano feels compelled to carry out his own investigation. He probes the murder of Grikon, the strip’s designer, 20 years before, and soon discovers the real
cause of the strange goings-on, namely a secret World War II experiment involving the shadowy Unit 731 which worked near Nagasaki. Can Adriano uncover
the Grikon secret before it’s too late?
Casolino’s novel, full of gripping twists and turns, weaves the history of
wartime nuclear experiments with the life of fanatical Japanese comic book
collectors, a subculture in their own right. It’s also a story about friendship and
love with modern Japan as a backdrop.
Marco Casolino is a physicist responsible for any number of radiation
experiments carried in space, both on the Russian Mir and the International
Space Station. He has participated in launch operations at Cape Canaveral in
Florida and the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. He is a senior researcher
at the University of Rome Tor Vergata’s National Institute of Nuclear Physics
and the RIKEN sciences institute in Japan. In 2011, Cooper also published his
“Come sopravvivere alla radioattività.”
fiction | thrillers | mystery | science ficton
pp. 450, 20,00 euro
isbn 978-88-7394-198-9
April 2011
Love in the Afternoon, 21st-Century Style
Tenere Valse
Portami Tante Rose
The setting is modern day Rome. A Latin and Greek teacher turns to prostitution by choice to better understand female sexuality.
Tenere Valse’s story takes the reader through her narrator’s daily life,
which includes red-light district encounters with clients. Over time, she meets
men from all walks of life: A politician who sees her between Senate sessions;
a cop who offers to protect her; a state TV employee; a upscale college student; an S&M “master” who worries about his “slave”; a sadistic lawyer; a
cocaine-addled actor, and finally a priest (she lost her virginity to one in her
Aside from its erotic side, Valse novel is a meditation on women who hail
from the still-retrograde Italian south and stand little chance of achieving social and professional parity with men, let alone people from elsewhere in the
country. She’s also cut off from sexual self-awareness.
Valse’s ends her story in a classroom full of students who are more eager
to talk about “Big Brother” than Petronius. Faced with endless vulgarity, she
sees no way out and only one radical choice: To embrace even greater vulgarity. Being a whore and giving it her all.
A documentary will be realesed based on “Portami tante rose”.
Tenera Valse was born into a family of teachers in Taranto in 1973. She
grew up semi-poor. Her parents hoped she’d become a teacher and mother.
“Teaching gives you plenty of time for the home,” said her mother. “You’ll be
the youngest professor in Italy,” said her father. It almost worked out. In 2000,
she was named to head up the Latin and Greek department of a Rome high
school. But in 2008 she quit to take up prostitution. She left the school job a
year later.
fiction | autobiography | erotic literature | human sexuality
pp. 228, 13,50 euro
11,5x18,5 format
isbn 978-88-7394-183-5
April 2011
Lino Cascioli
La Versione di Pilato: Politica imperiale
e integralismo religioso ai tempi di Gesù
Foreword by Erik Amfitheatrof
Introduction by Lucio Caracciolo
A Letter from Pontius Pilate to the Emperor
Can you write a novel of geopolitical fiction that concerns events and
facts that occurred more than 2,000 years ago and make the narrative relevant?
Lino Cascioli proves you can.
His compelling story reads like a metaphor for the eternal conflict between
East and West. He merges known historical truths about the period with
a narrative tone that matches up with the best Latin classics. The result a
fascinating historical novel that often reads like a period-piece document.
The book takes the form of a letter from Pontius Pilate to Roman emperor
Gaius Julius Caesar Germanicus in which Pilate tells of his time spent in the
East. He describes the obstacles posed by people culturally distant from
Rome’s practical and secular approach. He describes the movement around a
man known to many as “the Messiah,” whom he condemned to die to avert
Pilate doesn’t fully fathom the stature of Jesus, the man he’s had killed.
Instead, he uses him almost incidentally, to describe and highlight the
unbridgeable gap between Rome and the East. Abundant are subtle references
to the current conflict between the pro-American West and Islamic extremism.
