Document 1698487
- ▪ - ▪ HAVERFORD- NEWSN VOL XVIII. "CAPTAM MACK" TO BE PRESENTED IN HOW PERFORMANCE Presentation in Roberts Hall Friday; Dance in Gym Afterward HAVERFORDIANS TO PLAY HAVERFORD (AND WAlnilE) DEBATING TRYOUTS lieskomeres and Freese.. hi Ceeeet• ter Place es Oases* Team. The tryout. for 'be an n.! Sophomore-Freshman debate will be held elsout the end of this week. Those Mobins to Compete for their ones teams will be el... the opportunity of gigot. op In the reeterrar'e office today or tomorrow. It is planned to hold the debate about the middle of May. The debater. will compete us neel for the Everett So. elety Cop and medals. IT is expetted that the competition should be uni ually keen this year, am a very large oup of Sophomores here taken F.aglleh 8., the course in Argumentation end 1/ebathe offered by Pthfeear Snyder, and ne a course in public speaking under Mr, Faro hes been reoulred of el the Freehmen. gr VAGABOND POET TO READ WORKS IN RECITAL IN 1 i RIS THIS EVEN PA., APRIL 19, 1926 DR. HAYES ADDRESSES NUMBER 9 CURRICULUM BODY STILL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY WAITS FACULTY ACTION Well•Kao. Geolelle Spa. an Enholitlra le SONO Amen. -Ancient Serehores of Patagonia" Wee the nothiect of rut addrens by Dr. 1 Eleyes, profemor of geology at Leh..41a College, delivered before • meet111102 the Scientific Society last Monday Wiesing, Dr. Hayes gave the geologic. Vachel Lindsay - Famous as eapleontiou of the wren ...seise beer.. now found along Patagonia. American Writer and Dr. Hayes han thllected • greet deal 'ifevidence no the geology of both Artist 710.0k and South America. He sorted Le many Year. se chief eovernmeot AUDIENCE TO TAKE PART geologist ill Csoads and has ie./die ic no extensive trip into South Turkel Lindsay, AnmriCa's Sega.Od A A It Is neutrally believed he pet will giro • recital of Ms poems Amero. Medan seoloeiste that the earth's renal le Robert.' Hall tonight at 8 o.dock. Is is equilibrium and thee for • eonlir. Lindsay is well knot. es • poet, *Menhir pedod in the pest It wee artint and a wandering nel.trel, tenable to Ameries. and h. attracted much attention by The eituatioo grad.11y beranse more n fault wavered which his works sod Ma long tromp. throosham.. Dead.01 «d the Andes and the Rockies the South and West. sod formed the barkbooe of Iwo cooIn the recital Mr. Lindsay will probaubeamot dionurboocee on ably chant some of bb poem.. The Seen niena lifted the shore non audience vr111 hake part in the rendiprlociPalle else/ sAtl is the enst Meet of Areentine. ac. tion of two of them, *bile other. willcor. °analog for the Ae•ae • ehoree low be even by the author alone. He wilt extant. Prepaaala Probably to Be Could.. at Monthly Menge Hensley The Curriculum Committee 10 still evening action of the Faculty on the prop... which they submitted Mune&tasty offer .pring vacation. The pro. genie were dletvesed with the Faculty Committee appointed for the papaw. and will probably be reported in full to the Faculty by Dr. W. E. Lunt. ehairman of the Faculty Committee. when the Fealty hold. Its realer mountey meeting next Thereday. In the meantime It will be recommended to the Stodente Connell DY the chatrmau of the Curriculum Committee that the body be made one of the perlessent at.ding committee of the Stodge.' Connell, like the Stare Committee and the Food Committee. It Im hoped that this will keep the Fealty In cone.' touch with the Mess sod /limeade's that the students wish taken under conanteretion. .Captain Applejack:. by Walter Heckett, will be 'tempted at the ans.] Homo Play end Ihtece of the C. nod Bella Club on Friday ere.. at 8 o'clock. The play will April be presented he Bober. Hail, end the ranee, hating until 1, will be held In the nmamiUm. with moth theolahed by the Ilarertordians. The dance programme will consul of ten dances The cut Is glen. four performe.ra this week, of which the home per. form.. its the third. The pies bun chant °I)aniel" and '.John Brown' dread, been produeed at (loather Decoration Arran In investigating dm enormous .red - gements Are with the mid of the audience, and will which represent tbeee shores. College .d at Wrest Cheater, any interredng thin.. were found. In Complete; Six Hostesses ''Caplain Applejack" wee a eery al. give 'Trete/al Booth Enter. Into plewes where the depoeit wan emeristly Braver" and Chinese Night- deem n was ,v act.. that there surceased play on Dr.dway four seem Are Chosen ingale,- Iwo of his bent known works. been rivers. Item and there lava wan Powell to Manage Concerts ago, when the title role wee created Yr... (.real Throe. showine evidence of role.. Acflettb Eddloger. The same coin. bY Crimeon and white bare been timews Next Year; Horton As- . Vachel Liml.y graduated from W- tion. A tonle-filte rthumnorwee ells. p.y el. came to Philadelphia after by the Junior Prom Comminra for tin Interred In one plare. It Intioded not . run of may months In New York. rotor Maine of the annual dames sad ren Celeee in 1800- end studied an OftlY the h... sistant Manager hut the skin. and • The play bee been given'hy • number the decoration. will be taken rare of for four years in New York a. Chi. Poed ,heel of the grease were still of school. and colleges this Year with by Habermehl. of Philadelphia. Two raga. He sprat two year. doing set- leen. w. F. Either., '27. and J. w. tlement work and lecturing and • then Well, '28, will heed the organhunion irea sate. grand pi.. for Howard Leen'. net out oh 4 lam tramp tit... th. • Wok. Ma Loa of the linverford College Musical Clot. ombentra bare been offered through the The action, which I. excitios through. Norte.y of the Meg Pls. Co., of Caroline., Georg]. and Florida. he yedaring Ibe meson of 1928-21. Webfuoed to mke [me of motley and en. out the play, cent.. about the piratic. Philadelphia, who will .!lend to the drat.. ster will teed the lostroutental Club. torake n hie by reciting embidone of Ambrose AppleJohn. e plea. of them in the gym and will his poems to those who gave while Woll will Meet the Glee Clubhim food saltootaing. solid and respectable person. who. remove thee folloeing the dance. The elections were confirt.d by the Ile weirder. thee 'through the South, Cap and Bella Committee following rwhelmed by the m0. fumy of WA Six hoetesses have bee. Neared for the ...gospel of beauty" and stence, decides to seek romance sad the promenade. earrYint ad the etr preaching the vole of the respective skibe sod distributing a pamphlet entitled adrenal, J. T. Stokes '28. who will gest'on that there he • Heger number 'Drawn to Be Traded for BreaoL" the recommendation of their thee... Invited to Address Chinese be remembered as the leading charge. th.. Preened,. Thee are Mn. la. In these tramp. he imbibed much of Weimer, wbo has played • the in the 1.tromental Club for three eater of "The Boornerans" Ian year. Reid, Me.. Frederic Palmer, Jr., Mrs. innsfolklore end tradition otf the Amer! Leaders on - Religious people. lie went in the 'Mee Of soma is • member of the Havarfor. tekes the lead egoist thin year. He la W. W. Comfort. Mrs. F. D. Wanoon, tot.tonay as well es of a poet. and Religion and 'Imported by T. Whittel.e, '28...• hire. E. D. Snyder. nod Mr.. W. Lite" " oliene •nd dug. in the Ilitse-Olub. He he rueeefel be cOmpo.d the -poems fur fur w Ins he has become lanais. n o ember of the itardtr football Poppy Taira, and J. W. E. JOLT. '28, Webeter. Dr. Rufus M. Jones Profe.or of tests slid play. second man on the tev Peen. Fame. ler Rhythm Anna Yale... UM. Open to Girls Ithilosop. at 14.erford College, her ole team. The presidency of the Althoogh hie poem. tare been called Jun. W. E. Mead. the eerallrait "Me.. epecial .Pen "aerations blend of rhymes., rag. hers 'Welted lee deliver..the quedrien. or rte. and tileirmanahlp of the WoatOtedge" of the "Boomerang." In of lecture. before the Methe hostesara is included In the final time and religion." is probable the Old aisle boos An elderly lea's Fen us decorating plans. Tee will occupy the rhythei of Ms poems thin then Council of China next Attend. Junior Prom Committee ere other After these tenures he will ell on • oft.. which Webster holds. Ile was ba. made them beat brown. The thawAtha Whatrombe. The pert of aesthete cornet of the gym door. The Ell serene. tour around the world, let. 