52.. YJ'.4R OUR 34th
OUR 34th YJ'.4R APRIL 1911 52.. We're Growing Fast ••• To Serve You Betterl Comparative Balance Sheet AT YEAR-END 1980 1979 A. ••• t .. Cash and Due From Banks U.S. Government Obl igations Obligations of Slates and Political Subdivisions Obligations of Federa l Agencies Other Securi1les Federa l Funds Sold $231 ,442,753 32,580,193 29,606,899 29.638.086 1,500,201 45,000,000 26.566,469 52 .757,557 1.500,573 15.000,000 174,610,656 151,432,548 52,718,657 Other Loans Less: Reserve For Possible Loan Losses Net Loans (1,706,496) (1.500.0001 172,904,160 149,932,548 3,845,813 273,935 4,974,648 3,696.549 222.304 3,862,548 S574,846,259 $385 .632,761 Banking Premises and Equipment Customer's Acceptance liability Ot her Assets TOlal Assets $102.456,127 Uabllltl ... Deposits: Demand Savings Time Certificates 61 ,047,361 191 ,299,650 $182,272 ,283 66.381 ,561 105,379,219 $541,375,171 $354,033,063 273,935 2.732,500 222,304 2,903,314 $289.028,160 Total Deposits Federal Funds Purchased Ba nk's Acceptances Outstanding (less in portfolio) Accrued Ta)(es and Other liabilities Total liabil ities (excluding subordinated nole) Subordmaled Nole Payabfe, due 4/30180 . 7.5% 4,536,878 S546,185,984 5359,891,181 $ $ Board of Directors Efthimios N. Chrislodoulou Cha.rman of Ihe Board G{Nernor 01 National Ban~ 01 Greece Chrlsl G. Baslis Cha rman an d Presldenl Sea Fare of the Aegean. Inc . SoUros N. Cachules PreSident and Chief Execullve OUrcer Aliant lC Bank of Neo...· YorK George S. Coumantarol PreSident. Southern Star Shipping Co Inc Peler T. Kourides Attorney -at-L aw Seward. Raphael and Ko urides. Louis J. leHcowltz 0' Counsel PhlllLps. N'zer. BenJamin. Kflm and Balian George P. livanos PreSident. Seres Shipping. Inc Martin M. Rosen Cnairman. The First Washingt on SecUfl!l€S Corporation Walter H. Saunders Chairman 01 the Board and Director. liberian International American Corporation. Theodore P. Tsolalnoa Former Member New York Stock Exchange BaSil J. Vlavlanos Pro'essor 01 Public Aflal rs & Regional Studies. New York UniverSity (retired). Dan K. Wassong Pres'dent. Chief Execu tive Officer and Director. Del LaboralOrles Inc . Jamel A. McBain Legisl ative Represent ative New Yorl( S;a:e Ban!<ers ASSOCiatIOn (rel ired). Former ConSUltant. Senate Banks CommlHee oj Ne-.... York Le gislature 475,000 Senior Officers Equity Capital Common Stock 160,000 shares issued and outstanding 1980 and 1979 Surplus Undivided Prol lts Reserve for Contingencies Starn Perry President and Direc tor Eastern Steamship Agency. Inc $01110. N. Cachulel Presldenl 1!. Chiel Executive 3,200,000 12,200,000 12,860,970 399,305 S 3.200,000 Tota l Equity Capital $ 28,660,275 $ 25,266,580 Tolal liabil ities and Equity Capita l S574,846,259 $385 ,632 ,761 $ 12.200,000 9,433,924 432,656 Officer PUnio Berln! E~eculive Vice PreSident & Secretary Pater A. Christie Chrll G. Lazaride. Senior Vice President & Comptroller Senior Vice President Leners of Credit end g"arantees outstanding totalee $13.360.500 01 wnlCn S3.70S.0Cl0 were standby leiters 01 creel!. as of Decembe, 31 . 1980. Secunhes valued al $3.040.0Cl0 were pledged on December 31 . 1980 to secure puollC lunds and 10, olhe, purposes Unearned Income 01 $3.387 .0Cl0 and $3.622.000. as 01 December 31 . 1980 and 1979. resoectlvely. was deducted trom otller loans. Providing financial services to ind ividuals, organizations and businesses for over half a century. For a copy of the 1980 Annual Report, or information on any banking service write to : Public Relations Department, 960 Avenue of The Americas. New York, NY 10001 ATLANTIC !!E~~~ Re. Corporllte Helldquertef"$: 960 AVIII"IUtI of 1M AlTltlrices. New York, N.Y. lcxx)l. (212 ) 695-5400 Milnn-n.n: 960 Avenutl of IheArnericas. NewYor'o:, N.Y. lCXX)1 • 695 -5400.'23 Williem$lreet. New York. N.Y. 10273 -695-5400 Qu""s : 29· 10 Dilmars BOUleyerd. ASIOr ia. N.Y. 11105 - 721-2800 . 33· 12 30th Avenue, ASlorie , N.Y. 11103 - 932·2300 Brooklyn : BO lO Fiflh Avtlnue. Broolllyn. N.Y. 11209 4 748-6400 . M ember Fed Deposit Insurance Corporation. 0EAEtE va E1tEVOU<JEtE <JCO<Jta Kat <Jiyoupa ta IPtlfJata <Ja<; <JttlVeEAAaoa; TO. rpacpda ' E~1(opuCWV Koi Kt'1).lOtl1(IDV 'E1I:l'XtlP';OEWV .. KTHMATEMnOPIKH ... OaVE1tlO'tll).liou 59, O'a~ npompepot)v OTU.l£pa tilv S,uVQt'6tTJta va To1to9ttTjOEtE 0' W 0' t ci xai 0' i you p a xpt;).lorcl aa~ Ot~V 'EAAciSa. EloIKa Oi11V 1t£pin:rooa'1 ftOO OK£1ttto9£ va bno'tpf:WEtE alilv 1tOtPlOO, bt6<; TroV 1tpaYJlCltUCWV ({)1(alpH'OY O'ti~ ayopt~ toov dKlvrlTWV (ola).lEpio).lClTQ - Oh;:01tEOa - KCltaO"tt1).lClta ".A.n.) "mOpOUJlE va ocir; 1tpOTdVOUJlE, ).It 1tAi)PTl ~haocpaA\Ol1 . n'v a:yopa tYyui)v Kai bulC£porov 'ErrlX£lPtlOf;WV. KatWTEpro oDr; 1tpotdvOUIlE 6PIO).ltvEt; a~16AoYE C;; ltEpUrtc.OoEIC;;: to •A8fjvOl, AIOPO~OI: OIKIA - NEA KH~IEEIA Em OIKOIIEAOY 775 T.M. NEON 'l'YXIKON - AIAMEPIEMATA 1:'t0 KCltOJtpO.OlVO npoaOtE10 Tile; • Afhlvac;, nWA£ltCll ~h6pocpoC; olKia (106ytlOv 151 ,.~. Kai 10<; opo~ 135 ,.~ . ) I'k aVE~apt~t£<; Ma,~ovl:t (401)-50u 6p6<pou) 128t . ~ . Kai lou 6p6cpou 92 t . ~ . NEoo~~,a 1981. · Etot~onap<ioota. MEya~E<; ~EptivtE<;, ~apvnvIEpE<; , £100000<;. Ka'toO"lcEUtl apiatTl, K£VTPlKll 9tp).1aVol<; KaAopuptp), Parking, ()n£pA.ou~ KataOK£u,,;. eta Ka1"anl..llKTUCtl. nwl..OUVtat K~no<; K.~.n. T!~lj cpavtaOnK~, ~ovov at (7.500.000 BpX.). 150.000 Ao~~ap,a H .TI.A. EIIENAYETE 520.000 AOAAAPIA H .II.A. ArOPAZONTAE ETHN EAAAAA (A0HNA) Kataot~~a 585 n~t<; ~oYIK"taTE<;. TIpay~anKi1<; tUKalpia<;. IU~~TOiivta, EUKO~iE<; . t.~. [06YEWV, ~t 545 t.~. (m6YEwv Kai 283 t.~. nU1"<1pl. rrovlaKo 1"pi<pa1"ao, vt(0).1Tl1"o, J.Il09ro).1£vO YU1 18 Il"V£<; ~t 150.000 oPX. ~~v,ai"" Kai YUl 24 tn6~Evou<; ~i1VE<; I'k 175.000 oPX· ~~v,ai"". Elooo~~a o,aocpa~,ol'kvo. ' IoavtKlj nEpint"xn<; AIAE~AAIETE 8% EIEOAHMA ETHN A0HNA ArOPAZONTAE Tpt6pO<p0 KtipLO J.lUQ O(K01t£OOU. Ml0900Il£VO of; tpyoOtaOloV Kai rpa.<p£ia YVOOO1"01"atll<; <pipJ.lac; ' AvwW).10U ' Etalpdae;. Mt tyYU'lIlEVOV tVOiKLOV QVOO 1"cilv 10.000.000 OPX,. hT)oiroe;. Mova- OIK" nEpi1rr",ol<; ayopa<; Kai yui ~EnOvtlKq lBIOEK~EttinEUo~ (Ita9~0<; Parking, Shopping Center, K . ~ . n . ). YU1 UhoEKllua),J.£u<J'T] (Super Market, Restaurant, K.A.n.). BIAAA ~IOPO~OE EIII KTHMATOE 5.000 T.M. - SYAOKAETPON Ito yv,"OtO TOup,onKo 9tpEtpo, Bi~Ml 0< 2 aVE~ap~tt <; KatOlKl£<; 100 t.).1. £K<101"Tl. KataoK£lnl tl1t£pauyXPOVl'l. M6vo yui ).1£paKAijo£<;. B£paVT£<; navopa).11K£<; Ile q>avtUOtlKTt 9i:a, K"no<;, yi)7t£oo ).1nOOK£1", t~aKta, 1"ap£pva K.A.n. nroui1"al ot <paVTaOtlK1l n).1tl . rpa'VT£ J.1a<; Y1l1 cpw1"oypacpi£<; Kai oxtOta. AMAPOYEION - HMlTEAHE OIKOAOMH II!lAEITAI 370.000 AOAA. IIENTAOPO~OE M6vov at J.lOVlJ.lO Ko'r01KO H.n.A. ot o uvaAAaYlla (l:UJ.lPOAa1a 01"1.<; H.n.A.). 'Y1tO KU1"aOKWtlV, otlJ.l£pa £upiOK£tal Ota tOl).1£Vta. Ktlo).1£vT) tn:t ohwn£oou 807 T.M. 'Ynoy£LOv - iooYi:loV Kal4 opocpot tK 207 T.M. <Kaow<;. XAAKIAIKH - KAEEANAPA IIAPA0AAAEEION TOYPIETIKON KTHMA 28 ETPEMMAH1N naVOpa).11Kfi<; 9ta<;, iSaV1KO YUl S£vOOoX£iov - Bangalows Camping K.A.n. ' AIlCPl9Ea1"plKOV ).1e <poo<; - v£po - t11AEcpWVOV. TIoAu KOVta orO: ll£yaAUt£pa T oUPU:rTUCa 1:UYKpOtTU.1Q1"Q ~. voSoX£iwv f<EENIA» K.A .n . .. A).1EO'l £KSOO1") aoda<; o{KtOIlOU • ii tOUPL01"lK'ijC; Ilovaoo<;. TIroA£itat Ot cpaVTa01"lKtl l"liltl . 1:ul;1l1"OUvtal Kat £OKoA.l£<;. 6uvat6t~<; 12 Kai liv," Ota~E ploJ.uitrov. ']oo.V1Ktl1t£pi:rrtWOl<; YlC1 "EAAllva<; ... ovi ... oue; KatOI.KOUC; H.n.A. AOYlKtlJtatll. riVoV'tal £l)KOAl£e;. 300.000 AOAAAPIA SUPER EYKAIPIA II!lAEITAI TPIOPO~OE OIKIA ETHN r AY~AAA 1:UVOAIKCt 9 1)1all£ptOllar(t)v, OtO Katan:paCJlvo n:apa9aAaooLO npoaot£to tt;e; •A9tlvaC;. MovaolK"e; KataOK£ut;e; .• [oavIKtl n:£pin:tOOOle; tOlOKat01KtlOeWC; Ka1 1tapoxf'Je; oopapou £iooOtlJ.latoc;. IIooA.dtal j.10VOV O£ "EAAT)V£C; IlOVlf.10Ue; KarolKOUe; H.n.A. jJE O\)vtiUay~a (ou~~6Aala rIA AETITOMEPEIEl: - TIAHPO~OPIEI: KAI rpA'I'ATE: ... •,.,r.11& 11&. oti<; H.n .A.). I:XE~IA "n• REAL ESTATE AGENCY A~OI AO·I·ZOY O .E, TIANEnII:THMIOY 59 - A8HNAI - 131 - GREECE THA. 3213-213 & 3213-310 AnPIAIOl: 1981 3 Aid to Turkey (From a News Conference by President Reagan on March 6, 1981) Q. Mr. President, as you well know, Turkey has been hit hard during the threeand-a-half years arms embargo from the United States. Do you consider to increase aid to Turkey on and above the amount President Carter suggested for fiscal 1982, which is $700 million? And. also , would you favor military grant to Turkey? A. I - this is an awful thing to confess I can't really. out of all the programs, remember where that figure stands. Q. T he figure stands, Mr. President, that the $400 million is the military aid and the $300 million is economic. A. But I mean I can '( recall where our figures stand , in comparison to that. But I know that basically our philosophy is one of continued aid. And knowing the problems that have existed between Turkey and another friend and ally of ours, Greece, we 're hopeful that whatever we can do in resolving any of the differences there we want to do. But both countries a re vital to us. I consider them the southern plank of the NATO alliance. And yes, I think there will be improved relations. 304 West 44th Street, New York, N.Y. 10036 Tel. (212) 586-0234 PROFESSIONAL, PERSONALIZED TRA VEL SERVICE TASSO LAHANAS Manager FOTI GONIS (E XPRE SS) ri a 00(; "' it"" l-rl l ", UX iu K0 6 1: . ~. Famous Greek I TableWines ~ OU O I ", ~<; l Kb 'l)., w o ' we T Il )., E~W .... tiOU H : ' FOTI GONIS (212) 762·6222 For a ~ upe r <:t ff ai r a nd C itll : '101 1nd I "'~'" • ~ o f class Santa Helena. W hitt' orY Castel Daniel iS D'Y R<,d FOTI GONIS (212) 762·6222 Dell1estica \Vhite or Red Jj Me<l a l~- U, G"I<lM"<l H I~ 13G,an<l ""z ... · nO ,pl"mes Wlne Co mpa nyhta bila he d 18 61· Achfl ;fI· CI 8 un P .O.8 .3 S. Pfl1, a a.(l , . . ca 1 ft 0 6 1 3 25051 59 TElE~ 031 236 rpaljlEtE Eva ",lAO (Ja~ (Jl)VOPO ll1J t T! 4 .NEA YOPKH. s -ll.D1AOOtfrlO)t ' ID13 .. ·Ul.Dl1(!H~'9 D1Dl<!M.y '91 1?1..t i\(l)1<bluh01U) 1\4'91 !D)l '(I)3D~139011 -01. )~pnl1)r1tfO)t 001. )~pl1g SYl uriuSD1D Q1 ~t113~Ja,lllh ('31U19Al0)l )3"'l~A.3rl5110 to)!' 13i\logrloo ~t1 QA lnr1oX~p lD)I)}"{,(OO SOU(l)OgdU1M'9 S~3,tOrlQ 30'9)1 -oriC} I\lpo SC;)'riOlhOOrll10)t 9 QOlL nd<!Jl 'Od319d13X Ql hlpl S3}OOe 't1 ~rl I\Qo9Dn~og -odu 'Vd3HV SYl 10)1 9 ' D13A'IA. 3)t1l8q.t"'lllD~ ... A(l}'Cf9 J?I\ AQOijDllD AQ?l!.?AOllOOt1q i\CI>l UDU"}Olg ll1:~)l(l)i\9 l\~lD AOODYijd> J?A LLX(;u . I\~U I\noX~ long '}O)l~D"( }O .. '11\;>91'( Q1Aoo..t93d>OlL9 JplMorhn!,? ~l Sroug W1.3Al)dx -nrlolLJil ' 13D'9T,{D)lA.V 511 ~)I\ 111\'1} lI})l S3~g! S~)nlo 3goodlll\no"<?dl.nd>3~ 111\ \3U~'{~ 1\1)19 Od319DOldllL lD13AC!lurlno:x Sody"(" O . -1}.)l ld3riV. n!.?ldlDlL Sun I,U39 1\\11.0 t.Ygi nrloAQ Q)lll\lt"'l",{~ 91 "QOrill 90],( Aoo19rlrfnd.1 I\q?l S:MU"{,(3 .. lOAq:ritd)t3)lD1g 10 3AOO10nAJ? DOg J?~ !?l!><;> 1)A 1)1A. AD}"{OO~O~(l)du 1D)I D)ldpo 31\(10~9,,{ A~~ lld1jU 1)1\ \IOU SQ:xtd ll"OI JUA11\ U:X 1'0)1 jQ)I -!VV SVA~Am 3~ue~d~ A~g vd3n~o '(I)A9~ ri'O"{DAUll'l '<.!.lXO~.oOV ,dXW,j 'Qori.otA ll"{"(3. oo ri~Rou~ QOl D~Dn19 J?dn90.o A01,,(U 1)1 1"1. A\!!>ltl.ltev~ MlA~~H. A\!!AVdl1lq vdedy 1J1Avn~oodv~ S~dod> S~nOU Av~lte93 ~I.oOrillg jD.o g)llg01d3U Olld:x)"~ g~ QUV, 'OO).9"("(01 (1)).<;>,,( A'l <)01 A(l),,(}0 A<91 ~D:x. A<9"(3rl A(9~ OPA3chD)I ~.o mull. -1dlU13ri ~OU S(l)3.o<9AD.td9 'Y.)lIUOl ;~lT1 Drlll)110 QX(I)l<h 1n:x. Odl3X<;>du DA~ In:x. oA<;>dX 309)1 ltAo/dlO<h3~ J?A 3riOOU~"(~ llu0"l ~yt 'S!?13l.ltA3~ SIJ1 A(I)AV"f,(3. 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Svm" S~> 0n0d><;>;, gl o)vd\,> ?yoU SY<IO){ ' J21d)lJJyt ',. 11UUUJ.V, ~!p 5m3D¥lloddJ1d3u ]V>I gOr/D1dvddvd UD09 SDrf D"C!~gdO" IMtdlJ>1 H. ~VO~OIU3 KOrtOt110rlKaJ.1£ aV£1taVOpOWla Kal alha<pOpOOVla; YUl nlv iKaV0T111a nov imo"¥llq:liwv 'Vllq:liColJJlE IlE rtci90e; Y1(); va KEpBioll h:&tvoe; ltOU PpioKElal iB&OAOYlica 1tEplOcr01EPO KOVla oro KOlllla li;e; IipEcrtceiae; ).me; - Ka.l EWOOUJle tei KOlljJala ri;e; . EI..Aaoo,. 'Eode; of BlljJoolOypciqlOl, iI ltTciprll ~olJoia, 1tpbt&l va ap9poypaq:li;tE taKlllca Kai va Knmnr& oro KOKKOI..O tiJv dBlaq:lopia lroV •EA1..rlvwv i1Y'ltOpwv eKKA,llUioC; Kai 6Jloo1tovBlmv. Mwi tlJl~" Tpuq>Olv N. XatSl]vlKoAaou e- flpoeopoe; tiTe; iaroplKi;C; NatmOXrlaKiTc; 'AotArp6r1]roc; Near; 'YopKqr; ••• I1]p.eiwa'l -Niae; 'YopK'Ie;»: '0 K. XatC'IV1KOAaOV dVaqJipc.-ral 1l0VO al: eva a' wu lip8pov rOD K. Emvpov. ritv O.).EIIII11 KEVTpIKifc; &pyavwaEwe; ~ Ka; avvroWUIlOD vEpyeiWv. 'AMd aoro elval yvwaro Kai ma lliKpa nmOla. Toviar11Ke Kar' t1tavaA'1'Pfl otiC; qriTAec; aorie;, Ka; jiaAUlm 1WAV npiv 0 'EA.A'IVOajiEpIKaVOe; KaO'lY1Jritc; Ka8vppiae l ritv •OjioyivEIa 'AjiEpIKije; Kai r;,v fJycaia r'lC;. 'EKtOC; a'll 0 K. Xart;,.,vIKo).aov aVJupwvEf pi; tov XapaKr'lPll1jiO rwv qycreDv rije; opoyevelac; We; «hrlA'IlJIifjwv» avvEpyarwv "Cite; xovvraC;, ~ fLe r;,v ano'P'1 tou K. EmVpOfJOrl 0; lA.A11vIKI:e; Kvpepvr,aele; . .. oev TtpiTtel va exovv CJ.l.Ttlaroavv'l ari/v -'Oj1oylvela. r,onoia, Kara rov Ka011Y''J'Cr" 0X1 J.l.Ovo... OE'll rrpoa({JepEI Kavtva KaAO, ~ Kafjfjla uTt1]pEaia m;, YEvirelpa. d..Ud, dvriOc.-ra. MONO . .. KOXO jl1Copef va riie; KdJU1!! ~ A'll aura OEV MOreAOUV iippeu; (onwc; J.l.TroP£.i va lllart60vv roplapivOi bUl1tOAOYPrUpOI;. nov avcmrvxwc; brcxelp,.,aav va Ka1V'POlJV rov KaB"'Y'Irft), TOrr. c.lval dvo1JaiEe;. Kal 0 ridoe; jUU; brpC1r.£. va elva,: «'Avo11ai£c; 'EAJ.r,vOflJJ.E.plKavov Kao"Y'1ri;». 'EJ,lEfe;, OJ,lax;. nr,pap.e atd aopapd to'll K. Iraupov. r,' aUro Kal ypQ.wape Ot, «KaBvppiC£.I». "Oaol ano roix; dvayvWO't£.C; fjac; rrIO'tEVoVV OTl oev TrPOKtI'tal ovrE Yla ;;ppelC;. oVre Yla dvo'laiee;, (Jd TrpbCEI va elva, "lareBtlJ,livOi va bex80uv Yla roveavto rove; oaa 0 oJ.l.oyev;'c; e- KaOqyqt~r; KataAoyi(" ut OAOur; "ar;. Kavivae;, OWJJC;, dno EK£.ivove; nov 8ewp,.,aav UTteppOAIKO "CO'll IO'KO jia<; xapaKT'IPlaJ,lO rrepi «Ka8vppiaEwc;», ,,£'11 npoa£.qJip8'1 JlGKOIKr,(11J Yla rov eavro rov ro 6PpCO).OylO. "A'll tvXOV tnuipX'" Kaveie; 0J.l.oycv;'e; TrOV ofxeTaIOTI ep). a'll t r ~ v '£ A A. doa jJ£ rr,v opaO't'lPIOr'1rd rOI) tm'E:.p rije; KUTrpoV Ka; tvavrio'll rije; TovpKiac, ~ OTl 8 d c Tv a Ion p ii>- va. • ............ ~~ TO , nov Oa npobwuq Ii Oa dnap V'1 B ij ear w, r;,v H).'IViKit Kn,povOfjla rov, a'll CTuKpanjl1'1 lmepe8VIKlaTlKO Trw:.vpa ar;,v 'AJ.l.epIKr" ae; J.l.0J; TO ypdW1J. 4>opoj.laarr., OJ.l.Wc;. OTl Ba 1teplJ.l.ivwfjt nOAv ne.plaaoupo tino oao dvafjeivajit dno rov K. Iraupov v d 8 £. J.I. e. A , ciJ a 11 rie; Kanrropiu; tov. va K a r 0 '110 J.I. d U 11 toix; «errIAr,'PIJ.l.Orx;» OjioY£VelOXOlx; r,yirec; Kai va e~'1Yr,a,., ro jiE· ydAo . .. KaKo TtOV npot.ev'lqC r, .OJ.l.oyivEla 'A"epIK~, Ut~v 'EAMWa . .. 28" •OKtrollpiou Kat I. MEtal;a~ KUPlE MalCplO" 'Ev& /) K. BouAt(Jo, ypaq>El (JtO tEuXO, MapriolJ TOU 1tEptOcSUCOu oae; .(Nea • Y 6pKT)>> ~t dvaolJOlQ.OIlO YUI10 ap9po rou ii~lOlJ ouvEpyaTou oae;. <5taltpE1tOUe; Ka911Y1110U K. M1tOlJpoBtlJlOlJ, Yla TO tOTOPIKO OXI, 1tapa1l'OVdral Yla nlV JliJ ava~opo. Tmv OVOI.UlTrov TOU MEla~a Kai tOU non:ayolJ, TOUe; 61toio~ 6VOJla~£1 o·!\>h.opara~, xcivovTae; liJV O:tlJXi; 1tapojJoiroo." aUTwv Ilt tOY KOAOKOTproVl1. KapalOKaKl1, na1taq:lA&ooa K.A.1t. 'A1..1..o. 1tOlaV o:~ia 9it dX& to 1tPOOW1tlKO oXl lOU METa~n. tciv Btv &UPIOKE ouoorolll1 E1tlBoKIJ,laoia Kl' o:vla1t6KplOll d1to rov E1..1..l1VIKo 1..0.6, 6 61toioe; OTJJ,llOUPYfJO'£ 'f() 9auJla tii, 28l] 'OKtOl~piou; .. AA1..WCJ1'E. 1t&; aA). olci'l~ Il1tOPOOO& v' a1taVltlOl1 010t\; 'ITaAou~; NO. rot\; 1tf), 1tEpnOrE KUPlOl, do9t EAtu9&pOt;' Ev TOtal>rll 1tEPl1ttOOO&l 90. xapaKT11PIC6tav 00<; npoMtl]'. np006TfJ xapaKltlPloav. 'i.oro~ aOLKalOA6YfJta, rov To-tt OtpatllYo TaoAaKoYAou 1t00 OlJV911KOAOYllO&, 1tlOr&UoVla~ Ottiv aOK01t11 o.illoro'XlJuia J(ai CJ1'OV QVlOO aywva Evavtiov OUO aoroKpatOplWV, Jl1tpoota OlOi><; o1toiolJe; dX& yovariotl OAl] ~ Eupffinl]. EI~al Kl' tyro £va; an' aotou~ 1tOU 1tOA&1l11oav OtiJv' AApavia Kai J,l£ Buo 1t01..£j.1lKa rpaUJ,lala. rVCJ)pl~CJ) KaAo. 1tci'le; nOA&J,lllOaV xai 1tOiOl 1tOAEj.11100V. "Erm, KOta liJV yvWJ.111 J,lOU, 6 MEtO~ae; cKave Cl1tAW<; 10 Ka9i;Kov 10lJ oav KUpepVtlfl1e;, 6 Bt ilo7tciyoe; oav E1taYYt1..Jlatiae; a~IWJ,latlKo~ imT)pEtTJO& nlv 1tatpioo Ila~i J,l£ to E1tlT&1..tio rOlJ otci J,l&101tl08EV. fl' aU10 &IvaI aruxile; ti 1to.pOj.1oiwOll 0:1t0 lOY K. SouAroo jJ£ toile; ~ POlE, tOU 21. '0 Ka9l]yl]t~, K. Mnoupoo~JlO, Kavovta, Jllei {(JtOPlK1\ eiva(JK6'"1(Jl] T~, 28l], 'OKfWPpiolJ. 1t01..O oroola tV&r61tlO£ Kat KO9wploe tOY 1tapQyovra rti~ V1Kl1;. 1tOU ciV1jKEl Otov . EAAl]vlKO Aa6. "Etal £O(ooE ra fOU Kai.oapoe; roo Kaioapl. 'E1tiOTl~ !Cai to OX] dvallOO' EAAllVIKOU ........................ ~LI~~1nl 22-813IStSTREET. ASTORIA, N.Y.III05 T'IA. (112) 931-7011 GIFT SHOP MnOMnONIEPEE - BAnTlErIKA - AAMnAL1EE EIL1H L1QPQN - MEKOI- 8 TRACK TAPES - CASSETfES 6 Aaoil Kai tAtx9l] Jl£ to ar6Jla tou Meta~a. Xapl], Ket(J6YAou Eqpelwaq «Near; 'Y6pKqr;»: Kai p,paiox; dVr,K£1 mov 'EA.A'IV1KO Aao r, iaroplKr, 28'1 ·OKrwppiov. 'AAAa ourE 0 eKAeKrot; avvepyeir,.,e; J..lac;. OUTE " 'EAA'1VIK;' '/uropia 8a naOalvav Tinore J.i.E r;'vanA;;. earw, dva({Jopa reD'll npcaTaywwarwv roD OX!. Auto J.l.nopefva yaiVf.Tal liaxna J.i.E ra TrO).,TlKa KPITr,PJa. J.l.t rov BavJ.l.aaJ.l.o. Ii r;,v dvrlTra8cla 1tovJ.l.Tropef:,a aJaBdvtral Kavde; Yla roy olKrdropa MCTa.<ti Ka; rov ilanayo . .. 'EKarOJ,lJ.l.Vpla ekv8E.pOl livBpwTrol drrExlkivovral rov aiJ,.touray;; aqKlyca Ka, T/}pavvo rou Pcal1lKOV MOU. rov 'fwar,rp ErdAlv. M1r.opef oJ.l.W' va rou dJ,l({JlaP'Irr,aovv to'll rirAO rou dpx,riKrova rij<; vIK,." Kata t~r; yep"avIK~r; e/apoA~r;. ij va ,,~v dvarpepovral oro ovoJ.l.d rov, ora'll aqXOAOUVTaI J.i.E 'C1jv ;'pWi"r,. fjcyalcUfJ0'l. hrlK;' avril1raa'l reV'll PciJawv lvavTiov rti>v XIThplKeDV opoti>v; HNi4 YOPKH Tel. (212) 947-3180 NEW YORK, Greek-American Monthly Review APRIL 1981 VOL. XXXIV No. 389 All correspondence should be addressed to H NEA YOPKH P.O. BOX 675 GRAND CENTRAL STAnON NEW YORK, N.Y. 10163 Editor and Publisher PETER S. MAKRIAS Founder and Social Editor SPYROS MINOTOS A.ssociate Editors Prof. E. BOURODEMOS Ph.D. JACQUES A. CASE Contribuling Editors: Prof. M. VYRON RAIZIS RIGAS KAPPATOS BOB NICOLAIDES D1MITRIS IOANNIDES G1ANNIS KOUNADIS ELiAS GRIVOGIANNIS NICOS SPANIAS STAVROS GRAMMATIKOPOULOS CHRYSTALLENI LOUKAIDOU ACHILLES SAKELLARIDES Art Director CHRISTINE NERRIE Representative in Greece: GlANNIS L. KOUNADIS Solooos 116 - Tel. 3606307 NEA YOPKH (New York) the Greek.· American monthly review is published by the HELLENIC HERITAGE LTD., 30 West 36th Street (10th floor), N. York, N.Y. 10018. Seco nd CJass postage paid at N. York,NY . 'EtT'jO'lU I:uvbpo'""l: $25.00 "(tU •A""cptlc~ Kai Kavaoo .• Aepo1topuC~ d:1tOO"tOA.T! "(to. EUpOO1tT) Kai 6).0 tOY KOOJlO $50.00. Tpa1te~wv. 'E1tlxe,p ~O'erov Kal 'OpyavlC'JlOOV SIOO.OO . • NEA YOPKH. • OTO TOU Kai vef,C; a(JX11f.1,ff,C; (Jrr,v 511 Af,wrpopo I: THN TtEpryparpi] TrOV eKavav 01 N. Y. Times, rr,v hzojd.v11 rii, a;"'VIK;;~ llapeMmwr; <n:~v 5q Awxpopo T~c; N, ·Yopl<qc;. dverpip/Jq;, av",",<ox~ a' ain~v Joo 'E..u."vwv KOJjJjOVVUJrWV povAcvrwv, evw e<'1 avvollKa p,£7:Eixav arilv KOlVOPOVAetnIKr, dvtmpouwrreia nov iTpOe dna rill' 'E)J,tiba. ' 0 lTVvraxt'!; riie; rrepJ"yparpiir;. cKap.e, npo- .-paw.;, ldBor;. "H, fnfr1'JOeC; dVEfpepe 110VO taix; 000, Yla va bdJiu1'j -r;,v 'Ell"vl";' KOlv6rrrra. cUpou povo aritf] npoUKalei KOJJPOVvunec; poukvrec; Yl(Z va JJGuiaxovv at tBVlKOix; eopraupotx; ... ..AUware. 0 ,,",voe; rponoc; YIll. wi tmrVX1'J ii 'OJiomrovola 'E).,)'!voapepIKavIKwv 'Opya- vWuewv N 'YoPKl1C; riTv avpjJ£roxr, 1(Ojl1l0UVIUrwv milv llapi),.aaq eTvaJ Jle8000c; rii.; npouK).lWEf.tX; povAcurwv dna DAa KOJlJlara. d1tOrCAUJJla eTvaz napav(TUi(ctm lIOA.V OlafPOPf.T1Kt, dKOva dno n;v npaYfJ.a!lKi] a' 6, n d€popii. r:~v ovvaW/ revv t,U.'1WKeOv KO/-ll-Ui:rwv. 'R N. t1'1J,loKparia, jt£ 43% rcOv ",,,rpwv, G.vrl1l.potJW1teVO'1Ke p£ it To va fa ro 000 povAwr,r;, Me 060 hriaqr; povAwrec; avrmpoaOJ1Cev8'1Kav Kai rei Joo KOJlJlOOVlanKa KOJlpa ta. nov eAafJav J,la,; 14-15% rrov ",;'rpwv. , . ••• yra npWr'1 rpopa rreptxll r, 'OJloanovJia anlHpCia,ae va €pep'1 r~v •OJ,loyevela ae tnaqJ;' Joo KOJ,lpOVVlarer; povkurer; Kai reaaeprr; rrov aanKwv KOJ,lparwv. it «Nfu 'YoPK'I» ime&r~e orl appoolOr djr; 'OpoanovJiar; Ji;v lrrpene va npoaJJOplaovv rro· a0D<; ~ norovr;. Ka; ano noro KOpjia, dAM va npoaKoJ.iaouv rov IIpoeopo rilr; Bov).ilr;. 'EKeiVOr; 00. WpI(r.. rov POUMVrr" ;; rolx: ~Omv pov).eurb;. nov Bd ).apalvav pepoc; ar"v anoaroAt!. .. 'A,Ua ar;,v nepinrwa'l aM", 0; ap"oolOl riic; •O"o""ovOlac; ywbpl'av l<aAa orl /) K. lIanaU7tvpov Jev {JiJ. pii<; lureAVe Joo KOjipOVvrarf.r;, nov rnpOKerro, pOJ.,aw, va yivovv Kai... Grand Marshals rilr; lIape..l.aaew<; ... 'AMo. ro (J€ rilr; npoaK)."aEwr; rwv 'EJJ.Jjvwv povkvrwv - nov elvar navrore EVnpo(JOeKtol ar;,v xwpa aur". oao Ji;v Kavouv KOJlJlanKa rovr; K'IPUypara - Jev dvarpeperal arl]v anAij napoooia r0U<; ar;,v 5'1 AewqJ0po. '0 dnearaA"ivoc; rou K.K. ('E~.) hrlXeipqae va t~apq .. , r~v nporaaq Mnpi,vJerp y"l r;,v hr:avdl"ljI" rrov avvoJuAui)v SALT. orav "aO !1l <fAAovc; ntvTe avvaJiAqlOVC; rov tKhjO"aav va dm;:vOvvovv paOUXPWVIKO Xalpr..najlo rrp(x; rl]v •OJwyf.vela, pl rilv r..vKalpia r;jr; 25'1r; Maprlov. KaJ ovO-rpEir; aOVOA1Ka ano roUt; tmaKrn-rer;; Jev neplOpiarllKaV arov G.rroAltlKO xapaxr"pa nov OXpelk va dxe. ;, trriaKe",q rour;. MIA,,(Jav ut KOJlJlarlKer; aVYKcvrpWtJelr; qJi).wv rour; Ka; lmxciPlluav drraptMeKrer; rne.Jlpaaw:; at OijJ.llw nov G.rraaxoAouv arroK).elUrlKa rl]v ' OJloyf.vem. Me aia/Jql'" tvrpon~r; tmaq"a1vo,", KaJ tit; apirpt'Jre.r; daXt'Jpier; nov a'lpeubfft/Kav ari<; avveOpl(iacl<; reOv avrmpoawrrwv rfir; •OpoanovJlar;. rrpiv tl]v rrapi..l.autt. lIavoalpovlO trrrKpdr"ae u£ wplapiver; uvveoplaaelr;. ).0YOJ rilr; lrrrjiovijr; peprKihv va tjJ.rpavra80vv ur;,v IIapf.).aall uvvOtiJUlra, ;max;: «Zqtw <> AaiKOr; 'A1CtMvOepwrrKOr; Erparor; rov 1821,., «'EOVlK;' 'Ave~aprllaia,. K.d. TtAoe;, TO rjiiljia trov 'E)...l.Jlvwv r/Jorr'lrrov rijr; EEfIJ rpayooo'l(J£ Kai nciAl ro «lIore 8a Kap'1 c!aurcpla,.. H NEA E8NIKH AOKIMAEIA YTYXDE, ~ aqJO.ipa nov,ae rov dplurepO 7rvevpova rov IIpoi&pov pac;, oev roj) dJpalpcue rilv (wlj, oihc rov Karfar"ae. dviKavo va auvexfutt tilv rwv KaB,.,Kovrwv rov. Kai ~ vea UJVlK;' JOKljiaula €paive.ral va nepvii. . .. 'Duroao. ;max; "rav rpOO1KO, ~ dnimClpa Kard: djr; (mije; roD ).aonpopAt'Jrov IIpoibpou, ova jJ.OAle; jiijve.r; perd niv 0pKwp0(Jla rou, Kai npiv Ka.J.a-Ka.J.a ola/JoptpWt:/Tf r;,v nO).l"rlKq nov Oa aKoAovfh1a" ~ KvPt.pv11a" rov aro tuwreplKo Kal arir; oleBveic; axeaut;, npoKciJ..eae KararrA'1t;,,,. G.