thepeetther, Gnome, Leeds and Leads Up Tam PIM tune,
• ▪ LIBRARY OF HAVERFORD COLLEGE HAVERFORD, P4. HAVERFORD NEWS VOL, xvi NUNIBEH 22 HAVERFORD COLLEGE, HAVE/WORD, PA.. NOVEMBER 4, 1924 CHARITY DRIVE CANVASS CHESS TEAM TO MEET SOCIAL SCIENCE CLUB WILL START NEXT WEEK COLLEGE MEN EVIDENCE FOUNDERS CLUB GIVES OXFORD IS CHOSEN TIGERS TIE HAVERFORD Week"Aolitheath' Nevem., 10wance" lIserAlDrie ve; thepeetther, Gnome, and Leads s Al l o UpinLeeds Tam COOLIDGE PREFERENCE RECEPTION TO FRESHMEN HOLDS POLITICAL MASS conduct The annual Chari t y Dri v e wi l be tune, The four PIM the thew M. C. A. ed thweer is yearbegibynninegT.November neaten( wil byformraditheo titeem whi chThey wil 1-1 IN FIRST INTERthe Ul n a Oxford d e wi n ter. &vend bewhiicnh- Straw Vote Show Faculties Campus Leaders Explain Ex- am Devi ; Mogen..., COLLEGIATE SOCCER TILT . 71, TheValWet MEETING AT HAVERFORD 10.iaugurat portant tofcards. ed. thnew e teetered for Davis; Third Party tra Curriculum Activities; men amt won thLeo* eir kat round matchesthree easily e the new warm ofimermani f *et Make latt th during 181 Greene, meet bot heeds a thri l ing four-game inalead ofpas-Remake having ofonethecard, end Element Is Surprise Dr. Comfort Speaks with had Lmvi .weLeeds won two, Captain Thomas Shoots Goal lmoth oraHogeneuer drewswon aewithatlbegbeIn tfhoermerl ycards, beenonethetothatbeocolm,keptlethaterebeor. of college men - tbe o of Peneashani the favoritae, moue The wed for anwrouod devel o pment for Haverford on Pretty Haverf students was the and Invo.ninth. donor.s e solicipayment tor end the otmade, her bythe edonor' Free Kick neordi ng to the resultsNew. tabulaintedtheibyr the Founder' topk strewed be ion the motel nth to wi n one of e nest vi The Astherade the i t avereoni s Cl u b recept s hebetween Greenein theamp100r10. Davie FORWARDS FAIL TO SCORE l beallrecei p011(ted..6 wi•andl thus It la straw voteihel d ong Amman-of October ekes of TOM hel d In the Uni o n on DISCUSS FOREIGN POLICY hopedwiOut Monad the hardeat 17: 1 11, e l o temol m aate . The that week.. Anotoe.herforinthe novatdriiovne.le Thi thes!aeldoptosanion of lion of the aliddle-Atlentk. 11thtee. Buret , alsfed.,2ipresi awho ine' were ClMr.ot, l oAnt ofsoon finale areaccord!. tamed,to Raman unempetted hthength io their ',Popov..." e mphasi the valdentuechol e ofof Font men However, from the rewi t h alyer.nebe thearranged e helmeeti nnem g ofUnithe theon IwiAaltMonth' . Al l o wance," i n accordance et ewe a r. and "good elbeatiptityvpliwikted made end Pawn Davi n i s the rhoi e e of the facul t i e s. Soci a l Sci e nce Cl u b. d i n the h the idea that moo shoul d rather," on he put i t to chal l e nge a higwiherl The l e verford hewn gent i n eatai i e n1 Thathcleteehets ay, October SO, Tame contri butety. ten cent. of hie income The Haeerford ' m oti o n eotl e ges i n the bi l M i l e .At. athl e te," WM Mr Bort, "i e uphol d . the there to chari bidam groa thooughout the geniintoe foram' reuseifthe. he i t nor lontiennui e Staters toTwel re-operate is bolditheng e hind we wantanforanreorder.' sale., leClnot nettlefoe.. parti efls,oorandfolloanwedopen din., a ad at no ti m e put Moo the the fermi n vote. v e. answered u b. powerful pawl. attac k exhf hltathe TheT.Re- PROPOSED FACULTY LIST Invi tatiotn.y fn.nodthe Republshow areal Nei erar.infurtheIdamanmetal who.. itos panel excavati n of thewas walebeen.. . N. T. II.of• tweek weenie., publ ie,canoneoPerth schol the tot-, a HAVERFORD DOWNED BY the onakri icanabutPerk/. h e game e enti Whi t of the foremost l a wyers al l e gs 1 ri m s eethod too l i m i t ed. Plmiattteeadelofoba.Sorenty. and chairmen of the ComHarerford. Le Follette defeated the ItaVerlett Mints All.A.alle M. URSINUS GRIDMEN 29-0 Sesriet and Black failed to re e "What Haverford needsmenandwhowhiCalti Mr.member Georgeof C.the Smith. ...- AIMS SEVEN DANCES Maker Dasenedaels Fawr La Follette Founders' n earThetheworkIlwoferford So. anddaneerocal Clee<ub twent .sere West Plal edelc Part, ptaw hia Bar, ti t terer,Newhal Haverferd i t • Quaker renege, and combi n e t h u rret of at h l e t i c spoke for the Democrati La Ursinus Takes Advantage of ills the onl y ti t he that prei r ented the seholarebip Veho wi reg good All Breaks; Haverford Tiger town from leering in the firstl Folrepreseet let e anded his ProgreakiMae ve PartHelot, y were Students Have- orked Nine Ibis would seem th I.rwrappose W wreathe. bat i t wan noti c eabl e that felluirthigten methanol atoPPed ell .Follenode drew hie most a sup-of W irer. eFed ofto Smethmote. It hadCardi been Manned Years for Extended Dance Laporton hirds aid.eGerrett ofto thethefiforwerda. eld and made Mabel r," 0 food athletes .Unable to Score have Schedule l..he ong.mnothimafe Intal•l men of theMn.Wemeu' it Divvingeian.on ofchaitherfrom thetheMatemiontenumber of the old toreMr.whal Stott the. turned the etheti n s scri i n front of the pe the the moot di e mmi c agi n g gam Confe.rme for Progrewi Gam., to Indeed lartgetreth. =, who plfeedatedColsolefarge thifootbal rol l e d el u ee di e duet as n mama. the Havreweretary of the Joi n t Front sogyeeti e ne preeetued try the Adi e u It i s e. ,ei n ebl e me ee the sot* i n troduced i n sumwol o s Pri n cet o n Mayers were about to Mi l team 1.t to Cr. c al o e. i k eente l ' , ...i t tee. the Facul t e Pthereathe taiweek ttee offorthethelaThiFolrdetowthai the Unirnetel versiytten y el diPennsyl vaniataHeewan ItiThom. onda ofofthethe rector footbaltestu, l tea.. 'Captai Captainn shun lam0Saturday l dove et home Collegeviteem. l e hfin ofit inhitoe theOralnetandMarshal lette campei gDoni n,etowas on Dances. Deno n pushed the balelploutwi..dofthin store. The one. tononieons. Palw mofer.theproposes to laheinaide(edothebyHaveretten. Party, but Mama, erford, ortte1076 for CoolnesiDavi dthat ge.n.thel for• Garrett of the banketbel l *ad we of the l o om spertander act u al sawi n g abi l i t y , wan by no oreono Professor fi l e d the t i o n i p e dame sebedel La Fol l e end 400 tem., Captai n reek. of di e basebal l s: bur the the game. nCtions. Diversity le Spathes Noted teem. Captain veryPewieredidenttablyHarl . ey. of the Foetal Itfordwooto wiono. freer.. Kithwas hadter wperie whi driorvce,toh the opponent emelt.. th toetn., intend.. lehowever, team, captain John...theoftree. the ...Once intercede. him in Fr. theweregame Starl ettoand Bleak .1nThen. Boles. Club, opened the meting bf that no C.1.13.14 .70.111 body Ant ask Franklin oral Maraludi College asp- tennis tem. eosi n t e am apparent l y Mt al get h er. be ferthee addi t i o nal Wove, that wel r omi n e the mol l . . and i n troducfor o hen. ...knit, bal f •backs. Captai n Ray Thom. the .. the nem/the o New-Al l e hrt l e Fie!. downs, wi d e claim., for the Dr. Pehner wi 0 to and Coolidway-. ge's name WWI seveo lompareth then presented Rent Sgel"Curtthrt 7 are morn matte Indieaties of tee- •chance ma a free kirk Mat outbade e.,Barrett s i d e t h ti d o mhtdote. di f ferent meti cnel t y men end dri l e d the bal l i n the margin ch l0.7 have existwo ted wer of the net Haverforitoea ence,aleaste Aworietiuut Roger.thatofhe h not know Allegheny Celle. wax forIs Fol Mr. Whi ttee toTall.efeeaudiRegsl Coolleitteda. Harvey Harre, radiof the Capthe end Belty ofla Club. «lLanese. i t i e n of Whi a ted vari e relytallhel, Near then.begi nning of the emma refusalandto the let onWee.. the sewed whether the eauvi*lath Mr. Whiante took threeto pante of the cept of thein asst fel- the clubtomomenta and the Ptheettod lett ng reeButplatheyinbreak the greeton...denten wider trir wormedac- owm lebei net forth thr emelteaeeswel rollel.ges eiowermueithin iteoffer. freshmet, with- ofhoei Republ hat, kkked la, reeei higpontae-l h, •reling .11atowards caref g whi c h charact e r-l a t h condi t i o n lmimeo, ength.icThese were Economy i n Dow. abi l i t y el . dramati s . and Wai the Revertant t me deceivt h e Creams e sek and abmht t e l y Cel l e ge C.Nel Ceetrel Oetede Dances Ford. Pad., end the te. field. He ow followed by M.. me. me. Pm. i n g at and el l i t i p ml i n to the Larki n g i n Havertown, game, metal e d Elrentupreme on ie e only 1014, When weDr. ofConaort beentnoensPresi monks In the one•eided Peen_ he gaol. defense strengthened Wm leoffeengthTHtheon the type of freemen thhpuhl eue betCourt. ween'Tsaiaxatid Demovret s innovati wendtheent Fitr! ......... ......... •Ile 20. al Meted eerferaa fewleheight spath in afterThe Haverford the thane,. Mr. Whiica=leh, and Diiinntreduethe on theSharpi Campo. met.. ThemHatwere of hiJanata minutescontrol Of Wayofeindemthr i g h tiinlteroduced ritshowed bow the Republ f o r f r eal a reen m i n g the Prei t i c hosey. e .. the pl a n. get better balonl economi cal regiiomn_e domi the game, which Harman, to poinmen t fa an. even nthe g waneat forbi ddeu here, went but to.Ir. luasen 161271ni an Thereafter the two teaml remai played lb4.. ofF,THE d hangebary, t h e boa.. irmongoi i n t o operat that Coact, byHe putting theelatvery bodde 111 wattl e undergraduates terms and the hal n ed hl a WS, then tmi o ted out the ew haw the Km 73 re toWrenn.. had not y in A clThreefrom hey rush.around lege could mithe dfieopporri ld tannyarrntrul voter.. the. and Dr.ColComfort o.nalbyin Importaand nce of thethe rah. busiotoessmalendes.,.of the merel towinged-ibythe con recover. dm. Middletton co. ofdwreawd toweada goal ITS been three two Gal l o n broke away . 