'ember of tie Comm. Committee Horace Petard I. played be' B. Met' orchestra will be pieced .t the north or principally in India. Palestine. ed.wItt we .:1the shad. G. ft, and hie wife, Mrs Peo- end. epproxlmattly in the centre. Punch Olken., Little Theatre wan able to Syria and Fnelsod. He will be beck •this year. Well Is Barit.• at Hererford In time to rural his see. pled, will be 1. I.. Hubbard, of Clue- will be served both In the trophy room dance to them Without the ArCosagewifi Wall has so. baritone on the Glee nod ....ter eitmses. of music. This peculiar rhythm set Club Play 'fem.. Ivan Pothleke. and at the spiral stairway to the galThe Nett.. Connell Is the Chine. nub ninth bin entrance to college. He la ern eventuated by the boring manthe Main, is taken by B. iloguennuee, branch of the leerostionel Y. M. C. ner In which. Mr. Lindsay riven his re• oleo has placed the violin In the ]n20, whose acting wee excellent In the A. Every tour Sears it lOsites a for. Accomodations for fifteen eecorts tan Mats. Mamie tryouts dale eeer ne Ryland, atal Club for MO peers. Lunt Besides bringft wet. Mr. Lindsey eign speaker of note In deliver n • aced who also acted litrobilue In "Au be given In the Union. Only matt of el Audi. art and hes evolved en series of pis McNees. Thin year Dr. year he was president of We rinse for lone" Barran, '28. he the part they Pre yet Hied. Mm, E. D, Snyder Jana will the Recant hall-year and played on boo smeak on "Religion end St1.1 theory of de.. developed of Denten; 8. Baldwin. "Ili. that of and Mr.. Frederic Palmer, Jr,„ will be Life to the National from Council an el/Moreton donne of the lettere of claw football team. Loth. end R. Cr. Mier. '2d etteare hostesses for this building which will the alphabet. He has publiehed • book ihr first week In ANS.., He .11 then na JellnnY Jean. Powell '27. elected laneger of the irareidtyl ivceenres in be • heedquarters for truest. of the of hi. drneinga eat died -Got. to the IChwe d o t hh Far Eagle Lift other .lobe, played the mandolin on the In. of lie i* also en authority on w h e e uw i -Captain Applejack" I. the fifteenth modesty. A maid .11 he in *penance the moving picture deems. He ' sit...oraone Club until hie election lectures. of • eerier of ren weree.ful plays pot throughout the cloy and evening. in 1015 book on moving picA.Ident Menage, or lb. dab /set PM. to We Mega Siteedal Beeper by the Cap and Bells Club. Judg. ture& which hest remoras. the disAfter leaving China, Dr Jones will yen, Ils her held the office of Trelog Irmo the leveret:, mementos heard A special .pper will be served to the tinction of the rhoona art on apart moo. nt his base sail Is a member vidt Indio, Here he will Ail at Baltimore end West Chester. toe girl. and their meets in Founders. et from the spoken d rama. dam .r of speaking engagements. for the of the Seientilk lonely. ever'. Om In one of the beat prodocet I. lobs Mont part Et the univernity etira. lie iist The tharhing of Lam Beeves is re- two table. Net aside for the purpose and Horton. 28. new Assiatent 1latteeer, 714Cais esisits7.0. ban Coo made errangements to meet is bearing epeeist deeneatime. These t. p el/Q.8 th for conserable id imrovement Soonine Editor of The Nee, es• Gland], the great Indian leader. Fre. in the technique of acting.. !Weeded rehire will he presided over by Plot. ."" member oof India he will go to Pale/dice mid mietent rite, leader nod by the scion theit.ivra. The busine. and Mrs. Snyder and Ewen sod Mrs. et teennats the plot 1. in the hand, R.Lititerruljtri"iissioi mere am Syria, lecturins nt the unirernitiee Ss ter Stnitent Extension end Camp.. Palmer. of J. Cleat. 'MI, with J. Lober, R. Ile goes -He will return to ale Coiled Creole Committees. He las taken The supper ra M served during the ml lle rave. 1410,11.011e. Steen by way of England. C. Tenant!, '26, le e.g. pan In the Claasted nun play for two Dr. Jones plen• to mil from TanCords, '28, and Sliver, '27, dance will be of a /tinnier variety than HYPERION TRIO WILL June 24. Hie first two week. years. Leinhis •sehdienta. mver lei.. a. served to recent yeses. It will will be spent In Jam. He oxpect. There ere etill • Pre sent. in the GIVE SECOND CONCERT to be back at ileverford alter last three rows downstate,. end a num. take place from 11.15 to 11.45 In the Is, of Year examination. in time to rive Ids N.Y. ALUMNI HEAR DR. to upstairs. Tbey may be evning. ohleined from John Lober, or br teleTirkets will be closed on eats to lesmolty Joao. EMMA. 2..1 el second ester eourara. COMFORT AND MORLEY Mule to Broadcast phoning Ardmore VIII. undergraduate. this week. They are Return engagemena will he filled he NEWS TO CONTEST FOR /8-50 per couple nod $2 etas. A United Scheepperle Tells Gram of Proposed aerials from two Philadelphia schools HALF HOLIDAYS number of tick.. will be nod. to order ofic Centenary Plain man who will broadraet from EDITORIAL SILVER. -CUP to keep the number of dencere within 1YABQ in the next week. On Frithay christcolocr Mode, '10, and Pre. H. 7 nel 78 Ace Probably Dates fCr the evening at 8 o'clock • voice, violin and leter-oeffeglete Nowepoper AsseetatIon Men Condon were the admitsml rapacity of the ...Aunt floor. A.11.1 Heiden 'ratio rental will be Even by The two Stenos Sports Half Offer. another, Trophy et a dinner of the New York the Madly of the Judeon Eldridge Eldridge The lieverford Neve will enter lilt,. Ileverford Society on Friday. April Holidays this ear will be Junior D., UNDERGRADUATE School School of Monle. The Hyperion Trio editorial. WORKS Ina content held by the Inter- III, Len 'rid., May 7, nand probably Wednesfrom the liePerion School of Music all] . then forty alumni were prev r Aennelellen. ' or. 'ley 26. The progrant of vent. b hroadenet a concert e the same time OF MORLEY REPRINTED rer cup Is offered for the prize. and thee en/ to hear a typically delightful Mar. to the former date le baseball with next Monday evening. moat have been pub- ley ewer. sod a talk try Pr...Went tent. with Steven., varForint, recital of his IMO .0•105 editor1.1..which To Fara." A.lished. In this year's volume to April Comfort on current thoceros of the s. troth with Lafayette and freshman EOM. by by eilavitrfentlag" 10" will be lodged by three New York college adminieration. Deck with Weettown hot Although the Inhtit:Iniartl ol • ' 17g'Totier date has yet been retitled A second edition of fire htmdreol ntrbt. MI. Id. Phillips soprano, will 0.e paper men. In the entree of he speech Mr. The editorial than offer constructive moat coplee of "Iloetages To Tort..." by broadcast some vocal solos Two of bee criticism on College melte. nod 'Ion Morley aid: "No matter what our ;1•PreeePeSitin.erl P;rl ott eeleellons will be, By the Watern of mIform and cern- Jedentent on college polleer and proto definitely .hedoted stod Christopher Mori.. 10, noted writer Ifinisetatha" and "Londonderry Air.