\ttfavx1a Kai AM", ilia Kai alafhjpara ivtponr,r; urov dj1£p'KavIKo Mo. "O(Jo KI' av 0; oo).orpovier; Kal of dnonelpec; lvavrlov llpot.Jpwv I<a; d.Uwv dvopWv T~c; oq"oaia 'w~r; exovv ma yiveJ "tpoc; T~r; 'w~c; Jlar;, eTvar ~vvaro va tl;,OIK£lwOoDpe pi, r;,v IOfu on Kd8e IpVxona8;,e; lX£1 ro JIKalwl1a va dipalpr, tql! (w;, orroloootj1Core 8eAtiutt, npopt'J8evopevo<; £J.e68epa iva maro..l.r, ;; iva rOlXpEKI . .. 'H arrantlpa Kara roD IIpoMpov PijyKav Ka! <> uoPapoe; rpavJlarrapot; rou hd roD T6nov<; roD ACUKOV OiKOV K. Mnpa1t'Jvru, eVOC; darvvOjilKOV Kai tvOt; poorrKov npQxropa djr; rrpoWplKile; awparorpuAaxile;, lJwoe vea dJfhrutt urqv Jlaxpoxp0\ttf £ y,a rqv drrayopOOtJ rijt; t),eVOe.P'1r; rrw).t!(ftmr; 1CUPOPO).wv anAwv. "Oaol VOji!(ouv orr jlld retora dnayopwa'l e/VQ1 ouvaro va a'lJlo'v'l ro riA.o<; rou pey6).ov KaKoD rwv X').'6.Jcov OOAOtpOVIWV, Ii Ba dvaan:lht ric; dnmrelpe.t;, KaVOVl! ).a8oc; ar;,v ole68vvutT. 'AMd Ka! E AnPIAIOl: 1981 Oi ajioyevelaKer; dvrrpp"ael<; yrd d[v no).rrlK01r:olt'JG1J rwv UJv,KWV eKJ'IMbae.Wv J,lar; Otv riVaqJiPOHaI ;,tOVO (Jrl]v ' 'Epeir; t&iJ eljlaur£ tA.c68epOl Iiv8pwrrOl. t1"jiOKparlKol. Ka! efval ipVUlKO va dnexBavojiau'CE roY 1010 rpono. Kai ra OVO /ixpa. eo. d1COJOKrp6.(ajJ.£. onolOvo,prore. 8a rfJayouoovac «rou derou rov y,o"', urilv lIapiJ..aat'J. Era xpovla ril<; xovvrar;, a npW"v IIpoeopor; rilr; •Ojio(J7rovoiar; K. To;,t MdveCTrJ<; dxe JrajJ.apr'lP'lOei, Ka; dnayopeooe.l at eva -E)'At'Jva d1;IOJpaTlKO pe rroAlrlKr, ncplpo..l.Jl, va dvoi~'1 eva navw a6vOr,jJ.a rmep rou urparrwrrKov Ka8earwror;. To KaKo elval m1pepa, orr napa rir; olajJ.llprupier; wplapivwv rraAauvv urckXWV rilr; •O;,toU7tol!oiac;, urir; uvvec5plaaeu; r'1C; (rilr; anoiar; <> IIp6ec5por; napcu'1jJ.(}({JOp"O'1 npoaqJ(i.rwr; arro TOU<; rVt'Juiorx; 'Op8oJo¢"our; Xprurmvovc;), Kaveir; Jev jJ.nopeue va drrorpi",,, rir; KOPJlOVVlarrKer; daXt'Jpier;. Oi daX'1jJ.ier; avrer; f)iJ. MO/JOXpvvoov rr,v •Ojioyiv£1a dno rr,v tOvlK" pat:; llapilaG1J, orrwr; lyrve. pe rir;; Vrrep rilr; K(mpov, urir; orroier; 0 dpr()por; nov npoacpxopivOJv dvar pIKporepoc; trov opyavwrwv . .. 0; AaKwVe.r; drriaxov rilc; llape..l.daewr;. Kai rov Xpovou 'iaax; ooupe va Kavovv ro 1010, rreplaaoreper; opyavroaclr;. 'E1tlu'lJlaivOHer; ric; vice; a(fX'IJlier;, Oempovpc imoXpiwmj /Jar; va rovlawp£ on elval KalpOr; viI. tU,olmVlarOVv 0; 0JlDYtvuaKoi fryt.rer; nob Jev dvixovwl d[v a'1JiCP,vil Katauraat'J Kai va tvcpyonol'10ovv dpi.(JOJr;, yrd va 8eaouv ripjia ad[v no).,rrKOTrOi'1f111 rrov opyavwacWv jiot;. 'H dJpa dval1CoAv rrpoxmpq!'ivq, Ee Afyo ()d eTval noA" dpyd - Bv otv eTval ijoq, , , oev npoKelwr va PM",'1 Kav£va vOjJ.orayij nOA/rq ~ dnayopeva1] p£. opoanovJroxo vopo tiir; nw).t!; orr).OJv XOJpi<; dOera rilr; aa'WvOjiiar;. aao KI' av elval (JvvraYjJ.llrlKa: Karwxvpwptvo ro OIKaiwJla rov onAOqJopeiv . .. TO. airra rov KaKov dvat, pipata. pa()vrepa. Kai ~ (fooT1fjiarrK;' peUr" rovr; dtro TO Kpdroc; Ka; ouov<:; elJIKOlx:; jinopofJv va lxovv YvWJl'1 rral!w aro 8EJ1a, o€peikr va dnorclt.a" rrpOJtapX1KO piJ..'1j1.a rilr; viar; Kvpepv;'a<wc;. "00'0 Yla rov IIpoeopo PijYKav. dnt.of..l<;e jJ.i; ro x10Vpop rou, npiv Kai j1.era d[v tYXefp'1U'1. to dVlmeppA'Iro, Im.ipoxo, V"''1AO ({Jpov'lpa, tqvaialooot;,fa, ro Bdppor;. rqv d:nAor1]ra. TqV elirr:pOU1fYopfa Ka; TO ,ueyaAefo aMov rov Imep,,€pavov MOU rwv npwronopwv, rwv t).er>8eprov Kal rrov yevvaiwv . .. EI"aaTe pipawl on ;, al<hfp~ a6r~ npoaW1Cll<~ l<aJ tlJvll<~ 00K1Jlaala, Oa KaTaunlutt tOV np6eJpo dxojJ.'1 rrlo d1CorpaularrKo arqv Karanoliji'1a" roil tyKAqjJarot; nov jJ.a(Jti!;f.l rov rono KaJ urqv dvv",CJXJ1f rou yot!rpov t'le;, KaOl(Jrwvrar,: tt'Jv i(Jxvporep'1 Kal ae.paGT~ dna rpiAovc; I<a; dVTI"';;'Ovr; , , , H JIAPEPMHNEIA THE EAA. IITOPIAE o Mt1vUJ1U tOV •API1E1tlO'KonO\) K. 'IuKOlpo\) ),ui: tt\v 6.ftAij y.opt~ tij, 25q, Mapdou, £'Ptaat apya at I'd, ym va 'fttp'A'l'P1hi ato ftP0'lYOVJ1tvO ttUX<><; .• Ana to J1~vul'a alito Siv lUV£l niv btUCulp6t'lt'a to\), 9()'£1 tva no),.v bdKalpo 9£u-a: T 7 T1\v napanoi'lCJll rii<; iO''topia<; 'torr 21, cirt6 Jllci ccfPJ.:ooP'l ~halt;Ktl K"1\» nov J1£'taXElpi~E'tal 'tov na'tpuotlO'J16 yui JtOA.lnKou<; A.oY01)<;. Kai blatpav6>vEl t1\v 1tiO't'l trov 1tpaYJ1anKQ tA.£v8£pmv 1tV(1)J1Qnov Kat lVUX<OV tij~ btoxtl~ J1a<; 1tOV Elval 'Q)tlO'J1£V£~ J1£ ttlv EUA.oyia tij<; dPEril<; va d1tUpVOVVtal t1]V tupavvia fS' OiE<; "l~ ti~ J10P'PE~, XooP\<; OOyJ1QtlK£<; JtPOtlJ11\fSEl<; .•• To apIlE1tlfSK01tlKO J11\v1)J1a dKO)'01)8Ei: «M d..U.,q ;iawr; .lic;ur; Ka; tI aAAe<; 'iaem; eiKover; atbwvtal rrdvra 01 atixOl aurol £jL1tpOC; fl.a, adv papjlaplver; Ko)wver; Kz' an' dvdpcad tO~ evar; i!).IOr; dvarC)J.cI, ~ Uniba, nwr; oute tpdr; oute r; lpxopevcr; yeveir; fki. ).'1apoVljaovJ1.C XPOVIKO rijt; npaYjlatlKtJr'lrar; tOD t pxopou jlac; anjv (mepadaVtlKtj aMtj Xwpa. to .. t/rrcpo KdvaJle r" pi(a Jlar;. Aiv r"v anapV'llhiKape. Ma( u r"r;, pI(wJlev'! arci tpiapa8a tijr; ",vx;,r; jlar;, tprdaGJU at' dKPoYldAla wKeavla, pi Kevr'ltdva t' dKPOYIGAIa rijr; yevetupar; anTv roura, pvtjjl'l jlar;. Avnjv, nou 6).oCwvtaYfl d.t;, peper; aMit;" ret;, jlipct;, rou, /liit;, ar"vel dyvavna anlv iaropfa /lat;" nou W)VO r17r; TCpoaraYjla e/VGl ct<la va auvexiaoupe. »llpo(J1ld8"aal· JiCpIKoi va t"v napaTCOl1jaovv rtjv iaropia jlat;. Kai pcyaAo JDlvujla r'lr; va rrapa({JpO.aouv a' eva JIKO rovr; )eC;IAoylO, ~ivo Kai rrpot;, njv d1t;8ela Kai npor; nlv lLOvaJ,Ktj iepor,,-ra Ulr;. «ria par;, ypO.({Jel, trrlypaJljlarlKa 6 Eerpepflr;, t}mVaAAO npdYjla 6 nOAe/Jor; "Ira r"v rriaTl ro!) XplaroD Kai r"v IJIUX" rou dvBpcbnou». AM" 1j tU"BCla Kai 1j lepor'lra r;,r; hrawiaraG1Jr; rau 2 J Jivovv rtjv povablKor"ra rou arov d:TreAcuBCj}(J)TlKO dylOva ritr; 25'!r; -rou Mapr,! ra r"v ro to roo 1821. »~Hrav fl.ui £C; riir; ",vxiir; rou aKAd.{Jov ).aou !Jar;, ylyavt(J)jlf.v" dno niv rrian VTC; arov XPUJTO, ~ eOvlKtj £~iyepa,! roo 21. Tino-re tU).o Jiv EKtppdCel. Oure.;' 51p'jllr; Map~larIKir; i;pjl'lveJe.r; r"t;" ome r; dvieper; anonelper; va (J1l1).cb(10UV rir; TrelO qJw-relvf.r; !JopqJi r; rou dymva. onox; ~ rraviep,! qJualOyvwJlla Tp"yopiov roo E', rou ;'PWIKOfJ Ka; pepruplKou narplapxov tq, 00).,,<;. Tiir; llOA'Ir;, rro aKopa, oorepa dno alwve.r;, tival ~ Jlov'I npaYjlaTlKtf dvriaraal rijr; IJIUX;,r; roo Fevour; ria r"v IpVX~ rou av8pwnov. »T~v dvriaraal aunT r"v ncplypO.f(Jer 0 lOIOr; 0 nOl"-r,,r; 0 Eerpt p'lr; pi nlv axo).ove'l elKova: «rljv IJIVxr, toD dv8pwnou. Ka8Iaj.dv'l arti yovara rifr; VTre.pJUlXOV arpar"you. rroulXtl arci pana "',!f(Ju5w ro rov KaJT!JO ritr; PWP1700Vv"r;». Tov KaJTpO autov btv tOV eVOlwaav no-re oi rrapanOl'lrer; tijr; ;aroplar; rou 21 Kai rou XPOVIKOU riir; t8vIK;,r; na)lyyeveaiar;. Our£ Kai r"v nlarl roD Xplatou r"v eVOlwaav aav d(1rpatl~ ar"v (1KiIJlI rour; fj adv p0fl.({Jaia ara an)ciyxva -ro~. »'EJ,; Mw, oaOl KaVaJle rprepo nl pf(aJlar; Kai nerci~apE dn' rtjv dYKa).uI titr; Mavar; par;, ara 6A..aVOlXra, np6r; ro~ JiCyd1ovr; Jpoporx;, ovre Yla p,a anyplj Jev aKetpOIjKaJiC va KaVOUpe ujv niarl Jlar; 'PA6aPfl ollu.eKflKIj, oute -rov narplWrlajlO pat;, no).,nKo rrpoaava-roAlapo. Fld jJdr; 6 eooyycAlapOr; c.lval rravra 6 xalpenopOr; -rou 'AyyeAOV rrpor; r"v llapOf,vo: «llveujla "'AylOv eneAe.vaeral tni at Kai J6vaplr; vllfiarovhrlaKuinol (101)> (AK. J, 35). ElvaJ EixlyyeAlajJOr;, nou rov [("re b AMr;; Kai to 1821 Kai a' okr; rir; e~eyipae l r; riir; '!IUx;;r; rou. dk ro 1940. Tid /1ii<; 0 Eooyye).,u/1Or; elval ~ pepaiwUl rou ayyiAou "OUK tMvvanfaelnapd rcfi 8e.cjj rriiv pijJla» (AK. 1,38). r"v r"v Yla 14 dnb aorer; daK1f8'1Kav lCOIVIK!r; J,WC;Clr;. 'Avdna-ror; ToupKor; dC;lmpaTlKOr; JIj).(t)(1e. on «r; dotvvojlia ar"v TovpKia rrav-rore XPflalJ1.0rrOiOVae J1.COOlJOIX; nov pnopei va rreplypa({Jouv aav panavlar"pla» Ka; orl Kai hri A"IlOKparlKwv Kvpepvtjne(l)\I, Kparoopevol imear"aav KaKOperaXciP'GfJ;; Kai paqaVlar"pla. lla\lrax;, b dp,8jlor; rmv veKpiiJv emo tpojloKparia Kard: to ~dptJvo riir; Jllcra-ropia.c;. JleuiJfJ,!Kav dno 22 rliv ;'pipa. (1£ OVO povo. 'ATCO roil<; 366 veKpoix; roil t/;a/1~vou. 0; 129ljrav rpo/1oKpdra;. • YnoAoyl(e-ra1 orl piXPl rwpa. J,a)u011Kav 40 napO.vOj1.£r; opyavciaclr;, Ka; on Karanxe8ivra onA.a. jlal.i pt tKciva rrov nolfrer; rrapMlJX1av e8eAoHIKd. elval dpKerd «ria va bn)'faovv OAOKh]pO arparo~, onax; lJtj).cooe. ToupKo, hr.ia"jlor;. Mera<v adrwv tirav 150.000 im).01Co).upOM Ka; nllno).,a, 38.000 rOlxpiKla Kai nep; ra eva i'.KarOjljlvplO arpaipe.r;. 'Ano tO~ 25.000 av;';"''PBtvTcr; Kara rcleurafo i~tfp~vo. 17.000 Kparoilvral dKO/1~. tva; 8.000 rcloov rma napaKo)ov8qC11f. '0 dplBJI(x; rlOv KarMlKaa8ev-rwv elval 886. IuJ,lf{!l1Jva pt £niQ'!J1I1 TovpKIKil dvaKOlvwG1J, ruro ra (luAhl'P8ivra 13.000 tvepyd pi}.rJ rpopoKpanKiiJv opyavdJaewv, rd: 9.000 elvar dplarepol, 2.000 &<Ioi Ka; 01 rmoJ.omol Koup&Jl. ra ro 'E~ a.!20u. ra n'P'odIKa Newsweek. d"Jltpwue 060 bMKM,per; aeli&r; <nilv TovpKla, rovi(ovrcu; Ka; aUto orl Ii tpojloKpar/a j1.£Ili;8'1Ke p'(IKa Kara i;c;ajl"vo, 'AvOipepcI roUr; iJlOvr; Trepfnov dpl8pour; av).A'!rp8tvrwv, KaOwr; Kai yeyovor; orl ylvovral paaavl(rr"pla atir; tpuAaxir;, nov btXOVTal pixplr; ev~ G1JJlEfov Kai 01 (lrpar'IYoi. ro ro To Newsweek, ypdtpel dKOJil1 on 6 nl,,8mplapOr; pelwB"Ke dna 100% 17£ 40% piua uroix; ii~~ /1;;ver;. 0; ~tVOI roupluter; I!.px,uav va hrlaTpirpovv Ka; rroAUt;, <ever; Kvpepvljuel, oTCoav1PIc;av Ka8eGTWr;. 'H KvPtpv'lG1J Pt;yKav ({Jalveral va alaOdveral dvera,.a niv ano",,, rif' XOUVTar; y,a dvOpwmVG JrKalwj1lJra KaOdx; Kat /1£ riTv dvOJ.J,'!I~ r;;r; t~olJt1iar; dna roix; urpar'IYoix;. '0170 Yla rlr; trp08eael' reilv reAevrafwv hrurrpilpovv TltV xwpa arilv d'ljloKparia. ro ap8po TOV Newsweek rrapar"pei or, tviiJ 01 M,ol dpvovvral va elva, oVYKeKplpivol. olnepl(JaOrepOl Ttapat"p"dr; 1Clarcvovv aUro Jev Od riv'l rrpiv dno Jvo~'Cpia XPovia Kai ruor J,tpwrmVtaJ Jl1inax; 01 GtpaT'lYoi dnOAQJJPavovv -roao rilv £<OIX1ia. nov va piJ Behiaovv rilv tYKaraleilpovv Ka86)'ov. To nepJOJIKo lJ"pO(lleVe' Kai Tllv . npWrq dnOKAellrTIKil auvivre~17 nov napaxwp'!ae JleXPI rwpa 6 ctrpat'1Y0r; Kevdv 'Eppev. Ylel rov orroio fmf.V8V/lf(el on eiVaI yvwaror; l,a rl, ({JIAtx5v-riKer; rov ro ra va on va HOTEL GRANDE BRETAGNE r" »M' aM" (1UVelJ"ronOI11jliv'! rrmd Kai pa8eui. Pl(w,.dvflnfaTl Kl' dyan,! "lId -rov eeo Kai rov Iiv8pmrro ar; Ylopra(1ovJiC rr,v 25 Mapdov, aav OPOG1JjlO atr,v [atopia tijr; pipI!Jvar; rOD 9c.ov "110. rtf (1wt'!pfa rou dv8pwnou Kai ritr; JJiplpvar; rou dvOpdJnov ria pra rrayKoapla AWrep,a, d({Jov w r; ra mjpcpa atewi(ouv i:KaroPPvp,a Iiv8pWTCOl KaTW drro oAoKA.J,pwnKa pdvaooa KaBeatiiJTa, rrou dO,avrp01Ca 'P0pouv ro rrpoawrreio -rlOV ).aiiclOv J'IpOKpanlOv if rOiv arpatlWtlKWV - J,K-raroplKlOv KVpepv'lrrKlOv ax"parwv». MAT/EE ETHN TOYPKIA ATA roUr; relevraiovr; le" pitver; rrov " TovpKia Kvpepviirru dno fOIx; arpa1:lW1:lKorX;, 1j rpojloKparia exel p'(lIca neplOplarei Kal ;, hnpoAil rifr; rdeewr; Kai rou vopov elva, 01 peyaJ..6teper; hUTvxier; rijr; xouvrar;. onwr; perMw(le rovnepanj.dvo pijva dno titv KwvaravrlvoVrroh], 0 dVtatlOKp,ril, tij<; «Kpiarlav L'diE:v, MOVlrop», 0 onoia<; Ka; rmev8vplae pUl rrpoatpaT" bcOclT'l r;;, dleOvoVr; 'ApV1'Jurfar; 1CepJ «tKrerapivwv Kal (lvar,!par'Kwv paaavIar'lplwv» (1£ Pdpor; nOAlTlKWV Kparoupivwv. Td paaavJarljpla Kare)'!eav aro lhivaro 18 droJlwv, aUJllp(JJva pi; fiTv lK8et1~ a~r~. d.U'; onwr; napar~pef" 'AI1'PIKavix; dvranoKplflir;• .ltv t).~!p8~uav pi;rpa Yla tj11todIU8f; ~ uuvtx'U~ rrov pODavl(l'mpfwv, Via onoia &tcdpxouv peXP' rcipa 68 KarayyeA..ler;. Movo K ta va ATHENS GREECE - Tel . 3230.2SI Telex . 21961S - Cables: HOTBRITAN WORLD FAMOUS HOTEL CENTRALLY LOCATED ON THIEAtAIN SQUARE Of TH[ CITY WITH MAGNIFICENT VI[W OF THE ACROPOLIS "SO bedrooms ~quipped with ~very modern comfon. Fully air..conditioned. Int~rnationa) bar, superb cuiSine, luxurious restaurant . Conv~ntion rooms with full congress facilities. World wide representallon 770 Lexington Avenue. New York 10021 For resc:rvalions and information call 800--22)-6800 New York State and Canada (212) 8.18·)110 Collttt .NEA YOPKH. I:t>~t1t'101J YUl OP.0Y£V£laKU 9i:p.ata O'tt)v •AO'tOpla M& np""opooAia 'fj, •O~oanovo(a, ·E....l]VOa~Ep'KaV'KilIv ' OpyavroaE"'v N£a, . YOPKl]" " ono(a npoaKciAEaE uvnnpoao",Eia tfj, • EAAl]V'Kfj, BOOAfj, yu; tTjv naptAaal] at"v 5l] AE"'q>OPO, rop-yavro91]KE at"v •Aatop,a aoYK£vtp",al] ~& aO~~EtOx" tillv '~l] ·EAl."v",v pooAEOtillv. 1;,,,v aoyKEv'P""'11 uvaq>tp61]Kav ta npopA"~ata nou unaaXOAOUv 'ou, too O~OYEvEl, Ka! 01 POOAEOt" ElXav t"V EUKalpia va cIKOOOOUV ouicpop£t; 1tpOtaa£l<; y,a ,"v aliaq>'~l] ,ilIv OEal1il1v ~t tTjv rEvttE'pa, Ka9o\<; Kat yu; to 9t~a til, o,atl]p"aE"', ,fj, · El.l.l]VlKi'j, rAroaaQ<; at1\v •AI1EP'K" . MEp'Ko( 01101EVEi<; t6Vlaav on" 'EAAl]vu,,, h:1taioEUOll daKdtUl KUtel tp61to nAl]~~EAij Kat uVEnapKi'j uno tTjv ·EAl.l]vop9000~l] 'EKKAl]aia ' A~Ep,Kii , Kat ~ti tlloav va a1toonaat£i cIno tTJv . Aplu.:1tl~ aKontj Kat va uvaAl]q>9Elulto to' EAl.l]V'KO Kpatoc;, onOl<; yiVE'tUl Y141 ~EtaVaatE<; QA.A"'V X"'pillv, on"" ti'j, rEp~avia,. -Eva, tna,oEOnKo, npotE,vE '1\v Ol]~' oOPlia topa, ' AltoO"~oo' EHl]v,a~oii ato navEmattj~,o ' A9l]villv Kat t1\v uvaq>opa 'i'j, aoI1POAfj, tillv ' Anootj~",v ata t9VlKa 9t~a,a, axoA'Ka p,pA{a. - AHOI ~ti a,a tllO'QV tilv PU9IJlO'T) aocpUl..tOttKWv 9£J.uiTC,OV trov OJ.1OY£vwv nou d1tOfPaa{~o\)v nQA,w6atl]al], Ka! uvaq>tp91]Kav ~l]ttj~ata 'H l1appap'Vl] npotop" tfl, tpayouli(atp,a<; toil · EAl.l]Vllcou "E1too, atriv' Al.pavla. a& maUl] 1\proiKti. a1t.., triv dOE 6 01lp,oopyli<; til, yl.lintll, NiKO, 'Kap1l" Tn Q1tOKal.U1ttljp,a i!y,vav atllv ' Alhjva napouala tOU 1tprollU1toup-you K. r. PciAl.1l.I1EAO,. til, KupEpvtjaE", Ka' "c1Ipoac:01t(l,)V TOU KQA.A.1tEIVlKOU .mi 'Eltl tt>Xi£C; p.aOt]trov toii I:XOAElOt> Ka9£oplKOii To 'EIC1tU\()E\)ttlPlO t OU •ApIU::1tlO'ICO- ltlKOU KaeEOp'KOU Naou ("~Ep~alO tHl]- voalJ.€p\ ICav\ IC6 TlJ.ltYllIJ.VQ.O'lO) ciVUKOi VOlO'€ (nCTW J.laOrrtai tau, tij; 8,,; Kal 911; on ptKQVlKWV naVEltlC1't'lj.1lroV. rUJ.lvaO'la tij; lt6;l.€0l~ Nea;' y 6PK"~ ~1tElta 0:1t6 t1tlt U ld ~ t~Et6.aE\ ~. tv~ha<pEpouv 01 POOAEOtt, Elnav o n sa q>tpoov ta 1tpOpAtj~ata aota atTjv 1tpoaoxti til, BOOAi'j, Ka! ~*l]aav uno tov npOEOpO til<; 'O~oanovoia, K. r. Bpotao, t"v 01tOPOA" tvo, "1to~vtjl'a,o, ~& ' a aO~l]tl]9tvta 9tl1ata . Tci~E"'<;, 'llVav nOl] OEKtoi at t~txovta Oi lJ.u9'ltai aUtOl dVQl: Nuc6;l.aoc; Xplatoq>opQ'o<; , reropylO<; I:appi'j" , Aanaaia Taa06al], , AAE~avopo<; ru, vvo" Edward Zimic, l:tuupo~ Tcipo~ Oep/Ja oeKT~ dno rd dKpoanTpra (J' BAIt rt)v Xcbpa. O;V anoia nqno· OlVer Kai tKrpwve; ..toyo~ Kai orr t/val dnOfPG,GlqJ,dvcx; va r1JPt7tnt r~v Imoax"nl TOV Yla r~v<T17 rov 'OK1:WPpq rii<; Evv- TWCTIKi1<; E!)vcl£u(Je~. «nort OEV dna IjIej1j1ara Ka; oev lxw KapJ,tla np6()eu'l va TO KO,pW UTO /JeA).ov>t, rovl(Je 0 tnpar'lYtX;, a Onoio~ rmep'lqHlVe6eral )lId rrlv rpt}P'! rou W<; Tlpfov dv()pdmov, "Av yfvovrav rwpa 1tpOeOpIKe<; be'oye<;, 0 'Eppev 8d rl<; KEpol(e p.l o.p.iva XtPIa. '0 1abt; dyana roy 'EPpev Duo Kaveva ruo fryer,! JUra rov 'AraroupK, oq1wae TOVPKCX; n011TlKO, dva...1.vrq, . Td 060 dJ1epIKav'Kd lvrvna ofvovv /-ud dpKet"a dvtlKelj1eVrKrI clKova rij, KaTaaf'(f.aul~ 7rOV In'Kparti rwpa al"liv TovPKia. d.Ud Ii evvoiidll{iA.'~1J rrov 1teaypcirwv bcd, oev eiWll ovvaro. vopf{oJ.ll!.. wi dvatpt",_~ ro de!wpa OTI 01 OIKtarop~e, - &e,t<; Kal dplarepe<; _ 0". I4 IOVPYOVV nOMa npoPh1tw-Ta d7rl:~ lKeiva nov huXe1povv va t",'!laovv . .. H 'PHrPOI TQN IAPMIlANH - TIONrKA ~ TO TEYXOE </J.ppovapiov eiXap.£ tKtppaatl (w~pe<; b urpv'd- {eu; yui ntv l1Tatnt rebv yepol)(lIaariiJv EapJl1Cd"" KaJ TUOVYKa. aric; dxpoao(.l(; yld TrlV hr,KUpax11J roii olOp,al4oii roj} arpa.· r'f)lou 'A"edvrep Xa/'f)IK, W<; Imovpyou 'EewreplKwv Kai dvaO~ po(]reooajJ.e uri, ayy1lKlc; pat.; aclfOee; hrrarol£e; 7rOV qrav t 1tlKP'rIKE, y.a rov K. Eapl47rd"". Era dvd xdpae; revxoc;, KaraxwpfCoJU pep'Kc, aKoP'! hr,aro· J.b; , "ov "~p.oate6f}~Kav a,~v jO,a trp~p.eploa, tl}v ryKvpq THE SUN, nov auppaivel UVpfPWVOVV J.d n;vapV1JTlKrI V'iJrpo rol) K. EapJ11Cdv,.,. va AnPIAIOl: 1981 Kai rtOlpyiu X"'paq>fi. dnovltl<;. '0' 'EPpev e1ne p.cra{v .u'wv: atpaTlwr~<;. (jE,lw va dna.V.ayW dno aVrrl rrlv er>06v'l». E'IPClQ)v£1a1 orr a 'EPpEv yi VeTal tile; 'YEVEtE\pc1C;. 'EK9i:O'£lC; IOlaitEpa TOUe; toro 0,0OI'(1).OU<; Kai toil(; "EAAllvE<; CPOl't'lttc; dJ.1Enoo 1tV£OflUTlKOU KOGIIOU ti~ ~",ypaq>lK1i<; Mi:XPl 16 ' A1tPl;l.iou Od IJ.dVTJ Kt" 'K9E"11 Ka! YAom,Ki'j, t<iiv Ku1tpiwv Ku;l.;l.ltEIVWV :Et. napacrxou Kai ciVOl- , Avop. XapaAal1ltiol], ato KOltp,aKO Edt!, I3 East 40th Street. . H EK9E"11 tEAEi uno T"V alyioa tOU rEnpo~i:vou tfi~ Kt)1[poU K. Xap. Xp,atOq>opoo 0 61toio<; 11& tTjv EUKa'pia t<iiv tlKalVi",V til<; tK9taE"", tOE~,ro9'1 to q>'A6TEXvO KOlVO tfj, NEa<; 'YOPKl]<;. • -EK9Eal] <Pl "'V til, ' EHl]vioa, ~.,. V1KOU ypacpou Al;l.iKa~ ila1tutr06.wou tYKUlvui· "Tl]KE t"V 1l] 'Anp,l.{oo at"v Bodley Gallery, 1063 Madison Ave. Td hrtYEIPI1j,Lara rw v t1Claro1oyparpwv elVal ~l(jAo.ya, dlld d6uvara Yld pdt; neiuovv orl 0; ovo opa.anjplol Kai dvquvXOlnoAITlKof. nov elval dnD ra 1lI0 braKEKplpiva pil'l r~e; r epova(ae; nov va HilA , tv1pyqaav award, orav ppeO~Kav ar~v O"Pep~ p.eto",~rpia rw v 4 l vavTl rro}! 96 no!> ppiJKav TOV K. Xaf,.,YK KaraA"l.,.,;'o r.a rmoupyo 'E(,wreprKwv, Evppafvel Ka14141a. rpopa va J.Kalw8i1 Kai ;, p.tlo",~rpla rii,, ",1rpov. 'A,!,Ia of dvrtpp1aetc; p.a<; Yla r~v ",iirpo rebv ovo yepovGlal1Twv dvarpepovTalurr,v oooia riJ~ dpvt}mxbc; rove;, UTOrx; ..torove; nov Kai 0; 600 rove; ()Ejle).{waav ro OX' ro~, Tid ro orr Ka! 0; ovo ro~ ",qrpluav Kara U!)veiO'1a,!. KaJ on elXav Ka()t olKaiwpa lmoPdlovv ric; tpwo1a£le; nov rmepci.1av. oev va ImQ.pXet dp.rplpoMa. OYSTER BAY CRYSTAL PALACE 31-01 BROADWAY, ASTORIA, L.1. 11106 Tel. 545-8402 Kai 545-2990 "AVEW;, lto).map£VEC; ai8ovaEC; Yla okC; TiC; Ko/VWVIKEC; aac; eKb,,).waEIC;, MIWTIKec; Kai aV).).oYIKEC;. 'AaEAtpO' TOM Ka, nnA KAAAMAPAI: 9 Xapix; (JriJv 517 AeOJ({Jopo Kai (Jrov KaBet5plKO .. Mtta~a, '0 Ku~tpv~t~, t~, Nta,'YopK~, K. XtOU Kap£u Kai T! !c. EUCl"fY£Aia rKOllAEtCl, 1tOD J.1E 'tOY ' A PX1&1tlOK01tO KCl)..l)JrtOllV TO E~6J fPUAAO J.1CXC;, of: J,11D. <pooToypacpia cine. TriV 1tCXPEACXO'1 atT)v 5'1 AEOO<pOPO, yvropieJ't'1K:av onlv 6pKffiJ.10aia TOU TIpotopou PiiYKClV, O'tl'lv OuamYKTffiv, n)v 20ti 'Iavouapiou. a. tJ.lq>avi~OVtal auvtxro,, o~J.loalt' tKo~A",atl" Kateo ano ha Kai ano t6tt OPYIO qrruJ.{t)v eni..:; £<PTlI.J.£pioE<; on to dOUAAlO Sa. KCl'ttA''1YE of: yciJ.1o ... nOAAOl ao~ap" ~tav h:£ivOl aJ.lq>l~OAit, nov Otatu1twvav ii antKAtlaV Eva tttOtO tvOtXOJ.ltvo.'O Ku~tp~t~, tlxt K' Ci)..); yvOOOtOtCrtE<; atou.:; ICoa,.uKouc; KUKADUe; <plAE<;, J.1Eta tOV 9<iVClTO t"flO:; cru~uyou va QAAQ C5Ev <pCllVOtaV cSlClTE9ElI.1EVOC; ~avaxopt\jl'1 tOV 'rOU 'Iouia. TOU, a. Eva ta~iOl t~, at~v 'Enaoa. <H K. rKouAha, tproTfJ8£lO'Q Yla t'ov yo.~o aUTO, El1[E (hI otv tX€\ Kav£va 0XOALO. . H tmO€JrlTponil tOU P6~£veUA, jJ£ JrPOlCClTap'KtlKll tK8&011't'1<;, lCUTfJYOpfJot tOU~ Tp£i~ rKOUAEta Otl XPT}O'lj.101tOLOUV un£p~OAlKE,<; 1[lE:O'€l<; O'TOi><; tvol1'aaO'tt~ troY KTlpirov TOUe; yta va ayopaoouv tn Olaj.lEpioj.lata 1[OU J.ltvouv Kal (hI llt lhac:pop£~ J.l£860ou~ npOKaAOuv T€XVlKll avo~o 'trov tlJ.lrov TroV ~IClj.l€PlO'j.latroV, tJrlttryXaVOv TEe; t£paOtla Ktp~'l. •Avuc:p£p£tal Otl J.lOVO ana ouo dA.A€~ noAUI(atOlKiE~ Jrou ayopaO'uv o'tilv Nta 'YOpKT], to lCa8upo K£p~O<; t'ou~ "Tav n&pi Ta xopo O{ u:1Eutaiol 01cx\jle:ucd.Jrp(ClV nav~1uplK<l. ' 0 Ku~tp~t~, Kai ~ Ka ncouAha Ehtav to IlE'YO:AO Nai KCII of YO)JOl TOUe; TEAOUvtClt o'tov • EAA'1VOpe68o~o KaetOplKO Nao tii, ' Ayia, Tpu)oo" at1\v Nta ' Y6pK~, tT)v II~ 'Anp'Aiou, 1\J.ltpa ni1v 62 YEvE8Alwv TOU K. KapEu. '0 Ku~tpv~t~" tOY nproto toU yUJ.lO aJt£KTfJO"€ 12 Jta\oul, tvro 'Ii Ka flCOUAEta, -An. 'va any~u\tun. ani> t~V .AA~VlKit Jtou dvat 44 Elrov, tXEl ~ui ~6vo KOPT) am) napEAa'") at~v Sq Atroq>0po, '0 Kup,pV1jtOY JtpootO ya~o tT}<;, Jtou KpatTJO€ ~val.ltaU t'l~ K. KapEfi J1l: nlv K. rKOuJ.f:ta .• ApuJt£pa, alaKphuOl () trn8&rop'ltt)~ TOO &1]JLOU N. Xp6vo Kai dval Y1ayul. 'Yop~, K, Tci~, Mua~a" O{ N .Y. Times aJtolCa)..u\Vav tva OEUtEPO (Athens International - D. Kessoglides) yci~o tfJ<; j.l£ KaJtOlOV 0XEOtaCJTT) 6vo~aTt M€tu~a, Jtou tOY dX& <ptPEl OTD I:IKayo aJto tT)v ' EUaoa, aAAa ~ K. rKOUAEta ap~ OT"V 6nolu ""v£i'to J.UXpt trupa vei npoatA9~ 6 K. rKOUAEta, Kai dXt e~Kt va tnl~t~at",a~, ii va Ola'l'tUa~, t1\v antlA~etl J.l' olKaanK1\ oi<o~~, dval 6 JtI..TJPo<popia auttl. 'H ropat6Ta.tTJ K. rKOUAEta, nou £X&l ava- ~OUAtUt~, t~, Nta, 'YOpK~, K. Mn. P6~£veClA, ~t TOU 6noiou TO vOjJoaXEOlO &tX€ 1t1'U~€l Jtl..ouolci>tutfJ KOlVroVIKT) Kai <pIAav8pronlKT) opaaTTIPIOTT}Ta, Ot€U8UV€1 j.l£ TOU~ OlaKOnEl 1') Ot'PUTtWtUCT) ~Otl8Eta npo~ Tilv ouo aOtAq>OU, t~" NiKoAa Kai BlKt<Op, t1\v ToupKiu to 1974. I:tO j.l£l'a~u, Ot N.Y. Times anOlCllA.U'I'UV J.ltyaAUttp~ tnlxtlp~a~ a~tOnOl~atW, Kai (hI it Ie rKOUAEta, EI("['O~ ana TOV np<i'Ho J.lUanwA~atOJ<; aKl~tWv atilv' AJ.ltplK~, yllJ.lO TT}C; Jrou KpaTT}o£ evaJ.llou n&pinou t~V AMERICAN IVSCO. U OUO olOEKaTOj.lj.lUpla oOAAapla ~XOl)v 'XPovo, dx,€ JravTp€UT£l KaL Ka1[OtOV npo~Atq>9tl ta aKa9uplata ~aoOa t~, American Ivsco, nov TPlroV 'EAATJVOUj.l€plKavwv aOtAq>WV Yla to 1982, ~ypalilav ot N. Y. Times, ava<pEp6j.l€VOl OtT)" ciyopa ana TllV ETa1pia. aUTtl, l.lta~ ano ti~ j.lEYa.I..Ut€P£~ noAUKaTOl.l(ia~ Tfte; NEa<; 'YOPKTJ<;, J..L& TO noaa TooV 44 £KatOj.lj.lUplWV OOAAo.pi-wv . . H nOAUKaTOlKia EX£l 550 oluj.l€pioj.luta Kat dvat ana Ti~ O£KaO€~ Jt01> 1') hUlpia alm; £X&l ayopaO€l KaL j.l£tanOUAtlO£l OTOt>~ tVOtKtaOTE~, Kata ola)Ji:plo~a. OTO l:,KUYO, N. 'Y6pK~ Kai nOAA', ant, ano 72 .KatoJ.lJ.lUpla ooUapla. <H halpia apvtItUl KaTllyoPfJj.lanKO: Otl aOKEl ntEO'El~ OtOU~ tVo\KlaoTt~ YlO: va ayopaoouv Ta olaj.t€pioj.lata oto: anola Olaj.lE:VOuv. , 0 K. P6~tV9aA o~Moat on to AoJ.lnu trov rKouA£ta~ anlv OUaOlYlC'tWV, Jrou aVEAa~av 1[OAAOi yvwot'Ot ~lKT}y6pOt 'Kai Jrp<OT}v nOAlTllCoi. Yla va b1[OCftfJPl~OUV t1\v unoetcr~ tOU" 1\taV ano tel laxupottpa nOD dot tKti. ' Ano oro Kal ntpa, 6 lC. PO~€,,9aA eo. EXT] va ICcIJ..L'l Kai llE tOY Ku~tp~t~ t~, NEu, ' Y6PK~" np",~v aUVo.OEA<pO tOU at'"v BOUAT) TroV •Avtlnpoocimwv ... 01 aStAq>oi rKOuAEta, to trov (moirov aKouot''lK& ~Clc:pvlKn tOUe; tEA€\)talOUC; j.lfiv€~. Elvat aUTOOT}j.ltoUpyfJ'tOt. 'Hp9av ~<llOlel ano t1\v 'Enaoa, anouoaaav €OOO, aVE:Jrtm;av J.lUl KaTanAfJK'tllCT) E1nX€lPfJj.latIKT) ~paO't'lplo'tT]'ta Kai elvUl atlJ.lEpa ~KaTOJ.lJ..LUplOUXOl. H K. rKOUAEtU, nou €J.l<pavionIK& at'"v napEAaa~ J.l' £vu 9auJ.lamo tAA~VlKO c:poP€J,.lU, £tval 1[prufJv OaOKaA.a. j.la8'lllaTlKooV. M. t1\v npoa<omKott]ta Kai t1\v ~<o1\ T;;~ K. ncouAha 8a aoxoA.T}8ouJ.l€ 1tpoo£xro,. < aj.l€pIKavld:~ n6A€t~. 