Cascioli’s book is important not only for what it tells us about Judea at the
time of Christ’s Crucifixion, but what it says about the Middle East today.
Lino Cascioli is a writer, historian and journalist. He has published books
on Rome and Roman dialect for Newton & Compton. He has also written on
sports and photography.
historical fiction
pp. 160, 14,00 euro
14,1x21 format
isbn 978-88-7394-186-6
November 2010
Romeo and Juliet under Saddam
Fariborz Kamkari
I fiori di Kirkuk
This debut novel from director Kamkari is based on the screenplay of
film released at the Rome Film Festival and elsewhere. An Iranian-born Kurd,
Kamkari sets his love story in Iraq of the 1980s, when Saddam Hussein worked
to exterminate the country’s indigenous Kurdish population. Kamkari substitutes the hostility of rival families with the bitterness between ethnic groups.
The story involves Najla, the daughter of a wealthy Arab family in Baghdad, and Sherko, a Kurdish young doctor who works for a humanitarian organization. Najla’s family members are militant Saddam loyalists who find the idea
of such a union grotesque.
When Sherko tells Najla, who is studying in Italy, that they must end their
engagement, she returns to Iraq to discover why. Slowly, she learns the horrors
of the Kurdish reality. She associates with the Kurdish struggle, leading to her
imprisonment and torture. Like many Kurds, she ends up in a mass grave.
Najla fateful story is about one woman’s dreams and how they conflict
with ideals and traditions of her family. Love, betrayal and the fate of the two
men who want to marry her, Sherko and a military officer anointed by her
family, are deftly woven together ahead of Najla’s tragic death.
Fariborz Kamkari is an Iranian-born Kurdish director, screenwriter and
producer. Born in 1971, he studied film and theater in Tehran, later writing
screenplays for a number of Iranian filmmakers. His first film, “Black Tape: A
Tehran Diary,” was screened at the 2002 Venice Film Festival. The movie “I fiori
di Kirkuk” (“The Flowers of Kirkuk”) was produced thanks to funding from the
MEDIA program and Euroimages. This is his first novel.
pp. 272, 16,00 euro
12,9x19,8 format
isbn 978-88-7394-170-5
Based on the film screenplay “I fiori di Kirkuk” (Golakani Kirkuk)
April 2010
Kiril K. Maritchkov
West-to-East: The ‘True’ Story
Ivan is a young Eastern European with a degree in architecture. Unable
to get a job at home, he pays his way to get into Italy illegally, hoping for a
break. But Italy turns out to be anything but the promised land.
He’s soon lured into a life of exploitation, lawlessness, and dangerous liaisons. The misery and nearly subhuman conditions around him extinguish his
hopefulness. He is gradually stripped of dignity, love, and respect for himself
and others.
Novelist Maritchkov has produced a hardnosed vision of immigrant life in
Italy, drenched in prostitution, modern human bondage, and social deprivation.
It paints a gross and sometimes darkly comic view of today’s multi-ethnic Italy.
Ivan is a fictional archetype for so many illegal immigrants who come to the
West hoping for better but find worse.
There will be a TV movie, based on this book.
Kiril Kirilov Maritchkov was born in Sofia, Bulgaria in 1973 and came to
Italy in 1994 with his grandfather, the first Bulgarian ambassador to the Holy
See and the Order of Malta. He is an attorney specializing in international law
and immigration cases.
pp. 156, 16,00 euro
13x19,7 format
isbn 978-88-7394-106-4
Rights sold: film production (Italy)
new release
October 2011
Gian Franco Svidercoschi
Mal di Chiesa: Dubbi e speranze
di un cristiano in crisi
With a reflection by Adriano Sofri
Tough Words from a Christian in Crisis
In this short work, a self-proclaimed “Christian in crisis” offers harsh
criticism of the current state of the Roman Catholic Church, and to a lesser
extent the ongoing papacy of Pope Benedict XVI. That the author, Gian Franco
Svidercoschi, is a former deputy editor of the Vatican newspaper “L’Osservatore
Romano” as well as the coauthor of a book with Pope John Paul II lends the
volume its credibility. Given Svidercoschi’s background, his troubling observations are likely to produce debate in the Catholic world.