- Prise will be awarded on thienbe7 w01 be gl en floe gramme. may be. L tarn.. will arrange • crick t and mother of the wale!, thmmented There will alo be sonic German SOUP. ,...;Ager we moat remember 7:11-e7.An'AlterggIrrSI neon 'Theodor on the Left," bee been She will be ircompeoled by kfla Che tannual meninx of the Ansociatimo that the Preeident, the Faculty, and the etta Smithat the plena-. p blieh d by The Havernotdian. • Baird of lieragere know better then On March 15 the 1.1111. Symphony at Swarthmore in May. ales To Fortune," a book coetehdel Otehestra ee whet good Ore the college." the Joldnoo Elden]. the rantributio. Chrleopher Morley School of from The part of the New York aimed Mune pot The Cap and Bells Club oncert on the MATRICULATE CATALOG to The Haverfordieu while . lu the recognition of the eoproechIng graduate at Haverford, was copyrighted sir from the Heverford' studio. Thi,o AVAILABLE TO A FEW Haverford Centenary woe dwelt upon and poblithed that yens. Fe b' y'!'";Leurs 'e or;. b: ;VC:1lb! ES: The material was .thered and th .n Eldridge. pled., Dodd ; Haupt. OBIT Teeny DePlee of 1022 Edith. el by Mr. Victor fielmeoperle. '11, vire book compiled with the antleor• per.e henbane, president of Ike Nedo.I City Comand Leon New-baker, Whew. "Captain Applejack" Catalog Lek mission by Chatter. Pittman, '26 busi- Melee will be given by Louise Only twenty copies Of the Metrical.. p.., and Altionil representative on the ness manager of Tbe Heverfordl. het Eleidge. Cat.os remain itenold out of • thou. Braid of Manager.. Mr. Sthoepperle year. end Gerald C. Gross business 4 Comedy in Three Acts A week afterthe hefirst Judson .ed printed in 1IKM. Alumni interentel proposed thet the New York elumul ...ger for 1025-28. Thmegh the en. Mgt the Trio broad- in obtelnine ratelos ehould set ;ones an d aketth. Of Ifelee's est concert try to aeon. the interest of Large a program of deeded music from Ey lT .pu,einp in the volume ar the pad; IPABQ rho ": 16:1r;110%0e 1IA:raWe:*:/■%ttr Vfel. benefactor. In 01111 around New York TNo will loose haring an interest he Ilaverforj, lo order to gether food. to build the melt lies bran recognised end the HaverfordZilitnitIPTedtt'otIV;ecrltocl! Walter Hackett audio. The Hyperion Redid.: The /Milted supple on hand will soon be Premed new Enia.eriast Belding. hi. Herold proud. show. by the •uthor Mettler, violin; Abram Frankel, writing• while et Flaverford ten been 'cello. sad J. •Ifsmoy Mithener. VD, entangled. ROBERTS HALL 'No more copies ran be printed from or the additioo to Lloyd Hall or posnoted by the Prate. foln.o.,,hge . aldeowbrerulete t from stei the type for the 10"4 edition. which hes sibly both. Wrg of "Eleitag. To Torten.," been broke. op. and there will nrebehly Friday, April 23 Alfred Buseelle, Di. president of the Phitedelphia Beeed one. "Mr. The feeture of the Trio'e lathed cou- not be aeotber printing yenta about IMO. the New York Haverford flocletY, Morley .ten 10 hie boat, de. wrote rt will be eSeenea from Gleconots." so ethordthe to John it. 'H.pes. nothing that will not ea. scrod.; Enna. at 8 P. M. sate In three short move. Alumni Secretary. The few remaining acted se chairm.. He also lee. hie and we welcome thin beautifully made muds writte n for the ocetaion by Mr. melee bane been reduced from four to office et 347 Madison Avenue over to heck as no important eantelbution to Moeller. Pb, macrame. "Noe- two dollars, whieh is an escape...11e Preeklent Canton, Alumni Beaters Reserved Seats, $1.60 oer moneyed.... In the St. Loots tome." draceibeetee the Eaglet P.a.. low Pelee for • book containing rre Hoopes, end Stempel C. Withers '04, Pon•Diesetch Richard Dinnottor at dunk. "Lament" is a hymn of the page. of feels about Haverford.. even lewritei, "F011owers of Morley who no worshippers, and John C. Law, Mar. "Peso:" the third five hundred alumni. A biographical vtho Interviewed applicants from the see. by him. an et 111m follower. deaeribea the aneient elories sketth of tea alturnme is included In New YOtk district...for the class of cherish thie. veto..." e to addition 10 Other reluelde information. 1080. CRIMSON AND WHITE MIR PROM COLORS DR. KS WILL MAKE WillOSPEAKING TOUR exi g Tog WOLL AND WIBSER TO LEAD MUSICAL CLUBS BASEBALL TEAM DOWNS DREXEL; BOWS TO HARD HITTING PENN A. C. NINE Flint's Double in Ninth Scores Winning Runs as Drexel Loses RALLY FAILS SATURDAY Ninth-inning rallies by the Pleredrad berth. teem featured the two same played last week. In the One cede. Drexel wee defrated 4 to 2. while the Penn A. C, team scored a 12 to 8 victory over the Harerford combined.. aeulet and Black Mt hard in both mats, and this, Ingather with Sing. ham's pitching ht the Drexel game, was the redeem.. feature of the rooted. A beautiful Wt toolng rally provided a thrilling ending for the Drexel game. Logan opened the Moine with a singfr end freundere walked. Kingham Med out t centre. but Abbott tame through with • eogle, HU. the bases. Flint came to bat, haring failed o, bit all [ley. With two strikes and wo balls on him, however. he *need abeautiful double by the sight finder, ethring Logan and Sassed.ra with the toip; end winning rune Hererford eso staged it hit minute epee in the Peon A. C. genus. The score yr. 12. 7 when Harerford ram* In for its Hot torn at bat. Flint. Omit D. blued double to centre. Corson walked. 'debtor bit to sho rtstop and Corson was forced out at second, Tlint loose wigidonne an! Tripp errunthuely mted Burt in last week a Os., also welked..forting home Flint. Here the rally ended, hoer., as Logan and Seunders struck oat. MeePherem Twirk for Drexel MeePlareon, formerly of Wenonah .eigned to HP°17 sietight 11.71 for■-"th" e6741t- ix ititr ys Sound.. In the fir.. Temp. ' le were third. and Tennemenn in the fifth were the only hits of the Ill...Hord offensive orhrtiTtinthTlifowever, fliterford got tnn rune no eta by Tripp end tia.Arno and it twee on halls to L,ogen. Moms opened ter sixth fiyiss o or to centre. Richter struck us. but then Tripp singled to left nod Lean walked. At thin point, Saunders came through nicely math • double to right, scoring Tripp smi Logen. Drexel Claw oe=":4;cd""' t'""/eTne'le rit:In••■ 1.7 en • forthan fern, Ite.:17".•" no 4 Ions e e'•••■tl. "elr Vet' Urn° ,ert•■ Alerpf_. !.1= a • eras., A.... WY mt sera. inreV vv. 7s..` ..111r7V- Fizig COLLEOr CkEII. 77116 WEEK MOnnAT-1.•Ltsesunl 33•••1•11. Sane ▪ runder, Tn... 1101 0•141/8•10, Yew Swint inealing. 7; 4altal br V•Cleid 1.11••••• Z•bert• wet • reresans--rstnumust rase, to ye es ter. Clow MO. 11 ear sr. WrgirrillInkg-Siessie sub news., et home, ally se Opera. .17{80.•T-Intruneniz aaaaa rt Nara ••. Merlon: irreakwes TonWs withsavor Yorks, et bow, 1,71.117Ar-lessa Ts Cessla with 7Sotrew. tooseem evaoat; Kam. Yon. remain. of mar. adie nen, BAStritriAig-iPw. In•lays: B•••[..11. .1. n•Imenn. •wari cricket shb Spline,. C. C.. si Seen: sir Nen.. Cale., NIZT WELK wonner-tecesural Itomean. rush vs nate; Irwin lewd Maw- n-onwnT_mnoa sea liebrorarsi OrmiCrEgillai-iseni• wok Tn tin st swat Y. C. 1117IllOAT-Palessotts1 D ..... 1 k nista Coe rodeo. antelf-samball WILL Albeiglit et T0717.4.77wwis lat.srs. suss , CAS. whik Saida hew Tests with ea. !CT.. ales,. - • HAVERFORD NEWS Page 2 HAVERFORD NEWS " PLAY AT OGONTZ O.I4lataln Apple. Fair Peefermarta. The Cep and Bells 0.Y. Apple}... will Ile glees in three Peeforma.. in addition to Ine borne apneaten ', of the Pl. no Fritter e•e• clue in Roberts 11.11. Ovate *b.f. kli.realownand Wilson College will be Ire wen. of the performances .owe Me. Clam. and Wilson are new plftee .1, V Moeda 'St the gday lint uf performance.. Slooreeninu Ito nopelnrol un the pro. al_ letter gramme remilarly for nevem! yeani. It a inn.. Pr. Oneeeftedent in that a &nee will be erP9 niter the opt...eau. It Wilson Col. D. L. 'U Mo.. game lege. The play will he given at Moores. 01 Poen Tomlin Omuta Wedneol.. end AftOmar Iftfers Wily.. Saiiirdey. All the. perform. x J. V. v. mas. mi • n Hill l• F.,est in the ore... •ga L D M BUSINESS BOARD Semisoft V... P. P. Mosholl. "N A.D.. Du.. 7. o. Dards. 