'Evw 1\ halpia aUJ.lnA~p<OVt t1\v ayopa Tile; nOAUKaTOlKla<; o.UT;;~, 6 ~"a~ 01)V£Taipo<; 'tfJ~. ti Euayy£).,ia rKouAha. OEX6taV lva nJ.l~nKO SlnA< ano J.lla J.ltyUA~ , E~patK1\ 6pyuvwa~ Kai 6 aStAq>6, t~, NlKOAa~ rKOUA£ta~ napouOla~6ta" OTT)V uno£JrltponT) tfiC; BOUAii~ not> napaKoAou8£1 Ti~ a:yopa.JrroA T}Ol£~ autrov YUl 'toue; tVOlKlaot't~. np6topo, 10 t~, iJnotnltpon~, aiJt~" 'H Ka rkOuA£ta f1E: tOY TI1M:napoucJ1.a<ttTt lit]J......itpt) KacrTavci, at Eva 1UrptU nov dXt &ocr&\ 1" avtov kat tt)v tpoyoUa(atplU MaplVE:AA.a rrE:pucn, crtO lOl(t)'tnro VUKtEPlVO KEvtpD nl~ , En ~vOUfl£PlKavl~ hato~"up ••6l0U at. l:.Kayo, l:uvtvttU~'1 tij, Kao; rKOUAEta f1£'taa6&t]K£ to n:pOypof1pa tOO K. Kacrtovd. uno .NEA YOPKH. IITOPlEE TOY nOAEMOY •• Noell/Jplo TOYK. EyrEN. TIANArOTIOYAOY am) Oi 'Iuropler; roil lloM/1oV elva, ypa/1,; rov K. E~ytv'o llavaYOnovAo, yvwuro KaJ IJmlrepa dyan1lro !-dAoe; r;;~ ·E)J.rrVlK;;~ napOlKfa<; Nta, •YOpKr". "O).a Ta br:elC16o,u nov oJ'lYEi'rm Elval dno).vrwc; d)."OlV<i Kai Ta lXe1 'tlael np0(J(J)1wcd, {) uvyyparpe6t:;, '0 K. IlavayonDDAor; im1]ptr~u, Kara rov B' llaYKOU/1'O lloAe/10 alr; te,).ovr~r; ro 1939 ,u.XP' ro 1941 'AyyA'KO NavflKo Ka; O'Ta aW)laTa nov KoppdvTOr;, rcal dJrb TO 1941 }lexpI 'Co nUor; rou no)J.jJ.ov TO 1945 'E)J.'IVlKO NaVT1KO. mcI dVl'lTOP1l'IMllcd Kai rir; KOppt:rTlX; TOU anSA-DV, KvpflJ.X; aU, Meao),£10. Td reA..t:vrafaXPOV1U {; K. llavay61COVAtX; nov elva, OlaKeKPIJ1ivO<;, vaV1f11}'O<; Kai YpmrAJO'r~" heave J.lGydhr; owPUt; (]r~v 'EJJ.dOa. jJ£rat:i> rwv ono(wv rpfa rax6Jrloa TCOAep.lKa (11(tifp'1 ana uro (]to nou b ic5ux; uxwiaat Kai tvaV1ftTY'1t1t. 0,' t~6&ov rov. "A)l.e, brupeix; £ r,a TO MorXl£io Kal rir; dvaUKl1q)i;r; Mapa(}iiJV(x;, r"i rrpouraaia rou MOA,8wjlf.vOV OdnOlX; MvrlA."v"" ro KEliordtplO rcOli (Jf{JO.YIa(J8eV1:wv imo frov repJlllwv Karo(Kwv fci)v Ka1af3prJrwv Ka11t'OU.d: tLUa. "OTI dXE w9nael ali)v •AAE~avlpEta ro KCXlVOUPYlO dVl1'tOP1UAAU.6 ~a<,;, 1) ·<nivaoC;'~' cp91vonwpo tOU 1942 a:no lilv napa).a~" TOU or,;v • Ayy).(a 5-6 ~~v£<; npiv. I.'to apoJ,lo 1I:OAAtC; «tmXtlPtlO'El<';», QAAa Ti1to'ta to 01l:0uOalO TtOU v· dvalVouv rei alJ,1Clta. TO. 1tpaJ,lClTa i)to.v aUO'KOAa KEivo ro Ko.AOKaipl. Tei yepJ,lQV1KO: ll1tOppUXla opy(a~av 0' 5),£<; Ti<; 9<i).aoot<;. '0 Po~~,). pEJ..1nEttKa noo aTtotE~ouO'av to TIE1pa1WtlKO PETtEpt6pIO tOu. nou 9<1 ~a<; £~a~av ot 'EyyH~Ol TCbpa 1tot> cp960aJ,lE O'Ti)v' AvaroA"'" MEOOYElO; B~pUT6 , Kunpo , nOpt-I:<i,r, " Ka9tva<; I.U1V't£UE, aA.ACt d OA.OVWV to J,lOOAO orp1cpoYUP1~' ~l<l H~~ nov Kav/;va<; o~"'<; 6EV lOA.,lOUOE va. tflv TtEi. .. MaAta .. ! Kan J,lEra~u • A6~ Kai <j)£yyaplOu, lino<; K60~o<; TOU N1K6).a TOU Kapa~a).tYKOU ~a)'<i<j)pOl OTtOU of liv9pronOl ~oi)oav KaDrlJ,l£PlVa J.lE to Xapo ouvrpoWlu. 'AKouyaJ.lE ric; iOlOPi.t;;C;, iawc; Kunroe; J,lEyaAWJ.lEvE<;, c5n a1t' 5aa aVtltOp1t1AA1Kei mlyalvav £lce1 tei «Kovp6Y1a n (VT)OnOIl~ 11:£(;), 'YopiCavE 'til J.1loci. QV Tltav£ tUX£POl. ... Av OE PouAui~ave Kai PPIOKooouva at" eaAaaOa, KavEva<; otv t1tltpE1tOtaV vO: otaJ.laTTJoEl va at J.laCE'VEl. To KOVIJOU E1tPE1tE va. OUVEX{OEl Xropi<; KQjJjJUl Ka9oO'1"EPlloll. «BEpu 0'6pp\) t~EVrAEJ..IEv", TO dXE 1tti Ka- VE Ka1tWC; nuvw O"tO KapaPl J,lt tfl «MI0'1PAOU", tOUe; «Aa'Xavu8e~ .. Kai aAAQ rttOla MUl J.lEpa Ka910'jJtv01 O'tO "Kapt .. (to ano ~P10K6TQV ~~Ol T';V 'A).E~<ivTp£la, oro • EA ' A).a~£tv .• 0 y£p~aVlKix; orparo<; "po- XropoooE dO'Ta~urllroc; Ttp6<,; to r.TaAlvypaVT. 'H 'Ayy).ia ~0~~apOl~6Tav aypiOl<;. Til<; ' A~£P1Kii<; 6 OTO).O<; KaTEoTpa~~tvo<; oT6 ntp). X<ip~nop Kai ~ naTpi6a ~a<; ~ • EAM6a OKMx~Ol~tv~ Kai 6E~tv~ X£lPOn66apa ano r£p~avou<; Kai ' ITa).ou<;. ~ClUPE<'; J,ltpe<,; TtOU J,lOVO TO J,lTtO~OUKI 9apa ". Ayyl.o<; Nauapxo<;. O! I'n61'n£<; <..aav KI6l;~. 06<£ atel yci~o tOU Kapay~pa)(tjKa~E ... O'aAova"l troy ci~1(r)J.latlK&v), tEA.£trovaJlE to wnYlltO )la<;. TO aUVllelO'j.lEVO 4<KOpV~."", .. Kai oa).<ita, (Yl<l ti<; ~lTa~iv,<;!). .. 0app& 110.181(1: 7[(0<; 9a 1t1i.~E 1111 ttl MaAto». KanOlo<; t6A~1l0'£ v' QVQWEPEl lilv tpOJ,lEP" AE~ll· naywO'aJ.1E jJE to 1tl1POUVl oro XEpl. f).UKEIO: £IvaI 1) ~wT) 00'0 Kai na).A'1KO:pt va' oat. KUrcOlO<; a mlVtllO'E: «Ti At<; pt, Tp"')'<i9~KE<;, M<I).TQ E~£i<;; VEJl tva KQlVOUPYlO aVtttOp1tlAAIKO J,lQC; owoavc ot 'EyyAi:~Ol Kai J.10Al<; tcprQOE, eei naVE VO: J.lQ<; nvisouv ETen aJ.1cO'co<; Kai va j.ltlVOUJ.l£ ncD,l JlE to: 011Pla Kai ta Nt6:pVtW oi "E)'J'l1VE<;»; ( .. ellpia .. ~tav ta. na)..11O: Kai KoupaaJ.lEVQ QVTltOpnlAAIKIl AEWV,' AEro<;. n<lv9~p Kai 'Itpa~, t1Yl.t~IKQ TOU 1910. • Ano ti)v KataO'rpoq>" til<; 'EAAQOOC; to 1941 dXav t1tl~tiOEl IlOVO to: 000 . .. Nt6.pvtw» i')tav tn "yopa. 1:1tETO'Q1, 'fapo: Kal KOUVTOUPUOl1l<;. ']taAIKcl TaU 1932. Kl' an' aUta dxav tnl~tla£1 ~6vo ta OUO, Kl' aUTO. O'apatlaAlaO'J.1EVa Kai aXEoov CiXPllO"ta, nap' OAll n1 9Ewpia noil dxav). BpTJKaJ.lE A011K11 ttl O'KE'Vll atitT) Kl avaKOU4:ptO'trlKQJ.lE Kunw<;. 6n:otav n:aipv£l to l.6yo n<ll.l " nproro<;: tIJ, Tel no}.£,uKeI .' AptOoooa. tel cin6y£uI'a npiv topnu.}.la«i. ma", &laKp(v£tal tel '{lOPtlJyel .MOpI'aKI'0uv •. TI, .,,,,toypa.,(£, lnaLpv£ 6 I'avl6>li~<; q><lltoypa"" ci~I"'I'atlK" I. nan:apoOOl'touA.o~, noil 1I:V{"fTIKE KonG: (no ttA.~ lOU KOUPOU. AnPIAIOI: 1981 .. fttl KUttaXt£ an' ~w .. ! . Ano to: qlIVlO'tpiv1Q IJAE1tOUJ.1E va' PX£lQt ~ NauapX1K'; ).uvrcra ~' tva ' E1YAt~o nA.wtapXll. MVEI €va waK£AAo O'tOV KulJepvTjtll )la<; - to J..IaKaplTll to (J)oiwa xa1pEtOUPEC; Kai q>EUYEl Kala to tiAA.O QVth II Tpa~1i~aI1E POPElOOUnKa, Ka'poooaK. tAacppo tlAAa cpouaKo9aAaaa.a YEp~. KaTa tV; 2-3 to npw\, J,.1Eoa 01'0 OKOtaO\ q><lV11K£ ~Ia CPOJTOPOA(Sa npaalV~, a£ tln6ata~ , '0 atoAo,! TO. Xapal1aTa I1ETp~aallE 6 Ka- taOpOJllKa, KaJ.lJ,.11a vtoul;iva J,.1£YaM dv~ tl'tOP1tlI..A1Ka .. avOlXtT\c; 8aAaOO'11C;- Kai 4 cpopt~ya. 'EllEl, /ll1aatE JO aVTlTOpmAAtKa ffouvootiae;", 1tlO J.l1Kpa Kat 1t10 01· yava ano to. I1EyaAa TOU aT6AOu, aUa 11£ y£po civtla£pOnOp1KO Kai av8un0j3POX1aKO anA.al1o. (Tit nEpiq>~~a Xavt Kuv~YETlKa - onro, ta EAeyav oi 'EyyAtCOl brE1S"" tOUe; o{vav£ 6voJ.lata KUVT)YEtlKOOV aUAA6yrov Tfj, 'AyyAia,. KOVTa a' aUTa nTjpav 1'0 i010 c5voJ,.1a Kai ta O\Ka J,.1ac;, TIiv00" Kavap~" 'Aop(a, KaL M.aoi>A~" Xropi, ~EPa. va' xouv Kal1l1.a axi:a~ 11' au- 'toue; nOll KUVllydv£ tic; aA£nOOO£e; OtiJv' AyyA(a!). 1'opn11..)..0(6 nou ",1'aV ~OuvtQP10IlEVO KOVTa l1a" ~va ' EyyAtC'KO. " AA4, pEtoilpE, tKEi, (iHo, cpaKEHo,. xa.- AEv npoAoj3E va. napE1 KOAa-KaAa (no a KUPEPV~T~, l1a, ~anAro911Kt 01'0: unocppaYl1aTa Kat a' (\).0 TO Kapa~. aav clKa- Xtp. TOU TO cpaKEHo Kal t'J OlYOKooj3tV1'a 1'aoxt1'l1 trupKola: «naloui MaA1'a»! - «navaYl(i !loo, onolOv naptl 6 Xapo~).! K\' aAAa ax6Ata m'j".upoova Ilt to: ooval09fJ!la1'a tOU Ka9tvo~. nw~ 1'0 jJUP{01'l1KaV; l:uVll910J.lEvO it «&K1'11 a'i09110l<;" 01'a. Kapaj31a, Hiiw<; OE Kalp6 noAtjJou. Ma, <p<'ova~E a KUPEpv1iT~, TO;', ~'OJ JlQ1'U(Otx; 01'0 OWJlano tOU: «' A1toAotoo~ tjJ1tl(ftWttKOV Kai 6.n6pprrtov. ' An6nAou~ VllO'[QJ.l1ril~ Yla MaJ..'ra '(ei Jl£oavux1'o. PavtEj30u JlE 1'0 O,(OAO Kai 4 q>OP1'T)Ya. o1'ie;; Soo 1'0 npoo\ crt' aVOlXta. ' Anapo.1n;1'00e;; 1'OUAO.X10tOV 2 ~OPtllyei npEnE1 va ~eaoouv 01'T! MaJ.:to. acrxtta ano anooM1te;; 1'rov ouvoooov. Ko.J.lJ.lia Ko.800tEPl101e; YUl 1tEptOUAAOYli vaoayrov. IlpOpAE\f£le;: l:UVEXEi, aEpOnOp.K£, tm9taEl, ano r.- OilYKEP, 88. KOVTa aT~ MaATa npoa~oA~ Tfj, ~onol1nfj, ,ino TO ~ap;, ·haA.Ko or6Ao, •E1'01Jlao{u tOU nAoiou, aKoprooTJ oAOJv T<iiv aOEl<iiv t~ooou. "E~tpa nupol1a- l'lKO: 01'0 Ko.raOrpwJ,.1a, KOVta Ota Kavovla. rEVlKO J.lnclVlO, Ku8apa ii Kalvoupyta pouxa 0' <SAOUC; "110 va J.lT! J,.10AovroVto.l 'til rpUUJ,.1ura, Kt.' 6 eEO<; P01190<;!». lI>6PO', dl1cp'POAiE" 110UPl1oupial1aTa, IIAa o.aAU9~Kav 110V0I1.a" aav Ti)V 6l1ixA~ nou t~ o,ooXVEl OUvaT", (iVEI10,. "Otav TO naPEl, tln6<paa~ Kai atpOJ9Ei, atlj 00u41a Tfj, npoEtoll1aa(a, oAa ~ExvlOuVTa •. .. BaAu ouo Kam:C; truP0J.laX1KO: napanavw ora wEpA\KOV, ra rtOUyK£PC; KauJ3aivouv XajJ11AO.· . .». 0" AaTE ti, ~6I1PE, pu90u ot au' XOWE bnoppUxla, (bro nclvw 8a J,.1dC; KOnQvfi.Vt r' aEPOnAaVa .. . ". '0 'Yn6Aoyo<; tTO(l1aCE Kai toU, 000 topn.HoaroAfjVE, l1a,: .·T1O: OKE<p8iiu pi: naLoul va J.lae; ruxalv£ KavEva 'IraAIKO 9OOPllX't0 Kai va 1'OU l'11V tlva'l'OUllE 11< Ti, topniHE" .. ". «1:1YO: PE, 12 YKa~Ot£VEK£~: dvat 6 'lra- EO: XOPEU1'P1E~ J,.1naUtoo EVm9T]KaV ot ouo 0XllJlatlOJ.lO\ troy K:apaj31rov otav O'UVavtli811Kav. MnpoO'ta-J,.1npoO'tO: Kat aVOlXta O1'a 1(AQY1a ta J,.1£yaM Q:vtltOpnlA- AOC; va rov 1'pU1n;O'ouv ta tOpnlAAaK1a A.Ka. ' Ano I1Eaa Ta KaTaOPO~'Ka, OAu 11£ ' EH~vIKa av611aTa T~, l1u9oAoyia" '0- navtro<; tou ' YnoAoyou Tt q>avtaoia. Kai 6AOVroV J,.1ac;, &nitayt i:A£u8EPll ani p{oov, EUPOOAOC; • •ApE80uaa, A1OO, Aiae; Kai to t£A£ nou J,.10U olaq>£\ryEl to 6voJ,.1a. Mtaa-J,.1taa tJ,.1EiC; Ot 10 Jl1Kpoi, 0'q>1- ouwE~a! (,Ka1.VOupYla oro~paKa Kat q>avtAA£C; O'tO VOUJ.lEPO ~va uno~pay""a.JCa8aptc; J,.1n£AaJlaVEC; Kai navtEA6 vla OAOl»! - "EKaV£ ttl OtaVOI1i) a ' OnAov6110,. «' naipv£tE tel oapava one; tvac; tvac; Kai q>EUy£tE"! DaAaVE TO. YEA,a oAOl. To l1aKtl~plO X1OUJ,.10P ~Ol~E Kat tel "tEAEotata lXV111'OU Xta tp.yupiCovTa, TO. 4 q>op~ya , 20 I1.Airov, SUo 'EYYAi:C'Ka, Eva 'OAAuv- 01KO Kai tva' AJlEPlKO:VUCO. MaC; tlnav on ta q>op'tlo. tOue; ~tav J,.1OlpaO'!ltva, J,.1no!lnEC;. 1'OpniAA£e;, PEv~ivEC; Kat tpoq>1.""a, roO'tt 000. Kal va pouAla~av£ 8ci ~(JltaV£ an; MaAta A\YO cpopou. MEoavUX,ta! - EKOLE1VEC; O'IClEC; . O'1yaOlya j3yaivavE 1'el ciVntOpntAAIKa to eva niow ano to ci~AO ano tOV npOA1J.lEvCl tfic; 'AAt~civtpt\ac; . .. AAAa O'Kci~11 1taipvnv£ O:J.lEOooc; tiJ 8EOll toue; Ylel va JliJ q>aiVEta1 ano J,.1aKpua Otl q>uyavE ta O:VtltOpn1AAtKa. Tci J,.1ana trov KCltaO'Konoov napaKOAOl}90uO'av aypunva an ' ta J.loupQyta tOU AIJ.laV1OU 6u<; ti~ KIVrlO£l<; tmv nl..OlooV, "'Otav t' ciVtll'OP1tlAAlICa q>tuyavE J,.1a~£ I1Eva ta~l1alVE Kov~oii Tfj, MaATa, KaL to. r\OUYK£p~ h01J,.1a~ 6v~ouoav ... aa w- q>OUA£e; nob tiC; tplyupi~£l to OUYYEVOAOt. onooe; nave 0'1'0 yaJ,.1o .• Opata panop1a tOW an' lIAa. E~I1EproaE 9011n~ I1<pa ~£ paPEla aUv- To Qnoy£uJ,.1a aPXlOE t6 nanpvti. Aiya-Aiya, ta r.OUYKEP, <px6tav, 5-6 T~ VEI.p(l. To ~opa. KClJ,.1J.lla 0£KaP1a i:1tl8EO£IC;. Jlnapa~ OAWV trov Kavovuov ~,.o.v 1tavoo '(a ano q>OPtTlya Ylati auta dxav O11J,.1aaia. KaJlJ,.1la 01aKOO'aP1a i1taVE ta J,.1£yaM Ka- vovla 116vo, Xoop.a oi tKP~~E\, t<iiv6PiScov. To auti otv ~qoop'CE XroPlaTO;', iixou" J.lOVO n;v K01.AlCl aio8av60'0uva va J.l1talv<r pyaivEl J,.1t tOUe; 1taAJ.lolx; tou dEpOe;. M£PlKoi rEpJ,.1avol nEpvouaav to jJ1tapd~ Kai ~pp1xvav tiC; J.lnOJ,.1nEC; tOOe; O'ta q:.opTT)ya. Of n10 nOAAoi A1YO\Vuxouoav Kal tiC; EP- ata p,xvav tin' o~OJ, auvoM. Ma, 'PP'~E K.' tl1ti, Eva" aHa /lTaVE aTO yal10 TOU KapaYK,6C~. OUTE ppaX~KaI1E. Ma~ &Ko.vt tvtunwOTt ott navto. ap'X1~£ 1'iC; KavoV1EC; npwtOC; 6 «'OPlooV"! EA£YE 6 y.aTp6, l1a, 6 KanooiaTp.a" np6axapo, navta Kai KEq>ato<; K£pKopaioc;. ropa tOU KaA~ , 8aWOE noM K6al10 tlpy6TEpa oTav XTi>~aE T~ VapKT] 6 ,,' Aopia,- aTa AroOE- Kclvlloo., a "Dp£ nou TO. pAEnEl Ta aEponAava ,,'Upioov» Kai ta j3apdtl, nptv <pavouv QKOJ,la .. ; pootouoo.v J,.1EPIKOi. Of t\UKtPOVIKO\ OtlXvav tT! oQ(pia tOU~: «"Exouv OKUAla Kai ta jJopi~ouv! Mt TO PaVTap, p£ pOOOla, nou o£v ~EPETE ti aa, yiv£tal! » 0aUl1aCal1E OAu' to. l1uatljp.a Tfj, tn.- (fttlJ.l11C; Kai £UxuplatOUaaJ,l£ nou !laC; &01V£ J,.1£P1KO: oEuu;p6unta KUlpa va yup{O'OUJ,l£ ta KClVQVIQ npoe;; ta.' K£1, 1Cpiv apxlaouv tiC; j30UtttC; to. r10UYK£PC; lCatro ta 06v- ano oNEA YOPKH- VEq>a. 8paoua"e, Kaaapl~e /) Kalp~. Tov "'Pepe ~oplaMKI tJ..a'PPo. 'HTav ~ <i\pa TOW TOPmAAOltAclVCOV, a~Acl I1lie; «'PIl"aV ~"UXOUe; ttl ppaouo: aUtT], yui Ka1tOlO ).oyo. XmpiaallE a1tO to rrto).o. ' EJ.1Ei; tei auvooei crvTlTOPltIAA\KC; 111: TIl 'P0PTllya Tpa~1\~al1' v6na Kal 6 atoAO~ aVOlXtl1KE tl0PEtVu J.1a; KaJ,1J,1tO: OEKa1tEVtaptu J,1iAta ... Av EtlyatVE 6 haAuc:o; atoAOt; 9« 1tlQV6VTOUOav athoi J,1aCi tOU Kt' tJ,1d~ only avaJ.I1tOUJ,11tOUAQ Kai OtO OICOtaOt ea ~EYA\rrtp060QJ,1E J,1t TO. <.pOPTl1ya KaTa ftl MOJ...TQ. EixallE AOPEt Kai. P£1tOPTO TOU NauapxEiou dno vroPl;, C>tl OUO haAIKCt 9mPllKTCt Kai. 4-5 papEul KataOp0J.1uc:ei OT]Krovav dtJ.1o aTov Tapavta Kai OTtl :I:nhma. ·01troe; EnE<.pt£ to OKOto.Ot, Ot'yo.-Olyo., 1tapa'tT)pT]OaIJE Otov opi~ov'tQ, 0't0: vona l1ae;, ilIa al1uoPti TpeI10U~la"Tti ~al1"''' ltOU a1tArov6'tavE at ,.n:yaAl1 cl1tOataall. "Eva J,11tOUJ.17tOUY1lTO j.1aKpuVO E<.pTQVE, J.10Al;1101,1e; aKou"T" IITav .Ko~e KaltCOe; to aepaxl, 'H l1aXIl TOU "EA-' A1,al1£!v! . AKOUllnlCJllEVOl o'ta pEJ"la pAE1taIlE jlt Aaxtapa Kat 6:yrovia .• H TU111 J,1a; nat~6'tav tKe! "T';V tPIl110 Kai ano. "E1,~llvee;, ao£A<.pta jJa;, ttaipvavE IlEP<><; a'to 9ava't£po natyviot. 'H~ae oilt~a 110U /) 'ApYUPIle; 0 I:ll1laKOe;, ICaAo naAl11Kapt Kai vau'tT); aVE1'tiJ.l11tO;, "'Pouyyapae; TIle; Mlteyyti~lle; Kai tou« TpaJ.l1tOUKOU>l, 5nro; EA£yav ot olpouyyapaOEC; 'to TOllnpOll'K, «Toue; ~aptive 111: TO ltepO~01,IKO 01 '[YYAt~Ol TOU; ataUAou; tOiPIE ~£U'tEP£", IlOU 'V1DUpmE J.l£ ta Kap!pmJ,1€va atic; l1aKpUV"e; AclI1",ele;. (Hl1oUV oeut<poe; 1111xaV1KOC; tou nAO{OU ton:), «6. taoo qlailE 9EJU:)Io; «Sa 'toue; c:pnilE •ApyUpT)'., amlVf'lOa, nlo nOAu EOXOjJ£VO~ napa mOtEuoVTac;. 'EKEi nou xa~EuallE ata pEAta ICa.1tO\O~ He" «Ti IlUpiCEt hot. oa 9UIla.Pl pe 1ta10U1>1; :I:T)KooaaJ,1£ TiC; J.1UtEC;; atov cUp« aa. Aaymv1KIl, Kai npaYJ-latlKa to pop1aOclKt ECPEPVE nOtE aVE1taia911tll Kai nOtE mo Ka9apf! Eurooia toi) pouvoi) noo lPOVlQ EiXQJ.lE va. tTl J.lupiooujJ£. «8p" alt' T';V Kp>1TIl tPXnat.! cI>rova~QJ.lE Kai 'tou~ CilAou; ano Katm, ana to. uno<.ppaYJ-lata: .. ' ElatE ana.vro natOUl va ,.1Upi,aEtE nQtpilia,.., ·OAOl ~EnEtciXtl1KaV, oaOl J.lJtopoooav V acp"oouv tic; 9EOE1e; 'toue; Y1a Aiyo. Kat aav vapKCOl1tvol I1Upi~al1e TO I1UPCOl1tvo citpa. (J..I.J.lJ.l,., liaaaxx ... >1. nepiepyo 'Pawol1evo. Mou ruxe Ki anee; ouo-tpEi; IpOpEe; Ota £1t0J..l.EVa tpia xp6vta noo ta~toeUaJU: to «OpoJ..loA6ylO~ 'AM;~avTplae; - MaAtae; - r,~pa~Tap. "OTav TO aEpclKI dXE J.11a 6pmJ.1ivT) OUvoJ.1l1. q>alVEta1 KUAOOOE tov EUro01aaJ.lEVO aip« t&v pouv&v 1tavro ano nl 9ciAaaoa xmpic; va tOV cJKopniCEl. onwc; yiVEtat Kat J.lE ttlv OJ..liXAT) KaJ-llJtQ <.popa, aE anoOtaall navro ana 100 J..liAla. IUYKIY1llltVOl Kat ax6ptaYOl ana tilv eixooia - I1>1VUl1a Ttle; ~aKpU~e; ltaTpioae; - 11~alval1< ",yti-<nya ltti1,ll1t"a. 'H<av t\ AllPIAIOl: 1981 01 <opnil.u, tOU 'Yn61.0')'ou nov oa jIov1,la~av to ' It<<AlIro 8copQXt6!! ropa 't&v V€COV, to dlilKO paliloq>mvo 1t01:) I1lie; dxav M"el 01" AYY1,ol Yl(; va I1';V npoOiVIl 11" TTlv ~1\"'1l tOU t~ at"l1 TOU lt~oiou. «6.EAtiov tOU BpETavlKoi) NauopxEiou: ' 0 'ApXI(HpaTllyoe; T~e; 81le; ~TpaTllie; avaKOlvoi on of aJ.1UVnKt<; ypaJ.lJ-l€; TWV rEpJ.lavwv attlv n:tPlOXtl TOU .. EA-' AAaJ.lElv Eanaaov 6plO'tlKO: Kal ta 'taVK; t"'~ :I:tpa- Ttac; ~[;XUvoV'tal 6:Kci9EKta dno 'to: liulKEva Kal KataliuOKouV ttl aTpana tOU POJ..lJ..l£A . . , •AJta 'to ProO'lKO J.lhw1to 6:vO<.pEPEtal Ott 6 KAOlac; yupm TT] fEpJlavtKtl611 I:Tpatui o'to l:taAlvYKpavT £KAE10r.: tv'tr.:AWc; Kat Kaveie; TpO~Oe; ota'Puyije; Tile; oev QltOI1£VEl ...... «8pe t ' elval TOU'tO, OAa ta KaAa jlaCE- uno DROULIA & CO. Members New York Stock Exchange Since 1957 120 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10271 Telephone (212) 349-1144 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND 1002 2 Place Sl. Francois Telephone: 20.42.62 ATHENS, GREECE 3 Stadiou Street Telephone: 3220-330 Direct Lines 10 all U.S. Stock. Opt-ion. Commodity Exchanges Clearing Through Pershing Division of Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette 13 lJeva lJa; ta ).tVE». «LoonaotE V aXOOOOUIJE xai to. unOAOuta .. ! " .. : H KuPtPVTlOI, tfj, AutOU M£YaAtlOtT}tOC; xat 6 np6tbpOC; trov ' HvooJ,1€vrov nOAuurov tile; ' Aj.1tPIXt;<; uvo.xoLVouv on ano X91:, to nproi ioxupE, 0WllaXIKI:, bUVQ)..Itl<; anOPIP6:~OV1"o.l 01"i) BOptlO •A<ppIXr;, 'AAytPl, Mo.poxo, TUvloo.. oav nproto pt;)..Io. y\a 1"i)v ant)..tuBtprooT] Tii<; EupwnTJe; ano tOUe; tUpo:woue; NatOl ... >t. Mti va.lJt dvauOot! Mt ta IJtptXa owttpo4nta mrom;c;, xanolO; q>wva~E j.1E ciYPIo., a.vatptxtaOtlKTJ qlwvTj: «Toue; c.paya) tOUe; xtpataBte;!h) Kl'dno,: «natpi.oa tOU Xpovou!t> ... T{ tau Xpovou pt, a' £~TI IlfjVE,! ', npoo9EoE lino,. Kat ouYXpova, ano non.a oto)..lo.1"o. )..Io.CE)..IEVo. Kai au96PlJllto.: "XpIOtOe; 'AVEOtT] n-aloui! .. . , AyxaAlaOIl€VOl c.plA16llaott <i~lrolJanxoi xai civbpEe; xai 'V tAvallc 1"0 XP10'tOC; 'AvtOtT] tx vtxpOOv. MaC; cpalvotav moe; EJ,1tie; tillaOtE Ot .. tv toie; ).lvtljJaot» xai jJOC; XapiOTTlK£ 1\ ~ roTj. rtcl !laC; 6 nOAEIlOe; dXE XEpoT]8ti nlci , xropt, KalllllQ all<PlpoAia ano T1\ onYIlTi tXElvT}, 1:01'W xai nou unootTlxajJ£ tTJV 1'0.A.cll1cwpi.a xai ti; ntput€ttlEe; aAA.WV 3 xp6VOJV JtOA£IJOU. Kl' EtOl XciVa).lE ' Avaot<loT} to NOEjJPplO, Xl' oute KaVall£ nOtE KaAuttpT} , AvootaoT} oti) ~OJTjlJac; ano' XElVTJ· To KovP6u ouvtXlOE to bpoJ,1o -cou, • 0 itaAlxoe; otOAOe; ot Jlyt;XE, Xl' EtOl Bt JlouA ta ~E -co Brop'lxt6 tOU 6 'YnoAoyoc; -crov 1'OpnlAAwv. Ot aeponOptxte; tnlBEoElC; ouvtxiotTJxav CiAAee; 2 Il£p£e; J..lEXpt nou va uti) MelA to. xai 000 J,1Elva~ EX£i. To Eva qlOptlly6 tlvO:Xt'lX£ OtOV aEpa. Miie; tfJv I:<pcp£ ano Kti nou bEV to Jt£pIjJEVaJ..lE Eva unoppUxIO liE tOpmna E~ro ano T1\ Nttpva. ' H ,,'AptBouoa» tOpnlAAiotTlK£ Kl' autfJ topnl).,).onAava tTJ B£ut£PTJ vuxta Kalpo <poUptOUVlaojJ€vo. "EOt£lAE ofjlta: "Bua i~ollal Il' T1\V nA6JpTl. "Exro 200 vexpoue;». 'H curavtll0ll tOU Nau6:pXou: to.(\unouJ..lEBa M:v ).lnopouJ.1£ va 01'0.).latTjoouJ.1e. n poono.B.., at VO: c.p9ao.., e; 0(: tptAUCO A.l~elVl. rxouvc .(\axt>, Ta Katacp£p£ 1"eA.LKO: va <p9aaTJ Ottiv' AAE~aVtptta. ana .. Eva tn£lo6olO Ita, tapa~E tlla,: nTjyaJ..lE va awuoulJe Eva 'EyyA.tCo atponopo ano T(l Kata01WK'tlKQ nou pyt;Kav KOvto: OtfJ Ma). to. Yla va npootatt\jlouv to KOVJlot.i. Tov pl~av£ ot r£p~avoi Kl' ibtEOE Ot11 BciAaooa Il £ to aAE~inTroTO tou. KatE~cioallt tTl tpaAaLVioa Il€ to MtXOAT} TO Mapfj Kat TpEI, d~Aou" 5~01 naAATIKapla nou J..lOAle; awBflKo.v Kt au,t oi ana tti <poup"touva, aAAcl We; va Ka-caAapoujJ£ on to. XEpla TOO aeponopou cSE:v ~nopoooav va rnaaouv thtota - <paiVEtQt "'tav Xtun'ljJEVoe; aOXTWQ - TOV nt;pav 0.11'0 !Catro oi nponE).,).te; j.1ae; Kai OUXWpEe..,Ke. NO. xaoouJ.lE tOV avBpwlto hOl, Iltoa altO ta XEpta jJa~! 'Ano tOU, OIKOU, Ita, 06~a TOO 0EOO oEV ~nae£ ICavEvae; OUtt toaYKpouvla, 0' 0).,0 to Ta~iol. Kai £Va, IlIKPO, tniAoyo,: 20 XPovla apyoT£pu ay6paoa OTt'! Nta . YOP"~ Eva 14 .................. : : •• •• • • : ~ ·i• i• : I:rolXEL09ECJia : : TIA EC/JHMEPlIJEI: llEP/O/JIKA i. To Eya .oPnrYo tlyciXTT)Kf: O"tOY cUp« KOVtcl (Jn1 Nd:pya. &00 dVtltOp1t1lJ..1Kcl ).1.0)..1<; va ~laKp'VOVta1 1t).,"(Jlci~oyta<; CJmCJOOY tO~ ).Iro", ~oiJ t~t'TI"av. ajJepIKaVtKO panopl, <popt..,yo tunou tI-3. EIXt ~lta na).,Tla pouAa Ottiv npujJTJ nou dXt Ileivtl £tot a VEJtIOKeOOOtll Ylati Btv En'lpEaCE tilv avcoxi) tOU ltAOlOU. MUI Jlpo.bUQ nityaj.tE J.1E Ttl yuvaiKa IlOU otOV KIVllllo.toypo.cpo va cSOOIJ£ ttlv talvia .. Ta Kavovla TOU Na~ap6v£ .. IlE tOV AvcoVtl Kouitv. Elval Konroe; " totO pia trov mevrov tt;<; PObOO OtOV n6AtJlo. "E1ietI;E ttAoe; to: av'tl-COPltIAAlKa nou ta o-ctva, Kai 5Aa i\xouv ap191l0iJ, Ill: TO ypQlllla II. Ilnpoota ... KutTa~e», til<; AEw, «1"EtOlOU~ aplBJ..lOlx; ei XallE oAa ta aVtl1"OpnlAAl1Ca otti ME06ytlO. 'E)..Ide; t'iXall£ A65 .. , Kai 1tiiya va ~pOO Kan naATll:, <pOlToypa<piE,. Meaa ato KOU"tl nou t\jla' il)..Enw Kai IlUl cprotoypacplu ~VO~ tei <poPTTlyei nou nitya).lE utTJ Maha Il£ to KOVPOO £KtiVO. .. Onwc; I:1tEcptE 6 1;)..1Oe; unlV nAwpo: tCU nAoloo, <palVOtaVe xa8apa jJUl P.ouAa otilv npullTl . KuTtci.Cw Ka).,J..itepa Ji eva <paKo, to. nplJnoupa, to. ~optla, til v totlllVtepa, «Bp€, AEro til<; yuvaitca<; IJOU, «to rou6Ilna;» ElVal'! (ETal Elxa pyaAeI TO ~anopl nou elxa ayopaO£l ). TTI~E<ProvOO Tt'!V dAATI Iltpu OTTtV Etalpia -n:ou ).lOU to dXE 1tOUATjO£L, tTJ MouapMaKOp).laK Kal pWtTloa tlV to Jla-n:opi ElXE; nO£l on; MO.)" to. to 1942. ME: naipV£l1tlOW 6 •ApXIJ..lTJlaVlKOe; tt;<; halpia~ . •• Nat» lloU H.El, .. "tav to nproto ta~Uh tOU nAolou, tou «MOpj.1aKJ..l0uv», Kl' tyro TljJouva jJfoa 3~ IlTlxavlK6<; •. TTi pouAa at1\v npollTl T1\V £lIt "ciVtl l va PUj.10UAKO onw~ !pOptWVE to PU1tOPl 01'0 n 6p"t~llilt Yla to KovP.6li EKtiVO. TO.' najJE Aiyo Kai eUjJTl9T)KaJl£ trlV naA'rlcl neplnttEla . 0u)..ITjBTJKE Kl' Exdvoe; to Eva <iVtltOPltlAAlICO Ilt oa Uta tyyA.E~lKa nou £tXE J,110: n£pi£pYTJ oTlllaia, Ka-n:~ OO.V niv aJ.1.epIXavIK'l. A.££l, Jl6vo nou oi AOUpiote; "tav jJJt).,E Kat lionpE~ avti KOKKlV£e; xai. a.onpE~. Kl' dX£ Kl' Eva oto.upo on;v anavoo ywvla! M6vo pouvo IJ€ pouvo OE: oJ.1iyet! E. nANArOnOYII.Ol: W ana •: : •: BIBAIA ME (J)COtOCJUV9E CJl1! H TEi\EYT AlA i\E3H THI: TynOrPA<lIIAI: i -nOlKlAiu <1tOllElO>V -KuAtlu:Pl1 E~UpaVl<1l1 • tWV KElJ1EvO>V : -()9t]VOtEPO KO<1to~ : I I 'EyYUIlEVll Epyuoiu KAAE~ TIME~ • : 'E1tuYYEAIlUtlKTJ OUVE1tElU ! (2:;);:.1:,,'.. i• i• : t : t : • :• :. • ·:. • : :: • : : I I .................... Ht:it,'(QtKH Mapia 0EOq)flvOUC; GUARANTEED TRAVEL 646 SPEEDWELL AVE. MORRIS PLAINS. NEW JERSEY, 07950 Tel.(201) 540-1770 . NEA YOPKH. IIQ<JXQA1VE<; AVQJ.1vt] <JE1<; !I TOY K. :EIIYPOY MINnTOY E> an vatav Xtt~. ti OU),Kiv1l011 •AAAQ Kai 1[aAI 'rl 'l'UX~ J.l0U ~tav£ Yf:J.10tT] nouvolw9a <~ MqaA" Boo~uioa ("~ y". nlKpa, Ylati to Mey6.Ao IapJlato, tvrupi<;, tOV1"" oro natplKO O1tln j.u;yalonp£1t11 n€pvoooe Cl1[O to anltl TO aJ.l.a~l YIO: va Kai {atopucf) tKKA.lloia nov • Ayirov Jt(ipEl tOV avtiatpo 1[atEpa J.10U, yui va I:ntn6.V"[(J)V. 'ElCd J.1E Jtt;YQlVE navta t'I J..I.0VOUAO" 9EOOPtlaEl ta STlJ.100'la O'<payeiu Kat d OAQ ta lure to XEPl Kai j.uiqrrlvE oro 'lep6, onoo KpeOnWA.eta ta O'1(AUXVa troy a<paxtrov , 1tpiv to: (J(ppayiO'Et OE 2-3 J.lEPltC;. 1[00<; i1tav 6 .aA6,. a"."tlKO, - "'IV ~U~av.lvo, .at KaA6Cj>wvo, nann, •A~oup",. ~oii Cj>ouYlli! paye ~ va paco 01tW~ Kat crt tl.lA.a nQloa:tna KanoLO 5~w, MeyaAo"a~~aw huxe va apxovr6n:OU).,Q tfjc; YEITOVld<; nOll 9tw<p9uO'ouJ.le Ota mpaYEia tTlv ropa noo O'ICOpotioav ",£),6),,'1 nllT! va J..I.7rOUV oro ' Iepo, <wvav anav9pwna <va ~ey6.Ao ~681, 8e~'vo Kai oTav aVOlye t'I n6pta, KaTE~aivaJ..l.E J..I.l: YEpa ano to K€<p6.Al d Eva O'loeptvlO atUAO, t~a7tttpllya oopapa, A01tllJ.ltVQ Kat xtv. 0 anaiOlO<; XQ O'cl1tll<; XtU1tOUOE to KaJC691~a. Ylad ana <~ MqaA" nt~n<" Q).a, J.1OlpO ata KE<pUAl J.l.E tva aOtlKwtO ocpupi, n6A" .at XWPla, nev90""av . •A).).a tKElvo ICt' tKdvo J.lOUYKPl~£ ana tov novo, ro<; 1[00 nOUcpEpv£ piYll 0" OAO to tlC1cAt']oiao)..lQ OtO ttAO<; owpul~ovtav Vf:KpO! Mt: auto Kai fPuou:6., 1tEPIOcrOtf:po ot litva, J..I.EtpcitOV UYPlO tpono OKOtWVav lCelVll ttiv £1[0KLO 6-7 Xp6vwv, ~mv 6 <pono, noil ola~a~e XTl -npiv72 tOoa XPOVlU- OttlV ZOKUveO 6 nana-' A~oup", <a BantAla ~< <a nae" Ttl J.1EyaAa ~wvtava., npotou to: o<pa~ouv. 0 tOU XP10"fOU nOll J..I.