1 . 1 1 for ga t h e anught tu substi t ute denote on the meek team. Towards the mi d dl e of the ...erten withJohnston this breach of the Twi the the number of goveroaeortee,cnee atintheg a totalendof over dart... emulIn a1910 te. three deur. new held here. reot ball. in oneforward. of the advences 1.066ram wen.. 017Per... Pe "■;Hat work.of Ames completed 100,demeaned 000. emand hot ofthrough theMathBretyard.. halandf. the Haver-NM Baker wasundergni d oate speaker. wi a Haverford men broke the bettonal debt had been csl i d eo, no, wk., . h owed Pro. gni fin Is none l o tted after mi d ni g ht. Thi s by the Pri n .-too Dal plea for e Haverfordlan. rowerSearkt for bowed byOnthreethebiacme l ion dolof forei lars,gn relatthee. Iran owto U. thawed by 1920 Ore free kkk vehicle remelted overI the eibefghtUndone yard.Opponents The and beck more dance, end thecloJuni oThir Prom ThomasOnWerke scored. Dr.- Comfort's Remarks i t Reek for dew. that the Leas. conti n . unti l one o' ck, s mi d i 13atter Mr. Whi t e Y. FORUM DISCUSSES Do. Comfort odd of the arevi o ur twi r e M. the Iron quarter when Urai n er not enit InWean e was had 1921 medtearIn weemed Don wan se pirli wee dteat, twohtiinnIkea. manyNalwarsf *mood "II isattended remarkabl erecepthing threnteneaTeam to wore. UNl l eagandIttheupnepeopl there vonimiewhet repeti t i o n of the asmuch to fivime pulgoners CASE AGAINST WAR smoke, at one who t h roe noreldefeinwe In thi n ni n end.. An team hours. Fal l s l e Soar. a ford. the n. never oft. art ut.have Re-the lathed.. Ellett Cella. Yelstie Gomm te Bs Organtree ritiroeerhen teansaccompl enbement Ping, In thiUPe Peribetter od theashram.. Haverfeed Atl eitheg.mgged brewinbark g ofandtheforth tame,In the Thea trithat crip.-cthe ket publ iichad be poilcompl ted toetedetheofwififte-th 1..1. Me showed end Threel a Y. M. C. A. bel the The Facul t y tormi d ered thi n • l a i r team abeam. l e ' m i n g on We that been Mal e . Ronan and Wi l e y middle of thepower' fields.. to gain. A. ie. anaitnhet war ewasopentheform hope;eber: end Emaiseveral l nmensent&that., ent. butdenren In thewere year TM nesediem/wi theit basebal atio.. to the Wanlendanston n the 01.Heil Cllteam ub ialeSwot Brineed. Mated['thermthat a 1922-2S wet hytheGerrett fromedbey°. the cenofthedent Barton. meet i n g, cal l e d by C. hel d , and one Inter-cl a ss peace wee Ins to the tarty and a r: defs.. i n i t e from the soat ter of t Preei In the Uni o n the Camp.. The facul t y i g gi v en the trothShrew teemwooth-ads alway. winnoe; T1121 wanAsentrance bate theCoort Worlpld aCourt. l20-yard ine. erinmark. g L`taiTworolnuelMayo theover.11theongoale. fro twenty-five yards Monday eveni n g. Mr. Thom. Hami nored thew. but l e nt year two pri v ate nk of NNW; that i t toProgresethe the Supre c.d.. 1 l t on, executi v e secretary of the renewel e thei r ek by dol m a, Patty, Mr. Whi l e Cab pews: the Haverfordi a n ' , c orned a fumbl e nod wan abl y of Tooth for Peace. l e d me t. imode, netter byto log and thought testicular], how ithe broughton the n alwaynNEdyingent. g anti of the Nntiou: claimdedbethatin the the heeds Power ofore,thethepeople Haverfordbm, providiet downed sevendownsTonlIne whi fromch the go.. FRANK MORLEY TO SPEAK .toV. 7thortea awihead. Atyenswati Wi6.1,l0k1 four toOnnuke thine organiInsorder ed in And tliterary ne facul members. two youth erne. We,.everywhere byWoul tutioofnaltheamendment, end not &than ON "SEA IN LITERATURE" he board In al m a. hobo yards, FIeverford, had beat and to add two new one. iDeweneal o theConstihands Cougreen, Oral game of chance or henetted game.,four But yordn, three straiandghta Merl to of future var. In cornball. the or viola.. diveraione. . a Farmer Haverterdi. With d.1 Aathestmeate °Myr e Taxes As Printery After thilandlemuesl comma el ed.. for foatrme Pardee/. armaments agar. the aroundemideveropment. fourthedown forwara pane. alttouchhough MondayPatty,endReeved i stufdent d oonsed e i n i n eorrance AD compl ted. fel l e d to mote 'Need.Mwreathes, peel wee made by t h e Wang the stead for the Demean!. ' T he real good enti r e method of war n means of down. little ithenter, Garrett'meek, s pretty Not-endow andy on Fraok dance. ttee anMr. Smithclpoi nedtedcredioutt forthateveryththi the Be.l moreCompi in co/bylege,athl" egaltica" or byComf settl erneet of inMr.terned-Deal dipoisputes orta,rnhas "Ia dome drop kic'Ak from. aimhappened thety Commi matter be. u j o 10, Wi t ] openl -The leThe vee.tyFaeui lFacul in iLiothent. not were di . ..ed. Harri s on n ted achol bot Ewe.' wd -Whal i n g Dew," e good t h at had l a nce t h e war. fore the ti l e MIL Thee orout that the Worl d War nei t her mol e > by bel n a i o teresten t h e He el m poi n ted rod ti n t the Demorented the Inter.daes Dance. Uni o . at o' c l o ek. made the worldammo oa forandderhildren. of other." crati c el a nd was net for swum en The Facul t y added The l e cture, -Whal i n g the Col l e gevi l e men cam strai g ht t h e ' S ec.," to be n or proteete4 down Oda... on lathat rge personalbe.air den. helodwent . aidedtheourS by a Urreed that nowhiman seaweed for a ended economic meen. ven the second sight, wil be il eep on.. Thebutpara. team the linDesk e far gitrete& e cdanger h teshoul did notd hiattend. or of meu who putan SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY TO and Mew weeSmitheonth toMoe taxatios thand nstAmes dered The fitoftyrace theckedNokari firstthesogoal of the afternoon. law., mitered1917.colHelegethento 1915 Satthe urdayatudente, Revertant didAsnottotheaeon to Mr. he wi l d . ki . by a. part of the l e D lea Hopki June, fininegbednod. HEAR NOTED ASTRONOMER tended thwie meet ingidwere feaeorabl e of Wathi neton Cwlenerthee. The faculty oho said that Ills pro- pressed bottl n s Unl y erei t y, maki Haverf e ret Nal l Hol l y t h the ea of Leswe Mr. Smiraceththeadd, "i t Premmted end woe gi v en t h e Rhodes Harerforters Immo.p ofwarToothandforaPeace groupwiofl Owl Tata toNeeember Speak ItI Meads. cm woolsthiforrdalquarter tLeague. hat nobedrMt. Stank claimed gram them believe Tooth M ng in bad, but they ticholthen arebihep from thoughtowee theUtak.Mato. earned fame theformed Fellowehi theteetdewi hex been atudytog 01.0.ree fi w t down. one eonbe here et Haverford Davi d Todd, ast r onomer of Met Mr. Davi s was broader then the fl i f there were more danci n g Univerelthety,warIthreand. confidthothi encemonal.theto fordDuane hanction, with Wall. e xpecieatiofneth la et ith neataddrees theg. plpartayiofngtheandMailarkn ofLthera, Democrat ic and woul d do HeH iteln lom wouldthese he tooevents reachforinthe terested he wee • mama Swarthmore, I' . of P. and Bryn Sci i c Bodety meeti n elpoimnts,edto get the League. Wed l i w thment ve Ceath e whkh be hel d 10 t h e t h emet r y l e cr 1920, the Rs' thet ofoverneholreturn astle andforotthihers actliberal ivities.proem. More- Miller Announces Football tare room on November 11. Although tooted...we and Me bran spring, at theay Wray. very Were of bltheof ee not expl announced market, he period h De theybydealundergraduate. . no privateoff derma pt p fu page 4. Oen.