'Id I. Z. Peon,. .ohett, 'ft 1. a- L....set, Le* R. O. liallgyes. EDITORIAL BOARD Who nifty V. Mew. Ort Xmas. TAW Moan a..11after. Sim OR. A. C. BM, AT Y, SAYS THAT OPPOSITES CAN BE [ROM Philadelphia Pastor Speaks on "False Dilemmas" at Y Meeting RECONCILE DIFFERENCES 1,..11.ring the appeal. inn be rec. Y DISCUSSION TAKES UP PROHIBITION QUESTION Many Farm Mmilicatisa of Amami. Mat; ROD ProMma Mint *Week The question of whether the Prohibit!. Amendment shopld he repealed. modifieda or left era it le, mtn the sohPot of the Y. diecueolod group last nighe. The sentiment of three portent arm Way evenly divided between undifimtioo lean. the amendment or it It, any oentlinent is favor of ...lett repeal being absolutely larking The view wee wintered that beers and light when me I, thent.lree harmless. and that the present pitmanou mettle dentin. many of intl.ent ,In re on good rem°. It .R. mho gritted that may who are 1100 low breaker. would be perfectly VIM. (apt 01111 only light win. and beer if they Were allowable, :eat week the group take up the re. unemileft. Sllf••■•.. $9 Ow PhOulalphia Shay 1/21-12EICIsestaWS1. W Awes b 'he Nag ar north neae onened if semi in the proper light Dr. .1. C. Baldwin opube to the weekly meetMg of the Y. IL C. A. on April -14. Pahlwin In pastor of the Cheetetit Street Baptist Chureb. The eubjert of his addrese wee "False Dilettamm." Dr. Ha140i0 pointedout that this Ha. is all age of dilemme, nation Terms It S. lafteaer. V. nation. nice reran. rare. religion err. Mat limetonsehet Groups eral Sev With Confer Coo religion and Where. "But. win... 0. Kraft. VI . said, 'Al you have to have alter-too Union of Students thee? Opposite. ion hith he tr..' • Aprj1-13 He. illuatrated fain point by romper.,x Vottoriaia P.M Cmamommay The Alt.. lammed Committeea the use of premoition, declaring tint " in a dogeletiny the men who Men held their utional ...ring ...AWE Incommemin ...leering With but the man who 11.41 "both" in Price ow a.m. Wu for thy poems. Class of '26 and Center Bar- Blkemlther COAL Asthrscha Per ilarla OM le oftto zo. ty group. of wpanho on sohjeein in .111711 M list Sate. as eeteadalene_ift Ire in Lead Again clay -Cow PmdammlalMia or Endetlem g=1.1%..m. tile'n'es"171gT Pon ‘01 11 and op, Speokine 07 the dilemma of km and op ,,,, uni. for permanent Wahr:htmam Whim Marks ed mummer entOloYment were 'drew, tionr fundamenDlleni, the speaker .1/g• laid that he believed they lash army be Center iterely end the Herm Ha Editorial* de eat oefteharily foraHe1. .4 Drinker, 'ha prevident nl right." I ran t nee die ...girt b.sin lend their ...mire meet. for THI BOIT fORAAR met the opiate. of the oath-. ttmloal the Alumni Angocietitni. pr.ided al eve.. ehemitiootthltit eeting oil all the groups. which low' toren science end ern..." he paid,mhelestO nod of the different They dent with different breeds. matt trial of MOIL with • grade of ;MOTU n the nearemtMe ede d e outlined the wont id the materials" lie Omani that mien,.' 7.1, unite. He barely united 0110 the Jodi. r by compd.... and .puke of tin. rotor of immense material thing, while religion ihree.tenthe of e Indat, 1101 Higher Caliber hOT beim. able to elsin. some expmnent... the In concerned with Ile spiritual, Like- with the ercellent mirk of Ilk 1.1their The resolve. mod1 stionded by the when gil.Y.i:Lif..0; Group Larthl TO 1111110,11 wise. the former drab with definite Verrest117,74neIgto7idh:h.7.71.441 an 11.1.1,1 lent• the was group ineeti1111 no ennturering The "3" of having ve,. the lima while the latter deala with Hsieh. T7.4. in, Comort. 41 PerfertiTneMnimdtimim R. (onee ext. dhe Sophomore ether a year Dite.ating speaker cameo be secured Drat rowdier. He maid that ontee. • tate them. to Europe, North Africa. e plat', to rend.. trylgg of helf will some mentiouni then SO111Wip yi .... 19 bad man soli Mklaight Sun. office Norway in feel we Is tine which mum. the that is. -intelleetual pride," it other "kite dilei.ess." Ile declined mom of their number problem. that gad re. esti...n. The new method !night twanged to do ea two ,,w,„.,, SUS r,. 11.1r" jun ea well remain oath... He that the mallard between nova beeves. noulents. It iti. .4 with a over-done patrititielo wa. generv- tem. lore eliminate. the tin-tied fillerwin who 01,1. wok. of the sthantem of %dine gACH TOM ACCOftrAHMID ST 1%.• Junior eft. still teed. in .nry. He then related an incident which dot the val. of human perbolo.. A VIRL.D4Olint 0011.60e PRI} will be one big vacation often make their mullein.wn rain. hov- out oh number of "A" men. liennundoed this ... Me his point Ono. It .nod tionoinghtleen and of initlattre. PEM011 AND A HOSTEPS from four •t odd years to lit in Philip IL Deane. 'II. spoke on the Annular riffles, of the Mien lyl1ww who tom' if you have enough time 019 Charade calwivel, endow lug at prement. The Honiara again follow This more menus • decidmi raising of mil. akin. of engineering. Ile deleted Feel that, although lie hod tiot and money to enjoy it. A 0110 more hit them. henna Pland tsischery alumni and jeer* 1 tine 10 the beat paying port .4 lit PI against a rennin Saline mmortatly. thee h. DM, end the Minns nail the calibre of the arernge ''Y" speaker prole.i. awl showed the adeentage hp had to 691p 11110 !Fri...* be teen toe .do.oh Provident Mutual Old with low main. Joni... and teed Swum and promise. the members of the or. of a men starling at the 'limbgh of ana[n., Frewbuten earh have one "E" man. he Iud.letF ao that Illb um- will he obi. IlltreDellable Age Endowment policy 111 'mamma Nail seas hint her.. of belly oanizatlim e worthwhile bolt-hide. Al- Inter Ridilwio. apeaki. of Om dile.. Ilteene. AI. bud. the Colleen wire field. Ile work. of the of religion. geld dud the ie no mud. pods mftft yahoos.. maert will furnish the money swains that the meeting. will none knowledge ad teon. Hie ..... se of WO la • full ',ulnae for toner. own In foreign ',bi-, pan In every raL• ho' Ia h oftwaissammegifteamb than ItRinn often enough. inrrettool inter.. tithe:V.:y.741;11 1.40,41;:rvilt. ot . porielhle ..7 Hut 911P nen le entire]y 'mint hotter them bin half.yearly meth regularly every month. Oftwftle• theft 0 In improvement. the I'll. of; "Ds through general ereellence of adders.. sea in its loner. tel Ver. it 11001 Founders memo/ the And if you have the money hom they non he working who h.! w differs from your.. Ile poieted out kook INTERCOLLEGIATE donna The Janie improved their ehoold be the tvolt. red had a twillege olurationt over. to try not do missionaries that 3.4 it mieing you can take the time. venge surneningly. TRAVEL BUREAU the lam Morris E Leeds. The real purpuft of the meeting. Mho.' religion etunpletely. hot xpenker. Ilerepresented the prod.. throw ragbfr to develop it foto 1400. win.. 'Ile Coll.. aberage improved sTS AftamedemAyivlborTmECIft will be far better carried can. Al' I 1. entrfteern. HP ,'limed the elki. twn paints North Para y being linnet thing better. C.0.11033 GERALD on drop. a mffer to only dormitory though the worship attendant mom • of profesel. are ofa. hither trim The smoker al. nienti.wl the ^no. he Bard, Too. egbhoonsarel=elgne t whits A.0 le: reasonable dilemma.' dthe "1" meetiog le no amen pert of ie hlehlr .d h• df • el a!' ;' .1-0% melon the bleats. and of the parties rr Lewin ed benefit. the simpler and what In nays rents in industry. . ... :m of dilemmas `The then+. the within a 10 in 41 aL theii wort to wanted ors " wool time. who liberation. of hook bare the .rated egret up tbe urenaa WI] busies.. eller 11 r hod ohloimfil nii, " nientailetminiend.l. are ell fah.... mind. The Interest and suet.. of the won.. esperienee. ... 11 namiens. I. Gee BasaMs orgenimaliou lie behind the type of PH, 'God in all the world." mid in. 'sec Honking gem.. held ou inform. ...... to himself main retrain. mit 111,016, "is 1111.011 which lialihne. liensesi.. who speak alol the rainy of their =meeHal people et different times All us at a 1..1 audio-nee the elements of world are anointed u m to the WM, Alfl tionnergooll. 