He criticizes the careerism that has resurfaced in Roman Curia. He openly
discusses pedophilia and homosexuality in the context of the seminary environment. He also takes on the Office for Religious Works, the Vatican bank,
which over the years has channeled dubious money and accepted deposits
from complacent politicians, shady real estate developers and financial fixers.
What does this flurry of scandals mean? Where is the Church headed?
Svidercoschi has produced a courageous, intelligent, and probing critique
that gives voice to popular discontent among Christians. He knocks on the
doors of St. Peter’s itself hoping to extract answers.
Gian Franco Svidercoschi has been a journalist since 1959. From 1983 to
1985, he was deputy editor of “L’Osservatore Romano”. He interviewed John
Paul II and collaborated with the pope on the 1996 book “Dono e Mistero”
(LEV). He is the author of 15 books, including “Lettera a un amico ebreo”
(1993, Mondadori), “Storia di Karol” (2001), and “Una vita con Karol” (2007,
Rizzoli), written with Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, Pope John Paul’s former secretary. Edizioni San Paolo published his “Un Papa che non muore. L’eredità di
Giovanni Paolo II” in 2009.
religion | Roman catholic church | current affairs
pp. 168, 11,00 euro
isbn 978-88-7394-210-8
April 2011
Radiation, a Short Survival Guide
Marco Casolino
Come sopravvivere alla radioattività
Get to know radioaction and you get out of its way. Within limits. Since
there’s no escaping it complete. It surrounds the planet and emerges from the
bowels of the earth. Our loved ones emit it and so do we.
Radioactivity per se doesn’t mean something’s dangerous, at least not
within certain limits. But what exactly are these limits? When are we safe and
when should we start worrying?
In the wake of the Japanese tsunami and its nuclear leak aftermath, this
essay uses simple, clear prose to state the basics of nuclear physics and its
impact on biology. Casolino explains at what point radioactivity begins to affect
the human body, examining the places most at risk from excess radiation. How
much radiation is there in space, in commercial aircraft, in the basement of
Taking the Japanese events as a cue, he also examines modern
applications of radioactivity to help readers also appreciate its good side (it is
vital to archaeological research and both cancer diagnostics and treatment).
This slender handbook can help everyday people better understand when
radiation poses a threat, whether at home or in the wake of natural catastrophe.
Marco Casolino is a physicist responsible for any number of radiation
experiments carried in space, both on the Russian Mir and the International
Space Station. He has participated in launch operations at Cape Canaveral in
Florida and the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. He is a senior researcher
at the University of Rome Tor Vergata’s National Institute of Nuclear Physics
and the RIKEN sciences institute in Japan. He has published papers in both
“Nature” and “Science” magazines. In November 2011 his novel “Grikon” will
be published by Cooper.
pp. 132, 10,00 euro
11,5x18,5 format
isbn 978-88-7394-175-0
October 2010
Christianity in the Middle East
Antonio Picasso
Il Medio Oriente Cristiano
Introduction by Lucio Caracciolo
First come the Armenians, Copts, Maronites, and Syriacs. After them the
Iraqi Christians, those of Antioch, and the followers of the Greek-Orthodox and
Melchite churches. Today, in the so-called “fertile Crescent,” where the Bible
was born, more than 20 Christian communities still flourish.
The events of September 11, 2001 not only redirected the Middle East into
a crisis but also saw a deterioration of dialogue between Judaism, Christianity
and Islam. But the survival of Christianity in the midst of Islam provides ample
proof that the Middle East can still host political, cultural and religious coexistence.