€ ~1CavE vO: tpEJ.lffi KOI ayplO<; X:(l0'0:1tT]<; PU9l~E otO AalJ.lO tOU to va KAaiw. < aKOVlOJ.l.t:VO tOU J.l.aXOipl Kai t c5o<pa~€ yui va tPE~£1 to a'J.1a, tvro Ol Jlo1l90i tOU to tpapouoav yta va to Kp£J.1aOOuv Kat" apxiOE:l 6 EKoopta, <~ OouAeta WU, noil ,,/: Aiya A£1[ta tTlv tEA£LUlV£. ~ Htav 'rl npOOTTl Kai td.tutaia <popa nOll EpA£1ta Eva tOOO <pOp£po 9taJ.l.a ... "En£lTa 0,1[0 60 toaa XPovla Eva<; <plAoe; J.lOU O'tO ItKciyo J.l£ nl;Y£ OTa 1[Epi<PTlJ.1a a<payda tOU, 1[OD 0'£ Afya Af.1[ta teA.£lUlV£ 1') 61[UlOStl1[Or€ avuYKaia out" OIaS1Kaaia Ti;<; 9avcitruO'l1<; 0Xl I:v6" aUa nOAAwv oe<6.8wv <'WIWV. ••• VHA.9av£ OJ.1(!)<; Kai SUOtuXE<; rPDVlEC;, 0 YlatpOC; notepa<; J.lOU 1tE9aVE ano JtVtuJ.lovia, nllya{vOvta<; o· Eva J.l.aKpUVO XWPlO, yta J.lIa OUOKOATl y£vva, TO. E~ TJ as£A<palClO J.10U J.1tlVOJ.l.£ op<povci. Tploop<pava j.1clAtoTa, Ylati. ato J.l.tta~u t'ixaJ.l.£ XciOEt Ka.i. tn J.1civa ••• Kage MeraA" napa".euri, <~ ~6v" ~tpa noo cr£ "Qveva ortltl, r~:l't(l)x6 ii 1tA.oUOlo.1:ih OTpcOvOvtav TpaJri:Ct. EPXOtaVE onin Eva<; ~a, ge'0,. aoeACj>o, <~, v6va, ~a, - 60eo, xwpeatOVE ~hnA6., YIOTi nt9uvE aJ.laptWAo<; taXUtoYEPO<; YUl yuvatKt<;! - va. J.l0:<; nd <a XP6VlQ nOAAa, ~Olp<i~OV.<i, ~a, anD ~la 1[AOKa aOKOAQrU rIa. K6.9E J.lO<; &'1t0 ta £~T] a&A<j><, ~tO J.l£ta~o to O'1[i:tl ytJ.l.l~E 0.1[0 KoviatpIQ 1[OUatf:Avav <piAOl Kal 1tEAU:U;<; (no YIQtpO 1[aTEpO J.10U, ).l.£yOAe<; AUJ.11[puiTlK€<; «KOUA.OUp£<;» cI.1[6~Q(poupavo . nou J.10VO attl ZO:Kuv90 tiC; <ptUIXvouv, nA~90<; 1CoKlClva auya, <6"a noil ~olpa~a~e ",a xa~"Aa <ptwx6amta tfj<; Y€ltovul<;, J.l.EyaAt<; JJ.1t0raE, yaAa, ~u~~9pe, Cj>pt".", Kai 1iCj>90va Cj>poiim, Happy Easter to all our friends JOSEPH KISH Maryland Shipbuilding & Drydock Company and Jacksonville Shipyards, Inc. New York, N.Y, HAPPY EASTER JOHN S. LA TSIS (U.S.A.) Inc. 5 West 54th Street New York, N.Y. 10019 Happy Easter to All From VICTORY CARRIERS Inc. OLYMPIC TOWER 645 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022 AnPJAJOl: 1981 15 J.lac;, ta Kavienna ataJ.laTlloav Kai aTO 1taaxa~lVO Tpa1[t~l U1[~pxaV ~iya 1[pay~aTQ . KaV&Vac; KOKOpac; Kal J.l£pIKa 1tl1"O"OUVla, 1tOU l pyalVQV a1tO '[ov 1t£ptOU:PUI>VQ Kl £J.l1talVUV a1tO to 1tapa9upo Oto o1tin YHi va ltai~ouv ~a~u ~a,. T ayaltouaa q>o~Epa Kl otav tei e:l0a tlO,,(£lp£tl£Va ato tp01t£~l , ~£o1tooa otic; Kl..a\jl£C;! Ta XPOVla KU~oooav aav VEPO. ~pt9l]Ka aT"V 'E~~ETia Kai <Kava naaxa aT1\v /\roCciWll, o· Eva Q1t£pavtO KtVtPO, to llivTpa~. 1[00 ~a~EUoVTav ltaVTa o! 'EA~'1VE, o1tOUBaOtEC; va 1t£paoouv til l..atl1tpi). Tel tl£OaVUITO QKpIPffie; ava\Vov (SAO Tel (J)roTa, a1(OOOT111(£ TO Xpunl)(; 'Aveur'1, 1(t' aplloav vel q)lAIOUVTQl yvrooToi Kai ayvWOtOl Evxovral KaAO IIaaxa IE~IE$ HIPPIN INC. 505 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. For Deck, Engine and Provisions GULF MARINE And INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY, Inc. 401 St. Joseph Street, New Orleans, La. 70130 Tel. [504] 525-6252 STEVE KOUTSOURADlS, Manager VEapot ~ Ta KopiTOla Ki a~toro, ~Ta "~8E 6 lta~OUp~lO~O, . . . n£paoav Ql..l..a £iKOOl xp6vla, oTav atYlV 'A9"Ya ma 1ttpaaa to IIaoxa atO aTpanova T1'\, Eu~roV1K1'\, q>poupu, aTO ~~Ba(JlAl1(o .. tOt£ Kfj1to. KaTtUxapIOT11 J.lEva tei 1talBla Ylati 1t&paoe 6 dlOl1(T)TtlC; TOUe; 1(ai cIAAOl dVcOTEPOt a~twJ.lan1(oi. Kai tmoupyoi, Kai tooUYlCpi~av£ Tei KOKKtVa auya J.laC6 too<;. Kat 1t£PUtOllln1(cOTaTOt 1tp6o(J)epav J.l£CEO£C; Kai Kpaoi 0' 01..00<; TOUC; (j)lA.ol;evouJJivouc; TOUC;, 1tOU m\,,(awav ~ to. 1talOla tO~ OtYl YlOP'tYl tOU atpaTwva . • OOTOOO <ltPEltE vap8w oTTJv •A~P1K1\ Yla va xapOi ~ TOO, Ka~ou<; 6~oYEv&I,. 1[OU KpaTouv ~ 8p'10KEUnK1\ ltpomj~roa'1 Ta 19lJ,la trov J.lt1(Prov 1toTpiBwv TWV, to "AylO IIduXG, to 1tpaytl0ttKO IIduxa 'E.u.ljvwv . .. Mt &lXE KaUoEl aTO t~OX1KO TOU KT1'\~a aT() /\OYK - AIMVT Eva, Ka~o, q>{~o, . Kat 1\ xapa ~ou ~lKatW8'1KE, OTQV hPE~E ~O~l, ~t &I~E Kai ~t aYKa~laOE Kat 1['1ya{voVTa, J.lE OTi)v V11otapHI., Jr.ou "Tav OUylC£VTproJ.ltVOl o{ aAAOl KaAEOJ.l£VOl TOU, ouY"(Eveie; Kai at£voi (J)lAOl J.lE tei 1t01.01l:1 tOUe;, J.l£ 06OT'1a. tyKap~la ~t ltOAAOU, Y1<l ~vav. t1taivou~. Kt ' aPltoOv aJ.lEOOOC; ta K£paoJ.lata J.l£ 01((I,)'[alClu, yaptoouA.e<; Kai 1(0KOPEt01U, Kl' t).11ttllCa).l£ ate) K£(J)l 1tPO<; ~&ya~'1 xapa rii, v&o~a{a,. 1[0;' tl'1[iin 1[PWT'1 OTO xopo. ltOU TEMlro~O ~tv &lXE . • Kai 'to. 1tltO"lpiKLa xOpEuav. TO: p6)tT)aa 1t0\> J.la9av£ tOOO ropaia tOUe; 'EI..I..11VllCOUe; IOpoue;, Kai ~a(J)VtaOt111(aV yta ti)v tPWT'1 0 '1: -Ma al[() TOV Kalpo 1[OU YEVV1]8~Ka~! - ~ou clltaVT'1aav. Mu, TOO<; <~a8E ~ YIQyui ... . H •EH'1v1Sa ylQYla. 1[00 ~oAovon 0ypa~~aT'1 ij ~/; ltO~U ~iya ypa~~aTa. Ta ~ya~rooE Kl ava8pE1jIE /;~~'1vlKa. ~lMlV Tae; tOU~ yui i Otlop<po XWPlO toue; 1tOU <YtTlv 1t1..a'tEia tOU X6pwQV ICt' ai>ttc; o'tov ~Tav KOltt~~E" r6pro 01.'1 ~ ltAao'1 .iJW~la~E a1[o Ta ap.,.. av9lj Kai T1\V Kv{oa a1[01 apvlo 1tOU Olyovlivovtav OtnV ooupA.a. Kat 6tav ~EKlv~oa~E va q>UYOU~E. 6 Ka~", ~a, q>i~o, ~ano~va Central American Steamship Agency OL YMPIC TOWER 645 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022 Mr. and Mrs. EUGENE PANAGOPOULOS And Family Larchmont, N. Y. 16 .NEA YOPKH. YE~mE T' autoKivl1t6 ~a.:; JlE 6:-v6ou.:;. no0XOAtC':; Koi <ppouta, ••• Ti)v aAATj xPOVta n£paoa to TIaoxa Ota Ko.tOK1A Mcrouvrotv.:;, Jtou 1tfiya Y1a pe1tOp'taC oro ~EVOOOXEtO tou aA'loJl6vl1tou TOJl MaKPfi. nou ot rnotoi nEAo.U:':; rou,nou 1ttlyatvav O'TO «KpuoraAJlnpouK» K6:9E 1:apparoKUptOKO, 'to KOAOI(clip1 ElxavE aJtO<paO{OEl va q:rtUl~OUV J.L£ ta XEpla TOt><; I'ul ~UAlVTl EKKAl]cr(a. To MEYIlAo~OOl'aoo €I XE 1tla tEAEHOOEl Kai. 1) xapa OAOOV, onro.:; Kat trov YElTOV1KWV ~evoooxEirov j}taVf: a~aV'taOT'l ' "EnpEne o~ro~ va PPOUVE Kai. nom} yta ta tYKaivta, npnyJ.1o nOAl> OUcrKOAO. l:tO tEAO<; ~pE6l]KE ~va<; unEPrl]po.:;, J.lE Kataonpa nUKvCt IlCl:AJ"la nOUJlOlaCE oav, ., npo~tltl1C;, nou ~JttpOEUE ta BayYEA10, ~Exvwvra.:; IlEPIKo., aAAa ta Kata<P&PVE J.1la xapa, Ylnd 0XEOOV OAOl ~£paVE va ,,1(IA.AOUV Kat va 'TOV jlo1l90uv_ 'AA.Ao. 6 KaAo<; nann<; ~6EAE va t~'TYti"'l to BanEAIO Jlf: to.na911 tou XP10tOU. TIpiv OJl~ apxiOll t~v E~lj1'1crl], Yla KaAO Kat Yla KaKO, I'~V tUXEl Koi ... cl.1topaA.Aouv aJto ti)v oUYKiVTJOTJ, KcrAEoe OAE~ tt.:; «YKaa-rpOJp£vu;,» va. PYOUVE s~ro! Kt' CiPX10E to mo nEpiepyo KTJpUYJla ano tOY ulljlrova: .. To A011tOV a{)toi oi 'HOODtrE':; apxioovE va npoopaAAOUv 'tOY KOl1~£VO tOY XPlc:nOUA'l, va tOV q:ttOUVE Kat va tOY xaoTouKiCouv, va tou <pOpOUVE OtEq:to.Vl anD o.YKo.810, va tOY KMotOaVe. oTav ()EV IlnOpOuO& rna va ul1KWOl1 to utaup6 tou J.1ClP'Tupiou tOU, va. tOY KPEJlQVt Il€ A110tUOE':;, va tOY nOTiCouv ~UOt Kat va TOV KOP010tUouv, roC; nov OtO ttAO~ 6 8tav6proJto.:; OEV CivtE~E nUl, aq>l1ot KpauYtl IltyaATj Kai napaoroa& to nvtuJlah optv 01'<0<; apx(cr" t~V nEplypaq>~ t~<; aVaOtam:ro.:;. 6 KClAO':; Kal ~lA6tLJ.10,:; 1tanne; q>6>va~&: .. Tropa Ot YKaOtprojitV&e; va I.UtOuv Jl£ua!». OTi)V KapapalKTJ, nou OU~J.1Ettixav rroAAo\ -EAAl]VS<; .• H I'EyaAUtEpl] cruVtpoq>la "'tav 1\ OIKlj I'a<;, ~I: aPX'110 tOY Ol]I'Oq>IA~ ~10J,ltlXavo KU<ptOroV AOU11 ' AJ.1opatTJ, novo' oAa Ta J1EP11 tou KOUJ,lOU, aKOJ.1a Kai. of: liyVroU'tCl 8a ~X11 1t'6:vtCl Kanoto EYKap()lO q>(AO. l:t~V nap£a 1'1l<; "'tIlV aKol'a, nA~v t~<; aVtli~la<; <>oI;oyou TOU, 0 a~ExacrtO<; Kilt aya6otato<; q>iAO<;' AnsAo<; N(KOAIl<;, IlE tT)v mlvra ropaia ou~oy6 tOU 6.ropa. Ka'TE~aivaJlE Ota ouicpopa A1J,laVla, DA.Ol Ila~i , notE O€V XroptC6Jl.aOtE, onroe; oEv J.1ClMi>oaJ.1E JtOtf: ana ttl Jltpa nou yvroplo8tlKaJl.E. EIXa YVOOpiOtl tOY cpiA'TatO "OU1'I. crXEi50v 1'6).1<; 6q>6acra crt1\ N£a'YOPKl]. Tov ayanoooE &0<; <'> KOcrl'o<;, Kal 1'£ to OlKl]O tou. Htav navta Oti)v npWt11 ypa~Jl.f1 Y1(l Ka9E 1tCltptonlKo OK01[O. Elva1 xp6vla Twpa. avtlnp6eopoe; tOU KU9&SP1KOU NEae; ·YoPKl]<;. T ••• rrOlOV, rrooe; &lvat wpa va cptry'l n141 anD 'Ti) yf), tlvat ~UotKO va OOKIJ.1aall JtEptooOttpEe; niKpee; c:ntl ~rotl 'TOU, Ota YEpQJ.1aTa, ana 0000':; CPEUYOUV EVropi. tEpa ano tOY K00J.10, "Et01 Kat of: jltva ntta~E Yla 1tavta ti xapa. wEPTlJ,lO':; twpa Kai oKon;lVOe;, yta. OOV'TpO~la EXro ti.<; aVaJl.viJOEle; )..I.0U ana ttlv Nta ·Y6pK1'I. Y1a t600ue; KaAOUe;, ti)..I.1OU<; Kai. EKA&KtOve; <pIAoue; 1[OU yvroploa Kat JlOUOtl~av 1tpaYJlatlKtl uyanTl, 01troc; Kat YUl OAOUC; tOUe; KaAOUe; Kai ~lA6~EVOUe; OJlOYEVei.:;, nou f1n1a Eva Kpaot J,lClCi tOUe;, JlE OtX9T)KClV EYKapOla Kat anpOO1tOl11ta Ota u1titla tOUe;, yvwptoa ta nCl10la tOU~ Kl' ErtElTa ta. tyy6vta tOue;. Xaipttat 1) Kapolcr Jl.OU aKOllOVta.:; n~ &lva1 KClAa Kat. npOO()EUOUV auvtx&e;. Kai tOUe; nEptJl.£vro, Civ ntpuoouv urro ttlV . A8TJva, va Jlou tTlAEq>O)~crouv "1'£crO)<;, 8238-375 va ~aval oro90UJl.t. l:UYPOl: MIN!lTOl: HAPPY EASTER Sea Group, Inc. 505 Park Avenue New York, N.Y. 10022 Tel. (212) 980-0500 ••• Tropa, ~OO tpXOVtCl1 OtO YOU Kat Ta KOOJUKa IlaOxaA.1Va napto.:; tile; Nta<; ·Y6pKTle;. To 1tprotO KOl KaAuttpo 0091'I1(E ano 'tOY o.ATJo)..l.6V11tO 4jlEvtav8prono nEP1KAf) KaAAtllav61tOOAo, c:ntlv snaUATJ tOO c:no rKpTJvOUtre;, KowtKTlKat. "ErrElta apxmav va ()ivouv t£lota Kai oi CiAAot tq:tonAtat£<;. 'Ay6tEpa SOlVay Eva JlEyaAo, OiKOYEVEtOK6,6 Hfi'TEP Kai ri TI£Wl1 KrovOTClVnltV o'rilv ~naUATJ tot><; oro Riverdale. H'Tav (mAO aAAu EYKapOtO Kat 1tOAU EuXaptOto. To ltapaoEIYJ.1a <pUOlKa SOlVE 6 KaAoKapooc; OtKOOEOn6t1'l':; TIfitEP, 1tOU oav apXTlyoe;, S'l'TJVt orov K~no 'TOU 01tltlOU Eva t&paotlo mlvtu apvi, K6jlovtae; OUVEXW~ JlE~£Ote; ano Ti)V 'V'l0rapul Yla tOUe; KUAOcpayaoEe; Kat ~1ttKpfiOt~ cpiAoue; tOU, EVro ~taa o'Ti)v ai90uoa TOU YAtVtlOU, ta KaAa nalola tOU KEpvououv a01UK01ta OtO Jlno.p, tOUe; q>tA~EVOOJ.1tvoue; troy, avaJ.1Eoa Otou.:; ono(ou<; "'crav 0 t.p. Aoul]<; <l>EPPl<; 1'£ t~v YAoKUtaTll Mapta tou, 6 6.p. Bav Aato1'le;, o Ol]I'O<plA~<; Kat 1i~1O<; OIK'110PO<; Nb:o<; AOVYK JlE TtlV nuvtJ,lopq:!1'I KOPTl TOU':; •Avti;EA(K, '" Mapia N. Aupa 1'1: T~V o'>pll(a KOPTJ tTJC; Kai CiAAot otEvoi qJiAOl J.1ou )..I.€ 'Ta nalOlo. touc;. KaAO IIdaxa a' OAOVe; rove; rp[AOVe; rove;, MiJJ Kai arqv 'EAAdJa euxovral b 'ApXl1CAo[apxOe; Kai r, Ka TAKH T~EBL\OY T ••• Happy Easter M. K. MARINAKIS CHARTERING INC. 19 Rector Street New York, N.Y. 10006 Tel. [212]-483-0340 •Ana ta KaAUtEpa naptUe; ti'tav EniOTJ<; ~la a~£xacrtl] nacrxaAl~ Kpoooi;I£PIlI'£ to .Bao.• Awa - Map(a .. tij<; rKp~K Alilv AUPIAIOI: 1981 17 ~EAA17VOaJ.1ePIKavoi iJpvovv TpaneCa (Jr:~v ~EAAaJa MtXPl OTU.ltpa oi 6J.1OYEVEi~ JIac; dna 'tT}v' AJ,lEPIKrl. eplovluV o'ttlV 'EAAa.lia Jet dy6pa~av EVa. Ob;:07tEOO, xti~aVE to notptK6 toue; 11 I.pTlaXVQVE lCanOlO KQIl- novapto 1(t aiftY, li-rQV ti npompopa tou.:;; o'tilv natpicSa alto 1tAWpnc;, . , E1tEVOuoeroc; XPl1~.u:hO}v. Twpa OJ.lWC; (i7rocpa.010ClV to t y til va t6 aVtlKataatt;aouv J,lt to t. Jl Ei <; Kai va ep90uv va £1n:voucrouv npaYJlQtlKa atov t6no ~a" apx~, YEvo~tvr" an6 t~v 'iopoo~ ~la, TpanE~a,. Aut~ t~V Eio~a~, j..LEttoWOE 6 np6eopoc; tOU "Hellenic American Development Corporation" K. M.G. Raftoo, crt O'uvtvrw~Tl Tunou, nov o69T]lCE yui 'tilv 'iopuO''1 rijc; vEm; Tpa1tE~ac;. 'H aOEto. tti NOJlIO'IlQtlKrl'Enl'rpOrtTl c569rpcE, to apxtKO Ki:cpciAQlO, eo. dVQl2 010'. eSPI. Kal 96. KQA.uq>9£i Katd 60% an6 daq>opt, ' En~vrov t~, ' A~EPlK~, Kai Kata 40% an6 daq>opt,' En~vrov t~,' Enaoo,! . H T pci1tE~Q 90. Ollctuw9Et Jl£ Katao'tlhl0ta attlv 'EAAaOa Kai. TO t~ro'tEPll(O. np<ina , A8Tiva, nElpala Kat ErtlAEKTa nEpl<pEpElaKel Ki:VTpa Tite; ' EAAaooc;. OTt} auvi:XEla onou KpiVETQl OKOnlJiO. ' H TpelnE~a 86 tmou;'~El napaU~AE, tnEv/iUaEl, at TOJiEie; nOll ea KPl80uv ltpoacpopOl. MH." toil !l.r. t~, Tp<inE~a, ljp8av a' tnaq>~ ~t tOU, "En~VE, ap~ootou, Kl 1j iopua~ t~, TpaltE~a<; ltpoxwp£i ~E OT010 va AEttOUPyTioEl ot6 tEAOC; TOU Xpovou. Ot EyypaipEC; )..lETOXrov ltPOpAE1u:tal V' apxioouv OE 2 ~iiVEC; ltEpinou. X8tC;, TOI'.1C; EKltpoocil1touC; TOU .6..I. Tile; TpelltE~ac;, otXS~KE Kat 6 nproSunoupyo, K. r. Pan~, ano a ' EVOEl~~ It~poq>poauv~" tV~~EPWS~K£ yui to. 0XE010: TO~ Xl tl;t<ppam: TO EVOla<pEPOV TOU. 'EKEtVO nou EXEI Olwaoia, Elval Ott oi o~oy£VEtC; nou KlVOUVTQl npoc; QUnl 'ttlV KaTEUOuV011 , elval nOAu OlaKExplllEva npoowna, avtlXOUV OtT] OEU'tEPll YEVlO: rilc; OJ.1oyEv£lac;, ltOU O)..lWC; Kai. )..llAii xat OXE<p'tE'tal tAA"VIKO:. rEVVTJ)..lEVOl, KUPlOOC;, OTtlV 'AjJEPIXJi, KaTi:xouv oJi)..lEpa nEplon'tEC; 8EOEle; OtJiv OJlEpUCavlxJi KOlvoovla. Q{ "EAA~vE, t~, 'A~PlK~" otv £IvQl nla oi tl.JlOlPOl1tOll ni;yav OtTl NEa "HltElPO Ylel v' ava~l1ttlOOUV xaAUtEp11 TUX'l. To lmoupyEtO 'EIl1tOpiou TroV HnA, l:XEl orlllo01EDOEI Ilia EKeE011 Ti\C; 'Y1t11PEola<; , Anoypaq>~, nou AtEl 6n an' OAE, tt, tSVlKt, 6~a OEe; nOll ppioXOVtal oTi~Epa otiC; HnA, of 'EAAllvoa~Ep\xavoi. EpxoVTat OEUtEPOl ~£Ta tOU, ' EPPOloa~EplKavou, at ijo/~ Kata K£q>OA~v daoo~~aTo, Kat ~opq>ron xrov t1tltEUl;EooV. 'E1U1tAtov, ot 'EAA11VoaJlEptxavoi, EPXOVtal npOOTOt at nooooto autoanaoxoAtioE~! 'An' autou" AOlnov, to", t~£XOvtE, "EAA~vE, t~, ' A~EPlKij" ~la 6~<ioa O~~lOUp Y11o£ t6v • EU.11vOaIJEplICaVlKo 'Opyavloj.l6 'AvannJ~Eooe; IJE ttiv EnooVllJJia H.A.D.C. T6 KEq>aAalo tOU HADC avtpXEtal at 500.000.000 ooU. BaalKo, atoxo, tOll, eo Elval lvae; ouvouaojJoe; Eup£iae; aW~£Tox~, tAA~VlKiilv KEq>aAairov t~, aAloooan~ ~t 0~~6ala ~EtOXlK~ aU~~EtOX~ ~lo~~at~ KEq><iloalO - tEXvolooyia - ave;,w1ttVO ouvajJlx6, 6 H .AD.C., EXEl EKnOvtloEl Eva avaAUttK6 0XEOLO oPti PaUll tOU 01toiou PpiOK£tal T) lopUOll rile; TpanE~a" tij, 6noia, 1j tnrovu~ta Sa £Ival .tnESv~, 'En~VlK~ TpanE~a". 'H TpanE~a ab~, Sa £Ival t~noplK~ tviil apyOtEpa Sa !opuS£! Kat Tp<inE~a 'En£votiaErov. "OOOV a<popd tei Tile; OUj.lJ.1Et uiD' KaVEva J.1EJ.10VWJ.1£VO atoj.lo otv 8ci EA{Y',(t.l cnwavtlK6 ~EpiolO ti'ie; halplae; (1t.x. nQVW ano 5%). ~ Ae; OOUJ.1E o~ro<; nOLOt olaXEKpIJ.lEVOl •EAAllVOaJ.1tplXavoi, O:ltOTEAOUV to .6..I, tOU HADC: • npOEOpO, 6 K. Mlxa~lo Paq>tov (~ro ypaq>~). 'lopUT~ , Kat npOEopo, t~, Central Banking Systems Inc. xai npOEopoC; tii, Central Bank t~, Kalolq>opvta,. 'Iopt>tt;e; ttie; Cargo Containers O'l"tiv KaAl<popVIa, V0J.11XOe;, altO<pOlTOe; tOU Dickenson Coallege xat TOU navEnloT11~iou tTi~ KaAlipopviac;. • 'AVTl1tpOEOpOe; 0 K. n. ftW't01tOUA~ (navaYlwT61toUAOe;), taKtlKO~ xa811111'ttie; OlKOV0J.1lKOOV 'E1tlO't11JlOOV TOU naVEntOt11J.1l0U tOU Stanford . .6.L€TtAEO£ OlEU8uvT1']e; ltOAAOOV OIKOVOJ..lIKOOV U;PUJ.l(l.TWV OtTlv 'A~EplK~ . OIKovo~lK6, au~pouloo, ola!p6pwv KUPEPVt;OtWv xai OLE9vO)v opyavlOJ.lO)V. ' A1to<poitTJO'E ono TO naVE1tl0nlJ.110 , A811VWV Kai 1tilPE OloaKtOptXO OinAWJ.1a an6 T6 nav&mott; Tile; KaAlipOpVIQe;. • .6.101K11tlKOc; QV'[lnpOEOpoC; x. IIeilA MavwArl'; . .6.lET£A.£OE {olaiupoc; TOU PE1tOUI.t1tALKaV1Kou O:PX11YoU tTil~ rEp0Uoiae; Kai EXOOtOU tou Oakland Tribune. 'Yn~p~E Ol£USUVt~, tij, First Nationa! Bank o'to Oakland. IlpwupyO:t11e; otie; Olo:<pOpEe; tAAllVOaJ.1EplxavlKce; lm09cOEle;. 'Anocpoh11O'E tiltO TO navEnloTtij.110 Tilc; KaAIq>opvla, Kai toil Xappapvt. • r£VIK6e; rpalJJ.1atEae; Kat O{KOV0J..llKOc; OlEU9uvtt;e; 6 y£pOU01QO'ttie; x. N. IIEtPiie;. rEpOUotaOtJie; ttie; ltoAl'tElae; Tfje; Kalolq>6pvla" tvtEta"~VO' at~v OIKOVOJJIXT) •E1tltpOTCtl ti\e; rEpouoiae; Kai OTt;V , Eltltp01tT) Cl>OPOAOYlKWV ·Ylt08tOEWV. npw~v np6&opo, t~, tU~voa~EplKavl Ki;c; KOlv6TllTac; TOU Oakland. 'Ano toUe; xopu<pa{oue; 1tOAIT1XOU<; ato tI..ATJVIKO Lobby Ka( ~tloo, noniilv tU~VlKiilv 6p- yavrooEWV .• Ano<poitlloE ano to nav£1ttOTt;1J10 tfje; KaAl<popvlae; Kai Tli N0J.11Kt; };XOAt; tou IIaVEltlOT11Jliou TOU Stanford. • rU~pOUA~ olOlK~aEro, /) K. r. KpiOTOcpEp . .6.ti~apxoe; TOU Icw Cl>pavO'ioKo tltl 8 xp6vla, Q.vaJ.l€1J1YJ..ltvoe; Ev£pya O'tiC; urro8toEle; TOU P€1tOUIJ1tAlKaVlxou xO~j.latOe; tij, n6loEw, tou. 'Yn~p~E CJlj~pouloo, at~v aJltpll(QvlICt; XUPEPV110TJ Eni OIXOVO"llKWV Q.nOotOAwV at XWpEe; 'tOU t~WTEplKOU. 'EK TroV 1tprotWV noo t1tlAail~avov'to Tmv eAA11vlXrov 8EJ.lO:TWV. • N. BloaloaK~" npoEopo, tij, Hermes Associates XTlllJatOIJEOITlxiie; xat t1tEVOUtlXi'ie; halpiae; Kaia 1tpOE8po~ TOU !l.r. t~, Family Bank. !l'OoKtOP'K6 Iii1tAWila ano to naVE1tlCTnlJllO TOU Stanford. .dioa~E oT6 navEmOttlJ.l.lO Tite;' AAcioKa Kai OTO naVE1tlO'Tti~.nO til<; Utah. • N. MnouOKOe;, npOEOpoc; Tile; Continental Market t~, ~Eyalout£p~, Itlouaioa, xo'tao't11llatooV Tpo<piJlwV OTtl BopEla KaAl<p6pvta. •AoxoAEiTal Kai J..LE xT11J.1.atoj.lEOltlxte; EpyaoiEe;. • r. nao~,. npoEopo, ~Eyalo~, Etalpiae; J.1108roOEwv Kai QV'[lnp6E::opoC; ttle; Centra! Bank. npOEOpO, t~, Etalp(a, ,<'EnEvouO'El<; naoi;». • I. rEwpya" aVtlnp6EOp~ Kai unEo8uvoe; ti\e; Corporate Marketing and Division Tit<; Coca-Cola 'Ia1twviae; . . • r. K6Kalo~" !oPUt~, t~, XovopE~no PlK~, KOlvonpa~(a, tOil r,Kayou, ,UlJCJioa, XataOt11J.1atWV tPO<PlllooV. 'AO'xoA£lTal Kai IJE EnEYOOO£le; Ed KT11ilatoIlE01tlKOOV Epyaolmv. TO. T£AEUtaia 13 XPovla "Tav npoEopo, t~, tU~VlK~, KOlVO~tO, ato <l>OiVl~ t~, ' Apl~ova,. • K. Malolwt~" npoEop~ t~, Lehigh Metal Products Co. Kai flyi:T11e; TroV •EAA~voa~EplKaviilv, 0'>, npoEopo, t~, tl.l.~ vlIcfie; KOt v6t11tae; tit<; BoOtWV1l<;. .. • A. -ASEV" npoEopo, t~, Metron Steel Co. tOU IIXOYOU Kat ltpOEOpOe; tou' EAATJVOaj.lEplxaV1XOu KOYXPEOOOU ltOU OUVEpya~Etal ~t t6 tl.l.~VlK6 Lobby. Elvol avnrrp6£opoe; tOu tiPXIEltlOKOltlXOU OUilPOUAlOU Kat flytt11e; nOAAmv EAA11vLKroV opYOVWOEWV Kat OpaOT11pIO'tJiTWV. (T~<; Tiva<; ilOAitq, (H~V .Meaqj1pplv~. tWV 'Ao"vwv, 18 Mapriov 1981) 'EA.A.'!V1KO tl>wroyparpeio urr,v Kapbla r;;~ 'AUrOpla~ ASTRO STUDIO 35-35 30th A VENUE ASTORIA, N,Y, 11103 Il t X POll Ea a i 00 v 'EAAtiVooV t1tEVOuTmv. riel tt;V avtl)..l£tOO1tl011 tOU O'Uv6EtOU npo- 18 .NEA YOPKH· rPAMMATA AIIO THN A8HNA Toii oIJw:pya:wIJ /lw; A0HNA,-' AAAolJ.1ovo! ~£V dOQKOUEl nUl 6 KUpLO~ t(~ 8£l1a£l~ nov 1tlO-CcOV Kat TroV U).1<XPTOOAtOV, y' QnOtpbVEl 'Hi fPojlEpa Oetva no'; ~l1nopouv va l1a, nA1j~ouv. atOJ-llKa ti (JUYOAt1Ca, nOD u1tap18lJ,ouv JlE Tooll KaTaVU~l1 o{ {tpdt; - 0'£101-10U, KCl- mnOvtla110u. tnIOpOI1f\, aAAocpvA",v. tl1qm"-iou ftOA£J.10U Kal aifj>v\o{ou 9avclTOU. "OAa aJjtcl ta SeLVa nl Uq>iO'tQTat 6 K00J.10C; &'olUJ.1aptUPfJta, unooioovTa<; crt «SEvo 06:KtUA.O·~ - nOll Kata fva noo-cote <puiVE-C(ll VaV(ll dA:ri9Ela - ~(KaTEat'lJlf:Vo» not> ti at' dcmpaHEl to. dareo K. ~IIYPOY MINnTOY ntipa ano aElOJlOU~, YUItl titOtoUr; E1Xa!lE Jl1tOA1KOUr; Otll ZtiKuv80, OEV tapaXtt)lCa, aUa lJ't~p(Xe~Ka Ka( l1E ta OUO 110U XEpla ato tpanE:~l, va j..l1l oUj.1!l£taoxoo OtO xopo. ME:VOO OtO PEtlpE:. 60, j.1E'YaA.'l~ nOAUlCatOllciar;, Kt efiA£na tou<; toixoD<; '[ou 'Ypa<pdou j.J.ou va yepvouv 00. AaOttxEVlot. o£~ul Kl clP10tEpa .• 0 OE1aj.l0r; fiao'[a~e Aiya OeUtEpOA.e1rta - 01(ror; 1hafiaO'a aAAa <paVl1KaV OE: !lEva aav aiwvar;! Ti YlVOtav Civ fiuotouae nEpl0oo'[epo; "OA11 ~ •A91iva ea ~taV Xal1"" ea avti- 7totva. onroc; (JuvtPTlKE TEAw'm ia ~ tiC; .<1topEie<; •• nou 8EOOP'lOaV Ka6r;KOV TroV va 01tllcrouv 't~aJ.lla Ku'WO"tllJ.1a.trov, npciYllQ KaAO IIa(Jxa ta nOll J,lOU 9UJ,1l0E: tJiv h::PllSll Ev9ollO"lQOlloi) crt'" ZaKuv90 (01[(0<; Kai d oAo tOV KOOIlO) yui TTlV imo'Ypacptl tfjc; UVQKooxilc; mov A' 1tOM:j.lO, nou TJ veoA.ata OUI- ~IONY~IO~ ~. ~IIYPOIIOYAO~ O"ICEOa~E KaVOVta<; to ioto, ltpo<; j.lEyaAll Xapa nov a:ya9rov ZalCuvihavwv 'Eppairov, nou ElXav to j.lOVOnOOAto OtO Vlloi troy yuaA1lCwv! Meta to cmav9poolto «VE<PO<;» nou taAatnropouoE ta OnAaXVa jia~, {oioor; to. yepaOjiEVa, OIIV ta cS1Ka j.J.ou, lCai nOll OEV jiQ':; ~EXVa, aAAa otav OUVtPEXOUV oi KataAAllM:~;~ ouvElfjlCer;, j..lQr; tltlO'KEntttal, OAO Kai lCCltefiaivovta~ Otll nOAll, ano 100-85 j.lOVO j..lEtpa, lCata npotij.lllOTl OtO nlo OUj..llta9llttKO OpOj..lO tfir;' A - ... A~a<pva, KtUna to KOUOOUVl tfir; noptar;. • HtClV fVar; KClAOC; EVOlKO~ ttic; ltOAUKatOlKiar;, <piAOr; tOU Yl0U jiOU, 1[Oll j..lii fiAE:1tovtac; KavEva j..lar; va Ka'[efiaivTl, aVEfi'lK£ va JiQr; fiOll9iiOll · Tou anavt'loa Ott Elj..tat nla cOxatoyepor; Kat npOtlj.10UOQ va j..ldvro ato Onltt KaitOl o{ oelojioi, aouVatOl OJ.1ror;, O'uv£xi~ovtav! l:E: Aiya A£7ttcX, ecp6ao£ Aaxavl aojJE:vOr;, aVE~a(VOVta, nE~fj E~~ opocpou,. Yla va 11~ CYKAWfil09fi OtO cloavO'Ep, 6 ,,/lOC; JlOU Kai T) Wcpll JlOU Kal OX£oov tautOxpova ot Suo AucT)yopO<; 15. VALAORITOU ST. ATHENS IT I 34 GREECE Tel. 3618189 450 7th AVENUE NEW YORK. N.Y. 10001 Tel. (212) 868-2726 e~va, (000,' Apla<OTEAou,). Yla va Tapa~~ tllv euoaij..lova "ouxia tou KaTlj.lEVOU i>noupyou KOlVroV1Krov 'Ylt11PEotroV, <PlljilOjiEVOU OlrolCt11 tOU lCCl1tViojiator; Ka911Y. K. t.o~uiO~. nov tOPEVEI ci aUTO TO oP0110, va tropa Kat 6 CPOfiEPO~ x8E01VOr; OEIOj.lOr;! ••• 'H' Ae~va ell, ta XeE,. ElXE t~ Cp~l1~, onOl, Kai " NEa 'YoPKll, Ott SEV dxe aVotK'[ollC; AoyaptaO',..LOUe; jiE: tOV 'EYKEMloO Kai KUj..laPOOVQV,,/l' auto of ' A8T]vaiol. "'Otav to ltpooi Kata tiC; 11 , aPXlOav to. O'nina va xopellouv Kal of toi XOt va lCavouv «j..l1taAQVob~, Ot «1t(itEP~ cpaj.lihae;» fipiolCOV't"ClV £~w a1to tn O1r1ttQ toue;, otii OOUM:1a TOUr;! "EtO'l 6 apXtKO~ OelOJlOC; PPtiKE 0'[0 o1tin j..tova tiC; JlavaSeC; j.l€' ta jJwpa. tou~. TO. n:UtOla. fipi.olCOvtaV 0'[0 oxoAeio. "EtO'l f)..,ax£ VQj..lCll Kataj.lOVOr; O't6 onitt, ypa<povtar; OtO ypacpEio jJOU nAar ott] KPE~flaTOKal1apa 110U. 'EnElo~ ETUXE VIiXOl AGORA SHIP SUPPLIES CORPORATION P.O. Box 399 Boston. Ma. 0210 I WHOLESALE SHIPCHANDLERS Provisions, Fresh and Dry Cabin Stores Deck Supplies Bonded Stores Engine Supplies Charts and Nautical Instruments 617/426-3168 Cable: Parilia Telex: 940656 "WE PROVIDE EVERYTHING THE GREEKS ASK FOR" Compliments and Greetings of LYGNOSBROTHERSSHIPPING 401 Sylvan Avenue Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 07632 AIlPIAIOI: 1981 19 tYYOVOUAt~ jlOU ano to OXOA€iO tou~ nOD oncoo:; oAa t' CiAAa dxav KA£lOtt. ' - Ti KaS€Oat, natEpa, to& 1t<lVW; "OAll fI nOAUlcatotKia EXtt ci8€ulo€t! 1l0U Ai€t. - ' E8& nou f}pioKOjlat! .1.EV "[0 Kouvawl tOU O:navTro. - .1.EV Ilnopoujle va d a<ptl0oujlt Jlovaxo! TIpEnEl vapSi1.;; onou 90 naJle OAOl! !JOD Aiet /) ytO~ jJOU. 1:"[0 iuoytto dVal 6AQ ouv"[pijl~a! 'AKOJla Kai of OUO J.1eyaAol OTfjAOl EXouv pWYJlto:;! Kai KaTt~'lKe va ~Clva18fj. Of KOAWV€O:; 8tv dXav n09tl "[inoTa. Movo t ' aO~EOtrojlaTa dXav 1tEOtl ...... Ao:; Iltivou~ TO ~paliu Kl auplO 1tpw( ~At noulJ€ ... •0 NWPOAOYO<;; - 'l'uXia'tpO<;; Kat 1'] Ka MIXAHA EUXOVTaI u' LI~EPH oAoue; rove; !pIAoue; roue; KAAH ANAITAIH 30 CENTRAL PARK SOUTH, N.Y.C. 30-5236 STREET, ASTORIA, N.Y. Telephone: 545-8900 ••• •0 pa8lOcpWVl KOO:; o"[a91l00:; Jlao:; BAEY€ Ott 6 18toe; O'EIO'jlOe; ~tav taxuPOttpoe; ota M£yapa, Aa!Jia Kat KOPlV90, clAAO )"elnavt 1[A1]p0'Popi£<; yui 9u~ata. T aAAo 1tproi KatE~llKCl crto taoYEw va oro ti yivetat Kai va 1t<lpm £<PlllJ€pioa. AlYOGtoi EVOlKOl f}pioKoY't'av Kutro - 01..01 O{ aAAOl ElxavE Ka"[a<pUYE\ '[tl VUXTa at 1tAQtdEe; Kai QAAOl Ilt ta I.X. '[ouo:; ato u1ta19po , jlaKpla a1tO tTlV nOAll. TO, 1t€ yejlaTa OrtaOJlEVa '[~UJ.11a! 