* 2 a i n the work done on the Dance Financial Success lbewioAinerlIletpee.* an the fateen-yard ri p e and no for a of the eapedi t i o na he s l e d to yews. annau score. Miller,Comandttee, '20. ch.... of Ameria,ca. Ibmie • sod South Eater in the quarter, on a fourth NOWPag-then ARMISTICE DAY MEETING Wan gum. theMerle CampusM.Drente CHOOSE PLAY Tentreman -receivedglaopoor paget- • leg I nteraellean Meath.WILL thecloniFootbal l Dame. held Dr.2878,Toddandgradusted Getlimner...lel herthe to Promote masarigendan we.W.hate. ghat fromconnected down, from wafer end wee w i n Ithendal at Sat u rday n g. won a t h at AIM.. Sel e et Cap ...I relat Del a Weak wee af t e rwards t i n g of f Ma punt ea t h at he ems downed Lea. Mb ' T ea Ow la An Armi s tke Day meeti n g to proBoth Pendent. Of Aswi t h that wi t h the bel l Deaki n s ma then Le s l i s matara mete "Intonati ohenalheld at the Aldln Tueaday tronomy. and led.dtheerected Ito pogil on to wore, -which they did a frw Inghliging-ignae Charts ts. ..eanoWted M own when obeerystory The plerect ay Commi ttee wil 4,mea onde !'ty-lTheiveprofi sox. Coodwal e Amherst dol l The exact i n g. , November t o deci Saabs al have ernoon 10 Sunday a red. the Flsoday be Theatre thiing-s .i0s71,spoosored n determined, wil he turned over edam expedition w Yap. La 00-ntinted Woe mt.., to ithe Thiwars mmeetpeopl Co. The atioaner oath. in th ofto suggested ifin. T. ILix.. Muth LeChM el& inran alse playa b.tlebeen narrowed the/Mary of the tankers ete• TM. year he hae been In work CHEMISTRY CLUB MEETS Ird9Siddirg-itneleal ciletay was of Phibolladeldetheca-Wal p: hiorgsol a. sMedl at T. Wont fi v e ponehti n. Aonovnee. l y In the A s fleet of TinalUMM-g.. vanity nem I. on Arnantim Doe Yee, meat tieuinm Cl a b an in the next iewe of THE NEWS. es, et Harai ts1 ine Chseel arabh GENTLE REMINDER TheAneat Chemi stry Thorst flsaelbSeet helhey.dhalItses first . Hack,at Dan. Noonnalwith ALUMNI Dr. Mutch Will Address Y. M. meet i n g BM. Wal e Of Al e ntl i Catotrthel l e tta Mena. ia Meeting was ICONDAT-IrN Class of MM. 11124, SI: 1028, 52; 59: 1815, 81D; dam. back of, the.maielenctiobjOneofct offiof cIlers. Z. Sari C. A. Wednesday Tickoto to elateddentpresi dent:VogelC , secretJohnsen, vita IthiCaner-gaitsolsaisethla geolatiradon 1015,l emMAR. Mine. Jr.,58;El1010, AtWedoni the greeti n g of the Y. PL presi , end a ry, r ash llaverfordTo WIl a verferd rel l e ge. Fl e verford. Pa tlim monk. November Da Merkur, hthowLcontributive nxT"-Y. C. la the Swarthmore Game flee. Andrew Multh, of the Bran Mawr In encl Presbyteri a n Merck wi l State. On November 22 earnaleweMr-Seener not his Signaler. partin! Sorolarly about Clew Aare.rine Mb an7.1.IlaGoma. rcianfeen.4, miHeremai nape. Chemi 111.n atnoti 11 beeolmnoioaenedW. tellingthethat aboutAwai thet. sobled.ofMulbutchIt hag reseal. add.. Date t o n . end confereneen thee reati O of rhos shod. held. college life, know an We, but T. R. White. G. C. Smith and Jesse Holmes Speak on Behalf of Parties one and tea the th ord College chard the weaken prioripol at hoe of hie match with the first woe th to member be avoided. th ,wet iM Promote.. far th athletes, defer., the Prionton soccer mom mt• ink to bold the Hererford eleven I-1 Ile to • disappoint*, sow last Felder. , for pee "A .ter to re th , th platforms upheld by outs th Delve generally • th loom get Mimed lad showed the Princeton forto eerie the hall 0 st prow- • aod th good tt Ore. men eteol red greatest . good kicks roteo el Ill ad th , Committee th f to ut' of th th cricket its Roger, of and th thee 0101 the Ti, first wad raw rote ins tt E NEWS, nod had is mooted caner of fifteen able to th the foot terve.* ...... deem. The th a Clamp seem tel th were at NEWS and the on Ieeafine -- Dr. t foe of every th tEl at red then the hiser. world n th aloud any l t e tItatiennd did though Ito kooky bereho4 Petties at that Imbed , th platform ll a te to ported eualidge be a trot introduced . Ii, omp of payer of the bed been cut teen which play feet reel th be Illegally th to-slaw , in. through Me tt on claimed Ile LIe. The tel no th T. M. wine o W always arc A. tended almost the th hater. -pie. cont. oo vane 3. oo ttblinea retool Its brides nab at He th of 4, th the trade, put dams hatred.. re an The Starts Socood mote- ....a to all foci the e Merylend in 1900, en wit: th , lone exported to pine foe ". PM Bets Heppe, The o Is None of ee to the elnean Van It these e hie that Cant an Sea stool th Chet ant realms promised to orley. f10-yaw pool others. should On the De. tall ▪ t ad told e 1011er of out .o m eat have .10 t 'Amerind college. ran-operate together Dopy low neirrowlz with both eleven. W and merino. II the iliat part of this half Devie noted for Princeton peaedeatty ate of me to sub of platform the alternated Pia:'. sore eh the perio hen the Confereoee. park I held th. Xostnetre He I. brother of ChM. Morley, .10, who epo here last led ha - that tun In mg.., an PrOfessOr about seem, t ft Ire the w &anent Co tinder. ding and Cep He desigoed an lee 18011 he the It given ibis to Dell thatietn. on Thee 3, column L engaged et the filoorttabore obnreintery. A ancta the selected PIM, odd be toot Dr . formal Pro Write early for 1022. tli 1921. Sti 1920, Itit, 191P 0. sneak. Apply to Graduate Manager Pro Ikon n the em000t of $ Oct. 30. Ti C. .ram -Gordy wee spoke at the meeting. tellingob.,the mood Imoortoot but oresolutions of the United Her. hall the that' he roe. wants. a. on 1017, on two tamer. th , for provision, to Cawapt icy, w. ed N. will ▪ Pane NOVEMBER 4, 1924 HAVERFORD NEWS 2 HAVERFORD NEWS GREATER ALUMNI SERVICE EDITORIAL "f.7-1,0 Att. guswile n. o BUSINESS BOARD .. 'as ",' goe .eint-P": Adm.leg r114. DR. KELSEY SPEAKS ON QUALITY OF LEADERSHIP URGED BY DR. BEATTY, " '"4757.17Aniln.1.7"".' yma ▪ AM/Lary Committee Head Fore.. • Batter Haverford Ely Co-operation Ina letter to all Iinverlord alumni. Dr. Joseph M. Wally, Jr.. the seer, wry of the Alumni Advisory Committee. urges them to mtge., way. ri which Om retiree nosy grow to :teeter posalbIlitire of sentry.- Ills Mt. follows: The diurnal of ilaverford College. Gentlemen, On Ntnember 21 were will be the neat meeting of the Alumni Advisory Llountitt. of Finverford College. dime our committee bee been rreeted bi ihe Minus, we onffirulerly milt your o-iperelige io our work. if you here ■,!"&littf."%; The News Is publiahed weekly during the College year. Seb.rintioaa inn begin at any time. Prke Per annum, Per tingle ropy, 10 ceate. Addreie all comes „1 lotions to HAVERFOIlD NEWS, liaverford, Pc Entered of Post Office at Wayne, reassad-riaee mall so provided Pe.. for le Section 1101. Art of October 3, 1917, mithorlesd fktober 17, 1924. Editorial. de not necessarily repro. sent the opinion of the entire student body. NEWS POLICIES FOR HAVERFORD I. Homers cogent el Study. 2. Orgaairatlee Betwme All Brawl.. Of Athletics. 3. Applications of Relish. hi Correct Problems Though the Y. 4. Co-opersitlee betwee• elnoses for Revertant. 5. Student Council noindelstrelien for a Broader and More Active Student Body. tedes.• or toktremsom to tool. la mute from emu m thlto. rho 71tWa mad ®w o.n.o.., rottiolusa. or WW1 el THOUGHT WITHOUT LEARNING IS DANGEROUS; I.EARNING WITHOUT THOUGHT IS USELESS-CONFUCIUS ALUMNI NOTES RI. (Ilford R. Wright wee in Pig' odelphla on Maher 20 on buelnees and "Count Not the Cost" Is the Challenge at Week's Y. M. C. A. Mopped at Haverford to watch football emelt* that •fternoon. `02., Cheri. Wharton Stork had a book review in the Literary Itee-e0 the Sunday Public Led:er for Oetebei VARIATIONS IN WORDS SHOWN BY PHILOLOGIST '07. Among the instructors at the Renard Summer School were the following: Cheeks B. lioever. '07. mod Norris F. Fag. '13. They have now re. turned to their reepective college, Wesleyan end Harvard. '07. C. J. Chaos. eke president of the Peters Trust Compeny, at Onuthet. Nebree., wart recently elected proddent of the Nohow. Farm Mortgage Rankers Anwelation. 