Picasso has traveled extensively through the region and this volume represents a kind of diary. It includes interviews with members of Christian communities that live next door to Muslim ones. His vivid prose lucidly untangles the
complexities of the modern Middle Eastern religious mosaic.
Antonio Picasso, a professional journalist, also works as an analyst in the
Middle East branch of the Italian Center for International Studies (Ce.S.I.). He
has contributed to “The Independent”, “East” magazine and “Liberal”. This is
his first book. A book on Kashmir will come out with Cooper next year.
history and religion
pp. 224, 15,00 euro
13,1x21 format
isbn 978-88-7394-166-8
2nd edition july 2006
Amedeo Osti Guerrazzi
Caino a Roma:
I complici romani della Shoah
Foreword by Leone Paserman
Italians Holocaust Guilt Revisited
Using little-studied documentation regarding the trial of collaborators
and informers immediately after World War II, historian Amedeo Osti Guerrazzi
meticulously reopens the nettlesome question of the Italian role in the Holocaust.
He raises a series of uncomfortable allegations and supports their conclusions with disturbing evidence. Many Italians turned to anti-Semitism not
for religious bias but for profit, rewarded by the regime for the capture of the
But as a result of the 1946 amnesty and the countless stories by Jews
grateful to Italians for their salvation, Italy’s ambiguous role was long ago
replaced by the myth of the Italian Good Samaritan who worked to protect the
country’s Jewish population against persecution. While some of this is true, it
obscures the many occasions of malfeasance and guilt, which Guerrazzi uncovers. Hence the title, “Cain in Rome.”
The book opens with foreword by Leone Paserman, president of the Jewish
Community of Rome.
Amedeo Osti Guerrazzi teaches contemporary history at the University of
Rome “La Sapienza”. His publications include “Grande industria e legislazione
sociale in età giolittiana”, “L’utopia del sindacalismo rivoluzionario”, “Una
repubblica necessaria,” and “La repubblica sociale italiana.” In 2004, Cooper
published “Poliziotti. I direttori dei campi di concentramento italiani, 19401943.”
first edition, 2005; second edition, 2006
non-fiction | contemporary history | religion | holocaust studies
pp. 222, 15,00 euro
13,7x20,9 format
isbn 978-88-7394-050-0
new releases
May 2009
Nicola Biondo, Massimo Veneziani
Il Falsario di Stato:
La vera storia di Tony Chichiarelli
Between the Underworld and Terrorism
Career criminal Tony Chichiarelli was the man behind one of Italy’s biggest heists and its biggest forgeries. In 1984, he masterminded a robbery that
netted 35 billion lire. Years earlier, in 1978, he was responsible for the counterfeited Red Brigades press release announcing that kidnapped political leader
of Aldo Moro had committed suicide. The fake release was the idea of Steve
Piecznenik, an American State Department counterterrorism who advised thenInterior Minister Francesco Cossiga to try to lure the terrorists into a trap.
But who was Tony Chichiarelli? Only after his 1984 murder did the real details of his life story begin emerging. He’d been involved in drug trafficking and
artistic forgeries, at once cozying up to terrorists, underworld criminals and the
Italian secret services. But it was his role in the kidnapping and assassination
of Christian Democratic Party leader Moro that still marks his legacy, and which
this book explores.
Nicola Biondo and Massimo Veneziani are Italian investigative journalists.
contemporary nonfiction
pp. 199, 9,40 euro
isbn 978-88-7394-107-1
Rights sold: film production (Italy)
September 2010
Selected for Italy’s prestigious Premio Strega, 2010
Gabriella Sica
Emily e le altre
Emily Dickinson’s Constellation
This unusual book puts Emily Dickinson at the center of its universe. Sica
uses translations of Dickinson, as well as her own poetry, prose, and essays
to illuminate the life and times of the great American poet and other women
poets and writers through the centuries (including Charlotte and Emily Bronte,
Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Elizabeth Bishop, Sylvia Plath, Margherita Guidacci,
Cristina Campo, Nadia Bell and Amelia Rosselli).