'Ev& 1tOAA£~ 01KOY£VEU:e; Jl£ Kou~aAoKla Kai Ta rtallila '[ou~ ~a8{~av£ tpOXaOllv OTO . .. liyvwo'[o, aav tPEAAOi! "Evae; rtaVIKoo:; nou 8tv yvwpIoa OUtE OTOV ~Ojl~ap810'JlO tou IIelpma OtOV '[EAtutaio 1tOAtJlO! TIepijlEva va 8ta~elo(f) vta uTio:; ci1toYWJlatlV£e; f:cpll)ltpi8E~ . .1.EKCl€Wui OKOTWIlEVOl, EKatov'tCI8E~ tpauJlatito:;, XroPlel Ka'[tatpaJlJltva ... •E1tPOK£ttO 1ttpi Katao'[po<pile;, jlEyaAuttPllO:; &'rtO TOUO:; OEIO'JlOUO:; '[;;0:; 0£O'oQAoviKllO:;. l:KllvE~ &'AAocppoauvll~ O't060:; KIVTJ)latOypa<pouc;, nou 6 K60Jloo:; <pOf}OUJlEVOC; nolo:; Sel 9apov1:av a,[el tp£l1tla tOUO:;. hptXt va CPOyll. napaTWvta~ naA ta, toaVTto:;, "'[(1 navta. E()TUXro~ nou ot KlVlljlatoypa.<pol EXouv aVOlK'[to:; nelvta Kai tie; Suo 1tOptto:;, 81a<poptTtKel 1:0. 9ujJClta 9chav ciJlEtPll'[Cl ... I:rlJ.1Epa, 8EUttp'l flJlEpa JlEtel 1:0V OEIO'JlO 1:;;0:; vUXtaC;, Kai tOV EmO'llO:; toxupota1:o ta. xapa.Jlata Kat jlt 1tEPi. '[OU~ 81aKOO'lOuo:; 8tuttptuovtao:;, '" nOAll n06 EXtl ci8ttclO'tl, €IvaI TJptJlOUPll. "00'0l jlt KOUPtPtEO:; £txav Kata<puyti O'TO lJrtal9po, tipfiKav Eva O'tp&jla, Jlepl1coi Kai Jllel aKllVrl. Kcl1tOla KataapOAa, Aiya ~uAa, Kai Ka1t<~ f}OA.£UTllKav. "OOot 'tUXEpoi dXav KOttepa ii QAAQ rtAtoUjlEVa, ow811Kav! 'H 9dAaO'oa dVCll nclvta orotiiPla, £KtOO:; dv arjJcro8i1 jlt to O'tlO'jJO jJEYelAO KUJ.1a, 01troo:; O'uvtPllKE OtTlV KaAl<p0pvla. T¢ pa810<proVO Ka8'1auXa~el tOV tpOllayj.1£vo ftA1l9uuJ.1o, on JeaTa. t060:; dOlK060:; Sty tpaiv€tal vO: yivll Kai Q.AAoo:; ouvatoo:; 0£lo)l6c;. "00'0 YlO: to KEVtpO TOU O'elO'jlou, ptOKt1:at l~ro ano to tcrt0PIKO ~~TIoP1:0 rEPJ.1avo», O'tou~ nponooEO:; tOU Kl9alp6wa, 15 XIA. am; ,Ii BiAla Kai 70a1[6 tiiv •A9f1va Kat 6 OEIO'Jl&; £lval «rt.1<rOVI1<6r;» j.tttaKiVTJoT) Kat ntwO'll tou 'PAOlO" ti1<; y~<;. "OAto:; ot U7tllPEoiE<; A€ltOUP"f'10av taxutata Kai j.1£ a()t09uaia .• 0 npw9urtoupy6<; K. P<I).J..1]<; 1[ap£~£lV£ c'lYPUltVo<; 0).1] ,~ VUK1:a, o{oovtat; 6011yito:;, anapai'tT)"tEo:; YIO: njv 1[apOX~ ~o1]9£ia<; "tli 9u~ata. 011 "ii<; ~avaypo:,¥ro attAvOVta.:; Kai CP(f)toypa<piE~. I:1riipo<; MIVro,O<; ano 20 Happy Easter From the Friends of The Greek Ship At East and Gulf Coasts of the United States A lpha Marine, Inc. PROVISIONS - CABIN - DECK & ENGINE SUPPLIES SEVEN DAYS A WEEK. 24 HOURS A DAY CAPTAIN STELIOS TATSIS 323 GREENWICH STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10013 Telephones: (212) 925-8180, 81, 82. 83 After Office Hours Coli: (212) 224-8772 - - (914) 337-0236 Coble Addr...: STALTON NEW YORK TELEX: 233716 ALPH UR . 0 'ErriO'KOrrO<;; , AO''tOpia<;; 9EO<p. K. IIETPOL EUXeral (Jrr,v •0 floyeVela KAAO IIArXA •0 iOtOK'tTl'tl1<; Kat Otw6uV't,,<; BAl:IAEIOl: TENTEAOY i1Hl: Kat to eKAEKtO rrpOO'(01ttKO tOU Mediterranean Foods 33-20 30th Avenue, Astoria, N.Y. Phone: 728-6166 Evxovral urr,v 1lo}"rmM,o;; 1le}"areia )lar;, lfIi}"ovr; Kai yv(t)urovr; KAAOIlAIXA To KIl<O"t1JIU' 1I0illlp6"'PEP£l 1Il.a <a tH.IJV.Ka Kill KtJlIp.IlKa lIp6iov<1l 1I0'0t1J<0<; - TIlXdll tl;ll1tIJPEtIJ"'1 .NEA YOPKH. EK66oEI«;: eTEXVE«;: e rpa ...... OTO Tatvia ytll tt]v ~rot] tOU •AA.E~clVOpOU (Jtt]v TV 'ApXi~£.t ttlV O£lpa~ altO tEO'OCpl<; (Juvi;XEll:;~ EV010qlEpOUOac; napaywyt;<; jJE Tir)~O 611 Maioo dno t6 OiKTUO tOOv tJomtStmflKWV, ,.ni EjJ1topuaiw T'lA£oJtnKrov O'tae~rov toov H.n.A., i) npopo/.." ~J.tac; <: H Epwva Yla tOV MEYer. •AH ~ avapo". Ttlv napayooYl;' ti;c; cnoine; TTlv Sa rravl1 uVEAope T) Mobil, eci napou(Juiml (; yvoooror; ";901WI0<; James Mason . IIVeVllarlKO Kai ZWi'KO Er01XelO «flveV/ia1:1 nepmur£irE Ka; c1Cl8vpiav aapK()(; ou JiiJ reAea'1re. 'H yap qdp~ tmOuJifJ Kard LOU nveuJiaroc;. be 'TtVEDlia Kara rile; aapK&;. Taora be dvriKr.lral dAJ.JjAOI(. iva;,t", fi av 8tAt]Te to mum no'~re» (nA YAOl:: raAata<; E 16-18), .N",pW(mTC OIl, rtlf1tA~ "11';" ra In; r~<; y~<;» (nAY AOl:: KOAaooaei<; r' 5). .. rullvd(w aall c1AOYO nOA£jL1KO TO aWjiG /10U. 1"0 (J/)VTIJpiiJ Ano, yepo. np68vlJO. To u1(A..1Jpayo)"yw Kal l11lAaxvi(ouJ,ial. ·AAAO MOYO t5ev ExW. Ivvr'1P(i; TO JwaAO J..lOV dKo{J,i'1ro, Aayapo, dVlJAW. d,uOAcO 1faA.eVel dKarc:U.ura Ka; Kararpwel, tp{i;r; avro, ro uKorM, rijr; uapKac;. ·AA).o cipyauTljp' VI; Kd,w ro uKor"", ~{jJ<; be, 'xw.• (N. KAZANTZAKHl:: • AOK~tlK~) . To ro va va To BOUKE<pUAa 1t00 KAW·tali • AAE~avopE va 'tOY oaJ,lU~T)~.1 Xwpi~ • AAE~avopo 0 BOUKE<pUAa~ Oa xaOii .2 Xwpi~ 'to K'l'iivo~ VlKT)'tT] 1t0l0~ Oa at <pEpT) a'ti~ ra'tpa1tEtE~ KEt 'tii~ Ka'ta~iwaT)~; o KaAo 'to K'tiivo~ aav ~pEOii 0 ava~u'tT)~J J,la ava~u'tT)~ aav 'to K'tiivo~ Kama'tii4 Oa 1tEPlJ,lEVOUVE oi •AAE~UVOPElE~ d~ J,lu'tT)V Kai oi MaKE06vE~ aou Oa J,lElVOUVE ~oaKoi.5 o KaAo 'to 1tVEUJ,la aav ~pEOii •Apla'tO'tEA T)~6 J,la Aiya Xp6VlU o'tuv 0 oaaKaAo~ xaOii Oa J,lEVOUV i::pJ,lala a1tO •AAE~avopo 'ta rouaa Kai oi MaKE06vE~ aou Oa yi vouv vauayoi. HAIAr K!lrT A rPIBOlIANNHr (Nea 'Y6PKT)) 2 3 4 ..·Ettl;£ OVT~ autou 1tolMc; ... 5t£cpa{vt"to ... tv "tatc; flOowT<; "Catc; ru:pl "Co oro~a OUmclVTJtOv dv . ./l Kat ~tta 1toll~<; 1tJXlotl1t~ cl1tttOEkll troy tolOUnllV ... " (nAOYTAPXOY BfOI:' AAE~avo~) .. To yap tpp6vTlIJa t~r; oaptco<; Savo1:O~, to Ot tppOVTHlO tau 1tVtu~Oto<; ~OlT'I Kai dpriVTJ» (nAYAOI:: P(J.)lloiou.; H' 6). "E[ yap Ka"ta oapK« ~~"tt, ~AAtte dtt06vtl0KtlV. d 5e 1tV£ullOtl, ta<; ttp<i~el'; "tau oc.Olla"t~ 6uva"tou"t£ ~1'I0'£Oet» (nAY AOI:: PWJ.laiour; H' 13) .. "E1td ot Cl>IAOV&(KOU "Cou 9&OOaAOU tov BOUIC&lp(iAov O:YUYOVTOr; cOVlOV t<p Q)LAin1tq>TpIO'lCaioEKo TaAo.vtWV KaTt~'10av dr; to nwiov 00K1llaaoV"ttr; tOvlTtTtov. tKI56Ktl "te xaA&Tto<; dVaL Kai KOJ.lIO~ l;ooxP'1o"tor;, oiJ"tt avajM"t'1v 1tpoou~;~&vo<; oiJ"t& tpWvTJV urrolltvwv ""t"lVO~ tooV m:pi tOY cp{Aumov, dA.A· 6,rrcivtwv Kate~aYlo"taJ.l&VOe;, OU01&paivOvtor; 5£ tOU cplAhtttou Kat KEM:Uovtor; anclY&lV ~ 7tQVtclnaolV ayplOv Kat aICOA.o.O"1"OV, napmv' AA€~aVOpOe; dn£v .. O\ov ircttov U1tOAAOOUO"l 01' Q1tup(avlCai llOAaldav xpriaao90.1 ~~ OuvOJ.l&V01» (nAOYTAPXOY BIOI) .. Toov o£ nEpi "tov' AVTino"t"povtcai ilaw£virovo OWPOUA£OOVtWV( AAt:~avopov) np6"ttpov ttalOo1tOly)oaoS£ lCai "tott "totr; t'1)..lICOUtotr; tYXElp&iV [pyote;, OpaOtlKO<; ci)v lCal n:po~ 1tO:oov npcl~&Wr; avapaAfiv QAAOtpiwe; olalC£i~£vD<; O:vttin£ mUtOle;' aloxpov yap Un:cipX£lV u1t&l.poiv(1:o t ovun:o ti'Jt; 'EU6.oor; " y£~6va lCalh:<nallEvov toU nOAEJ.lOU Kat 1tatplKa<; aVUC1;"tOUe; OUvalltl<; n:a.ptlA'l<pOta Ko:~o6ul YO:llOtx; tnlt"£AouVTa Kal Tt.,VOlV YEVtOtlt; aVOJiEVOVTa .. (.1IO.1QPOI: 6 I:IKEAUlTHt: Bl~Alo61iK~ . hnopmj). 5 .. napu)..atmv (toix; MaK£oovac;) d.avtlta<; Kai Qnopoue;, . . , vt~ovtat; avo. TO. OP'1 n:p6pata 6A.ira . . ,d~IO~.ui xoor; lCat€<n'loE . . , rc6AuOV t£ ollCT)topar; art£qI'1V£ lCoi VOllOlt; lCal tS£O"l lPTlotoie; 6 !K6o~~o,v .• (APIANOt: AAEEANAPOY ANABAtlt) .. Ka80piOv Ot (\l)(Aln1tOr;) ttlV I.pOOlV - 'AA£~o.VOpou - oumdVTltov ll£Y oooav tpioovroc; ll~ ~lQ o9i'jval, llao(ox; ot ayOtJ€VTJv uno A.6you 1tpOe; to 5tov, au"tO<; t"t 1td9E1V bt£lpUtO llUAAOV ii np<>Otcln£Lv, lCai toir; 1t£pi 1l0U01ICT)V Kat "to. tytcUKAtU nalOtutatr; ou naw tl1tlat£VwV tt'!v tnto"taoiav autou Kal KatclpttO"lV, . , . ~t"t£rctw",at"O "toov qIlAOOO<pWV TOV tvo~ci>tatov Kat Aoyuirtamv 'AP10"tO"ttA.'1V, KaM lCal npf.:novta 51000lCclAla tEAEOae; autq> .. , fOLK£ ot' AA.t~avopo<; ou ~6vov tOV "SlKOV Kai nOAltlKOV nopaAoJkTv /...6yov, uAM lCal tWV anoppijtWV lCui JklOU"tCpwv OlOOOKOA\ooV, lit; ot livopt<; (o(W<; UKpOall0tllCa<; lCai l:nonttlCQr; npooayop£UOvt£e; OOK t~trpEPOV tit; 1tOAAOo.;, ~£tooX&iv.» (nAOYTAPXOY BIOI: 'AAt~avopo<;) AUPIAIOl: 1981 npwtaywvlCln:i 6 Nicholas Cla y, OtO\! pOAo tOU ' A AC~ ci v Spou , 1106 ErrClL~t tOV pOAo tOU TPlOTclVOU onlY TUlvia «TpioTCl Kai 'IooAS'l" J..It TOV PiToapvT Mrraprov. naiCo uv, btiollC; . ~ Jaine Lapotairc, nov npu)ta ywvlord oro POAO tfi c; VEvn8 niCll.p OTT) V 6~wv1J Il'l napaywy ~ oro MnpovTYOlJaill Kat tOV pOAo rou <PlAinnolJ 6 Julian Glover, nou lncl\~ 1:: tOV KAa0SlO OTOV "Amler" tOO Derek Jacobi . . H !alvia YDPlOtllKI:: Ot..,v 'EAAaBa, ot. lotOpual tenia onw~ oi d£Aq>Ol Kal "to al.U.plOeUTPO on)v A'iY1VU Kat elval napayw'1'~ TOl) 'Opyavlol.lOU TIME - LIFE ano tOV Michael Latham Kal OKT)v09f.t1l Iltvo rov Peter Sykes. • H npo~ o A rl on;v t'1AtOpaoll eci yl Vll oni 1tAoicrta ui)v bd5'1AWOtWV yU] r1'\v EKer.Oll toU • AA.£~ avSpou n00 OlJV£Xi CEtCll Ilf: €mruxia Ot~V ' E9vLKrl nlVUKOS"'K'l tfie; Oixicrt yKt WV .. H £KO(;O'1 8a ~u~ iVll £Kti o:volKtrl J..If:XPI tov NoellPplO, onott Sci lluo<p£p9fj oro LIKciyo (4 Maiou - 7 Ltnr£IlPpiou) , 01£0 h :ti , Oto Mouol;io Ku).(i)v Tcxv&v rfie; Boor",v~ <; (23 ·On. - 10 · Iav. 1982), oro MOlJoEio Ka Awv Texvwv lOU 'AyiolJ ano <I>paYKioKoU (19 <I>r.PP. - 16 Maiou 1982) KCIl OtO MT]rpOnOAlnKo Mouodo Neo<; 'Y6PKTJ <; , TO tp81vonwpo tOt) 1982. TTlv Oano.vll yta T~V n;}.. euwia Qutll h::8E0'1 civt),apr. 11 Mobil Oil. M6vlJ111 (JttYl1 YUI to 'EA.A.l1VIKO 0tatpo N.Y. fHi rt;v o:n6Ktll0ll 1l6VlllllC; or£'1'll<; ano ro 'En~VlKO eta,po N. 'Y6pK ~ <;, or~v neplOxt; nOll ouvopeU£l OtO Mnpov"tyouaill to imolJpyeio nOAltlOJJ,OU D:n:o<pacrtOE va ou~P<iH~ ~t t"'xop~no~ 700.000 lipax~wv, npOK£ltOl YUllva 1£000 n:ov t>tli£Tat e<parra~ , ytari ro • EAATJV1KO 0eatpo unoAoyiCEtal on 90 Il1tOPCOll A£l"tOUpyt; at'rroSuvofJO , cSi)AtuOC 6 cSU:UOUVTt;C; tou va E.e.N.T. K. r. l:l~rovio~" I> I>.oio<; fXEl KaVtl dSLKte; onoucStc; yu). Otatpo ora nUVt1tlOrrl,.1l0 rou Xa.ppapvt Kal tOu KoA.OUllma. Ta €pya nov 00 trtlA£yOUV 8a. avtpciCovral Kal ora tAATJV1Ka Kalata ayyAl1cci.. ~Onwc; 01'\AOOO£ 6 K, I:1IlulVlOllC;, o"Co Otatpo auto 00: IlnopOUV va EJ.1<poviCovrol Kai EAA.llVIKa OUYKPOt-r;1l0ra 1tOV 90. e1t1OKi;rrtOVtClL ril NEa 'YOPKTJ Kai 80. ytVovral EniOlle; Kai a.AA£C; 1tOALtlOtlKEC; €KSllAmO£t!;. napa(Jtcl(JEI<; tOU Don Julio '0 1tpO£cSpOC; tou TJ.1tlIlO"tOC; Hermes rile; AHEPA, 'p6,&po, ro" 'EAA~voa ~Epl Kavl1Cou ~\KllrOptKOu I:UAAOYOU, 6 auv8h..,<; Pope Brown, S'1lllOuPY0C; tfiC; 8£0tP1Kt;C; E1n8EwPtl0CWC; "I love New York" Kat 1toH,tc; QAACC; n:POOW1ttK6rll"ttC; TOU KaAAtttXVIKOU KOOIlOlJ tfi<; N£ae; 'Yop1C"'~ EAapov Il£po<; OtnV tqJetElvt; nopci.o"tQOll TOU yvooatou 'EAA'lVOaIlEpIKoVOU KaAAlTElVTJ Don Julio, nOll S08..,KC tt;V ITJ c!>E- ppouapiou oro Cam; Hall r~, Noa<; 'Y6p- K~" 'H rrapci.otao..,. nov oTJ~£iWOE e~OLptnKt; 21 €1ttTuxia, jJayvllTooKonti9lpcE YU1 npoPOAT) Ota tllAtOnTuca. Kavd.J..IIl Cable D Kal C tou Mavxattav. 1:tijv nQpaOtQOll . omm; KaBE Ipavo, EAapE jJtpoc; TJ t~alpEtlKT) 1tlaviota O'u~u'YoC; TOU KaAA.lttxvll, Ursula Hantzaras. EONETO 130 ra Tijc; KaJ.ijc; pou paraKIU pI. rov ij)./O i5f.v aUYKpivw. 'An:' XelA,! n:10 rpivo xpii;pa EXU TO KopaAI. EKoupwn:a dval Ta aTljO,! r,!c;, KI 0XI a{]1[pa aav Kpivo, av paAAla elval aupparivlU, auppa EXEI aro Kerpc:U., . ra . 0 ruivv1J~ napLO~ O"tt)V ' AJlEpUCt) Kat KavaM rTi~ 28 . AnplAlOU <ptMVEl OTT)V NtQ 'YOPK~, 6 O~110CPtA~<; Kat "aYKool1iOJ<; YVOJ- oro<; 'EH~va<; rpayoUOtor~<; ruiv~<; ntiplO<;, 6 6"010<; 9t\ owo~ OttiCPOPE<; "aPQOtdCJEl~ oti~ . HVWJAtvE~ nOAlttiE~ Kat KavClOci. T OV rtdvVll ndplO au OUVOOEUOOUV r1 6~I1~Tpa raAav~, ~ Ptva ntivra, 01 aOEAcpoi T~aPtipa Kai 6 ' AVTffiv~<; BapOiit;. LtO J..l1tOU~OUKI 90 dval 6 nEpi<pllJ.l~ nOAuKavop1wTllC;, tvro tilv JAOUOl KTi t"'I1£A£ta ~X£ t 6 l1atoTPO<; Xtip~<; KaHa<;. ··Onw~ avaKolvw9r)KE ana tOV ta~IOlffi nKo opyavtol1o AEGEAN IRA VEL, ltOU Ko.VEl alhij Tilv npoo<popa OTTiV 6jJ01'tVtlQ, to npoypaJ.lJ.lCl trov ouvauAlrov TOU naplOu OT~V Nta' YOpK~, eit ltapououio~ ~ paolOEK<pwVT!tpta Tiva 1:avtoptvaiou. '0 rttiw~<; ntiplO<; eit oo>o~ 060 ouvauAiE<; OT~V Nta ·Y6pK~.·H 1tp6H~ eit ooei) OtO Westbury Music Fair, OtO hoy" At).avr, od<; 1:30 11.11. (I1t TtI1£<; dotT~piOlV 20 Kai 25 ooHtipta) Kai ~ OEUT£p~ OTO etaTpO naHtiotov (14 Street l1£ta~U 3~<; Kai 4~<; AEOlcpOPOU) oTi<; 8:00 11.11. (11£ nl1E<; EiotT~piOJv 15,20 Kai 25 ooHapta). Kai oi 060 napaOtaOCIC; yi.vOlJV oti~ 3 Maiou. To trov ouvauAlwv tOu ruiWll naplou oti~ • HVffiJ.ltvEC; nOAITdE<; elvat TO t~i)<;: 2 Maiou Iop6vTO. 3 Maiou Nta ·YOpK~. 9 Maiou KA~pEAavr. 'OXato. 10 Malou BooTwvll. 16 Maiou Movrp£aA. 23 Maiou OUclOlYKTffiV. 24 Maiou 1:1,,0.1'0 Kai 30 Maiou Ao<;' AVT~£A£<;. "I, POJa doa aro xpwfla oaflaaKou, aJ.'Ka ij AeuKa, po. Kavtva pOJo otv PMn:w aTa flayoU).a r'lC;· Kai PUpWOIKG vn:apxouv n:ou eTvU/ 11:10 r,OOVIKa dn:o rr,v dn:OIfJopa n:ou pyaivEi flia' dn:o ra awO'Ka r,!c;. Tr,v KouPivta r'1C; v' dKOUW flOU apia", fla eyal n:al, r, flOUUlKr, 0' OAOUC; flac; n:10 xapa <pepvu. Br,flara Odic; - TO J.iw - otv pou truxe va ow fla mAr, flOU aav paoi,u Ta n:OJIU aTO XWfla aepve/. ~tpw r, n,o n:O),uTlfl'! oflW<;, eel; flOU, rliv dydn'1 flOU tyw Kpivw KaOale; fl< no).).wv aUwv ra 'l'eYMla r'lC; aUYKpivw. Tou William Shakespeare Mwi<ppaa'l M. Bupwv Pai~'l<; <oNta<; • Y op~<; .. : •0 OtaKEKptl1tvO<; ouv£pya~<; jJO~ Ko911111tT!t; K. Pai~l1C; l'tpotoToTal tWPO TOU T~TlJ.laTOC; . AYYAIKWV I:nou15&v OTO navEmOtti~lo . A911v<iW). (l:~I1EiOJo~ W sa BE GREEK TONIGHTt) BASK IN THE SUNSHINE AND WARMTH OF AN AUTHENTIC' GREEK RESTAURANT SAvoa THI SMUts """0 T"STU Of " CUISINI lOaN IN THI SPECIAL BELLY DANCER NIGHTL Y ISl"NDS Of canCl W"lIaN' hI/rJ, ,.,,.,.,.0,. Lin l"ttmlUOMI Floor Show FCATVIf.ING GIf.El~ GOVIf.~ET FOODS )1• • 0llTl .. SOUTH HACk[NSACk Rewr...... on1(201) 440-1771 0,... 22 o.u, ., 5 CkIMII r..... , .NEA YOPKH. TOY MHTPOnOAITOY N. IEP~EH~ K. ~IAA (,Alto ro 'Avarmto £K rile; «KhJpovoJ.uiit:;». TojJ.OI; II, TevxoC; B', EKOOt71J rov '[opvl1aror.; llarr.plKiiJv Mi:Aen:ov, 8r.auaAOviK'l, 1979) •H o'lJ.l£ptVil £KKA'lOlaonK" elvantu~t, 'EAA'lVtK~, 'Op9006~ou . APXt£ntO"lConiic; dVQl I(upnoc; lloKpoxpoviou Kal O"uO"TTlJ.lQnKfjc; epyaoiac; TOU h:pou KAtlpOU Kal 'tou Eum:pouc; 1tA'1 POOIlU'tOC; 'ti')c; Xm paC; t~, 'tOlYt'l<;. · H £ICKAt,crtaottKfJ 6pyuvwO'l<; tou . EAA'lVtoJ.lOU t~, •AJ.l£PtK~' £npaYJ.latonotf!911 Kat' apl,ac; !lEV oui rfic; O"uO"'taoEooc; nov £AATlVUCroV 6peoo6~rov KOIYO'trl'twv, ooA01(A'lp009'lOi: 0,,; tij, EK, tij, 'EKd.'loiac; Kai 0T) OUI TOi) uno TOU O{Koull£vu(Ou natptapX£10U XOPlly"a£vtOc; to hoC; 1922 l:uvtaYJ.lato,. 'H IlTJTllP 'EKKA'1oia Ti\C; Koovo'tuvnvounOAEooc;, OTOPYIKOOC; aTE:vi~ouaa Tel BV VEW KocrllOJ npocrqnAfj auriic; 1tVEU)lCltlKCt 'tSKVU, OtroPlaE;V ' Apxu:nioK01[OV TOV cme PocSoO'TOAOU' AAt~av13pov. cSla. va 1tOl).uiVll auto., Kat tv O"uvEx£ia • E1tlOK61tou~, tpti~ tOV elpt9J.l6v, tOV l:tKclyou <l>tA<ip£tOV, tov Bo(Tt6nrrl~ 'IwUKctJ.l KUt tov' Ayiou «I>paydOKOU Ka)'tov, oi 61totOl Kai btcoJ.licrilrlouv tTtv f.u8uvTlv Tfl<; 6pyavwof.W<;, E:1tl~J..e'Vf.W~ Kat Q.V(l1rtU~f.W<; tOU 6p80lio~ou EAA'lVtKou nA'lPooJ.lato" oui lii: tOU li08evto<; 1:uvtaYJ.lato<; to Eto<; 1922 KUteOtT]Of.V 'tTtV ouvoliov trov bnOlc61trov tTJv avrotepav 8101KT]tIKTtV £~ouoiav tfi<; EV • AJ.l£ptK~ ·EKKA'laia,. · H 'E«A'loia £lvat ~E~ai"" 9do, 6pyaVl0tl0e; Q.1tOOK01troV de; tTJv orotllpi.av tOU 1t01J.lvlOU t11<;, ~&v 0IlW<; Kai KlVOUj.1£vo<; EvtO~ tou K60tloo i>c:piO'tatut E~rotf. ptKoo, ta, £ntopaost, t~, lotopia,. OUtro to 6p90liosov EAAllVIKOV ~, £v' AJ.l£ptKfj 'E«A'loia, oi:v ~tO lioVQtov va 1tupaJ.lf.lV11 aVf.1tllpeaOtOv clno ta<; 10tOPIKa<; E1tlJttWOW; t1i<; ).l£tanoAf.tl1Ki1<; 1tf.plo8ou tOU 1tp<OtOU 1taYKOoJ.1l0U 1tOAEtl0U. Z&v EV Tii SE\!1] 6 VEO<; j.1£tav6:OT.,,<;£ tOU~ autou<; naA.tlou<; Kat. O'UYK1VTJO£1C; J.lf.tU TroV ci8EAc:poov tOU Til<; YEVf.Tctpa<;. 'AtUXroe; Kat tv 'AJ.lEPIK'fl 6 •E)"AT)vlO'IJ6<; \me1tf.O"f.v d<; btaioXUVTOV XWptO'IlOv TroV ~aolAlKooV Kai PEV1~f.AIK&V, Kupiroe; IlETa tnV tl1KpaOlatlKTJv E8vucTJv oUJ.lcpopav. · 0 nOAtttKO, a6to<; XWptoJ.lO, o/;v £IX' J.l6vov ouvat09T)tlanKae; E:K()llAWO£l<; 1t£PlOPlcr9£i<; J.16vov EtC; ta citoj.lQ elAA6:, EvayKaAto9dc; to ulo9Tltla TOU tlioou<;, En£~£tae." Kat. d<; '[(xC; KOlVOrT]ra<; Kai EfP9ao£ Il£XPl TroV EKKJ..T]O"laonK&v ta,,(rov, nupaO'upae; autOUe; OX£()OV £1<; n)v KataotPOCP~v. '0 l£po, KA~PO<;, J.l'lo/; tooV elPXt£p£rov t~atpOUIl£VWV, ovriKcov £1<; tliuv 1tOAltUCTtV 1tapaTa~lV, OlEKi}PUTtEV 0Xl tac; £6ayy£).tKII, dA'l9£ia, elAAa ta, 1tOAtttKa, autoo It£1tOt9ito£tC;, c:puvuti~cov Kai 8ta<p8£iprov OUtro to 1tOltlVlOV. Et; TOV KataOtp£1tnKOV Kai E1tlCrltllOV tOOtOV ayrova Ta ciVtlJ.lUxOJ.lEVa KOJ.1J.1ata EvtOXUovto uno tOU EAJ..T]VIKOU ronou Kat AnPIAIOl: 1981 oit nov 3uo EV NEa 'Y 6pKll tKOt8oJ.1i:vmv 1j~EP'laiwv Ecp'lJ.l£piowv. tOu 'EBvl/<Ov KtipVKOC; Kai tfi<; 'AdavrMo~. 'H t£Awtaia 1l00Alota,lila va Owollll£yaAutEpav OuvaJ.11V £ie; to un' aurnv Ka80orlYouj.1£vov nOA.lftKOV K<), ~£t£KaAEoEv E~ 'EAAaoo, av£u tftc; tioeiac; Kat. oUYKata9i:o£ooc; ouo£Iliac; E:KKAT]OlaOtlKTle; il Kai 7tOAltlKTle; 'APXTlC;, tOY Ka81lPllj.1tvov j.1llrpo1toAlTT]v XaA8iae; BaoiA£lOv, OOttC; EYKaraO'ta8de; tv Lowell, Mass., 8Ulu9uv£ tae; ~aOlAo cppova, KotVOt'lta, tij, 'AJ.l£ptKij,. • H KataO'tao~~ 'liTO tOO QVtl a1t£A7ttOTlKit Kat E1nCT])Jia. TOt£ TO O{KOUJ.l£VIKOV TIa- cSUO"KOAOU<; J.1c:lAIOta OtlYJ.lO:e;, Mllrpo1toAirOU KoptV8iae; ~aJ.1aoKllvou, dvat cl1tOO£t~t, tOU £VOtacpEpOVtO, Kai tfj, otopyfj, ttie; tllltpOe; 'EKKAlloiae; KoovoravtlvoorroJ..f.OO~ U7tEP tOU 7tOlllViou tf/C;. '0 7tatplapxtKO, "E~apxo,. ~''l' .6.aJlaOKllv6e; de; TitV 7tpOe; to OiKOUj.1£VlKOV narplapx£iov j.1V1lJlOv£u8Eioav EK9£oiv toU ypacp£t ta E~ij,. ta anoia eln1)u9uw; ltPOC; tOY OEpa0tlH.llTarOV ' APX1E7tiOK07tOV ' AJ.lEpud"tC; 'AAE~av8pov Kata tilv npWt'lv J.l<t" autou £nacp1jv: «'Yni:J.lV'loa £ie; tOY O'UJlOJllAllTrlV tl0u, on IJ'I'lO'Ta OUJ.l~i:povta Tiic; 'Op8ocSo~{ac; Kat tOU "E9voue; t7tlTaO'O"ouv, 07tooC; rraVtEe; Titv Ili:plJlvav TroV KOlV&V 8EO'rollEV lmEp ti]v {oiav 7tpOO'oo1tlK6tT]ta, npoO'~EpOVT£C; tv tivO:YKll fltliie; EaUtOlJC; 8uO'lav de; TOV pmj.1ov tOU Y£VlKOU crUJlC:PEPOVtOC; Kai napeXOvTt<; cmTov 1tapM£l Yllet tiie; autaJtapvTtO'£WC;, fine; 7tpE1tf.l va X{lpaKtf/P{~f/ tOUe; crtpattwtae; tfie; 7tiot£we; toU Kupiou ... 'Ev O'uvExda Jtpooi:8f/Ka Ott ai O:1tocpaO'f.lC; trov £VTOAOOV )lOU, O'acpEie; Kat ct7t£pic:ppaotot, avtItlEtCOrri~ouv nO:VTa TO. EK n;e; o'[(lo£we; tOU EVOf.xo)J£va, ciAA' Ott KOIvil OAWV E7tt8uJlia Kat Euxi] £IvaI OJtcoe; i} KUtaO"taOle; E~tAIX9fi npo<; ttlV 1tATtPll 01£u8£t1l0lV, Kai 00, tOO OVft £J.lnptn£t £l, £«A'lO'laO'ttKOUC; apXf/,,(ouC;» . Ttl AOyta. aura rou OtpaO')llroratOU 'EtlT]tP07tOAitOU Koplv8ia<;, 7tapouOlO:COUV titv IO'xupav Kai OUVQJ.1tKtlV npocrcontKoTllTa TOU, cpavEP<l>Vouv OJ.1roC; Kat nlv 09EVapaV crra.O'lV Kai elnocpaotv t~1 ~'ltpO, 'E«A'loia, np6, E1tlJ..UOlV tfie; Elln£ptcrta.tOU KataOTaO'£ooe; Kat tile; Enavacpopne; tile; , EKKAT]oiac; 'AJ.l£PlKTlC; dC; tnV oJ.laA6rTlra Kat tOV £iPTlVIKOV piov. ~apxou ~allaOKT]VOU, '0 nuvu:p. K. Ei.).a~ tptapx£iov, 00, J.l1lt'lP otOPYtK~. npo, £ntAUOlV TOU XOOPlOIlOU, oone; roliTtY£t tOV' EAA'T}VlOIlOV Etc; tTtV oUIAUOlV Kat. KattTpOOYE Kat. KUTE07tapaOO£ tel autfie; tauT."C; tfic; 'EKKAT)O'iue;, a1tEO"t£tA£ tOY O£~aOtllrotatOV llT)tpOrrOA1rllV KopIv9iae; ~aJ.laoKllv6v )J£ EsapXlKa OtKal(Ollata Kai lotattEpa, P'lta, £VtoAII, 1tpO, £ AUVOLV tfie; 8AIP£pCi<; aut1i<; KataOtaotroe; . Etc; tilv 1tpOe; tTtV i£pav ouvo30v tOU O{KOUj.1£vtKOU 0povou £K9EolV TOU 6 o£PaoJ.ltootato, "E~apxo, Koptv9ia, ilaJ.laoK'lVO, 1t£ptypacp£t 00, £~ij, t~V KataOtaO'1V: «Titv 20tlv Matou 1930, elno~t~a09d, £!, t"V Ni:av·Y6pK'lv. £bpt8llV EVW7ttOV KataO'taO'£mc; ti1tOAUtroe; JlEV ouJ.l1ta90u, elAAa Ka! IiKPCO, ototaKttKij, 00, npoe; ttlv buruxi.av tOU O'Korrou tfiC; anoorOAfj" t~V onoiav 1\ 'E«A'loia £v£ntouu8T] Eie; tOY natplapX1Kov"E~apxov. 'H EV . AJ.lEPIKTl Otloytv£la clV£j.1£V£ Jl£T' o.yroviae; tOY KAO:OOV EAaiac;, 6 oE aut68l EAAllvo~rovoe; tU1to<; ExalptTl~£ J.1u· Ev9ouOlaO"J.lOU tilv QVaroAtlV Ilui<; veae; n£pLoooU £I, tilV ~w~v Kai t"v np6000v tou elnoo~ J.lOU EAl. 'lVtJ.loou". 'H rrapouoia TOU {KavOOratou Kai 1tOAAanAoo, opaoaVto, £1<; t"V ~w"v OXt ~6vov tij, 'EKKA'loia, elAM Kat tOU "E9vou" £!, , ASiCEl Ola ttlV lcrtopiav va avac:pf:pmj.1EV on at tVepY£lal TOU rratptapX\KOU 'ES6:pxou O'uvTtvtrov Ej.11tObta., iJ oE Aume; napouma~£To 8UO'KOAO<;. TIapa TaUta OJ.1ooe;, roc; crllll£LOi 6 O£PaOIlHllTatOe; Koptv9ia, ilaJ.laoK'lVO, £I, t"V <K9miv toU, 8£OfPIAEOtato<; E1tiO'K01tOC; BoatWvllC; , 100aK£!J.l., tii, ouvooou « ota t~, £nluni:poxo, OUtO, l£pap;('1" otOAfj, tOU de; ypaflJlae; i:tlipae; Kat 7tArlP£le; Y£VVQIOcppovrov aio9TlIJ6.tCOV Kat Ej.l7tVWOJ.levwv cipXrov, cSllAoi clm:plOtp6fProC; Ott (aEoopEi Ka9~KOV tou). elvti va £~avt).~tat eIKaprrouc; ouCllrrlO'£t<; 1tEp1 tou EKKAf/maottKOU ~'lt1lJ.lato,. va n£t9apx~o'l 6<p£lAEtlK&e; d<; Tae; Qn:o<paO'£te; tOU 'E~apxou we; u7tw8uvou EK7tPOcrW1tOU tOU OiKOUj.1EVlKOU TIarptapX£lou otmonnOtE Kat. elV romv aural, EOtm Kat Ot' autOV tOV 'i.810V liuoj.1tvde;». At ypaJ.LJ.Lai alnai j.1aptupouv TitV ~a8£i av acpoO'iroolv tOU 8tO<plJ..£OtatOU E7ttO'KO7tOU BoO'tWVllC; 'hOOK£l1l 7tpO~ tnv 'EKKAT)O'lav, 6 67totoc; CutOPAE7t£l IlOVOV de; to a a £I, 23 Y~Vl1COV KaAOV Kai aUenaSE1 xaplV aUlOU TtJ CrlOlHKOV lOU OUJ.l<pE:pOV, lO 6rrotov o:rropaiVEl €TtlSrlJ.llOV Kat KUlClOtpErrttKOV OU1 ti]V'EKKAllcr{ClV. 'H rn:piooo~ lOU OtXaol1ou tfj<; 'Op8oIiOl;ou 'EKKA~aia<; , A~EPlK~<; <A~I;E xupt<; Ei~ li]V 09£vapo:v KCli aKClJ.lrrlOV onimv tOU rratplaPXl1COU 'E~apxou 6.aJ.lacrKllVOU, ocrn~ l:<PrlPl1oo~ motm<; to:<; 009doa.; Ei<; autov 6ollyia<; urro to\) OIKouJ.l£vlKOU flatpuipxou <bcolloll. EI~ lO 61to 18 'Iouviou 1930 tl1A£ TO\) OiKOUJ.lf.VIKOU natptapxou <brotiOD rrpo<; tOV 1tatptapXlKOV "E~apxov MllTporroAhllv 6.aJ.laoKTlvOv t808lloav ai E~ii<; €VtOACli: «' AvaKolvwoClTE rrClpov tTlAe:ypaCPllJ.lCl , A~EPlK~<; , AAEl;avopCJl Kai <I~Earo<; t~A' YPClCPtl0aTE "J.liv UrrOtE:A£ . 'EKKAl1oia €VTE:AAElal UOtaTOv 'Y. 'IEpoTl1n OUJ.lJlop<pro8fjval U<pElJlCTro<; tntDOEIKVUOJ.lEVa Autfj E:V Tfl t1tlOTOATl "Jlmv, "JJ£pOJlllviav 9 ' ARPlAioD (1930) Kai (mo ~~Eti:pou 'E~clpXOU. 'OttOla0tlttOLE: aAAoia oTclm.; bnoElVWV£t 9€:OlV AUTfK ' EKKAl10ia Ot)UttOtE ouvatal 1taptOEtv lmara oUJlcptpovta TIA~pW~atO<; ~9lK~<; X<lPlV 1tpocrroltlKmV OUJ.l<p£pov't(ov-n a tp taPXTl <; <brono<;». Mij OUJlJ.lOp<pw9tVtOe; tOU aPX1E1tlOKO1tOU •AAE~6.vOPOU. " iEPa. OUVOOO<; tOU <bavapioll, OlClOKEcp9Eioa trri Tfje; KCllaolacrEw<;, urrEcpuOlcrE: 1taJl'l'llCPd lilv rtaUOlv TOU ' AAE~avopou , iltte; Kai bCOlvo1tottl911 e:i<; aUlov Crtt£U8£iCl<;. 'H tta\lcrt<; tOU oEpacr).HrotUlOU •APXt£1ttO"1{01tOU ' AAE~UVOpou .. txatp£tlo911 £t)xaptOTW~ U1tO lTl<; 6JloYf.vda<;, Kahm, Kato: KOlvT]V 0)10Aoyiav, oEv €n:pJ.l(hlSE li]V DAllV t:KKA.T')OlaOtlKi]v 1tEPl1t€:tEtaV. flapaAArlAro<; hi8EVTO OUO hEpa (lFrlJ.laTCl OUXl t:A.O:ooovo<; OttOUOalOTllto<;: To 1tpmTOV TitO " TtArlpW01<; TOU KEVro8cvto<; Spovou "tTl'; , AI1Epucfj<; Ot' OptOTlKOU npXlE1tlm'OTtOu' to O£UT£POV oE 'ti EKKaSUptcrt<; "tTl<; ElE:OEro<; TOU BacrtAdou 1tpO 1taVTo<; OlO: AOYOU<; TtpOvoia<; . . H im:o TOU OiKOUJl£VtKOU flaTptapxe:iou b'AOyi] , APXl£1tlOKOrrOU ' AJ.lEPIKTl<;, CtvSprimou Tmv 1tPOOro1tlKroV l1CaVOlrlTrov Ka\ ttV£uJlanKOOV 1tpOOOVtOOV tOU ano KEPKUpa<; Kal fla~mv ' ASllvayopou l:1tUPOU, cpav£proVtl Kat )1aptup£1 TO tvolaq>€:pov TOU O£1tTOU KEVTpOU Tfl<; 'OpSooo~{a.;, tii<; MEyaAl)<; 'EKKA~aia<;, 0'" tOV 'Op960oI;ov' EAAl)vla~OV t ~<; tv' A~EPlK~ Olaa1tOpli<; . •0 ' ASllvayopa<; Inupou EOOKlJ.lO:OSll Kai a1t£OEiX9Tl apI0l0<; oiaKOO"tpOcpo<;. '!l<; MTJ1:p01tOAltTl<; KEpKupac; Kat nCl~mv tOE1~E nyacrtOV ~fjAOV Ota to 1toiJ.lvtOv TOll. 