111l who eme or in Ood. Phemone In the rod rewnited the trent demelments: Wolter ..wiled in Ifini," AsseggelleTS 1111111, 'till, who is interested In ronehoi. Dr. Ibildwin raid. "Difnituraga M. ferences emn be eyermetted. flowerer. urn., Ineeetniew honking. end A Fad Stoat Sierra VO. Here omit, the wiesatinge • man ought to I•long to a romp. end AngL1111-. Dow Lit. gay,. Judging from the paced,. .sel, '.1 beginning at the bottom and !ling Mt know that when mop hays a Mottmeal. Lot in thr Inkout for every opportunity to &Br position. Hare nom,r for oth. dial oast la "Mar new." aRottoortae. there in every teas. lo Improvr. woo pOilliad out. Mr J•MI.1, era Reminder that mu Ian teemedk osseTIMIT-..... HMI." /laser/on! Is alsoh to etigam jr■ on lohl the ernuti th. it wen detrimental opposite, de whet yon nn to give DMILLON.-.14. bleastvefor them I'' think 111n010.10,9 too Innis. Dinh lnio.." LOTIVS-Taftentle. of the most puoce.ful in., ma. oifieent while trying lo work their pan inern-Rethrt. Ceentl t. "Mot roam of recent yearn. Haring eu. p in benking LL" Der ALUMNI NOTES A small atom., tweed Dr. gaged in nix latereollexine 'see, Jr. 'Ir. and Dr. Clifford it Stokes. 11.1. Willien Al. (l.n. ILL is prenident the beeelaill and tennis teams r bale dia.. the mon.' prolesPRISSIta songented those who MO{ of the Philadelphia Board of Trade, Pam.... AIDIgg-'lltse come through with six wrote.. tie- b.. 'TB Frattela 11. Allninon is the o ....filieine do general twertiee for ASIIIOOnt..-Neolar. Yawl. asli t Mei.. two fur the former owl four "on. before alerting ••■ ..• afthor of -(.Wan, Satirist. and Arad.Wads. Mani Dan In -DU chaise. They rt. the merit• a book in die seri. entitled 'It. Debt 0.100. AlmarSess, Tann., for the latter. and each ha. akewn, by of nth. ce noolical .r s• io the Ettst. is Fridav and Wad.. -rio mom player. flint these ]IlerTtIr ItZintynlattl. the quality of Dieemeloe s• Law O the gays" Among Ilmne lad the illodomine presV2, T. Chattily Palmer. 1 ,2 PARLD-Laso Plaata In ..71.4 ore not likely to be merely early sean 1.411V weft. Horn Barth AC: Lir. ident of the Ann.. of Nattursi Rel. eftentet 011., ',Hither rinIntlelphia. P „ in „ entwa. Searbortund. H. W. Henn' and DOILIZIT-Sman Mayans 1. Alas fore-ups. ry I senior Pa.., W. mere the that out pointed They 14. The teach team yet. .• f Pt HIM Co/lege, Chrielinn Cant. at i. plamiti. no. r Runt.. la Rolmr Wintent 70i.aalta gml gaged in any regular but fitted for It 1:1111199. China. mod lira Cadbury. st me. that lie the req.. of Den.. IA b.. Lam, SARL.Tim-Remaide 0.arir to "Ola. 4 ....11 Hedger. with hi. well-herown 9.14 1912-MaN.1 O. those ohm were Canthe of e Corm Army Fifth ealV• the of Dews merle low's for law weft elondil some.. "make motel, obit.10 yen ke" awl OMIT .211111 gLIPS2Varetll not to subordinate to.. Anny. military mothander of eut of nothing" when it lb herr'hm.' to tweines.. haw .1I0 nhown to Ise a Honey Rohn and Hsen. Da• hind die. vi. I. has been dentin. bit men .inue earl erg difgeell profession and oft. e tater, formally nerepted his Went eve a MA Paw., Tull Dlisrtlay. whieh nernered row. Tan Abu.' deelaryl in an untftual in Liar. On the boned and el.. MI the day.. of 111..trory .. ..em1nnt wear hot Novemher 2. Dr. mil Mrs. CadBrit le ••••• Hawn" * Year. to. et ...wren him Ile Ira., grAPILIT-Itkeed• Cense I. -Ter. lawyer. i. bury mowed to Iek, the little fellow hese. tee, nml that the t. point to r01, rear and Mutate to family their Imo InasTow-atento Dna In 'Tar • hint mud to m.o. the direction of his coupled with want, eked.,new env 2...a•• Ulm" training Up to itudtionel. Ibindreque ein!. should leave little apprehension awl coolly presents were earhanged. to whether or not s creditable showIntana-M1 =TEL IODIC Inca. were were read alai cern he mode tide ing gramintory entangles were 111.1P, the (born and mated on this side of the pond). APRIL IP ACADEMY 07 ILDILTC-Kaddaw. Dsr. 1■11111%. Chinese emphanialue Dr. Cadbury's The dentition. in neck 11.101 vud 01. Cl ., rata: •Lsdasoodaa. Leo P. 111.-2,1, et Wrlea feu Inna.ounlinuedeer... to then p.m!, !Irv. lowerer, DM. 000.1e 11.1.1. .011. N toile ..-ey ht. aso, wary ft Perko Lift, ...PHOoaDielt and the other oZA or on. The third rood final volume of al,' LW n adnusen and sti as the ..... tar II. liononere's toomletioe of When..H. Sawn. avonand. 1101atalanda itt the baseball outkeik. ITo -Eriatoise Morel." In the alLaus. as P. le.-eel new hy Bin May a team that nos notably lacking h. Loeb Classical Librnry. lots ...If DVIDDI morrnme-erso,... fteet by Phio. . neymemled of Erin. "(Telephone my Son the been published. •Said ftniss H, ...mined pep 111,1 exceedinaly weak in atativeu ty.. Annotinetottent Ilan been made ornorouran oPen. woo.boa, has been added Folks back home OW every week." never. f the engiteenient of Mi. Mary D. Ilwardir. Ls Male lifted Oren 11.10 P. V-Aftieent Elmo, Seesd• Millis. freshman piteher, battles Shipley. S Pent, Wainer to trawbridge ynift and *rah ell - Said the Highland L:addie, "So do I; 'but Miee Strawbridge 1, the deUghter htectigth, and the fight to .me (rem Reran mot. .0a eentelm, Of Francis 13. Strawbridge. TIE: Winos. limner. x M oleos. behind Had win. Sold to MD the conI wait until after eight-thirty in the eve°BO A Sheldon Trending Fellowfew hard D. M. WEST fidence mined by wianing P ship Me been awarded fox next year APRIL ft ning. Thoraces are lower thee' • by HarrArd L. W. Md.. mons. wol the team will be well Pharmacist ageT. with Hain awl 'ogle '22. Heory S. Fraser. '22. of Slowwarted Which, according to tradition, was re 1, mind neat.. ..., Now Sorb, recently 01.41.1 the With an extensive npriug worn ...ARDMORE, PA family of al College. He expecte to graduate from characteristic .... yet wise. Mammy en numensloilY Med. wee. It the radian mane.. Masai of the Cornell lam Sehool this ye. and Pharmacist to Kens to be engaged in admiralty Praftier with beeiio to look Ilk, tin unfired...ire The Ron Mawr Haan. .,,er. Nen.. the firm n4Bat:lingenie,Z,eed won.. for those who delight ill .11 . 00 P. al -.di.. HayIra. moot. ...... nwtal Aeltstola ate t•atiu pa. ....a menet. 7.n...toting about Iluerrford athletics ""'" Valk 'L Deny nuomr at IP. conwala.: being it a rut. 13. The nutria. of Mi. Blaoche 1119,10Pir.0 at the gees ALUMNI VOCATIONAL COMMITTEES MEET SCHOLASTIC AVERAGE OF COLLEGE IMPROVES N $7 1ft -s z STUDENT TOURS c Welcome your old age It 11.1 & Provident Mutual d Once There Was an Irishman and a Scotchman . E7j NO "Y" MEETING g N be PW. A d 0pt ed G0 0 S p eeaHso lAelrmg ll em e Ibe C.f... to it. new plan of hold• ing no ...di. Wt., WI inirrepl 19I lw obtained. the Y. it speaker C. A. will nor ebb 01-14. speak. ha. en yet been ohm.. fn. tben Ian it is proliable April will he •...nig. Nano. Hrorille prominent Philtelephia lawyer and II but,' author. will A 1 I Argil 10 L.fd P. afi-bateros areaono hy the When fr.m the gerelanore Peon. 1.4,1•9 Morn. under the dl aLemonhea netr of Emm APRIL 10e P. v.-nowto hr the Bryson rt..e0 the Reorhe &Mei 31.1a. 11.00 P. 11.-Asdaeare Theatre. bread• ninon emieretal. Rosy Dot. at the tone., vb.. Monet at ms pane Inn l Willio"Falgertos brother of the best man, and Robert vroom. new unbar. Barry. 