'OK Rd Wright wan among the Wei!OM el football practice at college recently. Totsh was admitted to the New York bar on October P. Ile will terry on a generel premier at SS LbeNy street. New York. '17, Earth.. Dillon and Compiay, of which firm Loring Dom, '17, L. Lewrenee Jane, '17, mod James P.WOO. ARDMORE NATIONAL BANK Dr. Kent Gives Interesting Under U. S. Government Supervision Talk to Classical Club Accounts Dr. Roland Kent. a well-known 4% On Savings philologist and profe.or at the UM. -Lesderehlp" wee the enhket clown ....ley of Penneylmnla. sddremed the by Dr. Itayoer W. Kele. to • talk Claesical Club in the Union on Tueeday A. TALONE given by him to the Y. M. C. A. .n evening. October Ltg. Ilia subject Wee Werineaday event., Oe. the Union Tailor -How Words Change Their Meaning.' Lobos- 2GY After proving that beeae and beset are Dr. Kelsey said that his sohiert was estawtially the seine by treeing the hisMale " and Baldwin soggemed to Mtn In Leering W. Der. tory of lbe womb from the Oettnanie ricon @peek in the Monday evening di.College Ageott Immunge through Ancloffinon, fienn. e...Ion group. Ile remarked that English, Fresh, Italian and ep..m tear arty iniggestiom that rill benefit Um/- there were several eonshierntiona to beta to Ettalleit, he 111 thrtt refold we wont to know 11.11. It dorm he made o the Lakin. up of hie talk. AC sore where etymology is not wels count for nothing end the core lint matter what plumes of Hrtverford He eked the instance in the Bible sstems Mat • little." kitesour .ogeembins may effect; if where (June Esther foiled Ler people they concern Haverford they will re threatened with demructIon and yet the Hew Nene Chime. cm. our careful emeipleration. If -Imitated to go to the king about it_ Dr. Rent divided the changes Ilial he need also they .eto to tie to he nf rattle m the Mordent', a leader. saw the take plate lo the meaning of Forth must go College. we pew thew co with oor nod, realizing that the into three type.; first, • reatrietion of recommendation,. to the president of sr her people would be loat. he prethe uses, second. a broaden'og of the and lastly. an entire change in the Colic. end life board of monger, ceded upon her to visit the king. Thi, Irt, ere monkery here moved their • Reverford le n • mane 'minutiae. she IbmIly did with the result that ahe offices to the fifth Boor of the Pack- the meanine. poesi woe favorably received and her KM- ard Boddie, at Fifteenth and Chem.. 1 101 it earsrow to ire When dimmesing the reason, for the bilitiee ofservice only if Otte every dem wog emmd. entire changes In meaning, De Kent otowto. Philadelphia. First Sea the Need element-ferulty, student, end alumni .21. Mrs. Frank Rupert, of WilmIng, mentioned the noorretition people "There are three ...analqualities Inn. 1.11.Vare, announces the engage-are creatively lutereeted drill work. hare Myeut using certain Any - nne tau trade THE NESE met of leadership." Dr. Keleey went on. of her daughter, Marriatrrtta word. and pointed out that thin gave realise the vitality of tarok, led Mu. ''Tbe find in Seeing a Need.' Moe. lenkel, to Dr. Edward Roland Sonde, rise to cirourulotutions. Am In exempt. Fine fabrics in unus.1Ileeerford's future. dsrai raw n need and investlented k. dent interest PM Sontre motet, Philadelphia. hr reminded on of the number of people ly attractive- patterns and Alumni no show their Interest by eon- Mmny people are blind to the reedit tine Rupert and Itr. Meader expect who got around using the word ells be colorings. Reed's Shred. saying -kirk the buelrlt.' tributmils of time, money, end id... that earroued them. Sometimes the . be married in the erring. • of Tailoring and ard large. ix it often very but smell ix heed Sometimen our committee nun trans '21. Mr. and Ilre. J:clward C. Hahne, Hum. Haters EasePrat. moderate paces make We usually we people about se who mute Ideas Into action. Ito were married &loudly. November Reed's Clothing espeCielWive seen Idesbe and then realise that Another common emote for the Arty auggeetions for our connideration the mute opportuoitles were offered to . at Medford. New Jere., will live It plunge ly desirable. In meaning Is the tendency of tariln. N J. where Mr. Heinen la this fell should reach we by November us. Suits, Top Coats, to The hemist in lee Into Paint Division of human nature 10. Overcoat. be teed ..We need tostudy to be alert We he E. I. duPont a Nemours Co. Mrs Latin word to torture eel. Very truly yours, Do and upward to moth for mieor diecumforte 15.1 muses meet the nil that dal]. MaN liaises wen formerly Mimi Marian in Inter Latin 'denture It wee re.. JOSEPH M. BATTY. Jr.. have Leen fuoohl out In the Met mrt Roger, Sevrebry of the Alumni Advisory Dr. Finally, .any. mese to used holy do to !hinge .rrrrr let me there SONS "21. Erbomsd G. Haug le studying Kent waned the members of the lanCom mitter. today an formerly. In fact. modern 1424 106 CHESTNUT St a graduate fellowship at Penh Law guage elnewo to beware of deoll.g rit San Lion shows greater problems then on Seam!. PItILADELPHLA. from what e word has come until all ever before. Will ism J. hiengert was nuirrled the fact. are known. Lb Net UNgereallnat• Yaw Ability Jane 11 to Mint Ida Glarder. of .The geroml rivality nt realising V.hinuton. D. I,. noes awn ability to mett it need: fir ifnughter. Jenne wee forn to 'Yd. Where Are the times? in or fficiille ;rent mistake to under.. Ir. ontl Itre.IL It. liable on June 14, 111. mum. reeding to so tibtlity "ear air. r ehnuhl gage. his C... '24. At the teddies' meet., of the Seidel It. Every one of us Reide111tn it in the hot owe, powers, There are certainly Wm. Amen., Club, the eminent Itemibliesn things In this world which we ean all par rooter et Penn Lase elebooL who ono. aid thin Ihe only reel Mane do. We want lean, In what mope oar ottween the two old tinning wan their rowers permit LID lo work end then ro111711EXCRIS TI emelt, emiPI .0 1 iuti a thn fad plenty to do, •711 Da•-14 nent liennoem refuted this el•Un by 'Third. we mood refuse to 'Cutlet the ADDIX117-4.1.. 11•1044. is .14•. •howing thal the futoltimental idea of Cow.' If we sated our fears we lose 40 .064. 4.4 11..441 .I.Ittl• 1401.13-1 Thin ion self.respert. We may ant ethOODT the two partire wan the Ketbeenti v Dye weilin. qua of what Is carenrer-aan man. e oUttle lam." • the diffeemipe between rho two parties. ix the Niht side. 'Chen Future Dance Lists The fluidly In nilowine the adilttio of two lideoln. denten lo the person hno hotoonmi m.1,1 the Cinema untiditiun that (von. lionunittee there shall ntivor le a further mum. licrerfortro donee pr. for,, crusunut. The Farah, ....Me dr. misted. thin the hremnit ettaitttla hudy imoreos omm it, somesouns the • feet that they mous. not seek for change., • .dergreduste donee lists_ Cmptevrionribly. the addition of the miercloo• fontlierm would ilieet with he students. renesal :unworn, mums then 1.1 con any st udent body or nee them Vamp. Events Ono., nlwu the condition thill 1 lir) hind nit future etwienan' loolle. opal Onomi, Hoeft.' edema.,le the tmeolk. of .1.res an a forliiiion toot, Surely the Hein of netitkoi alone among Ike Mod.te the privilege of pls.e their views before the boon, pomade. iu or lair light rely hope that the Idndatto We Cottinittitten in ellen,. a emelm.. ere.. umy see ito way de. to remise the . interelev.uealrx email.. of do. new which attrinh. to cheek ell of the dance cueellon rat flarerford. The bimory of tbis entire donee noeslion Set been iim of changing vicenno Mame. eirmonstumen will ..thine to ebiinge despite one orbit...million or rule. Certainly. the ferultY ie right in ngner Hr,e that with the addition of haterelnne donee. the question be considered nettled for this year, but to derroldel that It be comidered settled for ell time in quite another thing Graduated Cuts AoreriThe *Veleta of Haas ruts non mdleges 1. undergoing n great change. In there ineldulitoin where Ole Ironer,System has beet ion into operetion the number of rots allowed put up to the Is unlimited and It stodenm do to how at. they aimll attend elites. Thin in • More drastic system then sunny colleges bare been le pot into effeet,and the prob• mere, nerd freed., for etudente lem of it M. been met In men - different M. the beet ay• nuggested la operatic. at Williams. Here that the number of ewe snowed it men Is arranged secordin to a eliding scale ng in which Ow deridi ng (allot in a matis marks. It I. perteCtly obvious that man who is poor in n aublect mmout Man who M agora] rte. ruts or rett high in hie grading. Rut usually the Imoreet TM, In the class cut Most. q JACOB REEDS Political Views It. .oss. Neither mama, maw lit to show the ...e, Mind we ouhtmor'thet there. lit r Mary people here mid to Me, "I dial: vote for 1.11.11k Is the tenet of three erne.' Inc. Helmer showed the 7,7„,arti9. ntend without figuring the tom, and look toward the galu. The World Cries Owl With 414141 Pr. Kelsey voneluded by nundoing op his talk In a few well...home word. Stubs world erten taut in Its need. prewiples It the Iltiof Pert, moods Study them, renlise your mixer, and for. In mill.. it sem. to me, dud count not the coot whom you her dearo. will have to vb.. between those ckled what In right." Irks sad the uegutite of them ko egorcencil by the .111 Mr- PENN CHARTER MEETING ne li ,ou opitett, of the prineiples. Ctek to Gather a. Neveelber 4 I. Oh. or.