'E<pp6vttO£ o to: TllV nVclnTU~lv Tfj<; 1talocia<;, 10pua£ oxoAeta, t6EJl£AiOOO£v {cpanKi]v axoA~v, ~ oRola RpoaE'I"PEV £1<; t~V €1tClPxiav tou €KAEKtOUC; KAllP1KOU<; Kai ;)18(10KclAOUC;, Kai tvo1Eql€:p9Tl 8u1, tTlV EAAllvuci]v op9000~ov J.lOpcproOlV trov EK BopEioD 'HREipOU 'EAA1jVroV 'Op90M~rov, ot orroiol OtEPOUJ.l£VOl e:i<; Ti]V n(1tp{;)a trov KataAArlAWV axoAdwv tiVClYK6.~OV"tO tK Trov 1tpaYJ,lO:Twv va 1tapaKOAou90uv J.la9tll1a"tCl £1<; ta ' haAIKa Ka90A1Ko. oxoAtla. Ei<; TTjV trrapxtav toU EV KEpKupa lopuo£ Kf.pKupatKi]v l:XOAi]V Ot' at'lTou<;. 'Iolat"tEpro<; €1ttOE1~E rrUtpIKi]v )1EplJ.lVaV ola tou.; EtC Ml1cpa~' Aoia<; 1tpoocpuya<;, oi 6noiot avaYKacrS€:V"tE~ va tYKaTaAd'l'0uv Ti]V 1tClTpioa trov Kai TO'; olKia~ "trov 24 €VltTloav KataqlUYlOV d<; Olo:cpopa JlEPll • EA.A.O:oo~. 00: TtClPClJ,lei Vll airovlO<; e:i<; tijv J.lvtl)111v trov KEPKUPCliwv 'ti t'JPOOtKi] aTclcrt<; TOU €VClVtl troy ' ItaAmv o"t£. tKOLKOUI1£VOl TOV qlOVOV 'ltaA.ou LtPCltllYOU. OOtl<; )1e:rEi:X~ EJUtPOTtTl'; xapO:~Ero<; tmv •E,.J,T1voaApavlKmv ouvopoov, EPO)1Po:poloav titv a01IAOV K€:pKupav Kal €<povEuoav n)v aJ,laxov 1tAllSUOJ,lOV, Kupiro<; OUOtUX~I<; 1tpooqluya<;. Mi] urroAoyi~rov TOY Kivouvov 8lO: tilv ~ro ~v TOU, 6 Mll"tporroAi tTl<; KEpKupa<; . ASllvayopa<; ~ETE:Pll oui A.€:J.lPOU de; ta 'ItClA.IKa 1tOAQIlKCt nAoia, onou ot£J.laptuPrlOTl 010. tOY ~o~papotcrJ.lov, OOtl<; npoEKO:AEOtV Ci81KOV cpovov rroAArov 6.8<i:Jwv KawiKwv. '0 Aao<; ttie; K£pKupa<;, Olf. EnAllPOqlOPtlOll T~V EKA.0YytV TOU nOLI1£VUPXOu TOU e:i<; aPXIETtlOKOrrOV ' A~EP1K~<; £l.uR~9~ , t~V ~~Epav t~<; <lvnXroPtlO'Ero<; tOll Oto. li]V vEav "tou Si':OlV auoau}~o.; tOY 1tPo€:1I£Jl\jltv e:i<; Tliv v£av TOU arrOOTOA.tlV , 1tAtlP11<; AlJ1tll<; OlOtlf:OtEPEITO totoUTOU 1tVEU)1ClttKOU apXllYOU. flpotKtO)1£VO~ Jl€ <pllOlKa xapioJlaTa Kat rrV£UjJCltlKO: rrpooovta 6 'ASTlvayopa<;. Kupiw<; ot rrA.OUOlo<; e:l<; uio9tlilUta aYO:Jt11<; oto. tOY (ivElprorrov, anepT') 6 aVClJlOpqlrotij<; tfj<; , EKKATjoia<; tfj<; , AJ.lEPIK Tl ~ . nJtotTl~ oe "tEAd ll1tEPPOAytV va cr11J.lf.LroawJlEv on i] OTlJ.l£PlVTt TtpOOOO~ Kai av6.1ttu~l<; tTle;' EAA~VlK~<; 'Op90Ml;oD 'EKKA~aia<; , A~E pIKiie; ocpEiAtTQl, tKTo<; pEpairo<; a1tO titv OUJ.lPoAi]v lOU ACltKOU OtOlXEiou, Etc; titv n01JlavtOplKllV CPPOVT{oa Kai JlE:pl)1VaV toD ~lEyO:AOU ClUTOU b'KAllOlaOTlKOU av8poe;, toD •AOTJvayopou. 'H ' ApXlERlaKoR1\ ' A~'PlK~<; ROn" XP£wotli Ei.; tOV nalptapXIKov t~apxov JllltporrOAlTllV .6.aJ.laoKTlVOV, oO"tl<; TiV01~E Ti]V 600v npo<; ti]v 0)1aA.ot11ta Kai tilv £iPrlVllV, it o:'TtOJlUKPUV01<; OJ.lw<; TOU ' A)1£PlK~<;' AA,l;avopoD 'AD' to Rp6~A~~a, O\)t£ €TtEtpEP£V OJ.iOVOlav. '0 OlXaofl0<; ouvEXio9T1 Kai J.l£to. TTjV (iqlL~lV TOU ' A611vayopou. Tel 1tOAtttKO: 1I(iS11 Ol£Xropl~OV TOV AClOV TOU 0£ou ti<; aV"t1Ilaxo)1£va KO)1)1ata. . H EiPtlVll Kai Ti OJ.lOVOtCl Err£KpaTllo£ Kat01IlV JtOAAWV 1tpoona6uwv Kai aKatarrauo"twv 1tOlJ.lClVTOPIKOOV btacp(i)v tOU apXtE1tlOK01tOU ' AElllvay6pou Jl£TCt tou JtOtJlVlOU TOU, to 61t010V 1t£pl€:paAA£v flE 1tCltPIKTtV ayarrTJV Kat OtOpytlv . .6.10: "ti]v Erttl(PclTllOlV TTl<; EKKAT]OtClOTlKile; dptlvTJe; OtEOXtO£ rroAAO:Kl<; an a"pou ~i<; iiKPOV "ti]v , A)1£ptKitV JlE "ta tOtE J.lEOU, OtOaOKWV oev lCHlvqmc rqv qpcpo DOe pc rqv uncpoxq vcuoq TOU DEC~FEIINE, crm onDljJcuvcrc rqv KAIDHNH, 97 %KIJJPI~ KAIDHNH, npO lbv Tit<. -1:: .1..." ,)'-'1>:1]'::: (Ta,p'oc, Coffee Associates,lnc. ,,, •.•. •_" " " ~. ' ~ NJ 0'0" 0., '01. '" ".., .NEA YOPKH. KaVtOTE t11V a~(av t~, aOEA<plKij, (JU~~l Kal npoaq.eprov oui tau napaoeiylJa:t6~ tOU tOV SP0f.l.OV ltp&; t'tlv 0j.10VOtClV. tilv o1toiav bthUXE !Stet tfi~ 1tpOO'ro1tlKft~ TOU npoona9Eia<; Kai tOU aplO'tOu napa<; tou, Kai brl trov TJj.1£prov TOt> apxu:mOK01tOU •A9T]vayopou EnapouO'ulaf1rlCSQV O'UWE~a civapxu;::a £1tlOUoKovra ,[,OV XroPlO'J,.10V Kat tilv chaipEO"lv . • H liVEU AOron avaOEl~t<; trov apXlf.l.Clv<>pttmv Kovtoyuopyou ICaiUGa etc; ffi(J'E~ £7nOK01tOuc;. X£lPOfOVll9tVTCtC; uno THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME. QV'tl- KaVOVlKIDV 6peo06~rov linrov E9vlKOt~ troy, IJUptuPEI on 'to avapxucov Kai bmVQOtCtttlCDV TtVEUIlQ OEV e~tAl1tE Kai KUTa Tae; T!J.l.tpac; TOU J.1€yc:lAOU h:KAll0WOTlKOU avo po" tOU ' A6l]vay6pou l:rrupou, 0( avti1taAoi tOU KCtT11YOP110av tOV •A911vCtyopav btl UUYKEvrpronoJ.1ro. ",0).. 10'tO. on aUToe; eioTlYiJ9'1 'to VEOV cnxnl'U.lQ 01OlKllO'EOO<; trov pOT)9rov bnOlco:n:rov. Totrro OUOOAroC; OU(alOAOy£i to.e; ETtclVaOtatuCae; ~haeto£le; trov ,.IlKProV autrov &v6pronwv, nov cmOlWV to. oxi:cSla Kat ta epya vio811oav 1tpO tOU eav<irou TroV, xropie; va EKUpi:pouv ouoE~(av ~~~(av EI, t~V 'HA~VlK~V 'Ope6o~ov 'EKKA~criav ' A~E plK~" '0 ' Ae~vayopa, avti:opacrEv Ei, Tae; KlvtlO£Le; to)\! E1taVaOtaTrov Kai dvapXlKroV KAllPlKroV, EXrov TitV poil6£lav Kai t~V imocrt~pl~lV t~, ~~tpo, ' EKKA~cr(a" 'i] 61toia Ka6t1p£o£ autoue;. Mf:. TO autO KUPOC; Kat ti]v auttlv cSuva~nv aVTE:cSpaOav Kai oi J.I.£tay£vi:Ot£pOl TOU •A911vayopou apxu;niOK01tOl tvavTiov trov tapa~lrov KA'1PlKroV Kai HhaltE:p~ 6 •APXl£1tloKonoc; •I(iJ.;:wpoC;, 6 o1toioe;, b::TOe; nov 1tpOOm1tlKWV tou gV£PY£lroV KaTel Tile; avaKllpu~£me; autoK£q)(lAOU av£~apTiJTou 'En~vlKij, 'EKKA~cr(a, OKO tou rr,,",~v IIa<pou <I>",t(ou (1964), Ecrt~p(Xe~ btl tou ICUpOUe; tOU OiKOUJ.1£VlKOU TIaTplapX£lou, to o7toiov Ka6ilP£o£ TOUTOV Kai civioxupov, TiV<iYKClOEV aUTOV vel E1tlO'tPE'Vll de; •EAA<i3a ouvalo6av0J.1£voc; TO aouvatov tOU gYX£lPtlJ.1atOc; toU Kai TO a1top6'1tov Tile; IEpa, ' ApXlEmcrKo~" ~ (moia, 1[Epl~aA AOJ.1£\"1 am) TitV OUVClJ,llV tOU 1tVEUJ.l.attKOu <ppoupiou tOu OiKOUJ.1£VUCOU IIatplapXElOU 3EV KatapaAA£taL ano to. PEA'1 trov acSuvatmVaVTl1taAmv. To OiKOUJ.I.£V1KOV TIatplClPXEiov Kat 1taAlV de; tae; ~J.1E:pae; J.1ae; ETtPOOtclT£UO£ Kai cSlE<pUAa~t tn oiKala tTjc; •APXlE1tlOKOrrij, ' A~EPlKij,. ·OtE I> ' AAE~avopEia, N,KOAaO, I> l:T E~*~crE va U;p6cr~ E~apx(av tOU IIatplaPXE(OU ' AAE~avopEla, Kai apYOtEPOV &A£~avcSplvoV J.I.£tOXLOV tv Miami, Fla., ~~noO(cr6l] Kai ~vaYKcicre~ va E1tavEA811 de; tiJv KavovlKTjv ta~LV xo.ple; de; tTjv tnE:j,lpaOlV tOU ~avapiou. .6.EV dval U1tEPPOAft va. toviowJ.1£V Kat naAlV. Ott ti .APXl£1tlOK01tTJ ' A~pucf'le;, ollan E1tapxia tOU OiKOUJ.I.£V1KOU 0povou. 1tpoPcllA£l tie; tOY cSUtlKOV K00J.l.0V ti]v &'~iav TOU 0povou tile; KmvOtClV'tLVOO1tOA£~. ti]v {OtOPlKTlV alYAllV Kal ta OlKatmj,lClta TOU (moioo 1tEpl£P1tl611 tic; ttlv xwpav TaUtllV. rpCl\VEtE Eva cpiAO (Ja~ (Juv/)pol-ltl'n'l an'lv «NEA YOPKH .. AIlPIAIOl: 1981 Remember the good times? The love and laughter of family celebrations. The parties with friends and neighbors. The music. The songs, The wine, The good feeling of being with people you've known for a Iifetimc. Maybe it's time for more of those good times. Plan a visit to Greece now, There's no place like home. There's no place on earth like Greece, GREECE GODS' COUNTRY 25 • Tou EVEIO IlANHrYPIKA Kat YlOptaOtTpce £<p£tO~ ~t ~EyaAonptnEla O'tTtV NeCl • YOPKll ~ ~~tpa tij, 'EeVIKij, IlaAIYYEvEaia, ~a, ~£ oo;oAoyie<; otir; tKKA'l0l£';, bC0'1AWOElC; oloAda, tflV ' OJ,loo1tov()ia • EAAll- ano to. VU(WV I:WJ.lQtEiwv, TOUe; O'UAA6youC;. Il'lWIlata tOU np€O'~EUtOU tflc; . E~J.<iooC; Otijv OOOO'lYKtWV K. I. T~ouVT'l. TOU ' ApIU;1tl- oKonou J.1ac; K. '[aKwpou ' WC; Kai : eSc:- ~iro(J'1 tOU rEVUCOU npO~EVEtou fr;o:; NEae; 'YOpK~" 'AnOKopu<pUl~a tij, ~EYaA~, YIOPtij, ~a , ~tav ~ 6nUlaO~nOtE tnltUx~~t~ naptAaa~ attlv 5~ AE",<popo TllV 61toia rcnpwwAou8l)OClV yupro oTiC; 200.000 9£ateC;. 1:' auto O'uvttE1V£ Kat 6 KaM, KatPO,. rll; 000 ,,"VEXij XPOVIQ loopa t'I nap£)..Q0'l yiVEtat uno EUvoh;:tC; ICQIPIKtc; crove"KE<; Kat )l£XPl nilpa ilOVY OlKQUll8d bi:E:ivOl 1tOU TrlV 1i8EA.aV TOV MaptlO Kai 01.1 t6v Mate. t~alpEtlKd l:THN IlAPEAAl:H ~aav napOvtE, \Cat 6 8EAA'lVEC; ~ouA£utai npoO'KEKATH.1EVOl tij, 'O~oanovoia, 'En. l:unoyUlv Nta, 'YOpK~" A~tot ~aav 01 K.K.a~~. Nllivla, Kat B. MnE<tp~, (N.a.), nO'ta, (lIAl:OK), Mnavtou~a, (EaHK), A. II.:'PKO, (KKE ta.) Kat Mauplo6yAou (KKE). ~HM, InANNMH ETO KPHTIKO l:IlITI at~V ' Aatopla ;;YI VE n~~nK~ tKS~AUla~ YIIl <ov' Eevapx~ 'EAwei:plo BEvlCtl.o KallW, Kat YII; tOV Yl6 tOU 'Euuei:plo BEVICi:l.O. 'H tKO ~l.roa~ ttlV 6noia o pyav",aE " Eul.l.oyo, Kp~trov .: OJ.l6vota.. CJllj.1tlrooE t;mpE'tllcTi bntUXia. EI~nttl' ~<av 6 K. rEropy\O, l:ta\}pouAaK~, 6 6noio, Kat ~iA~aE KataA)'~ AUlC; KaSci.>, bria~, Kat 01 K.K. a~~*plO, apaKa~, npOESpo, 'EKnUlOWttK~, 'Enltponij, Kat rp~yop~, KOKol.avtUlVaK~" ••• o lIP00YlIOyprOl: tij, 'Enaoo, K. rEropy\O, PaAA~ ~ t~AEypa<p~~a "ou tan:1A.E OtOV • API1E1t1Cf1C07tO K. •I<ilCwfio EUlaptatti toao aurav 000 Kill Tov·EAAl1V"'~O til, 'A~EPIKij, ",Ia. <tlV eEp~~ au~- 1tapaataat; tOU O"tr)v OOK\",Oa{O '[fie; YEVftEipaC;. EUXaplOtlEe; an,,69uVE briOlle; Kcd 6 l:E~aa~lrotatO, np6<; toO<; 6~OYEVEi, ~a, nov £O'1t'f;UOOV va ikt'l9tioouv oAlIea yui tTJv £vioxoOTJ trov OE1.O'f,!01tAt11CtWV Kat a~ti9uvE Kat vi:a eEp~t\ EK\CA~a~ "po, OA.O~ yui af.J.EOll avtanolCp\OTJ. Ot bnToyi:o:; sa npE1tE\ va otaA.ouv: Greek Archdiocese Earthquake Fund Kilt Eu9Eiavatr)v 'AtAaVtlK MnavK, Nta ·yop~. ••• lOU naYl\O)(QU 1:UA.A.oyou ~Kopafic;", 1(00 i6&t)K£ ,u: n:p<Ot~ cpovii cruppo1) k6a...ou - n:av(l) an:o 500 «tOj.l.O. - O'tO Ktvtpo Leonard's, tOU Great Neck. I:tftv C:P(rltoypacpia, KO&11...£Vo\, o.ftO apu1t£pa, ot Kupi£C; N. Kavcik1) kat T. nan:ay£(!)py(ou, /) npo~£vIK'" unoAI,,£vapx~, N, 'Yop~, K, N, Kava~,. /) o~"""'IU(J<a<oo; "pliEOPO, <0;; .Kopa~. K, 'Av<, G>EYYOUOO~,. ~ K, T(JE~;;. 6 "PO;EVIK", ~I,,£vapx~, ,,~oiapxoo; T, lIaftaY£(l)pyiou Kat O'tO «KPO i£;ui, () K. Eft. Bcipa.:;, d:vt\ftp0c7(l)n:~ tile; navEA.A.fJvlou No\)tlKfio:; 'O",o(J1(oviia att)v 'AfU:PUCt\. "OpEho\, a1(o dpUrtEpO:, () k. kai x. n. MUKpui, b K. TeiKT)e; Bo.O'oe;, i\£u9uvt1).:; tOOV ta~\i\(l)t\Krov ypQ(pdruv Peters Tours O'ttlv 'AO'tOpla, Oo.Pl\K01tEtclVlOC; K. TaK11e; TO'£PM.:;, 1\ K. KO<Jtovd, 0 tl1A.£1(apoua\oan;e; K. &. Ka<Jtovde;, 'iI k. $£yyou.;a~ Kat ~ K, Kellie Stathos to;; Hellenic Times. (Athens Photo - D. Kessoglides). . All'o fTJV ttllG\Q lOPOf.:0'7u;pioo ATHENS CENTER HOTEL I:THN KAPMA THE AE>HNAE • KEVtptKOc; KA.ljJanO'jJ6!; • 136 oool-uitta, AoO'tp6. tll).tfpoovo, paouxpoovo. pcpQvta. • 'EO'ttat6pto l'to).O'td.da~. Mnap. pOUql 11CapvtEV, nOAUt£).EiC; a190oo£~ l)1[oOOX ~ C; Kat [Ol<a)ttk:o 1Kapa~. 15 Mapt(ou - 30 'Iouviou TllJai O6:JlJatiwv: Mov6KAtva 998 opa.nt~. .1.iKAWO 1.434 opaXlJtc;. IlJ~utEplAajJPaVEtat KOvttvtvta). jJnpEKtpaCtt' . .1.ul Pf:~£pf.\tO'loV anota9ilt£ O'tT] N.' YOPlCll tllA. (212) 483...()642 K. 'ApatVTI Tl1Pa'VOtE A THENS CENTER HOTEL Sophocleous and Athenas 26, Athens, Greece Tel.: 522-6111l-9 Te le" 4488 ALCY GR 26 ME E0NIKH t~ap,,~ y\Optaa~\CE Kat t<ptto<; 1\ 33~ Kata. aElpa. t"€tEIO, tij, tvO'Cl}J.!atmCJEWC; tooV 6.wo£1CQVll0(t)V O"tr)v ~~ti:pa 'E)'l.aoa. 'H tEAEttl Kat Oo~o).oy(a fytVE aTTJV t1C1CA.lloia tIDY' Ayiwv Krovatavtivou Kat' El.t~, <ij, OM"'YKtUlV Kat tilv npUltO~UAia ElXE 6 navSUloEKa~alaK6, l:tiAAqyo<; «:;';veo, 6 G>IAIKO, •. Etijv 00~oAoyia napEUpi:e~aav 6 -En~v npo~Evo<; O"tTJV OOOO'lYKtWV K. I:Jt11A.\onouw<;, 6 A' ypa~~a<Ei>, tii, t~A~vIKii, npEa~Eia, K. IIanQoonouAoc;. ~lWJ.latIKoi tIDV £vonA.wv OUva~EUlV til, 'EAl.aI>o<;, tKnpoo",nOl tii, Ku1tpou.'toi)xo\ tooV 0j.10Y£VElOICWV 6pyovrilo£(t)v n;c; 1tpwn:uouoll<; K.ii. ••• TO rENIKO lI~EvEio tii, 'EAMoo, KOlV01toiT)O'£ lY'Ypaq:.o OtJiv KOlvonrm • Ariou AllJ.l'ltpiou •Ao'topia<; tOU U1tOUPyEfou lIalSEfa, crxEnKa. ~t to et~a til, tYKp{aEUl, 10ptiaE"" ~1~AlOe~K~" Mt to tyypa<po nA~po<popEltal ~ KOIVOTI]ta on tYKpivETO\ '" iopuoTj, 6pyciv<OO"Tl Kai AEltOupyia ~1~AI09r\K~, Kat tOV t~,,)'ou tla~o t~, eo avaM~~ ~ Mae~~attK" lIpovOIa. MEta~i> aAA"'v ato Eyypa<po ToviCuOl on JJl ta vEa p\pl..ia 7tOO 9ci rrtaAOUV Sa. ,,"YKpOt~eij ~1~).lo9TjK~ IKavtj va t~u~pEt~a~ til QVaYKE, <OU crxouiou Kal va tKftA'lpmoT) Tie; fJOp4pCllnKEe; <{£, tllIv ~ae~trov Kat til analtijaEI, tij, tU~VIK~, napolda,. l:Kono, £ivaI va. tVlaxu9ij KaeE aiTI]~a Yla ttlV o~~lOupyia tmv 7tpou7to9totoov YU1 ,",v lhcioOOTJ 'tile; tU~vIKii, naloEia, atoo<; anoo~~ou, ~a,. ••• TO rPAot>EIO tij, KOIvoTI]ta, toU • Ayiou .6.Tj"'T)'tpiou •Ao'topia<; o.vtKoivCllOt Ott attlv bneWia t~, va t~un~pEt~a~ oAou<; tOlk; xptonavouc; 'ttic; 1tEpt<pEpdac; Kat KaT67tlV OUVtwoTjOtm<; ",E ,",v X1aKtl 'O~oanovo{a eo <Eul<al KaeE Kupla~v 0E{a AEltOupy{a ~t 'opepov at~V ~EyaA~ .NEA YOPKH· L11:~iCl)01] 1tpo<; tl~I.1)V fOU Ernie Anastos '0 61tUauVT1\<; tOU 'En~V1KOU rpaq>£iou Turro\) Kat n).:llPOcpOPlOOV ot liv Nea . YOPK~ K. Xp~ato<; XPlat060UAi6~<;, E6wat tOV lJt;va J.ltyO:A'l oE~i(f)a 'l1(poc; tlJ,1TiV tou • EI..AT)vOaJ.lEplKavou t'lAtrrapouOlaotii VEWV OtO KaVaAl 7 tile; NEoe; ·Y6pKl1e;. K. Ernie Anastos. MEta~i> tOOv npooEA96vtOOv "tav 6 M'ltponoAi t~ <; N. 'I<pat~<; K. nAa<;. 6 'EnlaKono<; K. cII1A09£O<;, 6 avanA~pwT1\<; M6V1 J.lO~ • AVTlnp6ooo1toe; t'iie; • El..l..aoo~ OtOV O.H.E. K. E. rKIKa<; , 6 rpa~~atti><; TIpta~£ia<; K. 6. Pan~<; , 6 OlKOVO~IKO<; l:u~ ~OUAO<; TIpta~£la<; K. r. TIanaMto<;, 6 rtvlKO<; TIp6~tvo<; Kimpou K. X. XPlatorpopou , 6 TIp6~tvo<; 'EAAa6o<; K. l:. rtWpY1AEe;. Ta. o.vWtEpa Ot£A£Xl1 tOU rEV. npo~£vEiou K.K. KoutooJ.lrtlva~ Kat NoUAa<. Kat 01 aio. BaO'lA. rKptYKOPU Kai Kotitpo~. . Enla~<; o{ ~tVOl 6~~oalOyparpOl A. XaAo.tC t OU n£p1061KOU TIME Kai Tiic; H Bal~ timore Sun", "Evtpat TOU KavaolKoi) Euv01l(atou ECPm.u:pio{J)v, N t . M Eool1vta'l tOU nE plO ~hKOV B6YK, Xplot6ltoUAOe; toi) 1£tplO61KOU TIME, T~o\ptl; TtArptp Tij<; Journal of Commerce, Ka9we; Kat bJ,10YEvtiC; 811jiOOloypaqlOl Kai EKoone;. M£ta~ u t illv npoo£A86vTWV litav, tnia~<;. o{ Ka9~Y~t E<; K.K. B. BAa~lav6<;. Ntivoe; rlavvaK 6 nouAOe; •• Aoajiavtia TIOAA1<; Kai • AA1<; l:KOUp~nu, o{ auyyparpd<; 'A9~va Ntdna<; Nta~l<;. 1\ Xopoyparpo<; Po~ava Mou~c\K~, 6 K. 6 .. Apyupla6~<;, av6mpo attAtxo<; tou O.H.E., ot l:U~~OUAOl T unou rania<;, 'OAAav6Ia<;, ToupKlae;, 1:ou'loiae;, M. BpEtaviac;, '[onavlae; • .6.Ut. · r t pJ..1aviae; , K60ta PiKa Kat yv",ata ~tl.~ t~<; • En~vOa~tpIKavlK~<; KOlv{J)viac;. Happy Easter "01tID'i "o:Ot xp6vo, lYWt Ka\ £(pETO'i, O'tliV xopot an. ploa tOU «Kopa~., ~ tKAo"f11 t~, «Mi<; Xl.<;». '0 tltAo<; 069t}Kt atitv olSa Mapi« KOKKOl..aK1), KOPll tOU K. rldVV11 KOKKOi.ciK1), (pOlt'tltp1.Q. (Athens Photo - D. KessogJides) alSouoa toi) X IOKOU MqclpOU (44 ~pOJ,J.Ol Kai MnpoVTyoua i~) . '0 op9po<; 9<1 apxll;~ oTiC; 8:30 to npoot Kat ti AtltOupyia Otle; 11 :30. WILLIAM G. CHIRGOTIS Summit, New Jersey PANDAZ SERVICENTER, INC. 74·21 Queens Blvd., Elmhurst, N.Y. 11373 ••• MEl:A oTie; liAAte; OUYKIVTJTlKEC; npooqlOpEe; OUI..AOY6)V Kat 6J,J.oytvoov YU1 T~V aVEytpol1 toi) rUJ,J.vaoiou . Aotopiae;. ta oooJ.1aT£ia t&v KaOtOpl€ooV anEqlamOav va rrpooqltpouv t o nooov toov 25.000 601..AaptWv. At'neJ h6vlOE 6 npOEOpOe; troy EloayooYEwv Kal £~aywytwv youvaplKrov Kaotoptne; K. NIKoAaOe; .6.ou).lae;. 6onoioe; hOVlOE aKojiT) OTl tAni.~El Ott to napaOEt YJ.lO TroV KaOtOpIEOOV Sa O.KOAou8iJoouv Kat ta QAAa £AAllVlKO: OOOJ..1ate:la .• 0 K. LlouJ.lae; loooO'£ oav npOKOtat}OAi] 10.000 OOAA. 0& EiolKyt ttAtttl nou lYlVE KOTa T11v anoia avaKoIVw8T)K£ Ott ti a180uoa tii e; X'lJ,1Eiae; fOi) rUJ,1vaaiou 80. OVOJ,1ao8ii «KaoToplO: ». ••• ea AnPIAIOl: 1981 ' 0 OlEUeUV'nl~ K. rErop'YlO~ rraV'tU~£AO~ Kai to €1-l7tElPO 7tPOcrW7tlKO tOU ano cra~ Eilxovtal KaAO IIdaxa '0 riA t£aatpl<; t ~6o~a6t, t o KOAA£YIO La Guardia napa6i6~ ~a9i)~ata anA1K~ <; 0& J,1uavO:one;. A(rra ea aplioouv oTiC; It Matou Kai 96 't£A£ lWOOUV ode; 5 • Iouviou (JO to npwi ~£XPI ti <; 3 to c\ noy,"~a) .. Tile; EvrattKile; a Ut~e; 0\8aOKOAla<;, dV<K01Vro9~ to KOAA£YIO, 80. Elval on oi o7touoao-rat 90. jia90uv va ypacpouv Kat va J.1\AOi)V J,1E'ta altO roPlOj.lEVO KUKAO j.laSt,jiatoov. To KOOtOe; t~e; OUji~ttoxii<; a titv ta~~ Elva l 225 60H. Kai ot Ev6laql£p6j.lEVOl ji1tOPOUV va tl1A£qlCJ.)v~aouv atov ap19~0 626-2718. on"" TtlA. (212) 446-2957-8 K.PETER BOURNAKIS Kai to 7tPOcrW7tlKO tOU UNIVERSAL METAL MACHINE WORKS 608 UNION STREET. BROOKLYN. N.Y . EUXOVTaI u' oAr} r~v 'OIlOytVEIa KAAOIIAEXA 27 KaAO JId(JXa MUNZEMAIER'S BREAD Produced By CONTINENTAL FOOD PRODUCTS 31-45 Downing Street Flushing, New York 11354 Mie; <1ro&""y~Cfoc; E~tUy~ CftOY E'P.. tlYO XOpe) rile; ' OllOCf1tOyolae; <1roOtka~Cflroy, nou fylVE: O'tO 1toi.Ut£U~ ... KpOanu" ... na)..a~!+ rile; 'ACft6p.a, ~ oie; AOUkia PoOi~, ItOO d· xovi~£tal JU: tOY npo£opo K. 4. nunux(1)\'· CftaYtiyou. (Athens Photo· D. Kessoglides) . A8EAq>oi M1[tT~tou To •AVOl~lCinKO n:UJiU tijc; cDlA01ttroXOtJ 'H <I>.A6lttroXoc; TOU KaOtSp.KOU Naou oae; JtPOOKQAd 0'''[0 aVO\~UitlKO Luncheon, ltOU ea So91i atie; 13 Maiou, ""Epa T«c\pt11, 01"0 ~EvoooXdo Plaza. 'H 'E1tl'tponTh IJ.E chairman tr;v K. KoupKOU'tci:, cochairman tilv K. KaVIKA.lOOU, A6pa Kai bri Ktq>aA~e; tT)v opaat~p .a IlpOt· Spo K. Aut"'1, IIaCi lit tT)v K. Kapa~uvou, Sa 1tUPOOOUIOOUV ~£x(i)plo"'ta. ropaio eva Fashion Show &'1[6 yvroOtOUc; U\IITIA~, O"XEOIQO'tE<; IIoSae;. eo. oae; 1t£PllltVQUJ.1£ JlE {otainpll xapa, at~v tKAtKt~ aUt~ aUYKEvtpro"'1, ,,""~aA' AOvtac; bOlKai OtOV q:nlav6pCfutlKO O'Kono tll<;Zro~ , AAt~avSpou VEK9EO'l1 i:UllVlKrov 1tpoioVtrov O'tt'lv N. 'YOPK11 ME TO PETERS TOURS rIA ENA ErrYHMENO TAE:IAI I:THN EAAAAA To 'EJlltopucO Kai BIOIJ.1lXaVucO 'Ent",l.~.~plO 'AO~vii\v at ouvtpyaaia lit to rpa'Ptio 'Elllt0P.Kou l:ulI~oul.ou NEae; ' Y6p~" 6pyavmvtl altO ()'10 •Altp.l.iou 1981 (9:00 It.lI .• 5:30 11.11.) EKetO~ . SttYlla· 't'lo).10 tAA.'lVU(WV PIOt£xVU::rov Kai PIOJJllIlllxavucrov npoi6vtrov, 0'1'0 bc9e:1'tlPlO 1'OU E.O.M.M.E.X., 150 East 58th Street, New York City. 30, opo'Po" t~l.. 751-2404. Ttl 7te:p1.o0'6ttpa am) ta t'ilill1tDU aa 1tpOPA1180uv elval 7tpo)'ro'tUna Kat tJ.l.1tVe:OO'J.l.tva anD ta e:opfJJ.l.ata atf) Be:pyiva, Kai avaJ.l.tvttat va napoOalaaOl)V tJ,11tOPlKO tvlim'Ptpov l.6yo> .~, ' EKOtatroe; toU Mtyal.ou , Al.t~c\vSpou a.t, HIlA. . • H t'iO'o80<; ed el vat tAw9tpa IlOVD 11a a:yopaott<; - doa10ly£l~ Kai lCa1'aotllJ.1a. tapx£<; KataOtllJ.1atOlv dBrov oopwv K.A..n . XropiC; TUAUl1tropiEC; Kui TpEXaJiUtU TU~l8€\jI~m; ~.':::"/-lt. D 1'a KUVOVlKa U31 opO)loMyta 1'fi~ •OAl))l1ttUKfi~ .,..«Or~~~'" )If; JUMBO-747 X(Opi~ <J1'u8)lOV, )If; Tid rr,v Kparrw'l Otaewv Kai KaOe 7CA.'1Porpopia 'A7Co raOF;re aro JIKO aa,: PETERS TOURS. INC. 600 EIGHTH AVE ., NEW YORK, N. Y. 10018 Tel. , 39H)200 QUEENS OFFICE: 29-14 DITMARS BLVD .. ASTORIA , N.Y. 11105 TEL: 932-3366 Phone (617) 426-3143 Cable: Paralia Telex: 94 0656 141 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. 02109 at: Boston - Portsmouth - Providence - Portland - (USA) 18 -' CORPORATION Steamship Agencies BUNKERING. BROKERAGE. INTERNATIONAL FORWARDING .NEA YOPKH· ::; '. .: : : ::::: : : :: : : ::: : :: : : :::: :: ::: : ::: GREECE IN AMERiCAn. ·.: .::.:. •... .:. .:. ·. :..}. .. : :: A monthly Digest of the American : : :: :: :: :: :: : : . . . . . .===",.!.' :: :: : The traditional way to a joyous and blessed Easter The Gr..k Orthodox christians are joyfully preparinc to venerate the historical ennt of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead and thus display once again their profound faith and d..p rell.lous con.lctlons at East.rtlme. As • matter of fact, all christian churches attract capacity attendances "Itr to proclaim tbe "risen Christ' as their "Lord and God" as Thomas, one ofthe t ..el.e disciples loudly exclaimed elKht days after the resurrection, when He appeared to the croup This Joyous demonstration of secluded for fear of their II.... renewed faith and devoutness to Him, Who came to earth for us and our ..I..tion, Indicates quite explicitly that His bloody sacrince is still uppermost in tbe minds of His adheren.. and will remain "Ith us In the years ahead. Christians pay trlbote and homace on this creat festl.e "Holiday of Holidays" ofthe christian calendar because they are consciously aware of the Lord's redempthe mission and anxiously look to Him to be led onto the path of rl,hteousness and ultimately the Justlncatlon of our souls. The bodily Resurrection of our blessed Redeemer Jesus Christ from the tomb is indeed a nttln, culmination of His public ministry amon, us. It most certainly attests to Hi. promise to us that He Is "the way, the truth and tbe life: no man cometh un.o the F.ther but by Him" Gospel of St. John 14, 6. The time is at hand to direct ounel....oluntarily to Him in the manner He prescribes for us, otherwise we will f.n short of experimcinl the actual joy and exhilaration of the vidory over death, the joy over sorrow and &rid, the comfort and hope to the (orlotten and forlorn. Christos an ..ti. .. Christ is risen. Father P. N. Papaleor.e Vidal's novel of ancient Athens informs, delights By John Leonard (The Sun, March II, 1981) CREA T10N. By Gore Vidal. 510 pages. Random House. $15.95. The year is 445 B.C. The place is Periclean Athens. Our hero, Cyrus Spitama, in his 75th year, dictates his memoirs to his 18 year-old nephew, Democritus. Cyrus takes a moment to remember: "When I think of India, gold flares in the darkness behind the lids of these blind eyes. When I think of Cathay, silver gleams and I see again, as if I were really seeing, silver snow fall against silver willows." It is a lovely moment. There are many lovely moments in "Creation," and a number of cruel ones. In his 17th novel, Gore Vidal gives us gold and silver and blood, beans and falcons, ells and parricide, scarlet parrots, yellow-eyed tigers, sky-clad madmen, distilled barley drunk from human sculls, Vedic gods and "saffronadyed leather shoos buttoned with lumps of amber" in the court of Darius I. Cyrus is a Persian diplomat, half Greek and Half Chaldean, the grandson of Zoro· aster and a contemporary of Xerxes. He is dictating his memoirs in order to correct the obfuscations of Herodotus. Cyrus has abeen everywhere but Egypt. He has chewed the fat, or ghee, with the Buddha. He has gone fishing with Confucius. He has strong opinions on Pythagoras, Aeschylus, Brahma, democracy and women: "Women are always attracted to power. I do not think there could ever be a conqueror so bloody that most women would not willingly lie with him in the hope of bearing a son who would be every bit as ferocious as the father." He disdains the "pre.Aryan" mother-goddesses even as he enjoys Chinese concubines and si res two sons by an Indian princess. His mother is a witch. a "NEW YORK" On his travels, Cyrus seeks a resolution to dualism, an explanation of evil. He finds that, east of the Indus River, "everything is numbered. " He contemplates Nirvana and Tao. He is enchanted by Confucius, whom he suspects of atheism. The Buddha, too, is slippery. And perhaps, in the Fifth Century B.C., it is the twilight of the Aryans, who : came from the North with their horse gods and horse sacrifices. The "black·haired" peoples may be making a comeback. Mr. Vidal tends to "twin" his novels. "Messiah" was better than uK-alki"; "Myra Breckinridge" was better than "Myron"; "Burr" was better than "1876." ("Two Sisters" was trash, but I'm trying to be HERODION HOTEL 4, Rovertou Galli Street, Makriyanni - Acropolis, Athens 402 - Greece Phones: 923 6832-6 Telex: 21-9423 HERO GR OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT BY M. TSIMIDOPOULOS S.A. The Herodion Hotel, fully airconditioned, all rooms with private bath· shower, telephone and radio, television on request, is situated in the heart of Athens, below the Acropolis, opposite the Herodeus Atticus ancient theatre, within easy reach of the main business and shopping centers, theatres and prominent points of historical interest. The Hotel features exquisite international Restaurant, Cocktail Lounge, Coffee Shop. Snack-Bar, Roof Garden Bar facing the Acropolis. Parking facilities are a vailahle . 