This highly personal collection, ideal for reading in one sitting, sheds light
on Dickinson, in turn allowing Dickinson to shed light on her fellow writers.
Her book is a “bolt of melody” to chase away the darkness.
Gabriella Sica was born in Viterbo and has lived in Rome since age 10. Her
poetry collections include “La famosa vita” (1986), “Vicolo del Bologna” (1992),
“Poesie bambine “(1997), “Poesie familiari” (2001) and “Le lacrime delle cose”
(2009). She has edited the magazine “Prato pagano.”
poetry | nonfiction | fiction
pp. 172, 12,00 euro
11,5x18,5 format
isbn 978-88-7394-165-1
February 2010
Some Startling Revelations on Marcel Proust
Massimiliano Parente
L’evidenza della cosa terribile.
Contro la vita, contro l’amore, contro la natura:
scritto sulla Recherche di Marcel Proust
“The most terrible thing is old age, to be near the end, to lose past and
ego, to be spent, to no longer be what you were, the disenchantment, the loss
of form and substance of everything.”
Marcel Proust’s “In Search of Lost Time” is among the world’s greatest
literary masterpieces. In this brief but brilliant new assessment, Parente gets
to the heart of work and makes draws provocative conclusions all readers can
understand. He reveals and explains Proust’s vision of the underbelly of human existence, debunking many of the commonplace critical stereotypes.
Parente’s book also reveals unprecedented ties between Proust’s way of
thinking and evolution theories laid down by Charles Darwin. His criticism is
sharp and at times violent, charming and obnoxious. It is certain not only to
attract Proust readers and scholars but also make them take a second look at
“In Search of Lost Time.”
Massimiliano Parente was born in 1970. He is the author of “Incantata
o no che fosse” (1998), “Mamma” (2000), “Canto della Caduta” (2002), “La
Macinatrice” (2004). In 2007, Bompiani published “Contronatura” which the
critic Edmondo Berselli, writing in “L’Espresso,” labeled an “absolute work of
art, once we’ve been waiting for years in Italy.” Parente writes often for the
newspaper “Il Giornale.”
literary criticism
pp. 64, 1o,00 euro
11,5x18,4 format
isbn 978-88-7394-142-2
December 2009
A Radical New View of Caravaggio
Andrea Dusio
Caravaggio: White Album
A cursed artist, murderer, madman, eccentric – the life of artist Caravaggio, who died four centuries ago, has always been rife with accusations
and gossip, making him the stuff of romantic legend. According to legend, he
fraternized with Galileo and Giordano Bruno and was protected by Federico
Borromeo. Some say he was a Lutheran, an epileptic, and that he practiced
alchemy. The problem with so much colorful legend is how it mars the real
history of man and painter.
Dusio’s sets aside all this to focus on the painter and his works. Over a
remarkable 15-year stretch, Caravaggio literally revolutionized the painting process. Constant technical setbacks, his dependence on commissions, and the
shifting balance of power among the elements he considered fundamental to
his work, conspired push him to break away from Mannerism and rediscover
Dusio titles his book “White Album” because nothing could be further
from Caravaggio than all things white. The author dodges preconceptions,
speculation and centuries of rhetoric in this remarkable new portrait of an
often-maligned artist. “White Album” is tantamount to discovering hidden
demo tapes by a rock star whose sound everyone thought they knew by heart.
Instead, behold a totally new vision. This is a unique book for art lovers.
Andrea Dusio was born in Milan in 1970 and studied history of ancient art
with Eugenio Riccomini. He has critiqued modern and contemporary art for
“Giudizio Universale” and “Culturalia.” He is also editor of “Milano Cultura.” As
a critic, Dusio has also written about jazz, rock, contemporary literature and
art | art history | monographs
pp. 240, 25,00 euro
16,8x23,9 format
isbn 978-88-7394-128-6
2007, reprinted three times
Laughing at Eternal City Secrets
Fulvio Abbate
Roma. Guida non conformista alla città
Prologue by Alberto Arbasino
Can you peel the layers from a city the way you peel a potato, up close
and personal? Can you take a city’s peanut from its shell?
