
Iata Prestige e` insomma un

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Iata Prestige e` insomma un
A dream carrier
A must have travel carrier has to be easy to use with a secure
and effective closing mechanism with easy access in any
The carrier Skudo embodies the correct balance between
design, quality and practicality to become an indispensable
travel accessory to carry our four-legged friends by car, train or
airplane. MPS 2 has been operating for forty years in the plastic and moulding industry and it has developed and applied
its experience and professionalism to the pet market.
From their first-born Sirio to the professional range Skudo, the
company is able to offer a great choice that is quite unrivalled
on the pet market products. The designing, planning, manufacturing and marketing processes are all done internally and
therefore MPS 2 can truly label its carriers as “Italian Pet Products”.
AN INNOVATIVE DOOR. The Skudo Iata Prestige carriers are
strong, practical and secure, they are suitable for all type of pet
transport and conform to air travel standards. They have a
metal door with a double lock safety closure, now even more
practical and innovative. After having a great success on the
American market, for which the Skudo Iata Prestige was originally designed, MPS 2 has now decided to make this product
available on the European market and will launch it at Zoomark
International 2013. It is easy to list all the advantages of the
new opening mechanism of the Skudo Iata Prestige carrier: it
is easy to use and guarantees a higher level of locks security
and efficiency, accordingly to Iata regulations, and allows easy
access in any situation.
OPENING TOP. The real novelty or the focal point on which the
company has concentrated their efforts is a new door concept
that allows easy access that can be opened in any situation
and position. To the traditional opening, rotating the door on
the vertical axes to the left or right, has been added a new
position so that the door can also be lifted because it rests on
the high horizontal axis.
The advantages? Our four-legged friend can enter and exit it
easily, unlike with other traditional transporters, even when the
space in front of the carrier is occupied. We know there are
times when due to reasons that can be as varied as the car
boot limited space, a loaded van or the restricted exhibitors
space at shows, it can be difficult if not impossible to open the
front of the carrier. The door has also been designed with two
opening parts that meet at the centre where the Iata lock is
positioned: it opens flash to the top part of the carrier, minimizing the footprint.
The carrier Skudo Iata Prestige is available in a new dual
colour: beige and brown.
LUNA IN THREE COLOURS. Skudo Iata Prestige is a new and
innovative products that goes to expand the MPS 2 catalogue
that offers, together with an excellent customer service, a
great choice of items: from carriers to beds, to cages for
rodents and birds, to hygiene products.
At Zoomark international MPS 2 is launching another new product: the new pet bowl Luna, available in three colours: lime
green, lilac and pink and in four sizes, from S to XL.
The company offers, as well as Luna, a vast choice of bowls
with or without anti slip rubber, in a variety of sizes and colours
together with drinkers and feeders of various sizes.
La porta, inoltre, e` concepita a due ante pieghevoli al centro su
cui e` incernierata la chiusura Iata: quando e` aperta, si appoggia
alla parte superiore del trasportino limitando al minimo lo spazio
dingombro complessivo.
Il trasportino Skudo Iata Prestige viene proposto con una nuova
combinazione di colori, ovvero marrone e
Iata Prestige e` insomma un
prodotto innovativo e funzionale che va ad arricchire il catalogo MPS 2, che offre al petshop, in sintonia con la sua
innata predisposizione al servizio del cliente come mission irrinunciabile, un vasto assortimento che va dai trasportini alle cucce, dai lettini alle gabbie per roditori e volatili fino
ai prodotti per ligiene.
A Zoomark International MPS 2 propone anche unaltra novita`: le nuove ciotole Luna disponibili in 3 colori, verde lime, viole e fucsia, e in 4 misure, dalla S alla XL.
Oltre a Luna, lazienda presenta anche una ricca gamma di ciotole con e senza gommini antiscivolo e differenziate per dimensioni e colori, oltre ad abbeveratoi e mangiatoie di diverse capacita`. S.S. G
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