• Pnwresolve. If you duel. decide to whether you prefer [Irvin or won mei rote for him. Word From the Business Manager Opinion.: Should We Here Them? I he,. !ohm' it nilvereely mated by ylinici Ilaverfool that the NEWS rho whiling o Int of tandenlentile Le in 1011,0. protweando. One thoughl the raper end the rd le torur recent -political view.' on the opwhir el rue were downright radical nrommuln- not heronry be did lett believe in prommalida. hut because the propegotole los be rolled Ito IA Follett. end met Coolidge. an he thought it should lin. been. The trouble hen was that the critic re. limed to Intik below the internee. I am certain that no Olte had the kart in IPIIIL1117 lintagonitIng If I remember rightly, the Menlo in which the critic:Lied srlieles were printed had n little note heading In which it distimetly aye that the column in • "leer for utl" for any ore, alumni or dtudentn, wiahlng to motel. Mt. It in also nulled that the NEWS does not held itself re.. .PM for the union.. express...I. What le more. I have olanye seen definite attempt hall-ing the articles for the randi. does. Sorely the NEWS cannot he Idsmerf If the rte Follette teen ere more enthusiamie about their emilidate. ThesMet dio in a students mos in -think." But he gent no enemrageent. The very routine neture of the rrirulon, 1. discouraging. II he does mPhen to think volontarily, c In this , he is criticised and read, to feet u out of lib plea, Rennenther, the Idene and doinion• at Daverfonl are net goIt, in elect Presidents or 'torn the heeds of kings; that retry man leenitled to hit o ar opinion; Oa we ought to he glad t osee people think101: and that the NEV.'S, as the rare seumthre ol all Haverfordlone, has no &tot, to ...oat. nor one: that the NEWS wenn.. hearing all opinions criticisms of itself. Bind In connection with Its Mtn of honor, emir.. of study for flaverford, the I Si.ed 1 NEWS believes that acareful revision gustnew He mmmmm at Me News, of thp nrenent ratmetem might be odrianble. Men who etnud high In o given subject will not he ...AY ARCADIA harmed by intire thss three olio tier RESTAURANT MIAOW. shafts d. who stand Low in the rating of e emu. can ill afford Under New Management more then me nr two rut• to a cobQUALITY It SERVICE 1.1 The Meant symern of gir big every one ocual rut• ran eertabd, East Lancaster Ave. 22 not be justified from out scientific Mr.., Pa emodtaiint of edunnion. eesa Sledeet Whno onor.ached eoneerning the srirdien of deo Penn Chanter Club, Ltinier tete. he I meeting ongetrelh. the president, aid that on 'Mead. evening. Norember 4, Inone of the Math'. root.. All Penn (hurler men ore urged to IN. prom. He mill that the meeting would Probably nomider doing extension work in the nehmil during the hoshrtball memo. nn at Chet time roadillom at Penn Charter tr,111. be favorable for milting nome of Ufa Applicente for admitton to linverford nut here, New Piece to Be Presented to Instrumental Club The Instrument/II Cioh will hold an 'moor-tent preeliee in the Union or 7.30 n Wednesday ...log. November S. under the leadership of Mr. Weave . Al that limn liternture of the Fellow hip elk be distributed. He ir going to garment en escredingl I Monk piece for practice et that tim , ini he advenree this se n reason for th Club's early Mart this seam.. Merl Miller, the ceder of the CI., ennouneed Efint a definite rut .01111 he made In nieruherohip of the Club at this meeting. and that All men trying ou for a position should attend. 4011.41114-..144•• Imit week. 1. eaeltear.-cral ilwe Aert 4411. 0 "Ileac 2.1040 41•11• 1414111.01.'• 410.11.07-DAID 1,141.0. ..tarn. ..00. 4010111.1 1.1.111/211 -71to A.I.BD.S-Illltea BMA 44•11." MM. 41.11410114-111••day. 111 114. an Single Frilay, 6.1.1u4••• day, Ian 1141/4-11isay. 440 4,14• -Dm OSOle Us, Taw. -Au Lena. day. ..7”. 111.0. 141•41•7. ••■••1. 14.••• -1.1.41, Lon. 7■111.411. im ••• 11.• beau •••••t. sidn•, Bum ....In,. Fred an= in .71.. Dui. el 10Z-Vm. 01.0114-.1. Wanes inrei•aa rata Mag." Coming. la 1110 41... 17404.1111171111, "1414. POCONO MANOR INN Pocono Manor, Pa, Garrett S. Hoag, Manager Winter Sports SUCCESS! Many of our customers have told us that we have helped them in a very definite way to achieve success in life. These men say that first improodons count for much in business and that personal appearance is the basis of first impressions. That is where we have been able to help with carefully tailored. good looking and well fitting Oahe; which make their wearer appear at his best, put him 'at ease and give him confidence. Prices are moderate. May we be of service to Yon? al 117•10.£74.-11% Arum, le -now egaigtreas.was tbs. lo "Tap of MIMIC 11.41,47 Or 49104-1.1.1641..... Day tee a. 8.111; ether warse on • tiums ni Karl. 04.11i ilt. kale: 7.•44.. 110.11 PYLE & INNES Leading College Tailors 114-1.41141.17•11 0Dril• 110177Zind, •I I. Elvin Opra "La MV ARDMORE THEATRE The Pick of the Picture. Music that Charms 1115 Walnut Street CIGARS 010/111101,101 TODACCOD PIPES DANDY WILLSEY' & DORION 1 1 4 W. LANs STER AVE. AMMO PA. otlirlEr r MA040FR8 MATHER DODDS ea, PRIN613_ W. Lancaster Pike, Ardmore GILBERT & BACON PHOTOGRAPHERS 1174 CHESTNUT ST. Of Haverford Pharmacy Pkerograpkere for the Record THE ARDMORE FLOWER SHOP Special Discounts to College Students H. D. MANUEL Cot Flowers, Putted Planta Florid Arent/owl. Also Canaries nod Gold Firth .11010011. A40001/11 IND Suburbon Publishing Co. K. Tryon Company F the PAO coat's pelt. of view clothing most be ded right. Halfway roman simply chan't get by. The now John Ward Shoes for Fall ar died rigid-MN the ark. wag When =Alai VIM want. Wayne, Pa. FAw. MUNRO. 59 - Hooreford mew mill find gnu our Philadelphia shop al 1221.122) Chesemst meet has shags to sky that or worth mass. Open daily from 8 ass to 9 pin-Ssamadays11 pm. FINE STATIONERY 200 Single Sheet. Official Chalkier. for Haverfont College Football Team Printed in Black or 7S. Blue MIRAN ES SPORTING GOODS 912 Choonut Street 100 Envelopes PhDs. BUILD YOUR PAPER--PATRONIZE ADVERTISERS PHILADELPHIA NSW YORK NEWARK BROOKLYN NOVEMBER 4, 1924 HAVERFORD NEWS Pare it COLLEGE SPORTS ALFRED BUSSEILE EDITORS FRED. ROEDELHEIM FROM I SIDELINES FUTURE OPPONENTS Delaware, 21; St vvvvv , 0. to °et humble opinion one of the factore In the recent defeat net our football team It that the men are not mdli getting the full enjoyment of the genie When the player. come to realise that ..Lime r, o. uch . to Play ti.Lt tteepte,ten le the beet Had of fon. the peychologi. cal effect .11 mean victory. The ...tage of being ngeollemanie ' keen"ems evident in the Crain. fem. when our oppotenta were panel. teed for ...pressing their ilimmeement with the officiate in nether etrOne terms. Soccer Team to Play JUNIOR VARSITY LOSES SENIORS BEAT RHINIES 3dPenn Fresh and Central High CLOSE GAME TO GIRARD AS LONGSTRETH STARS SCORES OF d, C Onormr olo mi amm. ha Ott Mire n a saMet had, Com. MnIno too.. •W Pm 11.Morg worn, Ism stud.. or Visiting Team's Speed Beats Remarkable Uniforms Worn Second Soccer Team by Upperclassmen as They by 1-0 Score Win 20-0 Votary JeWlela, 0; Darla-Elala6. 