That’s what Fulvio Abbate has done with his beloved Rome. The result is a
biased and irreverent guide in which dogs and cab drivers frolic between the
city center and its upscale neighborhoods; where radical chic living rooms are
little more than converted churches. He’s produced an A-to-Z dictionary of the
city’s most exaggerated foibles.
It’s a laugh-out-loud compendium for those who know and appreciate the
city’s inside workings and want to take time out to laugh out loud at them.
Fulvio Abbate was born in Palermo in 1956 and lives in Rome. His novels
include “Zero maggio a Palermo” (1990), “Oggi è un secolo” (1992), “Dopo
l’estate” (1995), “La peste bis” (1997), “Teledurruti” (2002) and “Quando è la
rivoluzione” (2008). Cooper published his “Manuale di sopravvivenza” in 2010.
He has a web-TV channel at www.teledurruti.it
non-fiction | guides
pp. 296, 12,00 euro
11,6x18,5 format
isbn 978-88-7394-062-3
Come sopravvivere ai Francesi
Come sopravvivere ai New Yorkesi
Come sopravvivere agli Svedesi
(…e anche agli italiani)
Francesco Zardo, Come sopravvivere ai Francesi: Il racconto di un
italiano che ce l’ha fatta (2011)
The relationship between Italy and France, whether historical or contemporary, are
the subject of affectionate dispute by the citizens of both countries. In this book, an
Italian living in Paris takes a close look at the peculiarities of French life from his very
Italian perspective. The result is cheeky humor and up-again, down-again love story.
Francesco Zardo was born in Rome in 1969 and lived in Paris between 2001 and
2002. He calls himself a writer “on loan” to journalism. After “Come sopravvivere ai
francesi,” now in its second printing, he published “Come sopravvivere agli italiani”
(Castelvecchi, 2004) e “I cuori infranti” (Cooper, 2005). Cooper is now publishing his
“Enciclopedia universale del sapere umano.”
Tiziana Nenezic, Come sopravvivere ai New Yorkesi: Il racconto di un
italiano che ce l’ha fatta (forse) 2011
2nd edition february 2011
nonfiction | tourism | travel
pp. 128, 12,00 euro
11,5x18,5 format
isbn 978-88-7394-194-1
Rights sold: France
2nd edition february 2011
nonfiction | tourism | travel
pp. 160, 12,00 euro
11,5x18,5 format
isbn 978-88-7394-193-4
According to legend, The Big Apple is the naked city, the city that never sleeps,
and the self-styled capital of the world. But why does New York City go by so many
names, and who exactly are New Yorkers?
Nenezic’s delightfully idiosyncratic book offers practical advice on life in the city
(with shopping tips included, naturally). It’s a survival manual for anyone interested
in making the intrepid journey into an insanely busy city, perhaps with designs on
lingering. Who better than to write the book than an Italian woman who managed to
survive the city? Or maybe managed…
This updated edition contains a new introduction by the author.
Tiziana Nenezic is an Italian writer who moved first to New York City and then
Miami. Writing in both Italian and English, she reports on trends for “Velvet” and “D
la Repubblica delle Donne.” She also has a blog, “Americanata.” Cooper published her
“Come sopravvivere ai newyorkesi” in 2008 and in 2009 released her “L’Amore ai tempi
del globale.”
Britt Abonde, Come sopravvivere agli Svedesi (…e anche agli italiani)
october 2006
nonfiction | tourism | travel
pp. 188, 9,00 euro
11,5x18,5 format
isbn 978-88-7394-058-6
Sweden is home to a mythologized version of European social democracy. It’s a
country perceived as efficient and highly organized. At the same time, it’s also seen as
a place where personal detachment rules and people get depressed at the drop of a
hat, if they weren’t already.