29 :: ::: :: : : : schematic.) Every time he twins, he seems to devolve. "Creation," obviously, is a twin of "Julian," his fictional account of the apostate emperor who wanted paganism to make another sort of comeback. "Julian" was wonderful; "Creation," I am happy to report, is even better. What is it like to sail from the delta of the Tigris and Euphrates in a trireme? Mr. Vidal knows . Describe the protocol at the courts of Darius, Xerxes, Bimbisara and "the sun of heaven." He does. Sit in on the harem intrigues of Atossa with her whiteenameled face. Ask how the Egyptians thought they could remedy breast cancer. He tells. Cyrus, according to Mr. Vidal, taught the Chinese how to smelt iron. There isn't a page of "Creation" that doesn't inform, and very few pages that do not delight. Scholars will fuss, as they did with "Burr"; let them, please, delight as much as they inform. Brahma, we are told, is not the only god; "he's just the most conceited." Were the thumbs of Confucius unusually long? I haven't checked. Did the Buddha eat pork and beans shortly before he died? Pythagoras would have disapproved. Does this revisionist history of the Persian wars with Greece stand up to Herodotus and the tedius Thucydides? One ceases to care. Cyrus is an amiable and arrogant companion on his journey to the East. Unlike the Greeks of whom he is constantly complaining, he is seldom bored, and meither is the reader. To be sure, Mr. Vidal's exercise in comparative religion occasionally descends to the fortune cookie and the quotation from Chairman Mao Tse-tung. He doesn't really deliver on a promise to explain Xerxes. He fails to develop an implicit theis about landowners and the merchant class. He should have worked harder on Socrates. There is no love in "Creation," as there is very little love in any of his novels-mere wickedness and power politics. But he is in the business of disabusing Cyrus of dualism, of evil, of an aftelife. In Cathay, they consult "the shell of the prescient tortoise" before going to war. The outer shell of the tortoise is coated with blood. The chief augur then holds a rod of heated bronze to the inner shell until designs appear on the blood-coated surface. The designs are then read as portents. Cyrus asks Confucius what the designs are trying to say. Confucius replies, "The shell asked to be reunited with the tortoise." This is not a proverb; it is a joke, and a good one. The secretary who takes the dictation to Democritus, "the laughing philosopher" who would in real life go on to posit an atomic theory that would wait around for John Locke. Matter is matter; it converts itself; there is nothing else, no beginning and no end, merely creation and death and then again creation in a void. Mr. Vidal, always witty and often lazy, has written his best novel. ynOI:THPIZETE TOYI: aIAfIIHMIZOMENOYI: I:THN .NEA YOPKH· 30 The way for the construction of the new edifice for the S1s. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church, Mary Crest Road, West Nyack, N. Y0, has been cleared with .the selection and signing of Steven P. Papadatos of New York City, as the ~~chi!ect . Mr. Papadatos, an authority in ecclesiastical architecture, whose St. George BaSIlica m Norwalk, Conn., has been proclaimed a landmark, has designed a Byzantine prototype plan for the Rockland Church. The thriving community which has outgrown the old church structure, has been fervently working towards meeting the goal of $700,000.00, the price of the entire pro~ect. Pictured above during the signing of the ,contract, are, standing, Bulding Fu n ~ Com~lttee member Kyriakos Lambrou, Fund Chairman Gus Pappas, and seated, Pansh President John Drakopoulos, Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Nicholas Katsoulis, and Steven P. Papadatos, the architect. KaAO IIaaxa ar't v fxA.rxr't 'Trdarda f..lar; Kai a' bA.6KA'lP'l r'tv 'Of..loyiVeta Coach House 110 WAVERLY PL., NEW YORK, N.Y. Tel, (212) 777-0303 ATHENS ACROPOLIS PHOTO STUDIO WEDDINGS COMMERCIAL PORTRAITS OF DISTINCTION COMMUNIONS. GRADUATIONS CHRISTENING. AND ALL OCCASIONS 35-04 BROADWAY CORNER OF 35TH ST. ASTORIA. N.Y. TEL. 728.0806 COI="IES • COLOR BLACK AND WHITE PASSPORTS Athens International News Agency ~'lTOrpA~IEl: riA E~HMEPIl1El: KAI nEPIOl1IKA "NEW YORK" Capital Kebabs (From an article in The Washington Post Magazine/ March 8, 1981) By Phyllis C. Richman In the past couple of years a dozen new Middle Eastern restaurants have been added to Washington's menu so that now there are nearly 50. Greek restaurants still account for more than half, but now we have Turkish, Lebanese and Afghan in growing numbers. That means Washington is finally learning about mezze - the dozen or more small dishes of hot and cold dips, spreads and morsels that start (and often complete) a meal in true M iddle Eastern fashion. We have long known hummus and baba ghanouj, stuffed grape leaves and yogurt with mint and cucumbers. We are meeting anew torpedo-shaped stuffed kibbe and fiery sausages, hummus topped with meat and iJine nuts , lemony sauteed sweetbreads and liver cubes. And borek is appearing in more varied shapes and forms. Main dishes are going beyond shish kebab to doner kebab (or gyros), yogurt]u kebab, lash kebab and shish taook. If you find the distinction between Middle Eastern restaurants confusing, you have good reason. A few dishes are strictly national: Greece's egg-lemon soup and pastitsio. Afghanistan's aushak and bulanee. Turkey's yogurtlu kebab, Arab countrie's felafel. But many are found from Europe to Asia to Africa, with variations more from one village or family to another than from one country to another. Arabic food spreads yogurt over more courses, and uses cheese even in its pastries; Greek dishes use lemon and eggs as a sauce instead; Turkish food is said to be the spiciest, but that often depends on the chef; and Arabic food is closely acquainted with hot peppers. Lebanese is the most elaborate, sophisticated and subtle - sometimes. North African food, with its couscous and pigeon pies, is most clearly identifiable, though its cuisine is spreading across the Middle East, just as pizza is on the American menus. But most Middle Eastern dishes are multinational ... Compare our cruises with any other cruise or vacation resort! They are, by far, the best travel bargains on the market! • You don't pay extra for 5 meals a day • You don't pay extra for airfare • You don', pay extra for entertainment • You dan', change hotels to visit differen t ports From $599* to $1119 including airfare from N.V.lNewark Chandris offers you the ultimate vacation when you cruise aboard 55 Britanis. Your package includes 7 full days of cruising, round trip air fare , fine d in ing, dancing, swimming, live entertainment nightly, casino. 5 porlS, 2 itineraries and duly-free shopping! Sailings from San Juan every Monday year 'round to such colorful por ls as 5t. Thomas, Marlinique, Curacao . La Guaira & Santo Domi ngo Packages available from other major cities upon request . Some sailings and certain types of accommodations may be sold out . '$599 based on double occupancy without faci lities. High season slightly higher. Taxes $24.20 additional. See your travel agent or mai l coupon for colorful brochures. NC I CHANDRIS, INC. 666 Fifth Avenue, New York , N.Y. 10019 Te l. (212) 586~8370 I Please send me 8rilanis Ca ribbean Cru ise brochure I Name _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ I ] Address _ _ _ _ __ City I State Zip _ _ __ I I --- ----- --- ------ ~ Once a King ... (Washington Post. Feb. 28. 1981) I wish to bring to the Post's attention a -:hronic editing error. In the article regardng the funeral of the Queen Mother of Greece, The Post refers to His Majesty King Constantine as the "ex-king" of Greece. The only "ex-kings" are those who abdicate, Despite momentary political developments, Constantine is the King of Greece. A hereditary ruler does not owe his position to any particular social or interest group, but rather to divine will alone. As Shakespeare reminds us in "Richard II": "Nol all the waler in the rough rude sea Can wash the balm from an anointed King." CHARLES A. MILLS Nokesville, Va. "NEW YORK" PRINTINC corp , COLOR and BLACK & WHITE Magazin. . . Books .Brochur.. Large and SmaIl Size Posters • Post Cards Invitations • Flyers and Artistic Menus 30 West 36th Street, New York, N.Y. 10018 Til", 254-0530 31 Turks Hail Move To Ease Airspace Rules By Marvine Howe (The N, y, Times, March II, 1981) ANKARA, Turkey, March 10 - Turkey has welcomed a Greek move to ease restrictions on airspace over the Aegean Sea as a positive "gesture of good will" before the resumption of talks next week between the two nations. Last week, the Greek Government announced a series of air traffic control measures that are expected to facilitate Turkish flights over the Aegean. The Greek Foreign Minister, Constantine Mitsotakis, stressed that the new regulations showed Greece's "sincere desire to change her relations with neighbor Turkey" because of mutual interests and friendship, according to the Turkish news agency Akajans. Mr. Mitsotakis was quoted as saying that cooperation between the two nations would serve their common interests. "Turkey's and Greece's cooperation within the framework of the NATO agreement helps not only their own interests but also the achievement of peace and security in the region," he reportedly said. Turkish officials had complained that Greece had not responded to past Turkish good-will gestures. Turkey abolished restrictions on Aegean flights a year ago and lifted its veto on Greece's return to the military wing of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Foreign Minister liter Turkmen expressed his Government's disappointment nearly a month ago that Greece had not taken promised measures to ease control over Aegean airspace. Both Greek and Turkish leaders had said that an accord on Aegean airspace could have a positive effect on other more complicated issues, such as sovereignty over the continental shelf and militarization of the Greek islands. Greece's move to improve relations with Turkey includes these changes in restrictions on Aegean air traffic: -The air control zone around the island of Lemnos at the mouth of the Dardanelles will benarrowe.... from 3,000 to 1,300 square miles. ~The flight ceiling of a north-south air corridor will be reduced from 25,000 feet to 15,000 feet, and the lower limit will be raised from 2,500 feet to 5,000 feet. ~ Two flight lines over the Aegean will be merged, enabling direct Turkish flights to Libya over northern Crete. ~ The lower limits of several other flight lines will be raised. The Turkish Foreign Ministry issued a statement over the weekend welcoming these measures as a step toward solution of BANQUET CENTER FOR ALL OCCASIONS Accomodallons 'rom 1010 1,100 12 ROOMS TO CHOOSE FROM for reservations CALL (101) 636-1700 BANQUET MANAGER ..........1 32 Inn A.......·nl~ MOTOR LODGE & RESTAURANT nETPOI: I:IAEPHI: U.S. ROUTES I&:9 WOODBRIDGE. N,J, 07095 BYZANTINE FELLOWSHIP PILGRIMAGES TO THE HOLY LAND AND GREECE 1981 Approved by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese April 28-May 18 - Fr, Harry Hatropou/os and Fr, Vasilios Thanos May 21-June 11 - Fr, John Tavlarides May 25-June 15 - Fr, John Hondras May 27 -June 17 - Bishop Timothy and Fr, Demetrios Kavadas June8-June 29 - Fr. Nicholas Nick June IS-July 6 - Fr. Constantine Eliades and Fr, Jame. Mamalis July 2-J\lly 23 - Fr, Nicholas J, Ksethias and Fr. John Dagios August 17 -September 7 - Fr, Saranto. Serviou September 17-0ctober 8 - Fr, Philemon Karamano. November 5-November 26 - Fr, Theophilo. Theophilo. Greeks Assess Damage to Antiquities in Quake (N. Y. Times, March 14, 1981) ATHENS, March 13 - The Greek Government said today that recent earthquakes had caused $2 million in damage to its antiquities and added that the figure was expected to rise . It said that repairs of the recent damage to the Parthenon on the Acropolis and restoration already scheduled there would cost $3 million over the next two years. Prof. Nikos Yalouris, director of Greece's Antiquities Department had already made the money available to speed the work and prevent any further deterioration. George Dontas, director of the Acropolis antiquities, said the temples "are facing dangers, but the situation is now well under control and the damage far less that that suffered by the other antiquities." the Aegean airspace question and as a gesture of good will. But it pointed out that the moves did not "totally correspond" to the requests made by Turkey, Greek-Turkish talks began last October with a meeting of the two Foreign Ministers in New York. A new meeting ~ between the Secretaries General of the Greek and Turkish Foreign Ministries ~ is scheduled to begin here Monday. Despite the easing of Aegean airspace restrictions, the talks are clouded by recent reports that Greece has asked the United States to maintain the balance of power in the Aegean region and provide security guarantees. BYZANTINE FELLOWSHIP: Bedford and Third Sts., Stamford, Ct. 06905 I om interested in the follow ing pi lgrimage: o Nome Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City ond Stote _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Tel. No. ___________ "NEW YORK" Andreas Mavromatis Chairman of Human Rights Committee HELLENIC COLLEGE - HOLY CROSS Summer Studies July 20 - August 28 LANGUAGE COURSES Ambassador Andreas Mavrommatis of Cyprus, the Permanent Representative of Cyprus to the United Nations, was elected Chairman of the Human Rights Committee. Born in Larnaca, Cyprus, on June 9, 1932, Mr. Mavrommatis studied law in London and was called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn in 1954. From 1954 to 1958, he practiced law in Cyprus. In 1958, he was appointed to the Cyprus jUdiciary as a magistrate at Paphos. In 1960, he became a district judge, serving in that capacity in Nicosia from 1964 to 1970, when he was appointed Minister of Labour and Social Insurance, In 1972, he moved from the Labour Ministry to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he served as Special Legal Adviser. In this capacity, he dealt, among other things, with the question of State succession to treaties, and in 1974, he published the "List of Treaties of the Republic of Cyprus in Force on I January 1973". In 1975, as Chairman of the Fact-Finding and Conciliation Commission of the I nternational Labour Organisation (ILO) for Lesotho, he headed an on-the-spot investigation into allegations of violations oftrade union rights. He also represented the fLO Director-General in a "direct contacts procedure" with the Government of Jordan in respect of similar allegations. He was head of the Cyprus delegatioD;to the second phase (Geneva, 1973-1975) of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe and to the Belgrade meeting of the Conference in 1977-1978. He came to the United Nations in December 1975 as Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Cyprus to the United Nations Office in Geneva and Other International Organizations in Switzerland, retaining this position to the end of 1978. In January 1979, he presented his credentials as Permanent Representative of Cyprus to the United Nations in New York. He was President of the Economic and Social Council during 1980. Modern Greek Language Institute English as a Second Language Institute UNDERGRADUATE COLLEGE COURSES Orthodox Christianity The Bible Religion and Society Religious Education General Psychology Foundations of Education Cross Cultural Development Modern Greek Society Management Mathematics Counseling Psychology GRADUATE COURSES IN ORTHODOX THEOLOGY The Gospel of St. John Liturgical Theology The Eastern Fathers Orthodox Spirituality Comparative Theology Orthodoxy in America A II courses offer undergraduate and/ or graduate credit which may be transferred to other institutions. APPLICATION DEADLINE: JULY 1st. Write today for Summer Catalog: HELLENIC COLLEGE - HOLY CROSS Office of Admissions 50 Goddard A venue Brookline, MA 02146 DR KIMON A. LEGAKIS LL.B, LL.M, LL.D Athens University Law School Master of Law, Harvard Law School Doctor of Law, Greece LAW OFFICES Attorney at Law 14 Nikitaras Street Athens 142. Greece Phone : 3633.340, 3620 .830 'EY'Ypa<pfj't€ l:uv5pOIlT]'tUl O'tTJV «NEa •Y6PKT]» . E'tT]oia l:uv5pOIlTJ $25.00 I.egal Consultant 209 Garth Road Sca rsdale. N. Y. (914) 725-4717 Specializing in Settlement of /nheritences. Taxes, Disputed Properties. Civil. l111ernational. Family and Business Law in Greeu MANHATTAN (212) 753-1100 595 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 '0 j.1.eyaAvrepOC; 'E),).17VOaj.1.eplKaVIKOc; TaI;,U)U1JTlKOC; •OpyaVl(Jj.1.0c; j.1.'e eit51KfJr17ra (JT/I OlKOV0l11KWrepa vavAa yui rr,v 'EAAaOa. ASTORIA QUEENS BROOKLYN, N.Y, STAMFORD, CT, ATHENS - GREECE 31-19 DITMARS BLVD. ASTORIA, N. Y. 1110S (212) 721-6400 7904 FIFTH AVE. BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11209 (212) 833-6800 906 EAST MAIN STREET STAMFORD, CONN. 06902 (203) 359-2917 PANEPISTIMIOU S9 ATHENS, GREECE 321-4777 APRIL 1981 33 A Cypriot captures his homeland's spirit By GEORGE JAMES (New York Daily News) It's a long way from Cyprus to Queens, but for some of the estimated 20,000 Greek Cypriots in the borough, the distance was bridged with the folk music of composerdirector Nassos Panayiotou who is also a lawyer in his native Cyprus. The 34-year old Panayioto u and his eightmember ensemble played to standing-roomonly audiences in Queens during three recent concerts which were sponsored by the Cyprus Federation of America. Theodore Mitides, an electronics engineer from College Point, was in the first-night audience of about 1,800-including the consul general of Cyprus and ' the island nation's ambassador to the United Nations- at Aviation High School in Long Island City and he was so touched with the guitar, bouzouki, drum and piano compositions, that he went back with his family the following night. "It wasn't political," Mitides said of the music, much of which is rooted in the sociopolitical situation that has resulted since the Turkish army occupied northern Cyprus in 1974. "It was more artistic. It's more about love and cooperation and getting together and solving our problems." One song deals with a child asking his grandmother to show a picture of her son-the child's father-who was killed in the 1974 fiRhting. Although many of the songs are derived from the poetry of Greeks, such as Nobel Prize-winner George Seferis, Panayiotou also used the poem of a Turkish poet, Nazim Hikmet, in which a young girl comes back from the dead to request and end to war. Panayiotou also borrows heavily from "The Odyssey, A Modern Sequel", the epicpoem by Nikos Kazantzakis, whose most popular work in America is the novel, "Zorba The Greek". "I like Kazantzakis because he talks about the human being, about mankind," Panayiotou said in an interview shortly before flying to Australia for a Christmas Eve concert. "And about the odyssey for freedom, political and philosophical freedom." Panayiotou, who has a wife and 3-monthold-son in Nicosia, has been writing music whi le practicing civil law in Cyprus. He sees no conflict between music and law. "The law helps my music," he said. "The science of it is related to music." He is dedicated to an independent Cyprus and takes hope in the fact that negotiations between Greek and Turkish Cypriots will resume on Jan. 7. For many Greek Cypriots now living in Queens, his music heightened their memories of the troubled land that they left in body but not in spirit. Said Harry Theofanos. a computer engineer from Sunnyside: "It (the music) was patriotic and cultural and reminded people ofthe refugees and the struggle going on now." Tourism in Greece centers by distributing visitors to more islands, to the mountains and to small villages. The tou rist office also wants to extend the "season" to include the winter months. "Not enough tourists know about Greece's picturesque mountain villages and ski resorts," says National Tourist Office Secreatary General Nondas Solounias. " European come to Greece in package tours for 12 days; they go to beaches on the islands," Coulouvatos says. "Americans who must spend more money to get here, come for a longer stay and are more interested in seeing the archeological sites." Traveline in New York says that for Americans the trend in tourism to Greece is toward more intellectual, sophisticated tours. "In 1975 we sold Americans 6,000 two-week tours to archeological sites in Greece," says Dimitri Anninos, Traveline's executive vice president in New York. '"In 1980, with the price up by 40%, we sold 18,000. " Other trends: South American tourism to Greece increased by 73.5% in 1979 over the previous year with a total of79,077 visitors. TraveIine's Mexican tours to Greece have trippled; more Argentines are making the long trek to the ruins, as are Venezuelans. Another big attraction for foreign tourists is yachting. Boating enthusiasts fly to Greece, charter a yacht and visit their own choice of Greece's 2,000 islands. Such a trip, stopping at a different island every night, can be as inexpensive as taking a cruise ship or staying in hotels. Last year foreign yachting visitors in Greece brought in S50 million. (Business Week. March 23. 