'MI. watt J. The eammenimet 3flett /tants Pony. of Swarthmore College. to Bogen ham been winouneed. C G. WARNER DRUG STORE WE DELIVER Telephone A•dowe 1372 Meats and Provisions Wm. Duncan Spring Ave., Ardmore For Your Sporting Goods Said Stationery TO' MAX ABROMSON 3 Was. Leaman. A Ardmore. P. OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE • • • ▪ HAVERFORD NEWS APRIL 19,1923 COLLEGE SPORTS EDITOR; ALLEN F. MORTON, Jr. NEIMEN SCORE FOURTH CONQUEST OF SEASON HAVERF1 I LUCKY IN DRAWING FOR RELAYS T M. A. S. C. A. A. Lennon Of 1527 Moot Will Be Melded et newel Meeting Friday A. At the tumuli meeting of tt. C. A. A. to he held Pride, At the Hotel Welton, the location of the 1921 meet will he decided upon. Union ColDrexel, St. Joe's, and Dela- lege has applied, but it le thought that Team Will Start in Second the Gramme. ul travel Inrolred to go. ware Easily Downed DurPosition on Saturday, offer log to will make ing Past Week • April 24 impreMlnble. Swarthmore has also entered Its name en a poseibillty for The Haverford tennis team added Ike lotetIon of the treat and held In dewing for position in the MM. mere eletoriee to lte etrhsg dor, die Atlantic Staten Chase It one-mile ittg the Put week at the ammo. of There will be a diseumion Of the relay darnel...hip to be run SaturDrexel. St. Joseph'. nod Delay... day et the Peon Relay Carnival. LI.Drexel end Delaware each 'Weeded adrimitility of voting upon the mintieWhillitag one match, but all three ston of teem. to the amorlatioto by rrford secured the Inwood post eut of swegatle. were hope-Weal" outchumed mail ballots. Washington College has eight entreats. The team, which will the.Hameford netenen, who showed for mholasion, but eeverel Zihrtry *:e1::tleTdb'y' etreh itaaitt: en my in the tyrilhaet form ed hare voted feeling that and will not be churn oath the MNmember. nu Drexel Was defeated on Monda y by they did not know aufficient about Me ate of the week. Four of these, the Mon of It-I. The only Worn* In college. mean, the vote will be Lowry, Middleton. Tatum. lifekkior Richartinon and Helier will run, the tads metes ma the eatery et Nedra- taken at the aoMlles. The one-year other two acting as suluditutea hokler. former West Philadelphia ory rule. wad ciao be discussed. Dickinson will van. tbe relay event pyre Captain Marshell. The latter was migrat the right of off nest to the pa le. off form end could not seem to get Dam Haverfoni quartet will machine. • ware. The other drone s see: No. Eke playing of hi. oppon ent. BASEBALL TEAM DOWNS 4, Muldenherg; No. d, Ionian; !do. 0. Binh. DREXEL; PENN A. C. WINS Cettrelma: No. 7. linarthoion; No. Drexel. me M. A. S. C. A. A. Visa. A me-mile reley chemplooahip Co...mod fr.. pa. I. mama S. to.nothins score. The lieverford moo will be run on Friday and will he allowed their opponents only elevert competed for by Reclosell, Lehigh. La m tchm. MarSe Lafayette. John. Hopi.. Rutgers and Haverford. payed eymptionally line Moron while Yaw wad to W. in lawn, to one New York Univemity. imla' Ere.. Mos Is e heater awl Cary. with • ffillahlog set wa. mmwspo In addition tthe relay teem Ha, attack, captured their doubles contest latuer Tneetchlat. Yes tuna lom entered fire meo in the srithout Meng • single game. .isms On Saturday the tennis ten join- name wend Htillthlteit iL"-irtie"- ::L7i, nerd to Delaware to wrote another lump, Fowler nud Ituthenrferd in the victory, yawing 5-1. A high wind shot put. end Lerobertl In the javeIte goottoninhie muted ads murk tomm lin. Montgomery era. the lest 14erri/a7d4bMI'W to NIL rte.". ▪ tr.1:TI7 lancelit",r1h:TotokIntitit Defog to Creamer In Stralsht sets. riot test seamin Harebell emerged the vicnet se mares. Thwarlefto wrote net Is die javelin when be mtablashed a tor in a Meth with this same man, rm. mead to farm on toned. Myelin record with a bee, of het ',Wins under the hmsdiamp of • over IT' mash toe proved ankle b. one of m Swarthmore appeam badly immured ma root non te nom. moo. Tee the etronamo the competition fir Mm on amnia mut to ~ .....14/:=1121). Was game in Clam R. There of bat tree's chamfir . pionship Wan arc running. with Captain Lewin the atschor else: The other are Dutton. Maxwell Lewis. quarter-milera and the M. Schenectady lbws the MOWN. ▪w Mile me for OM COMM. As Me, like he , arablat the Mel S. yea Mans LeselMos lasIM—OrroMi Malb 1111•A Meat nly AMYL 11.1. O .;. 2:Jr Wm. me. m Wm owe. Mame Made Moat.. theme. Mottles. Tip toe Yreka emlberd. Owlet woo warms. IMO Wed eetert. blitt. toMamma wIth •Lasso thrown rmayeaw tmlemo--Arowl: Anode IMe. *etc am he dad wilier. ries Men eee. all to tastes mod.•.•PM tomawelsh P Meeta. ;11°111'd Me. mots ...heroAim. Mew fem. Myth threelow traWdrall. std.{ Mal tomeek ARMS to MUM&turd. to III.Med Imlas—hemel: Mos mweed *WA Skeeter orbeimidy. mtwthe Itarstall. Hs, AMY. Nwewtord: blarrtiewss Km. B "Velioir•Ftgrecturd. deteseedd Await, Ash I toiten:i. limerford. Mt.. hiller. Mewl. ..h leredelt-larer metwed ruYM. r:MLIII.'13•••reeel. Mfr.. laywoor. ilit12inoTted roPie of Seerochei u.l.mdie GM almaihme Vits•AriLl t1417. maim Ibie mime. srl,.=.16ersdlaM•h• ht. OM lanyeet. amiTemomer. item.R. DU= as WIER.= MS, =MIMED WIIIIIMAM M■1111rOMDA • O - • ala0.11 Wm. ammo, alzemeVioabeed. *Ay. Mower. IM : osteopathy. Urals.. sad ti COrtle. Ia. MAMA Meath In tithiSsel. are h.IMMIBLIM doondea. SAL teal a Hareeteml. Mrs.. Hill I Ocrothel ma naltarte:O"74: us sr ul in yeihor Ot.neuron 11-0. mot Amoy. ...131rA17•MVOlyi laM.AVIelti 111,01.1 per.. r rt 11 e of MIR .2 MO.% limy.. MAY. Abowo nor Herireleh Oho i• H oboold •AA•ehrter. *tweed IMO rjele to ri,5':77.• 4 meek. DOUBILM• n lei inn ..Tr.,,Z,L71,7Zottc,Ii^mdirit:T2! FRESHMAN TENNIS MATCH LLOYD AND CENTRE WIN OPENING DORM TILTS nerve matchsoof INTERACS May 27 Treek IAMI WIll Be Held at Colisett on Friday. The date of the Inteacedrunc Chem. pionsbips. formerly announced in the Nese as Thuraday, mar 11$, lire been according imoffed to Friday, Mnr o word received from BerreterT Gm. is Merlon Unable to Overcome of Epiecotal .‘redelny. This held uunually on Walton Field. and by Penn Charter. Early Lead; Hoene AlHaverford. Finecopet. Bt. Luke's Gerwaotoen Academy and Chestent Hill. lows Three Hits int...-mural howbeit mown opened Am week when Lloyd defeated MeHon end Centre twat North. In spite 4,1 11.7 sad 0.4. both Fame. were Dirty evenly contested. The Lloyd-Merlon fray, on Thursday looked at the . rt like • walkaway lot the rider.. hot later Merlon hit its held de own, although ow Ensworth Double Winner as stride able to orersonte the tommaaditte lead First Year Men Lose, obteined 27. meet A participated in GEORGE SCHOOL BEATS FRESHMAN TRACK TEAM — The the mows and ite the Oral upposehta berate by itsMegoire'd Mid throe inning, 61-46 Bringing n well-behaved. all-eroutul tree to 1Velnin Field Met Tuesday. found tittle difficult, ita Meek Meek meet with the o teanta divided Laiiirs- 'Although event., bettors evenly for the first the area seldom in doubt tate, the visitors bad morel eight points•t,t,t. The final mom n-es tv,.. fee at few Matinee. the .11-stround hitting ability of the Lloyd tenni, due In the nods to Meees talent. were the lon's lark of one. princips3 facture In the vi - tore . Hilniche, lier, baryon, Medved for the Merino team. Fri. victory over North on Friday wait in ountr,reeperta similar to that of Lloyd the tie before. Aft. allowine foor ro. to bie scored on theta la the first three Innings, the and tied their opponents Shades durum the remaining four. North Pitcher. Related Three North pitchers were knocked out of the boa before Morris. the North star. arrived on. the atone mid eur. eroded In quelling the diaturbatice.. Huelle. who pitched the full seven in. for Centre. was the outeraneklng atop of the same. showing but three kite, Maier inot Browa starred Inc Inns. Wormed Mad Corr. It 11-9. in. s rauw. fulekoot. estmno ..... '"- a. 11■114.•7111311 A. O. HAVERFORD' BALL TEAM CLASHES WITH DELAWARE Klein.. Likely to Be ow Muni a asininity Teem Poet, Ilaverforee baselmnteam will play tto second away note of the emoon epee sateedu attemew ." D.1." nre at Newark. The Scarlet and hack hots registered victories over Delaware in football. basketball and ironic and le onion to keep the slate dean. Due to the sensational twirlam4 Havarford downed db. 11 IL and Drexel, 4-1. Condi. Hai. di rot start his see spinet Pens A. C. tel Eaturday, and hopes to ban lam top form ageing the Blue and Cm/d. Kings Singh= proved the moat effective Of Haverford's three hurlers when he sorked the last two lick Me Athletic Club. and with a week.. reel ahould he able to turn buck Harerford's traditional and In ea. fashion. Delevrare Ina kat • . 