21, Swerilmers, II; Peelle., 21. DELAWARE CRUSHES STEVENS AT HOBOKEN Defense of Blue and Gold Especially Strong; Weggen. man Stars The Haverford Cellege deelee Verona. MEW a elver racer meta to the feet Girard College eleven from Philadelphia. The fleet score atood 1 to O Although the Haver/old team feuebt herd throughout the gem, the *Peed Of the Girard men woe tea much for the Inwood erring team Dome* the entire Bast half the (braid bientam outplayed the J. V. earl had poesemeion of the .11 woe of the time, The Reverford defense had eh off day, but mannered to hold the Phil. adepthia teem wartime• till the nod et the Rut period. Girard Swann lc weaned Hell lffithin three minute+, of the start of the second half Steller, Girard'. Weide talk broke thrteer the lieverford 'defense wad scored the lave tally of the punt Pram thee on the 13.ertoni teem atrenehened and carried the fiebt to the Philadelphin team. Loonetsetb eurrett in the Ile_neort Freshmen feethell mum on Moofer. October 27. Ineklag ell of the points In the beeldes [nuking frequent rum foe aubetsellai.L. The Senior team wee remarkable in lint it wee or.eiged in it great hen the tonne had sleeted. When the he time for the War Mere were only weed Senior. mi hand. There were drenneal„ in Many noire. In what VOWS be relied uniferom only by ton tear. The latter friction wed led by [Rifler, who went into the free- Pled In a pair of tronmere whirl, formed the lower lief of n Wilt.. A worn jersey completed hie uniform. Loose-Meth Seems en End R. The Seldom were on the point of Hearing in thin quarter. but en unlucky tumble was recovered by Aernateen. end the opportunite. was lost for he time. Leer in the period'. Loneereeth tot off a flee nod Me for the Mittel wore- of the game. The try for the es• tea poioen line Inn*, failed Iv gain the goal bee. Although there wee no more epeetoeular playing by either team. *teeth me eau, for loo tonehdow. In esch of- the remaining two perinde, ninu hieloel the gonle for Ile. owl.. Pointe. The tine-o, Imo R. Y Sea llonimon Arlin n innotrane h HAVERFORD DOWNED BY URSINUS GRIDMEN, 29-0 el71, HAVERFORD SCHOOLBOYS TIE THIRD SOCCERITES ONLY $1.50 liaverford-Delaware Game on November 8 See Cheerleader Bated AT ONCE Central lush Krt.l and of P. 'Fre." are to the opponents le the third eorter teem. Althoogh of are not yet complete it is fair. le torten that these gam. err to be played. Place end thee have not yet been '[Jed upon. but Vogel. the third seam [Weis, amen, to complete the erreugements xCoaiaye SOCCER TEAM TO WIT CORNELL AT ITHACA Game Promises to Be Close; New Yorkers Stronger Than Last Year HAVERFORD J. V. TO MEET LAFAYETTE SOCCER MEN 1925 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE SCHEDULE APPROVED Swartheere Will take you by BUS to the THE OBSERVER I neater Mr too meny fatal mistakes io one game ex Fleverfent made in one gunner hint Serueday. Every one of Crain.'[uehdawne and their safety were the remelt n1 merle error be s. In other WM.., we heat *Onetime Unlade Mere Alert Crete. invent twice en ea with our ..1.1 They were on their toes end execoted their pleye We were loth.,end failed to work anything. Pert ea the gm.. I wee sinane the Tretei•Ie rooters mat their impression,' of the lam hear out the opinion I have Lad for several weeks. i. e, that there are mernieers of the team playing mlelr hemline lary feel their Pier demands it end who err not to earrince their pride for teamwork. teamwork, LI. Net Ago..., Too defects Blood out: no negremive. s. In the line end too many nee-track bee.. The tine pray wan mome better, hot territdy doleful In ono.. Curt Hs, . In meeting Cornell next Saturday 01.■ ray stood ant as our bad linesman SatIarr Hoof sorter team in Owing to urday. In the Met -master I mw him make by for the poet-week I-1 tlo with '''t?elCie" aidt Ma d" Pelmet.. Cornell presents atea= Zi.11.1171t:" emu. to meke it pars. Sumwalt wen of refersne this meow, bevtoe only ewe men from its 1.1 veer, . var. e eat. Saturdny. Our meads did not wee 'drone enough wh et they were ety. Thin fact promiaes that the Mere Greene amp d use his Net, II finish web up in the 'Inter. needed. deteaeive game of our Collegiate Sorter Landers thin semen. etrength. (hi Getober 2.1 Cornet was defeeinl ,entete 0-8.11 fair but their offengive be Yale 3.2 in the' fifl alone of the week cost us two wilehdomm. Backe Lagged Offaselvo Pewee ertnon. The Mee of hie game in no indientee that the New York Wald Same week In the backfield! Beatarily hue o wenn train.. the hale lhadwrti wha good on rlefattae and ter, tau.- ni. arena fhtrrett annum; men pwee exeverlinely Heyde* ong tip thin ear_ o. le, regaining bin .'ride, hyt Dille a.m. Lion of mortice. Middleton mad Plarerltord WOW, I-D, Last Ye. The Ilaverford.Cornell genie in 11123 ! irn71',-,.. ? Ir nsutro 'i nut■S''ea C ' ar!' "g1,4 -.tee i evere eho nroting anew otnewit mew Le go. v irt ory for Itretoul. The [pl. for anything rho.. Mdeben. rturse, wm oleelgowkett through., with Ilay. old ie. in fl y . line. Vannaman's erten] unable to plereeCornen. defrtme ...1 eoeld he eeerl If he knew more Until 1. lass 1M winuten of Me sem, Rte. the same Ile showed 'cry poor whes Miley nnonago. to eel Within hudemeni ns nolo, site. Mir end play elinolins are anti neared. sae imedewrt. eeprtielly Soma. conat,,,a .11.e tu, thui t teruell lure imrt Our role x to have • tort VIII' vorpOr3 min end Meer/art weight dreeeing on then,. for they ,tar fns- free, their remeerim 110NA teens, leanly Inert hem mem_ nix era n,e ahould to plane again thlr. Always Cleat inside to-Yard mere Arne 11,werford. howeeer, hos Amen Alive,. kirk Mint down inride area etrenetk 1011 lash °gismo WEI .1s. tuutr ..tru furl, 'NA., riaturday this f.s.sese,erol limes this year, and. hayog pursed over the mege-frtght of the rule wt. iliareanulal and there wera funadew on fourth down, roeultine in imateoe. firer League gamt. ehmild tome failure a get off the hell if t hie had ll i. Isar. emirentrnted neatest Curtoll on Sumer., Continued on peer 4. column 0 - • - .oa. a habit of going C.O. Harman .11 around to the rooms of player. to gee that they are in bed betimes on the This year Delaware'e [emu in rape. night before • tame. It is leered that dally taro. on the defenalee. Tie now be hen anew car, the men will not s ows by the fact that they hare h bear him coming in time to get tote Ma held their opponent. to email worm before he reachea the room. in ell of the games payed to far. The made agate,[ The SOMer non were very planted :WE u"p" by 1.11, ' '711"la". " vh setlev7ht. will the support that the etbdent body gate them .1 Princeton. Although they wilkh defeated theca by the *met of 17.3.11mM:inn the team that an deare not tweeted with the brand of soc. The Haver( sed nelf-hoshe peened elaleely defeated thoortorri tun hour. eer exhibited. to ern[ of the playere rho hell well to the Moe. bolt the line day. was held to s.reless tie. tblelt that with tem eUpPort they would wee unable more, Several ounces Sae.. Net Socaweltd have been defeated. labeled The ammo. hes not been particular. to roll, to the last period w . due ...feefloi, hint the Mem to r the forward line, Threeas And one of the many regret.. of the to the feet the! the line dill eat plav s eover football pleyere owe tlmt their worst have found dealt be lie victor, In thee proper position.. Bliss au November I. Ily eshibltion should byte Mace whew alOmni woe nuttily heron. their touchdown in nu+ of the first three ' mast the entire college wee there to nee speed seas ton much for the slower the gm.. Those who do mkt penile- e.rtere, and mealetently outpiseing J. V. The Megrim and Illacki man Mite in fall evert. are • very real help their opponents throughout the game. fought bard. bat noere net weerleined to the good name of the College by go- Delaware won 21-0. The first were to the bread of sower dieployed by the eel. tear the end of the Mittel period ing to the games. when %rimer hawked down e Olronl dribbler., Haverretel Satagehl Sually forward Imes and Torhet remeered the hall before to utrnek the grunted to run Mertny Renee. liming captain, and twenty yarda eeroes the tral line - The pret.nt.I MAO, Ifirerd adder lme. molt tally mine in the sieved guarMt Ilefilome sal Silver played Well and Cont. from page 1. collo. IS when Weuenmen neatmed up a Steeene fought hint err the two fumble on the ten.yard line and ran winemen were very weedy. Staler playa afterwanle on a Meowed, fleck Weer the ear. The fine neort of wan the Imlividmal War of the .11 same. 1. If mar to Dtelon. Dark kicked the soar. tire game enure after a +teed, mirth bootleg or the W.., mil ,e rant an • down the field. lo the third period lima. Maguire, tit gat foe Ilaverford. Throw! Made is Last Dewier ely.11.1.•-11KA, llat1171.1111 In the Met quarter. Ito Scarlet end 'Mien.. wet the tall to rohbileid cot :nudemany difficult stone. The litte•Mie .9.4 kr for for Teyno. I...orlon, J. BMA team twice held the Red elm.te tarried the ball aere. the line by re11.1 limmonElloon Time et pen for downs when It threatened to .nor.. peated fine both.. Wong.... one Idirat nuesholtm•- .311•117111 and Hubert sem ene. They then melt the ball to the other grain the Idern bell et the field and made, two aced]. ...awful In all the trig. for PQM., mon to soon !Minimise.. The first we, Deleon+ was prevented front sour• ••A when Ie., made s Pretty =Melee ing in the lent olloarler Ivy fumble.. etch of Webster's abort mom end are mothined with • penalty for hole.. M'tlen.. • thirty garde from the middle of the feelawere's tine-up: Left rod Creamer, field before be eves downed by the Ur- left tackle. Teem!: lett guard, Reybold; Were. . , . • ewe leererortmertei .memsze-rhr . 1.... nod shout solely Men. The other chance emitre, Kromer: Relit guard Owelos mt was when Middleton amain broke loom eight 7.41-11I2enirge"a MeKelele, eight end, doh. More Wirers W•MM Pr Lon through the lime. and new beenty-eisht Man; quarter-hark. deeknou: left halfverde to the 22-yard mark before be back. Weggenumw right half •Imek. wee ackled Wolten: full-lark. Hee, The Ilse-opt Inedlioe. Revere.. Haw. Yoe., .11 Weir Moo.. Scarlet and Black Player. Shen10 Or. WM. ten guava Boom. leaf Deafen B.ters echelt M. Miller When Ihe Ilaverfetel Junior Vitro, Clerk Corti. Snores 17.15 Gear lee CoalleM Ear server teem lime. the Lateyetie semor Mehl reale i.e. harelip nti Thorwley.a okole. ford , Mehl sod . W. MEW In o serer which wiee Perk fiernelt Quartrt.e. only by the mediocre Mowing of Moth OM O. eapretril. The Haverford .1. Leeman ..... Len ealtimek . . Moielo steriliser linewp r the third imam Imes phlyen the v. foreeenta IMmer lee, sine alibi amit rho, Met year and made a peel era rota Hav erford Minot eleven on October 27 rooli Wet Middletna ltsrerfonl-flulllwrond for The game ended in n 1-1 tie. end. id room& Very 1Ellie ho known of the letreyette teem thin w e The Mosiowery: domarre tee W. 111.e. Yr* thoegt. twe ext.. five-cilium. period. rw emmit. Ventrami twnum ewes. cm wart played. neither tee,,, wee able to Ilaverford name is Ille first contest for Wormer Is flelnaranol. ME. the Dial.. boaters in the Pereuelenou fer Omer. Wends for Ell. make x decirti. tint lareetto Stele Leagne, er,„ porn..., for Hawn. Lorry Revertant Sch.] mewed is the first A her ngo Letup... defeated the we.. and then rtented to tele. heal Innen insWons-aura for ammier. SUffneol the Wimp, Wain oe nee Utread end heltl Seerlei end Math .1. Ve by a :t-1 year nap, too, for gr.n. Pm. fue Mem. tali for Er them le the doll., point, In the second more on Wet aye, Lehi. wen from Haverferd 1.e n oneto. Haupt fee Oren. fur Awe., Jaen f. ewels, rantm ter .411. [...ruin hull the Reflect. nod Meek hoot.. CO wore. Thin shows the differenee toe Ho. lee Mors. Beim. for Mal... [mined nen, eutherlamii, which resulted the strength of the 1022 2. V, end .ferem-Owler, ambers[ in o score by Canis. Nettling worth, that of 1924. The prompre. look Penn traol .emen-em M, Penn M.o. rime of tole happened after !hie .1i1 the erte meet for 'Thineday'e mune and imarten-ie miners genie ended. Cowl! afePete hme hip, men in good trim for the rontent, Gall.. M. Mimi Gk.. to Score When II WM derided to emery thn name into extra time. the third team rallied ml peeked the hall to within n few feet of the goal. Here it wee List ..... 011 With Columbia at New Goat. from pate 1. column 0 held for several minutew In the mid= York It wee decided thee 1Ineerforil will The game Miding with a de emW. °I. °m,-, boot playing, bet the WhOOlo tow extra live-minute tweak were boym prevented the ghee-tin. of _the nOen ire 1020 f.tball schedule with Volunibla se if dill OM ammo. Stere.. end the gameended end In a tie. oll/ed for, in which Neverford made • Purl, e liemilion Delete., enuMte and lent attempt to win. Mettle received Swarthmore will he repeeted nem rear. the ball near the middle Of the ffed Tentatire arrangement,. have been and weed pent the appeal. fell-back Om. with Suntutheenn and John. (or what seemed a etas goal. May Se Met co Nome Ilopkine, but the negotiations have not The Ithemps of the two teams follow, CO art been completed yet. etemenewno. Miser108. Pedienterne. Tit" ;Emmet. Pert of the beeketball 11•Mall IL le likely that the Bat of -Mutest. Oelehreek a. Garrett raker echedule for the coming liaison her been will Include nine gem. se this year. officiellyapproved by the Executive The ninth opponent has not beet defimom ...... .... re O. a, wow. Athletic Com:vitt., The whednle nitely chosen. It was euggeeted by el thircree neat parted upon is 0101001 identical to the Laum one published in the NEWS of Ortober member of the committee that en open mow.. Cap, IL IL II en Interim to break the Willey Melt 28. A few additions hare Leen mode. date he left ban o emote This gueatIon wilt he left to le I. Lathe. Omer. Copt. Stevens will be met at Hoboken on Dee. the diwrellon of the coach, grad.. sake, E. I. ....... ....Mernew IS, and Princeton away on An. 14. 'wager nod director of athletics. Feb. 7. 11 pad 28 ere open. Iseerence• Swum PO. Wilattleime.-re nevertera, to Pa 01111and Raverford School here been AZPELL'S Loll, Pall for amen, Hoe for wee. Memnon to how the. mesa of invited 10 piny at the gymnasium of Ps primary °Cam see IMIL Warn for Thrterfard College- no Feb. II. Washwon worry, themeelvee Into Ardmore Theatre Building McCabe. remelt. graves, while a000 ington College will he met et home on ...I Meath Viand s& Record.. 114nekal Mndt. and then a meat, unerlAth tent Feb. 18. Lamm.: Moog .... Ewen. forgets himself into immorThe Swarthmore mite will either Im New Victor Reword. Every Friday Mee of halves: el. oleo.. tality. Doe at the moat Inept, played here or on a foreign 11.1., Goolorgoe ... elem. Popular Sheet Munk leg in the fife of a ler emirate:I, E.M. the Swarthmore grantee=conwee modern eorporetion le the demned lest year by the fire anthori*elites. work of the adientiete Ceti. 111 the hibotetorice, which it provides for their research. TIGERS T111,11IMIRRTORD 1 - I IN SOCCER TILT ADDRESS COMMUNICATIONS for SPORTING DESK HAYERFORD NEWS HAVERFORD, PA. ABINGTON TO BE PLAYED St. Lakes, Barataelptv• sod gostoevElle Added to Third Team Schedole Abington High Sch.1 will be the beat opponent of the third footbei teem. 'Thin mane, which bas been pending for eeme thee, la to be played at Abington on Fed.. NOvember 7. Ofintee en aloo to be arraaged with St. Lei.* rind Germantown Antrim,. besides o game with Coatesville High School, probably to be ',Loynd at Contra. 11 November 11. If you are Interested to learn more about what electricity is doing, write for Reprint No. AR3g1 containing a complete get of than Advettiserneste. did his great stork ' Z`P:Ds,f17,7.1.14 Steinmetz The spirit of Dr. Steinmetz kept his frail body alive. It clothed him with surpassing power; he tamed the lightning and discharged the first artificial thunderbolt. Great honors came to him, yet he will be remembered not for what he received, but for what he gave. Humanity will share forever in the profit of his research. This is the reward of the scientist this is enduring glory. GENERALELIEC GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, SCHENECTADY, BUILD YOUR PAPER-PATRONIZE ADVERTISERS N ymg, NOVEMBER 4, 1924 HAVERFOED NEWS Page 4 IrmaIllahed 1798 loworporathd 1990 SOCIAL SCIENCE CLUB MEETING- OF HAVERFORD THE OBSERVER Gaff,. from vote 3. column a Coal from IMO I. e01011112 1 ',ten done on third down, we should have had soother chance tO NIA out: ',aviation of Nonni... and elite macaw 66 It was the 11.11 weut lo our op.. boll not Men fulfilled. at a Piece when it win deft.The coualn need. • leader, mid the mats oue to u. •nd resulted le worm. Democrat, nod Davie snit .apply Mental ASSN. Peer hr that While Coolidge hit proved not alai the teem enjoyed do I cannot. He then quoted various onto "onto: the game Saturday. I Sa7 Office and Yards, 58th end ions on the candidate.. He promised. the sante, because they were working Woodland Ave.. Philadelphia front a Ilenimtetie adminiatration. con. not playing In the mem of netting struetthe legislation for Homers, and pleasure from IL Pleasure I, footbell definite entree. into the World Is the thrill of ronquest end the knowlCourt. edge of emprrinrity in mental and physiMedley riots rzoiest et 06i Partin. Mettle., &Raw Professor Holmes dimatewl with the calI two Capital remember the thrin of a clean thane. the of subject the or two other $300,000 $300,000 hard tackle or a block veldtb bowled He said that the claim that money war my oppeeent bead over limbo and the tin that typical. was the old, issue that we could mom oar op. h.wledge outlook on public life of the two ale THE LARGEST stretegy end eventually his nacres wns through the porketboels goal line. If every one of n• kept on issue, he said_ Maury inlet BANKING AND good time doing his own a having Ile then pointed out the carrot, work. The way our team go. attar lion b the Republican administration TRUST INSTITUTION name. look. se though they were driveo but also claimed tbnt thin witen't an to it. Very seldom then do they have • leader isms,. That Thuds would ON THE MAIN LINE FROM the thrill of learma poet white has he denied. All the pest yes. when with twenty-opt men in .renit. No he had been president of the Bar Ae• one mem. to feel a thrill from PHILADELPHIA TO LANCASTER be lawyer. prominent a and nortation, ♦ clear* opeo.d hole in the opponent.' e coy wey In rrrrr /Etna.' out Mt or a nice can behind good interim. • life. The rte. that Davis f. takeons Those members of the team who ing on question. now do not agree do not enjoy the gm., do not Inmost with his pant action., said Profes- they do not ex.rienee the thrill of THE sor Holmes. work well done. Let'. itee 11 nom, of Way le !Rap War In Net I. Prepare them thrill. ram% be Other d to ran for II team in the meting week.The real hum. are between the Promesaive definite ph.ks on every 41mbtlotod aaw subject. and the conmrvatIre Mods 'Imam atatements of the two old m.o.. • be Men OIL On international affairs 1•0 two the OF ARDMORE. PA the difference between none were. he mid, the fundamental Idea of how to Insure sesse. Tke old NARBERTH Butter, Eggs and Penney MKT idea I. that the beet war to Pre Sall Av... vent war la to prep.,. bee If. whit. BALA-CYNWYD the new party Idea I. to .et to the Itoadin TerEdual roots of Int...nowt BI feeling and wipe It out. 0.. Holmes embed the Twalhk sad WARM Ens., P111.Prue-remise eta. es Lenin relations; as wet forth to In rotten*r speech.. and Ina mat amid. J. Gibson *Utak Company Merion Title and Trust Company WM. A. BENDER WILLIAM IL MERZ rinunm—wint .13-61 L ac • ••• Avon. PmWbW rho., Aromas* M ••••••• Tests Dolleolot St. Mary's Laundry, Inc. Ardmore, Pa. Best of Service at the Right Price George F. Kempen Caterer and Confectioner 27 West Luce,. Aran. Ands..., P.. BALLY, BANKS & BluDll CO. Jaw.. Nivenowide W Smnsosts riglIADELPNIA CHRISTMAS & WEDDING GIFTS tImonnta ire the GIFT SUGGESTION HOOK awn DP. mom SA... Mime J... Wm.. Cl,. sad Inosslam Dlamewi See "Frank'.in the Chem 'Wry Bulkling. Provident Mutual 1.1frinanewOmpanycjThlkoiefida tat BALLY TEXT AND COLONIAL SCRIPT Tat m•st Ilmalamable gagnisOnt Los Wading Imrinotiom and .awaccoarlata. ..male. An Opportunity for Life Insurance Training Paul Loder, Manager Philadelphia Agency III South Fourth Street IFS INSURANCE ";:nr.1: TooriatgPlo0ma Insarnatio an prowl Onto .donut MI MAN m tntolt. !Volg ete , both la MO nulls sad LEADING SPECIALISTS In TOCNO MEN' et %meta ciao... 11•Ixrda•b.r. ppar• I tiara 1334-1316 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADEIPHIA Kurtz Brothers RiMailiame Sporn Red GaAs Elena gii•IgugnilL.LX•04•E'. 1421 CHESTNUT ST. sommOdo inavosoos ,.ratty Amur. Is t gallant, Ur duo& to ono., sr to Warne 14. LONGA.CRE ft EWING I41 S. Fourth Street Builltt Building PhOaddpW .71. Pro rrrrr thes Ere the olds Part, that even fares the gunmen of the Nen conflict that le being felt in oreo this country:* the speaker mid. As to the Supreme Court. he stated thU nut problems have arioen that we looked for by the original drafters. and no tbe • reurt is not qualified to law of nonstitutionalLty La I p • that son never provided for in the documenL -Why are seven corm., tint Lawyer.. and the Supreme Com, ,e usually composed ol men from thin profession, qualified to deride what the nrople waut?".- Ile then quoted Mate• men. by Ithesholl, the first Chief Justice. and Roosevelt favoring control of the eonet by the Conerem. e thrown The election of 1184 wn nto the House. nod a realimensent of toldiml parties resulted, and an Dr. Holmes felt that the same thing woe ne opposition te. needed now. he hewing the elertiou thrown Into Coo. Before the msg. FROM OUR TAILOR SHOPS DIRECT TO YOU SAVE THE MIDDLEMAN'S PROFIT Made to Your Measure All $29.50 Wool green. NATIONAL TAILORS GRADE A "Nationally Known— Justly rarnOttS" Pasteurized Showing Nov. 1 1 Clarified MILK Centers and Quarterbacks . Pictures, Picture Framing . Highland Dairies, inc. and Novelties ... The Gift Shop Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Wayne D. M. WEST Pharmacist basketball center or football quarterback knows more than the resources of his team. Fle knows what resources to call upon at decisive moments. To him, the condition of his opponents, their weight and style of play, the time left to go—all dictate a strategy, which he follows. There is in industry a group of engineers whose position resembles that of field general., They keep their eyes continuously upon all fields of human activity. They observe how each is affected by changing economic situations. They calculate what demands the future will make upon each. Then they bring to its aid new discoveries and beneficial methods. In 1886, George Westinghouse saw that industrial growth could not be furthered by direct current alone. The "game" required a new style of play. So when the rudiments of a transformer came along— e-11 GOOD 758 Lancaster Av. Phoe• 882 Bryn Mawr We De row Athlete &pour Let U. Do Year Shoe. Pasqualle Rolli ARDMORE. PA. Pharmadart to The arr. Mawr Horpltal TOOPOONIgt 41131110.2 SO HOLLAND AVENUE ARDIdtME, PA. Whee Nea.dhar Beek. by rrtewts Aboort Friend., ConswItt FRIENDS' BOOK STORE 302 Arch St., Phila. NAT IT WIT.- SOOsta Hark Twain's Autobiography The Season's Great Book Plane Your Order Now rim A err MOMS E. S. WCAWLEY • CO. 100IC S SJ.TE-PORS Pl. COLONIAL & Clothier AM Strawbridge ICE-CRE.Best PhIhnhiohlah Philndelphia'a Represen Naive Store opening the way for alternating current, Westinghouse adopted both, perfected them, and paved the way for the electrical era of the present time. In an organization like Westinghouse, these "quarterbacks of industry" are called "application engineer's". They are mechanical and electrical engineers who apply the forces of electria`ty to every variety of human need. Westinghouse application engineers first applied motors to the steel industry, the textile industry, the automobile industry. They introduced electricity to railroads and ships. They developed it for heating purposes. Application engineers are needed in industry—they fill an important and expanding place. Westinghouse service to industry starts with their efforts. Headquarters for Everything That Urns Mn Wear Quality Made Us Quality Keeps Us Going AL EMIRS , 11 31‘‘ 11, EAT SUMP fe, N Mangan NW Reilemift FavonM ga/num Cnmit PosIrlotkia for the elaawa they are popular with MacDonakin & Campbell ,44,. F. N ea tee % st4 11-4. 1 . 1524 Chestnut Street 061164.1pIdu LUMBER CLOTHES MOTORARBUSES oral.. BROWN BROTHERS' ORCHESTRAS oar And Everything Required for All Indoor and Outdoor Athletic Sport. Thos. A. Ryan & Co. Printing—Engraving The only store in Philisdelphi. whore the Stain-Blech and At.. Clothes andour own Wickham Clothing. Shoe. •nd Hate eon ha bought. 19 E. Laor.•ter Ave., Ardmore, Pa. Phone: Ardmore 767 Market, Eighth and Filbert Sta. Westinghouse ACHIEVEMENT 8 OPPORTUNITY BUILD YOUR PAPER—PATRONIZE ADVERTISERS