1981) Tourism is one of Greece's biggest industries. It's still growing, and "there is still opportunity here for investment," says Chris Coulouvatos, general manager of one of the largest travel operations in Greece, Hellenic Tourism Enterprises (known as "Traveline" in the United States). The Greek National Tourist Organization is working to spread out the influx of tourists in ara and in time in order to decongest the five or six main holiday Turkey Gets Soviet Credit (New York Times. March 11, /98/) ANKARA, Turkey, March 10 (Reuters) - Turkey has agreed with the Soviet Union on terms of a 5200 million credit to expand an aluminum plant at Seydisehir, in centra] Anatolia, which was built with Soviet assistance, officials said today. The IO-year credit carries 5 percent interest. Annual production capacity of 60,000 metric tons will be doubled and alumina yield increased to 260,000 tons from 200,000. "NEW YORK" Sarbanes Praised/or Haig Grilling (utlers 10 the Editor oj the BALTIMORE SUN. Jan. 17. 1981) Editor: Your editorial page statement that "Response favors Haig over Sarbanes" is somewhat misleading. Your readers did not know you were conducting a popularity poll on hapless Haig, hence the knowledgable ones among your readers who know the sinister cloud hanging over Haig in his role in the Watergate scandal, stood in frozen silence, while the United States Archives refused to publish the text of Haig's communication with Nixon. lf this be a government by law and not by man, such data, especially when requested by senators, who after all carry a heavy responsibility for affirming or denying nominations for a candidate, should be easily available. Calvin Coolidge said "let's look at the record" and by God that's what your readers expect Mr. Haig to produce in response to Mr. Sarbanes's questioning. George Vash. Baltimore. Editor: It was only Nancy Struever in the letters of January 2) who rightly identified the arrogant party as being Mr. Alexander Haig in the Haig-Sarbanes exchange. What else would you call someone who not only confesses his "serious misjudgements" but goes out of his way to admit to the "serious misjudgements" of othersWhich is exactly what Mr. Haig did? I applaud Senator Sarbanes's continuing fine work in behalf of the citizens ofthe state of Maryland. Tom Jones. Bel Air. Editor: The near Haig-Kissinger coup of the Watergate years apparently didn't scare enough people because some still do not comprehend what the entire era meant to democracy. Who better that Senator Sarbanes to hold on to his convictions (and have courage to do so since he was there at those hearings) and vote against Haig's confirmation? The senator answered my prayers when he voted no. What the future holds for us, I shudder to think. I'm wondering how far Haig has gone in compiling his hit list. You know, like the one Tricky Dicky had. Some of us don't see Haig's role in Watergate the way he is describing it. He is no different than any other opportunist. Ego and power are now his thing. When he saw Carter sinking, he abandoned ship and decided to throw in with the Republicans. He had already gotten all he could from the Democrats. Remember , Haig is no Archibald Cox, and "integrity" is one word I would never use to describe him. The present power group is so shallow, has no substance, in base, materialistic and no self-serving, that I bet if you took that whole group, put them all together in a huge container, shook it up, spilled the pieces and APRIL 1981 tried to put together a human being- you'd come up with a body, but it wouldn't be humane. So if you print letters that knock Sarbanes for his attitude toward Haig, and if some Marylanders are embarassed about the way the senator voted, and "voters will demand representation in Washington- not intellectualism," I say to them-speak for yourself fellow voter, I'd rather be represented by an intellectual any day,than the flatulents. Ann Lopez. Baltimore. Edilor: Your letters regarding Senator Paul Sarbanes are disgusting to me, revealing again that so many Americans don't seem to understand how our system works. The Senate and senators such as Mr. Sarbanes are directed to consider Cabinet appointments and vote on them. The Senate has the power to hire or not to hire. The Senate and its members have a duty to ask questions. In the past, the Senate has not asked hard questions and the country has suffered in terms of poor Cabinet choices. Now that members with the courage and intelligence of Mr. Sarbanes are asking hard questions, we are seeing an improvement. Mr. Lance is an example that comes to mind. General Haig, if he is as tough as the media make him out to be, and such a sterling fellow, certainly can not suffer from hard questions. If he 's good, he1l even shine brighter as the result of hard questions. Senators are not in the role of saluters of generals. Rather, it is the other way around under our system of government. General Haig, having a military background, must know that fact, and if he is any kind of general, he's also got to know that good. soldiers get better under attack. As a matter of fact, that's the only real training for any , -I soldier. Senator Sarbanes certainly was representing me when he asked questions about personal value judgements and conduct regarding Watergate. The great frustration of that affair is that so many questions never answered. The American people are better served by men of Senator Sarbanes's mettle who seek to take the mystery out of things. ('m looking forward to Mr. Sarbanes's stand for reelection in 1982, because that's the time when I can do something positive to support him for the fine work he has done for me, my state and my country. I woudn't want the entire Senate to be cookie cutters and rubber-stamps. All Marylanders will have a chance to retain a fine man by supporting Mr. Sarbanes. Those who oppose Mr. Sarbanes I trust will soon trot out their man or woman. They have a difficult task because finding the equal to, or better of, Paul Sarbanes is not going to be easy. Anthony I. Evans Annapolis. Editor: was dismayed by the preponderance of letters disapproving Senator Sarbanes's vote against Alexander Haig's confirmation as secretary of state. I agree fully with Senator Sarbanes's reasons for his negative vote, and want to let him know there are those of us who are proud of his courageous stand. Jane Bialek. Baltimore. Editor: Senator Sarbanes was seeking only civil honest answers to necessary questions. The response at times by Alexander Haig was in an "arrogant" manner. He put forth an air of I am "holier than thou," and I should not be asked questions of that sort. The general used evasive tactics. Joseph J. Ford. Baltimore. Anne's CARPET CLEANING SERVICE AND GENERAL CLEANING Serving the Fi~~1 and Ihe Mo~1 Beauliful Homes in and OUi ojlhe City Call us with confidence (212) 737-1958 1020 LexinR\on Avenue at 73 Street, New York 10021 , -I 35 Callas'Life Sung From The Heart By Judith Weinraub (The Washington Star, March 7, 1981) When the glamorous, Cambridge-educated Arianna Stassinopoulos was asked by a British publisher to write the biography of the late soprano Maria Callas, the request came at a time when Stassinopoulos was scrutinizing her own life. The Athens-born television personality, intellectual and author was concerned that she had been living too much of a celebral existence. She had graduated with honors from Cambridge University where she studied economics. She had become the first woman president of the famed debating society there, the Cambridge Union. And she had began to make her mark as the author of several theoretical books. "I had been living very much through my head ," recalled the 30-year-old author on a trip to Washington this week. "And 1 had begun to feel that it was a limited way of approaching life. 1 had blocked a lot of pans of myself. So I started meditating and doing yoga. and gradually 1 began to discover Whole sides of myself 1 had not been aware of before." At first she declined to do the book. But then the offer began to seem like a godsend. "I would have to use those newly awakened sensibilities," she exp lained. "I would have to write through a different center, and I would have to use my heart. That would be exciting. " Stassinopoulos had first heard Callas sing when, as a 100year-old child, she was taken by her mother for a special treat to Epidaurus where under a star-lit open sky she heard the great soprano sing "Norma." It was the first opera she had ever heard, and the memory had haunted her. So is the fan of 1977, she decided to postpone a rather abstract psychological book she was working on, and to throw herself into the Callas project. She read everything that had ever been written about the singer. With the aid of a researcher she began to arrange appointments with the people who had known her. And she steeped herself in Callas's recordings , always working to the background sound ofthem. "I didn't realize what a detective I would have to become," she said. The result, some three years later, is "Maria Callas, The Woman Behind the Legend," which was published by Simon and Schuster last week in the United States after already hitting the top ofthe best-seller list in England. The author traces Callas's life from her birth in New York as the unwanted second daughter in a family of Greek immigrantsthey had wanted the baby to replace an infant son who had died - through her studies and singing career, her first marriage, and her mutually obsessed involvement with Aristotle Onassis, who temporarily cast her aside to marry Jacqueline Kennedy, to her death from a heart attack (or, some conjecture, a broken heart) in Paris in 1977. Along the way, the by now familiar cast of 36 (more operatic than tragic) characters who filled Callas's life - her singing teachers, her social mentor Elsa Maxwell, the Metropolitan Opera's Rudolph Bing, her first husband Giovanni Meneghini, the Onassis family - all a re revealed in considerable detail. Stassi no poulos, who tracked down virtually everyone she could who had been a part of Callas's life, and who admits with a smile that her "Callas address book" is measurably larger than her own, has made some major discoveries. The one that is most pertinent to the life of her subject is the finding that in 1966 when she was 43, Callas became pregnant, and was virtually forced by Onassis to have an abortion. But the discovery that has attracted the most attention is her revelation that before Onassis's death, the Greek tycoon had already initiated proceedings to divorce his wife, Jacqueline. (Two weeks ago, Manhattan attorney Roy Cohn, who would have acted on Onassis' behalf in the divorce, publicly confirmed that charge.) The author ~ives credit to two sources in particular as essential ones in tracking down the private life of Maria Callas. The first is Callas' mother, whose disappointment with her fat , unattractive daughter and whose greed for fame and money. Stassinopoulos is convinCed, formed much of Maria 's attitudes. (Mrs. Callas had never before spoken to a journalist on the subject of the daughter from whos she had been estranged during the later stages of the diva's life.) The second crucial source was Callas' godfather, Leonidas Lantzounis. a Greek immigrant who became a successful Manhattan orthopedic surgeon, and with whom Callas corresponded all her life, pouring out her heart to him. It was these collected letters which confirmed many of Stassinopoulos' findings or for that matter, her intuitions. For, as she amassed more information, she found that her own relatively recent discovery of the intuitive side of her own being was ahelpful guide to learning more about Callas. "When you know someone very closely, you sense things about them even before you know them," she explained. "I began to trust my intuitions. Then when I "NEW YORK" had intuitive feelings, I wrote them down. I didn 't believe them as fact but they guided me to seek for the evidence." Although she was able to substantiate many of her intuitions through her conversations with the people who knew Callas, it was the diva's own correspondence (which Dr. Lantzounis gave her after he read the first draft of her manuscript) which often provided the essential corroboration. A startling example of this "procedure" is Stassinopoulos' learning of the 1966 abortion. "I often dreamt about Callas," she recalled. "I remember waking up one morning, and knowing that Maria had had an abortion, and that Onassis had made her have it, I felt I had to check it out." That same afternoon she was having tea with Edith Gorlinsky. the wife of Callas' agent, and a close personal friend. Gorlinsky was recalling an incident involving the two women that had taken place years earlier at Claridge's hotel in London. "I said, 'Was that when she was in London to have the abortionT Stassinopoulos recalled. "I had nOl'dea what she would say, or even that I was going to ask , but I thought I had nothing to lose. Fate is an important part of an undertaking like that. She fell for it, and had no option but to tell me, because she thought I already knew. Then later, I found all the detai ls in her letters." Currently Stassi nap au los is living in New York with her sister, who is an actress. She has left London where she lived for to years, and where she became something ofa public figure, writing, speaking and appearing on television, particularly after the publication of her first book, "The Female Woman." The book caused a sensation because it came at the crest of what she describes as the extreme early women's movement in The "Vicar" Takes Charge England, but espoused the right of women who wanted to be wives and mothers to be allowed to do so without denigration. She is now at work on a novel about the 1928 murder in York. Pa .• of Nelson Rheyemere, a local faith healer, who was accidentally killed when three townspeople tried to break his spell. Although there are already plans to make the book into a movie, the fascination the story holds for her has to do with its connection to the nonrational part of man. "To think of coming to terms with such irrationality and superstitious behavior in the 20th century," she said. She has absolutely no plans for writing any other biographies. "I found three years of working on Callas so emotionally demanding, I couldn't contemplate getting involved with someone else so quickly," she said, flashing a smile. "It would be a bit like adultery. " 1---------· I I HAND PAINTED GREEK I I I I I I I CERAMIC ORIGINAL MUSEUM COPIES NICOLAOS KOUMATOS 6, ACHEOU ST.. COLONAKI ATHENS T.T. 139 GREECE TEL.:720.895 I I I I I I 1____ - - - - - - - -I AHEP A Cyprus Fact-Finding Mission A seven person AHEPA Fact-Finding Mission will arrive in Cyprus for a five day visit on May I. The Mission will be briefed on Current political developments and upon its return to the United States will report to Greek Americans on the conditions of the refugees and the status of the intercommunal negotiations. The AHEPA FactFinding Mission will be led by AHEPA Cyprus and Aegean Co-Chairmen Thomas L Chase of Columbus. Ohio. and Theodore Patouhas of Elyria, Ohio. "We are visiting Cyprus to prepare a report about the needs of the refugees, and the progress of the intercommunal negotiations," Chase said. "We seriously question whether the $7.5 million proposed by the Reagan Administration for refugee aid is adequate to cover the needs of the 200,000 refugees- refugees that have been the victims of Turk ish terrorism. Progress in the intercommunal negotiations represents the single most important road to long-lasting peace, but these negotiations cannot proceed if Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots are unwilling to negotiate in good faith." Also in the Mission will be Mike Firilas, Wyomissing, Pennsylvania; Charles Georgeson, Clinton, Massachusetts; Dr. Spiro Macris. Wilmington, North Carolina; and Solon Petrides, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey. 'Eyypaqrijn; 1:uVl)pO~l1Ttai PACKING SHIPPING CO. nArKOrMIA META<I>OPIKH ETAIPIA (TIME. March 16. 1981) Patricia Fox, daughter of a general who was a senior aide to General MacArthur, watched one game in which Haig pulled off a series of dazzling runs. She remarked to a friend: "He's like a Greek god." They met and married . Haig soon after was posted to McArthur's staff. Nixon recommended that Gerald Ford keep Haig on as White House Chief of Staff. Ford understandably wanted his own man. So in 1974 Ford appointed Haig as NATO commander. Europeans at first feared that a di scarded political general was being dumped on them, but Haig won their respect. He increased the combat effectiveness of NATO troops. partly by scheduling more realistic maneuvers involving American soldiers flown in from the U.S., and did much effective diplomatic work . In particular, he is credited with behind-the-sce nes negotiations that eventually brought Greece back into the alliance as a full member after it had severed relations because of a rift with Turkey. APRIL 1981 MJIAOYAA. HAEKTPlKEI: I:YI:KEYEI: l:Yl:THMA Al:~AAEIA TAXYTHl: Au;u9uvtai • ·lblOICt-r,tal K. NTOYPMAI - r. IYMEClNI!l.HI 37 'EHTlV1K1l 7tUlblKtl loprobia (fttlv ' A/lEP1Ktl Mt np601CATJOTJ tOU •Avwni:rou 'E1C1tUl(5tunKOU l:u~f}ouAiou tii~ . APXl£7ttO'1COm;~ EPXEtat Uti! NtQ ·Y6pKTJ. O'ti~ 23 ' AnplAlou, fI flat(51Kt; MaVTol..LVata Kai Xopro- Sia Ia~ou. To npwTo atrrOnCll(5uco oUYKPOUHJ.a 1tOU EPxual OTtlV •A~EPl1(tl , o:nOtEAEitQl 0.1£6 34 KoplTochClQ Kai ci-yop(itna fjAIKia<; ano 7 EOOC; 15 !'trov. ed napa",dvTl t8& Ewe; TiC; 5 Maiou, Sa Cjll~O~<V'l9ii crTT]V' AKu8'lJ.l(a tOU •Arlou BamAdo\) Ka1 so. npay",uto~Ol1jcr'l cruvuu).i<, crT~ NEU 'YoPK'l, TT] cItlJ..Qot)"<pElQ Kai tr)v OuaolYKtroV. TO: vEapd JlE)..T} tTic; MavTOAIVatac; Kai Xopco8(u, Sd TPUYOOO~crouv, J.l£ T'; auvoada J.1QVTOAlvou, K18a.pac; Kai (l1COPvt£6v, h:AEKtO: tpayouOlQ 8PllOKEUTucou Kai natpuuTUCOU 1tEPU:XOJj£vou, naAtec; XQvl"a.6&<; Kai Ol)V9tOEt<; vtwv 'EAAtlVWV cruv9nwv (Elw8copaK'l, XaTI;'l8liKl], Moul;aKl] K.U.J . To aUYKp6nU.1a. to 6noio al£t)8vvE:l 6 apIIJ.10uO'l1Co<; K. l:tb.pavo~ KatOlKoxTV;. ~'X.£l tJ.ltpavlO9d J.I£ ~u:yaAll btuuxia O"TI}v . A9i)va. a'1.9000a tOU napvaaou, Kai OTD. tT')AEOTCttKcl 1tpoypaJ.lJ.lata YENEd Kat EPT. 'EJtltPOJtt) 'El..l..llVOO",I:PlKQVIDv vJto 'tt)v 7tpol:Spia 'tou tlll..£7tapouO'laO'nl K. All"'. KaO'tava, £&000'1: tOY Jtl:paO'J'£vo ...11va O'tO bipauhato VUK't£PLVO KEVtpO .. MoMpEtac; 46,.., O'to Nloi> Tl;tpa£li, xopo<a".pI8a Y'" tviaxu<n] nl, ~po<KMYlIn" t"atpoTEia, toii lmo'lf11'Piou KllP'pV1\T1) toii NlOii T~tpadj Thomas F.X. Smith, 'Pll.tAA~vO' A~"apxou toii T~tpa£li I:itu. rUl nlv ftpoO'oo7tuc6tl1ta Kai to 7tpoO'oY1'a toi> x. Smith J.lil..T')Gav it K. Kac:ttavdc; Kai {, OlKl)yopoC; K. TOJl AouKac; xai QXOl..oU&rJG£ OlaGKEOamt )1i; ftl..ouaulJtato KaAl..ltl:lVlKO npOYP« tou KEVtpOV. 1:tO napaftO:voo 0''t\y,u6tv7to, olaKp(v£tal {, K. ~JI{O, KafhlJ1£vo<;. wOpOL01, uno aplGt£pO:, {, K. 1:. 1:Tl:pYL61tovl..~, {, K. AovKac;, {, K. n. MaKpLac;, b latpO<; K. AlvO:~, b x. KaO'tavac; Kat b tn1X£lPl1Jlatiac; K. NiKOC; 1:ftlOOYLO:VVl)C;. to KAAH ANAETAEH Light & Delicious Our famous Fillo Strudel leaves are unIque in the world ... They can be preserved in the refrigerator for months (not in the freezer) even though the package is not airtight. N ow in the same excellent quality ... Apollo has prepared • KATAIFI • BAKLAVA • SPANAKOPITA • TYROPITA Ask for them at your local supermarket. RECOMENDATlON: To the owners of Restaurants - Hotels - Caterers - Etc ..... . Buying our outstanding prepared products are economical both in time and money. APOLLO STRUDEL LEA YES CO. 56 CORTLAND AVENUE DUMOND, N.J. 07628 TEL. (201) 385-5661 38 "NEW YORK" r--- --------, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL :fJthsnia,n I I II Glit Shop III Stefano. Vaptistilta. Books. Recorda I I Imponed Ceramics from Greece 323 WEST 4211D STREET NEW YORK. NY 100361 Tels.: (212) CI 7-6244/ CI 7-6219 I I I -------'-----------, I T.M. GENERAL CONTRACTORS TEL. (201) 779-0560 111 BROOK AVE. PASSAIC PARK, N.J. 07055 npiv E1tllJKWo.lJEtE - To (miT! ao<; - To rpo<pElO ao~ - To Ko'tuanwu oo~ Kai ri<; blKe<; flar; Tlfler; TIw Only 100% Firq>,ooJ Hotel In G,eece LOCATION: Near center of Athens, in fashionable embassy section. ROOMS AND SUITS: 416 deluxe rooms, 53 lUxury suites and 2 presidential suites. RECREATION: Year-round swimming pool with excellent view, health studio. sauna, discotheque, track for jogging. RESTAURANTS AND BARS: Roundthe-clock Coffee Shop, Lido Trattoria, Amalia Taverna, Pella Restaurant, Swimming Pool Snack Bar. Lord Byron Bar, Horizon Bar, Constantinople Bar. BANQUET FACILITIES: Receptions, cocktail parties, gala dinners for 50 to 1000 people. Olympia Congress Hall. Macedonia Ballroom, Kozani, Edessa, Naoussa and Mycenae. Call-toll free: American International Hotel Representatives (800) 223-5695. New York , AVUAUIlPo.VOIlE: • Additions * Basements • Painting or * Gutters * Kitchens and Bathrooms * Rec Rooms EiblkEuOtaQO't£ KGi 01: KatQO,,[ui:~ Kai QVQKOl",iatlC; Diners Kal aa~ 20ETHI: nEIPA ~ BUILT IN 1975 Reservations direct, 0' through: Swissair, Horis Interconvention System. Austrian A irlines. Iberia. Pan American. Zflr~aa u; Reslaurant Mll.OUtJ[ til'" YA.wO'aQ FIVE STARS CARAVEL HOTEL I I __.________._________l Selective Hotel Reservations, Inc. (800) 223-6764, New York 1 Vasslleos Alenndrou An. Athens 508. Greece CARAVEL HOTEL Phones: 790.721-9 790.731-9 Telex: 21-4401 CH GR To Itpiii'to tH."VlKO 'ta~ElolronKo ypacpdo al; Empa'tUo) KiV1JaT) YIII 't"v ' E~~ooa 'to 1979 Kai 'to 1980 aUJlcprova Jll; d<; EltiaT)JlE<; a'tananKl;<;- 'troY UEPOIt0PlKroV E'talplrov. Z,,'tfjCJ'tl; 1t~"POCPOpiE<; YUI 'to ~UVEOplO , AIlEPllCfj<;, U7tO 2 -7 AuyouCJ'tOu, 7tOU eu TRAVEL. ME niv OA YMIIIAKH IlOVO €mCJ'tpo<pfj<; IlEXPl 'tllv 'tfj<; IIallllalCEOOVI1(fj<; 'Evci>CJEw<; €~U1t"pE't"efj U1tO 'to AEGEAN $769.00 (LOVE-A-FARE) 1lET' 0ECJCJa~ovilC", ----~--~~--~---. To AEGEAN TRAVEL, J1[CfCl) toli rpa."do\) to\) Cftc) Mavxcittav, fto\> JJp(CfKEtal ftOA.\> KOVta Cft1lV Wall Street, t~\J1t'1pEtti ftOA.A.t~ YVCl)Cftt~ Va\)tlA.laK£~, t"'OftA.1CftlK£~ Kat tJ1ftOP1Kt~ tftlXtlPt1Cftl~ J1t EJ1fttlPO Kat tU;lKt\JJ1£VO ftPOCfCl)ftlKO Kat to\>~ KaA.6ttpO\)~ OPO\)~. II Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10004, Suite 1557 (212) 269-5900 (800) 221-5752-3 QUEENS:29-11 Ditmars Blvd .. Astoria, N.Y . 11105 (212) 932-3232 (800) 221-447()-J BROOKLYN: 1670 E. 17th St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11229 (212) 627-8268 NEW YORK: KardamYlia Tours, II Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10004, Suite 1561 (212) ~llI" GREECE: Aegean Sea Tours ltd., 4-6 Filcllinon St .. Piraeu s , Greece 452-6139 or 452.5672