4" lority of its game. title tenon, re- 2 to Albright. am PORN A. h. lan ie e era CATERER AND CONFECTIONER asil Dry. Mawr M. H. ROBINSON Maker of "Good Clothe." Showing Every Wednesday In Founders Hall Free Plus Fours for Each Haverford Homer! "Time", the weekly news Is work as agents a ht STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER PHILADELPHIA St 111,4,01T1.7'A The Master Shirt and Blouse Co. baseball 1: ,rte Mimed Ash hest to Attlyemb 014111:11 A the '29 mead, erialty Mete Freshman 100114 cite CRICKET XI DEFEATS ARDMORE C. C., 80-63 Standring Bowls for Three Consecutive Wickets; Garrett High Bat The outstanding Delete of Ilia ...lice match played on Saturday hetween the Cricket Al of Ilaverford College end Ardmore C. C. vas the bowling of J. Sundries. n freshman, who took eh wicket. foe au equal number of nuts. Thin brilliant piece of bowling included the performing of the hat Mirk. or the taking of three wickets with threw conewaise halls_ The Wee! of Flarerbust ream oath tat PO to Mt flatting honors went to P. Garrett.' score of lit not out. (If who had the other four own who went into Tatdouble lames. 4:0infort betted tersall Li and csrosurth II. for Aidmore, while Carman added 11 to the fleverfost total. The neidine of both reams. in spite of the eold, was a big tenor in heroine the score. low. Bowie Wen e College. or or or. we bets for en •verage .kitut ibreir 5.3, and Comfort and Dugdale did immt of the mumaition. inking four and three wicket.. respectively. Morris, another freshman on the fleverford N.I. also, got she wicket and ebould • prove ore u Competithm for the Philadelphia Cup will start neat Saturday, when Hee . meet the .krdmore 1'. C. erford tamin on Field. open ofti- her. n Mier ie the %orb he IMF departmeM ti ere a la Cope THE Flamer; leMOOM AMM0111 AIM Canaries sad Kurtz Brothers lassostmened Stromireme 1421 CHESTNUT JIMMIMUMIIMID ROM STREET Correct Sportswear and Sports Egitipownt for Young Men Sweaters Knickers Windbreakers Skating Caps COMPLIMENTS Shoes Skates A They invite your appetite—yet per. mit of as rapid eating as your class. prodded conscience demands. Made solely of good whole wheat they invigorate your digestion while satis- Pasteurized Clarified MILK lying your hunger. Highland Dairies, 758 Lancaster Full of bran, salts, vitamins and all Inc. Ac. Hockey Sticks . firu. ass One Mom. of THE TRADESMENS NATIONAL BANK PHILADELPHIA nitEmatme. college me. in their summer subscription selling For further information, see J. E. Forsythe Jr. 17 B. 5. You will be pleased with our selection of exclusive fabric; for your Spring and Summer clothe s. Smartness and style in every garment and at moderate prices. Best suite in the City at 555 and $75. Hare on make your clothes and they will always be right in quality and fit—and at a price only / welcome / as money efrom home/ is the sight of your two crisp-brown. toasted biscuits of Shredded Wheat— twin symbols of a perfect breakfast. Lumberjacks 1308 N. 3rd St., Phila. campaign. "Time" pays its •gents commiuions of 33Y,% upwards. the work GRADE thalami Ilaihat HENRY B. WALLACE itheroucli Figann WIN ED Met soloalhin for Three thr varsity tennis team this week. retails Ontenpisthy will be played in match on ktooday. while Crstrom will he met on rho home courts on Wednesday. On rade, the tram will ,acv Rutgers at New Oronswielt Th match with Ornontly will be brio ma-the beer srobably • repetition by nor when e 0-0 victory the Hareeford team. This match serve as • maul prerfee twethe team up for the two e on to ernegho of the an nuke.. The 1 redoes it moldy as they have not played any matcher so far thin twaeon and the to - ARDMORE FLOWER SHOP lest year arse relied off rin I of inelement weather. Col. n cunt H. D. MANUEL siderIng the form shown by the Have • f et learn to dete, however. the bid • Cal Patted PRIMA Flora ration. nil soil to soother victory Arraworlar the Scarlet and Bidet. Gold Fish FittINWO. rentir Oohing Mt Oppo se Lower Merl. Is Fled Courted of Sum The Lower Merino tennis team wilt the opposition in the outtumc neon We treslonatt ou Thorn.. been teem has The picked an yet. bat It le wre to be a powerfol simmesatios, !or there in exfound be to material good ceptionally Moong She first year men. The mold likely madidates for the team appear to be Carey, Alnop, Bevan, Joh.on add Roedelheim Them men all played on rep school team. end have had their s conelreble esperimice. WEEK FOR RACQUETERS ;...ester. threw.. PYLE & INNES the other elements of Nature's whole wheat grain, shredded to insure easy assimilation. For bodily fitness that gives mental vigor make at least one meal a day of Shredded Wheat Leading College Tailors 1115 Walnut — WILLIAM IL IBREADY, Jr. LEONARD E. YODER DAVID C. BEVAN W. WENDELL MANURE Eneworth. y, was up to his word high standard in the dashes and woo and both the with yards Co spare. He tied for high-stories honor. Nth Mena end Woodman of George Schen!. tech od whom scored ten Points MOMS god Tripe Star Bishop and Trim, also contributed to the Hhirelear total. scot. se eight o wl erten points, reepective• hr Triip'a was ell Gm more able in that he entered the CRICKET XI TO PLAY naret with little previa. prar•tire, due MATCH WITH ARDMORE made shot. ad up for it in the discos. then Dollen First Selsinnal *WM of the Sam. far 114 Varsity EN.. woo first with a bear. or Idei feet and The retch. memo will 'amain Probe. 14mh third dem Saturday •afternoon when The miumarim. The Ca. A Reshot reds. should the Ardmore Cricket Clots will he sad Leered* Redeem be close with p mna regn nr Union preaentine strong teem. TN leg Xi Mould be able to store • rilthree Larmyette quartet ie made up e. If the Mfortnol nateb played last freatimen and one imphotoore. Saturday is em indication of the form of he reapeetive aides. THREE OPPONENTS IN "11. Wayne Pate TYSON-STOICES St. slightly higher than ready made. OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE . 11 Mili141111 if ?Id eNt.111..le HAVERFORD NEWS Page ARTICLE BY HINCHMAN IN MAY HAV[RFORDIAN "Trends in Modern Poetry" LIBRARY NOTES Dr. Lockwood meommenda the following books, recently added to the library, as of ciente" inteeMe, =PROP anise. TM hun Rainey Ha.. 11112c1 Liuraten reOmer e. ar,ine ken, Tenninnin% if. Ism. and Contributed by Former English Professor PI rs. • Ant trim of pbrw 74.4rt SOLOS BY H Y SUCH ie Two sonnets, "I Deemed," by Robert Barry, '26, end The Shade of Mute' by Bramwell Linn, '20, will complete the table of contents, A short poem Linn entitled "A 1eat," aloe ap. peared In the Aped Haverfordian. “The Pagen," one of the two poem by Barry to appear in thin tame wan re. printed in The new Student, of March 31. The frontispiece of the Hay vase MI ilinntentiall by Fredric Proboech..2.1. the May HaverAccording to ferlian will be We last Nene published by the 1929-23 editorial board beaded *ID De custom, The k.?°Itltb:!