Abonde’s guide, both serious and tongue and cheek, delves into the ongoing
stereotypes, comparing the warm and generous temperament of Mediterranean
peoples with that of the icy northerners… if only things were really so simple.
Britt Abonde is a Swede who has lived in Rome for 20 years and doesn’t have the
slightest desire to leave.
new release
December 2011
Francesco Zardo
Enciclopedia universale del sapere umano
Illustrations by Carlo Prati
An Irreverent Encyclopedia for a Time Gone Wrong
The goal of any encyclopedia is to reflect the era in which it is published,
acting as a compendium of knowledge and culture. But what about historical
periods that are defined only by cultural decline?
Francesco Zardo believes we’re living through just such times, and his
scathingly irreverent, 60-page universal encyclopedia of human knowledge,
illustrated by Carlo Prati, spares no one and nothing. It’s short because the
world as we know it has little if anything to say. If you want an encyclopedia
suited to world of reality programming and talk shows, this is it. It comically
addresses the desert into which Western life has descended.
Rome-born Francesco Zardo is a journalist and writer who has also worked
in Italian state television and radio. He has previously published “Come sopravvivere ai francesi” (Cooper, 2003 and 2011), “Come sopravvivere agli italiani”
(Castelvecchi, 2004) and “I cuori infranti” (Cooper, 2005). Among his ambitions
is not to have any.
illustrated books | comics | general studies
pp. 80, 9,90 euro
isbn 978-88-7394-206-7
Laura Delli Colli
Il Gusto del Cinema Italiano in 100
e più ricette
Il Gusto del Cinema Internazionale in 100
e più ricette
(2007; Almanacs in 2008, 2009 and 2010)
In Honor of Movies and Good Food
Il Gusto del Cinema Italiano in 100 e più ricette
Author Delli Colli dishes up a 100 movie recipes and couples them with
capsule description of domestic films that inspired them. She taps both pop
movies and more sophisticated entries, based on the idea that every movie
offers both distinct meals and menus.
The recipes range from the “pasta e ceci” (beans and pasta) seen in “I soliti ignoti” to the meal cooked up by renowned Rome comedian Carlo Verdone
in “Manuale d’amore, capitoli successivi.” She also describes the “arancini”
(rice balls) in “Saturno contro,” the famous “spaghetti al pomodoro” (spaghetti
in tomato sauce) in gobbled up by Alberto Sordi in the 1954 “Un americano a
Roma,” and covers all the desserts visible in “La finestra di fronte.”
Most movies are in extremely good taste, and her recipes prove the point.
Il Gusto del Cinema Internazionale in 100 e più ricette
This time, Delli Colli turns her hungry eyes on international cinema.
There’s the tortilla Penelope Cruz cooks up in Pedro Almodovar’s “Volver,” the
legendary crème brûlée of Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s “Amélie,” the British scrambled
eggs cooked up for breakfast in Blair household in “The Queen,” the spicy chocolate cake Madame Vianne produces in “Chocolat,” and the corn soup of “The
Devil Wears Prada.”
As for full menus, Delli Colli reveals Almodovar’s favorite cinematic meals,
all the items on the menu in “Bridget Jones Diary,” and also provides any number of delights from the movies of Woody Allen.
movies | recipes
Il gusto del cinema italiano
pp. 160, 12,50 euro
13,5x21,1 format
isbn 978-88-7394-069-2
movies | recipes
Il gusto del cinema internazionale
pp. 176, 12,50 euro
13,5x21,1 format
isbn 978-88-7394-070-8
Laura Delli Colli is a journalist who has written for the national daily “La
Repubblica” and the weekly magazine “Panorama.” She is president of National Syndicate of Italian Film Journalists and is the author of a number of many
books on cinema and actors. She has recently devoted herself to producing
movie cookbooks.
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