-',71'="VVII;e .0., for 1020-23 which Will be elected some time 101. month. Business? There is a cycle of fashion not only for the hats college met wear but for the line of work into which they go. But your job has to fit your head as well as your hat, for it has to St your state of mind. Like your hat also, your job needs to fit your purse. Therefore,why nor choose one that brings not only satisfaction in service but in financial return. Selling life insurance is one of the few modern busi• newel that does Just this. it mks. Intelligence, Zest and Ability It Last Week Complete and comidential Im fannorionwidummuyoblIgarion on your porumnimobtainal by writine the Noun, Bureau, John Hanco,k Mutual Life latutae ns compass, rby Clarendo n Street, Boston, Manochinom. Mac Donald & Campbell RUMSEY EurrincCOMPANY EbbeNic Ronan Ind bibdiNNY Brorybliby Is ladle AMMO Clime 000.00 PhJembleAte 1007 ARCH STREET niammusok' ateltrelsee'l (lecher crow eau wilt caeate, The art in.ett:7trtaraw,:, Hag, 'Cl=e4 r"rriday li= Mg by about fear bundne:d pun*, The sttenee at the Nets Caul Club at West Cheater On Saturday wee tomewhetsantlier. The title role wee filled by a. Get In Touch With T. 7'1*T:1 _ mufred ''''' bin, from * reepectable hint =Ma beabof bolder in the dent net to a pirate INSURANCE When You Are In Need Of a Real PHOTOGRAPH Stokes, "MI The part le eye et extra- THE ZAMSKY STUDIO o rdmory length and tanuddendrie At 902 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. dwek when. DIMINO ~ON himmene Senfwel ants maitre ad einks-ta Maeolh,ln =M. betti la MN .eater OM or to wanly 001 40/6114 emus MONIS Paw.. lenneL•Lierrin YOUNG wars palm Ovemarate BoamoCiolbw, LONGACRE & EWUCG 141 S. Fourth Street An Air of esteiwe inseam.. Z. HerBauer, Is. played the part of Iran Enwelekl, • R.bitb bby,InlYborNd Slot. t LEADING leemeandla Seamy Waring or po k e laineNata capmend, wee *Wanted with tain in perfeet easesand notable mimes. Deane Preendee Play 3. D. Jai), '28, Wed the part of Mme. Take., th e Sawn, timer, with • roost sednetire effeeL The Pert el Poppy Fairo. the demure ward of ese hero, Ma taken by T. WhIttelsey, is sharp .street to Joy' efor witb H.),...Nrkery blartarial Abearod Raw I5141336 amsrmrr rimer Edward K. Tryon Company Official Ovelitara far The Hararlard Caw Protha T.. SPORTING Goons HAVERFORD PHARMACY HENRY W. PRESS, in D. RIR Chestnut St, Phila. the most perfeetty yen. Emmen by deelt Tbre smarm. were given, of e which the mos t exquisite wee .The Spanish Deuce" by Trailed. • and lareialer. Alnethrr unarm...Dion of Brainier's. "'Variatious on • Theme by Cortal,' written in conjmnuirta with Teri:int was played during the evening. Tao eel., Om. from IVieninwai were also given, -Scherzo earl "Romance 0,110 Finale" from the serond concerto s u mmer. Anothereriehroted artLet of international repute broadcast front WABQ last week when Augusto Fobrisi. ▪ ..11.11-ed ID reelts.1 siren by. the TAT11111011," S diva at .4nte,'eltnrridr,'=„ vt 7ZI. welhknotra 0bari. The program offered Mr. Soo. 1/1•■11/4 ..11415 6.1.6i,11`11 or &teen ber. mol ttroll unnsoulls reeled incits make- p. Violin solo. hi Meyer Sinkin. nine... year old Penn .1111P111 pupil sr Burl, and vsunl .olort end by Thom.. toetve•yesr-old buy srmrsno Fischer. tur es of Sr. rtdork's rhos. were feaFive seleerirms. mere , lured Men.SPAM areoropraded. by Sprit.a 'Mighty Lek' Bose."Beatrice try Nevin, popular love of yesterday, and "Ave Maria." by Schubert on extpahotte elnselesi eomposition, were parr lacy finely Mr. Sinkin. Thomasinterpreted bywas hardly tall enough in mng iontofu, theII microphone. gave his se7retur dear voirii and unre faltered Fa the high PEI., Seymour hltenelf. tune. took part in the recital. Boy Soprene Bran/oasts by They call it the "Pierce Type" When the class of '1 s at Maine Liberty of action, the philosophic satisfaction of selling foture security and present serenity to living people, and a response, im• mediate and tangible, In monetary as well as mental reward. a THelleuctssPas.s. genneire Thews:null Cap and Belle play .neon leas opened Nat week when 1''0Oettein Sr. Marshall. O. B. and I. L. Hibbard, Hr. end Me,. Pengard. 37, E. Mead, 2a, mode his customary appearance me tan elderly matron in the part in Recital of Mrs. Agate. Whateagobe, Poppy's A delightful program of Manleal 00n1, mule rtodered by a conmunnate master Heal blt.F,figraj.°41.* =7, : of the violin wok the treat offered the radio sudience by WABQ at 8 o'clock 5,1iTdnoTtrufraslinblie.C13211::: reCitAl by Nat Monday night when The Oorforinsnee at Goucher wan Henry Sods wan broadcast. Me. Such he Dens by hie Preceded by • tea dance won aerompanied wife, Beatrice Beet . so aceompaahrt of Keen! experiebta. With a remarkehiy delicate delivery and extraordinary technieal ebilL Henry Such rendered eight aelections from celebrated romposers including Untested. Wlenietweki and Baehmaniuolr. Though all of Mr. Such'. Mem were paled wit!, merveleue .012 and Interpretation, "Arioao." one of bin own compoeitions 0.10 perbIllo (lured. Are You Going Into the Bond ao Weal. (laver that J. Item:nein rowed by poor printing, or Berle mare ea. dye by good prievens. Yew good Wens ars worthy of painter's me. _ Onneranon. First Two Performances of "Captain Applejack" -Trends in Modern Poetry,. ne nr• at r. dole by Welter Swam Idlnehman °621.—""" _ C11.11.13 emrce Mims roaster of English in Groton School vlmenee eumm am em from 2001 to 1920 and profemor of Engin& at Harerford from 1920 to 1022. will he the feature of the May "asasell ". of the Liaverfordieta which will Inner 1.7111:143tin. Fr'* Un. mope nn „n at is . i rtelb".AWAct'n'tjair.le at re t 000,0w00 Poet.' editor of The Forum, aPwidole known Emory megmbie, He m ales tbe author of a number of book.. "Live. of Great English Writer,. hie Bret work, was publiahed in 11/10. SOMOLOOT Mince this time he ha. written. dye Vrernli" other boot& among which are Willam of NorreaM, and a "Binary of An,eriran Literature.' Spaniels leteltwe John D. Carr '29, 0.11000 glory of the French Revolution printed in the April Ifaverfordien was very fe-voroblg commented tams bit crake of the ampsine, has written a ekes' of Spantsh Wtngoe and romance entitled "The Dini Queen" for the May hem. "You See It W. This, Was." a awry by and,."From Toe.. Pupils of Seymour Studios Richard C. Bull. Thirty to Seven A- M.." by IL Miller, '20, will also be included in the Give Varied Program C. PLAY SEEN AT COUCHER AND YISICIISTERCLOB APRIL I9,1926 was beinggraduateci, the name HAVERFORD TEA AND DINING ROOM BREAKFAST I ' LUNCHEON DINNER Phone, Ardmore 11148 . Pictures, Picture Framing . and Novelties The Gift Shop Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Wayne M. H. ROBINSON Maker of "Good Clothes" Cdr.'„' AS.ranninGonanninOrnelinyVeift ri"InrSette"4"ETiFrWar Shoeing Every Wednesday in Founder. Hall a. T. macs "Piercemeant no more in -the fieldofrnetering than Sweeney or Jones. Today, however, if you'll talk to such companies as nit teriey et' trdoenisesnot, therm light n Arm parr &OM Enh adaereiff next fah., op the record of • rouge ohs, fame with the Wettinghrote Conn, within the Int lee yet, or or, aner grannie., the Detrcit Edison Company, The Southern California Edison Company, the Duquesne Light Company, or the United Verde Copper Company, you'll learn that "Pierce" means a type of remote metering, which enables a man in a central dispatcher's office to read the condition of a sub-station several miles away. Superpower brought in the need for an improved method of Suburban Publishing Co. nem'. it OM/ in, ith NA. Who., de yang men get *An the, en. • Inge indearia segnireatinP Ham Bhp npaelonty to nerds, ffneere talend Or an an barred 1.1. nen.. (realm? remote metering, and R. T. Pierce, Maine 'I 5, in the employ in the instrument section of the engineering department. He took it merely as a "fill-in" merit job. Soon he saw that instruments play 'a viral part in every electrical operation. As an instrument engineer, Pierce spent several weeks on the U. S. S. Tennessee and the Colorado during their trial runs. He has ridden in the cabs of electric locomotives. He is in closer of Westinghouse,devised it.' He designed a system that operates on a new and dIfferent principle, and that has met with general acceptance in the Central Station field. He also was active in the recent re-designing of the entire Westinghouse instrument line. It was only a few months after Pierce had completed the grad- . uate student course at Westinghouse that he was given an assign- touch with radio than anyone not a radio engineer. A design engineer comes continuously in contact with. sales negotiations, and Pierce's contact with them proved no beneficial that he was lately made head of the Instrument Section of the Sales Department, which means that he really has charge of the sale of all instruments to Westinghouse customers. Wayne, Pa. Westinghouse FINE STATIONERY 200 Single Shoots 75e 100 Envelop*. 78e Printed in Biotic or Blue OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE